Great Neck Record 8/17/22 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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Also serving Great Neck Estates, Great Neck Plaza, Kensington, Kings Point, Lake Success, Russell Gardens, Saddle Rock and Thomaston 1908Est. An Anton Media Group Publication Vol.72,No.29August17–23,2022 $1.00 Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County. Great Neck Record (USPS 791-440) FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details! Calendar: Great Neck Public Library is hosting schoolmeet-upskindergartenforeachelementary(Seepage8) Sports: Great Neck Froggies swim team places second (See page 9) School: Free and reduced meal policy for the 2022-23 school year is released (See page 12) GUIDEIMPROVEMENTHOMEINSIDE HOMEIMPROVEMENT GUIDE August 17 23, 2022 ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL DINING ROOMS WITH SAFAVIEHLivingenvironmentsKitchenswithKohlerCongressionalPrimaries The Democratic Congressional Candidate Forum took place at Syosset High School. (Photo by Emma Duffy) The Democratic Congressional Candidates for District 3 discuss inflation, gun control and more (See page 3) BASKETBALL • SOCCER • VOLLEYBALL • FLAG FOOTBALL • TRACK • BADMINTON • LAX & MORE! GREAT NECK PAL Sports Programs for Children Pre K-8th Grade REGISTER NOW: • 516.482.7257 M229131 231215 M © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401. *AT DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE IN 2016-2017. Thinking of Downsizing? Let’s Talk About It! Lauren DeSantolo, SRES Lic. R. E. Salesperson | Seniors Real Estate Specialist O 516.944.2856 | M 516.426.9242 | Leading Edge Award Recipient 2016-2017*

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On Aug. 2, the CongressionalDemocraticcandidates came together in a forum in an attempt to persuade voters to allow their campaign to move past the primary. The excitement started right at the entrance to the forum. Outside of Syosset High School, people stood chanting for Josh Lafazan or holding signs for Robert Zimmerman. There was no calming of energies when the forum began. People would applaud loudly for their candidate of choice as they opened up with their opinion. The loudest applause was awarded to Lafazan, who had started his career on the Syosset school board at age 18. However, his appearance also brought along the loudest opposition. A young man in the crowd stood up to scream that Lafazan is a Republican who serves himself and not the rest of the community. He was then escorted out so the forum could continue. The forum then started by allowing each candidate to say the legislation most im portant to them. To start, Melanie D’Arrigo said she would focus on standing against government corruption, supporting the working class, pushing for Medicare for All, taking back reproductive rights and ending gun violence. Next, Jon Kaiman es tablished his focus on controlling inflation and aiding the economy, fixing the issues that have been brought up by the Supreme Court, and investing in infrastructure. After this, Lafazan explained the importance of codifying Roe v. Wade and stopping gun violence. Reema Rasool spoke next, showing her passion to repre sent the people instead of lobbyist groups, pushing for Roe v. Wade and helping small businesses. Last but not least was Zimmerman who strongly believed in try ing to “save our democracy” by addressing corruption, supporting Medicare for All, standing against gun violence, codifying Roe v. Wade and protecting the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

New York’s Third Congressional District primary election is on Aug. 23

RasoolD’Arrigosaid.called out Lafazan for saying he wants to strengthen the Affordable Care Act (ACA), saying it is not enough. “When you hear people say ‘I want to strengthen the ACA’, it sounds good right? You know, it means they want to give money to the insurance companies,” D’ArrgioPeoplesaid.were heated in the discussion of where it is acceptable to take donations from. The moments of controversy were short and fast passing, making it just small moments in a two hour long forum. The three men spent their night empha sizing their experience and connections. Kaiman showed pride in his past as five-term supervisor of the Town of North Hempstead, Deputy County Executive of Nassau County and NYS advisor for Superstorm Sandy. He felt as though his time at these positions has made him especially qualified in understanding the intricacies of government and how to negotiate with the other side. “I believe this moment calls for a person with substance and depth and experience,”

The Democratic Congressional Candidates for District 3. (Photo by Emma Duffy) see CONGRESSIONAL FORUM on page 4 be willing to work across the aisle with Republicans who would be willing to work with them. Similarly, all of the candidates believe in helping our ally Israel and finding peace in the area. Even though many answers were stan dard, the night wasn’t free of controversy or more answers from the candi dates. At one point, Kaiman took a shot at Lafazan for overemphasizing his won elections, because even though he won the most recent election, Kaiman has won more in his career.“You know, I lost my last election running for Congress against some body, but I tell you I’ve won more than this guy did,” Kaiman said. A question called out Lafazan’s flip-flop ping opinion of policing, which caused him to focus on gun control over address ing the policing issue—in which everyone followed his lead. Rasool and D’Arrigo set themselves apart on the inflation question by saying it is not just inflation, but corporate greed. “If this is inflation, then why do all of I’m proud to be a Democrat and trying to stand up for democratic values, and with all of us together, we can turn it into real action.




After this there were more direct questions chosen from the audience. There were many topics of interest: wheth er the candidates were willing to accept donations from “dark money” groups, how these candidates differ from “establish ment” Democrats that have failed people in the past, the closing of Syosset’s Mercy First Residential foster care, plans for public educa tion, how they will address inflation, gun control and policing, Medicare for All, how they would deal with a

is important and they would like to see more resources and funding given to public schools. They all feel that more needs to be done for gun control, similar to many Democrats. During a time of polarization, it seems as though these candidates would these big companies keep making insane and record profits quarter on quarter?”


— ZimmermanRobert

Currently, the Conversation Stations around Great Neck don’t have a specific JULIE PRISCO

topic for discussion. A book by Joe Keohane, a Gross friend, is called The Power of Strangers: The Benefits of Connecting in a Suspicious World. The book encourages overcoming the aversion, fearfulness and hesitation around a casual conversation with strangers, which is the basis of these Conversation Stations. “We don’t have topics at the Conversation Stations now because we want to stimulate and legitimize more of a friendly and sociable atmosphere,” said Gross. “I’m delighted if people just say ‘Hi’ or ‘Good morning,’ basically, using the stations as a way to chat.”


KaimanLafazansaid.isyounger, but got his start early on, feeling as though he is the one who undoubtedly has what it takes to win the general election. So far, Lafazan has not only held a position on the school board, but has also won a seat in the Nassau County Legislature. “We held that seat because I’m the candidate who pulls together a coalition to get things done,” Lafazan said. Zimmerman stood apart with his 20 years as a part of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and time on Capitol Hill as a Congressional staffer and advisor. Along with his experience, Zimmerman shows that history would be made as the first representative for this district to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community. “I’m proud to be a Democrat and trying to stand up for democratic values, and with all of us together, we can turn it into real action,” ZimmermanZimmermansaid.isnot the only trailblazer. There has never been a female representative for District 3 of New York, making it so Rasool or D’Arrigo could be the first. D’Arrigo has the backing of various interest groups that she promises to push for, proving that she is doing this to represent and support the people. She wants to have proper representation in government and feels she could bring that to people. “Every policy that I’ve been fighting for is people centered,” D’Arrigo said. Rasool also intends to be a representative for the people. She is a first-generation American Muslim who is not a career politician, but wants to make a difference.

Keith Fishenfeld (left) and Ronald Gross at the Conversation Station at 4 Bond St. in Great Neck. (Photo courtesy of Ronald Gross)

“I am not happy with the way things are going and I just decided that instead of complaining and whining that I was going to do something about it,” Rasool said. The second part of the debate was a lightning round that gave candidates a chance to give short responses to non-political questions. This led to Zimmerman saying if he was a DJ he would like to be called “Rapmaster Zim,” Rasool to say the ugliest vegetable she knows is a bittermelon and Kaiman to fail to think of a word to describe Lafazan. Although entertaining, Lafazan described the endeavor as “bizarre” and to those in the audience it came off as nothing but a failed attempt to personalize theHopefullycandidates.the candidates were able to sway some voters, considering that moderator and accomplished journalist Karina Mitchell announced that 48 percent of Democratic voters surveyed are unsure of how they will be voting in the primary. As a whole, this group of candidates seem more than willing to roll up their sleeves and do the work to help their district. With the primaries coming up, now is the time for democratic citizens to go out and vote for which candidate they think is best for their community. The primary vote is on Aug. 23. from

Forum attendees holding up signs before the forum began. (Photo by Emma Duffy)

If you have been enjoying walks around Great Neck, you might have seen bright green signs posted in public spaces around town reading: Conversation StationPlease sit here if you’d welcome some friendlyLong-timeconversation.GreatNeck resident Ronald Gross has organized for these signs to be posted around town. Gross has been hosting Socrates Salons, a conversation group sponsored by the Great Neck Library, for over 20 Aboutyears.fiveor six years ago, Gross found ed Conversations New York, a group of volunteers and hosts who create, publicize and convene exhilarating and empowering conversations. He brought the concept to Bryant Park in Manhattan earlier this year, with coverage by 1010 WINS. As the founder and director of Conversations New York, Gross decided to bring the Conversation Stations to Great Neck a month ago. In addition to the conversation groups, Gross co-chairs the University Seminar on Innovation in Education at Columbia Univer sity and is a published author with multiple books. One of his books is Socrates’ Way: Seven Keys to Using Your Mind to the Utmost. “I kind of became a disciple of Socrates,” said Gross. “He devoted his life to enjoyable conversation, saying it’s the best way to spend your time if you can afford it.”

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Gross and other residents using the stations have seen people sitting and chatting with people at the various posted areas. Gross shared that some people have even taken to adopting a chair and checking the signs or replacing them when the weather ruinsAndreathem.Taylor, a local Conversation Station participant, said, “I think it’s wonderful!” and introduced it to her online social discussion group sponsored by Project Independence, shared Gross. With the current Conversation Stations around Great Neck, Gross hopes more people will engage in casual conversation with strangers. Gross and volunteers will bring it into the parks if the stations gain popularity and work with the Great Neck Library on hosting them. Visit to learn more about the organization and the benefits of being open to talking with new people.

Conversation Stations In Great Neck

“I believe this moment calls for a person with substance and depth and experience,” — Jon Kaiman


A few of the locations of Conversation Stations are on Bond Street, Grace Avenue and Station Plaza. “You cannot walk up and down Bond Street on either side without noticing the bright green sign posted on some chairs and public spaces,” said Gross.

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Town To Host Situational Awareness Training Program For Residents

OnAugust 5, 2022, Senator Anna M. Kaplan (D-North Hills) joined Korean American Civic Empowerment (KACE), Rainbow PUSH Coalition, and the Korean American Sanctuary Church Network (KASCN) for a rally in support of the New York State Asian American History Education Bill, which seeks to combat Asian hate through improved education. The bill, which is sponsored by Senator John Liu and co-sponsored by Senator Kaplan, would require elementary and high schools across New York State to provide instruc tion in Asian American history and civic impact. The bill seeks to combat the lack of understanding and knowledge of Asian Americans, which has contributed to the recent increase in hate crimes against peo ple of Asian descent, particularly in the wake of the pandemic. Teaching students about the historical con tributions of Asian Americans will help foster respect and understand ing of Asian Americans, and allow Asian Americans to see themselves reflected as an important part of the history and culture of this country.

