The Roslyn News 8/04/2021, a weekly publication by Anton Media Group

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An Anton Media Group Publication

Also Serving Roslyn Harbor, Roslyn Heights,

Vol. 145, No. 1

Established 1877

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August 4 – 10, 2021

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AUGUST 410, 2021


Profiles In Education

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The Big Chill

County, towns to freeze out Ben & Jerry’s (See page 3)

LOCAL NEWS: Viscardi Center president accepts position in Alabama (See page 12)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Barney the bull escapes slaughterhouse (See page 28)

(See page 32) The Roslyn News (USPS 471-100)

Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County.

Local governments took action against the ice cream company after it announced that it will not sell its products in Israel’s occupied Palestinian territories. (Photo by Catherine Bongiorno)

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For Many, A Bitter Taste Officials target Ben & Jerry’s political stand



ne of the world’s most unabashedly activist companies stepped into the most fraught and contentious of political conflicts, the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s announced on July 19 that it will stop selling its products in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. In a statement, the firm, a part of multinational giant Unilever, said it will continue to sell within Israel itself. Founders Bennett (Ben) Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, who started their firm in Vermont in1978, sold the company to Unilever in 2000. The parent company is not taking part in the boycott, and the founders themselves had no hand in the decision, having ceased operational control in 2000. In an essay they wrote for The New York Times on July 28, they noted that in the acquisition agreement with Unilever, “the company retained an independent board of directors with a responsibility to protect the company’s essential brand integrity and to pursue its social mission.” Ben & Jerry’s website lists the various causes it supports, including police reform and Black Lives Matter, and states, “We believe that business has a responsibility and a unique opportunity to be a powerful lever of change in the world.” In its statement, the company asserted, “We believe it is inconsistent with our values for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to be sold in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). We also hear and recognize the concerns shared with us by our fans and trusted partners. We have a longstanding partnership with our licensee, who manufactures Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in Israel and distributes it in the region. We have been working to change this, and so we have informed our licensee that we will not renew the license agreement when it

expires at the end of next year. Although Ben & Jerry’s will no longer be sold in the OPT, we will stay in Israel through a different arrangement. ” Anton Media Group reached out to the firm with more questions, but spokeswoman Laura Peterson, in an email, wrote, “We’re going to stick with our original statement for now.” In the Times piece, the founders called themselves “proud Jews” and supporters of Israel. “But it’s possible to support Israel and oppose some of its policies, just as we’ve opposed policies of the U.S. government,” they wrote. “As such, we unequivocally support the decision of the company to end business in the occupied territories, which the majority of the international community, including the United Nations, has deemed an illegal occupation.” The company does not formally align itself with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to pressure Israel to change its occupation policies and calls on countries, businesses and universities to sever ties with the Jewish state unless it makes changes in the territories and agrees to conditions that most observers agree are anathema to Israel and its supporters. Local governments were quick to react when the boycott was announced. All tied the action to the BDS movement, which the state and many municipalities have laws in place to combat, mainly by refusing to do business with companies who joined the BDS. “I am disappointed by Ben & Jerry’s decision to align itself with the anti-Israel BDS movement, which unfairly and dangerously singles out

Town of Hempstead leaders asked residents to boycott Unilever brands in light of Ben & Jerry’s recent decision. (Screenshots)

the world’s only Jewish state,” Nassau County Executive Laura Curran said. “I strongly oppose the BDS movement and have worked hard to strengthen the relationship between Israel and Nassau during my time as county executive. As a county legislator, I voted to prohibit the county from doing business with companies or individuals involved in the discriminatory BDS movement. This has been my long-standing position.” Town of Oyster Bay

Supervisor Joseph Saladino noted that his town enacted anti-BDS legislation in 2017. “BDS is nothing short of smokescreen for anti-Semitism,” he said in a statement. “Accordingly, we refuse to give any business to Ben & Jerry’s or its parent company, Unilever. Hatred, bias, or intolerance of any kind have no place in our town, our state, or our great nation, and we will never tolerate any form of anti-Semitism.” “The Town Board unanimously passed anti-BDS Legislation in 2017, which prohibits the town from working with companies and contractors that are participating in the BDS movement, such as Ben & Jerry’s,” North Hempstead Supervisor Judi Bosworth said in a statement. “North Hempstead’s anti-BDS legislation ensures that taxpayer money is never used to do business with or support any company that engages in a boycott of Israel. North Hempstead is a community of unity and inclusion. We remain committed in the fight against intolerance, and we are unwavering in our condemnation of this BDS movement.” Most vocal was the Town of Hempstead, which held a press conference on July 22 with area Jewish leaders to denounce the action. Supervisor Don Clavin pointedly noted that outside of NYC, his town had the largest

Jewish population in the country and the town would make a stand against what it considered anti-Israel movements like BDS. Councilman Bruce Blakeman said, “How do we know that Ben & Jerry’s are anti-Semitic? The evidence. Do they say anything about Cuba? Talk about the oppression in Cuba? Do they say that they aren’t going to sell their products in Cuba [and other countries]? No, they single out Israel. Why? Because it’s a Jewish state and we all should be mindful of that and not tolerate that anti-semitism.” Clavin added that he would be going through his cupboard and throw away any Unilever product. State Assemblyman Charles Lavine (D–Glen Cove) joined colleagues in criticizing the decision, writing in a letter to CEO Matthew McCarthy that “the boycott is nothing more than a hollow gesture calculated to appease BDS proponents” after noting that Unilever has not joined the boycott.

Anton reached out to the county and all three towns to determine how much business they do with Unilever. As of press time it had only heard back from Oyster Bay spokesperson Marta Kane, who wrote, “The town is in the process of thoroughly examining all contracts to ensure no purchases are made from Unilever.” To comment on this story, email frizzo@ antonmedia





Teacher Files Suit Against Syosset Schools Alleging Racial Discrimination BY JENNIFER CORR

probationary period would end at the end of the school year and that she should resign. If she refused to resign, lexis Robinson, a former she would be terminated. second grade teacher at Syosset “Obviously they can’t terminate me School District’s Robbins Lane if I have great observations and good Elementary School, loved her job, but feedback from parents and students had no choice but to submit a resignathat I’m doing a good job,” Robinson tion to deputy superintendent Adele said. “At that point I believe they had Bovard on April 21, 2020; an action that to start fabricating and trying to justify caused her “extreme distress.” what they were planning to do, which is “The reason behind my resignation to get rid of me at the end of the school is that my recent experiences in the year. And as I look at the way I was workplace have become progressively treated compared to the other first-year adverse as a result of actions taken by teachers and even just experienced the principal and other staff,” Syosset teachers; I was treated very differently.” resident Robinson, 28, wrote in the Robinson is seeking compensatory letter. “Part of these actions included damages, attorney fee costs and the demand for my resignation or other legal and equitable relief against termination despite my disagreement “all defendants as this court deems with the reasons given for a recommendation to end my probationary period Alexis Robinson, a former teacher at Robbins Lane Elementary School, said appropriate.” Attorneys for the Syosset School effective June 30, 2020.” she experienced discrimination here based on her race. Photo by Jennifer Corr District have filed a motion to dismiss A year later, Robinson, represented the lawsuit. by the Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell “As is well known, New York State made positive teacher evaluations & Associates, filed a federal lawsuit “My mentor would give good feedprivacy laws prohibit the Syosset about Robinson. In fact, the law offices back and my principal gave me good with the United States District Court School District from publicly comof R. Oliver Koppel & Associates has of the Eastern District of New York evaluations and comments, so when I several emails on file from parents of against the Syosset School District, had the first incident where she started menting on any matters pertaining to Robinson’s former students that disBovard, Robbins Lane Principal Thea basically lying about my performance, district personnel,” a statement from attorney Chris Powers on behalf of the play a positive classroom experience. Pallos and Robbins Lane teacher it was devastating and shocking.” Syosset School District read. “However, “I loved it,” Robinson told Anton Melanie Spiegel, who was assigned as She was hoping to come to a we adamantly affirm that the Syosset Media Group when asked Robinson’s mentor. She alleges that resolution with Pallos soon, Central School District does not and she experienced discrimination based about the first half of the as she said, the behavior 2019 school year. “It on race, retaliation and a hostile work became worse, she began did not discriminate on the basis of any individual’s race, color, national origin, was probably one of environment in violation of the Civil to experience fear and sexual orientation, disability, or age. Rights Act of 1964. Robinson, according the happiest times of nervousness as she We remain committed to provide safe, my life. I love workto court documents, says she was pulled up to work It really impacted my inclusive, and supportive environments ing with kids and compelled to write that resignation every day. ability to work, but at the in our schools for all students and staff I had an awesome letter in April by Bovard and Pallos “It really impacted same time I was focusmembers.” following months of racially motivated class and the parents my ability to work, ing on my students. But as for Robinson, she said that were great. But just harassment and abuse from Bovard, but at the same time her experience practically halted her to be able to finally Pallos and Spiegel. I was focusing on my —Alexis Robinson career before it even started. And have my own classroom Robinson claims that during her students,” Robinson said. Robinson is not the only person with year of employment within the 2019-20 and experience that lesson “I wanted to make sure they a story of discrimination at the Syosset planning and seeing their school year, she received unfair critihad the best experience possible School District, an Instagram page by cism, false claims against her related to excitement and really impacting my while trying to balance those negative the username @bipocSyosset shares her performance and disciplinary pro- students, it was a blessing. It’s somefeelings of being mistreated.” almost 40 stories from current students, thing I still really value and appreciate.” ceedings without merit. She also said On March 10, Robinson, according alumni, teachers and parents that have However, in a surprise disciplinary she was bullied, intimated and held to to court documents, met with Angela experienced a form of discrimination. meeting in February 2020, Pallos made Alfred, the building’s union represendifferent standards than her similarly claims that Robinson says contradicts situated teachers. Robinson was the tative, to discuss the treatment she had BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous and People of Color. her former evaluations. She later only Black teacher in the school. experienced. Alfred allegedly told her “[The Syosset School District] needs received a letter on March 9 that levied that she should have been informed “We believe that the school district to realize that it’s not okay to treat multiple allegations that Robinson acted in a discriminatory manner in of her right to union representation, someone this way and sometimes they claims to be untrue. Such allegations violation of both state and federal law as well as her right to sign off on any need pressure to take a good look at include not developing bulletin boards documents put in her file. Alfred also that protects people from discrimithemselves so that it doesn’t happen for school subjects, not giving the stunation on the basis of race,” G. Oliver told Robinson that anytime Pallos dents access to “vowel charts” and not would have a disciplinary meeting with to someone else,” Robinson said. “I Koppell, Robinson’s legal represenusing the “word wall.” Pallos informed tative, said. “We also believe she was a teacher, she would inform Alfred. But wouldn’t wish what I experienced on Robinson that this letter would be punished in retaliation because of Pallos did not do so in Robinson’s case. someone else, even on the people who did it to me.” complaints that she made and she was placed in her file. Alfred allegedly said she had never “At first, I was in shock because the terminated either for discriminatory seen Pallos target a teacher the way she or retaliation reasons, not because her feedback I was getting in the middle did Robinson. What did you think of this of the school year all of a sudden was performance was deficient.” On March 13, Robinson was asked article? Share your thoughts totally opposite of the feedback I had Robinson claims that Pallos, in via letter to report to Bovard’s office with me by email at: received previously,” Robinson said. the first half of her year at the school, whereupon she was informed that her







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225297 M




Bringing Massapequa’s Rich History To Life BY DAVE GIL DE RUBIO

settle the area, starting with brothers John, Richard and Henry Townsend, of which the latter sibling gained f you ask most people what they partial ownership of the property know about Massapequa, they that became Massapequa following might mention it being the home the signing of a 1658 treaty. But no of Sunrise Home, a place where the family’s influence loomed larger Baldwins and Jerry Seinfeld grew up than that of the Floyd-Jones clan, or where you’d find the All American starting with Thomas Jones, who Hamburger Drive-In. But most people came to North America in 1692, might not know that this area full of married John Townsend’s daughter swamps and streams attracted early Freelove and later lived in one settlement by a Native American tribe of the first homes erected in the know as the Marsapeags who lived in Massapequas. For Kirchmann, the the “Place of Many Waters.” Or that sway the Floyd-Jones brood had over famous big game hunter Frank Buck the area was a major reason why it constructed a zoo in East Massapequa was one of the last communities to that featured giraffes, big cats, Tom Murphy’s plane at Fitzmaurice Field. elephants, reptiles, zebras, antelopes be developed. and an area called Monkey Mountain, “It was settled much later than home to several hundred primates. other communities because nobody All these aspects of this South Shore wanted to live here,” Kirchmann community point to there being far explained. “There really wasn’t more to this hamlet in the southern anything here except a lot of streams, part of the Town of Oyster Bay. If anybrooks and a swampy area. I think that one is in a position to assert this it is is something that’s usually surprising. George Kirchmann, a 20-year trustee Also, for many years, it was the doof the Massapequa Historical Society main of the Floyd-Jones family. They and the author of The Massapequas: owned mansions all along Merrick Two Thousand Years of History. A Road and there weren’t many other member of Nassau County Historical people living there except for them Society and the Seaford Historical and their servants. Someone once Society, Kirchmann spent the good asked me what was so unique about part of a year pulling together matethe Massapequas versus the other rial from historical society archives bedroom communities of New York. I A pachyderm parading around at the Frank Buck Zoo. and numerous articles he’d penned (Photos courtesy of the Historical Society of the Massapequas) said the history is very unique because for the organization’s newsletter and it was really one family’s empire for so information from peo- many years.” along with their the Massapequa Observer. As far as ple that grew up and four children (“The he was concerned, publishing this Kirchmann does a thorough job knew this area. I really tracing the evolution of different neighborhood kind of historical overview was long had to put it together is better and the overdue. religious sects in the area (Roman and decide what kind “I was talking to some of the people schools are much Catholic, Protestant, Jewish), retail and of book I wanted to better”), Kirchmann in the Massapequa Historical Society a post-World War II boom that saw write. I didn’t want to was looking for and we agreed that there really is no school enrollment go from 501 stuwrite something that some kind of historbook that deals with Massapequa’s dents in 1945 to 15,564 by 1968. Along was heavily academic ical activity to get history,” he recalled. “There was a the way, landmarks like the Wagon and maybe 300 or involved with when pamphlet that was published about Wheel Restaurant, the Fitzmaurice 400 pages and would he stumbled across 50 years ago, but it’s hopelessly out Flying Field and Panchard’s Hotel probably be too daunt- came and went. With all this rich the Massapequa of date now. Several people said we ing for a lot of people Historical Society. should really write a book about information packed in one book, to deal with. I had to With his two Massapequa’s history—and then Kirchmann is grateful to learn that do something that decades with the they looked at me. I figured I’d do it. it’s being used to educate a younger is accurate, formally historical society, I spent a fair amount of time getting generation that might be unaware of correct and looked along with the material together from other things I their community’s background. like a history book, but had written. I also talked to a number wealth of academic “I recently spoke with a curriculum bona fides he has under his belt, writ- wasn’t so overwhelming that people of trustees and got some other ideas developer for the high school and wouldn’t want to take a look at it. I ing The Massapequas was a labor of and insights.” he’s interested in using the book to think I came up with something that’s bring more local history back into the love that was more about organizing A Bronx native who grew up in pretty handy. People who have read what he had versus having to do any the Norwood section of The Bronx [classroom],” he said. “That was very it have said that they liked how I put kind of extensive research. around Gun Hill Road, Kirchmann good to hear because I hope the book everything together in a pretty nice “I think the single biggest chalattended Cardinal Hayes High would spur interest in local as well as package.” School and received his BA in history lenge was winnowing down a lot of broader history.” The Massapequas starts out with the information,” he said. “There’s from Washington, D.C.’s Catholic plenty of information and stuff that’s the area’s Native American nuances University. He later earned a Ph.D What did you think of this from the whaling they did in the area been done out there over the years in history from the City University article? Share your thoughts to archival tools found as recently as and we have a pretty good archive of New York. Having moved to with me by email at: 1969. From there, Kirchmann covers in one of the buildings over at the Massapequa Park in the early ‘90s dgilderubio@anton the different families that came to with his wife and fellow Bronx native, Historical Society. We have a lot of






