An Anton Media Group Publication
Westbury, Mineola, Garden City and New Hyde Park
Also serving: Floral Park, GCP, Albertson, The Willistons, Carle Place, Old Westbury, Salisbury Vol. 116, No. 10
March 23 – 29, 2022
In Mineola: Digital scrapbook chronicles Mineola Memorial Library history (See page 15) In Garden City: Garden City High, Adelphi Step Program victorious in robot battle (See page 6) In Westbury: Westbury children compete in spelling bee (See page 16) In New Hyde Park: First village St. Patrick’s Day Parade goes on through the rain (See page 4)
Gas Relief
Town of North Hempstead Senior Choir meets weekly in New Hyde Park (See page 7)
Mulling a gas tax ‘holiday’
FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details!
(See page 3)
Nassau Illustrated News (USPS 677-240)
Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County.
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The Cost Of Eliminating Gas Tax FRANK RIZZO frizzo@antonmediagroup.com
he rapid rise in oil prices and supply problems and instability has translated into pain at the gas pump. State legislators from both parties are introducing bills that would suspend a portion of the approximately 48 cents in taxes and fees that New Yorkers pay for each gallon of gas—among the highest in the nation. They hope to incorporate some kind of relief in the final budget, which has to be adapted by April 1. Governor Kathy Hochul has expressed ambivalence about the idea, though it passed in the state Senate as part of its proposed budget. Senator Anna Kaplan (D–Great Neck) said in a statement, “The pain at the pump is real, and we need to do whatever we can to help Long Islanders fill up without breaking the bank. I was proud to vote to cut the gas tax in New York, and I’m calling on Nassau County to follow our lead and do the same thing so that people in our community can get some real relief from these rising costs.” But critics warn that the resulting loss of more than $1 billion in revenues to the Dedicated Highway and Bridge Trust Fund (including support for the MTA) would need to be made up by taxpayers in other ways, even as the state is flush with cash from federal pandemic relief. Much of the gas tax money is used to fund road/bridge repairs and maintenance. In the Nassau County Legislature, the Democratic Minority Caucus support a proposal that would temporarily suspend the county’s share of sales tax on gasoline (about 4¼ percent). According to a press release, “Minority Leader Kevan M. Abrahams (D–Freeport) said this approach delivers meaningful relief to residents without jeopardizing Nassau’s fiscal health. Recent analysis indicates that the reduction in sales tax revenue caused by suspending the county portion of gasoline taxes would have a minimal impact upon the county’s projected sales tax surplus for fiscal year 2022.” “Government has a responsibility to closely analyze every opportunity for minimizing as much pain at the pump as we possibly can,” Legislator Siela A. Bynoe (D–Westbury) said. “Paired with a renewed focus on preventing price gouging, this proposal would provide timely assistance to consumers during a tremendously
Gas prices have risen dramatically ever since they reached a low during the pandemic in 2020. turbulent period.” propaganda.” Asked for comment, Legislature He added, “While parroting oil company Presiding Officer Richard Nicolello (R–New talking points won’t do a thing to help Hyde Park) said in a statement: “It is ironic Nassau residents make ends meet, susthat the Democratic minority is now conpending Nassau’s share of the sales tax on cerned about gas prices, when Democrat gasoline will. The members of the Minority policies have deliberately reduced energy Caucus remain committed to fighting for production, eroded America’s energy the relief that consumers need.” independence and directly increased the The Long Island state Senate cost of fuel.” Republicans, on March 11, called for immeAs presiding officer, Nicolello controls diate suspension of the state’s gas tax. the legislative agenda and can choose not to bring the proposCampaign Fodder al to a vote. Congressman Tom Suozzi Nassau County (D–Glen Cove), who is Executive Bruce seeking to challenge Blakeman said through Hochul in the upcoming Government has a a spokesperson: “The Democratic primary, responsibility to closely increase in energy knocked the governor’s analyze every opportunity prices is directly “flip-flop” on enacting for minimizing as much attributable to federal a state gas tax Holiday, pain at the pump as we and state policies that noting that he had called have decreased domespossibly can. for one on Dec. 16. tic production and relied “Governor Hochul’s —Legislator Siela Bynoe on foreign energy sources indecision on the issue is (D–Westbury) which have increased energy hurting New Yorkers in their costs and made us vulnerable to pocketbooks,” he charged. “First she foreign powers. I would hope that those said she’d consider a gas tax holiday, only minority legislators lobby their colleagues to flip-flop by now saying it won’t help. in Albany and Washington to reopen This is another example of how her lack of the Keystone XL pipeline and take other executive leadership is costing New Yorkers measures which would lower energy costs dearly. This common sense approach and make America more secure.” could be paid for with the billions that On March 15, Abrahams responded, New York already received from the federal “Last week, we proposed a straightforward government to address the pandemic. We way for Nassau County to ease the squeeze must enact this at the federal level, too. But that residents are currently feeling at the we can’t afford any more excuses from a pump. County Executive Blakeman and Governor that refuses to address skyrockthe Republican Majority are offering no eting taxes and the ninth highest gas tax in solutions—just the usual assortment of the nation.” finger-pointing, deflection, and political Suozzi supports the bipartisan Senate
and House legislation entitled the Gas Prices Relief Act of 2022. Harry Wilson, who is vying with several others to win the Republican gubernatorial primary, also called for the gas tax holiday. “Suspending the gas tax will help families keep more money in their pockets as the price at the pump soars,” said Wilson in a statement. “Suspending the state gas tax for six months is estimated to cost about $1.5 billion. And we can fully pay for it by freezing Hochul’s $10 billion slush fund and redirecting just a small portion of it toward relief at the pump.” The leading Republican candidate for governor, Congressman Lee Zeldin of Suffolk County, has also backed suspending the state gas tax. One of those who hopes to succeed Suozzi, Robert Zimmerman of Great Neck, is also supporting the legislation. “The federal gasoline tax adds 18.4 cents to the price motorists pay for every gallon of gas. The loss of revenue to the Federal Highway Trust Fund can be made up by the Department of Transportation and should be due to the urgency of the situation,” Zimmerman said in a statement. According to City & State, citing the Office of the State Comptroller, the state taxes per gallon is about 33 cents, divided into the motor fuel tax (8 cents), petroleum business tax (17.3 cents), state sales tax (8 cents) and gas testing fee (half a penny). The state Dedicated Highway and Bridge Trust Fund received more than $1 billion in revenue last year from such taxes to help support construction projects, bond payments and downstate transit agencies like the MTA, according to the Office of the New York State Comptroller.
New Hyde Park Marks First St. Patrick’s Day Parade JENNIFER CORR The first annual New Hyde Park St. Patrick’s Day Parade was dedicated to first responders. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)
f the rain and the wind couldn’t stop the New Hyde Park community from marching in the village’s first annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, nothing can. Village of New Hyde Park Mayor Christopher Devane announced in February that the village would be hosting its first parade in partnership with the New Hyde Park Fire Department on March 12 in dedication to all first responders. Nassau County Police Department Commissioner Patrick Ryder was the grand marshal of the parade. “Thank you to everyone who took time out of their rainy day to come show support for not only our department but all the other fire departments that made an appearance,” read a statement published on the New Hyde Park Fire Department’s Facebook page. Marching in the parade included the New Hyde Park Lion’s Club, the local Knights of
Parade participants braved the storm to march in the first annual parade. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)
Columbus chapter, the Greater New Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce, the Garden City Park Fire Department and other local groups. “A good time was had by all at the first annual New Hyde Park St. Patrick’s Day Parade,” wrote Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena on her Facebook page. “Mayor Chris Devane gave a beautiful
Members of the Garden City Park Fire Department showed their festivity during the rainy parade. (Photo by Jennifer Corr) tribute to his late father, a cop’s cop, and to parade Grand Marshal Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder. Certainly their Irish fathers in heaven are proud of their public service sons. As I told the crowd, New Hyde Park knows how to party rain or shine. It was heart-warming to see student artwork and signs decorate the parade route with messages of thanks to the amazing first responders.”
Bagpipes and drums provided the perfect soundtrack to this rainy parade. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)
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Battle Of The Robots Garden City High School, Adelphi University STEP Program Victorious
BY ANTON MEDIA GROUP STAFF editors@antonnews.com
he Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City on March 12 was the home of the Southern New York State Championship that signals the close of the Southern New York State season for the VEX Robotics Competition. Students have worked all season designing, building, programming, practicing, and fine tuning their robots through countless hours of work and competitions to be able to attend this event. At this event, there are only 12 seats for 56 high school students to compete at the World Championship event in Dallas, Texas each year. The event is the most important for all teams as it determines whether their season will continue or come to a close. This was the first in-person state championship event since the pandemic began in 2020. The competition ran from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and it was hosted by Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology. Schools competing included teams from Farmingdale, Great Neck, Freeport, Rockville Center Locust Valley, Garden City, Selden, Bellmore, Katonah, Woodmere, Garden City, Bronx, New York and Merrick, among others. The Garden City High School Robotics Team and the Adelphi University STEP Program, a science advancement program, were victorious for their hometown. The Garden City High School Robotics Team won the “Amaze Award,” qualifying
them for the World Championship event in Dallas. The Adelphi University STEP Program won the “Inspire Award.” It may have been a gloomy day outside with wind, rain and snow, but inside the Cradle of Aviation was a crowd of excited and inspired students and their family and friends. The day started at 7:30 a.m., with the opening ceremony at 9 a.m. The qualification rounds began at 9:30 a.m., and with an hour long break for lunch from 12 to 1 p.m., the qualification rounds continued through 3:30 p.m. The alliance selections and elimination matches continued from 4 to 4:30 p.m., and students won their awards at 5:30 p.m. Ranking in first place was the KG Computech team from Flushing, NY. The rules of the game are as follows: Matches are played on a field set up as illustrated in the figures throughout. Two alliances —one “red” and one “blue”— composed of two teams each, compete in each match. The object of the game is to attain a higher score than the opposing alliance by scoring rings, moving mobile goals to “Alliance Home Zones,” and by climbing platforms at the end of a match. An “Autonomous Win Point” is awarded to any alliance that has cleared their AWP Line and scored at least one ring on or in each “Alliance Mobile Goal” at the end of the “Autonomous Period.” An “Autonomous Bonus” is awarded to the alliance that has the most points at the end of the “Autonomous Period.”
Teams from across Southern New York competed at The Cradle of Aviation to qualify for the World Championship at Dallas, Texas. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)
Students prepared their robots for the competition. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)
Students built and fine-tuned these robots in preparation for this competition. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)
Mary Carter Flanagan, Lawrence Marciano Jr., Bruce Torino and Charles Peter Kelly were elected as Garden City trustees. (Photo courtesy For A Better Garden City)
Election Results Are In BY ANTON MEDIA GROUP STAFF editors@antonmediagroup.com
Residents headed to the polls on March 15 to cast their ballot in local elections. Here are the winners: Garden City (contested): The “For a Better Garden City” trustee candidates have won the election. Mary Carter Flanagan Charles P. Kelly Bruce A. Torino
Lawrence N. Marciano Mineola (uncontested): Mayor: Paul A. Pereira Trustees: Janine Sartori Jeffrey Clark Village justice: Scott Fairgrieve
The Cradle of Aviation on March 12 was packed with students and their friends and family for the VEX Robotics Competition. (Photo by Jennier Corr)
Singing In Unison Senior choir about more than just music
JENNIFER CORR jcorr@antonmediagroup.com
embers of the North Hempstead Senior Choir start their week on a high note. On Monday afternoons, the Clinton G. Martin Community Center fills with chatter as members of the North Hempstead Senior Choir usher in for their weekly rehearsal. For the members, this is something they look forward to. But the chatter comes to a slow halt as Eleanor Gilder plays a few notes on the piano and Ellen S. Jaffe, the music director, sits at the front of the room with her baton, signaling that it’s time to sing. On March 14, the choir began their rehearsal with “Let There Be Peace on Earth,” written by Jill Jackson-Miller, followed by “L-O-V-E,” written by Bert Kaempfert and Milt Gabler. Gilder joined the choir after retiring in 2004, and she’s been playing piano since she was 8 years old. “My father was a Lutheran minister, so I had first took piano lessons and of course I had access to an organ,” Gilder said. Jaffe said directing the group has been wonderful and therapeutic. “They all love each other,” Jaffe, who was a music major in college, said. “They love to sing.” Among the singers is Joe Pellegrino, the producer of the group. He joined the North Hempstead Senior Choir over 10 years ago, a time that there were about 40 members. Now the group is down to about 22 members. During the pandemic, the group saw a decline in membership.
During the Monday practice the members of the choir sang Let There Be Peace and L-O-V-E. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)
Playing the piano is Eleanor Gilder, and conducting is Ellen S. Jaffe. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)
But the choir stayed strong, nonetheless. Members met over Zoom, singing from behind their computer screens. “Every week they would have six or seven people sing a song,” Pellegrino said. “We’d go with one person at a time, and they would sing a song. And it was just to keep people active and not go stir crazy.” In-person meetings resumed last September, where members social distanced. Pellegrino said that by then the members felt comfortable with meeting, and they were happy to be back. “Some people live alone, their spouses passed away, their children don’t live nearby, their grand-children don’t live nearby,” Pellegrino explained. “This is more of a family to them. They feel comfortable talking to each other, depending on who they are, about personal issues, medical issues and it is also [good] for their minds. It keeps them active and they get to listen to music.”
Monday rehearsal is something the members of the North Hempstead Senior Choir look forward to. (Photo by Jennifer Corr) The group started in 1985, originally meeting at Eisenhower Park in East Meadow. When the Clinton G. Martin Community Center in New Hyde Park was built, the group moved there. In the large community room where the choir practices, they held a holiday concert in December where friends and family members were invited. Pellegrino is hoping the choir can go back to putting on regular shows at local libraries, senior centers and assisted living facilities as the group did in the past. “People all enjoyed it and the singers all got satisfaction out of it,” Pellegrino said of
the choir’s last concert. “It gave them more satisfaction when we started doing assisted living places, because these people are really on their own. They’re by themselves. Some of them don’t have family anymore and they enjoy listening to the music.” The music that the choir performs ranges from show tunes to songs from The Beatles or Frank Sinatra. Pellegrino said that any seniors who like to sing are invited to join this choir that meets at the Clinton G. Martin Community Center on Monday afternoons. Those interested in auditioning for the group should call Joe M. at 631-978-1324.
Fatal Car Accidents — A Tragic Weeklong Result Of Daylight Savings Time Daylight Savings Time (DST), a policy dating back to World War I to save energy, is an opportunity to get more light during the evening and less light during the morning. This makes days feel longer as we approach the summer months. This biannual event has become quite controversial recently. It’s no mystery why many people hate when DST begins in March and deem it as an unnecessary nuisance with research suggesting the amount of electricity saved is negligible. According to research out of the University of Colorado Boulder, in the week following DST, fatal car accidents in the United States spike by 6 percent, resulting in about 28 additional deaths
each year. Over the 22 years of data analyzed, 627 people died in fatal car accidents associated with the spring shift to daylight saving time. Losing an hour of sleep can impact the ability to make safe choices while behind the wheel. DST can cause many motorists to drive fatigued. The lack of light in the morning can also impact safety. With this known, drivers should practice extra caution. What to do if involved in a car accident? • Check oneself and passengers for injuries • Get to safety • Call 9-1-1 • Document the accident and exchange
information •Take photographs of the vehicles involved and the scene of the accident “Consistent warmer weather is approaching and COVID restrictions are virtually obsolete in many places,” said Ronald Ingber, the managing partner of Siler & Ingber, LLP in Mineola. “The result is an increase in drivers on the roads. People must know the unseen effects that DST may have, to prevent a catastrophic accident. It is not safe to operate a motor vehicle while fatigued from losing sleep.” About Siler & Ingber, LLP Founded in 2003 by Ronald Ingber and
Jeffrey Siler, Siler & Ingber, LLP, is an innovative law firm committed to driving legal and business value for clients by fostering true strategic partnerships. The Siler & Ingber team is made up of a group of professionals with a passion for helping others who also happen to be talented, proven litigators. Having a unique combination of innovative industry expertise, flexibility, creativity, and hands-on work ethic, make the firm a personal injury powerhouse. Practice areas include, but are not limited to, accidents involving motor vehicles, construction, slip & falls, brain injuries, nursing home neglect and wrongful death. —Submitted by Siler & Ingber, LLP
FRIDAY, MARCH 25 State Sen. Anna M. Kaplan Mobile Office Hours Mobile office hours at Hillside Public Library, 155 Lakeville Rd., is being held from 12 to 2 p.m. by State Sen. Anna M. Kaplan to provide constituent services and assistance in the community, and to hear from residents about their concerns and issues. Walk-ins are welcome. No appointment is necessary. If unable to make the office hours, residents can call 516-746-5924.
SATURDAY, MARCH 26 Pop-Up Book Sale There will be a book sale at the Garden City Public Library at 60 7th St. Featuring current best sellers, favorite authors, mysteries, thrillers and children’s books. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Garden City Public Library. Visit gardencitypl.org for more information and events.
SUNDAY, MARCH 27 The Chocolate Expo It will be chocolate galore at the Cradle of Aviation on Charles Lindbergh Boulevard from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Taste, purchase, celebrate and indulge in delicious goodies like chocolates, baked goods, specialty foods, cheeses, craft sodas, wines, hard ciders, distilled spirits, coffee, tea and much
more. There will be entertainment and fun activities for all ages. Masks are recommended. Tickets are $15 for children and $20 for adults. Visit cradleofaviation.org or call 516-572-4111 for more information. Lutheran Church Celebrates 101 Years The Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, located on the corner of Jefferson and Willis Avenues in Mineola, will be celebrating its 101st anniversary at 10 a.m. The Rev. Paul Egensteiner, Bishop of the Metropolitan Synod of New York, will deliver the sermon. The offering for the day will be given to Lutheran World Relief with an option to direct the funds to Ukraine. All are welcome to join.
of some of Graft’s finest hard ciders and the art work of their label artist, Caleb Luke Lin. The team at Graft will be in house and Lin will be signing a limited number of a print commissioned to commemorate the evening. The Black Sheep Ale House will also be celebrating the accomplishments and contributions of Sara Sherrer, the co-founder of Graft, as a salute to the end of Women’s History Month. For more information, call 516-307-1280.
