An Anton Media Group Publication
Est. 1958 Also Serving Woodbury, Brookville, Old Brookville and Muttontown Vol. 88, No. 30
March 16 - 22, 2022 AN ANTON MEDIA
MARCH 16 – 22, 2022
DESIGN & DÉCOR Trending room redesigns plus more!
What’s hot in decorating Kohler comes to Long Island From simple to intricate
designs, California Closets systems are custom designed specifically for you and the way you live.
Syosset News: Bethpage Federal Credit Union supports the youth of local communities (See page 6)
Calendar: Spread kindness with your art at Jericho Public Library (See page 8)
Jericho News: Support and celebrate World Down Syndrome Day (See page 12)
Sports: The legacy of Tom Brady
Prayers and donations for Ukraine
(See page 14)
(See page 3) Syosset Jericho Tribune (USPS 531-520) Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County.
People gathered at St. Josaphat’s Monastery in Lattingtown for a peace vigil and donation drive for Ukraine. (Photo by Frank Rizzo)
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228393 S
We Are All Ukrainians Now BY FRANK RIZZO
he Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24 set off repercussions that were felt at the geopolitical level—and as close as the neighborhood gas pump. The war has also brought a heightened awareness of that historical area and unprecedented support for Ukraine in general and the estimated (per the Bureau of the Census) 5,200 residents of Ukrainian descent in Nassau County, many of whom still have relatives and friends in that troubled land, On March 8, the Town of Oyster Bay held a candlelight vigil for peace and a donation drop off at St. Josaphat’s Monastery in Lattingtown, longtime home to a Basilian order of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Dozens of people showed up at the historic site, which began life as Gold Coast mansion back in the early 20th century. Many sang the Ukrainian national anthem in their native tongue. Oyster Bay Supervisor Joseph Saladino said he came up with the idea to hold the vigil because, as he told Anton Media Group, “It’s so important to show hope, to show support, and to pray for the people of this independent nation. We want to provide an opportunity for everyone to come together and help the people of Ukraine. We feel as though this collection drive of clothes, food, medical supplies and resources will be very important as one of many steps to help people through this most crucial time.” Asked about the logistics of getting the supplies to those in need, Saladino said there’s a depot in New Jersey that delivers materials to countries that border Ukraine. “What’s happening is that refugees are coming in trains and then the trains are going back with supplies,” the supervisor explained. He added, “My heart was torn seeing a picture of a mother and her children dead in the street, gunned down purposefully. It is outrageous, the war crimes that are going on. It hearkens back to the 1940s, one of the most terrifying times in world history.” Saladino was joined by Oyster Bay Councilwoman Michele Johnson, Receiver of Taxes Jeff Pravato, Clerk Rich LaMarca and Daniel Alter, representing Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman. From the dais hung a blue and gold Ukrainian flag gifted by the Ukrainian Embassy, “Words are difficult because the emotions surrounding this tragedy run so deep,” Saladino said in his remarks. “That’s why each and every one of you have come out this evening, The people of Ukraine have undergone unfathomable chaos due to the invasion of their country and it’s changed their lives forever.” After noting that more than 2 million refugees have escaped the chaos by finding havens in neighboring countries such as Poland, Romania and Slovakia, Saladino drew
Participants hold candles during the vigil at St. Josaphat’s Monastery. (Photo by Frank Rizzo)
applause when he thanked those states for Father Philip, superior at the monastery, welcoming the refugees gave an historical overview, noting that “The people of Ukraine have shown a Ukrainians often suffered through their resilience and strength that is awe inspiring,” history, bordered by many different empires the supervisor praised. “Even as innocent in Europe. civilians, families and children, people “They’ve gone through many of all ages, even senior citizens, tragedies. Suffering is not new for are being gunned down in the the Ukrainian people,” Father street, they show solidarity Philip said before introducing and a love for their country a parishioner who emigrated which is truly remarkable.” from the Ukraine and still The people of Ukraine has family there. He added, “Let us draw are not alone. The world on their strength and “Olga” said, “I am now a stands with them. their hope. Let us draw U.S. citizen. But my heart inspiration from the people aches for the peaceful —Oyster Bay Supervisor Ukraine. We all want to find country but I came from.” Joseph Saladino a way to help. That’s why this Her immediate family lives evening we’ve invited residents in the as yet untouched western to bring donations. Whether it’s Ukraine, but is ready to flee at a tonight or in the coming days. much needed moment’s notice, She spoke of a cousin who supplies will be sent to key refugee locations took his wife and three children to Poland. overseas.” “After ensuring their safety he returned He concluded, “The people of Ukraine are to Ukraine to defend it. He enlisted to fight not alone. The world stands with them.” and I have not heard from him since,” she
continued. Olga’s grandmother was born during WWII and lives in a small village in Western Ukraine on a plot of land where she grows fruit and vegetables. “During World War II that home was destroyed by a bomb and to this day when she gardens she still finds ammunition in the soil,” she said. “I hope that her home will not be destroyed by a bomb again. I hope that people will not find ammunition from this invasion in her garden. I pray that this war will soon be over, and Ukrainians whose lives have been destroyed will soon be able to return to their homeland. I hope they get to enjoy the same fundamental rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that we are so fortunate to have here in the United States of America.”
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Helping Out Ukrainian Refugees Generally, needed donation items include soap bars, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving kits, baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, brushes, band aids, gauze, wipes, surgical kits, wound care supplies and personal protection equipment. Oyster Bay locations are Town Hall North (54 Audrey Ave, Oyster Bay), Town Hall South (977 Hicksville Rd., Massapequa), or the Ice Skating Center (1001 Stewart Ave.,
Bethpage) weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. through March 25. The district office of Assemblymember Charles Lavine (D-Glen Cove) is also be collecting supplies at 1 School Street # 303B, Glen Cove from Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Nassau County Legislative Majority has also started a humanitarian relief drive. Drop donations off between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Monday through
Friday through March 25 at the Eisenhower Park Administration Building (Merrick and Stewart Avenues, East Meadow), The Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building (1550 Franklin Avenue, Mineola), Cantiague Park (480 West John St., Hicksville), Grant Park (1625 Broadway, Hewlett), Nickerson Beach (880 Lido Blvd, Lido Beach), Wantagh Park (One King Rd., Wantagh) and Christopher Morley Park (500 Searingtown Rd, Roslyn).
ow that Jericho High School has completed a full semester of traditional in-person learning, students and faculty report improvement in students’ learning and overall well-being. There were various adjustments to be made for students who lost study habits during last year’s hybrid and remote learning. Freshman Haley S. had to be more conscious of what was happening in class. “It’s been harder to retain information because I barely learned online, and then coming back in person was very different. I had to readjust by focusing more,” she said. For many students, the pandemic took away the motivation students once had prior to Jericho’s lockdown in March of 2020. According to Jericho High School’s social worker, Mr. Velez, students who were once diligent and hard-working, began to lose the sense of motivation they once possessed. Mr. Velez said, “People who were typically very good students had a tough time getting the motivation to perform the way that they used to.” Freshman Rachel W. believes that last year’s learning situation was extremely anxiety-provoking for many reasons such as lack of education, isolation, and the fear of asking questions in a virtual meeting in front of the whole class. “I felt like I didn’t have a strong connection with teachers. If
Back on Track
Traditional in-person learning improves the well-being of Jericho students. (Photo courtesy of JerEcho)
I had a question, I wouldn’t ask because I didn’t want to be judged,” she said. The freedom of seeing people was revoked. In a typical, non-COVID school year, a school is a place of socialization that was taken away. “Staring at a screen doing school is the same thing as staring at the screen and doing nothing. School should be a place of socialization,” Rachel W. said. Freshman Haley S. believes that return-
ing to a full in-person learning environment has heavily improved her academic habits and her grades. “Returning to school has made it easier to learn through the use of hands-on activities as well as limiting my distractions,” she said. “My grades and knowledge of material have also improved,” she added. Freshman Rachel W. agrees that returning to school has been beneficial as well. “ I didn’t have the motivation to pay attention
to the computer since nothing good came out of it. When we went into school and my social skills were benefiting, I felt as if I should pay attention in school and not take it for granted,” she said. “My grades have improved since I have been more alert in class when we started in person learning,” she added. The struggle to keep up with grades academically was something that impacted students heavily throughout the 2020-2021 school year, and this made many students worry. Guidance counselor Ms. Moriarity said, “Kids are struggling academically and that is causing them to be very stressed about their future.” Guidance counselor Ms. Moriarty developed a set of strategies to help students relieve stress. Ms. Moriarty suggests students refer to the stress management toolbox hanging in her office. Some of the toolbox items that provide immediate relief are splashing water on your face, counting to 10 (10 times), and taking a walk. Included in her toolbox are also practices that could be used daily, such as moving your body, belly breathing, taking a digital detox, securing some downtime, smiling and laughing, and practicing gratitude. —Submitted by JerEcho—Jericho High School’s student newspaper
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230988 M
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230908 M
Bethpage Federal Credit Union Relaunches “Difference Makers” B
An empowerment initiative for the youth
ethpage Cares, Bethpage Federal Credit Union’s charitable giving arm, announces the relaunch of Difference Makers, its youth empowerment initiative first launched in Jan. 2020, but then paused as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Developed to empower young individuals to come together to support their local communities, Bethpage will provide mini grants ranging from $250 to $5,000 to individual students and student groups, ranging from the 5th grade through undergraduate college, who share their desire to develop a project-focused program to benefit the community. “We want to invest in our children, the future leaders of our communities. Now that student activities have started to resume, it is important that we reinstate Difference Makers, which has the potential to make a big impact on many passionate young people,” said Linda Armyn, Senior Vice President, Bethpage Federal Credit Union. Throughout the last two years, we have been able to support some grant applications with a few highlighted below: Syosset South Woods Middle School students and Jericho brothers, 14-year-old Ben Ellis, an 8th grader, and 12-year-old Aidan Ellis, a 7th grader, requested grant money from Difference Makers to install a summertime butterfly garden that can be turned into a sitting bench in the colder, winter months, when the flowering plants are dormant. With their grant money, and collaboration with the North Shore Land Alliance, Ben and Aidan were able to successfully develop and install their butterfly garden and planter/bench at the Wawapek Preserve located in Cold Spring Harbor. Glen Cove resident, Elana Greim, a 17-year-old 12th grade student at Glen Cove High School, requested grant money for her Environmental Club, with the goal of implementing a school recycling program. With help from her Difference Makers grant, Elana and her club were able to purchase recycling bins for 115 school classrooms. Elana believes that it is more important than ever to create recycling programs to help combat global warming, and to help make the Earth a cleaner place, one step at a time. August “Gus” Bresnaider, 18, who is currently a student at the University of Virginia, was an Eagle Scout with Troop 123 in Merrick and a 12th grader at Mepham High School when he requested grant money to improve a community garden at the Park
The Ellis brothers Ben, left, and Aidan, right, of Jericho recently received a grant from Bethpage Federal Credit Union’s Difference Makers program to install a butterfly garden and planter/bench at the Wawapek Preserve located in Cold Spring Harbor. Bethpage recently relaunched the mini grant initiative which empowers young individuals to come together to support their local communities. (Photo courtesy of Bethpage Federal Credit Union) Avenue Elementary School in Merrick. With his grant money from Bethpage, Gus and his troop created new garden beds, including two wheelchair-accessible garden beds so that everyone could enjoy and take part in the upkeep of the garden. They also re-mulched the area and created a “Park Pride” sign on the front fence of the garden. Bethpage encourages parents, mentors, teachers, family and friends to encourage the children in their lives to get involved in their local communities. To apply for a financial grant, visit Bethpage’s website at: Students will be asked to submit a brief business plan, their budget, a timeline and the community impact it will provide. “We want to effect change and know there are many ambitious young people today that do too, but just need some guidance and financial support. We are excited to support them in their efforts today and hope this experience helps them as they embark on their future successes,” stated Armyn.
