The Nassau Observer 8/31/22 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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Serving Levittown, Massapequa, Farmingdale, Hicksville, Plainview & Bethpage, Old Bethpage Vol. 76, No. 33 August 31 – September 6, 2022 $1.00 An Anton Media Group Publication Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County. The Nassau Observer (USPS 586-660) FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details! Also serving: Island Trees, Wantagh, Seaford, Massapequa Park The South Shore Boys Of SummerMassapequa Coast makes a run at Williamsport (See page 4) SchoolBackINSIDEtoTipsDosandDont’sDosand Back to School An Anton Media Group Supplement August 2022 INSIDEScams target college studentsCatholic high school admissions The 2022 Massapequa Coast squad wearing their Metro Region Champions uniforms (Photo courtesy of Massapequa Coast Baseball) In Farmingdale/Massapequa: Town of Oyster Bay honors Gold Awarded Girl Scouts (See page 6) In Hicksville: Brooklyn man assaults police officer (See page 13) In Bethpage/Levittown: Jim Amen Jr. inducted into High School Hall of Fame (See page 18) Elliman EVERYWHERE Central Nassau O ce | 516.681.2600 Chances are, your buyer is already in our network. 231766 R 229600 M © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401. July 2022 | Central Nassau O ce 998A Old Country Road, Plainview Jason Orsini Licensed Real Estate Salesperson O 516.681.2600 | M jorsini@elliman.com516.455.8173TheToCongratulationsAgentOfMonth Jason Orsini


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Here’s some more information


The Senior Citizens and Persons with Limited Incomes and Disabilities Property Tax Exemptions bill, first introduced in 2019 by Legislator Ed Ra, and re-introduced this year by New York State Assemblymember Michaelle Solages, and State Senator Kevin Thomas, has already been passed at the state level, and was signed by Governor Kathy Hochul earlier in August. In the county legislature, Debra Mulé (D–Freeport) and Carrié Solages (D–Lawrence), have praised the legislation, calling its revisions overdue, and have co-sponsored legislation to have the county opt-in.

After Hochul Signs Tax Law, Nassau Legislature Is Next Stop

For the 50 percent exemption, the law allows each county, city, town, village, or school district to set the maximum income limit at any figure between $3,000 and $50,000.

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Property tax exemptions will be extended once lawmakers schedule a vote

For veterans: There are three different property tax exemptions available to veterans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, including veterans who have served in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. Obtaining a veterans exemption is not automatic. If you’re an eligible veteran, you must submit the initial exemption application form to your assessor. The deadline in most communities is March 1—please confirm the date with your assessor. Assembly & State Senate colleagues pose with Governor Kathy Hochul as she signs legislation to strengthen housing affordability for New York seniors and disabled persons. (Courtesy of the Office of Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti)

The previous income limit for seniors and people with disabilities to receive a property tax exemption was $34,400, established almost two decades ago. The new income cap would be $58,400 per year, a substantial increase on the previous limit made to adjust for inflation and similar factors.


Richard J. Nicolello, Presiding Officer of Nassau’s legislature, said that the bill will indeed be added to the legislature’s calendar sometime in AssemblymemberBackSeptember.inMarch, Solages commented in a statement, “It isn’t unusual for a Nassau County resident to owe $15,000 a year in property taxes alone. We must provide relief for our seniors who struggle to make ends meet while living paycheck to paycheck on Social Security or disability insurance. That is why I have introduced a piece of legislation with my colleague Senator Kevin Thomas that will lower property taxes for residents who are elderly or have disabilities. This property tax relief is available to the residents of Queens who live just a few miles away, so I see no reason why it should not be available to the residents of Nassau County.”

For seniors: To qualify, seniors generally must be 65 years of age or older and meet certain income limitations and other requirements.


More Nassau County seniors and residents with limited incomes and disabilities will soon be eligible for reduced property taxes with an updated cutoff for income, according to legislators.

For persons with disabilities: To qualify, persons with disabil ities generally must have certain documented evidence of their disability and meet certain income limitations and other requirements. The basic exemption is a 50 percent reduction in the assessed value of the legal residence of the qualifying disabled person. For the basic exemption, the law allows each county, city, town, village, or school district to set the maximum income limit at any figure between $3,000 and $50,000. Localities have the further option of giving exemptions of less than 50 percent to persons with qualifying disabilities whose incomes are more than $50,000. Under this option, called the “sliding-scale” option, a qualifying owner can have a yearly income as high as $58,399.99 and get a 5 percent exemption in places that are using the maximum limit.


on the bill via the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance website: Local governments and school districts in New York State can opt to grant a reduction on the amount of property taxes paid by qualifying senior citizens. This is accomplished by reducing the taxable assessment of the senior’s home by as much as 50 percent.

The next step, according to the Democratic minority, is having the Republican majority schedule a hearing or vote on the bill to create a local “home rule message” as soon as possible. “It’s giving [homeowners] an opportunity that everyone else in the state has the ability to get as well,” explained Mulé in a phone interview. “Let’s let our citizens take“Ouradvantage.”region’shigh cost of living can make it tremendously challenging for seniors and disabled homeowners to make ends meet,” Solages said in a statement when the bill was re-introduced this past March. In a recent phone interview, Solages also commented, “It it now in the hands of the Republican majority, who held a press conference [in favor of the bill] a few weeks ago.” He added, “People [impacted by the law] really can’t afford to continue paying high property taxes.” When contacted for comment, representatives for Legislator



Localities have the further option of giving exemptions of less than 50 percent to seniors whose incomes are more than $50,000. Under this option, called the “sliding-scale option,” such owner can have a yearly income as high as $58,399.99 and get a 5 percent exemption in places that are using the maximum limit. Please check with your local assessor, city/town clerk, or school district to determine which local options, if any, are in effect.

“It’s a special team,” he said. “We all coached Williamsport teams. It’s so hard to get through levels and levels. And in our area, there are so many more teams than in some other parts of the country, [who are] more condensed. These kids start playing the day after school and all the way through to now nonstop. It’s a lot of breaks and team effort. It takes a lot to get to this level. We’ve all gotten very close, but never that far. For them to get there—unless you coached, you can’tHealyunderstand.”addedplayer familiarity with one another is a key component to success.


First Long Island Little League World Series team in 45 years

It was also a moment of pride for MCLL board members John Healy and Al Barrow, both of whom had sons come through the program. Healy’s son Patrick played years ago, but went on to play college ball at SUNY Cortland in 2015. Barrow had four sons— Austin, Tyler, Spencer and Evan—suit up for MCLL with the youngest aging out two years ago. Both men continue to gladly volunteer their“Wetime.enjoy being part of the community and giving back,” Healy said. “This is a great Little League program. They’ve done a great job of it and it’s one of Long Island’s biggest.”

“To share that with my son and these boys and this town, it’s truly remarkable,” the elder Clark said in an interview with News12 NewTheJersey.road to Williamsport went through Bristol, CT, where New Jersey’s Toms River East squad fell to the Long Islanders 4-0 in the Metro Region Championship Game. No small feat given the fact that Toms River has sent teams to the World Series four times in the past 24 years. As Massapequa Coast Little League President Craig Garland pointed out during an interview early in the team’s playoff run, “To put it in perspective, the last Long Island team to advance to the Little League World Series was Rockville Centre Little League in 1978, almost 45 years ago.”

“What we do good with this program too is the kids play intramurals together and we keep them together not only in the Williamsport bracket, but then they move on to travel team as a group,” he explained.

Massapequa Coast’s Daniel Fregara takes part in a fielding drill as his teammates look on. (Photos courtesy of Massapequa Coast Baseball)

And while Massapequa has a reputation as a very competitive sports community, even Barrow admitted this particular team was breathing rarefied air.

Massapequa Takes A Wild Ride To Williamsport

The pinnacle for 12-year-old baseball players is to one day step on the field at Howard J. Lamade Stadium in Williamsport, PA, and participate in the Little League World Series. It’s a goal that was recently achieved by the 2022 Massapequa Coast Little League (MCLL) team that became a Cinderella story thanks to the squad being the first Long Islanders to get their ticket punched since 1978. It’s a similar path followed by MCLL head coach Roland Clark, who suited up for the only other Massapequa Little League team to win a state title in 1989 and whose son Michael plays on the current team.

Local Little League World Series fever caused the Town of Oyster Bay to set up public viewing on a large-size screen running the ESPN feed at home plate of the MCLL’s Massapequa baseball diamond at John J. Burns Park. It was here, on a perfect Rockwellian summer Friday night, with barely a whiff of humidity in the air and the temperature hovering around the low ’80s, where the MCLL team made their televised debut from Williamsport, PA, the site of the 75th Little League World Series. Children raced around the Massapequa Coast home field, playing tag, tossing balls around and seemingly oblivious to the goings-on being broadcast by a crew that included Major League Baseball analyst Tim Kurkjian. Families were still pulling up in their cars at John J. Burns Park, joining other hopeful Massapequans set up in folding chairs and sitting on blankets hoping for a victory over the heavy favorites from Hawaii. Between the bucolic setting and the strong civic support, right down to cardboard placards being handed out exhorting “Go Massapequa Coast!” Little League World Series sponsored by Orlin & Cohen Sports Medicine, which has an office in Massapequa. Elsewhere, places like St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church flashed support for the team on its electronic sign facing Merrick Road, adding to the emotional momentum the 11-man squad was riding. They needed it, heading into a first-round match-up against the Honolulu team that won it all in 2018 by dispatching a team from Seoul, South Korea, 3-0 .

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Understandably, the MCLL became a cause célèbre as local outlets breathlessly covered how the team advanced in print, on television, radio and social media. Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman even got into the act, wagering a Pappalardo’s pizza against a case of macadamia nuts put up by Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi that MCC would prevail over the Hawaii team during the Aug. 19 opening game.

“With a lot of other organizations, the kids have to go to all these elite clubs. We stay together.”Whenthe Friday game began, one of the ESPN announcers commented that Honolulu’s blonde, Mohawk-wearing starting pitcher Jaron Lancaster was, “Long, lean and loose. At 5’6”, coming in at around 120 pounds, he’s the perfect build for a Little League player.” The description was accurate, as Lancaster struck out seven of the 11 batters he faced through three innings while combining with fellow hurler Cohen Sakamoto to no-hit Massapequa while the hard-hitting Hawaiians cranked out four dingers. Honolulu proved to be too formi dable an opponent, as they came away with a dominant 12-0 victory that was ended by a mercy rule in the fifth inning. MCLL’s last hope was to get past Hollidaysburg, PA, on Sunday, Aug. 21. Massapequa’s fate was held off by a rain postponement and the team’s run officially ended with a 7-1 loss to their Keystone State rivals the following day. That said, the MCLL had plenty to be proud of, making its Little League World Series debut for the first time in the league’s 72-year history. For Barrow, all roads to success lead back to the Massapequa Coast Little League program. “To be competitive and to be able to play at school level as well, you’ve got to play here,” he said. “They learn everything here. They love playing here. We just do more than everybody else just to give back because that’s the type of community we have.”

Massapequa Coast Baseball made its Little League World Series debut for the first time in the league’s 72-year history.


Giuliana Feijoo Of Old Bethpage Feijoo successfully educated young students on the dangers of e-cigarettes to earn her Gold Award. Within her project, her goal was to address the lack of information on smoking and vaping found on social media. She hosted in-person and virtual presentations on the dangers of short and long-term effects of smoking in any form. Feijoo also led discussions after her presentation to help answer additional questions from students. Her resources can be accessed on YouTube and related social media to continue to raise awareness on the negative effects of e-cigarettes.

“On behalf of the town board, we commend these fine young women for earning the highest and most coveted achievement through the Girl Scouts of America,” Hand said. “What makes attaining a Gold Award even more admirable is that less than 6 percent of Girl Scouts achieve this accomplishment annually. These honorees express a special commitment to themselves, their communities and their futures.”


Emma Schneider Of North Massapequa

Danielle Galardi Of Seaford Post-COVID-19, mental health concerns amongst teens and young adults are on the rise. Through Galardi’s project, “You Are Not Alone in this World,” she took on the challenge of bringing Mental Health Awareness initiatives to these students. To prevent stigma around mental health, she created a presentation to educate her community on the importance of mental health and emotional well-being while also developing a resource guide that was shared with her school’s psychologist to assist students. Galardi’s high school psychology teacher implemented her message into his curriculum.

Julianna McCarthy Of Massapequa To earn her Gold Award, McCarthy successfully set up a sensory path hallway in Schwarting Elementary School. Teaming up with an applied behavioral analysis thera pist, she researched how different activities can help sooth a child or increase their stimulation to awaken their sensory systems. In doing so, she created a mood regulator path benefiting children with sensory issues while also remaining open to all students and teachers. She included a description and purpose of each activity along the path and created a packet for the main office to distribute to other school staff. McCarthy’s sensory path is sustained by the school psychologist and continues to be utilized by the teachers and staff in the building.

—Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay


Joan Olivero Of Oyster Bay Olivero addressed the issue of e-waste to earn her Gold Award. She partnered with the Town of Oyster Bay, Best Buy and the ERI National Recycler to assist in her project. She developed a campaign that educated consumers about the benefits of repurpos ing the valuable metal of electrical cords.

pursuing a career in engineering, to serving in the Army, Chandnani highlighted how her interviewees persevered and used problem-solving skills to achieve their goals. She presented these interviews at local libraries and they can be viewed through her website along with a guide to help students reach out to elders in their communities.

Olivero hosted a grassroots information and collection center at the local farmers’ market and the Town of Oyster Bay’s Town Hall to connect members of her community with existing programs. She continues to educate people of the negative effects for irresponsi bly disposing of e-waste. Eden Price Of Massapequa Price educated youth ice hockey players on safety and injury prevention to earn her Gold Award. She researched and presented information to young players along with their parents on common injuries sustained in hockey, how to prevent these injuries and when to seek medical attention. She also designed a pamphlet and created a website to raise awareness on player safety. Northwell Health and Eden’s local hockey rink will continue to use her pamphlet at the Town of Oyster Bay’s hockey player safety meetings and it will be permanently posted on the bulletin board when you enter the rink.

Town Of Oyster Bay Honors Gold Award Girl Scouts For Outstanding Achievement

Ava Fiorello Of Massapequa Fiorello’s project, “Chess and Unwind,” provides a safe environment for people of all ages to play a healthy and relaxing game of chess outside while also providing an education on the benefits of chess. Her project aimed for people to get outdoors and to challenge themselves to think differently. Fiorello’s project consisted of a permanent life-size chess set that will continue to be accessible to residents. Additionally, the senior day care center has added chess to their programming to help engage individu als to improve their mental skills.

yster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and Councilman Tom Hand recently joined with Girl Scouts of Nassau County CEO Rande Bynum to honor Girl Scouts who have achieved their Gold Award.

To earn her Gold Award, Schneider tackled the issue of gender inequities in the STEM field. The goal of her project was to address a lack of exposure and gender biases in the field of STEM. She aims to create a growing interest in girls to major in STEM. Schneider produced a documentary series titled The STEM Station, that educates girls on what STEM is and types of careers that are available. Her channel includes a guide of what courses girls should take and clubs to join in high school to be prepared for a college STEM major. “The STEM Station” is the centerpiece of Schneider’s Girl Scout Gold Award and these resources will be sus tained on YouTube to help more students pursue a career in STEM.

Michaela Johnson Of Farmingdale To earn her Gold Award, Johnson ad dressed the issue of the expense and access of diabetic supplies. She spoke at many seminars and national organization events as well as with local community members. Through her discussions and website, she shared available resources to help people to acquire diabetic supplies they might not be able to afford. She worked closely with Tami Balavage, the founder of Help a Diabetic Child Foundation, and her project will continue to make an impact as her website will be available to all those who need.

2022 Girl Scout Gold Award Honorees Include: Sara Hughes Of Farmingdale To earn her Gold Award, Hughes started a Zumba Fit Club at her high school. She developed this club in order to address the lack of fitness clubs offered in her school and to find a solution to social isolation experienced by many students during lockdown. While promoting exercise in a fun and engaging way, Hughes educated students about the physical, mental and social benefits of Zumba while also leading workshops for schools, teachers and Girl Scout troops. The Zumba Fit Club will be carried on through Hughes’ school as it was approved by the school’s administration.

