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The United Teachers Of Island Trees: Making An Impact Within The Community
Teachers within the Island Trees School District have been busy hosting events, fundraisers, workshops and clubs to benefit students, parents and community members within the Island Trees community. Below are just some of the many things that staff members have donated, accomplished, and participated in during the months of February, March and April of the 2022-2023 academic school year.
In February, J. Fred Sparke families enjoyed an evening of math fun at Family Math Night. Teachers made this event a success by teaching families math games and activities. Some games that were played include Ten Go Fish, Number Tic-Tac-Toe, Race to get the Equations, and Addition Cross Out. Students listened to The Greedy Triangle and The Perfect Square. A great time was had by all. The teachers at Michael F. Stokes Elementary School are looking forward to hosting Family Math Night in May. In February and March, a generous collection was conducted by staff members to support a mother of the community battling cancer. Finally, teachers at Sparke Elementary School are hosting a Social Emotional Learning Club which teaches students how to learn through play.
In February, students from Sparke and Stokes Elementary School created Valentines for Veterans. They created cards with positive words and pictures to brighten the day of those who have served our country. In March, a collection was held at both elementary schools for Down Syndrome Advocacy Foundation. Blue and yellow bracelets were sold to support the cause, and staff members throughout the building wore blue and yellow to show their support for those with Down syndrome. Over $280 was raised through the bracelet fundraiser and was donated to this noteworthy cause. Teachers also held a fundraiser to support the Autism Awareness Association. In March, teachers enjoyed celebrating PARP Week (Pick a Reading Partner) with students, community members and the PTA. Students enjoyed reading challenges and activities completed at school and home. Sparke and Stokes elementary schools hosted a Family Reading Night where students participated in reading activities relating to the theme of “Wild About Reading.” Throughout the week, teachers in both schools hosted VIP Guest Readers, such as family members, colleagues, and administrators to share their love for reading with students. The teachers at Michael F. Stokes Elementary School are excited to host Family Literacy Night in May where families will be able to enjoy self-portraits and student writing displayed throughout the building.
In April, elementary teachers Brittany Lahti and Kristin Winter hosted a workshop for parents, sharing strategies to build child cooperation, responsibility and discipline.
Teachers at Island Trees Memorial Middle School are looking forward to hosting a workshop which discusses similar topics at the end of April. Ms. Lahti and Mrs. Winter look forward to hosting a second workshop and historical figures. Fifth-grade students participated in the Money and Me Program through Hofstra University, which teaches students how to balance budgets, savings and investments to make students finan- able to raise $1,560 by selling card boxes to families, friends, teachers and staff members within the Island Trees School District. The students are extremely grateful to those who bought boxes to support JZips. in May which will focus on ways that parents can encourage their children at home, understand the purpose of their child’s behavior, and how to help their children succeed at home and school.
At Stokes Elementary School, over eighty second- and third-grade students signed-up to participate in the Service Leadership Club, led by Brittany Lahti and Suzanne Heigel. Service-learning provides opportunities for students to learn more about themselves and the world around them. The community service project that students are completing will benefit the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter. Students are creating vibrant decorations to hang around the shelter, hosting a supply drive and are writing persuasive letters from the animal’s perspective as to why they should be adopted. While completing this project, students are learning about the five steps of service-learning and how their strengths, interests and talents can be used during a service-leadership project. Ms. Lahti and Mrs. Heigel cannot wait to share about the impact that was made at the local animal shelter this Spring. Fourth-grade students that participate in Leadership Club led by Michelle Martin and Sheryl Emigholz have been working hard to spread positivity throughout the building. In February, students and families sent positive, loving messages on Valentine Grams. Families had the option to donate $1 for each gram. $375 was raised and donated to the American Heart Association. In March, students wrote reasons why they are grateful for the staff members at Stokes Elementary School on shamrocks and hung them outside each classroom door. In April, before New York State testing, students decorated walkways with positive sayings to make their peers feel relaxed and confident before English Language Arts state testing.
At Island Trees Memorial Middle School, many students in seventh- and eighth-grade participated in the drama production of Matilda. In March and April, science teachers created hallway displays, recognizing Women in STEM, which included teachers of Island Trees Memorial Middle School cially savvy from a young age. In addition, the fifth-grade teachers planned the year’s first field trip to see She Persisted! at the Bellmore Theater. The play illustrated the lives of six women who changed the course of history for those who followed. The trip helped bridge World History and Language Arts as the students prepared to select an influential person to report on in Writer’s Workshop. Seventh-grade teachers celebrated Influential Women, while the eighth grade held a historical March Madness. Students also celebrated Pi Day on March 14. Students that memorized the most digits of Pi could “pie their teacher.” What an engaging activity to keep learning fun! While in Physical Education, students are actively participating in badminton tournaments.
Teachers at Island Trees Memorial Middle School were also making an impact on the community around them by raising funds for Autism Awareness. Finally, at Island Trees Memorial Middle School, each year, the National Junior Honor Society raises funds for a different charity. This year the NJHS partnered with Cards for a Cause. The NJHS members decided to donate to JZips, which is a meaningful cause to Mrs. Harouche, one of the club directors. Her nephew, Jordan, was diagnosed with brain cancer at the young age of 15, and he started this charity to create free port-accessible shirts for children and adults. JZips provides these free shirts to over thirty hospitals across Long Island. Students in the National Junior Honor Society were
At Island Trees High School, students who are enrolled in Child Development had the opportunity to shadow teachers at Stokes Elementary School and Island Trees Memorial Middle School. High school students learned from master teachers about skills that are developmentally appropriate based on the grade level that they were shadowing. Students in the younger grades enjoyed having an older role model in the classroom for the day, and teachers enjoyed seeing their former students! Over April break, high school teachers Mike Valiando, James Messina, Zach Elicks, and Claire Travis alongside middle school teachers Matt Shultz and Melody Zambriski volunteered during the “iCan Bike Camp” to teach individuals with disabilities to ride a conventional two-wheel bicycle. This was a “first-ever” for Island Trees, and was a great success! High school teacher Laura Lupoli and the National Honor Society students participated in the Spring Eggstravaganza by hiding candy-filled eggs on the lawns of Island Trees participating families. All proceeds will go to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.
Finally, The ITHS Art Department hosted their annual Art Expo on April 3rd which showcased artwork produced by students throughout the length of the school year. The event also included the National Art Honor Society Induction Ceremony hosted by Ms. Weber, live music and featured demonstrations by the Robotics Team and 3-D Printing Club. Art educators Mr. Hedstrom and Ms. Weber are incredibly proud of all the hard work their students have put into their creative endeavors, and want to thank all family, friends, and members of the Island Trees community for attending this successful event.
The United Teachers of Island Trees continue to make a difference in the community that they serve on a daily basis. We cannot wait to share about the impacts that we will continue to make through the remainder of the academic school year.