An Anton Media Group Publication
Est. 1877 Also Serving Roslyn Harbor, Roslyn Heights, Roslyn Estates, Vol. 145, No. 47
Flower Hill, East Hills, Greenvale and Albertson
June 29 – July 5, 2022
• JUNE 29 - JULY
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5, 2022
SENIOR LIFE Life Insurance Dementia Care Medicare Options
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Henry Viscardi, Jr.: Counsel to Presidents (Page 4) School News Town Honors Senior Awards Winners (Page 6)
Board of Ethics Taking Shape
Rejections And Approvals For TNH Supervisor
Calendar of Events (Page 8) Safety Sleuth Program To Local Grade Schoolers (Page 13) FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details! The Roslyn News (USPS 471-100)
Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00 . Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County.
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BOE: Republican Supervisor, Democratic Board FRANK RIZZO
nder the Town of North Hempstead code, the supervisor is responsible for nominating people to the independent Board of Ethics (BOE)—with the consent of the town board. Seems pretty straightforward. But in a town board riven by division, the consent part is the rub. Republican Supervisor Jen DeSena has had a number of initiatives blocked by a 4-3 Democratic majority on the town board since taking office in January. At each town board meeting since February, she has put forth names for appointment to the BOE, only to have them rejected. The supervisor gained a partial victory on May 19, when the board unanimously chose to re-appoint existing member Dr. Isma Chaudhry of Manhasset and tapped Rabbi Anchelle Perl of the Chabad of Mineola and Robin Bolling of Westbury as new members. DeSena told Anton Media Group that her team reviewed town operations when she assumed office. “And we looked at the members of the ethics board and saw that first of all, there were two vacancies and we couldn’t figure out why. And we realized that the other five members had not been appointed to a new term,” said DeSena, who added that all the terms had expired. The town’s web page devoted to the BOE had not been updated as of June 6. Anton Media Group made inquiries, and two days later, the new appointees were listed. In addition, minutes from meetings of March 11, March 25 and April 11 of this year were made available. Previously, the agenda/meetings were not listed. A glance at the March 18 minutes revealed that the BOE had not met since April 27, 2021. Asked in an interview if the BOE had somehow been overlooked, Councilwoman Veronica Lurvey replied, “I can’t speak to why that happened under the prior administration, but I think that it’s fair to say that it slipped through the cracks.” A Democrat representing Council District 4, Lurvey also touted what had happened at the May board meeting, stating, “We did work together and
Councilman Dennis Walsh of Mineola, a Republican, accused the Democratic majority of “politicizing” the supervisor’s attempts to nominate people to the Board of Ethics. (Photo by Frank Rizzo)
Councilman David Adhani, left, and Councilwoman Mariann Dalimonte follow a discussion at the April 28 board meeting. (Photo by Frank Rizzo)
unanimously passed legislation not just disclosure 30 days before their appointreforming financial disclosure requirement, so there was not enough time to ments for certain boards and commisdo it between [town board meetings].” sions, but also setting the terms for the The supervisor reaffirmed what was Board of Ethics.” brought up in discussions on May 19, According to the resolutions, that there have been intra-staff meetings Chaudhry’s reappointment runs through to try to move her initiative forward and Dec.31, 2023; Bolling’s appointment reach consensus on members and their runs through Dec. 31, 2025; and terms. Perl’s appointment ends on “I’m glad we’re moving in a Dec. 31, 2024. positive direction towards In an interview, having an independent DeSena was asked if board, but we’re still not I’m glad we’re moving she was still going there yet,” DeSena said. in a positive direction to push to replace “All along, my goal towards having an the members whose in running and my independent board, terms have expired. goal now as a super“Yes, because that is visor is making the but we’re still not the right thing to do,” government open and there yet. she replied. “They still transparent. We do have —Supervisor don’t have an indepena history in this town of Jen DeSena dent term and that’s been some ethical lapses and we my problem from the start. strengthened the ethics board.” There are a lot of people—and I’m At the May 19 meeting, the majority talking about employees too—who are nixed DeSena’s BOE choices of Melissa beholden to the town board and I don’t Slobin, Derek Chan, Francisco Vasquez think that’s the best position to be in, and Robert Reilly. especially when it comes to an ethics At the previous meeting, DeSena board which is supposed to be indehad commented, “I know these [BOE] pendent. That’s the whole point—that members have served with distinction. it’s independent of the town board and I know that and have thanked them. myself.” But these are not life terms. In fact, the The next town board meeting is slated term was shortened a few years ago from for June 16 and DeSena said she will six years to four, showing there’s a real not be submitting names for the BOE interest in allowing people to serve. It’s because under the new code, “anyone always important to bring more people who is appointed to any board or cominto government and letting them serve. mission will have to provide a financial So there is absolutely no disrespect to
Charles McQuair, special counsel to Supervisor Jen DeSena, looks on during the April 28 meeting. (Photo by Frank Rizzo)
our current Board of Ethics, but their terms should have been made by the prior administration and they were not. Therefore, they’re holdover terms and they are vulnerable to being replaced. “ She went on to say that her choices expand the geographic diversity on the board, all of whose members currently live in Council Districts 4 and 5. The Town of North Hempstead Board of Ethics is responsible for implementing the provisions of the town’s Code of Ethics. The board’s powers and duties include: • Approving and disseminating the form of annual statement of financial disclosure. • Reviewing, and being the repository for, completed annual statements of financial disclosure. • Rendering advisory opinions to Town employees regarding the Code of Ethics. • Enforcing the Code of Ethics and determining penalties. The current members of the board are: • Joseph Sciame* (Chair) • Dr. Isma Chaudhry • Justice Richard S. Kestenbaum* • Betty Leong* • Rabbi Robert S. Widom* • Rabbi Anchelle Perl • Robin Bolling *—Term expired —Town of North Hempstead website— Town of North Hempstead website
Henry Viscardi: An American Trailblazer JOSEPH SCOTCHIE
f all the remarkable people that Roslyn has produced, Henry Viscardi, Jr. stands out. Born in 1912 and hobbled with a disease that made him use prosthetic legs, Viscardi’s never quit or asked for self-pity, His life and work was a testament to the human spirit. Undaunted by his handicap, Viscardi married and had four children. Along the way, he became the nation’s most effective advocate for young people with disabilities. Following World War II, Viscardi, aware of the contributions that disabled people made to the war effort, wanted to do more for this vital segment of the population. By the 1940s, Viscardi was an advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a chief executive who also suffered from disabilities. On the advice of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, Viscardi, in 1952, founded Abilities, Inc. Operating out of a garage in West Hempstead, the center took off, demonstrating that disabled adults who had served in both World War II and the Korean War had the skills to be productive members of the workforce. Abilities, Inc. hit the ground running and has never looked back. In time, its graduates served such corporations as IBM, General Electric, and Grumman, not to mention the Department of Defense. By the early 1960s, Viscardi was able to move from the garage to today’s more spacious site in Albertson. The center gained accreditation as an independent school giving young people with disabilities the opportunity for a quality education that proved, conclusively, how valuable they can be for the communities they live in. In 1991, the school was officially named the Henry Viscardi School. Viscardi maintained a tireless schedule. A non-partisan activist, Viscardi served as a disability advisor not just to Roosevelt, but also to Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter. In the legislative sphere, Viscardi was instrumental in inspiring such landmark legislation as The Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1975 and the Americans
Henry Viscardi with his students
Viscardi winning a Distinguished Citizen Award (Photo credit: Flicker) With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, one that protects the rights of children and adults with disabilities. The Viscardi Center, however, will always be his greatest legacy. During
the 1990s, it opened the Nathaniel H. Kornreich Technology Center, which highlights state-of-the-art assistive technology and the National Business & Disability Council, which is a pioneer in
providing for the successful integration of persons with disabilities into the workforce and consumer marketplace. In recent years, the center launched its Project Accessible Oral Health, a global public-private partnership that improves both access to oral health care and the overall health of the disability community. The center also serves those who want to be more than productive members of the workforce. The National Center for Disability Entrepreneurship is now a valuable resource for innovators with disabilities interested in turning their business ideas into a reality. Into the new century, the center, with John D. Kemp as President and CEO, has established the Henry Viscardi Achievement Awards to recognize exemplary leaders in the international disability community. Henry Viscardi, Jr. died in 2004 at age 91. His spirit still guides this most productive---and caring---institution in the Roslyn area. Meanwhile, advocates for disabled people around the world wait in anticipation for what The Viscardi Center will come up with next to assist their worthy goals.
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Zuckerman honors Benjamin Kim
Town Officials Celebrate Graduating Seniors
orth Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena, Councilmember Peter Zuckerman, and Town Clerk Ragini Srivastava attended the Roslyn High School Senior Awards Ceremony on June 7 at Roslyn High School. DeSena recognized graduating senior
Town Councilmember Zuckerman honors Lindsay Fabricant
233311 M
Adam Liebowitz with a citation. Zuckerman presented the Peter J. Zuckerman Citizenship Award to Lindsay Fabricant and Benjamin Kim. Srivastava presented a leadership award to Jamie Ozer. —Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
Town Clerk Ragini Srivastava honors Jamie Ozer
Town Supervisor DeSena honors Adam Liebowitz
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To place an item in this space, send information two weeks before the event to ..................
Impressionism: A World View The most beloved art movement of all time began in the spring of 1874 in Paris with a bold band of rebels headed by Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, Sisley, Degas, Cézanne and one woman, Berthe Morisot. Impressionism is more than a way of painting. It is a way of seeing and thinking that shaped the course of Modern aesthetics even to our own time. It rapidly conquered the studios, museums and galleries of the United States and Canada (thanks to Mary Cassatt), England, Italy, Asia (thanks to Japanese and Chinese students of Renoir), Australia, and New Zealand. Combining prized masterworks by the original French painters with American landscapes and portraits from both the East End of Long Island and a renowned colony of artists working across the Sound in Lyme, Connecticut, then traveling to more exotic locales, this survey gathers work from far and near. It culminates in galleries dedicated to Contemporary “Neo-Impressionists” such as Mark Innerst. The exhibit is at the Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive. Call 516-484-9338.
That 80s Show An age of excess not just in art but fashion, music and society, the Eighties is now recognized as a decade of wildly creative and lasting originality. Internationally renowned painter Eric Fischl, one of the heroes of the epoch, is the curatorial advisor for this multi-media extravaganza, which revisits the East Village scene where he and Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Julian Schnabel, Cindy Sherman, April Gornik, Kenny Scharf, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Robert Longo were among the superstars. Fischl’s brilliant keynote for the show: “When I think about the ‘80s I think about the energy, the confusion, the passions and the fault lines. At that time, no one knew who was going to last, who was better, everything was just pushing everything else.” The exhibit is at the Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive. Call 516-484-9338.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Film Noir Lecture & Screening Join Keith Crocker for installment of a film noir screening and lecture series. The Big Heat (1953) features tough cop Dave Bannion who takes on a politically powerful crime syndicate. Stars Glenn Ford, Gloria Graham ,and Lee Marvin. Register to reserve your seat. The Bryant Library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Call 516-621-2240. ..................
WEDNESDAY JULY 6 AND JULY 20 Baby Jam 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Ages 6 months - 3 Years (with parent or caregiver). Move and learn to a happy beat with your little one at BabyJam, with Ms.
Andrea playing fun songs on her guitar, exploring color glockenspiels together, and counting with rhythm sticks. There will also be a story time. Meet some adorable animal puppet friends, “Bananas” the monkey and “Ducky” the yellow duck. Online registration required. Register once for both dates. Registration is limited for our in person events. Contact: Children’s services at 516-621-2240 or .................. Little Explorers 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. Ages 12 Months - 3 Years (with parent or caregiver) It’s winter in July, and the library is ready to cool down with ice cube painting. Dress for a mess and join us for this special combination of sensory/tactile play, STEAM, and storytime, designed specifically to encourage exploration.Online registration required. Registration is limited for our in person events. Patrons should register either this session or the session being offered on Friday, July 15 at 10:30 a.m. In the event of rain, this program will take place inside the
Bryant Library. Contact: Children’s services at 516-621-2240 and kids@ Registration will begin on Friday, July 1, at 9 a.m. ..................