From left: Councilman Tom Hand, Supervisor Joseph Saladino, Sara Hughes, Danielle Galardi, Ava Fiorello, Joan Olivero, Eden Price and Girl Scouts of Nassau County CEO Rande Bynum. (Photo courtesy of the Town of Oyster Bay)

Kate Blundin Of Locust Valley Blundin took on the challenge of addressing food insecurity by teaching younger children about giving back to the community. Due to the pandemic and rise in food insecurity, many food services such as food pantries and soup kitchens struggled to keep up with the demand. Blundin partnered with NOSH, a program of the North Shore Soup Kitchen, designed to deliver groceries to those in need. Through her discussion, presentations and video, she worked with children to educate them on food insecurity, while also making notes and bracelets on the grocery bags.

Ayesha Chandnani Of Syosset To earn her Gold Award, Chandnani interviewed senior citizens to document their life story and give advice for younger people. Ranging from starting a business, to

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Social media workshops focusing on LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media sites to find Employabilityemployment.workshops to encourage career readiness and employability skills through résumé writing, interviewing, self-assessment and more. “The Town of Oyster Bay, alongside the Workforce Partnership, is committed to creating new job opportunities for residents and connecting qualified job seekers with employers,” Saladino said. “I encourage residents who are seeking employment to call our career centers today to learn more about these free classes and opportunities offered by The Workforce Partnership in the Town of Oyster Bay.” The career centers also offer resource rooms, which are equipped with state-ofthe-art computer workstations, complete with Microsoft software and Internet access, as well as access to job listings, resource materials, photocopiers, fax machines and telephones to residents. Classes are held in-person at the two Career Centers, located at Town Hall South, 977 Hicksville Rd. in Massapequa and at the New York State Department of Labor Building, 301 Old Country Rd. in Hicksville. For more information, visit or call 516-797-4560.


Saladino: Career Centers Now Offering Classes To Help Residents Find Employment O

—Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay

Get career ready with the Town of Oyster Bay.

(Photo courtesy Jonathan Mueller via Wikimedia Commons)

yster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino recently announced that the Town of Oyster Bay’s Career Centers are now offering free employment workshops to residents every month. Job seekers can register for a wide array of helpful classes such as résumé writing, interview skills, Excel, LinkedIn and much more.Workshops aim to target one of the three different facets of the current job search climate:Computer workshops in Microsoft Office Suite to upgrade skills and gain basic computer knowledge.

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • AUGUST 31 – SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 9 Rabbi Judith Cohen-Rosenberg DavidCantorKatz Director of LifelongDeborahLearningTract COME HOME FOR THE HIGH HOLIDAYS JOIN US IN PERSON OR VIA STREAMING 2022/23 5783 All CDC and Covid Safety Task Force protocols will be adhered to at all services and are subject to change We have it all, OurandlifeHighincludesmembershipallHolidays,cycleeventsmuchmore Children’s Services, 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah, Yizkor, openServicesConcludingandTashlicharetothepublic COME BE PART OF OUR TEMPLE FAMILY AND WELCOME IN THE NEW YEAR WITH US Contact Laurel about our current Free Membership Incentives at NON MEMBER TICKETS: $250 Single • $500 Couple • $750 Family SCHOOL STARTS 9/19 There is still time to enroll. Flexible class scheduling in person or virtual. Rosh Hashanah starts Sunday evening, 9/25 234678 M


To place an item in this space, send information two weeks before the event


End Of Summer Fest

TUESDAY,.............SEPT. 6

Registration 10 a.m. In-person registration will be going on until 2 p.m. Classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays, Sept. 26 to Dec. 14, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. or noon to 1:30 p.m. Literacy Nassau provides services for adult learners in need of improved skills in basic and intermediate English and literacy for speakers of all languages. Registration required. In-person program at Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln.. Levittown. No fee. 516-867-3580.acalljdaprile@literacynassau.orgEmailorLiteracyNassautoscheduleregistrationappointmentat Levittown Library Board Of Trustees Meeting 8 p.m. The board of trustees meetings are open to the public. The agenda includes a period for public expression. Check www. or call 516-7315728 for more information. Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln., Levittown.

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. On the village green by Schneider’s Farm, 361 Main St. in Farmingdale. Through November, weather permitting. Visit for more information.

The Oyster Bay Market will return Sundays on a bi-weekly basis through Nov. 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Town of Oyster Bay Municipal Parking lot on Audrey Avenue in Oyster Bay. Sponsored by the Oyster Bay Main Street Association and back by popular demand, the mission of the Oyster Bay Market is to improve local food security, teach entrepreneurship skills, support local producers, makers and businesses, while enriching the cultural heritage of the community. Visit the Oyster Bay Main Street Association website at www.oysterbaymainstreet. org for more information.

Farmingdale Farmers Market


Levittown Public Library Bus Ticket Sale Begins

Yoga 5:30 p.m. Virtual Yoga classes will run on Tuesdays, Sept. 13, 20, 27; Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25; Nov. 1, 15, 22, 29. December 6, 13, 20 (no class on Nov. 8, Election Day). Yoga is a system of total body development. The physical postures will enhance muscle tone, flexibility, strength, and balance. The benefits of regular practice include increased energy, decreased stress and fatigue, higher consciousness, a stronger immune system and increased breath. Register in advance for this meeting:,youwillreceiveconfirmationemailcontainingaboutjoiningtheFormoreinformation, visit or call 516-931-1417.

AUGUST 31 – SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP10 Don’t Miss a Single Issue! Fresh content delivered to your mailbox each week! Local Politics • School News • Community Calendar • Local Sports Entertainment • Puzzles & Games • Events & Happenings • Classi eds We’re not just your local newspaper we’re a member of your communityLevittown, IslandPlainview,Farmingdale,Massapequa,Hicksville,OldBethpage,Trees,Wantagh,Seaford,MassapequaPark 132 East Second Street, Mineola, NY 11501 • 516-747-8282 • • Use PROMO CODE 1YXT2022 to add a FREE YEAR! Only $2600 for one year Order or CALL 516-403-5120 TODAY! A BRAND NEW ANTON COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER THAT WILL DELIVER YOUR LOCAL NEWS AND WHOLE LOT MORE Serving Levittown, Massapequa, Farmingdale, Hicksville, Plainview & Old Bethpage Vol. 76, No. 10 March 23 – 29, 2022 $1.00 An Anton Media Group Publica Postmaster: postage additional Published Community Phone: per subscription Nassau The Observer (USPS 586-660) FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details! Also serving: Island Trees, Wantagh, Seaford, Massapequa Park In Plainview: Outgoing water district commissioner honored (See page 4) In Massapequa: MTAC to host second annual Keep the Preserve Pristine Cleanup (See page 8) In Farmingdale: High school senior tapped for SymphonyAll-NationalOrchestra(Seepage13) In Levittown: MacArthur cheerleaders win New York State title (See page 14) Meatballs For Mercy From left: Councilman Lou Imbroto, Tom Harrigan and Dave Brunelli at DiMaggio’s meatball eating contest (Photo by Dave Rubio) DiMaggio’s Pizzeria hosts two-part event for Ukrainian relief 229614 HUNTINGTON 631.549.7401. OPPORTUNITY. LISTING 2/9/2021 Douglas Elliman sold more than 2.5x as many houses in Plainview and Old Bethpage as our nearest competitor. When it’s time buy or sell, give one of talented and dedicated agents call. You won’t be disappointed. Central Nassau ce 998AOld Country Road, Plainview 516.681.2600 229593 HOUSING HUNTINGTON 11746. February 2022 Central Nassau ce 998A CountryRoad,Plainview Jason OrsiniSalesperson 516.681.2600 jorsini@elliman.com516.455.8173CongratulationsToAgentOfTheMonth Jason Orsini GUIDE WINTER AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL • 2022 DINING takeout optionscomfort food conquer coffee RESS 70 Main Street Mineola 516 248.8300 NowAcceptingReservationsValentine’sDay FEATURING:AgedSteaksMainePrimeRibLobsterFreshSeafood PastaDishesRack Lamb PotRoastDailyChileanSeaBassGrilledSpecialtiesKingCrabLegs AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL JANUARY 26 – FEBRUARY 1, 2022 SENIOR LIFE LongIslandHarmonizerssingfromthesoulSeniorcentersweatherTipsfordownsizing LongIsland’sPremiereHomeHealthCareAgency 516-719-0909 EVERYBODYwww.TLCcompanions.comNEEDSALITTLETLC Arrivingtocareforyourlovedoneswithmaximumsafetyprecautions:KN95masks,gloves,rapidtesting,andsanitizers. CONSULTATIONFORFREE HourlyorLive-in, LongorShortTermHomeHealthCare 229357M ANANTONMEDIAGROUPSPECIAL FEBRUARY16 2022 & BigchangesfortheSAT Sail away with me Hofstra re-openingcamp 1 YMCAatGlenCove516-671-8270 2022-2023SCHOOLYEAR Programsforages18monthsto years YMCAAChildrenShapingForBrightFutureATGLENCOVEPRESCHOOL MEDICINE PROFILES IN $1mDENTALCHILDREN’SHEALTHMONTHINSIDEHeartHealthforAlzheimer’sFoundationANANTONMEDIAGROUPSPECIAL FEBRUARY 15,2022 HOWARD LANE, MD, FACS Everyone’s Favorite Eye Doctor 229963 Drs. Les Goldberg, Alan Marks and Eunice Lee at1981MarcusAve,SuiteE115•NewHydePark,NY11042•516.627.5113 www.longislandeyesurgeons.com516-671-8270 AChildren2022-2023SCHOOLYEARBrightFuture LOCATION!!! SpecialistPLUS! 45 + SUPPLEMENTSSPECIALTHEMEDTOO!

Oyster Bay Market

MONDAY,.............SEPT. 5 Labor Day

9 a.m. Online registration for tickets begins for the bus trip to the Mystic Seaport Museum and Olde Mistick Village taking place on Thursday, Oct. 20. Tickets are $68 per person, which includes the bus ride, snacks, bus driver gratuity and admission into the Mystic Seaport Museum. Registration required at www. on the Events Calendar. Fee. Call 516-731-5728 for more information.

10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Holy Trinity Orthodox Church at 369 Green Ave. in East Meadow will host its End of Summer Fest (rain or shine). It will feature ethnic and barbecue foods, live music, flea market, basket raffle and cash prize raffle. Admission is free. Holy Trinity Church is located a half block south of Cipriano Nursery & Florist on Front Street. For more information, email, visit or call contact 516-483-3649.

WEDNESDAY,.............SEPT. 7

English Language Learners Classes



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Suffolk County Veterans Service Agency Director Thomas Ronayne, a Navy veteran, noted that the two Long Island counties rep resented one of the largest concentrations of veteran populations in the United States. He addressed the veterans sitting on either side of him, stating that the country could never repay the debt it owed them and offered his gratitude and thanks. “While the majority of us do come home intact, physically and psychologically and emotionally, many of our comrades come home and we bring our wars home with us... and the truth is that our service lives within us for the rest of our lives,” Ronayne said. He concluded, “Gatherings like this, in places like this, for reasons like this are just incredibly important things,” going on encourage attendees to approach one of the veterans—especially ones they didn’t know—and give them a handshake and thankNassauthem.”County Legislator Tom McKevitt (R–East Meadow) recalled visiting a replica of the Vietnam War Memorial Wall erected in Eisenhower Park. He watched as a visitor approached a panel, touched it, stepped back and saluted. He did this a dozen times and the legislator realized this veterans was saluting all the men he served with who did not come Rosenkingback.said that the honor flight veterans asked “How did you make this thing work? How did you get all these things together? How did you get the timing so right?” and went on to detail the number of people it took to put a flight together. He paid special thanks to the “guardians” who accompanied each vet on the trip and paid out of pocket for the flight. He mentioned the pipe and drums who greeted the returning flight, the fire departments who supplied the huge flags, the highs schools, including Garden City and Bethpage, who wrote letters to the veterans, the Boy and Girl Scouts, the


see HONOR on page 4A 230451 R

‘Honor’ Is The Operative Word

The family of Ronald Joseph Hayes of Bethpage was on hand as the deceased veteran was recognized via the Flags of Our Heroes part of the Honor Flight program. Hayes’ portrait was taken to the capital on the Honor Flight and posed before the Vietnam War Memorial. In the background is Honor Flight board member and emcee Jeff Rosenking.


(Photo by Frank Rizzo)

The premise of Honor Flight is simple: provide a no-cost, one-day trip to Washington, DC, for veterans of WWII, Korea and Vietnam to visit the various war memorials.HonorFlight Long Island (HFLI) is the local chapter of the national organization that has flown more than 245,000 veterans to the capital. The latest trip it sponsored took place in June. Earlier this month, the 38 veterans gathered at the American Airpower Museum in Farmingdale to be recognized. According to HFLI President Bill Jones, a 1972 graduate of West Point and U.S. Army veteran, “This special flight included 37 Vietnam-era veterans who received long overdue recognition and thanks for their military service. They were accompanied on this flight by one elder comrade, a WWII veteran of the ‘Greatest Generation.’ What this flight represented was a ‘Big Hug’ to all our veterans from Honor Flight, their families and supporters who make such flightsHFLIpossible.”boardmember Jeff Rosenking served as emcee for the event, in which every veteran who made the trip was gifted a Tribute Journal commemorating the day in pictures. Rosenking read out the biographies that the veterans provided.


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Balloon Artist •



• Face Painting 5pm

State Senator John Brooks (D–Seaford), who chairs the Veterans Affairs Committee and is a Navy veteran, also spoke. He noted how little respect Vietnam veterans received when they re turned from that unpopular war. He asserted that they served honorably and with dignity, but were victims of politicians’ misguided policies. “These guys are absolute heroes. We can never make up to them how we treated them, but no one could have served this nation better,” Brooks concluded. Rosenking said that if there were mistakes in the journals, they would be fixed. Someone called out, “I look old. Can you make me look younger?” to laughter and the emcee replied, “We don’t do miracles, but we’ll try.” Visit for more information on applying for a future flight and supporting HFLI.


The Honored The following were on the June Honor Flight: Bergeron, Howard, Hicksville; Bergold, Edward, Seaford; Bici, George, Garden City; Bonom, Steven, North Massapequa; Buckley, John, Farmingdale; Carannante, Louis, East Meadow; Chiappone, Robert, East Meadow; Contorno, Anthony, North Massapequa; Cromwell, Wayne, Levittown; Cunningham, Gary, Westhampton; Edwards, Arturo, Farmingdale; Esposito, John, Islip; Fahrenholz, Thomas, Plainview; Glick, Gary, Bellmore; Grisnik, Robert, Southampton; Hettiger, Carl, East Hampton; Hildenbrand, Robert, Hicksville; Johnson, Angus, Centereach; Johnson, Andrew, Levittown; Kinney, Jeffrey, Ridge; Kinney, Edmund, West Islip; Kostynick, John, Bay Shore; Menechino, John, Wantagh; Morreale, Vincent, East Meadow; Mundy, Paul, Merrick; Nevor, Kenneth, Islip; Newman, William, North Bellmore; Okula, Paul, Center Moriches; Poisella Jr., James, Plainview; Ratnoff, Steven, Bellmore; Rezin, John, West Babylon; Roberts, Michael, Levittown; Schneider, Barry, Coram; Schneider, John, Hempstead; Weitz, Arnold, Plainview; White, James, Plainview; Winter, Richard, Lynbrook; Yeschin, Arnold, Woodbury.

