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Vol. 50, No. 30
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Dr. Rabbi Janet Liss Will Soon Retire Big changes coming to North Country Reform Temple (see page 3)
231575 S
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An Anton Media Group Publication
Your Local School Board Election Results
Glen Cove News: Rev. Williams calls for solidarity amid Buffalo attack (See page 4) Oyster Bay News: A Memorial Day moment of silence (See page 4) School News: Two Glen Cove High students finalists in Junk Kouture contest (See page 14) FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details!
As Dr. Rabbi Janet B. Liss retires from North Country Reform Temple in Glen Cove, interim Rabbi Michael Churgel will serve the congregation.
Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot (USPS 219-560) Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County.
(Photo by Jennifer Corr)
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MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
We Know and Love Locust Valley
Brookville | 37 Emerson Road | $3,588,000 7 BR, 6 BA, 2 Half BA | Web# 3341891 Patricia Santella: M 516.659.8497
Oyster Bay Cove | 20 Tiber Road | $3,588,000 5 BR, 4 BA, 1 Half BA | Web# 3397570 Patricia Santella: M 516.659.8497
Nissequogue | 601 Moriches Road | $2,800,000 6 BR, 4 BA, 1 Half BA | Web# 3331707
Muttontown | 22 Serenite Lane | $2,499,000 5 BR, 4 BA, 1 Half BA | Web# 3386581 Patricia Santella: M 516.659.8497
Matinecock | 1 High Ridge Lane | $1,998,000 5 BR, 6 BA, 1 Half BA | Web# 3340731 Lorna Mann: M 516.633.4075 Kerri Kelly: M 516.633.1613
North Hills | 1000 Royal Court, Unit 1211 | $1,750,000 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 Half BA | Web# 3381982
Rye | 29 Grapal Street | $1,625,000 5 BR, 2 BA, 1 Half BA | Web# 3392329
Locust Valley | 34 Horse Hollow | $1,399,000 4 BR, 3 BA, 1 Half BA | Web# 3313838 Patricia Santella: M 516.659.8497
Oyster Bay Cove | Lot 1778 | $885,000 2.64-acre Parcel | Web# 3343838 Jyll Kata: M 516.330.2321 Patricia Santella: M 516.659.8497
Tracey Kupferberg: M 516.233.0567 Lindsay Kupferberg: M 732.674.0336 Terri Orlando: M 516.660.3900
Locust Valley Office | 71 Forest Avenue | 516.759.0400
Tracey Kupferberg: M 516.233.0567 Lindsay Kupferberg: M 732.674.0336 Terri Orlando: M 516.660.3900
Tracey Kupferberg: M 516.233.0567 Lindsay Kupferberg: M 732.674.0336 Terri Orlando: M 516.660.3900
231381 S
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022
Rabbi Janet Liss Set To Retire At The End Of May An end of an era at North Country Reform Temple
ince 1996, Dr. Rabbi Janet B. Liss has served North Country Reform Temple in Glen Cove. On May 31, Rabbi Liss will be venturing into a new chapter of her life, entrusting North Country Reform Temple to interim Rabbi Michael Churgel. “I’ve been there for 26 years,” Rabbi Liss said. “It’s time.” While Rabbi Liss embraces North Shore Reform Temple and its surrounding community, the demands on a rabbi have changed since the pandemic. It is now time for her to focus on other goals, her family and her well-being. Rabbi Liss has lived the dream she’s had since she was a teenager. She decided to become a woman rabbi at a time when it wasn’t the norm. “I’ve always been passionate about Jewish learning, which eventually led me to pursue the rabbinate,” Rabbi Liss said. With the support of her family, Liss would go to American University in Washington DC for her undergraduate in Jewish studies and Columbia University for her Masters in Hebrew Literature. She then received her Doctorate of Ministry from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati. By the time that Rabbi Liss went to rabbinical school, half the class was female, Rabbi Liss said. “But, while that was true, I can tell you that every place I’ve been, every place I’ve worked, I was always the first woman rabbi in the community,” Rabbi Liss said. “It was an interesting career.” When the rabbi was asked if she thought her worked inspired others to become spiritual leaders, she said yes. “I have a former student of mine who went to cantorial school to become a cantor and then she was also ordained as a rabbi and she’s working in San Diego,” Rabbi Liss said. “And we have a student at Charleston College who is looking to become a rabbi, who wants to be a rabbi.” The congregation at North Country Reform Temple, Rabbi Liss said, is a very special congregation. “I have a group of adults who have been studying with me since I came to the temple 26-years ago, which is really remarkable” Rabbi Liss said. “The congregation is very social justice oriented because of my leadership. We have done a lot for the com-
munity and the world at large in the last 26 day, she will be spending time at her second years. We collected books for a afternoon home in Florida, as well as Glen Cove. program for Arab-Israeli students in Israel She will also be using her new free time who are learning to read English so that to finish several projects that have been when they graduate, they’ll be able to be shelved over the years, including going more competitive in the workforce.” back for a certificate in Geriatric and PalOver the years, Rabbi Liss said she has liative Care, as well as continuing to run a taken numerous trips to Israel with congre- support group for people taking care of an gants. elderly parent. “These trips were wonderful,” Rabbi Liss “I’m looking forward to the end of this said. “I have a lifetime of memories here.” pandemic so that we can travel without But of course not all highlights were so worrying about getting sick,” Rabbi Liss. wonderful. “I’m looking forward to spending time with “It’s been very challenging being a clergy family, catching up on sleep and reading, member during the COVID-19 pandemic,” and looking forward to what the next adLiss said. “The demands that are put across ventures will be.” the board on clergy have, I think, precipitatAs for the interim Rabbi Michael Chured pretty large number of people retiring. gel, Rabbi Liss said she leaves him a great As we’re also seeing people leaving their congregation. fields during this pandemic across the field, “I’m very happy they chose each other it’s really being felt with clergy. It’s been a and his role is to help the congregation lot of work, working primarily on Zoom for through a transition period so that a year two years. It has, in many cases, from now when they hire a full-time erased boundaries where rabbi, that he will be the bridge people are expected to between me and the future be on call 24/7 in a very incoming rabbi so that the next different then we were person will be able to have I’ve always been on call pre-COVID.” successful career with the passionate about Jewish acongregation, ” Rabbi Liss But the pandemic has learning, which eventu- said. “North Country Reform introduced some silver ally led me to pursue the Temple has been blessed. In linings, Rabbi Liss said, rabbinate. the last 48 years, they’ve had such as a heightened two rabbis. That’s really remarkconnection to one another —Dr. Rabbi Janet Liss able in today’s world to have that during a time of isolation. stability and I want to see my succesBefore the pandemic, when sor have the same stability I had.” congregants would sit in the pews, all they’d see are the back of fellow congregants’ History Of North Country heads. But during the pandemic, they saw Reform Temple each other’s faces over Zoom. About 30 of the 40 Glen Cove area fami“Instead of going for coffee and cake after services and sitting with a small group lies who were members of Temple Sinai in Roslyn gathered in the home of Paul Ressler of people and talking, Zoom has afforded on December 5, 1955 and began planning a everybody the opportunity to hear everynew Reform congregation. one,” Rabbi Liss. “We’ve also been able to The congregation held its first Shabbat bring in people from all over the world to service on February 10, 1956, in facilities do a program. We’ve connected to congregations in Israel and have had joint services offered by Friends Academy on Duck Pond Road, in the school auditorium. About 100 with them. We’ve had joint services with Temple Tikvah from New Hyde Park online. people attended that memorable Friday The pandemic has enabled us to be creative evening service featuring Mildred Feingold in ways that we haven’t thought about prior on piano and Rabbi Davis and Cantor Robert Spiro officiating. Former army chaplain to the pandemic.” Milton Schlager was assigned as the conRabbi Liss said she has been impressed gregation’s first permanent Rabbi. with the way Glen Cove stepped up during At different times the fledgling conthe pandemic and the relationships fellow clergy members have made throughout the gregation was offered the facilities of the Carpenter Methodist Church, the Masonic city. Temple (which housed the temple’s mobile “We supported NOSH [a program of the ark), the Neighborhood House and the North Shore Food Kitchen] throughout the Friends Academy. In the end, the congrepandemic,” Rabbi Liss said. “People were gation used $55,000 to purchase a 4.5-acre very generous where they could be. One of the things that I admire about my congrega- estate on Crescent Beach Road, complete tion is that whenever a need has surfaced in with a half-century old home owned by an accountant named Herrick. That white pilthe community, they were there to provide lared building often was referred to as their the help people need. People are generous “castle in the woods.” with their time and their resources.” In 1959, Rabbi Schlager resigned his Rabbi Liss said after May 31, her retirement
Dr. Rabbi Janet Liss will retire May 31 after serving North Country Reform Temple for 26 years. (Photo courtesy Dr. Rabbi Janet Liss)
position for health reasons and Rabbi Alton Winters was selected to replace him. During Rabbi Winters’ 12-year tenure, NCRT underwent a number of changes. Rabbi Winters conducted services which reflected his classic Reform Judaism training. Rabbi Winters felt the need to move on and with the blessing of the congregation, left Glen Cove for Florida. Rabbi Morton Kaplan and his family joined the congregation in September 1972. Rabbi Kaplan continued the traditional Reform Judaism practices established during Rabbi Winters’ tenure. He was very interested in the musical aspects of the service, and along with Cantor Harold Firestone, encouraged the congregation and its children to participate in newer adaptations of traditional songs. In early 1974, the Kaplans moved out of New York . Rabbi Laurence Kotok was NCRT’s fourth rabbi, arriving in 1974. Over the course of his nearly 25-year tenure, he began introducing elements of traditional Judaic practice and rituals. He worked with both Cantor Firestone, and his successor, Cantor Gail Hirschenfang, adding more Hebrew to the liturgy and music of the service. A maintenance accident set fire to the synagogue during the early morning hours of February 17, 1982. The outpouring of aid from the community enabled all Temple activities to continue over the two years it took to construct the new building. Groundbreaking ceremonies were held on Aug. 21, 1983 and on Feb. 10, 1985 the new synagogue building was dedicated during a most memorable ceremony. In September 1996, Rabbi Janet Liss was welcomed to lead the congregation. —Additional information provided by
MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
Rev. Williams Calls For Solidarity, Communication Amid Buffalo Tragedy JENNIFER CORR
n Saturday, May 14, a white 18-yearold wearing military gear and livestreaming with a helmet camera, as reported by the Associated Press, opened fire with a rifle at a Tops Friendly Market in Buffalo, NY. Ten people were killed and three others were injured. Authorities described the attack as “racially motivated violent extremism.” The attack left Americans feeling shocked, sad and afraid that attacks like this could still happen in 2022. Rev. Roger Craig Williams of First Baptist Church in Glen Cove said that when he heard about the terrorist attack that occurred up in Buffalo, he was in disbelief. “When the facts started coming out about what motivated the young man to these actions, as much as I know our country still has a problem with race and racism and that much of that thoughts of race and racism animates the politics of people, it was still shocking to see someone so young buying into something that’s a farce,” Rev. Williams said. Before committing the act of terrorism, the gunman published a 180-page online “manifesto” about his plans and white supremacist beliefs echoing a baseless extremist conspiracy theory about a plot to diminish the influence of white people. “Whoever indoctrinated him into this, how he was indoctrinated to it, ought to be
addressed because it led what I believe to be an impressionable young man to commit an act,” Rev. Williams said. The Glen Cove Oyster Bay Record Pilot sat down with Rev. Williams on May 17 to discuss what the community of Glen Cove could do to improve communication, foster learning and understanding and prevent the tragedies of Buffalo from happening in Glen Cove. Rev. Williams said he had hoped the Sunday after the attack that the City of Glen Cove and Glen Cove Police Department would have been in contact with First Baptist, a historically Black church, to offer protection and solidarity. The City of Glen Cove Mayor Pam Panzenbeck released a statement on May 18 stating that the city was aware of the attack and that the mayor was in contact with
the Glen Cove Police Department to, out an abundance of caution, increase patrols at “potentially vulnerable” houses of worship. Rev. Williams said he’d also like to see the resurgence of the committee formed after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in 2020. The purpose of the committee was to improve communications between the Glen Cove Police Department, the City of Glen Cove and the community. But, support for the committee petered out. “I approached [Mayor Panzenbeck] about it to get her signature to continue to carry on, and... as of right now I haven’t heard from her or [Glen Cove Police Chief William Whitton], no one,” Rev. Williams said. “The [committee] brings not just the Black and Brown people together, but people out of the white communities and
educates them on materials that helps them to become more sensitive to anti-racist behavior.” And finally, Rev. Williams said he’d like to see elected officials equally represent their non-white constituents. Right now he said, officials should be making phone calls to leaders of the Black community, while also educating those within their circle and making it a priority to prevent the indoctrination of young white people into white supremacist ideals. “Two or three days after the attack, I’m still seeing people spin it for political gain to deflect away from problems of racism in America and how it’s being used to empower people politically,” Rev. Williams said, bringing up an example of how Rep. Tom Suozzi, who is currently campaigning for governor, blasted Gov. Kathy Hochul for saying “we got a lot done,” regarding her anti-crime efforts. Rev. Williams assured The Glen Cove Oyster Bay Record Pilot that he loves the United States, respects the police and can work with anyone regardless of political beliefs. “What concerns me is that democracy seems to be eroding,” Rev. Williams said. “People want to coerce you into the choices you make. If you don’t say this, then you don’t like the police. If you say this, then you don’t like the flag. If you say this, then you’re a threat. But, they get to say everything they want to say... and they’re Americans. But that Christian agenda, that’s really more about America than it’s Christ, is the troubling problem in this country. And it’s fueling a certain kind of politics in this country that’s very dangerous for this country.”