Preschool Storytime 10:30 to 11 a.m. Ages 18 Months to 5 years old. Come join A Time for Kids, Inc. in this family fun preschool program. Activities include music, movement, fine and gross motor development and storytelling. There will also be a craft. Online registration required for each session.
Registration is limited for our in person events. Contact: Children’s services at 516-621-2240 and Registration will begin on Friday, July 1, at 9 a.m.
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Mineola, N.Y. P.O. Box 1578, mailing offices and additional by Long Island Community Newspapers, to Long Island at Mineola, N.Y. the year address changes paid at the Post Office issue the last week of Phone: 516-747-8282. postage double Postmaster: Send as periodicals (P.O. Box 1578). weeks with a 11501. Enteredof Congress. Published 51 St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501County. 132 East Second rate is $26 in Nassau under the Act subscription Community Newspapers, is $1.00 . Annual Price per copy
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Faulkner: Enduring, Prevailing, Unvanquished tragedian. This comes hard for Americans, a people “unschooled in tragedy,” (Richard Weaver), a people where “a happy ending is our story” (Mary McCarthy). Faulkner had a sense of humor, breaking through in such stories as “Shingles For The Lord” or his final novel, The Reivers. There were his circumstances, also his thorough reading of the Old Testament and the works of William Shakespeare. Faulkner was drawn to the drama of life and with it, the drama of prose. From “Red Leaves:”
his year, the twos have it. 2022. 2012. 2002. 1992. 1982. 1972. 1962. Stop right there. 1962? The Cuban Missile Crisis was the story of the year. Americans went to sleep on the evening of October 22 wondering if they would see the morning. Two famous Americans didn’t see a new morning that year. A year earlier, in 1961, Ernest Hemingway died, victim of a self-inflicted gun shot wound. His great rival, William Faulkner, died on July 6, 1962, after suffering another drinking binge. Dies the literature, dies the nation? Few, if anyone, will notice that this is the 60th anniversary of Faulkner’s passing. However, there’s never a good time not to write about the man and his work. More has been published on Faulkner than any other writer in the English language, save another William, Shakespeare by name. William Faulkner did have a brief New York connection. In his youth, he worked at a bookstore in Greenwich Village. His publishers were in the city. Faulkner polished up the ending to his 1929 classic, The Sound And The Fury while sitting cross-legged on a bed at a downtown hotel. He handed over the manuscript to his editor, remarking, “Here, read this. It’s a real son of a ----.” That it was. With The Sound And The Fury, Faulkner began to hit his stride. His friendship with Sherwood Anderson proved decisive. Anderson, who put small-town Ohio life on the map in a string of novels and stories, urged the young Faulkner to give up on the literary scene in New Orleans and instead, go back to northern Mississippi and zero in
William Faulkner receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature from King Gustav of Sweden. (Photo courtesy of Internet archive) on his “postage stamp.” Anderson added, also decisively, that there’s two things a man can never be: Ashamed of himself and where he came from. For Faulkner, that was like falling off a log. He grew up in the “front porch republic” that existed before World War II. In Faulkner’s day, Americans sat on the front porch and talked all night. Tall tales inevitably made their way back to the Civil War. The young Faulkner was fascinated by both his paternal and maternal grandfathers. His father was a bureaucrat laid low by the Depression. The grandfathers, however, were both veterans. One of them even constructed a monument to himself, one that stands today in Ripley, Mississippi, north of Faulkner’s Lafayette County postage stamp. As with writers of his generation, William Faulkner took the burden of history and placed it right on his shoulders. His world was different than those of say, Andrew Lytle, Caroline Gordon or Donald Davidson. Mississippi still suffered from the war and reconstruction: Poverty, occupation, crippled veterans, widows clad in black, an intractable race situation. The man made the most of it. William Faulkner is America’s great
Don’t you see? This whole land, the whole south is cursed, and all of us who derive from it, whom it ever suckled, white and black both, lie under the curse? Or from “Delta Autumn:” ‘This Delta,’ he [Ike McCaslin] thought. ‘This Delta.’ This land, which man has deswamped and denuded and derivered in two generations so that white men can own plantations and commute every night to Memphis and black men can own plantations and even towns and keep their town houses in Chicago…where cotton is planted and grows man-tall in the very cracks in the sidewalks, where usury and mortgage and bankruptcy and measureless wealth, Chinese and African and Aryan and Jew, all breed and spawn together until no man has time to say which is which, or cares. In 1950, the weight of the world did fall on his shoulders. Winning the Nobel Prize for Literature that year was an event. For years, such future Nobelists as Jorge Luis Borges and Jean-Paul Sartre sang Faulkner’s praises. Malcolm Cowley’s 1946 collection, The Portable Faulkner, put him back in the good graces of the critics, paving the way for the Nobel. In Stockholm, Faulkner displayed a different side, stunning a global audience with a
William Faulkner in a 1931 photo (Photo courtesy of Pininterest)
message of hope. I decline to accept the end of man… I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an exhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet’s… duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poet’s voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail. Novels, short stories, poetry, essays, reviews, speeches. Faulkner also spent much of the 1930s in Hollywood, writing film treatments for Warner Brothers. Jack Warner even boasted, “I have the best writer in the world working for me for peanuts!” (In time, Faulkner would tell Warner what he could do with his “peanuts.”) I’ll list two novels, Absalom, Absalom! (1936) and the before-mentioned The Sound And The Fury, as representative of the man’s corpus. That, reader, will have to wait until next week. In the meantime, keep in mind that Nassau County has the finest public library system in America. (Next week: Faulkner’s two great tragedies)
Four Seasons in Music: “Intersections” on Friday, July 8 at 7:00 p.m. Emmy Award-Winning “Time for Three” joins Ensemble-In-Residence “duoJalal”
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Steve Berlin’s Fave Los Lobos Albums BY DAVE GIL DE RUBIO
full-time. “It was pretty crazy,” Berlin explained. “I thought the competition was formidable. The guys didn’t go because they didn’t think they were going to win. I thought, what the hell, I had the weekend off and went to see what would happen. It was a
lovely surprise and that stuff never gets old. People bitch and moan about the relevancy of the Grammys and to a certain extent, they’re not necessarily wrong. But it’s pretty fun.” A true pandemic record, Native Sons was initially supposed to start recording
ven though saxophonist/producer Steve Berlin has been an official member of Los Lobos since 1984, he’s still the new guy in the band. That said, he’s been part of a wild ride that found the quintet without a label for the three-year stretch between 2016 and 2018 despite being a multi-platinum act with a deep canon and a 2015 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nomination (we’re still waiting for induction). The California quintet achieved redemption after signing with roots music-leaning imprint New West Records, which released 2021’s Native Sons and paid off via a Grammy for Best Americana Album. An album conceived at the height of the pandemic, its industry success came as quite a surprise to Berlin, who saw Lobos snag a 1983 Grammy for Best MexicanLos Lobos from left: Cesar Rosas, Conrad Lozano, David Hidalgo, Louie Perez, Steve Berlin American Performance right (Photo by Piero F. Giunti) before he joined the band
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in November 2019, but between touring commitments and how the coronavirus slammed the brakes on the world in March 2020, actual recording didn’t begin until June. And that wound up being limited to recording one week a month out of an abundance of caution until vaccines became available. The result was an L.A.themed collection of covers (save for the title cut) that paid homage to the band’s myriad influences. Among the artists interpreted are Berlin’s old band The Blasters, War, Jackson Browne, Buffalo Springfield and more obscure artists including East L.A. garage band Thee Midniters and Chicano music icon Lalo Guerrero. But rather than the project being a hodgepodge of covers, Berlin pointed out how all the selections had meaning attached to them. “I know that I had compiled a list of maybe 60 songs as a starter,” Berlin said. “It wasn’t like a Chinese restaurant, where we would pick and choose
see LOS LOBOS on page 10A
Funding for this advertisement was made possible (in part) by Grant Number 5H79SP081365-01 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written materials or publications do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 229434 S
233657 M
End The Stigma On Mental Health I grew up as a sensitive kid. So much so that when my elementary school gave out superlatives to graduating fifth-graders, the one I received was most self-aware. Growing up, I viewed my sensitivity as a weakness, a clear marker that separated me from my peers and gave high stakes to any social interaction I happened to find myself in. I didn’t really understand why I felt so different from other kids my age. Most seemed to wade through childhood keeping their head above water, impervious to insults and not getting bogged down in their own self-image. Middle school is when I had my first depressive episode. It was the summer going into eighth grade,and I got blindsided by a special brew of anxiety for the future and a persistent inner critic that wouldn’t give me any time to myself. Another wrinkle added to my situation was that my anxiety made me sick to my stomach so I could not keep
down any food I ate. This first dance in the waters of depression lasted about three weeks, which seems like the most minor of blips compared to the length of time I have been depressed since then. I have lost count of how many times depression has darkened my door. When my symptoms re-emerged, it was dispiriting because I convinced myself I was past it and would never
“regress” in that way. Yet, I don’t regret any of it. It has made me stronger, surer of myself, and—most importantly to me—compassionate about other’s hardships. Through the trial of adversity, I decided to choose growth. Not that this was easy. My biggest hurdle was bypassing my own stubbornness. I had to take my experiences and view them as a chance to better myself instead of beating myself up over my perceived “weakness.” Mental health awareness and ending stigma is very important to me. Not just because of my own exposure, but because of the many friends and family members I have seen affected by various mental health issues. I continue to meet so many amazing and brilliant people who suffer internally because of something out of their control. My experience and that of others made me curious about what mental health services were offered at my school, Farmingdale State College. I saw that there was
one-on-one counseling on campus, but there was a lack of specialized services or peer support groups. In spring of 2021, I was part of the Student Government Association (SGA) at Farmingdale, and each semester a Senator is required to present his/her own resolution with the goal of improving services for students on campus. I couldn’t think of a better idea than to center my resolution on expanding the mental health services on campus. There used to be more student resources for this, but the pandemic had limited those services and had yet to return in full force with options for the students. My resolution was aimed at addressing the addition of more support groups for students to discuss issues they were experiencing during the school year, and to cover a wider range of mental health concerns, such as social anxiety, depression, addiction and other mood disorders.
It got passed on the Senate floor, but it still took a while for the changes to be instituted. Luckily, a fellow Senator helped things progress further this past fall by adding his own resolution calling for more mental health services, which in effect expanded upon my resolution. This past spring, I saw fliers and even an electronic sign in front of campus advertising support groups for students, whether for anxiety, depression or other mental health issues. There is always more to be done, but it is important that we fight to give those suffering a place where they feel they can be heard and that they are not alone. Alex Levitt is a senior at Farmingdale State College, where he is majoring in Professional Communications. He is an intern for North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, Long Island’s pre-eminent children’s mental health organization. To reach the Guidance Center, call 516-626-1971.
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COVERED FROM HEAD TO TOE AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. Confidence comes easy when a top health system is nearby. With 300+ locations from the city through Long Island, you’re always close to the care you need— including sports medicine, orthopedics, and women’s health. Learn more about the nation’s #1 ranked quality care at Source: Vizient Ambulatory Care Quality and Accountability Award, 2021.
233747 M
Scan to learn more.
Recently Sold
HOME & DESIGN Prepared For Summer
s the approaching 10th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy reminds us of the effects weather can have on the electric system, PSEG Long Island is announcing that it is prepared for hurricane season and to meet peak demand during extreme heat situations this summer. The company’s ongoing electric infrastructure and storm hardening improvements help provide electric reliability to Long Island throughout the year. PSEG Long Island has incorporated numerous enhancements and upgrades to the electric grid, its systems and its storm processes, including its contingency procedures.
Electric Infrastructure Improvements
Across Long Island and the Rockaways, PSEG Long Island has prepared the electric infrastructure by focusing on substation, and transmission and distribution improvements, as well as by performing circuit and equipment inspections using drones, helicopters and infrared technology.
