Glen Cove-Oyster Bay Record Pilot 4/6/22 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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Vol. 50, No. 23

April 6 - 12, 2022

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APRIL 6 - 12, 2022


Springtime! Check out the best golf locations on Long Island.


Backyard Birding Spring Movie Reviews

Color Our Town Oyster Bay recognized for its beauty and historical landmarks (See page 3)

Glen Cove Now: Participate in the first Teen Idol vocal contest (See page 4)

Oyster Bay Now: Local volunteers planted dune grass at TOBAY (See page 12)

School News: Oyster Bay students learn how ornithologists identify various birds (See page 14)

Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot (USPS 219-560) Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County.

Colored illustration of Sagamore Hill. (Photo source: Color Our Town)

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Color Our Town Highlights Historical Landmarks In Oyster Bay NATALIA VENTURA


ake Rose officially founded Color Our Town in 2017. His business incorporates his passion for architecture, photography and historical landmarks. He holds a degree in history from Drew University in Madison, N. J. Rose honors the town of Oyster Bay and its history by publishing his newest edition in the Color Our Town series Color Oyster Bay. “It [all] began in 2016,” Rose recalled. “I did this for my summer town of Greenport [on the East End]. I was having dinner one night outside when I saw a very beautiful sunset. In front of the sunset was Clarke’s Garden & Home, it’s a very beautiful floral shop in Greenport. I said it looked like it came out of a coloring book. That gave me the very bright idea of making a coloring book based on Greenport. It was a good way to give back to the community.” The proceeds from his first book, Color Greenport, supported the Community Action Southold Town (CAST) non-profit organization. This board-run corporation was founded in 1965 with a mission to aid low-income residents in the town of Southold—Laurel to Orient and Fishers Island. Around 6,000 people each year receive help from CAST for subjects such as employment, nutrition, health, education

and energy. After establishing Color Our Town into a business in 2017, Rose generated a book focusing on Sag Harbor. The Color Sag Harbor book ended up being a huge success. There was a learning process for Rose when he was first creating the books and for the images or icons needed. The beginning stages were initially completed in a sketch program in black and white, and grayscale. Over time Rose became more familiar with Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. Rose works with illustrators Brenda Zavala, and Ivan Myerchuk. For the Color Oyster Bay book, Zavala designed the back cover art and was involved in the production of the book cover. Myerchuk fabricated the line illustrations along with Rose. Myerchuk was also involved in the development of the front cover. According to Rose, Myerchuk lives in the western area of Ukraine. “Thankfully he has been doing alright,” sRose stated. Rose and his team have worked on several locations, such as Boston, Newport, Washington D.C., Brooklyn and more. He is proud of every book he’s completed thus far, but New Orleans seems to be the location that Rose describes as “a very unique experience.” “[New Orleans] was the first time I did the coloring book without actually going to the place. This was done in the middle of the pandemic. It was surprisingly easy to adapt to,” Rose said. His personal favorite drawing for New Orleans was Bourbon Street. “Bourbon Street, was a great drawing to do. It had a very lively atmosphere,” Rose said.

Notecard of colored Coe Hall illustration. (Photo source: Color Our Town)

Former member of Congress, and owner of Theodore’s Books, Steve Israel, contacted Rose in hopes of a coloring book to be completed on Oyster Bay. “[Israel] reached out to me to do the book because he loved my coloring books. I wanted to do it specifically for his town,” Rose commented. After committing himself to creating Color Oyster Bay, Rose found himself fairly surprised by the town’s various landmarks. Rose was asked landmarks he most enjoyed learning about and showcasing in the book. “I would say Sagamore Hill, Coe Hall, and Raynham Hall,” he explained. “Those are the big three. It is a very nice town that loves Theodore Roosevelt, and I love Theodore Roosevelt.” When discussing plans of future work, Rose commented “I have four other books I have some drawings done for. I’m almost done with Montreal, halfway done with Key West, about a third done with Seattle and I am just starting Portland.” He traditionally completes an average of eight books a year and is estimated to finish all eight around June. Even though there would be plenty of time remaining during the year to develop more books, Rose likes to take time for himself and focus on other aspects of his business. “I got burned out last year when I did Austin and then Boston. I [plan to] do more marketing. Maybe do some Instagram because Instagram is my one weakness it seems,” Rose said. After speaking with various Oyster Bay locals, Rose became “more interested in the town.”

From left: Jake Rose and his father Ron Rose. (Photo source: Color Our Town) “They all really like my product, and they all really wanted to be in the product,” Rose said. His advice for others considering on becoming an entrepreneur and/or author is to “...never be afraid to take risks. Be adaptable in learning on the job and try to find something you love to work on because if you love that thing you’ll feel like you’re never working a day in your life.” Rose is currently planning book signings this spring. Visit for his Color Our Town coloring books and other merchandise. More information can also be found on the @colorourtown Instagram profile and Color Our Town Facebook page.

Raynham Hall line illustration. (Photo source: Color Our Town)



Lavine Expresses Concern About Pollution Levels In Letter To State Officials


ssemblymember Charles Lavine (D-Glen Cove) is expressing concern about pollution levels in two cities within his district. In a letter to Basil Seggos, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner and Dr. Mary T. Bassett, Department of Health Commissioner, Lavine requested an assessment to determine the cause of these dangerous conditions so that damage can be addressed and mitigated.

“Given that we Long Islanders live on an island of 3 million people lacking adequate public transportation, it is no surprise that air pollution driven by gas powered automobiles and rapidly increasing temperatures (causing pollution to linger), would be higher than other regions of our state and nation.” Lavine represents New York’s 13th Assembly District in Nassau County. He presently serves as chair of the Judiciary Committee and is a member of the Commit-

tee on Codes, Ethics and Guidance, Rules and Insurance. Lavine previously served as chair of the Election Law Committee, chair of the Committee on Ethics and Guidance, co-chair of the New York State Legislative Ethics Commission and as chair of the bipartisan Taskforce that produced the Assembly Speaker’s Policy on Sexual Harassment, Retaliation and Discrimination. —Submitted by the Office of NYS Assemblymember Charles D. Lavine

Come Meet North Shore’s County And State Legislators The North Shore Legislative Night will take place on Monday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the Glenwood Landing School (GLS) auditorium. This event is hosted by the Legislative Action Committee (LAC), a citizen’s advisory committee of the North Shore Board of Education. Residents will have an opportunity to hear from their elected officials on issues that are relevant to the district and the community. The invited legislators include U.S. Representative Tom Suozzi, New York State Senators Jim Gaughran, Kevin Thomas, Charles Lavine, New York State Assemblymen Michael Montesano and Edward Ra and Nassau County Legislators Delia DeRiggi- Whitton and Joshua Lafazan. “Each legislator approached was quick to accept the invitation to communicate directly with our North Shore community. Now is such an important time to gather and show our collective strength as voters who care about these

issues,” LAC Event Chair Lisa Cashman said. Potential topics include LIPA Litigation, North Shore Water & Utilities: The Impact on School Budgeting, The Future of Testing Mandates, The School Funding Process: From Albany to Locally, Opioids and Other Drugs: Navigating New Paradigms, and Development of Our Schools.


516-403-5120 and do not miss any issues!

Legislators will participate in a Q&A session at the Legislative Night on Monday, April 11, in the GWL auditorium at 7:30 p.m. To propose a question in advance, email lac@northshoreschools. org. During the event, questions may be submitted via index card from the audience. Visit www. to learn more about the Legislative Action Committee (LAC). “It is a rare opportunity to get our legislative leaders in one room to discuss and answer your questions on education issues,” LAC Chairpersone James Versocki said. “Please make every effort to join us in a moderated and meaningful discussion about the many county and state issues that affect our school district.” —Submitted the North Shore Central School District

Be The First Glen Cove Teen Idol A new contest is coming to downtown Glen Cove this spring: The first annual Downtown Sounds Teen Idol vocal contest. Open to Glen Cove residents ages 13 to 18, Downtown Sounds Teen Idol will showcase local emerging talent, with the winner having an opportunity to perform live at Downtown Sounds. Downtown Sounds Teen Idol is an opportunity for Glen Cove teens to show off their vocal skills, in any genre. The contest is open to solo vocalists only – no bands, no duets – though songs can be accompanied by a track for the audition. Music can be original or covers – we just want to hear your vocal talent. In addition to singing live in front of 1,000 people, the winner will also receive a cash prize. Those interested must submit a live recording of themselves singing one song on an mp3 or smartphone video to info@ by April

25. The recording does not have to be professional quality—it can be as simple as singing a song in the kitchen. Contestants will be judged by music industry professionals, who will decide on which vocalist will go to the next level. Those chosen for the next round will try out in person in Village Square (exact date TBD), with a chance to go to the final round. The top five winners will perform at the preshow during the Downtown Sounds 2022 Concert Series. Participants must submit their recording to by April 25 to be considered. Submissions must also include the contestant’s address, age, name of school, phone number and email address. All contestants will be notified as to whether they will advance to the next round. —Submitted by Glen Cove Downtown Business Improvement District


24 th Annual Culinary Delights Supporting The Dr. Glenn Howard Jr. Scholarship You are invited to enjoy an evening of signature dishes, fine wine, beverages, accompanying music and fabulous raffles!

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Holocaust Memorial Tolerance Center Presents “Hymns From Auschwitz” At Carnegie Hall

he Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County (HMTC) is presenting a never-before-seen musical performance, “Hymns from Auschwitz,” on Wednesday, April 20, in honor of Yom HaShoah. The concert will be at Stern Auditorium/ Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall and is in collaboration with the Turkish American Arts Society of New York (TAASNY). It will feature New Manhattan Sinfonietta, a New York City-based orchestra founded by world-renowned Turkish maestro Gürer Aykal, who will be conducting. World-famous pianist Renan Koen will also be performing. The honoree of this event is Martin Elias, a steadfast supporter of HMTC and Holocaust and tolerance education. Martin’s generosity and support helped make this concert a reality. “I’m excited that HMTC is the presenting organization for this once-in-a-lifetime concert at Carnegie Hall for Yom HaShoah and in honor of Martin Elias,” said HMTC Board Chair and acting executive director Andera Bolender. “As a child of Holocaust survivors, I know first-hand how important it is to tell the stories, and this concert represents Michel Assael’s remarkable story. With the Holocaust survivor population dwindling, and antisemitism and intolerance for many groups on the rise, keeping the memory and lessons of the Holocaust alive is more important than ever.” This performance will include a musical score, “Auschwitz Symphonic Poem”, which was written by Michel Assael, a Jewish

Springtime is finally here. The days are longer, the weather is warmer and you can start enjoying time outdoors. However, before you bust out your garden spades and lawn mowers to get hopping on some spring cleaning, have you checked your backyard for nests? While it is very important to check the trees and shrubs in your yard for active bird nests before you do any pruning, you should also look out for another type of wild animal habitat in the grass around your property: Eastern Cottontail rabbit nests. Rabbits nest in shallow depressions in the ground. These nests are sometimes made right in the middle of a lawn or garden and can look like patches of dead grass. Up to eight baby bunnies, called kits, will live in the nest. Their mother won’t stay with the babies, but instead will visit only twice daily for just a few minutes to feed them. While it may seem like a strange parenting strategy, this hands-off method helps to keep the babies concealed from predators. In about three weeks, the kits are independent enough to

From left: World-renowned pianist Renan Koen, and world-renowned conductor Gürer Aykal. (Photo courtesy of HMTC) musician and composer from Salonika, Greece. After surviving Auschwitz, Assael

wrote this piece in memory of all that was lost. The piece was written in 1947 but was

locked away and has never been performed. It has recently been rediscovered and will be given its debut performance at this not-to-be-missed concert. This event is also in memory of Viktor Ullman, a Silesian-born Austrian and renowned composer and conductor who was sent to Terezin, where he organized concerts and performed during the war. Ullman was ultimately deported to Auschwitz and killed in the gas chambers. “Hymns from Auschwitz” will feature Hazan Rabbi Nesim Elnecavé and Ilker Nahmias and a piano orchestral piece by Elcil Gürel Göçtü, a young student composer who worked with pianist Renan Koen on her March of the Music initiative. The concert also includes “Piano Concerto No. 24 in C Minor, K. 491” by W.A. Mozart, which Renan Koen will perform in memoriam of Viktor Ullmann. The performance will conclude with the debut of the “Auschwitz Symphonic Poem,” written by Holocaust survivor Michel Assael. This poem was locked away and ultimately found by Dr. Joe Halio through his passionate research, and Renan Koen assisted in bringing this masterpiece to life. Sponsorship packages are available and tickets to this event range from $27 to $180 per ticket. Tickets can be purchased via Carnegie Hall’s box office. Contact Gayle Peck at for more information. —Submitted by the Holocaust Memorial & Tolerance Center of Nassau County

Wild Bunnies & You

venture out on their own. Most people don’t discover a rabbit nest in their yard until it is too late. Nests are frequently disturbed by lawnmowers, and unsupervised pets. As a result, our Wildlife Hospital admits more than 200 injured or orphaned Eastern Cottontail kits into care each year. One of the best things you can do to protect rabbit families living in your yard is to check your yard thoroughly for rabbit nests before mowing. Supervising dogs outside and keeping cats indoors will also help to keep bunnies safe. If you find a bunny nest and are concerned about their well-being, please call the Wildlife Hotline at 516-674-0982. The rehabilitators will walk you through the best way to keep the babies safe. Volunteers for Wildlife’s Rehabilitation Hospital & Education Center (V4W) is located at Bailey Arboretum in Locust Valley. Approximately 2,300 injured and orphaned animals are treated every year at the hospital. Countless more are triaged through the Hotline, which receives more than 10,000 calls. V4W also offers

A baby cottontail rabbit. (Photo contributed by Volunteers for Wildlife) educational programs to schools, scouts, libraries, community organizations and private parties. Visit to

learn more about their services and educational programs such as their new Guided Meet & Greets in the lovely Wildlife Garden. —Submitted by Volunteers for Wildlife





Holy Eucharist – 8:00 am (Spoken) Holy Eucharist – 10:00 am (Choir) (The 10:00 am service begins with a procession with palms, and includes a dramatic reading of the Passion of Christ)


Holy Eucharist – 12:00 pm (Spoken) Stations of the Cross – 6:00 pm


Commemorating Christ’s Institution of the Eucharist – 8:00 pm (Choir)


Quiet services remembering Christ’s crucifixion - 12:00 pm & 7:00 pm

HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 16 Great Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter - 8:00 pm (Choir)


Holy Eucharist – 8:00 am (Spoken) Holy Eucharist – 10:00 am (Choir) Easter Egg Hunt for Children after 10 am service

Christ is Risen! 61 E. Main Street, Oyster Bay, NY • 516.922.6377

231842 M



COMMUNITY CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 New York State Police Recruitment Event: Come to the Glen Cove Public Library from 2-4 p.m. to learn more about the New York State Police and how to become a New York State Trooper. Registration not required. Looking to Start or Join a Book Club?: The Glen Cove Public Library is here to help at 7 p.m. The hardest part of starting a club is finding members. Join the casual networking event led by Marissa, a staff member at the library. You will meet fellow book lovers and also learn the specifics of a successful book club. Registration is required and limited. Visit the Glen Cove Public Library website to register.


engineer, finds his ruled-by-the-clock existence ended when a harrowing plane crash leaves him isolated on a remote island. As Chuck struggles to survive, he finds that his own personal journey has only just begun. Join the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Public Library from 2-4 or from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

SATURDAY, APRIL 9 Deep Roots Indoor Winter Market: At 100 Village Square (12 Bridge St. for GPS) in Glen Cove, visit a variety of vendors at the Deep Roots Indoor Winter Market from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This market offers locally grown vegetables, farm fresh eggs, meats and dairy, fresh-baked breads and sweets, artisan cheeses, honey, maple syrup, prepared foods, fresh ravioli and pastas, jams and more. It includes weekly guest arts and craft vendors.

Virtual—The History of the Art Looted and Lost During World War II: Join art historian Jay Schuck at 2 p.m. as he surveys the artwork stolen and lost during World War II. He will examine the reasons why these works were targeted and the efforts taken to recover them, as well as the impact on the art world today. Visit the Glen Cove Public Library website to register.

Chef Rob: First Taste of Spring Food Festival (FB LIVE): Chef Rob will demonstrate how to make: Grilled salmon tacos with avocados and yellow peppers, chicken piccata meatballs over egg noodles, spring lemon cake with crumb topping and lemon glaze at 3 p.m. This Facebook LIVE class will be on Chef Rob’s Facebook page: Movie Showing—Cast Away SimplyCreativeChefRob and shared to (Rated PG-13): the Facebook page: Summary: Chuck Noland, a FedEx systems OBENLibrary. No registration is required—

Options for children ages 12 weeks to 12 years old to meet the needs of working parents year-round!

1st Annual Glen Head Spring Shopping Spree April 23, 2022 10AM 4PM Summer Camp Program at Glen -Cove and New Hyde

We are in Glen Cove, Manhasset, Mineola, New Hyde Park, and Uniondale, and licensed by the NYS Office of Children and Family Services.

Park locations. Please call Michele (516) 248-6653 or SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES! email:

simply log onto FB to this program. The Susan and Art Zuckerman. Visit the Glen recording will remain on Facebook for a few Cove Public Library website to register. weeks. The recipes will be posted online Options for children ages North 12 weeks to 122022: years old to Shore Reads prior to the class. Join upparents for the 2022year-round! North Shore Reads meet the needs of working from 7-9 p.m., a local celebration of Long MONDAY, APRIL 11 Island Reads and National Library Week. We arefor inGermany: Glen Cove, Manhasset, Mineola, New Hyde Virtual Training This event will be held at the Swan Club on World War II as Staged for the ‘Ritchie Park, and Uniondale, and90 licensed byCome the NYS Office Glenwood Rd. and enjoy an eveBoys’ in Maryland: of Children andning Family of livelyServices. book discussion and exciting Beverley Driver Eddy, author of Ritchie Boy raffle prizes. This entertaining evening has Secrets, gives a fascinating look into Camp become a popular, annual event for book Ritchie and the training of foreign-born lovers fromCove eight public Bayville, Summer Camp Program at Glen andlibraries; New Hyde soldiers to be spies overseas. Camp Bryant (Roslyn), Glen Cove, Gold Coast, Ritchie’s Military Intelligence Training Park locations. Please call Michele (516) 248-6653 or Locust Valley, Manhasset, Oyster Bay - East Center was a highly secretive for email:program Norwich, and Sea Cliff. This year’s selection training men in prisoner interrogation, is The Living and the Lost by Ellen Feldman. aerial intelligence/photo interpretation, The book is available at your local public and order of battle. Find out about surlibrary. Visit the Glen Cove Public Library prising and interesting facts about Camp website to register. Ritchie and the Ritchie Boys at 6:30 p.m. Sponsored by Copiague Memorial Library. Visit the Glen Cove Public Library website to register.

TUESDAY, APRIL 12 Virtual Nostalgic New York: Join in at 2 p.m. for a memorable jourearlythe childhood education programs are taught by ney backOur throughout New York of the 1950’s,qualified, 1960’s and 1970’s. It is a time capexperienced, and fun-loving staff. We utilize the sule visit and nostalgic approach Creative to these highly regarded Curriculum. Facilities serve decades. We will discuss themes such as homemade nutritious meals and snacks and are nut-free. clothing styles, architecture, music, enMusic, physical fitness, playspaces offered tertainment, civil rights, political accom-and outdoor Virtual Nostalgic New York on April 12. at (Wikimedia Commons | Derzsi Elekes Andor) plishments and disasters. Presented by all locations!

Options for children ages 12 weeks to 12 years old to meet the needs of working parents year-round! Options for children ages 12 weeks to 12 years old to meet the needs of working parents year-round! We are in Glen Cove, Manhasset, Mineola, New Hyde Park, and licensed by theMineola, NYS Office We Uniondale, are in Glen and Cove, Manhasset, New Hyde of Children and Family Services. Park, and Uniondale, and licensed by the NYS Office

of Children and Family Services. Summer Camp Program at Glen Cove and New Hyde Park locations. Please call ages Michele (516) Options for children 12 toCove 12248-6653 years old New toor Hyde Summer Camp Program atweeks Glen and email: meet the needs of working parents year-round! Park locations. Please call Michele (516) 248-6653 or We email: are in Glen Cove, Manhasset, Mineola, New Hyde SHOP WITH LOCAL VENDORS AT Park, and Uniondale, and licensed by the NYS Office of Children and Family Services. GLEN HEAD MOTORS (PARKING LOT), 664 GLEN COVE AVE, GLEN HEAD Summer Camp Program at Glen Cove and New Hyde Park locations. Please call Michele (516) 248-6653 or VISIT SELECT GLEN HEAD STOREFRONTS email: FOR SIDEWALK SALES AND PROMOS ENTER TO WIN RAFFLE PRIZES AT Our early childhood SHOP GLEN HEADeducation BOOTH!programs are taught by Our early childhood education programs are taught by qualified, experienced, and fun-loving staff. We utilize the qualified,Our experienced, and fun-loving We utilize the by early childhood educationstaff. programs are taught SPONSORED BY Facilities serve highly highly regarded Creative Curriculum. regarded Creative Curriculum. Facilities serve qualified, experienced, and fun-loving staff. We utilize the

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homemade nutritious meals and snacks and are nut-free. homemade nutritious meals and snacks and are nut-free.serve highly regarded Creative Curriculum. Facilities Ourfitness, early childhood education programs are taught by Music, physical fitness, and outdoor playspaces offeredMusic, at physical and outdoor playspaces offered at homemade and snacks qualified,nutritious experienced,meals and fun-loving staff. We and utilizeare the nut-free. all locations! all locations! highly regarded Creative Curriculum. serve offered at Music, physical fitness, and outdoorFacilities playspaces homemade nutritious meals and snacks and are nut-free. Music, physical fitness,all andlocations! outdoor playspaces offered at all locations!

