10 minute read
A New Corpse Flower Has Bloomed— And Released Its Infamous Stench— At The New York Botanical Garden
An Amorphophallus titanum, or “corpse flower,” bloomed at The New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) in the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory this past week. The spectacular blooming flower gets its macabre nickname from the distinct odor, which some have described as similar to the smell of rotting meat, during its brief 24- to 36-hour bloom. Its smell serves a purpose, though, attracting pollinators that feed on dead animals. The corpse flower first bloomed in the Western Hemisphere at NYBG in 1937 and 1939, and it took nearly 80 years for another one to bloom. The 2016 plant attracted more than 25,000 visitors to smell the bloom in person and nearly two million views of its progress on a live online video feed.
What is it?
Titan-arum or corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum) is native to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. Its enormous flower spike is the largest unbranched inflorescence (flower structure) in the Plant Kingdom. The fleshy central spike, called a spadix, bears small flowers in rings around its base. The spadix can grow up to 12 feet tall. The spadix is wrapped in a frilly, modified leaf called a spathe. When the plant is ready to bloom, the spathe unfurls, exposing the flowers inside. You may recognize the structure’s resemblance to calla-lily, anthurium, and jack-in-thepulpit, which are all relatives in the arum family, Araceae. Amorphophallus titanum is often called corpse flower because when it blooms, it emits a powerful stench similar to that of rotting meat. This scent, along with the deep-red, meaty color of the open spathe, attracts insect pollinators that feed on dead animals.
What’s happening?
Titan-arums take years to form flower buds, but when they finally do, the flowers mature very quickly. In the beginning of the bloom cycle, a titan-arum grows four to six inches each day.

Later, growth slows significantly. Two leaves at the base of the spathe shrivel and fall off. The spathe begins to open, revealing the red-purple color inside, and completely unfurls over the course of about 36 hours. During full bloom, the spadix self-heats to approximately human body temperature, which helps disseminate odor particles.
How is it cultivated?
This titan-arum has been nurtured in the warm tropical zone of the Nolen Greenhouses.
The hot and humid conditions in the greenhouse mimic the natural conditions of Sumatra. The plant must be watered and fertilized copiously.
Why all the excitement?
Titan-arum blooms are rare and unpredictable. Each plant takes seven years or more to store enough energy to bloom for the first time. This titan-arum is 12 years old.
A Long, Stinky History
NYBG received its first titan-arum from Sumatra in 1932. In May 1937, a flower bud appeared. This was the first titan-arum to flower in the Western Hemisphere, and the Conservatory was mobbed with visitors, reporters, and photographers. After a long wait, the plant finally bloomed on June 8. Its eight-foot spadix was the largest ever grown in cultivation.
A second specimen bloomed at NYBG on July 2, 1939. The Bronx Borough President commemorated the event by designating Amorphophallus titanum the official flower of the Bronx. (It was replaced by the more conventionally attractive daylily in 2006.)
—Submitted by the New York Botanical Garden
Word Find
HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction al ays in a straight line o e letters are used ore than once ing each ord as you find it and hen you ha pleted the pu le, there ill be letters left o er hey spell out the alternati e the e of the pu le
Holiday Mathis
By Holiday Mathis
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Should you take on the established order? It will consume more energy than it’s worth. However, there’s luck this week for ducking under the radar to handle things your own way, if you’re quick and decisive. e other option is to accept things, focus on the advantages in this situation and know that your moment is coming.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Boredom feels bad but is good for your big picture. It motivates change. If you were never bored, you wouldn’t set out on adventures, seek new knowledge or nd deeper meanings. is week, you’ll move through ennui to fantastic, fresh circumstances. e company of re signs will be particularly lucky (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius).
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). is version of yourself has its own set of rituals, some of which you don’t really think about. Being more conscious of the patterns involved in supporting your current lifestyle will be an important step in adding meaning and relevance to your scene. As your awareness grows, so will your options.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). ere are parts of your experience you prefer to keep to yourself, not because these events or feelings are shameful but because they are precious. ey are too sacred to put into words or subject to the opinions of others. ere’s a dignity in preserving your own mystery now.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). People throw up barriers for their own reasons. Maybe they don’t want to be known, or maybe they are trying to get out of the work involved in serving or relating to others. When met with resistance, don’t back down so easily. It gives power to lesser human instincts. Stand with the better angels.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Nervous anticipation is uncomfortable, but for many high achievers, it comes with the territory. e week sees you feeling responsible and invested in an outcome. Don’t worry, after you’ve done what you set out to do enough times to trust your own competence, the nerves will disappear.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). ere will be a lull. e dimming of external stimuli is an opportunity to turn your attention inward. Instead of your usual problem-solving in service to others, you’ll brainstorm about how to resolve what’s been troubling you. Your intellect is bright. You’ll start with a dream and follow it to a practical solution.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). None of us can totally control what happens to us. What happens inside us can be similarly challenging to manage. But at least you’ll have a good deal of say over where you show up this week. Put yourself in the best places -- happy, warm places of your choosing where the company is kind and inclusive.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Feelings are neither true nor false, they simply are. Accept how you feel for what it is, a tone of the moment that could intensify or fade, change or evaporate. Know that what you’ve experienced doesn’t make you any more or less of a person, but what you can accept and assimilate de nitely broadens you and gives you something to build on.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). A lot is happening at once this week, but don’t worry about it all. You don’t even have to worry about any of it if you don’t want to. You know where you’re headed. You have the map. You’re taking the steps. Be content with small gains. Trust the process.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll take a stand when you’re ready, but there’s something to iron out rst. You want con rmation that you’re right. Test the ethics and legalities out on friends and experts. When you’re convinced you have a case, it will be much easier to assert yourself.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). ere’s nothing to do, only something to stop doing. Technically, not acting takes less energy than an action would, but anyone who’s tried to quit an unwanted habit knows it doesn’t work like that. Stopping can be hard. Take heart. Once you reorient your mindset, inaction will indeed be the easier route.
Welcome to a year of personal revelations. You nd it easier and easier to know your truth and live by it. All the little things you used to do out of duty and obligation will get another look. If you choose them, you’ll do so for new' reasons, like honor, self-discovery and strength-building. You’ll be part of a grand mission. It’s rare that you get to do exactly what you want for a break, but you’ll plan it and it will work out brilliantly. An old rift will be healed.
International Word Find International Word Find
International Word Find

