Port Washington News 6/01/22 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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Also serving Sands Point, Baxter Estates, Port Washington North, Flower Hill and Manorhaven June 1 – 7, 2022


“Phyllis has been a true professional. She is extremely knowledgeable of the market, very accommodating, and helpful. She made sure we had a seamless experience throughout the process.” -Client

$1.25 232497 S

Vol. 117, No. 33

An Anton Media Group Publication

Phyllis Realmuto

Associate Real Estate Broker Gold Circle of Excellence 516.883.2900, c.516.578.3439 phyllisrealmuto@danielgale.com Each Office Is Individually Owned And Operated.

Town Board Meeting

Visit the Town Dock for HarborFest on June 5. (From the Port Washington News archives)

Spring activities: Attend annual Backyard Garden Tour on Sunday, June 5 (See page 4)

Items discussed regarding the Town of North Hempstead and District 6 (See page 3)

Theater: New play debuting at the Landmark this July (See page 8) HarborFest: Schedule of events for the 30th annual HarborFest (See page 18) Port Washington News (USPS 438-940)

Town of North Hempstead Town Hall.

Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.25. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County.

(Photo by Alex Nunez)

Trusted | Experienced | Authentic

Associate Real Estate Broker Gold Circle of Excellence 516.883.2900, c.516.578.3439 phyllisrealmuto@danielgale.com Each Office Is Individually Owned And Operated.

232498 S

Phyllis Realmuto




A TREND OF SUCCESS IN THE LUXURY MARKET These homes sold by Traci Conway Clinton were named as the Priciest Home Sales in Manhasset and Cold Spring Harbor in Long Island Business News for February, March & April Sales.


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District 6 And The Town Of North Hempstead

Items approved and discussed at the May 19 Town Board Meeting agreement with Savik and Murray to abide by the conditions of the NYSDEC. While many items were approved and adopted, items were also assigned a date to discuss in-depth for approval at the next town board meeting on June 16. One of the items set for the June 16 board meeting regards the ongoing issue of amending Chapter jprisco@antonmediagroup.com 2 of the Town Code entitled “Administration and Enforcement.” n Thursday, May 19, the Town of The original proposal by the supervisor at North Hempstead held a four-hourthe April 28 board meeting was voted down long town board meeting. Town because of the wording. Screen capture from the May 19 town board meeting. (From the Town of North Hempstead) supervisor Jen DeSena and the five other “[The] public hearing on June 16 will consee if we can incentivize [the lifeguards] in town board members had 47 items to discuss union in New York State that represents sider a local law to amend a chapter of the employees in state and local government and that way.” at the board meeting. Many items were town code. For the past 15 years, it granted With the summer approaching rapidly, it is individual town council members and the discussed at great length between the board school districts, child care, and the private sector. too late to adjust the town lifeguard program supervisor the power to unilaterally overmembers and concerned residents. “The reason why I’m speaking about this now, but residents are hoping for a change to ride the building commissioner’s decision While many of the items concerned the is that it doesn’t affect my members, but it be made for a better outcome next summer. Town of North Hempstead as a whole, few regarding any application for an expedited can affect my members,” said McDonough. The agreement to work with Queens resolutions focused on district 6 and Port permit review from their district,” explained “We’re hiring an outside company to come in Aquatic Center Inc. for this summer’s swim Washington more specifically. supervisor DeSena. and do swim lessons; our lifeguards used to lesson program was passed. The program A lifeguard shortage in the Town of North “I’m re-introducing an updated version will run from June 29 through Aug. 17 on Hempstead prompted a resolution to hire an do that, and they didn’t get paid any extra.” of the local law to be heard again at a McDonough explained that when his Wednesdays with an option to expand; the outside company for swim lessons at some of public hearing taking into consideration the daughter became a lifeguard, he advised her cost for the eight-week program is $250. the town pools. Queens Aquatic Center Inc. concerns shared by the council members,” to go to the Great Neck Park District (GNPD) The council members passed a resoluhas been authorized to come into Harbor said Supervisor DeSena. “This is the first because they get paid wages as a lifeguard, tion to execute an agreement with H2M Hills Park in Great Neck, Clinton G. Martin in a series of reforms I’ll be proposing for and then got paid extra for swim lessons. Architects and Engineers for professional Park in New Hyde Park and Manorhaven the town’s broken building department “That’s what we should be doing,” said engineering services related to Plandome Beach Park and Pool in Port Washington. and I hope we will work together to put our McDonough in reference to the GNPD Pond Park water quality improvements. “We do need lifeguards, and we’re hiring taxpayers first and achieve real, meaningful lifeguard program. “Believe me; they’ll come The company will evaluate stagnated water lifeguards at $18 an hour,” clarified supervireform.” conditions and develop recommendations to sor DeSena. “This contract is in case we don’t to work if they’re getting paid $30 for a halfThe council members approved the hearhour group lesson or $30 for an individual modify the conditions for the town. have enough lifeguards; we’ll still be able to ing date for June 16. Councilmember Robert lesson.” The North Hempstead Beach Park Project Troiano and Councilmember Mariann bring someone in for swimming lessons.” McDonough suggested sitting down with Phase One is currently underway. The New Tom McDonough, Town of North Dalimonto expressed their gratitude to the GNPD to see what they do with the tier York State Department of Environmental Hempstead resident and President of the supervisor DeSena for changing the wording Conservation (NYSDEC) has required CSEA unit 7555, took to the podium to voice lesson program, and learn how they keep so the town board feels comfortable voting. their lifeguards coming back each summer to the town to complete an area of wetland concerns about hiring an outside company The amendment of the “Administration work both lessons and lifeguard duties. mitigation in another location of the park. to give lessons and perform lifeguard and Enforcement” chapter of the town code “I think that’s a great idea,” said The council members authorized the duties at the town pools. The Civil Service will be discussed at the next town board Councilmember Veronica Lurvey. “We can execution to amend the professional services meeting on Thursday, June 16. Employees Association (CSEA) is a labor



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Rare first floor 2-bedroom, 2-bath condo in upscale Mill Pond Acres 55+ gated community. MLS# 3394359. $719,000. danielgale.com

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230861 M



Residents Forward To Host Second Annual Backyard Garden Tour O n Sunday, June 5th at 10:00 a.m., Residents Forward is hosting its Second Annual Backyard Garden

gardens and others. Gardening is a form of creative expression, and it can take so many forms.” Tour. Residents Forward would like to thank “Last year’s tour was such a positive the sponsors of this year’s Backyard Garden community event that we wanted to make it Tour: Antonio’s Landscaping; Dawn an annual tradition,” said Residents Forward Serignese, Associate Real Estate Broker; Kate Executive Director Trish Class. “It was a Walz of KW Gardens & Flowers; S.F. Falconer lovely way to bring people together to apFlorist; and The Laurel Group. preciate and celebrate the beauty that exists If you want to take a peek behind the gates in our town. The hosts enjoyed showing the of some of the most beautiful gardens in beautiful spaces they have worked so hard to our community while supporting Residents create, while the guests enjoyed seeing what Forward, go to https://residentsforward. other people are doing in their gardens.” org/.../second-annual-backyard.../ to While last year’s tour included five gardens register and buy your tickets. If you have any in different parts of Port Washington, this questions about the tour, please email info@ year’s tour will feature seven homes in the pwresidents. Harbor Acres neighborhood of Sands Point. Residents Forward was established in “Moving forward, we plan to showcase 1971 as Residents for a More Beautiful Port a different neighborhood each year,” said Washington. A 501c3 non-profit, Residents Melissa Vissicchio, Residents Forward Forward’s mission is to inspire and unify the co-president and chair of its Beautification residents of Port Washington to protect and Committee. “We hope to highlight gardens advance the vibrancy, resiliency, sustainabilof all sizes, styles, and types—flower gardens, ity and beauty of our peninsula. vegetable gardens, native gardens, rock —Submitted by Residents Forward

Port OutDoors Is Back Attend the next Port Outdoors event on Thursday, June 16 By all accounts, the kick-off night for the Port Outdoors series on Thursday, May 19 had the highest attendance to date in our 3 year history. We saw a few new restaurants participate in addition to the returning fan-favorites. The Landmark on Main Street, as one of the members of the Planning Committee, organized a full line up of live entertainment showcasing local talent at the Main Stage and the Side Stage. Students and

Bach to Rock performance.

professionals from Bach to Rock, Voice Academy, and Dance Arts Centre drew loyal followers for their performances. Last week, Lennan’s Pub hosted a terrific band providing a third location for live music. The Port Outdoors series runs in alternating zones on the third Thursday of each month with a bonus fourth Thursday on Sept. 22. The next event will be Thursday, June 16 on Lower Main Street from Central Drive to Shore Road from 5-7 p.m.

We will be introducing a special youth bike zone and special offers for retail shopping in addition to the outdoor dining and live entertainment at multiple locations. Updates and details can be found of the @ tryportfirst social media pages as well as on the Try Port First App, which is free to download. The series is made possible with input and collaboration between the business community and Port Washington Chamber

Yummy gyro.

of Commerce, Residents Forward, Landmark on Main Street, the Port Washington B.I.D. and the outstanding work of the Port Washington Police District. We also thank the PW Fire Department and NICE bus system for their support, and a special recognition to the Town of North Hempstead and the Lift Up Local campaign. The Event Sponsor is once again Precision Work Inc., a local business in Port Washington. —Submitted by the Port Washington B.I.D

The Wild Goose. (Photos courtesy of Port Washington Life Facebook Group)




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233051 M




Local Retired Physician Launches First Novel Medical Historical Fiction Thriller Set in a New York City Hospital


new novel by local Flower Hill resident and retired physician Mitch Maiman, Every Third Night, is an eye-opening yet poignant novel set in a busy, dehumanizing and unyielding New York City residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1984. It brings the reader into the real world of medicine at a time of limited supervision and brutal duty hours, through the vantage points of young physicians enduring stressful conflicts and volatile relationships. The protagonist seemingly has it all- strikingly handsome, brilliant clinical skills, and a talented teacher- but a troubled past and a rash of new demands leave him struggling to survive in his last month of training. He desperately tries to guide his fellow residents through their own personal traumas but is not as prepared to handle the pressure as others might think, especially considering the

unchecked aberrant behavior of attending physicians, the highly emotional demands of Ob-Gyn, and the turmoil surrounding an ultra-needy girlfriend and stubborn father. As he and his colleagues grapple with the overwhelming friction of their circumstances, the intertwined subplots collide and come crashing down when a haunting mishap leaves the program reeling and the protagonist’s life forever transformed. Every Third Night recently launched in February, 2022 and has received excellent reviews, including comments such as “a page turner, I couldn’t put it down” and “a wonderful book from start to finish.” This novel, Maiman’s first, is independently published by Mindstir Media. Visit mitchmaiman.com to purchase the book and for more information. The paperback and hardcover versions can be obtained for $13.99 and $21.99 respectively, or as an e-book for $2.99. Alternatively, the novel

is now available at the Port Washington Public Library. About the author: Dr. Mitchell Maiman has been a Flower Hill resident for the past 27 years, and his adult children both graduated from Schreiber High School in Port Washington. He became a physician at age 24 and before retiring three years ago, was Chairman of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwell Health-Staten Island University Hospital for the previous twenty years. He was a prominent Gynecologic Oncologist in the New York City area, recognized for his numerous educational contributions in the field and his devotion to the teaching of residents and fellows. His lifelong experience in medicine has given him keen insight to portray the realistic issues plaguing young physicians in the highly flawed medical arena. —Submitted by Dr. Mitchell Maiman

