Legendary World War II Holocaust survivor Sami Steigmann took his healing message of hope an tolerance to East Hills last March 25, speaking before an overflow crowd of more than 200 people. The event was sponsored by the East Hills Social Committee.
Everywhere Steigmann travels, his audience is overwhelmed by his presence and his courage. East Hills was no different.
The audience was moved and inspired as Steigmann shared his story. Steigmann urged a greater response to antisemitism through more concerted efforts in the press. He also held out hope that by talking to children, the message of tolerance and acceptance can be achieved.
“Remembering the horrors the Nazis inflicted and the scourge of the past is critical,” said East Hills Mayor Micheal R. Koblenz, who also moderated the event. “I thank Sami for informing us, vividly, of hatred that existed, but lending us hope that through our younger generations of children we can flourish.”
Steigmann’s life story makes his message of hope even more palatable. He doesn’t just make appeals. His life is a witness to hope.
The Holocaust and Human Rights Education Center provides a brief biography.
“Sami’s life story is remarkable. He was born on December 21, 1939 in Czernovitz, Bukovina, part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire belonging to Romania. Later, it became part of former Soviet Union and today it is in Ukraine. From 1941 through 1944, he was with his parents in the Ukraine at Mogilev-Podolsky, a labor camp in an area called Transnistria. The camp was liberated by the Red Army and his family was deported by the Romanians, not by the Germans. He grew up in Transylvania, in a small town called Reghin. He did not know the language. In 1961, the whole family (his sister was born in 1946) emigrated to Israel. He served in the Israeli Air Force, not as a pilot. In 1968, without knowing the language and no money, alone, Sami came to the United States. He lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he married, divorced and eventually, in 1983 returned to Israel. However, in 1988, he returned to the United States, choosing New York City as his final home.
“Being too young to work, per his parents, Sami was subjected to Nazi medical experimentation in his early years but has
no recollection of those years. However, he has felt and still feels the side effects every single day of his life.
“After the medical experiments, life was very difficult in the camp. The starvation and the bitter cold Russian winter created survival problems. Struggling to take care of his family, Sami’s father gave away his winter coat for a loaf of bread. At one point he was dying of starvation and his life was saved by a German woman. This German woman lived on a farm near the camp and brought food to the SS and
Ukrainian guards. Fortunately, she saw Sami and recognized he was dying of starvation - physical signs are big head, swollen stomach, swollen feet. She decided to give him milk, risking her entire family’s lives. Eventually, when color began to return to his cheeks, she would pinch him (in Yiddish, we called it a knip), and say: “Those are my rosy cheeks”. This German woman enabled Sami to survive and eventually, the whole family returned to Romania. Not knowing her name, years later, it was a very happy sight to see at
the Garden of the Righteous Among the Nations at Yad Va’Shem a stone/marker and a tree honoring the unknown ones.”
Steigmann is not the retiring type. According to his website, he proudly carries the torch for his generation and teaches young people life lessons based on his personal experiences. Steigmann overcame life challenges and obstacles by volunteering, finding healthy substitutes to fulfill his need to teach and share.
On Feb. 17, 2016, Sami was recognized for his life’s work when he received the Harmony Power Award at the Museum of Tolerance on East 42nd St. in Manhattan. That same night he also received a proclamation from the New York State Assembly recognizing him as an example of courage, compassion and for his work speaking with students and visitors to New York.
Steigmann’s work extends into charity. Along with fellow members of his New York congregation, Steigmann’s friends have established The Reghina, Nathan, and Sami Steigmann Family Peace and Tolerance Education Fund. The Fund enables the man to share his life experience with audiences all over the world.
All the money donated will go directly to the tax-deductible Foundation: https:// tamidnyc.org/sami/ to provide scholarships to upstanding students, honor his parents, remember the Holocaust victims, and recognize the survivors.
The event was planned by The East Hills Social Committee. The Co-Chairs are Fanny Boneh, Lindsay Giloni, and Rachel Tubian. The Supervising Trustee is Clara Pomerantz.
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to be.”
Sami Steigmann
What does Long Island chef Ivan Sayles have in common with famous chef and raconteur Anthony Bourdain?
Both graduated from the Culinary Institute of America, owned restaurants, were drug addicts, and finally, wrote tell-all books.
The journey of Bellmore’s Ivan Sayles is a long and winding road that has culminated in the publication of his new book, Overcooked, an exciting and fun voyage into the world of Long Island restaurants, and also their dark side.
On Sunday, April 23, at 1 p.m., Sayles will give a talk on the book at the Bryant Library.
Sayles is best known as the owner of four-time Best Seafood Restaurant winner, Rachel’s Waterside Grill on Freeport’s
Nautical Mile, which he has owned for more than 25 years. With a degree from the prestigious C.I.A., he has owned more than half a dozen restaurants.
Sayles’ career started with the North Bellmore neighborhood favorite Smithville Cafe, prepping salads, but he earned his stripes as executive chef at The Boardwalk and Captree Cove restaurants at Jones Beach and Robert Moses Park. Along the way, enchanted by the appeal of drugs and sex, he embarked on a dark journey that almost cost him his life.
In the old days, when there was a knock on his door, Sayles feared it was the police coming to arrest him. Today, the police drop off donuts, as they did recently at a meeting of the Nautical Mile Merchant’s Association, where Sayles is president.
Overcooked is fun reading as Sayles talks
about his many adventures, as well as delving into a very personal account of his misadventures, romances, and battle with drugs. His voyage has included wives, girlfriends, and a cast of characters that would have made Jimmy Breslin smile. Sayles is one of the lucky ones who has been clean for many years, and he has been a major anti-drug voice on Long Island, speaking at many events about the dangers of drugs, as well as donating time, money and food to many charities. As Sayles put it, “The only prize in the game of addiction is death and when you’ve reached its highest level, there is no replay.”
Overcooked can be ordered at: https:// www.lulu.com/shop/ivan-sayles/overcooked/paperback/product-wg5zz9.html.
—Information provided by Richard Branficorte
Roslyn resident Deborah Adler recently led a healing workshop held at Pinelawn Memorial Park and Arboretum. The program was part of its grief workshop series, one that allowed participants a chance to express their grief and heal through the ancient art of mandala-making.
“Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means circle. Circles often symbolize the connectedness we have with all people, including our lost loved ones,” said Adler. “Mandalamaking is a powerful art therapy technique that helps people access their inner wisdom, heal their emotional wounds, and celebrate their life journey. Mandalamaking is a way of honoring our loved ones and ourselves.”
According to Adler and other experts, mandalas are a tool for healing, self-expression, and relaxation. The balanced, centered design of a circle is soothing to the mind as circles, unlike other geometric shapes, do not have angles, which make circles feel softer and more infinite than other shapes. Circles/mandalas often represent both unity and protection and can be the symbol of the circle of life and rebirth.
If you’d like to create a mandala at home, Adler shared some tips:
• Trace a circle onto a piece of paper. You can use anything around your home such as a plate.
• Take a moment to clear your mind and assess where you are physically and mentally.
• Then, using a pencil or writing device, beginning in the center of the circle, create a symbol or design that represents you or where you are at mentally.
• Next, work your way out and start adding
further elements to the outer parts of the circle. You can divide the circle into equal sections to add images or words to keep it balanced. Allow your designs to flow and express how you feel in that moment.
• You can add in images cut out from magazines, use quotes or other collage materials.
• Don’t worry about skill or ability, let your creativity relax your mind and soul.
“This event marked the first in-person workshop Pinelawn has held since the series was created during the pandemic, and our participants couldn’t have been more pleased,” said Justin Locke, president of Pinelawn. “We are happy to be able to develop supportive workshops and events for families. People helping people, that’s what it’s all about.”
—Information provided by Geri Shumer
The Sixth Squad reports the details of a Grand Larceny that occurred at 1:30 a.m. on Monday, April 10, in Roslyn.
According to detectives, the male victim, 60, while in his residence located on Pine Drive North was awoken by the sound of his garage door opening. Upon investigation, he observed his black colored 2019 BMW 540 being driven in a northbound direction following behind a black colored Audi SUV. Subsequent to the investigation, two unknown male black suspects, dressed in all black clothing, were observed parked on the shoulder in the vicinity of Exit 31S on the Long Island Expressway rummaging through items from the BMW. As officers were approaching, the suspects fled in the Audi westbound on the Long Island Expressway.
Detectives request anyone with information regarding this crime to contact Nassau County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-244-TIPS or to call 911. All callers will remain anonymous.
—Submitted by the Nassau County Police Department
To place an item in this space, send information two weeks before the event to editors@antonmediagroup.com.