Storm Hardening Programs Completed Do you have a love of history? This landmarked property at 63 Murray Ave. in Port Washington sold on June 15 for $1,400,000. Beautifully sited on a large 100’x120’ landscaped property with winter water views and lovingly maintained architectural details, this three bedroom and three bathroom home features a wrap-around porch, original wood floors, diamond sash windows and millwork. The charming entry foyer, inviting living room with gas fireplace and dramatic dining room are further enhanced by nine-foot ceilings and abundant natural light. Three spacious second floor bedrooms with eight-foot ceilings offer lovely views which share a full bathroom. An updated eat-in-kitchen was expanded to include a powder room and informal dining area. This property offers a lower level with outside entrance, utilities and laundry area. It is close proximity to the train station, waterfront, shops and restaurants. Beach and mooring rights are available with membership dues. This custom built Colonial at 11 Guilford Rd. in Port Washington sold on June 16 for $2,200,000. It has been newly redesigned and meticulously updated to integrate high-end finishings with perfect functionality. It is a turn-key with four bedrooms and three bathrooms and delivers an ideal New Salem location, pleasing curb appeal and an inviting front porch. The attention to detail is evident upon entry: custom millwork, hardwood oak flooring, built-in foyer console and a chic powder room. The dining room’s stunning custom bar with wine fridge is a showstopper. The open concept chef’s kitchen has every amenity, with a marble center island and quartz counters leading to the great room with shiplap walls, a new mantel and gas fireplace. Sliding doors overlook the backyard oasis with patios, gorgeous landscaping and salt water heated pool. On the second floor, the spacious primary suite boasts a large walk-in closet, tray ceiling and a luxurious spa bathroom with double vanities, freestanding tub and radiant heated floors. Three additional bedrooms and a full bath are also on the second floor. The two-car garage is attached. The home has a full basement and central air conditioning.
Since the implementation of the FEMA-funded storm-hardening program funded in 2014, PSEG Long Island has completed storm hardening and reliability work on more than 1,000 miles of distribution mainline circuits. The sections of circuits that are storm hardened saw a 44 percent reduction in damage leading to outages compared to the rest of the distribution system. PSEG continues its storm hardening work with Power On, an initiative started in the spring of 2020 that will continue to improve reliability by strengthening distribution lines, targeting the most vulnerable circuits across Long Island. More than 190 miles of distribution mainline circuits have been storm hardened with stronger poles, thicker wire and other modern equipment. Arborists work throughout the year to identify and trim tree limbs in rights of way and along easements that could potentially cause outages during or after a storm. PSEG has removed more than 88,500 hazardous trees and large limbs along the distribution and transmission system and trimmed more than 21,000 miles of distribution and transmission line clearance in accordance with the industry best practice clearance standard. This standard preserves the health of the tree and directs future growth away from power lines. A new vine mitigation program identified, cut and treated more than 14,000 vine locations across Long Island. PSEG also prepares its dedicated workforce for summer by conducting annual hurricane and tropical storm drills and employee training; by developing emergency summer operating plans; and by performing summer-peak reliability analyses to ensure there is sufficient capacity to meet electric demand on high-heat days. —PSEG Long Island
229158 M
Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.
SENIOR LIFE • JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022
JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022
Life Insurance Dementia Care Medicare Options EVERYBODY NEEDS A LITTLE
Long Island’s Premier Home Health Care Agency
Companions Home Health Care
229358 M
2B JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022 • SENIOR LIFE
Second Opinion Service A New Perspective on Your Financial Advice
In these uncertain times, we want you to know that we are here for you and those important to you. Sometimes it helps hearing another professional’s opinion to confirm what your advisor is telling you. Many successful families are in complex financial situations and with the uncertainty of our times and the volatility of the markets, many are questioning their long-term financial plans. They may wonder if their financial plans are truly protecting their hard-earned wealth. That is why Palumbo Wealth Management is offering a complimentary, objective review of current financial plans and advice to anyone who may need our help. Our Second Opinion Service is a confidential meeting that is scheduled remotely. With an initial discovery session, we perform a comprehensive analysis, identify gaps and offer sound solutions and a fresh perspective. Clients of Palumbo Wealth Management benefit from a disciplined and experienced team with a clear and comprehensive vision of wealth management. Wealth Management
Investment Consulting
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As a Fiduciary for our clients, we are committed to delivering exceptional independent and objective advice and guidance. We work only for our clients and we do not answer to shareholders, which eliminates many conflicts of interest. Every decision we make puts our clients’ interests first before anyone else. Contact us today to learn more about Palumbo Wealth Management and our Second Opinion Service. Philip G. Palumbo, CFP® Founder and CEO Palumbo Wealth Management 1010 Northern Blvd., Suite 310 Great Neck, NY 11021 516.629.7536
Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, CFP® (with plaque design), and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. As a firm providing wealth management services to clients, Palumbo Wealth Management LLC offers both investment advisory services and brokerage services. Investment advisory services and brokerage services are separate and distinct, differ in material ways and are governed by different laws and separate arrangements.
233650 S
Palumbo Wealth Management is a registered investment advisor. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Palumbo Wealth Management and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. For additional information on the Advisor, please visit the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at www. by searching with the Advisor’s CRD #306548.
SENIOR LIFE • JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022
Living At Home With Dementia
he Alzheimer’s Association’s “2022 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures” report reveals that 6.5 million people in the U.S. are living with Alzheimer’s disease. More than 10% of people aged 65 and older have Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia, including frontotemporal dementia, Lewy body dementia, vascular dementia, and combinations of dementia types. “As their care needs increase, people with dementia may choose to live in a memory care facility,” Gregg Balbera, president of Right at Home Nassau Suffolk said. “Most prefer to remain in their own homes as long as possible, among familiar surroundings and their established support system.” But, said Balbera, this requires care support, which often is provided by spouses, adult children or other family and friends. Today, 11 million people are providing this care. They help loved ones with self-care, such as bathing, dressing and using the toilet. They pay bills and handle other paperwork. They coordinate their loved one’s medical care. They provide “emotional labor,” keeping their loved one’s spirits up and depression at bay while coping with personality and behavior changes caused by the disease. While many caregivers say caring for their loved one is rewarding, dementia caregiving is hard work, both physically and emotionally. “It often affects the caregiver’s career, other family relationships, and their physical and cognitive health,” said Balbera. “And many family caregivers are at an age when they need care themselves.”
relationships, trained professional caregivers can assist with toileting and Professional in-home caregivers incontinence care, bathing, dressing provide companionship, supervision, and and grooming. an array of supports to create an environ- • Meal planning and preparation. ment that meets the needs of client and Dementia doesn’t change a senior’s family. dietary needs, but it does pose chal“Choose a caregiver who is trained in lenges to consuming those nutrients. memory care,” advised Balbera. “This Professional in-home caregivers can creates the understanding that a client’s HELP IS AVAILABLE FOR shop for groceries and prepare meals personality and behavior changes are the and snacks as recommended by the CAREGIVERS result of brain changes, which enables the client’s health care provider. They can As their loved one’s condition progress- caregiver to effectively respond to sympprovide supervision, assistance and es, it’s important for family caregivers toms such as hallucinations, sleep probcompany at mealtime. to access support services, which might lems, wandering, aggression and anxiety.” • A day filled with meaningful activities. include: “Exercise, mental stimulation and • Public senior-support services spending time with other people all CAREGIVERS HELP IN • Home safety modifications provide a sense of well-being for people MANY WAYS: • Support groups and counseling with dementia, and can help lessen • Education and advocacy • Keeping the home safe and suitable troublesome symptoms,” said Balbera. • Aging life care professionals (geriatric care for the client’s needs. Caregivers can “The caregiver and client might do managers) provide housekeeping and laundry. household chores together, listen to • Respite care They can remove fall hazards, and music, play games, work in the garden Family and friends also can help. And provide a watchful presence while or go for walks.” according to the Alzheimer’s Association still maintaining the client’s sense of • Health care reminders and transporreport, professional in-home caregivers independence. tation. Many people who are living “play important roles in delaying nursing • Hygiene support and personal care. with dementia have additional chronic home placement and reducing repeat Sensitive to preserving the client’s health conditions, such as heart disease, hospitalizations.” dignity and to normalizing family diabetes, arthritis or osteoporosis.
In-home caregivers can provide health and medication reminders, pick up prescriptions, and transport clients to the doctor’s office and other health care appointments. • Respite for family caregivers. Professional in-home care allows family to take time off for their own needs, confident that their loved one is well cared for. “With the professional caregiver providing basic day-to-day care, the person with dementia and family are freed to spend their time together doing things they enjoy,” he said. The Nassau Suffolk office of Right at Home is a locally owned and operated franchise office of Right at Home, Inc., serving the communities Centerport, Cold Spring Hills, Commack, Dix Hills, East Northport, East Setauket, Greenlawn, Halesite, Hauppauge, Huntington, Kings Park, Lake Grove, Lloyd Harbor, Melville, Nesconset, Old Bethpage, Plainview, St. James, Smithtown, Stony Brook, West Hills and Woodbury. Visit or call 516-719-5999 for more information. —Right at Home of Nassau Suffolk
4B JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022 • SENIOR LIFE
Welcome To Medicare Plan for your best care
f there is one thing people look forward to as they approach their 65th year, it’s Medicare insurance for their healthcare needs. Medicare is a federally run health insurance program for people who are 65 years of age or have collected Social Security Disability for 24 months. It is also available for individuals with permanent kidney failure or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Unless you are already collecting Social Security, you will get your Medicare card automatically in the mail. If you are not yet collecting Social Security, you have to apply for Medicare during the three month period before your 65th birthday. You may apply for Medicare by calling the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213 or online at: Medicare coverage can be confusing for the uninitiated, as there are various options. Choosing the right plan for you requires careful consideration. If you need help understanding or choosing a plan, Family and Children’s Association (FCA) can help guide you through the process with free help available by calling the Nassau County Health Insurance
have a terminal illness. For most people Medicare Part A is premium free. Medicare Medical Insurance (Part B) covers physician and other outpatient services. These services include doctor visits, hospital outpatient services, lab tests; physical, speech or occupational therapy; and durable medical equipment for use in the home. The standard Part B premium amount in 2022 is $170.10. Most people pay the standard Part B premium amount. If your modified adjusted gross income as reported on your IRS tax return from 2 years ago is above a certain amount, you’ll pay the standard premium amount and an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA). IRMAA is an extra charge added to your premium. Prescriptions are covered through Barry Klitsberg Medicare Part D when you elect Part B coverage. Medicare Part C You may opt for Information Counseling and Assistance Medicare Advantage plans rather than Program (HIICAP) at 516-485-3754. using Part B. Medicare Advantage offers There are four basic parts of Medicare: a variety of managed care plans includHospital Insurance (Part A) covers you as ing Health Maintenance Organizations an inpatient in a hospital or skilled nursing (HMOs) and Preferred Provider or rehabilitation facility, or for skilled Organizations (PPOs). These plans generhome care after a hospitalization. Medicare ally have a network of providers. Part A also can cover hospice care if you In an HMO you must use providers in
that network. If you join a PPO, you can go out of the network, but you will have a higher copayment for out-of-network services. Medicare Advantage plans generally cover prescription drugs as well, and frequently cover non-Medicare services such as vision, dental and hearing services. Medicare Part D is prescription coverage. There are 19 drug plans in New York State. These plans vary in premium cost and formularies. There are Medicare supplement plans known as Medigap. These are standardized plans that can fill most of the Medicare gaps such as deductibles and co-insurance. In order to best determine which type of plan works best for you, it pays to make a free call to the Nassau County Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program, HIICAP hotline. HIICAP has no affiliation with insurance companies, agents or brokers. Call 516-485-3754. Barry Klitsberg is an assistant Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance (HIICAP) coordinator at Family and Children’s Association in Garden City and an aging services program specialist at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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230512 M
SENIOR LIFE • JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022
Short Term Rehabilitation | Long Term Care | Home Health Care | Hospice | Palliative Care Inpatient And Outpatient Dialysis | Medical House Calls | Managed Long Term Care | Medicare Advantage Plan 271-11 76th Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 | 877-727-5373 |
231419 S
232971 M
6B JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022 • SENIOR LIFE
Life Insurance Quotes For Seniors what affects the cost of premiums and compare different plans. Here’s how life insurance works and some types of policies that may be available to seniors.
How does life insurance for seniors work?