Dr. Mitchell Maiman with his book Every Third Night, now available for purchase. (Contributed photo)

Anniversary Celebration Tax Receiver Reminds At Growing Love Garden Residents About Veterans The Growing Love Community Garden in the Village of Manorhaven, Port Washington is a lovely place where families grow plants in raised garden beds and take yoga and other classes, children enjoy nature classes and people come to read or just take in nature. Located in the Manorhaven Nature Preserve off Manorhaven Boulevard, the Garden held a fifth anniversary celebration on May 14. The event featured a pop-up artisan and food market, live music, children’s crafts, family activities and more. Food and drink trucks were all on hand. Nassau County

Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton enjoyed visiting the celebration, “The Growing Love Garden is such a fabulous space that hundreds of people enjoy each year,” the legislator said. “I’m thrilled to have been able to secure County funding to extend the adjacent Nature Trail and make it more handicap accessible for the enjoyment of all visitors.” Visit growinglovepw.com for more information about the Growing Love Community Garden. —Submitted by the office of Legislator Delia De Riggi-Whitton

Support Grant Program


orth Hempstead Receiver of Taxes Charles Berman is reminding residents about Nassau County’s Veterans Support Grant Program, a fiscal assistance program aimed to provide relief to veterans’ halls and facilities in Nassau County that sustained financial losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant program can provide a one-time payment of up to $10,000 to eligible 501(c)3 and 501(c)19 veterans’ posts or organizations that experienced economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria: • Be a 501(c)3 or 501(c)19 veterans’ post or organization located in Nassau County. • Be in operation at the time of application (businesses that have ceased operations due to the pandemic are ineligible). • Demonstrate financial insecurity due to the

COVID-19 pandemic. Examples include: • Loss of Income • Increased Costs • Capacity to weather financial hardship • Challenges covering operating expenses • Not be in default or arrears on past or current Federal or State financing or funding programs. • Not be in conflict of interest with Nassau County, the County Legislature, the local municipality, or the operating program agency. To find the application, applicants should visit https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/1945/ Veterans-Service-Agency. Applicants needing assistance can leave a voicemail at 646-825-9617 or email ncveterans@ndconline.org and someone will be in contact within 48 hours. —Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead


CALL US WITH YOUR NEW ADDRESS From the left; Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton, SoulShine Art Studio’s Dvora Troshane, and Manorhaven Village Mayor Jim Avena in the Growing Love Community Garden’s Children’s Garden. Dvora designed the butterfly artwork in the background. (Photo courtesy of Leg. DeRiggi-Whitton’s office)


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Port Washington, NY - 6 Briarcliff Drive An incredible transitional modern masterpiece awaits you. This Center Hall Colonial boasts 5 bedrooms, 5.5 baths and beautifully proportioned rooms. This house is an entertainer’s delight. Living room with fireplace, formal dining room, open concept great room with gas fireplace, gourmet kitchen with quartz countertops and large center island. Guest bedroom/office on first floor with gas fireplace, full bath and powder room complete the first floor. Finished lower level with home theater, playroom & full bath. Enjoy spectacular view of Manhattan along with beautiful sunsets & water views from the second floor bedrooms. Hickory HW floors throughout. Amenities include the Manhasset Bay Estates Private Beach with mooring rights. MLS# 3401678. $2,850,000.

Shohreh (Sherry) Hakimian Gold Circle of Excellence Associate Real Estate Broker 516.647.2676, o.516.627.4440 sherryhakimian@danielgale.com

Sol Hakimian Gold Circle of Excellence Real Estate Salesperson 516.849.9666, o.516.627.4440 solhakimian@danielgale.com

Port Washington, NY - 3 Hazel Road This stunning move in ready Modern Colonial offers 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths. Main level featuring a large foyer which opens up to a beautiful living room with gas Fp, formal dining room, gourmet kitchen with quartz countertops. Breakfast area with sliding doors gives way to access to porch. Powder room. Second floor primary bedroom with Luxury bathroom including spa shower. Three additional bedrooms, two full baths. Finished lower level playroom, washer/dryer and utility room. Hickory HW floors throughout. Amenities include the Manhasset Bay Estate private Beach with mooring rights. MLS# 3401677. $2,450,000. danielgale.com

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233130 S




Long Island Native Premieres Her Debut Musical At Landmark

The Beautiful and Damned Comes to the Jeanne Rimsky Theater in a New Format

HANNAH DEVLIN hdevlin@antonmediagroup.com


. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Beautiful and Damned is set to appear at Landmark’s Jeanne Rimsky Theater in a new format this summer. The musical will run from July 1-3 and features the original script, score and choreography of Long Island native Brooke Di Spirito. The musical was originally set to debut in 2020, and after many delays due to COVID-19, it will premiere on Landmark’s stage this season. Di Spirito has a long history in ballet, and after growing up dancing, she decided to begin choreographing during her time at Play promotional flyer. Northeastern University. After experiencing Cast members. (Photo by Jason Keswani) (From the Beautiful and Damned show website) the performing arts in an administrative position, Di Spirito decided to begin her explains that this program changed “how administrative and creative positions who now people are creating it,” Di Spirito said. first project transforming a book into a stage [she] looked at theater.” are as passionate about the production “People are going home and practicing their musical. At Northeastern, Di Spirito majored Although Fitzgerald is most well-known process as she is herself. With the numerous lines that I made up. People are singing in English, and she felt as if writing the script for The Great Gatsby, Di Spirito became delays that the production experienced, songs and I remember being alone in my and lyrics for an adaptation would serve as inspired by his previous work The Beautiful the creative team behind the musical has room writing them.” the perfect bridge between her passion for and Damned. The novel follows two main changed in accordance to the availability The Beautiful and Damned serves as a theater and language. Now a recent graduprotagonists as their romance fades and the of various members, adding additional testament to how resilient and rewarding ate, Di Spirito has completed the adaptation. consequences of their actions unfold. Di complications to the rehearsal process. the performing arts are. The process of this Throughout the production process she has Spirito felt as if the work was “screaming for Despite the complications and delays that production has been a difficult one, but its served as the writer, composer and a musical stage adaptation,” as the The Beautiful and Damned has experienced, delays have allowed the piece to grow into choreographer. emotions of the characters are so Di Spirito is thrilled to see her creation take a more intricate and improved production. In 2019, the script was strong and intense. stage this July at the Landmark. With the Despite the struggles and challenges faced complete, and by 2020 “When I was reading The cast’s devotion, she has been able to see her during the past three years Di Spirito, along it was ready to debut at Beautiful and Damned, on vision come to life, and she is grateful for the with the other members involved in this Northeastern University as every single page there opportunity for her idea to become a real project, have proven that the performing a jukebox musical, using is something that is the piece of art. arts will continue to grow and evolve, even music from preexisting perfect moment where “I created all of this in my head, and in light of obstacles. shows. However, when someone is so moved that the COVID-19 pandemic they could go into song or canceled the performance Brooke Di Spirito. dance,” Di Spirito said. before its run, Di Spirito (From the Beautiful and With a background in Damned show website) ballet, Di Spirito used the style became inspired to compose original music for it. After as the foundation for much of her workshopping the musical virtually, choreography, exhibited by the numand two more cancellations in 2021, the bers performed on pointe. However, other production is set to open this July. dance styles that were popular in the 1920’s, In regards to her first draft of the musical, like jazz, are incorporated into the musical written during lockdown, Di Spirito said: “I as well. Given her own theatrical experience, decided I would learn to compose and write. Di Spirito wanted to root the show in ballet, I’m not a professional by any means, I’m just while also taking on new influences. self taught. I had no idea what it was going to Throughout the process, Di Spirito take to do that.” has learned how truly collaborative the With her first draft of the musical, Di production process is, especially in light Spirito was accepted into a program with the of COVID-19 complications. In her time New York Youth Symphony, where she was working on the piece, Di Spirito has had to See the play at the Landmark able to learn more about composition and learn to balance her responsibilities. While July 1-3. (Photo by Jason rework her existing pieces. After receiving acting as writer, composer and choreograKeswani) direction from professionals, Di Spirito pher, she has had to find people to fill both



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233136 S

Francesca Morrocu Blass

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To the Jewish Community of New York


HarborFest 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Town Dock) The Port Washington Chamber of Commerce and the Town of North Hempstead celebrate our nautical heritage on the waterfront of beautiful Manhasset Bay. Over 70 craft vendors. Cruises on the luxury yacht Elixir. Live entertainment at the tugboat. Children’s Fun Park and Fun Stage. Enviro-Expo. Art in the Park. New Nautical Photo Exhibit in the Pride of Cow Bay Museum. Fabulous Food Court featuring local restaurants. Merchant booths. Much more! Visit page 18 for an event schedule.

Compassionate care for Sinai Chapels families is now available at Riverside-Nassau North Chapels.

System. Discover how the NICE Bus System can enable you to travel safely, affordably and conveniently. Pick up schedules and maps, and learn about trip planning options and paratransit solutions. Bring your questions! Teen Gaming 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (Lapham Meeting Room) Teens in grades 7-12 are invited to come play Nintendo Switch games with other teens after school. No registration required.


