Port Washington News 6/22/22 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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Summer Is Not Fun Spent In The Hospital Prevent unexpected trips to the emergency room


ith miles of sandy beaches and endless outdoor activities, Long Island is an ideal summer haven. But with this fun-filled season of swimming, biking, boating, BBQs and more, also come more accidents than just about any other time of year. Here are some summer safety tips to prevent the following accidents and unexpected trips to the hospital emergency room:


In the U.S., drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury and death for children ages 1 to 14, after motor vehicle crashes. Be sure to supervise your children at the beach and pool even if lifeguards are present.

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6B | SUMMERTIME! • JUNE 22 - 28, 2022

While minor burns can be treated at home, many people find themselves in the emergency room for severe injuries. From 2014 to 2018, fire departments went to an annual average of 8,900 homes in the U.S. for fires involving grills. Remember to never leave firepits

unattended and be sure to keep your grill clean to avoid unexpected flares. Additionally—while synonymous with summer fun—leave it to the experts to handle fireworks.


Although a pleasurable way to sneak in some health benefits, you should always wear your helmet. Helmets when bike riding reduce the risks of head injury by at least 45 percent and fatal injury by 29 percent. While you may trust yourself, you can’t trust others on the road.


According to the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), boating interests are on the rise—likely as an escape from the pandemic. However, so are boating accidents. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, in 2020 boating accidents increased by 26.3 percent from 2019. Also, in most fatalities caused by boating accidents the operator received no boating safety instruction. Make sure to follow boating requirements and cool it with the throttle. Remember, there is no way to eliminate risk, but there are ways to be mindful of your surroundings. Lastly, when taking part in summer activities, be sure to drink responsibly. —NYU Langone Hospital–Long Island

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