The Roslyn News 7/13/22 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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An Anton Media Group Publication

Est. 1877 Also Serving Roslyn Harbor, Roslyn Heights, Roslyn Estates, Vol. 145, No. 49

Flower Hill, East Hills, Greenvale and Albertson

July 13 – 19, 2022 HEALTHY

Healthy Living



13 - 19, 2022





JUNE 13 -

19, 2022

INSIDE Healthy Living special section

JUVENILE ARTHodRITIS Cord Blo Cleft Palate

INSIDE: Roslyn native pens teaching memoir (Page 6) Calendar of events (Page 8)

Hats Off To The Glorious Grads RHS Class of 2022 Graduation (See page 3)

Making skin care more accessible (Page 9) Burglary spree at The Americana (Page 13)

FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details! The Roslyn News (USPS 471-100)

Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00 . Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County.

Students celebrate thier achievement

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JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


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232282 M

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022




Commencement Ceremony Back At The Tilles Center

oslyn High School held its annual commencement ceremony for their senior class on Friday, June 24, at the Tilles Center. Two-hundred and seventy-four students dressed in Roslyn blue entered the room to “Pomp and Circumstance” and cheering family members. Principal Scott Andrews opened the ceremony with introductory remarks. He was followed by a welcome speech from OCC President Jaideep Grewal and congratulatory remarks by Roslyn Board of Education President Meryl Waxman Ben-Levy and Superintendent Allison Brown. Salutatorian Lindsay Fabricant and Valedictorian Daniel Liu also gave speeches, which were followed by the presentation of diplomas. When Fabricant was selected Salutatorian, her guidance counselor, Elizabeth Brown, sang her praises as a student possessing “an enthusiasm for learning and intellectual ability that truly Roslyn High School sets her apart. She embodies intellectual curiosity and truly loves to learn for the sake of knowledge.” “We are so proud of Daniel and Lindsay for their momentous achievements in Roslyn’s very competitive scholastic environment,” Andrews said. “We wish them well in their future academic endeavors.” Meanwhile, Liu’s counseler, Melissa Messina, praised his “fierce persistence and an inherent curiosity,” adding that he “is in a class all his own. Daniel finds joy in collaboration, naturally gravitating toward activities which require close work with others. He is humble, patient, and kind. When Daniel participates he gives his all, raising the bar for those all around him.” Retiring English Chair Joshua Cabat with Assistant Superintentent Michael Goldspiel “We are so proud of Daniel and Lindsay for their momentous achievements in Roslyn’s very competitive scholastic We are so proud of Daniel environLiu and Lindsay Fabricant for ment,” their momentous achievements Andrew in Roslyn’s very competitive saids. scholastic environment,” said “We Roslyn High School Principal wish Dr. Scott Andrews. “We wish them them well in their future well in academic endeavors. their future academic –Dr. Scott Andrews. endeavors.” In other news, a group of 17 retiring faculty and staff were Rock Garden ceremony honored at the June 23 board of education

meeting for their years of service to the Roslyn School District. Each was given commemorative plaques and congratulatory speeches by fellow staff and educators. Goodbye and best wishes to Jores Saint-Louis, Andrew Careri, Deborah Rizzo, Theresa Adamo, Gregory Tsistinas, Christine Varasano, Ellen Trichon, Helene Blatt, Catherine Lenoci, Mary Ellen Lyons, Jacqueline Stone Martin, Barbara Russell, Douglas Graham, Francis Cifali, Damiana Zapata, Ellen Seidel and Joshua Cabat.

East Hills Rock Garden Ceremony East Hills Elementary School held two unveiling ceremonies of their colorful rock gardens in front of the building on Friday, June 17. The gardens were created in memory of Melanie Chaite, a former Roslyn graduate who passed away in 2020. Inspired by the book Only One You, by Linda Kranz, each student painted their own rock fish. “While each rock is unique, the beauty and strength is when the community of rocks comes together,” Principal Sherry Ma said during the ceremony. Quoting from the book, she said, “There is one you in this world, make it a better place.’ With grace and loving kindness, Melanie made it a much better place.” ----Submitted by Cynthia Younker


JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

Town Officials Attend ‘March For Our Lives’ Event


own of North Hempstead Council Members Peter Zuckerman and Veronica Lurvey participated in the “March for Our Lives” demonstration held at the Jonathan L. Ielpi Firefighters Park in Great Neck on June 11. Students and families from the local community attended the

event to show their support for the “March for Our Lives” movement and urge for stricter gun regulations. The event was part of a larger “March for Our Lives” student demonstration held in Washington, D.C. and throughout the country. —Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead

Heart Of Community Award For Viscardi

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The Viscardi Center recently received an award for its commitment to the betterment of the Long Island community. The Jaspan Schlesinger Heart of Community Awards are being distributed as part of the law firm’s 75th Anniversary celebration donating to 75 local non-for-profits. From left: Sheryl Buchel and Dr. Chris Rosa of The Viscardi Center and Carol Melnick, Jaspan Schlesinger LLP.

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022




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JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

Roslyn Native Celebrates The Teaching Life JOSEPH SCOTCHIE


oslyn native Laurence C. Schwartz has enjoyed a productive career as a director, writer and actor in the New York theater world. He has also compiled an even more impressive résumé as an educator. In addition to his consistently precarious livelihood as an adjunct, Schwartz directs, writes and acts in the New York theater scene. For the past 33 years, Schwartz, who is a 1979 graduate of Roslyn High School, has worked as a teaching adjunct at institutions in the New York City area. After three decades in this most demanding line of work, Schwartz has now published a memoir, Teaching on Borrowed Time on his teaching career on the university circuit. According to Page Publisher, which has brought out the book, the author, “...guides the reader through his 30-plus years of teaching part-time as an adjunct lecturer on the university circuit. Always unpredictable and never dull, Schwartz’s journey will take him to 20 different colleges and to 23 different subjects. The swirling range of topics Schwartz has discussed in his classes include Aristotle, social media, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Charles Manson, feminism, Charlie Chaplin, Mel Brooks, opera, the Grateful Dead, Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs and many others. At one point, Schwartz taught the art of hieroglyphics to five-year-olds at the Summer Institute for the Gifted. “Ever the outsider, Schwartz chronicles the highs, lows, and in-betweens of teaching at public universities, private universities, four-year colleges, community colleges, sectarian colleges, a New York City high school, inner-city campuses, suburban campuses, and elite New England private academies Given that 65 percent of the nation’s undergraduate faculty consists of adjuncts, who have uncertain job security, Teaching on Borrowed Time gives voice to the adjunct community as well as those who stubbornly forge ahead in their professional quests for the sheer joy of the work.” “It’s fun,” Schwartz told The Roslyn News when asked about his career choices. “I like walking into a room and being assigned to be the smartest person in the room. Schwartz added that he also enjoys having “...nobody looking over my shoulder” while he teaches. Other rewards include having the freedom to teach his subject, “no boss” and best of all, having a “student or two” that only a teacher can turn around. As an adjunct, Schwartz is free of the “university politics” that often consumes higher education. “I just teach. I’m just doing

Mercy College my thing.” As with most everyone who grows up in the village, Schwartz has fond memories of life in Roslyn. He caught the theater bug while a freshman at Roslyn High School, where he began acting in plays produced by the legendary Royal Crown Players (RCP). You can be sure that current RCP thespians will have the same successful career that Schwartz has enjoyed. Schwartz currently teaches Oral Communications and Cinema Studies at Mercy College in Manhattan and is directing

the new play The Church of Guduzi for The Secret Theatre’s Short Play Festival. Meanwhile, the book has already received a positive response from readers. The following are online reviews by readers at Harrison Lubel wrote: “I found myself hanging on every word as I read Laurence Schwartz’s memoir. He writes with such passion, honesty and humor as he takes you on a journey through his life in academia and the theater. You don’t need to have a career in academia to enjoy this memoir. Anyone

and everyone can relate to having a love for something that they just have to do no matter what. A so-called itch you need to scratch, a calling in life. Such a great read!” Christine Stoddard added: I greatly appreciated the author’s insights into higher education and theatre as socio-economic systems. His lively stories are honest, witty, and poignant. I love how he shares what’s it’s like to teach and direct such varied populations. (The very idea of teaching Hieroglyphics to five-year-olds had me laughing aloud! But his thoughts on how it tied to linguistics, particularly phonics, make sense.) Overall, the author’s experiences validate many of my own feelings about what I’ve witnessed in both Academia and Industry. It also validates choices I’ve been considering for my own career the past couple of years. I read Teaching on Borrowed Time at exactly the right time in my life. Thank you for writing it, Instructor Schwartz!” Finally, Regina K. Draper shared her insight: “My book club chose this book as its ‘Maverick Read’ this month and it did not disappoint! Rich in multicultural perspectives, social justice empowerment, and clever (very clever) tales of the life of a maverick artist and educator. You are going to love it!”

Nassau Bicycle Challenge A Success The Nassau Bicycle Challenge is still going strong and its June 26 race was a huge success. Approximately 150 riders attended and $16,500 was raised. To date, this event has donated more than $300,000 to charity. Founding Kiwanian Tom De Stio, distinguished past Kiwanis president, created this event as a venue for his family to give back to the community, joining hands with the Kiwanis Club of North Shore. The event has been an enormous fundraiser for the charities supported by the North Shore Kiwanis Club with an emphasis on the KPTC. (Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center). Co-Chair Leslie Kle, a distinguished past president, said, “It was heartwarming to see members of the community, both sponsors and riders, participating in the Nassau Bicycle Challenge to benefit our children. Co-Chair Roger Hill added: “The camaraderie amongst the riders and Kiwanis volunteers was very special as many of the cyclists had participated in previous rides. They truly enjoyed “riding for a cause” and seeing familiar faces over the year.” --Submitted by the North Shore Kiwanis Club

Cyclists take off

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022

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JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

COMMUNITY CALENDAR To place an item in this space, send information two weeks before the event to

................. FRIDAY JULY 15

Roslyn Summer Academy Visit From 9:30 to 1:30 a.m. in the Helen Glannon Room. Contact Children’s Services at 516-6212240 or The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Call 516-621-2240. Clay Fish Aquarium From 6 to 7 p.m. Grades K - 5. Enjoy creating three fish that appear to be swimming inside their own aquarium to celebrate the Summer Reading Program: Oceans of Possibilities. Doris Benter will lead participants through the project, step by step. Online registration required. Registration is limited for our in person events. Contact Children’s Services at 516-621-2240 or The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Call 516-621-2240.

................. MONDAY JULY 18

Unwind Time From 3 to 3:45 p.m. Slow down

and take some time to breathe. Participants will be introduced to the idea of mindfulness of breath, be guided through mindful breathing exercises, and then use their breath to create a bubble painting. Online registration required. Registration is limited for our in person events. The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Call 516-621-2240.


Baby Jam From 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Ages six months to three years (with parent

There will also be a story time, and adorable animal puppet friends, “Bananas” the monkey and “Ducky” the yellow duck. Online registration required. Contact Children’s Services at 516-621-2240 or The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Call 516-621-2240.

................. TUESDAY JULY 19

Pressed Flower Art Workshop At 6 p.m. Pressed Flower Art is the latest craze in the craft world. Come learn this technique with reference librarian Sue. Keeping with the Summer Reading Program theme, Oceans of Possibilities, participants will create a colorful sea creature using a simple collage method with watercolor paints and dried pressed flowers. Pre-made templates and all of the supplies you need will be provided. Have some fun and go home with beautiful artwork to frame. The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Call 516-621-2240.

or caregiver). Move and learn to a happy beat with your little one at BabyJam, with Ms. Andrea playing fun songs on her guitar, exploring color glockenspiels together, and counting with rhythm sticks.

Film Noir Lecture & Screening: Woman in Hiding (1950) At 1 p.m. After her father is killed

in an accident, mill heiress Deborah Chandler marries plant manager Selden Clark, but his motives are suspicious. Starring Ida Lupino and Stephen McNally. Presention by Keith Crocker. The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Call 516-621-2240.

................. SATURDAY, OCT, 29

Class of 1972 Reunion Roslyn High School Class of 1972 is having its Fiftieth Anniversary reunion on Saturday, Oct. 29, at the Hilton Garden Inn, 3 Harbor Park Dr. Port Washington, from 7 to 11 p.m. Cost is $135, including open bar and buffet dinner. For details call Bill Kempner at 516587-4158 (WCKempner@ or Neal Gardner at 754-204-4520 ( Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime event.

Summer Tennis Camp Location:

Shelter Rock Tennis & Country Club 100 Long Island Expressway Manhasset, NY 11030 Our Summer Camp has been offering tennis for ALL LEVELS from total beginner to advanced for over 10 years. If you want to make your High School or Middle School teams, our coaching staff brings creative drills with challenging game play which will surely bring your game to the next level. Camp is offered Monday-Friday10:00 AM to 4:00 PM with included lunch and swimming . Camp runs Through August 26th

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233883 S

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022



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JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP



Nassau County Bar Association Installs Rosalia Baiamonte As 120th President

osalia Baiamonte, partner of the matrimonial law firm Gassman Baiamonte Gruner, P.C., was recently installed as the 120th President of the Nassau County Bar Association (NCBA) by her mentor, business partner and NCBA Past President and WE CARE Founder Stephen Gassman. Baiamonte was installed alongside the following NCBA Officers: President-Elect Sanford Strenger; Vice President Daniel W. Russo; Treasurer James P. Joseph; and the Honorable Maxine S. Broderick, secretary. Among the evening’s speakers were the Honorable Norman St. George, deputy chief administrative judge for Courts Outside New York City, and Nassau County Administrative Judge Honorable Vito M. DeStefano, who were invited to install the new officers of the NCBA Board of Directors and Nassau Academy of Law. Throughout her term, Baiamonte plans to build upon and strengthen key components of the NCBA, including an increase in fundraising efforts to benefit the NCBA Lawyer Assistance Program,

Rosalia Baiamonte (Photo courtesy of the Nassau County Bar Association)

and creating new diversity and inclusion initiatives, among them, an NCBA Scholarship and Pre-Law Society for

college students who are interested in a career in law. “The tapestry of our association becomes richer because of diversity. Diversity encompasses not only gender, race and sexual orientation, but also ethnic and national origin, religion, geographic location, work experience, economic background, age and disability, Baiamonte said. As diversity increases, so does our strength and capability as a bar association. Through increased diversity, our organization can more effectively address societal and member needs through a collection of varied perspectives, experiences, knowledge and understanding.” Baiamonte has extensive experience dealing with a full range of matrimonial issues and substantial appellate advocacy experience, having prosecuted, and defended dozens of notable appeals involving complex matrimonial and family law issues. Her practice also extends to Collaborative Interdisciplinary Divorce. She will serve a one-year term as President of the NCBA.