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Northwell Health House Calls Names New Medical Director From Syosset


r. Konstantinos Deligiannidis Deligiannidis practiced as a family of Syosset has been named medicine physician at the Barre Family medical director of Northwell Health Center at UMass Memorial Health House Calls, after serving as Health Care in Barre, Mass. He earned the program’s director of education his Bachelors at Harvard University, and quality since 2016. his Masters in Public Health As medical director of at the Boston University Northwell’s House Calls, School of Public Health and Deligiannidis will provide his Medical Doctorate at the direct care and supervise University of Massachusetts a multidisciplinary staff to Medical School. deliver quality health care Board-certified in family to vulnerable, frail elderly medicine, Deligiannidis patients in their homes in holds the position of assoLong Island, Queens and ciate professor in medicine Manhattan. at the Donald and Barbara Dr. Konstantinos “Dr. Deligiannidis Zucker School of Medicine at Deligiannidis brings strong leadership has been named Hofstra/Northwell. A recipiand collaboration among medical director ent of numerous honors and colleagues along with awards, Deligiannidis was of Northwell honed clinical skills in named House Call Educator Health House treating patients at home of the Year in 2018 by the Calls. with multiple chronic American Academy of Home (Photo courtesy Northwell Health) illnesses to deliver the Care Medicine. best possible care,” Dr. Patients enrolled in the Zenobia Brown, medical director House Calls program receive coordiand vice president of population nated care, similar to treatment and health care management at Northwell referrals they would receive from a Health Solutions, said. “He has primary care physician, such as ultraproven himself to be a dedicated, sounds, radiology, electrocardiogram, value-driven and selfless physician in lab work, physical exams, occupaour field. Along with his colleagues, he tional and speech therapy, social stays committed to treating patients work services, as well as prescription during the coronavirus pandemic refills. Physicians, nurse practitioners and delivering COVID-19 vaccines to and other clinicians are available for homebound individuals.” urgent, same-day visits. Prior to joining Northwell, —Submitted by Northwell Health

Cruising In Oyster Bay

225936 M

Since the beginning of June and the amazing collection of fun and through Labor Day, the streets of interesting cars. downtown Oyster Bay during Tuesday The town is alive with energy and summer evenings are filled with live music fills the streets with a band classic cars at every cruise and spectators night. In addition to during one of live music there are Long Island’s also weekly raffles most popular and giveaways for car shows, the kids. Each show Oyster Bay starts at 5:45 p.m. Cruise Night. and runs until 8 This famp.m. every Tuesday ily-friendly night, weather event is held by permitting. The streets of Oyster Bay during the Oyster Bay The festivities - East Norwich summer evenings are filled with can be found on classic cars. (Photo by Jennifer Corr) Chamber of Audrey Avenue Commerce. and the entry fee Unlike other car shows, this weekly for cars is $5, or $4 if bought early. Buy event occupies the main road tickets at through Oyster Bay. Restaurants, cruise-night1.html. shops, snacks and beverages, ice —Submitted by the Oyster Bay cream and shopping surround East Norwich Chamber of Commerce




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10 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


Levittown Chamber Of Commerce Spotlight:


he Levittown Chamber of Commerce would like to introduce Gary Tarlov, who is the owner of EmbarkNation, a Cruise Planners Franchise. EmbarkNation is a full service travel franchise, located in Levittown. Tarlov has been a member of the chamber for the past five years and is active in attending the general meetings as well as serving on the Levittown Chamber of Commerce (COC) Board of Directors. He has also participated in the Chamber Fall Festival and has supported fundraising efforts for one the chamber’s nonprofit organizations. Tarlov’s business model is as an American Express Travel Representative that


works with all the major cruise lines, hotels and tour operators around the world. Tarlov’s business specializes in both ocean and river

cruises for singles, couples, families and groups of all sizes. Tarlov resides in the Island Trees section of Levittown with his wife Betty and daughter Alexa who is pursuing a college education at Northeastern University in Boston. His wife Betty has been known to help him out

on different occasions. Tarlov says he enjoys working with and assisting people in planning their vacations and prides himself on quality service responding to his client’s needs and requests in a timely manner giving them the quality service they deserve and expect. He offers competitive pricing as well as on-board cabin credits for cruises and other amenities as a thank you for your business. In addition to his competitive pricing, Tarlov says that if you mention “REWARD CARD” you will receive $100 off your next booking with him of a seven-night or longer vacation. Gary Tarlov can be reached at 516-558-2630 or Gary.

Gary Tarlov

(Photo courtesy of the Levittown Chamber of Commerce) or check out his website for special travel deals.

—Submitted by Donald Patane, who is 1st Vice President for the Levittown Chamber of Commerce


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12 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

Plainview-Old Bethpage


Chamber of Commerce



Chamber President Andrew Lamkin (center) and new board members Seth Meyer and Gregg Jaffe enjoy the group’s first inperson networking event at Iavarone Italian Kitchen in Plainview.

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The Viscardi Center President Accepts Position In Alabama

224337 M

a person with a disability who uses ohn D. Kemp, President and four prostheses, he is a renowned CEO of The Viscardi Center, and sought-after global speaker and the Henry Viscardi School and inspires others through knowledge, Abilities, Inc., will resign from his positions effective Oct. 31, to become experience, vision, persistence and personality. He graduated from President and CEO of The Lakeshore Georgetown University and holds a Foundation in Birmingham, AL. J.D. from Washburn University School The announcement was recently of Law, as well as two Honorary made to the boards of all three Doctorate degrees. organizations, which are Kemp has received dedicated to providing the Henry B. Betts education, employment Award, widely regarded and empowerment to as America’s highest children and adults honor for disability with disabilities, by Russ leadership and service, Cusick, chair of the The and the Dole Leadership Viscardi Center Board, Prize from the Robert J. Beth Daly, chair of the Dole Institute of Politics Henry Viscardi School Board and Candida John D. Kemp, President at the University of Cucharo, chair of and CEO of The Viscardi Kansas, whose recipients include Nelson Abilities, Inc. Center, the Henry Mandela and former The three chairViscardi School and U.S. Presidents George persons said they will Abilities, Inc. H.W. Bush and Bill engage an outside firm (Photo courtesy of The Viscardi Center) Clinton. to work with them on a During Kemp’s tenure nationwide search for at Viscardi, he: a replacement, and that Executive • broadened its mission to include Vice President and CFO Sheryl Buchel statewide, national and internawould step in as Interim President tional outreach and initiatives; and CEO on Nov. 1 if that search • created a sound fiscal structure, process is not completed. built its endowment and “John Kemp’s leadership and enhanced fund development; advocacy in the disabilities com• implemented a short- and munity is unparalleled and we are long-range strategic planning eternally grateful for his ten years process across the three organizawith our organizations,” Cusick said. tional entities; “John established an experienced • managed the organization and talented senior leadership team through the COVID pandemic and created a sound fiscal structure ensuring the school and programs to place us in [the] best possible continued without interruption position to move forward through and that they remained financially this transition.” sound. “My love and respect for the mission The Viscardi Center, a network of all Viscardi operations, our engaged of nonprofit organizations based and dedicated board members and our extraordinary staff has grown each in Albertson, provides a lifespan of services that educate, employ and and every day and working together empower people with disabilities. we have brought Viscardi to new heights locally, nationally and interna- Its programs and services include tionally,” Kemp stated. “To move to the pre-K through high school educity, which is my wife’s hometown and cation, school-to-work transition where our two grown children and five services, vocational training, career counseling and placement and grandchildren live, is a serendipitous opportunity at this stage in our lives— workforce diversification assistance to children, adolescents and adults one too great to pass up.” with disabilities as well as businessBased in Birmingham, The Lakeshore Foundation’s mission is to es. It was founded in 1952 by Dr. encourage and provide opportunities Henry Viscardi, Jr. who himself wore prosthetic legs, served as disability for people with a physical disability to live a healthy lifestyle through activ- advisor to eight U.S. Presidents, from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Jimmy ity, research, advocacy and health Carter and became one of the world’s promotion. leading advocates for people with Kemp joined The Viscardi Center disabilities. in 2011 as the fourth president and —Submitted by the Viscardi Center CEO of the nonprofit organization. As






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Nassau Ranks Near Top For Mortgage Approval

This gorgeous four bedroom, two bathroom Colonial home at 585 7th Ave., in New Hyde Park, sold on July 20 for $790,000. The home’s kitchen and bathrooms are in mint condition. It has an open floor plan. The whole house has been renovated, including its new roof, boiler and oil tank. The home does have an active gas line for cooking. It has solar panels that are completely paid off. The washer and dryer appliances are new. This home is located within walking distance to the train station and is near shopping and dining. It has easy access to all parkways and to the expressway. It is located in the school boundaries for Sewanhaka High School (Sewanhaka Central District) and Stewart Manor Elementary School (Elmont School District).

This New Hyde Park home, located at 22 3rd Ave., sold on July 23 for $709,000. It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The attic is unfinished; the basement is finished with a separate outside entrance. The backyard is large and fenced. The driveway is wide and the detached garage holds two cars. This home is located a half of a block off Jericho Turnpike and is near shopping, restaurants and many other businesses. It is located within the school boundaries of New Hyde Park Memorial High School (Sewanhaka Central District) and the New Hyde Park-Garden City Park elementary schools. It is also located near all major parkways and the expressway.

According to a SmartAsset study, Nassau County ranks among the best places to get a mortgage. The study compared the likelihood of mortgage approval in each county in the state, financing costs, property taxes and annual mortgage payments. The study then distilled these four factors into a composite index which compared each county in the state.

According to the study, these are the top places in New York to get a mortgage: Rank County

Loan 5 Year Property Annual Best Funding Borrowing Tax Mortgage Mortgage Rate Costs Payment Markets Index


Nassau, NY


Saratoga, NY 69.73%

65.09% $71,442





$21,240 $13,056



Rockland, NY 66.57% $71,942

$13,271 $13,056



Tompkins, NY 76.79%


$32,584 $13,056



Otsego, NY



$24,349 $13,056



Ontario, NY



$31,306 $13,056



Lewis, NY



$24,502 $13,056



Chemung, NY 71.65%






Cayuga, NY



$32,282 $13,056



Clinton, NY

64.68% $71,342

$26,582 $13,056


More information on the study, including the interactive map and methodology can be found here: https:// best-markets —Submitted by SmartAsset

Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.


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14 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


Glen Cove’s Poet Laureate Victoria Crosby Receives Citations BY JENNIFER CORR


ictoria Crosby can often be found at Glen Cove’s events, reading thoughtful poems that she writes about 9/11, Martin Luther King or even Glen Cove’s history. She is, after all, Glen Cove’s Poet Laureate. Her role as such was honored with two citations at the Glen Cove City Council meeting on July 27, as she prepares to say goodbye to the city. Crosby was named Glen Cove’s Poet Laureate in 1994 by former city mayor and current Congressman Tom Suozzi in 1994. In addition the city commissioning Crosby to write and read poems at city commemorations and events, Crosby held poetry reads in several venues across the city pre-COVID. “[The poet laureate] title has enabled her to thoroughly and thoughtfully chronicle special events and momentous occasions with her keen observations and beautiful sentiments,” City of Glen Cove Mayor Tim Tenke said as he read aloud the citation being presented to Crosby. “Victoria’s dedication and love for Glen Cove and the arts are expressed through her involvement in the community over the past 30 years.” At age 19, Victoria Crosby moved

Victoria Crosby received a citation at the Glen Cove City Council Meeting on July 27. Photo courtesy Victoria Crosby from her native England to the United States. Crosby lived in Roslyn for a short time before moving to Glen Cove in 1984. She was torn between purchasing a home in Cold Spring Harbor, and one in Glen Cove. She chose the latter. Crosby would find the Glen Cove Arts Council in 2006, where she went on to serve as the North Shore

Historical Museum president. She is also a founding member of the North Shore Sheltering Program, among other leadership roles in the city. “You have been so involved in our community and you have really helped to make this a better, better place,” said State Assemblyman Charles Lavine during the ceremony, where he too presented Crosby with

a citation. “The mayor described a lot of your involvement, but other things you are involved with include teaching at Portledge, teaching at St. John’s, teaching young people the arts, piano and violin. Especially your work to promote interracial justice and interfaith peace, love and understanding is something that we all value and always will value.” Crosby is a treasure, Lavine added. City Councilwoman Eve Lupenko Ferrante then read Crosby a poem that she wrote for her titled “My Ode To Victoria Crosby,” where she chronicled Crosby’s multiple undertakings in Glen Cove, wishing her well in her next home in Georgia. “I am overwhelmed,” Crosby said after receiving her citations and hearing the poems written about her from Lupenko Ferrante and Lavine. “We lived in Glen Cove for more than 30 years and it’s the longest I’ve lived anywhere in my whole life and I feel like I belong here. I am very sad to be going, but I am certainly going to give the suburbs of Atlanta a run for their money.” What did you think of this article? Share your thoughts with me by email at:

City Of Glen Cove Holds Public Hearing On Taxi Fare Taxi fare in Glen Cove may be raised from $6 to $9


with 20 years of no fare increase. Christine Rice, the executive direcA public hearing was held at the tor of the Glen Cove Senior Center, Glen Cove City Council meeting on said she did speak with the members July 27 regarding the potential raise of about their thoughts on a potential maximum taxicab fare from $6 to $9 fare increase. within city limits. The maximum has “A large number of seniors that are been $5 for senior citizens and their there do still drive,” Rice said. “They new fare could be $8. occasionally take a taxi. They are okay Thomas Villanova, the owner of with the $5, they say, because they Mid-Island Transportation, said the usually tip $2. They are not upset with impetus behind raising taxi fare has to the price side, because they said it’s do with cost increases. reasonable.” “Insurance has gone up, has more Some seniors are concerned, Rice than tripled,” Villanova said. “We said, about tipping the driver on top of need workers’ compensation on the raised fare. drivers now. The gas, as you all know, “I did not get an extremely, large neghas gone sky high and Uber’s been ative reaction to it,” Rice said. “But then charging $9, up to $22, depending on again, I didn’t have many seniors who the time of day. With as much business were using it as much. The ones that do, as they’ve had, they raised their did not say they were drastically upset prices.” about it. But they did say that in addition Villanova said he does not know to the tip, it might be a bit much.” how his business can sustain itself Villanova said that some taxi

businesses around Long Island have had to close down, as they are at the “mercy of Uber right now.” “Uber charges whatever they want, whenever they want,” Villanova said. That’s because, City of Glen Cove Mayor Tim Tenke said, Uber is not regulated as taxi companies are. “New York State law preempts the ride shares, which is kind of what enables Uber to function all over New York State with or without municipalities permission,” City of Glen Cove Attorney Gregory Kalnitsky said. Just then, City Councilwoman Danielle Fugazy Scagliola looked up how much an Uber would cost to get her from City Hall to her home in the city. The cost would be $15, she said. “I wish we had more regular taxi riders in here tonight to chime in,” Councilman Gaitley StevensonMathews said. “At least the people I

spoke to had some concerns about the increase.” Because of some confusion around the exact taxi fare amount, Stevenson-Mathews said, it should be a priority to post the cost inside the taxi cabs where it could easily be seen. Villanova said he would make sure to put up a sticker with the fares inside the taxi cabs. “I take your taxi often,” StevensonMathews said. “I have an older model car. Often it’s in the shop. Your drivers have always been terrific and I always appreciate that.” Stevenson-Mathews added that he is sympathetic to what taxi companies like Mid-Island Transportation are facing with competitors like Uber and Lyft. Public comment on the change of maximum taxi fare will be open until the next council meeting on Aug. 24, where the matter will be voted upon.





