10 minute read
Twenty Years of Celebrating Sarah
only a child can. But the first thing that I clearly remember was tagging along with my parents as they set up the first Night of Laughter at the VFW Hall in Hicksville. I told my parents that hey, maybe I could tell my own jokes! That would be fun! (That did not happen, which was probably a good thing.) Then the actual night still sits clear in my mind, how so many different people and restaurants donated food for the event. Wow! We made all this happen! This is so cool!
Now 20 years on, the Foundation and all of us have grown so much. The amount of families we’ve helped, the events that we have held, the sheer amount of Halloween goodie bags that have been put together. The number of programs that we have started and continued to run, both in hospital and out. I don’t know that I would have ever imagined the scale of things, especially as we have managed to accomplish it all while remaining all-volunteer. We’ve met so many amazing people who have wanted to help out Sarah’s mission in some way, and all of them have become a part of this story. A story that began so tragically but has created so many wonderful moments for so many kids.
I have been a bit more removed from the physical side of things as years have gone on, but I’m still always around to bounce ideas off of, or throwing out some of my own, trying to figure out the best ways to make things work. Being all-volunteer presents many challenges, and fundraising continues to be a challenge due to so many circumstances outside of our control. But that hasn’t deterred us from our mission to help as many children with cancer and their families as possible. We’ve been figuring out the hopeful return of some of our in-person events, such as the Night of Laughter, while also hoping to take some things that started online and turn them into full events, like the Hugs for Sarah 5k. There’s always something cooking!
Most importantly, I think, when I look back at the last 20 years of what we have done, I feel proud of it all. I don’t have the numbers in front of me (I know my dad will!) but I know that so many lives have been touched by Sarah’s life and story. I think if Sarah was still here with us she’d be so thrilled with the work we’ve done, and she’d also be proud of how many smiles we’ve spread. That’s the big sister I remember, and who still lives on inside myself and all of us – someone who was always smiling, and always ready and willing to help out those who needed it. She was a star who burned incredibly bright and strong, and whose radiance has lit our way these last 20 years, and will continue to into the future.
So here’s to Sarah, for her inspiration, her wonder, and her love. Here’s to my parents, for starting this and nurturing it as it grew into what it is today. Here’s to all of you, for supporting our cause and keeping Sarah’s memory alive every day. Here’s to 20 years of The Sarah Grace Foundation, and here’s to the next 20!
For more information on The Sarah Grace Foundation please call (516) 433-9745 or visit the Foundation’s website at www.TheSarahGraceFoundation.org. Donations or requests for information may be sent to the Foundation at 17 E. Old Country Road, Unit B, PMB 202, Hicksville, NY 11801.