About the Nassau County Bar Association Founded in 1899, the Nassau County Bar Association is the leader in providing legal information and community service on Long Island. NCBA consists of private and public attorneys, judges, legal educators, and law students who demonstrate their commitment to the community by offering a variety of services for the public, including lawyer referral services, free mortgage foreclosure, judicial screening and public education programs. The Nassau Academy of Law provides continuing education for the legal community. WE CARE, a part of the Nassau Bar Foundation, the charitable arm of the NCBA, assists children, the elderly, and others in need, through countless projects and donations. Visit, email info@ or call 516-747-4070 for more information. —Submitted by the Nassau County Bar Association

230442 S

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022



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JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


Summer of ’62: Casey’s Return, Roger’s Revenge told the front office, “If it was up to me, I’d like to build a house on top of a mountain, and if I never saw another person, that would be okay with me.”



t’s summertime and the Mets and Yankees are living in first place. A Subway Series? Well, there are miles of playoff action before that happens. The Mets are celebrating their 60th anniversary this year and that means six decades of rivalry with the mighty Yankees. It’s not the Yankee-Dodger showdowns of the Fifties, but it’s had its moments. Two figures are central to the early Yankees-Mets era: Casey Stengel and George Weiss. By 1960, the Yankees were ready to fire Stengel, the manager who led the team to five straight World Series wins in the first five years as skipper. Stengel was pushing 70, the Yankees had a poor season in 1959, Stengel had a habit of falling asleep during the game, younger players found him often cruel and impatient. Above all, the Yankees worried about losing popular coach Ralph Houk to a rival team. Houk, a former bullpen catcher, was being groomed as the future Yankees manager. The team made it easy by losing the 1960 World Series to the Pittsburgh Pirates. Stengel made a major blunder in waiting for game three, played at Yankee Stadium, to start his ace, Whitey Ford. If Ford had started game one and four, then he would have been on the hill for the decisive game, if indeed the series had gone that far. In Ford’s two games, the Bombers won by lopsided margins. But they lost and Stengel, to the great displeasure of fans and the media, was sacked. As significant was the firing of George Weiss, the longtime general manager who hired Stengel in 1950. For the Yankees, that turned out to be a long-term blunder. In 1962, the Mets took flight. Stengel owned New York. He implored the “youth of America” to come to New York and play for the Mets. The team was the first to have their own mascot. They also had a theme song. The comical Stengel foresaw a day when women would give birth to “little Metsies” who would indeed lead the franchise to future glory. It worked. The 1962 Mets drew 283,000 more fans that year than the 1957 New York Giants, the last tenants of the long-lost Polo Grounds. Who can forget that team? They went 40-120, but the fans loved them anyway. The names ring out: Richie Ashburn, Elia Chacon, Charley Neal, Charles “Choo

Casey Stengel at the helm triple, only to see it erased. The man forgot to touch first base and while he was it, second base, too. Being an original Met became a badge of honor. They remain the stuff of history: Loveable losers, sure, but also Casey’s boys who, game after game, went into the breach to almost certain defeat. To paraphrase Walt Whitman, they could say: I was the man, I was there, I suffered, but hey, I brought National League baseball back to New York. Everyone loved those original Mets.

The M & M Boys from left: Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle in 1962 Choo” Coleman, “Hot Rod” Kanehl, Felix Mantilla, Hobie Landreth, Ed Kranepool, Jay Hooks, Al Jackson, Roger Craig, the old Dodger greats, Duke Snider and Gil Hodges and finally, Marvelous Marv Thornberry. Marv could hit. He just had trouble finding the bases. Once he cleared the bases with a

In Yankee camp that year, there was trouble in paradise. The year before, the Bombers won 109 games while dusting off the Cincinnati Reds in the Fall Classic. That year, Roger Maris hit 61 home runs, breaking Babe Ruth’s 1927 record. The pressure on Maris was inhumane. Clumps of hair kept falling out of his head as he chased The Babe. In spring training 1962, it all fell apart. Maris feuded with sportswriters. The man playfully responded to an autograph request with an “X.” (He later gave the youngster his full name.) Too late. The press ripped the man as a one-shot wonder: “The Whiner,” “Rude Roger,” and a “punk ball player.” Maris was miserable. He

The Yankees were still the Yankees: Maris, Mickey Mantle, Elston Howard, Bobby Richardson, Tony Kubek, Clete Boyer, Tom Tresh. A staff anchored by Ford, Bill Stafford, Ralph Terry, and rookie Jim Bouton remained the class of the American League. In the World Series, the Bombers faced off against a San Francisco powerhouse lineup led by Willie Mays, Orlando Cepeda, Willie McCovey, Jose Pagan, and the Alou brothers, Matty and Felipe. It all came down to the ninth inning of game seven. Leading 1-0, Ralph Terry faced Mays with two outs and Matty Alou on first. The Say Hey Kid ripped a double down the right field line. The play was Roger’s Revenge: The man played the ball off the fence, throwing a bullet to cut-off man Bobby Richardson who fired his own strike to Howard. The next batter, Willie McCovey, hit a screaming line drive to Richardson for out three. The Mays double remains a miracle play: Two outs, a runner on first, an extra base hit. Of course you score. Maris, a former high school football star, was more than a home run hitter: He was also a great outfielder. The story of those early Mets-Yankees years wasn’t necessarily Stengel or Maris. It was George Weiss. This was the man the Bombers should have never let go. Weiss was elderly, but the fires still burned. The Mets eagerly signed Weiss as GM. The latter convinced a reluctant Stengel to come back as manager. Weiss began making moves. In 1964, the Amazins moved into spacious Shea Stadium. Weiss built a team centered around pitching and defense. His prospects included Kranepool, Cleon Jones, Tug McGraw, Ron Swoboda, and Bud Harrelson, all indispensable to the Mets success. Would the Yankees have fallen so sharply if Weiss was still at the helm? The Yanks were down, the Mets, with the brash Tom Seaver as ace of the pitching staff, were up. From 1964 to 1976, New York was a Mets town. The Yankees, now playing in a refurbished Yankee Stadium, acquired some swagger of their own. The mercurial but happy-spending George Steinbrenner was the new owner. He hired Billy Martin, baseball’s volatile genius, as his skipper. What a pair they made: Billy hired and fired, hired and fired, hired and fired again. No matter. The Bombers ran off a championship era of their own. As for 2022? Game on!

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022



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JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP



The Angels Of Northwell After a year of suffering from back pain after falling off a step stool, I decided, along with my neurosurgeon, to repair the damage to my lower back through the wonders of surgery. Dr. Michael Lefkowitz and his team worked miracles on my lower back, repairing the fracture and relieving the pressure on my nerves. It took more than six hours to complete the surgery in Northwell’s Manhasset Hospital operating room. I spent five nights in Manhasset before being transferred to Glen Cove for a week of inpatient acute rehab. As I was mentally preparing for surgery and the subsequent recovery, nothing could have prepared me for the helplessness I would be going through. Even if I wanted to do something for myself, I wasn’t allowed. Early in my stay, I had to rely on the nursing staff to roll me over from my back to my side. Let me tell you something about being a patient in a hospital. Dignity goes right out the door. Once the catheter was removed, my best friend became the urinal. Unable to walk alone, I couldn’t go anywhere


except the bed to a chair and back again. If I had to go to the bathroom, I had to be delivered in a “Sara steady” and make the best of a commode. And that, my friends, was the least of my dignity problems. That’s where the angels stepped up to the plate. At my lowest point, they were always there to lend a helping hand. It didn’t matter who was on shift at the time. An angel showed up to help me whenever I pressed that call button. Although my early days in Manhasset were a little blurry, things changed once I got to

Glen Cove for rehab. Not only did the staff have me up and dressed every day by 7 a.m., but I also received two hours of physical therapy and an hour of occupational therapy. I know it sounds crazy, but since I’ve been home, I miss all the attention I was getting while in the hospital. Don’t get me wrong, every minute I was there, I wanted to be home. Most of the night nurses called me “Mr. Paul.” They all laughed at my jokes and did everything they could to make me comfortable. I understand it’s their job, but it was the way they delivered my care. They weren’t just taking care of me because they had to. They knew how much I needed them, and they stepped up to the plate and knocked it out of the park every time. It didn’t matter how embarrassing it was for me; they made it a pleasant experience every time. Of course, maybe the fact that I told them I was a newspaper columnist and would be writing a column about them had something to do with it? I wish I could remember the name of everyone who took care of me to thank them personally, but that ship has

sailed. The entire staff on the 1-South Rehab unit knows who they are. Don’t let me forget the physical therapists and occupational therapists, either. To name some, but not all, would be unfair. Since being discharged from rehab in Glen Cove, I’ve been home under the watchful eye of my wife and Louie the Labrador. Sleeping was (and still is) the most challenging part because I can’t get comfortable yet. It’s certainly getting better every day. There’s not a lot you can do when recovering from spinal surgery. I’ve spent way too much time watching shows on Netflix, but what else is there? I’ve still got a long recovery ahead of me, but my main goal will be my son Kevin’s wedding at the end of July. I want to walk into that reception hall on my own. Thanks to all the angels of Northwell, I have a good shot at that.

Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000 Publishers of G len Cove/ Oyster Bay R ecord Pilot G reat Neck R ecord M anhasset Press Nassau I llustrated News Port W ashington News Syosset-Je richo Tribune The Nassau Observer The R oslyn News E ditor and Publisher Angela Susan Anton President Frank A. Virga Vice President of Operations Iris Picone D irector of Sales Administration Shari Egnasko E ditors Janet Burns, Jennifer Corr, Dave Gil de Rubio, Christy Hinko, Julie Prisco, Frank Rizzo, Joe Scotchie, Advertising Sales Ally Deane, Mary Mallon, Sal Massa, Maria Pruyn, Jeryl Sletteland D irector of Circulation Joy DiDonato

Paul DiSclafani’s new book, A View From The Bench, is a collection of his favorite Long Island Living columns. It’s available wherever books are sold.

D irector of Production Robin Carter Creative D irector Alex Nuñe z Art D irector Catherine Bongiorno

American Gets An ‘F’ On Gun Control We are truly living in interesting times. The COVID-19 damaged economy has made great strides towards normality, but at the same time, we are being buffeted with the shock of inflation. We can cope with all of these ups and downs, but we just can’t seem to get control of the gun carnage that is taking place all over America. Not a day goes by without some incident, large or small, involving death by guns. We were still healing from the gun violence in Buffalo and Texas, and we now face a new tragedy in Highland Park, IL. There is no doubt that by the time this column is published, there will be another calamity in another state, involving an assault-type weapon possessed by a mentally unstable person. If grades were to be given out to legislators for action on gun control, New York State and Governor Kathy Hochul have earned an “A”. The recently


completed legislative special session produced a new set of laws designed to deal specifically with the recent Supreme Court decision throwing out New York’s gun carry permit law. The changes to the carry permit law include requiring

additional training before a permit can be issued; review of the social media activity of the permit applicant and creating “sensitive” locations in the state where a permit holder is not allowed to enter with a gun covered by the permit. The so-called sensitive areas include Times Square, schools, hospitals, places of public assembly and houses of worship. These new changes are on top of the passage of the New York Safe Act. That Act bans assault weapons, requires pistol holders to be re-certified periodically, and cracks down on the potential purchase of guns by people with mental illness. It does not deprive the average gun owner from owning a gun for protection, hunting or related uses that are covered by the Second Amendment cases. The U.S. Congress has made an attempt to impose some gun restrictions despite strong opposition by the National Rifle

Association. Even though those changes are historic, they were nowhere near as comprehensive as the New York gun changes. At the same time as places like New York have acted, there is a different story in Texas, which has adopted a law that eliminates the need to obtain a license to carry a handgun. Previous Texas law allowed guns to be brought into houses of worship and other public places. In the years ahead America will find ways to make our country more prosperous but we lack the national will to stop the gun carnage that dominates our everyday lives. Former State Assemblyman Jerry Kremer is a columnist for Anton Media Group and partner at Ruskin Moscou Faltischek in Uniondale. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher or Anton Media Group.

Senior Page D esigner Donna Duffy D irector of Business Administration Linda Baccoli

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2022 Long Island Community Newspapers, Inc.



IN BUSINESS 1984-2022

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ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022




Teen Exercise Can Help Mental Health The COVID-19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges for our country. The disease has taken more than a million lives in the United States and adversely affected tens of millions more. The U.S. is now facing a mental health crisis on top of and in part because of the health emergency these last two years. Between lockdowns, restrictions and virtual schooling and work, we have lacked the human interaction and physical activity that helped keep us mentally and emotionally healthy. These situations have also led to harmful routines and bad habits for many of us, most acutely among kids and adolescents. There is a real need for government institutions, non-profit organizations and companies to step up and provide mental health services—especially for our nation’s young people. Nearly half of Gen Z (46 percent) said that their mental health was worse than before the pandemic, according to a survey by the American Psychological

Dr. Richard Carmona Association. And now, as schools let out for the summer, kids will be left to their own devices—both literally and figuratively—to find ways to occupy themselves and their minds. Those struggling with emotional challenges already may find the summertime detachment more than they can handle. It’s important that parents and community leaders identify and support activities to keep young people engaged and active once school is out. Civic summer recreation programs, community pools

and camps can provide important and inclusive outlets for kids and teenagers. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline will launch its nationwide 3-digit hotline (988) so that anyone can quickly get in touch with a mental health professional whenever they need may it. At least one nationwide company is opening its doors for teens to use their facilities free of cost this summer. Planet Fitness is launching its Pass that will allow high schoolers from 14 to 19 to exercise for free at their locations across the U.S. and Canada. Empowering physical activity and health is paramount in fighting the mental health challenges our youngest generations now face. Nearly 92 percent of teens agree that regular physical activity helps them feel better mentally. Lockdowns and restrictions during the pandemic effectively hamstrung parents and children for nearly two years. Classrooms and offices went virtual and the majority of the day was spent behind screens. While adults had to

manage the same circumstances as their children, their situations allowed for far more freedom. Many adolescents reported that their usual health and fitness routines were disrupted as a result of the last two years. Combine that with the findings from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in which only 15 percent of middle and high school aged children reported having met the recommended hour of physical activity a day and it is quite clear that the pandemic has exacerbated an adolescent health crisis. Fitness centers are a key cog in the fight against COVID-19. Programs like Planet Fitness’s High School Summer Pass can provide access to safe and reliable exercise, which is crucial in order to build a robust immune system. The CDC found that the rate of body mass index (BMI) increase doubled during the pandemic, compared to pre-pandemic levels, in kids ages 2 to 19. Exercise and a strong immune system can significantly lower the risks of

comorbidities such as obesity and diabetes that contribute to long term health consequences. Raised in New York City’s Harlem neighborhood, I know too well about the lack of resources and opportunities that low-income minority populations struggle with. Communities of color have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Whether it be healthcare access, educational and wealth gaps, or discrimination, underserved communities are at the forefront of the fight for our health. As the pandemic seems to near its end, the physical and mental health challenges of the last two years cannot be forgotten. We must commit to strengthening our youths’ physical and mental health—and only by working together can we move forward toward a healthier America. Richard H. Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S., was the 17th surgeon general of the United States. He advises Planet Fitness on physical and mental health issues.

