25 minute read


5:00 p.m., prevailing time, on the date of the election.

Gina Rant Clerk


3-29-15-1; 2-15-2023-4T#238618-GCOB/RP

AVISO LEGAL AVISO DE UNA REUNION ESPECIAL DE LA BIBLIOTECA DEL DISTRITO EL 4 DE ABRIL DE 2023, DE LA BIBLIOTECA PUBLICA DE GLEN COVE PARA VOTAR EN EL PRESUPUESTO DE LA BIBLIOTECA PUBLICA Y PARA ELEGIR A UN ADMINISTRADOR BIBLIOTECA POR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que se llevara a cabo una reunion especial de losvotantes calificados de la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove en conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Seccion 260 y 270 de la Ley de Educacion de Estado de Nueva York, en dicho Distrito el 4 de Abril de 2023 entra las 9am y las 9pm Dicha reunion sera de ayunda para los siguientes fines:

Para votar sobre las siguientes prosiciones: SE HA RESUELTO que el presupuesto propuesto de la Bilioteca Publica de Glen Cove, Deistro Escolar de la Ciudad de Glen Cove segun lo preparado por los Fideicomisarios de dicha Biblioteca publica para el ano 2023/2024, y segun se haya modificado, se apruebe por la presente; y que la cantidad de los mismos, menos los recibos, se aumenta mediante la recaudacion de un impuesto sobre bienes inmuebles gravables en dicho Distrito Escolar.

Con el fin de elegir; un (1) Fideicomisario de la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove por un (5) mandato de cinco anos. La votation sobre los asuntos mencionados se emitira mediante urnas.

POR FAVOR, TOME NOTA que la junta de la Biblioteca, en conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Seccion 260 y 2007 de la Ley de Educacion, convoca dicha reunion Especial de Distrito.

SE DA AVISO ADICIONAL, que las peticiones que nominan al candidato para el cargo de administrator de la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove deben presentarse al secretario entre las horas de 9am y las 5pm., a mas tardar el 6 de marzo de 2023, el trigesimo dia anterior a la eleccion, momento en el cual sera elegido el candidato asi nominado. Cada peticion de nominacion debe dirigirse al Secretario del Distrito, debe estar firmada por al menos veinticinco (25) votantes calificados del Distroto, debe ondicar la residencia de cada firmante y debe indicar el nombre y la residencia del candidato.

Los formularios de muestra las peticiones se pueden obtener del Secretario de Distrito en la Biblioteca

Publica de Glen Cove, 4 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Cove, Nueva York

SE DA ADVISO ADICIONAL, que una copia de los gastos estimaados propuestos para ser votados estara disponible en la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove, 4 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Cove, Nueva York, entra las 9am y 5pm todos lod dias, except los sabados, domingos o festivos durante los catorce dias anteriores a dicha reunion.

SE DA ADVISO ADICIONAL, que la Junta de la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove realizara una audiencia especial sobre el presupuesto el 21 de marzo 2023 en la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove, 4 Glen Cove Ave,. Glen Cove, Nueva York. a las 7pm

SE DA ADVISO ADICIONAL, que los votantes califacados del Distrito pueden inscribirse entre las 9am y 4 pm. La fecha final para registrarse para la reunion que se celebrara el 231 de marzo de 2023 es el 6 de marzo 2023. Si un votante ha votado en alguna eleccion en los ultimos 4 anos 2019 o si es elegible para votar conforme al Articulo 5 de la Ley Electorial, el o ella es elegible para votar en este eleccion. Todos las demas personas que deseen votar registrarse. La lista de registro preparade por la Junta de Elecciones de Condado de Nassau se Archivaran enla officina del secretario de Distrito de la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove, 4 Glen Cove Ave, Glen Cove, Nueva York, y estara abierta a inpeccion por cualquier votante califcado Del Distrito entre las horas de 9am y 4pm hora vigente cualquier, dia despues del martes 6 de marzo 2023 y cada uno de los dis anteriores a la fecha establecids para la Eleccion de la Biblioteca y la Votacion de Presupuesto, except los sabados, domingos o dias festivos, incluida la fecha establecida para la reunion.