Town Of Oyster Bay Joins County For Memorial Day Moment Of Silence Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino joined with local veterans, active duty military members, first responders, representatives of Boy and Girl Scouts, and his colleagues in government to announce a new initiative in recognition of the importance of Memorial Day. The initiative calls for two county-wide moments of silence for 50 seconds on Memorial Day to honor the fallen. The first 50-second moment of silence will be at noon, followed by a second at 6 p.m. Fire departments, police cars and volunteer ambulance corps will sound their sirens and horns at exactly those times to remind residents to remember the nation’s
fallen heroes. “As we gather with family and friends to celebrate the unofficial start of summer with barbecues, picnics and ballgames, we must never forget the true meaning of Memorial Day,” Saladino said. “It is a day to remember the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our great nation and protecting the freedoms we enjoy each day. On Memorial Day, let us remember to take pause and show our gratitude for the tremendous sacrifice made by those in service to our nation.” —Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay
Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino joined county officials to announce Memorial Day moment of silence. (Photo courtesy Town of Oyster Bay)
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022
Please Join Us
SATURDAY, JUNE 4TH 10AM to 6PM KICK OFF THE SUMMER SEASON Celebratory Sample Sale Preview of the Warm-Weather Fashion Collection. Spice up your wardrobe and then cool off with artisan gelato by Coco Confections, hors d’oeuvres and other refreshments!
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233161 S
MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
May’s North Shore Business Network’s Business Of The Month Is Minuteman Press A
lmost 50 years ago, Alan Goldberg came to Glen Cove from the Bronx, in search of a new home and a new neighborhood—and with no idea that he would become a community fixture. “I’m a carpetbagger for native Glen Covians,” Goldberg said. “We saw new homes in the Levitt community on Branding Iron Lane. My wife’s mother and brother both lived in Hicksville and she wanted to live close by.” It would not take Goldberg long to learn that Glen Cove was different than other communities, when the mayor came to call to welcome him and his wife to the neighborhood. “Vincent Suozzi was the mayor when we first moved to the neighborhood,” Goldberg recalled. “He knocked on the door and introduced himself. After growing up in New York City, meeting the mayor made me nervous. I called to my wife, ‘You’re not going to believe this, but the mayor is knocking on our door.” With time, the Goldbergs built a life to be proud of in Glen Cove, which included the purchase of a Minuteman Press franchise in 1981. “I was a school administrator,” Goldberg explained. “I was not happy with the poli-
Alan Goldberg took over the Glen Cove Minuteman Press franchise in 1981. tesy Minuteman Press)
tics. This popped up and I decided to make a change.” With his additional education experience as an industrial arts teacher, Goldberg was able to parlay that work into his new career at Minuteman Press. The franchise originally opened in 1979, but Goldberg took it over in 1981. While Goldberg utilized his own industry arts training on the printing end, he needed to learn the logistics of owning a Minuteman Press franchise. The central offices provided him with training and assistance initially, and then, the business was up and running. The printing industry has changed drastically since the opening of Goldberg’s franchise in 1981. “We started out with offset lithograph-
(Photo cour-
ic printing presses,” Goldberg said. “We don’t have those anymore and are now strictly digital. You could not walk up to a machine and make a full color copy when we started, and we originally advertised in the Yellow Pages. We had the first computer, the ‘TRS-90,’ which you can now find in the Smithsonian.” Today, Minuteman Press of Glen Cove can print on, as Goldberg explains, “virtually any type of substance.” While black and white as well as color copies are offered, Minuteman Press also prints promotional items, including mugs and magnets. Additionally, more traditional promotional items such as full-color brochures and large-format posters are available. “Our service [sets us apart from other
printing businesses],” Goldberg said. “We pride ourselves on our service and our quality.” In the community, Goldberg is currently a member of North Shore Biz Network, the Glen Cove Chamber of Commerce, is the treasurer of the Board of Congregation Tifereth Israel and previously served on the boards of the Glen Cove Lions Club, the Glen Cove Artist’s Association and the Glen Cove Centennial Committee. The business, and the Glen Cove community, also gave Goldberg another gift in his personal life: his wife. After years of building a family of two children and two grandchildren, Goldberg’s first wife tragically passed away. While not intending to marry again, he met his current wife when she walked into Minuteman Press looking for a job as a graphic designer on a Saturday morning. The Goldbergs have now been married for two years. “My relations in the community are kind of extraordinary,” Goldberg said. “I love Glen Cove. I love the close, lifelong friends made here. My favorite part of our community is the people, the geography of the community. The shore, the water, the Sound.” —Submitted by the North Shore Business Network
Loggia Glen Cove Celebrates 102nd Anniversary May 22 Dinner Dance celebrating the first 100 years On Wednesday, May 4, Loggia Glen Cove #1016 Order of the Sons and Daughters of Italy celebrated its 102nd anniversary. Formed by Giuseppe A. Nigro with several fellow immigrants in April of 1920, Loggia Glen Cove was Long Island’s first OSIA (Order of the Sons and Daughters of Italy in America) Lodge. Guiseppe immigrated from Sturno when
he was a teenager and within a few years opened a coal and lumber yard in Glen Cove. Joining Giuseppe were ten other Italian-Americans: Charles Anzalone, Carmine Caggiano, Vincent Gambino, Angelo Genova, Antonio Grazioso, Domenick Izzo, Arcangelo Macedonia, Pasquale Nigro, Giuseppe Sanfratello and Giuseppe Trimarchi. The ceremony to officially
open the lodge was held in the Orchard House and was attended by the Italian ambassador, the mayor of Glen Cove and other dignitaries. On Wednesday, May 4, the officers of Loggia Glen Cove, the membership, and Mayor Pam Panzenbeck, joined together in paying tribute to the founders and celebrating the lodge’s 102nd Anniversary.
The Holocaust Memorial & Tolerance Center of Nassau County Releases Statement On The Murders In Buffalo “We were horrified to learn about the 18-year old white-supremacist gunman in Buffalo who shot 13 innocent people, killing 10 of them. Eleven of the victims were black. Twelve of the victims were simply shopping for groceries. One was at work — a security guard who lost his life protecting others in the store. The gunman was a vocal antisemite and racist. Education is the key to combating hate
crimes like this from happening. This is why we are committed more than ever to combating antisemitism and racism and hatred in all forms through tolerance education. We cannot let hate win. We mourn the deaths of the victims, who were murdered just because they were Black. We stand with their families in grief and anger. May their memory be a blessing.
Roberta Drury Celestine Chaney Katherine Massey Heyward Patterson Aaron Salter, Jr. Ruth Whitfield Pearl Young All other victims not yet released.” —Submitted by the Holocaust Memorial & Tolerance Center of Nassau County
The public was invited to join the lodge on Sunday, May 22 at 12:30 p.m., in celebrating the lodge’s 100th, 102nd and 103rd Anniversaries. The celebration, which will be held at Verdi’s of Westbury, was postponed in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. —Submitted by Gaitley Stevenson-Mathews
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233157 S
MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
COMMUNITY CALENDAR Finer Things Club Join the Finer Things Club, better known as the Reader’s Advisory Board, at the Bayville Free Library, 34 School St. in Bayville, from 4 to 6 p.m. This monthly meeting will give teens three hours of community service. Topics of discussion are book club readings and brainstorm session of possible programs the library can have for teens. Visit for more information and to register. Friends Of The Bay Presentation Friends of the Bay’s Program Coordinator Christine Suter will explore the natural history of horseshoe crabs, current and historic threats to the species, their relationship to migratory shore birds, the use of their blood in the biomedical industry and conservation efforts. The presentation will be held over Zoom at 7 p.m. The program is free and open to the public. Visit to register.
sign copies of her book at the Locust Valley Book Store, 8 Birch Hill Road in Locust Valley, from 10:30 a.m. to noon.
MONDAY, MAY 30 Glen Cove Memorial Day Parade In collaboration between the Glen Cove Memorial Day Parade Committee, the office of the mayor, and the James Donahue VFW Post #347, the Glen Cove American Legion Post #76, the Young Simmons American Legion Post #1765 and the Marine Corps Legue Dan Daly Detachment #225, the Glen Cove Memorial Day Parade is back in full force. Starting with a ceremony at 11 a.m. at Monument Park located at the intersection of School Street and Brewster Street, the parade will start at noon on School and Brewster
FRIDAY, JUNE 3 Sip Into Summer At The Garvies Point Ferry Terminal From 6 to 9 p.m. at the Garvies Point Ferry Terminal, 42-48 Garvies Point Road in Glen Cove, is the first 2022 fundraising event hosted by the City of Glen Cove Special Events Committee, a group of dedicated residents and friends with a passion to create fun activities for their community. All event proceeds will support Glen Cove quality-of-life programs and events for the benefit of Glen Cove residents. Join this exciting kick-off event that will feature food trucks, entertainment, thirst-quenching beverages and a host of special activities.
SATURDAY, MAY 28 Book Signing At The Locust Valley Library Jenna Bush Hager, a star of the Today Show, a celebrated author, a daughter of the 43rd United States president and a grandaughter to the 41st United States president, will
Street, making its way down to Glen Street and then from Glen Street to Pulaski Street and then onto Pratt Boulevard. The parade will end at the Glen Cove Fire House.
Remember the fallen soldiers on May 30 with community parades and observances. (Photo courtesy Noah Wulf via Wikimedia Commons)
Trio De Jazz Enjoy wine, cheese and jazz supplied by the North Shore Historical Museum, 140 Glen St., at 4 p.m., with jazz music by Elysa Sunshine, Paul Errico and Shawn Murray. These three seasoned musicians promise to bebop and boogie woogie all to the backdrop of the NSHM’s exhibit on the Harlem Renaissance. Tickets are $20, which includes all refreshments. To inquire about the event and getting tickets, visit
TUESDAY, JUNE 14 Cadillac’s Cruise The Cove The Glen Cove Mayor’s Office and the Cadillac Guys Car Club of Long Island, invite all to spend the evening at 1 Bridge St. in Downtown Glen Cove with some of the most beautiful Classic Cadillacs, while dancing under the stars to some great music. Attendees are encouraged to dine at one of the many local restaurants. DJ entertaining is providing by “That 70s DJ Entertainments own DJ Louie Mangione” with a mix of different genres of music. Free admission for all. There will be additional events on July 12, Aug. 9 and Sept. 13.
Friday, June 3rd at 7 PM: Screening of "Purple" Documentary
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Sunday, June 12th at 10 AM: Guest Preacher Rev. Marian Edmonds-Allen, Executive Director of Parity
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Virtual Defensive Driving Class Sponsored by the Empire Safety Council, the Glen Cove Public Library is hosting a virtual defensive driving class over Zoom from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Students who complete this six hour course accident prevention workshop can save 10 percent on their automobile insurance for three years and may reduce up to four points on their driving record. The cost is $30, pay-
able by check or money order. Registration is in person at the information desk in the library, located at 4 Glen Cove Ave.