Four Tips To Help Avoid Damage To Your Hearing When Returning To The Gym With gym traffic returning to levels nearly on par with before the COVID-19 pandemic, many New York State residents may be turning up the effort on their workouts by returning to public fitness facilities with the goal of improving their well-being. Yet turning up the volume on your favorite workout playlist when at the gym could contribute to something else: noise-induced hearing loss. In fact, a recent study found 19 percent of people age 19 to 29 already experience some degree of hearing loss, while more than 1.1 billion young people in the coming years are at risk of developing hearing problems. That’s in part due to consistent exposure to loud sounds while doing everyday activities, including listening to music pumped through personal audio devices such as smartphones. It’s important to note that hearing loss usually develops gradually, often before the person even notices a problem. Once it occurs, hearing loss can’t be repaired like a broken arm or leg, with hearing aids usually the best option for treatment. While our ability to hear generally declines to some degree as we age, noise-induced


Claire Collard Johnson

hearing loss in many cases can be prevented. As more people return to public gyms for the first time since before the pandemic, it’s an ideal reminder that people should limit or avoid exposure to high-decibel noises in all settings. Plus, public fitness centers may present several potentially overlooked sources of loud sounds, so here are four tips to help maintain your hearing health during and after your next gym visit: Invest In Noise-Canceling Headphones And Lower The Volume Earbud headphones are nearly ubiquitous at the gym, and for good reason: Studies show listening

to fast-paced music can actually improve stamina and boost mood. But the prolonged use of earbuds— especially at high volume—can damage hearing cells. Even more concerning, health clubs are often loud places to begin with, prompting some people to further crank up the volume on their digital devices to drown out the background noise. Instead, people should opt for noise-canceling earbuds or overthe-ear headphones and follow the 60/60 rule, which means limiting earbuds to 60 minutes at a time at 60 percent of the player’s maximum volume. For help, some smartphones include “safe listening” features, including software that tracks the level and duration of the user’s exposure to sound. Protect Your Hearing During Group Fitness Classes Fitness classes such as spinning or cross-training are great ways to stay motivated and research shows working out in a group offers additional health benefits compared to going solo. But high-intensity fitness classes often play music exceeding 95 decibels, which is a level that can—over time—contribute to hearing loss. The risk is even greater for fitness-class instructors due

to consistent exposure to loud music over many years. In fact, one study found that fitness-class instructors experience higher rates of hearing loss than the broader population. A potential solution: Some clubs make available free foam earplugs for class attendees or you can bring a reusable pair to help provide protection. When selecting your spot for class, look for locations as far away as possible from the speakers. Many smartphones and fitness trackers have sound meter apps, which can help you evaluate noise levels at the gym and in other settings. Post-Workout Recovery Most people agree that eating a balanced diet is a key component to a successful fitness regimen. Loading up on healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables, can also contribute to hearing health. That’s because foods rich in potassium, zinc and magnesium— such as bananas, spinach and yogurt—can provide important nutrients to help maintain hearing health as people age. The inner ear is a delicate organ that needs nourishing fuel to thrive and function properly. Testing And Treatment For the 48 million people with

some degree of hearing loss, it is important to seek care, given people who delay treatment for this condition are at greater risk of falls, dementia and depression. If you or a loved one are experiencing signs of hearing loss, including turning up the volume on the TV to levels that others find too loud, trouble hearing people on the phone and difficulty following conversations in noisy environments, start with an online hearing test. If needed, an in-person appointment can follow, with the option to have custom-programed hearing aids delivered to your doorstep and adjusted virtually through a smartphone. Such programs can help make access to hearing aids more convenient and affordable, offering people significant savings compared to devices sold through traditional channels. Consistent exercise is important to maintaining physical and mental well-being. By following these tips, you can reap the potential health benefits of exercise while reducing the risk of noise-induced hearing loss. Claire Collord Johnson is an audiologist and manager of clinical services for UnitedHealthcare Hearing

JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


Ex-New York City Cop Given Four-Year Sentence







Howie Mandel

SEP 22

Amy Schumer

SEP 24

The Sixties Show— The Greatest 1960’s Musical Re-Creation Show On Earth

SEP 29

OCT 01 Peter Noone: Hot Autumn Nights OCT 07 Myriam Hernandez OCT 09 Masters of Illusion – Live! OCT 14 Gilberto Santa Rosa OCT 16 Engelbert Humperdinck


OCT 28 Linda Eder NOV 04 WBAB Presents: Blue Oyster Cult and Mark Farner’s American Band NOV 26 Almost Queen— A Tribute to QUEEN NOV 27 Boyz ll Men: Live in Concert DEC 01 Russell Peters: The Act Your Age World Tour!


Park. When police arrived, they saw the defendant, standing with three other people, holding an open can of spiked seltzer with a 9mm Beretta pistol in his holster and two loaded magazines. When the defendant was asked to produce identification, Afanador handed officers an NYPD Officer Identification card and a driver’s license. Afanador’s NYPD ID card was clearly marked “No Firearms.” Seven spent 9mm shell casings were recovered from the sand around Afanador. Afanador was arrested by LBPD on March 21, 2021. A co-defendant in the case, Jennifer Sonnick of Long Beach, was charged with second-degree criminal possession of a weapon (a C violent felony) and prohibited use of a weapon (an A misdemeanor). Sonnick’s case is pending. The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorneys Tova Simpson and Brian Rodriguez of the Narcotics, Firearms and Gangs Bureau. The defendant is represented by Edward Sapone, Esq. —Submitted by the Nassau County District Attorney’s office

Michael Schnepper Joins Guidance Center Board

OCT 22 Monsters of Freestyle feat. TKA, Rob Base and Many Others

ABBA The Concert


Nassau County District Attorney Anne T. Donnelly recently announced that a former New York City police officer was sentenced to up to four years in prison for firing several shots into the ocean in Long Beach, from a weapon that was in his possession illegally, in March 2021. David Afanador, 41, of Long Beach, pleaded guilty before Judge Robert Bogle on March 22, to a charge of criminal possession of a firearm (an E felony). The defendant was sentenced to 1⅓ to 4 years in prison. “This defendant knew he could not legally possess a firearm, but still made the decision to drink with friends on a beach and recklessly fire a loaded gun several times into the ocean,” Donnelly said. “Afanador’s behavior was foolish, dangerous, and illegal. We hope that his sentence sends a message to anyone thinking about illegally discharging a weapon in Nassau County in the name of fun.” Donnelly said that on March 21, 2021, Long Beach Police Department (LBPD) officers responded to a call of several shots fired near Franklin Boulevard and Ocean Beach

233107 M


making the Krevat Cup a huge success year North Shore Child & Family Guidance after year and he approaches the role with Center, the preeminent not-for-profit enthusiasm, creativity and a wonderful sense children’s mental health agency on Long of humor. We have no doubts that he will Island, is pleased to announce that Michael bring that spirit to his work on our board.” Schnepper has joined its board of directors. “It’s a real privilege to become part of Schnepper, a partner in Rivkin Radler’s the dynamic team at Commercial Litigation, the guidance center,” Insurance Coverage and Schnepper said. “The past Insurance Fraud Practice few years have been an Groups, is a longtime enormous challenge for the supporter of the guidance kids and families of Long center’s mission to bring Island, making the need hope and healing to for compassionate, expert children and families facing mental health services mental health challenges. more important than ever For nearly a decade, before. I look forward to Schnepper has served as Michael Schnepper co-chair of one of the most (Photo courtesy of the North Shore working with the dedicated important of the Guidance Child & Family Guidance Center) board members who give so much of their time and Center’s annual fundraising events, the Jonathan Krevat Memorial Golf & devotion to this amazing organization.” To learn more about how to support the Tennis Classic. Guidance Center’s work, contact Lauren “We feel extremely fortunate to have McGowan at 516-626-1971, ext. 320. Michael joining us,” said Paul Vitale, —Submitted by the North Schore Child & president of the Guidance Center’s Board Family Guidance Center of Directors.“He has been a vital force in

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022








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10A JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP





Everclear Brings Its World Of Noise On The Road BY DAVE GIL DE RUBIO

f there’s one phrase to describe Art Alexakis in relation to his musical career arc it would be that of a late bloomer. It was in 1992 when the L.A. native recorded a demo for what would become his group’s 1993 full-length debut World of Noise. Time apparently flies when you’re having fun because Alexakis is out on the road supporting the 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition of this formerly out-of-print release. The new version contains six bonus songs including the previously unreleased “Drunk Again” and “Nervous & Weird 2001 Remix” and is currently only available on streaming platforms. A vinyl-only version will be available for release later in the year. And while 30 is a nice round milestone number, Alexakis admits the decision to reissue World of Noise was the end result of some decluttering. “While I knew it was the 30th anniversary, [reissuing it] really wasn’t in the forefront of my mind despite it being out of print for a while and not being [available] on any platforms,” he said “But in January, me and Freddy Herrera, my bass player at the time, were going through the storage and some boxes I hadn’t dealt with for years. I kept moving them from space to space. I found all these tapes and the original four-track master and mixed tapes for World of Noise. I had them baked and also found a bunch of other tapes that weren’t even in boxes and didn’t even have names on them. I took those to this guy to bake them. I found the original tapes for all those bonus tracks. I never did like the mastering that they did when it went to Capitol.” Going back 30 years in time might prove to be an awkward exercise for some artists, not unlike revisiting old yearbook photos or journal entries, but for the sexuagenarian

singer-songwriter, it was more about presenting the band’s earlier work on his terms. “There is a song on the Everclear page that everyone’s freaking out about called ‘Deep In and Empty Out,’” he explained. “It was a [friggin’] sketch. Nobody was supposed to put it out for people to hear. It’s like coming to my house and me half-cooking food and giving it to you. I wouldn’t like it and I wouldn’t do it. It’s hard for [fans] to understand. I don’t want to be a dick to people who like my music. That’s Everclear not nice and (Photo by it’s stupid. But at Ashley Osborn) the same time, I’ll tell you when something is done and it’s representative of what I want you to hear. That’s a long-winded way of saying that World of Noise was a release, and even though it’s got some flaws to it and it’s not where I am know, it is a really amazing document of where we were at that time. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to make that record at the time.” While Everclear broke at the same time as a number of other Pacific Northwest acts including Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Alice in Chains and Soundgarden, the quartet’s trajectory was quite different. Portland was Alexakis’ home base versus Seattle and while labels were swarming to the Jet City to sign bands, Alexakis was making his own

way by sending out the demo that eventually became World of Noise out to labels, radio stations and publishing outlets around the region while working full-time as a graphic artist. His persistence paid off and resulted in an invite to a certain Texas music festival. “We were just playing in the clubs and we’d have eight people in Portland come see us,” Alexakis recalled. “We were out playing all summer and all fall and I got a chance to make a record in a four-track basement through trading some gear. I told the guys we should go see what we got. In my mind, if it wasn’t working and nothing special about those recordings—I was just going to cut my losses, move to L.A. and become an A&R guy. That was probably what was going to happen. When I started mixing, I knew there was something there. I sent an early mix of it to SXSW and they called me about two weeks later to say we could showcase and they wanted to know if we could be there in a month and a half. I said yes despite the fact that we didn’t have any money for gas or anything. But I figured it out, dude.” Fast forward to the present and Everclear is on the road with fellow ‘90s peers Fastball

and The Nixons. As someone who can still wax rhapsodic about hearing Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith and the Pixies for the first time, Alexakis is all about keeping it fast and loose on stage when asked what fans can expect when they come out to see the band. “If you’re never seen Everclear before, live, we’ve never sounded like our pop hits,” he said. “We play them but they’re more rock. I never thought studio and live were supposed to be the same thing. They’re supposed to have their own flavor to it. That’s the age I grew up with.” As someone who has weathered plenty of rough times, from drug and alcohol addition to a 2019 multiple sclerosis diagnosis and an early 2021 bout with COVID-19 that had his symptoms flair up and put him in the hospital for two months, resiliency and optimism remains Alexakis’ primary superpowers. “My mom taught me to grab a hold of something, sink your teeth into it and just not let go,” he said. “I’m 60 now and talking 30 years of music and a band and going to play shows where people are still buying tickets to come see me play and sing my songs. I’m full of gratitude brother. I’m serious. I’m sober. My program is strong. I’m doing everything in my power to be better with my disease. I don’t ever want to be in a wheelchair. I want to live 20 or 30 years as best I can. What’s going to happen? I don’t know. But it ain’t gonna happen if I don’t try.” Everclear will be appearing with Fastball and The Nixons on July 15 at The Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts, 71 E. Main St., Patchogue, Visit or call 631207-1313. This bill will also be appearing on July 16 at Palladium Times Square, 1515 Broadway, NYC. Visit or call 212-496-7490 for more information.