POR FAVOR, TOME NOTA, que las solicitudes de boletas de votacion en ausencia. Para la Eleccion de la Bibliotecs y la Votacion de Presupuesto se puede solicitar en las oficinas del Secretario del Distrito, de la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove, 4 Glen Cove Ave,. Glen Cove, Nueva York. Tales solicitudes deben recibirse al menos (7) siete dias antes de las elecciones si se va a envir la boleta al votante.

Ninguna boleta de votante ausente sera votada a menos que haya sido recibida en la oficina de Secretario de Distrito, en la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove, 4 glen Cove Ave, Glen Cove, Nueva York a mas tardar a las 5:00 pm hora del dia, en el Fecha de la eleccion.

Gina Rant


3-29-15-1; 2-15-2023-4T#238620-GCOB/RP

Legal Notice

SUMMONS–SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU– U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, -against- HEIRS AND DISTRIBUTEES OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT E. NOWAK, any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may claim to have an interest in, or general or specific lien upon the real property described in this action; such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; BARBARA BELL, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT E. NOWAK; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ‘’JOHN DOE #1” through “JOHN DOE #12,” I the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the Complain; Defendants - Index No. 007637/2016 Plaintiff Designates Nassau County as the Place of Trial. The Basis of Venue is that the subject premises is situated in Nassau County. To the above named Defendants–YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff’s Attorney(s) within 20 days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. That this Supplemental Summons is being filed pursuant to an order of the court dated June 12, 2017.


If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to the mortgage company will not stop the foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable Thomas A. Adams, J.S.C. Dated: June 12, 2017 Filed: July 3, 2017. The object of this action is to foreclose a mortgage and covering the premises known as 37 Garfield Avenue, Glen Head, NY 11545. Dated: er social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the sale.

MELVYN K. ROTH, Referee. MARGOLIN, WEINREB NIERER, LLP, Attys. for Pltf., 165 Eileen Way, Ste. 101, Syosset, NY. #100087



January 27, 2023 Filed:

January 30, 2023 Knuckles, Komosinski Manfro, LLP. Attorney for Plaintiff, By: Richard F. Komosinski, Esq., 565 Taxter Road Suite 590, Elmsford, NY 10523 Phone: (914) 345-3020 3-1; 2-22-15-8-2023-4T#238414-GCOB/RP

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT. NASSAU COUNTY. WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF UPLAND MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST A, Pltf. vs. RONI JENKINS, et al, Defts. Index #603719/2020. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered Sept. 16, 2022, I will sell at public auction on March 29, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. on North Side steps of the Nassau Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY prem. k/a 11 Doxey Drive, Glen Cove, NY 11542 a/k/a Section 0021, Block 00245-00, Lot 00008. Said property located in the City of Glen Cove, County of Nassau and State of New York, known as and by Lot 8 in Block 245 as shown on a certain map entitled, “Map of Applyby Hill, Section No. 1, situated in the City of Glen Cove, Town of Oyster Bay, Nassau County, New York, owned by Colonial Estates, Inc., Robertson Avenue, Glen Cove, New York, surveyed by Teas and Steinbrenner, Surveyors, October 7, 1957; and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau on Jan. 23, 1958, under File Number 6987. Approximate amount of judgment is $512,730.03 plus costs and interest. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale. Foreclosure auction will be held “rain or shine.” If prop-

NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT. NASSAU COUNTY. L&L ASSOCIATES HOLDING CORP., Pltf. vs. MARTIN MILLER, et al, Defts. Index #608476/2019. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered April 20, 2022, I will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on March 28, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. prem. k/a Section 31, Block 51, Lot 569. Sold subject to terms and conditions of field judgment and terms of sale and the right of the United States of America to redeem within 120 days from the date of sale as provided by law. Foreclosure auction will be held “rain or shine.” If property social distancing cannot be maintained of there are other health of safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the sale. MASSIMO SANTOLI, Referee. LEVY LEVY, Attys. for Pltf., 12 Tulip Dr., Great Neck, NY. #100093

3-15-8-1; 2-22-2023-4T#238738-GCOB/RP


Notice of formation of BLISSFUL OASIS LLC Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/5/23. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 22 Forest Avenue, Apt. G, Glen Cove, NY 11542. Purpose: any lawful act. 4-5; 3-39-22-15-8-1-20236T-#239311-GCOB/RP



PROPOSAL Universal Pre-Kindergarten


April 3, 2023

TIME: 10:00 a.m.