Dirt! Screening
At 1 p.m., the library will host a screening of Dirt! The movie is an insightful and timely film that tells the story of the glorious and unappreciated material beneath our feet. Inspired by William Bryant Logan’s acclaimed book Dirt!: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth, Dirt! The movie takes a humorous and substantial look into the history and current state of the living organic matter that we come from and will later return to. The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd., Roslyn. Call 516-621-2240.
Spring Sculpture Stroll
Join Laura Lynch, the Nassau County Museum of Art’s Director of Education, for an hour of discovery and conversation as we travel across the museum’s grounds to explore a selection of sculptures sited across our property. Each stop on the tour will delve into the choices, inspirations and materials of the artists and their sculptures. Cost is $10 members, $20 non-members.
The rain date is April 27. Please register in advance. Suggested attire: Wear comfortable walking shoes for grass and uneven terrain and weather appropriate outerwear.
The North Shore Reads At 7 p.m., this event will take place at the Crescent Beach Club in Bayville: 333 Bayville Ave, Bayville. The Bryant Library will once again team up with neighboring libraries for the popular North Shore Reads, a local celebration of Long Island Reads and National Library Week. This year’s selection is A Speck in the Sea by John Aldridge and Anthony Sosinki. Register for this event through the North Shore Reads website: www.northshorereads.org.
Super Family Saturday: Arbor Day
An on-site family friendly event for children and their adult companions: At the Nassau County Museum of Art Manes Art and Education Center. There are two sessions: Session I: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Session II: 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Cost is: 10 Members & children, $20 Non-member adults Enjoy a Family Tree Walk with horticultural
interpreter Sharon Pesner followed by a family artmaking experience at the Manes Center. Learn about seeds, cones, and preservation. Then, create your own sustainable masterpiece using recycled materials. For inquiries about this program, please email artclasses@nassaumuseum.org.
There has been a Roslyn Softball ‘choose up’ game going on since the mid 1980’s, and its organizers are looking for a few good men. The choose-up game is restarting in early April in the Village of East Hills Park. Sunday double header games begin at 8:30 and end around noon. For additional information, contact Stew Faden at 516410-6666 or Peter Wagner at 516-527-1200.
Family Saturdays
From now until June 24, Nassau County
Museum of Art is hosting an artmaking program for the whole family. Converse, collaborate and create at Family Saturdays at the Museum. Get inspired by the art and objects in the galleries and then join us at the Manes Center to explore and discover different materials to create your own original artwork. Family Saturdays allow children and their adult partners to connect while talking about and making art together. A new project is featured every week. Suitable for children aged 2-14 and their adult companions. Everyone may participate in art making and each adult attending must purchase a spot. This is not a drop-off event. Children under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Admission is free for members and $10 for non-member child and $20 for non-member adults. For inquiries about this program, please email artclasses@nassaumuseum.org.
Adolescent mental health has become a greater concern over the last 25 years, and this trend has only accelerated since the pandemic. The teens themselves are breaking the stigma and demanding better resources. The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide, or SPTS, a national organization based in New Jersey, recognized this need in Nassau County and created the Nassau County Youth Wellness Summit. The summit is organized by Susan Brief, a school social worker and private practice therapist, who has been involved with SPTS since her own teen years.
“When I was about 15, I was going through a hard time as a teenager. My parents knew someone that was on the board of SPTS, and I ended up doing a little fundraiser for them. The more I got to know about them, the more purpose it put to what I was struggling with. And since then I’ve just been getting more and more involved in all the different programming that they do. Now I am their event coordinator,” Brief said.
The single-day summit, begun in 2019 and now in its third year after a one year break during COVID, focuses on mental health and suicide prevention, something sorely needed for today’s teens. According to SPTS, Suicide is currently the second leading cause of death for youth aged 10 to 24. And the CDC reports that 36.7 percent of high school students reported feelings of sadness or hopelessness in the past year. This percentage is higher for females, Hispanic students, and lesbian, gay or bisexual students.
The summit hosted staff and students from 33 different high schools across Nassau County and two Suffolk county high schools. All of the attendees were introduced to coping strategies, overall wellness practices and leadership skills to help them take care of themselves and their friends. These skills will equip them to be mental health leaders in their communities and best support their own mental wellness. The hope is to open dialogues about mental health and break down stigma so that they can continue to talk about these issues in their home schools.
Brief stated that invitations are sent to
the participating schools, but it is the staff and teachers who choose the participants. “We advise them to send students that they feel will be empowered to take what they’ve learned from the day and bring it back to their community. So whatever that looks like, whether it’s a student that’s struggling themselves, or whether it’s a student that’s kind of a leader among their peer group. So we kind of have a mix of student profiles throughout the day.”
The day began with an open discussion panel with people directly affected by teen suicide. “We have three young adults who spoke to their lived experiences losing a loved one to suicide or experiencing suicidal ideation and behaviors... That was a really good outlet for the teenagers to be able to ask questions like whatever was on their mind. And that’s something that we got feedback was really powerful for them.”
The selected students are all sophomores and juniors, and there are workshops geared towards those groups specifically. Sophomores participated in a workshop called “Knowing Your Worth”, which was about self esteem and empowerment. This encourages them towards self-exploration, expressing themselves confidently and using kind words towards one another. This class touches on social media that as well.
The juniors participated in a workshop called “Through My Eyes” which
addressed the stigma of mental health, what assumptions people may hold, how to break through barriers and how to form better connections. This workshop also talked about bullying and cyber-bullying, a huge issue for teens in the age of social media.
Adolescence has always been a time of transition, both mentally and physically, but today’s teens have gone through a massive disruption in the past few years. The pandemic created gaps in the normal progression of self-discovery and development. “With a pandemic would happen for a lot of young teens is they missed that part of social connection and interaction as a big part of trying on different skins and figuring out who I am and what feels right. And they kind of jumped into a later stage and adolescence where they feel like they don’t know who they are yet. They’re not ready for the next stage in life when they’re very close to graduating and moving on. And those who were already you know, in mid- adolescence have been pushed into early adulthood not feeling prepared.” Brief said.
Brief noted changes, not only in suicides, but also in issues of body image and self-harm. “With that we see a big rise in eating disorders have been an incredible rise since the pandemic. substance use and... self-harm rates are up. So just all in all, the mental and emotional wellbeing of our teens is suffering, and it calls for
more attention and more support. Not just for the teenagers but for the staff who are around the teens. Being aware that how they’re feeling emotionally is going to impact how they show up at school and their performance. And also (support) for the parents who might not be sure what the warning signs are at home or how to start a conversation if they’re noticing that their teenagers are acting differently.”
In the future, SPTS plans to bring another of their programs, the Youth Council, to Long Island. “The youth council is for any teenager from ninth through 12th grade in Nassau County who’s interested in remaining involved in mental health. We will have monthly meetings and the meeting location will travel across Nassau County. They’ll be learning more about something called the wellness wheel and it covers eight different components of wellness. They’ll learn more about the warning signs of depression and suicide and how to recognize that in their peers, different engagement skills, more about the local resources so they really can be someone to create change in their school environment and be someone who knows how to support others in their school who may be struggling.”
For more information about the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide, their programs, and how to get involved, visit sptsusa.org.
Harriman State Park
I have been itching to get out there and hike up a mountain since the weather started getting just a little bit warmer.
And on April 2, I just did that. The great part about living on Long Island is that you have so many great attractions that can take you away from your everyday life that can be seen with just a day trip. So on that Sunday, my boyfriend and I, joined by his sister, got up early and headed out to Rockland County, NY to visit Harriman State Park, which was less than two hours away. I’ve personally never been there before.
Once we got there, we realized we would have to park on the side of the road, but there was plenty of distance between the left of the car and traffic. I had downloaded
the Long Path, Suffern-Bear Mountain Trail trail map on the app AllTrails, which made the whole experience so much easier. It keeps you on track and acts like a GPS, even if there’s very little internet.
Throughout the moderate hike, we faced some steep incline, had to climb up or down some boulders, crossed streams by hopping on
rocks and we saw some beautiful sites. It was also interesting to see all the cell phone towers that were there, as well as the underground fiber optic cables. We had been out there for about six hours, gained 1,171 feet in elevation and walked about nine miles.
We celebrated the day by going to Golden Corral in The Bronx, NY. I would only recommend this
on a week day afternoon, as it was extremely busy.
Jeff Salt Cave
On March 30, I was coming off of a mild cold, but was feeling a lot of tension in my eyes, so I looked into some solutions online on how to relieve this tension, and a salt cave was recommended.
The closest one to me was in
Port Jefferson, so I decided to book it for $45, which gave me a 40-minute session.