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HEALTHY LIVING • JULY 13 - 19, 2022 1B


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HEALTHY LIVING • JULY 13 - 19, 2022 3B


Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

uvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a form of arthritis in children. Arthritis causes joint swelling (inflammation) and joint stiffness. JIA is arthritis that affects one or more joints for at least six weeks in a child age 16 or younger. Unlike adult rheumatoid arthritis, which is ongoing (chronic) and lasts a lifetime, children often outgrow JIA. But the disease can affect bone development in a growing child.

THERE ARE SEVERAL TYPES OF JIA: Systemic onset JIA This type affects one or more joints. There is often a high fever and a skin rash. It may also cause inflammation of internal organs, including the heart, liver, spleen and lymph nodes. It is the least common type. It affects 1 in 10 to about 1 in 7 children with JIA. Oligoarticular JIA This type affects one to four joints in the first six months of disease. If no more joints are affected after six months, this type is called persistent. If more joints are affected after 6 months, it is called extended. Polyarticular JIA This type affects five or more joints in the first six months of disease. Blood tests for rheumatoid factor (RF) will show if this type is RF-positive or RF-negative. Enthesitis-related JIA With this type, a child has arthritis as well as enthesitis. This is a swelling of the tissue where bone meets a tendon or ligament. It often affects the hips, knees and feet. Psoriatic arthritis With this type, a child may have both arthritis and a red, scaly skin disease called psoriasis. Or a child may have arthritis and two or more of the following: • Inflammation of a finger or toe • Pits or ridges in fingernails • A first-degree relative with psoriasis • Undifferentiated arthritis. This is arthritis that has symptoms of 2 or more JIA types above. Or the symptoms might not match any type of JIA. JIA is an autoimmune disease. This means the body’s immune system attacks its own healthy cells and tissues. JIA is caused by several things. These include genes and the environment. This means the disease can run in families, but can also be triggered by exposure to certain things. JIA is linked to part of a gene called HLA antigen DR4. A person with this antigen may be more likely to have the disease. Symptoms may appear during episodes (flare-ups). Or they may be ongoing (chronic). Each child’s symptoms can vary, from swollen joints, eye inflammation, fatigue, fever, rash and more. These symptoms can seem like other health

conditions. Diagnosing JIA may be difficult. There is no single test to confirm the disease. Your child’s healthcare provider will take your child’s health history and do a physical exam. Your child’s provider will ask about your child’s symptoms and any recent illness. JIA is based on symptoms of inflammation that have occurred for 6 weeks or more. The goal of treatment is to reduce pain and stiffness, and help your child keep as normal a lifestyle as possible. Treatment will depend on your child’s symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how severe the condition is.

Help your child manage his or her symptoms by sticking to the treatment plan. This includes getting enough sleep. Encourage exercise and physical therapy and find ways to make it fun. Work with your child’s school to make sure your child has help as needed. Work with other caregivers to help your child take part as much possible in school, social and physical activities. Your child may also qualify for special help under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. You can also help your child find a support group to be around with other children with JIA. —Johns Hopkins Medicine (

Cord Blood Banking Expecting a baby can be a very exciting time for soon-to-be-parents. It can also be very confusing, with many decisions to make. One choice prospective parents often face is whether to donate, bank or discard their baby’s cord blood. Did you know that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates cord blood? Here is some information for expectant parents about the regulations in place designed to help ensure the safety of cord blood for transplantation.

What is cord blood?

Cord blood is the blood contained in the placental blood vessels and umbilical cord, which connects an unborn baby to the mother’s womb. Cord blood contains hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs). At birth, cord blood can be collected (or “recovered”) from the umbilical cord.

What are the options for cord blood banking?

Cord blood can be donated to a public cord blood bank, where it will be stored for potential future use by anyone who may need it. Alternatively, parents may arrange for the cord blood to be stored in a private cord bank, for potential use if it is later needed for treatment of the child from whom it was recovered, or for use in first- or second-degree relatives.

How does FDA regulate cord blood stored for personal or family use?

Cord blood stored for personal use and for use in first- or second-degree relatives that also meets other criteria in FDA’s regulations does not require approval before use. Private cord banks must still comply with other FDA requirements, including establishment registration and listing, donor screening and testing for infectious diseases (except when used for the original donor), reporting and labeling

requirements, and compliance with current good tissue practice regulations.

Are there any FDA approved uses for cord blood?

Cord blood can be used in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation procedures in patients with some disorders affecting the hematopoietic (blood forming) system. For example, cord blood transplants have been used to treat patients with certain blood cancers and some inherited metabolic and immune system disorders.

Does FDA inspect facilities that store cord blood?

Yes. Registered establishments are subject to FDA inspection to ensure they are complying with the regulations. The inspections of private banks are designed to ensure prevention of infectious disease transmission.

Where can I get more information about donating my baby’s cord blood? To make your baby’s cord blood available for use by anyone who needs a cord blood transplant, you may donate it to a public cord blood bank.

Where can I get more information about banking my baby’s cord blood?

To make your baby’s cord blood available for use by the child from whom it was recovered, or for use in first- or second-degree relatives, you may bank it with a private cord blood bank. For some diseases, such as genetically heritable diseases, in the event that your child would need treatment, it is possible that the cord blood would not be recommended for such use. —Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

4B JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • HEALTHY LIVING


nderstanding hepatitis is a bit like learning about alphabet soup. Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. The term does not in any way imply the reason or cause that the liver is inflamed. Inflammation of the liver does not mean that the liver is big or swollen. In fact, most people with hepatitis have normal sized or small livers. We classify hepatitis by what the causes are. The most common cause of hepatitis are viruses. These viruses are named, by convention, for letters of the alphabet, for example hepatitis A, hepatitis B, etc. These viruses are not related in any way other than causing inflammation of the liver. Other conditions such as COVID, autoimmune disease, alcohol use and hereditary conditions may also cause hepatitis. Medications, illicit drugs, herbal treatments and overthe-counter natural remedies are common causes of hepatitis. Examples of common medications known to cause inflammation of the liver include

Alphabet Soup


David Bernstein, MD

atorvastatins (Lipitor), ibuprofen, antibiotics and acetaminophen. Examples of natural medications causing hepatitis include chaparral leaf, valerian, skullcap, mistletoe, germander, kava kava, Jin Bu Huan and pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Let’s talk for a moment about the different hepatitis viruses. Hepatitis A is a common virus causing hepatitis. It is transmitted from hand to mouth. This is the virus we often read about which may occur in sporadic

outbreaks at such venues as restaurants or cruise ships. It is common in the summer when people eat outdoors and food may have been left in the sun. After a single exposure, almost all people fully recover and develop a lifelong immunity to reinfection. A vaccine is available for those not previously exposed. Hepatitis B infections appear to be decreasing in the United States. This is a disease which is usually transmitted through contaminated blood products, sex or drugs. Routine vaccination of all children is now the law in the United States. This should lead to even further decreases in the number of new cases. Hepatitis B is not a single virus but a family of viruses. At least seven subtypes or genotypes of hepatitis B have been described and these genotypes, named A through G, seem to influence the outcome of infection. Genotypes A and C are most common. Most AsianAmericans are infected with genotype C. Genotype C is more frequently associated with the

development of cirrhosis and liver cancer. There is treatment, but for hepatitis B but there is no cure. Hepatitis C is usually transmitted by some sort of blood-to-blood contact such as intravenous drug use, intranasal cocaine use, previous blood transfusions or other high-risk behavior. New cases of hepatitis C are on the rise. Hepatitis C remains common on the south shore of Long Island, especially in Suffolk County. Hepatitis C is also not a single virus but rather a family of viruses termed “genotype.” All genotypes of hepatitis C are curable with simple, easy to take and highly effective oral treatments. Hepatitis D is uncommon and is associated with hepatitis B infection. Hepatitis D is transmitted in the same fashion as hepatitis B. Of all the hepatitis viruses, it is the one most likely to progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Treatments for hepatitis D are currently under study. Hepatitis E appears to be increasing in frequency in the US. It is transmitted via the fecal-oral

route, like hepatitis A. Hepatitis E infections have been linked to raw or undercooked pork or game meat. Most infections are self-limited and no specific treatments are available. What is really important is to understand that all causes of hepatitis are not created equal. While most cases are self-limited and do not cause long-term damage, certain viruses, alcohol, autoimmune disease, hereditary disease and even medications can lead to the development of liver failure, cirrhosis and its complications, as well as liver cancer. We can prevent hepatitis A, B and D with vaccination. Alcohol related hepatitis can be prevented by limiting or avoiding alcohol. We can use alternative and complementary medicines with the right degree of caution. The more we understand these conditions and seek care when appropriate, the less likely that hepatitis will cause long-term damage to the liver. —David Bernstein, MD, MACG, FAASLD, AGAF, FACP

Women’s Health Care of Garden City committed to personalized care He is committed to excellence in patient communication, education and support as many patients come with anxiety associated with past experiences and future concerns. Dr. Gomes received his undergraduate degree from Brown University and his Doctor of Medicine from Columbia University. He is both Board Certified and a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Women’s Health Care of Garden City is located at 1000 Franklin Avenue, Suite 200, Garden City. Call 516-222-8883 or visit online at

232826 S


By John L. Gomes, MD

ohn L. Gomes, MD, founded Women’s Health Care of Garden City in 1995. It has remained an independent, private practice providing personalized obstetrical and gynecological services. He employs the technical advances of conventional medicine with an integrative approach to navigate women through difficult pregnancies into the menopausal years. He treats a wide variety of OB/GYN conditions and is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care. All tests are conveniently done on the premises and a dedicated, compassionate staff is on call 24/7.

HEALTHY LIVING • JULY 13 - 19, 2022 5B




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231420 S

231198 S

6B JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • HEALTHY LIVING

Jonathan Brisman Appointed To Lenox Hill Medical Staff


onathan L. Brisman M.D., F.A.A.N.S., a board-certified neurosurgeon and senior partner at NSPC Brain & Spine Surgery (NSPC), has received surgical privileges to operate at Northwell Health/ Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan. Brisman has special expertise in performing microsurgical procedures to treat adult spine, neurovascular and brain conditions. A

resident of Great Neck, he’s been in practice since 2006. Brisman has been recognized by his peers as a Castle Connolly “Top Doctor: New York Metro Area” from 2012-2021. In addition, he has been included in New York Magazine’s “Best Doctors” listing from 2013-2020. Brisman was the only neurosurgeon from Queens, Nassau and Suffolk counties to be

recognized as one of the magazine’s “Best Doctors” in 2018 and 2019. Brisman will continue to see patients at offices located in Lake Success, Rockville Centre and Woodmere on Long Island. He will see patients each week, by appointment, at an Upper East Side office located at 215 East 77th Street. The telephone number is 646-809-4719.

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HEALTHY LIVING • JULY 13 - 19, 2022 7B

left lip and cleft palate are openings or splits in the upper lip, the roof of the mouth (palate) or both. Cleft lip and cleft palate result when facial structures that are developing in an unborn baby don’t close completely. Cleft lip and cleft palate are among the most common birth defects. They most commonly occur as isolated birth defects but are also associated with many inherited genetic conditions or syndromes. Having a baby born with a cleft can be upsetting, but cleft lip and cleft palate can be corrected. In most babies, a series of surgeries can restore normal function and achieve a more normal appearance with minimal scarring. Usually, a split (cleft) in the lip or palate is immediately identifiable at birth. Cleft lip and cleft palate may appear as: • A split in the lip and roof of the mouth (palate) that affects one or both sides of the face • A split in the lip that appears as only a small notch in the lip or extends from the lip through the upper gum and palate into the bottom of the nose • A split in the roof of the mouth that doesn’t affect the appearance of the face

Less commonly, a cleft occurs only in the muscles of the soft palate (submucous cleft palate), which are at the back of the mouth and covered by the mouth’s lining. This type of cleft often goes unnoticed at birth and may not be diagnosed until later when signs develop. A cleft lip and cleft palate are usually noticed at birth, and your doctor may start coordinating care at that time. If your baby has signs and symptoms of a submucous cleft palate, make an appointment with your child’s doctor. Cleft lip and cleft palate occur when tissues in the baby’s face and mouth don’t fuse properly. Normally, the tissues that make up the lip and palate fuse together in the second and third months of pregnancy. But in babies with cleft lip and cleft palate, the fusion never takes place or occurs only part way, leaving an opening (cleft). Researchers believe that most cases of cleft lip and cleft palate are caused by an interaction of genetic and environmental factors. In many babies, a definite cause isn’t discovered. The mother or the father can pass on genes that cause clefting, either alone or as part of a genetic syndrome that includes a cleft lip or cleft palate as one of its signs. In some cases, babies inherit

a gene that makes them more likely to develop a cleft, and then an environmental trigger actually causes the cleft to occur. Several factors may increase the likelihood of a baby developing a cleft lip and cleft palate, including: • Family history. Parents with a family history of cleft lip or cleft palate face a higher risk of having a baby with a cleft. • Exposure to certain substances during pregnancy. Cleft lip and cleft palate may be more likely to occur in pregnant women who smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or take certain medications. • Having diabetes. There is some evidence that women diagnosed with diabetes before pregnancy may have an increased risk of having a baby with a cleft lip with or without a cleft palate. • Being obese during pregnancy. There is some evidence that babies born to obese women may have increased risk of cleft lip and palate. • Males are more likely to have a cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Cleft palate without cleft lip is more common in females. In the United States, cleft lip and palate are reportedly most common in Native Americans and least common in

African-Americans. Children with cleft lip with or without cleft palate face a variety of challenges, depending on the type and severity of the cleft, including difficulty feeding, ear infections, hearing loss, dental problems and speech difficulties. —Mayo Clinic (

233792 M


Cleft Lip And Cleft Palate

JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • HEALTHY LIVING

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ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022 11A




Recently Sold

Roly-poly Bugs: Misunderstood Who hasn’t seen a roly-poly bug in the dirt and given it a quick touch to see it form itself into a little ball? That process that has entertained kids—and adults—for generations is a defense mechanism for the bugs, and it has a special name: conglobation, which is a big, fancy word that means “to form into a ball.” And while this ability to conglobate may be the most entertaining thing about these tiny critters—and where the term roly-poly comes from – there’s much more to them than that.