—Submitted by the Office of Senator Anna M. Kaplan (Sherry)

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Senator Kaplan said “Asian American history is American his tory, and it’s important that every student learn it. At a time when extremists and white supremacists are trying to tell us that diversity is a bad thing, we reject the idea that diversity shouldn’t be taught and celebrated in our schools, and we’re rallying for action because more needs to be done to ensure our kids learn about the history and contributions of Asian Americans. The more we know about our rich history, and the better we under stand the journey of our neighbors, With the recent tragedies in Uvalde and Buffalo still touch ing our hearts and in our minds, North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena today announced that the Town has arranged a Situational Awareness Train ing program for residents to be conducted by the Nassau County Police Department Homeland Security Unit. The program will take place on Wednesday, Aug. 24 at 7 p.m. at Clinton G. Martin Park, located at 1601 Marcus Ave. in New Hyde Park. “These terrible tragedies throughout our nation have left us all feeling very uneasy and worried, and while we all hope to never face such a situation, this program is a great opportunity to recognize potential warning signs and learn survival strategies,” Su pervisor DeSena said. “The safety and wellbeing of our residents is one of my top priorities, and by working with the Nassau County Police Department Homeland Se curity Unit to offer this program, our residents will become better educated and more prepared.” By focusing on situational awareness, the 90-minute lecture encourages participants to be vigilant for suspicious behavior which could be indicators of a future attack. The free work shop, which will be conducted by the Nassau County Police Department’s Homeland Securi ty Unit, will include topics such as: emergency response plans, knowing your evacuation route, what to do if you see a suspicious package, understanding warning signs, what to do during an active shooter situation and more. Resi dents will learn the proper way to respond in different situations, as instructors will identify best prac tices learned from past incidents. A brief question and answer session will take place following theRegistrationseminar. is required, please call 311 or 516-869-6311 to reserve your spot.

—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead Rally for New York State Asian American History Education Bill. (Photo credit: Dami Choi) the closer we can be as a commu nity. It’s time to empower our com munity with knowledge, and fight hate together with education.”

Rallying In Support Of The New York State Asian American History Education Bill


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ANTON MEDIA GROUP • AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 7 234190 M



Kindergarten MeetUp: Private Schools 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Great Neck Public Library, Commu nity Room) Are you starting kindergarten this fall? Let’s get ready to start school and meet some new friends who will be going to school with you! This session is for children who will be starting kindergarten at our area private schools. Register online at Live At Five 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m (Science Museum of Long Island) Outdoor Music Concert Series. Featuring the Jambalaya Brass Band. Beer and Wine served by the Bubbly Bar Long Island. Food and dessert served from a variery of local food trucks. Visit to buy tickets. Outdoor Movies 6:00 p.m. (The Village Green) See Clifford the Big Red Dog (2021) as part of the Great Neck Parks District outdoor movie series. Captain Jack 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. (North Hempstead Beach Park) See Captain Jack, a Billy Joel Tribute Band, as part of North Hempstead’s summer concert series.

Kindergarten Meet-Up: Baker School 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (Great Neck Public Library, Community Room) Are you starting kindergarten this fall? Let’s get ready to start school and meet some new friends who will be going to school with you! This session is for children who will be starting kindergarten at E.M. Baker Elementary School. Register online at Movies in the Park 8:00 p.m. (Clark Botanical Garden) See Marry Me at Clark Botanical Garden as part of North Hempstead’s Tuesday Movies in the Park series. Summer Concert Series 8:00 p.m. (Firefighters Park) Hourglass, “The Timeless Music of James Taylor”.



Kindergarten Meet-Up: Saddle Rock 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Great Neck Public Library, Community Room) Are you starting kindergarten this fall? Let’s get ready to start school and meet some new friends who will be going to school with you! This session is for children who will be starting kinder garten at Saddle Rock Elementary School. Register online at



Kindergarten Meet-Up: JFK 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. (Great Neck Public Library, Community Room) Are you starting kindergarten this fall? Let’s get ready to start school and meet some new friends who will be going to school with you! This session is for children who will be starting kindergarten at John F. Kennedy Elementary School. Register online at SAT Crash Course 6:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. (Virtual) In this 2.5 hour SAT Crash Course, we will cover the foun dations of the Reading, Writing & Language, and Math sections of the exam to prepare teens for the August 27 SAT. Presented by J&J Test Prep. Zoom link will be emailed to regis trants. Register online at

To place an item in this space, send information two weeks before the event to

SATURDAY, AUG. 20 Summer Concert Series 8:00 p.m. (Steppingstone Park) See Mike DelGuidice and Big Shot as part of Great Neck Park District’s Summer Concert Series. Hide and Go Bingo 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (Great Neck Public Library, Levels Teen Center) You get a bingo card—but the bingo balls are hidden all over the place! Find them and complete your card to win! For teens in grades seven and up.Drop-in event—no registration needed.

SUNDAY, AUG. 21 Farmers Market 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. (Steppingstone Park) The vendors offer selections of local, organic and sustainable foods and items. Enjoy live music and family activities, every week, during the Farmers Market. Hosted by the Great Neck Park District and Deep Roots Market.Farmers High Tide Reggae Band 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. (North Hempstead Beach Park) See High Tide Reggae Band as part of North Hempstead’s summer concert series.

MONDAY, AUG. 22 FunDay Monday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. (North Hempstead Beach Park) Senior residents are invited to enjoy music, entertainment, dancing, fitness and more.


Kindergarten Meet-Up: Parkville 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Parkville Branch Library Community Room) Are you starting kindergarten this fall? Let’s get ready to start school and meet some new friends who will be going to school with you! This session is for children who will be starting kindergarten at


ANTON MEDIA GROUP • AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 1AFULL RUN 233862 G Optimum, the Optimum family of marks and Optimum logos are registered trademarks of CSC Holdings, LLC. ©2022 CSC Holdings, LLC Optimum Fiber is the fastest Fiber Internet in the tri-state with speeds up to 5 Gig, more than twice as fast as Verizon. With 99.9% reliability, WiFi 6 for whole home WiFi coverage, and uploads as fast as downloads it’s the best Internet for multiple devices and 4K streaming. 5 Gig Fiber Internet has arrived on Long Island.

Long Island Reach premier sponsor and supporter Jeffrey Ramson, PCG Advisory (left) alongside Long Island Reach Executive Director Dr. Joe Smith (right). (Photo courtesy of Long Island Reach)


Second Annual 9 and Dine Golf and Dinner event benefits Long Beach-based non-profit

—Submitted by Long Island Reach

230450 M

Long Island Reach Raises Nearly $14,000 In Support Of Mental Health Awareness Month

The 9 and Dine Golf and Dinner was purposefully designed for golfers and non-golfers. The sold out 9-hole golf outing was held at Lido Golf Course and was followed by a social gathering at JJ Coopers Restaurant in Long Beach. All event proceeds went to benefit Long Island Reach’s support services, mental health counseling, and therapy programs for people in Withcrisis.mental health care being at an all-time high, the 9 and Dine Golf and Dinner Event was a unique way to recognize how important it is to connect individu als to the appropriate level of care. Long Island Reach is committed to working with community residents of all ages and their families to engage and help them learn better ways to cope with depression and seek creative alternatives to drug and alcohol abuse. “For the past 50 years, Long Island Reach has offered vital health and human services to Long Islanders in need. Non-profit or ganizations like Long Island Reach provide essential and life-saving services, such as behavioral health and addiction counseling as well as other countless critical support programs to help with mental health and to rebuild Long Island’s economy,” said Dr. Joseph Smith, psychologist and executive director of Long Island Reach. “Events such as our 9 and Dine Event support Long Island Reach allowing us to continue to help those in need and crisis across Nassau and Suffolk counties.”LongIsland Reach is grateful for its major sponsors Libby and Vinny D’Alessandro, PCG Advisory, and Malibu Wellness Ranch.

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month back in May, it was fitting for Long Island Reach to host their second annual 9 and Dine Golf and Dinner Event on May 24. The multi-service agency that provides a broad range of mental health counseling, reha bilitative and treatment services for youth and their families, based in Long Beach, held the event to benefit their programs and mission.Mental Health Awareness Month began in 1949, when the National Mental Health Association declared May as the month to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness in Americans’ lives. The goal, which Long Island Reach stands by, is to recognize mental health and educate communities on the understanding of mental health needs. The 9 and Dine Golf and Dinner Event did just that and was a spirited way for people to come together to support those that are affected by mental illness.

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On Jan. 20, 1961, the world missed ou t on Robert Frost reading “For John F. Kennedy: His Inaugural.” With the sun beating down on his eyes and the wind threatening to blow the text into the wind, Frost dropped the effort.Hedidn’t quit. “For John F. Kennedy” was to be read as a preamble to the man’s immortal 1942 poem, “The Gift Outright,” verse that told Frost’s American story. 2022. 1942. The 80-year anniversary. As with William Faulkner, there’s never a bad time to write about Frost’sFrost,verse.at86, recited “The Gift Outright” from memory. The man had total recall. “For John F. Kennedy” totaled 77 lines. It couldn’t be printed here in full. Now go the library or a bookstore or a purchase a copy online. No Internet? Don’t spoil the experience by staring into a computer screen. Have the poem in your lap to read and re-read. “The Gift Outright” is 17 lines. We have the space. You have the time. The land was ours before we were the Sheland’s.was our land more than a hundred Beforeyears we were her people. She was ours In Massachusetts, in Virginia But we were England’s, still colonials, Possessing what we still were unpossessed Possessedby, by what we now know more Somethingpossessed. we were withholding made us Untilweak we found out that it was ourselves We were withholding from our land of the Andliving,forthwith found salvation in surrender, Such as we were we gave ourselves (Theoutrightdeed of gift was many deeds of war). To the land vaguely realizing westward, But still unstoried, artless, unenhanced, Such as she was, such as she would become. The greatest American poem? Poetry it is. The verse is dense, many layered and most of all, lyrical. T.S. Eliot liked to write about the music of poetry. This is poetry to be sung. The land was ours. America, however, did not exist. Were these European settlers content to be British subjects? The four greats mentioned in “For John F. Kennedy”—Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison—were once willing subjects. Washington even donned the red to fight for the royal family in the French and Indian War. What happened? What were the settlers withholding? What made them weak? “We FROST’S GIFT on page 11A (The deed

234480 M




Frost’s Gift: What Freedom Means, Part II copy of “The Gift Outright.”

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 5AFULL RUN FEB 9th - Apr 2nd 2023 APR 27th - JUNE 18th 2023Nov 10th - Jan 1st 2023 JULY 6th - AUG 27th 2023 SEPT 15th –OCT 23rd 2022JULY 14th – AUG 28th Broadway2022 Comes to Babylon! Save on the two remaining shows of the 2021-2022 SEASON! the 2022-2023 Main stage season! Join us for our spectacular line up of BROADWAY-CALIBER THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS. SPONSORED by the musical “This is a show you want to dance to! The score is the best kind of blast from the past!” “Full of gloriousromance,dance,andgershwin“ *Not to be combined. Discount valid off individual, premium mainstage tickets only. $10 ANTONWITHOff*cOde: SEASON ONPACKAGESTICKETSALENOW! for as low as $250 Become areceiveholderseason2022/23aticketand TICKETFREE* to *For a limited time only. | 631.230.3500 | 34 w. main street, babylon ny 11702 234453 M