I went there having no idea what to expect. But once you’re there, the staff takes you through the process. I took off my shoes and my jacket and walked in. The ground is covered in Himalayan salt. Once I sat down in the gravity chair provided, I realized there was pink salt all around me. There was one other woman in the room with me on the other side of the room, and I was given a blanket to keep me warm.
After the both of us picked a meditation to listen to, which played on a loud speaker, a staff member brought us some crystals to hold.
Overall it was a nice way to pass the time, and the meditation was very relaxing. The other woman even fell asleep.
It’s certainly something I would do again! And I’d say it even helped relieve some of that tension and I felt pretty good afterwards.
Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000
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Ever since my husband retired, we have found ourselves seeking new adventures on the daily. Whether we take a drive to the East End or explore a new hiking trail, these excursions have brought new life to the doldrums that can easily make one feel as though they are in a “rut”.
During our treks through nature, we’ve been blessed to find interesting articles of yesteryear. Several years ago, I found an old bottle of “Minck” that was buried beneath the leaves. The journalist in me loves a good investigation, and so I proceeded to research my subject.
As it turned out, Minck Brothers was a mineral water manufacturer who bottled beverages that were considered better than what was on the market from the 1870s through the 1950s. They were located on Beaver Street in good old Brooklyn, NY. The bottle, sadly, was cracked on the top and would have injured whoever carried it back to the car. We buried it to prevent forest wildlife from injury.
We have collected beach glass, also known as “Mermaid Tears” or “sea glass” for decades. Over the years, our finds became jewelry created by our daughter, a hobby that was short lived thanks, in part, to the cost of creating. She continues to search with her fiancé along the shore and places her finds into the window above her kitchen sink where they glint and gleam in the sunlight.
Hubby and I continued to search for glass and challenged each other to find the most unique specimen to bring home and clean up before it was placed in a vase in the window. Sometimes we found beautiful cobalt and other times we found the frosted remnants of old Coca-Cola bottles that were smoothed by years of natural tumbling along the ocean floor. We collected enough glass to fill two small vases for our daughter, two
of a green bottle with the word “Duraglas” etched into the bottom. Duraglas was a style of glass that was manufactured in the 1940s and 1950s and was touted as being stronger than the average glass bottle.
medium vases for ourselves, and even more glass that is currently scattered upon my dining room table. We have discovered red, orange, cobalt, teal, cerulean, bright lime and even frosted white pieces that can be found along the shore. We’re always grateful for a good find and we’re amazed by the amount that continues to wash up along the shores of Long Island. Recently, Hubby and I opted to hike along the northern shores of Western Suffolk County, where we saw a gray seal as he sunned himself upon a large rock formation in the surf. We strolled along the shoreline as we enjoyed the sound of surf, sea birds and the occasional sound of a buoy clanging in the changing tide. As the tide was quite low, we decided to walk out further to search for seashells and other treasures that may have been stuck in the mud.
Lo and behold, Hubby found a broken piece of milk glass. Our reading glasses weren’t strong enough to read the print in the bright sunlight, so we brought it back to the car for further inspection. As luck would have it, Hubby had stumbled upon a large chunk of a milk glass container from MacLaren’s Imperial Cheese, which was manufactured between 1893 and 1920. Hubby pulled a few more pieces from his pockets and proudly showed me the base
Hubby also found a piece of “Trademark Lightning” glass made by the Putnam Glass company, which had been made to hold jarred fruits. Manufacturing of the Trademark Lightning glassware began in 1882; most jars were created in the early 1900s as well. The color of the glass almost appeared to be iridescent as it shone in the light.
Finally, I showed him my find. It was a piece of pottery with the word “warranted” on the back, along with a unicorn on his hind legs and a small black star beneath him. I did a little research and consulted an expert, who advised me that the pottery was a piece of ironstone that was made by the William Brunt Pottery Company, which dated circa 1880s or 1890s. It was made in East Liverpool, Ohio. It was a “Royal Warranted” item, which meant that it was created for use by the royal family. Most of the experts on ironstone advised me that the piece was either from a shipwreck or “dumping along the shore”. Either way, they told me that it was a lucky find and it would be nice to go back and look for an intact piece of ironstone. Sadly, the tide rose, and we were unable to complete our search. For those who are unfamiliar with ironstone, it is a glaze-covered piece of
earthenware. Most ironstone was manufactured in England, France and the United States.
A friend of mine advised me that there is a television show on BBC known as “Mudlarkers”. Mud larking is a pastime in England, where folks of all ages head out to the mud flats and shorelines at low tide to search for “buried treasure”. It has recently seen popularity in the US, and some mud larkers have found items that are worth anywhere from several hundred to several thousands of dollars. My friend called me her “little mud larker” and hoped I would find something of value in my escapades. I was only too happy with my little broken piece of pottery. Hubby still wants to collect “Mermaid Tears”, and that is just fine with me. I’m not out there to possess the greatest collection, nor do I want a trip to the shore to be just about looking for something, because the joy of being in the moment would truly be lost. We continue to search for sea glass because Hubby plans to create something special with the finds. There is something so special about searching through the sand to find that perfect piece of frosted treasure that feels smooth and cool against the skin and winks in the bright sunshine. While we have even trekked into the water to obtain larger pieces, the thrill is truly in the hunt. I’m not sure what we will find next, but I’ll be sure to share it here. For those of you who also feel the thrill when finding something rare, unique and beautiful, I wish you all the joy of the search!
I have read with interest various recently published opinion pieces related to the potential casino siting in Nassau, one by Hofstra President Susan Poser and the other by RXR Chairman Scott Rechler. As mayor of the Village of Westbury, and someone caught in the middle of Nassau County’s last potential foray into casino gambling, I do not relish that the county will again potentially be the site of one of the state’s several newly authorized, full-blown gambling parlors in the downstate area.
From that last tussle I, and those who fought hard to prevent the siting of a casino at the former Fortunoff site in Westbury, did a great deal of research and learned much about the long-term impacts on local areas from casino siting. Much that we learned was decidedly negative. I certainly agree with Ms. Poser that a casino in the midst of two colleges and tens of thousands of college-age young adults is a uniquely bad idea. I am left with the sense that after literally decades of talk, and stops and starts, no one has
yet offered the clear vision or had the political will or clout, or whatever else it takes, to actually bring to fruition a truly beneficial, appropriate and accretive project to transform the Hub area.
The Hub project that Mr. Rechler and his group have been working on for the past several years offered, I thought, the potential starting point for a very good transformation of that area, and I and my staff had met with and had many discussions with the RXR team, as well as county officials regarding the Hub
development. We provided input on the development’s impacts on surrounding communities, as well as transportation.
But it now seems that Mr. Rechler’s business instincts tell him that he has the chance to take big development risk off the table for himself and his investors. This late shift seems like a bait and switch (intended or otherwise) that now requires a step back and the consideration of all sorts of additional matters, impacts and mitigations to be considered.
Sadly, the casino proposal represents low-hanging fruit for policy makers seeking to grab more revenue, and developers looking to de-risk a very largescale project in a drastically changed real estate environment. I do not blame them for that since their mission is to make money for their ventures above all else.
But, it is up to our government officials to regulate that profit-only desire to make sure that the development meets the needs of the county and surrounding communities. The lack of political will, vision and leadership over decades regarding the Hub is
astounding. It has the same echoes of another long-term Nassau issue—the assessment debacle that also has been a decades-long political football—where fear of partisan electoral losses prevails over creative problem solving. In the end, very few people really believe that a casino proposal at the Hub offers the best long-term vision for the future of Nassau. And the assertions that have been made by various proponents— that this “opportunity” is in any way equivalent to the in-fact
tremendous Amazon opportunity frittered away in Queens several years ago is simply public relations speak that is frankly absurd and offensive. In the end, casino gambling is not going away. But that is not the issue for our policy makers. Nassau residents and taxpayers deserve a project at the Hub that is thoughtful and in their best interests. This casino proposal is lazy and self-serving. Not a good combination.
It is astounding to think that a private collection of masterworks as wide-ranging and important as these could be assembled by a 32-year-old connoisseur, but Hong Gyu Shin is an internationally recognized figure in the global art world. He shares more than a hundred of his treasures with us by such greats as Whistler, Lautrec, Boucher, Daumier, Delacroix, Derain, Balthus, de Kooning and many other top-tier names from art history. Shin is a synthesizer. His credo: “Avant-garde visual culture, irrespective of traditions, is timeless.”