This home at 89 Robby Ln. on the border of New Hyde Park in Manhasset Hills sold on June 27 for $1,175,000. It is located within the Herricks School District on a quiet street and is in super mint condition. It has four bedrooms and three bathrooms. The backyard is lush, large and flat. It has gas heat and central air conditioning. The home has hardwood floors throughout, a finished basement and a two-car attached garage.

They go by many names

Roly-poly is a common nickname for these creatures, but it’s certainly not the only name they go by. Some people call them wood shrimp or doodlebugs, and in England they have dozens of nicknames, including chiggypigs, penny sows and cheesybugs. The official name for these creatures is pillbug. They are also sometimes called woodlice, because they are often found under logs. Pillbugs are sometimes also referred to as sowbugs, although they are two separate species, according to the University of Florida. One key difference between pillbugs and sowbugs is that pillbugs can roll themselves into a ball, while sowbugs cannot.

They’re not bugs

That’s right, pillbugs aren’t insects. They are actually crustaceans, which means they are more closely related to shrimp, crabs and crayfish than they are to the ants and other insects that inhabit the same soil. Roly-polies are terrestrial crustaceans and the only crustaceans that have adapted to living entirely on land, according to the University of Kentucky’s College of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

They have a job to do

Location...location...location. This home at 102 Stratford Rd. in New Hyde Park is truly an investor’s delight, full of endless possibilities. This home sold on June 30 for $660,000. It is a spacious four bedroom Cape-style home that has two bathrooms. It has hardwood floors. The gas burner and roof were renovated in 2016. It has a detached garage. The home is located within the desirable Herricks School District and is close to highways, shopping and transportation.

Pillbugs are scavengers, and they mainly eat decaying plant matter and other decomposing material. They serve as decomposers, breaking down decaying material through eating it and then returning the nutrients to the soil, Sciencing reports. Because they are sensitive to environmental changes, pillbugs are also considered a biological indicator, providing information about the health of the ecosystems in which they are found. Visit to read more.

Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.

Let the #1 real estate brokerage guide you home on Long Island.* Manhasset | Huntington | Garden City | Locust Valley | Roslyn Syosset | Oceanside | Woodbury | Rockville Centre | Sea Cliff Carle Place | Smithtown | Southold Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by equal housing opportunity laws. 516.517.4751. *Source: 2021 Closed Sales Volume, U.S., RealTrends 500.

229403 S

12A JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP



Huntington Folk Festival Set For July 16 At Heckscher Park

he 16th annual Huntington Folk Festival is set for Saturday, July 16, at Heckscher Park, located off Main Street (Route 25A) and Prime Avenue, in Huntington. The festival runs from noon to 10 p.m., with a dinner break from 5-7:15 p.m. “An Evening with Paula Cole and Sophie B. Hawkins” is a free event co-presented by the Huntington Arts Council, Folk Music Society of Huntington and as part of the 57th Huntington Summer Arts Festival produced by the Town of Huntington. Cole is a Grammy Awardwinning singer-songwriter best known for the 1990s radio hits “I Don’t Want to Wait” and “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone,” while Hawkins is celebrating the 30th anniversary of her breakthrough debut Tongues and Tails, which featured the hit song “Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover.” Prior to the evening concert on the park’s [Harry] Chapin

The late Lois Morton as Edith Piaf (Photo by Robert Berkowitz/

Rainbow Stage, Michael Kornfeld, president of the Folk Music Society of Huntington and editor & publisher of AcousticMusicScene. com (an online publication for the folk, roots and singer-songwriter communities), conducts an on-stage conversational interview with the evening’s featured artists

at 7:15 p.m. He also hosts a series of amplified showcases and song swaps from 2 to 5 p.m. near a canopy tent on the upper lawn area overlooking the stage. These will be preceded by an hour-long open mic hosted by singer-songwriter Toby Tobias, who runs the NorthShore Original Open Mic (NOOM), an Acoustic Ally of FMSH, from noon to 1 p.m. From 1 to 2 p.m, a number of artists will perform and share their reflections on Lois Morton, the late Huntington-based singer-songwriter who delighted audiences throughout the New York metropolitan area and beyond for years with her abundant charm and humorous songs of social commentary on such subjects as cell phones, clutter, diets, psychotherapy and road rage. The complete schedule: Noon Open Mic 1 p.m. Remembering Lois Morton: A Musical Tribute (performances and reflections by

Josie Bello, Kirsten Maxwell, Larry Moser, Richard Parr, Glen Roethel, Dave Anthony Setteducati, Linda Sussman, and others) 2 p.m. Song Swap: Hank Stone and Bob Westcott 2:30 p.m. Us! 2:45 p.m. Drew Velting 3 p.m. Christine Sweeney 3:15 p.m. Brett Altman 3:30 p.m. Allison Leah 3:45 p.m. Sea Chanteys: The Royal Yard and Alan Short 4:15 p.m. Catherine Miles & Jay Mafale 4:30 p.m. The Levins 4:45 p.m. Scott Wolfson & Other Heroes 5 p.m. Dinner break 7:15 p.m. On-Stage Conversation with Paula Cole and Sophie B. Hawkins 8 p.m. Evening Concert on the Chapin Rainbow Stage: Paula Cole & Sophie B. Hawkins Festivalgoers are advised to bring lawn chairs and blankets and a picnic supper (or they can

walk into Huntington Village and enjoy a meal at one of its many restaurants). Attendees are asked to bring donations of nonperishable food to support Long Island Cares, Inc., the regional food bank founded by Harry Chapin. July 16 marks the 41st anniversary of the late Huntington-based singer-songwriter and humanitarian’s tragic death on the Long Island Expressway, while this year is the 50th anniversary of the release of Chapin’s breakout hit, “Taxi.” The Huntington Summer Arts Festival is produced by the Town of Huntington and presented by the Huntington Arts Council. Additional support is provided by Presenting Sponsor Canon U.S.A., with partial funding from the New York State Council on the Arts and the Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Planning. —Submitted by the Town of Huntington

Stop & Shop Donates $9,900 To Island Harvest Part of ‘Community Assist’ promotion with the Islanders

New York Islanders alum Steve Webb (1996-2003) and team mascot Sparky joined associates from Stop & Shop as the supermarket presented a check for $9,900 to Island Harvest Food Bank as part of Stop & Shop’s “Community Assist” Program. As the official supermarket of the New York Islanders, Stop & Shop makes a donation to Island Harvest Food Bank for every home game assist the Islanders make in a season. With 198 total assists this past season, Stop & Shop will donate $9,900—the equivalent of nearly 20,000 meals for people facing food insecurity across Long Island. Island Harvest Food Bank receives very little government support and relies on the generosity of organizations like the New York Islanders and Stop & Shop, both longtime partners in the fight against hunger and food insecurity on Long Island. Stop & Shop’s Meat the Needs, Food for Friends, Holiday Box programs, and direct support are a few of the many ways the company supports anti-hunger organizations in the communities it serves. Likewise, the New York Islanders provide direct financial support and conducts food drives and hunger awareness programs supporting Island Harvest Food

Islander alum Steve Webb participating in a food sorting operation at Island Harvest Food Bank’s Melville headquarters.

Islander alumn Steve Webb, Island Harvest President/Chief Executive Officer Randi Shubin Dresner, Stop & Shop Communications Manager Stefanie Shuman and team mascot Sparky. (Photos courtesy of Stop & Shop) Bank’s mission to end hunger and reduce food waste on Long Island. In addition to the check presentation, Webb, along with several Stop & Shop associates and Island Harvest Food Bank’s volunteers, participated in a food sorting operation at the food bank’s Melville headquarters.

About Stop & Shop A neighborhood grocer for more than 100 years, Stop & Shop offers a wide assortment with a focus on fresh, healthy options at a great value. Stop & Shop’s GO Rewards loyalty program delivers personalized offers and allows customers to earn points that can be redeemed for gas or groceries every

time they shop. Stop & Shop customers can choose how and where they want to shop—whether it’s in-store or online for delivery or same day pickup. The company is committed to making an impact in its communities by fighting hunger, supporting our troops, and investing in pediatric cancer research to help find a cure. The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company LLC is an Ahold Delhaize USA Company and employs 58,000 associates and operates more than 400 stores throughout Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York and New Jersey. Visit to learn more about Stop & Shop. —Submitted by Stop & Shop


ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022 13A

233941 M


14A JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP



First stops: Erie, PA and Sandusky, OH T

his is part of a series on traveling the United States by train. Long Island is my life. I was born at Stony Brook University Hospital, spent my first few years in Middle Island in Suffolk County and then moved just 20 to 30 minutes away to Centereach, another Suffolk County community, where I’ve lived ever since. I went to Stony Brook University for college, and since I studied journalism I was able to do an internship for 27East out in Southampton, where I wrote for their paper’s Art & Living Page. After graduating, I worked as a journalist in Nassau County since I got my first job in March 2020. I’ve traveled outside Long Island, of course. My family spent many winters skiing, we took trips to Disney World in Florida, went to Ocean City in New Jersey and Maryland and we used to visit North Carolina all the time to see

Erie Sandusky

driver completely blew us off and left us. Luckily, we found an Uber. Presque Isle is absolutely beautiful. It reminded me of Long Island, even. Beautiful coastal beaches, and plenty of trails to explore. We took a nap on the beach, rode around the park on a surrey and rented a water bike. The next day, we visited the Erie Zoo, got ice cream and walked down to the nearby

Keyspan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid








Notice is hereby given that Keyspan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid has filed new tariff amendments with the Public Service Commission to comply with the Commission’s Orders dated June 16, 2022, to become effective August 1, 2022, and June 17, 2022, to become effective July 1, 2022. Keyspan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid (“KEDLI”) filed tariff revisions in response to a New York State Public Service Commission (“PSC”) order establishing Phase 1 of the Gas Bill Relief Program. Phase 1 of the Gas Bill Relief Program provides customers with active accounts who are currently enrolled in the Energy Affordability Program (“EAP”) or who enroll in the EAP on or before December 31, 2022, or who received benefits from New York State Emergency Rental Assistance Program or the Home Energy Assistance Program – Regular Arrears Supplement program, a one-time bill credit for any arrears balance on their bill as of and prior to a bill date of May 1, 2022. The PSC Order also establishes the Arrears Management Program (“AMP”) Surcharge to recover costs of these bill credits. In addition, the PSC has approved an alternative recovery mechanism to recover deferrals of unbilled fees that resulted from laws enacted during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The PSC Order also establishes the Late Payment Charge and Other Waived Fees (“LPCO”) Surcharge to recover associated lost revenues.




Please call 516-572-0201 for up to date information.

shorefront of Lake Erie. We then went to bed early because we had to return to the station to catch the next train to Sandusky, Ohio. It was an overnight train, so we slept through most of it. But once we got there, we were confronted with the same problem of trying to find a car to take us to our Airbnb, but it eventually worked out. Unexpectedly, the cabin we rented from Airbnb was part of a motel complex



CHELSEA MANSION Muttontown Lane | East Norwich

Stony Brook

233479 M

Notice is hereby given that starting on July 1, 2022, the LPCO Surcharge and on August 1, 2022, the AMP Surcharge will commence on customer bills and will be included in the Delivery Rate Adjustment line. The LPCO and AMP surcharge is located on the KEDLI website. For Residential customers: gionkey=nylongisland&customertype=home and Business customers https://www. nylongisland&customertype=business. Copies of the proposed revisions are available for public inspection and can be obtained on the Company’s website at

233800 S


my grandmother. I even took a trip to the Dominican Republic with my mom a few years ago. But, my knowledge of the United States primarily consists of the East Coast. That’s why my interest was piqued when my good friend, over breakfast this past Halloween, mentioned that she wanted to drive across the country and spend a lot of time doing it. I asked her if I could join and she said yes. We went through several different documents laying out several different plans. Finally, we had a route. But I began to panic at the thought of driving across the middle of nowhere. That’s why we decided on Amtrak. We left for our trip the afternoon of July 1, taking the Long Island Rail Road to Penn Station, and then Amtrak to Erie, PA. Something we did not expect was the fact that services like Uber can be hard to come by. We were stuck at the station for about three hours in search of an Uber. Finally, we found one and we got to our Airbnb. It’s hard traveling the United States without a car. We tried public transportation to go to Presque Isle State Park, but after walking 20 minutes to the bus station, the


ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022 15A


The Lake Erie shore at Presque Isle State Park. (Photos by Jennifer Corr)

overlooking the Erie Lake. It was beautiful there, with a direct view of the nearby Cedar Point Amusement Park. We even had access to a pool. We spent July 4 at the lake, swimming and we explored a nearby nature preserve. There was so much we wanted to do there, but with our cabin being a two-hour walk to the nearest bus station and Ubers being hard to

A cat wandered onto the beach in Sandusky, OH. track down, we had to settle on one thing. So we decided on a place called Ghostly Manor Thrill Center to go roller skating, play mini-golf and check out their other attractions. We couldn’t get an Uber, so we started walking toward town until we found a Dairy Queen. Luckily, we got one and we were able to go. I will always remember Sandusky, OH as the place I learned to roller

This was no ordinary mini-golf course at Ghostly Manor.

The Erie Zoo had animals from Africa to Australia to the U.S.

skate. I tried it once with my boyfriend, but I couldn’t go around the rink without leaning on him or using the trainer. This time, I felt confident using the trainer going around and around and eventually, I decided to go without it and only fell about 10 times. Deciding I didn’t want to sprain my wrist, as I started feeling pins and needles when

I fell, we stopped and got an Uber home to the cabin, where we spent the evening swimming and relaxing before our next adventure. Follow Jennifer’s rail journey each week this summer as she travels across the country visiting with interesting people and exploring out-of-the-way places.

233873 M


16A JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direc always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you hav pleted the puzzle, there will be 24 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle. By Holiday Mathis

By Holiday Holiday Mathis Mathis HOROSCOPES INTERNATIONAL WORD FIND By HOROSCOPES INTERNATIONAL WORD FIND ARIES (March 21-April 19). The concept is etymologically represented: The word Solution: 24 Letters

WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 24 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Around Australia

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). As long as people are involved, there’s a possibility of error, not to mention disappoint or even rejection. That’s what makes the risks you take so remarkable. You’ll be admired for your bravery, but by now it’s easy for you. The more you accept yourself, the less you worry about the occasional slights of the world.