Relay For Life The American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life will give Adelphi students, faculty and the surrounding community a chance to celebrate the survivors, remember those THURSDAY, MARCH 31 lost and fight back against cancer in this The Art Of Coziness community-based walk event. The event This virtual class at 6:30 p.m. from Hillside starts at 3 p.m. at Adelphi University, 1 Public Library in New Hyde Park will South Ave. in Garden City. Visit adelphi. explore cooking ideas, home decor approaches and lifestyle strategies that create edu/events or contact Jennifer Braun a warm, joy-filled environment. Leading the at jennifer.braun@cancer.org for more information. class is Vanessa Young, a cooking instructor, writer and educator known for artful Dogfight approach to food and wellness topics and The Sunrise Theatre Company of Garden her focus on seasonal meals. To register for City will present their production of the class, visit hillsidelibrary.info. Dogfight based on Nancy Savoca’s 1991 film of the same name. Plot revolves Graft And Art around a group of young recruits on the The Black Sheep Ale House, located on 78 night before they are shipped out to fight 2nd St. in Mineola, will be hosting a lineup in Vietnam and explores the practice of
Mineola Memorial Library a dirty game called “Dogfight.” The play will be performed at BACCA Arts Center at 149 North Wellwood Ave. in Lindenhurst. The shows will be held at 8 p.m. on April 1 and at 3 and 8 p.m. on April 2. Visit sunrisetheatreli.com for more information. Glow-In-The-Dark Scavenger Hunt Search in the Mineola Memorial Library’s darkened community room for glowing aliens and dinosaurs at 4:30 p.m. Earn a prize. This is an event for tweens, teens and families. The address is 195 Marcellus Rd. in Mineola. Visit mineolalibrary.info to register and to see more library events.
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KEYSPAN GAS EAST CORPORATION d/b/a NATIONAL GRID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by KeySpan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid (“Company”) that it has filed with the New York State Public Service Commission (“Commission”) proposed tariff revisions to its Schedule for Gas Service, PSC No.1 – GAS, to become effective, on a temporary basis, April 1, 2022. These revisions have been filed in compliance with the Commission’s Order issued August 12, 2021 in Case 19-G-0310. The table below compares the Company’s current rates (prior to April 1, 2022) to rates effective April 1, 2022 by service classification. Effective April 1, 2022, $2.5 million has been removed from base delivery rates to be collected through the ‘Rate Adjustment Clause’. The Rate Adjustment Clause is a separate surcharge that will be included in the Delivery Rate Adjustment line on customers’ bills. S.C. No. 1A, 5-1A – Residential Non-Heating Service S.C. No. 1AR, 5-1AR – Residential Non-Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 3 therms or less $19.75 $19.75 Next 47 therms, per therm $1.5459 $1.6089 Over 50 therms, per therm $0.3670 $0.3926
S.C. No. 1B, 5-1B – Residential Heating Service S.C. No. 1BR, 5-1BR – Residential Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 3 therms or less $21.66 $21.66 Next 47 therms, per therm $1.2939 $1.3435 Over 50 therms, per therm $0.3046 $0.3163
S.C. No. 1B-DG, 5-1B-DG – Distributed Generation continued on page xxS.C. No. 2-A, 5-2A – Non-Residential Non-Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 3 therms or less $37.66 $37.66 First 3 therms or less $33.04 $33.04 Next 87 therms, per therm $1.8007 $1.8332 Over 3 therms, per therm $0.1772 $0.1786 Next 2,910 therms, per therm $0.3651 $0.3717 Over 3,000 therms, per therm $0.2346 $0.2390 S.C. No. 2-B, 5-2B – Non-Residential Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 3 therms or less $37.66 $37.66 Next 87 therms, per therm $1.7779 $1.8319 Next 2,910 therms, per therm $0.4464 $0.4600 Over 3,000 therms, per therm $0.3082 $0.3175
S.C. No. 3, 5-3 – Multi-Family Service Monthly usage Current Rates First 3 therms or less $74.66 Next 997 therms, per therm $0.4921 Over 1,000 therms, per therm $0.2906
S.C. 9, 5-9 – Uncompressed Natural Gas Vehicle Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 3 therms or less $38.00 $38.00 Over 3 therms, per therm $0.5645 $0.6133
S.C No. 15, 5-15 – High Load Factor Service Monthly usage Current Rates First 10 therms or less $153.35 Over 10 therms, per therm $0.2247 S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation Rate 1 – Less than 1MW Monthly usage Current Rates First 10 therms or less $180.61 Over 10 therms, per therm (Apr – Oct) $0.1506 Over 10 therms, per therm (Nov – Mar) $0.1935
S.C. No. 16, 5-16 – Year-Round Space Conditioning Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 3 therms or less $230.43 $230.43 Next 497 therms, per therm $1.6932 $1.7227 Over 500 therms, per therm $0.2903 $0.2953
04/01/22 $74.66 $0.5025 $0.2968
04/01/22 $153.35 $0.2231 04/01/22 $180.61 $0.1506 $0.1934
S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation – Rate 2 Equal to or greater than 1 MW but less than 5 MW Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 10 therms or less $328.22 $328.22 Over 10 therms, per therm (Apr – Oct) $0.1506 $0.1506 Over 10 therms, per therm (Nov – Mar) $0.1935 $0.1934
S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation – Rate 3 Equal to or greater than 5 MW but less than 50 MW Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 10 therms or less $949.35 $949.35 Over 10 therms, per therm (Apr – Oct) $0.0373 $0.0373 Over 10 therms, per therm (Nov – Mar) $0.0509 $0.0509 Demand charge per therm of MPDQ $6,252.00 $6,252.00
S.C. 18/19 – Non-Firm Demand Response Sales Service Tier 1 Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 10 therms or less $375.00 $375.00 Over 10 therms, per therm $0.0749 $0.1608
S.C. 18/19 – Non-Firm Demand Response Sales Service Tier 2 Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/22 First 10 therms or less $375.00 $375.00 Over 10 therms, per therm $0.0600 $0.1285
These revisions have been filed in compliance with the Commission’s Order issued August 12, 2021 in Case 19-G-0310. Copies of the proposed revisions are available for public inspection and can be obtained on the Company’s website at https://www.nationalgridus.com/Long-Island-NY-Home/Bills-Meters-and-Rates/ or the PSC’s website (dps.ny.gov). KEYSPAN GAS EAST CORPORATION d/b/a NATIONAL GRID 230469 S
A NO IC S GARDEN CITY LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of Lokatelli LLC. Articles of Organi ation filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/2 /21. Office Location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. he Post Office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the C served upon him/her is 107 Concord Street ranklin Square NY 11010. he principle business address of the C is 107 Concord Street Franklin Square NY 11010. Purpose any lawful act or activity. 3-30-23-16-9-2;2-23-2022-#23021 -NIN/CI Y LEGAL NOTICE S O A ’S CO NASSA CO N Y P O A CI A ION P OP O S A O N YO y the race of od ree and lndependent File No. 2021-161/A o alter adeu oschetti Anselmo Da ocha oschetti adia Maria Sou a Selma da oucha oschetti dos Santos Celia da ocha oschetti de Melo Sergio Paulo i ato Carlos duardo i ato egiane i ato Daniela i ato Coleone Andrea De Sou a and any and all unknown persons whose names or parts of whose names and whose place or places of residence are unknown and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained distributees heirs-at-law and next-of-kin of the said VANESSA PARK deceased and if any of the said above distributees named specifically or as a class be dead their legal representatives their husbands or wives if any distributees and successors in interest whose names and/or places of residence and post office addresses are unknown and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained. GREETINGS A PETITION having been duly filed by li abeth e i residing at 3 atham oad Mineola NY 11501 YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court Nassau County at 2 2 Old Country oad Mineola NewYork on May 2022 at 9:30 o’clock in the fore noon of that day why a decree should not be made in the estate of VANESSA PARK lately domiciled at 3 Stewart Ave Apt c-1 arden City NY 11530 admitting to probate a Will dated November 2 201 a copy of which is attached as the will of VANESSA PARK deceased relating to real and personal property and directing that etters estamentary to__ etters of rusteeship to__
x etters of Adrninistration c.t.a. issue to I A I urther relief sought (if any):__ ON. MA A C. I Y Surrogate Debra eller eimbach Chief Clerk Dated Attested and Sealed March 2022 (Seal) his Citalion is served upon you as required by law. You are not obliged to appear in person. lf you fail to appear it will be assumed that you consent to the proceedings unless you file written verified ob ections thereto. You have a right to have an attorney-at-law appear for you. Name of Attorney: Angela Siegel sq Address 1205 ranklin Ave arden City NY 11530 Phone No. 51 -7 1- 100 A TRUE COPY OF THE WILL OFFERED FOR PROBATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS CITATION Notice: This cltation is served uoon you in accordance with the court’ s order directing alternative service of process. No in-person appearances shall be held on the return date of the citation. If you wish to appear to answer or obj ect to this proceeding, you may do so in writing in accordance with the annexe d notice to cited parties. Notice:22NYCRR 207.7c: Proof of Service should be file on or efore the se on day preceding the return date 4-13-6; 3-30-23-2022-#231250-NIN/CI Y LEGAL NOTICE Invitation to Bidders BOARD OF EDUCATION Garden City Union Free School District PUBLIC NOTICE: is hereby given for separate sealed bids for 2021 Capital Improvement Proj ect at Garden City UFSD. ids will be received by the School District on Wednesday April 13, 2022 at 12:00 P.M. in the inistration ffi e Cathedral Avenue, Garden it he Contract Documents may be examined at the Office of the Architect BBS Architects, Landscape Architects and Engineers, P.C., 244 East Main Street, Patchogue e or however the Contract Documents may only be obtained thru the Office of REVplans, 28 Church Street, Unit #7, Warwick, New York 10990 beginning on Wednesday March 23, 2022. Complete digital sets of Contract Documents shall be obtained online (with a free user account) as a download for a non-refundable fee of Fort ine ollars at the following websites www. bbspro ects.com or www. usinglesspaper.com under public pro ects’. Optionally in lieu of digital copies
hard copies may be obtained directly from upon a deposit of One Hundred ollars for each complete set. Checks for deposits shall be made payable to the DISTRICT, GARDEN CITY UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT and may be uncertified. All bid addenda will be transmitted to registered plan holders via email and will be available at the above referenced websites. Any bidder requiring documents to be shipped shall make arrangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs. Plan holders who have obtained hard copies of the bid documents will need to make the determination if hard copies of the addenda are required for their use and coordinate directly with the printer for hard copies of addenda to be issued. here will be no charge for registered plan holders to obtain hard copies of the bid addenda. he bid deposit for hard copies will be returned upon receipt of plans and specifications in good condition within thirty days after bid date except for the lowest responsible bidder whose check will be forfeited upon the award of the contract. A non-mandatory pre-bid site walk through is scheduled for Wednesday March 30, 2022 at 3:30 P.M. at the Stratford Avenue Elementary School located at 97 Stratford Avenue, Garden it he Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or the proposals will be re ected within 5 days of the date of opening proposals. ids shall be sub ect however to the discretionary right reserved by the School District to waive any informalities accept or re ect any alternatives re ect any proposals and to advertise for new proposals if in its opinion the best interest of the School District will thereby be promoted. ach bidder may not withdraw his bid within 5 days after the formal opening thereof. A bidder may withdraw his bid only in writing and prior to the bid opening date. Dated March 23, 2022 YO D O OA D O D CA ION Garden City Union Free School District 3-23-2022-1 -#231 5-NIN/ CI Y LEGAL NOTICE Invitation to Bidders BOARD OF EDUCATION Garden City Union Free School District PUBLIC NOTICE: is hereby given for separate sealed bids for Library & Collaborative Classroom Interior Alterations at Garden City Middle School & Innovation Center Reconstruction at Stewart Avenue & Stratford Avenue Elementary School. ids will be received by the
School District on Wednesday April 13, 2022 at 11:00 A.M. in the Administration ffi e athe ral en e ar en it he Contract Documents may be examined at the Office of the Architect BBS Architects, Landscape Architects and Engineers, P.C., 244 East Main Street, Patchogue e or however the Contract Documents may only be obtained thru the Office of REVplans, 28 Church Street, Unit #7, Warwick, New York 10990 beginning on Wednesday March 23, 2022. Complete digital sets of Contract Documents shall be obtained online (with a free user account) as a download for a non-refundable fee of Fort ine ollars at the following websites www. bbspro ects.com or www.usinglesspaper.com under public pro ects’. Optionally in lieu of digital copies hard copies may be obtained directly from upon a deposit of ne n re Dollars for each complete set. Checks for deposits shall be made payable to the DISTRICT, GARDEN CITY UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT and may be uncertified. All bid addenda will be transmitted to registered plan holders via email and will be available at the above referenced websites. Any bidder requiring documents to be shipped shall make arrangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs. Plan holders who have obtained hard copies of the bid documents will need to make the determination if hard copies of the addenda are required for their use and coordinate directly with the printer for hard copies of addenda to be issued. here will be no charge for registered plan holders to obtain hard copies of the bid addenda. he bid deposit for hard copies will be returned upon receipt of plans and specifications in good condition within thirty days after bid date except for the lowest responsible bidder whose check will be forfeited upon the award of the contract. A non-mandatory pre-bid site walk through is scheduled for Tuesday March 29, 2022 at 3:30 P.M. starting at the Garden City Middle School located at 98 Cherry Valley Avenue, Garden City, he Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or the proposals will be re ected within 5 days of the date of opening proposals. ids shall be sub ect however to the discretionary right reserved by the School District to waive any informalities accept or re ect any alternatives re ect any proposals and to advertise for new proposals if in its opinion the best interest of the School District will thereby be promoted. ach bidder may not withdraw his bid within 5 days after the formal opening thereof. A bid-
der may withdraw his bid only in writing and prior to the bid opening date. Dated March 23, 2022 YO D O OA D O D CA ION Garden City Union Free School District 3-23-2022-1 -#231 -NIN/ CI Y LEGAL NOTICE GARDEN CITY UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT LEGAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS he oard of ducation of the arden City nion ree School District own of empstead arden City NY 11530 hereby invites the submission of sealed bids for Welding Repair Services Cooperative Bid for the 2022/2023 school year. Sealed bids will be received up to 10:30 am, Tuesday April 12th, 2022 at the office of the Director of acilities Operations arden City SD Administrative Office 5 Cathedral Avenue arden City NY 11530. ids received after this time will be re ected. he bid instruction and specifications can be sent upon request. Please contact Mr. Robert Foley at foleyr@ gcufsd.net or . Specifications and bid forms may also be obtained at the same office Monday through riday 30 am to 30 pm except holidays. ids must be presented on the forms provided in the instruction and specifications. Additional bid forms will be sent upon request he terms and conditions of the contract or contracts awarded under this cooperative bid shall be extended to and made available for procurement by other Nassau County school districts which are or become members of the Nassau County Directors of School acilities Purchasing Consortium during the term of the awarded contract(s) in accordance with eneral Municipal aw Article 5- and section 103 subdivision 1 . List of participating school districts: Baldwin UFSD, Bellmore UFSD, Bellmore-Merrick UFSD, Bethpage UFSD, Carl Place UFSD, East Meadow UFSD, East Rockaway UFSD, East Williston UFSD, Floral Park-Bellrose UFSD, Freeport UFSD, Garden City UFSD, Glen Cove UFSD, Great Neck UFSD, Herricks UFSD, Hewlett-Woodmere UFSD, Hicksville UFSD, Island Trees UFSD, Jericho UFSD, Lawrence UFSD, Levittown UFSD, Locust Valley UFSD, Long Beach UFSD, Lynbrook UFSD, Manhassett UFSD, Massapequa UFSD, Merrick UFSD, Mineola UFSD, New Hyde Park-Garden City Park UFSD, North Bellmore UFSD, North Merrick UFSD, North Shore UFSD,
Oceanside UFSD, Plainedge UFSD, Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD, Port Washington UFSD, Rockville Centre UFSD, Seaford UFSD, Syosset CSD, Uniondale UFSD, Valley Stream UFSD #24, Valley Stream UFSD #30, Valley Stream CHSD, Wantagh UFSD, Westbury UFSD. ids shall remain firm for a period of forty-five ( 5) days following the date of the opening and shall thereafter remain firm unless the idder provides written notice to the School District’s Purchasing Office that the id should be withdrawn. he oard of ducation reserves the right to re ect all bids and re-advertise in accordance with Section 103 of the eneral Municipal aw. Any bid submitted will be binding for the duration of the contract. illiam C. olub President oard of ducation 3-23-2022-1 -#231 7 -NIN/ CI Y
of process against LLC to: 5 Cochran Place alley Stream NY 115 1. Purpose any lawful act. 4-13-6;3-30-23-16-9-2022-#230595-NIN/MA
NEW HYDE PARK LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of CJ PA N S C. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/15/22. Office location Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to 2 -52 Jericho urnpike ellerose illage NY 11001. Purpose any lawful act. 3-30-23-16-9-2: 2-23-2022-#230332-NIN/N P LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of MANDA A P OP Y SO IONS C. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/02/2021. Office location Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 42 roadway l. 12-200 New York NY 1000 -3 92. Purpose any lawful act. 4-13-6; 3-30-23-16-9-2022-#230 10-NIN/N P
LEGAL NOTICE NO IC O O MA ION of reight Country C Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 2/11/22. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent of C upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY LEGAL NOTICE shall mail copy of process to ACCO N IN CI A ION Stewart Sternbach 100 MerFile No. 201 -325 rick d. Ste 00 ockville S O A ’S CO Centre NY 11570. Purpose NASSAU CO N Y any lawful activities CI A ION 3-30-23-16-9-2;2-23-2022P OP O -#23027 -NIN/MA S A O N YO y the race of od ree LEGAL NOTICE and Independent Notice of formation of 27 O C AND C. Poplar C. Arts of Org filed D AN Y J . AS ADwith Secy of State of NY MINIS A O O (SSNY) on 02/1 /22. Office S A O C AND location: Nassau County. D AN Y S . AND A SSNY designated as agent O N AY INDA I upon whom process may be IAMS A D AN Y served and shall mail copy III NY S A A O of process against LLC to: N Y N A S 5 Cochran Place alley AND ASSOCIA S P.C. Stream NY 115 1. Purpose AY S A D AN Y any lawful act. AND P SONS CI D 4-13-6;3-30-23-16-9-2022- IN IS P OC DIN -#230593-NIN/MA AS DIS I S O P INC A JO NSON LEGAL NOTICE D C D N O Notice of formation of 279 A D C AS D A NPine C. Arts of Org filed NO N AND CANNO with Secy of State of NY A DI I N IN I(SSNY) on 02/1 /22. Office Y ASC AIN D location: Nassau County. AND A I SAID P SSNY designated as agent SONS O ANY O M upon whom process may be D AD A served and shall mail copy NAM S O PA S O of process against LLC to: NAM S AND P AC O 5 Cochran Place alley P AC S O SID NC Stream NY 115 1. Purpose OF ANY AND ALL UNany lawful act. NO N P SONS O 4-13-6;3-30-23-16-9-2022- A SP C I -#23059 -NIN/MA C O S ADMINIS A O S I S A LEGAL NOTICE A N O IN DISNotice of formation of 5 I S A S Imlay C. Arts of Org filed D IS S S ANDS with Secy of State of NY O I S O S CC S(SSNY) on 02/1 /22. Office SO IN IN S O location: Nassau County. SAID D C AS D P SSNY designated as agent SONS A N NO N upon whom process may be Continued on page 11 served and shall mail copy
The PWM MasterPlan delivers financial peace of mind 1
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The PWM MasterPlan is a holistic, long-term framework that provides you clarity and direction in making the correct financial decisions. Serving as your personal “chief financial officer,” we apply our knowledge and experience from working with many individuals and families. The process offers you peace of mind knowing you can achieve your retirement goals. When it comes to retirement planning, most people don’t know where to start or who to The PWM and MasterPlan provides youcontrol with: of their financial lives. trust. They lack the time, knowledge tools needed to take • Comprehensive financial organization As a Certified Financial Planner, we know it’s almost impossible to do this on your own. That’s why we created the PWM OnePlan, the foundation enabling • Fully integrated retirement plan us to offer you the most appropriate fiduciary advice. • Tailored investment strategy
The PWM OnePlan is a holistic, frameworkplanning that provides you clarity and direction • long-term Detailed advanced in making the correct financial decisions. Serving as your personal “chief financial officer,” With more than 100 years of combined Palumbo Wealth Management is with the client-first privateand wealth we applyexperience, our knowledge and experience from working many individuals families. management firm delivering the highest level of service to clients who are nearing or in retirement. The process offers you peace of mind knowing you can achieve your retirement goals. Contact us today to build your own PWM MasterPlan.