231823 M





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5 Steps to Effectively Manage Today’s Market Volatility

Philip P. Andriola, JD, is a Private Wealth Advisor and Chief Executive Officer with Andriola, Goldberg & Associates, a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC.

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have always recovered any ground lost Continue or expand systematic during short-term setbacks. Headlines investments While volatile markets come and go, but building an effective, can be concerning, they shouldn’t long-term strategy should remain your impact your ongoing investment plans. primary focus. If you regular contributions to Your vision ofmake retirement is unique, and your financial plan your workplace savings plan or other He Wealth offers fee-based financial too. Asit’san Ameriprise Private Advisor, I have Re-assess your risk toleranceshould If you’re beaccounts, best to maintain those planning and asset management feeling uneasy about market volatility, the qualifications knowledge you grow investments. and If markets go down, yourto help strategies and hasand beenpreserve in practice you may need to take another look at regular contribution will purchase more your wealth. Whether it’s investment management, tax strategies for 23 years. To contact him: the level of investment risk with which shares of the investment. That could you are comfortable. Periods or of market legacy planning, I’ll work with you to find the right financial benefit you over the long run. If you Times like these can cause anxiety for volatility are often a true test of the ability to save more through solutions have for the your individual needs. And I’m backed byAvenue the 401 Franklin investors. As you watch markets move ability to withstand temporary setbacks systematic investing, don’t be hesitant Philip P Andriola, JD Suite 101 strength and stability of one of America’s leading retirement up and down, sometimes dramatically to your portfolio. Another consideration to boost those amounts you sock away Private Wealth Advisor, in a day, it’s natural to wonder whether is your time horizon. For example, if you Garden City, NY 11530 planning companies. regularly. ChieftoExecutive Officer it’s time to make changes your are within five years of retirement, you (516) 345-2600 investments. Before you do so, it’s may want to consider scaling back the Review your strategy with your Andriola, Goldberg & Associates important to think about your finances level of risk in your portfolio to protect financial advisor.Advisory It can be helpful to 2012-2016 Ameriprise Chairman’s Council A private wealth advisory practice of in the context of the broader picture and against the impact of a major downturn discuss your financial situation in the Ameriprisewho Financialoccurring Services, STAR context Wealth Manager 2014-2015 Investment advisory products and services are made seek advice from a professional at Inc. the wrong time –FIVE just when of today’s markets with your available through Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC, a can help you evaluate516.345.2600 what actions, if you need the money for retirement. financial professional. They will be able registered investment adviser. Your vision of retirement isyou unique, and your your financial plan You’ve prepared for a rewarding any, you should take. 401 Here are five tips to help assess current position, Franklin Ave, Ste 101 should be too. As an Ameriprise Private Wealth Advisor, I have Stay properly diversified Once you’ve to get started. your portfolio appropriate retirement. can help you the qualifications if and knowledge to carries help youan grow and preserve Garden City, NYI11530 determined your risk tolerance,your thewealth. next Whether levelit’sofinvestment risk and whether theretaxmay be management, strategies make the most consideration of it. Don’t let daily overly influence is diversification.orMaintain legacy planning, I’ll work with you to find theyou right financial investment opportunities should solutions for your individual needs. And I’m backed by the your decision making. It is easy to an appropriate balance of stocks, bonds, consider today. Having a conversation Philip P Andriola, JD strength of one of America’s leading retirement become overwhelmed with the headlines Private and other types of investments. In and stability Wealth Advisor, about the best way to approach today’s planning companies. Chief Executive Officer of the day, particularly if seemingly bad addition, make certain you don’t have a markets can make a difference and can Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Andriola, Goldberg & Associates The Five Starnews Wealth Manager by Crescendo BusinessAmeriprise Services, LLChelp (dba Five Professional), is based on 10 objective criteria: is piling up and award, having aadministered negative position. of thumb, Chairman’s Advisory Council 2012 - 2016 Aconcentrated private wealth advisory practice ofAs a rule keep youStar on track to achieve your Member professional FINRA and the Financial holding Services, Inc. FIVE adviser STAR Wealth Manager 2014 - 2015 2. Actively employed as a credentialed impact the markets.investment Keep in mindadviserAmeriprise no should represent 1. Credentialed as on a registered orindividual a registered investment representative; most important goals. 516.345.2600 ©2022 Ameriprise LLC. that we’ve seen many where more 3. than 20% of your asset mix. and This complaint history review (please note unfavorable financial services industry for a periods minimum of five years; Favorable regulatory feedback mayFinancial, have been 401 Franklin Ave, Ste 101 markets suffered sharp downturns. includes company stock you may hold in Garden City, NY 11530 All rights reserved. discovered through a check of complaints registered with a regulatory authority or complaints registered through Five Star Professional’s consumer complaint Yet historically, markets as a whole your workplace retirement plan. The year 2022 has presented challenges for investors, with stock markets experiencing significant volatility and bond markets showing unpredictable movement. Much of this can be attributed to external events. The most notable triggers are Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an extended period of higher inflation, and a shift in monetary policy by the Federal Reserve.

process*); 4. Fulfilled their firm review based on internal firm standards; 5. Accepting new clients; 6. One-year client retention rate; 7. Five-year client retention rate; 8. Non-institutional discretionary and/or non-discretionary client Business assets administered; 9. Number ofonclient households served; 10. Education and professional The Five Star Wealth Manager award, administered by Crescendo Services, LLC (dba Five Star Professional), is based 10 objective criteria: 1. Credentialed as a registered investment adviser or a registered investment adviser representative; 2. Actively employed as a credentialed professional in the designations. Wealth managers do not pay a fee to be considered or awarded. Once awarded, wealth managers may opt to purchase additional profile ad space or financial services industry for a minimum of five years; 3. Favorable regulatory and complaint history review (please note unfavorable feedback may have been discovered through a check of complaints registered with a regulatory authority or complaints registered through Five Star Professional’s consumer complaint related award promotional products. The award methodology does not evaluate the quality of services provided. The award is not indicative of the award winner’s




The Cradle Of Aviation Is Where It’s At

Spring and summer series of events kicked off with The Chocolate Expo JENNIFER CORR


uests of the Cradle of Aviation in Garden City were treated to wine, cheeses, coffee, chocolates and, of course, exhibits on aerospace on March 27 as part of The Chocolate Expo. “We were going to celebrate our 10th anniversary last year, but then COVID-19 came along,” said Marvin Baum, an organizer of the Chocolate Expo, which has been held at the Cradle of Aviation since 2012. “But everyone is anxious to get back out now and we are really excited to get back.” There was certainly a lot of excitement in the air, as the museum lobby and exhibit spaces were filled with guests enjoying samples offered by vendors coming from across the Tri-State area, while also taking pictures with Disney princesses, Santa Claus and other characters. “People love chocolate,” Baum said. “But

■ '

you have to offer something that really engages people... Somebody got engaged at our last event on March 1, 2020, just before the pandemic and we had a very good turnout.” And engagements could happen in this space, where organizer Barbara Cohen said love happens. She had reached out to the engaged couple to come back again to the event this year as guests, and have their engagement party there. “There are these moments within the show, and our photographers catch them, where [for example] the mother wipes the chocolate off of the children’s faces or the princess leans down [to greet a child],” Cohen said. The Cradle of Aviation is known for serving as a great host for a variety of events, including the upcoming Long Island Table Top Gaming Expo on April 9; the comic, collectible and pop-culture convention Cradle Con on May 14 and 15; and the Long Island Retro Gaming Expo on August 12 and 14. Part of what makes the Cradle of Aviation a great spot to host expos and conventions is not only the people who work at the museum, said Joel Albino of the Long Island Retro Gaming Expo, but also the backdrop of aviation and space exhibits.


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The Adirondack Winery was one of the many vendors offering samples of wine and liquor at The Chocolate Expo.

These waffle cones filled with fruit were ready to be dipped in a chocolate fountain. (Photos by Jennifer Corr)

“I love running shows there,” Albino said. “I love telling people about it and they show up and say ‘holy moley, this is something else.’ You go to a lot of shows and there are conventions halls and convention centers and they are great for what they are, but they are just a big box... While the Cradle makes it a little more challenging of where to place things, because there’s a lot of twists and turns, you can’t beat the decor and the aesthetic and the backdrop.” And as a plus, admission to these events often comes with admission to the museum and, at the Chocolate Expo, admission to see a planetarium show.

At the upcoming Table Top Gaming Expo, guests can expect to enjoy card, miniature and board games, as well as role-playing games, panels and vendors. Albino said he and the fellow organizers work to create an event they’d want to go to. “It’s going to be easy for somebody who maybe has an interest, but does not have a lot of experience, to show up and say ‘maybe I’ll see what this or that game is about,’” Albino said. “You don’t have to be a table top gamer who knows everything to have a good time.” Visit to learn more about the Cradle of Aviation and the upcoming events.


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Funding for this advertisement was made possible (in part) by Grant Number 5H79SP081365-01 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written materials or publications do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 229428 M




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Northwell Named Leader In LGBTQ+ Health Care






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orthwell Health has been recognized as a national leader in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) inclusiveness by the 2022 Healthcare Equality Index (HEI). Twenty-five Northwell facilities earned Equity Leader status, which is based on the health system’s policies and practices dedicated to the equitable treatment and inclusion of LGBTQ+ patients, staff and visitors. Less than 500 facilities nationwide earned the Equity Leader distinction on the 15th annual survey. This is Northwell’s eighth appearance on the HEI survey, which is compiled by the Human Rights Campaign, a nonprofit which strives to end LGBTQ+ discrimination. Northwell grew from eight locations recognized in 2014, its first year on the list, to 25 leadership awards this year. “At Northwell Health we continue to expand our culture of care where we build trust and partnerships with our patients and are dedicated to providing culturally sensitive, respectful and humanistic care to all of our communities,” said Jennifer H. Mieres, MD, chief diversity and inclusion officer and senior vice president of the health system’s Center for Equity of Care. “We offer personalized, compassionate health care to each and every person inclusive of members of our community who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. It is a great privilege— and a great responsibility—as we continue our journey in re-igniting the human connection as a pathway to advancing diversity, inclusion, and health equity. We are honored to be recognized by the HRC Healthcare Equality Index for the past eight years.” Twenty Northwell hospitals received perfect scores: Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, Glen Cove Hospital, Huntington Hospital, Mather Hospital in Port Jefferson, Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, LIJ Forest Hills, LIJ Valley Stream, Manhattan Eye Ear and Throat, North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, Northern Westchester Hospital in Mt. Kisco, Peconic Bay Medical Center in Riverhead, Phelps Hospital in Sleepy Hollow, Plainview Hospital, South Shore University Hospital in Bay Shore, South Oaks Hospital in Amityville, Staten Island University Hospital (North and South campuses), Syosset Hospital, Zucker Hillside Hospital in New Hyde Park. In addition, the Center for Transgender Care in Great Neck, Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research in Manhasset, Lenox

Northwell Health recently received high marks for its LGBTQ+ inclusiveness. (Photo courtesy of Northwell Health)

Health Greenwich Village, Orzac Center for Rehabilitation and Stern Family for Rehabilitation each earned the designation. Northwell Health-GoHealth Urgent Care, which operates more than 50 locations in the New York Metro area, earned top performer status. “At Northwell Health, we are pursuing health equity, which includes high-quality, culturally-competent care and services for our communities,” said Edward Fraser, vice president of Community Relations and chair of Northwell’s EXPRESSIONS BERG, which serves as a resource to enhance workforce engagement and promote LGBTQ+ awareness. “Since 2014, Northwell has retained leadership status with the Healthcare Equality Index survey. This could not have been possible without involving our LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group, EXPRESSIONS, composed of 500-plus interdisciplinary team members throughout our organization. This past year, EXPRESSIONS was able to help complete over 2,000 hours of LGBTQIA+ health education, a component to this leadership designation.” HEI examines four key criteria: Foundational policies and training, LGBTQ+ patient services and support, employee benefits and policies, and patient and community engagement. More than 900 facilities participated in the latest survey. Another area of focus is LGBTQ+ education (50-hour minimum each year): Mather Hospital in Port Jefferson, Staten Island University Hospital’s north campus and South Oaks Hospital in Amityville each completed more than 200 hours. To see the complete HEI report, go to healthcare-equality-index —Submitted by Northwell Health






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Bad Behavior Gets Rewarded At the 94th Academy Awards ceremony held on Sunday, March 27, an otherwise uneventful broadcast was shaken to its core after eventual Best Actor Winner Will Smith stepped to presenter Chris Rock and slapped him in a blatant act of performative outrage and selfishness. The cause? Rock making what some deemed a tasteless crack comparing Smith’s spouse, Jada Pinkett-Smith, to Demi Moore’s bald and buff main character in the 1997 war drama G.I. Jane. After it happened, Smith returned to his seat, (as if nothing happened), dropped a few f-bombs in telling the assaulted comedian to keep Pinkett-Smith’s name out of his mouth. To Rock’s credit, he carried on in presenting eventual Best Documentary Film winner Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson with his award for Summer of Soul. But does anyone really remember what category was even being presented? Attendees were in shock at what happened, as were millions of viewers around

the world, many wondering if it was a pre-planned sketch given how surreal the entire scenario was. Nope. It was the real thing. In the end, bad behavior was rewarded (and I don’t mean Will Smith winning the Best Actor Oscar). The fact that Smith stepped onto the stage (after initially laughing at the joke) and committed assault on Rock for cracking a joke about PinkettSmith was disgraceful and should have gotten him escorted out. Particularly given the fact that it was done live, in front of a global audience. But God forbid the Academy show any stones during commercial break and tell Smith he had to go. And in the event he won his category, have someone else accept on his behalf. Instead, Smith got to receive his award. He acknowledged what happened in his acceptance speech, said he wanted to be a “vessel for peace” (um, what?!?) and apologized to the Academy (cause he obviously wants to be

invited if they dared not invite him back). He didn’t offer up an apology to Chris Rock or Questlove, for humiliating the former, and spoiling the moment for the eventual Best Documentary winner. Not to mention his souring the mood for what was supposed to be a joyful event—the first live Oscar ceremony since this pandemic knee-capped the world. As if the actual incident wasn’t disturbing enough, Smith received a partial standing ovation when it was announced that he’d won the Best Actor Oscar. And in the aftermath, the pro-Will Smith spin began in earnest with fellow stars comforting him (for what, self-inflicted poor choices?), certain corners of the Twitterverse commending him for coming to his wife’s honor (due to Pinkett-Smith having alopecia, a medical condition we’re not even clear Rock knew she had) and the Academy issuing a weak-sauce statement about how it “...condemns the actions of Mr.

Smith at last night’s show” and “... explor[ing] further action and consequences in accordance with our bylaws, standards of conduct and California law.” Smith issued a written statement of apology to Rock the following day, but in the end, the Academy earned a big fail in not escorting Smith out during a commercial break. And while Smith’s actions were reprehensible, what’s most disconcerting is that there wasn’t immediate condemnation of this act. Instead, a huge segment of the populace in the aftermath were on board with normalizing Smith’s over-reactive act of violence. ESPN Football writer Bill Barnwell tweeted, “Think about how famous you have to be to walk onto the stage at the Oscars, slap the presenter in the face, sit back down, curse loudly at him twice and not get kicked out or stopped.” So it goes with entitlement, power and fame all wrapped up in a bow of toxic masculinity. —Dave Gil de Rubio


What The World Needs Now When I was a young child, Mom often listened to WGBB for music and weather. Dad had purchased a band radio for her so that she could listen to her beloved station, which had a better sound quality than her little transistor that she won from Sinclair Gas. Dad often fiddled with the stations before any road trips taken, which often meant that we heard NOAA weather reports before we even got into the car. To this day, the sound of “Manasquan Inlet” brings to mind a kitchen abuzz with excitement in the pre-dawn


hours and the faint “echo” behind the almost robotic voice of the announcer. One of the songs that was frequently played on WGBB through the speakers of that yellow band radio was a little number called, “What the World Needs Now is Love.” The tune, which was written by Hal David with music by Burt Bacharach, was recorded in 1965 by Jackie DeShannon. It is interesting that the song was originally offered to Dionne Warwick, she of the golden voice, who turned it down. Dionne felt

the song was too country and “preachy” for her tastes, though she did record it for an album she released the following year. In 1971, a disc jockey by the


Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000 Publishers of G le n C o v e /O y s te r B a y R e c o r d P ilo t G r e at Ne c k R e c or d M an h as s e t P r e s s Nas s au Il l u s t r at e d Ne w s P or t W as h i n gt on Ne w s Syos s e t - Je r i c h o T r i b u n e T h e Nas s au O b s e r ve r T h e R os l yn Ne w s E d i t ro an d P u b l i s h e r A nge l a S us a n A nt on P r e s id e n t F r a nk A . V i r ga V i c e P r e s i d e n t of O p e r at i on s I r i s P i c one D i r e c t or of Sal e s A d m i n i s t r at i on S ha r i E gna s ko E d i t or s D a ve G i l de R ubi o,C hr i s t yH i nko, F r a nkR i z z o,J ul i e P r i s c o, J oe S c ot c hi e ,N a t a l i a V e nt ur a , J e ni f e r C or r A d ve r t i s i n g S al e s A l l yD e a ne ,M a r yM a l l on, S a l M a s s a ,M a r i a P r uyn, J e r yl S l e t t e l a nd D i r e c t or of C i r c u l at i on J oyD i D ona to D i r e c t or of P r od u c t i on R obi nC a rte r C r e at i ve D i r e c t or A l e xN uñe z A r t D i r e c t or C a t he r i ne B ongi or no Se n i or P age D e s i gn e r D ona D uf f y D i r e c t or of B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r at i on L i nda B a c c ol i

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Passover’s More Passionate Way Every year, during the festival of Passover we read the well-known biblical scroll of Shir HaShirim or Song of Songs. It is, bar none, the most romantic and beautiful love song ever written. It’s very title, Song of Songs, claims itself to be the ultimate, unparalleled praise. This magnificent piece of literary genius, filled with sensual overtones and passion, is King Solomon’s gift to the world. At face value, it is a fiery story of two lovers. Yet, in the ancient Talmud it was explained that the song is the “holy of holies” symbolizing the deep love between our Creator and us. Scrutinized, studied and adored for thousands of years, Song of Songs is considered a classic by scholars of both the Bible and literature.


Why has this book, which we read each year during Passover, withstood the test of time? What secrets are revealed in King Solomon’s writings?



Composed approximately 3,100 years ago, it was written 480 years after the Exodus from Egypt, inspired by the completion of the First Temple. Its author, King Solomon, great-grandson of the biblical Ruth, whose own book we read on the festival of Shavuot, and son of King David and Bathsheba, was born around 1,000 BCE. We learn that he

became king at the age of 12 and died at the age of 52 years. He accomplished a great deal during his short life. Many will be impressed by the fact that he maintained one thousand wives! the most famous being the daughter of Pharaoh. The First Temple in Jerusalem is known as Solomon’s Temple, its construction having begun in the fourth year of his reign and reaching completion seven years later. We read in the Kabbalah book of Zohar, “and all the upper and lower worlds were complete.” It was the completion of the First Temple that became the inspiration for writing Song of Songs. Solomon’s impressive résumé includes prophet, architect, author and judge, in addition to ruler. His wealth and power were enormous. He is credited with writing two additional books, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes (Kohelet). Solomon is also credited with composing several verses in the Book of Psalms (Tehillim).

What is the connection between Passover and Song of Songs? The Song of Songs is symbolic of the ‘love affair’ between our Creator and us. It expresses the powerful yearning of us and our Heavenly Father for a close relationship with each other. The expression of the symbolic “becoming married” to our Creator which was manifested during the Exodus and formed a union, a bond, a partnership with the Holy One. Song of Songs is a passionate

story, a true love story, at times erotic and suggestive of physical bonding and contentment. As the woman in the story goes in search of her lost beloved, he is never out of sight of her, just like our Creator never loses sight of each of us. When the Jewish nation rejected the Almighty’s majesty by idolizing the golden calf at Mt. Sinai, He forgave them and never quit his relationship with them. Similarly, when a partner in a marriage may disappoint the other, the marriage itself does not have to fail. Marriage is a holy union, a three-way bond between a woman, a man and the Almighty. These writings teach us about the potential of love that exists between us and our Creator. The words resonate in our hearts and offer clarity, insight and guidance. By reading this masterpiece, may we be blessed to view life in a happier, healthier and more passionate way. Happy Passover.

medical supplies to be shipped overseas. The Town of Oyster Bay has set up collection boxes in Oyster Bay and Bethpage for those who wish to help. It has been said that in a crisis, humans rise to meet the needs of others during challenging times. Michelle Dean said that “Crisis forces commonality of purpose on one another.” Jawaharlal Nehru has been credited with stating, “Every little thing counts in a crisis.” Depeche Mode sang, “Everything Counts in Small Amounts.” These are the times

that define us as a species, and it is important not to turn a blind eye to the plights of our fellow humans. It doesn’t matter if it’s a prayer, a box of medical masks or a monetary donation. Every little bit helps to make the world a brighter place. Several years ago, I started a page for women who were interested in crafting hats for charity. We donated several hundred hats to two different organizations. Yesterday, I called the troops to order. We will be creating hats and scarves to donate to the people of Ukraine. It might not be much, but puts good vibes out there, which is something for which we are sorely in need. I heard Tom Clay’s remix yesterday as I flipped through the stations on my radio. I listened carefully to the words and realized that no matter how large or small, anything offered in the name of love can be enough to overcome the shadows of darkness. Emily Dickinson said that “Hope is the thing with feather.” May we allow Hope to perch within our own souls and allow it to sing a tune without words that never stops at all. May we overcome the hatred, may we offer love to all, and may we take care of each other with love and justice for all. Patty Servidio is an Anton Media Group columnist.


CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE name of Tom Clay recreated the song as a remix known as “What the World Needs Now is Love/ Abraham, Martin and John”. The song, which was a compilation of Dion’s “Abraham, Martin and John” and DeShannon’s “What the World Needs Now is Love” took on a life of its own and reached number eight on Billboard Hot 100 in the summer of 1971. If you recall, the song also offered snippets of speeches by JFK, Ted Kennedy during his eulogy of brother Robert, and Martin Luther King, Jr. It also was the one song when played on the airwaves that consistently made me cry. Fast forward to 2022, where hate crimes abound and war rages in Eastern Europe. To say that I never thought in a million years that we would be here today is an understatement. Skyrocketing inflation, prices at the pumps and a continuing pandemic only add fuel to an already out-of-control raging fire. My husband is glued to the television set, his only respite our daily hikes in nature. He immediately returns to the screen, his eyes riveted to the horrific scenes of rubble and despair found in the eyes of the Ukrainian people. My heart breaks every time I walk into the living room, especially because yet again, a megalomaniac with

too much power and money decided that he wanted to live by the old saying, “The one with the most toys at the end of the game is the winner.” It disgusts and infuriates me, especially when folks have been forced from their homes and are scrambling for safety in bomb shelters and subway stations. To hope that there is a home for which they can return is a hope that almost seems too far away to become realized. As I watched broadcasts of bombed out hospitals, I heard

the refrain, “It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of” in my heart. I asked my husband to find something positive to watch and he switched the station to find something that brought some comfort. That was when we saw scores of Long Islanders who were making a difference. Throughout Long Island, start-up fundraisers have begun for those displaced by this senseless war. Churches and other places of worship have begun collections of food, clothing, water, money and






Recently Sold

Leave It On The Lawn Lawn care waste reduction tips

H This beautifully updated Colonial home at 19 8th St. in Locust Valley sold on March 21 for $585,000. This home is freshly painted and is turn-key ready for its new owner to move into. The home has been totally renovated and includes a new kitchen with cherry wood cabinets, granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances. It has three bedrooms and two new full bathrooms, new siding, all new windows, new floors throughout and an opened-up floor plan. The quiet, but spacious fenced-in backyard has a deck and outside TV hook up, perfect for entertaining. The taxes on this home are low, located in the high-ranking Locust Valley school district. It is near shopping, transportation, golf, restaurants and the beautiful town beaches. This wonderful three-bedroom, updated Colonial home in the heart of Locust Valley on quiet interior street at 78 Midway Ave. sold on March 10 for $800,000. It has a fabulous, updated eat-in-kitchen with stainless appliances, quartzite countertops and Carrera subway tile. It is sunny and has a spacious formal dining room. It has an open floor plan for the living room and office area. It has a fabulous vaulted ceiling and the master bedroom boasts a large walk-in closet. The door off of the kitchen leads to a rear patio that is perfect for entertaining. The basement has a playroom with windows. It has a new driveway with bluestone front entry steps and a walkway. The water tank is new. The private rear property includes an outdoor shed. This home is close to schools, the train, restaurants and shopping.

ow do you dispose of grass clippings after mowing the lawn? Do you... · Put them in the garbage? · Put them on the curb for collection? · Compost them? Leaving your grass clippings on the lawn benefits the environment by reducing the amount and frequency of fertilizer application. Grass clippings are 80 percent water and contain two to four percent nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients. This is also good for you (lower fertilizer costs). Leaving the grass clippings will improve your lawn. The clippings return nutrients to the soil resulting in healthier turf. It also saves time, since the grass is no longer bagged, fewer stops are required. Leaving the clippings also reduces the amount of garbage you throw out. Grass clippings can account for as much as 10 percent of the garbage we produce.

How To “Leave It On The Lawn”

Allow your grass to grow to three inches and then cut no more than one inch off the top. This is the “one-third” rule. This helps develop a deeper root system which is a natural defense against weeds, disease and drought. During fast growing periods you may have to cut the grass every four to seven days

Common Questions

1. Do grass clippings cause thatch? No. Thatch is an accumulation of the “woody” parts of the grass plant: stems, roots and stolons, not the clippings. Thatch is most often caused by over-watering and over-fertilizing. 2. Isn’t it more work to mow the lawn often enough to keep the clippings short? No. Cutting grass before it is overgrown is easier and faster. Eliminating the time and effort it takes to bag clippings further shortens the mowing time. 3. What if my lawn grows too high between mowings to leave the clippings? You have several options. You may mow over the clippings to further shred and scatter them. You may raise the mower height so only the top third of the grass blade is removed and then gradually lower the mower height over the span of several mowings. 4. Do I need a mulching mower? No. Mulching blades and adaptor kits are available for many types of lawn mowers. When it is time to replace your mower, consider purchasing an electric mulching mower. Visit with Cornell Cooperative Extension Office of Nassau County’s website at or call 516-832-2591 to learn more about backyard composting. —Department of Environmental Conservation

Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.

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228995 M

2B | SPRINGTIME! • APRIL 6 - 12, 2022 NY146_Anton_Brooks1 WI_10x11.5_0322.indd 1

3/28/22 11:11 AM

An Expat’s Guide To The Best Golf Courses On Long Island BY JORDAN FULLER


ecently moved to Long Island? If you’re a golfer, you’re probably going to be wondering where you can play a great round nearby.

The good news is, there are plenty of excellent golf courses around Long Island. Unfortunately, many of them are private courses with access for members and their guests only, although they’re well worth playing if you find a member of the golfing community willing to take you along for a round. This is our expat’s guide to the best golf courses in Long Island. Although one or two are private courses that are just too good to pass up, most of those on this list are public courses that you can head to at any time for some great golf. Let’s check them out.

Best for Experienced Golfers

Bethpage State Park Black Course A list of Long Island golf courses wouldn’t be complete without Bethpage Black. However, it’s certainly not for everyone—it’s one of the most difficult courses you’ll find, so we advise only giving it a go if you’re experienced and looking for a proper challenge. It’s a parkland layout with impressive trees scattered throughout, beautiful bunkering, a treacherous rough, and just a single water hazard, despite its difficulty level. The fairways may be extremely challenging, but surprisingly, the well-protected greens are very flat. The signature hole is the 517-yard, par-5 4th, which features dual doglegs and tricky bunkers that challenge you from shot one. And the best thing is that this course is open to the public, so if you’re looking for a challenging round of golf for an experienced golfer, this is definitely the one.

Best Public Course

Eisenhower Park Golf Course An all-American golf course, Eisenhower Park features red, white, and blue golf courses, each with fun and challenges of their own. It’s been around for a long time, with the most famous course—Red—hosting the PGA Championships back in the 1920s.

As well as the three championship courses, the park also features four executive courses of 9 holes each, which allows golfers to get in some gameplay without having to commit to a full 18 holes. This is ideal for those who are short on time, looking for a relaxed, fun round or still learning. Alternatively, the 60-by driving range is a good choice for working on your swing.

Best for All Levels

Swan Lake Golf Club Swan Lake Golf Club features an 18-hole layout that’s varied enough to present fun and challenge for golfers of all levels. Spacious, sweeping fairways and notoriously oversized greens grace every hole. Add some strategically-placed sand traps and water hazards on half the holes, and you’ve got an interesting and exciting course. This layout makes the course suitable for golfers of every level of ability. Amateur golfers will enjoy the wide-openness of the course, while there’s still enough hazards to be challenging for more experienced golfers.

Great for the Whole Family

Peninsula Golf Course If you’re looking for something to do with the whole family that involves a round of golf, Peninsula Golf Course is a great place to spend a few hours. The course is just nine holes, but it’s enough for a quickfire round or a game with the family. You can also take a group golf lesson with the resident PGA professional. They also offer after-school programs if your kids are serious about learning. You can have breakfast or lunch at the resident cafe, Rita’s, either before or after your round. You can also hold events here, so it’s a great spot for a golf-themed party. Take note that you will need to make a reservation online if you want to play a round of golf, as they don’t accept walk-ins.

Public’s Favorite

Pine Hills Golf Club Pine Hills Golf Club has been voted the number one course in Long Island by


APRIL 6 - 12, 2022 • SPRINGTIME! | 3B



FOREST BATHING Wednesday, April 6

POND EXPLORATION Saturday, April 9



GOLFNOW, and it’s a much-loved favorite amongst golfers in the area. It’s located in the beautiful Pine Barrens, making it feel like you’re a million miles away from the real world. Worries get left behind. Forgiving fairways lined with stunning pine trees lead you to plush greens. New golfers and experienced players alike will enjoy the game on this par-73 course.

Ages 15 months – 14 Years April – May

SPRING CELEBRATION Garden Activities & Plant Sale Saturday, April 30 (Rain date May 1 )

Best Luxury Experience

MOTHER’S DAY TEA Hempstead House Rose Garden Sunday, May 8

Willow Creek Golf & Country Club The entire experience of Willow Creek Golf and Country Club is luxurious. The golf course is a winding resort-style layout, with many natural hazards in a beautiful setting. As well as stunningly manicured fairways and greens, the architecture of the country club oozes luxury. The Grill Room restaurant overlooks the 16th hole, the course’s signature. It offers both spectacular course views and a variety of amazing meals. This is the place to be if you have a fancy event coming up. Weddings, conferences, team buildings, and other events can be enjoyed in this stunning setting.

FOUR SEASONS IN MUSIC Music & Dance in Hempstead House Sunday, May 15


Go With a Member

Shinnecock Hills Golf Club Shinnecock Hills is an historic golf course, being the first 18-hole track in the late 1800s. It’s regularly named amongst the top courses in the country, but it’s members and their guests

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4B | SPRINGTIME! • APRIL 6 - 12, 2022

230662 M

only, so if you want to play here, you’ll need an invite. The links-style golf course is laid out on rolling hills and although there’s only one water hazard on the entire course, every hole has its own exciting challenge. The signature 7th Redan-style hole is famous for its small, tricky putting surface that slopes severely from right to left. Another thing that adds challenge to this course is the prevailing Atlantic wind, which requires calculated strategy and patience to conquer.


Although our expat’s guide to the best golf courses in Long Island focuses mainly on public golf courses, there are plenty more private golf courses that you may be able to join someone at for a round. If you’re looking for a golf club to join, we highly recommend getting involved in the local golfing community so you can find a chance of getting a round in. Join the Facebook groups, talk to local golfers, and try to play as many of them as possible so you can find the course that you truly love and can call home. In the meantime, see how many of these courses you can play and let us know which was your favorite. Jordan Fuller is an experienced golfer who’s played on courses across the country. When he’s not on the course or in the pro shop, he’s writing golf-related articles and reviews for his website, Golf Influence.



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230816 M

APRIL 6 - 12, 2022 • SPRINGTIME! | 5B

Celebrate Spring With Beefeater Gin


ith St. Patrick’s Day celebrations just barely past us and spring in the air now is a great time to shift gears from pubs and beer to brightened bars and fresh, clean gin cocktails. Beefeater Gin recently tapped award-winning bartender Matt Chavez (pictured, right) of Ci Siamo on 33rd Street in Manhattan (previously The NoMad) to use Beefeater—the world’s most award-winning gin—to create a signature cocktail you are going to want to sip all spring long. Chavez describes the drink as bright, grassy, sweet, with notes of slight citrus and a hint of spice brought out by the ginger beer. Check out the recipe.


Ingredients .25 oz. simple syrup .5 oz. fresh lime juice .5 oz. Suze Gentian liqueur .75 oz. celery juice 1.5 oz. Beefeater Gin .5 oz. ginger beer Shake simple syrup, lime juice, liqueur, celery juice and Beefeater gin in a cocktail shaker tin. Add ginger beer. Strain over crushed or cracked ice and garnish with a lime wheel and a celery leaf.

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6B | SPRINGTIME! • APRIL 6 - 12, 2022

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231567 M

APRIL 6 - 12, 2022 • SPRINGTIME! | 7B

Spring Has Sprung… Let’s Garden BY KAREN MUSGRAVE

Vegetable beds need prep.


arly April is the perfect time to get outdoors and prepare your landscape for the warmer days ahead. Every space from the lawn to the vegetable garden requires us to think about what each area will need well in advance. Spring is your chance to start the season off on the right foot.

makes for quick and easy work. Unless absolutely necessary, do not prune plants that bloom in spring and early summer. You can prune them later after they finish flowering in early summer.

SPRING CLEANING A proper clean-up is the easiest way to make your landscape appear spring-ready. Rake up leaves and other debris that may have collected in the beds over the winter. This can be accomplished with a large rake for lawn areas and a smaller, spring-action rake or garden hoe for the areas around trees and shrubs. I tend to wait until after St. Patrick’s Day (March 17th) to begin work, but any time the weather is nice is a good opportunity to garden.

PRUNING Pruning out dead and broken branches while the plant has no leaves 8B | SPRINGTIME! • APRIL 6 - 12, 2022

Mulch beds for a finished look.

LAWN CARE We all want to have a thick, lush, weedfree lawn that is the envy of our neighbors. Now is the best time to seed bare spots in your lawn with a quality grass seed. Resume mowing only when your grass is actively growing. For spring, the mower blade height should be set to 2½ - 3 inches.

LIMING It might surprise you to hear that liming

is not required for all lawns every year. It’s best to first test your soil’s pH and see if you need it. Lawns prefer a pH range of 6.2 to 6.8 (6.5 is optimum). A proper pH helps your grass to better absorb fertilizers and other trace elements, which leads to a healthier lawn with fewer weeds and less fungus issues. pH testing kits are available at most major garden centers.


Vegetable gardening should not be overlooked in April. Now is a great time to decide where the garden will go and how Do not prune springmuch space you blooming plants. want to devote to it. So many of us wait until FEEDING YOUR after we’ve purchased the LANDSCAPE plants to decide where the garden will go. This is typically when we discover we’ve Spring is a great time to fertilize your purchased too many plants! Save time landscape. and money by taking measurements now. For lawns, keep it simple! Use a fourIt’s a great time to plant cool weather step lawn program that provides you with crops such as lettuce, onions, carrots everything you need to grow a healthy and spinach to name a few. These types lawn from spring through fall. There is a program for every need—whether you are of vegetables perform best in daytime seeding, not seeding or prefer organic-on- temperatures that hover around 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit and will tolerate some ly products. light frost. They are harvested late June For trees, shrubs and perennials use a through July before the heat of summer complete, long-lasting, slow-release fersets in. tilizer. Although there are many different By taking the time to prepare your products available, choose organic options yard and garden now, and then followthat are safe for people and pets. ing through on watering, pruning and fertilizing throughout the season, you MULCHING will ensure your landscape is lush, green, flowering and beautiful. Give your landscape beds a finished look with 1½ to 2 inches of mulch. Not Karen Musgrave is a NYS certified nursery only does it look nice, but it will help the and landscape professional and the marsoil to retain moisture while also preventketing and ecommerce associate at Hicks ing weeds. Nurseries (100 Jericho Tpke., Westbury).

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Palumbo Wealth Management is a registered investment advisor. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Palumbo Wealth Management and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. For additional information on the Advisor, please visit the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at www.adviserinfo. by searching with the Advisor’s CRD #306548. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, CFP® (with plaque design), and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. As a firm providing wealth management services to clients, Palumbo Wealth Management LLC offers both investment advisory services and brokerage services. Investment advisory services and brokerage services are separate and distinct, differ in material ways and are governed by different laws and separate arrangements. 231592 S

APRIL 6 - 12, 2022 • SPRINGTIME! | 9B

Spring Into Reading S pring is a great time to refresh your bookshelves and dig into some read reads. Here are some popular titles that have recently been released or due from the publishers any day now. Take a look.


Nora Stephens’ life is books—she’s read them all—and she is not that type of heroine. Not the plucky one, not the laidback dream girl, and especially not the sweetheart. In fact, the only people Nora is a heroine for are her clients, for whom she lands enormous deals as a cutthroat literary agent, and her beloved little sister Libby. Romance.


From the creator of the #1 hit Netflix series Stay Close comes a gripping new thriller in which Wilde follows a tip that may finally reveal the truth behind his abandonment—only to end up in the sights of a ruthless killer. Mystery.


Letty Davenport, the brilliant and tenacious adopted daughter of Lucas Davenport, takes the investigative reins in the newest thriller from #1 bestselling author John Sandford. Mystery.


Toni Bentley, a dancer for George Balanchine, the greatest ballet maker of the 20th century, tells the story of Serenade, his iconic masterpiece, and what it was like to dance—and live—in his world at New York City Ballet during its legendary era. Non-fiction.


True is a probing, richly-detailed, unique biography of Jackie Robinson, one of baseball’s and America’s most significant figures. Biography.


Learning to Talk is a dazzling collection of short stories from the two-time winner of the Man Booker Prize and number one New York Times best-selling author of the Wolf Hall Trilogy. Fiction.


The New York Times bestselling author of The Rose Code returns with an unforgettable World War II tale of a quiet bookworm who becomes history’s deadliest female sniper. Based on a true story. Fiction.


A deep dive into the spectrum of autistic experience and the phenomenon of masked autism, giving individuals the tools to safely uncover their true selves while broadening society’s narrow understanding of neurodiversity. Non-fiction.


The empowering true story of a group of spirited stewardesses who stood up to huge corporations and won, creating momentous change for all working women. Non-fiction.


Customs is a brilliant, excoriating new collection by a poet whose unfolding works are among the groundbreaking literature of our time. Poetry. —Compiled by Christy Hinko; book descriptions courtesy of Amazon and the respective publishers.

10B | SPRINGTIME! • APRIL 6 - 12, 2022

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800-567-2850 231637 S

APRIL 6 - 12, 2022 • SPRINGTIME! | 11B

Top Five Places For Bird Watching On Long Island


pringtime is officially upon us. But we’re not the only ones who are ready to enjoy the nice weather. Our feathery friends are too and here are some local places where you can spot them on the island.


Downy woodpecker (Photos by Frank Virga)

Located in Floral Park, this 12-acre parcel of land serviced the residents of the Village of Floral Park for more than 70 years as an active storm basin. After years of deciding on how to reinvent the active storm basin, the village converted a portion of a storm basin into a bird sanctuary and special planting area. Centennial Gardens is the perfect place to spot some of your favorite birds including robins, cardinals, starlings, blue jays, morning doves, mockingbirds, gold finches and many more. Centennial Gardens is open daily and located at 251 Floral Pkwy. in Floral Park.

Cedar waxwing

2. COLD SPRING HARBOR STATE PARK Cold Spring Harbor State Park is another great choice to spot birds. The park is comprised of 40-acres of hilly terrain that offer scenic views of Cold Spring Harbor and is also ideal for observing spring and fall migrations of a variety of songbirds. Cold Spring Harbor State Park is home to great horned owls and redtailed hawks and serves as the northern trailhead of the Nassau Suffolk Greenbelt Trail that extends to Bethpage State. The Cold Spring Harbor State Park is located at 95 Harbor Rd. in Cold Spring Harbor.

House finch


Black-capped chickadee

Similar to Floral Park’s Centennial Gardens, Garden City’s Bird Sanctuary was a former storm water basin. After redevelopment of the area, the bird sanctuary is now is a seven-acre community nature preserve and is managed by The Garden City Bird Sanctuary, Inc., a certified nonprofit organization. Some of the birds that can possibly be seen include the American crow, the Northern cardinal, red-tailed hawk, ruby-throated hummingbird and more. The main entrance is opposite 181 Tanners Pond Rd. in Garden City.