Music Entertainment

LI Rewind Band

G2D Group Announces The Shipyard’s Official Opening

Music Entertainment by “Entertainment Express DJs Featuring Italian Singer “Carmelo Raccuglia” Special Tribute to Our Veterans & First VendorsResponders•ATM NORTH

HONOR from page 2A

The Shipyard recently opened on the boardwalk in the center of downtown Riverhead. (Photo courtesy of G2D Group) Aug. 18 marks the official opening of The Shipyard, located on the boardwalk in the center of downtown Riverhead. A four-story residential building consist ing of 36 luxury units, The Shipyard is the newest property developed by the Huntington-based G2D Group. The impressive, state-of-the-art complex boasts numerous amenities and modern conveniences—including, but not limited to, 24-Hour video surveil lance, “Smart” Key Fob entry controlled from the resident’s own mobile phone for added security, a private parking lot and concierge services including cleaning, handyman and dog walking. Inside each unit are high-quality interior finishes such as slab stone backsplashes, Quartz countertops, stainless steel profession al-grade appliances, wine refrigerators, walk-in closets and in-unit washers and dryers. Other warm minimalist touches include LED lighting, modern bathrooms with stall showers and soaking tubs and high ceilings. In select residences, private balconies provide stunning views of the Peconic River. The building also offers a spacious rooftop lounge, business center and private gym for residents to enjoy. For more information about The Shipyard, visit Richardbuildings/the-shipyard






to next parking lot on right Sponsored by John Michael Marino Lodge No. 1389 Port Washington. Percentage of proceeds support multiple charities and scholarship 41st at North Hempstead Beach Park • Port Washington Pay-One-Price Wristbands Every Day arinolodge.orgortWashington very DayEthnic Food & CarnivalZeppoleFareThe Cadillac Guys and Their Classic CadillacsFireworksSaturdayNight johnmichaelmarinoloodge1389 233652 R

—Submitted by the G2D Group many supporters, including JPMorgan Chase and Citibank, and the Farmingdale Starbucks who provided the free coffee at the event. He also recognized American Airpower Museum founder Jeff Clyman, his wife Jackie and museum director LarryTwoStarr.deceased veterans were honored via Honor Flight’s Flags of Our Heroes program, in which families provide a photo and it is taken on a flight and placed in front of the appropriate memorial and photographed. The photo is then presented to the families along with a formal certificate as the veterans’ participation is honored in spirit. At the recent ceremony, the families of Vietnam War veterans Ronald Joseph Hayes of Bethpage and Conrad Spears of East Meadow came up to pose with their loved ones’ portraits and listen to Rosenking recite their biographies.



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Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton CommunityPublishers1984-2000Newspapers,of Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot Great Neck NassauManhassetRecordPressIllustratedNewsPortWashingtonNewsSyosset-JerichoTribuneTheNassauObserverTheRoslynNewsEditorandPublisher

These projects and resources are almost exactly equally spread out amongst all 19 of our legislative districts. By holding public safety hostage and defunding these projects, Democrats are passing up an opportunity to create good jobs, help to better protect our environment, and make Nassau County a safer place to Iflive.abridge collapses, it is on the Democrat legislators that chose to defund this plan. If a child is choking or a senior citizen falls and an ambulance isn’t available, it is on the Democrat legislators that chose to defund this plan. If a building repair is delayed and someone gets hurt, that injury is on the Democrat legislators that chose to defund this plan. I am asking the members of the Democratic Caucus in the legislature to join me in putting public safety over politicx` and approve this fund ing to better serve our shared constituents.


Last Month, the Democratic Caucus of the county legislature put politics over public safety and good government. Just min utes after approving the capital plan, the Democrat Caucus chose to defund the plan to appropriate monies to import ant public safety equipment and projects to keep Nassau County residentsDemocratssafe.chose to defund my plan to provide for import ant public safety equipment and projects to keep Nassau residents safe, just minutes after approving the plan itself.


The MTA recently released its environmental analysis of the proposed Congestion Pricing Plan that would affect drivers entering Manhattan below 60th Street. The analysis suggests tolls could be as high as $23 for drivers in cars ($34.50 if they don’t have an EZPASS), and $82 for trucks. For an average commuter driving to the office five days a week, this means paying over $800 a month or almost $10,000 more per year, It is unacceptable. These tolls will also affect deliveries of goods and services, contractors, taxis, and ride share vehicles, as well as those who are already paying a bridge or tunnel toll. Stunningly, every Democrat in Nassau’s State Senate and Assembly delegations voted for this outrageous tax on their own residents.Thisplan is simply a $1 billion a year tax directly on the backs of suburban commuters to financial ly rescue the MTA from its own incompetence and mismanage ment. Nassau is already one of the highest taxed counties in the nation and with inflation and gas

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Their reason? They want additional pet projects for their own districts they didn’t ask for until the day of the vote.

Some of the things that the Democrat Minority defunded: • 12 critically ambulancesneeded • 481 Bulletproof vests for our police officers • 1,300 tasers for our police • 5 Fire Marshal vehicles to assist in emergencies • County Road and park improvements • Environmental projects...and much more


Angela Susan Anton President Frank A. Virga Vice President of Operations Iris Picone Director of AdministrationSales Shari Egnasko Editors Janet Burns, Jennifer Corr, Dave Gil de Rubio, Christy Hinko, Julie Prisco, Frank Rizzo, Joe Scotchie Advertising Sales Ally Deane, Mary Mallon, Sal Massa, Maria Pruyn, Jeryl Sletteland Director of Circulation Joy DiDonato Director of Production Robin Carter Creative Director Alex Nuñez Art Director Catherine Bongiorno Senior Page Designer Donna Duffy Director of AdministrationBusiness Linda Baccoli For circulation inquiries, subscribe@antonmediagroup.comemail:PublicationOffice: 132 East Second St., Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: (516) 747-8282 Fax: (516) 742-5867

COLUMNS When poor folks in ancient Rome were not represented well by Roman landowners (patricians), they held their own separate elections to choose representatives called “tribunes.” Tribunes made laws for the common people until such time as the patricians recognized them as a branch of the legisla ture. The same thing happened in England with the rise of the house of “commons.” Being a tribune or a repre sentative of the commons in a democracy was a badge of great honor and newspapers try to memorialize that tradition. Tribunes and members of parliament helped make laws that sustained democracy for hundreds of years. One of those laws was hard labor sentences for criminals. Democracy throughout time has wanted and needed everyone to participate and so has always taken strong measures to bring wayward folks back into the fold. This country long used penal hard labor to rehabili tate offenders. But then, after World War II, America turned super-soft on crime and totally disinterested in rehabilitating prisoners.It’stime to bring the fallen and lost among us back into the fold as good citizens. Maybe a tribune or two will stand up in the legislature and a newspaper or two will raise a voice to get the ball rolling. Kimball Shinkoskey

Nassau County Executive Bruce A. Blakeman

Steven D. Rhoads FROM THE DESK OF CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE Honor Rememberand Labor Day © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401. Put the passion and experience of Elliman to work for you. Maureen Polyé Licensed Real Estate Salesperson O 516.627.2800 | M maureen.polye@elliman.com646.239.0769 231342 R


© 2022 Long Island Community Newspapers, Inc.

Congestion Pricing Would Cost Nassau Commuters Thousands More Annually


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Legislator represents the 19th LegislativeDistrict. CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE The entrance way to some seasonal pool running (Photo credit: Pixabay)

Pool running is a zero impact exercise that is fabulous for injured runners. It’s an excellent cross-training exercise that uses the same muscles as running on land. Although one should optimally run in the deep end of a pool, one can obtain the same effect by purchasing a water belt or Aquajogger to stay afloat. It is important to keep your heart rate up and your strides more like marching than running. Pool jogging requires good form as well, with a focus on smaller strides to prevent hamstring injuries. Pool or water running burns about 1112 calories per minute, so a half hour’s work will burn about 350 calories for a 150-pound person. (Take THAT, chocolate bar!) For the record, an Aquajogger on Amazon costs about $42. It’s useful, but it isn’t necessary. As temperatures ramp up yet again during this drier-than-usual Summer 2022, I challenge you to try pool jogging to stay cool and get your exercise, too. Your endurance and fitness will be challenged, your heart rate will increase without putting weight and strain on your joints and you will stay cool in the process. Believe me, it’s one of my favorite exercises. In time, I think it will be yours,Enjoytoo.the rest of your summer.

The lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer are upon us. Stores have been selling school supplies since early July, much to the chagrin of school kids and teachers everywhere. Although most retailers prefer to rush the seasons, for some reason, this summer has been more than a bit of a blur. Our girl, who had been working at a charter in Roosevelt, left to advance her career. Currently, Hubby and I are housing her entire classroom in my basement, which has been quite the challenge. We asked her recently to weed through the dozens of boxes to evaluate what else she might need for the upcoming year at her new school. We’re thrilled for her, as she reeled in a wonderful opportunity as a kindergarten educator in the city. This is the child who adored rides on the train, thrilled at the prospect of shopping in the greatest city in the world. It hasn’t been lost on me that she nailed a job in her favorite spot on the planet. Hubby and I have scaled back our hiking and walking because of the heat. MS and skyrocketing temperatures do not mix well, so we have begun our yearly tradition of “pool jogging” while skimming the pool simultaneously. Hubby’s calves have increased in definition so much so that the other day, I called out to him, “Hey, Legs! Where are you going with that man?” Even the doctor took notice of the hard work that we’ve done in the pool this summer. Our BMI index has decreased, our weight has decreased, and our overall muscle mass has improved vastly. “Whatever it is that you’re doing,” our doctor quipped with a smile, “keep it up.” Hubby lost 25 pounds since the beginning of pool season, thanks to his walking regime and intermittent fasting. I’m so proud of him. Our daughter was trained at an early age to “pool jog”, back when she was in her first year at Hicksville Middle School. Every summer, she looked forward to “running in the pool”, especially as the temperatures soared. I’ll never forget the time we were running in the pool on an overcast afternoon, worried that we would be caught in a down pour. When the skies opened, we couldn’t see in front of us and we laughed for all we were worth, es pecially as my daughter moaned, “Ugh! We’re going to get wet!” I quipped, “We are ALREADY wet!” We continued our “jog” and laughed the entire time. This past week, our daughter took her vacation in Delaware with her boyfriend’s family. The steamy weather meant daily dips in the pool were a requirement. One morning, her boyfriend’s aunt stepped out on the porch to join our girl. She stared at her quizzically and asked, “What are you doing?” Daughter, pool skimmer in hand, replied, “Running in the pool. It’s great exercise!” Because of a recent back injury, she has scaled back on running and has been marching in the pool to prevent re-injury.

Pool Running In The Hazy Summertime COLUMNS

Patty Servidio is an Anton Media Group columnist.

SEE YOU AROUND THE TOWN Patty Servidio prices continuing to soar, we are now facing being taxed to go to work, to medical appointments or even just enjoy a day with family and friends in New York City. The end result will be more taxes and higher consumer prices. With public transit crime up 58 percent since last year, commuters don’t feel safe, making driving their only alternative to get to work. In 2022 alone, numerous people have been pushed in front of trains, including acts of hate crimes. Incidents on the subway, including the shooting in Sunset Park earlier in the year, have brought the subway’s lack of safety to the forefront. The MTA’s plan to economically compel the use of public transit, effectively forces commuters to put their lives at Albanyrisk.lawmakers need to stop making it impossible for residents in the suburbs to survive. We are being taxed out of New York and “Congestion Pricing” is Albany’s latest attack on our way of life. Let’s not forget the attempt by Gov. Hochul earlier this year to sneak a proposal into the state budget to effectively end suburban single-family zoning across the state by usurping local zoning laws. Fortunately, elected officials throughout Long Island and other suburban communities came together in condemning this proposal. It was stalled, but that doesn’t mean it won’t resurface in the Thisfuture.fundamentally underhanded and undemocratic maneuver is exactly how former Governor Cuomo and the state legislature passed their disastrous cashless bail law, which has wreaked havoc on our criminal justice system and allowed violent repeat offenders to roam our streets and make our communities lessI’vesafe.created a petition opposing this oppressive congestion pricing plan. You can join me by going to my website at:,anythingthatattemptsfurthererodeoursuburbanoflife. Nassau County

Kenny G To Perform At Guidance Center

About the North Shore Child Guidance Center:

North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center (the Guidance Center) is thrilled to announce that Grammy-winning musician Kenny G will be the guest performer at the or ganization’s Sunset Soirée, a fundraiser that will be held on Sept. 8, at 6:30 p.m., at the beautiful Manhasset Bay Yacht Club in Port 12-times-PlatinumoftheSaxophonistWashington.KennyGrecordedbest-sellinginstrumentalalbumalltimeintheDiamond-selling,1992

The co-chairs for this year’s event are longtime Guidance Center supporters Nancy and Lew Lane and Andrea and Michael Leeds. The Mistress of Ceremonies will be Stacey Sager of Channel 7 Eyewitness News. All proceeds will benefit the Guidance Center. To learn more about becoming a sponsor or an underwriter or pur chasing tickets, visit,www.northshoreemailorcall516-626-1971,ext.309.

—Submitted by the North Shore Child Guidance Center

Sunset Soirée

Breathless. His latest release, New Standards, is his 19th studio album. It could well be used to describe his four-decade body of work, a vision of jazz that helped launch both a musical genre and radio format. New Standards continues the musical path that has seen Kenny G sell 75 million albums around the world. In addition to a live performance by Kenny G, the Sunset Soirée will feature elegant cocktails and dining, beautiful sunset views and fabulous silent auction prizes. All proceeds will benefit the Guidance Center, Long Island’s pre miere children’s mental health nonprof it organization.“Afterhaving to postpone our in-per son event for the past two years due to the pandemic, we are so excited to be welcoming back our devoted supporters for what promises to be a spectacular evening,” Guidance Center Executive Director Kathy Rivera said. “For nearly 70 years, the Guidance Center has been committed to providing essential mental health services to the children and families in our community, regardless of their ability to pay. And those services are needed more than ever during these very difficult times, when depression, anxiety and other mental health challenges are at epidemic proportions among our youth.”


As the preeminent not-for-profit children’s mental health agency on Long Island, North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center is dedicated to restoring and strengthening the emotional well-being of children (from birth – age 24) and their families. Our highly trained staff of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, vocational rehabilitation counselors and other mental health professionals lead the way in diagnosis, treatment, prevention, training, parent education, research and advocacy. The Guidance Center helps children and families address issues such as depression and anxiety; developmental delays; bullying; teen pregnancy; sexual abuse; teen drug and alcohol abuse; and family crises stemming from illness, death, trauma and divorce. For nearly 70 years, the Guidance Center has been a place of hope and healing, providing innovative and compassionate treatment to all who enter our doors, regardless of their ability to pay. For more information about the Guidance Center, visit www. or call 516-626-1971.

233144 R

Grammy-winning musician Kenny G will be performing at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center’s Sunset Soirée. (Photo credit: Art Streiber)


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Dogs should never be left unsupervised in or around the water.

Cooper loves pupsicles.

Indoor games

It’s Saturday afternoon. Your weather app reads 105 degrees. Your dog is staring at you expectantly, hoping for a walk. What do you do? Step away from the leash, said Sarah Carotenuto, an assistant professor of practice in the University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine. It might be the so-called “dog days” of summer, but summertime is not the time to be out and about with your four-legged friend. “Dogs don’t sweat like we do. They have very limited ability to dissipate heat, so they’re more prone to overheating than we are,” said Carotenuto, who has worked as an emergency vet for 15 years. “Certainly, we wouldn’t go out in a fur coat and exercise, but that’s exactly what we’d be asking them to do.” When the temperature rises, so does the risk for heat stroke, which can be extremely dangerous for dogs.

How To Fight Fido’s Boredom When It’s Too Hot For Walks Choose a special pet to sponsor today! 1.877.BE.MY.PAL (1.877.236.9725) sponsor @ IT TAKES A SPECIAL PERSON TO SAVE A SPECIAL PET YOUR MONTHLY  NORTH SHORE ANIMAL LEAGUE AMERICA PET SPONSORSHIP HELPS: Ensure that abused, neglected, or abandoned animals receive constant love and attention. Make you an essential part of a grateful pet’s life! Fund major operations and provide ongoing medical care. 230437 M

“Heat stroke is like cooking an egg,” Carotenuto said. “Once the body temperature gets over 109 degrees, it’s like an egg white: You put it in the pan and it cooks and becomes white. And it’s really hard, if not impossible, to get that egg white to go back to the liquid sate. That’s what happens in the body when dogs get overheated to the point of 109; their proteins basically start to cook. It’s very, very, very dangerous, and it’s super hard to have dogs come back from that.” But just because it’s hot outside doesn’t mean your dog has to be cooped up and bored all day. After all, exercise is beneficial for your dog’s mental and physical health. “Things to engage the mind and engage the body are good for all species,” Carotenuto said. “Without that, we may see dogs develop repetitive behaviors, similar to zoo animals pacing back and forth in their enclosures, or destructive behaviors, like chewing the couch or pawing at the wall or barking at the door incessantly and driving the neighbors crazy. It’s really important to engage both the mind and the body to prevent those sort of behaviors from developing.” Carotenuto offered the following tips for making sure your dog is getting safe exercise and mental stimulation in the summer months.