Life insurance for seniors provides loved ones with financial security when the policyholder passes away by paying out a sum of money called a
death benefit. Some policies also come with a cash value growth component that will accumulate over time. Once the policyholder has built up enough cash value, they can withdraw from it, borrow from it, or surrender the policy to receive the full amount minus surrender charges. With any life insurance plan, policyholders have to pay monthly premiums to maintain their coverage. Life insurance premiums for seniors can depend on many other factors, such as: • Insurer: Each insurer will offer different premiums. • Policy terms: A higher death benefit and adding riders can increase costs. • Gender: Men tend to pay slightly higher premiums than women, since women often live longer. • Age: Life insurance tends to get more expensive with age, since an older policyholder is more likely to pass away while the policy is active. • Family health history: Insurers consider the health history of both the policyholder and their family when calculating premiums. • Smoker vs. nonsmoker: Smokers pay
more for life insurance than nonsmokers, all else held equal. • Hobbies and lifestyle: Hobbies like skydiving, rock-climbing, and car racing may be considered risky, leading to higher premiums. Types of life insurance for seniors
Here are two main types of life insurance policies that are available to seniors:
Final expense insurance Final expense insurance is a small whole life insurance policy designed to help a senior’s loved ones cover end-oflife costs, such as outstanding medical bills and funeral expenses. This life insurance policy typically comes with a smaller death benefit and lower premiums than standard whole life insurance policies. Final expense insurance also provides a cash value growth component that builds with each payment and grows at a fixed rate. Final expense insurance policies generally don’t require a medical exam, making them an excellent option for seniors who might not qualify for other types of permanent life insurance policies.
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233661 M
s people get older, they realize the importance of leaving a legacy and providing for their loved ones. Life insurance can be an excellent tool for ensuring beneficiaries are financially stable when the policyholder passes away. To find the right life insurance quote for seniors, it’s important to understand
SENIOR LIFE • JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Term life insurance Term life insurance provides policyholders with coverage for a defined time period, usually from 10 to 30 years. Since these plans don’t offer lifelong coverage, premiums tend to be much more affordable. Term life policies offer higher death benefits than final expense insurance, but coverage ends when the policy term ends. This means seniors may have to get a new policy to maintain coverage.
each policy, then compare different insurers to find a life insurance quote that fits their needs. —Fidelity Life
Seniors have several options for getting life insurance at a rate they can afford. Final expense insurance offers guaranteed lifetime coverage for end-of-life costs, low premiums, and a cash value component. And term insurance lasts a limited time but offers a higher death benefit for relatively affordable premiums. Seniors should take their time to evaluate
Social Security Announces Benefit Increase For 2022 Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for approximately 70 million Americans have increased by 5.9 percent in 2022. The 5.9 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) began with benefits payable to more than 64 million Social Security beneficiaries in January 2022. Increased payments to approximately eight million SSI beneficiaries have been distributed since December 2021. Some people receive both Social Security and SSI benefits. The Social Security Act ties the annual COLA to the increase in the Consumer Price Index as determined by the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some other adjustments that take effect in January of each year are based on the increase in average wages. Based on that increase, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax (taxable maximum) will increase to $147,000 from $142,800. Social Security and SSI beneficiaries
The bottom line
are normally notified by mail starting in early December about their new benefit amount. Most people who receive Social Security payments will be able to view their COLA notice online through their personal my Social Security account. People may create or access their My Social Security account online at myaccount. Information about Medicare changes for 2022 can be found online at www.medicare. gov. For Social Security beneficiaries receiving Medicare, Social Security will not be able to compute their new benefit amount until after the Medicare premium amounts for 2022 are announced. Final benefit amounts are communicated to beneficiaries in December through the mailed COLA notice and My Social Security’s Message Center. The Social Security Act provides for how the COLA is calculated. Visit to read more. —Social Security Administration
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8B JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022 • SENIOR LIFE
Reasons People Life is a Journey Without Children Should Still Have Embrace An Estate Plan every day because every day P counts eople without children may think there’s no need to have an estate plan and/or will. This misconception can be especially true for married couples who believe the estate will easily transfer to a surviving spouse. However, the truth is an estate plan can make life a lot simpler in the time leading up to and after someone passes away. Whether someone is married or not, here are four reasons why people without children still need an estate plan.
An Estate Plan Can Designate Healthcare and Legal Authority
An estate plan assigns decision-making authority for healthcare and legal decisions through critical documents like an advanced healthcare directive and power of attorney. And those without children still need to define these decision-makers, whether it’s a spouse, friend, sibling, niece or nephew. If someone falls ill, gets into an accident, or is otherwise incapacitated, their spouse or designated decision-maker needs the authority to make decisions on their behalf. And failure to get the proper documents in place could mean receiving care that doesn’t align with someone’s wishes.
An Estate Plan Ensures Financial Accounts Will Make an Impact
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233538 S
charities could benefit instead. That means assets like, taxable brokerage accounts, savings/checking accounts, CDs, etc. can directly benefit people or causes meaningful to the deceased. Other accounts, such as retirement accounts, annuities and term life insurance policy death benefits are directed by their beneficiary designation, not a will. However, they can also be a key part of an estate plan as they avoid probate and can also avoid attorney’s fees. Updating beneficiaries should be done at the same time as keeping a will up to date.
An Estate Plan Outlines Who Will Care for Pets
An important consideration after someone passes away is what will happen to their furry loved ones. And for those without someone else at home to take over the responsibility, an estate plan is a perfect place to outline where pets will go and what, if any, financial support they’ll receive. Failure to appoint where pets should go could mean they’ll be much worse off after their human is gone.
An Estate Plan Can Help Smooth Business Succession
Business owners have a unique obligation to their partners and employees to Many people work their whole lives to ensure the business can continue after accumulate assets and financial accounts. they’re gone. While business owners And often, they want that money to have should already have a succession plan meaning. But assets left without explicit di- established, a well-developed estate plan rection in a will could put financial accounts can help smooth the transition. in the hands of probate court. Depending Regardless of whether or not someone on state regulations, those without a spouse has children, they’ve still accumulated a could risk money falling to extended family lifetime’s worth of assets. An estate plan can members or someone they wouldn’t want to ensure assets are distributed according to receive the benefit of a lifetime of hard work. the deceased’s wishes and that care in the By designating where financial accounts final months of life goes according to plan. should go and using a will, loved ones or —Northwestern Mutual
SENIOR LIFE • JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022
Reducing Stroke Risk
1129 Northern Blvd. Ste. 400 Manhasset, NY 11030
offers free gym memberships, personalized fitness plans, workout videos, and group fitness classes. • Maintaining a relationship with a primary care provider is an important part of managing chronic conditions like hypertension that can lead to stroke. • Quit smoking, which increases your risk of a stroke, disease, and death. Talk to your health care provider and health plan about resources that might be available to help you quit. • Eat healthy foods, like those low in cholesterol and saturated fat, plus lots of fruits and vegetables If you know the signs and symptoms of a stroke and act quickly, it can mean the difference between life or death, major disability or a better quality of life. If you experience the sudden onset of any of these symptoms, seek medical care immediately: • Numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg—especially on one side of the body • Confusion or trouble speaking or understanding • Problems seeing in one eye or both eyes • Dizziness, loss of balance or coordination, or trouble walking • Severe headache with no known cause Every year strokes take a toll on far too many of us. Reducing the risks of this too-often devastating condition starts with educating ourselves about stroke and taking small steps to improve our overall wellbeing. —Dr. Steven Angelo, Chief Medical Officer, UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement of New York and New Jersey Amanda Rees, CEO, Age Bold
233580 M
bout 795,000 people have a stroke every year, including thousands of people in New York, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). The good news is up to 80 percent of strokes are preventable and if one occurs, it is possible to treat and recover if caught early. Getting smarter about strokes is crucial as time is a major factor in preventing disability or death. Understanding the symptoms of stroke and risk factors can help you get help fast and reduce your risks. A stroke is a medical emergency caused by the interruption of the flow of blood to the brain as a result of a clot or internal bleeding. Our brains require a continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients. If blood flow stops, brain cells start to die in just a few minutes. Because of this, a stroke can have a serious impact on many functions of your body, including speech, respiration, movement, cognition, and bladder control. Strokes reduce mobility in more than half of stroke survivors 65 and over. In fact, stroke causes more serious long-term disabilities than any other disease, according to the National Institute on Aging. Individuals who survive strokes often need physical, speech, occupational therapy and other medical care. Older adults are at an increased risk of having a stroke. However, there are several ways you can help reduce those risks, including: • Make exercise part of your daily routine. Many people don’t know that many Medicare Advantage health plans include fitness benefits. For example, UnitedHealthcare’s Renew Active program
10B JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022 • SENIOR LIFE
Report Finds Challenges Understanding Alzheimer’s Development
he Alzheimer’s Association 2022 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report found challenges faced by both doctors and the American public in understanding and diagnosing mild cognitive impairment (MCI). It is estimated that 10 to 15 percent of people with MCI—an early stage of memory or other cognitive loss—go on to develop dementia each year. The 2022 Facts and Figures report provides an in-depth look at the latest national statistics on Alzheimer’s disease prevalence, incidence, mortality, costs of care and impact on caregivers along with a new section on the dementia care workforce. An accompanying special report, “More than Normal Aging: Understanding Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI),” for the first time examined both public and primary care physicians’ understanding of real-world awareness, diagnosis and treatment of MCI and MCI due to Alzheimer’s disease in the United States. “Mild cognitive impairment is often confused with ‘normal aging,’ but is not part of the typical aging process,” said Maria Carrillo, Ph.D., chief science officer, Alzheimer’s Association. “Distinguishing between cognitive issues resulting from normal aging, those associated with MCI and those related to MCI due to Alzheimer’s disease is critical in helping individuals, their families and physicians prepare for future treatment and care.” New disease-related statistics for New York revealed the following: • Number of New York residents aged 65 and older living with Alzheimer’s: 410,000 • Estimated number of New York residents living with Alzheimer’s in 2025: 460,000 • Percentage change: 12.2 percent • Number of New York residents serving as unpaid family caregivers: 563,000 • Total hours of unpaid care provided: 835,000,000 “The new Facts and Figures report shows the impact of Alzheimer’s on families here in Long Island and across the entire nation,” Douglas E. Davidson, executive director of the Alzheimer’s Association, Long Island Chapter, said. “In Nassau and Suffolk counties, the Alzheimer’s Association is supporting the community with education to help people understand and recognize early signs and symptoms and with programs to help caregivers and people living with the disease.”
Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000 Publishers of Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot Great Neck Record Manhasset Press Nassau Illustrated News Port Washington News Syosset-Jericho Tribune The Nassau Observer The Roslyn News Editor and Publisher Angela Susan Anton President Frank A. Virga Vice President of Operations Iris Picone Director of Sales Administration Shari Egnasko Editors Janet Burns, Jennifer Corr, Dave Gil de Rubio, Christy Hinko, Julie Prisco, Frank Rizzo, Joe Scotchie,
MCI common but still unknown
It is estimated 12-to18 percent of people age 60 or older have MCI. While some with MCI will remain stable or revert to normal, up to 15 percent go on to develop dementia each year. Identifying which people with MCI are more likely to develop dementia is a major goal of current research, potentially enabling earlier disease intervention and treatment. Despite the prevalence among aging Americans, the new report found more than four out of five Americans (82 percent) know very little or are not familiar with MCI. When prompted with a description of MCI, more than half (55 percent) say MCI sounds like “normal aging.”
Importance of early intervention
Of survey respondents who wanted to learn about Alzheimer’s disease during the MCI phase, more than half (70 percent) noted the need for planning and opportunities for treatment. Early diagnosis gives families time to make legal, financial and care decisions for the future, based on a patient’s concerns and priorities, and is associated with lower overall health care costs. The vast majority of primary care physicians (86 percent) said early intervention can slow progression of cognitive decline. Only one out of five physicians report being familiar with clinical trials available to their
patients with MCI, and only one out of four say they are familiar with new therapies in the pipeline to address MCI due to Alzheimer’s disease. When MCI is detected, primary care physicians most often recommend lifestyle changes.
Future outlook and opportunities
The last two decades have marked an increase in the development of a new class of medicines that target the underlying biology and aim to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. As of February 2022, there are 104 disease-modifying treatments being evaluated in clinical trials or at various stages of regulatory approval. These potential therapies are aimed at slowing the progression of MCI due to Alzheimer’s disease and mild Alzheimer’s dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.