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16 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


Hofstra Alums Are ‘Bigs’ For The ‘Littles’


Pandemic creates challenges for nonprofits

e need to get back to where we were at the beginning of last year to help the youth of Long Island,” said Mark Cox. This sentiment by Cox, who is the chief executive officer of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Long Island (BBBSLI), is shared by many people who oversee nonprofits on Long Island and across the country. Besides families, businesses, schools and many other facets of life, nonprofits have struggled considerably during the COVID-19 pandemic. A couple of Hofstra University alums have reached out to organizations such as BBBSLI to support program continuity and, when that is not possible due to virus protocols, to provide funding for minimal services and initiatives during the interim period. James C. Metzger, founder, chairman and CEO of The Whitmore Agency, a leading Long Island insurance brokerage and financial services firm headquartered in Garden City, has shared a total of six

E. David Woycik, left, and James C. Metzger are both heavily involved with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Long Island. (Photo by Cassarino Studios) figures in financial support during the pandemic among five Long Island organizations, including BBBSLI. The donations honor his friend, Colonel E. David Woycik, Jr. (Ret.) United

States Army and a senior trial partner concentrating on personal injury, construction, highway design and toxic torts at the Sanders Law Firm in Mineola.

Metzger and Woycik are connected through Hofstra University alumni organizations. Metzger supports many youth education and athletic programs, along with other community programs, throughout the New York metropolitan area. Woycik has been involved with BBBSLI for more than 30 years, helping grow the organization’s commitment to the Long Island community. He is past-president of BBBSLI and he created an endowment program that has raised substantial funds for children in need. The BBBSLI Nassau headquarters building at 25 Carle Road in Westbury is named in his honor. “We focus on youth from ages seven to 16,” said Cox, who also is a Hofstra graduate. “The lockdowns have eliminated our one-on-one meetings at schools, impacting our programs between mentors and our children at a critical stage in their lives.”

New Leadership Program The plans for BBBSLI, besides the primary goal to restore its successful one-on-one mentoring programs,

BILLING SPECIALIST Metro Team Sports is seeking an experienced Billing Specialist. This energetic candidate would be responsible for processing an average of 100 customer invoices per week. The Billing Specialist must take initiative with problem solving while working on multiple projects. Ideally, this position would be full time hours from 9am- 5pm but we are also willing to accept part time availability of 9am – 3pm with the right qualified candidate. Metro Team Sports is a leading provider of top quality uniforms, apparel and gear to the athletic departments of high schools, colleges, universities and leagues. Our customer focused and friendly work environment is what sets us apart from our competitors and other employers. Metro Team Sports: Inspiring Confidence, Delivering Excellence Job Requirements: • Minimum 2 year college required, 4 year college degree preferred • Previous billing and/or accounting related experience • Extensive knowledge of all aspects of Microsoft Office, with knowledge of Quickbooks a plus • Impeccable communication skills • Vibrant team player with the ability to self-manage • Organized with ability to prioritize multiple assignments • Ability to identify issues and problems Daily job responsibilities would include: • Work in partnership with our customer service and sales teams • Communicating and coordinating with multiple vendors and printers • Using industry specific software to invoice orders • Managing a high transaction volume in an efficient and timely manner • Research any unbilled issues Job Compensation: • Starting salary of $40,000+ for full time candidates, commensurate with experience • Health benefits • Profit sharing • 401K • M-F weekday work schedule, no weekends Interested candidates should submit resume with cover letter to

226096 M



is to create a leadership initiative that invites speakers to provide the boys and girls of Long Island with encouragement that will help boost their confidence for success in the classroom and in their communities. Woycik, who has developed similar programs for Hofstra University Athletics and the Hofstra University Maurice A. Deane School of Law, is committed to the success of this new BBBSLI initiative. Incorporated during 1977, BBBSLI has operated under the belief that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and shine. The organization’s mission is to create and support oneto-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth by fostering meaningful, professionally supported matches between adult volunteers (Bigs) and children (Littles). All BBBSLI volunteer mentors are extensively interviewed, screened and trained. The organization provides every match with a professional program team member to monitor the relationship and offer guidance. The Big, Little and his or her parent/guardian establish a one-year commitment to the match relationship. Mentors and mentees agree to meet a minimum of twice a month for two to four hours to enjoy low to no-cost activities.


Per policy, photos do not share the names or locations of the adults or children. (Courtesy of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Long Island)

Changing Lives

experiences and friendship. Big Couples is when a mentor and Other BBBSLI programs include spouse, or longsibling support term partner, and couple become Bigs mentoring. to a Little. The Sibling Support couple provides is part of the The lockdowns have eliminatthe same community-based interaction as ed our one-on-one meetings mentoring proindividuals and at schools, impacting our gram and focuses also allows each on matching the programs between mentors adult to share siblings of special and our children at a critical separate time needs children stage in their lives. with a young with volunteer —Mark Cox boy or girl. mentors. Mentors Chief Executive Officer BBBSLI Children benefit can offer addifrom having a tional support and Big Brother and a Big Sister. individualized attention for a sibling, Among the benefits of becoming meeting regularly to share activities,

a mentor, according to Cox, is the opportunity to positively change a life by ensuring that a child receives the brightest future possible. “You also can gain a friend for life,” added Cox, “and the experience also allows an adult to learn a bit more about himself or herself in the process.” For more information about the programs offered by BBBSLI, call 516-731-7880 in Nassau County. BBBSLI’s Suffolk County location is 145 Sycamore Avenue in Islandia and can be reached by calling 631-2731469. The BBBSLI website is www. —Submitted by Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of Long Island

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18 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

Chamber Welcomes Orangetheory

ecently, the Greater New Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for a new member of the business community. Baldur and Marian Dujmovits had the grand opening for their third Orangetheory Fitness Center. Their first is in Carle Place, the second is in the King Kullen shopping center in Garden City Park, and this brand new one is located at 1706 Lakeville Rd. in New Hyde Park. Orangetheory is different from other places you could work out in that everything is done in classes and by reservation. Participants proceed based on age and level of fitness, but all do similar exercises at different levels of intensity, the goals being to raise your monitored heartrate, and increase the activity of your metabolism. They have a dedicated staff that monitors each participant throughout the workouts. In addition to owners Marian and Baldur and their staff, attendees included chamber president Cheryl Fajardo; chamber second vice president Saveeta Barnes; past presidents Mark Laytin and Ralph Ventura; and board member Ed Stone. Politicians in attendance were

Nassau County Legislator Ellen Birnbaum, Town of North Hempstead Clerk Wayne Wink; and from the New York State Assembly Ed Ra and Gina Sillitti. “I am grateful that the fitness sector that was hit so hard by the COVID-19 pandemic is not only rebounding, but growing,” Legislator Birnbaum said. “It was a pleasure to join the local business community to wish everyone at Orangetheory the best of luck and I thank the Greater New Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce for all they do.” —Submitted by the Greater NHP Chamber of Commerce

The Greater NHP Chamber of Commerce celebrates the grand opening of Orangetheory Fitness. (Photo courtesy of Ed Stone Photography)

Herricks Board Of Education Reorganizes The Herricks Public Schools Board of Education recently held its reorganization meeting, just after the 2021-22 school year officially commenced. Henry Zanetti and Nancy Feinstein were elected president and vice president, respectively, and were







sworn in to their roles. Feinstein and Brian Hassan, both of whom were reelected in June, took oaths of office for their new three-year terms. —Submitted by Herricks Public Schools

Henry Zanetti was elected as board of education president. (Contributed photo)

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220878 S






Herricks Welcomes New Denton Avenue School Principal


he Herricks Public Schools Board of Education has appointed Dominick Tolipano as the new Denton Avenue School Principal, effective Aug. 1. He joins Herricks from the Mineola School District, where he spent the last 21 years as an administrator and teacher. Most recently, Tolipano served as assistant principal at Jackson Avenue Elementary School, where he fostered strong bonds with families, students, administrators and faculty members. He implemented programs, led curriculum projects, supervised and supported staff members, coordinated testing, planned professional development, facilitated technology initiatives and implemented the Code of Conduct, among other duties. He was principal of Mineola’s Elementary Summer Language Program and Middle School Math and ELA Summer Program, where he oversaw instruction and daily operations. Prior to his administrative experience, Tolipano taught sixth grade at Mineola Middle School for many

Diploma with Honors in School Administration and Supervision from Queens College and Master of Science and Bachelor of Business Administration degrees from Hofstra University. “I believe that the foundation of a community is the education of its youth,” Tolipano said. “I am very excited and honored to be introduced as the principal of Denton Avenue Elementary School and begin my work as a part of this wonderful community. In education, we strive to support the learners to acquire knowledge. However, it is equally important to inspire and empower

students, ensuring that each child has the opportunity to be creative, develop their ability to think critically and work collaboratively so they will ultimately contribute positively in our society.” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Fino Celano added, “We are pleased to introduce Mr. Tolipano and welcome him aboard. He has a strong, impressive background in education and leadership and has made a great impact on his students and colleagues. We look forward to the contributions he will bring to Denton Avenue.” —Submitted by Herricks Public Schools

Attention Civic Groups and Community Event Planners

Dominick Tolipano is the new Denton Avenue School Principal (Contributed photo)

years. He was lead teacher for mathematics and integrated various hightech resources into the classroom. He also coached basketball and baseball at the middle and high school levels. Tolipano holds a Professional

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20 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

All Invited To Join Rotary

ith membership opened to all, the Mineola-Garden City Rotary Club extends a special invitation to individuals or representatives interested in learning about Rotary membership and its mission of service to the community and beyond. Prospective members are invited to attend a complimentary lunch meeting to learn about Rotary along with the many services the MineolaGarden City Rotary provides. Should a company or organization wish to join Rotary, they may choose various individuals to represent their company or organization. The annual dues remains the same for all. Traditionally, the Club meets at the Garden City Hotel, but throughout most of the Pandemic, when the hotel was unable to serve lunch, we met virtually on Zoom. Now, for the past several weeks, the club has arranged with Calogero’s to meet within its outside tented restaurant where we will continue to meet until the reopening for lunch at the Garden City Hotel. Always featured are noteworthy speakers representing a cross-section of the professions or organizations which provide information on various subjects. For more information about Rotary or how to join our club, email club

From left: past club presidents Gary Fishberg and Jim Brady; Helmut Schuler, Sergeant in Arms; NC Legislator Laura Schaefer; Althea Robinson, PR/speakers Bureau Chair; past president Bob Bonagura and Peter Gall, past Garden City Mayor and Club treasurer. (Contributed photo) Life Program which provides life-saving cardiac surgery for children in developing countries; Club volunteers rang the Rotary Services Continue bell to assist the efforts of the Salvation Army during the 2020 holidays. Throughout Pandemic We continued to support the The Mineola-Garden City Rotary Club has been able to carry on with most of its annual Alford family Thanksgiving Day Program for homebound setraditional services during the panniors and those in need; continued demic. Club support has continued for to support RYLA (Rotary’s Youth RotaCare, which provides free medical Leadership Program); continued to care for those in need; for the Gift of president Diane at Diane.Marmann@

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226101 S

provide college scholarships for a Garden City and Mineola High School student. Additionally, to assist with the pandemic, Rotary responded to the district’s “Million Mask Challenge.” Mineola-Garden City Rotary volunteers delivered 10,000 masks to various charities for distribution to those most in need within our local communities. —Submitted by MineolaGarden City Rotary Club


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Lost Farmer Gets Called Out



t the Village of Mineola’s latest public hearing, Lost Farmer Brewing Co., a fairly new business in the village, was center stage when it was discussed whether or not the owners are truly following the rules between being a bar or a tasting room, and if it was actually a suitable location for the brewery. Lost Farmer Brewing Co., represented by its lawyer Jack Martins, a former mayor of Mineola, went before the village board to amend its special use permit that was granted in September 2020. The Lost Farmer Brewing Co. petitioned the board amend their hours of operation from noon to midnight, allow them to have no more than six employees on-site, have the occupancy increased to 75 people, the ability to heat food up—mainly frozen pizza and pretzels—and allow the owners to bring a food truck on premises from time-to-time and have acoustic music on-site. At the start of the meeting, it was revealed that there is some tension between the landlord and the tenant, about which village attorney John Gibbons spoke to both parties. “We’re not a landlord and tenant court,” Gibbons said. “We can’t resolve those issues, and as far as the board is concerned, we’re going to confine ourselves to the criteria set forth in the village code.” Lost Farmer Brewing Co. is located at 63A East Second St., which is in the village’s industrial zone, and is in the rear of the premises surrounded by different buildings. Another tenant—5T, a fencing company—occupies the front of the building. “These owners signed a lease sometime at the end of July 2020 and decided to build out the space,” Martins explained. “They spent a bit over $500,000.” During the hearing, the difference between a bar and a tasting room was brought up because according to Martins, the two can be confused. “The license for a bar would involve the sale of various types of alcohol and some


of supervision and it needs someone who is going to charge them the right rate for what they’re doing,” he said adding that the brewery has 39 infractions on its lease. Vivian Tiomkin, who owns 5T Fencing, that her business is being affected negatively by the brewery and has had conversations with some of its owners, which led to some tempers flaring. “They lie and they have misrepresented their way into something we shouldn’t have, and I hope you will take that into consideration when assessing what your decision is for their request,” she said. Deputy Mayor Paul Pereira said before he makes a decision The Lost Farmer Brewing Co. is located at 63 A East Second St. (Photo by Anthony Murray) on whether or not to amend the brewery’s special use permit, entertainment, music, and the to the brewery. According to said. “They started to cordon he would like to do some research on the property. Trustee like,” Martins said. “A tasting Martins, the notice of default off the parking lot. The lot is Dennis Walsh added that since room is more akin to a winery didn’t give the tenants much shared by our eight tenants. there is a lot of paperwork to sift where you produce the product time to correct the issues. They started to cordon it off through, a decision won’t be on-site. This site attracts “They refused to allow us with metal made immediately. families. If it was being used as more time and we had to go to the cars could no longer turn. The board asked Martins a bar, there would be violations the Nassau County Supreme On the first day I was there, or enforcement actions from Court and seek a temporary people were smoking between for information about the Lost Farmer Brewery Co.’s business the State Liquor Authority restraining order,” Martins said. cars and the walls on the side. model when it comes to selling (SLA), and I can tell you they’ve “We received the TRO so that I was irate. Dominick [one of its products to businesses. used and operated this brewery the lease continues in effect the owners] told me they’d be Martins responded that he will consistent with its licensing as a while we try and resolve the containing the crowds and be brewery and tasting room.” issues. A good portion of our maintaining the brewery. That work on getting the board that information. Martins continued, “In its issues with our continued use never happened.” “I have not heard a single September 2020 decision, the of the property has to do with Nathan told the board that village board determined, that resolving our special use permit he believed he was duped and complaint that has been made by anyone, a resident or the proposed use is harmoniconditions with the village so was the village board, and another business in this village ous in the M district, [and] that board.” that everything he requested other than the people who were it will conform to the general the owners to do has gone here today...who made some character of the neighborhood.” ignored. Nathan also added disappointing comments,” From when they started their that he did give the brewery Martins said. “I have known business to now, Lost Farmer enough time to respond to his them to be anything but those Brewing Co. has grown in size notice of default. It needs a different when it comes to the number of “They were cited for violating things they’re accused of.” type of supervision Martins continued, “We people who come—expanding practically every condition and it needs somehave to go back to court. We upon the number of its max that this board has told them have to be able to represent to occupancy that they told the that they’re not allowed to one who is going a judge of the Supreme Court village board would be allowed do, ” Nathan continued while to charge them the of Nassau County that we came when they went before the mentioning a crowd of 300 right rate for what before this board and we have board originally. people showed up one night they’re doing. a decision. I was hoping for a “We’re asking that the conto the brewery. “...What we —Mr. Nathan (Landlord) ditions be modified to reflect have and what I have leased to decision tonight, and I know we’re not getting one.” the reality of the use of this others is a commercial space. Mayor Scott Strauss conThe landlord of the property They started this thing knowing site, business, and the fact that there have been no significant told the board he is a member that they wanted to have a bar. cluded the public hearing by reserving decision on the Lost impacts or complaints to the of M&T Properties, which has We have sent them certified village as a result of their use,” owned the property for 21 letters. We wanted them to stop Farmer Brewery Co.’s fate in the years. When the owners of Lost and they simply have not. They village. Martins said. Farmer Brewing Co. told him At the end of May, the just came to us last minute and brewery was hit a with a notice their plans for the building, asked to have more time.” the landlord was apprehensive of violation by the village’s Nathan told the board he What did you think since it dealt with alcohol. building department stating doesn’t want to be a landlord of this article? Share “When they were having that it was being used as a bar. of a bar and receive complaints your thoughts with me their soft opening, the The landlord of the property from his other tenants. by email at: amurray@ problems started,” Mr. Nathan also issued a notice of default “It needs a different type