Solution: 24 Letters

CANCER (June 22-July 22). You have learned the ins and outs of a daunting process, and now you’re at ease with the way it works. Having figured out the maze, you’ll help others through it. Your relaxed position allows you to see things as interesting and beautiful. With a little work, you’ll communicate in a relatable way about your experience.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). New environments will bring out a different side of you and do the same for the others around you. The spirit of discovery is afoot. Fun questions invite surprising answers. No matter how long you’ve known a person, there’s always something new to learn. You’re especially compatible with Libra and Aries these days. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The distant point you see is not your destination, but you can’t make out anything beyond it. That’s OK. Journey to that point, and when you get there, you’ll be able to see farther. Your theories about what you can and can’t do will be incorrect. To find out what you’re capable of, make a commitment and strive for it. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You have a dependable crew, and they depend on you, too. Even so, you’ll appreciate the autonomy others exhibit and grow from what’s learned in the spaces when you’re apart from one another. You’ll flex your power outside of a relationship and then reconvene. The relationship grows mighty. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Bonds are born of necessity and curiosity. You’ll start an educational journey. The skill is difficult to obtain, but you’ll add it with practice. Learning within a team will be the fastest, easiest and most complete way. Like soldiers chanting as they march or sailors singing as they row, a group will unite in noise. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Take your time getting to know new people. First dates, interviews and the like don’t give you much to go on. Those situations only give you an account of what a person wants to present. To observe someone in action is better. Also, once a person says, “trust me,” you start to have your doubts. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The way you give your love is totally unique to who you are. It’s not something you can explain, define or measure, but you’ll get plenty of evidence that the relationship you have with someone is a thing unto its own, and it makes you feel quite alive indeed! A domestic vision will come together as planned. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You know so much about the world and yet your mind is still open. That’s why your input is vital in a group. You’ll have to poke around a bit for the truth this week, in the name of healing a situation. You’ll figure out how to help people work together. The sunshine pours in and the good times roll.


The warm, playful air about you attracts others who enjoy living in the same sunny tone. You’ll often be in a protected bubble with people like this, creating your own world for a time as a respite to the harshness of the outside world. Your creative a nd heartfelt needs get answered in your professional life. Changes in your environment or location will facilitate personal success. A new pursuit will show you someplace you can do good in the world. A sense of belonging prevails.

Adelaide Albury Bega Bermagui Blyth Bourke Bright Cairns Central Coast City Colo Darwin Derby

Dubbo Melton Nerang Echuca Ellenbrook Nowra Hostels Omeo Adelaide Dubbo Perth Melton Jabiru Albury Echuca Snug Nerang Kiama Ellenbrook Nowra Bega Sydney Kimba Omeo Bermagui Hostels Tweed Kudla Blyth Jabiru Perth Heads Kiama Snug Bourke Lismore Warnambool Bright Kimba Sydney Lorne Wollongong Tweed Heads Cairns Kudla Mackay Central Coast Lismore Wyndham Warnambool Lorne Wollongong City Yass Maree Mackay Wyndham Colo Maya Yass Darwin Maree Derby



Solution: So many great places to visit olution: So many great places to visit

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Human interaction involves a million tiny details, and it isn’t possible to get all of them right. Even if you could make one person overwhelmingly satisfied, everyone wants something different. It’s not possible to please everyone, but this week it is absolutely possible to please yourself, and that will be a beautiful start.

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Date: 7/13/22 Date:

737 3rd StreetBeach, • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 90254 737 3rd Street • Hermosa CA 310-337-7003 • info@ CONTRACT BRIDGE — BY STEVE 310-337-7003 • info@BECKER



By Steve Becker

The vicissitudes of fortune South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH ♠762 ♥ Q 10 9 5 2 ♦AJ8 ♣K 8 WEST EAST ♠ J 10 9 8 4 ♠A53 ♥7 ♥8 3 ♦94 ♦ Q 10 7 2 ♣ 10 7 6 3 2 ♣A Q J 5 SOUTH ♠KQ ♥A K J 6 4 ♦K653 ♣9 4 The bidding: South West North East 1♥ Pass 3♥ Pass 4♥ Opening lead — jack of spades. It has been said that bridge has all the excitement of war, with only 10 percent of the danger. But in some hands, even the 10 percent can be reduced to zero, as witness this deal played in four hearts. East won the spade lead with the ace and returned a spade to South’s king. Declarer drew two rounds of trump ending in his hand and then led a low diamond to the jack. East took the queen and returned a spade, ruffed by South. Declarer now cashed the A-K of

diamonds, hoping the suit would divide 3-3, in which case he would discard a club from dummy on his fourth diamond. But when the diamonds failed to break evenly and East later turned up with the ace of clubs, South had to go down one. Certainly South was unlucky. He would have made the contract if West had held the queen of diamonds, if the diamonds had divided 3-3, or if West had held the ace of clubs. Nevertheless, declarer should have made the contract despite his bad luck. He should have started by drawing trump ending in dummy, ruffed dummy’s last spade and then led a low diamond to dummy’s eight! East would win with the ten but would be endplayed. Whatever he returned — whether a diamond, a club or a spade (if he had one) — would cost his side a trick, as well as the contract. Nor could West alter the outcome by putting up the nine on the first diamond lead toward dummy. Declarer would simply cover the nine with the jack, and East would again find himself endplayed. Indeed, regardless of the actual lie of the opposing cards, the deep diamond finesse reduces declarer’s chance of losing the contract to zero.

Tomorrow: Bad bidding sometimes pays off.


© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.

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ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022


Honeydew: Transforming Dermatology Care THE ROSLYN NEWS STAFF


uring the pandemic, David Futoran, Roslyn Class of 2015, and his dermatologist Dr. Joel Spitz, transitioned from patient and provider to business partners. Together, on a mission to provide affordable and effective skin care to patients, they founded Honeydew Health. “Skin care is often dismissed by the healthcare system,” Honeydew CEO Futoran said. “Chronic conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema cause physical discomfort and have well-documented, detrimental effects on mental health, quality of life and productivity.” Professional care is difficult to access, Spitz added. “The traditional brick and mortar experience for acne care is broken across the

David Futoran, right and his dermatologist Dr. Joel Spitz. nation,” he said. “Wait lists can be as high as four months and it’s very difficult to get a hold of your care team. Moreover, providers don’t track your progress with photos and there is no infrastructure to manage

mediating lifestyle factors including diet and stress.” Honeydew came into being when Futoran saw Dr. Spitz for his acne. And yes, that appointment took four months to schedule. The two bonded over the flaws in the system and decided to join forces to build a better way. The pair started by creating a full-service platform to offer high quality, professional acne care to people anywhere they are, on their schedule. Ultimately, they plan to grow Honeydew to become a trusted skin care partner for life, offering professional services, vetted products and diagnostics for patients with any skin condition. “While plenty of telemedicine websites exist, people deserve a service that specializes in their conditions,” Futoran said. “The few that focus on skincare today usually focus on selling their own products rather than on delivering the highest quality, individualized care. Plus, most telemedicine services are one-and-done visits which don’t match the

needs of ongoing skin conditions.” Since his days at Roslyn High School (RHS), Futoran has been active in healthcare innovation. At RHS he conceived TurboScript, a business that used Natural Language Processing to chart patient records. At the University of Pennsylvania, he led Wharton’s healthcare club. There, Futoran planned the largest undergraduate healthcare conference in the nation. After graduating from college, Futoran joined digital health startup Somatix, helping to take it to market and raise close to $20 million in funding. Spitz is a dermatologist and a graduate of both Princeton University and Columbia Medical School. He is the author a widely used textbook, Genodermatoses. Since partnering on Long Island, the two have built and launched the Honeydew platform and raised close to $1 million with support from leaders at Teladoc, Ophelia, Allbirds Owner, and even a famous dermatology TikToker.

Seven Nassau Lions Selected As Lacrosse All Americans The NJCAA has released the 2022 Men’s Lacrosse All-American teams and on these teams the Lions Men’s Lacrosse team has the most players selected in the country with seven players selected. The seven players selected are as follows: First Team All-Americans Brian Lake (Fr.)- Defenseman- 2022 NJCAA Men’s Lacrosse Championship Defensive Player of the Tournament, 28 GB’s, and 27 Caused Turnovers. High school: Centereach HS. Hometown: Ronkonkoma, NY. Kamryn Gill (So.)- Attacker- #12 in the nation for goals scored (33), #6 in the nation for assists (28), and #7 in the nation for recorded points (61). High school: Riverhead HS. Hometown: Riverhead, NY. Ryan Murphy (So.)- Midfielder- Team Captain, Top 50 in goals scored in the nation. High school: North Shore HS. Hometown: Sea Cliff, NY. Frank Falco (So.)- Midfielder- 15

goals, 4 assists, 20 GB’s. High school: East Meadow HS. Hometown: East Meadow, NY. Andrew Tittman (Fr.)- Goalie- #1 in the nation for save percentage (62.6%), #3 in the nation for Goals- Against Average, #4 in the nation for Goals Against, #9 in the nation for total saves. High school: Northport HS. Hometown: East Northport, NY. Second Team All-Americans David Squires (So.)- Defenseman- 37 GB’s, and 22 Caused Turnovers. High school: Riverhead HS. Hometown: Aquebogue, NY. Sean Rice (Fr.)- Attacker- 2022 NJCAA Men’s Lacrosse Championship Steve Caravana Offensive Player of the Tournament, 6 goals in Championship Final, and Top 35 in the nation for goals scored. High school: Kellenberg HS. Hometown: Uniondale, NY. Congratulations to all of Nassau Community College’s All-Americans on a

fantastic season playing the game at the highest level and receiving such a prestigious

honor they truly deserved. Go Lions! — Courtesy of

Birke Appointed To Juilliard Program Herricks High School Orchestra Director Catherine Birke was recently appointed music director of the Juilliard Music Advancement Program also known as MAP. MAP is a Saturday program for intermediate and advanced music students who demonstrate a commitment to artistic excellence. In this role, Birke will lead the MAP String Ensemble

Catherine Birke

and Full Orchestra and collaborate with other MAP ensemble leaders and Juilliard Pre-College Division faculty to develop season programming that aligns with the artistic goals of the program. The Juilliard MAP program actively seeks students from diverse backgrounds underrepresented in the classical music field and provides full-tuition scholarships to all students. –Submitted by Herricks Public Schools


JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


Seniors Triumph At North Shore Sports Night F or more than 20 years, North Shore High School’s gym and fields have been packed with student athletes, parents, and faculty members for the annual Sports Night competition. Donning white, the seniors upheld their title winning the 2022 Sports Night event on June 9.

ROSLYN LE G AL NOTI CE “Notice of Formation of THEOREM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC, Articles of rgani ation filed with Secretary of State on 5 19 2022. ffice location: Nassau Country. Kevi n handforoush designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 153 len Ave, ea Cliff, NY 11579. Purpose: Any lawful act. Please call 516417-7500 for your residential and commercial property management needs. 7-20-13-6 6-29-22-15-2022 6T 233501 R

LE G AL NOTI CE NOTI CE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for LSF9 Master Participation Trust,, Plaintiff AGAINST Laurence Landau a k a Larry D. Landau usan Landau a k a usan R. Landau et al., Defendant s Pursuant to a udgment of oreclosure and ale duly

As with tradition, the freshman competed in green while the sophomores wore blue and the juniors were dressed in yellow. Congratulations to the seniors and all of the students for demonstrating such team spirit and sportsmanship. During the fun and exciting evening, the interclass competitions including tug

dated August 17, 2016 , the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North ide teps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive , Mineola, NY 11501 on July 25, 2022 at 2:30P , premises known as 86 George Street, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the ncorporated Village of East Hills, Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau, State of New York, Section 19 Block 12 Lot 136. Approximate amount of udgment 1,132,174.68 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold sub ect to provisions of filed udgment ndex 000182 2014. The auction will be conducted pursuant to the COVID-19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of oreclosed Property established by the Tenth udicial District. oreclosure Auctions will be held Rain or hine. Rita Solomon, Esq., Referee LOGS Legal Group LLP f/k/a Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney s for the Plaintiff 175 ile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 877 430-4792

of war, various relay races, cage volleyball, and the famous obstacle course took place to a roaring crowd! In addition to the athletic competitions, traditionally an Academic Bowl takes place prior to give students the chance to showcase not only their physical attributes, but their academic knowledge.