Art Lecture with Thomas GermanoAndy Warhol: Revelation MONDAY, JUNE 6 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (Lapham Meeting Room/ A Time For Kids Hybrid) Andy Warhol is one of the most 9:30 a.m-10:30 a.m or 10:45 a.m.-11:45 celebrated and recognizable artists of a.m. (Lapham Meeting Room) Ms. Karen the twentieth century, famous for screen presents educational activities, movement, printed celebrity portraits and package music and a craft. For children ages 2 to 5 designs appropriated from popular culyears with an adult. Registration required, ture applied to canvas, paper prints and visit pwpl.com sculpture. Revelation explores the artist’s lifelong relationship with his faith that TUESDAY, JUNE 7 frequently appeared in his artStory Time in the Garden works. This exhibition will 9:30 a.m.-10 a.m. or 10:30 be on view at the Brooklyn a.m.-11 a.m. (Children’s Museum through June Garden) Join your 19, 2022. Professor favorite librarians in Thomas Germano will the Children’s Garden present a visual lecture for stories, songs and presenting Warhol fingerplays. Admittance in the context of the is on a first-come, Brooklyn exhibition. first-served basis for 40 Visit pwpl. to register or participants. Numbered for Zoom link. tickets will be available 20 Live at Five minutes before the start time. 5 p.m. (The Science Museum of Public Meeting: Town Dock Repairs Long Island, 1526 North Plandome Rd.) 7 p.m. (Lapham Meeting Room) Council Live music, science activities for the kids, Member Mariann Dalimonte and the guided walks around our nature preserve Town’s Department of Public works presand much more! Guests are invited to ent a meeting about the upcoming repairs bring a blanket and chairs as they listen to the Town Dock. to live music, eat dinner, watch the sunset Support Group for Caregivers of Elderly over Manhasset Bay and enjoy a night of family fun with entertainment for all ages. Relatives 7 p.m.-8 p.m. (Children’s Workshop Room) To purchase tickets or for more information go to www.smli.org/liveatfive Helping our elderly loved ones navigate the world is not easy. This support group FRIDAY, JUNE 10 for adults will give participants the opportunity to talk with others experienc- Sandwiched In with Roger Rosen-A ing similar circumstances as well as share Pride Celebration 12 p.m.-1:30 p.m. (Lapham Meeting ideas for the best ways to handle a variety Room/Hybrid) The fight for LGBTQ+ of situations. This informal group will rights in America is still being fought, be hosted by Debra Brodsky, a Licensed but we can not understand the present Clinical Social Worker with over 20 years moment without first understanding the of experience in the field. Debra has a moments that led to it. This program, private psychotherapy practice in Port presented by Roger Rosen, will honor Washington. Please bring your questions and ideas. Registration is required for this and celebrate some of the courageous names and remarkable events that helped event, visit pwpl.com to register. shape over a century of struggle, victory, backward steps, and forward marches. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 Stonewall was not the beginning, and it NICE Bus Information certainly wasn’t the end. Join us! Discover 11 a.m.-1 p.m. (Library Lobby) Join us in that there is So Much More Than the Lobby to speak with representatives Stonewall! of the Nassau Inter-County Express Bus

Dear Friends, For four generations, Sinai Chapels has served New York’s Jewish community with compassion and care. After over 40 years of personal commitment to Sinai Chapels, I have decided to close the Fresh Meadows chapel to spend more time with my family. I will continue, however, to assist families as a consultant alongside many of Sinai’s longtime funeral directors who have also joined this accomplished team. RiversideNassau North Chapels specializes in all movements in the Jewish faith, and I personally selected them to serve families that have relied on Sinai Chapels for many years. On behalf of all of us at Sinai Chapels, thank you for trusting us to serve you. If you have prearrangements with us, please know that your contract is safe and will be honored by Riverside-Nassau North Chapels (55 N Station Plaza, Great Neck), as well as other providers in the Dignity Memorial® network. If you have questions regarding your prearrangement, please call us at 718-445-0300. For other questions or additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 516-487-9769 or visit www.jewishfunerals.com. Sincerely, Michael Resnick President, Sinai Chapels

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Another Day, Another Map

Democratic incumbents forced into the same district JOSEPH SCOTCHIE jscotchie@antonmediagroup.com


as New York’s redistricting madness come to an end? As stated in earlier issues of Anton Community Newspapers, the redistricting map for the decade of the 2020s has been in turmoil for months. Last month, the New York State Court of Appeals threw out maps drawn up and approved by the New York State Legislature, of which both houses are overwhelmingly Democratic. Congressional maps are the domain of an independent commission, made up in equal numbers by Democrats and Republicans. That commission failed to agree on a map and so the legislature took charge. But the state’s highest court ruled those maps and maps for the state Senate as unconstitutional and skewered heavily in

■ '

Jonathan Cervas Carolyn Maloney (Public domain)

Jerry Nadler (Public domain)

John Faso (Public domain)

favor of the majority party. After the 2020 census, the state lost another congressional seat. The legislature-approved map would have given the Democrats a 22-2 seat edge with two seats up for grabs. It is estimated that the new map will result in a 14-5 advantage for the Democrats with up to seven seats in play. A judge from Steuben County appointed Jonathan Cervas, a post-doctorate fellow at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, to

draw up the maps. Cervas has had experience in drawing maps for states as different as Virginia, Utah and Georgia. The big news was not just the elimination of the Democrats’ huge advantage, but the fact that several Democratic incumbents will square off against each other in the upcoming primaries. For instance, the newly-redrawn 12th district may feature a race between incumbents Jerry Nadler and Carolyn Maloney. Incumbent

Mondaire Jones has announced he will run in the newly drawn 10th District (representing parts of Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan) to avoid a primary against Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney in the district he currently represents. Hakeem Jeffries and Yvette D. Clark are two more incumbents who will battle each other for a Brooklyn congressional seat. That means at least two incumbent Democrats will be out of office once the primary takes place.


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Change For Tomorrow



Counseling Center

(Photo courtesy of Carnegie Mellon University)

Not all Republicans were pleased with the new map. John Faso, a former Republican congressman, said the new map is an improvement but that his team of lawyers will seek revisions to “...better reflect long-standing communities of interest around the state.” Another lawsuits proposes to condense all the election dates and toss out not just the congressional and state Senate map, but also the state’s Assembly maps.

Funding for this advertisement was made possible (in part) by Grant Number 5H79SP081365-01 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written materials or publications do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 229432 S




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Old Westbury Gardens Presents: Collage Of Four

Artists-in-Residence Poetica Musica will perform works by Mendelssohn, Dvorák


une is the time for picnics and an outdoor concert of beautiful classical music on the lawn outside The Barn of Old Westbury Gardens. On Saturday, June 4 at 7 p.m., Poetica Musica, will perform a concert entitled “Collage of Four.” Works will include “String Quartet No. 4 in E minor, Opus 44, No 2” by Felix Mendelssohn, the “String Quartet No 12 in F Major, Opus 96” (nicknamed the “American Quartet”) by Antonin Dvorák and more. Guest violinist Alisa Wyrick also performs as a guest musician with the New York Philharmonic and was a member of the New York City Opera Orchestra. Guest violinist Eric Wyrick is the Concertmaster and frequent soloist with the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and is also a member of the Orpheus Chamber Ensemble. Guest violist Mialtin Zhezha is a native of Albania and has performed at Carnegie Hall, Merkin Hall and the Miller Theater of Columbia University. He is a winner of a number of competitions both in Europe and the United States. Eugene Moye is the principal cellist of the American Symphony Orchestra, as well as a member of the New York City Ballet Orchestra, and the Composer Orchestra. He is also a founding member of Poetica Musica. Tickets are $25 for members and $30 for non-members. Tickets must be purchased in advance. (Rain

has partnered with Old Westbury Gardens to bring classical chamber music of both traditional and modern genres to Long Island audiences. Members of Poetica Musica are also affiliated with the New York Philharmonic, the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, the New York City Ballet Orchestra, the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center and other prestigious arts organizations. Concerts have also featured young and emerging guest artists from countries such as France, Norway, Serbia, Denmark, Russia and the Czech Republic.

About Old Westbury Gardens Violinist Eric Wyrick (Photo courtesy of Old Westbury Gardens)

location: The Barn) Visit www.oldwestburygardens.org for more information or call 516-333-0048, ext. 301. The concert is supported in part by the IBM Matching Grant program. Masks are required.

About Poetica Musica

Built in 1906 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Old Westbury Gardens is the former home of John S. Phipps, his wife, Margarita Grace Phipps, and their children. Today, as a not-for-profit organization, Old Westbury Gardens welcomes visitors of all ages for a wide range of historical, cultural, artistic, educational, horticultural events, and more. Old Westbury Gardens seeks to inspire appreciation of the early 20th century American country estate through faithful preservation and interpretation of its landscape, gardens, architecture and collections. Visit www.oldwestburygardens.org for more information.

For more than 25 years, Arists-in-Residence Poetica Musica

—Submitted by Old Westbury Gardens

Italian Cuisine Elevated I L M U L I N O N E W YO R K - LO N G I S L A N D

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233251 S








Nassau County Bar Association To Host 250th Free Foreclosure Clinic

he Nassau County Bar Association (NCBA) Mortgage Foreclosure Assistance Program is proud to host its 250th Clinic on Monday, June 6, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. at the NCBA headquarters located at 15th & West Streets in Mineola. Nassau County residents who are struggling with mortgage issues are invited to attend the free clinic to consult with a volunteer attorney to get their legal questions answered. “The Mortgage Foreclosure Assistance Project is proud to celebrate this tremendous milestone in direct service to the community,” said attorney Director Madeline Mullane. “Our clinics have helped thousands of homeowners and tenants understand their rights and options in trying to retain their homes.” Attorneys who participate in the Mortgage Foreclosure clinic are providing one-time free counsel. However, they do not provide further legal representation. Bilingual attorneys are available upon request. “Our volunteers continue to be integral

to our project, devoting their time and efforts to assisting with these clinics and providing vital information to clients in distress “ Mullane explained. “The project remains committed to providing these services as we continue to navigate through uncertain economic times.” Attendees dealing with mortgage foreclosure may be able to obtain ongoing legal and/or housing counseling services for free from a HOPP agency, funded by the New York State Attorney General’s office to assist homeowners. They may also be referred to the NCBA Lawyer Referral Information Service for other legal issues related to the foreclosure. In addition to the 250th clinic, the NCBA Mortgage Foreclosure Project hosts multiple clinics per year. Advanced registration is required. To register for a free, one-on-one consultation with an attorney, or to learn more about NCBA’s community service programs, contact mortgageforeclosure@nassaubar.org or call 516-747-4070, ext. 1308. —Submitted by the Nassau

Glen Cove Cruises Starts Third Season Glen Cove Cruises, an intimate the two- or three-hour Great Gatsby mini-yacht charter boat, will be Mansion and Lighthouse Tour. Besides starting its third season cruising Long seeing lighthouses up close you get to Island’s Gold Coast as well as New view historical and modern mansions York Harbor only seen and Statue from the sea. of Liberty. Included in New for each tour are this year is professional expanded photos at cruises takvarious ing private pretty points groups to of interest. Connecticut For cruise or City information Island for go to www. The Miracle (Photo courtesy of Glen Cove Cruises) lunch. An glencoveexpanded BYOB (Bring your own cruises.com, tab@tabhauser.com or bagel) brunch tour was added this call 516-456-4571. year. Their most popular cruise is —Submitted by Glen Cove Cruises 233101 S






Recently Sold

Shopping For Yard Equipment


arm weather is here, and you are ready to get outside and make your yard beautiful and functional. Now is the time to get “backyard ready” for spring. What tools do you need?

