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Installation Of Officers-Firemen’s Holy Name Society

The North Shore Firemen’s Holy Name Society held its 72nd Annual Communion Mass and Breakfast on March 5 at Glen Cove’s Church of St. Rocco. The event included the installation of 12 officers.

Local officers sworn in as part of the ceremony included Glen Cove Firefighter Pete Prudente, sworn in as President, Glen Cove Firefighter Tony Tripp, sworn in as secretary, and Glenwood Firefighter, Robert Ottaviano, sworn in as Vice Chairman Executive Board. Glen Cove Fire Chief Robert Retoske was Installing Officer for the ceremony. The other 2023 officers sworn in from across Nassau County included Aloysius Hoey (First Vice President), Andrew Mulchinski (Second Vice President), Joseph Goodrich (Third Vice President), Jeffrey Warner (Fourth Vice President), Thomas Delaporte (Financial Secretary), Jose DaRocha (Chairman Executive Board), George Wulforst (Chairman Emeritus), Father Kevin Smith (Chaplain), and Deacon Jay Valdes (Chaplain). Sisters from the Dominican Sisters Mother of the Eucharist were invited to share a few words as guest speakers. The welcome was led by Pete Prudente, the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jeff Warner, Invocation and Grace were shared by Father Daniel Stephen Nash - Can. Reg. Pastor of the Church of St. Rocco, and Toastmaster for the event was Jose DaRocha, who also introduced guests. With Pete Prudente named as President, the Glen Cove Fire Department hosted the annual mass and breakfast.


“It was a very moving service and, as always, the Nonas of St. Rocco’s Holy Name Society prepared a wonderful breakfast,” stated Glen Cove Fire Chief Retoske. “Congratulations to our Glen Cove Firefighters, Pete Prudente and Tony Tripp, and to all of the newly elected officers and the delegates. We were pleased that so many of the firefighters turned out for the event.”

—Submitted by GSM Communications

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