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National Merit Scholarship Finalists

Twenty-six students from the Great Neck Public Schools who were previously named Semifinalists will advance as Finalists in the prestigious 2023 National Merit Scholarship Competition (NMSC).


Finalists from John L. Miller North High School are: Joy Huang, Danielle Kobrick, Benjamin Souferian, Shuyuan (Julie) Sun, and Katharine Tang.

Finalists from William A. Shine Great Neck South High School are: Ryan Chen, Claudia Cheng, Brayden Chien, Justin Choi, Spencer Hom, Charles Huang, Edward Huang, Alok Karkare, Drew Kim, Sooah Kwak, Sebastian Lennox, Kanheng (Martin) Lin, Sophia Liu, Emma Maliar, Riya Mitra, Amit Saha, Amber Sun, Ashley

Wu, Joy Yang, Dayoung Yu, and Richard Zhuang.

PSAT scores for these students were among the highest in the state and their scores on a second examination were as good or better. Having demonstrated exemplary academic performance throughout high school, these students were fully endorsed and recommended by their high school principals. Each student also furnished biographical data and a self-description of interests, activities, accomplishments, and goals. All Finalists will be considered for National Merit Scholarships to be offered in 2023.

—Submitted by the Great Neck Public School District

South High Takes Second Place At Regional Science Bowl

A five-member team from South High School came in second place at the 2023 Long Island Regional High School Science Bowl, hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory on Feb. 3. The team’s faculty advisor is science teacher Dr. James Truglio. South High has consistently placed in the top three at this regional event since 2015.

—Submitted by the Great Neck Public School District


For the twelfth consecutive year, fifthgrade classes at Saddle Rock School participated in a read-a-thon throughout the month of January to support the Ronald McDonald House of Long Island. This year, students read 118,598 pages and raised more than $6,200. On Feb. 10, fifth-grade classes gathered together for a closing ceremony to celebrate the students’ reading accomplishments and present their donation to representatives from the Ronald McDonald House.

The annual read-a-thon is part of a service learning partnership between Saddle Rock School and the Ronald McDonald House of Long Island, located in New Hyde Park. Each year, fifth-grade classes meet with volunteers to learn about services that the organization provides for families of young patients in need of medical care. Students and teachers then develop creative ways to show their support for families staying at the House.

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