Plan your needs

This well-maintained four bedroom cape-style home located mid-block at 273 Division Ave. in Massapequa sold on May 19 for $575,000. It is located within the Massapequa School District and is close to shopping. It has two bathrooms and an attached two-car garage. The home has central air conditioning. The eat-inkitchen is updated and has sliding doors leading to the backyard patio. The first floor has two large bedrooms and an updated full bath. Upstairs offers two additional bedrooms and a full bath. Recent upgrades to the home include a new furnace, flash hot water heater, a stainless steel refrigerator, new washer and dryer and hardwood floors throughout the home.

Draw a sketch of your yard. Include any major features like trees, bushes, garden, flower beds, furniture, play equipment, patio or bird bath. Note where maintenance may be required. Will bushes need to be trimmed back from your home or garage? Do you want to put in some bushes or a tree? Are you planning to install a fence and more grass because for your pet?

Consider equipment needed

Visit your garage or shed and find those forgotten lawn and garden tools. Wheel out your mower and get out other equipment. Look it over and make a list of what is needed or could be upgraded. Repair anything that needs attention or identify where a newer or other machine is required. If you have a large garden, you need a cultivator or tiller. If you have a large lawn, an upgrade to a riding lawn mower might make mowing easier. A string trimmer might make caring for bushes or trimming grass near a fence line easier.

Research before you buy

The right equipment can mean more time for other activities and make doing yard work more enjoyable, too. Outdoor power equipment can be gas, electric or battery powered and technology is rapidly impacting product design. There are even robotic lawn mowers. This sprawling brick-front ranch at 122 Harbour View Dr. on a stunning block in the Harbor Green neighborhood of Massapequa sold on May 19 for $890,000. Its location is dreamy. This home has a beautifully updated kitchen with white Shaker-style cabinets and quartz countertops and a water filtration faucet. The large primary bedroom has a primary bathroom that was renovation in 2019 and dual closets. The den has a wood-burning fireplace and sliders to a beautifully paved patio. The home has a UV light air purifier system, great for people who have allergies. The cedar-look vinyl siding is new. There is a large, organic garden on the 100’ x 100’ property and in-ground sprinklers. The home was converted to gas in 2013 and in 2019 the electric was upgraded to 200 amps. The large finished basement has a professionally hardwired humidifier. The driveway is double wide. The home has a Generac generator. Flood insurance not required; this home is located within the “X flood zone.” Membership to Harbor Green Shores Club is available.

Ask questions

Talk with the staff at the store or ask online about the equipment. Ask to pick up and hold equipment to determine its “fit” for you. Discuss safety features and ask about fueling and care instructions. Make a plan for storage and maintenance. Store your equipment in a cool and dry place. It also should typically be serviced at the end of the fall and the beginning of the spring. Put service dates on your calendar with a reminder. Visit www.opei.org for more information.

Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.

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Is It Karma Or Is It Bad Luck? I’m not sure why these things seem to always happen to me. Maybe I was a historical time-waster in a previous life, having no regard for my fellow man behind me in a line. There must be a reasonable explanation as to why, in this life, I invariably get stuck behind someone that has no concern for the people behind them. It doesn’t matter if it’s a supermarket check-out line, an ATM or a fast-food drive-through. The person directly in front of me is usually experiencing some sort of problem. Sometimes it’s a problem with something that won’t scan. Other times, the card isn’t working. If I’m at a walk-up ATM, the guy in front of me acts as if they’ve never used one before. When I use the drive-through ATM, the guy in front of me doesn’t pull up close enough to reach the machine and they have to get out of the car. Even when reaching through the window, they put the card in backward or don’t seem to remember their PIN. People have told me the older you get, the less patience you have for nonsense. I don’t think my age has anything to do with it. I’ve never had the patience for nonsense.

LONG ISLAND LIVING Paul DiSclafani pdisco23@aol.com

I’m always prepared when I need to use an ATM and have a keen awareness of the number of people behind me in line, especially at a drive-through. As soon as I get in line, my card is already out of my wallet. When it’s my turn, I pull up close to the terminal, pop in my card, enter my PIN, get my cash and pull away so the next guy can go. Should I get a Gold Star? I don’t see why not. I’m in and out of there in less than two minutes. You’d be lucky to be behind me at an ATM. I just wonder why the guy in front of me can’t sometimes be the guy behind me. What did I do to deserve this fate?

Could it be that I was the guy at the Old Western saloon monopolizing the only bartender and taking way too long to decide between beer or whiskey in a previous life? Maybe Karma is catching up with me. While waiting my turn at the McDonald’s drivethrough in Massapequa the other day, I decided on a crispy chicken sandwich and a Coke. Knowing people were behind me, I had my card at the ready, wanting to keep the line moving. I’m just that type of guy. But Karma struck. The woman in the car ahead of me was sticking her arm out the window and gesturing at the menu. This went on for quite some time as she seemed to be ordering a lot of food. It took her over five minutes to place her order. My order was completed in less than a minute and I was right behind my drive-through nemesis as she received her order through the window. It was a single cold drink. She handed the cashier a dollar but needed to come up

with some additional change. After rummaging around inside the car for another minute, she completed her transaction. Instead of pulling away from the window, she fiddled with her pocketbook, popped the straw into her drink, and took a couple of sips. After straightening her posture in the seat, she pulled away from the window. Is Karma catching up with me? Maybe. For some reason, I seem to remember being at the ticket window in ancient Rome at the Coliseum. I kept asking the guy to find seats for me closer to the arena floor. The spectators behind me in line were starting to grumble and become impatient. As the crowd inside began to roar when the lions were released, the last thing I remember was turning back to the ticket window and asking if he had any seats on the aisle… Paul DiSclafani’s new book, A View From The Bench, is a collection of his favorite Long Island Living columns. It’s available wherever books are sold.

Hochul & MTA Need To Have $kin In the Game When It Comes To The Interborough Express On Jan. 5, 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul announced her support for the multi-billion dollar Interborough Express. It would provide a new commuter rail, subway or bus rapid transit connection between Brooklyn and Queens. It would use portions of the LIRR Bay Ridge Brooklyn freight line. MTA Chairman Janno Lieber could only promise that the cost would not exceed $10 billion. Hochul instructed


Lieber to immediately move the project forward by initiating the National Environmental Protect Act (NEPA) review. This is one of the first steps necessary to quality for future Federal Transit Administration funding. Five months later, the MTA announced that they will be submitting a grant application to the United States Department of Transportation’s competitive discretionary National Infrastructure Project Assistance

Program. Winners will not be selected until the fall. Based upon my previous work experience at FTA, this is the code word for


Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000 Publishers of Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot Great Neck Record Manhasset Press Nassau Illustrated News Port Washington News Syosset-Jericho Tribune The Nassau Observer The Roslyn News Editor and Publisher Angela Susan Anton President Frank A. Virga Vice President of Operations Iris Picone Director of Sales Administration Shari Egnasko Editors Janet Burns, Jennifer Corr, Dave Gil de Rubio, Christy Hinko, Julie Prisco, Frank Rizzo, Joe Scotchie Advertising Sales Ally Deane, Mary Mallon, Sal Massa, Maria Pruyn, Jeryl Sletteland Director of Circulation Joy DiDonato Director of Production Robin Carter Creative Director Alex Nuñez Art Director Catherine Bongiorno Senior Page Designer Donna Duffy Director of Business Administration Linda Baccoli

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Recently Sold In North Strathmore

Manhasset | 91 Rockywood Road | $1,660,000 | 6 BR | 3 BA | Web# 3316466

Maureen Polyé


231339 M





Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks: I Just Want To Write Social media can be both blessing and curse at once. While it has been referred to as a “time drain,” it is also a brilliant way to stay in touch with those friends and loved ones who are not always in sight, but very often in mind. It’s also a wonderful place to be inspired by things one sees. As I perused Facebook this morning, my eyes lit upon a meme that my cousin Jennifer posted about resilience. The post stated simply, “Your heart will heal, your tears will dry, your season will change. Rest tonight knowing that the storm will end.” It was beautiful in its simplicity and spoke volumes about the importance of getting back up after life knocks you down. The meme reminded me of something that I had heard on the “Reels” feature of both Instagram and Facebook. While the quotation has been linked to TikTok videos about transformation through makeup, weight loss and exercise, it is part of the hook for Kanye West’s song, “Praise God”: “Even if you are not ready for the day, it cannot always be night.” Since I enjoy investigating everything, I decided to do a little digging. As it turns out, Kanye pilfered the quotation from Gwendolyn Brooks’ inspirational poem, “Speech to the Young: Speech to the Progress-Toward (Among Them Nora and Henry III)”. The poem, which appeared


in Gwendolyn’s 1991 book, Blacks, was focused on youth and advised them never to give up and to keep moving forward, even in the face of Life’s storms. This column is dedicated to Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks and to the millions of women out there. Gwendolyn was born in Topeka, Kansas in 1917. She was the eldest child of her family, born of a father who sacrificed his dream of becoming a physician for marrying the woman he loved and raising a family. Gwendolyn’s mother was a schoolteacher who was also a classical music concert pianist. The family moved to the south side of Chicago which was a place Gwendolyn identified with her entire life. Gwendolyn was encouraged to write by her mom, who often told her that she would become the world’s female version of Paul Dunbar, an American poet and

novelist who gained international acclaim in the late 19th century. She declined college to obtain a four-year degree as she referred to herself as a writer who loved to write and always would do so. When she was 13 years old, Gwendolyn published her first poem in a children’s magazine. In three years’ time, she wrote and published more than 70 more poems. She continued to write and submit work to various publications, including Poetry Magazine. In 1945, she published her first book of poetry, A Street in Bronzeville, which received critical acclaim for its authenticity. Gwendolyn received the Guggenheim Fellow in Poetry in 1946. Her second book of poetry, titled Annie Allen, was published in 1949. The following year, Gwendolyn was the first Black author to win the Pulitzer Prize in poetry for her book Annie Allen. Many of her works were published by Harper’s Magazine. Gwendolyn also taught extensively around the United States and held posts at various colleges, including the University of Chicago, Columbia College Chicago, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago State, CUNY, Elmhurst College and Columbia University. She was appointed Poet Laureate of Illinois in 1968, which she maintained until her death in 2000. In 1976, she was the first Black woman to be inducted into the prestigious honor

society, American Academy of Arts and Letters. From 1985–86, she was the U.S. Poet Laureate. She was also poetry consultant for the Library of Congress. Gwendolyn Brooks is a perfect example of someone who got back up when life knocked her down. Her love for writing offered her a lifetime of golden achievements, accolades and warm words from her peers, as well as becoming one of the most widely read poets of 20th century poetry. Though she never received a degree for writing, her work perfectly illustrated the life of those in her community with texture and a freshness that gave every character a realness that was tangible. May we all aspire to reach for the stars as Gwendolyn did, and if we get knocked down, may we always get back up and keep moving forward. Patty Servidio is an Anton Media Group columnist.G

CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE what we internally referred to as the “Halloween” grant cycle. Watch when the announcement of selected winning projects will conveniently coincide with many governors, senators and Congressional members, who are friends with President Biden and U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg running for public office on the eve of Nov. 8h Election Day. One requirement under this program is that the recipient, in this case, the MTA, has sufficient adequate secure funding to construct, maintain, operate and cover any unforeseen cost increases. Did someone forget about the ongoing financial problems facing the MTA now and in future years?