The North Shore Central School District is requesting proposals from qualified Universal Pre-Kindergarten Providers, as described in the complete RFP. The District will receive sealed proposals at North Shore Central School District on or prior to 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 3, 2023. Proposals received after stated date will be returned to the sender, unopened. Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside:

Continued on page 13

Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices

Continued from page 12

RFP: Universal Pre-Kindergarten

Addressed to:

James Pappas

Assistant Superintendent for Business

North Shore Central School District

112 Franklin Avenue

Sea Cliff, NY 11579

For additional information or copies of the complete RFP please contact James Pappas at 516-277-7815 or e-mail him at pappasjr@northshoreschools.org or visit our website at: https://sites.google. com/northshoreschools.org/ northshorelearning-resource/ upk .

Proposals will be opened on the stated date. The names of the proposing firms shall be available following the proposal opening.

The Board of Education of The North Shore Central School District, reserves the right to reject any or all proposals that they consider not to be in the best interest of the school district.

James Pappas

Assistant Superintendent for Business

North Shore Central School District


Oyster Bay







JOSEPH BELLIDORA, et al, Defts. Index #606467/2018.

Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale dated Nov. 14, 2022 and order appointing substitute referee entered January 9, 2023 I will sell at public auction on the north side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on March 9, 2023 at 2:30 p.m., prem. k/a 65 East Avenue, Glen Cove, NY a/k/a Section 23, Block 31, Lot 5. Approx. amt. of judgment is $460,262.02 plus costs and interest. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale. . Foreclosure auction will be held “rain or shine.” If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the sale.


NIERER, LLP, Attys. for Pltf., 165 Eileen Way, Ste. 101, Syosset, NY. #100055 3-1; 2-22-15-8-2023-4T#238065-GCOB/OB



Attorney for Plaintiff(s)

Stern Eisenberg, P.C., Woodbridge Corporation Plaza, 485B Route 1 South, Suite 330, Iselin, NJ 08830.

Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered December 2, 2022, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on March 14, 2023 at 4:30 PM. Premises known as 203 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, NY 11771. Sec 24 Block A Lot 142. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Oyster Bay, Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $558,563.42 plus interest, fees, and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No 613793/2020.

During the COVID-19 health emergency, Bidders are required to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect at the time of the sale including but not limited to wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Should a bidder fail to comply, the Referee may refuse to accept any bid, cancel the closing and hold the bidder in default. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.”

Jerry Merola, Esq., Referee NY202000000681-1 3-1; 2-22-15-8-2023-4T#238246-GCOB/OB



SAVINGS BANK, Plaintiffagainst - DAVID HEISS, et al Defendant(s).

Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on February 18, 2020. I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, N.Y. 11501

“Rain or Shine” on the 15th day of March, 2023 at 2:30

PM. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Bayville, Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau, and State of New York.

Premises known as 8 Lewis Street, Bayville, NY 11709.

(Section: 29. Block: 84 Lot: 25)

Approximate amount of lien $571,731.06 plus interest and costs.

Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed udgment and terms of sale.

Index No. 002296/2015.

George P. Esernio, Esq., Referee.

McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC

Attorney(s) for Plaintiff

420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 840 New York, NY 10170 Tel. 347/286-7409

For sale information, please visit Auction.com at www. Auction.com or call (800)


Dated: January 23, 2023

During the COVID-19 health emergency, bidders are required to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect at the time of sale including but not limited to, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale.

3-8-1; 2-22-15-2023-4T#238646-GCOB/OB



MTGLQ INVESTORS, L.P., Plaintiff - againstJOHN SHISHKOFF A/K/A JOHN J. SHISHKOFF, et al Defendant(s).

Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on June 4, 2019. I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 “Rain or Shine” on the 29th day of March, 2023 at 2:00 PM. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of Bayville, in the Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York.

Premises known as 8 Ninth Street a/k/a 8 9th Street, Bayville, (Village of Bayville) NY 11709. (Section: 28., Block: 36, Lot: 65 66) Approximate amount of lien $449,771.82 plus interest and costs.

Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed judgment and terms of sale.