Happy 58th Birthday For Federal Funding Of Long Island Public Transportation

Last month marked the 58th anniversary of federal government support for public transportation. Its success can be traced back to one of President Lyndon Johnson’s greatest accomplishments which continues benefiting many Americans today. On July 9, 1964 he signed the “Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964” into law. This has resulted in the invest ment of several hundred billion dollars into public transportation. Millions of Americans daily utilize various public transportation alternatives. They include local and express bus, para transit vehicle, ferry, jitney, light rail, subway and commuter rail. All use less fuel and move far more people than conventional single occupancy vehicles. Most are funded with your tax dollars, thanks to LBJ. We have the MTA and its various operating agencies, including New York City Transit subway, bus and Staten Island Railway, Long Island Rail Road, Metro North Rail Road, MTA Bus along with Nassau’s Inter County Express (NICE) system and City of Long Beach bus systems. Chartered by the state legisla ture in 1965 as the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Authority, it was created to purchase and operate the bankrupt LIRR. The MCTA changed its name to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in 1968 when it took over operations of the New York City Transit Authority (NYCTA). Previously, in 1953, the old New York City Board of Transportation passed on control of the municipal subway system, including all its assets, to the then-new NYCTA. In 1973, Nassau County purchased equipment, routes and facilities of private bus operators, most of whom were experiencing financial difficulties. These includ ed Bee Line, Rockville Center Bus Corporation, Utility Lines, Schenck Transportation, Hempstead Bus Corporation, Jerusalem Avenue Bus Lines, Universal Auto Bus, Roosevelt Bus Lines, Stage Coach Lines, Hendrickson Bus Corp., etc. That same year, the county entered into a lease and oper ating agreement with the MTA to continue providing local bus service. This resulted in creation of the Metropolitan Suburban Bus Authority. The MSBA was followed by Long Island Bus and NICE. Suffolk County has Suffolk County Bus and Town of Huntington Area Rapid Transit Bus. There is also New Jersey Transit, Port Authority Trans Hudson (PATH) subway, New York City Departments of Transportation Staten Island Ferry and Economic Development Corporation private ferries.Using MTA Metro or OMNY Cards provides free transfers be tween the subway and bus. This has eliminated the old two-fare zones making public transportation an even better bargain. Purchasing a monthly LIRR or MTA subway/bus pass reduces the cost per ride and provides virtually unlimited trips. Employers can offer transit checks which help subsidize a portion of the costs. Utilize this and reap the benefits. It supports a cleaner environment.Manycompanies allow employ ees to telecommute and work from home. Others use alternative work schedules which afford staff the ability to avoid rush hour gridlock. This saves travel time and can improve mileage per gallon. Join a car or van pool to share the costs of commuting.Theability to travel from home to workplace, school, shopping, entertainment, medical, library etc. is a factor when moving to a new neighborhood. Economically successful communities are not 100 percent dependent on automobiles as the sole means of mobility. Seniors, students, low and middle-income people need these transportation alternatives. Investment in public transporta tion today contributes to economic growth, employment and a stron ger economy. Dollar for dollar, it is one of the best investments we canWhatmake.better way to honor the late President Johnson and all that has been achieved these past 58 years in public transportation by continuing funding the federal Highway Trust Fund and Mass TransitHappyAccount.Birthday. Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer, who previously worked for the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 New York Office. This included the development, review, approval and oversight for billions in capital projects and programs for the MTA, NYC Transit, Long Island Rail Road, Metro North Rail Road, MTA Bus along with 30 other transit agencies in NY & NJ.

Many Long Islanders have returned to celebrating weddings at catering halls with large crowds. We’ll soon celebrate our son Kevin and his fiancé Arielle’s nup tials on the water at the Piermont in AsBabylon.theFather of the Groom, I don’t have a lot of official respon sibilities. Other than hosting the rehearsal dinner and possibly making a toast, my primary responsibility to date seems to have been writing a few checks. There is a clearly defined role for the Mother of the Groom, who gets to dance with her son to some sappy song that might make peo ple weep. Of course, the Father of the Bride has even more respon sibilities. He walks his daughter down the aisle and hands her to his soon-to-be Son-in-Law. Then he dances with his daughter to an even sappier song, and there won’t be a dry eye in the house. But what do I do about this toastYouthing?would think as a published author and weekly columnist, writing a simple toast to congrat ulate the newlyweds would be a piece of cake. But it’s not. How do you encapsulate 30 years into just a few minutes? As we approached the recep tion, I couldn’t help but think of how Kevin had grown over the years. My thoughts drifted to all the good times we had as he grew into the man he is today. We’ve spent many days together on var ious adventures. Some involved the whole family, others with his brother. But sometimes, it was just the two of us. You can try and plan to have a great day, but they don’t always turn out that way. We’ve had some really good days. When he was a kid, the two of us would head to Adventureland in Farmingdale and spend a few hours (and a lot of quarters) in the video arcade playing games all afternoon in the winter. The 2013 All-Star game at Citi Field and the Home run Derby was a good day. We saw the Mets win a playoff game against the Dodgers in 2006 and a bunch of playoff and World Series games in 2015.There was the first time we saw The Who at Jones Beach. It was just the two of us. We watched the show from our nosebleed seats, Lyndon Baines Johnson (Public domain) LIVING Paul DiSclafani

AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP6A FULL RUN COLUMNS Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton CommunityPublishers1984-2000Newspapers,of Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot Great Neck NassauManhassetRecordPressIllustratedNewsPortWashingtonNewsSyosset-JerichoTribuneTheNassauObserverTheRoslynNewsEditorandPublisher Angela Susan Anton President Frank A. Virga Vice President of Operations Iris Picone Director of AdministrationSales Shari Egnasko Editors Janet Burns, Jennifer Corr, Dave Gil de Rubio, Christy Hinko, Julie Prisco, Frank Rizzo, Joe Scotchie, Advertising Sales Ally Deane, Mary Mallon, Sal Massa, Maria Pruyn, Jeryl Sletteland Director of Circulation Joy DiDonato Director of Production Robin Carter Creative Director Alex Nuñez Art Director Catherine Bongiorno Senior Page Designer Donna Duffy Director of AdministrationBusiness Linda Baccoli For circulation inquiries, subscribe@antonmediagroup.comemail:PublicationOffice: 132 East Second St., Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: (516) 747-8282 Fax: (516) 742-5867 © 2022 Long Island Community Newspapers, Inc. Letters to the editor are welcomed by Anton Media Group. We reserve the right to edit in the interest of space and clarity. All letters must include an address and daytime telephone number for verification. All material contributed to Anton Media Group in any form becomes the property of the newspapers to use, modify and distribute as the newspaper staff assigns or sees fit. Letters to the editor can be mailed editors@antonmediagroup.comto: Additional copies of this and other issues are available for purchase by calling 516-403-5120.


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Hoping For Great Days Ahead


As a former state legislator who spent 23 years in Albany, I can’t help but feel a great deal of sadness when I watch the daily antics of the current U.S. Congress. I come from a time when bipartisan handshakes were common and we got things done. We did our share of debating on the floor of both houses, but at the end of the day, the people came first and there was none of the meanness that dominates the corridors of Congress.Thereare two current examples of the political divide that hurts the average citizen in countless ways. For more than 10 years, efforts have been made to pass legisla tion that would grant benefits to soldiers who served in Afghanistan and Iraq. The issue is injuries from so-called burn pits. Burn pits were used by the military to dispose of various types of toxic waste, which includes plastics, rubber, rotten food, ammunition and unexplod edBurningordinances.allof these objects was an effective way to get rid of unwanted waste but it caused plumes of smoke that spread to barracks and other camp facilities. The vapors from the fires caused multiple cancer cases. The bill before Congress was aimed at providing benefits for sick veterans and families of deceased soldiers. After passing once and needing an amendment, the Republican mi nority was able to block its second passage. While this bill will have passed by now, there was no logical reason to torture the families affect ed by the burn pit discharge.

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 7AFULL RUN COLUMNS but it wasn’t until we snuck down to the floor-level seats for the encores that it turned into a great show. Kevin was nervous that we would get kicked out, but I’ve done it a hundred times and was pretty confident no one would care. Then there was the time we went on vacation at Universal Studios in Florida. Kevin was maybe 9 or 10 years old. His brother James had gotten sick with a temperature, so my wife stayed inside the hotel room with him in the morning. We weren’t sure what to do and were considering if we should just cut our losses and head home. We had driven down in our Astro Van, so we didn’t have to worry about plane tickets.

I decided to take Kevin and we spent the day in the parks together. We had VIP passes thanks to the aunt of one of Kevin’s friends. She was the executive secretary at Universal Studios. But this wasn’t just any pass. At every attraction, we presented the pass to a team member, and they ushered us through the back doors and passed all the people in line right to the front. We never waited for anything. We must have gone on the Spiderman ride 10 times. Same thing with the Men in Black attraction. We kept passing the same people in the line and waving to them. We ate hamburg ers and fries at the Monster Café. There was the “Twister” attraction and the “Muppets” show. We did the “Terminator” and the “Fear Factor” shows. It turned out to be a great day. So raise a glass for Kevin and Arielle, wishing them a lifetime of great days.

Paul DiSclafani’s new book, A View From The Bench, is a collection of his favorite Long Island Living columns. It’s available wherever books are sold.

Meanness Abounds In Washington D.C.

Another bill of significance deals with America’s shortage of computer chips. If you go to buy a car these days, there could be a six-month wait because of the shortage of computer chips. Most of our supply of chips comes from China and Taiwan and those countries sell most of their chips to cell phone companies, which is a more lucrative deal. A bi-partisan bill to provide $52 billion for U.S. companies to produce computer chips and give tax breaks to a do mestic industry, passed the House by a vote of 243-187. Why would 187 Republicans vote against a bill to promote U.S. Industry? It seems that the House Republican leadership was upset over the fact that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va) had agreed on a bill to deal with climate change, inflation and eliminating tax benefits for wealthy companies and the minority didn’t like the idea that there was such an agreement. It seems petty and it is. Government is supposed to be in the business of helping people ad not settling personal scores. That is just two examples of partisan treachery, but two is too many. Former State Assemblyman Jerry Kremer is a columnist for Anton Media Group and partner at Ruskin Moscou Faltischek in Uniondale. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher or Anton Media Group.

Jerry Kremer

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During that time, Bublé decided to push himself, going into the studio and working with a new batch of creative partners that ran the gamut from known names like Paul McCartney, Willie Nelson and Ryan Tedder to up-and-coming talents like singer-songwriter Michael Pollack. It’s an experience he unpacks with a mix of


How easy would it be for Michael Bublé to stick with the status quo? The Canadian vocalist is handsome, has a solid set of pipes and crafted a career out of being the kind of crooning standard-bearer of the Great American Songbook that found him inheriting the mantle from Harry Connick, Jr. in the past two decades.

mysobravado.andunderstandingdeepgoofball“Thereweremanytimesincareerwhere maybe I didn’t do the scary thing,” Bublé admitted. I sort of wanted to make sure I stayed true to the audience and I didn’t move too much. I was proud that I took this step. It was funny but I said to my manager, ‘Bruce, I really want to branch out. I want a Renaissance in my style. I don’t want it to change. I just want it to get better.’ It was interesting because he said, ‘Listen kid, the big deal isn’t the balls to do that. It’s having the balls to realize or accept what happens if it doesn’t work.’ For me, that was the step. When I finished, I was really emotional. Like I said, it was a big kind of move for me and when I heard the final product, I knew I was a genius.”Making this experience all the more rewarding for Bublé was the fact that it was all accomplished in spite of the roadblocks the pandemic threw up. Fresh off a tour of Europe, Bublé continues to be jazzed and grateful about being back on the road, particularly when he’s asked about what fans can look forward to now that live music is coming back in such a robust manner. “I spent every single moment of the last three years thinking about how I’d make this show unique, new and special,” he said. “I was really excited about showing up again, connecting with people and giving them something that was refreshing for them and completely took them away. This will be one of the greatest shows they ever see in their life. I think when we look back at this record, we’ll look at it as being the most successful record of my life. In the meantime, fans can come and see a guy that’s put it all on the line.” Michael Bublé will be appearing on August 18 at Madison SquareGarden. Visit www. or for more information. Visit to read a longer version of this story.

“Because of Michael Bublé (Photo by Norman Jean Roy)

Paul McCartney personally produced Michael Bublé’s cover of the former’s “My Valentine.” (Photo by Raph_PH/ CC BY 2.0) Michael Buble invited Willie Nelson to duet with him on the latter’s “Crazy” (Photo by Joshbg2K/ CC BY 2.0)

Michael Bublé Is Looking ToTake You Higher

But with his eleventh studio album Higher, the 46-year-old British Columbia native instead chose to push himself, particularly in coming out of the pandemic-fueled existential hangover the world has slowly been emerging from. It’s an experience Bublé acknowledges he and his family were fortunate enough to be cushioned from, while still appreciating that not everyone was in his shoes, particularly members of his band and crew who were unable to pay bills. It was a dire enough situation for Bublé to embark on a quick 32-date 2021 fall tour as COVID-19 numbers were spiking. Proof of vaccination or a negative test 48 hours prior to the show were required. For Bublé, it was an important example to set for his three children (wife Luisiana Lopilato is pregnant with the couple’s fourth“Becausechild).of all those beautiful human beings that have supported my family for so long, I didn’t have the same worries a lot of people had,” Bublé said. “I came from a very privileged place where I didn’t have to worry about paying my rent, how to get food or stuff like that. I really wanted to make sure my actions showed my family that when you come from that kind of privilege, you have a responsibility to lead by example with humility and empathy. It was definitely scary and if you’re an artist and say you weren’t scared, then you’re lying.”