4. OYSTER BAY NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge is located on the north shore of Long Island, which has 3,209-acres and is designated as a significant coastal fish and wildlife habitat. The refuge is especially important for wintering waterfowl such as black ducks, greater scaup, bufflehead, canvasback and long-tailed ducks. A variety of other


Northern flicker

water birds including shorebirds, terns and cormorants also use Oyster Bay. Oyster Bay has the greatest winter waterfowl use of any of the Long Island national wildlife refuges. The numbers of waterfowl using Oyster Bay are lowest from May through August, and start to increase in September and October. The refuge is open to the public, although there is no physical address. For more information on the Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge, call 631-286-0485 or email



The Elizabeth A. Morton National Wildlife Refuge, a 187-acre peninsula on Noyack and Little Peconic Bays, boasts exceptionally diverse habitats. Established in 1954, the Morton National Wildlife Refuge consists of upland forest, fields, ponds, salt marsh, beach and a lagoon. These habitats are used by a variety of wildlife including whitetailed deer, eastern chipmunk, painted



turtles, green frogs, songbirds and osprey. Waterfowl, such as long-tailed duck, common goldeneye and whitewinged scoter, are common during the winter months, while piping plover, terns and other water birds use the beach during the spring and summer months. Elizabeth A. Morton Wildlife Refuge is located at 2595 Noyack Rd., in Sag Harbor. —By Anthony Murray


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231841 S

APRIL 6 - 12, 2022 • SPRINGTIME! | 13B

Plenty Of Options For Your Clutter BY JOE SCOTCHIE

furniture items. Otherwise, drop off clutter at society headquarters at 249 Broadway, Bethpage. Call 516-822-3132 or email: info@


here are plenty of worthwhile charities and organizations that would benefit from your household’s ever-growing pile of clutter. According to a longtime expert on the subject, one “Miss Minimalist,” it is best, from an environmental point of view, to keep your castoffs in your community. That includes churches, hospitals, schools, libraries, animal shelters, homeless shelters, women’s shelters, halfway homes, food banks, senior centers, day cares, prisons and charity shops. For clothing and fabric, set up a free account with GoGreenDrop. com, which coordinates home pickups with Purple Heart, National Foundation of the Blind, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Those willing to discard designer and couture clothing, a number of online services are willing to help. Animal shelters are always a good place to go to donate old linens, towels and pillows. In Nassau County, that would include the Town of Oyster Bay Animal Shelter, 150 Miller Place, Syosset (516677-5784), the Last Hope Animal Rescue, 3300 Beltagh Ave., Wantagh (631-425-1884) and the North Shore Animal League, 25 Davis Ave., Port Washington (516-883-7575).


Used electronic items including computers and televisions sets, can always find a home at Best Buy stores in America, which offer in-store recycling of old, unused or unwanted consumer electronics. There are numerous traditional outlets for donation drop-offs on Long Island.


The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Long Island is willing to look at a whole array of items. The society is willing to make pick-ups if you are donating at least two large

14B | SPRINGTIME! • APRIL 6 - 12, 2022

BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF LONG ISLAND Spring cleaning is the best excuse to declutter and rid your home of unused and unwanted things that seem to be ever-growing.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Long Island is a private, non-sectarian, nonprofit designed to provide for children facing adversity. The organization sends out mailers in advance of a town-wide pickup. It also makes phone calls to residents with listed phone numbers. Residents may schedule a personal pickup at your convenience by calling 631-234-0000.


The Goodwill Industries store and donation center is a long-standing nonprofit chain with a range of pre-owned clothing, furniture, housewares and more. It is at 814 Hicksville Rd, Massapequa. Call 516-795-0237.


The Junior League of Long Island Thrift Shop in Roslyn, likewise, is a drop-off for used clothing for men, women and children, as well as shoes and housewares. It is at 1395 Old Northern Blvd., Roslyn. Call 516-621-4890.


Finally, no listing of donation centers would be complete without the Salvation Army. That famed organization has numerous sites in Nassau County, including the Westbury Corps, 992 Prospect Ave., Westbury and Salvation Army Donation Boxes at the following locations: 2310 Jericho Tkpe., New Hyde Park, 193 Broadway, Bethpage, 360 Dogwood Ave., Franklin Square, 3660 Sunrise Hwy., Seaford, 130 East Merrick Rd., Freeport.

231836 M

APRIL 6 - 12, 2022 • SPRINGTIME! | 15B


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230817 M

SPRINGTIME! • APRIL 6 - 12, 2022




Ray Shah batting against a former major leaguer Dante Bichette during a Nov ’21 Florida tournament.

Long Island Rays Are The True Boys Of Summer

Senior baseball teams looks to expand playing opportunities for adult ball players



he late Jim Bouton once said, “A ballplayer spends a good piece of his life gripping a baseball, and in the end, it turns out that it was the other way around all the time.” So it goes for Ray Shah, the founding member and player with the Long Island Rays, a Long Island-based men’s senior baseball team. Launched in 2012, the Rays are a group of 45 and over former baseball players continuing in what Shah says are, “...our dreams of playing the game we all love… we play across Nassau and Suffolk counties as well as participate in regional and national baseball tournaments.” Featuring a squad of between 17 and 18 players, the Rays got its start when Shah was approaching the half-century mark about a decade ago when he decided he wanted to focus on the game he loved. Both his sons were lefty pitchers and through their grade-school years, the Sunnyside native spent their grade school years watching them play and occasionally catching them. As his kids aged out, Shah admitted having an itch to start playing again. After trying out and making a team as a pitcher, he bounced around to a couple of teams that folded before deciding to start one of his own. Over


The 2020 Long Island Ray squad. (All photos by Dipti Shah) time, he went from landing random players to recruiting from within. At this point, the team has an interesting assortment of players aged 45 and over, including a father/ son player duo. “I am proud of where we are today as we have two former professional baseball coaches on our roster,” Shah explained. “All in all, we have a great group of guys for our 45+ team. We have a family environment. Families come to watch us play. We have retired NYPD, NYFD, business owners, teachers and other professionals on our team—which makes for great post-game conversations in the parking lots. And our very first father/son player combo is precisely what makes senior baseball so special.. a son playing on a same team with the person that taught them the game of

baseball… things like this is what makes playing baseball at our age so very special.” The Rays try to keep baseball on a year-round schedule. Winter workouts that run from January through March give way to outdoor practices conducted at their home park of Greenlawn Park in the Town of Huntington until the start of the season, which is typically mid to late-April. The regular season goes into July, with games being played at the teams throughout Long Island. Fall ball goes into November, with the year wrapping up with the team competing in a national tournament down in West Palm Beach, FL. It’s a dream come true for many of the Rays players. “These tournaments are played at professional venues,” Shah pointed out. “We will be playing at the spring training facility



Ray Shah

for the Houston Astros and Washington Nationals. As kids, we dreamed of playing in a professional stadium. Now, at our progressive age, we actually get to pitch from the same mound as Garret Cole did and hit in the same batter’s box as Aaron Judge does… this whole experience is about being a kid all over again—for those of us that played baseball in our youth and were never a part of a game at these stadiums.” The next major stretch of games the Rays are set to play in is the Eisenhower Park Spring Tournament, which is being managed by LI Midweek Baseball. It’s being held on the April 8-10 weekend and benefits LS Wounded Warriors and Men’s Breast Cancer Awareness. With most of the Rays players in their early-mid 50’s with a few exceptions of a couple of 45-year old “kids,” Shah is on a major recruitment mission to add a new older group of players (age 54+). Anyone making the cut can expect to play in several different tournaments across several different leagues that are local, regional and national during the course of the year. Shah is encouraging former players to get back in the saddle. “I am sure there are a lot of ‘old’ guys sitting around that may want to dust off their baseball gloves and bats and play the game we all love so much,” he said. The Long Island RAys will be playing as part of the Eisenhower Park Spring Tournament from April 8-10. Visit www. to find out more about the Long Island Rays.

230748 S

10A APRIL 6 - 12, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


2022 AFA Golf Classic Set For May 17 T he Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) will host its 2022 AFA Golf Classic on Tuesday, May 17, at one of America’s top golf courses, Long Island’s own Sebonack Golf Club (405 Sebonac Road, Southampton). Proceeds raised at the annual event support AFA’s mission to provide support, services and education to individuals, families and caregivers affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias nationwide, and fund research for better treatment and a cure. “This year marks AFA’s 20th anniversary and the generosity of individuals and organizations who made charitable donations enable us to help millions of people over the last two decades,” AFA founder and Board Chairman Bert E. Brodsky said. “As the number of families affected by Alzheimer’s disease on Long Island and across the country continues to grow, so too does the need for supportive services and research toward a cure. The proceeds we raise on May 17 will help fund these

important initiatives.” “Every dollar raised makes a difference in the life of a family affected by Alzheimer’s disease,” AFA President/CEO Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. said. “We invite individuals and organizations to support the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America and the 2022 AFA Golf Classic, by playing a round at an amazing course, taking out a sponsorship, or simply making a donation.” Along with 18 holes of golf by the beautiful Peconic Bay, on a course designed by golf legend Jack Nicklaus and world-renowned golf course architect Tom Doak, the 2022 AFA Golf Classic includes breakfast, a barbecue lunch on the course, a shootout competition and an awards reception. Information about golf registration, sponsorships, and advertising opportunities is available at or by calling the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America at 866-232-8484. —Submitted by the Alzheimer’s




230546 M

patients’ unique features. I count on my doctor-patient relationships as one of the keys to providing the best experience. Many of my patients wish to see an overall change in their silhouette, even if they are coming for facial rejuvenation. I have been combining facial surgery with body contouring with minimal downtime for over 27 years. I specialize in combining advanced surgical techniques with the latest technology to customize each patient’s treatment plan and achieve their desired goals from head to toe. Whether you are looking to refresh your facial appearance or enhance areas of the body resistant to diet and exercise, I have helped thousands of men and women achieve a more youthful look and restore self-confidence. My rapid recovery mini face-lifts are game changers for men and women who require more permanent solutions to facial aging. An eyelid lift takes years off one’s appearance and when combined with body procedures will provide life changing results. Now is the time to have the cosmetic procedures that you have been wanting in a safe and caring environment. Myself and my award-winning team are here to help you be your best possible you. Whether you are looking for a new skincare regimen, a facial refresher or more of an overall transformation, my decades of experience combined with the most technologically advanced devices available will have you looking your best in the shortest amount of time possible. Love your look and feel your best, call 516-364-4200 or visit for your complimentary consultation.

Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg is a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. He has offices in Woodbury, Southampton and Manhattan. For a complimentary consultation, call 516-364-4200 if you have a question for Dr. Greenberg, please e-mail him at, or visit the web at

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My state-of-the-art surgical centers, med spas and dermatology offices bring a fusion of art and science to the pursuit of age-defying beauty. My five locations are the facilities of choice among men and women who seek rejuvenating skin care procedures in a relaxing and pampering environment*. My licensed medical estheticians use only the most advanced technology combined with clinical skin care products to provide real solutions for clear, smooth, and younger looking skin. By creating an individualized balance of medical science and cosmetic beauty treatments, our patients receive optimal results. If you are noticing fine lines, skin laxity, dry patches, clogged pores, and age spots, this is the perfect time to renew your skin and begin a treatment regimen which will provide a refreshed ,healthy and glowing appearance. We provide a thorough evaluation of your skin care needs and design the appropriate treatment and product protocol to address your specific areas of concern. Whether you are seeking the most advanced laser hair removal system, wrinkle reduction, skin tightening, cellulite reduction, fat reduction, acne treatment or injectable service such as Botox®, Restylane® or Juvederm®, we are truly dedicated to meeting the needs of each individual patient. In addition, the latest anti-aging solutions, such as Morpheus8, build collagen and tighten the skin on the face and body providing outstanding results without downtime! Our cutting-edge treatments bring you everything you need to resurface, restore, and rejuvenate your skin. My goal is always a natural outcome to enhance my

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • APRIL 6 - 12, 2022 11A



Brooklyn Man Convicted In Deadly 2019 Hempstead Shooting James Wilson convicted of murder and other charges in the shooting death of 28-year-old Matthew Gilreath


assau County District Attorney Anne T. Donnelly announced that a Brooklyn man was convicted of murder and other charges in a fatal shooting in Hempstead in February 2019. Thirty-eight-year-old James Wilson was convicted after a jury trial before Judge Howard Sturim of second-degree murder (an A-I felony) and two counts of second-degree criminal possession of a weapon (a C violent felony). He is due back in court for sentencing on May 24, where he faces a potential maximum sentence of up to 40 years to life in prison. The jury deliberated for less than two hours before reaching their verdict. “There is no dispute that James

Raphael Carter (Photo courtesy of the Nassau County Police Department)

Wilson intended to kill Matthew Gilreath, after firing six shots in rapid succession—two aimed directly at the victim’s face and head—as they argued in the doorway of 100 Terrace Ave.,” Donnelly said. “We are pleased

with the jury’s verdict and that Wilson will be held accountable for this senseless murder.” Donnelly said on Feb. 18, 2019, at approximately 2:44 a.m., the victim, 28-year-old Matthew Gilreath, was standing in the doorway of 100 Terrace Ave. in Hempstead when an argument broke out with the defendant. Wilson fired six shots, striking Gilreath twice in the head and continued to fire as Gilreath’s body was falling to the ground. The defendant was also shot once in the abdomen by the victim during the altercation. Following the shooting, co-defendant 34-year-old Raphael Carter of Hempstead, took the gun from Wilson and brought it to his apartment. The weapon was

never recovered. Gilreath was taken to Nassau University Medical Center, where he was later pronounced dead. The defendant was treated for his gunshot wound at NYU Winthrop Hospital. Following an investigation, Wilson was arrested on Feb. 18, 2019, and Carter was arrested on Feb. 20, 2019, by members of the Nassau County Police Department. Carter pled guilty on Jan. 30,

2020 to third-degree criminal possession of a weapon (a D violent felony) and tampering with physical evidence (an E felony). He was sentenced on Sept. 3, 2020. Senior Litigation Counsel Ania Pulaski of the Homicide Bureau is prosecuting this case. The defendant is represented by Christopher Cassar, Esq. —Submitted by the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office


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12A APRIL 6 - 12, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direc always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you hav pleted the puzzle, there will be 17 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle. By Holiday Mathis


to you, and others around may be oblivious to the urgent beckoning. Even so, answer the call when you get it. This takes courage because it requires you to run headlong into the unknown. But you can trust that you’re the one, and the time is right.

Solution: 17 Letters


TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You won’t be able to start up where you left off because you left off everywhere at once. This isn’t a linear process like climbing a ladder or building a brick wall. This is immersion in an endless ocean, and this week, it’s enough just to stay afloat. Relax and experience where you are.

Bugs and bites

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Success depends on sensing the difference between reality, augmented reality and just plain lies. Something to take with you into the jungle of marketing and social media: Just because a saying is witty doesn’t mean it’s true. But if the statement is so funny you can’t stop laughing, there must be truth in it.

Solution: 17 Letters

CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ll think about what to wear and the right topics to talk about. You’ll keep conversation starters at the ready and cue into other people’s needs and wants. These are the considerations of a person who cares about creating smooth interactions and winning impressions. Your efforts will work brilliantly.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). As much as you try to stay out of the drama, it finds you this week. There’s something good about this. For starters, you need conflict to have a story. So, when you go for ease but happen to get friction instead, at least you’ll have an interesting, entertaining and/or informative anecdote to share later. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It is easier to commit yourself to a task when you can see its parameters and sense how much time, effort and emotional investment will be needed. Undefined tasks, on the other hand, are scary. This week, be clear about what you’re asking of others and what you are agreeing to. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’re creative, so you can make any game work. But the right challenge will elevate you effortlessly. You deserve this. You will find tremendous success with activities and pursuits that fit with your style. To honor your gifts, seek competition at your level. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your powers of observation are keen. Status quo doesn’t fool your eye. You look deeper, spot the flaws, notice what was missed. There are many opportunities before you, ripe for the taking. Where there is something to say, an idea to develop or a connection to make, you will pick it up and run with it. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It takes a certain maturity to realize that behavior is mostly made up of choices. The less mature are compelled to act in ways that feel mandatory, but this is mostly conditioning. The reaction that seems to come automatically is but one possibility. This week, you’ll see more options and experiment accordingly. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You want something but you don’t know why. Perhaps the reason is primal, soul deep, or it belongs to a future known only to your intuition. In any regard, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, why shouldn’t you have what you want? Trust yourself, even those mysterious parts of you. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your project comes to what has potential to be a sticking point, but you won’t get stuck there if you keep moving. Even small steps, nudges or just leaning forward is better than stopping. Do not lie down. Do not quit. Momentum is a hard thing to drum up from scratch. Once you have it, don’t waste it.


You can afford to give yourself more credit. And if you add more pleasure, self-acceptance and fun to that list, you’ll be giving yourself just what you need to make this one of the best to date. You’ll deal in tricky realms where making things happen will require a strategy. You’ll set yourself up closer to the action and gain power and influence. You’ll pour your love into those who need it and be enriched by their blossoming. As well as being deeply satisfying, working to see others thrive will lead to adventure. COPYRIGHT 2022 CREATORS.COM

Avoid Bats Bees Black Burn Coma Dark Eels Eggs Fangs Fear Fire Fleas Flies

Forked tongue Gnat Goanna Grass Avoid Grub Bats Bees Hide Black Hiss Burn HornetComa Dark Hurt Eels Eggs Itch Leech Fangs Fear Lice Fire Mako Fleas

Mite Moth Pain Pale Forked Mite Pets tongue Moth Prey Gnat Pain Reptile Pale Goanna Grass Pets Rips Grub Rocks Prey Hide Reptile Scare Rips Hiss Hornet Shoes Rocks Hurt Slough Scare Itch Shoes Slugs Slough Leech Snake Slugs Lice

Sudden Swat Tarantula Teeth Sudden Tick Swat Toad Tarantula Toxin Teeth Tick Tree Toad Venom Toxin Wasp Tree Venom Weak Wasp Weak


Solution: Living in Australia olution: Living in Australia

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). This week, as you try to stay with the unfolding moment, your mind will often race off to other places, trying to work out problems ahead of time or after the fact. But all the opportunities are in the present. You don’t want to miss this. Keep guiding your mind gently back to the only moment that matters.

© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.

This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 17 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.

By Holiday Holiday Mathis Mathis HOROSCOPES By HOROSCOPES ARIES (March 21-April 19). Fate calls you to action. The request will be specific

Creators Syndicate Crea tors Syndica CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 236te Date: 4/6/22 Date: 4/6/22 90 25 25 4 4 7 37 3r d S t r e e t • H e 7 r37 m 3r d o S s t r a e e t B • H e e r a m c o s h a B , e Ca c h A , C A 90 CONTRACT BRIDGE — BY STEVE BECKER 310 -337 -7 0 0 3 • i n f o @ c r e a t o r s . c o m 310 -337 -7 0 0 3 • i n f o @ c r e a t o r s . c o m By Steve Becker FOR RELEASE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2022


The percentage play South dealer. ent case, West’s four-spade bid gives Neither side vulnerable. South vital information that he can NORTH put to good use during the play. ♠Q Assume West leads the king of ♥ K 10 8 2 spades and shifts to a club. Since ♦J843 South must lose a heart, his sole ♣ A Q 10 6 problem is to escape a trump loser. WEST EAST If he plays normally — that is, if he ♠ A K J 10 9 7 4 2 ♠ 6 3 cashes the A-K of diamonds — he ♥9 5 ♥A 7 4 will make the contract if the trumps ♦9 ♦ Q 10 6 divide 2-2 or either defender has ♣8 3 ♣J 9 7 5 2 the singleton queen. SOUTH However, with West marked by ♠85 the bidding with seven or eight spades, he is far more likely to have ♥Q J 6 3 ♦AK752 one or no diamonds than to have ♣K 4 two. If he has none, South is a dead duck whatever he does, so he The bidding: South West North East should proceed on the assumption 1♦ 4♠ 5♦ that West has a singleton. And if Opening lead — king of spades. West does have a singleton, it is Usually, when a player makes a twice as likely to be the nine or ten bid — or a series of bids — he is as the queen. trying to describe his hand to his Accordingly, declarer should win the club with dummy’s queen at partner as accurately as he can. In trick two and lead the jack of diadoing so, though, he cannot help monds, planning to let it ride if revealing his hand to the opponents East follows low. If East covers at the same time. They also have with the queen and West produces ears, and they can’t be stopped the nine or ten, South should return from listening in on what is intended to dummy with a club to take a as a private conversation. diamond finesse. As a result, both sides are freIn the actual hand, this method quently able to take advantage of of play succeeds, and South makes knowledge gleaned from the the contract. adverse bidding. Thus, in the presTomorrow: A hairsplitting decision. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc.

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • APRIL 6 - 12, 2022 13A


Weekly Sudoku Puzzle Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle

Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle



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Federal, New York State and local laws prohibit discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, familial status, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability in connection with the rental, sale or financing of real estate. Nassau also prohibits source of income discrimination. Anton Community Newspapers does not knowingly accept advertising in violation of these laws. When you suspect housing discrimination, call Long Island Housing Services’ Discrimination Complaint Line at 800-6606920. (Long Island Housing Services is the Fair Housing Agency of Nassau and Suffolk Counties.)