22 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


Adelphi University Tells Students To Get Vaccinated



ith classes set to resume at the end of this month, it is a race against time by local colleges to make sure that this upcoming academic school year can be held as safely as possible. Adelphi University, which is located in Garden City, told its student body last week that it is requiring them to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. As the super contagious Delta variant sweeps across the country, Adelphi University’s positivity rate is 0.6 percent as of publication. According to its website, the university’s vaccine requirement applies to all current students and Nassau Community College students who are living in Adelphi’s residence halls. The university, which also urged its faculty and staff to be vaccinated, said that its goal is to reach herd immunity. In order to reach that immunity, 70 percent of Adelphi University’s on-campus population must be fully vaccinated. “Your COVID-19 vaccine must be currently authorized by the World Health Organization (WHO),” the university said on its website. “This includes those vaccines currently authorized for emergency use in the United States (Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson). You are

Adelphi University is requiring its students to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 for this upcoming academic year. (Photo source: Facebook) considered fully vaccinated two weeks after administration of the second dose of a two-dose vaccine (Pfizer and Moderna) or two weeks after administration of a single-dose vaccine (Johnson & Johnson).” Wednesday, Aug. 11, is the deadline for students to upload proof of their vaccination to the university. “If your vaccination will not be completed by the Aug. 11 deadline, call Adelphi Health Services at 516877-6002 to arrange for a temporary

Garden City Board Of Education Holds Reorganization Meeting

The Garden City Public Schools Board of Education. From left: Tom Pinou, Stefanie Granville, William Holub, Michael Cassaro and Matthew Wakeham. (Contributed photo)

The Garden City Public Schools Board of Education recently held its annual reorganization meeting. Reelected board of education trustees Michael Cassaro and Tom Pinou were sworn in to their new three-year terms, and William Holub and Stefanie Granville took oaths of office as president and vice president, respectively. Swearing ins were also administered to Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kusum Sinha and Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance/ District Clerk Dana DiCapua. —Submitted by Garden City Public Schools

waiver of the vaccination requirement while you complete your vaccination,” the website continued to say. “Once vaccination is complete, you must upload your proof.” Until students are fully vaccinated, they’re required to follow established health and safety protocols that apply to unvaccinated individuals such as masking and social distancing. If students would rather attend via remote learning, they do not have to be vaccinated. However, if they visit

the campus, they’re required to show proof of vaccination or wear a mask. Students can also be exempted for religious or medical reasons. So what happens to students if they don’t comply with the vaccine requirement? “If you are not in compliance with the university’s immunization policy, you will receive alerts and reminders to submit proof of vaccination,” the university said. “If you remain noncompliant beyond the indicated deadlines or any university-approved grace period, you will not be permitted on campus, which may impact your enrollment in classes.” Back in May, Adelphi University, which has a student body of approximately 7,350 students, launched a vaccine incentive program to encourage students to be vaccinated. To date, only 26 percent of the university’s student population has uploaded proof of full vaccination. However, a spokesperson for the university said that the 26 percent is an estimate and a moving target. Molloy College and Hofstra University are also requiring its students to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 for the fall. What did you think of this article? Share your thoughts with me by email at: amurray@

Garden City PD Crime Report 7/21 • GCPD and GCFD responded to Brook Street for low hanging power lines. Upon investigation, they were determined to be utility wires. The proper authority was notified for repairs. • Officers responded to the Mobil Station on Franklin Avenue for a male who stated he was assaulted by a man with a bat in Hempstead and suffered multiple injuries. The subject was transported to a local hospital for treatment. Hempstead PD was notified. 7/22 • A person staying at the Residence Inn stated important documents were missing from his room. 7/23 • Packages were reported stolen from a Washington Avenue porch. • A motorist was charged with driving on Clinton Road with a suspended license and excessive speed.

• GCPD and GCFD responded to a building on Old Country Road for a stuck elevator. It was determined the elevator was unoccupied. The elevator was taken out of service. 7/24 • Officers arrested a 33-year-old male for DWI on Stewart Avenue. 7/26 • Walgreens reports the theft of multiple items from the store by a male subject. 7/27 • Upon an investigation at the Country Life Press RR Station, officers arrested a 29-year-old male for four counts of criminal mischief and two counts of assault. • A resident reports an unknown person cashed a fraudulent check against his bank account. • Officers responded to 11th Street for a malfunctioning traffic light. —Submitted by Village of Garden City




At Long Last, Garage Is Ready To Open BY FRANK RIZZO

that need to be fixed, and the daily passes. He reiterated list dealt with mostly minor that only village residents will clean-up issues which are be allowed to buy the yearly or a while, the construcbeing addressed. passes. tion of the Westbury Village Building Inspector According to the mayor, parking garage adjacent William Mello gave updates “The village has engaged an to the railroad station and at the last two board meetings outside engineering firm to fronting Scally Place proceedand noted, “For a period of make sure that the garage was ed with speed. At one point, time leading up to [the opendesigned and constructed it seemed ready to open this ing] notices are sent to anyone properly, including the develpast spring. who has a parking permit.” opment of a post-completion Westbury Mayor Peter He added, “It’s great, it’s punch list of items that had to Cavallaro fielded questions something we’ve been looking be addressed by 3TC.” about its opening date at forward to for a long time. It’s The importance of such almost every village board going to basically double our oversight was made clear meeting, and had to push capacity when the Long Island in 2017 when a commuter back the opening further The Village of Westbury parking garage will open Aug. 9. Railroad gets back to full swing. ” parking garage adjacent to (Photo by Frank Rizzo) down the calendar year. Cavallaro said that he’s the Hicksville railroad station The wait is over. On spots for residents only. which it owns. Under the heard that citizens of developed cracks in the floor Monday, Aug. 9, the village Cavallaro said that 222 new village zoning spurred surrounding communislab and needed extensive will officially open the parking permits had been sold by the $10 million Downtown ties—Salisbury, New Cassel and expensive renovation. garage built by 3TC under to date, compared to 440 Revitalization Initiative state and Carle Place—have contract to the MTA. The pre-pandemic. What did you think grant the village received in asked if they are eligible for garage was erected as part of of this article? Share Non-village residents can yearly parking permits at the 2016, multi-unit housing may the LIRR Expansion Project. your thoughts with me Westbury garage, which repbe erected on the site. by email at: frizzo@ For several years, the village also make use of metered parking on Railroad Avenue. The MTA built the garage on resent a sizable savings from sold a limited number of The Westbury railroad station property owned by the village commuter permits to outconstruction is ongoing, and and will begin a 40-year lease By The Numbers of-village residents, but with for the duration there will be with the village on Oct. 9. The pandemic-induced economic shutdown put a dent the opening of the garage, no street parking on Union According to Cavallaro, on LIRR ridership. Though it has bounced back from last those who do not live in the Avenue. In addition, only “The MTA has two 10-year spring’s troughs, daily commuting to a city where many village will have to buy daily extensions that they could businesses have not allowed workers back to the office is still parking passes from an MTA- one way traffic is allowed westbound on Union Avenue exercise if they want. So, the down considerably from pre-pandemic numbers. designated vendor. initial term would end Aug. The LIRR, at the July meeting of the MTA board, released When commuter ridership from Linden Avenue to Post Avenue. 8, 2061, with the option of the year-to-year ridership figures. Total ridership in June 2021 does bounce back, Westbury Effective Aug. 9, there will MTA to extend to 2071 or 2081. increased 179.2 percent compared to June 2020. However, is ready to accommodate the be no commuter parking on The MTA owns the garage when compared to June 2019, total ridership decreased by passengers. The garage will the south side of the station at until the end of lease, then it is 59.8 percent. Daily commuting is slowly recovering, rising have 676 total spaces, with the former lot. It will be used turned over to village.” 141.3 percent compared to June 2020. But year-to-date 376 restricted to residents for construction staging. The The mayor said the village commutation ridership is 61.0 percent below 2020, reflecting with permits only, and 300 MTA has put out a request for has had 30 days to assess and the high pre-pandemic daily commute figures. daily spots. Surrounding the proposals for this property, provide punch list of items structure will be 107 surface


Feast Of The Assumption Returns The 111th edition of the Feast of the Assumption will be held Friday through Sunday, Aug. 13-15 at the Maria SS Dell’Assunta parking lot, 373 Maple Ave., Westbury. The feast, in honor of the Blessed Mother, is dedicated, according to the organizers, “to world peace, to the memory of deceased members and to those in the armed services.” Starting at 6 p.m. each evening, the feast promises Italian food, rides, a casino and an auction. The schedule: Friday, Aug. 13: 6 to 8 p.m.: Dessert baking contest with cash prizes. All are welcomed. To enter, contact John Buffolino at 516-3036291. 8 to 10 p.m.: Music with

“dynamic” DJ Pasquale Cioffi. Saturday, Aug. 14: DJ Pasquale Cioffi will open at 7 p.m. The auction will start at 10 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 15: 5 p.m.: Mass in honor of the Blessed Mother at St. Brigid’s Church, followed by a procession from the church to the Dell’Assunta Society parking lot. Musical accompaniment by the Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Italian Marching Band. At the festival site, the music will be performed by the Metropolitan Festival Band. There will also be a drawing The procession after the Mass is a key part of the Feast of the Assumption. of cash prizes, with top prize (Photo by Frank Rizzo) of $500, three $100 cash prizes English contact Marco at and two $50 cash prizes. are Domenico Buffolino and 516-931-2016. Glen Ullo is the chairperson John Buffolino. For program —Submitted by Visit www.dellassunta of the feast, and the co-chairs information in Italian or Dell’Assunta Society

24 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


Great Neck Resident Pleads Guilty To A Felony BY CAROLINE RYAN


atthew Bonanno, 49, a plastic surgeon and a resident of Great Neck, pled guilty to second-degree criminal possession of a weapon (a 9 mm pistol) during a court hearing last month. Acting state Supreme Court Justice Terence Murphy sentenced Bonanno to five years of probation under a plea agreement. Prosecutors in Nassau County agreed to drop the rest of the 13-count indictment after authorities seized five illegal assault weapons and two pistols from his Great Neck residence in 2019. Bonanno was arrested in August 2019 by the Tuckahoe Village Police Department in Westchester County after local police said they received a tip from a friend of Bonanno’s that he was armed and discussing a plan to kill his ex-wife and family, whom he had driven up from Great Neck to attend a family barbeque with that day. During a search, police found he had a handgun with him during his arrest and a subsequent search of his BMW (parked outside his ex-wife’s house)

Westchester District Attorney Anthony Scarpino (left) and Tuckahoe Police Chief John Costanzo with Bonnano’s weaponry. (Courtesy of Westchester District Attorney’s Office) revealed five assault rifles, four smoke grenades, face masks, body armor, high-capacity ammunition clips, 1,600 rounds of ammunition, two pairs of brass knuckles, handcuffs, a stun gun, knives, pepper spray and three more pistols. Representatives from the Westchester

District Attorney’s office said in 2019 that the Nassau County Police Department searched Bonanno’s Great Neck apartment and found additional assault rifles. Bonanno’s attorney, Paul Gentile, stated in 2019 that his client is an “avid firearms collector,” and was merely

transporting the weapons and related paraphernalia, which he planned to have registered and which were part of that collection. In Westchester, Bonanno was initially charged with 11 counts of second-degree criminal possession of a weapon related to assault rifles found in his possession and 38 counts of third-degree grand larceny related to illegal high-capacity magazines and ammunition that were seized and four counts of criminal possession of a weapon for possessing metal knuckles. Bonanno pled not guilty to those 53 weapons charges, which are separate from the charges in Nassau County. Officials stated that Bonanno will forfeit his medical license due to the felony convictions. Bonanno will also be sentenced to time served after spending three months in the Westchester County Jail before he was granted bail. He will appear in a Westchester court for official sentencing on Friday, Sept. 17. What did you think of this article? Share your thoughts with me by email at: cryan@

Scholarship Awarded To Great Neck Student And Volunteer Firefighter The Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY) has awarded the 2021 FASNY Gerard J. Buckenmeyer Volunteer Scholarship to Seth Newman of Great Neck. Newman received a certificate and scholarship of $1,500 for his volunteer service in the community from Mike Krummenacker, member of the FASNY Board of Directors. “This scholarship will be extremely helpful in supporting me with college payments and helping me reach my goal of becoming an arson investigator or a fire marshal,” Newman said. Newman plans to attend Nassau Community College for his first year and then transfer to the University of New Haven where he intends to study Arson Investigation and Fire Science. Outside of the firehouse, Seth participated in his school’s robotics team as its safety captain. “My knowledge from the fire service helped me to ensure the safety of others on my team,” Newman said. Since childhood, Newman has dreamed of being in the fire service and has nothing but good things to say about his experience. “I’ve built so many important friendships through the fire

Newman is one of 26 students chosen for this scholarship. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of an applicant’s volunteer service to his or her community, such as serving with a local fire department, scouting, church, school, work with senior citizens, fire prevention and other projects. Additional criteria include consistent demonstration of good character and completion of a written essay. The Gerard J. Buckenmeyer FASNY Volunteer Scholarship program is made possible each June through the generous donations of individuals, fire departments and auxiliaries. This year, Provident Agency Inc., the provider of the accidental death and dismemberment insurance for FASNY members, has again provided major underwriting support to help FASNY award scholarships Seth Newman Great Neck student and volunteer firefighter was awarded to young volunteers. FASNY would the FASNY Scholarship. (Contributed photos) also like to recognize the in-kind support donated by McNeil and Co., department, and I look forward to the service. Start as a junior firefighter, which provides more than 80 hours making many more.” and learn about the fire service, and, if of administrative work needed to He offers this advice to those who you like it, continue and become a full process the applications and awards. want to join and volunteer in the fire member. It will change your life, and For more information, visit www. service, “Do it, try it out, and see if you will learn plenty of valuable life it’s for you. Don’t be scared to join skills, make lifelong friendships, and —Submitted by The Firemen’s because you don’t know anybody in will make countless memories.” Association of the State of New York


Pandemic Changes PLUS Transcript Ransom Scholarship Breakfast

225888 M


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Five Surprising Ways The Pandemic Changes Education For The Better BY ANTON MEDIA STAFF


he shift to remote learning during the pandemic caused angst for parents, but it also led to unexpected benefits that they may find hard to let go of as their children return to school. While pandemic-era schooling has been difficult, parents have come to appreciate the unexpected benefits of distance learning, said Emily Greene (, the author of School, Disrupted: Rediscovering the Joy of Learning in a PandemicStricken World. Some benefits are so positive that parents are reluctant to slide back into the pre-pandemic status quo of in-person schooling without making some improvements. “The dialogue has shifted as parents and students reflect on the last year and think carefully about what they hope to carry forward to improve the school experience,” Greene said. Greene, a working mother of three children, said the pandemic jostled parents into thinking differently about “traditional schooling.” “Distance learning in a pandemic has changed our expectations,” Greene said. “Parents want to apply what we’ve collectively learned to help our children thrive as they return to school.”

Five benefits that parents hope to carry forward: More free time Before the pandemic, many families’ lives were overscheduled, Greene said. The lockdown helped families reconnect with the joys of free time, playtime and downtime. This took the stress off children overwhelmed with homework, extracurriculars and overly structured schedules and opened the door for natural curiosity to flourish. Scientists say free time is essential to the developing brain and is tied to curiosity, creativity and imagination. More time outside During lockdowns, people suffering from cabin fever longed to leave their houses, but indoor public places were problematic. So, families connected with the outdoors in new ways, such as walking, biking or simply

The pandemic forced parents to think differently about education. eating lunch outside. Before the pandemic, many children spent less time outdoors than prison inmates. One survey of 12,000 parents in 10 countries found that half of children ages 5-to-12 were outside less than an hour each day. In comparison, inmates at U.S. maximum-security prisons are guaranteed at least two hours of daily outside time. Less standardization, more personalization A traditional in-person classroom

follows a standardized schedule, leaving little room for independent work or passion projects. Distance learning offered gaps in the day for children to explore their passions and interests. Many parents saw their children expressing new interests, exploring and deepening existing hobbies and making and building things. More connection with what their children are learning With students working remotely, parents were privy to an up-close

view of what their children are learning. Many parents were impressed with what their children were learning. In other cases, parents were surprised to discover the details of their children’s school experience and began asking questions they never asked before, like “Is this relevant?” Or “How is this helping my child?” This new level of parent engagement will trigger long-overdue updates to the standardized curriculum, as well as more options for children. An increased focus on balance and wellbeing Because of the disruption the pandemic caused children have been “wrung through the wringer,” with social, emotional and mental impact. For many parents, this means holding on to distance learning as an option and giving students the flexibility to attend in-person or distance learning to support well-being. “When society lives through a disruption, it rarely returns to the way it was before,” Greene said. “The next few years will be an inspiring time in education as parents, students and teachers begin to apply what we’ve learned.”