Workplace shortages
This year’s report also includes a new section on dementia care workforce. Most states will have to nearly triple the number of geriatricians who were practicing in 2021 to effectively care for the number people projected to have Alzheimer’s dementia in 2050. Most states will need to double the number of home health and personal care aides. • In New York, there are approximately 568 geriatricians. By 2050, 44 percent more are needed to meet the needs of people projected to have Alzheimer’s. • New York had 437,300 home health and personal care aides in 2018. That number will need to increase by 60.6 percent to meet demand by 2028. —Alzheimer’s Association
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SENIOR LIFE • JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022 11B
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LOS LOBOS from page 4A from that list. The list was an inspiration. As we went along, one song would remind us of another song. The songs had to mean something to somebody in the band and especially if it was something someone in the band felt passionate about.” With such a long and storied canon, Berlin shared what Los Lobos projects resonated most with him. ...And a Time to Dance (1983) “The first one [was pretty seminal] because it was the first one. And I wasn’t even part of that. I wasn’t even in the band. I was in The Blasters. I was producing it. That record was made while I was transitioning into being a full-time member.” How Will the Wolf Survive? (1984) “Making How Will the Wolf Survive?
was profound because it was our first real record. We’d won a Grammy for that EP [... And a Time to Dance], so we were on the radar. We had risen up the food chain, if you will. We were not brand-new anymore, were doing well on the road and making a little bit of money. Things were certainly looking up. We were on Warner Brothers, so we knew we had to step up a little bit. We had a ball doing it. We didn’t feel much pressure, but we knew we had to do a great job. That was a big one.” Kiko (1992) “We were concerned that we were going to be dropped by our label because the [prior] record [The Neighborhood] didn’t do well. Long story short, we had to make a new record and we were pissed off at ourselves, the world and the music business. We did what we wanted to do and the way we wanted
to do it. We were all in a very experimental mood and [engineer Tchad Blake] was the main mad scientist. We would do something and he would do his thing and it would sound awesome. Any dumb idea sounded so great with whatever he was doing to it. He made everything work. A lot of times in the studio you’ll go down a road and then decide to rethink something. I don’t remember that ever happening because we never took a step back. We always just kept going forward. It was always cool and we just decided to keep going. It was really just joyous and fun. Making Kiko was tons of fun. If we’re enjoying ourselves, more often than not, it’s going to translate to the music. That was really fun.” The Ride (2004) “We did The Ride, which we produced ourselves and that was amazing. The Ride and the Super Seven records were similar
because we were making records with people that we respected and people that had powerfully influenced us, like Tom Waits, Richard Thompson, Mavis Staples and Bobby Womack. It was just sort of taking what we had learned on the way to making records and bringing people into our world or going into their world. The Ride and Super Seven records were fun because we got to see how our culture interacted with other people’s cultures. We certainly liked the culture that we had cultivated and it was pretty wacky and daring.” Los Lobos will be appearing with the Tedeschi Trucks Band on July 10 at the Great South Bay Music Festival, Shorefront Park, Patchogue. Visit for more information. Visit for a longer story on Los Lobos.
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ong Island Orchestrating for Nature (LION), the leading animal advocacy organization on Long Island, has named Animal General of East Norwich its “2021 Veterinarian of the Year” for the animal hospital’s tremendous efforts and dedication to providing free and low-cost veterinary care to wildlife and domestic fowl rescued from cruelty, complete with a plaque featuring a chicken and a plant-based care package from Cindysnacks Vegan Market. “Whether we are asking them to carefully remove duct-tape from a goose who was strapped with fireworks, amputate the wing of a chicken maimed by animal sacrifice, bring back to life ailing birds saved from live slaughter markets, or treat animals suffering from years of neglect at Long Island petting zoos, we know that our rescues are in good hands when we bring them to Animal General for an appointment” John Di Leonardo, an anthrozoologist and president of LION said. VCA Animal General of East Norwich serves as the primary veterinarian for LION’s domestic fowl rescues, and Dr. Ellen Leonhardt, the practice’s medical director, as well as staff veterinarian Dr. Danielle Perrone, serve on the advisory board of Volunteers for Wildlife, a local wildlife rehabilitation organization. “VCA Animal General of East Norwich is proud of our on-going collaborative efforts, working alongside John Di Leonardo, Long Island Orchestrating for Nature (LION) and numerous other wildlife rescue groups within our community,” Dr. Leonhardt said. “We pride ourselves in helping the
Vet Of The Year underserved, moving towards a healthier and safer environment for these delicate creatures, each deserving individualized care, attention and veterinary medical expertise.” Among its notable victories, LION successfully opposed the expansion of SeaQuest Aquariums’ sordid mall aquarium chain into Oyster Bay in 2019, recently saved the lives of tens of thousands of animals over the course of just one week in Huntington, and has rescued hundreds of ducks, chickens and peafowl abandoned in Oyster Bay since 2016. LION previously recognized another Oyster Bay veterinary practice—Massapequa Pet Vet— with its Veterinarian of the Year award in 2018. —Long Island Orchestrating for Nature (LION) LION President John Di Leonardo (left) and Dr. Ellen Leonhardt
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This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direc always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you hav pleted the puzzle, there will be 18 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle. By Holiday Mathis
By Holiday Holiday Mathis Mathis HOROSCOPES INTERNATIONAL WORD FIND By HOROSCOPES INTERNATIONAL WORD FIND ARIES (March 21-April 19). New habits are fragile. Unexpected and extra events
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Those on a fault-finding mission will have no problem finding it. You may want to avoid these types because their mission will only make yours more difficult. You’re on the hunt for fun, which will involve joining with agreeable people who keep it light and bring a spark of playful curiosity to the picture.
Everybody has one Solution: 18 Letters
WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 18 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Everybody has one
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The secret to your charisma may be known to others but not to you because the very nature of your charm is unselfconsciousness. Having fame and power isn’t your goal, though it may come as a byproduct of your passion and dedication to the goal. Part of your appeal is that you don’t care to whom you appeal.
© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
Solution: 18 Letters
CANCER (June 22-July 22). There is a wealth of knowledge that happens at a deeper level than the one where words and explanations exist. You may feel more confident and articulate when you can explain what you know, and this is worth working on, but in the meantime your intuitive leanings shouldn’t be discounted. Act on instinct.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Pride goeth before the fall, but your definition of pride will matter here. Letting people know what you do isn’t about pride but usefulness. The process goes better when they trust you, so your credentials matter. Explaining your expertise isn’t bragging; it’s making the process easier for all. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Even favorable circumstances, fortuitous opportunities and wonderful events can come with their own kind of stress. Fun requires you to be in top condition! As you rest and take excellent care of yourself this week, you’ll also be helping yourself enjoy what’s coming. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You don’t need everything to go according to plan to feel good about it. Long ago, you acknowledged that you aren’t in charge of it all, and now you get to adopt the laid-back attitude to go with that realization -far more comfortable and charismatic than trying to control the uncontrollable.
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Solution: There’s what’s his name olution: There’s what’s his name
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). To connect in perfectly mannerly ways, which fall neatly within the acceptable boundaries of mutually understood roles, were it even possible, would be pointless. The ensuing boredom would only ruin the social arena for all. So go on, make an honest mess and enjoy the unfolding excitement in relationships this week.
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CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Perhaps the world “flirt” is too reductive to describe your interaction style, which has more to do with stirring up good vibes than it does with any social agenda. Nonetheless, someone thinks you’re flirting with them and loves it. Business will be friendly, and a friendship will lend itself to doing business, too. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Even if you do what everyone else is doing, your expression, experience and thoughts about it will be unique, as your mind is a filter unlike any other. Your creative stamp will be on all you do without any conscious effort on your part. Originality pours from your unselfconscious commitment to the moment you’re in. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The list of things you’re looking out for today includes: the best in people, the sunny side, ways to help and means to uplift. The quest causes you to automatically fall into the flow of fortuitous words and actions. You don’t even have to think about the next correct move; it all flows naturally.
It’s a better world because you’re here. This will be evident in the lives and smiles of those you help. Your own well-being is also proof. The responsibility to take magnificent care of yourself is the one from which all else happens. The single lifestyle choice that has the biggest impact will be the company you keep. A truly unusual meeting will take your professional life for an exciting ride. There’s also a daring element to your social life, and you’ll put a certain thrilling activity or game on repeat. COPYRIGHT 2022 CREATORS.COM
Date: 6/29/22 Date:
737 3rd StreetBeach, • Hermosa Beach, CA 9 9 0254 737 3rd Street • Hermosa CA 0254 310-337-7003 • CONTRACT BRIDGE — BY STEVE BECKER 310-337-7003 •
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your planning skills are cosmically touched, and it’s more than worth your time and energy to brainstorm, fantasize and commit to some logistics. What goes on in your head and on paper now will bring excitement to your experience later. Future-you will thank planner-you and praise your brilliance.
© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
such as visits, travel, projects and other challenges could throw off your rhythms and delay your goals. So take advantage of the less hectic early week, perfectly suited to repeating behaviors you want to habituate so they’ll be ingrained when life gets trickier.
By Steve Becker
God save the king! East dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH ♠K62 ♥9 8 5 ♦ A K 10 ♣9 7 4 2 WEST EAST ♠8 ♠ Q J 10 9 4 3 ♥J 6 2 ♥A ♦87543 ♦QJ9 ♣ 10 6 5 3 ♣K Q J SOUTH ♠A75 ♥ K Q 10 7 4 3 ♦62 ♣A 8 The bidding: East South West North 1♠ 2♥ Pass 3♥ 3♠ 4♥ Opening lead — eight of spades. Declarer frequently has a choice of whether to win a trick in his own hand or in dummy. Obviously, no uniform rule can be applied to these situations — the right play depends strictly on the circumstances. Consider the present case, where West led a spade that South could win in either hand. His potential losers were a spade, a club and either one or two hearts. It was clear that he could hold himself to one trump loser by leading a trump from dummy toward his K-Q-10,
since the bidding had marked East with the ace. So declarer took the opening spade lead with dummy’s king in order to lead a trump. But when East won with the ace and returned the queen of spades, South was in trouble. He played the ace, trumped by West, and declarer later lost a club and a spade and went down one. South was certainly right in thinking that the first trump lead should come from dummy. But since it was almost certain from the bidding that East had six spades and West only one, declarer should have chosen his entries more carefully. To protect against a 6-1 spade division, South should have won the spade lead in his hand, led a diamond to dummy’s king and then led a trump. East would win and return a spade, but this would no longer pose a threat. West could ruff, but in that case dummy would play low, and South would lose only the ace of hearts, a club and a spade ruff. And if West did not ruff the spade return, dummy’s king would win, and South’s only losers would be a spade, a heart and a club. Declarer’s choice of where to take the first trick made all the difference between winning and losing the contract.
Tomorrow: Bidding quiz. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc.
Weekly Sudoku Puzzle Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle
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Equal Housing Opportunity Federal, New York State and local laws prohibit discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, familial status, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability in connection with the rental, sale or financing of real estate. Nassau also prohibits source of income discrimination. Anton Community Newspapers does not knowingly accept advertising in violation of these laws. When you suspect housing discrimination, call Long Island Housing Services’ Discrimination Complaint Line at 800660-6920. (Long Island Housing Services is the Fair Housing Agency of Nassau and Suffolk Counties.)
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Continued from page 7
tion in the hearing should notify the Village AdminisContinued from page 7 trator at least three business days prior to the hearing, so tion reasonable in the hearing should that efforts may notify thetoVillage Adminisbe made facilitate such trator at leastand three business attendance participadays prior to the hearing, so tion. that may Allreasonable relevant efforts documents be made to facilitate may be inspected at thesuch ofattendance and participafice of the Village Admintion. istrator, 4 Atwater Plaz a, All Neck relevant documents Great Estates, New inspected at the ofY may ork,beduring regular busifice hours. of the Village Adminness istrator,May 4 Atwater Dated: 31, 2022 Plaz a, Great BYNeck Estates, ORDER OF THNew E Y ork, PLduring regular busiANNING BOARD ness hours. K athleen L . Santelli, Dated:Village May 31, 2022 Administrator ORDER OF3-GN TH E 6-29- BY 2022-1T -#23365 PL ANNING BOARD K athleen L . Santelli, Administrator L Village EGAL NOTICE 6-29- 2022-1T PLEASE T AK -#E23365 NO T 3-GN ICE that the Village of Great Neck Plaza will hold a public hearNOTICE ing onL EGAL W ednesday, July 6th, PLEASE T ICE 2022 at 7:00T AKPMEto NO consider that the Village of Great a Conditional U se PermitNeck for Plaza willMontalbano, hold a publictohearRebecca oping ona W Dance ednesday, Julyto 6th, erate Studio be 2022 at as 7:00 PM toMechanix consider known Dance a Conditional U se Permit for located at 1 Cuttermill Road, Rebecca Montalbano, to opGreat Neck, NY. T he meeting eratebea held Dance be will on Studio Z O O Mtoand known as DanceforMechanix the information Z O O M located at 1 Cuttermill Road, will be posted on the Village Great Neck, T he meeting website at NY. greatneckplaza. will be held on Z O O M and com.