Sunday, June 19th at 10 AM: Drag Church featuring NYC Drag Theologian Marge Erin Johnson
7 N orth Lan e, Glen C ove
233094 M
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ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022
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H E R E YO U C A N 228519 S
2A MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
The Road Not Taken: Conservatism Today Review of The Right: The Hundred Year War For American Conservatism JOSEPH SCOTCHIE
ooks on American conservatism will always be more interesting than those about liberalism, if only because the losing side has a more poignant tale to tell. The term conservative is woefully out of place in a nation built around high-flying rhetoric: “All men are created equal,” “Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” proclaims the Declaration of Independence. Even the more somber U.S. Constitution seeks a “more perfect union,” guided by “We, the people.” The Right begins with the glory days of the 1920s: The presidencies of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. Sick of war, Americans craved normalcy. With this Republican duo they received it in bunches: No to the League of Nations, closed borders, industries protected, the family farm boomed alongside such roaring cities as New York and Chicago. The Great Depression, caused by over-lending practices, ended those good times. The New Deal, punctuated by World War II, left conservatism stuck in a permanent Loserville. The conservatism of William F. Buckley Jr.’s National Review hoped to bring “the intellectuals around.” Those efforts failed. The heartland beckoned. The Buckleyites had no qualms. Buckley, James Burnham and Frank Meyer all sang the praises of homespun Middle American values. William R. Rusher wanted to form a third party in time for the 1976 elections, featuring a dream ticket of Ronald Reagan and George Wallace. Conservatives wanted to “stand athwart” history. Populists sought not just to stop it in its tracks, but overthrow the entire edifice. Such men as Joe McCarthy, Wallace, Barry Goldwater, Pat Buchanan and Donald Trump come in for special scorn. Warranted? McCarthy’s witch hunt against communist infiltration was entirely justified (see M. Stanton Evans’s Blacklisted By History). Wallace made his fame by opposing school busing. How’d it turn out? In the 1950s, American test scores were number one worldwide. Six decades later, test scores have the U.S. as 13th in reading, 19th in science, and a dismal 38th in mathematics. Busing—and the enormous dislocations it caused—are a major factor. Concerning trade, immigration and opposition to New World Order wars, has Buchanan been wrong
about anything? The prairie fire of the 1970s paved the way for Reagan’s 1980 victory. The Reagan-Buckley era had arrived. Was America a conservative nation? Was the GOP a conservative party? Was it a Reagan party? For eight years, Reagan had to deal with a Democratic Congress. In the Senate, the GOP was led by Howard Baker and Robert Dole, two solons who ran against Reagan in the 1980 primaries. Reagan was one of those great men whose strengths and weaknesses were one and the same. The man was extraordinarily amicable and popular (ask the Democrats). He also held a peace pipe to the liberal East Coast GOP establishment that he had defeated. George H.W. Bush was his running mate. Worse, Reagan named James A. Baker III, a man who did everything possible to defeat Reagan in both 1976 and 1980, as his chief of staff. That remains inexplicable. Reagan succeeded on the economy, while presiding over the retreat of the Soviet Union. If not for the defeat of Robert Bork as his 1987 Supreme Court nominee, the social issues leg of the conservative agenda might have triumphed. Reagan was a longtime New Dealer. A dose of liberalism remained in his nervous system. Reagan was liberal on immigration. In 1986, he signed an amnesty bill into law, one that did nothing to address the border crisis. The decade saw a massive increase in legal immigration. The issue would bitterly divide conservatives for the next 30 years. Meanwhile, the nation that elected Richard Nixon and Reagan to landslide victories was lost forever. Rusher had the right idea. If conservatives had a golden moment, it was not 1980, but 1970. That year, James Buckley, the pundit’s older brother running on the Conservative Party line won a U.S. Senate seat in New York. Conservatives had the best of both worlds: the Democratic and Republican party candidates both whipped. The Conservative Party was very much a National Review thing; its editors wrote the party platform and gave its candidates much publicity. When William F. Buckley, Jr. attempted to launch that publication, he was told by his publisher, Henry Regnery, not to base a conservative journal in New York City. Go where its reader base is. What if NR had been based in Washington, D.C., instead? A third party could become a national party. The Conservative Party has fallen apart, mainly because the New York that elected James Buckley has also disappeared. Americans did not want a Reagan
Revolution that targeted entitlement programs. They would take eight years of peace and prosperity. The turning point was not the 2003 Iraq War as much as the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Up until then, all American involvement in 20th century wars were initiated by a Democrat (World War I, Wilson; World War II, Roosevelt; The Korean War, Truman; Vietnam, Kennedy, and Johnson). Republicans had the honor of either ending those wars or heralding in normalcy (Harding and Coolidge with World War I; Reagan winning the Cold War; Eisenhower ending the Korean War and Nixon settling Vietnam). All that ended when George H.W. Bush went to war in 1991 against Saddam Hussein over the latter’s invasion of Kuwait. With the Cold War resolved, it was time for more of the same. Instead, endless war: Iraq, Somalia, Haiti, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Libya and Ukraine. Conservatives supported them all. On the eve of the 1991 war, conservatism was still defined by three popular pundits: Buckley, Buchanan and George Will. Buckley and Will said “yes” to war. Buchanan said “no.” The latter’s argument was the road not taken. The author acknowledges populism’s legitimate demands: Border security, national sovereignty, “an emphasis on the condition of working people without college degrees” and a “reluctance toward humanitarian interventionism abroad.” Continetti just doesn’t view Trump as the right messenger. Continetti nails his fellow conservatives for not seeing the Trump wave. How could they? The Trump phenomenon was a white working-class thing. Conservatives live in Washington and New York. They are college-educated, usually at elite universities. Trump Country is a million miles away from their world. The Right is valuable history. It captures the sheer agony, pathos, despair and futility of being an authentic conservative in liberal society. The Old Right had ideas, convictions and principals. It lacked a political party to articulate those ideas into electoral politics. Conservatives have been routed so thoroughly that the only time they win is when the join the Left: Anti-Donald Trump, anti-Robert E. Lee and pro-same sex marriage. Compared to the cave-ins of the conservative elite, the hell-forleather populism of McCarthy, Wallace, Buchanan and Trump all had a lonely integrity to it.
Matthew Continetti (Photo courtesy of American University)
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022
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231873 M
4A MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
The 18th Annual Bethpage Air Show At Jones Beach Announces Final Performer Lineup B ethpage Federal Credit Union, New York State’s largest credit union, and the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, announce the performer line-up for the much-anticipated 18th Annual Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach, taking place on Saturday, May 28, and Sunday, May 29, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Returning for their ninth headlining
performance, with two native New Yorkers on the jet team, the U.S. Navy Blue Angels return to Long Island following the cancellation of their last scheduled performance in 2020, due to COVID-19 Military performers joining the Blue Angels are the United States Army Golden Knights Parachute Team, which will be making their 16th appearance at the Bethpage Air Show; the Air Combat
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Command F-22 Raptor; the U.S. Navy F-35C Tac Demonstration Team; the U.S. Coast Guard; and the 106th Rescue Wing NY Air National Guard HC - 130 / HH 60 Demonstration Team. Civilian performers include the world-famous Skytypers and their flight squadron of five vintage World War II aircraft; Mike Goulian, North America’s most decorated aerobatic pilot; Jessy Panzer, a highly recognized female aerobatic pilot making her second Bethpage Air Show appearance; the American Air Power Museum Warbirds; Long Island’s own David Windmiller; and the SUNY Farmingdale State College Flying Rams, who will fly several of their 22 college-owned aircraft. “This year’s highly anticipated show is going to be spectacular!,” said George Gorman, Regional Director, New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historical Preservation – Long Island Region. “We are very pleased to welcome the Blue Angels back to Long Island after their four-year absence and look forward to embracing the team’s two New York teammates. Thank you to Bethpage Federal Credit Union and all of the show’s sponsors for their continued support of what has grown to become Long Island’s Greatest Show.” “Helping to organize the Bethpage Air Show is a labor of love for all of the show’s loyal fans and for the entire Long Island community,” Bethpage Senior Vice President Linda Armyn. “Not only have we begun to count down the days leading up to the show, but many of the show’s spectacular performers, have begun their countdowns of well, knowing how special it is to perform for Long Islanders over the waters of Jones Beach.” The Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach is one of the largest, most respected and most popular air shows in the country. Over 289,000 people attended the Bethpage
Air Show at Jones Beach the last time the squadron headlined in 2018. The Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach is sponsored by Bethpage Federal Credit Union, New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Newsday, WABC-TV Channel 7, Northrop Grumman, Natural Heritage Trust, Connoisseur Media Long Island, Catholic Health, PSEG Long Island and Pinelawn Memorial Park and Arboretum. The show can be heard in its entirety on WHLI 1100 AM and 104.7 FM. The Bethpage Air Show is free to the public, but the standard $10 vehicle use fee will be collected each day upon entry to the State Park. For 2022 New York State Empire Pass Card holders, there is no vehicle use fee charge. Available for $80, the 2022 Season Empire Pass is a wallet-sized scannable card that can be shared within a household and not assigned to a specific vehicle. The Empire Pass Card provides unlimited vehicle access to most facilities operated by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. 2022 Season Empire Pass Cards are available for purchase at any Long Island State Park beginning April 1, 2022, and can be utilized immediately and are effective until December 31, 2022 to enjoy the forests, the seashores and the lakefronts of New York State’s parks through all of New York’s beautiful seasons. For up-to-date information about this year’s show, visit or BethpageAirShow/ or contact the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Regional Office, Recreation Department at 631-321-3510. —Submitted by the Bethpage Federal Credit Union
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022
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233099 M
6A MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
From left: Martin Freeman as Paul and Daisy Haggard as Ally in FX’s Breeders (Photo by Miya Mizuno/FX)
Martin Freeman’s Fave Punk Bands DAVE GIL de RUBIO
233100 S
t all started with a dream for Martin Freeman. That was the seed planted for Breeders, a British-American dark comedy about parenting co-created by the British actor with partners Chris Addison and Simon Blackwell that airs on FX. Freeman stars as Paul Worsley, who, along with partner Ally Grant (Daisy Haggard) are raising two children in London and dealing with the day-to-day of modern life. And while the premise doesn’t seem remarkable, the real-life approach in the plots is what sets this show apart from familial sitcoms full of precocious children and clueless parents. It all started with that aforementioned walk through slumberland for the Hampshire native. “I dreamt the scene of the first episode almost verbatim,” he recalled. “Those two things are cheek-by-jowl where one second you can go, ‘Oh my God, I would do anything for your kid’ and the next second you’re calling your baby a prick. I recognize those complexities. It sort of lent itself to me thinking that there could be something in this—a comedy. Yet it gets to points so dark and so harsh that I don’t think we’ve seen that before in a parental context. If it’s happened, apologies to that show. But I haven’t seen it to that extent that it’s hopefully very
realistic and three dimensional in a way that I think parenting and family life is. I partnered up with Chris Addison and Simon Blackwell and we created the show together. We’re all fathers. We all had an understanding that parenting is complicated—that’s not a new concept. We kind of laid it out there in all of our development stories where we were telling the least flattering stories about ourselves and the most embarrassing part of us being dads.” Now in its third season, Breeders mines the complexities of parenting with deft pivots that veer between relatable drama and pointed humor, something Freeman found lacking in other shows trolling the same subject matter. “We knew there was some comedic life in [parenting], where when you admit to your worst things, it’s very funny after the event, but not particularly funny at the time,” he said. “There were shows that I really liked that deal with parents and kids, but I was waiting for someone to scream at their kids. You’ve just told that kid four times to put that down and he just put a hole in the wall and you’re going, ‘Oh, come on, put that down.’ No, when is the bit when you truly lose your mind with rage at a kid through repetition and frustration. We wanted that to be very present in our show. I wanted us to have the bravery to go there when necessary.” Being a Brit of a certain age and someone whose love of music led to his being part of the 2015 documentary The Jam: About the Young Idea, Freeman was happy to share his favorite punk bands.
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022
L LI IW IW LIW Buzzcocks (1976-1981; 1989-present)
The Jam (1972-1982)
“I love Pete Shelley’s voice and the dark humor of it. It feels like a lot of the best sort of punk of that kind. It’s that line between being an annoying little s*** and being a very profound poet. It’s this voice that niggles away at your brain. If you weren’t in the right mood for it or weren’t the right age for it at the time, you would have thought this was the worst music that ever happened. But if you were the right age, I was about five or six, so it wasn’t like I was in the sweet spot. But I was hearing it being played in the house—and it just felt subversive. For kids, that’s very attractive. But also, when you listen to it 40 or 45 years on, the lyrics of the Buzzcocks are really good.”
“What was great about The Jam was the amazing youth and talent of them as players. But also the prodigious talent of Paul Weller, who when the first album comes out, he’s 18 years old and his voice is all there. As a player, it’s all there. His voice is already really mature. They just hit the ground running and tapped into a certain thing about suburban Englishness that is unique and that’s why they still stand with a large swain of not only British people, but certainly suburban British people. We recognize a lot of that. People from just outside the city. That certain suburban thing is very much alive and feels very English.”
The Clash (1976-1986)
“One of the best debut albums ever. It was just amazing. They made a great racket and there is no one else like them. I quite enjoy their political pretension, even though some of it is clearly pretentious, but I like it. It’s just good sounds and really, really good songs. They made a lot of different sounds in the first few years of their career and they drew on different stuff really well.”
Sex Pistols (1975-1978; 1996; 2002-2003; 2007-2008)
“They had to happen. I do think John Lydon’s lyrics are truly brilliant on their first and really only proper album, Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols. The lyrics are really good and the grooves
are really great. I like them as a band but there’s no one else, before or since, like John Lydon I think in that incarnation of his work. He was the perfect kind of sneering, funny little upstart, which life is full of. Real life is full of those kinds of people, but show biz is not full of those kinds of people. Again, if you were over 30 when that happened, most people thought it was the worst thing that happened to culture. But you give it 20 years and even people like my mum ended up loving Johnny Rotten. When they first came out, she would have thought, ‘Who the hell is this?’ But then, you realize the world didn’t end and they ended up being so cuddly in a way. I think some of the lyrics to the only proper album are really good. ‘God Save the Queen’ is a great lyric. ‘Holidays In the Sun’ is a great lyric.” Breeders airs on the FX Network.