Legislation Approved To End Transcript Ransoming Senate Consumer Protection Committee Chair Kevin Thomas recently announced the passage of legislation to prohibit higher education institutions from withholding an official transcript from a current or former student on the grounds that the student owes a debt, a practice sometimes known as “transcript ransoming.” “Each withheld transcript represents a student who was denied the opportunity to pursue a chosen career path, denied access to social and economic mobility through higher education, and ultimately denied access to the American Dream,” Senator Thomas said. “As New Yorkers recover from the economic fallout of the pandemic, we have the opportunity to remove this ineffective and counterproductive barrier in higher education, helping our state recover faster by ensuring a strong, diverse

and educated workforce.” Thousands of New Yorkers are currently unable to obtain their transcripts from higher education institutions across the state because they owe even small amounts of money—from tuition fees to library fines and parking tickets—to the universities and colleges they attended. At a time when many families are suffering through the financial fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, transcript withholding is a disruptive, counter-productive and harmful practice that prevents students from being able to transfer credits, re-enroll in school to finish their degrees or obtain jobs that could help them pay their balances. “The pandemic has exposed one of the darkest secrets of the student debt crisis—transcript withholding,” said Seth Frotman, executive director of the Student Borrower Protection Center. “Senator Thomas’ legislation will

put an end to this abuse and provide a path forward for students as they begin on the long road of rebuilding from the economic fallout of COVID.” The legislation sponsored by Thomas (S.5924A) would ensure students have access to transcript data necessary to complete their degree and obtain employment by making transcript withholding a prohibited debt collection practice. “The practice of transcript withholding is preventing many New Yorkers, especially first generation college students, from completing their degree and obtaining economic mobility. This legislation is critical to ensure we have a strong, diverse and educated workforce,” said Carolina Rodriguez, director of the Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP). —Submitted by the office of Senator Kevin Thomas





FCA Hosts Annual Scholarship Fund Breakfast


n June 24 Garden Citybased nonprofit Family and Children’s Association (FCA) held the organization’s 36th annual Mission Moment Scholarship Fund Breakfast at Westbury Manor. For over three decades, FCA’s Mission Moment Scholarship Fund has aimed to guide local youth toward successful futures by enabling at-risk individuals to pursue higher education and improve their lives by matching them with donors. Nearly 50 college scholarships were awarded, raising a total of nearly $110,000 this year. Scholarship recipients were given the opportunity to meet the donors who helped make their journey possible. The annual reception recognized the extraordinary achievements of scholarship winners, and the dedicated staff and donors who contribute to the program. One of this year’s honorees, former New York Jet, Erik Coleman, shared inspiring words with the students and spoke about the importance of perseverance and never giving up. “We continue to be inspired by the generosity of our donors and tenacity of our students. The past year has been tough for Long Island’s young people but raising more than $100,000 this morning means that the return to classrooms in September will be a little easier for many. It also means that we have set our scholars up for future


success, which makes Long Island better for everyone”, said Dr. Jeffrey Reynolds, FCA president and CEO. Other speakers included Dr. Isma Chaudhry and Hon. Brianna A. Vaughan, Parvin. P. (FCA Walkabout resident); all inspired a sense of motivation and optimism for the future amongst the students. The importance of hard work and determination combined with a strong support network or “village” like that which FCA provides were emphasized and ran a common thread amongst the powerful words of the featured presenters. “The annual scholarship event inspires us all and allows Long Island students to accomplish their educational goals,” said Donna Raphael, FCA senior director. “The affirmation and commitment of our FCA staff also make this mission moment a success.” Over the past 36 years, FCA’s Mission Moment Scholarship Fund has gifted more than 1,500 scholarships worth more than $2,000,000 to students engaged with FCA’s programs and services. Scholarship recipients have attended schools including Stony Brook University, Harvard University, Hofstra University, Binghamton University, Nassau Community College, Columbia University, New York Institute of Technology, Farmingdale State College and many more. Visit to learn more. —Submitted by FCA

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Pictured from L-R: Scholarship recipients Osatohanmwen Irowa (Stony Brook University), Catherine Maltez (Stony Brook University), Frank Palma Gomez (Queens College), Bairon Reyes Luna (Yale University), 2021 Champion of Change honoree and former New York Jet Erik Coleman, Stephanie Chevez (Harvard University), FCA Program Director Donna Raphael, Andrew J. Culbreath (Five Towns College), David Fongyee (New York Institute of Technology), Melva O. Morales Sierra (Hofstra University), Samson Fashakin (Farmingdale State College), Estefany Sorto (Binghamton University), Jonathan Carrera (Farmingdale State College) and Camila Flores (Nassau Community College).


225889 M




Millions Earmarked For Local Colleges, Universities

Funds from the rescue plan are on the way for institutions


ongressman Tom Suozzi has recently announced more than $444 million in emergency funding for colleges, universities and students across Long Island and Queens. The funding will help local institutions and students cope with the severe financial fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. At least half of the funding each public and private nonprofit institution receives and all funding received by for-profit institutions, must be spent on emergency cash assistance grants to students who are facing financial difficulty, hunger and other hardships. Funding will also help colleges and universities re-open safely, in turn boosting local businesses that rely on the student and faculty population. “The pandemic has made financial uncertainty for students much worse,” said Suozzi. “This plan requires that most of this funding must be used to assist college students facing financial difficulties. Help is on the way.” The colleges and universities receiving funding under the American Rescue Plan are found below. Schools in Suozzi districts have an asterisk next to their funding total.

Long Island: Long Island University: $21,809,870* SUNY College at Old Westbury: $16,804,964* New York Institute of Technology: $12,170,280* New York College of Health Professions: $1,640,624* United States Merchant Marine Academy: $1,388,228* VEEB Nassau County School of Practical Nursing: $1,010,811* Webb Institute: $88,362* State University of New York at Stony Brook: $53,830,978 Suffolk County Community College: $45,320,205 Nassau Community College: $38,449,409 State University of New York at Farmingdale: $22,254,442 Hofstra University: $16,107,212 Adelphi University: $14,720,577 Saint Joseph’s College: $10,975,629 Molloy College: $8,959,688 Western Suffolk BOCES: $1,133,708 Rabbinical College of Long Island: $454,931 New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine: $189,202

SUNY at Stony Brook to receive more than $53 million. Shor Yoshuv Rabbinical College: $184,610 Total: $267,493,730


CUNY Queens College: $51,931,565 CUNY LaGuardia Community College: $48,792,766 Queensborough Community College/CUNY: $41,670,718 CUNY York College: $24,529,339 Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology: $6,344,498 Metropolitan Learning Institute: $2,437,292 Rabbinical Seminary of America: $637,111 CUNY School of Law: $417,451 Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid: $243,820 Yeshiva Shaar Hatorah-Grodno: $110,014 Yeshiva of Far Rockaway Derech Ayson: $58,297 Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh: $32,582 Total: $177,205,453 Students should contact their institutions for more information about how they can apply for an emergency grant. The Department of Education released updated guidance and a final rule that clarifies how funds can be used and specifies that all students enrolled on or after March 13, 2020, (the date of declaration of the national emergency) are eligible to receive emergency grants. Nationally, the American Rescue Plan provides $36 billion for nearly 3,500 public and private, nonprofit colleges and universities. —Submitted by the office of Congressman Tom Suozzi

New York Tech Announces New Board Positions Peter J. Romano, an alumnus of New York Institute of Technology, has been named chair of the university’s board of trustees, succeeding Kevin D. Silva, executive vice president and chief human resources officer at Voya Financial, who will fulfill his 14-year term limit on the board in August and become a trustee emeritus. Romano is the president and founder of Peter J. Romano & Co., a project development and management consulting firm located in Bellport. A 1976 graduate of New York Tech’s School of Architecture and Design, Romano has served as vice chair of the university’s board of trustees for six years and as a trustee since December 2011. “My New York Tech education served as the foundation for my success and rewarding career,” said Romano. “I look forward to helping guide the mission of the university and to ensuring that it continues to provide exciting and fulfilling opportunities to students, preparing them for personal and professional prosperity.” Romano’s firm specializes in the development, management, and implementation of projects in the health care sector. Prior to starting his own business, Romano led major architectural projects at firms including Caretsky & Associates and Mason

DaSilva & Associates. He and his wife, Jane, established an endowed scholarship Peter fund in Romano support of students in the School of Architecture and Design. New York Tech President Henry C. Foley said, “We are also grateful for the steadfast leadership and guidance that our outgoing chair, Kevin Silva, has provided to the board and for the contributions that he and his wife, Julie, have made to the university.” Michael Merlo, former chief credit officer of Signature Bank, was reelected to a term as vice chair, and board member Dan Ferrara (D.O. ‘86), Northeast regional president of Alteon Health, was elected to his first term as vice chair. Santhosh I. Keshavan, executive vice president and chief information officer at Voya Financial, has been elected as a new trustee and will begin his term in September. “This orderly transition of roles will provide the board and the university with continuity in the years ahead,” noted Foley. —Submitted by New York Institute of Technology



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226092 S



Although COVID-19 restrictions forced them to wait a year to receive their awards, 2020 Poster Contest winners were no less excited to be honored by the Hicksville Water District. (Photos courtesy of the Hicksville Water District)


The Hicksville Water District Board and Administration were excited to host the 2021 Poster Contest winners and Chad Wyman, the Hicksville School District’s Director of Fine Arts, during the awards ceremony on July 19.

Students Celebrated For Water Conservation Passion


he Hicksville Water District (HWD) recently held a pair of awards ceremonies to celebrate the 45 combined winners of the 2020 and 2021 water conservation poster contests. An annual tradition in the district, the poster contest is held for Hicksville students in grades 1 through 5. This poster contest allows students to learn about the importance of water conservation, as well as the necessity of protecting our sole-source aquifer. Water is our most precious natural resource, and this contest allows students to express their own creativity as well as inspiring them to begin conserving water ahead of the very usage-heavy summer irrigation season. “The Hicksville Water District is proud of every student who entered the poster contests,” HWD Chairman Karl Schweitzer said. “Their artwork and messages always surpass our expectations, which is a testament to their teachers for generating an incredible understanding of the importance of

water conservation on Long Island. The future of our most precious resource is in good hands with students like these leading the way.” The winners for the 2020 poster contest are as follows: Grade 1 Radhika Prajapati- Burns Avenue School Mehakdeep Singh- Dutch Lane School Ryan Gonzales- East Street School Vivian Wang- Fork Lane School Mya Koylass- Lee Avenue School Jashanjit Singh- Lee Avenue School Alea Mersini- Old Country Road School Grade 2 Ian Singh- Burns Avenue School Jordan Peoples Moreira-Dutch Lane School David Peoples Moreira- Dutch Lane School Saanvi Patel- East Street School Geovanny Sanchez- Fork Lane School Ava Walia- Lee Avenue School Jasleen Suniara- Woodland School Grade 3 Aneesh Tippireddy- Burns Ave School Ari Bousri- Dutch Lane School

Jay Pharma- Old Country Road School Mason Persaud- Lee Ave School Grade 4 Stephen Chu- Burns Ave School Vincenza Guerra- Dutch Lane School Amanpreet Ghotia-East Street School Chloe Gan- Fork Lane School Catalina Diaz- Lee Avenue School Josiah George- Old Country Road School Grade 5 Katie Chu- Burns Ave School Jamie Thorsten- Dutch School Kelsi Isufa- Old Country Road School Isabella Carreras- Lee Ave School Anishka Dass- East Street School Addyson Peralta- Fork Lane School The 2021 poster contest winners are as follows: Grade 2 Judah Suzuki- East Street School Zainab Iqbal- East Street School Grade 3 Erik Porter- East Street School Hamza Iqbal- East Street School Saanvi Patel- East Street School Rhea Dutt- East Street School

Alexander Amato- East Street School Angelo Fotopoulos- East Street School Daniela Mendez Sanchez- East Street School Harry Papadopoulos- East Street School Grade 4 Gurleen Kaur- East Street School Isabelle Moran- East Street School Evangelia Varthis- East Street School Molly Reinhardt- East Street School Grade 5 Abigail Vinoj- East Street School The 2020 Poster Contest Awards Ceremony and the winning posters can be viewed on the Hicksville Water District’s website at The 2021 Poster Contest Awards ceremony and the winning posters can be viewed at www.hicksvillewater. org/2021-hicksville-water-district-poster-contest-winners./ —Submitted by the Hicksville Water District Visit to read a longer version of this story.

Wantagh Fire Department Part Of Four-Alarm Effort At approximately 7:45 a.m. on Monday, July 26, the Wantagh Fire Department was alerted for a house fire at 3077 N. Jerusalem Rd. in Levittown. 3rd Assistant Chief Bill Stevens was first to respond and dispatcher Lauren Fortuna reported that she had received several calls reporting a heavy volume of fire coming from the garage. Stevens arrived a few moments later and transmitted a “Signal 10,” (working fire). His initial reports included that a detached garage was fully involved and the house was starting to catch fire as flames intensified. In addition, the house immediately to the right was The Wantagh Fire Department was one of four companies that responded to a North Jerusalem Avenue house fire in danger of becoming involved. 2nd Assistant Chief Lenny Mathewson then (Photo courtesy of ex-Chief William K. Field IV/Bill Breslin) arrived and assumed command. remained on scene for approximately The fire, which presented some very tanks and a 275-gallon oil tank in the 1 hour, 45 minutes conducting garage, was declared under control challenging and hazardous conditions overhaul operations and securing all in approximately 40 minutes. Units for firefighters due to several propane

equipment and there were no injuries reported. Mutual Aid assistance was provided at the scene by the Levittown, Bethpage, North Bellmore Fire Departments (F.A.S.T./ Truck Companies) and the Seaford FD for an additional Engine Company. East Meadow, Bellmore and Massapequa Fire Departments were on standby at Wantagh Station #2 with an Engine, Ladder and Rescue respectively. An investigation is underway by personnel from the Nassau County Police Arson/Bomb Squad and Nassau County Fire Marshal’s Office, although the cause does not appear suspicious. —Submitted by the Wantagh Fire Department Visit to read a longer version of this story.

26 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP



Canines Commandeer Freeport Vessel BY CHRISTY HINKO


Knight with Anthony and Meghan of Merrick

early two dozen pooches took to the seas Wednesday night for a two-hour sunset cruise through Baldwin Harbor, Mansion Harbor, Randall Bay and Parsonage Cove with Captain Lou Fleet from the Woodcleft dock in Freeport. Leashed dogs of all breeds, including a Great Pyrenees, a Poodle, a Chihuahua, a German Shepherd and many more of various ages and sizes, boarded the vessel with their owners. The dogs were excited and curious from the moment they boarded the cruise boat, sniffing the rails, ropes, benches and each other. Owners had a chance to meet other like-minded pet parents, exchange tidbits about their breed and help snap a few pictures of each other on the bow against the sunset. Representatives from Nassau County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) were also onboard to promote their mission, spread awareness and help get two of their rescued dogs, Happy and Tony, rehomed and adopted into loving homes. Five remaining doggie cruises run every other Wednesday through the season (Aug. 11, 25, Sept. 8, 22 and 29). Visit www.captloufleet. com to learn more and to book one of these or several other upcoming themed cruises.