PLEASE T AK E for FU RTZ O HER the information O M NO ICEposted that all inwillT be on persons the Village terested matter will be website inatthisgreatneckplaza. given com. an opportunity to be heard at theT AK public PLEASE E FUmeeting. RT HER BYthat O RDER O F T HE NO T ICE all persons inBO ARD O Fmatter T RU STwill EES terested in this be VILLAGE F given an opportunity to O be GREAT NECK PLAZ heard at the public meeting.A Rosen,O Mayor BYT O edRDER F T HE BO ARDPatricia O F T RUO ’ STByrne, EES Clerk-T reasurer VILLAGE O F 6-29-GREAT 2022-1T NECK -#233662PLAZGN A T ed Rosen, Mayor Patricia O ’ Byrne, L EGAL Clerk-T NOTICE reasurer Invitation to Bidders 6-29- 2022-1T -#233662GN BOARD OF EDU CATION GreatL EGAL Neck NOTICE U nion FreeSchool District Invitation to Bidders PUBOARD BL IC OF NOTICE is hereby given for separate sealed bids EDU CATION for: Additions Alterations Great Neck & U nion Freeat EMDistrict Baker Elementary School School. will be isreceived PU BL ICBids NOTICE hereby by theforSchool District given separate sealed until bids Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at for: Additions & Alterations 10:30am. In-person dropat EM Baker Elementary off will Bids be onwill Tuesday, AuSchool. be received gust 2, School 2022 from 8 :30am by the District until to 10:30am at the Phipps Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at Administration Building 10:30am. In-person dropsecurity desk at Authe off will be onlocated Tuesday, main entrance, 345 8 L :30am akevgust 2, 2022 from ille Road, Great Neck, New to 10:30am at the Phipps Y Administration ork, 11020. Building Bids will desk be opened security locatedpublicly at the and aloud on mainread entrance, 345Tuesday, L akevAugust 2, Great 2022 atNeck, 11:00am ille Road, New prevailing time by way of Y ork, 11020. video conference via publicly https:/ / Bids will be opened ID and readj oin aloud( meeting on Tuesday, 879 August 0058 2,4134 2022and at passcode 11:00am 467 912) or time dial inby( 646-558 prevailing way -of 86video 56) . conference via https:/ / T he Contract j oin Documents ( meeting may ID be at and the Office of 879 examined 0058 4134 passcode the BBSinArchitects, 46791Architect, 2) or dial ( 646-558L 8656) andscape Architects and . Engineers, 244 East T he ContractP.C., Documents may Main Street, Patchogue New be examined at the Office of Y the ork, ( 631-47 5-0349 ) . T he Architect, BBS Architects, Contract Documents may only L andscape Architects and be obtained thru office of Engineers, P.C.,the244 East REV, 330 Route 17 A Suite Main Street, Patchogue New # Y 2, Goshen, New Y ork) .109 T 24 ork, ( 631-47 5-0349 he ( Contract 8 7 7 -27 2-0216) beginning on Documents may only Wednesday, Junethe29 office , 2022. be obtained thru of Complete of Suite ConREV, 330digital Routesets 17 A tract Documents # 2, Goshen, Newshall Y orkbe 109 ob24 tained (with a free user ( 8 7 7 -27online 2-0216) beginning on account) as a June download for a Wednesday, 29 , 2022. non-refundable ForComplete digital fee sets of of Conty-Nine ( $ 49 .00) shall Dollars at tract Documents be obthe following websites: www. tained online (with a free user bbsproj or www.usinaccount) as a download for a ‘ public non-refundableunder fee of Forproj ects’ . ( O $ ptionally, in lieu of ty-Nine 49 .00) Dollars at digital copies, hard copieswww. may the following websites: be obtained directly from REV bbsproj or www.usinupon a deposit of One‘ public H under dred ( $ 100.00) Dollars proj ects’ . O ptionally, in lieufor of each complete set. Checks for digital copies, hard copies may deposits shall be made be obtained directly from payREV able the GREAT upon to a deposit of OneNECK H unU dred NION FREE Dollars SCH OOLfor ( $ 100.00) DISTRICT and be uneach complete set.may Checks for certified. bidbeaddenda will deposits All shall made paybe to registered abletransmitted to the GREAT NECK plan holders via email and U NION FREE SCH OOL will be available the be above DISTRICT and at may unreferenced websites. Any bidcertified. All bid addenda will der uiring documents to be be req transmitted to registered
LEGAL NOTICES shipped shall via makeemail arrangeplan holders and ments the printer and pay will bewith available at the above for all packaging and Any shipping referenced websites. bidcosts. holders who to have der req Plan uiring documents be obtained hard make copies arrangeof the shipped shall bid documents will need to ments with the printer and pay make determination if hard for allthe packaging and shipping copies of theholders addenda arehave recosts. Plan who q obtained uired for hard their use, andofcoorcopies the dinate directly with printer bid documents willtheneed to for hard copies of addenda make the determination if hard to be issued. T here will be copies of the addenda are reno charge for registered plan q uired for their use, and coorholders to obtain dinate directly withhard the copies printer of bid copies addenda. he bid forthe hard of T addenda deposit for hard copies to be issued. T here willwill be be receiptplan of no returned charge forupon registered plans specifications, in holdersand to obtain hard copies good withinT he thirty of thecondition, bid addenda. bid days afterforbidhard date,copies except will for deposit the bidder, be lowest returnedresponsible upon receipt of whose will be forfeited plans check and specifications, in upon award ofwithin the contract. good the condition, thirty T days he Contract awarded after bidwill date,beexcept for to lowest responsible bidthethe lowest responsible bidder, der or the bidswill willbe be forfeited rej ected whose check within 45award days of of the thecontract. date of upon the opening. T he will School District T he Contract be awarded reserves the discretionary to the lowest responsibleright bidto to derwaive or theany bidsinformalities, will be rej ected accept or rej ect any alternawithin 45 days of the date of tives, or toT he rej ect all bids and opening. School District advertise fordiscretionary new bids if in its reserves the right opinion best interest of the to waivethe any informalities, to School willany thereby be accept District or rej ect alternapromoted. tives, or to rej ect all bids and T advertise here willforbenew a pre-bid bids if insite its meeting held T hursday, opinion the beston interest of the July 14 District at 10:00am. Meet be at School will thereby the main entrance of EM Bakpromoted. er Elementary T here will beSchool. a pre-bid site Bidder noton withdraw its meetingmay held T hursday,
New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not be available in your area. Offer expires June 30, 2022. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on All rights reserved.
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bid days Julyuntil 14 atforty-five 10:00am.(45) Meet at after the bid opening, except in the main entrance of EM Bakaccordance with General Muer Elementary School. nicipal 103(11).its Bidder Law maySection not withdraw Dated: June 24, 2022(45) days bid until forty-five By O rder of opening, except in after the bid T accordance he Board O with F Education General MuGreat U nion Free nicipalNeck Law Section 103(11). School District Dated: June 24, 2022 6-29 -2022-1T -# 23369 7- GN By O rder of T he Board O F Education Great Neck U nion Free L EGAL School DistrictNOTICE T HE AL -#RET U RN O F 6-29ANNU -2022-1T 23369 7- GN T he Page and O tto Marx Jr. Foundation for the calendar year ended 2021 is L EGALDecember NOTICE available its RET principal T HE ANNUat AL U RN Oof-F fice at O 1983 Marcus T he located Page and tto Marx Jr. Avenue, Suitefor137, SucFoundation theLake calendar cess, NY 11042 for inspection year ended December 2021 is during regular hours available at itsbusiness principal ofby citizenatwho req Marcus uests it ficeany located 1983 within 180 days137, hereof. Avenue, Suite LakePrinSuccipal theinspection Foundacess, Manager NY 11042offor tion is Allan Levy. during regular business hours -# 233756GNit by6-29 any-2022-1T citizen who req uests within 180 days hereof. PrinEGAL NOTICE cipal L Manager of the FoundaVILLevy. L AGE OF tion INC. is Allan RU SSEL L GARDENS 6-29 -2022-1T -# 233756- GN NOTICE OF BOARD OF TRU L STEES MEETING EGAL NOTICE PL EASE TAK L AGE E NOTICE INC. VIL OF the RUMonthly of the SSEL L Meeting GARDENS Board of T rustees of the OF Inc. NOTICE OF BOARD Village of Russell Gardens TRU STEES MEETING will be heldTAKviaEZ OOM on PL EASE NOTICE Thursday, 14, 2022 at the MonthlyJuly Meeting of the 8:Board 00 P.M. of T rustees of the Inc. PLVillage EASEofTAKRussell E FU RTH ER Gardens NOTICE thatvia the Z public will be held OOMcan on
watch the July meeting through Thursday, 14, 2022 at the oom App. If any inter8: 00Z P.M. ested member ofFUtheRTHpublic PL EASE TAK E ER would likethat to the provide comNOTICE public can ments, they meeting can be emailed watch the through before the App. meeting to Danthe Z oom If any interielle estedPennise, member Village of the Clerk public Treasurer would like attodpennise@rusprovide Comments ments, they can be emailed submitted will be addressed at before the meeting to Danthe meeting. Please check the ielle Pennise, Village Clerk Village website for updates. Treasurer at dpennise@rusINSTRU CTIONS Comments TO CESS VIRTU ALat submittedTHwillEbe addressed MEETING: You can access the meeting. Please check the the zoom meeting at https:/ / Village website for updates. us02web.zoomus/j/857544 INSTRU CTIONS TO AC70845?pwd=qk4RE0wfOCESS TH E VIRTU AL 9 MEETING: Q 9 rU aH67RN5gO You canrLkDaccess the zoom meeting at https:/ / us02web.zoomus/j/857544
fU70845?pwd=qk4RE0wfOv.1 and click on “ Join a Meeting” and enter Meeting 9 Q 9 rU aH67RN5gO rLkDID 857 and 5447click 0845onand Pass-a fU v.1 “ Join code 955898. can Meeting also call Meeting” andYou enter into the 5447 Z OOM meeting at 1 ID 857 0845 and Pass9 code 29 205 609 9 ,You whencan prompted, 955898. also call enter the Zmeeting and passinto the OOM ID meeting at 1 code provided above. O n the 9 29 205 609 9 , when prompted, evening of July 14, 2022, log enter the meeting ID and passinto meetingabove. at 7 :55O nP.M. codethe provided the You will of be July placed14, on2022, hold unevening log til thethe meeting begins. into meeting at 7 :55 P.M. Dated: You will6/24/2022, be placed on hold unBy Order of the til the meeting begins. Board Trustees Dated:of6/24/2022, Danielle By OrderPennise, of the Village Clerk Treasurer Board of Trustees 6-29- 2022-1T -#233760- GN Danielle Pennise, Village Clerk Treasurer 6-29- 2022-1T -#233760- GN
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To the Jewish Community of New York
Compassionate care for Sinai Chapels families is now available at Riverside-Nassau North Chapels.
A group portrait
Students Visit Waterfront Center
tudents and faculty at Harbor Hill Elementary School are thrilled to have field trips back on the calendar, beginning with a visit to The Waterfront Center in Oyster Bay, where fifth graders will have the opportunity to study bay ecology and marine life. “Watching the students learn outside the classroom is so special and unique,” said fifth grade teacher Karey Hintermeister. “You see a whole new side to some students that you don’t see indoors.” —Submitted by the Roslyn School District
Dear Friends, For four generations, Sinai Chapels has served New York’s Jewish community with compassion and care. After over 40 years of personal commitment to Sinai Chapels, I have decided to close the Fresh Meadows chapel to spend more time with my family. I will continue, however, to assist families as a consultant alongside many of Sinai’s longtime funeral directors who have also joined this accomplished team. RiversideNassau North Chapels specializes in all movements in the Jewish faith, and I personally selected them to serve families that have relied on Sinai Chapels for many years.