Since 2002, Bethpage Federal Credit Union employees have volunteered more than 5,000 hours annually, supporting dozens of charitable organizations throughout New York. Bethpage invests in the community through large-sponsored events, volunteerism and charitable grants totaling over $2 million dollars annually. Bethpage Federal Credit Union is a premier community financial institution committed to enriching the lives of its members, employees and the communities it serves for the past 80 years. Bethpage is the largest credit union in the Northeast Region, and the 14th largest in the nation. As a not-for-profit credit union, Bethpage is committed to its members and the communities it serves. In addition to giving back to its members in the form of great rates and low fees, the Bethpage Cares program invests heavily in local, high-impact community programs that serve with an eye towards creating better communities through diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.
Named a Forbes Best Place to Bank in New York, the fifth Best Company to Work for in New York State by the New York State Society for Human Resources Management, and a Glass Door Top Place to work for Small & Midsize companies in the US, Bethpage is a federally chartered credit union, available to people nationwide who open a $5 dollar membership account. Bethpage offers a robust digital platform that allows members to bank from anywhere. Bethpage is a part of the national CO-OP network that gives members access to their accounts at over 30,000 free ATMs and 5,000+ shared branches across the U.S. As a financial cooperative, Bethpage offers the best-in market rates, lowest fees and world-class service, plus a full menu of personal and commercial financial services. For more information on Bethpage’s robust portfolio of banking, borrowing, and investment services, visit or call 1-800- 628-7070. —Submitted by Bethpage Federal Credit Union
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COMMUNITY CALENDAR third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m., for ages 30 and under, at the North Shore LIJ on 221 Jericho Tpke. in Syosset.
hour of community service credit for their participation. A library card is required. Allowed Grades: 6th Grade to 12th Grade
Virtual Chair Yoga with Jolie Bosnjak Join the Jericho Public Library at 10 a.m. for a yoga class that will move you from head to toe, using the chair as a prop for support. This event requires a payment of $66.00 per registrant to attend. This event is part of a combined series. If you register for this event, you will be automatically registered for all of the following events in the series. There are no refunds. The Zoom link will be sent in an email.
FRIDAY, MARCH 18 Learn about Billy Wilder on March 17. (Playbill)
THURSDAY, MARCH 17 Virtual: Billy Wilder Legendary director Billy Wilder became a screenwriter while living in Berlin in the late 1920s, and moving to Hollywood in 1934 with $11 to his name. The lecturer will discuss his films, and their impact in an illustrated lecture at 2 p.m. For the Zoom link, go to Mood Disorder Support Group For those with mood disorders, meet on the
Virtual: From Uptown Girls to Downton Abbey: How American Gilded Age Heiresses Invaded the British Join the Syosset Public Library at 2 p.m. for a virtual lecture of how long before the British Invasion, the cash-strapped lords, viscounts, and dukes of Great Britain shifted their focus from hunting foxes and pheasants to more lucrative targets. For the Zoom link, go to
SATURDAY, MARCH 19 Teens: Kindness Rocks for Community Service Join us as we paint rocks with messages of kindness to display in our Jericho Public Library garden at 3 p.m. Teens will earn 1
Clutterers Anonymous Meeting Clutterers Anonymous, a 12 step self-help group, offers help and support to those who have clutter problems in their homes or workplace. This meeting is held at the Community Church of Syosset on 36 Church St. in Syosset from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
TUESDAY, MARCH 22 After Book Discussion Join the Syosset Public Library at 3 p.m. for an in-person discussion of the historical fiction novel, The Children’s Blizzard, by Melanie Benjamin. Copies of the book will be available at the Circulation Desk before the program. No registration. Limited to 20 people; first come, first served seating. Masks are required.
Lisa Meitner: A Physics Love Story with Edward A. Sierra Lise Meitner was an Austrian and later Swedish physicist who worked on radioactivity and nuclear physics. Meitner is the unsung hero of nuclear fission, having played an essential role in its 1938 discovery. Edward Sierra will present an informative talk at 2 p.m. as he discusses the life and science of Lisa Meitner. The Zoom link will be sent in an email from the Jericho Public Library after registration.
Spread kindness with art on March 19. (iStock)
230680 M
A nonprofit organization in Woodbury, NY is seeking sealed bids for the sale and installation of security related enhancements. The project includes installation of impact resistant glass/film, doors, fencing, locks, alarm, and lighting. Selection criteria will be based on knowledge of surveillance and security, adherence to work schedule, prior experience and references, and cost. Specifications and bid
requirements can be obtained by contacting us at contractbids18@ All interested firms will be required to sign for the proposal documents and provide primary contact, telephone, fax and email address. Bids will be accepted until 12 pm on April 29, 2022 and work is to commence by June 30, 2022 and completed by August 31, 2022. Minority and Women Owned Businesses are Encouraged to Apply. 230922 S
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2A MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
New York Presidents: The Famous and The Forgotten, Part I BY JOE SCOTCHIE
n the nation’s early years, Virginia was the nation’s most populous state. Presidents came from Old Dominion: Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, John Tyler and Zachary Taylor. With its busy port a destination for the world’s commerce, New York would replace Virginia as the most populous state. It too, would become a breeding ground for chief executives. The first New Yorker to be elected was Martin Van Buren, who had served as Andrew Jackson’s vice president. Others followed: Millard Fillmore, Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Donald Trump. In today’s New York, the upstate region is at best an afterthought. At one time, it produced presidents. Academics regularly come up with presidential rankings—first (usually Abraham Lincoln) to last (the hapless James Buchanan)—that few pay attention to. Here’s our homage to Empire State Presidents.
Millard Fillmore
As with Van Buren, Fillmore was a native of upstate New York, in this case, Cayuga County. In 1848, Mexican War hero Zachary Taylor was elected president with Millard Fillmore Fillmore as his run(public domain) ning mate. Two years later, Taylor succumbed to Washington’s humid summers and died unexpectedly at age 66. Fillmore’s presidency was marked mostly by foreign policy, especially the famed opening to Japan as conducted by Commodore Matthew Perry, one that was consummated after Fillmore left office. In 1852, Fillmore failed to win the Democratic Party’s nomination. Four years later, he attempted a comeback as standard bearer for the anti-immigration American Party. That bid fell short, too. When Civil War broke out, Fillmore,
although elderly, did not sit on the sidelines. He formed a home guard, the Union Continentals, which remained active throughout the conflict.
Chester Arthur
Arthur followed the same pattern as Van Buren and Fillmore. An upstate New York native, he served as James Garfield’s vice president. Chester Arthur Taylor died a (Charles Milton Bell/ natural death. In public domain) 1881, Garfield was assassinated by a deranged gunman, who reportedly wanted Arthur to become chief executive. Arthur, too, served only one term as president. His one term focused heavily on civil service reform as the nation now coped with a rising urban population and the bureaucratic problems such a demographic change entailed. Historian George F. Howe has singled out Arthur as an honest politician in a time of widespread corruption. “Arthur adopted [a code] for his own political behavior but subject to three restraints: he remained to everyone a man of his word; he kept scrupulously free from corrupt graft; he maintained a personal dignity, affable and genial though he might be,” Howe maintained. “These restraints ... distinguished him sharply from the stereotypical politician.”
Grover Cleveland
With Cleveland, the upstate dynasty rolls on. “Grover the Good” was born in Caldwell, NJ, but reared in Clinton, a town in Oneida County. In 1881, Cleveland was elected mayor of Buffalo as a reformer Democrat. He parlayed that success into winning the governorship of New York only a year later. Cleveland topped off his incredible run by being
Martin Van Buren (MatthewBrady/public domain)
elected president in 1884. Four years later, Cleveland was defeated by Benjamin Harrison. Undaunted, Cleveland was promptly elected again in the 1892 election. Cleveland was a Democrat in a time of Republican Party Grover Cleveland (public domain) domination. His policies were similar to GOP presidents, including trade protection, anti-immigration measures and armed neutrality. Cleveland kept government spending to a minimum, regularly wielded his veto pen. He was both the first president to marry while in the White House and the first to be captured on film.
Martin Van Buren
Van Buren was a native of little Kinderhook, an attorney turned politician who was elected president in 1836 and defeated for re-election in 1840 by William Henry Harrison. Van Buren is forgotten today, save for a high school in Queens County, but he has his fans. In a 2001 collection, Reassessing the Presidency, libertarian author Jeffrey Rogers Hummel gave “The Little Magician” high marks: He avoided potential conflicts with both Great Britain and Mexico, while resisting the impulse to increase government spending during the Panic of 1837. During Van Buren’s sole four-year term, Americans, Hummel claimed: “[Enjoyed] greater freedom from government intervention than any other people on the face of the Earth.” Check back next week for the conclusion to our overview of Empire State Commanders in Chief.
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230233 S
4A MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
Register Now For Fourth Annual NSPC Health Science Competition
egistration for the fourth annual NSPC Brain & Spine Surgery (NSPC) Health Science Competition (HSC), a program of the Center for Science Teaching & Learning (CSTL), is now open. Visit to register. The 2022 program will combine both an online, “virtual” competition to select ten finalists in each of five categories and an “actual” finals event to be held at the Center for Science Teaching & Learning’s Rockville Centre office. So far, nearly 200 teams from 22 different Long Island high schools have registered for the 2022 competition, including teams from Great Neck South, Jericho, Manhasset, Mineola and Paul D. Schreiber high schools. Applications for the “virtual” competition must be received by no later than 4 p.m. (EST) on Friday, March 18. A $30 non-refundable registration fee per team applies to all entries. The NSPC HSC is available only to Nassau and Suffolk County high school teams.