Kassidy (left) and LJ with their owners Jennifer and Christian of Franklin Square

Moose with Demetri and Christina

Sorcha and Alexia of Freeport

Miss Poppins, Lilly (center), Mr. Roo with Donna (Merrick) and Penny (Bellmore)

Christina, Chris and Lora with Athena and Lily Loretta Lynn, the Great Pyrenees puppy pirate of New Hyde Park



226102 S


28 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR GLEN COVE IDA: ACCOUNTABILITY AND METRICS NEEDED TO PROTECT TAXPAYERS The main purpose of an Industrial Development Agency (IDA) is to stimulate the local economy through the creation of permanent local jobs. This can be achieved by providing tax incentives including PILOTs (payments in lieu of taxes) to local businesses. Historically, according to the annual report on IDAs from the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC), Glen Cove’s IDA (GCIDA) has ranked toward the bottom of all IDAs in NY state for the cost per job created indicating that taxpayers are being asked to subsidize residential developments which do not meaningfully create jobs. Absent permanent job creation, this is tantamount to appropriating a tax subsidy from taxpayers for the benefit of high-density residential developers. Of greater concern, is the lack of accountability and transparency in how these subsidies are appropriated and facilitated. Recently, the OSC issued an audit of the GCIDA operations from

January 1, 2017 through September 30, 2019 and the report was alarming and disturbing. According to the report, the key finding states, “The Board and officials did not properly approve and monitor projects or take action when goals were not met.” Specifically, some of the most concerning findings were: • Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILOTs) billing and collections were not monitored by officials • Of the ten projects reviewed, default events occurred in seven of them which could lead to recapture for Glen Cove. However, no recourse was pursued for any of the seven projects. • Almost half of 115 payments reviewed were received 1-9 months late • Several invoices were sent out after the due dates • PILOTs were not allocated correctly among affected taxing jurisdictions (ATJ) • “The GCIDA has no procedures in place to ensure

PILOTs collected are being accurately paid to each ATJ.” • Due to the lack of controls, the city and school district were short-changed $75,039 and $300,875, respectively. If the GCIDA had accurately allocated PILOT payments and collected late fees, adding a few hundred thousand dollars in revenue, it would have equated to approximately one to two percent in taxes and thus would have lessened the extent of the large tax increase last year. A misconception about PILOTs is that it is assumed that a project will not happen if a PILOT is not granted thus the benefit to the city is the difference between collecting no or little taxes for vacant land versus collecting the amount of the PILOT payment. This is not the correct analysis. The appropriate cost-benefit analysis needs to accurately assess the true costs to service developed properties with water, schools, police, sanitation, fire etc., which are much more extensive for

developed land versus vacant land, which is why vacant land has a lower assessed value. Once a property does not pay the standard tax rate which covers the expense of standard municipal services, then the rest of the taxpayers are subsidizing that property’s services, the cost of which is extensive. Based on the critical issues raised by the New York State Comptroller concerning how the IDA is currently operated, I strongly propose a moratorium on further granting of any tax breaks until such time that the appropriate metrics, policies and protections are established which correspond to and address those issues cited by the OSC audit and are put into operation. Because taxpayer money is being appropriated with no accountability to the taxpayers, I strongly believe a specific metric must be introduced into the process to create that accountability. —Marsha Silverman Glen Cove City Councilmember

Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000 Publishers of Port Washington News Great Neck Record Manhasset Press The Roslyn News Plainview-Old Bethpage Herald Oyster Bay Enterprise-Pilot Glen Cove Record Pilot Mineola American Syosset-Jericho Tribune Massapequa Observer Farmingdale Observer New Hyde Park Illustrated News Levittown Tribune Garden City Life Hicksville News The Westbury Times

Editor and Publisher Angela Susan Anton

President Frank A. Virga Vice President of Operations Iris Picone

Director of Sales Administration Shari Egnasko

Managing Editors Anthony Murray, Caroline Ryan

Editors Dave Gil de Rubio, Christy Hinko, Frank Rizzo, Jennifer Corr

Advertising Sales Ally Deane, Mary Mallon, Sal Massa, Maria Pruyn, Jeryl Sletteland

Director of Circulation Joy DiDonato

Director of Production Robin Carter

Creative Director Alex Nuñez

Art Director Catherine Bongiorno

Senior Page Designer Donna Duffy

Director of Business Administration Linda Baccoli

SAVE THE COWS, EAT PLANTS to experience freedom or even a moment of joy. They are branded without painkillers, confined to filthy feedlots, crowded onto transport trucks, and shipped to slaughterhouses, where they’re hung upside-down, their throats are slit and they are skinned and gutted. Some are conscious through the entire

Publication Office:

terrifying, painful —Rebecca Libauskas 132 East Second St., Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: (516) 747-8282 process. Staff Writer, The PETA Fax: (516) 742-5867 Each of us can spare Foundation © 2021 Long Island Community Newspapers, Inc. animals like Barney from Letters to the editor are welcomed by Anton Media Group. terrible suffering, by We reserve the right to edit in the interest of space and eating tasty vegan foods Celebrating clarity. All letters must include an address and daytime instead of meat and dairy. 37 YEARS telephone number for verification. All material contributed IN BUSINESS to Anton Media Group in any form becomes the property of After all, Barney exclu1984-2021 the newspapers to use, modify and distribute as the newssively eats plants—we paper staff assigns or sees fit. Letters to the editor can be can, too. mailed to: Additional copies of this and other issues are available for purchase by Visit for calling 516-403-5120. a free vegan starter kit.

Immaculately Maintained Colonial Locust Valley | 40 Bella Vista Street | $1,188,000 | 4 BR, 2.5 BA Resort style in-ground pool and patio | Web# 3332432 |

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224322 S

Barney, the brave bull who escaped a New York slaughterhouse, has captured the hearts of New Yorkers and people across the country who are rooting for him to be found safe and transported to a sanctuary. Cows value their lives, just as we value our own. But most cows in the meat industry never get a chance

For circulation inquiries, email:





The Small World Of Long Island It was getting late and the last thing the server needed was a large group of people showing up at the door of her restaurant. Traditionally, a large group means a lot of aggravation and a minimal tip. When the large bill finally comes, padded by drinks and appetizers, sticker shock takes over and forking over a good tip becomes secondary. That’s why most restaurants automatically add in the gratuity for parties of more than eight or 10. This group was bigger than that. While looking at her boss with blue eyes that pleaded, “Please, not me,” she knew, as the senior member of the waitstaff, nobody else could be trusted to handle a large party like this. It was a Wednesday night at a local restaurant, and this group of 14 tourists, wearing shorts and Hawaiian shirts, would probably make their whole night. My wife and I had started our mini-vacation in Greenport on a Monday with my cousin Denise, her husband Hugo and my Aunt Maria and Uncle Umberto. Our neighbors Tom and Jackie joined us the next day to make it a party


of eight. Our friends George and Kathy joined us on Wednesday afternoon to bring us up to double digits. When my brother and sister-in-law came out Wednesday night with my cousin Donna and her husband Billy, our original group had more than doubled. Where were we going to go for dinner with 14 people? Claudio’s seemed like the logical destination to accommodate our party, but they were closed on Wednesdays this early in the summer season. After some discussion, we settled on a place called, ironically, Case’s Place in New Suffolk. Who even knew there was a New Suffolk? When did Long Island run out of Indian

tribe names? It was nestled right on the Peconic River, across from Robin’s Island. Although they didn’t take reservations, they could accommodate our massive party after rearranging many tables in the far corner of their outside patio. Our smiling, blue-eyed waitress, with her blond hair pinned back, made her way over to our group, introducing herself as Deborah. Being a wisenheimer, I asked if it was Debra with a “ra” or Deborah with an “ah.” She responded, “It’s Deborah with an ‘ah,’ and most people call me De-boorah.’” As good customers, we wore that joke out all evening. While taking the massive drink order, De-Boor-Ah recognized a group of vacationers and asked where we were from. My cousin Donna spoke up about living in Deer Park. Turns out De-Boor-Ah’s father was a pastor at the church right down the block from their house and she knew the area very well. When others in our party identified as being from Massapequa, Dee-boor-Ah had a big smile on her face. She asked if we knew Gary

The Paul DiSclafani-led crew of 14 that descended on Case’s Place in New Suffolk during a recent summer outing. (Photo courtesy of Paul DiSclafani)

Marocchi, who plays in a band called “Porch Groove.” Not only did most of us know Gary personally, but his daughter Devon was also best friends with Tom and Jackie’s daughter Rebecca. Before long, we were trading “do you know…” names and having a grand ole time. Long Island stretches 120 miles long, covering more than 1,400 square miles. What are the chances a local New Suffolk restaurant server could make such a personal connection with a group of people from different towns? After wearing herself out delivering drinks, appetizers, more drinks, extra napkins and entrées to what was, for

the most part, a respectful group of diners, De-Boor-Ah asked if we wanted her to take a group photo. It took a little maneuvering and a lot of skill on her part, but she was able to capture a special moment for us that included all 14 heads in the picture. That alone would have earned her a better than average tip. Who knows, maybe we will run into her at the next “Porch Groove” outing. It is a small world, after all. Paul DiSclafani’s new book, A View From The Bench, is a collection of his favorite Long Island Living columns. It’s available wherever books are sold.

The Mean Seats Of New York Human athletes have finally returned to Major League baseball, replacing cardboard cutouts that quickly find their way to a dumpster. Stadiums have already been busy welcoming back fans with seating restrictions and new means to empty your wallet. Charging more than the previous arm and a leg for parking and food should make up for lost revenue. Actually, I’m more worried about sitting next to a rude neighbor that acts like they are watching the game in their backyard and anything goes. At any sports stadium in the world, you’re looking for a relaxing, competitive event with friends, cocktails and food. But adding to that list is consideration from your neighbor who is practically sitting in your lap. That spacing might change this year, but still, you have to realize real


estate is tight. Twenty years ago, a bad neighbor sat next to me at Shea Stadium. All I wanted on that August afternoon was to see if the Mets could hold the lead in the Eastern division. I didn’t anticipate being involved in seat warfare. It started in the first inning after the lead off batter for the Dodgers hit a monster home run off the Mets top line

starter. The entire row rose to their feet to watch it sail over the centerfield fence, including my neighbor, who threw his arms up in disgust, taking a piece of my ear with him. More toward the truth, he just nicked it. To my credit, the temper didn’t flare figuring an apology was on the way. Not a word. And that was just the start. After three scoreless innings that included only a minor infraction of dumping a beer on my feet, my neighbor seemed to be getting bored. He needed comfort, so he spread his legs out like he was holding an accordion. Our knees butted up against each other like being wound up with duct tape. Forgetting I was 45, not 18, I slammed into his knee with my thigh pushing it back into place. I waited for the response, not sure about my strategy. He

turned toward me, eyes flaring and said, “Hey, sorry buddy. My fault, didn’t mean to hog up all the room.” With a sudden renewed sense of this guy’s makeup, I said, “hey, not a problem. Whoever designed these seats should go back to drafting school.” Like that home run sailing over the centerfield wall, the past innings of disrespect were forgotten. This unusual war, which consisted of battles won and lost by each side, had now ended. And the day was a success. The Mets won on a double steal; one of the strategies that doesn’t exist these days, along with the all-important brother

bonding. Finally, there was a lesson learned about courtesy. My overreaction to what I thought was blatant inconsideration caused the silent turf war between two strangers. A war that had no reason to exist, especially during America’s passtime and in the toughest of proving grounds—The Mean Seats of New York. Tom is a published fiction and non-fiction writer, born and raised on Long Island. An outdoorsman with main interests in hiking, biking, and golf, his column “Around Long Island” focuses on local outdoor events and suburban stories.

30 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


NEIGHBORS IN THE NEWS Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti (D-Port Washington) announced that legislation she sponsored to extend a 50 percent subsidy in connection with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) to September 2024 was signed into law. Without passage of this timely extension, the 50 percent subsidy would have expired in October 2021. “Pollution in waterways is a problem Long Island communities have battled for years,” Assemblywoman Sillitti said. “From ensuring access to clean drinking water to investing in aging water infrastructure, I’m committed to protecting our families and our communities for generations to come.” The CWSRF was established in 1989 to provide financial assistance to recipients, generally municipalities, to construct and upgrade eligible water pollution control projects. The interest rate subsidy level was originally set at one-third, but was increased to 50 percent in 1992. The increase helped to incentivize municipalities to undertake clean water projects. “We are grateful to Assemblywoman Sillitti for



From left: Superintendent Christopher Murphy, Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti, Commissioner Patty Katz and Chairman Steve Reiter of the Great Neck Water Pollution Control District. (Contributed photo) sponsoring such an important bill. Besides saving taxpayers money, this bill will enhance infrastructure and preserve the

quality of water on Long Island for years to come,” Patty Katz of the Great Neck Water Pollution Control District said.

Hempstead Town Clerk Kate Murray (center) attended the grand opening ceremony for Luxe Refashioned Boutique, a new business located on Old Country Road in Westbury. Also attending were Brianna Gerbino of Valley Stream, Lucrezia DiRico of Commack, Anamaria Grabovenko, Lia Grabovenko, Ana-Maria-Hurtado-Quinn of Freeport and Taylor of Garden City. (Town of Hempstead)

Wantagh Board Of Education Reorganizes For 2021-22 School Year The Wantagh School District Board of Education reorganized for the 2021-2022 school year, during the recent annual in-person reorganization meeting. Anthony Greco was sworn in for an additional threeyear term by district clerk Elaine McGuigan. In addition, the board nominated and elected Greco as president of the board and trustee Laura Reich as vice president.

Anthony Greco

Laura Reich





Butterfly & Insect Study

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 402 of

the Abandoned Property Law of the State of New York that:


Saturday, August 7th • 11:00am MUSEUM and PRESERVE

50 Barry Drive, Glen Cove • 516-571-8010 •

225374 M


a) a report of unclaimed amounts of money or other property held or owing by the above named corporation has been made to the Comptroller of the State of New York. A list of names of the persons appearing from the records of such corporation to be entitled thereto is on file and open to public inspection at its principal office or place of business in any city, village or county where any such abandoned property is payable or by calling the corporation at 800-642-4272; b) such deposits, payments and refunds, together with interest due thereon and less lawful deductions, will be paid by the corporation on or before the succeeding twenty-fourth day of September to persons establishing to the corporation’s satisfaction their right to receive the same; and c) in the succeeding month of October, and on or before the tenth day thereof, such unclaimed deposits, payments and refunds, together with interest due thereon and less lawful deductions, still remaining will be paid to the Comptroller of the State of New York, and that the corporation shall thereupon cease to be liable therefore.

KeySpan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid 175 East Old Country Rd. Hicksville, New York 11801 continued on page 39

226002 S



A Broadway Celebration At The Regency The Anchor Select Group put on an impromptu concert at The Regency’s overflowing lobby and residents and staff loved every minute of it. “I could have sat there all day listening to them sing,” resident Elena Curella shared. The trio included a pianist, a narrator/ singer and a featured female lead singer. They shared Broadway facts about Lerner and Lowe, Sondheim and Bernstein in between show tunes. The troupe even brought popcorn and drinks for all to share. “I love Broadway and Frank Sinatra The Anchor Select Group sang music,” resident Lois Gallop said. “They did showtunes for The Regency resia great job.” dents. Photo courtesy The Regency —Submitted by The Regency At Glen Cove At Glen Cove

Representatives from the Levittown Community Action Coalition (LCAC) virtually joined thousands of substance use and misuse prevention specialists and community coalition advocates for CADCA’s recent (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America’s) 20th Annual Mid-Year Training Institute. LCAC is a Drug Free Communities grant recipient, which enabled it to send four students to CADCA this year. Youth coalition members participated in sessions that encouraged them to think critically about their roles as leaders in social change. Youth participants left the course with substance use and misuse

Farmingdale Village Courtroom Named For Late Justice The Village of Farmingdale board of trustees and Mayor Ralph Ekstrand (third from left) recently dedicated the Farmingdale Village Courtroom in honor of The Honorable Salvatore J. Nicosia. Beginning in 1979, Nicosia served as deputy village attorney, becoming village attorney in 1988. He was first elected village justice in 1994, serving until his untimely passing in January 2021. Nicosia was also a traffic court judge for Nassau County and was an active member of the Rotary Club. It’s an honor Ekstrand felt was fitting. “We take great pleasure in dedicating the village courtroom in honor of Judge Nicosia,” he said. “His integrity, fairness and kindness will always be remembered by the Farmingdale community.” (Photo courtesy of Marketing Masters NY)


prevention tools including a Logic Model, Community Assessment, Interventions and an Action Plan. Sofia Ferreiro, a student at Division Avenue and Vice President of LCAC’s youth coalition, Levittown Y.O.U.T.H. (Young Organizers United to Help), was selected to present during the youth session’s closing ceremonies. This year’s CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute was originally scheduled to be held in Chicago. Due to continuing safety precautions for the COVID-19 pandemic, the event was alternatively provided as an online training experience, centered around the theme of “Every Day CADCA Trains: Community Coalition Leaders.” More than 100 sessions were offered over five days of training for adults, youth and international prevention advocates featuring a plethora of topics. LCAC has recently impacted the community by reducing underage drinking by 14 percent. They look forward to utilizing the skills they learned through CADCA’s Mid-Year Training Institute to further these initiatives and further our impact.