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Palumbo Wealth Management is a registered investment advisor. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Palumbo Wealth Management and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. For additional information on the Advisor, please visit the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at www.adviserinfo. sec.gov by searching with the Advisor’s CRD #306548. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, CFP® (with plaque design), and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. As a firm providing wealth management services to clients, Palumbo Wealth Management LLC offers both investment advisory services and brokerage services. Investment advisory services and brokerage services are separate and distinct, differ in material ways and are governed by different laws and separate arrangements. 230796 S
New York Presidents: The Famous and The Forgotten Part II politics, while the British embarked upon a global mission of free trade.
FRANK RIZZO frizzo@antonmediagroup.com
JOSEPH SCOTCHIE jscotchie@antonmediagroup.com
This is the conclusion of our overview of Empire State Presidents that we started last week.
Theodore Roosevelt
JULIE PRISCO jprisco@antonmediagroup.com
NATALIA VENTURA nventura@antonmediagroup.com
A native of New York City and one of the most ambitious men America has ever produced, Roosevelt’s rise was stunning: Harvard graduate, New York City Police Commissioner, New York Governor, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Vice President and then, Chief Executive. As withjcorr@antonmediagroup.com Chester Arthur, Roosevelt also became president after an assassination: That of William McKinley, a beloved Civil War veteran. Roosevelt won a landslide re-election in 1904. He was succeeded by a fellow Republican, William Howard Taft. Roosevelt was frustrated with Taft. He mounted the third party Bull Moose campaign in 1912, splitting the GOP vote and paving the way for the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. As president, Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in ending the Russo-Japanese War, he sent the U.S. Navy fleet in an around-the-world showchinko@antonmediagroup.com of American force and he became the first president to visit foreign soil when he traveled to Central America to inspect the progress of the Panama Canal construction. He also ended up on Mount Rushmore. During his presidency, the United States surpassed Great Britain in having the world’s largest economy. “Thank God I am not a free trader!” Roosevelt reportedly blurted out when told the news. He was president when a protectionist GOP dominated American
Franklin Roosevelt
A distant cousin of Teddy Roosevelt, the 32nd president has ended up on the silver-coined dime. The twentieth century remains a contest between Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson as its most important president. Roosevelt’s rise was also meteoric. A graduate of Harvard, Roosevelt nursed a lifelong grudge at not being elected to its prestigious Porcelain Club. Along the way, Roosevelt was a State Senator, an Assistant Secretary of the Navy, a defeated Vice Presidential candidate, a Governor of New York and finally, the Democrats’ winning nominee for President in 1932. After re-election in 1936, Roosevelt, in 1940, broke precedent by running for—and winning—a third term. Controversy over the Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor has never abated. Did Roosevelt know of the attack? Was it more destructive than he imagined? The man went from “Dr. New Deal” to “Dr. Win the War.” The architect of the modern welfare state, commander-in-chief during history’s greatest war and the patron saint of American liberalism, Roosevelt died in office in 1944, while serving in his fourth term. Roosevelt’s death left a nation in mourning. A generation of Americans could not imagine anyone else as President. It was left to FDR’s successor, Harry Truman, to win World War II and try to secure the postwar peace.
Donald Trump
In 1966, California surpassed New York as the nation’s most populous state. By 2016, New York had dropped to fourth place, behind not just California, but now Texas and Florida. It didn’t seem possible that the Empire State would produce another
president. The failed presidency of George W. Bush left the “Sun Belt” era of 1968 to 2008 in ruin. And so, 2016 saw two New Yorkers: Donald Trump, a Queens native, and Hillary Clinton, an Illinois transplant, vying for the presidency. For decades, Trump was a real estate mogul who dominated the gossip pages. No one took his political aspirations seriously. Trump won a surprise victory in 2016, before losing his re-election bid in 2020, an election that he maintains was stolen. Trump may or may not run again in 2024. His legacy so far remains an attempt to bring the GOP back to its America First roots of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge and the appointment of three conservative justices to the Supreme Court. And so, an impressive—and historic— roster. Van Buren, Fillmore, Arthur and Cleveland all proved that one can be a good president without being a war president. Franklin Roosevelt’s position is secure, even though the man still has his critics. Theodore Roosevelt, however, has suffered the Biblical fate of the prophet without honor. His family suffered greatly for this nation: Roosevelt was a veteran of the Spanish-American War, his son, Quentin, died in combat in World War I. Undaunted, Roosevelt’s oldest son, Theodore Junior, at age 57, commanded a brigade at the June 6, 1944 D-Day landing. If Roosevelt makes the news these days, it is not for heroism. An equestrian statue of the man in front of the Museum of Natural History, one constructed as a tribute to racial harmony, was recently dismantled and shipped to far-off North Dakota. Roosevelt is honored in his adopted hometown of Oyster Bay with the Sagamore Hill house. A statue of him was erected in front of the Nassau County legislature building in Mineola. Unlike New York City, Nassau County holds the line.
Theodore Roosevelt (Pach Brothers/Public domain)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Donald Trump
(Portrait by Leon Perskie/Public domain)
(Public domain)
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Putting A Target On The Backs Of Gun Runners Donnelly creates illegal firearms task force
assau County District Attorney Anne T. Donnelly announced the formation of the Firearms Suppression and Intelligence Unit at the district attorney’s office to combat an increase in illegal guns in the county. “The volume of firearms that we’ve seized since the new year is truly staggering,” Donnelly said. “We are witnessing a once-in-a-generation surge of illegal and untraceable weapons into Nassau County and too many innocent people are becoming victims of gun violence. We will use every tool at our disposal and collaborate with every federal and local partner to stem the flow of these weapons into Nassau County.” The District Attorney’s Firearms Suppression and Intelligence Unit consists of three prosecutors with extensive training in firearms and narcotics, as well as two specialized detective investigators with decades of experience in long-term weapons investigations, and an intelligence analyst. From Jan. 1 to March 9, 2022, law enforcement in Nassau County has seized 94 firearms during criminal investigations. In
2021, 45 guns were seized in the same twomonth period, while 51 were seized in 2020. The unit will utilize enhanced investigative techniques and the new ballistics capabilities of the Nassau County Office of the Medical Examiner’s Crime Laboratory to analyze if previously unrelated shootings are related. “Our objective when we arrest a person with one gun is to find out where that gun came from and work our way up the pyramid to find out who is the gun supplier,” Donnelly said. An analysis of gun prosecutions indicates that the majority of firearms seized in Nassau County are from out of state, with most trafficked along the “Iron Pipeline” from southeastern states to New York along Interstate 95. Additionally, an increasing proportion of so-called ghost guns, which can be assembled from
kits purchased online and do not have serial numbers, are being seized in criminal investigations in the county. In February, both a dentist and New York City firefighter were arrested for possessing multiple illegal weapons, including ghost guns. FDNY firefighter and Baldwin resident Aaron Martin, Jr. was arrested in Queens County on Feb. 13, for possession of two ghost gun kits. After executing a search warrant at his home in North Baldwin, six assault weapons and ammunition were recovered. The defendant surrendered to members of the Nassau County Police Department on Feb. 25, and was charged with seven counts of second-degree criminal possession of a weapon (a C violent felony) and seven counts of third-degree criminal possession of a weapon (a D violent felony). The
defendant faces a potential maximum of 90 years in prison. On Feb. 16, 62-year-old Paul Carey of Massapequa, was arrested for possession of 30 firearms, including 20 assault weapons. Eighteen of those assault weapons are without serial numbers and ghost guns. The defendant—a dentist—was allegedly in possession of 61 high-capacity magazines, thousands of rounds of ammunition, seven silencers and multiple firearm parts. The defendant is charged with first-degree criminal possession of a weapon (a B violent felony), second-degree criminal possession of a weapon (a C violent felony) and three counts of third-degree criminal possession of a weapon (two of which are D violent felonies.) The defendant faces a potential maximum of 25 years in prison. Martin is represented by Robert Gallo, Esq. Carey is represented by John Carman, Esq. The charges are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless found guilty. —Submitted by the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office
229427 S
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3/10/22 8:48 AM
Honor Women’s History By Championing The Heroes In Your Organization March is Women’s History Month, a time to acknowledge all the contributions women have made to American history. If you visit www.womenshistorymonth. gov, you’ll see photos of female heroes as we traditionally envision them: Billie Holiday, whose voice shaped popular music; suffragettes picketing for equal voting rights in 1917. You’ll also see photos of women living everyday life: assembling the engine cowling of a WWII bomber; working at a cotton mill in Georgia while pregnant; doing their best to thrive after being placed in an internment camp merely for being JapaneseAmerican. These are the heroes I celebrate when I think about women’s history. They are people I know, like my mom or my gram, who supported her family after her husband died; women who have faced a challenge and overcame it. As the first female director at the newly formed PSEG Long Island, I have done my best over the past eight years to honor the example set by these heroes by helping more women reach leadership positions and achieve their true potential. In so doing, I hope to emulate one of my earliest heroes: my sixth-grade teacher in North Babylon. She was an extremely strong, confident, independent
Suzanne Brienza (Photo courtesy of PSEG Long Island)
woman who believed in her students. She made sure you knew that you could accomplish anything. My professional path brought me together with more heroes, women who overcame sometimes life-threatening challenges. After getting my undergraduate degree at Hofstra, I obtained a law degree from Touro and spent several years representing women who were victims of domestic violence. One individual had been beaten by her husband in front of her preschool-aged child. After that traumatic experience, she had the courage to stand up to him in court, move out of state and get the career she wanted, all the while knowing the violence she risked. To me, she’s a hero
because she had the courage and strength to do better for herself and her child. After practicing law for 12 years, I took a chance and accepted a position as a collections supervisor at PSEG Long Island’s predecessor company. As a working mother, I appreciated the more favorable work-life balance of a career away from the courtroom. Time passed, and I was promoted to manager. When PSEG Long Island was formed, I was chosen as director of Revenue Operations—and became the very first woman to hold a director-level role in the new company. I never felt the weight of being the first, because it was never about me—it was about pulling other women up with me and I made it my mission to champion high-potential women for leadership positions. Fortunately, PSEG Long Island has been fantastic with their support of women. They offer a number of development programs for women. I have had opportunities to be able to transition into three different director roles and that’s been invaluable. Today, I am proud to be one of five women directors working to make things better for our 1.1 million customers. Women’s history is defined by strength, courage and mutual support. The nation we have
Dr. Nellie Taylor-Walthrust their child and throughout the first year of the child’s life with support, counseling and advocacy. Through our Diane Goldberg Maternal Depression Program,
we provide a rapid response and diagnosis for mothers suffering from postpartum depression and other perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, which are estimated to impact one in seven women. As part of our educational and advocacy work, the Guidance Center partnered with Hofstra University’s Public Health Program, School of Health Science and Human Services to create Birth Justice Warriors, an initiative born out of the crippling bias and injustice faced by Black mothers in the United States in general and in Nassau County in particular. According to the New York State Department of Health, a Black woman is up to four times more likely to die in childbirth than a white mother. In Nassau County,
P ubl i s he r s of Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot Great Neck Record Manhasset Press Nassau Illustrated News Port Washington News Syosset-Jericho Tribune The Nassau Observer The Roslyn News Editor and Publisher Angela Susan Anton President Frank A. Virga Vice President of Operations Iris Picone Director of Sales Administration Shari Egnasko
today is the product of heroes like the women I have known, who found that strength to overcome. And to the women who will help build the nation of tomorrow: I encourage you to take chances, to never think you don’t have enough skills or abilities to try something new. (If you’re interested in joining us at PSEG Long Island, you can browse our latest job openings at https://jobs. pseg.com/LI.) Blaze a trail for yourself—and then don’t forget to bring other women up behind you. Do that, and our nation will never run short of heroes.
Editors Dave Gil de Rubio, Christy Hinko, Frank Rizzo, Julie Prisco, Joe Scotchie, Natalia Ventura, Jennifer Corr Advertising Sales Ally Deane, Mary Mallon, Sal Massa, Maria Pruyn, Jeryl Sletteland Director of Circulation Joy DiDonato Director of Production Robin Carter Creative Director Alex Nuñe z Art Director Catherine Bongiorno
Suzanne Brienza is PSEG Long Island’s director of Customer Experience and Utility Marketing. She lives in Farmingdale.
Supporting The Well-Being Of All Mothers And Babies At the North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, our mission is to bring hope and healing to children and families experiencing depression, anxiety and other challenges. Although we are a children’s mental health organization, we know that emotional well-being and physical health are inexorably tied, each deeply impacting the other. The Guidance Center has several programs that promote the health of mothers and children. One is our Good Beginnings for Babies program, which aims to promote healthier pregnancies that will result in healthier babies and to nurture relationships between parent and child. Good Beginnings for Babies supports teen and young adult mothers prior to the birth of
K a r l V . A n to n ,J r.,P u b lis h e r, A n to n C o m m u n ity N e w s p a p e r s , 1 9 8 4 -2 0 0 0
the infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births is 9.4 for Black babies versus the 2.2 reported for white non-Hispanic babies. Birth Justice Warriors are volunteer advocates from many professions and backgrounds, working with community members, pediatricians, nurses, health care professionals, elected officials, members of faith-based institutions and others to bring education and awareness to this inequality. Ultimately, one of Birth Justice Warriors’ goals is to have legislation written that guarantees that this crucial information is delivered to all women of child-bearing age. In late January, I joined with Dr.
Senior Page Designer Donna Duffy Director of Business Administration Linda Baccoli
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L e tte r s to th e e d ito r a r e w e lc o m e d b y An t o n M e d i a Gr o u p . W e re s e r v e th e r ig h t to e d it in th e in te re s t o f s p a c e a n d c la r ity . A ll le tte r s m u s t in c lu d e a n a d d re s s a n d d a y tim e te le p h o n e n u m b e r f o r v e r i f i c a t i o n . All material contributed to Anton Media Group in any form becomes the property of the newspapers to use, modify and distribute as the newspaper staff assigns or sees fit. Letters to the editor can be mailed to: editorial@antonmediagroup.com Additional copies of this and other issues are available for purchase by calling 516-403-5120.
This Russian Denounces The Ukrainian Invasion One hundred years ago, the predicament of the Russian in America was very different than it is today. Rampant discrimination was abound. Russians, among other Slavic peoples, were used as a pawn against organized labor, baselessly smeared as Communists and anarchists based on the actions of a few, culminating in blankcheck raids by the Attorney General of the time against tens of thousands of Eastern European immigrants. Five years later, Congress would pass the Quota Act: officially capping the amount of immigrants from Eastern Europe, relegating Slavs to the “uncivilized” category. A century later, much has changed. Immigration quotas have been abolished, the Cold War is over and Russians are no longer being profiled. And yet, something continues to linger under the surface: the assumption I’m somehow not a “real” American. Despite being born in America and speaking perfect English, countless individuals throughout my life have assumed I am a foreigner when I say I am Russian or asked me where I’m “really” from. Stereotypes? I’ve heard them all. No, I don’t drink vodka. I don’t wear an ushanka all the time, and I do, in fact, smile. The most popular stereotype of all is that we Russians
Matthew Adarichev (Photo courtesy of the Adarichev family)
unconditionally support Vladimir Putin or that we yearn for a return to Communism. I’m here today to set the record straight: I, along with the majority of Russians and Russian-Americans, do not support Vladimir Putin. In addition, xI utterly denounce the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian government. Vladimir Putin is a lawless dictator, crook, robber and tyrant who has continued the 1,200-year streak of autocratic rule in Russia. He has assassinated opposition leaders, suspended due process, rigged the judicial system and looks the other way as his vassals set up LGBTQ+ concentration camps.
His is a regime of restricted civil liberties and Russian people languishing, while he and his fat oligarch cronies loot the treasury, and it goes without saying that his invasion of Ukraine is illegal, unjustified and atrocious. So who do you think you are, assuming this young, progressive Russian has some kind of “allegiance” to a regime he
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Martine Hackett, my Birth Justice Warrior co-founder and an associate professor in the public health and community health programs at Hofstra, at a press conference held by New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. The senator, along with Representative Alma Adams of North Carolina, are the sponsors of the Maternal CARE Act, which would provide funding for evidence-based training programs to reduce bias in maternal health and establish programs to bring health care services to pregnant women and new mothers in an effort to reduce the disproportionate rate of maternal death and other poor health outcomes among Black women and their babies. In her statement, Gillibrand said the following: “Health equity for Black women can only happen if we recognize and address persistent biases in our health
system and do more to ensure women have access to culturally competent, holistic care to reduce preventable maternal mortality.” Both North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center and Birth Justice Warriors support this important legislation, and we hope that you will join us in spreading the word so that all women receive the care they need and deserve. Dr. Nellie Taylor-Walthrust is the director of North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center’s Leeds Place and is a co-founder of Birth Justice Warriors, a collaboration of the Guidance Center and Hofstra University. To learn more about Birth Justice Warriors, contact Dr. Walthrust-Taylor via email at NTaylorWalthrust@northshorechildguidance.org or call 516-997-2926, ext. 229.
