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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by KeySpan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid (“Company”) that it has led with the New York State Public Service Commission (“Commission”) proposed tari revisions to its Schedule for Gas Service, PSC No.1 – GAS, to become e ective, on a temporary basis, April 1, 2023.
These revisions have been led in compliance with the Commission’s Order issued August 12, 2021 in Case 19-G-0310. The table below compares the Company’s current rates (prior to April 1, 2023) to rates e ective April 1, 2023 by service classi cation. E ective April 1, 2023, $2.5 million has been removed from base delivery rates to be collected through the ‘Rate Adjustment Clause’. The Rate Adjustment Clause is a separate surcharge that will be included in the Delivery Rate Adjustment line on customers’ bills.
S.C. No. 1A, 5-1A – Residential Non-Heating Service
1AR, 5-1AR – Residential Non-Heating Service
S.C No. 15, 5-15 – High Load Factor Service Monthly usage Current
S.C. No. 16, 5-16 – Year-Round Space Conditioning Service
S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation – Rate 1 –Less than 1MW
S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation – Rate 2 –Equal to or greater than 1 MW but less than 5 MW
– Multi-Family Service
S.C. 9, 5-9 – Uncompressed Natural Gas Vehicle Service
S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation – Rate 3 –Equal to or greater than 5 MW but less than 50 MW
No change for the delivery rates for S.C. No. 1B-DG, 5-1B-DG – Distributed Generation & S.C. 18 / 19 – Non-Firm Demand Response Sales and Transportation Service.
These revisions have been led in compliance with the Commission’s Order issued August 12, 2021 in Case 19-G-0310. Copies of the proposed revisions are available for public inspection and can be obtained on the Company’s website at https://www.nationalgridus.com/Long-Island-NY-Home/Bills-Meters-and-Rates/ or the PSC’s website (dps.ny.gov).
The only movie that I have ever walked out of was The Santa Clause 2. Now, I have seen many (many) bad movies before, sometimes even intentionally. The Santa Clause 2 is a perfectly fine and fun movie, and I remember 10-year-old-me having a very good time watching it in the theatre. I also remember my dad’s cell phone ringing, and him telling me to stay in my seat while he stepped out to answer it. Then, he came back, and told me, “We have to go, Sarah is sick.”
The next part of the story has been told at many Foundation events by now: we took Sarah to the hospital and her internal systems had begun to crash. I sat in a Child Life room playing Mario Kart while my parents were with her. Family and friends came to the hospital, more met us at home. Loss is a strange thing, and so many people comfort in the way that so many of us know how – by sharing food. Boy, did we have so much food for weeks. As a kid I thought that was cool (free food!) and as I’ve gotten older it’s something I’ve grown to appreciate, the act of sharing and tenderness in the face of overwhelming grief.
In my memory, the early days of the Foundation are a bit of a blur. I was still young, and in school, and attempting to process my own grief in small ways that