Index No. 001514/2017. Jane P. Shrenkel, Esq., Referee. Davidson Fink LLP

Attorney(s) for Plaintiff

400 Meridian Centre Blvd, Ste 200 Rochester, NY 14618

Tel. 585/760-8218

For sale information, please visit Auction.com at www. Auction.com or call (800) 280-2832

Dated: January 26, 2023

During the COVID-19 health emergency, bidders are required to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect at the time of sale including but not limited to, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale.





Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter , Section of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on MARCH at 7:00 P. M., to consider the following appeals:


APPEAL NO. 23-104



Variance to install in-ground swimming pool and pool equipment having less side yard setback and rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance.

NE/ cor. of Smith St. Brookwood St., a/k/a 6 Smith Street, Glen Head, NY

APPEAL NO. 23-105



Variance to construct second story addition having less side yard setback and exceeding maximum height setback ratio than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters.

(B) Variance to allow existing detached garage having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance.

W/s/o Summers St., 750 ft. S/o Berry Hill Rd., a/k/a 74 Summers Street, Oyster Bay, NY

APPEAL NO. 22-513



Variance to reconstruct new dwelling having less side yard

Legal Notices Legal Notices

setback, aggregate side yards, exceeding maximum building coverage and gross floor area than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters.

W/s/o Maxwell Ave., 10 ft. N/o Shore Ave., a/k/a 46 Maxwell Avenue, Oyster Bay, NY

FEBRUARY 27, 2023





Invitation to Bidders


Oyster Bay East Norwich Central School District

PUBLIC NOTICE: is hereby given for separate sealed bids for:

ADA Faculty Toilet Reconstruction/Alteration at Oyster Bay High School Bids will be received by the School District, on Friday, March 24, 2023 at 10AM prevailing time at the District ffice located at 1 McCouns Lane, Oyster Bay, NY 11771, and at said time and place publicly opened and read aloud.

The Contract Documents may be examined at the Office of the Architect, BBS Architects, Landscape Architects and Engineers, P.C., 244 East Main Street, Patchogue New York, (631475-0349); however the Contract Documents may only be obtained thru the ffice of REV Plans, 28 Church Street-Suite 7, Warwick, New York 10990 (877-2720216) beginning on Friday, March 3, 2023 Complete digital sets of Contract Documents shall be obtained online (with a free user account) as a download for a non-refundable fee of One-Hundred ($100.00) Dollars at the following websites: bbs. biddyhq.com. Optionally, in lieu of digital copies, hard copies may be obtained directly from REV upon a deposit of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for each complete set. Checks for deposits shall be made payable to the OYSTER BAY EAST NORWICH CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT and may be uncertified All bid addenda will be transmitted to registered plan holders via email and will be available at the above referenced websites. Any bidder requiring documents to be shipped shall make arrangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs. Plan holders who have obtained hard copies of the bid documents will need to make the determination if hard copies of the addenda are required for their use, and coordinate directly with the printer for hard copies of addenda to be issued. There will be no charge for registered plan holders to obtain hard copies of the bid addenda. The bid deposit for hard copies will be returned upon receipt of

Legal Notice



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in pursuance of the provisions of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York, I, Sandra Albro, Treasurer of the said Incorporated Village of Old Brookville, will sell at Public Auction in the manner provided by law on the 10th day of March 2023 at 11:00 a.m. at the Village Hall, 201 McCouns Lane, in said Village, so much of the following parcels of real estate upon which Village taxes remain unpaid for the tax year June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023, as will be sufficient to discharge the tax, fees, interest and charges which may be due thereon respectively at the time of such sale, and shall continue the same from day to day until the said sale shall be complete. The purchaser or purchasers at such tax sale will be required to pay 10% of his respective bid to the undersigned Village Treasurer immediately upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remaining 90% within ten days after the sale and upon such payment shall receive a written Certificate of Sale describing the real estate purchased and the sum paid therefore. The following is a list of the parcels of real estate to be sold and the original amount of tax. Penalties and interest have continued to accrue. All parcels being shown on the Land and Tax Map of Nassau County as follows: plans and specifications, in good condition, within thirty days after bid date, except for the lowest responsible bidder, whose check will be forfeited upon the award of the contract.

The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or the proposals will be rejected within 45 days of the date of opening proposals. Bids shall be subject, however, to the discretionary right reserved by the School District to waive any informalities in, accept or reject any alternatives, reject any proposals and to advertise for new proposals, if in its opinion the best interest of the School District will thereby be promoted.