In 2021, more than 420 students representing 31 Long Island high schools participated in the competition and 50 prize-winning teams shared more than $80,000 in score-based awards. To compete, teams will create a Google site and upload: 1. Images of their poster board/digital poster board or a 20-slide PowerPoint presentation; 2. An eight-minute video in which team members can be seen explaining their project and 3. All executed competition documents. Entries must be received by 4 p.m. (EST) on Monday, March 28. A “live,” in-person competition final will be held on Wednesday, May 18, at the Center for Science Teaching & Learning’s offices at 1450 Tanglewood Rd. in Rockville Centre. Student teams will be judged in one of five categories: Behavioral Sciences; Biology-Medicine/ Health; Biology-Microbiology/ Genetics; Health Related Biochemistry/Biophysics,
Michael H. Brisman, M.D., Chief Executive Officer, NSPC Brain & Spine Surgery (center), congratulates four of the first-place winners of the 2021 NSPC Health Science Competition at the Center for Science Teaching & Learning. From left: Lily Li of Jericho Senior High School; Jessica Guo of Ward Melville High School; Griffin Hon of Syosset High School and Ivan Ge of Ward Melville High School. (Photo courtesy of NSPC Brain & Spine Surgery [NSPC])
and Bioengineering and Computational Biology. The five first place winners in last year’s competition were: Lily Li of Jericho Senior High School in the “Behavioral Sciences” category; Griffin Hon of Syosset High
School in the “Bioengineering and Computational Biology” category; Benjamin Yacht of Plainview-Old Bethpage JFK High School in the “Biology-Microbiology/Genetics” category; Ivan Ge of Ward Melville High School in East Setauket in
the “Biology-Medicine/Health” category, and Jessica Guo of Ward Melville High School in the “Health Related Biochemistry & Biophysics” category. Each first place winner received a $5,500 prize. Visit hsc-prizes/ to see the exact breakdown of prizes. “The NSPC Health Science Competition is now more important than ever,” said Michael H. Brisman, M.D., an attending neurosurgeon and chief executive officer of NSPC Brain & Spine Surgery, “The 2020 and 2021 school years presented many challenges for students and educators. But the young people who entered our competition persevered.” For more information about the NSPC Health Science Competition (HSC), complete competition rules,and deadlines, visit www.cstl. org/nspc or call 516-764-0045. —Submitted by NSPC Brain & Spine Surgery (NSPC)
Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg is a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. He has offices in Woodbury, Southampton and Manhattan. For a complimentary consultation, call 516-364-4200 if you have a question for Dr. Greenberg, please e-mail him at, or visit the web at
230474 S
patients’ unique features. I count on my doctor-patient relationships as one of the keys to providing the best experience. Many of my patients wish to see an overall change in their silhouette, even if they are coming for facial rejuvenation. I have been combining facial surgery with body contouring with minimal downtime for over 27 years. I specialize in combining advanced surgical techniques with the latest technology to customize each patient’s treatment plan and achieve their desired goals from head to toe. Whether you are looking to refresh your facial appearance or enhance areas of the body resistant to diet and exercise, I have helped thousands of men and women achieve a more youthful look and restore self-confidence. My rapid recovery mini face-lifts are game changers for men and women who require more permanent solutions to facial aging. An eyelid lift takes years off one’s appearance and when combined with body procedures will provide life changing results. Now is the time to have the cosmetic procedures that you have been wanting in a safe and caring environment. Myself and my award-winning team are here to help you be your best possible you. Whether you are looking for a new skincare regimen, a facial refresher or more of an overall transformation, my decades of experience combined with the most technologically advanced devices available will have you looking your best in the shortest amount of time possible. Love your look and feel your best, call 516-364-4200 or visit for your complimentary consultation. 230363 M
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The Bristal Assisted Living has been serving seniors and their families in the tri-state area since 2000, offering independent and assisted living, as well as state-of-the-art memory care programs. We are committed to helping residents remain independent, while providing peace of mind that expert care is available, if needed. Designed with seniors in mind, each of our communities feature exquisitely appointed apartments and beautiful common areas that are perfect for entertaining. On-site services and amenities include daily housekeeping, gourmet meals, a cinema, salon, plus so much more. Discover a vibrant community, countless social events with new friends, and a luxurious lifestyle that you will only find at The Bristal.
For a list of all locations in the tri-state area, visit: THEBRISTAL.COM
Licensed by the State Department of Health. Eligible for Most Long Term Care Policies. Equal Housing Opportunity.
230400 S
6A MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR TWO VIEWS OF THE STATE OF THE UNION Two of Long Island’s congressional members released the following statements after attending President Biden’s first State of the Union address recently.
Kathleen Rice
President Biden’s address exemplifies the steady, bipartisan approach that our country needs. I am particularly grateful for this leadership as we face an international crisis. His fierce stance against Vladimir Putin and quick action in coordinating global sanctions against Russia have helped re-establish the United States as a respected power on the world stage. We have worked hard since January 2021 to enact policy that
directly benefits the American people. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act has already provided millions of dollars to New York, and I will continue working with the state and federal government to ensure that this funding goes to creating good-paying jobs, fixing our crumbling roads and bridges, and cleaning-up contaminated drinking water. While these legislative victories should be applauded, President
Biden is right to acknowledge that we have more work to do. We have made great progress rebuilding our economy, but I know that my constituents still feel the financial impact of inflation and supply chain issues. I am proud to have helped the America COMPETES Act pass the House, and we need to deliver the final version to the President’s desk to support workers and put money directly in the pockets of Americans. We must also finally pass the Fiscal
Year 2022 omnibus package that will allow President Biden to keep our government funded and to send necessary financial aid to Ukraine. Now is the time for Americans to come together. We must present a united front both internally, as we implement this legislation, and externally, as we join our global allies in combating Russia’s aggression. —Rice (D–Garden City), represents the 3rd Congressional District
crisis, rising costs and joblessness as a direct result of his failed agenda. Even after the so-called “Build Back Better” bill was rejected by Congress and the American people, he continued to call for the
passage of his progressive wish list. He failed to acknowledge many of his disastrous policies, including his ill-conceived Afghanistan withdrawal. This is a President who ran on a platform of unity, but all
he has done is divide us further. In a word, tonight’s speech was underwhelming. —Garbarino (R–Sayville) represents the 2nd Congressional District
An Ugly Legacy For Your Grandchildren BY JERRY KREMER
report is an atlas of human suffering and a damning indictment of failed climate leadership. It shows how severe the impacts of human–caused global warming are becoming worldwide and how hard it will be for societies to manage if nations do not bring down greenhouse gas emissions sharply. A simpler way to say it is that we are seeing an increase in wildfires, heatwaves and rising sea levels many of which are caused by human conduct. On the issue of heat waves, it was once thought that if temperatures did not exceed 3.6 degrees
Fahrenheit, the planet would be spared of any serious fallout. That doesn’t sound like a lot to a family in Levittown, but in places like Alaska a higher year-round temperature could lead to massive die-off of trees, drying of bogs, massive fires and a thawing of the permafrost that releases more carbon dioxide into the air, all conditions that are impossible to stop. Another threat to future generations is the current political makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court. The court is currently considering whether the federal Environmental Protection Agency has the power to dictate regulations that protect the public from industrial and energy industry activities that add to global warming. During arguments before the court, Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., skeptical of climate change warnings, said it was a “... phenomenon which some people believe is a matter of civilizational survival.” The court will more than likely void a whole series of regulations meant to protect future generations. Unlike the politicians and jurists who have no time to read up on the subject of climate change,
Editor and Publisher Angela Susan Anton
Vice President of Operations Iris Picone Director of Sales Administration Shari Egnasko
Editors Dave Gil de Rubio, Christy Hinko, Frank Rizzo, Julie Prisco, Joe Scotchie, Natalia Ventura, Jennifer Corr
Advertising Sales
There is a Lutheran Church in my neighborhood that is tiny compared to the large buildings surrounding it. Walking by recently, I noticed a poster whose contents captured my attention and I took a photo of it. The posting states "The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.” It attributes the quote to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran theologian who was hanged because of his opposition to the Nazi regime. I thought about Bonhoeffer’s comments when I read portions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body of experts convened by the United Nations. They have released the most comprehensive report on the threats posed by global warming by any major environmental organization. The report concludes that nations are not doing enough to protect cities, farms and coastal regions from the hazards that climate change has already unleashed. The report was written by 270 researchers from 67 countries with the approval of 195 countries. According to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the
Publishers of Port Washington News Great Neck Record Manhasset Press The Roslyn News Plainview-Old Bethpage Herald Oyster Bay Enterprise-Pilot Glen Cove Record Pilot Mineola American Syosset-Jericho Tribune Massapequa Observer Farmingdale Observer New Hyde Park Illustrated News Levittown Tribune Garden City Life Hicksville News The Westbury Times
President Frank A. Virga
Andrew Garbarino What we heard from President Biden tonight was a politician completely out of touch with the American people. He touted his economic record when, in reality, American families are struggling under the weight of his inflation
Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000
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For circulation inquiries, email: Publication Office: 132 East Second St., Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: (516) 747-8282 Fax: (516) 742-5867 © 2022 Long Island Community Newspapers, Inc.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Wissen911/ CC BY-SA 3.0)
I go to bed worrying about what type of world I am leaving my grandchildren and their children. I consider myself a member of the “moral society” that Dietrich Bonhoeffer died for and hopefully many of you feel the same. Former State Assemblyman Jerry Kremer is a columnist for Anton Media Group and partner at Ruskin Moscou Faltischek in Uniondale. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher or Anton Media Group.
IN BUSINESS 1984-2022
Letters to the editor are welcomed by Anton Media Group. We reserve the right to edit in the interest of space and clarity. All letters must include an address and daytime telephone number for verification. All material contributed to Anton Media Group in any form becomes the property of the newspapers to use, modify and distribute as the newspaper staff assigns or sees fit. Letters to the editor can be mailed to: Additional copies of this and other issues are available for purchase by calling 516-403-5120.
Vacation Envy “Hot fun in the summer sun”... That’s what we all want. Vacations are the reason we work, running a close second behind money. These days, with remote working, I sit in front of two monitors and listen to disgruntled customers from the comfort of my apartment. No more driving 35 miles round trip, five days a week, on chewed-up highways to enter an office and incur a brutal onslaught of inconsiderate co-workers that eat fish at their desk and never shut up. With that said, remote work is still work and you need vacations. Until that Friday afternoon when an anvil dropped on my computer. I received notice from the boss I used to respect alerting me those valuable days were canceled for the rest of the year. No solid reason given. Some cost cutting, all nonsense, garbage rhetoric. What I didn’t need in addition to my vacation days washed away by a corporate tsunami was to receive “fun in the sun’ pictures from friends vacationing while watching the snow pile up outside my door. The photos arrived via email
from a friend of mine showing himself and another friend who, like myself, are sitting. One small difference. The boys are kicking back in beach chairs, wearing smiles like they’re auditioning for a toothpaste ad. Each picture showed the Atlantic Ocean in the background and a plate full of of shrimp hogging the foreground. The guys have their arms raised in a toast, one gripping a Bloody Mary the other some Topazcolored drink. Expecting me to return the toast is like them suddenly getting hit by a blizzard and me receiving a heat wave. Anyway, strapped with the news
about the vacation days coupled with my own self-pity of being chained to my desk, I deleted the pictures from my ex-friends. What can I say? It was a gut reaction. Yes, childish and out of character for me. I’m a fun guy and as dependable as they come. I’m willing to drive you to the airport for a 6 a.m. flight needing only gas money and dinner for a week. Under normal circumstances, seeing others enjoying life through their lame vacation shots doesn’t bring me to my knees. I have too much respect for my time. After an hour of envy and then self-reflection, I realized the pettiness of the situation and dug through the trash folder where I store important documents. Finding the pictures, I checked them out more closely, along with some new ones showing them now getting friendly with two attractive blondes. I threw my head back and laughed now feeling their joy. Good for them. These guys are in the position of having the time to go enjoy themselves. Hey, I admit I’d do the same by showing the world what I look like in a bathing suit, spilling drinks
and gouging shrimp. But I should make this last crucial point. Even though I can handle it, cut me some slack and don’t send me your good-time pictures while I’m struggling to get through a brutal day full of complaints. Am I right? Not a big deal. Just use some discretion when gloating. Then again, why don’t you keep sending those incredibly fun-loving photos? I need a good laugh. Like the two blonds in the most recent pictures. I noticed they looked like the waitress who served the topaz-colored cocktails in the first set of pictures. Not two women cruising the beach that my buddies corralled because
of their dynamic personalities. Needing to get back to work, I sent the boys a quick response saying I saw through their deception of being the “king gigolos” of the beach. Also, that’s Miami where they were dropping a wad of cash. Want to impress me? Let’s see some pics from a locale worth talking about like an international vacation in the Spanish Pyrenees mountains. What did you think of this story? Email to share it with Tom Kuntzmann. He is an outdoorsman with main interests in hiking and golf. His column focuses on local outdoor events and suburban stories.
