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Historic Figures Share Their Stories At Lee Road And Gardiners Avenue Elementary Schools

Lee Road and Gardiners Avenue elementary schools in the Levittown Public School District were host to a wide array of historic figures plucked right from their respective times. Sixth-graders from Jonas E. Salk Middle School visited the schools dressed up and ready to educate their younger peers about their subjects.

In their classes, Salk students researched various historic figures who made significant impacts on the world. Choosing one historic figure, sixth graders prepared costumes and learned about all aspects of their subjects’ lives so they could adopt their persona. Informational poster boards were created by each student in preparation of a live wax museum at Lee Road and Gardiners Avenue.


Earlier this month, fourth and fifth-graders stepped foot into makeshift museums made up of their visiting sixth grade peers. Students made their way to each exhibit to hear the historic figures explain who they are. They learned about the backgrounds of Cleopatra, William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Leonardo DaVinci and many more.

—Submitted by Levittown Public Schools

Sixth graders from Jonas E. Salk Middle School visited Gardiners Avenue and Lee Road elementary schools dressed as historical figures.

Many historic figures were represented, including Julius Caesar at Lee Road.

Salk sixth graders had a great time interacting with and educating their younger peers.

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