To purchase exhibition tickets, visit the museum or scan code
To purchase a museum membership. visit the museum or scan code
Open Tuesday-Sunday 11 am-4:45 pm
NYC Transit President Richard Davey previously announced his agreement with the Transit Workers Union Local 100 to preserve 2,000 station agents primarily assigned to subway station booths makes no sense. Worse, is his commitment to hire several hundred more. Now they have become “Station Ambassadors” to help riders navigate the system. As NYCT completes conversion to One Metro New York (OMNY) cards, staffing of station booths becomes obsolete. Converting former subway booth attendants to station ambassadors represents featherbedding. We have entered the digital age of OMNY fare-payment system which lets riders go through turnstiles by tapping credit cards, debit cards or smart phones.
Giving former station agents cell phones to use when observing criminal activity to notify transit police will not be meaningful. Those committing criminal acts are not going to wait around for transit police to arrive. Having former station agents periodically walk the platform several times an hour and be available to answer questions or provide directions does little to enhance service. More riders use apps to obtain this information.
The public’s priority is safety and security, open bathrooms and curtailing $500 million yearly fare evasion. Real management would not hire more station agents to perform these new functions outside obsolete token booths. Why not assign station agents on payroll to stand by turnstiles and emergency exit gates and attempt to curtail fare evasion? This would save $1 million a month currently spent in hiring 200 private security guards assigned to deter fare evaders. Let the existing station agents keep their jobs. With attrition as they retire in coming years, reduce the headcount. Start eliminating Station Ambassadors one station at a time based upon those with the least ridership. Keep Station Ambassadors at high volume stations with significant numbers of out of town commuters or tourists. This might include Grand Central Terminal, Penn Station 7th and 8th Avenue, Port Authority Bus Terminal 42nd Street, Times Square, World Trade Center Fulton Street, Flushing Main Street, Jamaica Center Parsons/Archer, Sutphin Blvd. Archer Avenue JFK Airport, Atlantic Avenue Barclay Center, Coney Island Stillwell Avenue, Yankee Stadium and Mets Willets Point (game days) and a handful of other subway stations with high ridership volumes. Cross train existing subway station and end of line terminal subway
station car cleaners to perform many of the same functions as a Station Ambassador. This might include reporting crime, sick passengers or delay in service. Do the same for the new 800 station and subway car cleaners to be hired over coming months as announced by Davey. Issue them cell phones as appropriate. Re-allocate funding saved by reducing the numbers of Station Ambassadors over coming years at they retire to pay for more transit police. They can be assigned to support safety, security and curtail fare beating station by station. This would go further to enhance ridership comfort on the subway system and for those concerned about criminal activity.
Funds can also be reallocated to open many of the still closed subway station bathrooms. NYC is a 24/7 town just like our NYC Transit subway system. Bathrooms need to be opened 24/7, not just 7 AM to 7 PM. There are significant numbers of transit riders with full bladders after 7 PM who desire a bathroom to relieve themselves. All of this needs to be dealt with if the MTA wants to see a return to the pre-COVID 19 five million plus ridership.
It is time to return to the days when a transit police officer was assigned to ride each train and patrol subway stations. Along with installation of security cameras on trains and stations, this might help to reduce vandalism and crime. The longterm NYC Transit management goal over time should be to convert all NYC Transit station agent positions serving as “Station Ambassadors” to finance increasing police protection and opening bathrooms 24/7 in our subway system.
Larry Penner is a transportation advocate,
Somewhere around June 2020, the music union in New York, the Local 802, was sponsoring hour-long lunchtime concerts for all of the first responders and hospital workers,” he recalled. I wasn’t even on Facebook. I hadn’t been on for a bunch of years and they said I had to go to my official page, click on a button and everyone would know and it would happen. I got all my passwords back and did this hour-long thing. That was something and then I decided to try and do that [on a regular basis]. Thursdays are good because it gives us Fridays off—not like I had anything to do on Friday anyway. We decided Thursday nights would be fun and my wife suggested we call [the show]
‘It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere’ and it just blossomed into something that was another thing that saved our lives during the pandemic—the response of the people. Eventually it went to all requests.”
Given the theme of the Garden State native’s latest outing, it only seemed fair to have him list a few of his favorite scores from the silver screen and stage.
Casablanca (1942)
“I’ve always loved it because it’s a perfect movie. But also because the music is so well-done. There’s also something unusual. The band will play ‘Avalon’ at one place and all of a sudden we see Ingrid Bergman and all of a sudden the song is ‘The Very Thought of You.’ There is a way that they use the underscoring to signal what is going on. That’s a really cool part of the movie and I think the movie is special for many reasons.”
BY DAVE GIL DE RUBIO editorial@antonmediagroup.comAlong with being a world-renowned jazz guitarist, John Pizzarelli is an artist quick to pay tribute to his influences via his recorded work. Among the inspirational nods he’s given are to the Chairman of the Board (2006’s Dear Mr. Sinatra, 2017’s Sinatra & Jobim @ 50), the Fab Four (1998’s Meet the Beatles, 2015’s Midnight McCartney), Duke Ellington (2010’s Rockin’ in Rhythm: A Tribute to Duke Ellington) and most notably, Nat King Cole (1994’s Dear Mr. Cole, 2019’s For Centennial Reasons: 100 Year Salute to Nat King Cole). For his new effort, Stage & Screen, Pizzarelli turned to a collection of classic songs from Broadway and Hollywood. The idea to go down this path came out of a weekly live stream the guitarist had been doing shortly after the pandemic lockdown started.
Joined by bassist Mike Karn and pianist Isaiah J. Thompson, Pizzarelli leads his new trio through a gamut of ear worms ranging from “I Want to Be Happy” and “Tea For Two” from the 1925 musical No, No Nanette to “I Love Betsy” from Honeymoon in Vegas, a stage musical adapted from the 1992 film of the same name. It all wound up being a breezy three-day session cut back in November 2021 that had Pizzarelli pleased with the end result. “When we started to go back to work, we were just picking things out of the air,” he explained. ‘I Want to Be Happy’ was just a tune that we decided to play. I’ve always liked that tune—it’s a great little jazz song. And then I heard Blossom Dearie sing ‘Tea for Two’ and she sang it as a ballad. I decided to do it that way and the more we did it, the more comfortable we got with it. And then we had a number of tunes that came out of the Thursday night set. The idea was that I had all these songs and when I looked at them, some of them were from movies and some I had in my back pocket like ‘Coffee in a Cardboard Cup.’ Stage and Screen just seemed like a nice idea for lack of a better title. We put everything together and thought it would work, so that’s what happened.”
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) “This is a great movie. Hugo Friedhofer did the score. I actually own the record of the movie. It’s well-done from a cinematic point of view because of what it is about— veterans returning from World War II. I have a soft spot in my heart for Teresa Wright, who is also Mrs. Lou Gehrig in another movie.”
The Bridges of Madison County [musical] (2014)
“One of the greatest things I heard was Steven Pasquale and Kelli O’Hara sing the score of The Bridges of Madison County, the Jason Robert Brown show. It absolutely stunned me. That’s why I did one of Jason’s tunes. I love his work and wanted something that was current.”
The John Pizzarelli Trio will be appearing from April 25-29 at Birdland, 315 W. 44th St., NYC. Visit www.birdlandjazz.com or call 212581-3080 for more information. Visit www.longislandweekly.com to read a full feature on John Pizzarelli.
ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI based on the GPT-3.5 architecture, which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3.5. It is one of the most advanced language models available, capable of generating human-like responses to natural language queries.
The primary purpose of ChatGPT is to provide an automated conversational agent that can understand and respond to human language in a natural and intuitive manner. This makes it an ideal tool for a wide range of applications, including customer service, language translation, and chatbot development.
One of the key strengths of ChatGPT is its ability to generate responses that are not only accurate but also contextually relevant. This is achieved through the use of deep learning algorithms that analyze large amounts of text data to identify patterns and relationships between words and phrases. This enables ChatGPT to understand the meaning behind the words and respond in
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a way that is both meaningful and relevant to the context of the conversation.
Another important capability of ChatGPT is its ability to generate text that is indistinguishable from human-written content. This is achieved through the use of a large neural network that has been trained on a vast amount of text data from various sources, including books, websites, and social media. This enables ChatGPT to generate responses that are grammatically correct and free of errors, and that closely mimic the style and tone of human-written content.
However, despite its many capabilities, ChatGPT also has some limitations. One of the biggest challenges is its lack of real-world experience and knowledge. While it is capable of generating responses based on patterns and relationships in language, it does not have the same level of understanding of the world as humans do. This can sometimes result in responses that are factually incorrect or do not fully address the user’s query.