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Surprises are for birthdays.
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230717 S
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8A MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
Casino Hotel
230601 S
MARCH 16 – 22, 2022
What’s hot in decorating Kohler comes to Long Island From simple to intricate designs, California Closets systems are custom designed specifically for you and the way you live.
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$6,698,000 • 5 Bed • 5 Bath • 3 Half Bath
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$5,998,000 • 6 Bed • 5 Bath • 1 Half Bath
Traci Conway Clinton is a Licensed Real Estate Salesperson affiliated with Compass, a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, s ale, or withdrawal without notice. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions.
230603 M
2B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • MARCH 16 - 22, 2022
Practical And Functional Living Space Transformations
California Closets shares some of the top trends in the market BY CHRISTY HINKO
California Closets is more than just closets these days. The brand that began more than four decades ago has built a reputation as a leader in premium and luxury space management, delivering custom products and unparalleled service.
ince the beginning, the top priority of the design team at California Closets has been to focus on its customers’ needs. The team is committed to listening to the needs of its customers, working with them hand-inhand while recognizing that it’s a privilege to be invited into their homes and their lives.
Clean lines are in style.
PREMIERE PROPERTIES, POWERFUL PRESENCE. TRACI CONWAY CLINTO N LONG ISLAND FOUNDING AGENT | LUXURY DIVISION — COUNCIL MEMBER, LI | LICENSED R.E. SALESPERSON TRACI.CLINTON@COMPASS.COM | M: 516.857.0987 | O: 516.517.4751 Traci Conway Clinton is a Licensed Real Estate Salesperson affiliated with Compass, a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions.
230604 S
MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 3B
CALIFORNIA CLOSETS from page 3B We recently spoke with Debra Russo, a designer with the California Closet team here on Long Island about the market trends and how the pandemic has helped people recognize the need to reshape their living spaces. “We do so much more than just closets, we do Murphy beds, home offices, entertainment units, bars and so much more now,” Russo said. “We have done so many home offices in recent years; the new term is cloffice–a fusion of a walk-in closet and a home office.” The idea is not new, however; thanks to the pandemic-prompted work-fromhome explosion, the term looks to be a mainstream design topic on social media sites like Pinterest. “I’ve noticed a shift in consumption, in what people are buying,” Russo said. “People aren’t really doing much fast fashion; people are trying to be a little more minimal, spending money on better, quality items, but fewer of them. And I am seeing a lot of ‘capsule wardrobes’ too.” A capsule wardrobe is a term used in American publications as early as the 1940s to describe a small collection of garments designed to be worn together. The clothing collection, for instance, might have six items in total (a skirt, a blouse, a T-shirt, a blazer, a pullover sweater and a pair of pants), but mixed and matched strategically can produce 30 different outfits. “People are letting go of a lot of things and really making their closets more of a sanctuary,” Russo said. “They are starting to see the value of their closets as extended living space.” She said that homeowners are incorporating Murphy beds into their walk-in closets; a lot of people are converting guest rooms into walk-in closets and also adding an office into the same space. “We can make custom built-ins like cabinetry for your clothes if you don’t want someone feeling like they are sleeping in your closet,” Russo said. “We can put doors over hanging clothes to create a wall and a wall-bed on the other wall.” Do these conversions take away from the value of your home? “If the home is lacking storage, a conversion will not decrease the home’s value,” said Russo. “Also, our systems are modular; you can take it completely apart, in fact some people take it apart and take it with them to their new home.” If you sell your home and the new owners decide they want to convert the space back into a bedroom, it all comes apart; California Closets does offer a service to help return a space to its original state. Without a lot of forethought or creativity, Russo said people were calling at the beginning of the pandemic asking for a desk to be built adjacent to their bed. With the help of their design team, they were able to identify more productive
California Closets’ Seville design spaces throughout the house for a home office to be built. “One of the things I see the most on Long Island in new and existing homes is lack of storage. It seems like for a lot of contractors who build homes, the closets are an afterthought,” Russo said. “They put in a standard shelf and pole, which does nothing for anyone. Things do not have a proper place. When you open the closet doors and everything comes tumbling out, shoes are piled all over the floor.” She said Long Island homes are missing proper homes for belongings, especially in pantries. “You are missing slide-out drawers for things like onions and potatoes; you are missing adjustable shelving for appliances and canned goods; everything is a different size,” Russo said. She said the trend in new construction seems to be to create a smaller primary bedroom, but to make the primary closets larger, keeping furniture minimal inside the bedroom (bed, nightstand, TV). All of the furniture and things (dressers, hampers, shoes) go inside the closet. This
4B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • MARCH 16 - 22, 2022
concept lends to better energy in the living spaces. “I see people waste so much money on fun containers and bins; think about how much money you’re putting into these organizing accessories,” Russo said. “It’s going to save you so much money in the long run; I have seen people spend $1,000 on bins. A new closet would have cost you $600.” Today, California Closets has 120 showrooms and more than 700 designers across North America. California Closets Nassau County is a pioneer in custom closets and personalized home storage. From Manhasset in the west to Farmingdale in the east, the team at California Closets Nassau County will not only transform the organization of your space, they’ll design a solution that will fit your budget and your home’s aesthetic. The Long Island showroom is located at 25 Northern Blvd. in Greenvale. Visit or call 516-253-4170 to book a free design consultation (in-home or virtual) or to get more information and inspiration.
Style and organization are key in designing a space.
From simple to intricate designs, California Closets systems are custom designed specifically for you and the way you live.
516.334.0077 G R E E N VA L E 25 Northern Blvd 203.924.8444 C O N N E C T I C U T 565 Westport Ave, Norwalk
©2022 California Closet Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Franchises independently owned and operated. CT HIC #0657205. Photo: Stefan Radtke. 228987 M
MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 5B NY146_Anton_News_RSerhant WI_10x11.5_0322.indd 1
3/1/22 12:06 PM
An open concept is nice, but some people still want semi-privacy in some spaces.
Nature Meets Living: Trends 2022 Making space naturally comfortable BY GREG LANZA
Design trends in any decade are typically defined by the halfway point of that timeline. Two years ago, 2020, caused a different scenario and forced changes as we adapted to pandemic living.
his brings us to our first trend—redefining spaces. Less used dining rooms and living rooms have turned into offices and Zoom rooms. Dual-purpose rooms have been on-trend for years. An office/guest room with pullout bed is common in many homes, but many have turned their living rooms into offices, libraries and studies, often adding a small dining table for intimate fireside dinners. A guest room stylishly outfitted with a large mirror and Peloton is an inviting amenity for guests not wanting to miss their daily routine. Why not? It’s 2022 and almost anything goes. As nice as the open concept is for main spaces, some people may want semi-private areas. I don’t think the trend will disappear as it does increase visual space and brings families together as you can multitask and oversee everyone. We had been forced to slow down and spend time in our homes and neighborhoods. This has affected our moods and creativity. Gardens flourished and kitchens were filled with the aroma of new recipes, which brings us to the return of handcrafted items. DIYs created elaborate macramé wall hangings, crafts and artwork. It’s a return to comfort and decor that makes us feel at ease. Colors in this category are those that fuel our well-being:
earth and nature tones of brown and green. The trend for emerald and daring green hues feels more natural than ever. I envision the return of the leather sofa, not in black but in a saddle or cognac to pair with pure white or ecru walls. Grey now seems like a space capturing all the light that it can on a rainy day. Nature leads to organic shapes and the curved furniture trend. Think mushroom shapes in cream, tan and brown, like the futuristic 1950s upholstery shapes of Miami Beach but in a deep forest or desert color palate. Deep, softer shaped seating with rounded arms or at least soft squared off ones. Bringing the outdoors in is on trend with natural, raw, porous, textured materials and yes, tumbled marble, terracotta, limestone and travertine will be making a comeback. Lighting fixtures incorporating rope, wood, wicker, shells and coconut beads and fragments are part of this trend for the organic home. Wallpaper in color and pattern will be on trend in nature-related themes, and eventually so will the ancient, distressed wall, Venetian plaster, etc. As for color, I am known for my sophisticated neutral palette and sublime use of color. I love
6B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • MARCH 16 - 22, 2022
see LIVING TRENDS on page 10B
Lighting fixtures are part of the organic-home trend.
A Refreshing Take on Real Estate Don't just put your home on the market, give it the attention it deserves.
22 Briarcliff Drive, Port Washington, NY Original Walter Uhl brick colonial with New Orleans flavor on the end of a quiet dead-end street with views of Plandome Golf Course and the New York City skyline. This -bedroom, 3.5-bath charmer has over 2,000 sq. ft. of living space and is situated on oversized lot with additional 28 x 100 ft. property. MLS#3380525. $969,000.
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Each office is independently owned and operated.
230555 M
MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 7B
8B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • MARCH 16 - 22, 2022
Colombos-Dooley Team
o one has SOL more than we have for a REASO ... We LO E what we do Let us help you get the results you want.
The ounding Agents of Compass Long Island and embers of the Lu ury ivision. Nicholas Colombos
Angela Dooley
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Lu ury ivision Council ember nick.colombos . .
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Lu ury ivision Council ember angela.dooley . .
The Colombos ooley Team is a team of real estate agents affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. orthern lvd, anhasset , . . .
230579 M
MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 9B
LIVING TRENDS from page 6B color combinations, but not individual colors per se. Color will be more vibrant in acid greens and medium-toned blues taking center stage. I sense metallic accents of gold and silver will be replaced with a touch of black which adds a level of sophistication to any room. The all-white kitchen has faded out to dark grey, ebony and shades of blue. People are less commitment-phobic and want to take chances and be different. European kitchens are incorporating open shelves with herb gardens lit by LED grow lights. Grandmillenial is becoming less grandma and more cool great aunt. Toss out the blue and white porcelain and incorporate more inspiration from your funky relatives world travels—caning, rope, rattan, Danish modern and Japanese in teak, light brown and cerused oak. I had one client that said after being away she was never sad to return to her home. It all comes down to personal choices and things that make you feel good. Invest in your home as it is your permanent vacation place. Worried about
Sell at Auction in New York!
Invest in your home like it is your permanent vacation. trends? Hiring a clever and design savvy interior designer will allow you to salvage former décor and bring it to the future. Greg Lanza is the owner of Greg Lanza Design / Birch Hill Design (New York and Florida). Visit for more information and inspiration.
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Colors like acid greens and medium-toned blues take centerstage. 230611 S
10B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • MARCH 16 - 22, 2022
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MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 11B
New Book Titles In Home Improvement And Design Keep the Memories, Lose the Stuff
Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Wiring
February 8, 2022 by Matt Paxton and Jordan Michael Smith America’s top cleaning expert and star of the hit series Legacy List with Matt Paxton distills his fail-proof approach to decluttering and downsizing.
Updated 8th Edition For more than 15 years, BLACK+DECKER The Complete Guide to Wiring has been the best-selling home wiring manual in North America. With this 8th edition, get the clearest, most up-to-date advice available.
Your boxes of photos, family’s china, and even the kids’ height charts aren’t just stuff; they’re attached to a lifetime of memories and letting them go can be scary. With empathy, expertise and humor, Keep the Memories, Lose the Stuff, written in collaboration with AARP, helps you sift through years of clutter, let go of what no longer serves you and identify the items worth keeping so that you can focus on living in the present. For more than 20 years, Paxton has helped people from all walks of life who want to live more simply, declutter and downsize. As a featured cleaner on Hoarders and host of the Emmy-nominated Legacy List with Matt Paxton on PBS, he has identified the psychological roadblocks that most organizational experts routinely miss but
that prevent so many of us from lightening our material load. Using poignant stories from the thousands of individuals and families he has worked with, Paxton brings his signature insight to a necessary task.