From scorching sidewalks and sweltering afternoons to summer holidays and pool days, discover the perfect cool-me-down for your pup with Cooper’s Treats. Cooper’s Treats’ all natural Pupsicle Starter Kit has everything you need to mix up a batch of healthy, homemade frozen treats— just add water and freeze.

Celebrate Summer With Pupsicles


Sign up for doggie day camp

• Comes with one jar of Turkey & Cinnamon Pupsicle Mix, one jar of Beef & Cheddar Pupsicle Mix, and a paw-and-bone shaped silicone ice cube mold • Available in regular and grain-free In addition, Cooper’s Treats is donating five percent of its limited edition All Paw-Merican Summer Box to Labradors and Friends Dog’sTreats.

Make a splash Backyard sprinklers or kiddie pools can provide lots of fun for water-loving pups. A regular garden hose can work, too, with one caveat: Some dogs like to snap at the water, which can result in them ingesting too much.

Tossing a ball indoors, investing in indoor puzzle toys for dogs, or playing hide-andseek with favorite toys or treats are some simple and fun options to engage dogs mentally and physically. Many dogs, like their feline counterparts, also like chasing laser pointers. She encourages people to “think like a zookeeper” to come up with creative indoor activities.

A good way to determine whether it’s too hot for a walk: Test the pavement with your own hand. If you can’t put your hand down on the pavement for three to five seconds, you shouldn’t walk your dog on it.

—The University of Arizona

In many communities, canine day care facilities offer indoor playgrounds where pups can run around and interact with other dogs. Some even have swimming pools and indoor agility courses. Dog owners can pay to drop off their pooches for a few hours of supervised, air-conditioned exercise. Search for facilities that separate dogs by size.

Invest in proper footwear

If you have a full-size backyard pool and your dog loves to swim, that can be a great exercise option as well. But not all dogs are swimmers, so make sure you know your dog’s abilities before allowing your pup in the pool. And just like kids, dogs should never be left unsupervised in or around the water. It’s also important to make sure your dog has an easy way to climb in and out of the pool. For added safety, doggie life vests in various sizes can be purchased from pet retailers.

Speaking of hot pavement, burns on paw pads are among the most common heat-related injuries sustained by dogs. “On average, the pavement is 40 to 60 degrees hotter than the ambient air temperature, so if the temperature is 100 degrees, the pavement is going to be 160 degrees,” Carotenuto said. “Pads are made for walking, but not on that heat. When the paw pads burn, they slough off. Imagine walking around on raw feet that have no protection; it’s excruciatingly painful.” If there’s no way to avoid having your dog on the pavement during the day, protective footwear is a must. Slip-on silicone booties, which also can be found at pet retailers, are real paw savers. And while it sometimes takes dogs a while to adjust to wearing them, they’ll get used to it.

Time walks appropriately If you do decide to walk your dog, the very early morning and late evening hours are generally the safest time to do so.

While extreme heat isn’t safe for any dog, some breeds are more sensitive than others. “There are a couple of breeds that you have to be really careful with during the summer, and those are flat-faced dogs—anything like a pug, a Shih Tzu, a French bulldog, an English bulldog—all of those dogs have even more trouble dissipating heat because of their anatomy,” Carotenuto said. “Arctic breeds—basically anything that was meant to be a sled dog—also tend to have a bit more trouble because they have a really thick undercoat that helps retain heat.” Research the specific breed of your dog to better understand how they might be affected.

Pupsicle Starter Kit: Make your own healthy treats

Know your dog

“I remember as a little kid we lived on a street and then there was woods and in it there was a creek,” he recalled. “On the other side of the creek, there were fields where people would work in them. I remember as a little kid, laying on the shady side of the creek, cooling off and listening to people singing work songs in the field. I remember listening to those songs and while I liked a lot of different kinds of music, this music sounded like how I felt.”

Charlie Musselwhite

Far from being a blues purist, Musselwhite’s musical curiosity has made for some odd creative bedfellows and led to his being prominently featured playing the harmonica solo on the 1990 INXS hit “Suicide Blonde” along with recording and touring with Cyndi Lauper on the latter’s 2010 outing Memphis Blues. This wondermentmusicalhasoccasionallybledintoMusselwhite’sownwork,mostnotablyon1999’s Continental Drifter, a project that found him throwing Tex-Mex into the mix along in addition to joining forces with Cuba’s Cuarteto Patria. At other times, he’s jammed with Brazilian forró musicians, despite their only speaking Portuguese. He traces that creative curiosity back to his days of seeking sounds growing up in “EverMemphis.sinceIwas a kid in Memphis going around looking for blues records and ‘78s, anything else that looked interesting I’d get that too,” he said. “They were only a nickel or a dime. I discovered a lot of music that I ordinarily wouldn’t have heard because you wouldn’t hear it on the radio. Stuff like Greek, Indian and flamenco music. I was able to expose myself to music from other cultures at an early age. Even though it wasn’t blues, I could tell it had a spirit to it that was similar to blues. When you listen to flamenco, man, it sure enough sounds like blues in a way.

We figured it was inevitable that we would at some point, so why wait for that? It was really horrible. You have to be evacuated and everything in the freezer was rotten because the electricity was turned off. It was horrible.

I remember walking out my front door and the ash was just falling like snow. It ain’t gonna go away. It’s going to get worse.” With the pandemic forcing Musselwhite to stay in one place (“I’ve been on the road for over 50 years, so it was a nice break for me. I didn’t miss my suitcase at all”), he started hanging out at friend Gary Vincent’s nearby studio, noodling around on guitar. Before long, Vincent was hitting RECORD, drummer Ricky Martin and upright bassist Barry Bays were recruited and Mississipi Son was the result. “We started recording some of these tunes that I’d been doing for a long time and at some point, we realized that it could be an album,” Musselwhite said. “It was kind of an accident.”Theslow-as-molasses tempo on the album is languid and made all the more so by Musselwhite’s laconic vocal phrasing, which is goosed along by his equally loose strumming and harp blowing. The record doesn’t so much rock out as much as it oozes along from the openerself-penned“BluesUptheRiver”andcou-pletslike“I’lldrinkmuddywateruntilI’vehadenough” which brings to mind images of the mighty Mississippi, to a reading of Guy Clark’s “The Dark,” whose stark tempo is reminiscent of Musselwhite’s old friend and mentor John Lee Hooker, who is immortalized by a version of “Crawling King Snake” that is perfectly arranged as a loose shuffle.



In an age of performers making their name as Instagram influencers and TikTok flavors-of-the month, Charlie Musselwhite is the equivalent of a land line—steady, reliable and a link to the past. Born in Mississippi and raised in Memphis, the septuagenerian musician has spent a career dating back to his 1967 debut Stand Back! Here Comes Charley Musselwhite’s Southside Band being a blues standard-bearer. It’s a journey that continues on the recently released Mississippi Son, a stripped-down collection of 14 songs featuring the harmonica player singing and picking up a guitar to present a mix of originals and nuggets originally recorded by an array of storied names including Yank Rachell, The Stanley Brothers and Charley Patton. It’s Musselwhite’s first solo outing since moving back to Clarksdale, MS, about a year-and-a-half ago from the tiny Northern California community of Geyserville. Climate change was the impetus behind the harp player and his wife/manager Henrietta Musselwhite pulling up stakes and moving back to the Delta. “This is where I’m from and I had a home here,” he explained. “We were having the fires every year. The last time, we could see it coming. If the wind burnedhavewechanged,hadn’tmightgottenout.


Charlie Musselwhite at home in the Mississippi Delta. (Photo by Rory Doyle)

Visit weekly.comwww.longisland-toreadalongerversionofthisstoryalongwithasidebaraboutCharlieMusselwhite’sfavoriteharpplayers.

I came to the conclusion that all around the world, every culture has this music of lament. There’s a guy on the corner singing about how his baby left him in every corner of the world. That’s music from the heart. I discovered that you can play with anybody that plays from the heart, even if you can’t speak the same language.”

Musselwhite’s love of the blues can be traced to a childhood listening to music being sung by local laborers out in the country.

Homecomingof for Mississippi Son

A Sort


• Review the emergency plan in case of fire or a carbon monoxide leaks. Ensure all those residing in the room know where to meet and what to do if there is an emergency. Remember to call 911 in case of any emergency and follow safety protocol. Visit to learn more.

Postsecondary Student Scams

• Roommate/Rental Scam: Scammers pose as an individual selling or renting a property or as someone on behalf of a property owner. Potential renters are then solicited for money in exchange for promises that the homes will be shown to them or rented to them upon completion of payment. The scam is realized when there is no home for sale, or the property is already occupied.

• Buying Books Online: Scam artists set up fake websites and offer great deals on expensive textbooks only to never deliver the textbooks leaving the student out of cash and with no textbook. Learn how to identify fake websites listings for textbooks and supplies. Before you buy, do your research, and confirm it’s a reputable source. Pay attention to contact information and return policies. Legitimate sites provide a physical address and working phone number in the contact section.

Back to School An Anton Media Group Supplement August 31 – September 6, 2022 11A

Scam Prevention Tips

• Locate the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms within your dorm or off-campus housing. Verify or obtain assurances that all alarms are in proper working order. Participate in any needed safety demonstrations on campus.

• Keep all personal identifiable information private. Whether it’s in a dorm room, online, or in any social situation, keep all information and documents containing personal information private and securely guarded. Personally identifiable information is information that, when used alone or with other relevant data, can identify a person.

• Fake Scholarships, Grants or Loans: The required paperwork to apply for financial aid is the FAFSA form and it’s completely free. Visit FAFSA’s government’s website ( directly and don’t believe anyone who offers guarantees or pre-approvals for loans or grants.

New York is home to nearly 300 higher education institutions—the second highest in the nation. Incoming students have many decisions to make at the start of the academic year and while making choices independently is exciting, dealing with new situations can be challenging. Whether living away from home for the first time, navigating financial aid, or building credit, students have ample opportunities to get scammed. The New York State Division of Consumer Protection (DCP) provides guidance on how to start this new academic year safely with targeted scam prevention and safety tips that can help during this transition.

Social media is a great place to connect with friends or catch up with the latest viral trend but remember to save some secrets for yourself. Social media posts often reveal sensitive information unintentionally. Cybercriminals look for content that can reveal answers to security questions used to reset passwords, making accounts vulnerable to identity theft. Avoid downloading free music, games, or apps. Free downloads come with a price—identity theft. Often the free apps, music and games are tainted with keystroke logging malware. Avoid using public WiFi and computers to shop online and pay bills. Monitor privacy settings on all online accounts. Before you get rid of your old laptop or smartphone, protect your data so it doesn’t end up in the hands of an identity thief.

• Locate the nearest emergency exits. Make note of where to go if there is an emergency.

—New York State Division of Consumer Protection

• Unpaid Tuition Scam: Ignore calls claiming that you’ll be dropped from all classes unless you pay tuition immediately over the phone. Always call the school bursar’s office directly to verify your account status. Schools generally send an invoice to alert students of account status.

For those living on campus this fall, there are safety precautions to keep in mind, especially for first-time residential students. Fires are one of the biggest hazards.

• Never overload outlets with too many demands for power to prevent fires. Students with laptops, televisions, mini-refrigerators, and more can overload the outlet and spark a fire.

Practice Online Safety

College Dormitory Safety

• Fake Employment or Internship Offers: Never pay an upfront fee to move forward in an interview process or provide too much personal information, such as your Social Security Number, during the application or interview process.

Identity theft protection:

• Credit Cards: If applying for a credit card for the first time, do your own research. Students are often targeted with misleading credit card offers that could be a veiled attempt at identity theft or may charge exorbitant annual fees and interest rates.

• Understand the consequences. Higher education students are at great risk of identity theft, but you can minimize these risks by protecting yourself and keeping your information private. It’s important that you understand the consequences of identity theft. Criminals can use your personal information to build a fake identity and open new accounts or loans under your name. Restoring credit and correcting false information can be a costly and lengthy process so it’s best to prevent it before it happens.

• Check for working sprinkler systems and fire extinguishers. Most at risk are those staying in off-campus housing, where these systems are not regulated by the university.



Photo by Judy Rosemarin

All fun. No lter. Be a Girl Scout. Imagine it—Your girl and her friends dreaming up adventures and making the whole world sparkle with their own personal brand of magic. Register for an information session in your area at Once registered, you will have the opportunity to sign your daughter up for a Daisy Discovery activity.

BALDWIN Wednesday, 10/12/2022 7:00 PM BAY (Oyster Bay and surrounding areas) Wednesday, 10/19/2022 7:00 PM BELLMORE Thursday, 10/6/2022 7:00 PM CARLE WESTBURYPLACE/ Tuesday, 10/11/2022 7:00 PM CENTRAL PARK (Bethpage, Plainview, and Old Bethpage) Thursday, 10/13/2022 7:00 PM EAST MEADOW Monday, 10/3/2022 7:00 PM ELLM (East Rockaway, Lakeview, Lynbrook, and Malverne) Wednesday, 10/19/2022 7:00 PM ELMONT Saturday, 10/1/2022 10:00 AM FLORAL PARK/BELLEROSE Wednesday, 10/12/2022 7:00 PM FREEPORT Tuesday, 10/11/2022 7:00 PM GARDEN CITY Wednesday, 10/12/2022 7:00 PM GLEN COVE Thursday, 9/29/2022 7:00 PM GREAT NECK Wednesday, 10/26/2022 7:00 PM HARDSCRABBLE (Farmingdale and N. Massapequa) Monday, 10/24/2022 7:00 PM HEMPSTEAD Friday, 10/28/2022 5:00 PM HERRICKS Wednesday, 9/21/2022 7:00 PM HICKSVILLE Monday, 10/17/2022 7:00 PM ISLAND BEACH (Island Park and Long Beach) Tuesday, 10/11/2022 7:00 PM JERICHO/SYOSSET Thursday, 9/22/2022 7:00 PM MANHASSET Tuesday, 10/18/2022 7:00 PM MASSAPEQUA Tuesday, 10/25/2022 7:00 PM MERRICK Tuesday, 10/25/2022 7:00 PM NORTH BELLMORE Thursday, 9/22/2022 7:00 PM OCEANSIDE Tuesday, 10/18/2022 7:00 PM PARK (New Hyde Park, Garden City Park, and parts of Floral Park) Thursday, 9/29/2022 7:00 PM PLAINEDGE Wednesday, 10/26/2022 7:00 PM PORT WASHINGTON Tuesday, 10/18/2022 7:00 PM ROCKVILLE CENTRE Tuesday, 10/25/2022 7:00 PM ROOSEVELT Friday, 10/28/2022 5:00 PM SEAFORD/WANTAGH Tuesday, 10/11/2022 7:00 PM SHORE (Glen Head, Glenwood SeaLanding,Cliff) Thursday, 9/29/2022 7:00 PM THE PLAINS (Island Trees and Levittown) Wednesday, 9/21/2022 7:00 PM UNIONDALE Friday, 10/28/2022 5:00 PM VALLEY STREAM/ FIVE TOWNS Thursday, 10/27/2022 7:00 PM WARM (Williston Park, East Williston, Old Westbury, Albertson, Roslyn and surrounding areas, Mineola) Monday, 10/3/2022 7:00 PM WEST FRANKLINHEMPSTEAD/SQUARE Thursday, 10/13/2022 7:00 PM

BY ANTON MEDIA STAFF t’s the education of a lifetime. Nine Catholic high schools on Long Island present their own unique opportunity for students to explore a faith-based education that challenges, inspires, and prepares them for college, careers, and life. The total experience makes the difference in a Catholic education.Families are strongly encouraged to at tend open house programs held at each Long Island Catholic school to learn first-hand about programs, facilities, faculties, activities, and the character of eachRigorousinstitution.academic learning is rein forced at each of Long Island’s Catholic high schools with engaging extra-cur ricular activities and and a strong foundation in faith. These high schools offer a wide range of exciting choices for families considering a Catholic education.Allofthe high schools located in the Diocese of Rockville Centre use the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS) for admission into ninth grade. The TACHS admissions testing reg istration is open through 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 27. Students in the eighth grade during the 2022-2023 school year wishing to ap ply for fall 2023 admission into Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of New York, the Diocese of Brooklyn/Queens and the Diocese of Rockville Centre Long Island are eligible. The TACHS test for Long Island high schools will be held on Saturday, Nov. 5. The test is designed to measure school aptitude and scholastic achievement in reading, mathematics, and language. A registration fee of $65 per student is payable by credit card, debit card or pre-paid card. A copy of the TACHS Student Handbook can be found on www. There will be no printed handbooks this year. 234524 M

Yousselyn Gomez, 6, finds a great pair of shoes for the new school year. She and her brother also found some fun toys too.