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8A MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
LETTER TO THE EDITOR NATIONAL POPPY DAY Wear a poppy to honor those who have worn our nation’s uniform. The red poppy is a nationally recognized symbol of sacrifice worn by Americans since World War I to honor those who served and died for our country in all wars. It reminds Americans of the sacrifices made by our veterans while protecting our freedoms. It’s
the time of year when you most likely will come across a member of the American Legion Auxiliary in your community asking you to “wear a poppy in support of our fallen heroes.” Know that 100 percent of the donations raised through the distribution of poppies by American Legion Auxiliary members has exclusively supported active-duty
military, veterans and their families in the following ways: • For the rehabilitation of veterans honorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces after April 6, 1917; • For the welfare of the families of veterans of the above name period; • For the rehabilitation of hospitalized military service personnel
returning home and awaiting discharge who require treatment in service hospitals; and • For the welfare of veterans, active military personnel, and the families of veterans and active military personnel of the abovename period where financial and medical need is evident. Rosanne Spinner, American Legion Auxiliary – Nassau County Committee
President Frank A. Virga
Living In The Present
RABBI MOSHE WEISBLUM Every day counts to be fully engaged, making the most of each moment so we can enjoy more of them, love your family, appreciate the simple things in life. Are you living in a yesterday mindset? A prisoner of the past hardships? Are
you too worried about how you will survive tomorrow? Do you go to work feeling that your body was there, but your mind was thinking about yesterday, about what you could have done better? If you’re going to be appreciative and fulfilled you have to show up for life, be there when you get there. Not show up and be totally in the future and not show up and be in the past, living in regrets, dwelling on your disappointments. Have complete faith in our Creator and come into today. Yes, it’s good to have goals, visions, but try not to be so focused on them that you miss what you have right now. Sometimes, people lose the precious things they have by overlooking them and only going after what they want. They are so
intent on reaching that goal, slaves of that desire, doing great things, even their family is taken for granted, continuing to be distracted and thinking all the time about what’s next. Excessive preoccupation with the future caused them to lose the gifts of the present. Each of us has a mission with a personal connection to the Almighty, which gives us the ability to accomplish what at first might seem impossible. The way to this is by making each day count, bringing meaning and vitality to every moment. So be close, be connected to our Heavenly Father. Be grateful for the innumerous blessings our Creator shines upon us in the present. Don’t look for the road to joy, but enjoy the way and be happy every day!
Better Alternatives To The Multi Billion Dollar Hochul Brooklyn To Queens Subway Connection Already Available There are better alternatives to Governor Kathy Hochul’s new Brooklyn to Queens Subway Connection. The cost could easily be several billion more than the 2016. Regional Planning Association cost estimate of $1 to $2 billion. All MTA Chairman Janno Lieber could commit to is that the cost would be less than $10 billion. Hochul and other project supporters forgot to tell you about the existing G line service that has been running from Brooklyn to Queens for decades. It was built as part of the municipal Independent Subway (IND) system constructed in the 1930’s. Whomever provided her with the proposed system map, air-brushed this out. Reminds me of the late Soviet Union dictator Joseph Stalin. He would have people who fell out of favor removed from all previous photos. Completion of Communication
Based Train Control on both the Queens Blvd. E/F,M & R line along with F line Brooklyn routes will provide increased capacity on both subway corridors. Current G line service terminating at Court Square could be extended to Forest Hills, Continental Avenue. This would restore this connection which was
terminated several decades ago. In Brooklyn, G line service could be extended beyond Church Avenue to Coney Island Stillwell Avenue Terminal. This would provide connections to the D, N & Q lines. The G line Fulton Street train station is located several blocks from the Atlantic Avenue/Barclay Center LIRR/NYC Transit subway station complex. A simple underground passageway could be constructed. This could provide a direct indoor connection to the G line from the 2,3,4 & 5 IRT, B.D.N,Q & R BMT subway lines along with the Atlantic branch LIRR. Upon initiation of service to support East Side Access to Grand Central Terminal, the LIRR will convert this branch to a simple scoot service between Jamaica and Flatbush Avenue, maintaining stops at East NY and Nostrand Avenue. The MTA has a planned capital
Publishers of Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot Great Neck Record Manhasset Press Nassau Illustrated News Port Washington News Syosset-Jericho Tribune The Nassau Observer The Roslyn News Editor and Publisher Angela Susan Anton
Have you ever felt stuck in a relationship with a difficult person, unable to get your message through, powerless to change the situation? Too often, similarly, our mind is stuck with a feeling of confusion and uncertainty. It can relate to the past, our attention focused on what didn’t work out, who did us wrong, errors we’ve made or our ambiguous concern for the future, thinking about our goals, objectives, finances, health, relationships and more. The common mistake of solely focusing on the past or on the unknown future is that we often miss the appreciation and the joy of the present. King David said (Psalm 118:24): “This is the day the Almighty has made.” Today is a gift from our Heavenly Father.
Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000
project for renovation of the East New York J/Z/L/A/C subway station complex along with the adjacent LIRR Station. Few people use this LIRR station due safety and security issues, poor lighting along and outdated physical conditions. Upgrading the East NY LIRR station might make it more attractive for those who use any of the five mentioned subway lines. The L line connects Canarsie with the 14th Street Manhattan corridor running through numerous Brooklyn neighborhoods. The J/Z connects Jamaica Center with Wall Street via numerous Brooklyn and Queens neighborhoods. The A & C connect Lefferts Blvd and the Rockaways with various other Queens and Brooklyn neighborhood before reaching Manhattan. The Woodhaven Boulevard Queens Atlantic Branch LIRR
Vice President of Operations Iris Picone Director of Sales Administration Shari Egnasko Editors Janet Burns, Jennifer Corr, Dave Gil de Rubio, Christy Hinko, Julie Prisco, Frank Rizzo, Joe Scotchie, Advertising Sales Ally Deane, Mary Mallon, Sal Massa, Maria Pruyn, Jeryl Sletteland Director of Circulation Joy DiDonato Director of Production Robin Carter Creative Director Alex Nuñez Art Director Catherine Bongiorno Senior Page Designer Donna Duffy Director of Business Administration Linda Baccoli
For circulation inquiries, email: Publication Office: 132 East Second St., Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: (516) 747-8282 Fax: (516) 742-5867 © 2022 Long Island Community Newspapers, Inc.
IN BUSINESS 1984-2022
Letters to the editor are welcomed by Anton Media Group. We reserve the right to edit in the interest of space and clarity. All letters must include an address and daytime telephone number for verification. All material contributed to Anton Media Group in any form becomes the property of the newspapers to use, modify and distribute as the newspaper staff assigns or sees fit. Letters to the editor can be mailed to: Additional copies of this and other issues are available for purchase by calling 516-403-5120.
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022
Majority’s Reforms Helping Resolve Long Term Fiscal Problem For decades, Nassau County has been plagued with refund liability resulting from successful property tax certiorari challenges made by residents and businesses. Under the “County Guarantee,” Nassau fully refunds county, town and school taxes from these assessment challenges even though it only receives a small fraction of the original overpayment. This inequity costs Nassau tens of millions of dollars annually, has led to bond rating decreases and is largely responsible for the continued existence of a financial control board. Over the years, the refund amount paid out by Nassau
MAJORITY REPORT Richard J. Nicolello
County is in the $1 billion range, substantial amounts of which
were paid with borrowed monies. Meanwhile, county residents have received no additional services in return for these payments. Thanks to a dedicated revenue fund created by the Republican Majority, the county has a historic opportunity to pay off millions of dollars of outstanding tax refunds owed to residents and businesses. In so doing, we can bring the county’s tax refund liability as close to current as possible. The Republican Majority’s special revenue fund is funded by sales tax revenues in 2021 that were much higher than the prior administration’s wildly
erroneous forecast. In fact, in 2021 the county took in $360 million more than had been forecast by the prior administration. These monies will be placed in a “lock box” account to be spent primarily to pay tax refunds owed by the county. The Republican Majority’s reserve fund is a win-win for the county and residents; it will allow the county to finally pay refunds it owes to residents and businesses, and it will benefit taxpayers by eliminating millions of dollars in compounding interest accumulating against that debt. This could not have come at a better time as
residents and businesses continue to recover from the pandemic. Reducing the county’s tax refund exposure puts the county in better position with rating agencies, which can lower our cost of borrowing. It also is a big step toward ending the oversight board’s control period. This good government initiative will help resolve an issue that has plagued the county for decades, free up taxpayer monies to be spent on services for our residents and help boost our economy at this crucial time. Nicolello is the presiding officer of the Nassau County Legislature.
The Guidance Center’s Work ‘Beyond Our Walls’ North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center is known throughout Long Island as the pre-eminent mental health organization for youth and families, providing individualized, culturally sensitive therapeutic services that serve to bring hope and healing to those experiencing mental health challenges. For nearly 70 years, the Guidance Center has been listening to your needs and concerns, and responding swiftly and compassionately. Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to share with you some important information on our offerings. As we told you in our April Anton column, we shifted to a hybrid model of service within days of the pandemic’s beginning, seeing clients both in person and via a secure telehealth platform. But if you picture the work of the Guidance Center as taking place only inside our three buildings or via a virtual platform, with a counselor and client sitting in an office or communicating via a smartphone or computer, think again. Many of our innovative programs happen beyond our walls, in places that range from state parks to schools to homes. The Guidance Center’s Wilderness Respite Program, now in its 23rd year, provides a unique opportunity for at-risk adolescents to put down their tech devices and participate in hikes and other nature activities that help them gain confidence and make lasting friendships. Nature takes a leading role in our two organic gardens, located at our main headquarters in Roslyn Heights and our Marks Family Right from the Start 0-3+ Center in Manhasset. By weeding, seeding
and tending to the crops, kids blossom as they learn important skills such as self-confidence, cooperation and responsibility. The Guidance Center also has a Nature Nursery, where our youngest clients use all their senses as they touch pine cones or paint on an outdoor “canvas.” The textures, sounds and sights help children explore their creative sides and learn skills to help cope with difficult feelings. In addition to therapy, our Latina Girls Project incorporates monthly outings to places such as theaters, museums and more. These trips boost the teens’ confidence and sense of independence and help them discover the larger world. In 2019, the trips expanded to include outings for boys that also have been a huge success. Students from 5-21, who’ve had a hard time succeeding in school have a great alternative with our Intensive Support Program (ISP), held at three Nassau County BOCES schools. There, they receive academic help and counseling, with therapists on site to help them flourish emotionally and academically.
We also work in Westbury High School and middle school with our Teen Intervene and Too Good for Drugs programs, designed to prevent substance and alcohol use. For children and teens who need our help but can’t come to our offices, the Guidance Center provides intensive in-home therapy with our Clinical Care Coordination Team (CCCT). CCCT aims to lessen acute symptoms, restore clients to prior levels of functioning, and build and strengthen natural supports. Through CCCT, our goal is to reduce unnecessary emergency room visits, hospitalizations and residential placements. Our Coordinated Children’s Services Initiative (CCSI) supports families with the coordination of services in their homes and communities, identifying and accessing resources, providing advocacy and helping children and families gain the skills and tools needed to be self-sufficient. Through our Family Advocate Program, parents who have been through mental health crises with their own children are trained to offer peer support for families by joining them at special education meetings, offering support groups and providing many other resources. In addition, we have enhanced services to the clients in our Diane Goldberg Maternal Depression Program by adding yoga classes and self-care outings. As you can see, the Guidance Center is always thinking “outside the box,” creating innovative programs that meet the needs of the community and enhance the therapeutic value of all our services. We are here for you. Kathy Rivera, LCSW, is the Executive
Guidance Center Executive Director/CEO Kathy Rivera and Bruce Kaufstein, leader of the Wilderness hikes, at Caumsett State Park. (Photo courtesy of the North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center)
Director/CEO of North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, Long Island’s leading non-profit children’s mental health organization. To get
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Station was closed in 1977. It is still in the concept planning phase. Reopening is estimated to cost $40 million. All of the above could be implemented far more quickly The cost for a new underground subway passageway connection, purchase of additional subway cars and modifications to increase capacity for storage and maintenance of equipment at a rail yard necessary to increase service on the G line to support extended service to Forest Hills and Coney Island would be far cheaper that Hochul’s proposal. It would require several hundred
help for your child or to support the Guidance Center’s life-saving work, visit www.northshorechildguidance. org or call 516-626-1971. million in capital and operating dollars rather than who knows how many billions for the new Brooklyn to Queens subway line over primarily freight tracks. Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer, who previously worked for the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 New York Office. This included the development, review, approval and oversight for billions in capital projects and programs for the MTA, NYC Transit, Long Island Rail Road, Metro North Rail Road, MTA Bus along with 30 other transit agencies in NY & NJ.
10A MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
Connolly Elementary School Launches Therapy Dog Program Students alleviate stress, practice reading skills with furry friend book, Notes on Nursing, she recorded how having an animal companion helped her patients recover. Dr. Sigmund Freud revived a public interest in animal therapy, specifically with dogs, in the 1930s when he brought his own pet Jo-Fi to therapy sessions and noted the calming effect it had on his patients. In 1961, Dr. Boris Levinson became known as the “father of animal-assisted therapy” when he accidentally left his dog Jingles alone with a young patient who was withdrawn and nonverbal. On returning, Levinson found the boy communicating with Jingles. He began using Jingles in his child psychotherapy sessions and wrote a book in 1969 called PetOriented Child Psychotherapy. Dogs are most often used in animal-assisted therapy because of their nonjudgmental nature and desire to protect others. Bideawee, which also has locations in Westhampton and Manhattan, launched its Pet Therapy Program in 1986 and trains handlers and animals to visit schools, nursing homes and hospitals. Therapy Dogs of Long Island is a nonprofit run by volunteers who train their own dogs and bring them to children and adults in homes, hospitals, nursing homes, camps, schools, libraries and organizations. —Glen Cove City School District
Connolly Elementary School students with Maddie.
MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2022 • 6:00-8:00 PM
MONARCH ROOFTOP • 71 W 35TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10001 Join us in celebrating Giving Day, our BIGGEST FUNDRAISER of the year, and help us save even more cats, dogs, puppies, and kittens. • Quality time with our adorable puppies • • Breathtaking NYC views • Live music • Unlimited drinks • • Live custom drawing • Delectable culinary delights • Questions? Contact Charlotte Bush for more information 516.373.3402
229230 M
onnolly Elementary School in Glen Cove is giving students a break from the “ruff” school day with its first therapy dog program. Students are given time to pet, unwind and even practice their reading skills with a therapy dog to relieve stress. Connolly began a pilot program through which selected students meet with a Chocolate Labrador named Maddie and her handler twice a month. The school plans to bring in more dogs and extend the program to any student interested in participating. “Coming back from the pandemic, a lot of kids began showing anxiety and nervousness, so this was one of the ways we wanted to help them relax,” Principal Bryce Klatsky said. “Dog therapy has been around for decades and has been proven to have therapeutic benefits such as reducing stress and improving mood.” Teachers Patty Lucci and Morgan Steiger spearheaded the program, which was sponsored by local business AMP Construction and brings in dogs from Bideawee in Wantagh and Long Island Therapy Dogs. The first few sessions were geared toward students in the school’s reading program and gave them a chance to read to dogs without fear of judgement. “It really helps children who are shy or afraid to read in front of their peers. They could pet the dog and calm their nerves when they read. It also gives them a bit of extra love, which is sometimes all they need,” said Lucci. While animal-assisted therapy has been growing in popularity in recent history, the practice has been studied for over a century. Florence Nightingale, considered the founder of modern nursing, recognized its potential in the late 1800s when she paired children and adults in psychiatric institutions with small pets. In her renowned 1859
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022 11A
Matt Sarni wn (Photos courtesy of Levitto School District)
Matt Sarni faced an uncertain future. The three-sport MacArthur High School athlete underwent Tommy John surgery heading into his junior year of high school. It would be easy for doubt to creep into the mind of a young athlete after such an extensive surgery. But Sarni never doubted himself, he simply plotted his comeback. He focused on his recovery and dedicated himself to
Athlete of the Month—Matt Sarni fully returning to athletics. His triumphant return has earned Sarni Anton Media Group’s Athlete of the Month. “I was extremely determined to comeback because I feel the most like myself when I pitch,” Sarni said. “Being away from pitching for almost 600 days made me realize how much I love it. This drove me to work hard everyday toward a comeback.” This year, Sarni was an impact player on MacArthur’s football, basketball and baseball teams. He also maintained a 100.76 weighted average in the class room. “Matt is a high-quality person who has the respect of his teammates and the entire coaching staff,” MacArthur baseball coach Steve Costello said. Sarni also made up his own rehab rules. To secure a spot on the football team, Sarni taught himself how to be a field goal kicker. When he was
finally able to throw a baseball again, and if no one was available to catch with him, he took a bucket of baseballs up to the MacArthur field and threw into a fence. To work on his mechanics, he would stand in front of a mirror and replicate his wind-up. On the gridiron, Sarni was automatic as a field goal kicker. He also made a game-saving tackle on a kick-off return by Mepham during a playoff game at Hofstra. In addition to football, Sarni was an All-Conference basketball player and was named Player of the Year by the Levittown Tribune. But baseball has always been where Sarni has excelled most.
A member of the varsity team since his freshman year, Sarni did not pitch his junior season but contributed enough to the team as a second baseman to be named All Conference and help the Generals reach the Nassau County semifinals. Sarni’s stat line as a senior is impressive. While playing shortstop, Matt is batting .377 with a .507 on-base percentage. He has struck out just twice in 67 plate appearances. He has 16 RBIs and 25 runs scored while going a perfect 10-for-10 in stolen bases. On the mound, the senior righthander is 4-1. In 28 innings pitched, he has a 2.00 ERA with 36 strikeouts and just four walks. He’s allowed one hit or fewer in five of his six starts. He has zero errors as a pitcher and shortstop. But Sarni’s focus is always on the team. “My current and former teammates have very high standards and expectations,” said Sarni, who will play baseball at New Paltz next year. “These coaches have helped me to become the person I am today both on and off the field.” —James Rowan is an Anton Media Group contributor.
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12A MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
Recently Sold
Recycling Basics Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. Recycling can benefit your community and the environment.
Benefits of Recycling
• Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators • Conserves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals • Increases economic security by tapping a domestic source of materials • Prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials • Saves energy • Supports manufacturing and conserves valuable resources • Helps create jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries This amazing home with park-like views at 73 Papermill Rd. in Manhasset sold for $2,550,000 on May 11. The fully updated home has five bedrooms and five bathrooms and is set on more than a half-acre with plenty of room for a pool to be added. Its elegant two-story entry leads to spectacular great room with gas fireplace, vaulted ceilings and French doors to a patio. There is great flow throughout with an open concept kitchen and family room. There are striking views from all principal rooms in the house of a beautifully landscaped yard and golf course just beyond. There are so many options to set up a home office on any floor of the house too. The finished basement has large windows and an outside entrance. The two-car garage is heated and the whole house is on a generator. This home is close to the train station. This stunning home situated in the heart of premier Plandome village at 66 South Drive in Manhasset sold on May 11 for $2,475,000. It has a gracious entrance with architectural beauty that is welcoming, warm and happy. A hallmark of the house is the high vaulted ceilings in the living room with a wood burning fireplace leading you to a great room and spacious eat-in-kitchen. The open floor plan leads to a very elegant yet comfortable dining room and a cozy sun-room. There are large windows throughout that let light stream into every room. The pristine hardwood floors and detailed molding adorn the home. A gracious primary suite includes spa bath, a walkin closet and gas fireplace. In addition, there are three perfect proportioned bedrooms and an additional bathroom. A beautiful dining terrace and garden area are ideal for play, entertainment and barbecues. Enchanted landscaping surrounds the property. This home is across from the majestic village green, private tennis courts and within close proximity to the town and train.
Steps to Recycling Materials
Recycling includes the three steps below, which create a continuous loop, represented by the familiar recycling symbol. Step 1: Collection and Processing There are several methods for collecting recyclables, including curbside collection, drop-off centers and deposit or refund programs. Recyclables are sent to a recovery facility to be sorted, cleaned and processed into materials that can be used in manufacturing. Recyclables are bought and sold just like raw materials would be, and prices go up and down depending on supply and demand. Step 2: Manufacturing More and more of today’s products are being manufactured with recycled content. Common household items that contain recycled materials include ewspapers, paper towels, aluminum, plastic, and glass soft drink containers, steel cans and plastic laundry detergent bottles. Recycled materials are also used in new ways such as recovered glass in asphalt to pave roads or recovered plastic in carpeting and park benches. Step 3: Purchasing New Products Made from Recycled Materials You help close the recycling loop by buying new products made from recycled materials. There are thousands of products that contain recycled content. When you go shopping, look for the following: • Products that can be easily recycled • Products that contain recycled content —Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
229156 S
Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022 13A
COVERED FROM HEAD TO TOE AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. Confidence comes easy when a top health system is nearby. With 300+ locations from the city through Long Island, you’re always close to the care you need— including sports medicine, orthopedics, and women’s health. Learn more about the nation’s #1 ranked quality care at Source: Vizient Ambulatory Care Quality and Accountability Award, 2021.
233028 M
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14A MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
232764 S
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direct always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you hav pleted the puzzle, there will be 19 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle. By Holiday Mathis
By Holiday Holiday Mathis Mathis HOROSCOPES INTERNATIONAL WORD FIND By HOROSCOPES INTERNATIONAL WORD FIND ARIES (March 21-April 19). In the safe terrarium of your inner world, you can Tropical holiday believe what you want about your talents and go unchallenged. This week, you’ll be asked to put your true abilities on the line for all to see, which feels risky because it is. You won’t have to rise to the occasion, though; what you have already is mighty fine.
WORD FIND Tropical holiday
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). There is no such thing as a perfect group. Where people gather for a purpose, problems arise. Outsiders wouldn’t understand the specific and unusual nature of the issues your group encounters these days, but you’ll be uniquely adept at coming up with solutions, and so, your influence grows.
Solution: 19 Letters
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The world can seem fixed, like its structures and relationships will continue on indefinitely, just as you’ve always known them to be. Of course, this isn’t true. Things were different before you, and they will shift again; only, this time, you’ll be part of the change. You’ll take the implied responsibility seriously this week.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’re being drawn into a vision of your future that seems ideal because the shimmer of the lovely parts blind you to the less-ideal aspects, which you’ll only notice once you get there. It will be worth the work to go anyway. So much of it will be right for you, and the rest you can make a game out of. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). When fate leaves you to your own devices, you are lulled into the rhythm of your work-a-day schedule, mindlessly fulfilling various duties. But when fate pays a visit, it forces you into a new alertness. Whatever fate brings to the party this week, fate’s real gift is awareness. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your mind will be like an ancient mapmaker who sketches monsters beyond the edges of the known world. Yes, fearsome creatures may inhabit the abyss, but more likely, the life that rises to greet you will be on a scale you’ve seen before and handled just fine, too. Feel the fear and sail on anyway. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You will achieve a springiness as you keep the plot moving along this week, never stopping too long in any spot, floating from event to responsibility to conversation, all with the light touch that keeps you flexible. You actually have more control holding life loosely like this than you did when you gripped it so hard. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). To an outside observer, it would seem your day is ruled by the doctrine of absurdism, though the irrationalities work perfectly to make your life run smoothly. Perhaps the only absurdity is the notion that there is one correct way to run things in a world as colorful and varied as yours. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). As unpleasant as feelings of frustration can be, they portend good things for your future. They highlight your ambition and prevent self-delusion. They indicate that you see what’s not working and can hear the ticking clock. Your frustration will turn to curiosity this week. From there, solutions will emerge.
Peace grows inside you. You’ll be a grounding agent for the others in your social swirl. You may not even realize the many times you bring your environment into a state of harmony and production. With your talent for empathy, it’s almost like you’re able to live many lives. Certainly, your flexibility of perspective allows for decision-making, which elevates more lives than your own. A hobby will introduce you to fun people and times. You’ll try three arrangements before you get the best fit. COPYRIGHT 2022 CREATORS.COM
Euramo Fine Fish Giru Hats Alpha Heat Alva Heron Boat Break Hook Buses LawesCape Tribulation Laze Coral Lucky Cove Major Cow Bay Mt Isa Cruise Nebo Dunk Eton
Noosa Palms Pool Pub lunch Quay Noosa Euramo Fine Palms Reef Fish Relax Pool Pub lunch Giru Roma Quay Hats Sails Reef Heat Heron Sand Relax Roma Hook Sarina Sails Lawes Scuba Laze Sand Lucky Shoal Sarina Scuba Major Staff Mt Isa Shoal
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Solution: Watch out for stingers
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Three changes will make your routine lovelier. Figuring out the next best steps will be a challenge. Minding your own business can be difficult with so many people asking you to mind theirs in the form of attention-grabbing posts, check-ins, texts... but you’ll focus, solve the problem and nab a prize -- worth it!
Alpha Alva Boat Break Buses Cape Tribulation Coral Cove Cow Bay Cruise Dunk Eton Eulo
Solution: Watch out for stingers
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). One reason to practice acknowledging people with the fullness of your being is that you’ll start to realize that it’s enough. Your complete and tender attention for five minutes is better than hours of obligated service. You can say yes to a person without saying yes to the thing they want you to do.
© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 19 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your body communicates through pleasure and pain you understand well, through aches that send a vaguer message, through sensations you’re not sure how to interpret. Yet, you’ll keep trying and learning because you’re committed to building an optimal relationship with your vessel.
Solution: 19 Letters
FLOOR, NEW YORK, NYtors 10019 Crea Syndica te Date: 5/25/22 Creators Syndicate Date: 5/25/22 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. Beach, 236 737 3rd Street • Hermosa CA 0254 737 3rd StreetBeach, • Hermosa CA 9 9 0254 310-337-7003 • 310-337-7003 • CONTRACT BRIDGE — BY STEVE BECKER
By Steve Becker
The secret of good defense South dealer. East-West vulnerable. NORTH ♠ Q J 10 5 3 ♥ 10 ♦84 ♣K Q J 8 2 WEST EAST ♠— ♠642 ♥A J 6 5 4 2 ♥K 9 7 3 ♦Q972 ♦ A 10 6 5 3 ♣ 10 7 3 ♣A SOUTH ♠AK987 ♥Q 8 ♦KJ ♣9 6 5 4 The bidding: South West North East 1♠ Pass 4♠ Opening lead — two of diamonds. A competent defensive pair will often transmit highly valuable information to one another through the judicious use of signals. Such signals, properly interpreted, can sometimes spell the difference between the making and breaking of a contract. Consider this deal where South’s one-spade opening was raised to four by North. East had no safe way to enter the bidding at this
point, and he passed. It was later discovered that East-West, who never bid, could have made a small slam in hearts or diamonds. West led a diamond, won by East with the ace. East then cashed the ace of clubs, on which West played the ten, and was faced with the problem of how to put West on lead in order to get a club ruff. East found the winning solution by leading a low heart. West won with the ace and returned a club, and South went down one. Had East led a diamond at trick three, hoping West had the king, South would have made the contract. It might seem that East was lucky to hit on the heart return, but actually his play was much more than a shot in the dark. In a potential ruffing situation, it is often possible to use a suitpreference signal to solve a problem. In the given case, when West played the ten of clubs on East’s ace at trick two, he was signaling that his entry card was in hearts rather than diamonds. Had West held the king of diamonds instead of the ace of hearts, he would have played the three of clubs on East’s ace instead.