As the most current wiring book on the market, you can be confident that your projects will meet national wiring codes. You’ll also spend more time on your project and less time scratching your head thanks to more than 800 clear color photos and more than 40 diagrams that show you exactly what you need to know about home electrical service; all the most common circuits, all the most-needed techniques, all the most essential tools and materials. The information in this book has been created and reviewed by professional electricians under the watchful eye of the experts at BLACK+DECKER. You can find plenty of articles and videos about wiring online or in other
publications, but only The Complete Guide to Wiring has passed the rigorous test to make it part of the best DIY series from the brand you trust.
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12B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • MARCH 16 - 22, 2022
Ultimate Book of Home Plans
outsized impact on our wellbeing. In Feng Shui Modern, interior design expert Cliff Tan shows us that this can be a good thing. Using the traditional principles of chi (energy) to take inventory of
Find your dream home among the most popular plans from today’s top architects and designers. Whether you’ve always dreamed of building your own home or just can’t find the right house from among the dozens you’ve toured, this collection of ultimate plans can help you achieve the home of your dreams. You could have an architect create a one-of-a-kind home for you, but the design services alone could end up costing up to 15 percent of the cost of construction—a hefty premium for any building project. Ultimate Book of Home Plans allows you to select from 680 of the most popular designs from the nation’s top architects and designers, for a fraction of that cost. With 1,600 illustrations, drawings, and renderings and more than 550 gorgeous
our areas and tastes, Tan uses expert tips and unique illustrations to show us how our own styles, color palettes and pieces can maximize any environment, from dorm room to five-bedroom home.
Entertaining in Style: Nancy Astor and Nancy Lancaster: Table Settings, Recipes, Flower Arrangements, and Decorating full-color photographs, you can experience real exteriors and interiors of homes that were actually built from the designs, plus floor plans and design ideas. Virtually every home style is offered, including farmhouses, country cottages, contemporaries, luxury estates, vacation retreats and regional specialties.
Feng Shui Modern Hardcover —by Cliff Tan In an increasingly cramped world, a modern guide to opening up your living space-and your life-using the ancient principles of feng shui. The practice of feng shui, centuries old and rooted in ancient principles of harmony between people and their environments, has perhaps never been more necessary than in the modern world. As we pack our homes-and now our workspaces, too-into mere square footage, our living spaces have a newfound and
—by Jane Churchill and Emily Astor This book showcases timeless recipes and inspirations for the perfect party from cousins Nancy Astor and celebrated interior designer Nancy Lancaster, both renowned in 20th-century Britain for entertaining with style, sophistication and joie de vivre. Featuring original photography that highlights glamorous menus, interior décor, table settings, and flower arrangements, this book is an homage to joyful entertaining in the English country house style. Astor and Lancaster, both born American, were renowned as two of Britain’s greatest party-givers, excelling at gracious entertaining, witty repartee, and above all sophisticated menus—talents rooted in their upbringing at Mirador, their Albemarle County, Virginia, family estate known for its superb food.
—Book descriptions from respective publishers and Amazon; compiled by Christy Hinko.
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MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 13B
Kohler is more than just fixtures. heating, cooling, industrial and decorative kitchen and bath supplies for more than 100 years. In 1910, Charles S. Goldberg started what came to be known as Goldberg Plumbing Supply in Bayonne, NJ. Since then, the company has grown over four generations to become one of the largest distributors on the East Coast, with 20 locations (including 10 design showrooms and three Kohler Signature Stores) serving New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Visit to learn more.
Experience Kohler at its new showroom.
Kohler’s Signature Store Comes To Long Island BY ANTON MEDIA STAFF
Kohler Co., a global leader in the manufacture of kitchen and bath products, continues to expand its presence with the opening of its new Kohler Signature Store in Manhasset. Owned and operated by General Plumbing Supply, one of the largest and longest-standing distributors on the East Coast, the store is the distributor’s third location in the New Jersey/New York market, with more to come.
ituated on Northern Boulevard, just west of the luxurious Americana Manhasset shopping center, the new store spans more than 5,200 square feet and embraces the Long Island customer’s discerning style and personality. A trademark of Kohler Signature Stores, homeowners and designers have the opportunity to experience the Kohler Company family of brand products for the bath and kitchen that exemplify each brand’s intricate craftsmanship and dedication to sustainability. Display products include finish plumbing fixtures, lighting, mirrors, vanities and tile products by Kohler, Kallista, Robern and Ann Sacks. “The Manhasset Kohler Signature Store is an outstanding resource for design professionals and homeowners to turn their dream kitchen or bath into a reality,” said Justin Freedman, president at General Plumbing Supply. “Our consultants offer unmatched experience and provide
and kitchen needs. Conveniently schedule an appointment by phone or on the store’s website. The Kohler Signature Store by General Plumbing Supply is located at 1516 Northern Blvd. and is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
About Kohler Co.
Founded in 1873 and headquartered in Kohler, WI, Kohler Co. is one of America’s oldest and largest privately held companies comprised of more than 38,000 associates. With more than 50 manufacturing locations worldwide, Kohler is a global leader in the design, innovation and manufacture of kitchen and bath products; luxury cabinetry, tile and lighting; engines, generators and clean energy solutions; and owner/ operator of two, five-star hospitality and golf resort destinations in Kohler, WI and St. Andrews, Scotland. Kohler’s Whistling Straits golf course recently hosted the 43rd Ryder Cup. The company also develops solutions to address pressing issues, such as clean water and sanitation, for underserved communities around the world to enhance the quality of life for current and future generations. Visit for more information.
superior client services from concept to About General Plumbing delivery, whether the customer is looking Supply for a quick upgrade or undergoing a full General Plumbing Supply has been renovation.” a leading resource to contractors and The space includes elaborately designed homeowners for top-of-the-line plumbing, suites and ensembles showcasing product selections across a spectrum of design styles. Additionally, interactive displays allow visitors to experience spray technologies for the kitchen and bath, learn about Kohler’s smart home products and coordinate metal, wood, tile and fixture finishes. The extensive assortment of products on display provide design solutions at a variety of price points for any project. The Kohler Signature Store also offers design services including design development, product selection and 3-D renderings for homeowners needing visualization and project support. In addition to traditional business hours, consultants are available by virtual appointment, phone or email to assist consumers Kohler Co. and General Plumbing Supply opens in Manhasset. and trade professionals with their bathroom
14B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • MARCH 16 - 22, 2022
50 %
SAFAVIEH’S FAMOUS PRESEASON OUTDOOR FURNITURE SALE. The sale where you get extraordinary, one-time-per-year preseason discounts on Safavieh’s huge stock of stunning, designer outdoor furniture, or special-order your furniture for low preseason prices in just your style for speedy delivery before the season begins. If you are in the market for outdoor furniture, this is a sale you can’t miss. HURRY 2 WEEKS ONLY! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON IN-STOCK MERCHANDISE! BROWN JORDAN • CASTELLE • FRANKFORD UMBRELLAS • GLOSTER • LANE VENTURE • SEASIDE CASUAL • SUMMER CLASSIC • TELESCOPE TOMMY BAHAMA • TUUCI UMBRELLAS AND BEST OF ALL - WORLD-RENOWNED SAFAVIEH OUTDOOR RUGS & FURNITURE •516.945.3868
2 CHANNEL DRIVE | PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11050 | 516.945.3868
(Proceed to back of the building for Safavieh Outdoor entrance & parking) *Cannot be combined with any other offer, not valid on all brands. Offer good on new purchases only. Sale ends 3/31/22 230719 S
MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 15B
230554 S
16B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • MARCH 16 - 22, 2022
Recently Sold
This exceptional, one-of-a-kind Norgate residence with exciting architectural details at 39 Squirrel Hill Rd. in East Hills sold on Feb. 15 for $1,600,000. It has been renovated and expanded. The home has an open floor plan. Its welcoming great room (family room) has cathedral ceilings. It has a banquet-sized dining room, three fireplaces, a chef’s delight eat-in kitchen and a private home office. The luxurious and romantic, primary suite This multi-level home at 4 Beechwood Rd. in East Hills, set on nearly a half of an acre of picturesque property, sold on Feb. 16 for $1,199,000. It has four bedrooms and four bathrooms. It has a huge sundrenched living room with a fireplace and formal dining room with beautiful hardwood floors. There is a large eat-in-kitchen. Take a few steps down to a cozy den or perfect home office. The fourth bedroom is on its own level with new full bath. The flat usable property has a large deck. The home has gas heat and a full-house generator. It is located within the Roslyn School District and has membership to the community pool and park.
Campaign Urges Phosphorus-Free Lawn Fertilizer
has a master bath and huge walk-in closets. The home has an upper-level laundry room. The extraordinary, enlarged lower level has a gym, a home theater, a bedroom and a full bathroom. The home has a picturesque outdoor entertainment space and equipped with Fido’s Fences. It is zoned for membership at the East Hills pool and park district, located in the Roslyn School District. This home is close to houses of worship.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos announced the launch of the annual “Look for the Zero” public awareness campaign to encourage homeowners to go phosphorus-free when using lawn fertilizer. Consumers should review bag labels for phosphorus content when shopping for fertilizer. Fertilizer labels have three numbers and the number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, such as: 22-0-15. More than 100 water bodies in New York cannot be used or enjoyed because of phosphorus overuse. The nutrient runoff law prohibits the use of phosphorus fertilizers unless a new lawn is being established or a soil test shows the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Only newly established lawns or those with poor soil need phosphorus. Excess phosphorus from lawns can wash off and pollute lakes and streams, harming fish, pets or people that use these waters for recreating and a source of revenue for towns that must close beaches or boating areas. State law requires retailers to post signs notifying customers of the terms of the law and to display phosphorus fertilizer separately from phosphorus-free fertilizer. DEC is encouraging homeowners to practice more sustainable lawn care and choose native plants and grasses, which are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions. These plant species provide nectar, pollen
and seeds that serve as food for native butterflies, insects, birds, and other animals. Organic lawn care can easily be implemented on any lawn and safe and effective alternatives exist for most chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Recommendations for sustainable lawn care include spreading a quarter inch of compost on the lawn to improve moisture retention and soil texture and add beneficial microorganisms and nutrients. Allow grass to grow to three inches and then cut no more than one inch off the top. The “one-third” rule helps develop a deeper root system, which is a natural defense against weeds, disease and drought. Leave lawn clippings after mowing to improve the health of the lawn. Clippings are 80 percent water and contain two to four percent nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients. Leaving clippings saves homeowners time after mowing and reduces the amount of garbage. Grass clippings can account for as much as 10 percent of garbage. —DEC
Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.
Another Successful Sale. Let me do the same for you.