Working on the beach
On behalf of all of us at Sinai Chapels, thank you for trusting us to serve you. If you have prearrangements with us, please know that your contract is safe and will be honored by Riverside-Nassau North Chapels (55 N Station Plaza, Great Neck), as well as other providers in the Dignity Memorial® network. If you have questions regarding your prearrangement, please call us at 718-445-0300. For other questions or additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 516-487-9769 or visit Sincerely, Michael Resnick President, Sinai Chapels
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Manfredi Earns Induction Into Radio Hall of Fame THE ROSLYN NEWS STAFF
oseph Manfredi, an instructor in the SUNY Old Westbury Media & Communications program and station director for OWW, Old Westbury Web Radio, was inducted into The WCWP/88.1 FM, Long Island University, Hall of Fame on Saturday, June 1. “I am truly humbled by this recognition, and what a great celebration of radio, the field of broadcasting, and all of my students and alumni that spans over two decades at two great institutions,” said Manfredi of his induction. “Plus, to share this wall with so many greats in the industry is an honor.” The WCWP/88.1 FM Hall of Fame began in 2012 and inductees are graduates from the Post Campus of Long Island University. All inductees have experience in radio, television, or both and include Fred Gaudelli, former executive producer of “ABC Monday Night Football” and “NBC
Sunday Night Football” and currently executive producer of Amazon Prime “Thursday Night Football”; Rita Sands, ABC News and the first full-time female anchor on WCBS News Radio 880; and Ted David, part of the launch team for CNBC Television and later a news anchor for News 12. A resident of Glen Cove, New York, Manfredi is the radio station Manager of OWWR, Old Westbury Web Radio, the College’s official student radio station. In this role, he oversees all studio operations, staffing, and distribution of programming, including the scheduling and supervision of students, faculty, alumni, and community volunteers for programming. Additionally, he teaches courses in history, theory and production related to radio and multimedia as a faculty member in the American Studies/Media & Communications Department. Peter Belotti, Jr., (right) CBS Sports radio producer, congratulates Joe Manfredi after introducing him as the newest member of The WCWP/88.1 Hall of Fame. (Photo Credit: Michael Chimeri)
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR Former North Shore School District Superintendent Dies The North Shore School District released the following letter on June 13: It is with an extremely heavy heart that we write you today to inform you about the passing of our former Superintendent, Dr. Edward Melnick. Nothing we write can sufficiently capture what Dr. Melnick means to this District and what he means to those he hired and inspired, and the thousands of families and students whose lives he personally impacted. So much of what makes us, us, came from Ed’s ideas, values, and spirit. His expectations of what we could accomplish for what he calls “our most precious natural resource,” our students, continue to make North Shore a special place that pushes the boundaries of what public schools can do. Indeed,
this is why many of us are here. Dr. Melnick began his successful 30-year career at the North Shore Schools in 1987 as the Director of Fine and Performing Arts, sharing his love of music, theatre and the fine arts with North Shore students district-wide. In 1996 through 2001, he was the principal of Glenwood
Landing, joyously engaging with our youngest K-5 students. In 2001, Ed served as the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, skillfully guiding trustees, administrators, faculty, and staff with his extensive knowledge of curriculum and instruction. In 2003, he was appointed the Superintendent of Schools where he expertly led the North Shore School District with his expertise, vivacity and kindness. His contributions to our schools, students, and community are too numerous to name and continue to flourish today. They include the rebuilding of not only the North Shore High School Theatre but the entire Fine and Performing Arts program, enhancement to Special Education and Life Skills program, implementation of
the International Baccalaureate (IB) program at the high school, additions to the World Language program beginning in the early elementary years, construction of the Bus Transportation Depot in Glenwood Landing, building of the High School Stadium and Track and Field, construction of the Victorian Studio, and implementation of the Shared Valued Outcomes (SVO’s) that guide the curriculum and learning of our students today—just to name a few. On June 30, 2017, Dr. Melnick retired from the North Shore School District but continued to remain in close contact with many friends and colleagues. As we continue to pay our respect to his family during this difficult time, we understand that this is extremely difficult news for many of us throughout the
Town’s Landscaping Law Prohibiting Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and the Town Board are reminding residents and landscaping companies that the Town’s landscaping regulations are now back in effect. The regulations are aimed at reducing noise and air pollution caused by gas-powered leaf blowers. Under the regulations, commercial
landscapers are prohibited from using gas-powered leaf blowers from now until September 15 every year. Commercial landscaping is permitted between 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and no operation on Sundays and holidays. These restrictions may be suspended during emergencies.
Restrictions will not apply to use at golf courses and cemeteries, except when equipment is operated within 100 feet of a lot containing a residence. For more information or to report a landscaper violating these restrictions, please call the Town’s 311 Call Center. —Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
FunDay Monday Returns To North Hempstead Beach Park this Summer Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and the Town Board have announced the schedule for the 2022 FunDay Monday season. This popular, free senior program, held at North Hempstead Beach Park in Port Washington, takes place every Monday from July 11 to Aug. 22. FunDay Monday offers hundreds of seniors from across the Town the opportunity to gather for games, music, dancing, entertainment, and exercise. The program’s most widely attended events are the Health Fair, which will take place this year on July 25 and HomeTown USA scheduled
for Aug. 22, which honors our nation’s Armed Forces and veterans. The 2022 FunDay Monday Summer Event Schedule: July 11: Stan & Edi will charm you with their singing. July 18: The Vic Vincent Band will rock the beach. July 25: Senior Health, Education and Information Fair: Do you know someone who would benefit from the information and services at our annual Health Education Fair? Invite them to come or bring them along with you for this fun and free event. EJ the DJ to follow from 11 a.m.–2
p.m. and the National Circus Project makes an appearance. Aug. 1: Viva Las Vegas! This Vegas themed FunDay Monday will include a performance by an Elvis and Frank Sinatra Tribute. Aug. 8: Marty and the “G” Men will show off their vocal talents with music from the 50s and 60s. Aug.15: Beat-A-Likes - a Beatles Tribute will take North Hempstead Beach Park by storm. Aug. 22: HomeTown USA: An exciting celebration of American traditions with crafts, hobbies, demos, musical performances, a classic car show and a special Salute to the Armed Forces.
Also enjoy performances by the Quatrain Barbershop Quartet from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Bud & Linda from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and the National Circus Project. FunDay Mondays will also have plenty of fun activities throughout the day including fitness classes, games, arts & crafts, beach walks and more. Free bus transportation is available from various points throughout the Town. For further information, or for a pick-up location near you, call 311 or 516-869-6311. —Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
district. As more information becomes available, we will communicate it to you. We conclude with meaningful words from Ed Melnick below: “I encourage you to continue to face the important challenges that come your way. Remember not to rush to judgment, but rather, look beneath the surface, ask important questions and search for creative solutions. You are now and will remain an important thread in the fabric of our schools.” Sincerely, Dr. Christopher Zublionis, Incoming Superintendent of Schools Dr. Thomas Dolan, Interim Superintendent of Schools Olivia Buatsi, Assistant Superintendent for Business” —Submitted by the North Shore School District
Free Monthly Overdose Reversal Training And Narcan Every day, at least one Long Islander dies from an opioid overdose. About seven out of ten die at home. And overdoses can happen anytime. The Nassau County Department of Human Services will give you free naloxone, the overdose reversal agent, and we’ll show you how and when to use it, during our monthly online trainings. We’ll also tell you about Nassau’s newest and effective treatment approaches, including injectable, extended-release naltrexone as well as integrated care. Our next training is on Wednesneday, July 6th, 2022 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Zoom. Registration portal opens Monday, June 27 at around 10:00am and will close as soon as the maximum capacity of 75 is reached. Narcan (naloxone) kits will be available for contactless pick-up at 60 Charles Lingdbergh Blvd, Uniondale, on Thursday, July 7 from 10 a.m. to noon and on Friday, July 8 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Please log on timely. Register at Nassau County residents only, please. — from the Nassau County Department of Human Services’ Mental Health, Chemical Dependency, and Developmental Disabilities Services
ROSLYN L EGAL NOTICE Notice of formation for T IMET O SHO PIT LLC. T he Articles of O rganization was filed with the ecretary of State of New York on April 18th 2022 and was formed on the same date. Office location assau ounty. he ecretary of tate of ew York has been desi nated as an a ent of the imited iability ompany upon whom process a ainst it may be served. he ecretary of tate of New York shall mail a copy of any process a ainst served upon him or her to 122 he rescent Roslyn ei hts, Y 11577. he purpose of the LLC is to own a website which will allow you to search for the item you NEED at more than one store at a time. Allowin you to compare prices, fit, and styles at multiple stores --but all at once! -29-22-15-8-1 5-25-2022- 23315 -RO L EGAL NOTICE SU PREME CO U RT O F T HE ST AT E O F NEW YO RK CO U NT Y O F NASSAU E O. 8511-2009 FEDERAL NAT IO NAL MOR A E A O AT IO N (“ FNMA” ), Plaintiff, Plaintiff desi nates A A as the place of trial situs of the real property vs. MO RGAN FISCHER AS ER A R T EES O F T HE EST AT E O F LYNN K FISCHER A/ K / A Y ER ARRO D FISCHER AS HEIRS AND DIST RIBU T EES O F T HE EST AT E O F LYNN K FISCHER A/ K / A LYNN ER O ER A R T EES O F T HE EST AT E O F LYNN K FISCHER A/ K / A Y ER any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claimin , or who may claim to have an interest in, or eneral or specific lien upon the real property described in this action such unknown persons bein herein enerally described and intended to be included in the followin desi nation, namely the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, ne t of kin, descendants, e ecutors, administrators, devisees, le atees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assi nees of such deceased, any and all persons derivin interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, throu h or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, ne t of kin, descendants, e ecutors, administrators, devisees, le atees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assi ns, all of whom and whose names, e cept as stated, are unknown to plaintiff AP A O E A M E ERPR -
E . POR O O RECO VERY ASSO CIAT IO N, . OR O A AR ER E , . A ER ER ER E YOR A E EPART MENT O F T AX AT IO N A A E E A E O AMER A ER A RE E E ERVICE efendants. SU PPL EMENTAL SU MMONS Mortgaged Premises: 76 MAIN ST RO SLYN, NY 11576 District: Section: Block: Lot: o the above named efendants YO ARE ERE Y MMO E to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the Plaintiff s Attorney within 20 days after the service of this summons, e clusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York) in the event the nited tates of America is made a party defendant, the time to answer for the said nited tates of America shall not e pire until ( 0) days after service of the ummons and in case of your failure to appear or answer, jud ment will be taken a ainst you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE OF NATU RE OF ACTION AND REL IEF SOU GH T TH E OBJECT of the above caption action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure the sum of $275,000.00 and interest, recorded on September 28, 2001, at L iber 21435 Page 78, of the Public Records of NASSAU County, New Y ork, covering premises known as 76 MAIN ST ROSL Y N, NY 11576. The relief sought in the ithin action i a final j udgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. NASSAU County is designated as the place of trial because the real property affected by this action is located in said county. NOTICE Y OU ARE IN DANGER OF L OSING Y OU R H OME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company ho filed thi fo eclo e proceeding against you and filing the an e ith the court, a default j udgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property.