Another limitation of ChatGPT is its susceptibility to bias. Like all machine learning algorithms, ChatGPT is only as unbiased as see CHAT GPT on page 4B
CHAT GPT from page 3B
the data it has been trained on. If the training data is biased or contains stereotypes, then the responses generated by ChatGPT may also be biased or contain stereotypes. This can be a significant issue, especially in applications such as hiring or healthcare, where bias can have serious consequences.
Despite these limitations, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with machines. As machine learning algorithms continue to advance, we can expect to see even more sophisticated language models that are capable of understanding and responding to human language in increasingly sophisticated ways. With proper training and development, these models could potentially be used to create automated conversational agents that are almost indistinguishable from human interaction, opening up new possibilities for human-machine collaboration and communication.
Editor’s note: The above article, in its entirety, minus the headline and byline, was generated by ChatGPT with the prompt, “write a 600 word explanation about ChatGPT and include the capabilities and limitations.” It was generated in 20 seconds. The above response was not corrected for grammar, spelling or context in order to give the reader an understanding of what the ChatGPT bot and other similar artificial intelligence language machines are capable of. Visit www.longislandweekly.com/ chatgpt-april2023 to read more from local education officials and research librarians.
—Christy HinkoVisiting a college campus helps you get a sense of what a college — and life at that college — is like. This can help you decide whether the college is right for you.
When planning your campus visits, make sure to allow time to explore each college. While you’re there, talk to as many people as possible. These can include college admission staff, professors and students. Below are some other things you can do while visiting. Note that some activities, such as meeting with an admission officer or staying overnight in a dorm, might need to be set up in advance.
Find out what you need to do to apply and see if the college’s class and major offerings are what you want:
• Take part in a group information session at the admission office.
• Interview with an admission officer.
• Pick up financial aid forms.
• Sit in on a class that interests you. If classes aren’t in session, just see what the classrooms
are like.
• Meet a professor who teaches a subject that interests you.
• Talk to students about what they think of their classes and professors.
• Get the names of the people you meet and their business cards so you can contact them later if you have questions.
Get a feel for student life and
see if this college is a place where you will do well:
• Take a campus tour.
• Talk to current students about life on campus and the college.
• Check out the freshmen dorms and stay overnight with a student, if possible.
• Visit the dining hall, fitness center, library, career center, bookstore and other campus facilities.
• Talk to the coaches of sports that you may want to play.
• Walk or drive around the community surrounding the campus.
Tune in to learn what’s happening on campus and what’s on students’ minds:
• Listen to the college radio station.
• Read the student newspaper.
• Read other student publications, such as department newsletters, alternative newspapers and literary reviews.
• Scan bulletin boards to see what daily student life is like.
• Go to the career center and learn what services it offers.
• Browse the school’s website and any campus blogs.
Here are some questions you may want to ask your tour guide or students you meet on campus:
• What are the best reasons to go to this college?
• What’s it like to go from high school to college?
• What do you do in your free time? On the weekends?
• What do you love about this college?
• What do you wish you could change about this college?
• Why did you choose this college?
• What is it like to live here?
—College BoardIt’s 7:05 a.m. I’ve been at school for a half hour, so I slip out of Sacred Heart Academy’s (SHA) Science Research Lab for just a moment to brew myself a cup of tea. Upon my return, a half-dozen young women in blue blazers and plaid skirts have appeared seemingly out of nowhere. They are already excitedly chatting about…one senior’s recent research project on the topic of absorption spectroscopy and how it can be applied within atherosclerosis.
You’d think they owned the joint—because, well, they kind of do. And that’s just a typical Tuesday here at SHA. I love how comfortable the girls feel in a room assigned to the department chair and the research director.
According to a recent survey conducted by Junior Achievement and the research group Engine (www.ja.org), only nine percent of girls between the ages of 13 and 17 are interested in careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). But here at SHA, an all-girls, college-preparatory high school founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph, just shy of 100 students practically
“live” in the Science Research Lab throughout the school year. As director of research, I mentor students as they tend to crayfish, weigh earthworms, test the starch content of pea plants or explore colleges with outstanding STEM programs. I encourage our students to challenge themselves academically, to ask tough questions and to dare to dream big. We define STEM broadly; each SciRes girl will work across the life, physical and natural sciences during her four years under our care. STEM
involves thinking critically, logically, and analytically. It also requires approaching problems persistently and creatively. SHA students are doing just that by participating in local, regional, national and international science competitions each year. Supported by gifted colleagues, I seek innovative and unconventional ways to expose these young women to the possibilities in STEM, both in college and beyond. Sure, it’s hard work for the girls. All three of my own children (Christine, Michael and Arthur) were Intel
(now Regeneron) Science Talent kids (2006, 2009, 2012), so I understand exactly what I’m asking of the girls—and their parents. The Regeneron Talent Search (Regeneron STS) is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science competition for high school seniors, providing an important forum for original research that is recognized and reviewed by a national jury of professional scientists. Each year, approximately 2,000 student entrants submit original research in critically important scientific fields of study
Classes Start
and are judged by leading experts in their fields. Unique among high school competitions in the U.S. and around the world, the Regeneron Science Talent Search focuses on identifying, inspiring, and engaging the nation’s most promising young scientists who are creating the ideas that could solve society’s most urgent challenges.
But students hardly enter their senior year of high school and suddenly decide to submit a six-week research project at a nationally competitive level. Here at Sacred Heart Academy, research is a four-year program, beginning with Introduction to Research 9 and including the AP Capstone Program. The SHA Research Program offers a unique opportunity for students to experience the rigor and rewards of authentic research while still in high school. This sequence of courses is directed to those students who have a keen interest in the physical, natural, and social sciences and would like to pursue excellence in areas of hands-on, original research. Students begin the program in ninth grade with the Intro to Research 9 course. Ultimately, students who continue with Research for four years will not only earn a SHA Diploma but will also have the opportunity to earn a AP Capstone Diploma, issued by the College Board and valued highly by colleges and universities around the nation and the world. Many students in the program showcase their research in publications and participate in internships with some of the nation’s top research facilities and universities.
And all of that hard work pays off. In
the last four years alone, I have mentored students who submitted 49 Regeneron proposals. Additionally, 13 girls have had research articles published in peer-reviewed journals since 2020. And since 2019, 51 girls have been invited to present original research at the prestigious (adult) Association for Psychological Association Convention; less than 250 precollegiate researchers have ever been invited in the conventions’ 35-year history.
Significantly, SHA students are comfortable explaining their work to their peers, faculty, science fair judges and journalists. Recently SHA’s principal, S. Jean Amore, CSJ explained, “In the middle of a terribly stressful time – an era of political polarization, global pandemics, European wars, and so on—Drs. Sullivan & Feinman make hard work and academic excellence ‘fun’ for seventy to ninety adolescent girls each year. Alumnae frequently write to share success stories from university, success that they consistently attribute to the influence of Science Research and the support they receive from their SHA family. It’s really quite lovely.” I couldn’t agree more. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing your students succeed at university—not just gain admission to university—but truly excel upon matriculation because they were confident and prepared.
—Dr. Stephen J. Sullivan joined Sacred Heart Academy in 2018 as the Director of Research and faculty member. In addition, Dr. Sullivan is a respected senior lecturer at Columbia University.
With over 50 undergraduate degree programs, we combine academic excellence and leadership with personal mentoring. Molloy’s programs in healthcare, education, business and arts and sciences will lead you to an exciting career. Here, you’ll think about your future in a whole new way.
Recently Biden-Harris Administration mounted a powerful case for student debt relief in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The student debt relief program will provide critical support to more than 40 million borrowers most at risk of delinquency or default when the student loan payment pause ends.
Our Administration is confident in our legal authority to adopt this plan, and today made clear that opponents of the program lack standing to even bring their case to court. While opponents of this program would deny relief to tens of millions of working- and middle-class Americans, we are fighting to deliver relief to borrowers who need support as they get back on their feet after the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.
While we await the Supreme Court’s decision, the pause on student loan payments remains in effect. Payments will resume 60 days after the Supreme Court announces its decision. If it has not made a decision or resolved the litigation by June 30, payments will resume 60 days after that.
In addition to this one-time debt relief program focused on counteracting the negative impacts of the pandemic, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and I will continue to put the needs of students and borrowers ahead of special interests, invest in college affordability, hold colleges accountable for runaway costs and unaffordable debts, and pursue historic changes to student loan repayment that will cut costs and reduce the crushing burden of student debt for millions of working families.
We will continue to provide you updates and will notify borrowers directly before payments restart.
Visit Student Aid for the latest information on student debt relief, the payment pause, and additional programs from the Department of Education to make college more accessible and affordable.