“Customers are referred by many of the area’s social service organizations and are supported by both religiously affiliated and private agencies funded by Nassau and Suffolk counties,” said volunteer Pat Spencer of Port Washington.EthicalFriends of Children, established in 1985, is staffed entirely by volunteers and there is no charge for any services. Individuals, families or community groups donate gently used clothing and other things children may require, such as backpacks. Any cash donations go entirely towards purchase of needed items for children, such as diapers andVolunteersformula. are always welcome to help sort, organize and deliver clothing and goods. “We will even pick up and deliver larg er items like cribs,” said volunteer Judy Rosemarin of Long Beach. “Sometimes it’s the only way needy families can obtain these important pieces.” Visit to make a monetary donation. Contact Jim LoPresti by email at or call 516-280-5526 for details about making item donations and volunteering.


Getting Ready For School

Ethical Friends of Children is a free shop run by the Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island in Garden City. This outreach program assists more than 2,500 children and their families each year by providing them with clothing, backpacks for school and infant furniture. The service is set up like a store so people can select what they want from a wide variety of clothes.

—Ethical Humanist Society

Education Inspires

BY NICOLLE VASSELMAN, LMHC AND JENNIFER SCHECK, LCSW, CASAC ack to school is a different experience for every adolescent. Some are excited to see their friends, show off a new outfit, or get back into a routine. For others, school can present many more challenges than reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Suggest an activity—going for ice cream, shooting hoops, catching a movie—no one size fits all. Initiate the conversation while you’re out together. Your child may be relieved to talk about their fears, temp tations, what they don’t know, and what they can’t handle on their own. Don’t let it stop there. Make time for regular informal or planned family time. It’s comforting to a child to know there’s a caring parent to support them, whether they want it or not. Equally important is articulating your expectations and bound aries. Don’t believe that children don’t like structure, no matter what they say. Households are different, as are parenting styles, but whatever a family’s make-up, income level, cultural or ethnic background, the adults must be willing to hear what the child in their care has to say and offer a level of acceptance to help that child embrace their unique identity.

If you find condoms in your child’s room, for example, don’t remove them—that’s taking away their health and safety. Use the discovery to acknowledge their responsible behavior, and as an avenue to an open-minded discussion. Many kids experiment with pot and alcohol. Engaging in these behaviors doesn’t generally lead to addiction, so try to avoid extreme reactions. Keep communication open, be a good listener. You don’t have to navigate childrearing

Let’s Talk School Smarts VasselmanNicolle JenniferScheck 233173 M Winston Prep Long Island is a leading school for students with learning di erences, including dyslexia, ADHD, and nonverbal learning disorders (NVLD). Winston Prep’s individualized learning model focuses on understanding each student’s learning challenges. Our expert teachers conduct daily in-depth assessments, helping each child advance at a meaningful pace and thrive! Back to School at Winston Prep Long Island! REGISTER TODAY FOR AN OPEN HOUSE AT or contact Karen Preston, Admissions Director, 30 Deforest Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746, Tel: 631-779-2400 t HOUSEOPEN Thursday,Sept.29th9:30am CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE

Family & Children’s Association (FCA), one of Long Island’s oldest and largest health and human services organizations, has been helping parents and children cope with challenges from anxiety to peer pressure to truancy, sexual activity and drug use, offering communication strategies, support, intervention and counseling. Most services are free, low cost or covered by insurance. No one is turned away for inability to pay. While ev ery family situation is unique, supportive techniques have universal applications. Parents are the first line of defense against negative behaviors in their chil dren. Effective parenting skills practiced early and often yield the most success but it’s never to late to start. Whether you’re a parent or a profes sional, it’s difficult to initiate conver sations about sex, drug use, and other activities. Acknowledging your discomfort at the start of the conversation is a good way to break the ice and sets the tone for a more honest exchange in a safe space. It’s important to realize that you may hear things that dismay or surprise, and even shock you, but your job is to be receptive, granting your child permission to be themselves by providing nonjudgmental support and an avenue to resources that can help you both make well-informed decisions.Thegreatest hurdle to talking with your adolescent may simply be getting started.

FCA’s first focus is on harm-reduction and safety. You cannot force a child to act a certain way, but you can educate them to make good choices within that framework to help keep them safe. FCA does not come from an absti nence-only model or sit-in judgement.


The organization’s commitment is to educate and encourage discourse on ways to stay safe and healthy in body and mind.


—Nicolle Vasselman, LMHC, CASAC-2, is the senior director of prevention and treatment services, FCA. Jennifer Scheck, LCSW, CASAC is a clinic director with FCA Family Treatment & Recovery Centers.


14A FULL RUNAUGUST 31 - SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 • BACK TO SCHOOL alone. It takes a village. Your schoolpediatrician,counselors and social workers can be excellent resources, as canFCA’sFCA.Our Turn pro gram provides sexual health information and assistance to sexually active persons, ages 14 to adult, free of charge. Our Turn is part of a county-wide initiative, the Regional Prevention & Support Services Initiative (RPSSI) Nassau. Seven commu nity-based organizations and four clinical care organizations participate. Funded through a subcontract with Northwell, Our Turn assesses risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and provides navigation services for people living with or at risk for HIV. The program busts myths and provides instructions on healthy practices such as condom usage and regular testing, and connects clients with medical care. Youth can enter treatment without their parents’ knowledge, but it is without question more productive with family involvement and open communication. There are no income limits to receive services through the RPSSI Nassau Program. Immigration status is not asked. All services under the program are provided with no cost to the client. The goal is to help clients regain their health and stay healthy by address ing any obstacles that interfere with their ability to seek proper medical care or follow their clinician’s advice.

it to Have your Special Events Published in Anton’s Community Calendar!M234584 German Is For Everyone Classes Start Second Week in September. German Lessons Since 1897 NY State Accredited Language Program • No previous German necessary • Minimum age: 6 years • Low tuition • Manhattan location: Upper East Side • Locations also in Franklin Square and Garden City (Long Island) for more information german-american-school.orgkidslearngerman@aol.comemail:orgoto AFTERSCHOOLPROGRAM CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE



Footy frenzy

Solution: 22 Letters Ash


By Holiday Mathis

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’re assertive, not domineering. You’ll master the ne art of being a boss without being bossy. It’s a tightrope walk to be sure, but as long as you’re paying attention to the feedback others give you, you’ll maintain your standing. No longer having to kowtow to others is something to AQUARIUScelebrate. (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). While you’re able to defend what’s yours, you’d prefer not to have to. at’s why you’re so careful about who you get close to. You pay attention to indications of character, worldview and thought process. Generous spirits will be all around you. You’ll enjoy interactions of openness, trust and fun.

FlagFatigueFastFansEmilyClubCharlieCentreByesBehindBeatAttackBrazillCameronBates PassMarkLosingLockettLiamLeadPearceLaurenJuddInjuryHudsonHirdGoodesFourRyan

two hearts

CANCER (June 22-July 22). You have the courage to put together the ideas that interest you, and you present them in your own unique way. Some will get it right away and want to be a part of it. Others won’t understand until everyone else does. But you don’t need everyone on your side. e most important one to have on your side is you.

PassMarkLosingLockettLiamLeadPearceLaurenJuddInjuryHudsonHirdGoodesFourRyan WinnersVossUrgeUmpireToughTeamsSpeedScrimmageRuckRiewoldtPivotPennant


Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Luck and your emotional state go hand in hand. Your outlook and mood are on the up and up. You’re hopeful about the problems you couldn’t solve last week and will come at them from a new angle. You’ll process and act on what you feel, creating a sense of progress you haven’t known in a long while.

This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have com pleted the puzzle, there will be 22 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). ese days, instructions are everywhere. e pillow and the wall hanging and the media post tell you what to do and think and how to be. It can feel intrusive, and your instinct to rebel is only natural. You may categorically shun all instructions and y entirely in the zone of intuition, which will feel a lot like freedom.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It’s not so easy to separate the signal from the noise. Check your sources. Challenges to clear communication are numerous and varied. Misinformation can happen easily and without ill-intent. But if anyone can avoid mistakes and help everyone understand and come to an agreement, it’s VIRGOyou.(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). e more present you are to the moment, the more attractive you are. In familiar territory you’ll be naturally centered, and you’ll radiate cool con dence. New situations have a way of making your mind race ahead. You don’t have to look good at all times. Awkwardness is part of an ever-expanding life. Your life is getting bigger indeed!

Two notrump asked for any other four-card suit; three diamonds showed four diamonds; four dia monds asked whether South had either the ace, king or queen of diamonds; four hearts said no. West led a heart, and Sontag had to solve the problem of how to reach his A-K-Q of spades. He won the heart with the ace and cashed the ace of diamonds, planning to continue with the king and another diamond to establish his ten as an entry if the suit divided 3-2. But when East played the dia mond queen on the ace, Sontag abandoned his original plan. Instead, he cashed the K-Q-J of hearts and A-K of clubs. He then played the diamond four from dummy and the five from his hand. West won the trick with the eight but was helpless. He had the 10-7-3 of spades and the J-9 of diamonds at this point, and — whether he returned a spade or a diamond — Sontag would gain entry to his hand and so take the rest of the tricks. Sontag had correctly decided, after West showed up with four hearts and probably four diamonds, that West was likely to have at least three of the nine missing spades, and therefore no more than two clubs. That was why he cashed the A-K of clubs before leading a low diamond from dummy to endplay West.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). It seems your options are limited by factors beyond your control such as your age, gender, race, location, the rules of the game or the nancial end of things. But what if these limits are merely perceived? Push into them and see if there’s more leeway than appearances suggest. Ponder possible GEMINIworkarounds.(May 21-June 21). Yes, the project is worthwhile, though it will take twice as long as you think, which is the case with most worthy work. It reveals itself little by little, pulling you deeper into your own heart. At some point, the time and e ort become irrelevant. You’re driven to know what happens and, in doing so, know yourself.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Just because people believe it doesn’t make it real or right. Even so, trying to convince or in uence people away from their beliefs will be an ine ective use of your time. Instead, you’ll live in a way that re ects your values. Others take notice of what’s working well for you. Some will want to do as you SCORPIOdo. (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Communicating doesn’t require talking. e truth is that you cannot avoid communicating because, as long as you are present, your body, movement, breathing, energy and very essence is sending a message. Your awareness in this regard makes you most e ective this week.


CONTRACT BRIDGE By Steve Becker FROM KING FEATURES SYNDICATE, 300 W. 57th STREET, 41st FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10019 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 236 CONTRACT BRIDGE — BY STEVE BECKER FOR RELEASE THURSDAY, SEPT. 1, 2022 An elegant performance Tomorrow: Bidding quiz. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc. North Neitherdealer.sidevulnerable. NORTH ♠ ♥ A K Q J 6 ♦ A K 6 4 ♣ A K 10 5 WEST EAST ♠ 10 7 3 ♠ J 9 8 6 5 4 ♥ 10 5 4 2 ♥ 8 7 ♦ J 9 8 2 ♦ Q ♣ Q 9 ♣ J 4 3 2 SOUTH ♠ A K Q 2 ♥ 9 3 ♦ 10 7 5 3 ♣ 8 7 6 The bidding: NorthEastSouthWest 1 ♣ Pass 1 NT Pass 2 ♣ Pass2 ♥ Pass 2 NT Pass3 ♦ Pass 4 ♦ Pass4 ♥ Pass 6 OpeningNT lead — two




Footy frenzy 22 Letters Ash WinnersVossUrgeUmpireToughTeamsSpeedScrimmageRuckRiewoldtPivotPennant

hearts. This deal

This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 22 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

It’s a high point for relationships of all kind. Spending time with the ones you love makes your heart de ant to gravity. Seeing new places together will bring about deep bonding. On the nancial front, you’ll love the freedom and options that come out of an improved and more structured approach. You’ll make a substantial investment that will pay you back for years into the future. More highlights: mastering a game and re nements of communication in its many forms, including a style COPYRIGHTaesthetic.2022CREATORS.COM

Solution:It’sareligioninVictoria Date: 8/31/22




SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’re choosy about your involvements because you tend to give them your all. e project you have on deck will bring out the best in you, requiring you to be organized, forward-thinking and resourceful. You’ll have fun with it, too, as long as you pace yourself well. Plan to leave nothing to the last minute.

Solution:It’sareligioninVictoria Date: 8/31/22Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003


1977 Life Masters Pairs. North

By Holiday Mathis of occurred in the was Peter Weichsel, and was Alan Son tag, both well-known stars. They were playing their own ver sion of the Precision System, and most of the bids shown were artifi cial. One club guaranteed at least 16 high-card points; one notrump showed nine to 12 points and a bal anced hand; two clubs asked South to define his distribution; showed a spade

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • AUGUST 31 - SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 17AFULL RUN Helena Born Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker O 516.627.2800 | M helena.born@elliman.com516.316.9312 © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401. Call me for your next move. Life Happens, Needs Change. I Can Help. 231373 R Weekly Sudoku Puzzle Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle

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Daniel Fazio has been announced as the new AvenueprincipalassistantatDivisionHighSchool.


Students enrolled in the district’s Extended School Year Program were happy to take a break with a pet therapy dog named Nella.

Daniel Fazio has been an nounced as the new assistant principal at Division Avenue High School in the Levittown Public School District. Fazio comes to Levittown having previously served as the coordinator of social services for Bethpage High School and John F. Kennedy Middle School in the Bethpage School District, where he has also served as a special education and social studies teacher since 2012. He was adviser for the Key Club and the National Honor Society at Bethpage High School and was the assis tant coach for varsity baseball and varsity soccer. Fazio has a master’s degree in child study from St. Joseph’s College and is a graduate of the educational leadership program for school building leader and school district leader from Mercy College. He holds New York State professional certifications in social studies education and in students with disabilities.

—Submitted by PublicLevittownSchools Curriculum and Technology Thomas Lynch and Director of Technology and Information Fred Kaden review the district’s digital learning resources.

—Submitted by the Plainview-OldSchoolBethpageDistrict

Orientation was led by Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Instructional Support Dr. Sheena Jacob, who gave an overview of Seaford’s academic programs, teacher mentoring program and social and emotional learning initiatives. Assistant Superintendent for Students participating in Hicksville Public School District’s Extended School Year program recently took a break from learning and enjoyed two special visitors. Starting the day off on Aug. 3, students were excited to meet a member of the Hicksville Fire Department who shared day-to-day activities of a firefighter. The students learned about the importance of fire safety and what to do in emergency situations. After the presentation, the stu dents were invited to tour the fire truck that was parked near the front entrance of the school. In the afternoon on the same day, the students had a visit with a six-yearold bearded collie named Nella which brought many smiles. The therapy dog has been trained and certified through Pet Partners and gave the students a wonderful afternoon “brain break.”

The new faculty members include elementary and secondary teachers, nurses and psychologists, and some bring more than a decade of experience with them to Seaford. During a getting-to-know-you activity, each teacher shared his or her educational background as well as a fun fact.





—Submitted by Hicksville Public Schools

President and vice president of the board are sworn in along with a new member The Plainview-Old Bethpage Central School District Board of Educa tion, clockwise from top left: Jared Goerke, Tara Rock, Ginger Lieberman, Lauren Sackstein, Gary Bettan, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mary O’Meara, President Debbie Bernstein and Vice President Seth Greenberg. (Photo courtesy of the Plainview-Old Bethpage School District)

Seaford’s first-year faculty members attended new teacher orientation on Aug. 24 and 25 at Seaford Middle School. (Photos courtesy of the Seaford School District)

Hicksville students and teachers recently enjoyed a visit from the Hicksville Fire Department. (Photos courtesy of Hicksville Public Schools)

The Extended School Year program is designed for students with 12-month Special Class recommendations, which is a full day of learning and incorporates enrichment activities that offer students a fun and rewarding summer experience.