LEGAL NOTICES Sending a payment to the mortgage company will not stop the foreclosure action. Y OU MU ST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF TH E ANSWER ON TH E ATTORNEY FOR TH E PL AINTIFF ( MORTGAGE COMPANY ) AND FIL ING TH E ANSWER WITH TH E COU RT. ated March 4, 2022 RO BERT SO N, ANSCHU T Z , SCHNEID, CRANE & PART NERS, PLLC Attorney for Plaintiff MAT T HEW RO T HST EIN, ESQ . 900 Merchants oncourse, uite 310 estbury, Y 11590 51 -280-7 75 7-29-22-15-2022 4 233408 RO L EGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SAL E PREME O R O T Y O F NASSAU , FEDERAL NAT IO NAL MO RT GAGE ASSO CIAT IO N, Plaintiff, vs. MAR A REE ER A A M RAT O R AND NEX T O F K IN O E E A E O MAR LYN GREENBERG, ET AL., efendant(s). Pursuant to a ud ment of oreclosure and ale duly entered on April 12, 2017, , the undersi ned Referee will sell at public auction on the front steps on the north side of the assau ounty upreme Court, 100 Supreme Court rive, Mineola, Y on uly 14, 2022 at 2 30 p.m., premises known as 86 Sugar Maple rive, Roslyn, Y 1157 . All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildin s and improvements thereon erected, situate, lyin and being in the T own of North empstead, ounty of assau and tate of ew York, ection 9, lock 45 and ot 2. Approximate amount of jud ment is 344,975.53 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed ud ment nde o. 9188/08. his foreclosure sale will be held on the orth ide teps of the ourthouse, rain or shine. O -19 safety protocols will be followed at the foreclosure sale. f proper social distancin cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, the ourt Appointed Referee will cancel the sale. Bruce Migatz, Esq., R eferee riedman artolo P, 85 road treet, uite 501, ew York, ew York 10004, Attorneys for Plaintiff. irm ile o. 192244-3 7-29-22-15-2022 4 233454 RO
copy of process a ainst to 153 len Ave, ea liff, Y 11579. Purpose Any lawful act. Please call 51 417-7500 for your residential and commercial property mana ement needs. 7-20-13-29-22-15-2022 233501 RO
L EGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SAL E SU PREME CO U RT CO U NT Y O F NASSAU U .S. Bank T rust, N.A., as rustee for 9 Master Participation T rust,, Plaintiff AGAINST aurence andau a/k/a arry . andau usan andau a/k/a usan R. andau et al., efendant(s) Pursuant to a ud ment of oreclosure and ale duly dated Au ust 17, 201 , the undersi ned Referee will sell at public auction at the orth ide teps of the assau ounty upreme ourt at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, Y 11501 on uly 25, 2022 at 2 30PM, premises known as 86 George treet, Roslyn ei hts, Y 11577. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildin s and improvements erected, situate, lyin and bein in the ncorporated Village of East Hills, T own of orth empstead, ounty of Nassau, State of New York, ection 19 lock 12 ot 13 . Appro imate amount of jud ment 1,132,174. 8 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed ud ment nde 000182/2014. he auction will be conducted pursuant to the O -19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of oreclosed Property established by the enth udicial istrict. oreclosure Auctions will be held Rain or Shine.” Rita Solomon, Esq., R eferee LO GS Legal Group LLP f/ k/ a Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile rossin oulevard Rochester, ew York 14 24 (877) 430-4792 ated April 27, 2022 7-13-29-22-2022-4 233534-RO
L EGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SAL E PREME O R O T Y O F NASSAU , U .S. A A O A A OCAIT IO N, SU CCESSO R T RU ST EE T O W ACHO VIA A , A O A A OCIAT IO N, AS T RU ST EE, R OR E . P. MO RGAN ALT ERNAT IVE OA R 2005- 1, HO LDERS O F MO RT GAGE L EGAL NOTICE PA - RO ER “ Notice of Formation of CAT ES, Plaintiff, vs. RO Z A T HEO REM PRO PERT Y ARYE , E A ., efenMA A EME , Ar- dant(s). ticles of Or anization filed Pursuant to a ud ment of with ecretary of tate on oreclosure and ale duly 5/19/2022. Office location entered on Au ust 1 , 2019, assau ountry. evin , the undersi ned Referee handforoush desi nated as will sell at public auction on agent upon whom process the front steps on the north may be served and shall mail side of the assau ounty
Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on uly 28, 2022 at 2 30 p.m., premises known as 13 ood ane, Roslyn, Y 1157 . All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildin s and improvements thereon erected, situate, lyin and being in the T own of North empstead, ounty of assau and tate of ew York, ection 9, lock 24 and ot 14. Appro imate amount of jud ment is 1,029,534.80 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed ud ment nde 301/2015. Scott Braziller, Esq., R eferee Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC, 10 Bank Street, Suite 700, W hite Plains, New York 10 0 , Attorneys for Plaintiff T his foreclosure sale will be held on the orth ide teps of the Courthouse, rain or shine. O -19 safety protocols will be followed at the foreclosure sale. If proper social distancin cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, the ourt Appointed Referee will cancel the sale. 7-20-13-29-2022-4 233570-R0
L EGAL NOTICE Notice of Meeting PLEASE T AK E NO T ICE A on uly 12, 2022 at 7 30 PM the Architectural Review oard of the nc. il-
la e of East ills will hold a regular meeting at the Village all, 209 arbor ill Road, East ills, Y to consider the following applications re ardin construction and/ or tree removal: 60 Hemlock Drive (Monique Schwartz, Section 7, Block 275, Lot 18), 175 Poplar Drive (O r & Caroline Raitses, Section 7, lock 299, ot 10), 5 pruce rive ( yed hah, ection 7, lock 2 1, ot 9), 370 ocust ane ( ecarlos razier, ection 7 lock 201 ot 30A), 59 Andover Road (Yuan in, ection 7, lock 142, ot 2 ), 175 Peach rive (Richard olden, ection 7, lock 289, ot 30), 10 reat Oaks Road ( erek hi, ection 7, lock 1, ot 302), 15 ra-
bapple Drive (Franklin & Rachel Z uckerbrot, Section 7, lock 2 3, ot 3), and 14 Peacock rive ( imberly Perez, ection 19, lock 29, ot 10). W ritten comments on the applications may be submitted no later than 12 00 PM on the day of the meetin by email to evaidya villa Maps and plans re ardin this application are available for inspection on the Village’ s website at meetings. Y OR ER O E ARCHIT ECT U RAL REVIEW BO ARD INC. VILLAGE O F EAST HILLS Spencer K anis, Chairman ated une 29, 2022 -29-2022-1 - 2337 -RO
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PSEG’s Safety Sleuth Program Educates Long Island Students BY TYLER MROCZEK
n educational program sponsored by PSEG welcomed work from more than 1,700 elementary school students across Long Island that advocated for electrical safety in their classrooms and homes. At least 21 schools participated in the program, which took place over the course of many months earlier this year and late last year. Once the coursework was completed, participating teachers were asked to submit their three favorite “Safety Sleuth” projects, which were considered for inclusion in PSEG Long Island’s online gallery. PSEG Long Island first hosted a similar competition just months before the coronavirus pandemic sent all New York students home for online learning in 2020. Back then, the original program focused primarily on energy efficiency and saving the environment from harmful behaviors in celebration of Earth Day’s 50th anniversary.
The original program had more than two dozen participating schools, but the pandemic’s online learning system dropped the number to only five schools. Its main purpose is to educate students in fourth through eighth grade about electrical safety and allow them to create their own PSA-themed safety posters for submission into a contest. Last year, PSEG decided to create a program for younger students to learn about safety. Thus, the Safety Sleuth program was launched. However, this program is not competitive, but is primarily used for educational lessons and spreading awareness. The Safety Sleuth program invites students from kindergarten through third grade to submit educational posters for consideration into their gallery of only 25 selected pieces, which must all meet specific criteria and include multiple components. Students and teachers alike that participated in the program loved the message and found it to be a great way to teach safety protocols.
Some of the participants in this year’s PSEG Long Island Safety Sleuth contest (Photo by Gayle Pinsky)
LAWSON F. SINGER During the morning of Tuesday, June 7th, 2022, at the age of 95, Lawson F. Singer peacefully passed away. Over the past weeks, he has been surrounded by loved ones, and lived his last days in comfort. Betty-Carol has been beautifully caring for him over the past three years, and she has championed his longevity. Lawson lived a wonderfully full and successful life. He is survived by his wife Betty-Carol, their children, and grandchildren. Funeral services were held with military honors, at Mt. Sinai Cemetery in Phoenix, Arizona. 233654 M
233105 S
North Hempstead TV Earns Media Awards
orth Hempstead TV (NHTV), the Town of North Hempstead’s non-commercial government channel, recently received awards for its productions of the “Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ceremony” and “Science Museum of Long Island: Pollinators.” The “Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ceremony” won an award for the Best of Community Events General and “Science Museum of Long Island: Pollinators” won for Instructional/Training from the Alliance for Community Media’s Northeast (ACM-NE) Region as part of its 2022 Hometown Media Awards. The productions were created by LIXI Studios, which is responsible for all of the programming for NHTV including new and fresh content weekly, and more than 50 new programs each year. The goal of NHTV is
The “Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ceremony” on North Hempstead TV won an award from the Alliance for Community Media. (Screen Capture)
Legislation Passed To Support Long Island Ratepayers Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti (D-Port Washington) announced that she helped pass legislation to require Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) service providers to reimburse residential and commercial customers for spoiled food or medication caused by a power outage that lasts for 72 hours or more (A.6428-C). “Long Islanders are all too familiar with the damage caused by extreme weather as several recent storms have left thousands of residents without power for days,” said Sillitti. “During these prolonged outages, families and businesses owners often have to dispose of spoiled food and medicine, adding to the costs of recovery. By requiring service providers to support their customers during outages, we can help ensure that all of our families are able to fully recover after the storm settles.” The bill, which passed in both legislative houses, mirrors a 2021 law that required utilities regulated by the state Public Service Commission (PSC) to offer similar reimbursements. Recent tropical storms
Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti. (Contributed photo)
like Isaias in 2020 and Henri in 2021 caused significant damage and outages, and it’s critical to take steps before this year’s hurricane system to ensure Long Island families are better protected, noted Sillitti. —Submitted by the office of Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti
to inform the public about all that the town has to offer in new and exciting ways. NHTV programming is available by tuning in to Channel 18 or 65 on Cablevision and Channel 46 on Verizon FIOS, or by logging on to www. The town will be officially presented its award at the Alliance for Community Media Northeast Region’s Annual Conference on June 29 in Chicago. The mission of the ACMNE includes advocacy for the protection of Public, Educational and Government Access for all communities in the region and the nation. For more information on North Hempstead TV visit the website or call 311. To view these recent productions on YouTube log on to —Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
Seniors Of Community Service Distinction
Pictured are the students standing proud in front of the Kiwanis banner. The Senior of Distinction Award is presented to seniors at North Shore High School who have gone beyond the call of duty and spent the time and great effort with true dedication volunteering for their community. In four short years they have volunteered more than 500 hours of service. They were also recognized on Moving
Up Day on June 3 at the high school. Recently, they were presented with plaques for their time and effort for servicing their community. The honorees are: Amanda Ayres, Page Shane, Brian Matthews, Katie Ditrano, Atticus Bartlett, and Jason Basile. ----Submitted by the North Shore Kiwanis Club
Upskill Workforce Training Experience Program Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena, Council Member Robert Troiano, Jr., and the Town Board are proud to join with Nassau County and We Connect The Dots to present the Upskill Workforce Training Experience Program at the North Hempstead “Yes We Can” Community Center. The 8-week program will focus on workforce training and workforce experience. The program is designed for individuals ages 18-24. “We Connect the Dots is a great resource for our residents to utilize, and I encourage
those who are looking to acquire new skills for their resumes to take full advantage of these fantastic workshops,” Supervisor DeSena said. “Thank you to Nassau County and We Connect the Dots for partnering with the Town to present workforce training and workforce experience opportunities that will help our residents find new and meaningful employment opportunities.” “We are excited to have this partnership with We Connect The Dots to offer this workshop for our residents,” said Council Member Troiano. “This 8-week program
will provide participants with marketable technological skills that will make them job ready. It is a viable alternative for that segment of the population for whom college is not an option.” The workforce training program will take place form May 31 through June 27 and will teach participants skills such as: website development, Microsoft Office 365, Dynamics, no code, drag and drop applications, communication, collaboration and career exploration. The workforce experience component of
the program will be held for 8-weeks from June 28 through July 27 and explore on-thejob workforce experience at a participating employer. It will teach participants about applying their new skills in a real world setting and include career coaching, a capstone project, and resume and LinkedIn building skills. Limited seats are available, those interested in applying can visit: https:// for more information. —Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
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229149 S
231018 M