—A statement released by Miguel A. Cardona, Ed.D., Secretary of Education on Feb. 28, 2023.
This stunning colonial home at 4 Pinewood Rd. in Old Westbury sold on April 4 for $2,300,000. It sits on 1.63 acres in the heart of Old Westbury and has more than 5,000 square-feet of living space. The home has six bedrooms and four bathrooms. The kitchen is an open concept and has a combination of VIking and Sub-Zero appliances. The first floor offers multiple entertaining areas including wood-burning fireplaces throughout the house. The den is bright and offers access to the deck. The bedrooms are generously sized and have a lot of closet space. The primary suite includes a fireplace, a walk-in closet and a bathroom suite complete with a clawfoot tub and a stand-up shower. The home has a three-car attached garage, a generator connection and a fenced-in in-ground saltwater heated pool. The home has six-zone gas heat and cooking, two-zone central air conditioning, a new roof and in-ground sprinklers.
This colonial home on two level acres at 3 Bridle Path Dr. in Old Westbury sold on March 30 for $1,570,000. It has a gated entrance and three quarters of the property is fenced in. The home has four bedrooms and six bathrooms. It has a finished basement and a free-form Gunite heated saltwater pool. There is also a poolhouse and a greenhouse on the property. The home was built in 1970. It has a huge detached three car garage and an attached two car garage. The home has central heat and air conditioning. It is a perfect home to entertain guests and is centrally located to many local amenities.
Spring is here and as we get our lawn mowers and other outdoor power equipment out from storage to work in our yards, businesses and other green spaces, it’s important to keep safety in mind.
“Think safety first,” said Kris Kiser, president and CEO of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), an international trade association representing outdoor power equipment, small engine, utility vehicle, golf car and personal transport vehicle manufacturers and suppliers. “I can’t stress enough to review manufacturer’s safety guidance before starting up any equipment—especially your lawn mower. Review your owner’s manual and do maintenance on your equipment.” Tips for readying and using your equipment:
• Know not all lawn mowers are the same. Whether your mower is a garden tractor, zero turn mower or other, it has a unique design, requirements, weight classification, and other differences that impact how to use it safely. The newest machines have the latest safety standards.
• Know your specific machine. Many mowers may look similar but the technology is ever evolving with evolving safety systems. They vary in design, power supply, performance, operating parameters, and more. Your manufacturer-supplied owner’s manual will guide you in these differences. Read your owner’s manual.
• When using mowers on slopes follow the manufacturer’s guidance to the letter.
• Do not disable or alter manufacturer-installed safety equipment.
• Walk your yard before mowing. Slopes, wet grass and weather may impact equipment performance, as well as safe handling procedures. Pick up sticks and limbs that may have fallen to the ground and any loose objects that could be hit by a mower.
• Look over equipment before use. Check the air filter, oil level and gasoline tank. Watch for loose belts and missing or damaged parts. Replace any parts needed or take your equipment to a qualified service representative.
• Protect your power. Use only E10 or less fuel in gasoline-powered outdoor power equipment if it is not designed for higher ethanol blends.
• Keep children and pets away from machines during operation.
• Keep your mower clean. It will run more efficiently and last longer. Always remove dirt, oil or grass before using and storing. Store equipment in a dry place, avoiding damp or wet environments. Visit www.opei.org for more safety information.
—Outdoor Power Equipment Institute
To help Long Islanders be proactive about their brain health, the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) and Mount Sinai South Nassau will be hosting a free memory screening event on Tuesday, April 25 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm in the atrium of Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital (One Healthy Way, Oceanside). No advanced registration is required, and there are no minimum age or insurance prerequisites. Parking is available in the visitor’s lot.
Memory screenings are quick (approximately 10-15 minutes), noninvasive, and consist of a series of questions to gauge memory, language, thinking skills and other cognitive functions. They are similar to other routine health screenings, such as those for blood pressure, cholesterol and skin checks. Screenings are administered one on one by a qualified professional, and results are confidential. Results are not a diagnosis, but a memory screening can suggest if someone should see a physician for a full evaluation.
“Annual memory screenings should be part of everyone’s health and wellness routine, regardless of whether you’re experiencing memory problems. Just as we regularly check other facets of our health, we need a checkup from the neck up too,” said Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr., AFA’s President & CEO. “We are pleased to work with Mount Sinai South Nassau to provide this free service to the community.”
“The information from the screening helps
you and your physician take charge of your brain health and plan for and implement lifestyle changes as well as take advantage of treatments that will slow memory loss and the decline of thinking skills,” said Adhi Sharma, MD, President of Mount Sinai South Nassau. “My colleagues I and strongly encourage residents to get screened and take advantage of this free and essential screening.”
Early detection of memory impairments is extremely important. Many different conditions can cause memory issues, including treatable or curable conditions such as vitamin deficiencies, thyroid disorders, urinary tract infections, sleep apnea, stress, anxiety, and depression.
Even in the case of a dementia-related illness such as Alzheimer’s, early detection can provide greater opportunity to begin treatments that can help slow the symptoms of the disease, as well as taking part in a clinical trial. In addition, it affords the person the chance to take advantage of community services, such as support groups and therapeutic programming, that can help maximize quality of life, as well as have a greater say in making legal, financial and health care decisions.
For more information about the free memory screening program on April 25, please contact Mount Sinai South Nassau’s Community Education Department at 516377-5333 or the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America at 866-232-8484.
—Submitted by the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
The Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame (LIMEHoF) will award $500 scholarships to graduating students. These scholarships will provide funding for eligible graduating high school students from Nassau, Suffolk, Brooklyn, Queens, or Kings (Brooklyn) counties who have shown an interest in pursuing a career in music. To apply and to read the eligibility requirements, please download the scholarship application (https://www.limusichalloffame.org/scholarshipsgrants/).
Student Scholarships Applications
Deadline: Friday May 12th, 2023
All applications must be postmarked by the application due date in order to be accepted.
The LIMHOF Education Committee will base selections on the completed application and the following:
• 400 to 500-word essay on education and career goals
• High school transcript
• Letter of recommendation from an individual who can attest to the applicant’s commitment to a music career
Eligibility criteria:
• Graduating high school senior from Nassau, Suffolk, Brooklyn (Kings) or Queens counties
• Minimum 2.5 GPA
• Accepted full-time at an accredited college or university
• Demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in music
• Demonstrate Financial need
• U.S. citizen or legal resident with I-55 permanent residency
More information and applications may be found at https://www.limusichalloffame.org/scholarshipsgrants/
—Submitted by the Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame
By the 1920s, baseball and prizefighting were the two major American sports. College football was huge. However, it wasn’t until the mid-1950s and the advent of television that the pro game took hold.
Whatever the attraction, Yankee Stadium was where history was made.
Starting in the Twenties, the Stadium was host to many great fights.
They included such championship brawls as the 1939 Joe Louis-Max Schmeling fight, in which Louis avenged an earlier defeat; plus those between Tony Zale and Rocky Graziano, Sugar Ray Robinson and Kid Gavilan, Sandy Sadler and Willie Pep, Rocky Marciano and Ezzard Charles, and Ingemar Johansson and Floyd Patterson.
A favorite was the June 28, 1939 bout between Louis and Tony “Two-Ton” Galento. The latter was known as “the Battlin’ Barkeep” as he tended bar in The Bronx in between ring dates. Imagine the conversation.
GALENTO: Got to take the night off, boss.
BOSS: And why?
GALENTO: Gotta take the train to the Stadium.
BOSS: What for?
GALENTO: The fights!
BOSS: Yeah?
GALENTO: Gotta step into the ring with Joe Louis. See you when it’s over!
(Louis won in a fourth-round TKO, even though Galento staggered the champ with a second-round haymaker.)
By the 1950s, the Yankee Stadium neighborhood was changing rapidly. The flight to Queens and Long Island was in full swing. Plus, fights were now televised.
On Sept. 28, 1976, at the newly-refurbished Stadium, defending heavyweight champ Muhammad Ali took on challenger Ken Norton. By now, Ali was 37. His best days were behind him. Ali won in a decision, one hotly disputed in the media and by the fans. By 1976, the crime situation in The Bronx was becoming out-of-control. A disparaging article on the fight in Sports Illustrated trashed the building as “Junkie Stadium,” while observing local thugs pawing the ladies in attendance. Prize fights would have to
take place elsewhere.
But not football games. New York, in the early and mid-1900s, was a capital for Ellis Island immigrants and their offspring. The most famous college team in America was the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. The Irish often played at Yankee Stadium and the “D” train and Number Four trains were packed with the “subway alumni,” those ethnic Catholics came to cheer the Irish of Knute Rockne and Frank Leahy and such Heisman Trophy winners as Angelo Bertelli, Johnny Lujack, Leon Hart, Johnny Lattner, and Paul Hourning.