Governor Kathy Hochul (CC BY-SA 4.0)

If Hochul was serious about this project, why didn’t she include any funding within the new $220 billion state budget? If MTA Chairman Janno Lieber was serious, he could have either (1) reprogrammed some of the

billion plus carried over from the $32 billion 2015-19 Five-Year Capital Plan not spent, (2) reprogram funding from the current $51 billion 2020-24 Five-Year Capital Plan, (3) submit a zero dollar grant amendment to the Federal Transit Administration to reprogram funding from funds still not spent under open active grants worth $12 billion or (4) added this project to the MTA’s FTA 2022 federal fiscal year program of projects worth $1.5 billion. Any member of the New York Congressional delegation could have earmarked funding under the FTA’s recent appropriation and authorization bills signed into law by President Biden. Any member of the State Senate or State Assembly could have earmarked funding

for this project out of either State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins or State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie’s pots of discretionary funding contained within the $220 billion Albany budget. Each “Pot of Gold” is worth several hundred million. Neither Mayor Eric Adams nor the New York City Council have proposed including funding for this project within the proposed new $99 billion municipal budget. Neither Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynosa nor Queens Borough President Donovan Richards has proposed using a portion of their respective discretionary pots of funding. Since Hochul, Lieber, Adams and others have no skin in the game to date, you have

to wonder how serious they really are in advancing this project. What happens if the U.S. DOT decides not to select this project? Don’t be surprised if the next governor and MTA Chairman places this project in the back burner. Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer, who previously worked for the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 New York Office. This included the development, review, approval and oversight for billions in capital projects and programs for the MTA, NYC Transit, Long Island Rail Road, Metro North Rail Road, MTA Bus along with 30 other transit agencies in NY & NJ.

10A JUNE 1 - 7, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP





Caught Between Two Worlds Playwright’s new memoir captures Chinese-American experience



sabel Allende once said that a memoir is an invitation into another person’s privacy. It’s certainly the case with Our Laundry, Our Town: My Chinese American Life from Flushing to the Downtown Stage and Beyond, playwright Alvin Eng’s account of growing up as a second-generation Asian-American in 1970s New York City. The youngest of five children, Eng was the result of an arranged marriage between his late parents, who he affectionately refers to as King Wah Eng and The Empress Mother. The Engs supported themselves running three Foo J. Chin Chinese Hand Laundries—one in Hoboken, one on East 86th Street in Manhattan and the third in Flushing, Queens. A major driver in the story is the relationship between the parental duo, who were living two separate, but parallel lives, with the intersection coming at the hand laundry. And while Flushing represents the second-largest Chinese community behind Brooklyn Chinatown and ahead of Manhattan’s Chinatown as of the 2010 census, that demographic representation was not always the norm. Sports (the New York Knicks) and the arts (punk rock in particular) offered solace to Eng and his quest for an identity that

is a strong narrative theme in this worry about hiding what made project that took nearly a decade them different. Instead, you were to write in-between teaching gigs encouraged to shout it from and performing myriad theatrical the rooftops. Finding that was pieces. And while he was passion- essential and what changed my ate about getting his story out, Eng life was when David Johansen let was more interested in grappling me interview him when I was a with the challenge of providing a high school kid.” platform of broad appeal versus Throughout the book, Eng ending up with a vanity project. weaves larger historical facts that “I hate self-indulgence and wound up shaping the Chinese I was super-tough about not American zeitgeist and the family wanting to do that,” Eng explained. dynamics that come with it. There “How do you make it relate to oth- are references to 1882’s Chinese er people in all different worlds? Exclusion Act, which not only There are all these different barred Chinese from immigrating streams and themes but I feel like to the United States, but it also forat the end of the day, it’s a New bade legal Chinese residents from York City book.” becoming citizens, The gritty underbelly of the marrying other Big Apple is the setting for those citizens or early years, when Eng and his bringing their friends would hop on wives the Number 7 line to over Manhattan, where they (“Maybe would invariably end up at the first and punk music mecca last American CBGB’s. It was law that made this unlikely it legal to setting that discrimwould prove inate to be an important component in helping the future playwright seek his identity. “The arts are where all outsiders go,” he said. “I was very lucky to come of age when punk was evolving. Alvin Eng as punk-rapper Anyone who feels like an Goong Hay Kid outsider didn’t have to

against one race of people that prevented them from becoming citizens.”) And there is also mention of China’s Opium Wars with Great Britain (“Growing up we worshiped the heroin chic junkies but we didn’t want to become an addict, but rather wanted to act like Keith [Richards] and Iggy [Pop]. But then I eventually realized that my grandfather died of an opium overdose and that opium changed the Chinese forever.”) It’s this kind of strong stuff that informs readers as they follow Eng’s journey into theater, where he meets wife Wendy and earns a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. Eng also wound up being a two-time Fulbright Specialist appointee with a residence at City University of Hong Kong. It was here where the Americanborn Eng was invited by the U.S. Consulate Guangzhou, to conduct theater workshops and perform his memoir monologue, The Last Emperor of Flushing, in his family’s ancestral Guangdong Province. It’s all heady stuff Eng was finally able to tie together after a decade-plus of trying. “Writing this book was very therapeutic,” Eng said. “I think it’s really about being able to put it down on paper and become more whole, which is what I was able to do once I achieved balancing act of juggling so many worlds and so many cultures.”

Alvin Eng will be appearing on Wednesday, June 8 to do a book signing and meet and greet at Yu & Me Books, 44 Mulberry St. in Manhattan’s Chinatown, Visit www.yuandmebooks.com or call 646-559-1165 for more information. Visit www.alvineng.com to learn more about Alvin Eng and www.longislandweekly.com for a longer version of this story.

Alvin Eng performing with his teenage band. (All photos courtesy of Alvin Eng)

232906 S



JUNE 2 – JUNE 12



This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direct always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you hav pleted the puzzle, there will be 16 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle. By Holiday Mathis By Holiday Mathis

Fruit of the vine Solution: 16 Letters

WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 16 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Fruit of the vine

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). There is no prize for pleasing the masses that even comes close to the rich treasure of connecting with one person who matters to you. So cater your efforts to those around you. It is better to focus on serving one person very well than to concern yourself with being the world’s greatest at a role.

Solution: 16 Letters

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your assets are numerous this week, but none so powerful as your purity of heart and intent. With this kind of love as your motivation, you cannot fail no matter what happens. The most important decisions have to do with where you show up. Go where there are people you can help, or people who inspire you.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It’s a strange dance, the dance of intimacy. In the beginning, you’re not sure how much you want to know and be known. This is the stage to savor. It’s the most playful and formative time when you can apply your creativity to making something truly special. Soon enough, familiarity will establish its groove. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). It is easier for some people to show indifference than to risk opening up. Vulnerability is hard because rejection is harder. You have already experienced rejection in your life, which gives you an advantage. It will be less scary for you to open up and let someone know that you want to love and be loved. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Showing up to tasks that are not extraordinarily interesting to you has a way of draining your energy. What would you rather be doing? Change the plan. Tackle something you can really get immersed in. Bonus: When you are too busy to care about who you are attracting, that is very attractive indeed. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ll change your mind a few times this week, so you’re better off not making big claims or signing anything. But even when you’re not sure what you want, you know where you belong. Go where you can help and be helped. There’s no reason to settle for less than inspiring atmospheres and kind people. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). There are indifferent people everywhere, and you do not want to be one of them. Efforts to convey how you really feel, which is to say warm, responsive and alive, can sometimes land messily. Still, honest and awkward interactions are much more valuable than any that could be made by a courteous robot. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Supporters may fall down on the job, which presents you with an opportunity to give due credit to the one who has been there for you this entire time: you. You showed up, you did your best and you are still reporting for duty. When you really think about it, a little more appreciation is in order.


Being a multifaceted person, you shine best when several of your sides get the light. The turns of the year will show your many angles. In various moments you’ll be determined, wise, playful, vulnerable, self-motivated and self-sacrificing, all in pursuit of the same goal. There’s a role you’ve desired, and you will finally get to take it on, though there are unexpected aspects, too. Let go of the way you want it to be, and the way it is becomes more beautiful than you’d imagined it would be. COPYRIGHT 2022 CREATORS.COM

Ruby Sediment Seve Shiraz Ruby Sediment Steaks Seve Still Shiraz Sweet Steaks Still Treat Sweet Urns Treat Vino Urns Vino White White Yeast Yeast STREET, 41st Solution: Beautiful bouquet

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). While pleasing symmetries and intriguing proportions certainly have their appeal, beauty is about a balance of thousands of details, some too intangible to measure. Being too conscious of one’s own projected image can diminish the effect. Your beauty will be deeply appreciated this week.