New York State Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (Source: Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0)
despises, based on a genetic happenstance? Unfortunately, these harmful assumptions are already spreading throughout the American and European body politic. Like anti-Asian sentiment during the pandemic, and like antisemitism during the 2021 Gaza war, a rise in anti-Russian sentiment is already being documented across the West. Russian restaurants and stores owned by Russians are being boycotted, including those whose owners have aided the Ukrainian relief effort. In Europe, some businesses refuse to cater to Russian customers and countries like Czechia have stopped issuing immigration visas to Russians altogether. Why must ordinary Russians be punished for the actions of a rogue government? This war has devastated Ukraine, but the citizens of Russia have suffered too. Well-meaning sanctions meant to target Russian oligarchs have led to rapidly deteriorating living standards for Russians (I should know; ask my close relatives). Russian soldiers have been forced to fire on ethnic Russians living in Eastern Ukraine. Russian soldiers have broken down in tears, questioning the purpose of their fighting, and thousands of Russians have
been arrested inside Russia for protesting the war, including a 77-year-old survivor of the Nazi siege of Leningrad. Many Russians outside Russia, including my own family, have protested against the Russian invasion. We want to see the Russian people unshackled and flourishing and we want the boundaries of Ukraine to be respected. We want a swift and peaceful resolution to the current conflict, with the priority being a minimization of civilian deaths. What we do not want is for ordinary Russians like myself to be added to a long list of individuals who have been scapegoated for the actions of systems of power. Until this conflict is over, I urge anyone who can to donate to charities working on the ground to avail the growing Ukrainian humanitarian crisis. I recommend Save the Children Ukraine, UNHCR, or the Salvation Army as reputable charities; otherwise, avoid scams by verifying charitable organizations listed on the Federal Trade Commission’s website. For now, though: the world stands with Ukraine. Matthew Adarichev is a Hofstra University sophomore who is a student journalist from Westbury.
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Recently Sold
This beautiful Colonial home located on a beautiful tree lined street at 20 Spruce Ln. in New Hyde Park sold for $750,000 on March 11. It has five bedrooms and four bathrooms. It has a large family room, a den, a formal dining room, a bedroom-sized home office and a bathroom on the first floor. The foyer has high ceilings and a chandelier overhead. The eat-in kitchen has granite countertops. The second floor of this home has four bedrooms and two full bathrooms. The legal, full and finished basement has a full bathroom also and has a large storage area and a walk-in closet. The backyard is lovely and has a porch. This home is spacious and perfectly sized for one family. This home sold on March 4 for $719,000 and sits on a beautifully manicured property on a tree lined street in the heart of New Hyde Park Village at 651 6th Ave. The lovely classic front porch accents the meticulously maintained lawn and dwelling with three bedrooms (possibly four), two full and one half updated baths, an extra large eatin-kitchen, a family room and a finished basement with a separate entrance. Relax outside in luxurious backyard. This home is close to shops, schools, transportation and parks. Taxes have been grieved and do not reflect the STAR reduction.
Go Native
ow homeowners and businesses design the landscape on their property, including plant choices, can result in significant positive benefits on the environment, the public water supply and public health. Native plants are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions where they naturally occur. These important plant species provide nectar, pollen, and seeds that serve as food for native butterflies, insects, birds and other animals. Unlike natives, common horticultural plants do not fit the bill. These adaptations bring us several gardening advantages. Native plants, birds, butterflies, beneficial insects and interesting critters are “made for each other.” Research shows that native wildlife prefers native plants. Once established, many native plants need minimal irrigation beyond normal rainfall. Low maintenance landscaping methods are a natural fit with native plants that are already adapted to the local environment. Look forward to using less water, little to no fertilizer, little to no pesticides, less pruning and less of your time. Native plants have developed their own defenses against many pests and diseases. Since most pesticides kill indiscriminately, beneficial insects become secondary targets in the fight against pests. Reducing or eliminating pesticide use lets natural pest control take over and keeps garden toxins out of creeks and
watersheds. As development replaces natural habitats, planting gardens, parks and roadsides with New York native plants can provide a “bridge” to nearby remaining wildlands. Try native plants. Additional information about gardening with native plants can be found at bookstores, online and at your local library. You can help pollinators, save money and have clearer air by reducing the area of your property that you mow. If you have the space, consider letting an area of your lawn grow long. You’d be surprised what a little meadow can do for wildlife, especially fireflies. Did you know that running a gas-powered mower for an hour emits the same amount of pollution as a 20-mile car trip? The average gas-powered push mower produces 14.76 pounds of air pollution in an hour. That’s enough polluting gas to surround you in a big bubble. Electric mowers are much cleaner. Taller grasses and lawn substitutes with less mowing disturbances provide cover and nesting sites for some pollinators. Although you might not see them, fireflies spend the day resting among the blades of grass. The more you mow, the less inviting your lawn is for fireflies. Reducing the area that you mow will save you both time and money. —Department of Environmental Conservation
Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.
228919 M
10A MARCH 23 - 29, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
Town And Nassau SPCA Issue Coyote Safety And Behavior Tips After Recent Sightings W
ith recent coyote sightings in Lattingtown and other North Shore communities this week, Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino, Councilwoman Michele Johnson and Nassau County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Board President Gary Rogers recently issued the following safety and behavior tips for residents. Do not allow coyotes to approach people or pets. If you see a coyote exhibiting threatening behavior, dial 911.
Safety Tips:
• Unintentional food sources attract coyotes, other wildlife and increase risks to people and pets. • Do not feed coyotes. Discourage others from doing so. • Do not feed pets outside. If you are feeding feral cats please stay and observe the cat feedings and remove all food before leaving. • Eliminate availability of bird seed. Concentrations of birds and rodents at feeders can attract wildlife. If you see a coyote(s) near your bird feeder, clean up waste seed and spillage to remove the attractant. • Make certain that garbage is inaccessible
to wildlife. • Fence or enclose compost piles so they are not accessible. • Teach children to appreciate wildlife from a distance as to avoid the risk of being injured. • If confronted, stand tall, and hold arms out to look large. If a coyote lingers for too long, then make loud noises, wave your arms, throw sticks and stones. Do not run away, running away after seeing a coyote is behaving like prey. • Do not allow pets to run free. Supervise all outdoor pets to keep them safe from coyotes and other wildlife, especially at sunset and at night. Small dogs (even if on leash) and cats are especially vulnerable to coyotes. Keep cats indoors. • Conflicts between dogs and coyotes can happen any time of the year, but are more likely in the months of March and April. It is during this time that coyotes are setting
Coyotes were recently spotted in Lattingtown and a number of other North Shore communities. (Photo courtesy of Nature80020/CC BY 2.0) up their denning areas for the soon-toarrive pups. • Fencing your yard may deter coyotes. The fence should be tight to the ground, preferably extending six inches below ground level, and taller than 4 feet. • Remove brush and tall grass from around
your home to reduce protective cover for coyotes. Coyotes are typically secretive and like areas where they can hide. • Be aware people do coexist with coyotes but caution, care and common sense must be used. —Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay
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230761 M
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 23 - 29, 2022 11A
Port Washington’s Matthew Castillo
Matthew Castillo (Photo source Schreiber High School Facebook)
atthew Castillo is a senior at Schreiber High School and the captain of the Viking Wrestling team. He has been wrestling since he was in kindergarten when he joined the Port Youth Athletics wrestling program, which led to a historic wrestling career. From a young age, Castillo was inspired by his older brothers. “His older brothers
wrestled, so he was always at those matches,” said mom Kelly Castillo. “He would watch their tournaments and cheer on his brothers and the other kids on the team. The team was always wrestling with him between matches and he just loved it.” “Wrestling is my favorite sport,” Castillo said. “There is no secret to wrestling. I put a lot of extra time in running, lifting, and going to extra wrestling practices..” “When you win, you stay humble and when you lose, you lose with pride and keep your head up,” Castillo said. “Every match is a lesson and I am always looking to improve for the next one. Wrestling has taught me many lessons that I will carry throughout life, especially accountability and responsibility.”
Castillo’s positivity and humility are vital qualities that make him a good team captain. “Castillo is a three-time captian and has been an exceptional leader through his incredible work ethic in the wrestling room,” Viking wrestling coach Anthony Schettino said. “Castillo makes good decisions and stays away from anything that would affect his performance. He vocally supports and lifts his teammates whenever they face adversity. Castillo has certainly served as a role model to the younger guys on the team.” “Castillo went on to win or make the finals of every single tournament during the regular season,” said Schettino. “He was recognized as the Section 8, Nassau County Wrestling Sportsmanship of the Year Recipient. Castillo will be competing in the National Championships at the end of March.We wish him the best!”
Matthew Castillo (in blue) dominates in the ring. (Photo from Port Washington Public School District)
Castillo led the team to a historic season as captain, and his personal wrestling career is monumental. Castillo has 134 career wins. He has been honored five times as a New York State Scholar-Athlete and is a three-time Nassau County finalist. The discipline Castillo learned
from wrestling has transferred over to improve his dedication to education, which has allowed Castillo many options when it comes to his future. “I’m still deciding what I want to do, but I know that whichever path I decide to take will lead to great success due to the grit I developed on the mat,” Castillo said.
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3/16/22 12:47 PM
12A MARCH 23 - 29, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
JOSEPH SCOTCHIE jscotchie@antonmediagroup.com
his year, the 1972 epic, The Godfather turns 50. The film, starring Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton and Talia Shire is running as strong as ever, constantly ranking at the very top of any listings of the greatest American movies. And it was a couple of Long Island boys who made it happen. First, came the novel, published to great acclaim in 1970. Mario Puzo, a native of Hell’sjcorr@antonmediagroup.com Kitchen and later a resident of West Bay Shore, published his first novel, The Dark Arena in 1955. Others followed, including The Fortunate Pilgrim (1955). As certain debts piled up, Puzo needed the money. He later admitted that a juicy tale might sell. That it did. The Godfather, published in 1969, stayed on The New York Times Best Seller list for 67 weeks. Anticipation for the film was the greatest since Gone With The Wind. Puzo didn’t just write a pot boiler, full of sex and violence. The novel had solid historical footing. Vito Corleone? chinko@antonmediagroup.com Try a composite of Frank Costello and Carlo Gambino. Brando’s raspy voice came from watching tapes of Costello testifying before Congress. Costello, as
Long Island To Posterity:
The Making Of The Godfather Robert Duvall (left) and Marlon Brando in a scene from 1972’s The Godfather (Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures) with Corleone, wanted the organized crime families to stay out of the narcotics business. Corleone had judges on the
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payroll. That too was Costello’s real-life strategy. Corleone grabbed the audience’s sympathy as a loyal family man. That was modeled on Gambino. The latter managed to keep his two sons out of the rackets. That was Corleone’s fondest dream for his younger son, Michael. Both Michael and Sonny Corleone, Don Vito’s volatile eldest son, were composites of Charles (Lucky) Luciano at various stages of the latter’s career. Moe Greene is based on Bugsy Siegel, the would-be Las Vegas visionary, while Hyman Roth is modeled after Meyer Lansky. The line in The Godfather II, “We’ll be bigger than General Motors” was modified from an aside the elderly Lansky made while caught on a surveillance tape. For the film, Puzo found a script collaborator in another Long Island native. Francis Coppola, a graduate of Great Neck North High School, originally did not want to direct the film. He believed a film version would put his fellow ItalianAmericans in a negative light. Robert Evans, head of Paramount Studios, wanted someone with Italian ancestry to direct. Prior to The Godfather, Coppola, then 33 years old, had several films under his belt, including Finian’s Rainbow (1968) and The Rain People (1969). He also co-wrote the script for Patton (1970), winning his first Academy Award for Screenwriting. Coppola relented. Studio heads agreed that only Brando could play Vito Corleone. Both Pacino and Caan auditioned for the Michael Corleone part. Coppola took his time with the film. The man clearly had one of the finest collections of screen talent on hand. The original film Coppola
Francis Ford Coppola circa 1976 (public domain)
handed over to Evans was only an hour and a half. Evans reportedly rejected that version, claiming that too much of the family drama ended up on the cutting room floor. Coppola went back to the grindstone and produced the three-hour epic that has packed movie houses ever since. The film was also a family undertaking. Coppola directed his older sister, Talia Shire in the role of Connie Corleone, the young bride of an abusive—and turncoat—husband. Coppola’s father, Carmine, wrote the score for the film’s opening wedding scene.
see GODFATHER on page 14A
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 23 - 29, 2022 13A
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230759 M
14A MARCH 23 - 29, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
GODFATHER from page 12A The Godfather went on to win three Academy Awards and numerous other awards. Coppola earned his second Academy Award, this time for Adapted Screenplay. Coppola was now the hottest director in Hollywood. Both Brando and Duvall came on board for 1978’s Apocalypse Now, a Vietnam War-era epic. Other Coppola directed films have included The Conversation (1974), The Cotton Club (1984) and Peggy Sue Got Married (1986), plus the two popular sequels to The Godfather. Coppola was born in Detroit to a musical family. His father was a principal flutist for the NBC Symphony Orchestra. The family moved, first, to Woodside, Queens and later to Great Neck. At Hofstra University, Coppola came into his own. He became interested in all facets of film making, including writing and directing. He was president of both the university’s drama group and comedy club. After Hofstra, Coppola attended graduate school at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). He remained in California and his conquest of Hollywood was only a matter of time. On the 50th anniversary of the film, several of its stars looked back fondly on the film’s rigorous schedule. “Francis’ genius was not just in directing that film. It was gathering a group of experts who became the experts,” Caan said in a recent interview. “The story, there were a lot of angles in it that had to touch one of us in the audience. Some could have said, ‘Wow, that was a really strong (story) about the family.’ Somebody else could’ve said, ‘See how that works as a gangster?’ … Whatever it was, there was enough out there to interest somebody, no matter what they did for a living.” “It’s a rough thing to see a pregnant woman being knocked around,” Shire added in her own interview, speaking of a climactic scene. “And I had to move from place to place, and I was honestly terrified because you didn’t want to do another take. Another take meant everything had to be reset and I just wanted to keep going and sometimes things wouldn’t break. And I remember my shoes came off and I kept running, hoping, ‘Feet don’t fail me now. I don’t want to get cut.’ But it was a marvel to shoot and I think it was very potent.” That it was. Evans’s judgment proved prescient. The audience forgot about the crime aspect and rooted for the Corleone family against their many rivals. 230544 S
Mario Puzo in 1972 (public domain)
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 23 - 29, 2022 15A
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230815 M
16A MARCH 23 - 29, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
Williston Park School Collects Supplies For Ukraine
he Schechter School of Long Island, a small kindergarten through 12th grade school in Williston Park with students from Roslyn, Jericho, Great Neck, Plainview, Oyster Bay and other local communities, could not simply stand by as lives have been uprooted in the Ukraine. “As a Jewish school, our philosochinko@antonmediagroup.com phy is always about giving to charity,” said Elizabeth Kahn, director of Institutional Advancement and Community Outreach. “Our kids brought these initiatives on their own.” The Schechter School of Long Island is hosting several initiatives to collect supplies for Ukrainians; including a pajama drive, a campaign to collect hygiene and feminine products and a
collection for diapers. A teacher and former parent of a student has also donated 300 shirts and at the end of the month, there will be a school-wide “bowl-a-thon.” The fifth-grade class is also working with high school students that are members of a club called Kesher to put on an assembly where a Ukrainian immigrant will discuss their experience. “I am happy that I, along with the other club members, will have an opportunity to educate our whole school about the situation in Ukraine and work together to help make a difference in the lives of individuals affected by the attack,” 11th-grade student Paris Levy said. And to add to the initiatives, students are writing and mailing appeals for donations with the help of their parents. “Ukrainians need help,” fifth -grader Sam Mitzner said. “It is good to help people. The Ukrainians, children and babies and families are hiding in
Emma Bruck, a first-grade girl, with donated pajamas. Her mother donated over 20 pairs of pajamas and t-shirts to send to Ukrainian refugees. Photo courtesy The Schechter School of Long Island [makeshift] bomb shelters, subway stations and under bridges.” Kahn summarized that though the students are leading several different initiatives, they all have the same outcome: helping Ukrainians. “[The students] see this on television and they have access to social media,” Kahn said. “They know what’s happening and
they’re seeing it every day: these parents and kids trying to sneak out in order to save their families. It is moving and it is scary for them and they feel very helpless.” All efforts have been student-driven and teacher-assisted, Kahn added, because it is a way for students to feel like they are making a difference even though the war is happening overseas.
“It makes me feel better,” Mitzner said. “We are trying to make things better. We can’t do anything directly to help, but we want to do whatever we can.” It makes sense that these students would respond to the war in Ukraine by collecting supplies, because donating and helping others is ingrained in their curriculum. At a young age, the children are directed to bring in pennies to donate to charities and as they get older, they bring in dollars. “It is a school-wide mission and it is taught early in kindergarten but it is also taught by the parents and family as well that it is very important to think outside of yourself and give to people who need,” Kahn said. The Schecter School of Long Island is working with authorized and reliable groups that are actively delivering the supplies to refugees that have traveled to Poland and the monetary donations to those still in Ukraine.
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ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 23 - 29, 2022 17A
On-Going Ukrainian Relief Drive Already A Huge Success
n less than a week, the County Legislature’s Ukrainian Relief Drive collection bins at Cantiague Park have overflowed with supplies. Legislator Laura Schaefer, whose district includes Cantiague in Hicksville, and Legislator Rose Marie Walker, helped pack up the supplies. The drive runs until March 25, and boxes are located at Eisenhower Park, Wantagh Park, Christopher Morley Park, Grant Park, Nickerson Park, Cantiague Park and the Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building. Food and clothing will no longer be accepted, however there is a great need for medical supplies and personal care items for all ages. After the drive ends, the supplies from all the county parks will be delivered to the Polish Consulate, who will then send it to Europe. “I am thrilled by the turnout for this Ukrainian relief drive,” Schaefer said. “Thank you to everyone who has donated so far. These supplies will go a long way
From left: Legislators Rose Walker and Laura Schaefer will be conducting a Ukrainian Relief Drive until March 25.