Tomorrow: Good, better, best. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc.
16A MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
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ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022
The Votes Are In
Budget, board of education results body without possessing voting privileges. All three propositions passed. Proposition 1 received 751 “yes” votes and 449 “no” votes. Proposition 2 received 847 “yes” votes and 384 “no” votes. Proposition 3 received 789 “yes” votes and 435 “no” votes. The two candidates elected was incumbent Lia Leona, who received 828 votes and Audre Lynn Hurston James, who received 655 votes. The candidate who did not receive enough votes to be elected, David Huggins, received 628 votes.
n May 17, districts across Long Island held their elections, which allows residents to vote for or against budgets adopted by their board of education and decide on who will fill vacant trustee seats.
Glen Cove City School District
Oyster BayEast Norwich School District
On the ballot for the Glen Cove City School District were three propositions, as well as a chance to vote for two out of three candidates to fill the vacant Board of Education seats. Proposition 1 reduced increased the tax levy by 1.8 percent, while reducing the amount of taxes to be levied by $500,000. Proposition 2 authorized the withdrawal of $7.5 million from the district’s Capital Reserve at no cost to the tax payer. Those monies would fund an extension and renovation of Deasy School and an extension and renovation of Landing School. Both buildings would then be Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant. Proposition 3 created a student representative seat on the Board of Education. Qualifying students must be a high school senior, present at all public meetings and must represent the student
On the ballot for the Oyster Bay-East Norwich School District were three propositions: the 2022 through 2023 budget, the proposed Technology Reserve Fund Project and the proposed Capital Reserve Fund Projects, as well as a chance to vote on two out of three candidates for the vacant Board of Education seats. The budget total for the 2022 through 2023 school year is approximately $62.1 million, a $697,714 increase from the current year. The tax levy will be approximately $55.5 million, a 2.04 percent increase from the current year. Proposition 2 funds necessary maintenance for all three schools using Capital
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Color Our Town Oyster Bay recognized for its beauty and historical landmarks (See page 3)
Glen Cove Now: Participate in the first Teen Idol vocal contest
Big changes
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Shaping Children For A Bright Future
(See page 4)
Oyster Bay Now: Local volunteers planted dune grass at TOBAY
YMCA at Glen Cove 516-671-8270
(See page 12)
School News: Oyster Bay students learn how ornithologists identify various birds (See page 14)
Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot (USPS 219-560) Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County.
Colored illustration of Sagamore Hill. (Photo source: Color Our Town)
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On the ballot for the Locust Valley Central School District was a budget vote and a trustee election for the Board of Education. Voters passed by 1,284 “yes” votes to 982 “no” votes a budget that increased the tax levy by 1.14 percent. It was the lowest taxlevy in six years. Elected to the Board of Education was Margaret Marchand with 969 votes and Michele Schaefer with 954 votes. The candidates who were not elected are Thomas Einhorn with 793 votes, Mark Eisenberg with 288 votes, Collete Foley with 843 votes and Lisa E. McLoughlin with 351 votes.
North Shore School District
On the ballot for the North Shore School District was a budget and a trustee election for the Board of Education. The 2022 through 2023 budget, approximately $116 million, raises the tax levy by 2.499 percent. Voters passed the budget with 2,204 “yes” votes and 1,626 “no” votes. The winners of the Board of Education election was Dave Ludmar with 1,980 votes, Lisa Cashman with 1,919 votes and Marianne Manning Russo with 1,914 votes. The candidates who did not receive enough votes to be elected were Anna Carfagno, Courtney Citko, Vanessa Grecky Marks, James Svendsen and Sean Trager.
Local Politics • School News • Community Calendar • Local Sports Entertainment • Puzzles & Games • Events & Happenings • Classifieds An Anton Media Group Publication
Locust Valley Central School District
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Several recent enhancements in technology have made cosmetic plastic surgery procedures safer and easier for the patient with a more natural outcome. Implementing a healthy plan including diet and exercise will help to achieve both a beautiful and realistic result. There are a variety of procedures available today to help you achieve the look that you desire, including breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, liposuction, tummy tuck, fat transfer, cellulite reduction, full body lift, facelift and eyelid lift. Combining surgical with non-surgical procedures can produce amazing and significant improvements to your appearance. Utilizing the latest technology, Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery offers rapid recovery breast augmentation and liposuction packages where you can be back to your daily routine in 24-48 hours. Patients experience minimal swelling and bruising with a notably decreased recovery time. Recognizing the need for patients to quickly return to their normal activities, a Greenberg Rapid Recovery Procedure ensures both excellent results with a faster recovery period. In addition, there is a continued increase in the number of women having children at a later age who are seeking to obtain pre-pregnancy figure. New mothers can take advantage of the Greenberg Modern mommy Makeover, a very popular
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Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg is a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. He has offices in Woodbury, Southampton and Manhattan. For a complimentary consultation, call 516-364-4200 if you have a question for Dr. Greenberg, please e-mail him at, or visit the web at
232326 S
Reserves. Of those monies, $495,000 will go to the high school, funding auditorium sound upgrades, plastering of ceilings and walls, replacement of library air conditioning and the addition of a faculty bathroom, which will be reimbursed through a grant. Additionally, $75,000 will go to James H. Vernon School for casework in selected classrooms and $125,000 will go to Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School, which will fund casework in selected classrooms and flooring replacements. Proposition 3 allows the district to continue with the implementation of the technology plan. The proposed Technology Reserve Projects include 110 iPads for kindergarten students, 120 Chromebooks for third-grade students, 120 Chromebooks for sevent-grade students, 350 desktop devices and 17 interactive boards. All three propositions passed. The budget passed with 781 “yes” votes and 288 “no” votes. Proposition 2 passed with 823 “yes” votes and 238 “no” votes and Proposition 3 passed with 820 “yes” votes and 236 “no” votes. Elected to the Board of Education was Nancy Castrogiovanni with 866 votes and Maryann Santos with 799 votes. Mia Schwartz, with 247 votes, was not elected.
MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
County Legislature, Town Of Oyster Bay Send Off Region’s Largest Supply Of Humanitarian Relief Items For Ukraine
n March 31, Nassau County Legislature Presiding Officer Richard Nicolello joined with members of the legislature, Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor Joe Saladino and members of the town board to send off the region’s largest supply of donations collected by county residents to help refugees in Ukraine. The last boxes were loaded onto a truck provided by Hendrickson Fire Rescue Equipment, and will be driven to the Port of New Jersey, where they will be transported to Poland, to help the refugees escaping Ukraine. Last month, the Majority Caucus of the Nassau County Legislature and the Town of Oyster Bay initiated the collection drive and opened drop off locations at various county and town facilities. Residents were able to drop off much-needed supplies including medical items and personal hygiene products in an effort to help the crisis abroad. County locations included Eisenhower Park, Grant Park, Cantiague Park, Wantagh Park, Christopher Morley Park, Nickerson Beach and the Theodore Roosevelt Legislative Building. The donations were then stored at the Town of
Nassau County Legislature Presiding Officer Richard Nicolello, joined with members of the Legislature, Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor Joe Saladino and members of the Town Board to send off the region’s largest supply of donations collected by county residents to help refugees in Ukraine. (Legislative Majority of the Nassau County Legislature)
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Oyster Bay Department of Public Works warehouse in Syosset, where their journey to Europe begins. “The people of Nassau County opened their hearts to the plight of the Ukrainian people and rallied around them to donate necessary supplies to help those fleeing the Russian invasion,” Nicolello said. “Thank you to everyone who donated supplies. Together, we have put together the largest collection in the region, and we have given those in danger hope.” In total, more than 45,000 pounds of items were collected for Ukrainians forced to leave their homes. It is the largest collection on Long Island of supplies for the refugees. “What is happening in Ukraine is a travesty. Thank you to the people of Nassau County for coming together to provide supplies for so many people who have been forced from their homes,” Legislator Steve Rhoads said. “The good will of the people of Nassau County has led to the largest collection drive in the region. Thank you everyone who helped.” —Submitted by the Legislative Majority of the Nassau County Legislature
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ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022
Nassau County Police Makes Arrests in Glen Head, Greenvale For Sale Of THC The Nassau County Police DepartGlen Head Rd., Glen Head. ment Major Case Bureau reports the 2. Tobacco King located at 101 Glen arrest of two men during a Narcotics Cove Rd., Greenvale. Anton The Media Group celebrates the Investigation that occurred on April 29 at defendants are both charged 1:50 p.m. in Glen Head and at 3:19 p.m.liveswith two counts of fifth-degree criminal of all those in the community. in Greenvale. possession of a controlled substance and We publish obituaries residents According to Narcotics and Vice fifth-degree criminalof sale of a controlled Squad detectives, multiple investigations substance. They were arraigned on to and former residents at no charge were conducted in Nassau County. It the families Saturday,as April 30 at First District a courtesy. We do Court this was determined Tetrahydrocannabinol in Hempstead. frame possible (THC) was being sold at these locations:within the shortest time —Submitted by the 1. Glen Head Wellness located at 38 according Nassau County Police Department to space availability. Email
no more than 100 words to obits@, or mail to 132 OBITUARIES E. Second St., Mineola, 11501. Ann T. nee Terry Costagliola andra and Rachel. Widow ofNY Robert Townsend then
Michael Costagliola. Costagliola joins her cherished siblings Debbie Shaver and Bob Terry. Her family and friends will carry on her love, strength, and kindness. Visit for more information.
Anton Media Group celebrates the lives of all those in the community. We publish obituaries of residents and former residents at no charge to the families as a courtesy. We do this within the shortest time frame possible according to space availability. Email no more than 100 words to obits@, or mail to 132 E. Second St., Mineola, NY 11501.
Anton Media Group celebrates the lives of all those in the community. We publish obituaries of residents and former residents at no charge to the families as a courtesy. We do this within the shortest time frame possible according to space availability. Email no more than 100 words to, or mail to 132 E. Second St., Mineola, NY 11501.
(Photos courtesy GSM Communications)
Vincent A. Suozzi, who fought in the United States Army during World War II, and Donald J. Albin, who fought in the United States Marine Corps and U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, were honored in Morgan Memorial Park.
Military Banners In Morgan’s Memorial Park Military Banners honoring service members are lining Morgan Memorial Park in an extraordinarily special way. Resident’s military hero pictured on a beautiful, patriotic banner and displayed on flag poles at the park. “We are so proud to honor these brave men and women and are profoundly thankful for their service and their patriotic dedication,” read a statement from the City of Glen Cove Office of the Mayor.
Visit Morgan’s Memorial Park and see the fabulous tribute to the city’s veterans. Kudos to Lydia Wen, Glen Cove Library archivist, for spearheading this project. These banners were ordered by family members back in March, 2022 through a library promotion. For more information contact Glen Cove Library at 516-676-2130. —Submitted by the City of Glen Cove Office of the Mayor
Anton Media Group celebrates the lives of all those in the community. We publish obituaries of residents and former residents at no charge to the families as a courtesy. We do this within the shortest time frame possible according to space availability. Email no more than 100 words to, or mail to 132 E. Second St., Mineola, NY 11501.
233170 S
Ann T. nee Terry Costagliola was born August 28, 1925. She was a longtime resident and community member of Sea Cliff. Loving mother of Scott (Margot) and Bob Townsend. Beloved grandmother to Alex-
Veteran William Joe Johnson of the United States Army Air Forces, who fought in World War II as a Tuskegee Airman and the famous Harlem Hellfighters were honored with patriotic banners in Morgan Memorial Park.
MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
GLEN COVE LEGAL NOTICE SU PREME CO U RT CO U NT Y O F NASSAU U S BANK CU ST / EMP VI, Plaintiff -against- 151 PRO PERT IES, INC., et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on May 24, 2018, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on June 6, 2022 at 2:30 .p.m. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Glen Cove, County of Nassau and State of New York, known and designated as Section 23 Block 11 and Lot 126 on the Nassau County T ax Assessment Map. All bidders must wear a face mask/ shield at all times and social distancing must be observed by all bidders at all times. Bidders who do not comply with the face mask and/ or the social distancing mandate will be removed from the auction. Said premises known as 143 GLEN ST REET , GLEN CO VE, NY Premises will be sold subj ect to provisions of filed Judgment and T erms of Sale. Index Number 607166/ 2017. DALIA Z AZ A, ESQ ., Referee T erenzi & Confusione P.C. Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 401 Franklin Avenue, Suite 304, Garden City, NY 11530 5-25-18-11-4-20224T -#232646- GCO B/ RP LEGAL NOTICE NO T ICE O F SALE SU PREME CO U RT NASSAU CO U NT Y HSBC BANK U SA, N.A., Plaintiff against GEO RGE LINCO N, et al Defendant(s) Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Fein Such & Crane, LLP, 1400 O ld Country Road, Suite 103N, W estbury, NY 11590 . Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered September 20, 2017, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on June 21, 2022 at 2:30 PM. Premises known as 35 Duck Pond Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542. Sec 23 Block 25 Lot 2. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Glen Cove, County of Nassau and State of New York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $ 837,270.45 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subj ect to provisions of filed Judgment Index No 011077/ 2012. T he foreclosure sale will be conducted in accordance with 10th Judicial District’ s Covid-19 Policies and fore-
closure auction rules. T he Referee shall enforce any rules in place regarding facial coverings and social distancing. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “ Rain or Shine.” Michael Cardello, Esq., Referee SNNY045 6-8-1; 5-25-18-20224-#232913- GCO B/ RP LEGAL NOTICE SU PREME CO U RT O F T HE ST AT E O F NEW YO RK CO U NT Y O F NASSAU DEU T SCHE BANK NAT IO NAL T RU ST CO MPANY, AS T RU ST EE FO R SO U NDVIEW HO ME LO AN T RU ST 2006-O PT 2, ASSET -BACK ED CERT IFICAT ES, SERIES 2006O PT 2, V. JO ANNA MASSAGO , ET AL. NOTICE OF SALE NO T ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 15, 2020, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau, wherein DEU T SCHE BANK NAT IO NAL T RU ST CO MPANY, AS T RU ST EE FO R SO U NDVIEW HO ME LO AN T RU ST 2006-O PT 2, ASSET -BACK ED CERT IFICAT ES, SERIES 2006O PT 2 is the Plaintiff and JO ANNA MASSAGO , ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction RAIN O R SHINE at the NASSAU CO U NT Y SU PREME CO U RT , NO RT H SIDE ST EPS, 100 SU PREME CO U RT DRIVE, MINEO LA, NY 11501, on June 16, 2022 at 2:30PM, premises known as 18 SHERW O O D RO AD, GLEN CO VE, NY 115421519: Section 30, Block 58, Lot 24: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE CITY OF GLEN COVE, COUNTY OF NASSAU AND STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold subj ect to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 000353/ 2017 . Salvatore B. Pontillo, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, W estbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES. 6-8-1; 5-25-18-20224T -#232915- GCO B/ RP
LEGAL NOTICES month until paid. Donna M. Harris Village Clerk-T reasurer Mill Neck, New York LEGAL NOTICE Dated: May 18, 2022 NOTICE OF SALE May 25, 2022 SU PREME CO U RT 5-25-18-2022-2T -#232987CO U NT Y O F NASSAU , GCO B/ O B DEU T SCHE BANK NAT IO NAL T RU ST CO MPANY, AS T RU ST EE FO R LEGAL NOTICE W AMU MO RT GAGE PASSPUBLIC NOTICE T HRO U GH CERT IFICAT ES INCORPORATED SERIES 2005-AR13, PlainVILLAGE OF tiff, vs. JACO B ARMO N CENTRE ISLAND A/ K / A JACO B C. ARMO N, TREASURER’S NOTICE ET AL., Defendant(s). Notice is hereby given that Pursuant to a Judgment of I, Carol Schmidlapp, Clerk/ Foreclosure and Sale duly T reasurer, of the Incorporatfiled on October 24, 2018, ed Village of Centre Island, I, the undersigned Referee Nassau County, New York, will sell at public auction at have received the 2022/ 2023 the Nassau County Supreme tax roll of the Incorporated Court, 100 Supreme Court Village of Centre Island for Drive, Mineola, NY on June the collection of the Village 9, 2022 at 2:30 p.m., prem- real estate taxes therein levises known as 55 Sandy Hill ied. I designate the below Road, O yster Bay Cove, NY. location where I will receive All that certain plot, piece taxes from June 1, 2022 and or parcel of land, with the including July 1, 2022 in the buildings and improvements following manner: thereon erected, situate, lying U.S. MAIL and being in the Incorporated Carol Schmidlapp Village of O yster Bay Cove, Clerk/ T reasurer County of Nassau and State Inc. Village of Centre Island of New York, Section 27, 303 Centre Island Road Block G and Lot 372. Ap- O yster Bay, New York 11771 proximate amount of j udg- PERSONAL DELIVERY ment is $2,590,285.21 plus Between the hours of: interest and costs. Premises 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. will be sold subj ect to provi- T ues., W ed. & T hurs. sions of filed Judgment Index BY APPOINTMENT # 3959/ 2013. 516-922- 0606 K aren Grant, Esq., R eferee T axes may be paid to me Eckert Seamans Cherin & during said period without adMellott, LLC, 10 Bank Street, ditional charge. All taxes for Suite 700, W hite Plains, New which payment has not been York, 10606, Attorneys for received by me and remain Plaintiff unpaid after July 1, 2022 shall T his foreclosure sale will be have added an additional five held on the North Side Steps percent (5% ) interest for the of the Courthouse, rain or month of July, and for each shine. CO VID-19 safety pro- month and fraction thereafter, tocols will be followed at the an additional interest payforeclosure sale. If proper ment, which shall be computsocial distancing cannot be ed at the maximum percentmaintained or there are other age rate permitted, pursuant health or safety concerns, the to the Real Property T ax Law, Court Appointed Referee will until said taxes and accrued cancel the sale. interest are paid in full. 6-1; 5-25-18-11-2022Carol Schmidlapp 4T -#232726- GCO B/ O B Clerk/ T reasurer Inc. Village of Centre Island Dated: May 18, 2022 LEGAL NOTICE May 25, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE 5-25-18-2022-1T -#233009INCORPORATED GCO B/ O B VILLAGE OF MILL NECK TREASURER’S NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I, PUBLIC NOTICE Donna M. Harris, T reasurer INCORPORATED of the Incorporated Village VILLAGE OF of Mill Neck, Nassau CounLATTINGTOWN ty, New York, have received TREASURER’S NOTICE the 2022-2023 tax roll of the Notice is hereby given that Incorporated Village of Mill I, Dawn Gresalfi, Treasurer of Neck for the collection of tax- the Incorporated Village of es therein levied. Lattingtown, Nassau County, I designate the Village O f- New York, have received the fice, 32 Frost Mill Road, Mill 2022/ 2023 tax roll of the InNeck, NY 11765, where I corporated Village of Lattingwill receive taxes from June town for the collection of the l, 2022 to and including July Village real estate taxes there1, 2022, from 9: 30 AM to in levied. I designate the be12:30 PM Monday through low location where I will reFriday. T axes may be paid to ceive taxes from June 1, 2022 me during said period of time and including July 1, 2022 in without additional charge. the following manner: All taxes remaining unpaid U.S. MAIL after July 1, 2022, five per- Dawn Gresalf cent interest will be added for Village Clerk/ T reasurer the month of July; and an ad- Inc. Village of Lattingtown ditional one percent for each P.O . Box 488
Locust Valley, New York 11560 PERSONAL DELIVERY 9: 00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Mon. to Fri. Lattingtown Village Hall 299 L attingtown Road Locust Valley, NY B y appointment only: 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mon. to Fri. T elephone - (516) 676-6920 T axes may be paid to me during said period without additional charge. All taxes for which payment has not been received by me and remain unpaid after July 1, 2022 shall have added an additional five percent (5% ) interest for the month of July, and for each month and fraction thereafter, an additional interest payment, which shall be computed at the maximum percentage rate permitted, pursuant to the Real Property T ax Law, until said taxes and accrued interest are paid in full. Dawn Gresalfi Village Clerk/ T reasurer Inc. Village of Lattingtown Dated: May 18, 2022 May 25, 2022 5-25-18-2022-2T -#23301 1GCO B/ O B
LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF COVE NECK TREASURER’S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I, K athryn K . Z oller, Clerk/ T reasurer of the Incorporated Village of Cove Neck, Nassau County, New York, have received the 2022/ 2023 tax roll of the Incorporated Village of Cove Neck for the collection of the Village real estate taxes therein levied. I designate the location below where I will receive taxes from June 1, 2022 through and including July 1, 2022 in the following manner: U.S. MAIL K athryn K . Z oller Clerk/ T reasurer Inc. Village of Cove Neck P.O . Box 299 O yster Bay, New York 11771 PERSONAL DELIVERY B y appointment only: (516) 922- 1885 T axes may be paid to me during said period without additional charge. All taxes for which payment has not been received by me and remain unpaid after July 1, 2022, shall have added an additional five percent (5%) interest for the month of July, and for each month and fraction thereafter, an additional interest payment, which shall be computed at the maximum percentage rate permitted, pursuant to the Real Property T ax Law, until said taxes and accrued interest are paid in full. K athryn K . Z oller Clerk/ T reasurer Inc. Village of Cove Neck Dated: May 18, 2022 May 25, 2022 5-25-18-2022-2T -#233010GCO B/ O B
LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF OYSTER BAY COVE TREASURER’S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I, Joanne A. Casale, T reasurer of the Incorporated Village of O yster Bay Cove, Nassau County, New York, have received the 2022/ 23 tax roll of the Incorporated Village of O yster Bay Cove for the collection of the Village real estate taxes therein levied. I designate the Village office at 68 West Main Street, Suite 3, O yster Bay, New York, 11771, where I will receive taxes from June 1, 2022 through and including July 1, 2022, in the following manner: U.S. MAIL Joanne A. Casale, Village Clerk/ T reasurer Inc. Village of O yster Bay Cove P.O . Box 66 O yster Bay, New York 11771 In person: The Village office is open on Monday, W ednesday and Friday from 10am2pm. Please note our location at 68 W est Main Street in O yster Bay. T here is a mail slot at the office. U.S. Mail: Payment must have a U nited States Postal Service postage mark dated on or before July 1, 2022 or penalties and interest will apply. Please send check or money order (along with payment stub). Postdated checks will not be honored and will be deposited when received. Partial payments are not accepted and will be returned. Online: In order to give our residents more payment options, your real estate taxes can be paid for an additional service fee by electronic ACH check or Credit Card. Go to the Village W ebsite to pay New York State law mandates that the Village receives no portion of the service fee. T his fee is retained by the payment processor. T axes may be paid to me during said period without additional charge. All taxes for which payment have not been received by the T reasurer or postmarked July 1, 2022 and remain unpaid after July 1, 2022 shall have added an additional five percent (5%) interest for the month of July, and for each month and fraction thereafter, an additional interest payment, which shall be computed at the maximum percentage rate permitted, pursuant to the Real Property T ax Law, until said taxes and accrued interest are paid in full. Joanne A. Casale Village Clerk/ T reasurer Inc. Village of O yster Bay Cove Dated: May 18, 2022 May 25, 2022 5-25-18-2022-2T -#233063GCO B/ O B LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING CALENDAR
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING BY THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Pursuant to the provisions of C hapter 246 , S ection 24612 of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on JU N E 2, 20, at 7:00 P. M., to consider the following appeals: BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPEAL NO. 22-244 GLEN HEAD THOMAS J. DEVITO, JR.: Variance to construct new dwelling having less roof pitch than permitted by O rdinance. W / s/ o Lincoln Ave., 354.61 ft. S/ o Glenwood Rd., a/ k/ a 13 Lincoln Avenue, Glen Head, NY APPEAL NO. 22-245 LOCUST VALLEY KATHLEEN SKLAVOS: (A) Variance to construct one story addition and open porch having less average front yard setback than permitted by O rdinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters. (B) Variance to allow existing 6 ft. high PVC fence exceeding maximum height across front yard than permitted by O rdinance. (C) Amend Specific Plan as presented for Appeal No. 12-251 and granted by Decision of the Z oning Board of Appeals, dated August 9 , 2012. S/ s/ o Michael F. St., E/ o Bayville Rd., a/ k/ a 12 Michael F. Street, Locust Valley, NY APPEAL NO. 22-246 OYSTER BAY JOHN B. & LORRAINE A. QUIRK: Variance to allow existing 15.5 ft. by 15.5 ft. pavilion having less side yard setback and exceeding maximum height than permitted by O rdinance. W / s/ o Summers St., 150 ft. N/ o Soundview Ave., a/ k/ a 152 Summers Street, O yster Bay, NY APPEAL NO. 22-247 OYSTER BAY JOHN & LYNN MAVROS: (A) Variance to construct rear platform with steps to grade, allow existing one story addition, deck and wood burning fireplace having less side yard setback than permitted by O rdinance. (B) Variance to construct rear platform with steps to grade, allow existing one story addition and deck exceeding maximum building coverage and gross floor area than permitted by O rdinance. N/ s/ o O rchard St., 454.51 ft. E/ o Lexington Ave., a/ k/ a 78 O rchard Street, O yster Bay, NY MAY 23, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF OYSTER BAY, Continued on page 13
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022
