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By Order of Oswego County, NY
Waterfront, Camps, Single Family Homes, Multi-Family
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Administrative Opening
Monticello Central School
High School Principal
The Monticello CSD is seeking forward thinking and dynamic School Building Principal who can lead MCSD’s highly engaged faculty, staff, parents, students, and community. The successful candidate will have a vision of educational excellence, be highly motivated, and demonstrates an ability to impact student learning.
Starting Salary: $150,000
NYS SDA/SAS/SBL Certification Required plus 2 yrs. of previous administrative leadership and 3 yrs. exp as a classroom teacher preferred. Please apply online by June 15th at https://monticelloschools.tedk12.com/hire or OLAS EOE 113456
Train ONLINE to get the skills to become a Computer & Help Desk Professional now! Grants and Scholarships available for certain programs for qualified applicants. Call CTI for details! 844-947-0192 (M-F 8am-6pm ET). Computer with internet is required.
Administrative Opening
Assistant Elementary Principal
The successful candidate should possess: Knowledge of research-based instructional programs & practices; exp. w/ teacher supervision & evaluation; a record of successfully improving learning experiences and enhancing school to home communication; and can provide a supportive environment with knowledge of social-emotional competencies, restorative practices, and promote a culturally responsive educational climate.
Salary Range: $95,000 to $105,000
NYS SDA/SDL/SBL Certification Required plus 3 yrs. exp as a classroom teacher preferred.
Please apply online by June 15th at https://monticelloschools.tedk12.com/hire or OLAS EOE
Administrative Opening
Monticello Central School
Assistant Secondary Principal
The successful candidate should possess: Knowledge of research-based instructional programs & practices; exp. w/ teacher supervision & evaluation; a record of successfully improving learning experiences and enhancing school to home communication; and can provide a supportive environment with knowledge of social-emotional competencies, restorative practices, and promote a culturally responsive educational climate.
Salary Range: $95,000 to $105,000
NYS SDA/SDL/SBL Certification Required plus 3 yrs. exp. as a classroom teacher preferred.
Please apply online by June 15th at https://monticelloschools.tedk12.com/hire or OLAS EOE
241166 M
Growing agency seeks telephone debt collectors to join us in our Floral Park o ce. Experienced, or will train. Heavy phones. Workforce returnees/retirees welcome.
Full-Time or Part-Time.
Salary plus commission.
Friendly team, 3 blocks from LIRR, free on-site parking. Contact Tom at (855) 727-8939 X3925
241022 M
Will Certify & train, Co. Car. New York State License 3 yrs clean.
High School Diploma
Seniors Welcome
Call 516-731-3000
241007 R
Local 804 Federal Credit Union is looking for a full-time Member Service Representative.
Experienced Customer Services Representative.
Answer members’ inquiries and cross-sell Credit Union products and services. Provide paying and receiving functions, including check deposits, check withdrawals and loan and credit card payments. Perform a variety of functions such as opening and closing accounts and account maintenance.
Local 804 FCU o ers great bene ts including 100% paid Medical/Dental/Eye, Life Insurance and 401K, matching 100% of employees’ contribution.
Salary 35K a year.
Send resume to apply@cu804.org
241155 M
Marketing Strategist in Great Neck, NY. Develop & implement targeted conventional and digital marking strategies based on market research, sales metrics, and forecasting. Mail resume to P. Yanqui, 10 Marketing LLC d/b/a Signarama Great Neck, NY, 11 Bond Street, Suite A, Great Neck, NY
(New Hyde Park, NY)- Devel s/ware & impl systs for automation of h/ware controllers for energy mngmnt systs, utilizing techniques of comp sci, engng & math analysis. Analyze existing building mech systs & improve the s/ ware platform that collects data for energy e ciency. Determ the cause & t/ shoot the issues in controllers & imprv the s/ware for future. Req: Bach in Comp Info Systs or Mech Engng. Must have NCEES Cert. Send res to: Power-Flo Technologies Inc, Attn: R. Ansell, 270 Park Ave, New Hyde Park, NY 11040. 241172 M
Medicaid, they may be eligible to start taking care of you as personal assistant under NYS Medicaid CDPA Program. No Certificates needed. 347-713-3553
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