Legislator Siela A. Bynoe Partners To Host Upcoming ‘Sip & Talk’ Forum toward helping the people of the Ukraine.” “It is heart-warming to see so many Nassau County residents donating supplies for those affected by this war,” Walker said. “I want to thank everyone for putting in the time and effort to donate. This is a reminder that there are so many good people in the world who will always help those in need. Please continue to pray for the people of the Ukraine.” —Submitted by the Nassau County Legislature
Legislators Rose Walker (foreground) and Laura Schaefer unloading supplies at a Ukrainian Relief Drive collection center (Photos courtesy of the Nassau County Legislature)
Nassau County Legislator Siela A. Bynoe (D - Westbury) is partnering with the Mental Health Association of Nassau County to host a virtual “Sip & Talk” community conversation at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 29, to raise awareness about mental health matters. During the forum, presenters will discuss the signs and symptoms of mental
health disorders, how to best assist someone who is experiencing these challenges, and where to find services and service providers in Nassau County. Register online at https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/LD2. For additional information contact Bynoe’s Legislator Siela office at sbynoe@ Bynoe nassaucountyny.gov or (Photo courtesy 516-571-6202. of the Nassau —Submitted by the County LegislaNassau County Legislature ture)
*This photo was taken prepandemic.
Fun. Friendship. Her Big Future. Girl Scouts have it handled! Register for an information session in your area at gsnc.org/programs. Once registered, you will have the opportunity to sign your daughter up for a Daisy Discovery activity.
BALDWIN Wednesday, 4/06/2022 7:00 PM
ELMONT Tuesday, 4/05/2022 7:00 PM
HERRICKS Tuesday, 4/05/2022 7:00 PM
BAY (Oyster Bay, East Norwich, and Bayville) Tuesday, 4/05/2022 7:00 PM
FLORAL PARK/ BELLROSE Monday, 4/25/2022 7:00 PM
HICKSVILLE Wednesday, 4/13/2022 7:00 PM
BELLMORE/ NORTH BELLMORE Wednesday, 4/06/2022 7:00 PM
FREEPORT Wednesday, 4/13/2022 7:00 PM
CARLE PLACE/ WESTBURY Wednesday, 4/06/2022 7:00 PM CENTRAL PARK (Bethpage, Plainview, and Old Bethpage) Monday, 4/04/2022 7:00 PM EAST MEADOW Thursday, 4/28/2022 7:00 PM ELLM (East Rockaway, Lakeview, Lynbrook, and Malverne) Thursday, 4/28/2022 7:00 PM
GARDEN CITY Monday, 4/04/2022 7:00 PM GLEN COVE Wednesday, 4/27/2022 7:00 PM GREAT NECK Tuesday, 4/12/2022 7:00 PM HARDSCRABBLE (Farmingdale and N. Massapequa) Monday, 5/02/2022 7:00 PM HEMPSTEAD Monday, 5/02/2022 7:00 PM
ISLAND BEACH (Island Park and Long Beach) Monday, 4/11/2022 7:00 PM JERICHO/SYOSSET Tuesday, 4/12/2022 7:00 PM MANHASSET Monday, 4/11/2022 7:00 PM MASSAPEQUA Tuesday, 4/26/2022 7:00 PM MERRICK Monday, 4/11/2022 7:00 PM OCEANSIDE Monday, 4/04/2022 7:00 PM
PARK (New Hyde Park, Garden City Park, and parts of Floral Park) Wednesday, 4/27/2022 7:00 PM
THE PLAINS (Island Trees and Levittown) Wednesday, 4/27/2022 7:00 PM
PLAINEDGE Tuesday, 5/03/2022 7:00 PM
UNIONDALE Tuesday, 4/26/2022 7:00 PM
PORT WASHINGTON Wednesday, 4/13/2022 7:00 PM
VALLEY STREAM Thursday, 4/07/2022 7:00 PM
ROCKVILLE CENTRE Tuesday, 4/12/2022 7:00 PM
WARM (Williston Park, East Williston, Old Westbury, Albertson, Roslyn, Roslyn Heights and Mineola) Thursday, 4/07/2022 7:00 PM
ROOSEVELT Monday, 4/25/2022 7:00 PM SEAFORD/WANTAGH Monday, 5/02/2022 7:00 PM SHORE (Glen Head, Glenwood Landing, and Seacliff) Tuesday, 5/03/2022 7:00 PM
231096 M
18A MARCH 23 - 29, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
L LI IW IW LIW Worst Team Uniforms: MLB Edition
ow that the 2022 baseball season has been saved and a work stoppage avoided, there is no better time to take a look at some of major league baseball’s less flattering uniform looks from years past. Not unlike the three other major sports, team jerseys are a significant revenue generator for MLB teams. And while most of the selections on this list are the product of being conceived in the 1970s and 1980s, when fashion sense was defined by bell bottoms, wide collars and shoulder pads, two nominees were a result of a bold-faced grab for coin in the go-go 1990s. To be sure, there have been plenty of crimes against style sense to parse through. These just happen to be the five most egregious.
Houston Astros (1975-1986) These unis that were lovingly referred to as having a tequila sunrise design are a perfect example of being so garish that they’re actually quasi-cool. There was obviously something to their appeal as the Astros took to the field in them for a decade-plus. The clash of yellow and orange were perfectly complemented by the strategic positioning of players’ numbers right in the crotch area.
Cleveland Indians (1975) You would think that Frank Robinson being named the first black manager in the major leagues this year by the Tribe would have been big enough news in Cleveland. Instead, he had to contend with these allred monstrosities that had the cumulative effect of having a large man like Boog Powell look like a huge tomato stepping into the batter’s box or a giant stick of Big Red gum with arms and legs.
Chicago White Sox (1976) The White Sox’s then-owner was baseball impresario Bill Veeck (he of the pinch-hitting midget and Disco Demolition Night at Comiskey Park). His 1961 memoir was called Veeck as in Wreck, which is the word you can use to describe these uniforms that somehow managed to incorporate polo-style collars and for one game of a 1976 double-header against the Kansas City Royals, shorts.
New York Mets/Pittsburgh Pirates (1999) Here, you get two-for-the-price of one as the Mets and Bucs decided to participate in a 1999 MLB promotion dubbed Turn Ahead the Clock. A Mariners marketing director came up with the idea in 1998 and the MLB got Century 21 Real Estate to sponsor it the following year. As you can tell by these sartorial atrocities, the Mets and Bucs would have been better off going back in time during this go-round.
San Diego Padres (1978-1982) The Padres seem to have the market cornered on consistently ugly uniforms dating back to these late 1970s/early 1980s beauties distinguished by the combination of very dated bubble lettering for the logo and quite an interesting color combination of brown and yellow that will either have you thinking about a taco dinner or the aftermath a few hours later.
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 23 - 29, 2022 19A
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20A MARCH 23 - 29, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direc always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you hav By Holiday Mathis pleted the puzzle, there will be 13 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle. By Holiday Mathis
Rugby League Solution: 13 Letters
WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 13 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Rugby League
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). When you already own a thing, it’s silly to try to figure out what’s wrong with it. Why look for problems? But when you are still considering a purchase, it makes good sense to kick the tires, slam the doors, test the waters and poke around to see where the holes are. Anything broken will reveal itself.
Solution: 13 Letters
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You may not be able to actually go on the adventure you’d love to launch right now, but the world of imagination and media will provide much-needed escape from routine pressures. Why should this be a guilty pleasure? Let it be just a pleasure and leave needless emotions out of it -- no apologies!
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You could burn the bridge behind you and there would still be ways to get back -- swim, build a boat, hitch a ride on a plane -- all uncertain and time consuming. When you think about it, it’s smarter to be nice to the bridge. This may be a lot for your ego to take. Get away from the situation to let feelings mellow. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Self-control may seem to be a finite and therefore exhaustible resource. You’ll have more of it than you did on other days. Still, you can’t expect yourself to resist temptation forever. Make adjustments to your environment so you won’t need as much willpower to fulfill your expectations of yourself. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You show up to life, and you try to surround yourself with people who do the same. It’s a baseline of expected behavior by which the world runs. Even so, don’t take a change of plan personally. It may seem inconvenient in the moment, but the switch-up will be for the better. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There are many ways to think of the situation; it can work beautifully in a number of different iterations. So, when plans change, it’s nothing to worry about. This week presents opportunities to tell yourself it’s all going to be fine -- and probably even better than if it had happened in the original way. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your dreams are neither unrealistic nor selfish; they are right for you. Your biggest obstacle is a lack of faith. Could you decide to be naive? Stop overthinking and move with your instincts. Without the extra baggage caused by doubt and worry, you will float with improbable speed toward the fulfillment of a fantasy. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). What’s readily available will be perceived as less valuable -- a complexity of human nature that you can use to your advantage now. You will be the commodity that is less available, more mysterious and therefore an irresistible draw. People will compete for your attention and pay top dollar for what you sell.
Your worldview is always expanding; the wonder never stops. You have a knack for finding and sharing worthwhile endeavors, valuable items and other offbeat treasures. You’ll apply this talent to beautifying your surroundings, elevating the mundane and helping others. In the process, you’ll make friends and money. Summer brings a project that is daunting in scope. Fill in the gaps of uncertainty with an assumption that you can and will do it. Act with confidence. COPYRIGHT 2022 CREATORS.COM
Score Sin bin Siren St George Score Sin bin Tackle Siren Take St George Talau Tackle Take Tom TalauTrbojevic Tom Tries Trbojevic Tries Tupou Tupou Video Video
STREET, 41st Solution: What a great try!
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There will be a few black holes to navigate around this week. These dangers come in the form of people, ideas or situations too dangerous to approach, lest you get sucked in. Stay on the well-worn path. Follow trusted guides. Your power is substantial enough; you need no other source.
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olution: What a great try!
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Even in the case of very principled people, loyalty can trump agreement. Therefore, a person who is always on your side may not always think you’re right. Such ideas swirl around this week’s themes. The bottom line: People make mistakes, but you’d rather stand by them if you can find a way to ethically do it.
© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ll find yourself on a fact-finding mission. As you gather information this week, do consider the source. Some professions require pessimism from their practitioners. Lawyers, doctors, police officers and more must anticipate what could go wrong in order to do their job well.
© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You gave up what you no longer needed or wanted, leaving room for something new to drop in. Here comes the drop in the form of an interesting connection. It won’t take long for this to turn your life in unexpected directions. You’ll discover capacities you didn’t know you had.
Date: 3/23/22
737 3rdSyndica Street • Hermosa Beach, te CA 90254 Creators Date: 3/23/22 CONTRACT BRIDGE — BY STEVE BECKER 310-337-7003 • info@creators.com 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 By Steve Becker FOR RELEASE 310-337-7003 THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2022 • info@creators.com
Seeing is believing South dealer. East-West vulnerable. NORTH ♠9874 ♥8 6 3 ♦Q63 ♣K Q 8 WEST EAST ♠AQ ♠652 ♥ 10 9 7 ♥J 5 4 2 ♦ K J 10 8 4 2 ♦7 ♣9 4 ♣ J 10 6 5 2 SOUTH ♠ K J 10 3 ♥A K Q ♦A95 ♣A 7 3 The bidding: South West North East 2 NT Pass 3♣ Pass 3♠ Pass 4♠ Opening lead — ten of hearts. Some plays in bridge are so rare that it is not worth the effort to try to remember them, so you’ll know what to do the next time they arise. You would be better advised to hope that if the rara avis presents itself again, you’ll be able to find the winning play by relying on your own common sense. Take this case where South reached four spades on the bidding shown and West led the ten of hearts. Declarer won with the queen, East following with the deuce, led a club to dummy’s queen
and returned the nine of spades, losing to West’s queen. It was at this point that West made a most remarkable play. He returned the king of diamonds! This left South with no way to make the contract, regardless of how he continued. In practice, he won the king of diamonds with the ace and led another trump. West took his ace and returned the jack of diamonds to dummy’s queen. East ruffed and exited with a heart, and declarer later lost another diamond trick to go down one. West’s king-of-diamonds return was not just a wild shot. He had deduced from the bidding and play that South had the diamond ace and was also likely to hold three or four diamonds. West therefore could visualize that after he regained the lead with the trump ace, East would be able to ruff dummy’s queen of diamonds, most likely resulting in defeat of the contract. Note that West had to lead specifically the king of diamonds to stop the contract. If he returned, say, the jack instead, declarer would win with dummy’s queen and return a trump to West’s ace. When West now played the king of diamonds, East could ruff or discard, but either way, South would make four spades.
Tomorrow: Bidding quiz. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc.
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 23 - 29, 2022 21A
Weekly Sudoku Puzzle Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle
22 MARCH 22A MARCH 23 23 -- 29, 29, 2022 2022 •• ANTON ANTON MEDIA MEDIA GROUP GROUP
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LEGAL NOTICES Continued from page 10 AND CANNOT, AFTER DILIGENT INQUIRY BE ASCERTAINED AND THAT PERSONAL SERVICE OF THE CITATION CANNOT, WITH DUE DILIGENCE BE MADE UPON THEM WITHIN THE STATE. A petition and an account having been duly filed by CLEVELAND DELANEY JR., whose address is 835 Macon Place, Uniondale, New York 11553 YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court, Nassau County, at 262 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York, on May 25 2022, at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, why the account of CLEVELAND DELANEY JR., a summary of which has been served herewith, as ADMINISTRATOR, of the estate of PRINCETTA JOHNSON should not be judicially settled. [State any further relief requested] Why (i) the claim of Lester & Associates, P.C., in the sum of $14,587.65 be disallowed by the Court, in its entirety, (i) the unpaid legal fees of Meng & Reznak, P.C. in the amount of $7,991.00 incurred to defend against the frivolous claim and action to validate the claim of Lester & Associates, P.C. be directed to be paid by Lester & Associates, P.C. as requested in Scheduled C-1, D-3 and J; (iii) the unpaid legal fees of Meng & Reznak, P.C. in the amount of $17,026.75 as requested in Schedule C-1 be approved and paid from the Estate or the total unpaid fees of $25,017.75, (iv) the attorney’s fees in the amount of $10,215.00 paid to Meng & Reznak, P.C. be approved, (v) the Court remove “Ayesha” from the list of distrubutees and from further proceedings in this estate, (vi) the Court determine the distributes and their respective shares as stated in Schedule J, (vii) reimbursement to CLEVELAND DELANEY, JR. in the sum of $3,277.12 be approved; and (viii) that service of the citation be waived upon persons cited in this proceeding as distributees of PRINCETTA JOHNSON, the Decedent, who are deceased, are unknown, and cannot, after diligent inquiry be ascertained; and, that if said persons or any of them be dead, that the names or parts of the names, and place or places of residence, of any and all unknown persons, who are the respective executors, administrators, heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, legatees, devisees, husbands or wives, or successor in interest of said deceased persons are unknown, and cannot, after diligent inquiry be ascertained and that personal service of the citation cannot, with due diligence be made upon them within the State. HON. MARGARET C. REILLY Surrogate Debra Keller Leimbach
Chief Clerk Dated, Attested and Sealed, March 8, 2022 (Seal) Name of Attorney: M. Kathryn Meng, Esq. Tel. No.: 516-683-0901 Address of Attorney: 300 Old Country Road, Suite 341, Mineola, NY 11501 [Note: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear; however, if you fail to appear it will be assumed you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you, and you or your attorney may request a copy of the full account from the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney.] 4-6;3-30-23-16-224T-#230935-NIN/NHP LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of Clear Path Connection, LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on January 14, 2022.Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 102 Oliver Avenue, Valley Stream, NY 11580. Purpose: any lawful act. 4-20-13-6; 3-30-23-16- 20226T-#230957-NIN/NHP LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of Tri Aqua Irrigation LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State on 2/9/22. Office location: Nassau County. NY Sec. of State designated agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served, and shall mail process to 344 Nassau Blvd, West Hempstead, NY 11552, the principal business location. Purpose: any lawful activity. 4-20-13-6;3-30-23-16-20226T-#231037-NIN/NHP
NORTH SIDE STEPS, 100 SUPREME COURT DRIVE, MINEOLA, NY 11501, on April 25, 2022 at 2:30PM, premises known as 15 MONACO AVENUE, ELMONT, NY 11003: Section 0032, Block 00697-00, Lot 00002: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ERECTED, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN ELMONT, TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD, COUNTY OF NASSAU AND STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 006395/2015. Mark Ricciardi, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES. 4-13-6;3-30-23-20224T-#231131-NIN/NHP LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE FLORAL PARK-BELLEROSE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NASSAU COUNTY, NEW YORK LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a public hearing will be held by the Board of Education on Monday, April 11, 2022 at 8:00 p.m., prevailing time, at the John Lewis Childs School and via teleconference pursuant to New York General Municipal Law §6-d an amount up to $221,216 to be appropriated from the District’s Repair Reserve which was established on May 19, 2015 to fund the expenses associated with the repairs necessitated by damage caused by Hurricane IDA. It is anticipated that the Board of Education will vote on this proposed resolution at the public meeting following the hearing. Said hearing may be adjourned from time to time as necessary. Please visit the school district website at www.fpbsd.org for Zoom information. Date: April 6, 2022 By: Marybeth Altobelli District Clerk 3-23-2022-1T-#231143-NIN/ NHP
LEGAL NOTICES Manhasset-Lakeville Water District invites bids on a Contract for the annual supply of “COLD WATER METERS”. All bids must be in sealed envelopes, addressed to the Board of Commissioners of the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District and marked on the outside, “BID FOR COLD WATER METERS”, and delivered to the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District at its business office at 170 East Shore Road, Great Neck, New York 11023, on or before March 29, 2022 at 4:00 pm at which time the Bids will publicly opened and read aloud during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Commencing March 24, 2022, a bid packet including this Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, and Form of Contract, may be obtained at the business office of the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). Each bid must be accompanied by a bid bond issued by a surety company authorized to write such bonds in the State of New York, having an A.M. Best rating of “A-VIII” or better, or CERTIFIED CHECK or OFFICIAL BANK CHECK, payable to the order of the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District, in an amount not less than 5% of the amount bid, to guarantee that bidder will execute the Contract within the stipulated time. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any informality in the bidding and to accept such bid which, in the Board’s opinion, is in the best interests of the District. Dated: Great Neck, New York March 24, 2022 By order of the Board of Commissioners Manhasset-Lakeville Water District 3-23-2022-1T-#231406-NIN/ NHP LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Town of North Hempstead Board of Zoning Appeals Pursuant to the provisions of the Code of the Town of North Hempstead, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Zoning Appeals of said Town will meet at Town Hall, 220 Plandome Road, Manhasset, New York, on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 to consider any matters that may properly be heard by said Board, and will hold a public hearing on said date to consider applications and appeals. The following cases will be called at said public hearing starting at 10:00am. APPEAL #21204 – Lincy Lukose; 90 Aster Dr., New Hyde Park, Section 8, Block 305, Lot 11; Zoned Residence-B Variances from §§ 70-40(A),