Continued from page 12 pool and driveway. Said property, now or forOY STER BAY , merly owned by Danny Lax is NEW Y ORK 5-25-2022-1T -#233031- shown on the Land T ax Map GCO B/ O B of Nassau County as Section 22, Block J, Lot 1165 and is presently known as 156 Hegemans Lane. L EGAL NOTICE Said application is on file VIL L AGE OF and open to public inspection L ATTINGTOWN at the Village Hall, 201 McBOARD OF Z ONING Couns Lane, O ld Brookville, APPEAL S New York between the hours PU BL IC NOTICE A public hearing and meet- of 9: 30 A.M. and 1:30 Moning will be held before and by day - Friday until the time of the Board of Z oning Appeals the hearing when all interestof the Incorporated Village of ed persons will be given an Lattingtown, Nassau County, opportunity to be heard. Please note, the Planning New York, at the Village Hall, 299 Lattingtown Road in said Board will hold the hearing Village, on June 7, 2022 at virtually using the Z oom Application (Z oom Meeting 6:30 P.M. (PassT he hearing will be on the ID: 862 1703 937) appeal of T he Locust Valley code:386611), a platform for Central School District, own- which will enable interested ers of a parcel of land locat- parties to watch a livestream ed at 22 Horse Hollow Road of the hearing on the platform in the Village, designated as in compliance with 2021 Section 30, Block B, Lots Sess. Law News of NY Ch. 760, 764, 765, 768, 667, 689, 417 (s50001). T he public 781 on the Land and T ax Map will only have virtual access of Nassau County and locat- to the hearing through the ed in the Village’ s R-4A (4- use of the Z oom Application. Such notice shall be posted on Acre) zoning district. T he Appellant seeks vari- the Village’ s website at http:/ / ances to permit the construc- All intertion of four (4) outdoor ath- ested parties should also conletic field light poles. ach of tact the Village Clerk, Sandra the light poles will requi re the Albro, at 516-671-4664 the day of the hearing to confirm following variances: Section 193- 1,A – to have the location. Full access details to the a rating of approximately 128,000 lux rather than the Z oom Meeting (if necessary) single-item or cluster maxi- are listed below. A link to the hearing will also be posted mum of 5,000 lux; Section 193- 1, D – to allow on the O ld Brookville web(http:/ / oldbrookville. the proposed light source to site be 70 feet above grade rather net) in advance of the hearthan the maximum permitted ing which can be accessed from the homepage of said 20 feet above grade. T he above application is on site and then following the file at umes Wagner, , instructions. If you have any Attorneys for the Village, 147 que stions about accessing Forest Avenue Locust Valley, this hearing, please contact New York 11560, where it the Village Clerk, Sandra Almay be seen, by appointment bro, at 516-671-4664. Please only, during the hours of 9: 00 note that although all intera.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday ested persons will be given through Friday until the time an opportunity to speak, all microphones will be muted of the hearing. If any individual requi res until such time as the particspecial assistance to attend, ular individual is authorized please notify the Village to speak. Clerk at least 48 hours in ad- Z oom Meeting Information – Meeting ID: 862 1703 937 vance of the hearing. Paul L. Bentel, Ph.D. Passcode: 386611 Chairman You can access the meeting in several ways: May 25, 2022 1. By clicking on the link Z -524 5-25-2022-1T -#23 3142- on the Village website as notGCO B/ O B ed previously, which will provide you direct access to the meeting. 2. U sing a web browser to L EGAL NOTICE navigate to, IN OR ORAT D clicking “ j oin a meeting” and VI AG OF O D entering the webinar ID and ROO VI passcode. 201 Mc O NS AN 3. ntering the following O D ROO VI ,N W U RL web address into your YO RK 11545 browser address bar (no spacNOTI IS R GIV N that a public hearing es): will be held by and before https:/ / the Planning Board of the j / 86217039 9 37? pwd= Z 2sWVFhe I1VWF SiIncorporated Village of O ld 4R tRO VN2Z z09 Brookville on Anyone wishing to comJune 2, 2022 at 5:30 P.M. at the Village Hall, 201 Mc- ment on the application, but Couns Lane in said Village to who cannot j oin the Z oom Meeting or live hearing, consider the following: Application for Site Plan can submit comments to Review of a map entitled Sandra Albro in advance of “ Site Plan” , prepared by the hearing at village@oldSchneider Architectural Public comWor s, , dated August 16, ments received prior to the 2021, and last revised May commencement of the public 25, 2022 for a new house, hearing will be made part of
the public record. By O rder of the Planning Board arry Werfel Chairman 5-25-2022-1T -#233152GCO B/ O B L EGAL NOTICE I NOTI VI AG OF O D ROO VI Mc O NS AN O D ROO VI ,N W YO RK NOTI IS R GIV N T AT I, Sandra Albro, T reasurer of the Incorporated Village of O ld Brookville, Nassau County, New York, have received the 2022/ 2023 tax roll and warrant of the Village of O ld Brookville for the collection of taxes therein levied, and that I designate the O ld Brookville Village Hall, 201 McCouns Lane, Glen Head, New York 11545 as the place where I will receive taxes from June 1, 2022 to and including July 1, 2022 from 9: 30 am to 1:30 pm, excepting Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays and that for said period of time taxes may be paid without additional charge, and that on all such taxes remaining unpaid after July 1, 2022 five percent (5%) shall be added for the month of July and an additional one percent (1%) for each month until paid. Sandra Albro Village Clerk T reasurer May 18, 2022 5-25-2022-1T -#233153GCO B/ O B L EGAL NOTICE Invitation to Bidders BOARD OF EDU CATION Oyster Bay East Norwich Central School District PU BL IC NOTICE: is hereby given for separate sealed bids for: BOND PH ASE 1 - Site Work/Exterior Reconstructions at Oyster Bay H igh School Bids will be received by the School District, on Monday, June 13, 2022 at 11am prevailing time at the District Office located at 1 McCouns L ane, Oyster Bay, NY 117 7 1, and at said time and place publicly opened and read aloud. T he Contract Documents may be examined at the Office of the Architect, BBS Architects, L andscape Architects and Engineers, P.C., 244 East Main Street, Patchogue New Y ork, ( 631-47 5-0349 ) ; however the Contract Documents may only be obtained thru the Office of REV, 330 Route 17 A Suite # 2, Goshen, New Y ork 109 24 ( 8 7 7 -27 20216) beginning on Friday, May 27 , 2022. Complete digital sets of Contract Documents shall be obtained online (with a free user account) as a download for a non-refundable fee of Forty-Nine ( $ 49 .00) Dollars at the following websites: www. bbsproj or under ‘ public proj ects’ . O ptionally, in lieu
of digital copies, hard copies may be obtained directly from R V upon a deposit of One H undred ( $ 100.00) Dollars for each complete set. Checks for deposits shall be made payable to the OY STER BAY EAST NORWICH CENTRAL SCH OOL DISTRICT and may be uncertified. All bid addenda will be transmitted to registered plan holders via email and will be available at the above referenced websites. Any bidder req uiring documents to be shipped shall make arrangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs. Plan holders who have obtained hard copies of the bid documents will need to make the determination if hard copies of the addenda are req uired for their use, and coordinate directly with the printer for hard copies of addenda to be issued. T here will be no charge for registered plan holders to obtain hard copies of the bid addenda. T he bid deposit for hard copies will be returned upon receipt of plans and specifications, in good condition, within thirty days after bid date, except for the lowest responsible bidder, whose check will be forfeited upon the award of the contract. T he Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or the proposals will be rej ected within 45 days of the date of opening proposals. Bids shall be subj ect, however, to the discretionary right reserved by the School District to waive any informalities in, accept or rej ect any alternatives, rej ect any proposals and to advertise for new proposals, if in its opinion the best interest of the School District will thereby be promoted. Bidder may not withdraw its bid until forty-five (45) days after the bid opening, except in accordance with General Municipal Law Section 103(11). Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting uncertainty with regard to when the Owner’ s schools will be in session during the 20212022 school year, the restrictions, if any, applicable to construction activities in the Owner’ s facilities as a result of State, Federal or L ocal orders, laws, regulations or rules related to the COVID-19 pandemic ( including but not limited to prevention measures of social distancing and disinfecting) , and the duration of any such restrictions, the Owner may modify the construction schedule, including the anticipated start date, set forth in the Contract/Bid Documents. By submitting a bid, the Bidder consents to any such schedule modification and further acknowledges and agrees that there shall be no additional compensation for schedule modifications caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bidder further acknowledges and agrees that the sole remedy for any schedule modifications or delays caused directly or
indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic shall be an extension of time, to be determined in the sole discretion
of the Owner. Dated: May 16, 2022 By O rder of The oard OF ducation
LEGAL NOTICES Oyster Bay - East Norwich Central School District 5-25-2022-1T -# 233174GCO B/ O B
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MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
GLEN COVE HIGH SCHOOL ARTISTS’ WORK GOES BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Several student-artists at Glen Cove High School are taking their work to new heights. Two groups of Fashion Illustration students were named finalists in the global design competition Junk Kouture, which challenges artists aged 13 to 18 to design, create and model couture made entirely out of recycled material and re-purposed household items. The finalists will display their creations on a runway during the New York City final on June 8. Additionally, Studio Art student Phoebe Pinder recently had her art composition showcased at the Heckscher Museum of Art’s juried exhibit Long Island’s Best, which is the only juried exhibit for high school students on Long Island. “I am so proud of our student-artists for their achievements, which demonstrate the commitment and passion they have for their craft and exemplify the prestige of Glen Cove’s Visual Arts Department,” said Dr. Maria Rianna, superintendent of schools of the Glen Cove School District. Junk Kouture seeks to empower a new generation of artists to create lasting positive change through creativity and fashion. Students Natalia Monsale, Virginia Papasidero and Betzy Mejia created Grandstar, a corset, skirt and boot combination equipped with a cape—all of which they decorated and painted with cosmic patterns inspired by the night sky. Lizbeth Rojas and Anoushka Glouchkjov created Ultraviolet Fairy, a long, lavender dress
“Ultraviolet Fairy”
(Photos by the Glen Cove City School District)
adorned with hearts and equipped with glistening fairy wings they created using broken CDs. Pinder recently had her painting “Incandescent” chosen out of 399 submissions to the Long Island’s Best exhibit at the
Heckscher Museum of Art, where it was displayed alongside 79 other works from young artists. Pinder said she was inspired by Alison Saar’s “Reapers,” a somber and profound depiction of slavery and racism in America.
Phoebe was drawn to the way Saar intertwines her characters with their environment, she said, adding that the artwork made her reflect on current events and modern atrocities. With that in mind, she created a composition inspired by the Ukrainian people impacted by Vladimir Putin’s war. A blue sky and golden wheat field symbolize the Ukrainian flag and the subjects of her piece – a child, a mother figure and an elderly woman – reflect how the war affects all ages and represent the generational trauma it may cause. Pinder’s subjects are seen through a window in a dark room that is only lit by the sun outside, signifying hope in the face of hardship. “Phoebe is an extremely talent artist and I am so proud of her for this huge achievement,” Glen Cove High School Principal Antonio Santana said. “Glen Cove High School’s art program inspires and encourages its artists to explore their passions and tackle tough subjects through their work. Phoebe’s piece is a perfect example of what our students can accomplish.” Visit the district’s website at for more information about the Glen Cove City School District. Happenings in the district can also be followed on Facebook at glencovecityschooldistrict. —Submitted by the Glen Cove City School District
CONNOLLY CELEBRATES NEURODIVERSITY DURING AUTISM ACCEPTANCE MONTH Students at Connolly Elementary School celebrated neurodiversity and showed support for those living with autism during the school’s first Spirit Week for Autism Acceptance Month. From Monday, April 11, to Thursday, April 14, students dressed according to a theme each day while learning about the experiences and achievements of people with autism. “The purpose of this week was to foster empathy among our students so that they could understand what those with autism experience every day,” Principal Bryce Klatsky said. The week kicked off with Autism & Neurodiversity Acceptance Day, highlighted by students wearing rainbow colors to represent and support neurodiversity, or variations in brain functions and behavioral traits. Students stood in the formation of a giant rainbow infinity sign for a photo portraying the modern symbol that stands for accepting those with autism and other neurological conditions such as dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Throughout the week, students also learned about the achievements of people with autism such as scientist and animal behaviorist Temple Grandin and Pokémon creator Satoshi Tajiri. On Tuesday, students wore Pokémon-themed clothes to celebrate Tajiri’s legacy.
One common characteristic of those living with autism is having an intense passion for a specific topic or hobby. In recognition, Wednesday was declared “What’s
Your Passion Wednesday,” with students dressing up to reflect their interests. Students also learned about how those with autism often have a variety of sensory
Students wore rainbow colors and stood in the formation of a giant infinity sign for a photo portraying the modern symbol that stands for accepting those with autism and other neurological conditions. (Photo courtesy Glen Cove City School District)
sensitivities. To reflect this, students on Thursday came to class in their pajamas and other comfortable clothes while teachers used natural light in their classrooms. “We want all of our students to know that they are accepted and appreciated, no matter what they may experience or challenge they may have that makes them feel different from others,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Maria Rianna said. “By learning about autism this week, our students are learning to support each other and to understand how we, as a society, benefit from neurodiversity.” Connolly Elementary School is continuously looking for ways to support neurodivergent students. Recently, school psychologist Anna Lagos and social worker Rose Wollins created a Calm-Down Room to ease students experiencing sensory overload or anxiety. The room’s fluorescent lights are covered with teal filters for a softer glow and the room is full of sensory toys, bean bag chairs and books. Visit the district’s website at www. glencoveschools for more information about the Glen Cove City School District. org. Happenings in the district can also be followed on Facebook at www.facebook. com/glencovecityschooldistrict. —Submitted by the Glen Cove City School District
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MAY 25 - 31, 2022
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26 Smith Street, Glen Cove, NY | $2,300 2 Birch Hill Road, Locust Valley, NY | $1,500 314B Bayville Avenue, Bayville, NY | $2,250 32 Pearl Street, Oyster Bay, NY | $4,800
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