Bidder may not withdraw its bid until forty-five days after the bid opening, except in accordance with General Municipal Law Section 103(11).

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting uncertainty with regard to when the Owner’s schools will be in session during the 20222023 school year, the restrictions, if any, applicable to construction activities in the Owner’s facilities as a result of State, Federal or Local orders, laws, regulations or rules related to the COVID-19 pandemic (including but not limited to prevention measures of social distancing and disinfecting), and the duration of any such restrictions, the Owner may modify the construction schedule, including the anticipated start date, set forth in the Contract/Bid Documents. By submitting a bid, the Bidder consents to any such schedule modification and further acknowledges and agrees that there shall be no additional compensation for schedule modifications caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bidder further acknowledges and agrees that the sole remedy for any schedule modifications or delays caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic shall be an extension of time, to be determined in the sole discretion of the Owner.

Dated: February 22, 2023

By Order of The Board OF Education

Oyster Bay - East Norwich Central School District 3-1-2023-1T-#239406GCOB/OB

Legal Notice

Invitation to Bidders


Oyster Bay East Norwich Central School District

PUBLIC NOTICE: is hereby given for separate sealed bids for:

BOND PHASE 2 – Interior and Exterior Reconstructions at Oyster Bay High School

Bids will be received by the School District, on Friday,

Continued on page 14

Legal Notices Legal Notices

March 24, 2023 at 11AM prevailing time at the District ffice located at 1 McCouns Lane, Oyster Bay, NY 11771, and at said time and place publicly opened and read aloud he ontract ocuments may be e amined at the Office of the Architect, BBS Architects, Landscape Architects and Engineers, P.C., 244 East Main Street, Patchogue New York, (631475-0349); howeverthe ontract ocuments may only be obtained thru the ffice of REV Plans, 28 Church Street-Suite 7, Warwick, New York 10990 (877-2720216) beginning on Friday, March 3, 2023. omplete digital sets of ontract ocuments shall be obtained online with a free user account as a download for a non-refundable fee of One-Hundred ($100.00) Dollars at the following websites bbs biddyh com ptionally, in lieu of digital copies, hard copies may be obtained directly from upon a deposit of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for each complete set Checks for deposits shall be made payable to the OYSTER BAY EAST NORWICH CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT and may be uncertified All bid addenda will be transmitted to registered plan holders via email and will be available at the above referenced websites Any bidder re uiring documents to be shipped shall make arrangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs lan holders who have obtained hard copies of the bid documents will need to make the determination if hard copies of the addenda are re uired for their use, and coordinate directly with the printer for hard copies of addenda to be issued here will be no charge for registered plan holders to obtain hard copies of the bid addenda he bid deposit for hard copies will be returned upon receipt of plans and specifications, in good condition, within thirty days after bid date, e cept for the lowest responsible bidder, whose check will be forfeited upon the award of the contract he ontract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or the proposals will be re ected within days of the date of opening proposals ids shall be sub ect, however, to the discretionary right reserved by the chool istrict to waive any informalities in, accept or re ect any alternatives, re ect any proposals and to advertise for new proposals, if in its opinion the best interest of the chool istrict will thereby be promoted idder may not withdraw its bid until forty-five days after the bid opening, e cept in accordance with General unicipal aw ection

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting uncertainty with regard to when the Owner’s schools will be in session during the 20222023 school year, the restrictions, if any, applicable to construction activities in the Owner’s facilities as a result of State, Federal or Local orders, laws, regulations or rules related to the COVID-19 pandemic (including but not limited to prevention measures of social distancing and disinfecting), and the duration of any such restrictions, the Owner may modify the construction schedule, including the anticipated start date, set forth in the Contract/Bid Documents. By submitting a bid, the Bidder consents to any such schedule modification and further acknowledges and agrees that there shall be no additional compensation for schedule modifications caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bidder further acknowledges and agrees that the sole remedy for any schedule modifications or delays caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic shall be an extension of time, to be determined in the sole discretion of the Owner. ated February 22,2023 y rder of he oard ducation - Oyster Bay - East Norwich Central School District illage all at the above address where it may be reviewed between the hours of 3 a m and 3 p m , onday through riday until the time of the hearing

Pre-Bid Walkthrough: A pre-Bid walkthrough will be held on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 starting at 2:30pm at the High School side entrance by the Gym off of McCouns Lane.