Ales Estate Kids Export Lees Aroma Band Fizz Lemonade Beer Fruit Ales Magnum Estate Kids Aroma Export Mead Lees Body Games Fizz Lemonade Band Glasses Moderation Bottle Magnum Beer Fruit Grape Body Mull Brut Games Mead Glasses Bottle Negus Moderation Cab sav Hock Brut Grape Mull Punch Negus Holiday Cake Cab sav Hock HunterCake Rage Punch Club Holiday Hunter Club Reds Rage Cold Valley Valley Reds Cold Jatz Cork Rich Cork Rich Jatz Kegs Crop Rose Rose Crop Kegs FROM KING FEATURES SYNDICATE, 300 W. 57th FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10019

Solution: Beautiful bouquet

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It’s natural to seek ease. People will avoid solutions that require a large amount of effort. You’ll employ clever use of this principle in your dealings with people. Sometimes you want their attention; sometimes you don’t. You’ll make things hard to deter them or things easy to attract them.

© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re the cowboy of your mind, moving your herd of thoughts along the prairie of your consciousness. Steering thoughts well is the key to feeling good. You don’t need to know why you think a certain way; you just need a few strategies to help you stay on track, including good support and uplifting environments.


© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.


ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your most successful endeavors will be the ones aimed to the right people. Hint: The right people aren’t necessarily the nearest ones. They’re the ones who like you for who you are. They make you feel seen, understood and enjoyed. Finding them can take a minute, but there’s no better use of your time.

Creators Syndicate

Date: 6/1/22 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. Beach, 236CA 9 0254 737 3rdSyndica Street • Hermosa Creators te Date: 6/1/22 310-337-7003 • info@creators.com CONTRACT BRIDGE — BY STEVE BECKER 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 9 0254


• info@creators.com FOR RELEASE 310-337-7003 THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2022

By Steve Becker

Sylvia strikes again South dealer. North-South vulnerable. NORTH ♠732 ♥K 8 5 ♦K742 ♣K 8 2 WEST EAST ♠AKQ4 ♠865 ♥6 4 3 2 ♥ Q J 10 ♦5 ♦ J 10 9 8 ♣6 5 4 3 ♣ Q J 10 SOUTH ♠ J 10 9 ♥A 9 7 ♦AQ63 ♣A 9 7 The bidding: South West North East 1 NT Pass 3 NT Opening lead — king of spades. There were some members of the club who insisted that Sylvia was protected by a guardian angel. She would make the most dreadful plays imaginable, and somehow or other, these plays would work to her advantage. Consider this deal where Sylvia (West) led her A-K-Q of spades and then, planning to cash the four next, inadvertently led the four of clubs instead. As a result, Sylvia was never able to cash her last spade. However, declarer eventually went

down anyway, and Sylvia’s sense of mortification was greatly allayed by this favorable turn of events. Only in subsequent analysis was it discovered that South would have made three notrump had Sylvia cashed her fourth spade, since this would have squeezed her partner in the three remaining suits! Thus, if East discarded a heart, declarer would win any return and cash three heart tricks. East would then be squeezed again. He would either have to unguard his diamonds or his clubs, and South would make three notrump by scoring an extra trick in that suit. The same result would accrue if East elected to discard a club on Sylvia’s fourth spade. Declarer would then cash three club tricks, squeezing East in hearts and diamonds. And finally, if East discarded a diamond on the four of spades, he would later be squeezed in hearts and clubs when declarer cashed four diamond tricks. So, whichever way East turned, he could not escape being victimized by a fourth round of spades from Sylvia. To this day, some members of the club still contend that it was not Sylvia who led the four of clubs at trick four, but her guardian angel!

Tomorrow: Test your play. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc.

12A JUNE 1 - 7, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

Weekly Sudoku Puzzle Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle

Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle




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HELP WANTED HERRICKS SCHOOL DISTRICT GROUNDSKEEPER Applications are available online at www.herricks.org>District>HumanResources or at the Community Center Main Office 999 Herricks Road New Hyde Park, NY 11040 233217 M

Luxottica Group is seeking an EDI Senior Business Systems Analyst to work in the Port Washington, NY office. Coordinate with the business to schedule and prioritize Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) development activities. Bachelor’s degree in computer Science, Management Information Systems, Software Engineering or related field. Seven years of experience in field with 3 years with Sterling Integrator in a Windows environment. Application is by resume only. For consideration, mail your resume to Anushree Patil at 4000 Luxottica Pl., Mason, OH 45040. 233178 M

MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST - Performs medical laboratory tests procedures experiments & analyses provide data for diagnosis treatment & prevention disease. Conducts chemical analyses of body fluids. B.S. in Medical Technology, 40 Hrs/wk; $60,000.00/yr. New York Clinical Laboratory Technologist License. Send Resume to: North Shore Medical Labs, 463 Willis Avenue 233269 M Williston Park, NY 11596 THE GLEN COVE SENIOR CENTER IS HIRING for the following positions: P/T position Assistant to Activities Coordinator at the Glen Cove Senior Center. 10am-2 pm M-F. Must be energetic, able to teach and supervise, comfortable/experienced with seniors and public speaking, computer savvy. Call Eric Shuman – 516-759-9610 P/T Recreation Leader/Support Staff - Glen Cove Senior Center - Adult Day Program, M-F, 19.5 hrs/wk, assist elderly participants with recreational activities and assist Director with administrative needs. Must have compassion for physically and/or cognitively frail seniors. Call Amanda Freeman- 516-759-2345 P/T Bus Driver for Glen Cove Senior Center and Adult Day Program. Call Jacqui Tecce- 516-759-9610 233149 M

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2nd Annual Softball Bash

The A&F Market team.

FOUND by Compass team.

The PYA recently hosted a parent fundraiser event

L A&F Market has served the community for more than 50 years on Plandome Road.

ions Field is a second home for hundreds of PYA families, the place where friendships are formed, dreams are born, and memories are made! The PYA is grateful for the generous support of all the businesses who partticipated in the Softball Bash to help our kids find their place in this world through youth sports!

Baker Air, a veteran & family owned heating & air conditioning company.

Zimbardi Financial Group. (Photo from the PYA Facebook)

The Hillside Dental Professional. Thank you, Dr. Derek Zimbardi and family, and Dr. Cristina David, for your teamwork in hitting it out of the park.

The Baker Air Bandits.




19 Saw Mill Lane, Cold Spring Harbor $1,925,000 109 Salisbury Avenue, Garden City $1,249,000 25 Park Place, Great Neck $430,000 20 Hill Park Avenue, Great Neck $510,000 426 Hunt Lane, Manhasset $1,400,000 15 Middle Drive, Manhasset $4,050,000



PARSA’S 2022 TRANSACTIONS CLOSED/UNDER CONTRACT 141 Locust Street, Garden City $2,199,000 259 Walnut Road, Glen Cove $886,000 151 Schenck Avenue, Great Neck $1,795,000 10 Horton Street, Malverne $598,000 26 West Drive, Manhasset $3,498,000 80 Birch Lane, Manhasset $5,500,000

105 Plymouth Court, Manhasset $3,350,000

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229290 M



PORT WASHINGTON LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of Mika Mooney Law, PLLC. Articles of organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/6/22. Location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent for service of process. SSNY shall mail process to: 2 Oakland Dr. Port Washington, NY 11050. Purpose: Law. 6-29-22-15-8-1; 5-25-20226T-#233133-PORT LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of GOLD COAST COOKIE COMPANY, LLC. Arts of Org files with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/1/21. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 31 Sands Point Road, Port Washington, NY 11050. Purpose: any lawful act. 6-29-22-15-8-1; 5-25-20226T-#233141-PORT LEGAL NOTICE INC. VILLAGE OF MANORHAVEN BZA PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Zoning Appeals of the Inc. Village of Manorhaven will hold a public hearing in the Village Hall, 33 Manorhaven Boulevard, Port Washington, New York in said Village on June 14, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. to hear the following matters: Z614 – 13 Dunes Lane Port Washington, NY 11050, S-4, B-F- L-962, in Zoning District R-1, the applicant requests variances from: (1) section 155-13.1 (J) Residential District R-1 which provides that the maximum allowed building lot coverage for a two-family dwelling shall be 25% while the proposed building lot coverage is 29 %. Z616 28 Kirkwood Road, Port Washington, NY 11050 S-4, B-45, L-137 in the R-1 Residential Zone, the applicant seeks variances from: (1) Section 155-13.1(J) of the Village Code to construct a two-family dwelling where the building lot coverage will be 29.8% when the maximum allowed building lot coverage is 25%,and from (2) Section 155-35 of the Village Code in order to construct two rear stairwells to the basement and four air-conditioners located 16.4 feet from the rear yard lot line when the minimum rear yard setback is 20 feet. (Z613) Matter of 30 Sagamore Hill Drive:, Port Washington, NY, 11050, S-4, B-83, Lots 81-20, and 55-64, the applicant seeks to construct a self-storage facility in the E-1 Zoning District and requests: (1) 155-24 A(7) A permitted use in E-1 Zoning district is self-storage facilities where

the storage of combustible materials is prohibited and trucks serving such facilities shall have a gross weight (GWT) of no greater than 20 tons with a special use permit. Required and requested: Special use permit from the Board of Zoning and Appeals. (2) 155-24 C(8) The minimum rear yard setback shall be 10 feet. Proposed: Transformer in rear yard violates setback requirement but no dimension is given to substantiate the extent of the violation. Variance requested. (3) 155-30 D The space designated as the front yard as required by this chapter shall be left open and clear, except for surface vegetation, and shall not be used for any purpose. Proposed: Access drive/aisle encroaches into required front yard setback. Variance requested. (4) 155-34 A In all cases where flat roof construction is used and there is no ridge, there shall be an average air space of 18 inches between the ceiling beams and roof beams. Proposed: No section indicating roof construction is provided in submitted plans. Variance requested. (5) 155-38. Buildings of wood-frame or metal-skin construction shall be prohibited in any commercial or industrial district. Proposed: Construction type is not defined in submitted plans. Variance requested. (6) 155-45 J In commercial or industrial districts, each offstreet parking area shall have an area of not less than 10 feet by 20 feet. Proposed: The parking space provided for ADA compliance is 8 feet wide. Variance requested. (7)155-46 Parking requirement for warehouse occupancies is 1 space for each 600 square feet of gross floor area - total of 127 spaces. Proposed: 6 parking spaces, as defined by Village Code, are provided. Variance requested (8)155-53 C(l)(a) Each business establishment shall be permitted a maximum of two signs. The combined total area of all signs shall not exceed an area of one foot times the width of the storefront of the building and shall not be larger than 16 square feet in the E-1 Zoning District. Proposed: One sign of 78 square feet and one sign of 137.75 square feet. Variance requested. (9) 155-53 C(l4){b) Size of lettering of wall signs in E-1 Zoning District shall not exceed 10 inches in height. Proposed: Lettering exceeds 10 inches in height. Variance requested. Matter of 23A Kirkwood Road, Port Washington, NY 11050, S-4, B-44, L-267, 375, 377, in Zoning District R-1 the applicant requests variances from: (1) section 155-13.1 (G) Residential District R-1 which provides that