A zenith was reached on Nov. 9, 1946. Both Notre Dame and the Army squad
coached by Earl Blaik were undefeated. It was more than a game. The postwar era represented an unprecedented peak of American history. Victorious in the European and Asian theaters of World War II, the game showcased the pride and greatness of this now-invincible nation. The game was the most anticipated match in college football history, ending in a thrilling, but inconclusive 0-0 tie.
With the nationally-televised Dec. 30, 1958 National Football League title game between the New York Giants and the Baltimore Colts, pro football made its debut as the new national pastime.
The game, naturally, took place at Yankee Stadium. The daylight turned from dusk to darkness as the two teams battled each other to a heart-stopping overtime barn burner, with the Colts and their quarterback great, Johnny Unitas, winning on a one-yard touchdown run by Alan Ameche.
That day, the Giants were led by quarterback Y.A. Tittle, plus Kyle Rote and matinee idol Frank Gifford in the backfield. The Giants were on a roll of their own. Two years earlier, while also playing at Yankee Stadium, the Giants defeated the Chicago Bears in the “tennis shoes’” game to capture the NFL crown. (The field was covered with ice. Head coach Jim Lee Howell instructed his charges to play in sneakers, an idea that worked swimmingly.)
At Yankee Stadium, the Giants, under
Allie Sherman, won consecutive Eastern Conference titles in 1961, 1962, and 1963, only to lose to the Vince Lombardi Green Bay Packers and the George Halas Bears in the title games. By 1972, the Giants were through with the House That Ruth Built, settling eventually in the swamps of New Jersey.
The year 2008 was the final one for the 1923 Yankee Stadium. The team stayed in The Bronx, which was great news. It’s not the same. The players, then and now, are not sentimental about these matters. In the old Yankee Stadium, however, players knew they were competing on turf where legends had roamed.
Today’s Yankee Stadium is just another ballpark hosting just another team. The old Yankees were under unbearable pressure, year after year, to win pennants and World Series titles. Managers and players suffered from ulcers, drinking problems, failed marriages. In 1961, while chasing Babe Ruth’s single season home run record, Roger Maris got so nervous that his hair began falling out. That pressure is no longer there.
There’s no need to despair. A century hence, the current Yankee Stadium, glorious as it is now, will grow old. A new Yankee Stadium, one constructed on ground where the 1923 Stadium once stood, will be constructed. History wheels will churn again. Let’s just hope that no youngster says to his pop, “Daddy, who was that man, Babe Ruth?”
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 20 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Holiday MathisARIES (March 21-April 19). You don’t idolize anyone, and neither do you demonize anyone. You really have a balanced view of who people are and why they do what they do, which will serve you well this week. You’ll interact with new people, nd common ground and come out with some real treasures.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). So many come to you with outstretched hands. If only you could help them all... Who knows? Maybe you will! If you do, it will be a byproduct of you following the impulses to help yourself. What do you want? If you don’t know yet, you will by the end of the week.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Accept what you want and accept what you don’t want. Acceptance is crucial to change because you cannot change that which you don’t take on. ink of your current situation as a vehicle. You can drive this wherever you want, but you have to get inside it rst. Acceptance puts you in the driver’s seat.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ve been known to do amazing things even when you’re tired, not in the mood, under the weather or otherwise encumbered.
Bottom line: You’re the kind of person who comes through to the best of your ability no matter what. Quietly celebrate your strength and others will celebrate you far less quietly.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It’s easier to wake the sleeping than it is to wake the ones who think they are already awake. Luckily, it’s not your job to be the alarm clock. It will be enough for you to simply note the alertness of those around you, meet them where they are and then raise awareness.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). If you want someone to love you back, that’s a less optimal goal than wanting to see their smile. Focusing on others comes easy to you this week. e attention you give them brings you out of your own mind and into the heart of the world.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Needing to know the reason for things is only human. e moment the mind lands on a reason (any reason at all, really), cognitive dissonance resolves. Until that point, agitation drives us forward. is week, provide reasons for people and for yourself. If you don’t, you leave yourself open to speculative ction.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You keep putting yourself in new situations because they always lead to self-discovery. If there isn’t enough novelty around you, a change of location will help. Travel is an especially e ective way to jump-start your energy. If it doesn’t work for this week, at least get something on the books. Looking forward to travel can be half the fun.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). “ e more the merrier” only works up to a point. And for most of what you’re doing this week, merriment isn’t the point anyway. Small groups are better for keeping everyone accountable. When too many get involved, there’s a di usion of responsibility. You’re the leader who helps everyone see how much they count. Together you’ll move mountains.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). No one can get you to move if you don’t want to today. You are self-directed. You follow your whims and do what you tell yourself to do. Follow-through matters much more than what you actually follow through with. It could be anything. e important thing is to trust yourself and know that you are compliant with your higher wishes.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). No one wants you to feel obligated to them, and they will give of themselves freely without strings attached. ey may appreciate reciprocity, but they don’t expect it. ey know it comes in many forms. Know that when people consult you and prioritize you, it’s happening for a good reason. To understand that reason is to appreciate your own inherently lovable qualities.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ll watch everything closely and extract abundant joy from minutiae: a toddler playing, a bird feeding, the patterns of passing clouds. Take on a disorganized area of your home, as it could be stopping the ow of energy through your world and preventing you from receiving money. Clean, clear and organize your way into a weekend payo .
Welcome to your pickup year when you’ll have opportunities to swing back and pick up what you might have lost along the way. Some will nish a degree, others will take another whirl at a relationship that didn’t work out the rst time. Among the found items will be material objects such as jewelry as well as things of emotional value, such as the respect of an authority gure or the acknowledgement of a group. More highlights: complex relationships that get simple and lovely, a winning to please your inner child and a physical breakthrough.
Solution: 20 Letters
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 20 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Favourite foods
Solution: 20 Letters
Ales Apple
Banana Bars
Basil Beans
Cherry Chips
Cocoa Cut Duck
Leg ham
Sausages Scones
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Creators Syndicate
Solution: Not much that I don’t like Date: 4/19/23 Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 info@creators.com
Solution: Not much that I don’t like
Date: 4/19/23
737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 info@creators.com
By Steve Beckerof 1,460 points. He won the diamond lead with the ace, finessed the jack of spades at trick two, led another spade and collected the rest of the tricks without even breathing hard.
At the second table, with France North-South this time, the same contract was reached, and again the opening lead was a diamond. But at this table the French declarer played the hand more scientifically and went down as a result.
king of
It is possible to play a hand correctly and get a bad result, and to play the same hand incorrectly and get a good result. Consider the accompanying deal from a European championship match between Norway and France.
At the first table, with a Norwegian pair North-South, six spades was reached on the bidding sequence shown. West led the king of diamonds, and declarer breezed through the play to bring in the slam with an overtrick for a score
After taking the diamond with the ace, he was unwilling to settle for a mere 50% chance of making the contract by relying exclusively on a trump finesse. Instead, he decided to play the A-K-Q of hearts in the hope that the opposing hearts were divided 3-3 (a 36% chance), in which case he could discard his diamond loser on the third round of hearts.
He also had the added chance that even if the hearts broke 4-2, he could still fall back on the trump finesse. All factors considered, this gave him about a 2-to-1 chance to make the slam.
Unfortunately, West ruffed the second heart lead and cashed the queen of diamonds, and South went down one.
Sometimes, a little superior knowledge can be a dangerous thing!
Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle
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The Greater Roslyn Chamber of Commerce was pleased to participate in the ribbon cutting of new business and new member Boost Health and Wellness, located at 1504 Old Northern Boulevard, in Roslyn. Roslyn Chamber President Mimi Howard and VP of Marketing and Public Relations Barbara Kaplan along with board members Melissa Spitalnick, Wayne Wink, and Graciela Hall participated to wish Boost much success. Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and Councilmember Peter Zuckerman presented owner Leor Azizian with a citation to commemorate the occasion. Boost offers many services that you will not find elsewhere in the area, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy, red light sauna, compression therapy, and cryotherapy, which several who attended tried. Boost’s phone number is 516-605-6101 and website is www.boosthealthny. com. (Photo courtesy the Greater Roslyn Chamber of Commerce)
The following Roslyn area students have been named to the dean’s list for the fall 2022 semester at Washington University in St. Louis.
Lianna Friedman is enrolled in the university’s McKelvey School of Engineering.
Gabrielle Fries is enrolled in the university’s College of Arts & Sciences.