The second day included an informational session with United Teachers of Seaford and a few hours for teachers to spend time at their new schools with the principals and assistant principals. New teacher orientation continues throughout the year with monthly workshops, facilitated by Seaford administrators, on topics such as instructional technology, special education and teaching strategies.

About two dozen new teachers got a thorough introduction to the Seaford School District during a two-day orientation program on Aug. 24 and 25. The annual program for first-year staff began at Seaford Middle School and included a meet and greet with adminis trators and a bus tour of the district.

The Plainview-Old Bethpage Central School District Board of Education recently held its annual reorganization meeting, during which the presi dent and vice president for the 2022-23 school year were sworn in along with the board’s new member. Debbie Bernstein was selected to serve as president of the board for the 2022-23 school year and Seth Greenberg was selected as vice president. Additionally, new trustee Jared Goerke was sworn in to serve alongside returning trustees Gary Bettan, Ginger Lieberman, Tara Rock and Laura for more information about the Plainview-Old Bethpage Central School District. Activities happening throughout the district and programs celebrating student achieve ment can also be found on the district’s Facebook page at

(Photo courtesy of Levittown Public Schools)

—Submitted by the Seaford School District


—Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay several testimonials from vol unteers. A common thread to all descriptions of Petersen was her deep care and concern for both clients and volunteers. Her deep respect for and interest in each person she encounters is simply who Petersen is and a wonderful example of Catholic Social Teaching. She is an inspiration to so many who volunteer. Petersen has literally touched the of lives of hundreds of Farmingdale residents. Both volunteers and clients’ lives are improved because of her. Farmingdale will miss Nina Petersen but we wish her well as she begins the next chapter of her life. God bless.

n Aug. 3, more than 60 past and preset volunteers, along with clergy and staff, gath ered for a farewell dinner in honor of Nina Petersen, who has served as director of St. Kilian’s Outreach/ Social Ministry for the past 12 years. Most in Farmingdale know Outreach as a food pantry, but its services are far reaching. Its relationship with both Long Island Cares and Island Harvest means it receives significant monthly food deliveries which, along with donations from parishioners and local organizations, ensures local food resources (many clients walk to Outreach and do not have access to a car) to about 100 Farmingdale households each month.

Nina Petersen with Bishop Dunne (Photos courtesy of Linda Levine)

Nina Petersen (third from left) with members of the Farewell Dinner Committee

—Submitted by Barbara Byrne

For Seventh Annual Walk

Island United for Recovery for all of their efforts to bring resources together to support those in Participantsneed.” in the walk will be supporting those struggling with the disease of addiction, and celebrating those in recovery and their family members. The event will have a resource fair, banner signing, recovery speakers as well as a DJ, free raffles, giveaways, activities for children, and refreshments. “We thank Long Island United for Recovery and Drug Free Long Island for their partnership in bringing such important programs like this to the Town of Oyster Bay, helping to raise awareness and provide support for those who need it most,” Maier said. To register or donate, com/uniteforrecovery.information,,

Town Partners With Long Island United For Recovery

AUGUST 31 – SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP12 St. Kilian’s Says Goodbye To Outreach Director Nina Petersen

Although Outreach’s efforts are subsidized by St. Kilian Parish, which employs the director and a part-time administrative assistant, the workload is carried out by a small army of volunteers who serve as caseworkers, pantry workers, greeters/telephone workers, van drivers and food drive coordina tors. Petersen, as director, ensures that all volunteers are trained, co ordinates their monthly schedules and is always available to answer questions and troubleshoot issues. With her knowledge of New York State social services and extraor dinary compassion and caring, Petersen has built relationships with so many clients because she has journeyed with them through their most difficult moments: the death or illness of the household’s breadwinner, the process of finding low-income or senior housing, the challenges of correcting errors or remedying delays with unemploy ment or disability income, food stamps and other governmental re sources. Although she is not herself a resident of Farmingdale, Petersen is clearly one of its most important community members. She has forged relationships with the Farmingdale School District social workers and many community organizations including Rotary, Farmingdale Women’s Club, STK Women’s Guild, Boy Scouts, YES Community Counseling, Pay It Forward and Knights of Columbus to name a few. The farewell dinner included Oyster Bay Saladinocelebratesupportawarenessbattle,honorjoinrainstartatMassapequa.18,takingtheirUnitedpartneringannouncedCouncilwomanSaladinoSupervisorTownJosephandLauraMaierthatthetowniswithLongIslandforRecoverytohostseventhannualwalk,placeonSunday,Sept.atMarjoriePostParkinCheck-inbegins10:30a.m.foran11a.m.walktime.Theeventwillbeheldorshine.“Weinviteallresidentstousatthisevent,whichwillthosewhohavelosttheirencourageadvocacyandtocreatechange,thoseintheflight,andthoseinrecovery,”said.“WethankLong

Trained volunteers check in with families monthly and identify opportunities to connect them with Department of Social Services resources such as SNAP (food stamps), HEAP (heating assistance) and rental assistance programs.St.Kilian Outreach also has a senior medical transport service that helps eligible persons get to appointments, a Bakers Group that extends consolation to parish families experiencing a death and manages all aspects of the annual Christmas/Holiday, Easter/Spring and Back-to-School fundraising and distribution efforts.

The Second Squad reports the arrest of a Brooklyn man for the assault of a police officer that occurred on OfficersOperationsSpecialBureautoHicksville.atDec.,Thursday,9,20213:40p.m.inAccordingdetectives,ofobserved a black Nissan Altima with Pennsylvania license plates traveling westbound on Old Country Road at Duffy Avenue commit multiple traffic infractions. The officers conducted a vehicle and traffic law stop. The vehicle was occupied by two males. As part of the investigation one officer requested the driver’s license and registration from the vehicle operator which he failed to pro vide. When prompted again for his iden tification, the driver fled in his vehicle at a high rate of speed, striking the officer in the foot and hand and proceeded to drag the officer several feet before leaving the scene. The injured officer was taken to an area hospital where he underwent treatment for his injuries. The officer has been out of work since this incident and has undergone four surgeries.

AccordinginFriday,4:30occurredatheOfficeInformationPublicreportsdetailsofrobberythatatp.m.onAug.5,Bethpage.todetectives, an unknown male black entered the 7-11 located at 497 Stewart Ave., selected approximately $20 worth of merchandise and when he realized he hadn’t any money requested from the clerk that he receive the items for free. When the clerk refused, the suspect went behind the counter, approached the 36-year-old male victim, grabbed his arms, used his head to assault the victim’s head and then pushed him to the ground. The suspect fled the scene on foot toward the train station. The victim sustained an abrasion to his forehead and significant pain to his head, back and elbows. The suspect is described as a male black, approximately 40 years of age, 6’ tall, 200 lbs., thin build, black hair, with a full beard and mustache, wearing a black and yellow-colored jacket, black colored shorts, black baseball style cap, headphones and a blackDetectivesbackpack.request anyone with informa tion regarding this crime to contact Nassau County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-244-8477. All callers will remain anonymous.

Massapequa Robbery


The Seventh Squad reports the details of a robbery that occurred on Tuesday, July 12, at 8:15 p.m. in Massapequa. According to detectives, 32-year-old Nicholas Roca entered the Carvel located at 5596 Merrick Rd. and approached a 20-year-old male employee, while displaying a knife. He then removed cash from the store register and fled the scene. Police were notified and officers were able to locate Roca a short dis tance away. After a brief foot pursuit, he was placed into custody. There were no injuries reported. During a subsequent investigation, detectives also recovered a clear glass pipe containing a burnt substance believed to be crack cocaine. Roca is charged with first-degree robbery, fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon, second-degree menacing and seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance. He was arraigned at First District Court in Hempstead.

Terrorist Incident

Ephrem Jusino (Photo courtesy of the Nassau County Police Department) Nicholas Roca (Photo courtesy of the Nassau County Police Department)


The Eighth Squad reports the arrest of a Levittown man for an incident that occurred on Thursday, August 11 at 3:40 pm in Levittown. According to detectives, officers responded to the Kent Garden Apartments located at 100 Division Ave. for a distur bance. Upon arrival it was determined that a 35-year-old male subject, Isaac Kodsi, was involved in an incident involving another tenant in the apartment complex. When police attempted to make contact, the sub ject barricaded himself inside his home and made threats to harm the officers. Officers then requested assistance from Nassau County Bureau of Special Operations (BSO), Emergency Service Unit (ESU) and the Hostage Negotiation Team. The officers were eventually able to have Kodsi agree to come out and he was arrested without incident and transported to an area hospital for evaluation. No injuries were reported. Kodsi is being charged with making a ter roristic threat and second-degree criminal contempt and arraigned at First District Court in Hempstead. A further investigation determined that Kodsi was responsible for two incidents that occurred in Levittown on June 18. He is charged with two counts of petit larceny. Kodsi was previously arrested on March 30, 2022 for burglary and was released without cash bail.

On Aug.17, at 3:05 p.m., Second Squad detectives located 40-year-old Ephrem Jusino of Brooklyn in Deer Park and placed him into custody. Jusino is charged with assault to a police officer causing serious physical injury, leaving the scene of an incident with serious injury, reckless driving, second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation and traffic infractions. He was arraigned on Thursday, Aug. 18, at First District Court located on 99 Main St. in Hempstead.

—Submitted by the Nassau County Police Department

Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino (far right) honored the Greater Long Island Running Club (GLIRC), represented by Vice President of GLIRC Mindy Davidson (second from right) and General Manager of GLIRC Suzanne Nelson (second from left), as they presented a check to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, represented by Long Island Area Director Ann Morrison (center), at Ivy Rehab, represented by Clinic Director Nicole Sorrentino (far left). Proceeds were raised from GLIRC’s Spring 5K at TOBAY Beach held on April 9. GLIRC is Long Island’s largest and most active running club that has coordinated countless enjoyable and healthy recreational events, all while supporting many worthwhile philanthropic causes and initiatives. —Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay (Photo courtesy of the Town of Oyster Bay)


Greater Long Island Running Club Raises Money For Suicide Prevention

Police Officer Assaulted

New York state law mandates that all contracts for prearranged funeral agreements executed by applicants for or recipients of supplemental social security income or medical assistance be irrevocable. JAMES FUNERAL MassapequaHOME 516-541-4000

New York state law mandates that all contracts for prearranged funeral agreements executed by applicants for or recipients of supplemental social security income or medical assistance be

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Richard Sigcha, 58, passed away on July 27. Beloved husband of Helen. Cherished son of Louis and Maria. Loving father of Jesse and Nicole. Dear brother of Edgar Sigcha and Gloria Sigcha. Richard loved soccer, Brazil being his favorite team. His other favorite pastimes included fishing, golfing and joking around. A funeral Mass was held on Monday, Aug. 1 at St. Martin of Tours RC Church. Cremation was private. Arrangements entrusted to Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc.

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FARMINGDALE Rae A. Morton of Farmingdale on July 31. Loving wife of John F. Cherished mother of John F. Jr., Linda S. Koja, Kevin T., Kathleen Gabrielson and Barbara Celentano. Grandmother of 10 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Cremation private. Arrangements entrusted to McCourt and Trudden Funeral Home, Inc. in Farmingdale.

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Compassion is


©ad nity® Every day that we’re able to help another family make it through a painful loss is one more day we’re proud to be in our chosen profession. Our compassion toward families and enthusiasm for serving the community are what set us apart. 290 Post Ave Westbury, NY 11590 (516) Donohue-Cecere.com333-0615


JamesFuneralHome.comirrevocable. 399937N031622 540 Broadway . Massapequa. NY 11758 229630 R

Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc. A Tradition of Caring Since 1923 For 99 years we are honored to say our family continues to provide local families with the best service at the most reasonable cost.

There are many ways we have worked to let our caring show. Designated parking, specially designed restrooms and extended ramps to allow for easy wheelchair access are several important ways. We believe efforts like this make life easier for the 40 million disabled people across America. And, even if it helps only one person in our own community, then it has been worthwhile.

NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND SOUGHTRELIEF THE OBJECT of the above caption action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure the sum of $337,000.00 and interest, recorded on December 4, 2006, at Liber M31275 Page 480, of the Public Records of NASSAU County, New York, covering premises known as 218 DARTMOUTH DRIVE HICKSVILLE, NY 11801. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage


The object of the above action is to extinguish rights of redemption due to judgments/ liens/ownership interests held by the defendants that were not foreclosed in the prior foreclosure action, FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION v. THERESE J. CAPUANO, AS HEIR AT LAW AND NEXT OF KIN TO CAROLINE LUCREZIA; Index No. 7841/2008 whereby the Plaintiff is the current owner of the subject premises pursuant to a Referee’s Deed dated September 20, 2016. TO THE DEFENDANT(S), the plaintiff makes no personal claim against you in this Dated:action.




NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated April 28, 2022, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau, wherein WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR PARK PLACE SECURITIES, INC., 67,NYSTREET,as2:30PM,onMINEOLA,SUPREMENORTHTYatauctionRefereedant(s).MAN,andTIFICATES,MCW1,TIFICATES,PASS-THROUGHASSET-BACKEDCER-SERIES2004-CLASSA-1CER-isthePlaintiffEILEENSCHWARTZ-ETAL.aretheDefen-I,theundersignedwillsellatpublicRAINORSHINEtheNASSAUCOUN-SUPREMECOURT,SIDESTEPS,100COURTDRIVE,NY11501,September28,2022atpremisesknown23NORTHFRONTFARMINGDALE,11735:Section49,BlockLot197and198:


REVOCABLE TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 15, 2008; any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may claim to have an interest in, or general or specific lien upon the real property described in this action; such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; NEW YORK STATE COMMISSIONER OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; UNITED STATES OF Defendants.AMERICA, To the above named DefendantsYOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the Plaintiff’s Attorney within 20 days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York) in the event the United States of America is made a party defendant, the time to answer for the said United States of America shall not expire until (60) days after service of the Summons; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint.

LEGAL NOTICES Continued on page 16

Thomas A. Abbate, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES. 9-14-7; 8-31-24-2022-4T#234520-NOB/FARM LEGAL NOTICE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKCOUNTY OF NASSAU WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR PARK PLACE SECURITIES, INC., PASS-THROUGHASSET-BACKEDCER-




FEDERAL (20)tiff’sofactionplaintMONEDYOUDEFENDANT(S):TOFARMINGDALE,72MortgagedDefendantsFINANCE;MENTYORKENUEO/B/OEDLINETHEUNKNOWNCAROLINEHEIRPEDERSEN-HYLKA,CREZIA;OFASJACKCAROLINEHEIRLYOLINETODAVIDPlaintiff,ASSOCIATION,MORTGAGENATIONAL-vs-HYLKA,ASHEIRTHEESTATEOFCAR-C.LUCREZIA;EMI-PEDERSEN-HYLKA,ASTOTHEESTATEOFC.LUCREZIA;PEDERSEN-HYLKA,HEIRTOTHEESTATECAROLINEC.LU-CHRISTOPHERASTOTHEESTATEOFC.LUCREZIA;HEIRSTOESTATEOFCARO-C.LUCREZIA;UNIT-STATESOFAMERICAINTERNALREV-SERVICES;NEWSTATEDEPART-OFTAXATIONANDPremises:INTERVALEAVENUENY11735THEABOVENAMEDAREHEREBYSUM-toanswertheCom-intheaboveentitledandtoserveacopyyourAnswerontheplain-attorneywithintwentydaysoftheserviceof this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after service of the same is complete where service is made in any manner other than by personal delivery within the State. Your failure to appear or to answer will result in a strict foreclosure judgment of foreclosure against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NASSAU County is designated as the place of trial. The basis of venue is the location of the mortgaged premises.

August 22, 2022 VICTOR SPINELLI, ESQ. FEIN, Telephone:WESTBURY,1400AttorneysCRANE,SUCHLLPforPlaintiffOLDCOUNTRYROADSTEC103NY11590516/394-6921



AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF LINDA QUEVEDO, ET AL. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 24, 2020, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau, wherein BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR MORTGAGE ASSETS MANAGEMENT SERIES I TRUST is the Plaintiff and JOHN QUEVEDO AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF LINDA QUEVEDO, ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction RAIN OR SHINE at the NASSAU COUNTY SUPREME COURT, NORTH SIDE STEPS, 100 SUPREME COURT DRIVE, MINEOLA, NY 11501, on September 27, 2022 at 2:30PM, premises known as 454 FARMRANCH ROAD EAST, BETHPAGE, NY 11714: Section 46, Block 444, Lot 47: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING AT BETHPAGE, IN THE TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD, COUNTY OF NASSAU AND STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 000639/2017.