LEGAL NOTICES Dated: April 27, 2022 7-13-6 6-29-22-2022-4T233534-R

LE G AL NOTI CE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR PLAZA RTL TRUST, Plaintiff, Against WARNER 26 INC., et al., Defendant s Pursuant to a udgment of oreclosure and ale, duly entered 03 17 2022, , the undersigned Referee, will sell at public auction, on the North ide steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 upreme Court Drive , Mineola, N.Y. 11501 on 8 9 2022 at 2:30 P , premises known as 204 Warner Ave nue, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 and described as follows ALL that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau and tate of New York. ection 7 Block 33 Lot 199. The approximate amount of

the current udgment lien is 1,014,172.07 plus interest and costs. The Premises will be sold sub ect to provisions of the aforesaid udgment of oreclosure and ale ndex 611803 2021 f the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagees attorney. Brian . Carmody, Esq., Referee. Leopold & Associates, PLLC, 80 Business Park Drive , Suite 110, Armonk, NY 10504 Dated: 4-26-2022. ile Number: 9165034 PC 7-27-20-13-6-2022-4T233721-R

on August 8, 2022 at 2:30 p.m., prem. k a 635 Bryant Ave nue, Roslyn, NY a/k/a Section 20, Block 88, Lot 16. Approx. amt. of udgment is 1,153,203.74 plus costs and interest. old sub ect to terms and conditions of filed udgment and terms of sale. Foreclosure auction will be held rain or shine. f proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the auction. MARK RICCIARDI, Referee. DEUTSCH & SCHNEIDER, LLP, Attys. for Pltf. 79-37 yrtle Avenue, lendale, NY. ile No. L -175#99417 7-27-20-13-6-2022-4T233722-R

LE G AL NOTI CE NOTICE OF SALE PRE E C RT: NA SAU COUNTY. LOAN FUNDER LLC, SERIES 6646, Pltf. vs 635 BRYANT GROUP CORP., et al, Defts. ndex 608672 20. Pursuant to udgment of foreclosure and sale dated arch 9, 2022, I will sell at public auction on the north side fronts steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive , Mineola, NY

LE G AL NOTI CE I NCOR POR ATE D VI LLAG E OF R OSLY N PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the ncorporated Village of Roslyn will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P. . on Tuesday, uly 19, 2022 by way of video-conference or tele-conference only as follows: Join Zoom Meeting https: us06web. 84460274994 pwd Y 5D Bs Ex HdwN pYajVmb2FwZz09

Congratulations to the seniors for winning the Sports Night athletic competition. Without the support from the administration, class advisors, faculty and parents there would be no sports night. Thanks to everyone who made this another exciting and fun evening. —Submitted by the North Shore School District

eeting D: 844 6027 4994 Passcode: 193866 One tap mobile +16465588656,,8446027499 4 ,,,, 193866 New York or the following: APPLI CATI ON OF TH Y M E R E STAU R ANT FOR OU TD OOR D I NI NG FOR TH E PR OPE R TY K NOWN AS 8 TOWE R PLACE , R OSLY N, NE W Y OR K , K NOWN AND D E SI G NATE D ON TH E NASSAU COU NTY LAND AND TAX M AP AS SE CTI ON 7, BLOCK B, LOT 17; and APPLI CATI ON OF H SG 2, LLC FOR TH E E NLAR G M E NT OF A R E STAU R ANT FOR TH E PR OPE R TY K NOWN AS 1401 OLD NOR TH E R N BOU LE VAR D , R OSLY N, NE W Y OR K , K NOWN AND D E SI G NATE D ON TH E NASSAU COU NTY LAND AND TAX M AP AS SE CTI ON 20, BLOCK A, LOT 576. The Village of Roslyn does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in administration or access to or employment in its projects and activities. Annemarie tut mann has been directed to coordinate compliance with non-discrimination re-

quirements of the ederal Reve nue Sharing regulations. Copies of all documents relevant to this matter are on file in the Village Clerk’s ffice and may be viewed during regular business hours and on the Village website at www. . At this scheduled meeting of its Board of Trustees, reserved decisions from previ ous meetings, if any, may be acted upon by the Board of Trustees. At the aforesaid time and place, all interested persons will be give n an opportunity to be heard. By Order of the Board of Trustees I nc. Village of R oslyn Annemarie Stutz mann Village Clerk/ Treasurer D ated: Ju ly 5, 2022 7-13-2022-1T- 233872-R LE G AL NOTI CE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of the INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF EAST HILLS has scheduled a meeting and public hearings for July 26, 2022 at 4:00 P at the Village Hall, 209 Harbor Hill Road, East Hills, NY 11576 to consider the following: Continued on page 12

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022


Life is a Journey Embrace every day because every day counts

North Shore High School held its annual Sports Night Competition. (Photos by North Shore School District)

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JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

LEGAL NOTICES Continued from page 10 (CONTI NU E D FR OM M AR CH 9, 2021 M E E TI NG ) R OBE R T K U PPE R SM I TH REQUESTS a SPECIAL EXCEPTION AND FIVE VARIANCES for the property known as 76 DEEPWOOD ROAD designated as Section 7 Block K-1 Lot 106 on the Nassau County land and Tax Map and in the R2 District of the Village. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271139(A): Swimming pools require a special exception from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-14 (A), the maximum allowable fence height is 4 feet. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-143(A)(1) and (3), pool enclosure fences must of the chain link type, and be erected completely enclosing the pool at least five feet from the edge of the pool and at least 15 feet from any property line and further require that there be only one gate. Therefore, variances are required for the proposed 5 foot fence, located along the property line. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-47(A), Accessory buildings and uses, Accessory buildings or structures shall not occupy more than 15 percent of the rear yard (893.1 sf for this yard). The proposed rear yard lot coverage is 1,672.5 sf. Therefore, a variance will be required for 779.4 sf of rear yard lot coverage. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-143(A)(10) (i), pool equipment must be located in the rear or side yard immediately adjacent to the house or at least 75 feet away from all other houses. The proposed pool equipment is in the rear yard but is less than 75 feet from other houses. Therefore, a variance will be required. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-30, Lot coverage, all buildings, including accessory buildings, structures and equipment shall not cover more than 25% of the area of the plot or 3,690.5 sf for this property. The proposed total lot coverage is 4,503.5 sf. Therefore, a variance is required for 813 sf of total lot coverage. (CONTI NU E D FR OM JU NE 14, 2022 M E E TI NG ) M AR NI AD LE R requests ONE VARIANCE for the property known as 46 MIDWOOD CROSS designated as Section 7 Block 249 Lot 22 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R1 District of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code §271-14(A), Fences, fences shall not exceed a height of four feet from ground level. The proposed fence is 5 feet high. Therefore, a variance is requested for 1 foot of fence height. AND R E W AND ALLY SON STU M ACH E R request TWO VARIANCES for the property known as 22 VANAD DRIVE, designated as Section 19 Block 24 Lot 11 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R-1 District of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code § 271-32(B), accessory structures in the R-1 District


must have a minimum of 15 feet of side yard setback. The proposed patio has a side yard setback ranging from 6 feet 8 inches to 9 feet 6 inches. Therefore, a variance is requested for side yard setback ranging from 5 feet 6 inches of setback up to 8 feet 4 inches of side yard setback. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code §271-26, Construction alterations, any construction or alteration upon any lot equal to or greater than 200 sf must include facilities for on-site retention of stormwater runoff from the added impervious surfaces. No such structures are proposed. Therefore, a variance is requested. E LE FTE R I A TU LU M BA requests THREE VARIANCES for the property known as 65 HEMLOCK DRIVE designated as Section 7 Block 274 Lot 17 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R-1 District of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code §271-232, Front Yard Limitations, front yards in the R-1 District have a height setback ratio of 0.6. Your proposal indicates a building that is in violation of this. Therefore, a variance is requested for 5 feet 5 inches of front yard height setback. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code §271-236(A), Exterior Wall Interruptions, alterations and additions may not extend more than 30 feet in the horizontal length without a change or break of more than 2 feet. The proposed first floor front wall extends 48 feet and the second floor front wall extends 71 feet, both without such a break. Therefore, variances are required for 18 feet of the first floor front wall without a break and for 41 feet of the second floor front wall without a break. LI LLI AND JO NATH AN Z I M M E R M AN request TWO VARIANCES for the property known as 10 TALLEY ROAD, designated as Section 19 Block 26 Lot 3 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R1 District of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code § 27114(A), Fences, fences shall not exceed a height of four feet from ground level. Your application indicates fences of eight feet and six feet in height. Therefore, variances will be required for 4 feet of fence height and 2 feet of fence height. M I CH AE L SH AM ALOV requests ONE VARIANCE for the property known as 40 APPLETREE LANE designated as Section 7 Block 302 Lot 5 on the Nassau County Land and Tax map and in the R1 District of the Village. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-30, Lot coverage, all buildings, including accessory buildings and structures shall not cover more than 25 percent of the area of the plot, or 4,709 sf for this property. Your proposal indicates a total lot coverage of 5,626.52 sf. Therefore, a variance is required for 917.52 sf of lot

coverage. Maps and plans regarding the above applications are available for inspection on the Village’s website at BY THE ORDER OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF EAST HILLS Michael Kosinski, Chairman Dated: July 13, 2022 7-13-2022-1T-#233931-ROS LE G AL NOTI CE NOTI CE I S H E R E BY G I VE N that, after a public hearing duly held by the Town Board of the Town of North H empstead, the following ordinance was ordered adopted: OR D I NANCE NO. T.O. 10 - 2022 R OSLY N H E I G H TS, NE W Y OR K Section l. All motor or other vehicles of any kind shall comply with the following regulations: PR OPOSAL: RESCIND: 1. T.O. #18-1985 Adopted May 22, 1985 HIGH STREET – NORTH SIDE – NO PARKING ANYTIME From a point 134 feet east of the east curbline of Willis Avenue, East for a distance of 50 feet. Section 2. All ordinances or regulations heretofore adopted in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. PE NALTI E S: “A violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine, or when applicable, by imprisonment, not in the excess of the amount set forth in the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, or by both such fine and imprisonment, plus any surcharge payable to other governmental entities, and late payment, if applicable. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect ten days from the date of its publication and posting pursuant to Section 133 of the Town Law of the State of New Y ork. Section 5. This ordinance shall be incorporated in the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of North H empstead. D ated: Ju ly 7, 2022 M anhasset, New Y ork BY OR D E R OF TH E TOWN BOAR D OF TH E TOWN OF NOR TH H E M PSTE AD R AG I NI SR I VASTAVA TOWN CLE R K 7-13-2022-1T-#233933-ROS LE G AL NOTI CE NOTI CE I S H E R E BY G I VE N that, after a public hearing duly held by the Town Board of the Town of North H empstead, the following ordinance was ordered adopted: OR D I NANCE NO. T.O. 11 - 2022 ALBE R TSON, NE W Y OR K Section l. All motor or other vehicles of any kind shall comply with the following regulations: PR OPOSAL: AD OPT: 1. DOGWOOD ROAD –

LEGAL NOTICES NORTH SIDE – NO STOPPING – 7:00 A.M TO 8:00 A.M AND 2:30 P.M. AND 3:30 P.M. - SCHOOL DAYS From the west curbline of Searingtown Road, west, to the east curbline of Parkview Drive. 2. PARKVIEW DRIVE – WEST SIDE – NO STOPPING – 7:00 A.M TO 8:00 A.M AND 2:30 P.M. AND 3:30 P.M. - SCHOOL DAYS From the south curbline of Dogwood Road, south, to a point 42 feet north of the north curbline of Hilldale Drive. 3. PARKVIEW DRIVE – WEST SIDE – NO STOPPING HERE TO CORNER From the north curbline of Hilldale Drive, north, for a distance of 42 feet. 4. PARKVIEW DRIVE – WEST SIDE – NO STOPPING HERE TO CORNER From the south curbline of Hilldale Drive, south, for a distance of 55 feet. PARKVIEW DRIVE – EAST SIDE – NO STOPPING – 7:00 A.M TO 8:00 A.M AND 2:30 P.M. AND 3:30 P.M. - SCHOOL DAYS From the south curbline of Hilldale Drive, south then west then north then east, to its terminus. 5. HILLDALE DRIVE – SOUTH SIDE – NO STOPPING – 7:00 A.M TO 8:00 A.M AND 2:30 P.M. AND 3:30 P.M. - SCHOOL DAYS From the east curbline of Parkview Drive, east, to a point 50 feet west of the west curbline of Searingtown Road. Section 2. All ordinances or regulations heretofore adopted in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. PE NALTI E S: “A violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine, or when applicable, by imprisonment, not in the excess of the amount set forth in the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, or by both such fine and imprisonment, plus any surcharge payable to other governmental entities, and late payment, if applicable. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect ten days from the date of its publication and posting pursuant to Section 133 of the Town Law of the State of New Y ork. Section 5. This ordinance shall be incorporated in the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of North H empstead. D ated: Ju ly 7, 2022 M anhasset, New Y ork BY OR D E R OF TH E TOWN BOAR D OF TH E TOWN OF NOR TH H E M PSTE AD R AG I NI SR I VASTAVA TOWN CLE R K 7-13-2022-1T-#233934-ROS LE G AL NOTI CE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Flower Hill will be held on the 20th day of July, 2022 at 7:00 PM, at Village Hall, 1 Bonnie Heights Rd., Manhasset, NY 11030.


1. Application of Fenella K im, 7 Crabtree Lane, R oslyn, NY 11576 also known as Section 6, Block 5316, Lot 16 for variance of §24013(I )(1)(a) of the Code of the Village of Flower Hill. The applicant seeks to maintain a patio with a 4.1’ side yard setback where the req uired minimum is 8’ . 2. Application of M s. Sharon Pena, 76 Oak Tree Lane. M anhasset, NY 11030 also known as Section 3, Block 192, Lot 7 for variance of §240 Attachment 1. Appendix A & 240-7(I ) of the Code of the Village of Flower Hill. The applicant seeks to construct a sports court with a 5’ rear and side setback where the minimum setback for both is 6’ . 3. Application of M r. Claudio Lumermann, 31 K nollwood R ad, R oslyn, NY 11576 known as Section 6, Block B5, Lot 339 for variance of §2 40-13(I )(1)(a) of the Code of the Village of Flower Hill. The applicant seeks to maintain an existing patio, barbecue and shed where the side yard setback for the patio is 4.9’ where the req uired minimum is 8’ ; where the side yard set-back for the barbecue is 7.5’ where the req uired minimum is 8’ ; and the side and rear yard setbacks for the shed are 0’ and 5.2’ where the req uired minimums are 8’ and 10’ respectively. 4. Application of M r. Ja mie R uggerio 155 W alnut Lane, M anhasset, NY 11030 known as Section 3, Block 195, Lots 44 A&B for vari-


ance of §240- 6(L)(! ) & 24010(I )(1)(a) of the Code of the Village of Flower Hill. The applicant seeks to construct an outdoor roofed structure with a bathroom and a storage room increasing the gross floor area to 5,484 s.f. where 5,060 s.f. is the maximum permitted; and a patio with a side yard set-back of 6’ from the easterly property line where 10’ is the minimum permitted. 5. Application of M s. G ail M archbein, 125 Country Club D rive, Port W ashington, NY 11050 also known as Section 6, Block 57, Lot 74 for variance of §240- 9( E ) the Code of the Village of Flower Hill. The applicant seeks to construct a one-story addition where the rear yard set-back is 22’ 8” and the req uired minimum is 25’ . Persons who may suffer from a disability which would prevent them from participating in said hearing should notify Ronnie Shatzkamer, Village Clerk, at (516) 627-5000 in sufficient time to permit such arrangements to be made to enable such persons to participate in said hearing. By Order of the Zoning Board of Appeals Michael Sahn, Chairperson Ronnie Shatzkamer, Village Administrator Flower Hill, New York Dated: July 13, 2022 7-13-2022-1T-#233942-ROS LE G AL NOTI CE I NCOR POR ATE D VI LLAG E OF R OSLY N H I STOR I C D I STR I CT BOAR D