Word Find
HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis
By Holiday Mathis
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction al ays in a straight line o e letters are used ore than once ing each ord as you find it and hen you ha pleted the pu le, there ill be letters left o er hey spell out the alternati e the e of the pu le
Holiday Mathis
ARIES (March 21-April 19). We live in an age of endless in uence. You’re ready for a fresh muse, an area of study or a teacher to open your eyes and guide your experience. Whether you nd it in the natural world or through the in nite o erings of education and media, claim your muse and begin seeing through a new lens.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You were standing out from the crowd, and now you’ll nd you are actually standing in front of it, leading the charge. It’s a strange sensation: You’re not entirely sure where to take the group, but they are de nitely following. Don’t worry, something inside you knows, even if you don’t consciously realize it yet.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Instead of backing out of strong feelings, consider a change of venue. Being in a safe place where you can express your feelings will be better for you than trying to suppress them. Catharsis is a quick way to restore emotional balance. e week o ers you healing moments of contemplation and re ection.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). If you feel like saying “no” and saying it often, you absolutely will be on the right track. You will have tremendous luck picking one focus and being unfailingly tenacious with it. “Consider the postage stamp; its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.” -- Josh Billings
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). ere are times when even one step toward temptation is too much. You’ll be dealing in matters of pleasure and guilt, weighing one against the other to determine just how much you’re willing to pay or risk for a pleasurable moment. ere’s no answer that’s right for everyone. It’s a personal choice.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). It’s funny, but at times like this, when life’s responsibilities drive you forward, your own pleasure can seem like such a low priority that your own delights and preferences slip your mind. Keeping track of your enjoyments with lists and other you-focused rituals will be the start of getting back to your joy.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’re happiest when your relationships are in good standing. You’ll go out of your way to make sure others are comfortable and feeling good about any and all deals, connections and interactions involving you. You’d rather err on the side of caution than risk disappointing anyone. Your thoughtfulness lands beautifully.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). e machinery of your life hums along, allowing for some ne momentum. You built this, and now you get to enjoy the wind in your hair as you sail on unimpeded for a stretch. You might take this opportunity to stockpile the product of your e orts so you’ll have plenty when life brings you other kinds of weather.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Mental clarity has values beyond what most people can see. With a focused mind comes a directed being taking powerful action. is is how you get momentum toward a goal. e way hearts work is radiant rather than focused. In your zone and world, your heart feels free to radiate without trepidation.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). In the eyes of another, you are capable, talented, resourceful, attractive and possessing of many other wonderful qualities. You won’t know this, however, unless they convey their admiration. Tune into nonverbal expressions, like attentiveness, receptiveness and simply showing up for you time and again.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ve come so far. Stop and give yourself credit. You can be as generous and lavish as you want as you privately acknowledge and reward yourself; nobody is there to judge you. Spoil yourself! Fill yourself up. at will be a much better look than letting yourself get thirsty for praise from the outside world.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Whom you sit next to will determine your enjoyment of a meal, your transportation experience, the quality of your study, your reception of a movie and so much more. Don’t worry too much about making the right choice, though, because the universe has a serendipitous seating chart for you this week.
You crave new avors -- of food, experience, emotion and location. You’ll try much and cherry-pick a few enriching people, things and practices to add to your life. You’ll strengthen your core on every level and be an anchor for your loved ones. You’ll give your time and energy knowing what a precious commodity it is, and thereby be magnetized to the actions that make the most di erence of all. Also featured: a wise investment, a graduation and a remarkable amount of cultural enjoyment.
International Word Find International Word Find
International Word Find

We are the champions
Solution: 20 Letters
Word Find
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but al ays in a straight line o e letters are used ore than once ing each ord as you find it and hen you ha e copleted the pu le, there ill be letters left o er hey spell out the alternati e the e of the pu le
We are the champions
Solution: 20
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Price Raper
Solution: Endless natural talent
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Contract Bridge
Hidden asset
Date: 3/12/23
By Steve Becker
indicating a strong six-card suit in a hand of less than opening strength. Sharif now boldly bid three hearts despite his five high-card points and dreadful heart suit. Obviously, he could not bring himself to pass, but this action ultimately came back to haunt him.
West jumped to four spades, and North, not knowing whether his side could make five hearts or whether the opponents could make four spades, decided to cater to both possibilities by bidding five hearts. That closed the bidding, and Cohen led the K-A of clubs.
lead — king of clubs.
You might wonder how declarer lost a trump trick in this deal and went down one in five hearts. But the fact is that it did happen, and it all came about in a perfectly natural way.
The hand was played in New Orleans in the 1978 World Open Pairs. North, Ahmed Hussein, partnered by Omar Sharif and representing Egypt, opened the bidding with one club.
East, Leon Tintner, partnered by Nadine Cohen and representing France, overcalled with two spades,
Then, knowing a spade shift could serve no purpose since South had to be void in the suit, Cohen continued with a low club. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Tintner ruffed dummy’s nine of clubs with the jack of hearts, and Sharif was down one before he could even get started.
Declarer had no trouble taking the rest of the tricks. He ruffed the spade return, cashed the A-K of trump and the A-K of diamonds, then ruffed a diamond in dummy, establishing the rest of the suit. However, this was little consolation for someone who had lost a trump trick with a combined total of nine trumps headed by the A-K-Q and the trumps divided 2-2 in the opponents’ hands.
Weekly Sudoku Puzzle
Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle

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