IMPROVEMENTHOME GUIDE August 17 – 23, 2022 AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL DINING ROOMS WITH SAFAVIEH Living KitchensenvironmentswithKohler 234423 M The Source For All Your Tile Needs At Factory Prices 500 Jericho Turnpike, Mineola, NY 11501   MARBLE  KITCHEN CABINETS  CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 516.636.5038

2B AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 • HOME IMPROVEMENT GUIDE AMERICAN LEATHER • BAKER • BERNHARDT • BROWN JORDAN • CALLIGARIS • CANADEL • CARACOLE • CENTURY DINEC • E.J. VICTOR • HANCOCK & MOORE • HICKORY CHAIR • HOOKER • LEE • LEXINGTON • MARGE CARSON • MAITLAND SMITH RALPH LAUREN • ROWE • SHIFMAN MATTRESSES • THAYER COGGIN • THEODORE ALEXANDER • VANGUARD AND MORE! BEST OF ALL - WORLD-RENOWNED SAFAVIEH RUGS. • 877.919.1010 FLAGSHIP: GLEN COVE 24 SCHOOL 516.365.3800ST MANHASSET 1649 NORTHERN 516.627.4444BLVD., FARMINGDALE 110 BROADHOLLOW RD (RTE 110) 631.777.5678 OUTLET : PORT WASHINGTON 2 CHANNEL 516.945.3868DR., *Not valid on all brands. Not to be used in conjunction with any other coupons, promotions or offers. Offer good on new purchases only. Not valid on floor samples. See store associate for complete details. Sale Ends 8/31/22 furniture, rugs, lighting, art, outdoor, mattresses, & more! TWO WEEKS ONLY! SALE ENDS 8/31 safavieh’s end of summer CLEARANCE EVENT $20 MILLION IN MERCHANDISE TOUP M234474

3. Natural Elements and texture

Strive for low maintenance. Pair round tables with funky bases.


2. Round and Oval Tables with basesfunky For those with limited space, round and oval tables have stepped up to the plate this year, softening the space with “curve appeal”. These curvy tables have ultimate appeal while breaking up the consistency of other modern room.furnishingsawaythatwithclutterspaceofpedestalametaltabletopelements.straight-edgeWhethertheisglass,wood,orstone,havingfunandfashionableaddsasense“whimsy”tothewithouthavingtothebackgroundancillaryobjectsdrawattentionfromthemaininthe

1. SpacesInformal With an abundance of energy focused on dining rooms, the shift from a formal look slowly graduated to informal, now becoming the norm for many of my clients. Intimate gatherings went by the wayside—the main goal is to accommodate as many family members and friends as possible. That said, relaxing, casual and a no-fuss, space.aresustainableforgivingnance,striverevered.environmentno-mussiswidelyMostclientsforlowmainte-whichmeansfabricsandelementsimperativeforthe

With less being more, dining room spaces are adorned with natural textures that add a layer of dimension while perpetuating a clean environment. Table tops and bases along with sideboards are wrapped in grasscloth and linen to warm up the space. Mixing and matching various materials including shiny and matte metals play a key role in creating an outstanding dining room look.

4. Mix and match chairs Gone with the wind, the notion of “matchy match” chairs are now in the rear-view mirror.

I, like many other designers, have embraced the very vogue trend of mixing chairs. Not only do I suggest using a different host and hostess chair, but I also like to suggest variations for the side chairs which would include alternating colors with one chair design or repeating the same color with alternating chair styles. What a fun way to catch the attention of guests.


As an Interior Designer for Safavieh, I have become an avid trend seeker; surfing the internet, working closely with the most cutting- edge manufacturers, and picking the brains of other designers. I have made it my perpetual crusade to stay abreast of hottest design trends year after year. This week, I want to share the latest and greatest dining rooms trends with you.

—ReginaInteriorSemeraro,Designer and RDIQC certified, writes for Safavieh Home FurnishingNatural textures add dimension. Matching chairs are not in style.

How To Create The Perfect Outdoor Living (And Work) Room


Trees, shrubs and bushes offer cover from neighbors, deliver shade, camouflage unsightly pool equipment and air handlers, and tamp down noise. Planters with flowers between seating and eating areas on a patio add visual interest and privacy. Shrubs and tall plants are a terrific privacy-creator (and noise canceller for those conference calls). Put the right plant in the right place Choosing the right plants for the climate zone and for your lifestyle will create a back yarding space that is attractive. It will also be easier to maintain, and support pollinators and wildlife. Consider watering and sunlight or shade needs for any plants added. A hardy grass variety is more likely to hold up to pets and kids. Save delicate flowering plants for patio containers, and be sure to research toxic plants to keep pets safe. Invite the outdoors in Blending interior and outdoor living spac es helps the backyard feel like an extension of the home. Open blinds and curtains to the yard. Use complementary indoor and outdoor décor in similar colors, materials and styles to create a cohesive space. This enables everyone to transition seamlessly from indoor life to outdoor living. Visit for more informa tion about living landscapes.

The pandemic thrust us into a new reali ty, and the backyard has a starring role. Yards and other managed landscapes became a safe Backyardinghaven.became a way of life as lawns, gardens, patios and decks evolved into outdoor offices, classrooms, family gather ing places, and the new “hot spots” in our neighborhoods.Accordingtoa new poll commissioned by the TurfMutt Foundation and conducted online by The Harris Poll, the outdoor office trend is here to stay with many Americans using their yards as makeshift offices for their jobs. Stats show that nearly two in five Americans who have a yard (58 percent) say they have spent time doing work for their job in their yard during the pandemic. So how is the backyard set up to meet all of these needs?

Create activity zones

—TuffMutt Foundation The outdoor office trend is here to stay.

Consider what needs to happen in the backyard and map activity areas. A shady table can double as a home office, study zone, art table, or dining spot. A hammock or outdoor sofa can suffice for napping, reading or studying. A patch of sturdy grass is perfect for sports, family games and play. A fire pit offers cozy chairs for star gazing and socializ ing, while a grill near a seating area promises delicious meals. A wall, fence, or pergola may hold an outdoor movie screen for nighttime viewing. An herb or vegetable garden helps kids learn about science and nutrition while reaping the satisfaction of growing food for the table. Factor functionality with purpose Is there a quiet spot for conference calls? Or a shady spot that minimizes glare for online video meetings? Note where electrical outlets are and if an outdoor-rated extension cord will be needed to accommodate all of the electronics that may be used outside. Check WiFi coverage and cell service in the yard and determine if there is enough comfortable seating. Spruce up landscapingexisting


Assess the backyard and do some basic “clean up.” Fix bare patches in the grass. Use a leaf blower to clean out flower beds. Prune bushes and trees. Cut the grass to a healthy height. Add a fresh layer of mulch around your trees and in flower beds. Freshen up by weeding, planting flower beds, and filling pots with colorful flowers and verdant plants. Use plants and shrubs to hide unsightly items and control noise

5BHOME IMPROVEMENT GUIDE • AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 Schedule your design consultation online or by phone 1516 Northern Blvd, Manhasset | KOHLERbyGPS.com516-634-3600 M-F: 10-8 • SAT: 10-6 Paramus, NJ • (201) KohlerSignatureStoreParamus.comParamus,KohlerSignatureStoreParamus.com322-5000NJ•(201)322-5000 dream in M-F: 10-8 • SAT: 10-6 Paramus, NJ • (201) KohlerSignatureStoreParamus.comParamus,KohlerSignatureStoreParamus.com322-5000NJ•(201)322-5000 230651 M

6B AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 • HOME IMPROVEMENT GUIDE KALLISTA Juxtapose by Mick De Giulio will delight the novice and connoisseur. Treat Yourself To ImprovementLuxuriousHomeProductsBYANTONMEDIASTAFF WE PATCH: • HOLES LEFT BY CONTRACTORS • DENTS, SCRATCHES, NAIL POPS • ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE • CEILING DAMAGE • CONCRETE CRACKS/DAMAGE For The First Time on Long Island, PatchMaster, a National Company and Professional Drywall Repair Specialist, Comes to Long Island’s North Shore! WE DO THE DRYWALL REPAIRS YOU DON’T WANT TO DO! TEXTURE & PAINT MATCHING AVAILABLE (Varies By Location) CALL TODAY! (516) www.northshore.patchmaster.com341-1622 PATCH MASTER 234348 G WE PATCH: • HOLES LEFT BY CONTRACTORS • DENTS, SCRATCHES, NAIL POPS • ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE • CEILING DAMAGE • CONCRETE CRACKS/DAMAGE For The First Time on Long Island, PatchMaster, a National Company and Professional Drywall Repair Specialist, Comes to Long Island’s North Shore! WE DO THE DRYWALL REPAIRS YOU DON’T WANT TO DO! TEXTURE & PAINT MATCHING AVAILABLE (Varies By Location) CALL TODAY! (516) www.northshore.patchmaster.com341-1622 PATCH MASTER

7BHOME IMPROVEMENT GUIDE • AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 Redesigning your kitchen or bathroom? Maybe you are creating a brand new one. Step into Manhasset’s KOHLER Signature Store to get inspired and experience a modern, innovative showroom with a merchandise mix that lets you indulge in the KOHLER brand. KOHLER Signature Stores help you tap into your imagination and promote creativity and exploration as you design the bathroom or kitchen of your dreams. Shop a curated selection of products— including products from KALLISTA, Robern, ANN SACKS tile and stone, KOHLER Lighting, and KOHLER Custom Vanities.KOHLER consultants, with expertise in kitchen and bathroom design, offer inspiration and project assistance in building your dream space. Every step of the way, the store’s design team will help you define your vision and bring it to life. The KOHLER Signature Store is located at 1516 Northern Blvd. in Manhasset. Visit or call 516-634-3600 to schedule an appointment. The Damask lighting collection illuminates any space with lasting beauty and style. ANN SACKS Benton Mosaics Tile Kohler Statement & Anthem Showering Collections Robern Murray Hill KOHLER Brazn brings a new angle to minimalism. Carpet & Rug Sales • Custom Fabrication & Installation Carpet & Rug Cleaning • Upholstery Cleaning • Tile & Grout Cleaning Showroom: 356 Port Washington Blvd., Port Washington 516-883-8509, ext 2 Cleaning/Warehouse: 10 Secatoag Ave., Port Washington 516-883-8509, ext 1 234412 M carpet & service

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Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.


Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor.

Visit to view the full report. —National Association of Realtors

HOME & DESIGN Foreign Investment In SalesExisting-HomeHaveClimbed

The average ($598,200) and median ($366,100) existing-home sales prices among international buyers were the highest ever recorded by NAR—and 17.7 percent and 4.1 percent higher, respectively, than the previous year. The increase in foreign buyer prices partly reflects the increase in U.S. home prices, as the monthly average existing-home sales price rose to $374,300, up 10 percent from the prior period. At just over $1 million, Chinese buyers had the highest average purchase price, and nearly 31 percent purchased property in California. China and Canada remained first and second in U.S. residential sales dollar volume at $6.1 billion and $5.5 billion, respectively, continuing a trend going back to 2013. India, Mexico and Brazil rounded out the top five. For the 14th straight year, Florida remained the top destination for foreign buyers, accounting for 24 percent of all international purchases. California ranked second, followed by Texas, Arizona and New York and North Carolina, tied. All-cash sales accounted for 44 percent of international buyer transactions, nearly twice the rate of all existing-home buyers. Non-resident foreign buyers were twice as likely to make an all-cash purchase compared to resident foreign buyers.