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that at 8:00 P.M. on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 the Historic District Board of the Incorporated Village of Roslyn will consider the following new applications: 1. Application No. 8251/ 8252 K evin D ursun/ Frank Suppa 1363 Old Northern Blvd. “B R ASS SW AN” Section 20 Block A Lot 67 New Sign, Exterior Painting 2. Application No. 8253 D erek Chan 72 H illcrest Ave. Section 7 Block 106 Lot 1192 Paint exterior of house 3. Application No. 8250 Jos h H alegua 1382 O ld Northern Blvd. Section 7 Block B Lot 548 Pavers on rear outdoor seating area 4. Application No. 8209 E dwin R osario 1155 Old Northern Blvd. Section 6 Block 25 Lot 263 Re-roof, repair front porch/ decking The meeting will be held as a ZOOM meeting. The information will be posted on the Village’s website roslynny. gov. or use the following link provided: Time: Jul 20, 2022 Join Zoom Meeting http://us06web.zoomus/ j/87378360030?pwd=bVpkNFQ5V1cK2FIQUZ2Sy9LcOVjQT09 Meeting ID: 873 7836 0030 Passcode: 817811 One tap mobile +16465588656,,87378360 030#,,,,*817811# US (New York) 7-13-2022-1T-#233947-ROS

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ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022


A Target-Rich Crime Environment Manhasset burglaries, car thefts raise concerns She hoped that when residents left the meeting they would understand the issues and gain more confidence in what is happening. Phillips then introduced Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Jen DeSena, who welcomed mayors and trustees from the Manhasset area. She also noted that County Treasurer David Chang of Manhasset and former Senator Jack Martins were also in the audience.



ou live in what you believe is a safe, gated community in Manhasset. You and your wife take the dog for an evening walk. Your children and their visiting friends are at home, socializing. The house alarm is off, of course. What you don’t know is that a burglar, using what police believe are specialty boots, has climbed the stucco siding and reached the balcony leading to the second floor master bedroom. He jimmies the lock on the sliding door, flips the lights on and starts looking for valuables. You get back to the house, and as your wife climbs the stairs, announces that she’s going to bed, probably startling the burglar. She opens the bedroom door and notices the lights are on. It was then, you presume, that the unwelcome visitor scampered down or jumped from the balcony and fled. Dozens of people listened with rapt attention as a man related the details of a brazen burglary at what he believed was an inviolable place. “I’m a very private person, so I can’t believe I’m telling you this experience I had,” the resident said. At his request, we have omitted his name. “In 17 minutes of our walking the dog and walking back there was a burglary,” he summed up. “We have [the burglar] on camera. The detectives at the Sixth Precinct are great. They are trying to find him and keep on calling me with updates.” He continued, “He took the jewelry—okay it doesn’t matter. My daughter was sleeping in the adjacent room (there were gasps and murmurs in the audience). I don’t know what would have happened if [we had encountered] this brazen person dressed in [some kind of] uniform with what they’re telling me is gloves—because there were no fingerprints. I don’t know what would have happened. I’m nervous for the children, not just [in our] community, but all the communities. You could do something to me, but don’t do anything to my children. We are very shaken up. Yes, we didn’t have the alarm on, but why would we think to have the alarm on while we’re in the house, with so many activities going on?” He urged the attendees to keep their alarms on, lock the doors and keep everything safe and well-lit. The occasion was a June 14 community awareness/crime prevention meeting hosted by the Nassau County Police Department at the large meeting room in the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department

Commish Speaks

Sixth Precinct Inspector Harun “Hodge” Begis speaks with concerned citizens after the meeting.

Crime statistics for the Sixth Precinct for the first quarter of 2022. (Nassau County Police Department)

Company No. 2 headquarters. It featured talks by Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman and Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder. Inspector Harun “Hodge” Begis of the Sixth Precinct, whose headquarters are a stone’s throw away, was also on hand. Manhasset resident Joe LaPadula organized the event after a number of break-ins and a general perception that crime was rising. “People were coming to me, scared in their own homes,” he told the Manhasset Press, mentioning Ring videos that residents put up on social media showing attempted burglaries and car thefts. “I’m a concerned resident, a father of three,” LaPadula went on, thanking the fire department and Chief Greg Weisburd “for hosting us on such a short notice.” “I’d also like to thank the Nassau County Police Department, one of the finest in the nation,” he said in his introduction, “Wait until the evening is done,” joked

Manhasset resident Joe LaPadula took the initiative in organizing the meeting. Commissioner Ryder to laughter. The room erupted in applause when LaPadula revealed that the commissioner was celebrating his 60th birthday that day. Nassau County Comptroller Elaine Phillips of Flower Hill said she would be the timekeeper and try to keep the meeting to an hour. “The Sixth Precinct has offered to stay afterwards and answer your questions privately for those of you not comfortable raising your hands and talking about it in public,” Phillips stated. “We’re going to let Commissioner Ryder get home because he might want to do some celebrating for his birthday.” Phillips also said that he evening would not have happened without LaPadula, who took the initiative. “The biggest job the government could do is to make you feel safe. And somehow, for whatever reasons, this is not the case and we’ll let the commissioner address this,” Phillips said.

“We’re here today to talk about the crime issues up here,” Ryder announced. “Some of it is perceived and some of it is real. That story is real. That is a real burglary that happened (related by the resident minutes earlier).” He said that the Sixth Precinct used to average about 500 burglaries a year, and to date, there had been 34, “so we’ve gotten them way down and under control.” The commissioner talked about what he labeled a “Chilean Burglary Crew” that operated on the target-rich North Shore several years ago. Their advent coincided with bail reform that was passed by the overwhelmingly Democratic state legislature in 2020. “A burglary [in the] third [degree], a residential burglary. without any aggravating factors—no violence, no weapons,” Ryder explained. “That individual goes in and breaks into your house and steals what they steal. It doesn’t matter the value—if they take a dollar or they take a million dollars, it’s the same crime. We arrest them and they go in front of a judge and the judge cannot hold them on bail and they walk out. That’s a problem for us. A big problem.” The commissioner did note that reforms to the law in the 2021 legislative session did give some latitude back to the judges. He said police and prosecutors used a loophole in the law in which they charged suspects with attempted burglary, which was a bailable offense and so managed to get members of the Chilean Crew held in jail. “They also got them federally charged and the federal court just came down with a ruling—30 years to life,” he related, which drew applause. “The next problem is stolen cars,” Ryder said. “There’s been five stolen cars in Manhasset since the beginning of the year. [In] all five of those stolen cars the keys were left in the car. We saw an uptick.” The commissioner said his department met with area mayors and DeSena, and the county executive was at a couple of town hall meetings. Police also set up roadblocks where they handed out pamphlets to

see CRIME on page 14


JULY 13 - 19, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

CRIME from page 13

unbelievable. It’s an amazing tool.”

educate the public. Ryder thought all these efforts have worked, that the pace of car thefts has slowed countywide. The commissioner also criticized another modification in state criminal law, the “Raise the Age” act, in which 16- and 17-year-olds are no longer treated as adults for many crimes, but as juveniles. They are processed in family courts, which means they face lesser punishments and consequences. As a result, the same people keep on committing the crimes, he claimed. At a press conference in April, the commissioner spoke of his department receiving reports from East Hills, Flower Hill, Manhasset, Greenvale and Plandome of suspicious males attempting to enter vehicles. He said many stolen vehicles have been recovered in Newark, where the thieves take the cars to be sold, used for drag racing and to commit other crimes. “[These] kids drive like absolute lunatics. They don’t fear nothing,” he said. “We’re not chasing them. We’re not running over your son or daughter for a car. It’s not going to happen. I won’t allow my police department to do it.” At the Manhasset meeting, he detailed what happened when his officers attempted to stop three suspects in a stolen Mercedes who were arrested at Exit 33 of the Long Island Expressway (Lakeville Road) on April 24. “That night, we pushed the envelope and what did I get? Five wrecked cars, five police officers in the hospital. Some of them have not come back to work since then,” Ryder observed. “That night alone we were down almost $200,000 in police cars—$200,000 in taxpayers money that I will never get back. Five cops that are injured in the hospital. Some of them have not come back, and I don’t know if they are coming back.” At a press conference following the incident, the commissioner admitted that some of the injuries could be career-ending for his officers. “I need help,” the commissioner said. “Ninety-five percent of the cars that are stolen you’re leaving your keys in the car and it’s unlocked. The bad guy knows to walk up to the car and jiggle the handle. That’s what you see on Ring doorbells.” He also urged attendees with Ring cameras to sign up with law enforcement so that police can use the videos captured in them. “We start to look for the patterns and where they go,” he went on. “It helps us arrest these people.” Sometimes, the thieves push the garage opener in the stolen car, open the garage door and steal another car which has the keys in it. “They’re not hot-wiring cars. They’re not shipping them overseas,” Ryder pointed out. “These are not organized crime crews that we knew from the ’80s and ’90s. These are 17-year-old brazen kids and know they’re going to get away with it and they’re going to run because they don’t care. And that’s what we’re up against.” He added, “So what are we doing to help you? We’ve been educating you. I’ve said it a

Though at one point Ryder declared that “Crime is way down,” emphasizing by lowering his arm toward the floor, this was only true in the historical sense. “In the Sixth Precinct, we’ve had 34 [burglaries] year to date. On average, we used to do 70 to 80 a week here on the North Shore,” he emphasized. “We’ve really shut it down, but it’s starting to creep back up. You hear the county executive say crime is on the rise. He is 100 percent right. From where we were, we are starting to lose ground and we’re losing that ground because of bail reform, because of Raise the Age. These issues affect us in policing. Again, it’s not a political statement, it’s a fact.” When another resident asked about bail reform and who was responsible for it, Ryder turned to Blakeman, who was sitting at the table with elected officials and Sixth Precinct leaders. The county executive strode up to the podium and joked, “Commission Ryder, you are dismissed because I don’t want your wife to make you retire. So thank you so much and get home.” As the commissioner made his way out of the large room to spend his birthday with his family, the executive praised his department head’s dedication, wondering “when the guy gets to sleep.” Blakeman said it was a state problem, not a county problem, and urged attendees, “until you are fed up, until you had enough, it’s going to be very difficult for us to change the culture in the state. I ran on the platform that we have to change crazy laws in Albany.” The executive added, “We’re hiring more police officers, we’re investing in technology and we’re being proactive, but our police officers are handcuffed—pun intended—because they arrest these criminals and then what happens? They’re back out on the street and now they’re more brazen than ever.” He noted that for 200-plus years in this country, judges had to consider only two criteria when setting bail: whether someone was a flight risk or a danger to the community. And that was the judges’ provenance. In New York State, he charged, the legislature has violated the separation of powers by taking over the role of the Judiciary. “Let me tell you what we are doing,” Blakeman said. “I told Commissioner Ryder that I want to make it as unpleasant as possible—according to the law—to those who commit crimes in Nassau County. In other words, we’re not going to rush them to court. We’re going to take our time within the time allowable by law. We want to let them know that this is not a place where you want to commit a crime.” He added, “We’re going to invest in more police officers. We had another [police] academy [class]. So that’s 167 new police officers we’re going to have. We’re investing in the technology, but remember one thing about technology—it does not prevent the crime. It’s an investigative tool, it just lets us make the arrest.”

The Final Word

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman told the crowd he had increased police resources to deal with rising crime in Manhasset. (Photos by Frank Rizzo)

This attendee wondered how video technology could be used in fighting crime. police are there.’ Those are the crazy things that are going on.”

Some Questions

County Comptroller and Flower Hill resident (and former mayor) Elaine Phillips was one of the hosts of the community meeting. thousand times. Please take the keys in your house. I beg you.”

The Americana

The famous Manhasset shopping strip is “the number one hit place for most of your larcenies,” according to Ryder, adding that “since the beginning of the year we’ve arrested 33 people. It’s a larceny, it’s not a grand larceny, so they get out and they’re going to come back.” Ryder said he and Sixth Precinct leadership met and had a discussion with the Americana ownership and the management. “I’m on a first-name basis with most of the stores in there. [Owner] Mark Udell probably calls me five or six times a week from London Jewelers,” he went on. “We’re out there. We’ve done great work, great enforcement—that’s why you see cop cars.” Ryder said his department has recovered several guns out of the Americana and put extra enforcement there, including what he called “an eye in the sky,” a crane from which an officer can observe the area. Blakeman stated, “Let me tell you what was going on in the Americana and is still going on. Shoplifting is out of control—that’s why the police are there every day. I spoke to one shop owner in Manhasset who told me they don’t call the police anymore because it’s bad for business. They said, ‘You know what? I’d rather take the loss. I call the police, they come. Now the police are there for half an hour doing their investigation. Nobody’s going to walk in my store while the

A resident asked how many of the burglaries involved the use of a weapon. “Zero,” responded Inspector Begis. “They know that,” Ryder said of the burglars—introducing weapons increases the seriousness of the charge and lowers their chance of getting cashless bail. Another resident talked about reallocating resources, asking about road patrols. “In Nassau County there are 177 cars on patrol every day,” the commissioner said, adding that it’s more than neighboring Suffolk, which is three times as large. “The problem is I can’t cover every street at every second. I talked to the county executive and he said we’re going to be putting extra resources up here. We’ve done that the last five or six weeks and the [crime] numbers are way down. But it’s not sustainable because there’s crime everywhere else.” A man wanted to know what to do if he encountered a burglar, making note that New York is not a state with a “stand your ground” law allowing wide latitude in self defense. Rider mentioned the Fourth Amendment, stating, “When they come into your home you’re allowed to protect yourself, but you have to use equal or a little bit more force. You can’t shoot the guy sticking his head inside the window and you have to have a licensed firearm on top of that. The whole Second Amendment—I’m not touching that. But you have the right to defend yourself.” “What about if they’re outside on the patio?” Ryder was asked. “Call 911,” he responded. More promising was that the county executive had invested $300,0000 recently in more license plate readers for the patrol cars. “Several of your villages have invested in license plate readers,” he continued. “All of that data gets sent to us. We pay for the storage and we pay to analyze it. That’s how we catch them.” He added, “The best cameras in the business, and we’ve invested a lot in them, is your doorbell Ring. The quality is

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • JULY 13 - 19, 2022



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. .

MARK LEVENTHAL . . M: 516.330.8001 • O: 516.517.4751 Mark Leventhal is a real estate agent affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to the accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside the realm of real estate brokerage.

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