Lattingtown | 90 Old Tappan Road Under Contract | $2,948,000
Biagia “Gina” D’Amico, Licensed R. E. Salesperson
230720 M
10A MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
Living Your Best Self: An Intimate Discussion About Breast Reconstruction
n educational forum about breast reconstruction--Living Your Best Self: An Intimate Discussion about Breast Reconstruction and Emotional Healing for Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors—will be presented on Zoom by the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program on Wednesday, March 16, from 6 to 7:30 pm. This program is presented by the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program in partnership with The Friedman Center for Breast and Lymphatic Surgery at Northwell Health. At this free forum, attendees will hear different experiences from two breast cancer patients and learn about innovative breast reconstruction options. Topics to be discussed include understanding the psychosocial aspects of the breast cancer journey and building resilience, what to expect during the healing process and optimizing recovery and navigating fertility during a breast cancer diagnosis. In addition to the two breast cancer survivors, panelists include Neil Tanna, MD, Associate Program Director, Plastic Surgery, Vice President, Women’s Surgical Services Glen Cove Hospital, Northwell Health and Professor of Surgery, Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, and Angela Papalia, LMSW, Assistant Director, Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program. The moderator for the evening is Janet Gerlach, Program Director, The Friedman Center for Breast and Lymphatic Surgery at Northwell Health. This forum is free, however, you must
Dr. Neil Tanna (Photo courtesy of the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program)
register online, https://breast-cancer. for the event. The Zoom link will be sent in a confirmation email once registered. Spanish interpretation will be available during this program. For more information, call 516-877-4325. The educational forum is sponsored due to generous funding from Vioptix, Rensenation brought to you by Axogen, Bard, the Junior Coalition of the Manhasset Women’s Coalition Against Breast Cancer and Northwell Health Cancer Institute. —Submitted by the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program
North Hempstead Reminds Residents About Emergency Rental Assistance Program North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and the town board are reminding residents that the town has partnered with New York State to create an Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), to assist residents who are having difficulties paying their rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is made possible with $6.8 million in federal funding from the U.S. Treasury’s Consolidated Appropriations Act, which provided coronavirus emergency response relief. It is part of a national $25 billion program to assist households. In order for residents to be eligible, 230543 S
they must meet certain criteria: must reside in the Town of North Hempstead and must not be receiving other federal assistance for the same amounts. New York State’s Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance will be responsible for evaluating applications and candidates and will be the entity issuing the checks. Residents are encouraged to apply. The program will conclude when funds have been fully distributed. Visit for more information. —Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 11A
BUYING & SELLING Coins Currency Diamonds Gold Jewelry Military Platinum Silver Sports Cards Comic Books Watches
DEALERS WELCOME. Hundreds of pre-owned jewelry items to choose from
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GET PAID ON THE SPOT Attention Attorney: Eastern offers verbal Estate Appraisals with immediate offer. We are a Federally Licensed Firearm Dealer. We offer firearms removal, storage and appraisals. See Our Website
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230420 M
Coin & Jewelry Exchange Hours: Eastern Numismatics Business Monday-Friday
12A MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direc always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you hav By Holiday Mathis pleted the puzzle, there will be 22 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle. By Holiday Holiday Mathis By Mathis
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Keeping to yourself is easy, though it’s not what’s best for you. Socializing grows you in all sorts of unanticipated ways. This week you’ll enjoy familiar people, but don’t be afraid to branch out. It’s the scary and exciting wild card that will ultimately sharpen you and open new opportunity.
A night at the opera Solution: 22 Letters
WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 22 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
A night at the opera Solution: 22 Letters
© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Selfishness causes conflicts. Get to the bottom of it by trying to understand what exactly it is that people want. It’s often not what they say or even what they think they want. You’ll sense how people are feeling and what they might be lacking. You can help get everyone on the same page, working together with aligned goals. CANCER (June 22-July 22). It’s exciting to watch people doing things. It’s not fun at all to watch people looking at screens. This is why the most attractive people are the ones who have at least a few hobbies that do not involve a computer. This week you’ll cultivate talents outside the digital world to stellar effect.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your mind is a beautiful vehicle that can go where other vehicles cannot. You can visit dreams, go back and forth in time and rehearse experiences you’d like to have. The world you create in your imagination will influence the real world. The weekend brings luck for finding new treasures; you’ll add to a collection. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Good communication isn’t something you can set up and then ignore; it needs to be maintained. In the weeks to come you will open and strengthen various lines of communication. This week brings new people into your realm. Start building trust. These ties have the potential to enrich you in untold ways. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your attractions will drive you even when they are not at the front of your mind. Sometimes you will have to remind yourself what excites and delights you. Describe the moment when your passion ignited, and you will feel it flicker anew. The color of the fire may have changed, but it still burns just as hot. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). According to Shakespeare, brevity is the soul of wit. According to Dorothy Parker, brevity is the soul of lingerie. And according to this week, brevity is the soul of pleasure, as too much of any good thing will be a terrible thing. In moderation will be delight. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your mind is skeptical of gut feelings. Your instincts come from a mysterious place your mind has never visited and doubts exists. However, more often than not, the wisdom that comes from the center of your being is right. No matter how illogical a notion may seem, give some credence to what feels right. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You believe in equality, and you treat everyone with the same respect. However, you also recognize that people have different needs, expectations and preferences. You’ll pull off something amazing this week. You’ll cater to people specifically yet still uphold the ethos of equality.
You’ll make something that matters with someone you care about. In the process, you’ll exchange little pieces of your soul. Love is collaboration. Collaboration is love. When it works with a person or a group of people, keep going with the same team. The work gets easier, and the magic gets deeper. An advanced training will prove worth the price of admission. You’ll grow your skills and financial potential. Well-managed money will bring more freedom to you and yours.
STREET, 41st
CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 236 Creators Syndicate
737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 9 0254
FOR RELEASE Creators THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2022 Syndicate
Date: 3/18/22
By Steve Becker Date: 3/18/22
737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 9 0254 Ultrasane insanity 310-337-7003 •
South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH ♠— ♥K 8 7 2 ♦ A K Q 10 9 3 ♣ 10 7 4 WEST EAST ♠ K Q 10 6 2 ♠AJ853 ♥9 6 4 ♥ 10 ♦852 ♦74 ♣Q 3 ♣K 9 8 6 5 SOUTH ♠974 ♥A Q J 5 3 ♦J6 ♣A J 2 The bidding: South West North East 1♥ Pass 3 ♠(!) Pass 4♣ Pass 5 NT(!!) Pass 7♥ Opening lead — king of spades. Without an explanation, the bidding by North on this deal suggests that he may have taken leave of his senses, but nobody would criticize the final contract, which is laydown. It just goes to show that crazy-looking bids can be very successful, even though they don’t mean what they seem to say. A number of years ago, some genius (according to the Official Encyclopedia of Bridge, it was Dorothy Hayden Truscott) came up with the idea that a jump-shift
response one level higher than necessary indicates a void or a singleton in the suit bid, adequate support for partner’s last-bid suit and sufficient values for at least a game, with a potential for slam opposite a fitting hand. That accounts for North’s three-spade bid, commonly called a “splinter bid.” Certainly the North hand is ideally suited for such a convention. The moment partner opens one heart, North should start thinking in terms of a slam. From North’s viewpoint, the key to the slam is South’s holding in spades and clubs. South could have spade strength and three club losers, or, ideally, club strength and three spade losers. The three-spade bid thus encourages South, who has no wasted values in spades, to cooperate by cuebidding the ace of clubs. North is delighted to hear this bid, leaving South’s trump holding the only question remaining to be resolved. Accordingly, North next invokes the “grand slam force” convention by leaping to five notrump. This commands South to bid seven hearts if he holds two of the top three trump honors. So South dutifully bids the grand slam, with full confidence that North has not gone completely berserk.
Tomorrow: Bidding quiz.
Pits Saga Pits Sails Saga Soloists Sails Stage Soloists Stage Steps Steps Studio Studio Tenor Tenor
olution: A real treat for the senses
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You feel pressure because you make rules for yourself. The rules that cause stress could easily be omitted or changed. This is all up to you. It’s a week to get curious about your expectations of yourself. How harsh are you being? What would happen if you decided you have nothing to prove?
Aida Curtain Horns Aria Dining Libretto Curtain Horns Bass DramaAida Lift Aria Dining Libretto Bennelong Dress Bass circle Melba Lift Drama Point DrinksBennelong Mezzo Dress circle Melba Point Drinks Cahill Duet Mozart Mezzo Mozart Cahill Duet EncoreChoir Music Music Choir Encore Clap Excitement Excitement Note Note Clap Comic Famous Famous Opera Opera Comic Australia Concert Figaro FigaroCough Concert FinaleAustralia Piano Finale Piano Cough FROM KING FEATURES SYNDICATE, 300 W. 57th
Solution: A real treat for the senses
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There’s a shroud of mystery over a relationship, especially its future. This doesn’t have to cause anyone stress. The less you want and need out of the tie, the more lighthearted and playful you feel. Maybe it’s better that you have no idea where things are going. This is what makes it so exciting.
© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You pride yourself on concise communication. If you can’t be brief, you strive to at least be entertaining. And though you wouldn’t choose to ramble on to a captive audience, you are still willing to listen when people have trouble getting to the point. Your grace and social aptitude will earn you plenty of goodwill.
©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc.
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 16 - 22, 2022 13A
Weekly Sudoku Puzzle Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle
To Advertise here call 516-403-5170 • Email your ad to: Request for Proposal A nonprofit organization in Port Washington is seeking sealed bids for the sale and installation of security related enhancements. The project includes: purchase and installation of approximately 63 security-grade bollards around the perimeter of our building. The selection criteria will be based on knowledge of security grade bollards, adherence to projected work schedule, prior experience and capabilities, completeness of offer, references, and cost. Specifications and bid requirements can be obtained by contacting us at All interested firms will be required to sign documents for the proposal and provide a primary contact, telephone, and email address. Bids will be accepted until Sunday, April 10th, 2022. Work is to commence by August 8th, 2022 and be completed by 230929 M September 30th, 2022.
