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National Eating Disorders Association Presents The Annual Long Island NEDA Walk

The National Eating Disorders Association(NEDA) organizes the annual Long Island NEDA Walk on April 23 at Sunken Meadow State Park. NEDA Walks spread awareness about the realities of eating disorders and build supportive, local communities of hope, strength, and recovery.
In the United States alone, 30 million individuals will suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some point in their life, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Money raised from the walk will help fund the NEDA Helpline and other vital programs focused on prevention, cures and access to quality care.
“NEDA has seen the volume of calls, texts, and chats skyrocket up to 58% over the previous period. This unprecedented need for support inspires all of us in the community to come together, in unity, to ensure that no one faces these complex and pervasive disorders alone,” says Liz Thompson, CEO of NEDA. “We are so thankful for our active, engaged, dynamic community. Over the course of 2023, we will be activating in more than 50 communities across the United States, building community through programs and initiatives, ensuring that everyone has access to the support they deserve. When we connect, we thrive. Join us as we come one step closer to a world without eating disorders!”
Learn how you can join tens of thousands of passionate walkers, participating in person or virtually, across the country to make a difference in the fight against eating disorders!
To pre-register, visit https://nedawalk. org/longisland2023.

About the National Eating Disorders Association

The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. NEDA supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders, and serves as a catalyst for prevention, cures, and access to quality care. Through our programs and services, NEDA raises awareness, builds communities of support and recovery, funds research and puts essential resources into the hands of those in need. For more information, visit www. nationaleatingdisorders.org.
For more information about NEDA Walks, please visit www.nedawalk.org or contact the National Walks Team at walks@ nationaleatingdisorders.org.
—Submitted by the National Eating Disorders Association