70-41(A), 70-100.1(A) & 70-101(B) to construct a second-story addition that is too close to the street and too close to the side property line, a rear one-story addition that is too close to the side property line, an open porch that is too close to the street, and a garage which is located within the front yard (not permitted). APPEAL #21210 – Van Buren Properties III, LLC/ Gun Hill Triangle Realty Corp./Empire Car Rental/ Hitch King; 1850 Imperial Ave., New Hyde Park, Section 8, Block 193, Lots 4-11, 47, 25-31; Zoned Industrial-B Variances from §§ 70-103(A) and 70-212.B to legalize interior alterations to convert a warehouse into an auto body repair shop with not enough parking and outdoor storage that is too close to the street, takes up too much of the lot, and will not be screened from view. APPEAL #21206- Esther Francine Guastello; 37 Emerson Court, Westbury; Section 10, Block 163, Lot 22; Zoned: Residence-C Variances from §§70103.C(2)(a)[5] and 70100.2(A)(4) to legalize pool fencing forward of the rear building line and within a side yard and to legalize the same fencing which is considered too tall along a side yard and too tall facing the street. COVID-19 protocols will be strictly enforced while inside Town Hall. Persons interested in viewing the file for this appeal may request to do so any time before the scheduled hearing by contacting the BZA department via e-mail at BZAdept@northhempsteadny.gov. Additionally, the public may view the live stream of this meeting at https:// northhempsteadny.gov/ townboardlive. Should you wish to participate in an appeal hearing, we encourage you register in advance by email to bzadept@ northhempsteadny.gov by Friday, April 1, 2022. Please include your full name, address, email address, and appeal number you wish to be heard on. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Written comments are accepted by email up to 60 minutes prior to the hearing. Timely comment submissions will be made part of the record. DAVID MAMMINA, R.A., Chairman; Board of Zoning Appeals 3-23-2022-1T-#231454-NIN/ NHP
TOWN OF NORTH HEMPSTEAD, COUNTY OF NASSAU, WESTBURY, NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a public hearing will be held by the Board of Trustees of the Westbury Memorial Public Library, Towns of Hempstead and North Hempstead, County of Nassau, State of New York on Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 7:00 PM, at the Westbury Memorial Public Library, 445 Jefferson Street, Westbury, New York for the purpose of discussing expenditures contained in a proposed budget for the fiscal year 2022-2023. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that said vote and election will be held on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M., at the WESTBURY MEMORIAL PUBLIC LIBRARY for the following purposes only: (a) To approve or disapprove the proposed library budget (supplemented or amended as the case may be) of estimated expenses for the ensuing year as submitted by the Library Board of Trustees. (b) The election of one (1) member to the Board of Trustees of the Westbury Memorial Public Library: One (1) member for a full term of five (5) years commencing July 1, 2022 and expiring June 30, 2027. The present incumbent is Denise Parillo. The voting will be by paper ballot as provided by Education Law and the polls will be open at 9:00 A.M. and remain open until 9:00 P.M. and as much longer as may be necessary to enable the voters then present to cast their ballots. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a copy of such budget or statement may be obtained beginning Thursday, March 24, 2022, by any resident of the District upon request during the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M., except Saturday and Sunday, at the Westbury Memorial Public Library, 445 Jefferson Street, Westbury, New York 11590, on the library’s website – www. westburylibrary.org and at the Principal’s office in each of the following school houses: Westbury High School, Westbury Middle School, Drexel Avenue School, Dryden Street School, Park Avenue School and Powell’s Lane School. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that petitions containing at least twenty-five (25) signatures of qualified voters nominating candidates for the office of Trustee of the Westbury Memorial Public Library must be filed with the Clerk of the WESTBURY District at Westbury Public Schools Administration LEGAL NOTICE Building, 2 Hitchcock Lane, NOTICE OF PUBLIC Old Westbury, New York HEARING, BUDGET VOTE 11568, between the hours of AND ELECTION OF 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., not WESTBURY MEMORIAL later than the thirtieth (30) day PUBLIC LIBRARY (March 14, 2022) preceding WESTBURY UNION FREE the Library Election (April SCHOOL DISTRICT, 12, 2022) at which time the TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD candidates so nominated are AND to be elected; said petition
must also state the name and residence of each signer and must state the name and residence of the candidate. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that applications for absentee ballots may be obtained at the Westbury Memorial Public Library, 445 Jefferson Street, Westbury, New York 11590, Monday 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M., Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. and on the Library’s website – www.westburylibrary.org. Applications for absentee ballots may be received by the District Clerk no earlier than the 30th day before the election for which it is sought. Completed applications must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter on the day before the election if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter or his or her designated agent. Absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk, at Westbury Public Schools Administration Building, 2 Hitchcock Lane, Old Westbury, New York 11568, no later than 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. A list of all persons to whom absentee ballots are issued will be available for inspection to qualified voters of the District at the Office of the District Clerk, at the Westbury Memorial Public Library , between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M; with Saturday being between the hours of 10 and 12 commencing with the issuance of such ballots and for each of the five (5) days prior to the day of the election, excluding Sundays. Any qualified voter present in the polling place may object to the voting of the ballot upon appropriate grounds for making his/her challenge and the reasons therefore known to the Inspector of Election before the close of the polls. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that personal registration of voters is required. If a voter has heretofore registered and has voted in an annual or special district meeting during the prior four (4) calendar years, he/she is eligible to vote at this election; if a voter is registered and eligible to vote, he/she is also eligible to vote at this election. All other persons who wish to vote must register. The Board of Registration shall meet for the purpose of registering all qualified voters of the District at the WESTBURY MEMORIAL PUBLIC LIBRARY on Tuesday, April 5 between the hours of 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. , to add any additional names to the Register to be used at the aforesaid election, at which time any person will be entitled to have his or her name placed on such Register, provided that at such meeting of the Board of Registration he or she is known or proven to the satisfaction of said Board Continued on page 12
LEGAL NOTICES Continued from page 11 of Registration to be then or thereafter entitled to vote at such election for which the register is prepared. In addition qualified residents of the District shall be permitted to register at the Office of the District Clerk at Westbury Public Schools Administration Building, 2 itchcock ane Old estbury New York 115 from 00 A.M. to 12 00 noon and 2 00 P.M. to 00 P.M. on regular business days when school is in session beginning with the first day of student attendance in September and ending with the last day of student attendance in June and from 00 A.M. to 1 00 P.M. on regular business days during the months of July and August. he final date to register for the Special Meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 12 2022 is hursday April 7 2022 between 00 A.M. to 12 00 noon and 2 00 P.M. to 00 P.M. The register so prepared will be filed at the estbury Memorial Public ibrary and will be open for inspection by any qualified voter of the District between the hours of 10 00 A.M. and 5 00 P.M with Saturday being between the hours of 10 and 12 on each of the five (5) days prior to and the day set for the election, except Sunday, and at the polling place on election day. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that during voting hours on uesday April 12 2022 the Board of Registration will meet at the estbury Memorial Public ibrary 5 Jefferson Street, Westbury, New York for the purpose of preparing a register for elections held subsequent thereto. AND NO IC IS Y I N that Military voters who are qualified voters of the district and who are not registered must apply to register as a qualified voter by contacting the District Clerk at the estbury Public Schools Administration uilding 2 itchcock ane Old estbury New York 115 or by email districtclerk westburyschools.org or fax sent to 51 - 7 -19 0. The military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the registration application by mail, facsimile or electronic mail (email). The application to register must be received no later than 5 00 P.M. on the twenty-sixth ( 2 th) day before the election. A Military voter means a qualified voter of the State of New York who is in actual military service and will, therefore be absent from the District in which he or she is qualified to vote on the day of registration or election or is discharged from military service within 30 days of an election, or spouse, parent, child or dependent of the military voter, accompanying or being with such voter, if a qualified voter of New York State and a resident of the same school district as the
military voter, or military personnel, residing on a military base within a school district in New York State of a period of 30 days immediately preceding said Annual Meeting. AND NO IC IS HEREBY GIVEN that military voters who are qualified voters of the school district may apply for a military ballot. A military ballot application may be requested from the District Clerk and must be returned, in person or by mail to the Office of the District Clerk at the estbury Public Schools Administration uilding 2 itchcock ane Old estbury New York 115 not later than 5 00 P.M. on the twenty-sixth (2 th) day before the election. A military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the military ballot application by mail, facsimile transmission, or email. Military ballots must be received by the District Clerk (1) before the close of the polls on uesday April 12 2022 and showing a cancellation mark of the .S. postal service, or a foreign country’s postal service, or showing a dated endorsement of receipt of another agency of the U.S government or (2) by 5 00 P.M. on the date set for the election and signed and dated by the military voter and one witness thereof, with a date which is ascertained not be later than the day before the election. Irrespective of the preferred mode of transmission, the military ballot application and military ballot must be returned by mail or in person, A list of all persons to whom military ballots shall have been issued will be available for inspection to qualified voters of the District in the office of the District Clerk during regular office hours until the day of the election. The District has been divided into election districts as follows Election District No. 1 consists of all the area lying between the eastern side of Post Road and Post Avenue, south and west of North Hempstead-Oyster Bay own ine north to rush Hollow Road, Union Avenue to School Street to Old Country oad and north of Old Country oad. Election District No. 2 consists of all the land lying to the west of Post Avenue, Westbury and Post Road, Old Westbury. Election District No. 3 consists of all the land known as New Cassel own of North Hempstead and which lies east of School Street between the ong Island ailroad and Union Avenue and Brush ollow oad also that which lies between Grand Boulevard and the eastern boundary of the District, north of Old Country oad and south of the ong Island Railroad. Election District No. 4 consists of all the land known as New Cassel own of North Hempstead which lies south of the ong Island Railroad and north of Old Country oad east of School
Street and bounded on the northeast by Grand Boulevard. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the vote on all propositions and the election of candidates on the election held on Tuesday April 12 2022 will be conducted by paper ballot. It being expressly understood that the intent of the ibrary is to comply with any legislation stemming from the current coronavirus pandemic Thus, all references to the timing, location, and manner of hearings, registration, and voting in the budget vote and election are subject to modification based on applicable legislation or direction by an entity with jurisdiction over the ibrary. Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S FOR VOTING AT ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING: (a) A person shall be a citi en of the nited States (b) ighteen or more years of age (c) A resident of the District for a period of thirty (30) days or more next preceding the Election at which he offers to vote (d) Must be registered to vote in Nassau County or School Elections everley Cathnott District Clerk Old Westbury, New York 115 - 3-23-9 2-23-2022-#23025 Y A ISO D A DI NCIA P ICA O O D PRESUPUESTO Y CCI N D I IO CA P ICA DE WESTBURY DIS I O SCO A D S Y CI DAD D MPS AD Y CI DAD D NO MPS AD CONDADO DE NASSAU, WESTBURY, NEW YORK A CONTINUACION SE DA EL AVISO, de que la Junta de Fideicomisarios de la iblioteca P blica Memorial de estbury Ciudades de Hempstead y North Hempstead Condado de Nassau stado de New York celebrará n una audiencia públ ica el ueves 31 de mar o de 2022 a las 7 00 p.m. en la iblioteca P blica Memorial de estbury 5 Jefferson Street estbury New York con el propós ito de discutir los gastos contenidos en un presupuesto propuesto para el a o fiscal 2022-2023. Y SE DA UN AVISO ADICIONAL , de que dicho voto y elección se llevará a cabo el martes 12 de abril de 2022 entre las 9 00 a.m. y las 9 00 p.m. en la I IO CA P ICA M MO IA D WESTBURY para los siguientes prop sitos solamente Aprobar o recha ar el presupuesto propuesto de la biblioteca (complementado o enmendado seg n sea el caso) de los gastos estimados para el año siguiente según lo presentado por el Conse o de Administración de la Biblioteca. a elecci n de un (1) miembro de la Junta de Fide-
LEGAL NOTICES icomisarios de la Biblioteca Publica Memorial de estbury un (1) miembro por un per odo completo de cinco (5) a os que comien a a partir del 1 de ulio de 2022 y termina el 30 de unio de 2027. El presente titular es Denise Parillo. a votaci n se reali ar mediante boleto de papel seg n lo estipulado por la ey de Educación y las urnas se abrir n a las 9 00 a.m. y permanecerá n abiertas hasta las 9 00 p.m. y durante el tiempo que sea necesario para que los votantes presentes puedan emitir sus votos. Y SE DA UN AVISO ADICIONAL , de que se puede obtener una copia de dicho presupuesto o estado de cuenta a partir del ueves 2 de mar o de 2022 por cualquier residente del Distrito que lo solicite durante las horas de 9 00 a.m. y 3 00 p.m. excepto los sá bados y domingos, en la iblioteca P blica Memorial de estbury 5 Jefferson Street estbury New York 11590 en el sitio web de la biblioteca www.westburylibrary.org y en la oficina del director en cada una de las siguientes escuelas scuela Secundaria de Westbury, Escuela Intermedia de Westbury, Escuela Drexel Avenue, Escuela Dryden Street, Escuela Park Avenue y scuela Powell’s ane. Y SE DA UN AVISO ADICIONAL , que las peticiones que contengan al menos treinta (30) firmas de votantes calificados que nominen candidatos para el cargo de Fideicomisario de la Biblioteca P blica Memorial de estbury, deberá n presentarse ante el Secretario del Distrito en el edificio de las oficinas administrativas de las Escuelas Púb licas de Westbury, 2 itchcock ane Old estbury New York 115 entre las 9 00 a.m. y las 5 00 p.m. a m s tardar a los treinta (30) d as (1 de mar o de 2022) antes de la elección de la Biblioteca (12 de abril de 2022) momento en el cual los candidatos así nominados será n elegidos dicha petici n tambié n deberá indicar el nombre y la direcci n de cada firmante y deberá indicar el nombre y la dirección de l candidato. Y SE DA UN AVISO ADICIONAL , de que las solicitudes de boletos de votación en ausencia se podrá n obtener en la Biblioteca Públ ica Memorial de estbury 5 Jefferson Street, Westbury, New York 11590 de lunes de 10 00 a.m. a 9 00 p.m. de martes a viernes de 9 00 a.m. a 9 00 p.m. y en el sitio web de la biblioteca - www. westburylibrary.org Solicitudes de boletos en ausencia puede ser recibido por la Secretaria del Distrito no antes de 30 d as de las elecciones para lo cual se busca. as solicitudes completas deben ser recibidas por el secretario de distrito al menos siete (7) d as antes de la elección si la boleta debe enviarse por correo al votante el dí a anterior a la elección si la boleta debe entregarse personalmente al votante o
su agente designado. as boletas de voto ausente deben ser recibidas por el Secretario del Distrito en el dificio Administrativo de las Escuelas Púb licas de Westbury, 2 itchcock ane Old estbury Nueva York 115 a m s tardar a las 5 00 p.m. el martes 12 de abril de 2022. Una lista de todas las personas a las que se les emiten boletas de voto ausente estará disponible para su inspección para los votantes calificados del Distrito en la Oficina del Secretario del Distrito, en el dificio de Administraci n de las Escuelas Públ icas de estbury 2 itchcock ane Old estbury Nueva York 115 entre las horas de 10 00 AM y 5 00 P.M siendo los sá bados entre las horas 10 00 y 12 00 a partir de la emisión de dichas papeletas y para cada uno de los cinco (5) d as anteriores al d a de la elección, excepto los domingos. Cualquier votante calificado presente en el lugar de votación puede oponerse a la votación de la boleta sobre las bases apropiadas para hacer su impugnaci n y las ra ones por lo tanto conocidas por el Inspector de Elecciones antes del cierre de las urnas. Y SE DA UN AVISO ADICIONAL , de que se requiere el registro personal de los votantes. Si un votante se ha registrado anteriormente y ha votado en una reunión anual o especial del distrito durante los cuatro ( ) a os anteriores é l/ella es elegible para votar en esta elecci n si un votante está registrado y es elegible para votar, é l/ella tambié n es elegible para votar en esta elección. Todas las demá s personas que deseen votar deberá n registrarse. La Junta de Registro se reunir con el fin de inscribir a todos los votantes calificados del Distrito en la I IO CA P ICA M MO IA D S Y el martes 5 de abril de 2022 entre las 2 00 p.m. y las 00 p.m. para agregar al Registro cualquier nombre adicional que se utili ar en la elecci n mencionada anteriormente, momento en el cual cualquier persona tendrá derecho a que se coloque su nombre en dicho Registro, siempre que en dicha reunión, la Junta de Registros quede satisfecha y dicha persona tendrá entonces o posteriormente derecho a votar en las elecciones para las cuales se prepara el registro. Ademá s, a los residentes calificados del Distrito se les permitir registrarse en la Oficina del Secretario del Distrito, ubicada en el dificio de Administraci n de 00 a.m. a 12 00 del mediod a y de 2 00 a.m. a 00 p.m. los d as en que la escuela está en sesión, comen ando con el primer dí a de asistencia de los estudiantes en septiembre y terminando con el úl timo dí a de asistencia de los estudiantes en unio y de 00 a.m. a 1 00 p.m. en los dí as há biles regulares durante los meses de julio y agosto. a ltima fecha para inscribirse en la reunión especial que se celebrará el martes 12 de abril de 2022 es
el ueves 7 de abril de 2022 entre las 00 a.m. y las 12 00 del mediod a y desde las 2 00 p.m. hasta las 00 p.m. El registro así preparado se archivará en la Biblioteca P blica Memorial de estbury, que estará abierta para la inspección de cualquier votante calificado del Distrito entre las 10 00 a.m. y 5 00 p.m y el s bado entre las 10 00 a.m. y las 12 00 p.m. en cada uno de los cinco (5) d as anteriores y el d a fi ado para la elección , excepto el domingo y en el lugar de votación el dí a de las elecciones. Y SE DA UN AVISO ADICIONAL , que durante el horario de votación del martes 12 de abril de 2022 la Junta de Registro se reunirá en la Biblioteca Públ ica estbury Memorial 5 Jefferson Street, Westbury, Nueva York con el prop sito de preparar un registro para las elecciones que se celebren posteriormente. Y AD M S S AC A ISO de que los votantes militares que son votantes calificados del distrito que no está n registrados deben solicitar el registro como votantes calificados ponié ndose en contacto con el Secretario del Distrito en el dificio de Administraci n de las Escuelas Públ icas de estbury 2 itchcock ane Old estbury Nueva York 115 o por correo electr nico districtclerk westburyschools.org o por fax al 51 7 -19 0. l votante militar puede indicar su preferencia de recibir la solicitud de registro por correo, fax o correo electr nico. a solicitud de registro debe recibirse a má s tardar a las 5 00 p.m. el vig simo sexto (2 ) d a antes de la elección. Un votante militar significa un votante calificado del estado de Nueva York que se encuentra en el servicio militar real y, por lo tanto, estará ausente del Distrito en el que est calificado para votar el dí a de la inscripción o elección o es dado de baja del servicio militar, dentro de los 30 d as de una elecci n o cónyuge , padre, hijo o dependiente del votante militar, que acompaña o está con dicho votante, si es un votante calificado del estado de Nueva York y un residente del mismo distrito escolar que el votante militar o militar personal, que resida en una base militar dentro de un distrito escolar en el estado de Nueva York por un per odo de 30 dí as inmediatamente anterior a dicha Reunión Anual. Y PO A P S N S DA A ISO ADICIONA de que los votantes militares que son votantes calificados del distrito escolar pueden solicitar una boleta militar. Se puede solicitar una solicitud de boleta militar al secretario del distrito y debe devolverse, en persona o por correo, a la oficina del secretario del distrito en el edificio de administración de las escuelas públ icas de estbury 2 itchcock ane Old estbury Nueva York 115 a m s tardar el 5 00 p. m. el vig simo sexto (2 ) d a antes de la elecci n.