AUTO / MOTORCYCLE ***AAA*** AUTO BUYERS $Highest$ Ca$h Paid$. All Years/ Conditions! WE VISIT YOU! Or Donate, Tax Deduct + Ca$h. DMV ID#1303199. Call LUKE 516-VAN-CARS. 516-297-227 Drive Out Breast Cancer: Donate a car today! The benefits of donating your car or boat: Fast Free Pickup - 24hr Response Tax Deduction - Easy To Do! Call 24/7: 855-905-4755
Request for Proposal A nonprofit organization in Port Washington is seeking sealed bids for the sale and installation of security related enhancements. The project includes: purchase and installation of solar powered motion sensor outdoor lighting. The selection criteria will be based on knowledge of solar powered outdoor lighting, adherence to projected work schedule, prior experience and capabilities, completeness of offer, references, and cost. Specifications and bid requirements can be obtained by contacting us at All interested firms will be required to sign documents for the proposal and provide a primary contact, telephone, and email address. Bids will be accepted until Sunday, April 10th, 2022. Work is to commence by July 8th, 2022 and be completed by August 30th, 2022. 230930 M
WE HAVE THE HELP YOU NEED WE HELP YOU NEED HHA,HAVE LPN, THE Nurse’s Aide, Childcare, Housekeeping & Day Workers. HHA, LPN, Nurse’s Aide, Childcare, No Fees to Employers. Housekeeping & Day Workers. Call Evons No Fees toServices Employers. 516-505-5510 Call Evons Services 516-505-5510
230297 S 230297 S
COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM! Train ONLINE to get the skills to become a Computer & Help Desk Professional now! Grants and Scholarships available for certain programs for qualified applicants. Call CTI for details! (844) 947-0192 (M-F 8am-6pm ET) DISTRICT OPENINGS - Monticello Central School Elementary Teacher Leave Replacement Positions through June 2022 Elementary Math/Science Teacher (MS) NYS Certification Required Please apply online by Mar 22nd at EOE Groundskeepers & maintainers for seasonal, PT, & FT positions at the Sands Point Preserve. Mowing, trimming, leaf blowing & mulching, & other outdoor tasks. Hours: 7-3:30, M-F. COVID-19 vaccination required. Call Linda 516-570-2261 or 230939 M GN Park District is looking for Launch Operators w/ a valid launch operator license; Apr.-Oct. $21/hr.; $25 masters+. Flexible hrs. Contact or 516-418-0162. In addition, we have many seasonal jobs available. Visit Employment for more info or call 516-487-GNPD. 230706 M
Helper Awning Installations Flex P/T, Will-Call basis, good pay, seasonal work, occasional work. Up to one day per week. Earn Extra $ 516-674-3911
230964 M
IMMEDIATE OPENINGS - Monticello Central School Living Environment/General Science Teacher (MS) GRANT FUNDED POSITIONS Special Educations Social Studies Teacher (7-12) Social Studies Teacher (7-12) Special Education ELA Teacher (7-12) NYS Certification Required Please apply online by Apr 8th at https:// EOE TRAIN AT HOME TO DO MEDICAL BILLING! Become a Medical Office Professional online at CTI! Get Trained, Certified & ready to work in months! Call 855-543-6440. (M-F 8am-6pm ET)
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VIAGRA & CIALIS! 60 pills for $99. 100 pills for $150. FREE shipping. Money back guaranteed! 1-855-579-8907
HOME SERVICES Arborvitae privacy hedge, Spring Sale! 6-foot Arborvitae, regularly $199; order early, $95 each! Beautiful & bushy with free delivery, free installation. Larger sizes available! 518-536-1367 BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 866-393-3636 BEST SATELLITE TV with 2 Year Price Guarantee! $59.99/mo with 190 channels and 3 months free premium movie channels! Free next day installation! Call 888-508-5313 DISH TV $64.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo Expires 1/21/23. 1-888-609-9405 Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off and 0% financing for those who qualify. PLUS Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-877-763-2379
CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS COORDINATOR / CUSTOMER SUPPORT Metro Team Sports is a full service athletic team dealer. We provide outstanding service and top quality team uniforms, apparel and gear to athletic departments of high schools, colleges, universities and leagues. Metro Team Sports is a continuously growing company that has been in business for nearly 20 years. We are looking for an Account Coordinator to begin immediately. Ideally, this position would be full time hours from 9am- 5pm but we are also willing to accept part time availability of 9am – 3pm with the right qualified candidate. The Account Coordinator is the primary point of contact for clients and acts as the voice of Metro Team Sports. This is a growth opportunity to learn all aspects of the business beginning with order entry, order processing and working up to being a skilled and valued team member. The Account Coordinator is responsible for assisting their dedicated sales person and Account Manager to process team uniform orders, ordering products from widely known apparel vendors and working with our print partners to get the order to the customer on time. Additional job responsibilities would include: • Managing customer relationships throughout the ordering process • Coordinate with off-site production on a high volume of orders • Possess a high processing speed as a routine part of daily activities • Organize and prioritize a wide variety of tasks • Efficiently and effectively enter and process sales orders using our industry specific software Requirements: • Minimum 2 year college degree required, 4 year college degree preferred • 1-2 years of proven customer service experience in a fast paced environment • Extensive knowledge of all aspects of Microsoft Office, with knowledge of Quickbooks a plus • Outstanding communication skills, both verbal and written • Highly organized team player who strives to provide unparalleled customer service • “Can do” friendly attitude with the ability to self-manage • Detail oriented and ability to meet deadlines Job Compensation: • Starting salary of $40,000+ for full time candidates, commensurate with experience • Hybrid work schedule with 2 days in the office and 3 days remote, M-F and no weekends • Health benefits • Profit sharing • 401K Qualified candidates, in addition to your resume, please submit a cover letter to telling us what it was about our posting that made you want to apply AND what skills you are using in your current position that would make you stand out from other candidate 230857 S
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • FEBRUARY 16 -- 22, 22, 2022 2022 15A 15 ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 16
HOME SERVICES Never Pay For Covered Home Repairs Again! Complete Care Home Warranty COVERS ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES. 30 DAY RISK FREE. $200.00 OFF + 2 FREE Months! 866-440-6501 The Generac PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-888-871-0194 WIREMAN/CABLEMAN Flat TVs mounted, Phone, TVs & Computer wiring installed & serviced, camera & stereos, HDTV – Antennas – FREE TV Call Dave 516-433-WIRE (9473) 631-667-WIRE (9473) or 230282 S Text 516-353-1118
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OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. Best selection of full/partial week rentals. FREE Color Brochure. Holiday Real Estate, Inc: 1-800-638-2102 Online reservations: $75 discount - new rentals. Code: “ToTheOcean2022” Expires 05-01-2022)
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continued from page xx
KEYSPAN GAS EAST CORPORATION d/b/a NATIONAL GRID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by KeySpan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid (“Company”) that it has filed with the New York State Public Service Commission (“Commission”) proposed tariff revisions to its Schedule for Gas Service, PSC No.1 – GAS, to become effective, on a temporary basis, April 1, 2022. These revisions have been filed in compliance with the Commission’s Order issued August 12, 2021 in Case 19-G-0310. The table below compares the Company’s current rates (prior to April 1, 2022) to rates effective April 1, 2022 by service classification. Effective April 1, 2022, $2.5 million has been removed from base delivery rates to be collected through the ‘Rate Adjustment Clause’. The Rate Adjustment Clause is a separate surcharge that will be included in the Delivery Rate Adjustment line on customers’ bills. S.C. No. 1A, 5-1A – Residential Non-Heating Service S.C. No. 1AR, 5-1AR – Residential Non-Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 3 therms or less $19.75 $19.75 Next 47 therms, per therm $1.5459 $1.6089 Over 50 therms, per therm $0.3670 $0.3926
S.C. No. 1B, 5-1B – Residential Heating Service S.C. No. 1BR, 5-1BR – Residential Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 3 therms or less $21.66 $21.66 Next 47 therms, per therm $1.2939 $1.3435 Over 50 therms, per therm $0.3046 $0.3163
S.C. No. 1B-DG, 5-1B-DG – Distributed Generation continued on page xxS.C. No. 2-A, 5-2A – Non-Residential Non-Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 3 therms or less $37.66 $37.66 First 3 therms or less $33.04 $33.04 Next 87 therms, per therm $1.8007 $1.8332 Over 3 therms, per therm $0.1772 $0.1786 Next 2,910 therms, per therm $0.3651 $0.3717 Over 3,000 therms, per therm $0.2346 $0.2390 S.C. No. 2-B, 5-2B – Non-Residential Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 3 therms or less $37.66 $37.66 Next 87 therms, per therm $1.7779 $1.8319 Next 2,910 therms, per therm $0.4464 $0.4600 Over 3,000 therms, per therm $0.3082 $0.3175
S.C. No. 3, 5-3 – Multi-Family Service Monthly usage Current Rates First 3 therms or less $74.66 Next 997 therms, per therm $0.4921 Over 1,000 therms, per therm $0.2906
S.C. 9, 5-9 – Uncompressed Natural Gas Vehicle Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 3 therms or less $38.00 $38.00 Over 3 therms, per therm $0.5645 $0.6133
S.C No. 15, 5-15 – High Load Factor Service Monthly usage Current Rates First 10 therms or less $153.35 Over 10 therms, per therm $0.2247 S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation Rate 1 – Less than 1MW Monthly usage Current Rates First 10 therms or less $180.61 Over 10 therms, per therm (Apr – Oct) $0.1506 Over 10 therms, per therm (Nov – Mar) $0.1935
S.C. No. 16, 5-16 – Year-Round Space Conditioning Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 3 therms or less $230.43 $230.43 Next 497 therms, per therm $1.6932 $1.7227 Over 500 therms, per therm $0.2903 $0.2953
04/01/22 $74.66 $0.5025 $0.2968
04/01/22 $153.35 $0.2231 04/01/22 $180.61 $0.1506 $0.1934
S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation – Rate 2 Equal to or greater than 1 MW but less than 5 MW Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 10 therms or less $328.22 $328.22 Over 10 therms, per therm (Apr – Oct) $0.1506 $0.1506 Over 10 therms, per therm (Nov – Mar) $0.1935 $0.1934
S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation – Rate 3 Equal to or greater than 5 MW but less than 50 MW Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 10 therms or less $949.35 $949.35 Over 10 therms, per therm (Apr – Oct) $0.0373 $0.0373 Over 10 therms, per therm (Nov – Mar) $0.0509 $0.0509 Demand charge per therm of MPDQ $6,252.00 $6,252.00
S.C. 18/19 – Non-Firm Demand Response Sales Service Tier 1 Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 10 therms or less $375.00 $375.00 Over 10 therms, per therm $0.0749 $0.1608
S.C. 18/19 – Non-Firm Demand Response Sales Service Tier 2 Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 10 therms or less $375.00 $375.00 Over 10 therms, per therm $0.0600 $0.1285
These revisions have been filed in compliance with the Commission’s Order issued August 12, 2021 in Case 19-G-0310. Copies of the proposed revisions are available for public inspection and can be obtained on the Company’s website at or the PSC’s website ( KEYSPAN GAS EAST CORPORATION d/b/a NATIONAL GRID 230468 M
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Minuteman Press Syosset Employee Todd Brown’s impressive printing career includes over 40 years of dedicated service to Minuteman Press in Syosset
n 1971, Todd Brown began his career in printing through a special program that gave him paid work at the school district print shop. Todd shares his incredible story of longevity in the industry, which includes over 40 years as an integral employee of Minuteman Press in Syosset, N.Y. The Syosset franchise is one of the original ten Minuteman Press locations. Todd says, “I started with Minuteman Press in September 1977. It was an entirely different business back then, and I was hired by the Executive Vice President and Director of Training Michael Jutt, as a press operator for the Syosset location. We had the original husband and wife owners and myself. I did whatever needed to be done and I already had six years of experience doing the kind of printing that we did during those early years.” Speaking on his printing background before Minuteman Press, Todd shares, “The school district print shop is where I was first hired while I was in high school. I was able to learn how to run a printing press and it’s where I cut my teeth in the industry and learned how to deal with paper and ink.” “After graduation, I worked for several print shops. One of my jobs was with Hills Supermarkets doing their printing. I was laid off and that’s when I replied to an ad for Minuteman Press,” Todd continued. Todd’s original run with Minuteman Press in Syosset lasted eight years. “I left for three or four years to learn more and take other positions. The owners reached out to me to come back and I agreed it was the best fit. I was now married, I had a house, and I agreed to come back to run the back of the shop and become Shop Manager,” Todd stated. “I simply know printing and I love what I do. I always took the attitude of treating the shop and customers like it was my own. You can’t work in this business and say ‘that’s not my job.’ It’ll get you and the business nowhere,” continued Todd. Todd reflects on how the printing industry has changed over the years, as well as how he has been able to keep up with the changes. “The entire industry has evolved. Digital printing is constantly changing as is technology,” said Todd. He further explains how he was able to adapt to new technology over the years: “When computers became more prevalent, I made it a point to learn graphic design on my own with whatever programs were available. I’ve been a musician my entire life so I would use different pro-
Todd Brown at the Minuteman Press center in Syosset, N.Y. Todd has been an integral part of the team for over 40 years, first joining the staff in September 1977. (Photo courtesy of Minuteman Press International)
