1 minute read
the scenes. There’s The Bop open mic in Lindenhurst which is a really awesome open mic, but you don’t see the people at The Bop going to The Muse. You don’t see the library scene going to Poetry with a Purpose. And the whole idea here is to give everyone the opportunity to mingle. We’re all doing the same thing. A lot of the time, we’re all saying the same thing. And if we would just be privy to that, I think there’d be a lot more connection.
Long Island Weekly: When did the process of creating this magazine start?
Pariti: It started pretty recently. We just put out our eighth newsletter, so it’s been going on for nine weeks. And everything has really skyrocketed as far as progress. It’s myself and my partner Steven Clifford. He’s the art director and my partner in the project. Him and I were conversing one night over Twitter spaces and we were talking one night about how I was introducing him to the scene, because he was new to it, and I was telling him about all these open mics that he could check out. I was telling him about this idea I had to start an open mic or to start a quarterly print for people who are on the scene. We started talking about how our skill sets work well together and we decided, you know what, this should be something bigger than that. We fleshed out the DNA of the project, and it came to be.

To learn more about The Scene, submit art or poetry to it and to subscribe to the email newsletter, visit www.thescene.life.