Un votante militar puede indicar su preferencia por recibir la solicitud de boleta militar por correo, transmisión por fax o correo electróni co. as boletas militares deben ser recibidas por el secretario de distrito (1) antes del cierre de las urnas el martes 12 de abril de 2022 y deben mostrar una marca de cancelación del servicio postal de EE. UU. O el servicio postal de un paí s extranjero, o mostrar un endoso de recibo con fecha de otra agencia del gobierno de los . . o (2) antes de las 5 00 p.m. en la fecha fi ada para la elecci n y firmada y fechada por el elector militar y un testigo del mismo, con una fecha que se verifica no posterior al dí a anterior a la elección. Independientemente del modo de transmisión preferido, la solicitud de boleta militar y la boleta militar deben devolverse por correo o en persona. Una lista de todas las personas a las que se les habrá enviado boletas militares estará disponible para su inspección para los votantes calificados del Distrito en el oficina del secretario de distrito durante el horario regular de oficina hasta el d a de la elección. El distrito se ha dividido en distritos electorales de la siguiente manera el Distrito Electoral No. 1 consiste en toda el á rea que se encuentra entre el lado este de Post Road y Post Avenue, al sur y al oeste de North Hempstead-Oyster ay own ine al norte hasta Brush Hollow Road, Union Avenue hasta School Street, hasta Old Country oad y al norte de Old Country oad. El Distrito Electoral No. 2 consiste en toda el area situada al oeste de Post Avenue, Westbury y Post Road, Old Westbury. El Distrito Electoral No. 3 consiste en toda el area conocida como New Cassel Ciudad de North Hempstead y que se encuentran al este de School Street entre ong Island ailroad y Union Avenue y Brush Hollow oad tambi n lo que se encuentra entre Grand Boulevard y el lí mite este del Distrito al norte de Old Country oad y al sur del ong Island Railroad. El Distrito Electoral No. 4 está compuesto por toda el area conocida como New Cassel Ciudad de North Hempstead que se encuentra al sur del ong Island Railroad y al norte de Old Country oad al este de School Street y limita al noreste con Grand Boulevard. Y SE DA UN AVISO ADICIONAL , que la votación sobre todas las proposiciones y la elección de candidatos en la elección celebrada el martes 12 de abril de 2022 se reali ar mediante boleta de papel. Quedando expresamente entendido que la intención de la Biblioteca es cumplir con cualquier legislación derivada de la actual pandemia de coronavirus. Por lo tanto, todas las referencias a la fecha, lugar y forma de las audiencias, registro y votación en la votación y elección del presuContinued on page 13
LEGAL NOTICES Continued from page 12 puesto está n sujetas a modificaci n seg n la legislaci n aplicable o la direcci n de una entidad con urisdicci n sobre la iblioteca. CUALIFICACIONES PARA VOTAR EN CUALQ UIER REUNIÓ N DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR: a persona debe ser ciudadana de los stados nidos; ener dieciocho a os de edad o mayor Ser residente del Distrito por un per odo de treinta (30) d as o m s antes de la lecci n en la que se ofrece a votar star registrada para votar en el condado de Nassau o en las elecciones escolares everley Cathnott Secretaria del Distrito Old estbury New York 11568 - 3-23-9 2-23-2022-#230257Y LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE S P M CO CO N Y O NASSA ank of America N.A. Plaintiff A AINS Maheswar Saladi i aya Saladi a/k/a i aya . Saladi et al. Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of oreclosure and Sale duly dated ebruary 2020 I the undersigned eferee will sell at public auction at the North side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court 100 Supreme Court Drive Mineola New York 11501 on April 2022 at 2 30PM premises known as 153 acon oad Old estbury NY 115 . All that certain plot piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements erected situate lying and being in the illage of Old estbury County of Nassau State of NY Section 19 lock ot 2000. Approximate amount of udgment 1 079 50 .3 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold sub ect to provisions of filed Judgment Index# 039 /201 . he auction will be conducted pursuant to the CO ID-19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of oreclosed Property established by the enth Judicial District. oreclosure Auctions will be held ain or Shine and if proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns then the Court Appointed eferee shall cancel the foreclosure auction. Michael J. Sepe sq. eferee O S egal roup P f/k/a Shapiro DiCaro arak C Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing oulevard ochester New York 1 2 ( 77) 30- 792 Dated ebruary 2022 3-23-1 -9-2-2022-#230 3-NIN/ Y S P S A
CO N Y O NASSA IND NO. 027 /2021 DA I D 3/ /2021 S MMONS ASSOCIA S O DIN CO P. Plaintiff -againstO O ONA D O and ANI A O if they be living if they be dead their respective heirs-at-law next of kin distributees executors administrators trustees devisees legatees assignees lienors creditors and successors in interest and generally all persons having or claiming under by or through O O ONA D O and ANI A O if they be dead whether by purchase inheritance lien or otherwise including any right title or interest in and to the real property described in the complaint herein all of who and whose names and places of residence are unknown to the plaintiff NI D S A S O AM ICA N YO S A D PA M N O A A ION AND INANC NASSA CO N Y AS JO N DO #1 through JO N DO #12 the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff the persons or parties intended being the tenants occupants persons or corporations if any having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises described in the complaint Defendants. O A O NAM D D NDAN S YO A Y S MMON D to answer the complaint in this action to serve a copy of your answer or if the complaint is not served with the summons to serve notice of appearance on the plaintiff’s attorney within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons exclusive of the date of service (or within thirty (30) days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York) and in case of failure to appear or answer udgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. O A O NAM D D NDAN S he foregoing Summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the on. David P. Sullivan a Justice of the Supreme Court Nassau County entered March 3 2022 and filed with the complaint and other papers in the Nassau County Clerk’s Office. O J C O AC ION is to foreclose a tax lien and to recover the amount of the tax lien and all of the interest penalties additions and expenses thereon to premises k/a District 17 Section 11 lock 13 ot 2 . Plaintiff designates Nassau County as the place of trial. he basis of venue is the location of the sub ect property. NO IC YO A IN DAN O
OSIN YO OM If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the tax lien holder who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court a default udgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to the tax lien holder will not stop this foreclosure action. YO M S SPOND Y S IN A COPY O ANS ON A O N Y O P AINI ( A I N O D ) AND I IN ANS I CO . Dated March 2021 Y Y Attorneys for Plaintiff 12 ulip Drive reat Neck NY 11021 (51 ) 7- 55 Y JOS A Y S . - 3-30-23-1 -2022-#230 92-NIN/ Y LEGAL NOTICE M CO O O N YO Index No. 0309 /2021 CO N Y O NASSA ------------------------------D SC AN NAIONA S COMPANY AS S O MON OM OAN S 200 -2 ASS - AC D C I ICA S S I S 200 -2 Plaintiff Plaintiff designates NASSA as the place of trial situs of the real property SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Mortgaged Premises: 32 3 D A N S Y NY 11590 Section: 11, Block: 110, Lot: 138 vs. ANA M ND JO NAND O AC D NA D A Y if living and if she/he be dead any and all persons unknown to plaintiff claiming or who may claim to have an interest in or general or specific lien upon the real property described in this action such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to be included in the following designation namely the wife widow husband widower heirs at law next of kin descendants executors administrators devisees legatees creditors trustees committees lienors and assignees of such deceased any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon or title to said real property by through or under them or either of them and their respective wives widows husbands widowers heirs at law next of kin descendants executors administrators devisees legatees creditors trustees committees lienors and assigns all of whom and S P S A
LEGAL NOTICES whose names except as stated are unknown to plaintiff I A O MIN O A P OP O S A O N YO AS J D M N C DI O AND Y I O POSSI NPAID A S AND I NS O NA D A Y N YO S A D PA M N O A A ION AND INANC NI D S A S O AM ICA Y I O POSSI NPAID A S AND I NS O NA D A Y JO N DO #1 through JO N DO #12 the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff the persons or parties intended being the tenants occupants persons or corporations if any having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises described in the complaint Defendants. ------------------------------o the above named Defendants YO A Y S MMON D to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer or if the complaint is not served with this summons to serve a notice of appearance on the Plaintiff’s Attorney within 20 days after the service of this summons exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York) in the event the nited States of America is made a party the time to answer for the said nited States of America shall not expire until ( 0) days after service of the Summons and in case of your failure to appear or answer udgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above caption action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure the sum of $374,816.00 and interest, recorded on December 29, 2005, in Liber Book M 29897 at Page Number 1, of the Public Records of NASSAU County, New York, covering premises known as 32 3RD AVENUE, WESTBURY, NY 11590. The relief sought in the ithin a tion is a final j udgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. NASSAU County is designated as the place of trial because the real property affected by this action is located in said county. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage o pan ho file this foreclosure proceeding against o an filing the
answer with the court, a default j udgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to the mortgage company will not stop the foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF ( MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Dated 2021 estbury NY ROBERTSON, A NSCHUTZ, SCHNEID, CRANE & PARTNERS, PLLC y eronica M. undle sq. Attorneys for Plaintiff 900 Merchants Concourse Suite 310 estbury NY 11590 el (51 ) 2 0-7 75 ax (51 ) 2 0-7 7 - 3-30-23-1 -2022-#2309 3-NIN/ Y LEGAL NOTICE P IC NO IC I A O O D S Y NO IC IS Y I N that on April 2022 at 7 00 PM at illage all located at 1 Store ill oad Old estbury New York the Planning oard of the Incorporated illage of Old estbury will hold a public hearing on the following application Application of Adarsh and anita Mudgil 2 3 Store ill oad request to construct a new single-family dwelling with driveway and rear yard improvements including a pool patios fire pit and generator. he above said property is also known as Section 17 lock 15 ot 11 on the Nassau County and and ax Map. y Order of the Planning oard Michelle Cervoni Chairperson rian S. idgway illage Administrator Dated March 23 2022 3-23-2022-1 -#231090-NIN/ Y LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an Order granted by the Supreme Court Nassau County on the 9 day of August 2021 bearing the index number 000 77/21 a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Nassau County Clerk located at 2 0 Old Country oad Mineola New York grants me the right to assume the name of Ashley Nicole alo Acosta. My present address is 2591 Stewart Ave estbury NY 11590. he date of my birth is September 201 the place of birth is Mineola New York Nassau County the present name is Ashley Nicole Acosta 3-23-2022-1 -#231307NIN/ Y
LEGAL NOTICE VILLAGE OF WESTBURY, NEW YORK P AS A NO IC that on March 17 2022 the oard of rustees of the illage of estbury in the County of Nassau New York adopted a bond resolution entitled ond esolution of the illage of estbury New York adopted March 17 2022 authori ing the construction of improvements to illage roads stating the estimated maximum cost thereof is 750 000 appropriating said amount for such purpose and authori ing the issuance of bonds of the illage in the principal amount of 750 000 to finance said appropriation an abstract of such bond resolution concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof being as follows I S A O I IN said illage to construct improvements to illage roads S A IN the estimated maximum cost thereof including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof is 750 000 APP OP IA IN said amount for such purpose S A IN the plan of financing includes the issuance of bonds of the illage in the principal amount of 750 000 to finance said appropriation and the levy of a tax upon all the taxable real property within the illage to pay the principal of said bonds and interest thereon S COND A O I IN the issuance of bonds of the illage in the principal amount of 750 000 pursuant to the ocal inance aw of the State of New York (the aw ) to finance said appropriation I D D MININ and S A IN the period of probable usefulness applicable to the purpose for which said bonds are authori ed to be issued is fifteen (15) years the proceeds of said bonds and any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation thereof may be applied to reimburse the illage for expenditures made after the effective date of this bond resolution for the purpose for which said bonds are authori ed and the proposed maturity of said bonds will exceed five (5) years O D MININ that said bonds and any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds and the renewals of said bond anticipation notes shall be general obligations of the illage and P D IN to their payment the faith and credit of the illage I D A IN to the illage reasurer the powers and duties as to the issuance of said bonds and any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds or the renewals thereof and SI D MININ that the bond resolution is sub ect to a permissive refer-
endum. DA D March 17 2022 obert J. Juliano illage Clerk/ reasurer 3-23-2022-1 -#23113 -NIN/ Y LEGAL NOTICE NO IC O IDD S CA P AC NION SC OO DIS IC NASSA CO N Y DI C O S O ACI I I S P C ASIN CONSO I M COOP A I ID O MINO CONS C ION AND PAI S Notice is hereby given that S A D IDS for CA P AC NION SC OO DIS IC NASSA CO N Y DI C O S O ACI I I S P C ASIN CONSO I M COOP A I ID O MINO CONS C ION AND PAI S ill be received until 11 00 a.m. prevailing time on April th 2022 at the usiness Office of Carle Place nion ree School District attention Ms. Maureen arclay Director of usiness Services located at 1 Cherry ane Carle Place NY 1151 at which time bids will be publicly opened. PA ICIPA IN SC OO DIS IC S S A INC D aldwin SD ellmore SD ellmore-Merrick SD ethpage SD Carle Place SD ast Meadow SD ast ockaway SD ast illiston SD loral Park- ellerose SD reeport SD arden City SD len Cove City S.D. reat Neck SD erricks SD ewlett- oodmere SD icksville SD Island rees SD Jericho SD awrence SD evittown SD ocust alley CSD ong each CSD ynbrook SD Manhasset SD Massapequa SD Merrick SD Mineola SD N PCP SD North ellmore SD North Merrick SD North Shore CSD Oceanside SD Plainedge SD Plainview-Old ethpage CSD Port ashington SD ockville Centre SD Seaford SD Syosset CSD niondale SD alley Stream SD #2 alley Stream SD #30 alley Stream C SD antagh SD estbury SD. In addition the terms and conditions of the contract or contracts awarded under this cooperative bid shall be extended to and made available for procurement by other Nassau County School Districts during the term of the award contract(s) in accordance with eneral Municipal aw Article 5- and Section 103 Subdivision 1 . All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes bearing on the outside the name and address of the bidder and the title of the bid in the lower left-hand corner. Detailed specifications and bid forms may be obtained at the above Continued on page 14
LEGAL NOTICES Continued from page 13 address between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. beginning on 3/25/22. Please call 516-622-6425 with any questions regarding this bid.