grams like Adobe PageMaker, Photoshop, and Print Shop Deluxe for passion projects but also to learn more about graphics from a printing standpoint.” He adds, “As the business changed, I was able to pretty seamlessly move into that side of the business. When I created flyers for my band, I knew what I needed to do in terms of matching the design to the plates.” “The main thing about the printing side of this business that most people don’t realize is that it’s still about paper. Paper is the one thing that has remained consistent no matter what else has changed. Paper has certain characteristics and when you do a job, even digitally, you have to know the intricacies of the process. As a professional printer, you know what’s required in order to print, cut, bind, and assemble a job. If you want a button pusher, go to Staples,” stated Todd. For Minuteman Press in Syosset, their success and longevity all comes down to a team effort. Owner Mitch Parker has been running the business since February 2008, and Todd works hand-in-hand with
graphic designer Denise to make sure jobs cally. The 80-year-old lady that comes in are fit to print. probably knows more than the younger Todd explains, “I am responsible for customers about printing. It’s importprinting virtually any job that requires ant to educate all of our clients with the printing on digital machines. Denise does knowledge we have so we can produce the a fantastic job. She sets up the files, I dou- best finished products for them. Most of ble-check them, and then we go to print. the time, they do come back and say how We work together to make sure things are much they appreciate our work. Once set up properly and I help fine-tune the they see the high-quality work we have printing end of everything. She has also done for them, they are thankful,” said taught me about the software and design Todd. aspects as well, which is really Outside of the business, Todd helpful.” has taken up a new passion One of the biggest differas his days as a musician ences between printing have faded. for clients 40 years ago “I am now I simply know printing and vs. today is how the 67-years-old so I am I love what I do. I always artwork is provided. no longer doing as took the attitude of treating Todd explains, much music. Today, the shop and customers like “Back when I first I am really into slot it was my own. You can’t started, you essencars. I build tracks, work in this business and tially made the artI detail them, and I say ‘that’s not my job.’ It’ll work for clients. They even create signage get you and the business would bring something for the ‘town’ I’ve nowhere. in such as a sketch and put together. I am on you then created the Facebook groups where —Todd Brown specifications required people share their slot for printing. Today, you are given the car photos. People have even asked artwork and a lot of the job is educating me to make slot car signs for their towns customers on print specifications. It goes after seeing my photos and the details I back to the fact that paper is different than add. It’s a fun community,” Todd coma smartphone or computer screen. A little mented. knowledge can be dangerous when you What are the key lessons that Todd has need the bigger picture to really get the learned during his 50 years in printing? job done right. So that’s where we come He answers, “Care, that’s the most imin.” portant thing. Also, stay one step ahead of Todd continues, “For example, we open the customer and lead them in the right up files from phones that are low resoludirection. You’re the professional, so use tion. We go back to the customer as early that experience to help them.” as we can in the process to make sure For more information on Minuteman they are informed and to make sure the Press in Syosset, visit www.syosset.minjob goes out correctly. The quality of the Learn more about #1 finished product justifies the extra time in rated Minuteman Press franchise opporeducating them and reaching out, so it’s tunities at www.minutemanpressfranimportant to stay on top of customer-sup- plied artwork. It comes with experience.” —Submitted by “Customers have changed dramatiMinuteman Press International
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Celebrate With Alexander’s Angels L
ong Island Celebrates! World Down Syndrome Day, one of two major annual events organized by Alexander’s Angels, evolved into a very lively celebration in 2016 with the establishment of the organization’s Youth/Self-Advocates Group. Although the 2020 event was cancelled due to the pandemic and a virtual one was held in 2021, Long Island Celebrates! World Down Syndrome Day has found a new home at Simon’s Roosevelt Field for 2022. The celebration will take place in Macy’s Court on Sunday, March 20 from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. The fun-filled activities will include a DJ, strolling Star Wars characters, and the highly energetic ACDS “Let’s Groove” Zumba performers. As more activities await confirmation, Team Carlani is already planning to keep the children busy at its arts & crafts tables. As in the past, the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) cadets will help at the event—it did not go unnoticed that this squadron as well as the mall is named after Lt. Quentin Roosevelt. Another activity is in place for Tuesday, March 22 at 1:30 p.m. The Up of Down: An Insight into the World of Down Syndrome – A Joint Provider Virtual Conference with Alexander’s Angels, Inc., and NYU Langone Hospital—Long Island will highlight the progress
on Down Syndrome research. It consists of speakers from a broad spectrum of specialties. Current findings will be presented by faculty from prestigious universities with affiliated hospitals on their campuses. This conference will offer 2.75 CME credits and 2.74 ANCC contact hours. Consistent with the goal of the Up of Down project as well as with Alexander’s Angels mission, each speaker will be introduced by a self-advocate. World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), March 21, is indeed a very symbolic date as Down syndrome occurs when there are three rather than two copies of the 21 chromosome. This global awareness day established in 2006 and officially observed by the United Nations since 2012, has been coordinated on Long Island since 2010 by Alexander’s Angels, an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization based in Jericho. Alexander’s Angels, Inc. was founded in 2007 by the family and friends of Alexander Gomez-Nieto who has Down syndrome. Don’t miss the two events that Alexander’s Angels, in collaboration with Simon Roosevelt Field and NYU Langone Hospital – Long Island, is organizing for you. For more details on these activities, visit —Submitted by Alexander’s Angels
Two Jericho HS Students Receive Silver Medal Two Jericho HS Students received Silver medal on Junior Olympics National Fencing team game in Salt Lake City, Utah. Second from the left: Ethan Kwon (11th grade Jericho High School student), Jun Ahn (10th grade Great Neck South High School student) and Jeffrey Zhai. Ethan Kwon has been competing for 6 years, Jun Ann for 6 years and Jeffrey Zhai for 5 years. (Photo courtesy of Kiwon Kwon)
Board Of Education Meeting Notice
Syosset High School (Photo source: Facebook)
There will be a meeting of the Board of Education on Monday, March 21, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Syosset High School on 70 Southwoods Rd., Syosset, New York. At that time, the Board of Education will determine whether to go into Executive Session. If there is a need for an Executive Session, the Board will vote to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing matters regarding collective bargaining negotiations, the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person and to obtain legal advice regarding proposed, pending or current litigation. If no Executive Session is needed, the
Board will recess until the public portion of the Budget Information Meeting and Monthly Board of Education Meeting at 8:00 p.m. The Board of Education will reconvene for the Budget Information Meeting at approximately 8:00 p.m. followed by the public portion of the Monthly Board of Education Meeting at Syosset High School, 70 Southwoods Road, Syosset, New York. The Syosset Board of Education and Administration welcome you to observe the Board of Education Meeting via livestream broadcast on the District website. —Submitted by Syosset Central School District
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Brady’s Championships And Stats Are Not His Most Significant Legacy
om Brady, a 211-pound, 6-foot man coming out of the University of Michigan, changed America’s most famous sport forever. Drafted to the New England Patriots in the year 2000 and finishing his career in 2022 on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Tom Brady, the “G.O.A.T,” legend, superstar, husband, and father, was way more than just a great football player. Tom Brady was extremely successful for 22 years, aging like fine wine, finding a way to balance the lifestyle of the superstar quarterback on the field and the role of a father and husband at home. How was this man able to last 22 years in the hard-hitting NFL? Of course, the obvious answers are his skillset, determination, and work ethic. But, if you ask me, the primary reason Brady endured over two decades is because of the way he took care of his body. While he will likely be remembered for winning seven Super Bowls and breaking essentially every NFL quarterback record, perhaps his most impressive achievement and most significant legacy is how he revolutionized the way athletes think about themselves. Tom Brady invested in his body like few athletes did before him—maintaining a rigorous workout schedule, allowing time for his body to recover, and most importantly, considering every drop of food he ate, like a racecar driver meticulously selecting his car’s gasoline. The NFL was created in 1920, and we will never see another Tom Brady again, an individual who sacrificed so much time and effort to maintain his greatness for what felt like eternity. In order to maintain that elite status everyone grew to expect from him, he focused on his training methods and nutritional choices. In an interview with Bodybuilding, Brady said that in the offseason he does cardio six days a week, 40 to 60 minutes per day, and follows an intense lifting schedule. Transparent and honest about his regimen, he stated in his book that “80 percent of what the Brady household eats is vegetables.” He also revealed that his fridge is full of fruits (grapes, blueberries, apples, pears, bananas, etc.) and veggies (cucumbers, kale, spinach, etc.). He adds TB12 electrolytes to his water and is a regular consumer of recovery fluids. In addition, on game days, Tom only has a smoothie and an almond butter and jelly sandwich. According to Men’s Health, Brady has a smoothie, avocado, and eggs for breakfast each day. For lunch, he usually
Tom Brady of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. (Creative Commons CC0) has a salad with nuts and fish, and for dinner, he’ll often eat roasted vegetables and plain chicken. As far as snacking in between meals, Brady tends to partake in hummus, guacamole, or mixed nuts. When it comes to recovery and relaxation time, before bed Brady helps his body recover by using his Vibrating Pliability Roller and Sphere to roll through any sore or tight areas. He’ll flush through each muscle group for 20 to 30 seconds to help maintain flexibility and speed up his recovery. While Tom Brady is human, breathing through lungs like the rest of us, he does not have the same mentality as the average person. On top of that, the science behind Brady’s success is truly fascinating, as his daily exercise routines take many different forms. Obviously, as a player in the NFL, strength and conditioning is a major factor that contributes to gameplay. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues, helping the cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when the health of the heart and lungs improve, there’s abundantly more energy and strength to compete at such a high level. Perhaps, no professional football player embodied this understanding like #12. In addition to exercise, the nutritional science of Brady’s meals empowered him
to play for so long, as he stuck to a strict diet with very limited fats, carbohydrates, and sugars. Brady’s healthy eating came with an array of benefits, like providing him with substantially more energy and boosting his mood, which certainly helped to maintain his rapport and communication skills with teammates. Furthermore, Brady’s recovery habits were truly unique. Recovery time after an intense workout or training is extremely important to help with the muscles. Active recovery improves blood circulation that helps with the removal of waste products from muscle breakdown that build up as a result of exercise. This allows fresh blood to bring nutrients that help repair and 1
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rebuild the muscles. This led to Brady perpetually feeling better, playing efficiently, and working out for longer periods of time. Brady didn’t play 22 years because of exceptional luck or superhuman skills. He simply made the right choices and committed to following them through. Playing any sport for an extended period of time can become mentally and physically draining and exhausting—especially when there are millions of eyes on you and high expectations and billion dollar brands involved. For many of us, this pressure would be overwhelming, leading to meltdowns of all sorts. Yet, Brady has repeatedly said that he thrives under pressure and loves the spotlight. As he confidently put it, “I feel like I’m just really focused, like I really can hone in on what I need to do.” While thriving under immense pressure, the pressure certainly took its toll. Numerous times in the past, Brady has said he loves the bye week because he needs a mental day and some relaxing time to spend with his kids. Many studies have shown that it is essential to take a mental health day when needed. While one day might not solve all of your issues and underlying problems, it can provide a much-needed break, a pause and a regroup, enabling you to come back with greater levels of energy, less stress, and a healthier perspective. Yes, Tom Brady changed the game, quite an extraordinary feat for someone who was picked 199th in his draft class. But maybe his most monumental contribution to the game is showing his contemporaries— and all of those who will follow him—that being great is not just about what you do on the field or even in the gym. It’s what you do with each second you have and every decision you make. —Submitted by Brandon Newman10th grade Syosset student
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