Metro Team Sports is a full service athletic team dealer. We provide outstanding service and top quality team uniforms, apparel and gear to athletic departments of high schools, colleges, universities and leagues. Metro Team Sports is a continuously growing company that has been in business for nearly 20 years. We are looking for an Account Coordinator to begin immediately. Ideally, this position would be full time hours from 9am- 5pm but we are also willing to accept part time availability of 9am – 3pm with the right qualified candidate. The Account Coordinator is the primary point of contact for clients and acts as the voice of Metro Team Sports. This is a growth opportunity to learn all aspects of the business beginning with order entry, order processing and working up to being a skilled and valued team member. The Account Coordinator is responsible for assisting their dedicated sales person and Account Manager to process team uniform orders, ordering products from widely known apparel vendors and working with our print partners to get the order to the customer on time.

Additional job responsibilities would include: • Managing customer relationships throughout the ordering process • Coordinate with off-site production on a high volume of orders • Possess a high processing speed as a routine part of daily activities • Organize and prioritize a wide variety of tasks • Efficiently and effectively enter and process sales orders using our industry specific software Requirements: • Minimum 2 year college degree required, 4 year college degree preferred • 1-2 years of proven customer service experience in a fast paced environment • Extensive knowledge of all aspects of Microsoft Office, with knowledge of Quickbooks a plus • Outstanding communication skills, both verbal and written • Highly organized team player who strives to provide unparalleled customer service • “Can do” friendly attitude with the ability to self-manage • Detail oriented and ability to meet deadlines Job Compensation: • Starting salary of $40,000+ for full time candidates, commensurate with experience • Health benefits • Profit sharing • 401K • M-F weekday work schedule, no weekends Interested candidates should submit resume with cover letter to

226098 M

32 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP


COMMUNITY CALENDAR ...........................


Tour The Bay Area The Cow Neck Peninsula Historical Society will hold an historic walking tour of Manhasset Bay. Also on Sunday, Aug. 8. Meet at the Town Dock’s red tugboat in Port Washington at 11 a.m. If weather is inclement, check the website that morning at Yoga in the Garden Enjoy a 60-minute, all levels yoga and meditation class in the Cloister Garden from 8 to 9 a.m. General admission: $20. Located at 1395 Planting Fields Rd., Oyster Bay. Visit www. to register. Butterflies and Insects Hosted by the Garvies Point Museum & Preserve, 50 Barry Dr., Glen Cove. From 11 a.m. to noon and 2 to 3 p.m. Explore The Planting Fields Arboretum offers a onehour class on Aug. 7.

the preserve’s fields and gardens environments in search of a variety of insects, butterflies and more. Included with museum admission, $5 adults, $3 children, free for members. Group size is limited so please call to reserve your spot. Call 516-571-8010 or visit www.garviespointmuseum. com. Vino Vibes Presented at the Landmark at Main Street parking lot, 232 Main St., Port Washington. An amazing house band and featured artist Joel Young, highlighted on “The Best of March (2021): NPR Staff Picks.” Bring your lawn chairs. Tickets are $30 reserved, $25 general admission. Visit or call 516-767-1384.

Come across butterflies at the Garvies Point Museum & Preserve on Aug. 7. at the David S. Mack Sports and Exhibition Complex at Hofstra University in Hempstead. Family friendly and safe for children of all ages. Hours are Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets start at $25 for one day general admission. Find out more at



Drive-In Concert Hosted by the Town of North Hempstead at North Hempstead Beach Park, 175 West Shore Rd., Port Washington. At 6 p.m., Street Fighter (Rolling Stones tribute band) will ........................... perform. Cars will be admitted startSATURDAY/SUNDAY, ing one hour prior to the show for the drive-in concerts. Events are free, AUG. 7-8 but the town encourages attendees to Eternal Con bring non-perishable/canned foods Eternal Con, The Long to each concert as part of its donation Island Comic Con, drive. Attendees must remain in their celebrates its eighth year vehicles. Restroom facilities will be offering a fun and educational available. For more information, call experience for visitors of all ages 516-869-6311.

MONDAY, AUG. 9 Magro Foundation Car Show The Michael Magro Foundation will host its car show at the Sears parking lot, 195 North Broadway, Hicksville, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. All cars welcome—Donation per car is $20. Admission is $5 per person, with kids free. Raffles, food trucks and more. For more information call Larry Ruisi at 516-660-9006 or Tom Galati at 646-264-8246. Learn more at www.


WEDNESDAY, AUG. 11 Bird Walk Hosted by the North Shore Audubon Society from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Boat Basin West End, Jones Beach State Park. Register via email to


Pirate Festival From Aug. 1 to 31 at Whaling Museum & Education Center, 301 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor. Celebrate International Pirate Month with crafts and a pirate quest. All ages. Free with admission. Learn more at www.

GRAND REOPENING Aug. 6th – Aug. 8th Free Movie Weekend for the Re-Opening of Roslyn Movie Theater Doors open at 6pm 6:30pm Scooby Doo 6:30pm Casablanca 8:45pm Slap Shot 8:45pm The In-Laws

20 Tower Place, Roslyn NY

226100 S

A more complete list may be found at




POLICE REPORT Man Arrested For Assault In New Cassel

involving a motorcycle that occurred on July 23 at 11:49 p.m. in Bethpage. According to detectives, Angelo Leto, a 56-year-old male from Bellmore, was operating a 2008 Harley Davidson, traveling southbound on the Seaford/ Oyster Bay Expressway (Route 135), just beyond the Hempstead Turnpike overpass when he struck a yellow barrier barrel in the lane. The victim then lost control of his motorcycle and proceeded to strike another yellow barrier barrel and a barrier truck. The victim was transported to an area hospital, where he was pronounced deceased by medical personal shortly after arrival. All involved parties remained at the scene. The motorcycle was brake and safety checked. The investigation is ongoing.

The Third Squad reports the arrest of a New Cassel man on July 22 at 4:57 p.m. in New Cassel. Third Precinct officers responded to a call for a person with a weapon at the Martin “Bunky” Reid Park, located at Urban Avenue and Broadway. Officers were given a description of the subject and were able to locate him still in the park. As officers approached the subject he began to flee on foot. After a short pursuit the officers were able to reach the subject and attempted to place him in custody. The defendant, 18-year-old Jarbar Henfield, began to actively resist. During the struggle, an officer sustained an injury to his head. Officers recovered a box cutter in the defendant’s possession. The officer and Police Investigate the defendant were both transported Farmingdale Burglary to an area hospital for treatment. The Eighth Squad reports the details Henfield has been charged with second-degree assault, resisting arrest of a burglary that occurred between and fourth-degree criminal possession July 24 and July 25 in Farmingdale. According to detectives, an of a weapon. He was arraigned when unknown subject or subjects with medically practical. unknown description did illegally Police Investigate Fatal Car enter a commercial business, located Accident In Bethpage at 345 Eastern Pkwy. between 1 p.m. The Homicide Squad reports the on July 24 and 3:10 p.m. on July 25. details of a fatal vehicular accident An employee reporting to work at

All American Recycling, discovered that the building had been ransacked and vandalized, sustaining extensive damage. The investigation is ongoing. Detectives are requesting anyone with information regarding the above listed crime to contact Nassau County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-244-8477. All callers will remain anonymous.

Amityville Man Arrested In East Garden City For Robbery Third Squad detectives report the arrest of an Amityville man for an incident that occurred on July 25 at 8:15 a.m. in East Garden City. According to detectives, police responded to XSport Fitness, located at 630 Old Country Rd. for a male subject who selected a pink sweatshirt from a retail rack and placed it on before passing all points of purchase, while making no attempt to pay for the merchandise. During the investigation, the male subject returned back to the location wearing the stolen merchandise. Officers attempted to place him under arrest, but he refused to comply with verbal commands and resisted arrest. After a brief struggle, he was placed into custody and transported for arrest processing without further incident. During the struggle,

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an officer sustained an injury resulting in substantial pain and extreme swelling to his right elbow causing a hematoma. Dwight Clermont, 25, has been Dwight Clermont charged with seccourtesy of ond-degree assault, (Photo NCPD) petit larceny and resisting arrest. He was arraigned in First District Court in Hempstead.

Police Investigate Serious Accident In East Meadow The Homicide Squad reports the details of a serious accident involving a pedestrian that occurred on July 27 at 10:35 p.m. in East Meadow. According to detectives, a female, 57, was operating a 2017 Honda eastbound in the vicinity of 2430 Hempstead Tpke. and struck a female pedestrian. The female pedestrian suffered severe head trauma and was transported by ambulance to a local hospital for treatment. The driver remained at scene. The vehicle went through a brake and safety check. The investigation is ongoing.

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Attention to detail like no other for more than 60 years. We remain committed to providing exceptional service to every family we serve.

BETHPAGE Mary Ann Comerford, 95, of Bethpage, passed away on July 2. Loving mother of Mark (Nona), Susan (Maureen), Corey (Kathy), Craig (Rothmondy) and Chanthou Prasaeng. Cherished grandmother of five grandchildren. Beloved great-grandmother of three great-grandchildren. A funeral mass was held at St. Martin of Tours RC Church. Interment followed at Long Island National Cemetery. Arrangements entrusted to Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc. Marie N. Tomaselli, 87, of Bethpage, passed away on July 6. Reunited with in heaven with her beloved husband Albert. Loving mother of Josephine Colucci. Cherished cat mother of Gus. Proud grandmother of Diane Colucci and John Luke Colucci. Devoted of Tom, Jack, Sal and the late Frank. A funeral mass was held at St. Martin of Tours RC Church. Interment followed at St. Charles Cemetery. Arrangements entrusted to Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc.




New York state law mandates that all contracts for prearranged funeral agreements executed by applicants for or recipients of supplemental social security income or medical assistance be irrevocable. 223131 S

FARMINGDALE Patricia Mary Dieterich, 76, of West Babylon, formerly of Farmingdale passed away on July 7. Beloved wife of 53 years to Gerard

V. Loving mother of Christine Dieterich (Richard Delmonico) and Kelly Villalta (Rafael). Cherished grandmother of Michael Butindaro (Samantha), Theresa Butindaro, Andrew Butindaro, Maxwell Zeiders and Olivia Zeiders. Her first great granddaughter, Hunter Butindaro was born the same day as Patricia entered Heaven. Dear sister of Andrew Kreek (Phyllis) and Michael Kreek (Leslie). Also survived by many nieces, nephews, cousins and special friends. A funeral mass was held at St. Kilian RC Church. Interment followed at Calverton National Cemetery. Arrangements entrusted to Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc. Lorraine Tempia, lifelong Farmingdale resident, passed away suddenly on July 4, at the age of 51. Beloved daughter of Lorraine (Meyer) and the late George. Devoted mother of Charles Suppa. Cherished niece of Regina Mirabelli and Clarice Meyer Santos. Also survived by cousins Tina, Tara, Carissa and John. Immediate Past President of Knights of Columbus Council 2204 Columbiettes. Longtime member and current recording secretary of the Farmingdale-Bethpage Historical Society. A funeral mass was held at St. Kilian RC Church.

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220409 S


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Interment followed at St. Charles Cemetery. Arrangements entrusted to Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc. Nick J. Fromigia, 60, of Farmingdale, passed away on July 10. Reunited in heaven with his beloved wife Maria. Loving father of Juliann and Isabella. A funeral mass was held at St. Kilian RC Church. Cremation was private. Arrangements entrusted to Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc.

of the Hempstead Harbor Club. John is survived by his beloved wife, Bee, sons John, George, Thomas and Robert and their spouses, five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

MANHASSET Connie Simon of Southport, NC died on July 22 at age 94. Connie was born in Manhasset, to John and Josephine Idol. Long time resident of Glen Cove, retired from North Shore School District. Connie was preceded in death by son, Timothy Frances Methven, 77, lifelong resident of Farmingdale, passed away Simon, sister Helen Simon. She is on July 14. Beloved wife of 54 years to survived by son, Jim Simon, his wife Robert “Bob.” Loving mother of Brian Gail Tingley Simon of Southport, NC, granddaughters Erin Simon, husband (Andrea), Lisa Turturro (Michael), Jeremy Pippenger, Colleen Shelley, Robert and Karen Lederer (Michael). husband Ryan, great-grandson River Cherished grandmother of Amanda, Shelley. Services will be private and Sean, Jenna, Nate, Keira, Michael internment will be at Nassau Knolls and Nicholas. Devoted sister of Betty Noveck and Marie Dittmier. A funeral Cemetery, Port Washington, close to mass was held at St. Kilian RC Church. her son, parents and many relatives. Interment followed at St. Charles OYSTER BAY Cemetery. Arrangements entrusted to Gerard R. O’Grady, died on Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc. July 24, at age 78, of Oyster Bay. GLEN COVE Beloved husband of Monica. Loving John Franklin Wilson, 94, long-time father of Matthew (Tara) and Kevin resident of Glen Cove, passed away on (Amanda). Cherished grandfather July 19. John was born in Delhi, NY. of Nora, Patrick and Cole. Dear After serving in the U.S. Navy, he atbrother of Mary Jane Hayes and tended Cornell University, then was an Barbara Gaudette. Devoted uncle of engineer at Sperry/Unisys for 40 years. Christopher, Tim, Paul, Julia, Nicole, John married Annis Thompson, known Arianna, Erin and Grace Kelly. Also as Bee, in 1955 and moved to Glen survived by many loving relatives and Cove where they lived for more than 60 friends. Funeral mass was held at St. years. They were long-time members Dominic RC Chapel, Oyster Bay.

Anton Media Group celebrates the lives of all those in the community. We publish obituaries of residents and former residents at no charge to the families as a courtesy. We do this within the shortest time frame possible according to space availability. Email no more than 100 words to editorial@, or mail to 132 E. Second St., Mineola, NY 11501.

Arthur F. White

Funeral Home, Inc.

Anton Media Group celebrates the lives of all those in the community. We A Tradition of Caring Since 1923 publish obituaries of residents and former residents at no charge to the For 97 years we are honored to say our family continues families as a courtesy. We do this to provide local families with the best service at the most reasonable cost. within the shortest time frame possible Owner/ Operator- Nancy J. White according to space availability. Email Manager- William D. Parsons no more than Directors-Stephen 100 words to editorial@ Funeral J. Mahoney, Kevin R. DeFriest & Jayme R. Elia, or mail to 132 E. Second St., Mineola, NY 11501.

