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Town Meeting Summary TOWN NEWS

Amanda Olsen



In the Town of North Hempstead town meeting on May 2, some items of interest to Manhasset residents were discussed.

At the beginning of the meeting, two individuals spoke in recognition of the town’s decision to make May Jewish American Heritage Month, a resolution that was addressed later in the meeting. Councilwoman Lurvey sposored the resolution. DeSena read from the proclamation and the group posed for photos.

After the pledge of allegiance, Supervisor DeSena reminded everyone that it is Small Business Week. She then stated that the County Executive is making $10 million in ARPA funds available for small businesses.

During the public comment period, three individuals spoke out against the casino. Two people lamented the feral cat situation and asked for action on the cat shelter. One person spoke about the Harbor Links outing schedule. Two individuals, who were not North Hempstead town residents, spoke about voter registration issues. This filled the remainder of the public comment time. A number of residents who were waiting to speak voiced their frustration, and Councilwoman Lurvey put forth a motion to add 20 more minutes of comment time. This did not pass. A number of reappointments were on the agenda for this meeting: the reappointment of Nancy Shores, Anne Cybriwski, Frank Genese and Harry Nicolaides to the TONH Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission, and the reappointment of Matthew Cuomo and Traci Caines to the North Hempstead Housing Authority.

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