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To place an item in this space, send information at least two weeks before the event to editors@antonmediagroup.com.
Project Independence
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (Yes We Can Community Center) A Town of North Hempstead event for seniors. What in the world is going on? Current and world events discussion group. Call 311 for more information.

National Pretzel Day
8 p.m.-9:30 p.m. (Library Levels Teen Center) Learn about the joys that pretzels bring to our lives, and also about the dark truths of pretzels. You will experience a tale of trinities, curses, and salinity. You’ll also be able to eat some pretzels.
Socrates Salon
12 p.m.-1:30 p.m. (Virtual)
Join us for this monthly lively conversation facilitated by Ron Gross. Come share your life experiences, knowledge, and wisdom about topics that matter. Everyone speaks and everyone listens, because all of us are wiser than any of us. Visit greatnecklibrary. org for Zoom information.
Great Neck Farmers Market

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Firefighters Park) Deep Roots Farmers Market, in collaboration with the Great Neck Park District. Twenty plus vendors featuring locally grown vegetables, fresh baked breads and sweets, artisan cheeses, fresh seafood, honey, prepared foods, jams, coffees, and much more. Weekly guest art and craft vendors. Social media: @greatneckfarmersmarket | www. deeprootsfarmersmarket.com
Great Neck Street Fair
10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Middle Neck Road) Weather permitting, 75 to 150 vendors with free parking and admission. Food trucks, live music, kiddie rides and games. Visit nassaucountyfairs.com or call 516-442-6000 for more information.
Nassau Library Tour
9 a.m.-9 p.m. (Great Neck Library, Main Building) Participate in the Nassau Library Tour and visit the Great Neck Library. Stop by the Main Library, Station Branch, and Lakeville Branch to get your library tour started. Visit libraries all over Nassau County to rececive prizes. Learn more at nassaulibrary.org
Chemistry Regents Exam Crash Course
6 p.m.-8:30 p.m. (Main Library Community Room) The Chemistry Regents Crash Course covers 12 major topics, from nuclear chemistry and bonding to oxidation-reduction and organic chemistry. Teens are required to demonstrate math and graphing skills. An experienced Regents chemistry instructor will review the exam and offer strategies for problem-solving. Teens will have the opportunity to review questions. Advanced registration is required at greatnecklibrary.org
1 p.m.-2 p.m. (Great Neck Social Center) These seasoned ladies have gathered for a number of years, tuned in to what active folks think about. When this group hears about something on the local, state, national or global scene they select an expert from their various contacts to come talk about it. For new ideas and friends, see how stimulating and entertaining these active ladies are. Call 516-487-0025 for more information.
Sing Along
12:30 p.m. (Great Neck Social Center)
Sing Along with Mindye and Phoebe. While music is proven to help with memory, actively participating in music has been shown to have many health benefits for seniors. Songs are age appropriate and seniors can request songs. This class is no cost to Nassau County residents. Please call 516-487-0025 to reserve your spot.

“I believe that quality dental care is best achieved through a collaborative team approach. This means not only partnering with his colleagues at the Smilist to offer the highest quality of care, but also working with you as the patient. You’ll be involved during each stage of treatment and we’ll work together to design the best possible treatment option for you and your lifestyle.”