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OWA_CMYK_Purge MASON CONTRACTING CORPORATION Sunday, August 02, 2020 11:45:51 AM



GLEN COVE L E G A L NO T IC E NO T IC E O F SA L E S U P R E M E C O U R T C O U N T Y O F N A S S A U , W IL M IN G T O N S A V IN G S F U N D S O C IE T Y F S B , N O T IN D IV ID U A L L Y B U T S O L E L Y A S T R U S T E E F O R F IN A N C E O F A M E R IC A S T R U C T U R E D S E C U R IT IE S A C Q U IS IT IO N T R U S T 2019- H B 1,P l a i nt i f f , vs . L I L L I E M O R T O N A S H E IR A T L A W A N D N E X T O F K IN O F N O R M A M O R T O N R O B IN S O N A /K /A N O R M A JE A N R O B IN S O N A /K /A N O R M A R O B IN S O N ,E T A L .,D e f e nda nt ( s ) . P ur s ua nt t o a n O r de r C onfirming Referee Report and udgment of Foreclosure and ale duly filed on anuary 25, 201 , , the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the assau County upreme Court, 100 upreme C ou r t D r i v e , M i ne ol a , N Y on April 25, 2022 at 2:30 p.m., premises known as Donahue S t r e e t , G l e n C ove , N Y 11542. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the C i t y of G l e n C ove , C ount y of N a s s a u a nd S t a t e of N e w ork, ection 21, lock 251 and ot 18. Appro imate amount of udgment is 302,44 .23 plus interest and costs. remises will be sold sub ect to provisions of filed udgment nde 8636/2016. his foreclosure sale will be held on the orth ide teps of t he C our t hous e , r a i n or shine. CO D-1 safety protocols will be followed at the foreclosure sale. f proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, the Court Appointed Referee will cancel the sale. tephen Frommer, sq., R e fe re e reenspoon arder, 590 M a di s on A ve nue , uite 1800, ew ork, 1002 2, A t t or ne ys f or P l a i nt i f f 4-13-6 3-30-23-20224 - 231306- C-O /R L E G A L NO T IC E otice of formation of Z H A N G M O N O P O L Y R C C. Articles of Organization filed with the secretary of tate of ew ork on 02/28/2022. Office located in assau County. has been designated for services of process. shall mail copy of any process served against the C to 5 5 eonard Ave, niondale, 11553. urpose: any lawful purpose. 4-2 -20-13-6 3-30-23-20226 - 23124 - C-O /R L N O S C B U




O F N O R T H S H O R E C E N T R A L S C H O O L D IS T R IC T , N A S S A U C O U N T Y , N E W Y O R K ( A 1 , 2022) N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y that a ublic earing of the qualified voters of the orth hore Central chool District, County of assau, tate of ew ork, will be held at the District’s igh chool, 450 len Cove Avenue, len ead, ew ork, on ay 5, 2022 at :45 p.m. for the presentation of the budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, and for the purpose of discussing the necessary funds to meet the estimated e penditures of the chool District during the ensuing school year, and for the transaction of such other business as is authorized by the ducat i onL a w . N O T IC E IS A L S O H E R E that a copy of the statement of the amount of money which will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes ( roposed udget) may be obtained by any resident of the chool District at each schoolhouse and at the District Office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on each day other than a S a t ur da y , S unda y or hol i da y during the fourteen (14) days preceding the annual meeting and election, and on the day of the election, together with the te t of any resolution which will be presented to the vot e r s . P L E A S E T A K E F U R R O C that voting, by voting machine, will take place from :00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on ay 1 , 2022 at the ymnasium of the orth hore enior igh chool, on the following roposition: P R O P O S I T I O N N O .1 S C H O O L B U D G E T 2022-2023 R E S O L V E D , t ha t t he orth hore Central chool District budget for the school year 2022-2023 proposed by the oard of ducation in accordance with ection 1 16 of the ducation aw shall be approved and the necessary ta es be levied therefore on the ta able real property of the District. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y F U R T H E R G I V E N t ha t a t said election to be held on ay 1 , 2022, qualified voters shall also elect three (3) members to the oard of ducation for three, three-year terms commencing uly 1, 2022 and e piring on une 30, 2025. Candidates for the office of member of the oard of ducation may be nominated only by petition. Candidates run at large and nominating petitions shall not describe any specific vacancy for which the candidate is nominated. ach petition shall be directed to the District Clerk, shall be signed by seventy-two ( 2) qualified voters of the chool District, shall state the residence of each signer and shall state the name and residence of the

LEGAL NOTICES candidate. ach such petition shall be filed in the District Clerk’s Office, located at 112 Franklin Avenue, ea Cliff, ew ork 115 between :00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on or before April 18, 2022. O C is also given that persons must be registered in order to be entitled to vote. he oard of Registrars will meet to register voters on aturday, ay , 2022, between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. at the orth hore chools Administrative Office, 112 Franklin Avenue, ea Cliff, ew ork 115 . ersons who shall have been previously registered for any District annual or special election and w ho s ha l l ha ve vot e d a t a ny such District election held in the prior four calendar years (2018-2021), and/or persons who are registered to vote at general elections within the District pursuant to lection aw 352, need not register to be eligible to vote at said Annual District lection. O C is also given that the District Register will be open for inspection by any qualified voter of the chool District between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. during the five (5) days immediately preceding this Annual udget ote and lection, e cept unday, and aturday when it may be inspected, by appointment, between :00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. N O T IC E IS F U R T H E R , that applications for absentee ballots for election of school board members and for voting on the school budget are to be completed on a form prescribed by the state board of elections and may be obtained by visiting the ew ork tate ducation Department’s ebsite (http:// common/counsel/files/absentee-ballot-application-and-instructions-english.pdf, http:// common/counsel/files /absentee-ballot-application-and-instructions-spanish.pdf), or by contacting the District Clerk by email ciampib or phone (516) 2 - 801. Completed applications must be received at least seven ( ) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the applicant, or the day before the election if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the applicant or to his or her designated agent. Absentee ballot applications will not be accepted by the District Clerk before April 18, 2022. A list of all persons to whom absentee ballots have been issued will be available in the District Clerk’s office on each of the five days prior to the election e cept unday, and by appointment only between :00 a.m. and 10:00 am on the aturday prior to the election. Absentee ballots must be received at the District Clerk’s Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on ay 1 , 2022 in order to be canvassed. N O T IC E IS F U R T H E R that pursuant to d-

ucation aw 2018-d, any person serving in the military, including spouses and dependents, may register to vote in the upcoming school district election. A military voter who is a qualified voter of the District may obtain a registration form by contacting the District Clerk by telephone (516-2 - 801), facsimile (516-2 - 805), email (ciampib northshoreschools. org), mail (112 Franklin Ave. ea Cliff, 115 ), or in person (during regular office hours or between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.) A military voter who is duly registered may apply for a military ballot by requesting an application from the District by also contacting the District Clerk. Completed applications must be personally delivered or mailed to the District Clerk and received no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 21, 2022. ilitary ballots must be received by 5:00 p.m. on ay 1 , 2022 if signed and dated by the military voter and one w i t ne s s t he r e t o w i t h a da t e which is not later than the day before the election, or not later than the close of the polls on ay 1 , 2022 if showing a cancellation mark of the nited tates postal service or a foreign country’s postal service, or showing a dated endorsement of receipt by another agency of the nited tates government. A military voter may designate a preference to receive a military voter registration form, military ballot application or military ballot by mail, facsimile or electronic mail in the request for such registration, ballot application, or ballot. N O T IC E IS F U R T H E R that a Real roperty a emption Report prepared in accordance with ection 4 5 of the Real roperty a aw will be anne ed to any tentative/preliminary budget as well as the final adopted budget of which it will form a part and shall be posted on the District’s website. O C A RO D: arch 24, 2022 B Y O R D E R O F T H E B O A R D O F E D U C A T IO N , N O R T H S H O R E C E N T R A L S C H O O L D IS T R IC T A T G L E N H E A D , G L E N W O O D L A N D I N G ,S E A C L I F F , N A S S A U C O U N T Y , N E W Y O R K E L IZ A B E T H A . C IA M P I, D IS T R IC T C L E R K 4-20-13-6 3-30-20224 - 231636- C-O /R A V V P R E S U E L E C C

IS O S O B R E L A O T A C IÓ N D E L P U E S T O A N U A L Y IÓ N D E L D IS T R IT O E S C O L A R N O R T H S H O R E C E N T R A L , C O N D A D O D E N A S S A U , A OR (1 D M A Y O D E 2022) P O R E L P R E S E N T E S E O F CA que el 5 de mayo de 2022, a las :45 p. m., se celebrará una audiencia p blica de los votantes cal-

ificados del Distrito scolar orth hore Central, condado de N a s s a u, e s t a do de N ue va ork, en la escuela secunda r i a de l di s t r i t o, 450 G le n C ove A ve nue , G l e n H e a d, ueva ork, para presentar el presupuesto del a o fiscal 2022-2023 y para debatir sobre los fondos necesarios para cubrir los gastos estimados del Distrito scolar durante el siguiente a o escolar, y otros asuntos seg n la autorizaci n de la ey de ducaci n. P O R E L P R E S E N T E T A M B IÉ N S E N O T IF IC A que cualquier residente del Distrito scolar podrá obtener una copia de la declaraci n de la cantidad de dinero que se requerirá el pr imo a o para fines escolares ( resupuesto propuesto), unto con cualquier resoluci n que se presente a los votantes, en cada sede escolar y en la oficina del Distrito, entre las 8:00 a. m. y las 4:00 p. m., durante los catorce (14) d as previos a la reuni n y elecci n anuales y el d a de la elecci n, e cepto sábados, domingos y feriados. A S IM IS M O , S E N O F CA que la votaci n, mediante una máquina de votaci n, sobre la propuesta a continuaci n se realizará el 1 de mayo de 2022, desde las :00 a. m. hasta las 10:00 p. m., en el gimnasio de la escuela secundaria orth hore enior: P R O P U E S T A N .º 1 P R E S U P U E S T O E S C O L A R 2022-2023 R que se aprobará el presupuesto del Distrito scolar orth hore Central para el a o escolar 2022-2023 propuesto por la unta de ducaci n, de conformidad con la secci n 1 16 de la ey de ducaci n, y que los impuestos necesarios se gravarán por consiguiente sobre los bienes inmuebles su etos a tributaci n del Distrito. P O R E L P R E S E N T E S E N O T IF IC A A D E M Á S que en dicha elecci n, que se celebrará el 1 de mayo de 2022, los votantes calificados tambi n elegirán tres (3) miembros de la unta de ducaci n para tres per odos de tres a os, que abarcan desde el 1 de ulio de 2022 hasta el 30 de unio de 2025. os candidatos para el cargo de miembro de la unta de ducaci n pueden ser nominados solamente mediante solicitud. os candidatos se presentan en general y las solicitudes de nominaci n no deberán estipular ning n puesto vacante espec fico para el cual est nominado el candidato. Cada solicitud deberá estar dirigida a la ecretar a del Distrito, deberá estar firmada por setenta y dos ( 2) votantes calificados del Distrito scolar, deberá incluir la residencia de cada suscriptor y el nombre y la residencia del candidato. Cada solicitud deberá ser presentada en la oficina de la ecretar a del Distrito, ubicada en 112 Franklin Avenue, ea Cliff, ueva ork 115 , a más tardar el 18 de abril de 2022, de :00 a. m. a

5:00 p. m. O F CA tambi n que las personas deben estar registradas para tener derecho a votar. a unta de Registradores se reunirá para registrar a los votantes el sábado de mayo de 2022, de 10:00 a. m. a 2:00 p. m., en la oficina administrativa de las escuelas orth hore, en 112 Franklin Avenue, ea Cliff, ueva ork 115 . uienes se hayan registrado anteriormente para alguna elecci n anual o especial del Distrito y quienes hayan votado en cualquiera de esas elecciones del Distrito celebradas en los cuatro a os calendario anteriores (2018-2021), o las personas que est n registradas para votar en las elecciones generales dentro del Distrito, seg n la secci n 352 de la ey de lecciones, no necesitan registrarse para ser elegibles para votar en dicha elecci n anual de l D i s t r i t o. O F CA tambi n que el Registro del Distrito estará abierto para que cualquier votante calificado pueda inspeccionarlo entre las 8:00 a. m. y las 4:00 p. m. durante los cinco (5) d as previos a la votaci n anual del presupuesto y elecci n, e cepto los sábados y domingos cuando podrá ser inspeccionado, con cita previa, de :00 a. m. a 10:00 a. m. A S IM IS M O , S E N O T IF CA que las solicitudes de boleta electoral por ausencia para la elecci n de los miembros de la unta scolar y la votaci n del presupuesto escolar deben completarse en un formulario elaborado por la unta lectoral del estado, que puede obtenerse en el sitio web del Departamento de ducaci n del estado de ueva ork (http://www.counsel. files/absentee-ballot-application-and-instructions-english. pdf, http://www.counsel. files /absentee-ballot-application-and-instructions-spanish. pdf), o comunicándose con la ecretar a del Distrito por correo electr nico ciampib o por tel fono al (516) 2 - 801. as solicitudes completadas deben recibirse, al menos, siete ( ) d as antes de la elecci n si la boleta electoral debe enviarse por correo postal al solicitante, o el d a anterior a la elecci n si la boleta electoral debe entregarse personalmente al solicitante o su apoderado designado. a ecretar a del Distrito no aceptará solicitudes de boleta electoral por ausencia antes del 18 de abril de 2022. abrá una lista de todas las personas para las que se emitieron boletas electorales por ausencia disponible en la oficina de la ecretar a del Distrito durante los cinco d as previos al d a de la elecci n, e cepto el domingo, y nicamente con cita previa el sábado anterior a la elecci n, entre las :00 a. m. y las 10:00 a. m. a ecretar a del Distrito debe recibir las boletas elec-


torales por ausencia antes del 1 de mayo de 2022 a las 5:00 p. m. para que se escrut i ne n. A S IM IS M O , S E N O T IF ICA que, de conformidad con la secci n 2018-d de la ey de ducaci n, cualquier persona que preste servicio en el e rcito, incluidos los c nyuges y dependientes, se puede registrar para votar en la pr ima elecci n del Distrito scolar. os votantes militares que sean votantes calificados del Distrito scolar pueden obtener un formulario de registro poni ndose en contacto con la ecretar a del Distrito por tel fono (516-2 - 801), fa (516-2 - 805), correo electr nico (ciampib, por correo postal (112 Franklin Ave. ea Cliff, 115 ) o personalmente (durante el horario de atenci n habitual o entre las 8:00 a. m. y las 4:00 p. m.). os votantes militares que est n debidamente registrados pueden solicitar una boleta electoral militar comunicándose con la ecretar a del Distrito para pedir una solicitud del distrito. as solicitudes completadas se deben entregar en persona o por correo postal en la ecretar a del Distrito, y se deben recibir antes de las 5:00 p. m. del 21 de abril de 2022. as boletas electorales militares se deben recibir antes de las 5:00 p. m. del 1 de mayo de 2022 si están firmadas y fechadas por el votante militar y un testigo con una fecha que no sea posterior al d a anterior a la elecci n o no más tarde del cierre de las urnas el 1 de mayo de 2022 si muestran una marca de cancelaci n del servicio postal de los stados nidos o del servicio postal de un pa s e tran ero o muestran un endoso fechado de recepci n por otra agencia del gobierno de los stados nidos. os votantes militares pueden decidir si prefieren recibir un Formulario de registro para los votantes militares, una olicitud de boleta electoral militar o una boleta electoral militar por correo postal, fa o correo electr nico en su solicitud para dicho registro, solicitud de boleta electoral o boleta electoral. S E N O T IF IC A A D E M Á S que se ad untará un nforme de e enci n fiscal sobre los bienes inmuebles de acuerdo con la secci n 4 5 de la ey de mpuestos sobre ienes nmuebles a cualquier presupuesto preliminar o tentativo, como tambi n al presupuesto definitivo adoptado del cual forme parte. ste se publicará en el sitio web del Distrito. A O A RO ADO: 24 de marzo de 2022 P O R O R D E N D E L A JU N T A D E E D U C A C IÓ N D E L D IS T R IT O E S C O L A R N O R T H S H O R E C E N T R A L E N G L E N H E A D , G L E N W O O D L A N D I N G ,S E A C L I F F , C O N D A D O D E N A S S A U , N U E V A Y O R K C o n tin u e d o n p a g e 1 0



LEGAL NOTICES C o n tin u e d fr o m

p a g e 9

E L IZ A B E T H A . C I A M P I ,S E C R E T A R I A D E L D IS T R IT O 4-20- 13-6; 3- 30- 20224T -#231638- G C O B / R P L E G A L NO T IC E S U P P L IE S G L E N C O V E P U B L IC S C H O O L S G l e nC ove ,N e w Y o r k1 1542 P R IN T IN G D ue D a t e : A pr i l 29,2022 11: 0A M ., T ha ye r H ous e , G l e nC ove S c hol s A t t e nt i on: V i kt or T ym c hynuk T he G l e n C ove S c hol D is t r i c t i s r e que s t i ng bi ds on pr i nt i ng s e r vi c e s f or t he up c om i ngs c hol ye a r . T he pr i c e s f or t he bi ds a r e f r om J ul y 1, 2022 t hr ough J une 30, 2023 a nd pr i c e s s ha l l be held firm during this period. I t e m s w i l l be or de r e d a s ne e de d t hr ought t hi s pe r i od of t i m e . A l l t h os e i nt e r e s t e d i n ob t a i n i ng a c opy of t he 2022- 2023 P r i nt B i ds houl dc ont a c t M r . V i kt or T ym c hynuk D ir e c t or of F a c i l i t i e s , G l e n C ove S c hol D is tric t, Facilities Office at 516-8017090 or e m a i l bui l di ngs a nd g ro u n d s @ g le n c o v e s c h o o ls . o rg 4-6- 2022- 1T -#231745G C O B /R P L E G A L NO T IC E S U P P L IE S G L E N C O V E P U B L IC S C H O O L S G l e nC ove ,N e w Y or k1 1542 P A P E R A N D P L A S T IC D u e D a t e : A pr i l 29,2022 10: 0a .m ., T ha ye r H ous e , G l e nC ove S c hol s A t t e nt i on: V i kt or T ym c hynuk T he G l e n C ove S c h ol D is t r i c t i s r e que s t i ng bi d s on P a pe r a nd P l a s t i c pr oduc t s f or t he upc om i ngs c hol ye a r . T he pr i c e s f or t he bi d s a r e f r om J ul y 1, 2022 t hr ough J une 30, 2023 a nd pr i c e s s ha l l be held firm during this period. I t e m s w i l l be or de r e d a s ne e de d t hr ought t hi s p e r i od of t i m e . T he ve ndor w i l l de l i ve r p a pe r a nd/ or pl a s t i c s upl i e s t o t he C a r r i a ge H ous e ga r a ge l oc a t e d a t 154 D os or i s L a ne , G l e n C ove ,N Y 1 1542 A l l t h os e i nt e r e s t e d i n ob t a i n i ng a c opy of t he 2022- 2023 P r i nt B i ds houl dc ont a c t M r . V i kt or T ym c hynuk D ir e c t or of F a c i l i t i e s , G l e n C ove S c hol D is tric t, Facilities Office at 516-8017090 or e m a i l bui l di ngs a nd g ro u n d s @ g le n c o v e s c h o o ls . o rg 4-6- 2022- 1T -#231748G C O B /R P L E G A L NO T IC E A SSE SSO R ’ S NO T IC E O F C O M P L E T IO N O F T H E F INA L A SSE SSM E NT R O L L T H E A S S E S S O R O F T H E C O U N T Y O F N A S S A U H E R E B Y G IV E S N O T IC E t ha t he ha s c om pl e t e d t he 2022/2023 final assessment r ol l , w hi c h w i l l be us e d f or t he 2023 l e vy of T ow n a nd C ount y T a xe s i n t he T ow ns of H e m ps t e a d, N or t h H e m p -