All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at said hearing y rder of the oard of rustees isa ancuso illage lerk reasurer ated arch , 3 3- - 3- - 3









GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before and by the oard of rustees of the ncorporated illage of ill eck, assau ounty, ew ork at the ill eck illage all, 3 rost ill oad, in said illage on uesday, arch , 3 at p m he hearing will be on whether to enact proposed ocal aw A- 3 which will amend hapter , Planning Board, of the ode of the illage of ill eck he proposed local law will amend ection, Creation, membership, by allowing the oard of rustees to appoint, for a oneyear term, two alternate members to the lanning oard who shall be entitled to serve and function in the place and stead of a regular member on account of the absence or inability of a regular oard member to serve or function

The Glen Cove School District held a commemorative ribbon cutting on Feb. 8 to unveil a new digital sign at Glen Cove High School. (Photos courtesy the Glen Cove City School District)

Glen Cove High School Digital Sign Ribbon Cutting

On Wednesday, Feb. 8, Glen Cove High School celebrated the debut of the new digital sign with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Maria Rianna expressed appreciation on behalf of the district for the generous gift which was donated by the Glen Cove Education Foundation and Graduates of the Class of 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. Thank you to Dominick Grella Landscaping & Construction Inc., who donated their services to construct the sign. Members of the GCCSD Board of Education, administration, and faculty participated in the event. The new sign in front of the high school greets students, faculty, and community members with updated and timely information on events and other happenings.

For more information about the Glen Cove City School District, please visit the district’s website at www.glencoveschools.org and like our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ glencovecityschools.

—Submitted by the Glen Cove City School District





GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before and by the oard of rustees of the ncorporated illage of ill eck, assau ounty, ew ork at the ill eck illage all, 3 rost ill oad, in said illage on uesday, arch , 3 at p m he hearing will be on whether to enact proposed ocal aw - 3 which will amend hapter , oning, of the ode of the illage of ill eck he proposed local law will amend ection - 3, Establishment of Board, by allowing the oard of rustees to appoint, for a oneyear term, two alternate members to the oard of Appeals who shall be entitled to serve and function in the place and stead of a regular member on account of the absence or inability of a regular oard member to serve or function,

A copy of proposed ocal aw - 3 is on file at the

A copy of proposed ocal aw A- 3 is on file at the illage all at the above address where it may be reviewed between the hours of 3 a m and 3 p m , onday through riday until the time of the hearing

All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at said hearing y rder of the oard of rustees isa ancuso illage lerk reasurer ated arch , 3

3- - 3- - 3 7G








GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before and by the oard of rustees of the ncorporated illage of ill eck, assau ounty, ew ork at the ill eck illage all, 3 rost ill oad, in said illage on uesday, arch , 3 at p m he hearing will be on whether to enact proposed ocal aw - 3 which will repeal hapter , Freedom of Information of the ode of the illage of ill eck he proposed local law will also add new hapter , Freedom of Information, which will promulgate a set of rules in accordance with the ew ork tate reedom of nformation aw

A copy of proposed ocal aw - 3 is on file at the illage all at the above address where it may be reviewed between the hours of 3 a m and 3 p m , onday through riday until the time of the hearing

All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at said hearing y rder of the oard of rustees isa ancuso illage lerk reasurer ated arch , 3 3- - 3- - 3G








GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before and by the oard of rustees of the ncorporated illage of ill eck, assau ounty, ew ork at the ill eck illage all, 3 rost ill oad, in said illage on uesday, arch , 3 at p m he hearing will be on whether to enact proposed ocal aw - 3 which will amend hapter 37, Commercial Filming, of the ode of the illage of ill eck he proposed local law will amend ection 37- ,

Definitions, by including still photography in the definition of filming he proposed local law will set a fee

To Submit Legal Notices

of , per day involving only still photography

A copy of proposed ocal aw - 3 is on file at the illage all at the above address where it may be reviewed between the hours of 3 a m and 3 p m , onday through riday until the time of the hearing

All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at said hearing y rder of the oard of rustees isa ancuso illage lerk reasurer ated arch , 3 3- - 3- - 3G

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