Variance to construct two story addition having less average front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to construct two story addition, second story addition and allow existing rear roof over having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to allow existing cellar entrance having less aggregate side yards than permitted by Ordinance. (D) Variance to allow existing pool heater having less side yard setback and rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (E) Variance to allow existing shed having less rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (F) Variance to construct two story addition, allow existing rear roof overs and shed exceeding maximum building coverage than permitted by Ordinance. W/s/o Merrits Rd., 210 ft. W/o Laurie Dr., a/k/a 174 Merrits Road, Farmingdale, NY APPEAL NO.

Notice of Self Storage Sale Please take notice Prime Storage - Farmingdale located at 2091 New Highway, Farmingdale, NY 11735 intends to hold a sale of the property stored in the below listed Storage Spaces. The public sale shall occur as an online auction via on 9/20/ 2022 at 12:00 pm. Unless listed below, the contents consist of household goods and furnishings. Keith J Carlisle unit #00989; Nisha Farooqui unit #00993; Michael Rancel unit #01135; Sichole L Cooke units #02012 & #02077; Stanley V Perez unit #02124; Selvin Mills unit #02245; Jamille Ambrose unit #02263; Richard Naville unit #03007 contents: construction materials. This sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. See manager for details. 9-7; 8-31-2022-2T-#234644NOB/FARM

YNSJN094 9-21-14-7; 8-31-2022-4T#234671-NOB/FARM


HICKSVILLE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU U.S. Bank Trust National Association, as Trustee of the LB-Igloo Series IV Trust, Plaintiff AGAINST Lydia Mojica, a/k/a Lydia L. Mojica, Angel L. Mojica, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered September 17, 2019, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on September 9, 2022 at 2:00PM, premises known as 94 East John Street, Hicksville, NY 11801. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York, SECTION: 12, BLOCK: 201, LOT: 250. Approximate amount of judgment $666,093.13 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #604278/2017. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 Protocols located on the Office of Court Administration (OCA) website ( 01-088291-F00StreetkelEttenger,heldForeclosuretimeingwearingplysuchAdmin/oca.shtml,masksandscreen-practicesineffectattheofthisforeclosuresale.Auctionswillbe“RainorShine”.JenniferEsq.,RefereeFren-LambertWeissWeismanGordon,LLP53GibsonBayShore,NY11706723028-31-24-17-10-2022-4T#234257-NOB/HIX

(A) Variance to construct second floor addition having less side yard setback and aggregate side yards than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters. (B) Variance to allow existing 9.7 ft. by 7.6 ft. shed having less side yard setback and rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Amend Specific Plan as presented for Appeal No. 64-451 and granted by Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated August 5, 1964. S/s/o Walnut Ave., 233.33 ft. E/o Spruce St., a/k/a 36 Walnut Avenue, Farmingdale, NY AUGUST 29, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF TOWNAPPEALSOF OYSTER BAY, OYSTER BAY, NEW YORK 8-31-2022-1T-#234569NOB/FARM LEGAL NOTICE SUPREME COURTCOUNTY OF NASSAU MASPETH FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff -againstPATRICIA DAUNT, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale dated November 15, 2017 and entered on November 16, 2017 and the Order Appointing Successor Referee to Sell of Hon. David P. Sullivan, dated and entered on July 25, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 5, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. premises situate, lying and being near Farmingdale, Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Ross Court, distant 78.83 feet southerly when measured along the easterly side of Ross Court from the southerly end of a curve connecting the easterly side of Ross Court from the southerly end of a curve connecting the easterly side of Ross Court and the southerly side of Walnut Street; RUNNING THENCE North East 81.35 feet; RUNNING THENCE South West 107.67 feet; RUNNING THENCE North West 52.50 feet; RUNNING THENCE North West 94.90 feet; RUNNING THENCE easterly and northeasterly along the southerly and southeasterly side of Ross Court along an arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 40 feet a distance of 30 feet to the point or place of beginning. Section: 49 Block: 258 Lot: 12 All bidders must wear a face mask/shield at all times and social distancing must be observed by all bidders at all times. Bidders who do not comply with the face mask and/or the social distancing mandate will be removed from the auction. Said premises known as 4 ROSS COURT, FARMINGDALE, NY Approximate amount of lien $181,320.27 plus interest Premisescosts. will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment and Terms of Sale. Index Number 004136/2013. MARK RICCIARDI, ESQ., MASONE,Referee WHITE, PENKAVA CRISTOFARI Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 69-34 GRAND AVENUE, P.O. BOX MASPETH,780569,NY113789-21-14-7;8-31-2022-4T#234575-NOB/FARM LEGAL NOTICE

ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE YORKSAUDALE,VILLAGEINCORPORATEDOFFARMING-COUNTYOFNAS-ANDSTATEOFNEW Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 606487/2017. Thomas De Maria, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES. 9-14-7; 8-31-24 -2022-4T#234561-NOB/FARM LEGAL

ofPursuantNOTICEPUBLICHEARINGNOTICECALENDAROFPUBLICMEETINGBYTHEZONINGBOARDOFAPPEALStotheprovisions Chapter , Section of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on SEPTEMBER at 7:00 P. M., to consider the following appeals:BYORDER OFTHE




LEVITTOWN LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SU PREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORA TION, Plaintiff AGAINST Carol Mandracchia, Donald Mandracchia, if living, and if he be dead, his heirs-a-law, next of kin, distributes, execu tors, administrators, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees and all successors in interest of any of the aforesaid defendants; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered July 17, 2019, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on September 7, 2022 at 2:30PM, premises known as 60 TANAGER LANE, LEVITTOWN, NY 11756. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the build ings and improvements erect ed, situate, lying and being at Levittown, near Hicksville, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 45, Block 262, Lot 15. Approximate amount of judgment $332,413.22 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to pro visions of filed Judgment Index #001399/2015. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 mitigation proto cols and as such all persons must comply with social dis tancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine”. Karen C. Grant, Esq., Refer ee Gross Polowy, LLC 1775 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 17-001466 8-31-24-17-10-2022-4T-72377#234258-NOB/LEV


to provisions of filed Judg ment and Terms of Sale. Index Number 003207/2016. KAREN C. GRANT, ESQ., DRUCKMANReferee LAW GROUP Attorney(s)PLLC for Plaintiff 242 Drexel Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 For sale information, please visit or call (800) 9-14-7;280-2832.8-31-24-2022-4T-#234523-NOB/LEV


Esernio, Esq., Referee4T-#234507-NOB/LEV9-14-7;NY201900000719-18-31-24-2022-

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURTCOUNTY OF NASSAU THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR Premisescosts.$400,308.19ApproximateTOWN,LORINGSaidtion.cancelCourtsafetyortancingorAuctionsforeclosureesmaskssocialpersonsprotocolstem’sdancewillThefrommandateand/orcomplytimes.observedsocialmask/shieldAllclosureCOVID-19withbeTheBlock:andStatestead,Hicksville,andp.m.SeptemberCourtCourttheonwillI,teredFebruaryForeclosurePursuantLORA,PlaintiffCATES,PASS-THROUGH2006-2CBTERNATIVEOFCERTIFICATEHOLDERSTHETHECWALT,INC.,ALLOANTRUSTMORTGAGECERTIFISERIES2006-2CB,-against-JUANetalDefendant(s).toaJudgmentofandSaledated26,2019andenonFebruary27,2019,theundersignedRefereesellatpublicauctiontheNorthSidestepsofNassauCountySupremelocatedat100SupremeDrive,Mineola,NYon28,2022at2:00premisessituate,lyingbeinginLevittown,NearTownofHempCountyofNassauandofNewYork,knowndesignatedasSection:51101Lot:31ForeclosureSalewillconductedinaccordance10thJudicialDistrict’sPoliciesandForeAuctionRules.biddersmustwearafaceatalltimesanddistancingmustbebyallbiddersatallBidderswhodonotwiththefacemaskthesocialdistancingwillberemovedtheauction.aforementionedauctionbeconductedinaccorwiththeCourtSysCOVID-19mitigationandassuchallmustcomplywithdistancing,wearingandscreeningpracticineffectatthetimeofthissale.ForeclosurewillbeheldRainShine.Ifpropersocialdiscannotbemaintainedthereareotherhealthorconcerns,thentheAppointedRefereewilltheforeclosureaucpremisesknownas199ROAD,LEVITNYamountoflienplusinterestwillbesoldsubject

LEGAL NOTICES describedNASSAUabove.County is des ignated as the place of trial because the real property affected by this action is lo cated in saidNOTICEcounty.

plaint for ependency filed on October 1, 2021 with de termination with regard to an action for Special Immi grant Juvenile Status, pursu ant to Mass. R. Civ. P./Mass R. Dom. Relation. P. Rule 4 has been entered against the above-named parties, and that the said defendant cannot be found within the Com monwealth and that his/her present whereabouts are un known; that personal service on said defendant is therefore not practicable, and that said defendant has not voluntarily appeared in this action. You are required to serve upon the Plaintiff’s Attorney Andrew G. Lattarulo, Esq whose address is 235 Margin al Street, Chelsea, MA 02150, your answer on or before the 29th, day September, 2022 If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this ac tion. You are also required to file a copy of your answer in the office of the Register of this Court at 8-31-2022-1T-#234622-Boston.NOB/HIX


Variance to allow exist ing shed having less side yard setback and rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance.


Variance to allow two (2) existing rooftop mechanical units located on northwest corner having less setback from roof’s edge than permit ted by Ordinance. W/s/o W. Marie St., S/o Broadway, a/k/a 16 W. Marie Street, Hicksville, NY APPEAL NO. (A)KHALEEQUEHICKSVILLE22-359REHMAN:

LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of 51 N Broadway LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York on August 18, 2022. Office located in Nas sau, SSNY has been desig nated for the process, SSNY shall mail copy of any process Served against the LLC at 51N Broadway Hicksville NY 11801. Purpose: any law ful purpose.10-5;9-28-21-14-7; 2022-6T-#234664-NOB/HIX8-31-

If you do not respond to this summons and com plaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who fil this o clos proceeding against you and filin th answ with th court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further infor mation on how to answer the summons and protect your Sendingproperty.apayment to the mortgage company will not stop the foreclosure action.

(A) Variance to allow existing front one story addition hav ing less average front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to allow existing front roof over having less side yard setback and aggregate side yards than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters. (C) Variance to al low existing oil tank having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (D) Variance to allow existing rear wood deck with stairs to grade abutting dwelling having less rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (E) Variance to allow exist ing front roof over and 10.2 ft. by 12 ft. shed exceeding maximum building coverage than permitted by Ordinance. (F) Variance to allow existing fencing having less setback from pool edge than permit ted by Ordinance. S/s/o Scooter Ln., W/o Poet Ln., a/k/a 115 Scooter Lane, Hicksville, NY APPEAL NO. (A)IBRAHIMHICKSVILLE22-120MASHRIQI:

(B) Variance to allow exist ing driveway having less side yard setback than permitted by W/s/oOrdinance.Haverford Rd., 182.15 ft. S/o Hollins Rd., a/k/a 61 Haverford Road, Hicksville, NY APPEAL NO. DAVIDHICKSVILLE22-360WERNON:

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT NASSAU willinterestmentproximatesau,Hempstead,ingthereonbuildingsor24.11756.TannersPM.SeptemberDrive,CourtthebidderpublicMayForeclosurePursuant330,485BbridgeAttorneyDefendant(s)NICHOLASINC.,CALIBERCOUNTYHOMELOANS,PlaintiffagainstMOHYLA,etalforPlaintiff(s)SternEisenberg,P.C.,WoodCorporationPlaza,Route1South,SuiteIselin,NJ08830.toaJudgmentofandSaleentered4,2022,IwillsellatauctiontothehighestatNorthSideStepsofNassauCountySupremeat100SupremeCourtMineola,NY11501on27,2022at2:30Premisesknownas57Lane,Levittown,NYSec51Block200LotAllthatcertainplot,pieceparcelofland,withtheandimprovementserected,situate,lyandbeingintheTownofCountyofNasStateofNewYork.ApAmountofJudgis$278,458.22plusandcosts.Premisesbesoldsubjecttoprovi sions of filed Judgment Index No 609948/2019. For sale in formation, please visit www. or call (800) During280-2832.the COVID-19 health emergency, Bidders are re quired to comply with all governmental health require ments in effect at the time of the sale including but not lim ited to wearing face coverings and maintaining social dis tancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Should a bidder fail to comply, the Ref eree may refuse to accept any bid, cancel the closing and hold the bidder in default. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclo sure Auction Rules and CO VID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addi tion to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall cancel the fore closure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or GeorgeShine.”P.

Variance to construct new dwelling having less side/ front yard setback (Jerusalem Avenue) and exceeding max imum gross floor area than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to allow existing 6 ft. high vinyl fence exceed ing maximum height within 30 feet of intersection and across front yards (Jerusa lem Avenue and 7th Street) than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Amend Specific Plan as presented for Appeal No. 16267 and granted by Decision of the Zoning Board of Ap peals, dated June 16, 2016 and amended by Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated June 1, 2017. SE/ cor. of 6th St. Jerusa lem Ave, a/k/a 151 6th Street, Hicksville, NY AUGUST 29, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF TOWNAPPEALSOF OYSTER BAY, OYSTER BAY, NEW YORK 8-31-2022-1T-#234571-NOB/HIX LEGAL NOTICE The Trial Court Probate and Family Court


The U.S. Army Corps of En gineers (USACE) is holding an online Community Infor mation Meeting on Wednes day, September 14, 2022. This meeting is being held in place of the in-person meet ing at the Hicksville High School on August 2, 2022 that was canceled due to US Army Covid-19 policy re quirements. The meeting will be held virtually online from 6:30pm-8:00pm ET and will include a presentation of the results and recommendations of the 2021 Remedial Investi gation Report. In addition, the USACE will discuss future actions associated with the project and will allow time for question and answers. A copy of this report is avail able for review at the Hicks ville Public Library as well as online at the project website presented below. The online software limits participants to 200 people and registra tion in advance is required. If the number of participants is reached and not everyone is able to participate in this meeting, the USACE will consider a second meeting as a follow up. Please register for the virtual Community Public Meeting at the link provided below and a link to join the meeting will be sent to you in a sep arate email. Registration will remain open until 12:00pm ET, 14 September 2022. Registration link web ad,P.G.Manager(917)275-3373Daniel.M.Kennedy@9-7;8-31-2022-2T-#234677-NOB/HIX

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., DesireeAGAINSTPlaintiffLobello; et al., De Pursuantfendant(s) to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered December 6, 2019 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side Steps of the Nas sau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on Sep tember 13, 2022 at 2:00PM, premises known as 93 Cotton Lane, Levittown, NY 11756. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being at Levittown, in the Town of Hempstead, Coun ty of Nassau, State of New York, Section 51 Block 207 Lot 37. Approximate amount of judgment $263,188.38 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to pro visions of filed Judgment Index# 604200/2017. The auction will be conducted pursuant to the COVID-19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of Foreclosed Prop erty established by the Tenth Judicial District. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or JenniferShine.”Ettenger, Esq., LOGSRefereeLegal Group LLP f/k/a Shapiro, DiCaro Barak, Attorney(s)LLC for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) Dated:430-4792August 3, 2022 For sale information, please visit or call (800) 280-2832 8-31-24-17-10-2022-4T-#234306-NOB/LEV

Dated: July 29, ROBERTSON,2022ANSCHUTZ,SCHNEID,CRANEPARTNERS,PLLCAttorneyforPlaintiffHEDVAD.HAVIV,ESQ.900MerchantsConcourse,Suite310Westbury,NY11590516-280-76758-31-24-17-10-2022-4T-#234341-NOB/HIX

LEGAL NOTICE Sylvania Corning Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Virtual/Online(FUSRAP)ProgramSiteHicksville,NYCommunityInformationMeetingWednesday,September14,2022

LEGAL ofPursuantNOTICEPUBLICHEARINGNOTICECALENDAROFPUBLICMEETINGBYTHEZONINGBOARDOFAPPEALStotheprovisions Chapter , Section of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zon ing Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on SEPTEMBER 2022, at 7:00 P. M., to consider the following ap 1016HICKSVILLEAPPEALZONINGBOARDOFOFTHEAPPEALSNO.22-358WESTMARIELLC:


LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company, Plaintiff NassauAGAINSTCounty Public Ad ministrator, as the Limited Administrator of the Estate of Robert Pitt a/k/a Robert W. Pitt a/k/a Robert Warren Pitt; et al., PursuantDefendant(s)toaJudgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered November 22, 2019 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side Steps of the Nas sau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on Sep tember 23, 2022 at 4:00PM, premises known as 175 Bar bara Lane, Levittown, NY 11756. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improve ments erected, situate, lying and being at Hicksville, in the Town of Hempstead, Coun ty of Nassau, State of New York, Section 51 Block 265 Lot 9. Approximate amount of judgment $317,729.77 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to pro visions of filed Judgment Index# 005812/2015. The auction will be conducted pursuant to the COVID-19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of Foreclosed Prop erty established by the Tenth Judicial District. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or TonyShine.”D’Anzica, Esq., Referee LOGS Legal Group LLP f/k/a Shapiro, DiCaro Barak, Attorney(s)LLC for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) Dated:430-4792August 11, 2022 9-14-7;#234506-NOB/LEV8-31-24-2022-4T-

Continued from page 15 Continued on page 17

Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter , Section of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zon ing Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on SEPTEMBER at 7:00 P. M., to con sider the following appeals: BYORDER REBECCAPLAINVIEWAPPEALZONINGBOARDOFOFTHEAPPEALSNO.22-361ITZHAKY :

If you do not respond to this summons and com plaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who fil this o clos proceeding against you and filin th answ with th co t a a lt nt may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further infor mation on how to answer the summons and protect your Sendingproperty.apayment to the mortgage company will not stop the foreclosure action.