p e n d itu r e ): S H A L L t h e B oa r d of E duc a t i on of t he O ys t e r B a y E a s t N or w i c h C e nt r a l S c hol D is t r i c t be a ut hor i z e d t o e xpe nd: $695,0 f r om t he C a pi t a l R e s e r ve F und e s t a bl i s he d on M a y 16, 2006 a nd a m e nde d on M a y 17, 201 1 a nd M a y 21, 2013 a nd M a y 16, 2017 f or t he pur pos e of pe r f or m i ng t he f ol l ow i ng pr oj e c t s : s ound s ys t e m i m pr ove m e nt s , c e i l i ng a nd w a l l pl a s t e r r e nova t i on, a nd f a c ul t y ba t hr om s a t O ys t e r B a y H i gh S c hol ; i ns t a l l a t i on of c a s e w or k a t V e r no E l e m e nt a r y S c hol ; i ns t a l l a t i on of c a s e w or k a t R os e ve l t E l e m e nt a r y S c hol ; a nd re placement of floors at Roose ve l t E l e m e nt a r y S c hol ; a ll of t he f or e goi ng t o i nc l ude a ll l a bor , m a t e r i a l s , e qui pm e nt , a pa r a t us a nd i nc i de nt a l c os t s r e l a t e dt he r e t o. 3. T o e l e c t t w o m e m be r s of t he B oa r d of E duc a t i on f or a t e r m of f our ( 4) ye a r s e a c h, be gi ni ng J ul y 1, 2022 a nd e ndi ngJ une 30,2026. P L E A SE T A K E F U R T H E R NO T IC E , t ha t t he publ ic budge t he a r i ng f or t he pur OYSTER BAY pos e of di s c us s i ng t he pr o pos e d budge t of e xpe ndi t ur e of f unds f or t he s c hol ye a r L E G A L NO T IC E 2022- 2023 w i l l be h e l d M a y NO T IC E O F B U D G E T 3, 20 22 a t 7: 30 P M i n t he H E A R ING A ND A NNU A L O ys t e r B a y H i gh S c hol a udi D IST R IC T E L E C T IO N t or i um or r e m ot e l y , i f l e ga l l y O F M E M B E R SO F T H E pe r m i s s i bl e . B O A R D O F T he c onde ns e d f or m of t he E D U C A T IO N O F T H E budge t pr ops i t i on a nd t he O Y ST E R B A Y - E A ST t e xt of a l l ot he r pr o pos i t i ons NO R WI C H t o a pe a r on t he vot i ng m a C E NT R A L SC H O O L c hi ne a nd a de t a i l e d s t a t e m e nt D IST R IC T A ND T H E i n w r i t i ng of t he a m ount of O Y ST E R B A Y m one y w hi c h w i l l be r e qui r e d E A ST NO R WI C H P U B L IC f or t he s c hol ye a r 2022L IB R A R Y T O B E 2023 f or s c hol pur pos e s , H E L D O N s pe c i f yi ng t he pur pos e s a nd M A Y 17, 20 t he a m ount f or e a c h, w i l l be NO T IC E IS H E R E B Y c opi e s t he r e of G IV E N t ha t t he A nua l E l e c - pr e pa r e d a nd t i on of t he O ys t e r B a y- E a s t w i l l be m a de a va i l a bl e , upon N or w i c h C e nt r a l S c hol D i s - r e que s t , t o a ny r e s i de nt i n t he hous e t r i c t w i l l be he l d i n t he m us i c di s t r i c t a t e a c h s c hol i n t he D i s t r i c t be t w e e n t he w i ng of t he O ys t e r B a y H i gh s of 8: 0 A M a nd 4: 0 S c hol , l oc a t e d a t 150 E a s t hour P M dur i ng t he pe r i od of t he M a i n S t r e e t , O ys t e r B a y , N e w 14 da ys i m m e di a t e l y pr e c e d Y or k, on T ue s da y , M a y 17, i ng s a i d e l e c t i on f or M a y 17, 2022 be t w e e n t he hour s of 2022, e xc l udi ng S a t ur da y , 7: 0 A M a nd 9: 0 P M f or t he S unda y a nd hol i da ys , a nd a t f ol l ow i ngpur pos e s : l e l e c t i on. 1. T o vot e upon t he a p - s uc ha nua N ot i c e i s f ur t he r gi ve n t ha t pr opr i a t i on of t he ne c e s s a r y pur s ua nt t o S e c t i on 495 of f unds t o m e e t t he e s t i m a t e d t he R e a l P r ope r t y T a x L a w , e xpe ndi t ur e s of t he D i s t r i c t f o r t he s c hol ye a r t he D i s t r i c t i s r e qui r e d t o a t t a c h t o i t s pr ops e d budge t be gi ni ng J ul y 1, 2022 w hi c h r e por t . S a i d shall be identified on the bal- a n e xe m pt i on e xe m pt i on r e por t , w hi c h w i l l l ot a s P r ops i t i onN o.1. also become part of the final 2. T o vot e on t he f ol l ow i ng budge t , w i l l s how how t he t o pr ops i t i ons : tal assessed value on the final P R O P O SIT IO N NO .2 ( T e c h n ol o gy C ap i t al R e - a s s e s s m e nt r ol l us e d i n t he budge t a r y pr oc e s s i s e xe m pt s e r ve F u n d E xp e n d i t u r e ) : t a xa t i on, l i s t e ve r y t ype S H A L L t he B oa r d of E duc a - f r om t i on of t he O ys t e r B a y E a s t of e xe m pt i on gr a nt e d by t he N or w i c h C e nt r a l S c hol D i s - s t a t ut or y a ut hor i t y , a nd s how t he c um ul a t i ve i m pa c t of t r i c t be a ut hor i z e d t o e xpe nd: of e xe m p t i on, t he $538,0 f r om t he T e c hnol - e a c h t ype c um ul a t i ve a m ount e xpe c t e d ogy C a pi t a l R e s e r ve F und t o be r e c e i ve d a s pa ym e nt s i n e s t a bl i s he d on M a y 15, 2018, l i e u of t a xe s a nd t he c um ul a f or t he pur pos e of pe r f or m i ng t he f ol l ow i ng pr oj e c t s : pur - t i ve i m pa c t of a l l e xe m pt i ons gr a nt e d. c ha s e of i P a ds ( K i nde r ga r t e n) P L E A SE T A K E F U R a nd C hr om e boks ( 3r d a nd 7 t h gr a de ) ; pur c ha s e of i ns t r uc - T H E R NO T IC E , t ha t t he l E l e c t i on of t he O ys t i ona l de vi c e s a nd pur c ha s e A nua t e r B a y- E a s t N or w i c h P ubl i c of i nt e r a c t i ve boa r ds , a l l of t he f or e go i ng t o i nc l ude a l l L i br a r y w i l l be he l d i n t he l a bor , m a t e r i a l s , e qui pm e nt , m us i c w i n g of t he O ys t e r B a y , l oc a t e d a t 150 a pa r a t us a nd i nc i de nt a l c os t s H i gh S c hol E a s t M a i n S t r e e t , O ys t e r B a y , r e l a t e dt he r e t o. N e w Y or k, on T ue s da y , M a y P R O P O SIT IO N NO .3 s of ( C ap i t al R e s e r ve F u n d E x - 17, 20 22 be t w e e n t he hour s t e a d a nd O ys t e r B a y , a nd t he C i t y of G l e n C ove a nd t he C i t y of L ong B e a c h, a nd f or t he 2022/ 2023 l e vy of s c hol t a xe s i n s uc h T ow ns a nd i n t he C i t y of L ong B e a c h. A certified electronic copy of the roll was filed with the D e pa r t m e nt of A s s e s s m e nt on A pr i l 1, 2022. T he e l e c t r oni c r ol l m a y be e xa m i ne d on pub l i c t e r m i na l s l oc a t e d i n t he offices of: D E P A R T M E N T O F A S S E S S M E N T N A S S A U C O U N T Y O F F IC E B U IL D IN G 240O L D C O U N T R Y R O A D ,F O U R T H F L O O R M I N E O L A ,N Y 1 1501 w he r e t he s a m e w i l l r e m a i n ope n f or publ i c i ns pe c t i on f or fifteen days. D a t e d t hi s 1s t da y of A pr i l , 2022. _ R O B I N S .L A V E M A N A c t i ngN a s s a uC ount y A s s e s s or 4-6- 2022- 1T #231980- G C O B / R P

LEGAL NOTICES 7: 0 A M a nd 9: 0 P M f or t he f ol l ow i ngpur pos e s : 1. T o vot e upon t he a p pr opr i a t i on of t he ne c e s s a r y f unds t o m e e t t he e s t i m a t e d e xpe ndi t ur e s of t he P ubl i c L i br a r y f or t he s c hol ye a r be gi ni ngJ ul y1,2022. 2. T o e l e c t one m e m be r of t he B oa r d of L i br a r y T r us t e e s for a term of five (5) years begi ni ng J ul y 1, 2022 a nd e nd i ngJ une 30,2027. P L E A SE T A K E F U R T H E R NO T IC E , t ha t t he c opi e s of t he pr ops e d l i br a r y budge t w i l l be m a de a va i l a bl e , upon r e que s t , t o a ny r e s i de nt a t t he R e f e r e nc e D e s k of t he O ys t e r B a y- E a s t N or w i c h P ubl i c L i br a r y , l oc a t e d a t 89 E a s t M a i n S t r e e t , O ys t e r B a y , N e w Y or k be t w e e n t he hour s of 10: 0 A M t o 12: 0 N on a nd f r om 1: 0 t o 4: 0 P M dur i ng t he pe r i od of t he 14 da ys i m m e di a t e l y pr e c e d i ng s a i d e l e c t i on of M a y 17, 2022, e xc l udi ng S a t ur da y , S unda y a nd hol i da ys , a nd a t s uc ha nua l e l e c t i on. P L E A SE T A K E F U R T H E R NO T IC E t ha t t he vot i ng s ha l l be o n vot i ng m a c hi ne s a s pr ovi de d by t he E duc a t i on L a w a nd t he pol l s w i l l r e m a i n ope n f r om 7: 0 A M unt i l 9: 0 P M a nd a s m uc h l onge r a s m a y be ne c e s s a r y t o e na bl e t he vot e r s t he n pr e s e nt t o c a s t t he i r ba l l ot s . T he D i s t r i c t C l e r k i s he r e by a ut hor i z e d a nd di r e c t e d t o ha ve t he ne c e s s a r y ba l l ot l a be l s pr i nt e d f or s a i d vot i ng m a c hi ne s i n t he f or m c or r e s pondi ng a s ne a r l y a s m a y be w i t h t he r e qui r e m e nt s of t he E duc a t i onL a w . P L E A SE T A K E F U R T H E R NO T IC E t ha t t he nom i na t i ons f or t he B oa r d of E duc a t i on m e m be r s a nd B oa r d of L i br a r y t r us t e e s ha l l be m a de by pe t i t i on s ub s c r i be d by a t l e a s t 25 qua l i fied voters of the District, and filed with the District Clerk, A dm i ni s t r a t i on B ui l di ng, 1 M c C ouns L a ne , O ys t e r B a y , N e w Y or k, be t w e e n t he hour s of 8: 0 A M a nd 4: 0 P M no l a t e r t ha n M onda y , A pr i l 18, 2022, a nd be t w e e n t he hour s of 8: 0A M a nd 5: 0 P M on A pr i l 18, 2022. S uc h pe t i t i on s ha l l s t a t e t he r e s i de nc e of e a c h s i gne r a nd s ha l l s t a t e t he na m e a nd r e s i de nc e of t he c a ndi da t e . F or t he B oa r d of E duc a t i on, t he t w o c a ndi da t e s r e c e i vi ng t he gr e a t e s t num be r of vot e s s ha l l be c ons i de r e d elected to the office. For t he L i br a r y , t he c a ndi da t e r e c e i vi ng t he gr e a t e s t num be r of vot e s s ha l l be c ons i de r e d elected to the office. A nomina t i on m a y be r e j e c t e d by t he B oa r d of E duc a t i on i f t he c a ndi da t e i s i ne l i gi bl e f or t he office or declares his or her unw i l l i nge s s t os e r ve . P L E A SE T A K E F U R T H E R NO T IC E t ha t t he registration of the qualified vot e r s of t hi s D i s t r i c t f or s a i d a nua l D i s t r i c t e l e c t i on i s pe r m i t t e d i n t he D is tric t Clerk’s Office, located in the A dm i ni s t r a t i on B ui l di ng, 1 M c C ouns L a ne , O ys t e r B a y , N e w Y or k, dur i ng t he hour s of 8: 0A M a nd 12: 0 P M a nd f r om 1: 0 P M t o 4: 0 P M , M onda y t hr ough F r i da y , up t o a nd i nc l udi ng M a y 12,


2022. R e gi s t r a t i on s ha l l a l s o t a ke pl a c e a t t he Ja m e s H . V e r no S c hol , 880 O ys t e r B a y R oa d, E a s t N or w i c h, N e w Y or k, a nd t he T he odr e R os e ve l t S c hol , 150 W e s t M a in S tre e t, O y s te r B a y , N e w Y or k, be t w e e n t he hour s of 8: 0 A M a nd 12: 0 P M a nd f r om 1: 0 P M t o 4: 0 P M , M onda y t h r ough F r i da y , up t o a nd i nc l udi ng M a y 12, 2022. A r e gi s t e r w i l l be pr e pa r e d and will be filed in the District Clerk’s Office and such regist e r w i l l be ope n f or i ns pe c t i on by any qualified voter bet w e e n t he hour s of 8: 0 A M a nd 4: 0 P M on e a c h of t he five days prior to the day set f or t he e l e c t i on, e xc e pt S un da y , by a poi nt m e nt onl y on S a t ur da y , M a y 14, 2022; a nd a t e a c h pol l i ng pl a c e on e l e c t i onda y . P L E A SE T A K E F U R T H E R NO T IC E t ha t t he r e gi s t e r s ha l l i nc l ude : ( 1) a l l qualified voters of the District w ho s ha l l pe r s ona l l y pr e s e nt t he m s e l ve s f or r e g i s t r a t i on; (2) all previously qualified vot e r s of t he D i s t r i c t w ho s ha l l ha ve be e n pr e vi ous l y r e gi s t e r e d f or a ny a nua l or s pe c i a l D i s t r i c t m e e t i ng or e l e c t i on a nd w ho s ha l l ha ve vot e d a t a ny a nua l or s pe c i a l D i s t r i c t m e e t i ng or e l e c t i on he l d or c onduc t e d a t a ny t i m e w i t hi n f our c a l e nd a r ye a r s ( 2017- 2020) pr i or t o pr e pa r a t i on of t he s a i d r e gi s t e r ; a nd ( 3) vot e r s pe r m a ne nt l y r e gi s t e r e d w i t h t he B oa r d of E l e c t i ons of t he C ou nt y of N a s s a u. P L E A SE T A K E F U R T H E R NO T IC E t ha t t he B oa r d of R e g i s t r a t i on w ill f ur t he r m e e t dur i ng t he hour s of vot i ng a t t h e A nua l D is t r i c t M e e t i ng on M a y 17, 2022 f or t he pur pos e of pr e pa r i ng a r e gi s t e r f or D i s t r i c t m e e t i ngs or e l e c t i ons t o be he l d s ubs e que nt t o M a y 17, 2022. P L E A SE T A K E F U R T H E R NO T IC E t ha t a pl i c a t i ons f or a bs e nt e e ba l l ot s f or t he s c hol di s t r i c t e l e c t i on a nd f or t he l i br a r y t r us t e e e l e c t i on m a y b e a pl i e d f or at the District Clerk’s Office. A pl i c a t i ons f o r a bs e nt e e ba l l ot s m us t be r e c e i ve d by t he D i s t r i c t C l e r k no e a r l i e r t ha n t hi r t y ( 30) da y s be f or e t he e l e c t i on. F ur t h e r m or e , s uc h a pl i c a t i on m u s t be r e c e i ve d by t he D i s t r i c t C l e r k a t l e a s t s e ve n da ys be f o r e t he e l e c t i on i f t he ba l l ot i s t o be m a i l e d t o t he vot e r , o r t he da y be f or e t he e l e c t i on i f t he ba l l ot i s t o be de l i ve r e d pe r s ona l l y t o t he vot e r or hi s / h e r de s i g na t e d a ge nt . U pon r e c e i vi ng a t i m e l y r e que s t f or a m a i l e d a bs e nt e e ba l l ot , t he D is tric t C l e r k w i l l m a i l t he ba l l ot t o t he a dr e s s s e t f or t h i n t he a pl i c a t i on by no l a t e r t ha n s i x ( 6) da ys be f or e t he vot e . A l i s t of a l l pe r s ons t o w hom a bs e nt e e ba l l ot s s ha l l ha ve be e n i s s ue d w i l l be a va i l a bl e in the District Clerk’s Office on each of the five days prior t o t he e l e c t i on e xc e p t S unda y . E l i gi bi l i t y t o vo t e by a bs e nt e e ba l l ot w i l l be de t e r m i ne d i n a c c or da nc e w i t h t he pr ovi s i ons of N e w Y or k S t a t e E du c a t i onL a w §2018- a . P L E A SE T A K E F U R T H E R NO T IC E m ilita ry vot


e r s w ho a r e not c ur r e nt l y r e gi s t e r e d m a y a pl y t o r e gi s ter as a qualified voter of the s c hol di s t r i c t . M i l i t a r y vot ers who are qualified voters of t he s c hol di s t r i c t m a y s ubm it a n a pl i c a t i on f or a m i l i t a r y ba l l ot . M i l i t a r y vot e r s m a y de s i gna t e a pr e f e r e nc e t o r e c e i ve a m i l i t a r y vot e r r e g i s t r a t i on, m i l i t a r y ba l l ot a p pl i c a t i on o r m i l i t a r y ba l l ot by m a i l , f a c s i m i l e t r a ns m i s s i on or e l e c t r oni c m a i l i n t he i r r e que s t f o r s uc h r e gi s t r a t i on, ba l l ot a pl i c a t i on or ba l l ot . M ilita ry vot e r r e gi s t r a t i on f or m s a nd m i l i t a r y ba l l ot a p pl i c a t i on f or m s ( t he l a t t e r of w hi c h i s t o be de l i v e r e d onl y by m a i l or i n pe r s on) m us t be received in the Office of the D i s t r i c t C l e r k of t he s c hol di s t r i c t no l a t e r t ha n 5: 0 p.m . on A pr i l 21, 2022. N o m i l i t a r y ba l l ot w i l l be c a nva s s e d unl e s s i t i s ( 1) r e c e i v e d i n t he Office of the District Clerk be f or e t he c l os e of t he pol l s on e l e c t i on da y a nd s how i ng a c a nc e l l a t i on m a r k of t he U ni t e d S t a t e s pos t a l s e r vi c e or a f or e i gn c ount r y’ s pos t a l s e r vi c e , or s how i ng a da t e d e ndor s e m e nt of r e c e i pt by a not he r a ge nc y of t he U ni t e d S t a t e s gove r nm e nt ; or ( 2) r e ceived by the Office of the D i s t r i c t C l e r k by no l a t e r t ha n 5: 0 p.m . on e l e c t i on da y a nd s i gne d a nd da t e d by t he m i l i t a r y vot e r a nd one w i t ne s s t he r e t o, w i t h a da t e w hi c h i s a s s oc i a t e d t o be not l a t e r t ha n t he da ybe f or e t he e l e c t i on. P L E A SE T A K E F U R T H E R NO T IC E t ha t t hi s B oa r d s ha l l c onve ne a s pe c i a l m e e t i ng t he r e o f w i t hi n 24 hours after the filing with t he D i s t r i c t C l e r k of a w r i t t e n r e por t of t he r e s ul t s of t he ba l l ot , i n m us i c w i ng of O ys t e r B a y H i gh S c hol f or t he pur pos e of e xa m i ni ng a nd t a bul a t i ng s a i d r e por t s of t he r e s ul t of t he ba l l ot a nd de c l a r i ng t he r e s ul t of t he ba l l ot ; t ha t t he B oa r d he r e by de s i gna t e s i t s e l f t o be a s e t of pol l c l e r ks t o c a s t a nd c a nva s s ba l l ot s pur s ua nt t o E duc a t i on L a w §2019- a ( 2b) a t s a i d s pe c i a l m e e t i ngof t he B oa r d. D a t e d: M ar c h 23, 20 B Y O R D E R O F T H E B O A R D O F E D U C A T IO N, O Y ST E R B A Y E A ST NO R WI C H C E NT R A L SC H O O L D IST R IC T , C O U NT Y O F NA SSA U , NE W Y O R K D A R L E NE D O L A N D IST R IC T C L E R K 5- 11; 4- 27- 6; 3- 30- 20224T -#231504G C O B /O B A V ISO

D E A U D IE NC IA SO B R E E L P R E SU P U E ST O Y E L E C C IÓ N A NU A L D E L D IST R IT O D E M IE M B R O S D E L A JU NT A D E E D U C A C IÓ N D E L D IST R IT O E SC O L A R C E NT R A L D E O Y ST E R B A Y - E A ST NO R WI C H Y D E L A B IB L IO T E C A P Ú B L IC A D E O Y ST E R B A Y - E A ST NO R WI C H Q U E SE R E A L IZ A R Á E L 17 D E M A Y O D E 20 P O R E L P R E SE NT E , SE NO T IF IC A que l a e l e c c i ón a nua l de l D i s t r i t o E s c ol a r

C e tn r a l de O ys t e r B a y- E a s t N or w i c h s e r e a l i z a r á e n e l a l a de m ús i c a de O ys t e r B a y H i gh S c hol , ubi c a do e n 150 E a s t M a i n S t r e e t , O ys t e r B a y , N ue va Y or k, e l m a r t e s 17 de m a yo de 2022, e nt r e l a s 7: 0 a . m . y l a s 9: 0 p. m . c on l os s i gui e nt e s pr opós i t os : 1. V ot a r s obr e l a a s i gna c i ón de l os f onds ne c e s a r i os pa r a c ubr i r l os ga s t os e s t i m a dos de l D i s t r i t o pa r a e l a ño e s c o l a r que c om i e nz a e l 1 de j u lio de 2022, que se identific a r á e n l a bol e t a e l e c t or a l c om oP r opue s t a n.º 1. 2. V ot a r s obr e l a s s i gui e n t e s pr opue s ta s : P R O P U E ST A N.º 2 ( G as t os d e l F on d o d e r e s e r va d e c ap i t al e s p ar a T e c n ol ogí a) : S E A U T O R I Z A R Á a l a J un t a de E duc a c i ón de l D i s t r i t o E s c ol a r C e nt r a l de O ys t e r B a y- E a s t N or w i c h a ga s t a r l a s um a de : $ 538,0 de l F ond de r e s e r va de c a pi t a l e s pa r a t e c nol ogí a e s t a bl e c i do e l 15 de m a yo de 2018 c on e l fin de realizar los siguientes pr oye c t os : c om pr a de i P a ds ( ki nde r ga r t e n) y C hr om e boks ( 3.° y 7.° gr a do) ; c om pr a de di s pos i t i vos de e ns e ña nz a y de t a bl e r os i nt e r a c t i vos . T od l o a nt e r i or i nc l ui r á t oda l a m a no de obr a , l os m a t e r i a l e s , l os e qui pos , l os a pa r a t os y l os ga s t os i m pr e vi s t os r e l a c i ona dos c on e s t os . P R O P U E ST A N.º 3 ( G as t os d e l F on d o d e r e s e r va d e c ap i t al e s ) S E A U T O R IZ A R Á a la J unt a de E duc a c i ón de l D is trito E s c ol a r C e nt r a l de O ys t e r B a y- E a s t N or w i c h a ga s t a r l a s um a de : $ 695,0 de l F ond de r e s e r va de c a pi t a l e s e s t a bl e c i do e l 16 de m a yo de 2006 y e nm e n da do e l 17 de m a yo de 201 1, e l 21 de m a yo de 2013 y e l 16 de m a yo de 2017 c on e l fin de realizar los siguient e s pr oye c t os : m e j or a s e n e l s i s t e m a de s oni do, r e nova c i ón de ye s o de t e c hos y pa r e de s , y ba ños pa r a pr of e s or e s e n O ys t e r B a y H i gh S c hol ; i ns t a l a c i ón de m ódul os de t r a ba j o e n V e r no E le m e n t a r y S c hol ; i ns t a l a c i ón de m ódul os de t r a ba j o e n R o s e ve l t E l e m e nt a r y S c hol ; y r e e m pl a z o de pi s os e n R o s e ve l t E l e m e nt a r y S c hol . T od l o a nt e r i or i nc l ui r á t oda l a m a no de obr a , l os m a t e r i a l e s , l os e qui pos , l os a pa r a t os y l os ga s t os i m pr e vi s t os r e l a c i ona dos c one s t os . 3. E l e gi r dos m i e m br os de l a J unt a de E duc a c i ón por un pe r í od de c ua t r o ( 4) a ños que c om e nz a r á e l 1 de ju lio de 2022 y finalizará el 30 de j uni o de 2026. A SIM ISM O , SE NO T IF IC A que l a a udi e n c i a públ ic a s obr e e l pr e s upe s t o c on e l obj e t i vo de a na l i z a r e l pr e s upe s t o pr opue s t o de ga s t os de l os f onds pa r a e l a ño e s c ol a r 2022- 2023 s e l l e va r á a c a bo e l 3 de m a yo de 2022 a l a s 7: 30 p. m . e n e l a udi t or i o de O ys t e r B a y H i gh S c hol o a di s t a nc i a , s i e s t á l e ga l m e nt e pe r m i t i do. E n c a da e s c ue l a de l D i s t r i t o, s e pr e pa r a r á l a ve r s i ón r e s um i da de l a pr opue s ta s o C o n tin u e d o n p a g e 1 1