This expanded five bedroom Colonial home at 121 Orleans Ln. in Jericho sold on Aug. 1 for $1,328,000. It has a large den extension and a luxury primary suite extension with a new bathroom, including a digital shower. The master suite includes a new bathroom also, a sitting area and laundry room that can be used as a walk-in closet. This home has an eat-in-kitchen with natural gas and new cooking appliances. The three bathrooms and the kitchen have radiant heat flooring. The gas boiler is five years old and the hot water heater is three years old. The central air conditioning is two years old. The dryer and dishwasher are new. The newly finished basement has a cedar closet. There are hookups for a gas generator. This home is located within the Jericho School District, zoned for Seaman Elementary School.

This four bedroom home at 19 Merit Ln. in Jericho sold on Aug. 1 for $1,200,000. It has approximately 2,500 square-feet of living space in the heart of East Birchwood. The light and bright kitchen has a skylight and a large window overlooking the backyard. The kitchen door leads to the deck. The entryway, living room and dining room all have hardwood flooring. The primary bedroom has an updated bathroom, a large organized walk-in closet and a second closet. The den has a wood burning fireplace and a wet bar. The fourth bedroom has a large closet with organizational system and a full bathroom. Off the den is the newly renovated room with built-in storage units, a large pantry and a new laundry room. The property has a new in-ground sprinkler system. The home is oil heated, but has gas in the street for easy conversion. The central air conditioning is three years old and the windows have been updated. The home is located in Jericho School District.

E ective Property Marketing Best Possible Value © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401. *AT DOUGLAS ELLIMAN, BY GCI. **COMPANY-WIDE AWARD RANKINGS AT DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE FOR 2022: DIAMOND - TOP 5%. Call me today for a complimentary market analysis of your property. Jing Sun, Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker O 516.629.2258 | M 646.431.2821 | #1 Agent in the Roslyn O ce* Diamond Award Winner** 231120 M

NAR surveyed members about transactions with international clients who purchased and sold U.S. residential property from April 2021 through March 2022. Foreign buyers who resided in the U.S. as recent immigrants or who were holding visas that allowed them to live in the U.S. purchased $34.1 billion worth of U.S. existing homes, a 5.2 percent increase from the prior year and representing 58 percent of the dollar volume of purchases. Foreign buyers who lived abroad purchased $24.9 billion worth of existing homes, up 13.2 percent from the 12 months prior and accounting for 42 percent of the dollar volume. International buyers accounted for 2.6 percent of the $2.3 trillion in existing-home sales during that time period.

Foreign buyers purchased $59 billion worth of U.S. existing homes from April 2021 through March 2022, an 8.5 percent increase from the previous 12-month period and stopping a three-year skid in foreign investment in U.S. residential real estate, according to a new report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Foreign buyers purchased 98,600 properties, down 7.9 percent from the prior year and the fewest number of homes bought since 2009, when NAR began tracking this data. In the U.S., existing-home sales totaled 6.12 million in 2021—the highest since 2006.


It was a beautiful day in Santa Monica.


A fter spending almost all day on the train, we stepped off into Los Angeles around 9 p.m. I couldn’t believe I was in a place that holds such cultural and artistic influence in the United States, and even much of the world. We called a Lyft ride to get to our hostel located in LA’s Little Tokyo. The place was cute, but it certainly wasn’t as nice as some of the other places we stayed, with a bunk bed inside a small room with no air conditioner and shared bathrooms and showers with the rest of the hostel. However, it was safe and comfortable enough; and certainly a great find in terms of price. We had a busy day the next morning. We decided to check out Santa Monica, Downtown Hollywood and Griffith Observatory, which is known for having the best view of the Hollywood Sign. We took a bus and then a train to Santa Monica, which took about an hour, and then we got breakfast at a restaurant called SaMo’s Oaxaca. I had a huevos rancheros platter. Mexican food in California is so good! We then went down to the beach. It was so beautiful there, but very crowded. I didn’t mind, however, because I spent most of the time in the blue water, which looked like it was sparkling. I enjoyed floating in the sometimes calm waves looking at the Santa Monica Mountains in the distance. Later in the afternoon, we were headed to Hollywood to see the TCL Chinese Theatre, known for the hand and footprints in the concrete in front of it, and the Walk Of Fame. I didn’t realize the Walk Of Fame practically stretched over all of Hollywood’s sidewalks. It was fun pointing out the actors and musicians we love as we walked around. It was just surreal being there. After being starstruck for a few hours, my friend and I were headed towards the Griffith Observatory, but we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, even laughing at a sign that said the bus was 150 percent full. We searched for a while for the free shuttle bus that takes people up to the observatory, and after finding it, we had to wait another half hour for the bus drivers to switch. And then, as we headed up there, the bus filled up with people standing up to the door. But it was well worth it. The panoramic views of the cities with the Hollywood Sign overlooking it and the two spotlights gliding through the sky was a moment I’ll never for get. The lights looked like they were twinkling. I do have to say I felt a little underdressed as some people were dressed in name-brand clothing and gowns. I guess that doesn’t matter, though. It did get rather cold at night as we waited on a very long line for the promised shuttle bus that was being blocked by six large tour buses blocking traffic in the roundabout. We were just about to step on the bus when the driver told us there was no room, but luckily we’d be first on the next one. We got home at around 11 p.m., tired as can be. My favorite part of the day had to be Santa Monica. My friend and I the following morning had time to kill before our 6 p.m. overnight train to Flagstaff, Arizona, so we checked our bags with the hostel and wandered around Little Tokyo.Westumbled into a restaurant called Hakata Ramen. We were lucky we got there when we did, just before noon, because we would have needed a reservation. Even before noon, almost every table was taken. And I see why, for about $12, I got a huge shrimp curry rice bowl. It was amazing. We had so much time, but didn’t want to wander too far, so we checked out most of the shops in the Japanese Village Plaza, buying a couple of souvenirs for my friends. Before we left I tried taro and lychee ice cream, which was so Overall,refreshing.Iloved my time in Los Angeles, but next time I’m back in California I’d love to check out Santa Barbara, as it looked beautiful from the window of the train. This is part six of a series on traveling the country via Amtrak.


Part Six: Los Angeles


It’s hard not to stare at the sidewalk walking through Hollywood. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)

New Englanders all! Robert Frost with John F. Kennedy as a stern John Quincy Adams hovers overhead.

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 11AFULL RUN found out it was ourselves/We were withholding from our land of living/ And forthwith found salvation in surrender.” Prior, the settlers submit ted to London, not to the land even when the land was theirs. And then, the transgressions upon the land as enunciated in the Declaration of Independence.Thesurrender. How did it happen? “Such as we were we gave ourselves outright/ (The deed of gift was many deeds of war).” Hence, the armed rebellion against the crown. That wasn’t all. Next, was the settling of the west. “To the land vaguely realizing westward/But still unstoried, artless, unenhanced/Such as she was/Such as she would become.” More adventure. More triumph. More confidence. When Ernest Hemingway published Men Without Women , his 1927 short story collection, a reviewer for The Nation called it “achingly good.” The same is true for “The Gift Outright.” The poem is more an experience than a puzzle.“TheGift Outright” is a story of American independence. Also, America the Innocent. Whether 1942 or 1961, the American saga was a story of continental conquest, of a victorious, confident, patriotic young nation, certain it could hurdle any obstacles in its path. It was a story told with pride, not just for Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison, but also Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, all the way to the magnanimous surrender between Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee at Appomattox.Therewaspride in the land. Also the story of freedom. What did the word mean to Robert Frost? Not necessarily democracy or equality, but land ownership. All of freedom sprung from one source: private property. It was the one thing, along with family, that a man would fight for, something inviolate from the tentacles of the far-off state. “The many deeds of war” is simple. Fight for the land and you, the soldier who survived Bunker Hill, Lexington, and Kings Mountain, was awarded a healthy slice of land for himself. Frost sang of the land. He also lived it. A popular poet, the man, at one time, owned no less than four farms in his beloved New England. Frost didn’t care what the New York critics thought of his work. The man was a born contrarian, following in the footsteps of his father, a copperhead who named his son after the famed Confederate general. Frost’s life was for the land, where he would be poor, but proud, growing “Yankier and Yankier.” The great American poem indeed. FROST’S GIFT from page 4A

Solution:Foralltherevheads Date: 8/17/22

DipsDangerDamageCrewChicaneChainCarsBraveBendsAutosApex InternationalIncidentIdolsGuardsGearFinishFastEngineEnergyDoglegDirt PassParadeOwenNitroMessMcLarenMarqueLuckLeLapsJonesMans TurboThrottleStraightStandingSportSpeedwayRunsRulesPracticePitsstart


DipsDangerDamageCrewChicaneChainCarsBraveBendsAutosApex PassParadeOwenNitroMessMcLarenMarqueLuckLeLapsJonesMans TurboThrottleStraightStandingSportSpeedwayRunsRulesPracticePitsstart

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Approval-seeking is the death of charisma. Time with those who need constant validation will get tiresome, but you can prevent this emotional dynamic altogether by providing plenty of warmth and acceptance up front. Put people at ease so you can get down to business. ere’s much to learn and do this week.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). In case you were wondering just how badly you want a thing, today will show you. Seeing someone else have it is a huge hint; getting close to having it is another. But of course the best gauge of all will be the level of satisfaction you experience when the thing is snug in hand, as it will be for a time this SAGITTARIUSweek.(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). As you play, the lessons you learn in the game become a part of you. e big prize at the end matters only in that it gives you a goal and a reason to keep going when it’s hard. Your experiences, relationships, skills and challenges are the real treasure you’ll take away regardless of the nal CAPRICORNscore. (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). New adults want to be taken seriously. Longtime adults want to be seen as lighthearted and youthful. e rich want to know they are also good, and the good wish to be also rich. You’ll see an array of situations this week, many of which you’ll sum up immediately with your super talent for reading subtle cues. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Don’t be afraid to ask for more support. It’s a secure feeling to know who will show up for you, promote and help you. Even those who let you down before may surprise and delight you this time around. Don’t give up on anyone. Hearts can grow and change. Give second chances.


Grand Prix Solution: 17 Letters

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). e old adage goes, “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” It can be challenging to discern exactly what you’re dealing with. Distance yourself from the scene to get a better perspective. Don’t act until you can clearly see the principles in play.

THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS You have many talents, but you’ll focus on one in particular and attain the level of skill you’ve long wanted. e social landscape will shape your plans in lovely ways. You’ll even feel, in certain moments, that you’re in a movie with glorious scenery and your favorite cast of characters. A teacher will help you see your limiting beliefs so you can push against the illusion and nd the actual borders of the possible. It takes courage, but with every risk you lose a little fear and gain clarity.




This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have com pleted the puzzle, there will be 17 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle. Prix 17 Letters

This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 17 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.


Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003

Solution:Foralltherevheads Date: 8/17/22Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003

HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis ARIES (March 21-April 19). While gossip can be erosive to a social circle, it’s important to understand it for what it is. People bond over this type of information. It gives them something to talk about and is a source of entertainment. Providing other kinds of entertainment and opportunities for closeness may eliminate all need of gossip.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). It’s not always possible to decide how you’re going to react to life and follow your own commands. Feelings don’t like to be bossed around. ough, with your incredible imagination, you may be able to conjure and coax a feeling into being. Such emotional exercises are ripe for exploring this LIBRAweek.(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). ere was a time you strived for perfection through addition. More people, embellishments, rules, more color and music, more, more, more. For this week’s endeavor, you’ll nd better results going the oppo site direction, subtracting for clarity, simplicity and brevity. You’ll strip the thing down to essentials and build anew.


AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP12A FULL RUN HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis INTERNATIONAL WORD FINDINTERNATIONAL WORD FINDHOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis CONTRACT BRIDGE By Steve Becker FROM KING FEATURES SYNDICATE, 300 W. 57th STREET, 41st FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10019 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 236 CONTRACT BRIDGE — BY STEVE BECKER FOR RELEASE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022 So near and yet so far Tomorrow: It’s not that difficult. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc. North dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH ♠ 8 3 ♥ A 7 4 2 ♦ K 6 ♣ A K 7 3 2 WEST EAST ♠ A Q J ♠ 6 2 ♥ J 10 6 5 ♥ 9 8 3 ♦ 8 2 ♦ A Q J 9 7 5 ♣ Q J 8 4 ♣ 10 6 SOUTH ♠ K 10 9 7 5 4 ♥ K Q ♦ 10 4 3 ♣ 9 5 The bidding: NorthEast SouthWest 1 ♣ 1 ♦ 1 ♠ 1 NT Pass2 ♦ 2 ♠ Dble Opening lead — eight of diamonds. In general, it is not wise to double the opponents for penalties unless you think you can defeat the con tract at least two tricks. Aside from the fact that you might not get one of the tricks you are counting on, there is the simple matter of the scoring itself. For example, let’s say you double an opponent in four hearts not vul nerable, expecting to set the con tract one trick. If you’re right, you gain 50 points, scoring 100 points instead of 50. But if you’re wrong and declarer makes four hearts doubled, you lose an extra 170 points because of your double. So, in trying to gain 50 points, you might lose 170, which means you are giving odds of about 3.5 to 1 that the contract will fail. Consider this deal from a dupli cate game where West made a very close double of two spades. This was an especially risky double because, if West’s hopes failed to materialize, he would be doubling the opponents into game. West led a diamond, and East took dummy’s king with the ace. East very correctly returned a trump, won by West with the jack. Back came another diamond, won by East with the jack. At this point, it was no longer possible to defeat the contract. With a diamond return, the defend ers would finish with three trump tricks and two diamonds. With any other return, declarer would also finish with eight tricks, eventually discarding his third diamond on dummy’s ace of hearts. So South made two spades doubled for a score of 670 points. However, West could have defeated the contract and scored 200 points had he cashed his ace of trump after winning East’s trump return with the jack at trick two. He would then lead the deuce of dia monds to East’s jack at trick four. East would next cash the queen of diamonds and continue with a dia mond, promoting West’s queen of spades as the setting trick. Close doubles require tight defense.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Even when many aspects of your life are going well, you sometimes struggle with negative thoughts. It will help to isolate each one and challenge the truth of it. Many ideas don’t originate in our heads. Ideas are everywhere, and our minds are like a net that can’t help but catch the otsam and jetsam drifting by. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re capable of much more than you once thought. You’ll be inspired to test the limits. Revolt against routines that don’t seem to be adding up to anything. If you let yourself do the same thing you’ve been doing, you’ll soon nd yourself in a rut that’s hard to break out of.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ll win over even the most di cult personalities through kindness and consistency or with toughness, logic and strategy. You inoculate yourself against the virus of egoism by being in service to those around you. With your ego in check, you can maintain a rm connection with the energy of the world.

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 13AFULL RUN Weekly Sudoku Puzzle Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle

AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP14A FULL RUNAUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP FULL RUN 141 Dosoris Lane, Glen Cove, NY 11542 • Glengariff Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center is looking for exceptional Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, and Certified Nursing Assistants For more information, call Josh Alter at (516) 676-1100 or email ARE YOU A RN, LPN, OR CNA LOOKING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? JOIN OUR TEAM! Great Benefits C omp e titi ve Wa ges Flexible Schedules Employee Perks 234428 M 14 To Advertise here call 516-403-5170 • Email your ad to: AUTOANNOUNCEMENTS/MOTORCYCLE Drive Out Breast Cancer: Donate a car today! The benefits of donating your car or boat: Fast Free Pickup - 24hr Response Tax Deduction - Easy To Do! Call 24/7: 855-905-4755 Wheels For Wishes benefiting MakeA-Wish® Northeast New York. Your Car Donations Matter NOW More Than Ever! Free Vehicle Pick Up ANYWHERE. We Accept Most Vehicles Running or Not. 100% Tax Deductible. Minimal To No Human Contact. Call: (877) 798-9474. Car Donation Foundation d/b/a Wheels For Wishes. www. ***AAA*** AUTO BUYERS $Highest$ Ca$h Paid$. All Years/ Conditions! WE VISIT YOU! Or Donate, Tax Deduct + Ca$h. DMV ID#1303199. Call LUKE 516-VAN-CARS. 516-297-2277 BUSINESS & CAREER SERVICE 229395 MHuntingtonStationBusYardsInManhasset,&EastNorthport HUNTINGTONCOACH •(631)271-8931 *IncludesMonthly Attendance Bonus Startingat: PlusRaisesAfter 3&6Months PaidSchoolClosings •PaidVacations 401K(companymatch) •LifeInsurance HealthBenefitsIndividual &Family FULLBENEFITSINCLUDE: Starting Pl SCHOOLBUS/ VANDRIVERS EqualOpportunity Employer FreeCDL Training EarnwhileyouLearn DRIVERSASSISTANTSALS ON EEDED WORKLOCALLY 3Shifts Available: AM/PM,AMorPM, PM Team Trips Extra Work Available NS-2168598601H144 BEST PACKAGECOMPENSATIONINTHEINDUSTRY S233623*IncludesAttendanceMonthlyBonus Equal EmployerOpportunity Free CDL Training Earn while you Learn $26.68* BUS $23.27* VAN Up to $19.09 NYC, $18 L.I., $14.50 Upstate NY! If you need care from your relative, friend/ neighbor and you have Medicaid, they may be eligible to start taking care of you as personal assistant under NYS Medicaid CDPA Program. No Certificates needed. 347-713-3553 •Nurse’s•LPN’S•HHA’S ••Housekeeping•ChildcareAidesDayWorkers CALL EVON’s SERVICES 516-505-5510 No Fee To Employers WE HAVE THE HELP YOU NEED! 234023 S TRAIN ONLINE TO DO MEDICAL BILLING! Become a Medical Office Professional online at CTI! Get Trained, Certified & ready to work in months! Call 855-543-6440. (M-F 8am6pm ET). Computer with internet is required. COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM! Train ONLINE to get the skills to become a Computer & Help Desk Professional now! Grants and Scholarships available for certain programs for qualified applicants. Call CTI for details! 844-947-0192 (M-F 8am-6pm ET). Computer with internet is required. AUTO / MOTORCYCLE EMPLOYMENT Attorney since 1999 SERVICES: Wills • Trusts • Estates Power of Attorney • Civil Litigation Personal Injury • Property Tax In Home Appointments and Saturdays Available M234052 Law Offices of LAURENCE ROGERS Serving Long Island and New York City 516-253-4230 lrogers@lrogerslaw rm.com234466 M A Nassau County nonpro t organization is seeking sealed bids for purchase and installation of security related enhancements. The project includes installation of smart entry system alerts and surveillance cameras. Selection criteria will be based on knowledge of security technology, provision and installation of equipment within our time constraints, prior experience and references, and cost. MWBE certi cation a plus. Speci cations and bid requirements can be obtained by contacting us at All interested rms will be required to sign for the proposal documents and to provide a primary contact, telephone, fax, and email address. Bids will be accepted until 5 pm on August 31, 2022. Work is to commence by September 15, 2022 and be completed no later than October 31, 2022.

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 15AFULL RUN GROUP AUGUST 17 -FULL RUN 15 MARKETPLACE HOME SERVICES BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: Never866-393-3636PayForCovered Home Repairs Again! Complete Care Home Warranty COVERS ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES. 30 DAY RISK FREE. $200.00 OFF + 2 FREE Months!Eliminate866-440-6501gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off and 0% financing for those who qualify. PLUS Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-877-763-2379 BEST SATELLITE TV with 2 Year Price Guarantee! $59.99/mo with 190 channels and 3 months free premium movie channels! Free next day installation! Call 888-508-5313 DISH TV $64.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo Expires 1/21/23.DIRECTV1-866-595-6967for$79.99/mo for 12 months with CHOICE Package. Watch your favorite live sports, news & entertainment anywhere. First 3 months of HBO Max, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz and Epix included! Directv is #1 in Customer Satisfaction (JD Power & Assoc.) Some restrictions apply. Call 1-888-534-6918 TUTORING REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT HEALTH / WELLNESS ARE YOU BEHIND $10k OR MORE ON YOUR TAXES? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 888-869-5361 (Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-5pm PST) FINANCE ATTENTION VIAGRA USERS: Generic 100mg blue pills or generic 20mg yellow pills. Get 45 plus 5 free $99 + S/H. Call Today. 877-707-5523 GARAGE & TAG SALES M234422 Furniture Sale at 505 South 8th Street in New Hyde Park Saturday August 20, 10 am – 4pm Desks, beds, dressers, and other home items available at very low and negotiable prices. 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This unrivaled 4-acre expanse of land is a rarity on the North Shore of Nassau County. Unparalleled opportunity to create an estate compound of exceptional privacy and tranquility. For additional information, call Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate David Sargoy at 516.203.8134 or Elizabeth Moran at 516.241.2626. FREE ONLINE TUTORING for kids. 30 min classes. For Kids, By kids. Any grade or M234181 Tuning, repairs, restorations, moving and storage. Selling pianos starting at $399. Buying Yamaha® and glossy black/white pianos. M233982I now move house contents on LI to Florida. Call Bruce for the best service.Pro516-330-7138PianoMan COMPLETEREMOVALJUNK E 516-538-1125 FREE ESTIMATES&BondedInsured We Rip Out or Remove Anything & Everything! We Clean It Up & Take It Away! RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 234183 M Since 1948 234366 G (516) 746-0045 20+ Part-Time Job Coach Positions Available in your Area! Call (516) 465-1432 or email for more information. Part-time opportunities available in local areas assisting High School students with disabilities at job sites, teach job skills and socialization skills. Follows school hours and calendar. Nassau County: Albertson • Floral Park • Freeport • Hempstead • Mineola • Levittown Suffolk County: Deer Park • Kings Park • Elwood • Floater Positions Also Available! viscardicenter 2.crtr - Page 1 - Composite ADVERTISE HERE CALL 516-403-5170 MARKETPLACE HOME SERVICES CHIMNEY KING ENT. INC.CHIMNEY KING ENT. INC. FREE 516-766-1666MASONRYESTIMATESSPECIALIST•631-225-2600 Fully Licensed & Insured Nassau County License # H0708010000 Suffolk County License # 41048-H • NYC License # 2061397-DCA Done By Fire Fighters That Care! 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Super Season For Our Great Neck Froggies Swim Team

The Great Neck Park District’s Froggies Swim Team performed tremendously this season and have a lot to be proud of. Going into the Championship swim meet at the Levittown Pool on Friday, Aug. 5, they were undefeated. The team competed against six other Nassau County teams. The final score was 177 for Veteran’s East Meadow, who were the winners, vs. 174 for the Great Neck Froggies, who came in a close second. Kudos to our Froggies!Thiswas the first summer the swimmers were able to compete since 2019. Of the 100 swimmers on the team, who range in age from 7 to 16, the majority live in Great Neck but a few come from Manhasset and Port Washington. Both Froggies coaches, Head Swim Coach Bethany D’Errico and Assistant Coach Erick Zizic, grew up in Great Neck and were Froggies swimmers, as well. Bethany also coaches the Park District’s Winter Swim program during the school year. In addi tion to coaching, Bethany is a K through first grade Special Ed teacher and Erick, is a senior at SUNY Oswego, where he is study ing education and tech instruc tion. Erick swims for the SUNY Oswego Swim Team. On Thurs., Aug. 11, the Frog gies celebrated their dynamic season with an awards ceremony, highlighting awards such as MVP, Rookie, Most Improved, Best Sportsmanship and Most Dedi cated swimmers. We wish our GN Froggies congratulations and a swimmingly good year ahead! —Submitted by the Great Neck Parks District Assistant Coach Erick Zizic and Head Coach Bethany D’Errico standing with the trophies the Froggies received. (Contirbuted photo)

One Muse um Dr iv e, Ros lyn Har bor NY 11 5 76 5 16 48 4 .9338 NASSA U CO UN T Y M U SE U M O F A RT July 23 – November 6 Visit online at NassauMus eum .o rg or scan QR code Op en Tue s day–Sund ay 11a m– 4 :4 5p m than WorOtherThisldsDURERGOYADALIMAGRITTE •• ‘ NCMA OWTT_HP

Northwell Health nurse honored at White House ceremony

Sandra Lindsay Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the nation’s highest civilian honor, presented to individuals who have made exceptionally meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace and cultural or other significant public or private endeavors. Sixteen others received the high honor with Dr. Lindsay in recognition of their accomplishments and advocacy to drive change. Dr. Lindsay is the first Jamaican-born Jamaican American to receive the medal. “At 18 years old, Sandra Lindsay immigrated to Queens, NY from Jamaica to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse. During the height of the pandemic, she poured her heart into helping patients fight for their lives and to keep her fellow nurses safe. And when the time came, she was the first American to become fully vaccinated outside of clinical trials,” President Biden said. “Sandra, as I told you before, if there are any angels in heaven, they are all nurses. Sandra’s vaccination card, hospital scrubs and badge are part of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History’s exhibit on COVID-19 and today she receives our nation’s highest civilian honor.”