The district reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid proposal, or to reject any or all bid proposals. Bid proposals shall be irrevocable for a minimum period of forty-five ( 5) days from the
date of bid proposal opening. Alterations to said bid proposal must be submitted in writing. The Board of Education reserves the right to award all or a part of this bid or to reject all bids or to make
awards which are in the best interest of the school district. March 25, 2022 Maureen Barclay Director of Business Services 3-23-2022-1T-#231310-NIN/ WBY
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FREE Event at NCMA Saturday, April 30, 11 am-3 pm Nassau County Museum of Art invites people of all ages on the Autism Spectrum and their families, care providers and coaches to join us for a joyful day of theater, music and art
At the Mansion
At The Manes Art Center
Tilles Center presents: Branching Out A multi-sensory theatrical performance Registration required
Spectrum Perspectives, an exhibition of art made by people with ASD. Hands on art making project
Two Performances: Children/Teens and Young Adults 13 and up
Opening Date: April 30. Exhibition Time: 11 am-3 pm Refreshments
Scavenger Hunt: Stroll though the Museum’s galleries exploring Impressionism: A World View
Additional Dates to see the exhibition: Tuesday, May 3 through Saturday, May 7. Exhibition Time: 11 am-4 pm
To register visit nassaumusum.org or scan code This program is made possible with funding from North Shore Autism Circle, The Phyllis Backer Foundation and The Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation The Mansion is open Tuesday-Sunday 11 am-4:45 pm
N ASSAU CO U N T Y M U S E U M O F A RT One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor New York 11576 516 484-9338
Mineola Memorial Library Releases Historical, Digital Scrapbook
Learn about the history of the Mineola Memorial Library on nassaulibrary.info. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)
Turnpike. The Village of Mineola took over full operation in 1947, after which employees began to have a salary. In the 1950s, with increasing circulation and library use, plans were made to construct a new library at the Mineola Memorial Park on Marcellus Road. The new library was completed in 1956. —Submitted by the Mineola Memorial Library
1940 – 2021
Marilyn Bosley was born August 11, 1940 to the Rev. Orville and Christine Bosley, in Cooperstown New York. They soon moved to Caledonia where she was raised with her older sister Anne. Growing up the daughter of a Presbyterian minister meant that the church was at the center of her life. She and Anne were active in the church youth group and during a summer in college she spent time in Europe helping refugees. In 1962 she earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Cornell University and later in life a master’s degree in library science from CW Post. Following her time at Cornell she moved to Philadelphia and worked as teacher and in publishing. While in Philadelphia she reconnected with her college sweetheart, Fred Hicks, and they were married in 1965. After the wedding she moved to Long Island to start a family and help Fred realize their vision for the family business, Hicks Nurseries. Together they had three children, Karen, Marianne, and Stephen. Throughout their 39 years of loving marriage, until Fred’s death in 2004, they were a true partnership in every sense of the word, working together to build a family, a business, and to give back to their community. Marilyn had a love of reading and children, and for 12 years was the lower school librarian at The Green Vale School in Old Brookville. She and Fred enjoyed traveling the world and over her lifetime she travelled to all seven continents, including Antarctica. She believed in giving back to her community. She was active in, and often served on the boards of, many local organizations, including The League of Women Voters, The Parish Resource Center, Planned Parenthood of Nassau County, Westbury Neighborhood House, and Westbury Friends School. She was a grandmother to nine grandchildren and aunt to 10 nieces and nephews and made a priority of bringing all extended families together at her home in Connecticut. She was happiest surrounded by her family, including her dog Daisy, enjoying a laugh on a warm summer evening on the porch at South Kent. She was a generous, kind, and loving person who openly welcomed people into her life. She died peacefully surrounded by her family on December 27, 2021. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Interfaith Nutrition Network at http://weblink.donorperfect.com/marilynhicks. The INN is a non-profit organization which provides a broad variety of essential services to assist those challenged by hunger, homelessness, and profound poverty on Long Island. 231114 M
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Marilyn B.Hicks
ew for the month of March, the Mineola Memorial Library released a new library scrapbook, a collection of photos, news stories and other documents between the 1950s and the 1960s by Edwin Merara Jr., the library’s circulation clerk. It can be found on the website under the “local history” menu by clicking “Library Scrapbook: 1950s-1970s.” Located in the heart of Mineola, this library has held a special place in the hearts of many people over the years, and it continues to do so. Many memories were made throughout the library’s exciting history. From 1950 through the 1970s, library staff took the time to create scrapbooks documenting events and happenings at the library. Items include photographs, newspaper clippings, letters, and so much more. The Mineola Library was founded in 1921 by the Mineola Library Association, a volunteer group. The Mineola Library Association operated the library for 26 years, with librarian Charlotta Schmidt working for free during those years. During this time, the library was located in a small building on Mineola Boulevard, just north of Jericho
Westbury District Holds Scripps Spelling Bee
ay the word, spell the word, and then repeat the word. Talented Westbury students took to the stage recently to compete in Westbury’s inaugural Scripps Spelling Bee competitions. The Honeybees competition for kindergarten students took place at Dryden Street Elementary School. The judges were retired reading teacher Carol Gardiner, community leader Chester McGibbon, and retired administrator Paul Lightbourne. Winners were: 1. Zayne Olowokere; 2. Matthew Contreras; 3. Sherine Mendez Chavarria. The Workerbees competition for grades 1-3 took place at Westbury High School and was judged by New York State Education Department Board of Regents Roger Tilles, Nassau County Legislator Siela Bynoe, SUNY Old Westbury Dean Dr. Diana Sukhram, Nassau County Police Commanding Officer Mark Vitelli, Founder of ESPOIR International Youth Program Dr. Samarth Joseph, Westbury Assistant Fire Chief PJ Webber, and Hempstead EOC Director Mateo Flores. Winners were: 1. Pablo Guevara Guerra of Drexel Avenue School, second grade; 2. Nathaniel Okoko of Park Avenue School, third grade; 3. Dylan Zapata of Powells Lane School, second grade. The Bumblebees competition for spelling mavens in grades 4-8 took place immediately following the Workerbees competition. Judges included New York State Senator Anna Kaplan, New York State Assemblyman Charles D. Lavine, North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena, NAACP Westbury President Leslie Davis, Nassau County District Judge Andrea Pheonix,
The winners of the Honeybees competition with Principal Gloria P. Dingwall, Schools Superintendent Dr. Tahira A. Dupree Chase and Westbury School Board President Robert Troiano. (Westbury School District)
The Bumblebee competition judging panel consisted of, seated, NAACP Westbury President Leslie Davis and Nassau County Police Commission Patrick Ryder. Standing, from left: North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena, New York State Assemblyman Charles D. Lavine, New York State Senator Anna Kaplan, Westbury Schools board President Robert Troiano, Yes We Can Center Director Tyronza Murray, Nassau County District Court Judge Andrea Phoenix and Westbury Memorial Library Director Tracy Van Dyke. (Westbury School District) Nassau County Police Commission Patrick Ryder, Westbury Memorial Library Director Tracy Van Dyke, and Yes We Can Center Director Tyronza Murray. Winners were: 1. Andrew Salazar of Drexel Avenue School, fifth grade; 2. Eliyah Armand of Park Avenue School, fifth grade; 3. Allen Romero of Park Avenue School, fourth grade.
“I am so proud of the perseverance and dedication displayed by our students. I am in awe at the talent our kindergarten, elementary and middle school students possess,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Tahira A. Dupree Chase, “While there could only be three winners in each competition, every student who competed in these spelling bees
should be commended for their poise and spelling skills. They are all winners. To our nine winners, I’d like to offer a special congratulations for your awesome achievement. You have made your teachers, your parents and all your friends very proud.” The winners of each competition were awarded a trophy, and every participant received a medal and a swag bag that included Westbury School District paraphernalia. At the conclusion of each spelling bee competition, all competitors were given a well-deserved standing ovation from the star-studded judging panels and audience. —Submitted by the Westbury School District
Last Days To See ‘Cyrano’ Variation Westbury Arts, in association with EastLine Theatre, has been staging the world premiere of This Play Was Never About Noses by Long Island playwright Morgan Moffitt. This adaptation of the classic Cyrano de Bergerac will be performed in the new space downstairs at Westbury Arts, 255 Schenck Ave., Westbury.
Remaining dates are Friday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, March 26 at 7:30 pm; and Sunday, March 27 at 3 p.m. Ticket reservations are $20 per seat. These reservations are refundable, in cash, following each performance. Attendees must show proof of vaccination and will be required to remain masked throughout
the performance. All attendees must arrive by 15 minutes prior to the performance or their tickets may be released to a waiting list. If you are unable to attend please call 516-749-5047. Be aware this performance includes loud noises, stage blood, and depictions of violence and death and is recommended
for ages 13 and up. This event is made possible through the support of Westbury Arts, the Huntington Arts Council, and the First Presbyterian Church of Babylon. To reserve tickets visit www.westburyarts.org. —Submitted by Westbury Arts
LGBTQ Society Receives Micro-Grant The Chick-fil-A Leadership Academy has awarded Westbury High School a $750 micro-grant for the 2022 Spring Impact Project. The Westbury High School student body selected to utilize the $750 micro-grant to raise awareness for the LGBTQ community. The project will spread the message that everyone is entitled to love whomever their heart desires, promoting a community that advocates for inclusivity. “I am so proud of the drive and dedication of our students to arrange this Spring Impact Project,” said National Student Council Advisor Naomi Parisette. “They have been working tirelessly to put together this week-long event that will be celebrated across the school. Our students are incredibly compassionate and desire to do everything they can to foster an environment that permits students to feel secure and appreciated by their peers.” Ashgan Chowdhury, a junior and member of the National Student
Council and Chick-fil-A Leadership Academy, won the LI Youth Summit scholarship competition in 2019 for her painting illustrating the everyday struggle faced by LGBTQ students. For the Spring Impact Project, Chowdhury’s painting will be converted into a poster and be displayed in each classroom. During the fundraising week, it will also be sold to faculty and staff. Her artwork will also be displayed on note cards, T-shirts, and sweatshirts, along with rainbow-themed dragon pins, all of which will also available for purchase. —Submitted by the Westbury School District The poster displaying Ashgan Chowdhury’s artwork will be hung in every classroom and put on note cards, T-shirts, and sweatshirts and used as a fundraiser. (Westbury School District)
Adelphi Students Help The Community The Center for Student and Community Engagement at Adelphi University offered students the chance to participate in Panther Day of Service on March 5. The goal of the service event was to give back to the communities that surround Adelphi University. Students interacted with fellow students, staff, and faculty while visiting various locations completing projects. Faculty, staff and students are able to connect on a Adelphi students volunteered at the different level outside of the classroom and Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary & Audubon office working on projects together to better Society. (Photo courtesy Adelphi University) the community. Students helped the community by collecting donations ahead of Adelphi’s Relay For Roosevelt Sanctuary & Audubon Society; Life event; weeding, harvesting and working and collecting food at Shoprite in New Hyde at Cross Roads Farm in Malverne; doing trail Park for Island Harvest. work and invasive cleaning at the Theodore —Submitted by Adelphi University
Locust School students wore “Cat in the Hat” hats to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday. (Photo courtesy Garden City Schools)
Garden City Celebrates Read Across America Day
Third graders at Stratford School in Garden City showed off their creativity by making their own instruments. (Photo courtesy Garden City Schools)
Stratford Students Make Beats With Recycled Materials Third-graders at Stratford School in Garden City are showing off their creativity by making their own instruments. Students first learned about the different instrument families and how their unique sounds are created. They were then given the opportunity to experiment with different instrument families. Once the third-graders had an
understanding of different instruments, they were challenged with making their own out of recycled materials they found at home. Some students made their own drums, while others made guitars. The project allowed students to combine innovation with music, making for an enriching, hands-on classroom experience. —Submitted by Garden City Public Schools
Meadow Drive School Helps Ukrainian Children Staff, students and families of Meadow Drive School in the Mineola Union Free School District donated children’s pajamas and warm socks to send to an orphanage in Poland that is helping Ukrainian refugee children. The drive was hosted by the Manessis Family, who has a connection to the orphanage and wanted to do something to help. Thanks to the community’s support, Meadow Drive was able to contribute 369 pairs of pajamas and 112 packages of socks, as well as a few other toiletries, to children in need. —Submitted by the Mineola Union Free School District
Students across Garden City Public Schools celebrated Read Across America Day on March 2. Read Across America Day is a nationwide reading celebration that takes place on Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Students and staff members in Garden City honored the day by participating in read-alouds, and book activities and crafts. Some students even dressed up as the Cat in the Hat. Students were excited to share their favorite books with their classmates, teachers and families at home. —Submitted by the Garden City School District
Students at Hemlock School worked together in different reading activities. (Photo courtesy Garden City Schools)
Locust Kindergartners Find Zen Through Yoga
Kindergartners at Locust School in Garden City learned about mindfulness, meditation and relaxation through a yoga session. (Photo courtesy Garden City Schools)
Principal Sara Ortiz and parent Bernadetta Manessis with second graders Keira Sarosy, left, Kyeli Langone, Danielle Teng and Andrew Manessis. Photo courtesy Mineola Union Free School District
Kindergartners at Locust School in Garden City learned about mindfulness, meditation and relaxation through a yoga session. Kindergarten classes gathered in the school’s multipurpose room where they met with a yoga instructor. They learned about respecting each other’s choices, the space around them and their own bodies. The yoga session kicked off with a variety of exercises including downward dog and
cat poses. Students were able to identify what muscles they were strengthening. They finished their session by clearing their minds through a resting pose. Students laid on their backs on top of yoga mats and towels to focus on their breathing. The yoga session allowed students to calm their minds and bodies, while learning a new form of exercise. —Submitted by Garden City Public Schools
The Latest From The Garden City Mayor Cosmo Veneziale Landscaper Licensing The Village Board of Trustees enacted a new law to regulate and control commercial landscaping functions which include but are not limited to the weeding, cultivation, seeding, planting, cutting, trimming, pruning and maintenance of grass, shrubs, plants, trees or other foliage within the village. As of March 16, commercial landscapers must register with the village. The village encourages residents who are using commercial landscapers for activities such as lawn maintenance, tree trimming or gardening to inform them that hard copy permit applications are available at Village Hall located at 351 Stewart Ave. Downloadable applications are also available on the village website, www.gardencityny. net, by clicking the “Landscaper Licensing” tab. Applications may be mailed or dropped off at Village Hall from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. The village will not accept incomplete applications. Once the permit is issued, a decal for each permitted landscaping vehicle will be distributed. The fee is $100 for the first vehicle and trailer and $25 for each additional vehicle registered with the village. All permits will expire on Dec. 31 of the year that they were issued. Contact Village Clerk Karen Altman at 516465-4051 or email at LandscaperLicensing@ gardencityny.net for further information. Traffic Enforcement Program The Garden City Police Department Traffic Enforcement program continues to yield positive results. During the month of February, 894 tickets were issued for various traffic offenses, including 221 for speed-related offenses, according to Commissioner Kenneth Jackson.
Village Sanitation Regulations Residents are asked to acknowledge the village’s sanitation regulations regarding the placing of recyclables before 7 p.m. prior to the day of pick-up. The recycling bins should be put to the curb the day of recycling collection when weather forecasts predict high winds. Cooperation by residents will be greatly appreciated. It is the mayor’s goal, with the assistance of trustees, to address the quality of life issues our residents desire. Water Tank The village’s water tank has been offline for nearly three years. Most recently, welding issues have delayed progress. Exterior painting is now complete; interior painting is expected to be completed by the end of March. In early April, it will take approximately 3 to 5 days to fill the tank, which Village Administrator Ralph Suozzi expects to be fully online for the high water season. Once filled, the water in the tank must undergo testing prior to being put into service. Originally constructed in 1933, the 89-year-old tank was last rehabilitated in 1992. Emergency repairs were made to the tank’s roof due to leaks and holes in 2015. Lead In Water Update In its ongoing investigation of lead in the village’s water, H2M, the village’s water consultant, is preparing a village-wide map of service line inventory based on the village’s own internal engineering records. This inventory includes galvanized steel, copper, plastic and lead lines. Based on age of construction and other factors, H2M will presume there is a lead service line unless that is superseded by an affirmative
As of March 16, commercial landscapers in Garden City are required to register with the village. (Photo courtesy GPS 56 via Wikimedia Commons)
document showing a different material. The inventory for the section of service between the water main and customer’s curb valve has been substantially completed, Focus is now on the service material from the curb valves to the residence. If any resident has information regarding the material of this section, forward this information to the village. Garden City Fire Department Activity Chief Devyn Moody has reported that during February, the department responded to 83 total calls: • Sixty-seven “Signal 8” calls or non-emergency automatic alarms. • Three general alarms. • Two extrication calls where volunteers used extrication tools at motor vehicle accidents. • Eleven mutual aid calls to assist neighboring fire departments. PSEG Long Island: PSEG Long Island is scheduling to perform storm hardening work through an initiative called Power On. This program will help strengthen 50 miles of distribution lines per
year over the next several years, targeting the most vulnerable circuits across Long Island and the Rockaways. Upcoming work on a circuit includes areas in Garden City. The project includes: • Upgrading and replacing existing electric wire with more resilient and durable wire. • Installing new and more durable poles. The poles will be similar in height and have a stronger base. In addition, PSEG Long Island will actively coordinate the removal of old poles with other utilities. • Installing shorter cross arms atop some poles to help deflect falling limbs instead of catching them. The work on this circuit is scheduled to begin on or about the week of March 21. Crews will be working on about .85 miles of the mainline on the following streets in the Village of Garden City: • Stratford Avenue, between New Hyde Park Road and Hayes Street. • New Hyde Park Road, between Stratford Avenue and Manor Road. • Stewart Avenue, between Fernwood Terrace N and New Hyde Park Road. • Rear property of homes 98-126, 99-121 and 213 on Meadbrook Road between Stratford and Stewart Avenues. • Rear Property of homes 74, 78, 82, and 84 on Roxbury Road between Stewart and North Avenues. There are no anticipated outages related to this project. In the event that a brief outage is required, affected customers will be notified in advance. Customers are being sent a letter explaining the work that will be done. For project information, visit www.psegliny. com/inthecommunity/currentinitiatives/ storm hardeningprojects. For further questions, call PSEG Long Island Customer Service at 1-800-490-0025 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. —Submitted by the Office of Garden City Mayor Cosmo Veneziale
Westbury School District Kicks Off Construction For District-Wide Energy Efficiency Project Westbury Union Free School District, with project partner Energia, announces the start of construction for their district-wide Energy Performance Contract. The district will generate guaranteed energy savings of at least $395,000 annually, which in conjunction with State Building Aid, and ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds, will be used to fund over $12 million in capital improvements to district facilities at no out-of-pocket cost to taxpayers. “I believe every child deserves a world-class education experience while enrolled at Westbury Union Free School District, and we know classroom environment can have a big impact on student learning,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Tahira A. DuPree Chase. “By engaging in an Energy Performance Contact, with our partners Energia, we will be able to upgrade our facilities, resulting in more comfortable class-
rooms—all at no additional cost to taxpayers. Additionally, we are adding solar sustainable energy, reducing our carbon footprint, and furthering our positive impact in the world.” The scope of work for Westbury’s energy performance contract boasts the following benefits for the community: Self-Funding Capital Improvements to District facilities: $7,945,000 ESSER Funds: $4,100,000 Total Project Scope: $12,079,500 Guaranteed energy savings over 18-year term: $8,463,259 Net Positive Cash Flow (with State Aid) over 18-year term: $5,644,415 Total Economic Benefit to School District with No Out-of-Pocket Cost or Tax Increase: $17,723,915 The Westbury Energy Performance Project includes the installation of solar panels at the high school and middle
school. Westbury High School will receive carport solar panels, providing beneficial shelter to the vehicles on campus as well as the energy upside, while Westbury Middle School will have roof-top solar panels installed. Additional energy conservation measures across six schools and two administration buildings include: air handling equipment, walk-in freezers/coolers, building management upgrades, building envelope improvements (such as weather stripping), and ventilation upgrades. Energia, an energy-savings financial engineering firm, provides expert guidance and technical oversight for the district throughout the energy performance contract. The U.S. Department of Energy defines energy performance contracting as “a budget-neutral approach to make building improvements that reduce energy and water use and increase operational efficiency.” Westbury schools
can pay for today’s facility upgrades with tomorrow’s energy savings—without tapping into capital budgets. “We are excited to kick-off construction at Westbury schools,” said Kendra McQuilton, CEO of Energia. “Dr. Chase and the Westbury School Board have been champions of environmental and fiscal responsibility, all with students as the top priority. This project will make significant improvements to classroom comfort while yielding financial upside for years to come.” In contrast to a bond referendum, energy performance contracts do not require a tax increase or any out-ofpocket costs. The project is fully funded by the guaranteed energy savings that the upgrades will yield over time. If the guaranteed energy savings do not materialize, the energy services company must make the school district whole. —Submitted by the Westbury Union Free School District
Kayla Branca, RPA-C Joins FemmPro OB/GYN
Kayla Branca, RPA-C, is a board-certified Physician Assistant who specializes in women’s health and wellness. She joins our team of seasoned providers that make up FemmPro OB/GYN, practicing in our Garden City office. A compassionate professional committed to the health of women at every life stage by providing thorough and efficient patient education, Kayla’s background includes a 4-year highly competitive Physician Assistant Program at St. John’s University. As a healthcare professional, she is dedicated to delivering patient centered care in a diverse population. Kayla’s special interests include prenatal care, gynecological wellness, and disease prevention.
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