LEGAL NOTICES Continued from page 10 bre el presupuesto y el texto de todas las demás propuestas que aparecerán en las máquinas de votación, como así también una declaración detallada por escrito de la cantidad de dinero que se requerirá para el año escolar 2022-2023 para fines escolares, que especifica los fines y la cantidad para cada fin y habrá copias disponibles, previa solicitud, para cualquier residente del Distrito entre las 8:00 a. m. y las 4:00 p. m. durante los 14 días inmediatamente previos a la elección del 17 de mayo de 2022, excepto sábados, domingos y feriados, y también en la elección anual. ambi n se notifica que, de acuerdo con la Sección 495 de la Ley del Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles, el Distrito debe adjuntar un informe de exenciones al presupuesto sugerido. En este informe de exenciones, que también formará parte del presupuesto final, se mostrará c mo el valor total estimado de la lista de tasaci n final que se utilice en el proceso presupuestario queda libre de impuestos, se enumerarán todos los tipos de exenciones que otorgue la autoridad legal y se expondrá el impacto acumulativo de cada tipo de exención, el monto acumulado que se prevé recibir como pago en lugar de impuestos y el impacto acumulativo de todas las exenciones otorgadas. ASIMISMO, SE NOTIFICA que la elección anual de la Biblioteca Pública de Oyster Bay-East Norwich se realizará en el ala de música de Oyster Bay igh chool, ubicado en 150 East Main Street, Oyster Bay, Nueva York, el martes 17 de mayo de 2022, entre las 7:00 a. m. y las 9:00 p. m. con los siguientes propósitos: 1. Votar sobre la asignación de los fondos necesarios para cubrir los gastos estimados de la biblioteca pública para el a o escolar que comienza el 1 de julio de 2022. 2. Elegir un miembro para que sea fideicomisario de la Junta de la Biblioteca por un período de cinco (5) años que comenzará el 1 de ulio de 2022 y finalizará el 30 de junio de 2027. ASIMISMO, SE NOTIFICA que las copias del presupuesto propuesto para la biblioteca se pondrán a disposición, previa solicitud, de cualquier residente en el mostrador de consulta de la biblioteca pública de Oyster ay- ast orwich, ubicada en 89 East Main Street, Oyster Bay, Nueva York, de 10:00 a. m. a 12:00 p. m., y de 1:00 p. m. a 4:00 p. m. durante los 14 días inmediatamente previos a la elección del 17 de mayo de 2022, excepto los sábados, domingos y feriados, y también en la elección anual. ASIMISMO, SE NOTIFICA que la votación se realizará mediante máquinas de votación, según lo estipulado por la Ley de Educación, y las urnas estarán habilitadas para


votar desde las :00 a. m. hasta las 9:00 p. m. y durante el tiempo que sea necesario para que los votantes presentes puedan emitir sus votos. Por medio del presente, se autoriza e instruye a la secretaria del Distrito a imprimir las etiquetas de voto necesarias para dichas máquinas de votaci n en el formato que más se aproxime a los requisitos de la Ley de Educación. ASIMISMO, SE NOTIFICA que las nominaciones del miembro de la Junta de ducaci n y del fideicomisario de la Junta de la Biblioteca se deberán realizar mediante una solicitud firmada por al menos 25 votantes calificados del Distrito, y se deberán presentar en la oficina de la secretaria del Distrito en el dificio Administrativo en 1 McCouns Lane, Oyster Bay, Nueva York, entre las 8:00 a. m. y las 4:00 p. m., a más tardar el lunes 18 de abril de 2022, y entre las 8:00 a. m. y las 5:00 p. m. el 18 de abril de 2022. Estas solicitudes deberán indicar la residencia de cada firmante, así como también el nombre y la residencia del candidato. Para la Junta de Educación, los dos candidatos que reciban la mayor cantidad de votos serán considerados electos para el cargo. Para la Biblioteca, el candidato que reciba la mayor cantidad de votos será considerado electo para el cargo. La Junta de Educaci n puede rechazar una nominación si el candidato no es elegible para el cargo o declara su falta de disposición para desempeñar las funciones. ASIMISMO, SE NOTIFICA que se permite el registro de votantes calificados de este Distrito para esta elección anual del Distrito en la oficina de la secretaria del Distrito ubicada en el dificio Administrativo en 1 cCouns Lane, Oyster Bay, Nueva York, de 8:00 a. m. a 12:00 p. m. y de 1:00 p. m. a 4:00 p. m., de lunes a viernes, hasta el 12 de mayo de 2022 inclusive. El registro también se llevará a cabo en James . ernon chool, 880 Oyster ay Road, ast orwich, ueva ork y en heodore Roosevelt chool, 150 est Main Street, Oyster Bay, Nueva York, de 8:00 a. m. a 12:00 p. m. y de 1:00 p. m. a 4:00 p. m., de lunes a viernes, hasta el 12 de mayo de 2022 inclusive. Se preparará y presentará un registro en la oficina de la secretaria del Distrito, y dicho registro estará abierto para que cualquier votante calificado pueda inspeccionarlo entre las 8:00 a. m. y las 4:00 p. m. durante los cinco días previos al día establecido para la elección, excepto los domingos, y el sábado 14 de mayo de 2022 con cita, como así también en cada lugar de votación el día de la elección. ASIMISMO, SE NOTIFICA que el registro incluirá: (1) a todos los votantes calificados del Distrito que se hayan presentado personalmente para el registro (2) a todos los votantes

previamente calificados del Distrito que se hayan registrado con anterioridad para cualquier elección o reunión anual o extraordinaria del Distrito y que hayan votado en alguno de estos eventos realizados o llevados a cabo en cualquier momento durante los cuatro años calendario (2017-2020) previos a la preparaci n de dicho registro y (3) a los votantes que estén registrados de manera permanente en la Junta Electoral del condado de Nassau. ASIMISMO, SE NOTIFICA que la Junta de Registros se reunirá durante el horario de votaci n en la reunión anual del Distrito el 17 de mayo de 2022 con el fin de preparar un registro para las elecciones o reuniones del Distrito que se realizarán despu s del 17 de mayo de 2022. ASIMISMO, SE NOTIFICA que las solicitudes de las boletas electorales por ausencia para la elección del distrito escolar y para la elecci n del fideicomisario de la biblioteca se podrán realizar en la oficina de la secretaria del Distrito. La secretaria del Distrito deberá recibir las solicitudes de voto por ausencia no antes de los treinta (30) días previos a la elecci n. Además, la secretaria del Distrito debe recibir esta solicitud al menos siete días antes de la elección si la boleta electoral se enviará por correo postal al votante, o el día antes de la elección si la boleta electoral se entregará personalmente al votante o a su representante designado. Al recibir una solicitud oportuna para enviar por correo postal una boleta electoral por ausencia, la secretaria del Distrito enviará por correo postal dicha boleta electoral a la dirección indicada en la solicitud a más tardar seis (6) días antes de la votación. Habrá una lista de todas las personas para las que se emitieron votos por ausencia disponible en la oficina de la secretaria del Distrito durante los cinco días previos a la elección, excepto el domingo. La elegibilidad para votar mediante voto por ausencia se determinará de acuerdo con las disposiciones de la Sección 2018-a de la Ley de Educación del Estado de Nueva York. ASIMISMO, SE NOTIFICA que los votantes militares que no estén registrados actualmente pueden solicitar registrarse como votantes calificados del distrito escolar. Los votantes militares que sean votantes calificados del distrito escolar podrán enviar una solicitud de boleta electoral militar. Estos votantes pueden indicar su preferencia de recibir un registro de votante militar, una solicitud de boleta electoral militar o una boleta electoral militar por correo postal, fax o correo electrónico en su pedido de dicho registro, solicitud de boleta electoral o boleta electoral. Los formularios de registro de los votantes militares y los formularios de solicitud de boleta electoral militar (esta última debe

LEGAL NOTICES entregarse únicamente por correo postal o en persona) deben recibirse en la oficina de la secretaria del Distrito antes de las 5:00 p. m. el 21 de abril de 2022. Las boletas electorales militares no serán escrutadas, a menos que (1) la oficina de la ecretaria del Distrito las reciba antes del cierre de la votación el día de la elección y tengan una marca de cancelación del servicio postal de los Estados Unidos o del servicio postal de un país extranjero, o un endoso fechado de recepción por parte de otro organismo del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, o bien (2) la oficina de la ecretaria del Distrito las reciba antes de las 5:00 p. m. del día de la elecci n, y est n firmadas y fechadas por el votante militar y un testigo de ello, con una fecha asociada que no sea posterior al día previo a la elección. ASIMISMO, SE NOTIFICA que esta Junta establecerá una reunión extraordinaria a partir de ese momento, en las 24 horas posteriores a la presentación ante la secretaria del Distrito de un informe escrito de los resultados de la votación en el ala de música de Oyster ay igh chool, con el fin de examinar y tabular estos informes del resultado de la votación y declarar ese resultado que, por el presente y de acuerdo con la Sección 2019a(2b) de la Ley de Educación, la Junta se designa a sí misma como un grupo de secretarios de mesa para emitir y escrutar los votos durante esta reunión extraordinaria de la Junta. Fecha: 23 de marzo de 2022 POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR CENTRAL DE OYSTER BAY-EAST NORWICH, CONDADO DE NASSAU, NUEVA YORK DARLENE DOLAN SECRETARIA DEL DISTRITO 5-11 4-2 -6 3-30-20224T-#231505-GCOB/OB LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF LIBRARY BUDGET HEARING Oyster Bay-East orwich ublic ibrary A A O C that the earing on the Oyster ay- ast orwich ublic ibrary Budget for 2022-2023 will be held at the ibrary on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. ichele accarelli Library Director OR FA OR A C A, que la reuni n de consideración para el presupuesto bibliotecario 20222023, se realizará en la biblioteca pública en Oyster ay- ast orwich el martes, 3 de mayo de 2022 a las 7:00 de la noche. ichele accarelli Directora de la Biblioteca 4-20-6 3-30-23-20224T-#231091-GC-OB/OB LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of Jake Lively, LLC


Articles of Organization filed with ecretary of tate of New York (SSNY) on 3/10/22. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY is designated as agent of Jake ively, C upon whom process against it may be served. shall mail process to: 63 alnut Avenue, ast orwich, 11 32 urpose: any lawful act or activity. 5-4 4-2 -20-13-6 3-302022-6T-#231506-GCOB/ OB LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE VILLAGE OF MILL NECK A public hearing will be held before the oard of rustees of the ncorporated Village of Mill Neck, Nassau County, New York, at 32 Frost Mill Road, in said Village on uesday, April 12, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. he hearing will be on the proposed 2022/23 budget of estimated expenses and revenues for the illage’s fiscal year commencing 6/1/22 and ending 5/31/23 which has been prepared by the oard of rustees. he budget shows no compensation for the ayor and Board of Trustees. his proposed budget is on file and open to the public for inspection at the illage of ill eck illage Office onday through Friday, between the hours of :30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. from the date of this notice until the time of the hearing. All persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. All citizens have a right to attend the public hearing and provide written and oral comments and ask questions concerning the proposed illage budget. y Order of the Board of Trustees Donna M. Harris Village Clerk Dated: April 6, 2022 4-6-2022-1T-#231814GCOB/OB



ees. he budget shows no compensation to any member of the oard of rustees. his proposed budget is on file with the illage Clerk and is available for review by request to the illage Clerk ( All persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard on the video conference during the hearing. All citizens have a right to participate in the video conference of the public hearing and to provide written comments by email or regular mail to the illage Clerk, which are received prior to the commencement of public hearing, make oral comments and to ask questions on the video conference concerning the proposed illage budget. A transcript of the hearing will be available upon request at a later date. Any person needing special assistance in the video conference, please notify the Village Clerk (516-676-6920) at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing. y Order of the Board of Trustees Dawn resalfi Village Clerk/Treasurer Dated: April 6, 2022 4-6-2022-1T-#231815GCOB/OB

LEGAL NOTICE otice is hereby given that A D RO O A for: Advanced Oxidation Process Treatment at Plant No. 2 H2M Project No.: OBWD2101 will be received by the oard of Commissioners of the Oyster ay ater District (Owner) at the office of the ater District, 45 Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York 11771, until 10:00 a.m., prevailing time on Thursday, May 5, 2022, and will be publicly opened and read aloud at 10:00 a.m. Digital Bidding Documents may be obtained from the following website: www. LEGAL NOTICE h2mpro as an online PUBLIC NOTICE download for a non-refundVILLAGE OF able fee of Forty-Nine DolLATTINGTOWN lars ($49.00), paid by credit NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- card. idders that download EN that a public hearing will the digital idding Docube held before and by the ments will be automatically oard of rustees of the n- added to the bidder’s list. corporated Village of Lattinguestions shall be directed town, Nassau County, New to REVplans, Tel: 1-877ork on ednesday, April 13, 272-0216, Email: support@ 2022, at 4:00 p.m., via Zoom teleconference, which was Hard Copy Bidding Docuauthorized by the egis- ments may be obtained from lature on September 1, 2021, R plans, 28 Church treet, and as extended. nit , arwick, ew ork he oom meeting may be 10990, upon deposit of One found at: Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) for each combined Meeting ID: 819 4011 8855 set of documents. ail the Passcode: 122048 deposit to the office of the Dial by your location: District’s ngineer, 2 1-929- 205-6099 US (New architects engineers, 538 York) Broad Hollow Road, New All ublic phones are to be York 11747, attn: Melissa on mute until the public hear- Ames. lease simultaneousing is announced. ly email a scanned copy of he hearing will be on the the deposit check to the fol2022/2023 budget of estimat- lowing: mames ed expenses and revenues for and tmcguire the illage’s fiscal year com- Upon electronic receipt of mencing 6/1/22 and ending the scanned check, 2 will 5/31/23 which has been pre- forward a copy to REVplans pared by the oard of rust- to initiate the addition of the

bidder to the bidder’s list, and release the printing of hard copy Bidding Documents. Any bidder requiring documents to be shipped shall make arrangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs. Checks or money orders shall be made payable to H2M architects engineers. f a hardcopy of the deposit is not received by 2 , the district reserves the right to re ect the bid submission. Deposits for the plans and specifications will be completely refunded to bidders and non-bidders who make a request to 2 to get the deposit check back and return the hard copy plans and specifications to 2 architects engineers within ten (10) days following the bid date. No deposit will be refunded after ten (10) days following the bid opening. Please note REVplans and www.h2mpro are the designated locations and means for distributing and obtaining all bid package information. All bidders are urged to register to ensure receipt of all necessary information, including bid addenda. All bid addenda will be transmitted to registered plan holders via email and will be available at www.h2mpro lan holders who have paid for hard copies of the bid documents will need to make the determination if hard copies of the addenda are required for their use, and coordinate directly with 2 for hard copies of addenda to be issued. ach proposal submitted must be accompanied by certified check, bank check, or bid bond, made payable to the Oyster ay ater District, in an amount not less than five percent (5 ) of the total lump sum bid price. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked only with the names and address of the bidder, the pro ect title and the contract number. he id Deposit will serve as a commitment by the bidder that, if its bid is accepted, it will enter into a contract to perform the work and will e ecute such further security as may be required for the faithful performance of the contract. Said security to be forfeited to the District as liquidated damages in case of failure of the successful bidder to enter into a contract for the e ecution of the work within ten (10) days after written notice from the oard to do so has been mailed to the bidder’s address as stated in its proposal. he Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any informalities and to accept such bid which, in the opinion of the Owner, is in the best interests of the Owner. o bid may be withdrawn after its acceptance or for a period of forty-five (45) days after being publicly opened and read. Interested parties are required to attend the pre-bid site visit, scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Continued on page 12



LEGAL NOTICES Continued from page 11 at Plant No. 2 located on the corner of Shut ter Ln & Cove Rd, Oyster Bay Cove, NY 11771. Interested parties are required to attend the pre-bid conference to be he ld remotely via web-based conference call, sche duled for 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 14, 2022. Call-in information will be provided to all plan hol ders before thi s date. Project scope, contractual obligations, construction, guidelines, contractor coordination, addendums, site usage, and construction timelines will be discussed, in addition to any contractor concerns. In addition, the NYS EFC will be explaining requirements of the attache d bid package found in A ppendix A and A .1. Non-attendance may disqualify any contractor from the bidding process. BOA RD OF COMMISSIONERS OYSTER BA Y W A TER DISTRICT Robert J. McEvoy Micha el F. Rich, I II Richa rd P. Niz nik DATED: April 6, 2022 4-6-2022-1T-#231854GCOB/OB LEGAL NOTICE Village of old Brookville 201 McCouns Lane Old Brookville, NY 11545 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha t the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Old Brookville will meet on A pril 14, 2022 Via ZOOM A pplication at 6:30 PM. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tha t the meeting originally sche duled for A pril 18, 2022 ha s been cancelled. By Order of the tBoard of Trustees. Sandra A lbro Village Clerk March 25, 2022 4-6-2022-1T-#231856GCOB/OB LEGAL NOTICE INCORPORA TED VILLA GE OF OLD BROOK VILLE 201 McCOUNS LA NE OLD BROOK VILLE, NEW YORK 11545 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of Section 104 of the ublic Officers aw that the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Old Brookville, will hol d a meeting Via ZOOM A pplication on Thur sday, A pril 14, 2022 at 6:30 pm. The Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Old Brookville will h old a public he aring to consider the tentative Village Budget for the fiscal year 2022-2023. The tentative budget show s no compensation to any member of the Board of Trustees. The tentative budget is on file with the illage Clerk at the Village Hall and is open to public inspection between the hour s of 9:30 am and 1:30 pm Monday thr ough Friday until the date of the he aring whe n


all interested persons sha ll be given an opportunity to be he ard. The link to the meeting will be posted on the Old Brookville website (ht tp:// for direct access to the meeting. You can also access by entering the following URL web address into your browser address bar (no spaces): h ttps://us02web.z oom. us/j/86362857694? pwd= RkNz NEtidE13LyswamFVU2s3dmFwdz 09 Or the dial in telephone # is 1 929 436 2866. W he n requested, enter meeting ID: 863 6285 7694 and passcode: 902006 to he ar the meeting. A nyone wishi ng to comment on the tentative budget, but who cannot join the Zoom Meeting or live he aring, can submit comments to Sandra A lbro in advance of the he aring at Public comments received prior to the commencement of the public he aring will be made part of the public record. The meeting is being he ld in accordance with 2021 Sess. Law News of N.Y. Ch.417 (s.50001) Dated: March 25, 2022 Sandra A lbro Village Clerk 4-6-2022-1T-#231857GCOB/OB LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE VILLAGE OF OYSTER BAY COVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha t a public meeting and public he aring will be he ld by the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Oyster Bay Cove, Nassau County, New York, at the Oyster Bay Cove Village Hall, 68 W est Main Street, Oyster Bay, NY on Tuesday, A pril 19, 2022 at 6:00 P.M. If, due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, the he aring cannot be conducted in-person, the he aring will be conducted via teleconference. The dial in telephon e number is 1-888-204-5987. W he n requested, enter access code 8955143 to participate. A ll public ph ones are to be on mute until the public he aring is announced The he aring will be on the proposed 2022/23 budget of estimated expenses and revenues for the illage’s fiscal year commencing 6/1/22 and ending 5/31/23 whi ch ha s been prepared by the Board of Trustees. The budget show s no compensation to any member of the Board of Trustees. Thi s proposed budget is on file with the illage Clerk and is available for review by request to the Clerk (obcvillageclerk@optonline. net). The public meeting of the Board of Trustees will be he ld to consider, address and take required action on Village matters. A ll persons interested will be given an opportunity to be he ard at said he aring. A ll citiz ens ha ve a right to attend the public he aring and provide written and oral comments and to ask questions con-