—Submitted by Northwell Health Making history were, from left: Northwell Health President and CEO Michael Dowling, Sandra Lindsay, RN, and Michelle Chester, DNP. Lindsay, a critical care nurse at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, received the first dose during a Zoom call with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. (Photo by Northwell Health)

During a special ceremony held at the White House last month, President Joseph R. Biden bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Sandra Lindsay, RN, DHSc, for becoming the first American to receive an approved Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine and her continued advocacy for public health equity.

The vaccine has demonstrated 95 percent efficacy against infection with minimal side effects, and works on messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, which has been in development for several years.

AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP10 ANTON MEDIA GROUP • AUGUST 3 - 9, 2022 11

Northwell Health made history by vaccinating the first person in the United States against COVID-19. On Dec. 14, 2020, it injected Pfizer Inc.’s medication into Sandra Lindsay, an intensive care nurse. Lindsay’s participation kick-started a long-anticipated vaccination deployment program throughout the US, as well as the first phase of Northwell’s three-stage rollout to essential frontline hospital personnel. Physicians, nurses and any staff member working in direct contact with COVID-19 patients will also soon receive the first of the two-dose regimen. After receiving the injection, Lindsay said, “I feel great. It didn’t feel any different that when receiving the annual influenza vaccine. I hope this marks the beginning to the end of a very painful time in our history. I want to instill public confidence that the vaccine is safe. We’re in a pandemic and so we all need to do our part to put an end to the pandemic and to not give up too soon. There’s light at the end of the tunnel.”

Other honorees include gymnast Simone Biles, former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, Olympic gold medalist Megan Rapinoe, Brigadier General Wilma Vaught and actor Denzel Washington. Among the recipients is fellow Long Islander, Father Alexander Karloutsos, pastor of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church of the Hamptons in Southampton, who has counseled several U.S. presidents. The Presidential Medal of Freedom was established in 1963; since then, more than 650 medals have been bestowed.OnDecember 14, 2020, the world watched as Dr. Lindsay, a critical care nurse, made history when she rolled up her sleeve and received the first Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Pfizer vaccine at Long Island Jewish Medical Center (LIJ-MC). Since then, Dr. Lindsay has been a vocal proponent of the need for vaccinations and has made it a personal mission to dispel medical misinformation and fight for equal health care access across the“Duringglobe.  the pandemic, while working with my fellow nurses and colleagues on the frontlines, we waited for that sliver of hope—a vaccine—to help keep us going. It was an honor to raise my hand and volunteer to take the vaccine,” said Dr. Lindsay. “I am beyond thankful to President Biden for recognizing that momentous day and my continued efforts to end vaccine hesitancy and promote health care for everyone, no matter where you live, who you are, or the color of your skin.”  Dr. Lindsay has more than 27 years of nursing experience, most of which in critical care. During the pandemic, Dr. Lindsay was responsible for leading a team of nurses in some of the sickest COVID-19 wards at LIJ-MC. Northwell Health, the largest health care provider in New York, was the nation’s epicenter of the pandemic in March 2020 and has since treated more than 300,000 COVID-19 patients through all of its facilities, which include 21 hospitals. “Sandra is the embodiment of courage and selflessness. That small brave act of getting the vaccine has rippled across the world and continues to leave a lasting impact,” said Michael Dowling, president and CEO of Northwell Health. “We are proud of Sandra and what she represents to our Northwell family and beyond.”  This is Dr. Lindsay’s second trip to the White House and meeting with President Biden. Last July, Dr. Lindsay was given the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Outstanding Americans by Choice recognition during a special naturalization ceremony.Sincethe historic vaccine shot, Dr. Lindsay has worked tirelessly to spread a message to eliminate vaccine hesitancy in the U.S. and abroad. Last March, Dr. Lindsay met with the President of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Abdulla Shahid, about the importance of vaccinating citizens of underserved nations. Last year, Northwell Health and Dr. Lindsay donated items from the historic day to the Smithsonian Institute, including her vaccination record card, scrubs, employee identification badge and the now-empty Pfizer-BioNTech vial, along with other items. Other Northwell Health team members have been to the White House this past year; the Northwell Health Nurse Choir sang during the “In Performance at The White House: Spirit of the Season” televised special.

—Submitted by Northwell Health

Sandra Lindsay, RN, DHSc, a critical care nurse from Northwell Health, was honored at a special ceremony held at the White House on Thursday July 7, 2022 where President Joseph R. Biden bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom. (Courtesy of Northwell Health) ‘V-Day’ Comes To Nassau

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 11 Soirée Soirée Sunset Sunset A Celebration of Hope for Children & Families North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center With Special Guest KENNY G FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 516.626.1971 EXT. 309 or EMAILNORTHSHORECHILDGUIDANCE.ORG/SUNSETSOIREEMESPICHAN@NORTHSHORECHILDGUIDANCE.ORG SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 | 6:30PM MANHASSET BAY YACHT CLUB

Other Households: Households with income the same or below the amounts listed above for family size may be eligible for and are urged to apply for free and/ or reduced-price meals. They may do so by completing the application sent home with the letter to parents. One application for all children in the household should be submitted. Additional copies are available at the principal’s office in each school. Applications may be submitted any time during the school year to James Gounaris, Director of Food and Nutrition. Please contact James Gounaris at (516) 441-4090 with any questions regarding the applica tionHouseholdsprocess. notified of their children’s eligibility must contact the School Food Authority (SFA) if they choose to decline the free meal benefits. Households may apply for benefits at any time throughout the school year. Children of parents or guardians who become unemployed or experience a financial hardship mid-year may become eligible for free and reduced-price meals at any point during the school year. For up to 30 operating days into the new school year (or until a new eligibility deter mination is made, whichever comes first) an individual child’s free or reduced-price eligibility status from the previous year will continue within the same SFA. When the carryover period ends, unless the household is notified that their children are directly certified or the household submits an application that is approved, Great Neck South High School and Great Neck North High School. (Contributed photo)

AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP12


Leonard J. (“Lenny”) Motchkavitz of Great Neck, NY and Ocala, FL passed away on July 31, 2022; after having lived a full and meaningful life to the age of 95. Lenny was the husband of Joan (1929-2007), his beloved wife for 58 years, with whom he had two devoted sons, Bobby (Mellania) and Russell (Vickie).

SNAP/TANF/FDPIR Households: Households that currently include children who receive the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) but who are not found during the Direct Certification Matching Process (DCMP), or households that currently receive Tempo rary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), or the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), must complete an application listing the child’s name, a valid SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR case number and the signature of an adult household member. Eligibility for free meal benefits based on participation in SNAP, TANF or FDPIR is extended to all children in the household. When known to the School Food Authority, households will be notified of their children’s eligibility for free meals based on their participation in the SNAP, TANF or the FDPIR programs. No application is necessary if the house hold was notified by the SFA that their children have been directly certified. If the household is not sure if their children have been directly certified, the household should contact the school. Other Source Categorical Eligibility: When known to the School Food Authority, households will be notified of any child’s eligibility for free meals based on the individual child’s designation as Other Source Categorically Eligible, as defined by law. Children are determined Other Source Categorically Eligible if they are homeless, migrant, runaway, a foster child, or enrolled in Head Start or an eligible pre-kindergarten program. If children or households receive ben efits under Assistance Programs or Other Source Categorically Eligible Programs and are not listed on the notice of eligibility and are not notified by the School Food Author ity of their free meal benefits, the parent or guardian should contact the school or should submit an income application.

Lenny’s passing is a sad loss to his loving nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews with whom he shared close relationships. Unbridled of all physical discomforts and constraints, Lenny is now reunited with Joan, George and other deceased siblings and extended family members, his grandson, Brandon (1984-1992), and countless friends he made throughout his life. Visitation was held at the Alert Fire Company, with interment at All Saints Cemetery, both in Great Neck. Lenny was laid to his final and welldeserved rest next to Joan and other members of his extended family. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to “In Memory of Joan Motchkavitz” Hematology and Medical Oncology Research Fund c/o David Nanus, MD, 525 E. 68th Street, Starr Pavilion, 3rd floor New York, New York 10021


The Great Neck Public Schools recently announced a free and reduced-price meal policy for Great Neck Public School area school children. Local school officials have adopted the following family eligibil ity criteria to assist them in determining eligibility.

Leonard J. (Lenny) Motchkavitz 234354 M

Lenny’s family and friends celebrate his life, his dedicated service to his hometown, his strong work ethic, and his deep commitment to unselfishly supporting and enhancing the lives of his wife and children. His sons are heartbroken and forever grateful for his unconditional love and support. Lenny was born and reared in Great Neck along with 12 siblings including his dear and identical twin George (1927–2016) with whom he shared many significant life experiences. Lenny moved to Ocala in 2009 and lived in the same neighborhood as his surviving brother Ronnie (Joan) and sister Dorothy (1929–2009). Throughout the years in Ocala, Lenny and Ronnie were in nearly daily contact by phone or visits. During the last three years of his life, Lenny received loving, personal care and friendly companionship from his nurse, Kareen Superville. Her presence and kindness has been a blessing to the family. Lenny and George were inseparable throughout their lives: in their younger years working together on the family farm; serving together in the US Navy; founding and working together as master plumbers (M & P Plumbing & Heating) serving Great Neck for over 45 years; and serving and supporting Great Neck and Nassau County for over 70 years as active members of the Alert Fire Company (“Alerts”).

Lenny was forever proud and fully committed to his involvement with the Alerts and fire fighting in general, attaining the rank of Chief (1969–1972) and President. He also served for many years on the Alerts Board of Trustees and as Chairman of the Board. In addition, he served as President of the Eighth Battalion Past Chiefs Association and as Chairman of the Nassau County Fire Commission. Lenny was honored as the Schaeffer Fireman of the Year and participated in the authorization and implementation of the new Alert Fire House that continues to serve Great Neck Joan worked at the US Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, for over 30 years, operating the post office and running her travel business. Lenny and Joan’s hard work and sacrifice provided their sons opportunity to graduate college and pursue successful careers in engineering and finance/ information technology respectively.