During the COVID-19 health emergency, bidders are required to comply with all governmental health re quirements in effect at the time of sale including but not limited to, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering de posit and at any subsequent closing. Bidders are also re quired to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale. 9-21-14-7;#234640-NOB/LEV8-31-2022-4TLEGAL NOTICE



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dat ed December 18, 2018, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Nas sau, wherein DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUSTEE OF THE RESIDENTIAL ASSET SECURITIZATION TRUST 2007-A7 MORT GAGE 186,11758:AVE,known2022NYCOURTSTEPS,COURT,SAUORselltheNOLtiffMAYINGPOOLING2007-G,CERTIFICATES,PASS-THROUGHSERIESUNDERTHEANDSERVICAGREEMENTDATED1,2007isthePlainandDOMINIQUEKEistheDefendant.I,undersignedRefereewillatpublicauctionRAINSHINEattheNASCOUNTYSUPREMENORTHSIDE100SUPREMEDRIVE,MINEOLA,11501,onSeptember20,at2:30PM,premisesas86JERUSALEMMASSAPEQUA,NYSection52,BlockLot1581:

CHELSEAMASSAPEQUA22-354QUINN: (A) Variance to allow existing pool equipment having less front yard setback than per mitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to allow two (2) ex isting sheds having less side yard setback than permitted by W/s/oOrdinance.Riviera Dr. S., 18.58 ft. N/o Sunset Blvd., a/k/a 356 Riviera Drive S., Mass apequa, NY AUGUST 29, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF TOWNAPPEALSOF OYSTER BAY, OYSTER BAY, NEW YORK 8-31-2022-1T-#234570-NOB/MASS PLAINVIEW

NoticeFIRELEVITTOWNDISTRICTisherebygiven that the fiscal affairs of the Levit town Fire District for the peri od beginning January 1, 2021 and ending on December 31, 2021, have been examined by an independent public ac countant, Marciano Fillip pone, CPA, that the report of the external audit by the inde pendent public accountant has been filed in my office where it is available as a public re cord for inspection by all in terested persons. Pursuant to Section 181-b of the Town Law, the governing board of the Levittown Fire District shall prepare a written re sponse and corrective action plan to the report of the exter nal auditor of the independent public accountant and file any such response and corrective action plan in my office, lo cated at 120 Gardiners Ave. Levittown NY 11756, as a public record for inspection by all interested persons not later than 90 days from the date AugustFireThomashereof.BrennanDistrictSecretary26,20228-31-2022-1T-#234652-NOB/LEV

ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PAR CEL OF LAND, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING AS MASSAPEQUA, TOWN OF OYSTER BAY, COUN TY OF NASSAU AND STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold sub ect to provisions of filed Judg ment Index 015141/2012. Lisa Segal Poczik, Esq. - Ref eree. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Con course, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social dis tancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACORDANCE WITH DIRECTIVES.COURT/CLERK 9-7; 8-31-24-17-10-2022-4T-#234411-NOB/MASS LEGAL ofPursuantNOTICEPUBLICHEARINGNOTICECALENDAROFPUBLICMEETINGBYTHEZONINGBOARDOFAPPEALStotheprovisions

Continued from page 16 To submit Legal Notices Call (516) 403-5143 or visit our website legals@antonnews.comantonmediagroup.comatoremailusat


LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of SMOOTH AUTO CREATIONS CO. LLC a domestic Limited Liability Company. Articles of Org. filed with the Secretary of State (SSNY) on 03/01/2021. Office location Nassau County. SSNY desig nated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: SEAN COM STOCK, 1541 WANTAGH AVE., WANTAGH, NY 11793. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act or activity. 10-5; 9-28-21-14-7; 2022-6T-#234661-NOB/LEV8-31-

LEGAL NOTICE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU INDEX NO. 615151/2020 Plaintiff designates NASSAU as the place of trial situs of the real property MortgagedSUMMONSSUPPLEMENTALPremises: 92 KINGS WALK, MASSAPEQUA PARK, NY 11762 District: , Section: 65, Block: 220, Lot: 4 NARRE TITLING TRUSTPlaintiff, WILLIAMvs. FRINK, III, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBU TEE OF THE ESTATE OF ROSEMARY L. FRINK; PATRICIA HUTCHINSON, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF ROSEMARY L. FRINK; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DISTRIBUTEES OF THE ESTATE OF ROSEMARY L. FRINK; any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may claim to have an interest in, or general or specific lien upon the real property described in this action; such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff ,NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v“JOHN DOE #1” through “JOHN DOE #12,” the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint, Defendants. To the above named Defen dantsYOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in the above enti tled action and to serve a copy of your Answer on the plain tiff’s attorney within twenty (20) days of the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after service of the same is complete where service is made in any man ner other than by personal delivery within the State. The United States of America, if designated as a defendant in this action, may answer or ap pear within sixty (60) days of service. Your failure to appear or to answer will result in a judgment against you by de fault for the relief demanded in the Complaint. In the event that a deficiency balance re mains from the sale proceeds, a judgment may be entered against you.

PREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU Ridgewood Savings Bank, Plaintiff AGAINST Sargam Kapoor, Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered July 20, 2022, I, the undersigned Ref eree will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on September 28, 2022 at 2:00PM, premises known as 30 Wood Lane, Levittown, NY 11756. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and im provements erected, situate, lying and being in Levit town, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, SECTION: 51, BLOCK: 179, LOT: 11. Approximate amount of judgment $398,415.37 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to pro visions of filed Judgment Index #002604/2016. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 Protocols located on the Office of Court Ad ministration (OCA) 01-079539-F00Streetkelsolaro,“RainclosureofpracticeswearingplysuchAdmin/oca.shtml)(,masksandscreeningineffectatthetimethisforeclosuresale.ForeAuctionswillbeheldorShine”.CharlesCaEsq.,RefereeFrenLambertWeissWeismanGordon,LLP53GibsonBayShore,NY11706729479-21-14-7;8-31-2022-4T-#234576-NOB/LEV


LEGAL NOTICE REFEREE’S NOTICE OF SALE IN Premisescosts.$347,263.33Approximate24)(Section:Lane,PremisesofCountytown,ate,“RainDrive,locatedsauNorthsellundersignedonForeclosurePursuantDefendant(s).LANINA,WELLSCOUNTYSUPREMEFORECLOSURECOURT-OFNASSAUFARGOBANK,Plaintiff-against-ERANGLERO,etaltoaJudgmentofandSaleenteredJanuary28,2019.I,theRefereewillatpublicauctionontheSidestepsoftheNasCountySupremeCourtat100SupremeCourtMineola,N.Y.11501orShine”onthe4thofOctober,2022at2:00Allthatcertainplot,orparcelofland,situlyingandbeingatLevitTownofHempstead,ofNassauandStateNewYork.knownas15TailorLevittown,NY11756.46,Block:427,Lot:amountoflienplusinterestandwillbesoldsubject to provisions of filed udg ment and terms of sale. Index No. 009387/2015. John Dalli, Esq., Referee. Stein, Wiener Roth LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 1400 Old Country Road, Suite Westbury,315 NY 11590 Tel. Dated:ANGLERO-70068516-742-1212July8,2022

Variance to allow exist ing roof top terrace having less aggregate side yards than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to allow existing driveway having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to allow parking in the re quired front yard. (D) Amend Specific Plan as presented for Appeal No. 92-48 and grant ed by Decision of the Zon ing Board of Appeals, dated March 5, 1992. W/s/o Plainview Rd., 238.50 ft. N/o Rustic Ct., a/k/a 615 Plainview Road, Plainview, NY AUGUST 29, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF TOWNAPPEALSOF




Attorney for Plaintiff Veronica M. Rundle, Esq. 900 Merchants 4T-#234346-NOB/MASS8-31-24-17-10-2022-Westbury,Concourse,Suite310NY11590516-280-7675


Chapter , Section of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zon ing Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on SEPTEMBER at 7:00 P. M., to con sider the following appeals: BYORDER LLCMASSMASSAPEQUAAPPEALZONINGBOARDOFOFTHEAPPEALSNO.22-351PROPERTIES,:(A)


Variance to allow existing 6 ft. high fence exceeding max imum height across side/front yard than permitted by Ordi NE/nance.cor. of Kent Pl. Jamai ca Ave., a/k/a 4 Kent Place, Plainview, NY APPEAL NO. 22-362 163PLAINVIEWSOUTH SERVICE ROAD, LLC: (A) Variance to erect 3.9 ft. by 6.5 ft. free standing sign having less front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to erect 43.5 ft. by 10 ft. il luminated wall sign located on ast side of second floor catty-cornered building wall exceeding maximum number of wall signs per tenancy, hor izontal dimension percent of linear footage of wall surface, area and height than permit ted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to erect 43.5 ft. by 10 ft. illuminated wall sign located on North side of second floor catty-cornered building wall exceeding maximum number of wall signs per tenancy height than permitted by Or S/s/odinance.S. Service Rd., 400 ft. E/o Newton Rd., a/k/a 163 S. Service Road, Plainview, NY APPEAL NO. 22-363




Variance to install 16.5 ft. by 3.4 ft. illuminated wall sign located on tower of the North side of building, facing South exceeding max imum number of wall signs for tenancy than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to install 16.5 ft. by 3.4 ft. illuminated wall sign located on tower of the North side of building, facing North ex ceeding maximum number of wall signs for tenancy than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to install 12 ft. by 2 ft. illuminated wall sign lo cated on the East side of the ATM canopy exceeding max imum number of wall signs for tenancy than permitted by SW/Ordinance.cor.of Hicksville Rd. Jerusalem Ave., a/k/a 995 Hicksville Road, Mass apequa, NY APPEAL NO. RICHARDMASSAPEQUA22-352DEE:(A) Variance to construct one story addition and side portico having less front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to construct side portico having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to construct rear one story ad dition and allow existing rear deck having less aggregate side yards than permitted by Ordinance. (D) Variance to construct one story addition having less rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (E) Variance to construct one story front addition, one story rear addition, front roof-over porch and side portico ex ceeding maximum building coverage than permitted by E/s/oOrdinance.Nearwater Ave., N/o Leewater Ave., a/k/a 76 Near water Avenue, Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO.

Variance to allow existing attached garage with finished second floor exceeding max imum building coverage and gross floor area than permit ted by Ordinance. N/s/o Harbour Ln., 300 ft. E/o Bayview Ave., a/k/a 11 Har bour Lane, Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO.

THE OBJECT of the above caption action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure the sum of up to the maximum amount of $806,400.00 and interest, recorded on January 11, 2007, in Liber M 31422 at Page 315 , of the Public Re cords of NASSAU County, New York., covering prem ises known as 92 KINGS WALK, MASSAPEQUA PARK, NY 11762.The relief sought in the within action is a final nt i ctin the sale of the premises de scribed above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mort gage described above. NASSAU County is des ignated as the place of trial because the real property affected by this action is lo cated in saidNOTICEcounty.

The Class of 2022 is Fred Ahart (administrator, Section IX), Jim Amen Jr. (coach/administrator, Section VIII), Maria DeCristoforo (official, Section VIII), Dennis Fries (administrator, Section V), Molly Huddle (athlete, Section IV) and Jim McGowan (coach, Section XI). Inductees were chosen using a two-level selection and rating process involving a screening committee and a selection commit tee. Nominations were endorsed by each inductee’s member section of the Association—a preliminary requirement in the nomination process—before going on to the NYSPHSAA Screening Committee for consideration, then finally to the Selection Committee. Nominations can be submitted by anyone as long as a section endorsement letter accompanies the submission. The NYSPHSAA Hall of Fame is modeled after the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) program which recognizes indi viduals in the categories of athlete, coach, official, administrator and related contributor.



he New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) has officially inducted the Hall of Fame Class of 2022. The group of six new inductees was honored on the final night of the NYSPHSAA Central Committee meeting in Lake Placid on Wednesday, July 27. The NYSPHSAA Hall of Fame, launched in 2002, is sponsored by Pupil Benefits Plan, Inc. and Crown Awards.

The section for Amen reads as follows: Jim Amen Jr. has been one of the most impactful high school coaches and administrators in New York State. He began his career in 1965 as a physical education teacher and coach at the Plainview-Old Bethpage School District, where he coached varsity basketball and soccer that year, then two years later started the boys lacrosse program at Plainview JFK High School. After leaving the high school ranks from 1977-82 to work as the head basketball coach and assis tant men’s lacrosse coach at Johns Hopkins University, where his teams won three NCAA championships, Amen returned to Long Island as chairperson of physical education and athletics and boys head soccer, basketball and lacrosse coach in the Levittown School District until 1991. That year, he transitioned to the chairperson, then eventually director of physical education and athletics at Bethpage High School, and contin ued with varsity soccer, basketball and lacrosse coaching duties at Bethpage.Despite the positive impact he made in soccer and basketball, he made his mark in lacrosse, compiling 219 wins, a NYSPHSAA Class B State Championship as well as winning numerous section and league championships. The year Amen’s Bethpage team won the state cham pionship was 1996—his final year of coaching—when the team finished 20-1 overall. In 1999, Jim progressed his administrative career and landed at Cold Spring Harbor School District as the director of physical education and athletics, where he remained until 2013. He then took an interim position at Manhasset School District from 2013 until his retirement in 2021.Amen has additionally contributed to NYSPHSAA as its boys lacrosse coordinator since 2011 and to Section VIII, where he’s held many positions, including two terms as president, Sportsmanship Committee chair, Modified Boys Lacrosse chair and member of the Executive Committee.

Some of his many honors include twice being named Nassau County Boys Lacrosse Coach of the Year and being recognized by NYSAHPERD as the Athletic Director of the Year. He was inducted into the follow ing Halls of Fame: Long Island Metropolitan Lacrosse Hall of Fame, the Massapequa High School Hall of Fame, Bethpage Wall of Fame, National Interscholastic Coaches Hall of Fame and the Nassau County Athletics Hall of Fame. Jim currently resides in Northport with Tricia, his wife of 46 years. The couple has three adult children and six grandchildren.—Submitted by the NYSPHSAA

The NYSPHSAA Hall of Fame Class of 2022 consisted of, clockwise from top, Jim McGowan, Dennis Fries, Jim Amen Jr. and Becky Ahart, accepting for Fred Ahart. (Contributed Photo)

The Honors Keep On Coming For Jim Amen Jr.


Standout at Manhasset, Levittown, Bethpage and Plainview districts

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