cerning the proposed Village budget. A ny person needing special assistance for the meeting or telephone conference, please notify the Village Clerk (516) 922-1016 at least 48 hour s in advance of the he aring. By Order of the Board of Trustees Joanne Casale Village Clerk Dated: A pril 6, 2022 4-6-2022-1T-#231860GCOB/OB LEGAL NOTICE ASSESSOR’ S NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL THE A SSESSOR OF THE COUNTY OF NA SSA U HEREBY GIVES NOTICE tha t he ha s completed the 2022/2023 final assessment roll, whi ch will be used for the 2023 levy of Town and County Taxes in the Towns of Hempstead, North Hempstead and Oyster Bay, and the City of Glen Cove and the City of Long Beach, and for the 2022/2023 levy of school taxes in such Towns and in the City of Long Beach. A certified electronic copy of the roll was filed with the Department of A ssessment on A pril 1, 2022. The electronic roll may be examined on public terminals located in the offices of: DEPA RTMENT OF A SSESSMENT NA SSA U COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 240 OLD COUNTRY ROA D, FOURTH FLOOR MINEOLA , NY 11501 whe re the same will remain open for public inspection for fifteen days. Dated thi s 1st day of A pril, 2022. _ ROBIN S. LA VEMA N A cting Nassau County A ssessor 4-6-2022-1T#231980-GCOB/OB




the Board of Trustees of the to speak. A nyone wishi ng Brookville, New York, whe re Incorporated Village of Old to comment on the applica- it may be reviewed between Brookville, Nassau County, tion, but who cannot join the the hour s of 9:30 a.m. and New York on Thur sday, A pril Zoom meeting, can submit 12:30 p.m. during usual busi14, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. comments to Sandy A lbro in ness days until the time of the The he aring will be on advance of the he aring. Pub- he aring. A ll interested parties will whe the r to enact proposed lic comments received prior Local Law A -2022, entitled to the commencement of the be given an opportunity to be “ Property Tax Cap,” whi ch public he aring will be made he ard at said he aring. Dated: A pril 1, 2022 will override th e tax levy lim- part of the public record. By Order of the it establishe d in the General Zoom Meeting Information – Board of Trustees Municipal Law Section 3-c Zoom ID: 863 6285 7694 Sandy A lbro as it pertains to the Village Passcode: 902006 Village Clerk/Treasurer of Old Brookville for the You can access the meeting in 4-6-2022-1T-#2320062022/23 fiscal year. several ways: GCOB/OB Due to COVID-19 con1. By clicking on the link cerns, the public will only on the Village website as notLEGAL NOTICE ha ve virtual access to the ed previously, whi ch will proPublic Notice meeting thr ough the use of vide you direct access to the Oyster Bay W ater District Zoom (Zoom ID: 863 6285 meeting; 7694 Passcode: 902006), a 2. Using a web browser to Public Notice is he reby given platform whi ch will enable navigate to www.z, pursuant to the provisions of residents to watch a lives- clicking “ join a meeting” and A rticle 7 of the Public Ofeeting tream of the meeting on the entering the webinar ID and ficers’ aw (Open Law) tha t the regular meeting platform or to call in and lis- passcode: ten to the meeting. Full access 3. Entering the follow- of the Board of W ater Comdetails are listed below. A link ing URL web address into missioners of the Oyster Bay to the he aring will also be your browser address bar W ater District whi ch would posted on the Old Brookville (no spaces) ht tps://us02web. othe rwise be he ld on Thur sLEGAL NOTICE website (www.oldbrookville. z p- day, A pril 14, 2022 at 9:00 NOTICE OF net) in advance of the he ar- wd= RkNz NEtidE13Lyswam- a.m., will instead be he ld on Friday, A pril 15, 2022 at 9:00 ing. If you ha ve any ques- FVU2s3dmFwdz 09 PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED LOCAL LAW tions about accessing thi s 4. Dialing the following am at the office of Oyster ay A-2022 he aring, please contact Sandy phone number and entering W ater District, 45 A udrey A vINCORPORATED A lbro, the Village Clerk, at the meeting ID and Passcode enue, Oyster Bay. VILLAGE OF (using the phone will reduce By order of the Board of CENTRE ISLAND Please note tha t although all functionality including video W ater Commissioners: BOARD OF TRUSTEES interested persons will be giv- availability): (929) 436-2866 Robert J. McEvoy NOTICE IS HEREBY en an opportunity to speak, all A copy of the proposed Richa rd P. Niz nik GIVEN tha t a public he aring microphone s will be muted ocal aw A-2022 is on file Micha el F. Rich I II 4-6-2022-1T-#232024will be he ld before and by the until such time as the partic- at the Village Hall located GCOB/OB Board of Trustees of the In- ular individual is author iz ed at 201 McCouns Lane, Old corporated Village of Centre Island, Nassau County, New York, at the Centre Island Village Hall, 303 Centre Island Road, in said Village on W ednesday, A pril 20, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. The he aring will be on whe the r to enact proposed Local Law A -2022 whi ch will allow the Board of Trustees to override the tax levy limit establishe d in the General Municipal Law Section 3-c as it pertains to the Incorporated Village of Centre Island’ s budget for the fiscal year commencing June 1, 2022. A copy of Proposed Local aw A-2022 is on file at the office of the illage Clerk and may be viewed by appointment only during the hour s of 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, Tuesday thr ough Thur sday, or on the Villages website at www. Oyster Bay officials and volunteers at TOBAY Beach. (Photo courtesy of the Town of Oyster Bay) A ll interested persons will be given an opportunity to be he ard at said he aring. A ny person needing special assistance in attending, please notify the Village Clerk at (516) 922-0606 at least 48 hour s in advance of the meeting. By Order of the Board of Trustees Carol Schm idlapp Hundreds of volunteers of all by planting stalks of dune grass. Village Clerk Dated: A pril 6, 2022 ages joined with Oyster Bay Town Dunes along the South Shore 4-6-2022-1T-#232003Supervisor Joseph Saladino, continue to face environmentally GCOB/OB be he ard by telephone on the teleconference during the eh aring. A ll citiz ens ha ve a right to participate in the teleconference of the public he aring and to provide written comments by email or regular mail to the Village Clerk, whi ch are received prior to the commencement of public he aring, make oral comments and to ask questions on the teleconference concerning the proposed Village budget. Public comments received prior to the commencement of the public he aring will be made part of the public record. The transcript of the he aring will be available at a later date. By Order of the Board of Trustees Carol Schm idlapp Village Clerk/Treasurer Dated: A pril 6, 2022 4-6-2022-1T-#232002GCOB/OB

LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE VILLAGE OF CENTRE ISLAND A public he aring will be he ld before the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Centre Island, Nassau County, New York, at the Centre Island Village Hall, 303 Centre Island Road in said Village on W ednesday, A pril 20, 2022, at 6:30 pm. The he aring will be on the 2022/23 budget of estimated expenses and revenues for the illage’s fiscal year commencing 6/1/22 and ending 5/31/23 whi ch ha s been prepared by the Board of Trustees. The budget show s no compensation to any member LEGAL NOTICE of the Board of Trustees. NOTICE OF PUBLIC A copy of the proposed HEARING udget is on file at the office of the illage Clerk and PROPOSED LOCAL LAW A-2022 may be viewed by appointINCORPORATED ment only during the hour s of VILLAGE OF OLD 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, TuesBROOKVILLE day thr ough Thur sday, or on BOARD OF TRUSTEES the Villages website at www. NOTICE IS HEREBY A ll persons interested will GIVEN tha t a public he aring be given an opportunity to will be eh ld before and by

Hundreds Of Volunteers Help Strengthen Shoreline By Planting Dune Grass At TOBAY

Councilwoman Michele Johnson, Councilman Steve Labriola and Receiver of Taxes Jeff Pravato at the Town’s Dune Day event at TOBAY Beach. This project brings together groups, families and individuals concerned about the environment, to protect and preserve the beautiful shoreline

damaging storms that have a significant impact on the beach. Statistics indicate that the planting of dune grass provides a natural shield that is perfect for withstanding storm surges and high winds. —Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay



Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (standing) answers questions during a luncheon at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Sea Cliff. (Photo contributed by the Office of Delia DeRiggi-Whitton)

Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (D – Glen Cove) recently visited with senior citizens who are brought together by the volunteer organization Mutual Concerns, for lunch and activities at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. Members meet in St. Luke’s parish hall on Tuesdays and Fridays, where they enjoy lunch, bingo, chair yoga, and the company of friends. While speaking with members and answering questions about various topics related to Sea Cliff, DeRiggi-Whitton distributed free masks and COVID-19 test kits. Volunteers with the Sea Cliff Senior Action Committee regularly check in with senior citizen members, shop for them, bring them to and from medical appointments,

organize handyman services, make friendly phone calls, among other tasks. “The members of Sea Cliff Mutual Concerns and the Senior Action Committee dedicate a remarkable amount of time and energy to supporting our seniors, and we are so appreciative of their efforts,” DeRiggi-Whitton said. “If you’re a senior citizen seeking assistance, companionship, or a little of both, I urge you to reach out and learn more about the service these wonderful volunteers have to offer.” Send an email to peggiecomo@gmail. com if you or someone you know might be interested in learning more about Sea Cliff Mutual Concerns Committee, —Submitted by the Office of Delia DeRiggi-Whitton

President of the Blue Star Mothers Chapter NY14 Andrea Nordquist honored by the Oyster Bay Town Supervisor and the Town Board. (Photo courtesy of the Town of Oyster Bay) Oyster Bay Town Supervisor and his colleagues on the Town Board recently honored Andrea Nordquist, president of the Blue Star Mothers Chapter NY14, for her advocacy for and dedication to our great nation’s veterans, active military members, and their families. Nordquist recently partnered with the town board, AMVETS Post 88 in Massapequa, and Veterans Suicide Awareness & Remembrance FlagCorp, to unveil a very powerful 22 A Day Memorial Sign remembering American veterans lost to suicide. This memorial sign recognizes an estimated 22 veterans a day lost to suicide and the toll it takes upon family members and loved ones. “Thanks to incredible leaders like An-

drea, this sign is visible to all and reflects the lives and struggles of veterans who have tragically taken their own lives,” said Supervisor Joseph Saladino. “It is also a reminder that much needs to be done to address the critically important issue, and it also honors the legacy of these veterans who stood up in defense of American freedom.” Veterans facing mental health issues should call the Veteran’s Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255, ext. 1; if you have hearing loss, call TTY: 1-800-799-4889. This hotline offers free and confidential support to all veterans, all service members, National Guard and Reserves, and their family members and friends 24/7, 365 days a year. —Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay



OBEN winter athletes were recognized by the Board of Education at its March 15 meeting. County Legislator Josh Lafazan was also present to honor the students. (Photo courtesy of Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central Schools)

Winter Student Athletes Honored At OBEN BOE Meeting The Oyster Bay-East Norwich Board of Education recognized its student athletes who have excelled in their respective winter sports at its March 15 meeting. The board, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Francesco Ianni, Athletic Director Eric Bramoff and Nassau County Legislator Josh Lafazan presented students with their post-season awards. Lafazan gave remarks about each students’ achievements before they stepped on stage to receive certificates. “You’ve displayed sportsmanship in showing that how you perform off the field is just as important, if not more, as how you perform on,” Lafazan said. “You’ve displayed hard work and delayed gratification. Time after time after time, you know the work you put in today will help you excel tomorrow. And you’ve displayed excellence, in that you can practice all you want, but to go out and execute a game plan and achieve at this level, you’ve displayed it all.” Congratulations to the following students: Girls Fencing: • Aurora Aschettino – All-County, All-Long Island

• Nicole Krumholz – All-County • Taylor Hall – All-County Second Team Boys Fencing: • Jason Sun – All-County Second Team • Jeffrey Sun – All-County Honorable Mention Boys Basketball: • De’Andre Marston – All-Conference • Joseph Gotti – All-Conference Girls Basketball: • Emma Kelly – All-County • Kaitlyn Kelly – All-County Honorable Mention Boys Swimming: • Luke McNamara – All-Conference, All-County Boys Winter Track: • Jonathan Cox – All-County • Zachary Greene – All-Conference, All-County • Oliver Keczmer – All-Conference, All-County • Craig Mannino – All-Conference, All-County • Christopher Tardugno – All-Conference, All-County —Submitted by Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central Schools

SUNY Student Of Glenwood Landing Is Member Of Women’s Basketball Team Jennifer Walton of Glenwood Landing is a member of SUNY New Paltz’s State University of New York Athletic Conference (SUNYAC) Championship-winning women’s basketball team. SUNY New Paltz got the defensive stops it needed to hold off top-seeded Cortland, and come away with an extremely close 66-63 victory. “There was a lot of tears immediately after the game in the juniors in particular,” Hawks coach Jamie Seward said. “You can just see that emotional release and relief, but you can tell it was the culmination of a long journey and to win a conference championship you could see how much it meant to them on their faces.” —Submitted by SUNY New Paltz

The SUNY New Paltz women’s basketball team celebrating their victory of the 2022 Conference Championship title. (Photo contributed by SUNY New Paltz)





The top three OBHS scorers on the AMC 10 and 12 exams were recognized at the March 1 Board of Education meeting. (Photo courtesy of Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central Schools)

OBHS STUDENTS EXCEL ON AMC 10 AND 12 EXAMS The Oyster Bay-East Norwich Board of Education celebrated the achievements of students who took the American Math Competition (AMC) exams during its March 1 meeting. One-hundred-fifty Oyster Bay High School students participated in the AMC 10 and 12 exams in November, which are meant to enhance problem-solving skills and mathematical skills students may use in their future careers. The AMC 10 is for students in grade 10 or below, while the AMC 12 covers the entire high school mathematics curriculum and is for anyone in grades 12 or below. The board of education recognized the top three scorers from OBHS on each of the

exams. Congratulations to the following students: AMC 10: • Max Lapidus, third place. • Jacob Albert, second place. • Jenny Yang, first place and schoolwide winner. AMC 12: • Jacqueline Kieran, third place. • Jonah Gluck, second place. • Sara Bonifacio, first place and school wide winner.

Fourth graders at James H. Vernon School in Oyster Bay-East Norwich learned all about birds and how to identify them during a visit with the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center. The interactive presentation was part of the fourth grade STEAM Bird Conservation unit. During the visit with the Audubon Center, students became ornithologists, people who study all aspects of birds. They learned about bird adaptations, their unique traits, and tricks and tools to identify different birds. After an informative presentation, students were given a chart consisting of the many birds that can be found on Long Island. The staff member with the Audubon Center held up models and stuffed animals of birds for the students to see. Using their charts, they were able to identify the species based on field marks, size and shape, color

A fourth grade student reviewing a chart consisting of birds that can be found on Long Island. (Photos courtesy of Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central Schools)

and song. The visit engaged students and taught them about some of the wildlife throughout our region. —Submitted by Oyster BayEast Norwich Central Schools

—Submitted by Oyster BayEast Norwich Central Schools

SIX TALENTED NORTH SHORE MUSICIANS PERFORM AT NYSBDA IN MIDDLE SCHOOL HONOR BAND Six North Shore Middle School students participated in the prestigious NYSBDA (New York State Band Directors Association) Middle School Honor Band. These six students joined 94 other highly skilled Middle school musicians from around the state, chosen by a merit-based process. They rehearsed and performed a chal-

lenging program for an audience of family, friends, and band directors from all corners of New York. They were led by Dr. Thomas Gamboa, assistant director for Wind Studies at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Congratulations to the students on this fantastic accomplishment. —Submitted by Dr. Eric Mordhorst

From left: Luke Pourakis, Wesley Petersen, Olivia Nolan, Katina Pappas, Dr. Eric Mordhorst, Jaxx Mordhorst, Bowen Jin, Dr. Thomas Gamboa. (Photo by Dr. Eric Mordhorst)

Students working together to identify the bird model by using their charts.

The students were engaged in the interactive presentation from the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center.





AT ST. PATRICK CHURCH 7:45 am 8:30 am

235 Glen Street, Glen Cove 516.676.0276

Mass with Blessing of Palms Bendición de los Ramos (en frente del Gimnasio). Procesión, Misa (Romero Hall) 10:30 am Blessing of Palms (in front of the gym). Procession, Mass 11:45 am Mass with Blessing of Palms 5:00 pm Mass with Blessing of Palms

7:30 am 8:45 am

18 Third Street, Glen Cove 516.676.2482

Mass with Blessing of Palms Italian Mass with Blessing of Palms

10:00 am Blessing of Palms, Procession, Mass 11:30 am Low Mass with Music and Solemn Blessing of Palms


319 Cedar Swamp Road, Glen Head 516.674.3146

9:00 am

Mass with Blessing of Palms

11:15 am Mass in Polish with Blessing of Palms


APRIL 11, 2022 - MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK 9:00 am 2-4 pm 6-9 pm

7:30 am 2-4 pm 6-9 pm

Mass followed by Confessions (ca. 9:30) Confessions (in the Church) Confessions/Confesiones (in the Church/en el Templo)

Mass Confessions Confessions

2-4 pm Confessions 6-9 pm Confessions (in Polish from 7 - 9 pm)


9:00 am Mass, followed by Confessions (ca. 9:30)

7:30 am


8:15 am


APRIL 13, 2022 - WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK (SPY WEDNESDAY) 9:00 am Mass, followed by Confessions (ca. 9:30)

7:30 am


8:15 am



of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ APRIL 14, 2022 - HOLY THURSDAY 9:00 am 7:30 pm

9:00 am 3:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm

9:00 am

8:00 pm

Liturgy of the Hours (Lauds), followed by Confessions (ca. 9:30) Mass of the Lord’s Supper/Misa de la Cena del Señor (Romero Hall). Eucharistic Procession to the Altar of Repose in the Church. Adoration in the Church until Midnight Liturgy of the Hours (Lauds), followed by Confessions (ca. 9:30) Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion (English, Church) Liturgia de la Pasión del Señor (Español, Romero Hall) Stations of the Cross (English, Church) Via Crucis (Romero Hall)

7:30 am

Liturgy of the Hours (Matins)

7:30 pm

Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Eucharistic Procession to the Altar of Repose in the Madonna Room until Midnight

7:30 pm

Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Eucharistic Procession to the Altar of Repose Adoration until Midnight

APRIL 15, 2022 - GOOD FRIDAY 7:30 am Liturgy of the Hours (Matins), 12:00 pm Outdoor Stations of the Cross (weather permitting) 3:00 pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 7:30 pm Stations of the Cross (English, Church)

3:00 pm

Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion

7:30 pm

Stations of the Cross (Polish)


Liturgy of the Hours (Matins and Lauds), followed by Confessions (ca. 9:30) There are no Confessions at 3:30 pm / No hay Confesiones a las 3:30 pm. There is no 4:30 pm Mass on Holy Saturday / No hay Misa a las 4:30 pm. The Easter Vigil/La Vigilia Pascual - Blessing of Fire and Paschal Candle / Bendición del Fuego y del Cirio Pascual in front of the Gym /en frente del Gimnasio

There are no Confessions at 3:00 pm. There is no 4:00 pm Mass on Holy Saturday. 8:00 pm

The Easter Vigil. Blessing of Fire and Paschal Candle

There are no Confessions at 4:00 pm. There is no 5:00 pm Mass on Holy Saturday. 8:00 pm

The Easter Vigil. Blessing of Fire and Paschal Candle


7:45 am 8:30 am 10:30 am 11:45 am

Mass Misa en Español (Romero Hall) Mass Mass There is no 5:00 pm Mass on Easter Sunday/No hay Misa a las 5:00 pm.

7:30 am 8:45 am 10:15 am 11:30 am

Mass Italian Mass Mass Missa Cantata

6:00 am Resurrection Procession and Mass (Polish) 8:45 am Mass 11:15 am Mass (Polish)

ATTENTION: On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Easter Week (April 18, 19, and 20) there will be only one daily Mass, at St Patrick, the Territorial Parish, at 9:00 am.

231838 M



Celebrating Douglas Elliman’s Leading Agents And Teams


Regina Rogers

#1 Locust Valley Agent* #1 Locust Valley Agent by Units –Tie #2 Long Island Agent* #6 Long Island Agent by Volume Pinnacle Award

Paul Mateyunas Gold Award

Kupferberg Orlando Team

The Kelly-Mann Team

Robert Olita

Patricia Santella

#1 Locust Valley Team* Gold Award

Gold Award

#1 Locust Valley Team by Units Gold Award

Gold Award

Maria Corigliano Gold Award

The Hawkins Jaklitsch Team

Lori Sheehan

The Laderer Team

#1 Locust Valley Agent by Units – Tie

Gold Award

President’s Circle Award

President’s Circle Award

Anna Alyskewycz Leading Edge Award

Margaret Burkett

Leading Edge Award

Cheryl Constantine Leading Edge Award

Katarzyna Doherty Leading Edge Award

Patricia Farnell

Leading Edge Award


228434 S

ISSN: 2831-3429

Locust Valley Office 71 Forest Avenue | 516.759.0400

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