GREAT NECK LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT NASSAU COUNTY CAPITAL ONE, N.A., Plaintiff against ANGEL SABI, et al AttorneyDefendant(s)forPlaintiff(s) Stern Eisenberg, P.C., Woodbridge Corporation Plaza, 485B Route 1 South, Suite 330, Iselin, NJ 08830. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered June 27, 2017, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on September 6, 2022 at 2:30 PM. Premises known as 10 Crickett Lane a/k/a 10 Cricket Lane, Great Neck a/k/a Kings Point, NY 11024. Sec 1 Block 175 Lot 47. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Incorporated Village of Kings Point, Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $662,166.85 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No 16During006337.the COVID-19 health emergency, Bidders are required to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect at the time of the sale including but not limited to wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Should a bidder fail to comply, the Referee may refuse to accept any bid, cancel the closing and hold the bidder in default. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.” William J. Birney, Esq., Referee8-24-17-10-3-2022-4T-NY-62200011-16#234185-GN

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee for Lehman Mortgage Trust Mortgage Pass Through Certificates Series 2006-8, Plaintiff RaminAGAINSTGidanian; Nazanin Kohan a/k/a Nazanin Gidanian; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered October 3, 2019 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on September 14, 2022 at 2:30PM, premises known as 106 Oxford Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11023. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being near Great Neck, in the Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau, State of New York, Section 2 Block 353 Lot 15. Approximate amount of judgment $824,300.63 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index# 601724/2018. The auction will be conducted pursuant to the COVID-19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of Foreclosed Property established by the Tenth Judicial District. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or DesireeShine.”L. Fusco, Esq., LOGSRefereeLegal Group LLP f/k/a Shapiro, DiCaro Barak, Attorney(s)LLC for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) Dated:430-4792August 3, 8-31-24-17-10-2022-4T-2022#234334-GN LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Thomaston will hold a public hearing on September 12, 2022, at 7:30 pm, at the Village Hall, 100 E. Shore Road, Thomaston, Great Neck New York, at which time all interested persons may be heard with respect to the proposed adoption of Bill 2022A, A local law to amend the Code of the Village of Thomaston, to authorize the use of videoconferencing for public Atbodies.thesaid time and place, all interested persons will have an opportunity to be heard with respect to the said proposed local law. A copy of the proposed local law is available for inspection at Village Hall during regular business hours, and will be posted on the Village website at least 24 hours prior to the Anyhearing.person having a disability which would inhibit attendance at or participation in the hearing should notify the Village Administrator at least three business days prior to the hearing, so that reasonable efforts may be made to facilitate such attendance and Thisparticipation.proposed local law is not an “action”, and no environmental impact review is required pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Dated:Act.August 8, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF THOMASTON8-17-2022-1T-#234438-GN

LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE,NewYorkAugust11,2022TheGreatNeckParkDistrictreservestherighttoreject to waive any informalities irregularities the proposals 8-17-2022-1T-#234472-GNreceived. TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Great Neck Plaza will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Village Hall, Two Gussack Plaza, Great Neck, New York to consider a Conditional Use Permit for Lin Jiang to operate a Restaurant to be known as L.O.L. BBQ Bar located at 66 Middle Neck Road, Great Neck,



ANTON MEDIA GROUP • AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 13

LEGAL NOTICE GREAT NECK NOTICENASSAUDISTRICTPARKCOUNTY,NEWYORKTOBIDDERSSEALEDBIDS will be received at: GREAT NECK DISTRICTPARK 5 BEACH ROAD GREAT NECK, NEW YORK 11024 For the Purchase of Outdoor Park Benches Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at: 12:00 PM ON September 7th, 2022 Bid Specifications and forms of the bid may be obtained at the Park District office during normal business hours Monday through Friday from a.m. to 5 p.m. or by requesting via email

and declare invalid any or all bids and

BY ORDER OF THE BOARD BrianMarkStevenWATER/FIREMANHASSET-LAKEVILLECOMMISSIONERSOFDISTRICTSL.Flynn,ChairmanS.Sauvigne,TreasurerJ.Morris,Secretary8-17-2022-1T-#234448-GN

NY. The meeting will be held via ZOOM or at the Village hall. The Zoom link or location will be posted on the Village website @,MayorPatriciaO’Byrne,Clerk-Treasurer8-17-2022-1T-#234482-GN LEGAL NOTICES To Submit Legal Notices for LLPs, LLCs, Summonses, Orders to Show Cause, Citations, Name Changes, Bankruptcy Notices, Trustees Sales, Auction Sales, Foundation Notices Visit our website antonmediagroup.comat or call Legal Advertising at (516) 403-5143 Fax us at (516) 742-6376 or email us at We’re not just your local newspaper, we’re a member of your community Great Neck Estates, Great Neck Plaza, Kensington, Kings Point, Lake Success, Russell Gardens, Saddle Rock, Thomaston 132 East Second Street, Mineola, NY 11501 • 516-747-8282 • Fresh content delivered to your mailbox each week! Local Politics • School News • Community Calendar • Local Sports Entertainment • Puzzles & Games • Events & Happenings • Classi eds Order or CALL 516-403-5120 TODAY! Don’t Miss a Single Issue! Also serving Great Neck Estates, Great Neck Plaza, Kensington, Kings Point, Lake Success, Russell Gardens, Saddle Rock and Thomaston An Anton Media Group Publica Vol.72,No.10April6122022 $1.00 FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details! North Hempstead: The St. Francis Hospital outreach bus is providing free health screenings for the community (See page 6) School News: The Great Neck North Middle School Lady Blazers go undefeated this season (See page 10) PERSONALIZEDEFFECTIVE AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 1999 Marcus Ave, Lake Success (RES. on SITE)) 18 Hole GOLF Tennis,Indoor/OutdoorCommunity,Pools,Gym,StoresMORE! FULL TIME GENERATORS! Prices Range From $200,000 $2 Million. DISCOVER RESORT LIVING AT NORTH SHORE TOWERS! ANNETTE KROLL TOUR! Enjoy the Ultimate Luxurious Lifestyle! MTA Express Bus to NYC, SD 26 Magic Of Great Neck Realty 215 Middle Neck Rd, Great Neck Springtime!INSIDE golf locations on Long Island. Springtime SpringBackyardGOLF Re-ElectedMayor The Great Neck Plaza Mayor has been re-elected and looks forward to continuing village (Seeimprovementspage3) Mayor Ted Rosen campaigning for election in 2020. (Photo from the United Residents Party Facebook) Use PROMO CODE 1YXT2022 to add a FREE YEAR! Only $2600 for one year & BigforchangestheSAT Sail away with me Hofstra re-openingcamp Children For Bright FuturePRESCHOOL Serving . . . GUIDEWINTERANTONMEDIAGROUPSPECIALDINING ValentinetakeoutoptionsCrockpotcomfortfoodLocalbakersconquercoffeecakemarket communions,graduations, available Packages NowAcceptingReservationsValentine’sDay comfort food Local conquerbakerscoffee MEDICINE PROFILES IN CHILDREN’SMEDIA SPECIAL FEBRUARY 1981 Ave, Park, 516.627.5113 DENTALHEALTH cake market NowAcceptingPLUS!45 + SUPPLEMENTSSPECIALTHEMEDTOO! (Nassau County Delivery Only)

LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Commissioners of the Belgrave Water Pollution Control District will conduct a Public Hearing at Belgrave Water Pollution Control District, 34-01 255th Street, Little Neck NY 11363, to consider the proposed annual budget and related assessment roll of the District for the year 2023, on Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 7:00 PersonsPM.who may suffer from a disability which would prevent them from participating in said hearing should notify Chester Steban, Superintendent, 34-01 255th Street, Little Neck, New York 11363, or by telephone (516) 487-2759, in sufficient time to permit arrangements to be made to enable such persons to participate in said hearing. Copies of a draft of the proposed budget and related assessment roll are available at the District office at 3401 255th Street, Little Neck, New York 11363. Board of Commissioners, Belgrave Water 8-17-2022-1T-#234457-GNFrancisBrianControlPollutionDistrictJ.LevingsA.BridgesJamesM.Pitzer

LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Thomaston will hold a public hearing on September 12, 2022, at 7:30 pm, at the Village Hall, 100 E. Shore Road, Thomaston, Great Neck New York, at which time all interested persons may be heard with respect to the proposed adoption of Bill 2022B, A local law to amend the Code of the Village of Thomaston in relation to purchasing goods on the basis of best Atvalue.the said time and place, all interested persons will have an opportunity to be heard with respect to the said proposed local law. A copy of the proposed local law is available for inspection at Village Hall during regular business hours, and will be posted on the Village website at least 24 hours prior to the Anyhearing.person having a disability which would inhibit attendance at or participation in the hearing should notify the Village Administrator at least three business days prior to the hearing, so that reasonable efforts may be made to facilitate such attendance and Thisparticipation.proposed local law is not an “action”, and no environmental impact review is required pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Dated:Act.August 8, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF THOMASTON8-17-2022-1T-#234439-GN LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE That the Board of Commissioners of the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District will conduct a Public Hearing at the District office, 170 East Shore Road, Great Neck, N.Y. 11023, to consider the proposed annual budget of the District for the year 2023, on Thursday, September, 08, 2022 at 4:00 PM. Copies of a draft of the Water District budget will be available on the Water District website ( after August 31, 2022. They can also be picked up at the Water District Office, 170 East Shore Road, Great Neck, N.Y. Persons11023who may suffer from a disability which would prevent them from participating in said hearing should notify Hilary Grossman by mail at 170 East Shore Road, Great Neck, N.Y. 11023 or by telephone (516) 466-4416 (711), in sufficient time to permit such arrangements to be made to enable such persons to participate in said hearing.

Hearing procedures are outlined in the policy. However, prior to initiating the hearing procedure, the parent or School Food Authority may request a conference to provide an opportunity for the parent and official to discuss the situation, present information, and obtain an explanation of the data submitted in the application or the decisions rendered. The request for a conference shall not in any way prejudice or diminish the right to a fair hearing. Only complete applications can be approved. This includes complete and accurate information regarding: the SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR case number; the names of all household members; on an income application, the last four digits of the social security number of the person who signs the form or an indication that the adult does not have one, and the amount and source of income received by each household member. In addition, the parent or guardian must sign the application form, certifying the information is true and correct.Beginning July 1, 2019, students in New York State that are approved for reduced price meals will receive breakfast and lunch meals at no Nondiscriminationcharge.Statement: This explains what to do if you believe you have been treated unfairly. In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (AD-3027) found online at: provider.Washington,RightsOfficeUSDASubmitofrequestedprovideortion-complaintoascr/how-to-file-a-program-discrimina-,writealetteraddressedtoUSDAandintheletteralloftheinformationintheform.Torequestacopythecomplaintform,call(866)632-9992.yourcompletedformorlettertoby:Mail:U.S.DepartmentofAgriculture,oftheAssistantSecretaryforCivilat1400IndependenceAvenue,SWD.C.20250-9410Fax:(202)690-7442Email:program.intake@usda.govThisinstitutionisanequalopportunity

Applications must include the foster child’s name and personal use income. Under the provisions of the policy, the designated official will review applications and determine eligibility. If a parent is dissatisfied with the ruling of the designated official, he/she may make a request either orally or in writing for a hearing to appeal the decision. Dr. Teresa Prendergast, Superintendent of Schools, whose address is 345 Lakeville Road, Great Neck, NY 11020, has been designated as the Hearing Official.

—Submitted by the Great Neck Public School District Getting Ready For A New School Year! Lots of great tips and advice for parents. In your paper August 31st To subscribe or place an ad CALL 516-403-5120 SCHOOL NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12

AUGUST 17 - 23, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP14 the children’s meals must be claimed at the paid rate. Though encouraged to do so, the SFA is not required to send a reminder or a notice of expired eligibility. The information provided on the application will be confidential and will be used for determining eligibility. The names and eligibility status of participants may also be used for the allocation of funds to federal education programs such as Title I and National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), State health or State education programs, provided the State agency or local education agency administers the programs, and for federal, State or local means-tested nutrition programs with eligibility standards comparable to the NSLP. Eligibility information may also be released to programs authorized under the National School Lunch Act (NSLA) or the Child Nutrition Act (CNA). The release of information to any program or entity not specifically authorized by the NSLA will require a written consent statement from the parent or Theguardian.School Food Authority does, however, have the right to verify at any time during the school year the information on the application. If a parent does not give the school this information, the child/children will no longer be able to receive free or reduced-price meals. Foster children are eligible for free meal benefits. A separate application for a foster child is no longer necessary. Foster children may be listed on the application as a member of the family where they reside.

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