Our anatomy
Solution: 16 Letters
Word Find
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but al ays in a straight line o e letters are used ore than once ing each ord as you find it and hen you ha e copleted the pu le, there ill be letters left o er hey spell out the alternati e the e of the pu le
Our anatomy
Solution: 16 Letters
Solution: An amazing machine Date: 4/12/23
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Contract Bridge
Alertness at trick one
By Steve Becker
East covers with the jack, and South wins with the king. Declarer then presumably leads a diamond to the king, taken by East’s ace. East returns a club, and the contract is down whether South finesses or not. If he finesses, he goes down two after West wins with the king and returns a heart; if he doesn’t finesse, the best he can do is to cash out for down one.
The result is the same if declarer plays the four of hearts from dummy at trick one. East allows the eight to run to declarer’s king, and the rest of the play is identical.
Declarer must always view the play of the hand as a whole rather than try to deal with each suit as entirely separate and distinct issues.
Consider this case where South arrives at three notrump on the bidding shown, and West leads the eight of hearts. The question is which heart declarer should play from dummy to the first trick.
South should resolve this question by referring to the bidding and the overall layout of the hand. Observe what happens if declarer unthinkingly plays, say, the ten of hearts at trick one.
The winning play is not that difficult to find, given the circumstances. East is known to have at least a five-card heart suit, and West is obviously leading his top heart. South can therefore go a long way toward neutralizing East’s hearts by playing the queen from dummy at trick one.
East must take the queen with the ace — otherwise declarer will score two heart tricks instead of one. After taking the ace, however, East cannot return a heart without allowing dummy’s ten to become a trick. Whatever East shifts to, declarer has time to establish his clubs and so finish with nine tricks consisting of four clubs, four spades and a heart. The diamond suit need never be touched.
Once the threat of East’s hearts has been defused, South has nothing to worry about.
Weekly Sudoku Puzzle
Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle

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The Eighth Squad reports the details of two Commercial Burglaries that occurred recently.
According to Detectives, Police responded to Best Image Hair Salon located at 505 Stewart Avenue, Bethpage and found that the rear door was pried open. The subject stole approximately $200.00 USD from the register.
According to Detectives, Police responded to the Farmingdale Village Laundromat located at 145 Main Street, Farmingdale and discovered the rear door had been pried open. The cash register was smashed and approximately $1,000.00 USD were removed from the store.
Details of the subject are unknown at this time. The investigation is ongoing.
Detectives request anyone with information regarding the above listed crime to contact Nassau County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-244-TIPS or to call 911. All callers will remain anonymous.
—Details by Det. Lerner/8th Squad
The Arson Bomb Squad reports the details of a Fire that occurred late last month in Hicksville.
According to Detectives, Officers responded to a residential Fire located at 17 Bunker Lane. Upon arrival, officers observed the entire house engulfed in flames. The residents were not home at the time. The two neighboring houses suffered minor siding damage. The Hicksville Fire Department along with the Levittown, Bethpage, Westbury, Plainview Fire Departments responded and extinguished