LEGAL NOTICES no building shall exceed two stories or 26 feet in height measured from established street grade and the applicant proposes a building with a height of 34 feet as measured from the street grade; (2) section 155-13.1 (J) Residential District R-1 which provides that the maximum allowed building lot coverage, for a two-family dwelling shall be 25%, and the proposed building lot coverage is 29%; (3) section 155-35 Appurtenance Construction in that the applicant proposes to maintain one rear stoop and four air conditioners encroaching into the minimum rear yard setback of 20 feet by having setbacks of 17’ for the stoops, 16’ for the air conditioners and such items are not permitted appurtenance encroachments of the Village Code into minimum rear yards. Matter of 23B Kirkwood Road, Port Washington, NY 11050, S-4, B-44, L-164, in Zoning District R-1 the applicant requests variances from: (1) section 155-13.1 (G) Residential District R-1 which provides that no building shall exceed two stories or 26 feet in height measured from established street grade and the applicant proposes a building with a height of 34 feet as measured from the street grade; (2) section 15513.1 (J) Residential District R-1 which provides that the maximum allowed building lot coverage, for a two-family dwelling shall be 25%, and the proposed building lot coverage is 29%; (3) section 155-35 Appurtenance Construction in that the applicant proposes to maintain one rear stoop and four air conditioners encroaching into the minimum rear yard setback of 20 feet by having setbacks of 17’ for the stoops, 16’ for the air conditioners and such items are not permitted appurtenance encroachments of the Village Code into minimum rear yards. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Board will enter into Executive Session from 6:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. with the hearing commencing immediately thereafter. Zoom or virtual conference will not be available as this meeting will be open to in-person attendance at Village Hall, 33 Manorhaven Blvd Port Washington NY 11050. Alex Kovacevic Deputy Clerk/Acting Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeals Dated: May 24, 2022 Manorhaven, New York. 6-1-2022-1T-#233228-PORT

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of North Hempstead on June 16, 2022, at 7:00 P.M. in the Town Board Meeting Room, Town Hall, 220 Plandome Road, Manhasset, New York, on the application for

amended site plan review submitted by Geismar, LLC to construct an additional 2,167 s.f. to a previously approved 99,223 s.f. warehouse on a 6-acre site. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the property which is the subject of this application is located at 7 Harbor Park Drive, Port Washington and identified on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map as Section 6, Block 86, Lots 2A, 2B and 3. Dated: Manhasset, New York May 19, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF NORTH HEMPSTEAD RAGINI SRIVASTAVA TOWN CLERK 6-1-2022-1T-#233237-PORT

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of North Hempstead on the 7th day of July, 2022, at 7:00 o’clock in the evening for the purpose of considering the adoption and recission of the following ordinance: CAREY STREET, PORT WASHINGTON, NEW YORK l. All motor or other vehicles of any kind shall comply with the following: PROPOSAL: ADOPT: 1. AVENUE A – SOUTH SIDE – NO STOPPING HERE TO CORNER From the west curb line of Carey Street, west, for a distance of 30 feet. 2. AVENUE A – SOUTH SIDE – NO STOPPING HERE TO CORNER From the east curb line of Carey Street, east, for a distance of 30 feet. 3. CAREY STREET – WEST SIDE – NO STOPPING HERE TO CORNER From the south curb line of Avenue A, south, for a distance of 20 feet. 4. CAREY STREET – EASTSIDE – NO STOPPING HERE TO CORNER From the south curb line of Avenue A, south, for a distance of 25 feet. Section 2. All ordinances or regulations heretofore adopted in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. PENALTIES: “A violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine not in excess of Thirty ($30.00) Dollars, plus any surcharge payable to other governmental entities.” Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect ten days from the date of its publication and posting pursuant to Section 133 of the Town Law of the State of New York. Section 5. This ordinance shall be incorporated in the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of North Hempstead. Dated: June 16, 2022


LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING BOARD OF APPEALS INC. VILLAGE OF SANDS POINT PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Sands Point will convene to hold a public hearing on Monday, June 13, 2022 at 7:30 PM in the evening at Village Hall, 26 Tibbits Lane on the following applications: New Cases: 1. Application of John & Madelyn Singer for variances(s) of the Code of the Village of Sands Point: Section 176-8, to construct a two-story Accessory Structure where one-story is permitted, (2) to construct a two-story Accessory Structure with a height of 18’-4” where 15’ is the maximum permitted, on a property owned by them located at 65 Cornwells Beach Road in a Residence A District and known on the Nassau County Land & Tax Map as Section 4, Block C, Lot(s) 404, 631-636. 2. Application of Dario & Denise Benun for Site Plan Review pursuant to Section 132-4(A)(1) of the Code of the Village of Sands Point to construct a New Residence on property owned by them located at 29 Soundview Lane in a Residence B District and known on the Nassau County Land & Tax Map as Section 4, Block 111, Lot 52, 53. 3. Application of Dario & Denise Benun a Fill Permit pursuant to Chapter 84 of the Code of the Village of Sands Point to place approximately 781 cubic yards on the property, to move 1490 cubic yards around the property, and remove 475 cubic yards of fill from the property, on property owned by them located at 29 Soundview Lane in a Residence A District and known on the Nassau County Land & Tax Map as Section 4, Block 111, Lot 52, 53. 4. Application of Parveen & Ashima Narula for variances(s) of the Code of the Village of Sands Point: (1) Chapter 176, Article III Section 176-18(C) to maintain rear yard setbacks to a pool patio of 5.26’, pool equipment of 3.28’, and a gazebo of 10.08’ where a 15’ minimum is required, (2) to construct a two-story Accessory Structure where one-story is permitted, (2) Chapter 176, Article III Section 176-11(B) to maintain a pool patio, pool equipment, and a gazebo with a combined lot coverage of 21.27% where 20% is the maximum permitted, (3) Chapter 176, Article III Section 176-18(A) to maintain a pool patio, pool equi pment and, a gazebo with a rear yard

lot coverage of 33.5% where 15% is the maximum permitted, on a property owned by them located at 2 Half Moon Lane in a Residence A District and known on the Nassau County Land & Tax Map as Section 4, Block A, Lot 436. The applications, plans and specifications are on file at the Office of the Village Clerk, 26 Tibbits Lane, Sands Point. At said time and place of Hearing as aforesaid stated all persons who wish to be heard will be heard. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS F. WILLIAM S CHMERGEL, CHAIRMAN LIZ GAYNOR, VILLAGE CLERK 6-1-2022-1T-#233239-PORT LEGAL NOTICE INC. VILLAGE OF SANDS POINT

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 1428 of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York, I Liz Gaynor, Clerk of the Incorporated Village of Sands Point, Nassau County, New York have received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the current year for the collection of taxes levied therein. I will receive taxes at the Village Office, 26 Tibbits Lane from June 1, 2022 to and including July 6, 2022 from 8:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, or by U.S. Mail; at the following address: Inc. Village of Sands Point P.O. Box 188 Port Washington, New York 11050 Taxes paid by July 6, 2022 or with a timely official United States postmark should be without additional charge. All taxes for which payment has not been received by the Village and remain unpaid after July 6, 2022, shall have an added (5%) interest for the month of July, and for each month and a fraction thereafter, an additional interest payment, which shall be computed at the maximum percentage rate permitted, pursuant to the Real Property Tax Law, until said taxes and accrued interest are paid in full. INC. VILLAGE OF SANDS POINT LIZ GAYNOR VILLAGE CLERK 6-1-2022-1T-#233242-PORT LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Village Election of the Incorporated Village of Sands Point will be held on Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at Village Hall, 26 Tibbits Lane, Sands Point, New York 11050 and said polling place shall be opened at Noon of said day and shall close at 9:00 p.m. The offices to be filled, the terms thereof, and the names and addresses of persons nominated are: Office: Trustee Rebecca Vitas Schamis Term: Two Years

Backus Farm Lane Sands Point, NY 11050 Office: Trustee Sloane Ackerman Cedar Knoll Drive Sands Point, NY 11050 Term: Two Years BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES VILLAGE OF SANDS POINT LIZ GAYNOR, VILLAGE CLERK 6-1-2022-1T-#233240-PORT AVISO LEGAL POR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que las elecciones annuales de la Incorporated Village of Sands Point se llevarán a cabo el martes 21 de junio de 2022 en Village Hall, 26 Tibbits Lane, Sands Point, New York 11050 y que dicho centro de votación se abrirá al mediodia del dia mencionado y se cerrará a las 9:00 p.m. Los cargos que se cubrirán, sus mandatos y los nombres y las direcciones de las personas nominadas son los siguientes: Cargo: Fideicomisario Rebecca Vitas Schamis Backus Farm Lane Sands Point, NY 11050 Mondato: Dos Anós Cargo:Fideicomisaria Sloane Ackerman Cedar Knoll Drive Sands Point, NY 11050 Mondato: Dos Anós POR ORDEN DEL LA JUNTA DE FIDEICOMISARIOS VILLAGE OF SANDS POINT LIZ GAYNOR, SECRETARIA DE LA VILLA 6-1-2022-1T-#233241-PORT LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 1428 of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York, I the undersigned Village Treasurer and Collector of Taxes of the Village of Flower Hill, New York have received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the current year for collection of taxes levied therein, and I will receive taxes at the Village Office, 1 Bonnie Heights Rd., Flower Hill, from June 1, 2022 to and including August 1, 2022 from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and for that said period of time, taxes assessed upon such roll may be paid to me without additional charge. With respect to all such taxes remaining unpaid after August 1, 2022, five (5%) percent will be added for the first month or fraction thereof, and additional interest as provided for pursuant to Section 1432 of the Real Property Tax Law shall be added for each additional month or fraction thereof, thereafter, until paid. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Randall Rosenbaum, Mayor Suzanne Tangredi, Village Continued on page 17