Sophie Fries is enrolled in the university’s College of Arts & Sciences.
Hannah Ginsberg graduated in December from the university’s McKelvey School of Engineering.
Zach Goldschmid is enrolled in the university’s Olin Business School.
Roey Kafri is enrolled in the university’s College of Arts & Sciences.
Justin Morgenstern is enrolled in the university’s Olin Business School.
Sydney Rothschild is enrolled in the university’s College of Arts & Sciences.
Daleep Grewal is enrolled in the university’s College of Arts & Sciences.
—Submitted by the Washington University in St. Louis
A+ Martial Arts studio in Great Neck is home to champions. And now, prospective students can learn from the experts in Glen Head.
Adham Sabri, the owner and teacher of A+ Martial Arts, and a resident of Great Neck, is a world medalist and professional karate fighter of Karate Combat, a full contact striking league.
And his wife, Ashley Davis, also an owner and teacher at A+ Martial Arts, has medals of her own. She is a member of the U.S. Olympic National Team and a world medalist. As previously reported by the Great Neck Record, Davis has been participating in karate since she was 4-years-old.
“My dad was really into Bruce Lee, and he wanted us to learn martial arts,” said Davis. “I instantly fell in love with karate.” Similarly, it was Sabri’s father that also got him into karate. Sabri said his dad taught him to stay in it and never give up.
“As a teenager, sometimes I didn’t want
to go to practice and I wanted to go with my friends,” Sabri said. “He was the one who pushed me to keep the ball rolling... I’m Egyptian-American. I grew up in Egypt.”
And as an Egyptian-American, Sabri holds national titles in both Egypt and the United States.
When asked how he and his wife met, Sabri said that once he moved to the United States, Davis said she reached out to him to see if they could practice together.
After Davis went to compete at the Pan American Championship in 2017, winning Gold, she returned home and celebrated with Sabri. Then, they got married.
They opened up A+ Martial Arts five years ago, and they are now expanding to Glen Head.
“I used to work in Glen Cove,” Sabri said. “And we have so many clients from Glen Head, that used to drive all the way to Great Neck.”
So what makes A+ Martial Arts unique compared to other studios?
“What makes us different is that the people who are teaching in our skill are the highest level athletes of the world,” Sabri said. “Also we follow the Shudokan curriculum, which is a Japanese style of karate.”
For months, our North Shore Schools elementary Mock Trial Clubs at Glenwood Landing, Glen Head, and Sea Cliff diligently prepared for their criminal case, The State of NY v. Marcus Willaby . A complex case of assault and robbery in the first degree. Under the direction of the North Shore School-Wide Enrichment Services (SWES), the fifth-graders had the opportunity to participate in Mock Trial Club and explore courtroom procedures and trial law in preparation for the Western-Suffolk BOCES Mock Trial Tournament.
Congratulations to each of the North Shore elementary Mock Trial Clubs under the direction of Audra Marcantonio, Glenwood Landing School, Janet Goldberg, Glen Head School, and Diane Krupin, Sea Cliff School. The fifth-grade prosecution and defense teams were victorious in their performance as they demonstrated perseverance, communication skills, and quick-thinking to outperform neighboring districts including
opposing middle school teams. Whether assigned to the prosecution or the defense team, participation in the Mock Trial Club requires students to communicate, collaborate, and cooperate with one another in exploring legal solutions to the complex cases. The students developed trial strategy, formulated questions for direct examination and cross examination, and drafted opening statements and closing arguments. The dedicated students worked collaboratively to craft and practice questioning strategies, revised theories, learned and rehearsed trial testimony and etiquette (including making and responding to objections).
Additionally, they needed to understand and apply complex relevant legal standards to the facts of the case and communicate and interact cohesively to be successful. Not an easy task, and quite authentic to a real courtroom. Congrats to all!
Herricks High School Chamber Orchestra recently placed second at the 2023 ASTA National Orchestra Festival held in Orlando, FL. Under the direction of Herricks Orchestra teacher Catherine Birke, the orchestra performed a rigorous program for three esteemed adjudicators in the orchestral field.
The repertoire included works by Mendelssohn, Mahler, Shostakovich, and the world premiere of the string orchestra version of a piece composed by Indian American composer, Reena Esmail. The ensemble earned the highest ranking of “Outstanding” as well as national recognition for their second-place finish.
The students started rehearsing for this competition in August, coming in before school started, staying late after school many days, and devoting an enormous
amount of time and emotional energy to crafting a nuanced and passionate performance.
“I am so proud to call these students mine and so proud that we could represent Herricks and this incredible community in Orlando,” said Birke. She continued, “The Chamber Orchestra gave the performance of a lifetime, and it feels amazing to come off stage and not want to change a thing. We learned a lot and had an amazing time together. I will cherish my memories of this trip for the rest of my life, and I know the students will too.”
Following the competition performance, the students enjoyed some well-earned time at Universal Studios in Orlando and participated in other events as part of the ASTA conference.
—Submitted by the Herricks Public School District
On March 31, Nassau County District Attorney Anne T. Donnelly announced that a Westbury man was arraigned today on a 61-count indictment for selling more than a dozen illegal firearms, including rifles and pistols, between October 2020 and January 2022. The defendant fled Nassau County in early 2022 and was arrested in Pennsylvania and extradited this week.
Gerald Pierre, 40, was arraigned on March 31 before Judge Howard Sturim on charges including one count of criminal sale of a firearm in the first degree (a B violent felony); one count of criminal sale of a firearm in the second degree (a C violent felony); 28 counts of criminal sale of a firearm in the third degree (a D violent felony); 13 counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree (a C violent felony); four counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree (a D violent felony); and 14 counts of criminal possession of a firearm (an E felony). The defendant was remanded and is due back in court on April 26, 2023. If convicted, the defendant faces up to 25 years in prison.
“This defendant allegedly sold more than a dozen dangerous illegal guns in Nassau County and fled,” said DA Donnelly. “Gerald Pierre could not outrun justice, and just over a year later, he has been charged
for his alleged crimes and faces decades in prison. NCDA and its partners at the Nassau County Police Department will continue to investigate every lead to take down firearms dealers in Nassau County and stop these deadly weapons from reaching our streets, no matter how long it takes.”
DA Donnelly said, according to the charges, on nine separate dates between October 2020 and January 2022, the defendant sold a total of 14 illegal firearms, including semi-automatic rifles, assault weapons, revolvers, and pistols. Seven of those firearm sales took place in Westbury, one in Uniondale and another in Hempstead. Nearly all the firearms were loaded or sold with accompanying ammunition, and many were sold with large-capacity magazines that could hold up to 60 rounds of ammunition.
In February 2022, the defendant fled Nassau County and a warrant was issued for his arrest. On January 10, 2023, the defendant was arrested by Amtrak Police near Philadelphia for an unrelated matter, and it was discovered that the defendant had an open arrest warrant in New York. The defendant was extradited to Nassau County on March 29, 2023.
The case is being prosecuted by Senior Investigative Counsel Brian Rodriguez of
the Narcotics, Firearms and Gangs Bureau. The defendant is represented by David Haber, Esq.
The charges are merely accusations, and
the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless found guilty.
—Submitted by the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office
The following boating courses are being offered in our area. Please reach out to the point of contact for each course for more information.
Squadron: CaptreeAmerica’s Boating Course
Contact: Eugene Johnson
Phone: 631-921-3403
Email: pwrbtr@aol.com
Location: Via Zoom
City: Babylon, NY 11702
Start Date: MAY 02, 2023
Time: 07:00PM
Cost: $60.00
District 3 Advanced Classes
Subject: Boat Handling,
Squadron: Bayside
Contact: Gene Molteni
Phone: 718-224-2124
Email: eugene.molteni@ verizon.net
Location: Residence
Address: 5235 Leith Place
City: Little Neck, NY 11362
Start Date: APR 11, 2023
Time: 07:30PM
Cost: $165.00
Subject: Boat Handling,
Squadron: Oyster Bay
Contact: Thomas Peltier
Phone: 516-987-9715
Email: PeltierTJ99@gmail. com
Subject: Marine Navigation
Location: Virtual/
Address: 7900 Jericho Tpke City: Woodbury, NY 11797
Start Date: APR 20, 2023
Time: 07:30PM
Cost: $230.00
Subject: Marine Electrical Systems, Squadron: Captree
Contact: Eugene Johnson
Phone: 631-921-3403
Email: pwrbtr@aol.com
Location: Zoom
City: Babylon, NY 11702
Start Date: MAY 15, 2023
Time: 07:00PM
Cost: $195.00
—Submitted by United States Power Squadrons