Continued from page 16


L EGAL NOTICE PU BLIC HEARING NO T ICE IS HEREBY T reasurer- Collector of T axes GIVEN that a public hearing Dated: June 1, 2022 of the Z oning Board of ApJune 8, 2022 peals of the Village of Flower Village of Flower Hill Hill will be held on the 9t h 6-8-1-2022-2T -#233245day of June, 2022 at 7:00 PO RT PM, at Village Hall, 1 Bonnie Heights Rd., Manhasset, NY 11030. L EGAL NOTICE 1. Application of Ms. DebINCO RPO RAT ED ra Cafasso, 370 Manhasset VILLAGE O F Woods Rd. Manhasset, NY FLO W ER HILL 11030 also known as SecSealed Bids for tion 3, Block 13901, Lot 42 CONTRACT 2204 for variance of §240- 10( I) ( 1) 2022 PAVEMENT AND ( a) & ( c) of the Code of the DRAINAGE Village of Flower H ill. The IMPROVEMENTS applicant seeks to construct CONTRACT a covered patio with a gross ( ESTIMATED COST sf $ 225,000.00 TO $ 325,000.00) floor area of VILLAGE ENGINEER: SHL ( FAR 0.172) where the maxim m permitted is ENGINEERING, P.C. PLEASE T AK E NO T ICE s.f. ( FAR 0.165) and the T HAT SEALED PRO PO S- structure is located in a side ALS must be received by yard when accessory structhe Village Board of T rustees tures are only permitted in at their offices at 1 Bonnie a rear yard. 2. Application of Ms. Heights Road, New York on: Sharon Pena, 76 Oak Tree Friday June 10, 2022 at L ane. Manhasset, NY 11030 10:00 AM at which time they will be also known as Section 3, publicly opened and read with Block 192, Lot 7 for variance the Contract to be awarded as of §240 Attachment 1. Apsoon thereafter as practicable. pendix A & 240-7( I) of the All bids shall be in accor- Code of the Village of Flowdance with the specifications, er Hill. The applicant seeks drawings and terms of the to construct a sports court with a 5’ rear and side setproposed contracts. No bids shall be received un- back where the minimum less made in writing on forms setback for both is 6’ . 3. Application of Mr. Finfurnished by the Village and unless accompanied by a cer- tan Murray, 52 Sycamore tified check or bid bond made Rd., Roslyn, NY 11576 also payable to the Village of known as Section 6, Block Flower Hill in an amount not 5314, Lot 172 for variance of less than five percent (5%) of §240- 6( F) , ( G) & ( N) of the the base bid. T he Board re- Code of the Village of Flowserves the right to rej ect any er Hill. The applicant seeks or all bids and to waive any to maintain a driveway and front yard paving where informality therein. sf where T he Village will not accept of bids from, or award contracts the maximum permitted is sf the dri eto, anyone who cannot prove to the complete satisfaction way is 21’ in width at the at of the Board of T rustees that property ine and he has sufficient experience the street where the maxiin this type of work and is fi- mum permitted is 16’ with on nancially able and organized a flare o t of p to to successfully carry out the each side the dri eway is from the side properwork required in the specified ty line at its closest point time. Plans and specifications will where 4’ is the minimum be available and may be ob- permitted. 4. Application of Dr. & tained at the Village Hall, 1 Bonnie Heights Road, Mrs. Andrew Sami, 6 East Manhasset, New York, H igh Rd., Port Washington, 11030, starting at 10:00 NY 11050 also known as SecAM, Friday, May 27, 2022, tion 6, Block 21, Lot 211 for and thereafter, during nor- variance of §240- 9( C) of the mal village business hours. Code of the Village of Flower A non-refundable fee of Hill. The applicant seeks to $ 5.00 is requi red for each erect a shed which increases 7 U SB Flash Drive contain- the lot coverage to 4,155 s.f. where the maxiing the contract documents. T he authorized contact for any mum permitted is 3,099.4 que stions regarding this pro5. Application of Dr. Jesse posal should be directed to: L oman, 1 H unters L a., RoStephen L awnicz ak, P.E. slyn, NY 11576 also known SH L Engineering, P.C. as Section 6, Block B5, Lot P.O . Box 1759 Huntington, New York 11743 26 for variance of §1 19- 1( A) of the Code of the Village of Phone: 631-786-0190 Flower Hill. The applicant email: slawniczak@shl seeks to install a 4’ fence in engineeringpc.com a front yard where the Code Dated: Flower Hill, prohibits front yard fences. New York Persons who may suffer from June 1, 2022 For the BO ARD O F a disability which would preT RU ST EES vent them from participating By: RO NNIE in said hearing should notify SHAT Z K AMER, Ronnie Shatzkamer, Village VILLAGE Clerk, at (516) 627-5000 in ADMINIST RAT O R sufficient time to permit such arrangements to be made to 6-1-2022-1T -#233252- PO RT enable such persons to partic-




ipate in said hearing. By O rder of the Z oning Board of Appeals Michael Sahn, Chairperson Ronnie Shatzkamer, Village Administrator Flower Hill, New York Dated: June 1, 2022 6-1-2022-1T -#233255- PO RT L EGAL NOTICE PU BL IC H EARING VIL L AGE OF FL OWER H IL L – BOARD OF TRU STEES PLEASE T AK E NO T ICE, that the Incorporated Village of Flower Hill will hold a Regular Meeting and the following new public hearings on Monday, June 6 2022 at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall, 1 Bonnie Heights Road, Manhasset, NY: 1. Proposed Local Law H-2022 Prohibit Artificial T urf in a Front Yard” 2. Proposed LL I – 2022 “ Amend Sec. 227-33, Parking & Traffic Regulations Middle Neck Rd.” 3. Fireworks Display Hearing – North Hempstead Country Club 7/ 1/ 22 T his meeting is open to the public. Persons who may suffer from a disability which would prevent them from participating in said hearing should notify Ronnie Shatzkamer, Village Clerk, at (516) 627-5000 in sufficient time to permit such arrangements to be made to enable such persons to participate in said hearing. By O rder of the Board of T rustees Ronnie Shatzkamer, Village Administrator Flower Hill, New York Dated: June 1, 2022 6-1-22 1T # 233260- PO RT L EGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of Spring Bhee, LLC. Arts of Org filed with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/25/22. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to 9 Brookside Dr, Port W ashington, NY 11050. Purpose: to provide health-related and advisory services. 7-6; 6-29- 22-15-8-1-20226T -#233271- PO RT

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Port Washington’s 30th Annual Harborfest Dock Day And Craft Festival H

arborFest Dock Day and Craft Festival is presented by the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce and the Town of North Hempstead on Sunday, June 5 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. HarborFest is a celebration of our nautical heritage on the waterfront of beautiful Manhasset Bay, in order to enhance public awareness of the need to protect and preserve this precious asset. Come down to the Town Dock and lower Main Street, Port Washington, L.I., N.Y. Free parking and free trolley and shuttle buses from the LIRR station and Manorhaven Park. (Handicapped accessible shuttle from the LIRR station). Admission is free(fee for cruises). Events: •Craft show, 70+ vendors •Sails aboard the yacht elixir hourly from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. •Fire boat demonstrations •Entertainment at the tugboat: •10:30 a.m.: Rudanceny •11:30 a.m.: World Taekwondo demonstration •12:00 p.m.: Porch Light •1:00 p.m.: Hat Trixx •2:00 p.m.: Red Stocking Revue •3:00 p.m.: Lions of Winter •4:00 p.m.: Harmony Sky •Children’s fun park: games, mini train, crafts, sports, science fun •Family fun stage •10:15 a.m.:Rachel Blackburn Voice Studio •10:30 a.m.:Rudanceny Dance Studio •11:00 a.m.:Blue Moon Taekwondo •11:30 a.m.:“Talented Kids Of Port Washington” •12:00 p.m.:Olga Berest Dance Studio •12:30 p.m.:Bach To Rock •3:00 p.m.:Goody’s Basement Jazz Band •Enviro-expo •Art in the park displays and workshops: •12:00 p.m.: “Fun With Clay” Workshop For Children •1:30 p.m.: Plein Air (Outdoor) Painting •All day: Button Making •New nautical exhibit in tugboat museum: “Seasonal Sunsets Of Manhasset Bay” By Jeff Stone •Fabulous food court with “A Taste Of Port Washington” •Merchant and organization booths and exhibits •PAL basketball and baseball contests •Kayaking and paddle boarding •Much more! Plus: Saturday, June 4 at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.: Sunset cruises aboard the Elixir. Admiral Sponsors: Anton Media Group And Blank Slate Media Additional Sponsors: Anthony’s World Of Floors, Bayside Tax & Wealth, Beb Capital, Captain Steve Sailing, Dance Arts

Craftfair, Harborfest 2019.

Taekwondo demo, Harborfest 2014.

Ayhan’s Mediterranean Restaurant’s Shish-Kebab booth, Harborfest 2014. Centre, Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty, Nassau County Legislator Delia Deriggi-Whitton, Lisa Donatelli – Lres, Douglas Elliman Real Estate, Kelly Farrell - New York Life, Fathoms Hotel & Marina, Fast Sports Camp, Flatiron Pediatrics, Happy Montessori School, Healthy Kids Pediatrics, Hogan Law Office, Home Run Electric, Island Chimney Service, New York State Senator Anna Kaplan, Kiwanis Club Of Manhasset-Port Washington, Long Island Boat Rental, Long Island Builders, Lorber/Hoffman Team Realtors, Luria Design & Style, Kenneth S. Magida Esq., Mathnasium, My Spectrum School, Orangetheory Fitness, Port Washington

Kayaking with friends. (Contributed photos)

Calendar, Port Washington Federal Credit Union, Power Home Remodeling, Precision Work, Project Help Long Island, Gan Shalom Nursery School, Ruvio Law Firm, Sands Point Center For Health & Rehabilitation, Sands Point Preserve Conservancy, Scheinman Realty, Sheehan & Company Cpa Pc, Southern Land Company, Stewy’s Factory Outlet, St. Francis Hospital, Toms Point Marina, Total Dollar Insurance, Valley Bank, Vincent Smith General Store, Zelik Ziegelbaum Rpt Special Thanks : The Art Guild, Ayhan’s Mediterranean Marketplace, Cancercare’s “Red Stocking Revue,” Grassroots Environmental Education, Nassau

County Health Dept., Oh My Goodness, Pal, The Parent Resource Center, The Port Washington Fire Department, The Port Washington Police District, The Port Washington Water Pollution Control District, Town Of North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer Desena, Town Of North Hempstead Councilwoman Mariann Dalimonte, Town Of North Hempstead Highway Dept., Town Of North Hempstead Dept. Of Parks And Recreation And The Village Of Baxter Estates. For additional information call 516-8836566 or email: office@pwcoc.org —Submitted by the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce




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41 Governors Lane, Sands Point, NY MLS# 3379789 Listing Provided by Douglas Elliman

32 Mitchell Road, Port Washington, NY MLS# 3389110 Listing Provided by Automatic Real Estate

18 Jeanette Drive, Port Washington, NY MLS# 3394937 Listing Provided by Laffey Real Estate

115 Huntington Road,Port Washington, NY MLS# 3396785 Listing Provided by Compass

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