234 Broadway, Bethpage (516) 931-1454


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224015 S

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continued from page xx

FARMINGDALE LEGAL NOTICE Joan Marchant MA, RD, CDN, PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 6/26/2021. Office: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent of the PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the PLLC, 25 Waverly Place, Farmingdale, NY 11735. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. 8-11,4; 7-28-21-14-7-20216T-#225644-FARM LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Self Storage Sale Please take notice Prime Storage - Farmingdale located at 2091 New Highway, Farmingdale, NY 11735 intends to hold a sale of the property stored in the below listed Storage Spaces. The public sale shall occur as an online auction via www. on 8/17/2021 at 12:00 pm. Unless listed below, the contents consist of household goods and furnishings. Tri State Area Movers units #00989, #01008, #01009, #01045, #01047, #01188, #02001, #02015, #02032, #02055, #02061, #02064, #02076, #02079, #02081, #02085, #02134, #02163, #02203, #02219, #03009, #03046, #03054 & #03064. This sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. See manager for details. 8-4; 7-28-21-2021-2T#225976-FARM LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an order granted by the Supreme Court, Nassau County, on the 13th day of July, 2021, bearing Index Number 385-21, a copy of which may be examined at the office of the clerk, located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, NY grants me the right to assume the name of Christina Mary Haroutunian. The city and state of my present address are Bethpage, NY; the month and year of my birth are April, 1985; the place of my birth is Bethpage, New York; my present name is Christina Mary Markarian. 8-4-2021-1T-#226086-FARM

GARDEN CITY LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of HDJM ATMS LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/08/2021. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 54 Greenwich St. Apt. 3G, Hempstead, NY 11550. Purpose: any lawful act. 8-4;7-28-21-14-7;6-302021-6T-#225527-CITY




LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of SENSORY KIDS YOGA LLC. Arts of Ord filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 4/13/21. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: Legal Inc Corporate Services Inc., 1967 Wehrle Dr. Ste 1-086, Buffalo, NY 14221. Purpose: any lawful act. 8-25-18-11-4; 7-28-21-20216T-#225902-CITY

LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of Discolight Bakehouse LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/20/21. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 758 Doughty Avenue, Franklin Square, NY 11010. Purpose: any lawful act. 9-8-1; 8-25-18-11-4-20216T-#226056-CITY LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of MS MINNIE’S CLUBHOUSE, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on 7/23/21. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 782 School Drive Baldwin NY 11510. Purpose: Any lawful activity. 9-8-1; 8-25-18-11-4-20216T-#226095-CITY

GLEN COVE LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of A&J3rdPower L.L.C Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 5/27/21. Office Location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC to 19 Ellwood Street, Glen Cove, NY, 11542. Purpose: Any lawful act. 8-11-4;7-28-21-14-7-20216T-#225645-RP LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of SAINAAM.LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on May 6th 2021 in Nassau County. SSNY is designated as agent for service of process on LLC. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to SAINAAM.LLC 18 woolsey Ave Apt B Glen Cove NY 11542. Purpose: Any Legal Purpose. 8-18-11-4; 7-28-21-20216T-#225729-RP LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS

GLENWOOD GARBAGE DISTRICT Sealed proposals for the collection and disposal of garbage and refuse from the area of the GLENWOOD GARBAGE DISTRICT will be received by the Commissioners of the DISTRICT on behalf of the said DISTRICT, at the office of Spence Law Office, P.C., c/o Robert J. Spence, Esq. Attorney (516-336-2060) for the DISTRICT, located at 55 Lumber Road, Suite 5, Roslyn, New York 11576 at 4:00 p.m. on September 23, 2021 at which time and place the proposals will be publicly opened. The form of proposal which must be used by all Bidders, and the instructions to Bidders can be secured and the Contract can be seen and examined at the office of the attorney for the DISTRICT. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond or Bank Check made out to the order of GLENWOOD GARBAGE DISTRICT in an amount equal to ten (10%) percent of the largest amount bid; checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned within ten (10) days after making the award. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in the same, and to accept any bid which they deem most favorable to the interest of the DISTRICT. Dated: Glenwood Landing July 19, 2021 GLENWOOD GARBAGE DISTRICT Jennifer Paradis COMMISSIONER 8-18-11-4; 7-28-21-20214T-#225966-RP

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE OF COOPERATIVE APARTMENT SECURITY BY VIRTUE OF A DEFAULT In a Loan Security Agreement dated APRIL 30, 2007 executed by DOROTHY BARON WILLIAMS, debtor to FINANCIAL FREEDOM SENIOR FUNDING AND BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR MORTGAGE ASSETS MANAGEMENT SERIES I TRUST WITH DOROTHY BARON WILLIAMS, secured party via assignment, will cause a public sale of the security consisting of 243 shares of stock plus Parking Space and/ or Garage, if applicable, of TROUSDELL VILLAGE OWNERS CORP., all right title and interest in and to a Proprietary Lease between said Corporation and debtor for Unit 78L in the building known as 78 GLEN KEITH ROAD, GLEN COVE, NY 11542 together with all fixtures and articles of personal property now or hereafter affixed to or used in connection with said apartment on August 26, 2021 at 9:30AM.

on the North front steps, facing Old Country Road, of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 262 Old Country Road Mineola, New York, in satisfaction of an indebtedness. Apartment is sold “AS IS” AND POSSESSION TO BE OBTAINED BY THE PURCHASER. Said sale is subject to: payment of all sums due, if any, to TROUSDELL VILLAGE OWNERS CORP., and the consent if necessary, of said corporation; any existing tenancy; payment of all expenses and fees of the secured party with respect thereto; terms of sale and auctioneers fees; flip tax; State, City and County transfer tax. The secured party reserves the right to bid. Terms: an official bank or certified check made payable to Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC, for ten (10%) percent of the price bid. No cash accepted. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC. 900 MERCHANTS CONCOURSE WESTBURY, NEW YORK 11590 (516) 280-7675 X1104 8-18-11-4-20213T-#226049-RP

must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. George P. Esernio, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 69414 8-25-18-11-4-20214T-#226050-RP

GREAT NECK LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of INNERLIGHT REMEDIES LLC. Arts of Org filing date with Secretary of State (SSNY) was 1/28/21. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to 8 Fairfield Rd Great Neck, NY 11024. Purpose: any lawful act. 8-25-18-11-4; 7-28-21-20216T-#225835-GN


able for purchase. Each bid shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and shall be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount of five (5) percent of the Bid to assure the Bidder’s commitment to that, if its bid is accepted, it will enter into a contract and provide the required bonds and insurance documents as set forth in the Instructions to Bidders. Bidders may not withdraw their Bids for a period of 45 days after the actual date of the opening of the Bids. The Successful Bidder must furnish a 100 percent Performance Bond and a 100 percent Payment Bond with a surety company acceptable to the Owner. Wage rates for this Project are subject to the minimum wage rates as per New York State Prevailing Wage Schedule. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality in or to reject any or all Bids if deemed to be in its best interest. Gregory C. Graziano Superintendent Water Authority of Great Neck North 8-4-2021-1T-#226126-GN

LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of StergBio LLC, articles of organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on May 10, 2021. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon LEGAL NOTICE HICKSVILLE NOTICE OF SALE SU- whom process may be served PREME COURT COUNTY and shall mail copy of process OF NASSAU U.S. BANK against LLC to : 8 Park Place, LEGAL NOTICE N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A - Kings Point, NY 11024 PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, 9-8-1; 8-25 18-11-4-2021TION, AS TRUSTEE, SUC6T-#226123-GN that pursuant to law, a public CESSOR IN INTEREST TO hearing will be held before BANK OF AMERICA, NALEGAL NOTICE TIONAL ASSOCIATION AS the Town Board, in the HearWater Authority of TRUSTEE AS SUCCESSOR ing Room, Town Hall, East Great Neck North BY MERGER TO LASALBuilding, Audrey Avenue, Pheasant Run Water LE BANK NA AS TRUSTOyster Bay, New York, on the EE FOR WASHINGTON Main Project 17h day of August, 2021, at MUTUAL MORTGAGE INVITATION TO BID 10:00 o’clock a.m., prevailPASS-THROUGH CERTIF- Sealed Bids for construction ing time, or as soon thereafter ICATES WMALT SERIES of the Pheasant Run Water as practicable, to consider the 2007-OC1 TRUST, Plain- Main Project will be received condemnation of real property tiff AGAINST ROBERT by the Board of Directors of known as N/E/C/ West BarCAREY AKA ROBERT J. the Water Authority of Great clay Street & Wyckoff Street, CAREY, MARIE C. CAR- Neck North (the “Authority”) Hicksville, New York (a/k/a EY AKA MARIE CAREY, at the Authority’s office, at- 47 West Barclay Street), and Defendant(s) Pursuant to a tention Secretary, 50 Water- designated as Section 11, Judgment of Foreclosure and mill Lane, Great Neck, New Block 185, Lots 2 & 8 on the Sale duly dated March 06, York 11021. Bids will be re- Land and Tax Map of Nassau 2020 I, the undersigned Ref- ceived until 11:00 AM East- County, and to determine the eree will sell at public auc- ern Daylight Time (EDT) on need and location of a comtion at the North Side Steps of Thursday, August 26, 2021. muter parking lot, a public the Supreme Court, 100 Su- The Authority will publicly use, prior to any acquisition preme Court Drive, Mineola, open all bids on the same day of the aforementioned real property required for the projNY 11501, on September 07, at 11:00 AM, EDT. 2021 at 2:30 PM, premises The work consists of fur- ect, which will provide open known as 28 NORTHFIELD nishing all labor, equipment, parking for commuting resiROAD, GLEN COVE, NY materials and incidentals re- dents of the Town of Oyster 11542. All that certain plot quired to install the approxi- Bay. All persons interested piece or parcel of land, with mately 400 linear feet of new in the subject matter of said the buildings and improve- 6-inch water main, valves, hearing shall have an opporments erected, situate, ly- hydrants, hydrant laterals, ser- tunity to be heard in connecing and being in the City of vice connections, cutting and tion with the aforementioned GLEN COVE, Town of Oys- capping of existing mains, hearing at the time and place ter Bay, County of Nassau, and restoration, as specified in designated herein. State of New York, SEC- the Contract Documents. The IF YOU, THE PROPERTION 31, BLOCK 67, LOT work will also include flush- T Y O W N E R ( S ) , S U B 15. Approximate amount of ing, disinfection, and testing SEQUENTLY WISH TO CHALLENGE CONDEMjudgment $1,760,071.35 plus of all work. interest and costs. Premises Contract Documents will be NATION OF THE AFOREwill be sold subject to provi- available via email and may S A I D P R O P E R T Y V I A sions of filed Judgment for be obtained by emailing CDM JUDICIAL REVIEW, YOU Index# 002173/2013. The Smith at the following: Gary MAY DO SO ONLY ON aforementioned auction will Stuart at stuartgr@cdmsmith. THE BASIS OF ISSUES, be conducted in accordance com and Colleen Meehan at FACTS, AND OBJECTIONS with the Court System’s RAISED AT THE ABOVE COVID-19 mitigation proto- Hard copies of the Contract REFERENCED HEARING. cols and as such all persons Documents will not be avail-

continued on page 40

40 2 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

LEGAL NOTICES continued from page 39 TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF OYSTER BAY. JOSEPH S. SALADINO, Supervisor. RICHARD LAMARCA, Town Clerk. Dated: July 13, 2021, Oyster Bay, New York. 8-4; 7-28-2021-2T#225927-HICKS LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an order granted by the Supreme Court, Nassau County, on the 30th day of June, 2021, bearing Index Number 00038221, a copy of which may be examined at the office of the clerk, located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, NY grants me the right to assume the name of Varinder Singh Jatianee. The city and state of my present address are Hicksville, NY; the month and year of my birth are December, 1988; the place of my birth is Kapurthala, India; my present name is Varinder Singh. 8-4-2021-1T#226048-HICKS

LEVITTOWN LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the WANTAGH FIRE DISTRICT, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau, State of New York, on the 26th day of July, 2021, subject to permissive referendum as provided for by the General Municipal law. An extract of the resolution is as follows: The Wantagh Fire District has by appropriate resolution established and maintains a certain capital reserve fund, established pursuant to Section 6(g) of the General Municipal Law, in an account for deposit of said Capital Reserve Fund entitled, “The Wantagh Fire District, Section 6(g) General Municipal “Firematic Equipment and Apparatus Fund” in local banks; in which account is sufficient funds to accomplish the purposes herein after set forth, namely, the purchase of one (1) Emergency Watercraft and Associated Equipment (labor, material, inspection and delivery), including incidental expenses, advertising, and attorney’s fees, in order to maintain the efficiency of the Wantagh Fire District in the discharge of their duties in preserving the lives and property of the residents of the Community and the said project is deemed in the best interest of the residents of the Wantagh Fire District. The resolution further provides that there be transferred from the present Firematic Equipment and Apparatus Capital Reserve 6-G Fund of the Wantagh Fire District a sum not to exceed Six Hundred Thousand ($ 600,000.00) dollars and the District Treasurer is authorized to effect such transfer from time to time as


necessary for the project. This resolution is subject to a permissive resolution and shall not take effect until thirty (30) days, as provided by the General Municipal Law. Dated: July 26, 2021 By order of The Board of Fire Commissioner Brendan J. Narell Superintendent RESOLUTION WANTAGH FIRE DISTRICT Emergency Watercraft Purchase WHEREAS, the WANTAGH FIRE DISTRICT has by appropriate resolution established a certain capital reserve fund designated as the Capital Reserve Fund, established pursuant to Section 6(g) of the General Municipal Law, in an account for deposit of said Capital Reserve Fund entitled, “The Wantagh Fire District, Section 6(g) General Municipal Firematic Equipment and Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund” in local banks; and WHEREAS, the expenditure of funds for the purchase of one (1) Emergency Watercraft and Associated Equipment deemed necessary to meet the emergency services needs of the residents of the WANTAGH FIRE DISTRICT; and WHEREAS, the maximum cost to obtain one (1) Emergency Watercraft and associated equipment, including incidental expenses, advertising, engineering fees, labor, materials, inspections, delivery and attorney’s fees is estimated not to exceed Six Hundred Thousand ($ 600,000.00) dollars. IT IS RESOLVED that pursuant to the laws and regulations applicable and in particular to Section 6(g) of the General Municipal Law, one (1) Emergency Watercraft and Associated Equipment project be completed and that the cost and expenses for such purchase, including incidental expenses, advertising, engineering fees, labor, materials, inspections, delivery and attorney’s fees shall be expended from the Firematic Equipment and Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund upon authorization of the Board of Fire Commissioners, not to exceed Six Hundred Thousand ($ 600,000.00) dollars; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum as provided for in Section 6(g) of the General Municipal Law. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the vote was as follows: Commissioner George Krant ) NOT PRESENT Commissioner Rick Sculco ) AYE Commissioner Jared Reeves ) AYE Commissioner William K. Field IV ) AYE Commissioner Bradley Field ) AYE The resolution was there upon




duly adopted. of Eris Kalitara. The city and Dated: July 26, 2021 state of my present address 8-4-2021-1T-#226085-LEV are Mineola, NY; the month and year of my birth are March, 1967; the place of my MINEOLA birth is St. Paul, Minnesota; my present legal name is RobLEGAL NOTICE ert Brett Gulledge. Notice of formation of AHZ 8-4-2021-1T-#226054-NHP LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY OYSTER BAY on 05/11/2021. Office located in Nassau. SSNY has been designated for service of proLEGAL NOTICE cess. SSNY shall mail copy SURROGATE’S COURTof any process served against NASSAU COUNTY the LLC 156 Jericho Tpke, PROBATE CITATION Mineola NY 11501. Purpose: THE PEOPLE OF THE any lawful purpose. STATE OF NEW YORK 8-4; 7-28-21-14-7;6-30By the Grace of God Free 2021-6T-#225605-MA and Independent File No. 2019-2971 LEGAL NOTICE TO ATTORNEY GENERNotice is hereby given that an AL OF THE STATE OF Order granted by the Supreme NEW YORK, and any and Court, Nassau County, on the all of the persons cited upon 30th day of June 2021 bearing this proceeding as heirs-atthe index number 390-21, a law and next-of-kin of said copy of which may be exam- WILLIAM MITZKUS aka ined at the Office of the Nas- W I L L I M I T Z K U S a k a sau County Clerk located at W I L H E L M M I T Z K U S , 240 Old Country Road, Mine- deceased, are unknown, and ola, New York, grants me the cannot, after diligent inquiright to assume the name of ry, be ascertained; and, that Sashary Ishbel Tutiven-Nieto. if said persons or any of them My present address is 252 be dead, that the names or Pershing Parkway Mineola parts of the names, and place NY 11501. The date of birth or places of residence, of any is June 13, 2003; the place of and all unknown persons who birth is Long Island Jewish are the respective executors, Medical Ctr. Queens NY; the administrators, heirs-at-law, present name is Sashary Ishbel next-of-kin, distributees, legNieto. atees, devisees, husbands or 8-4-2021-1T-#226121-MIN wives, or successor in interest of said deceased persons are and cannot, after NEW HYDE PARK unknown, diligent inquiry be ascertained and that personal service of LEGAL NOTICE the citation cannot, with due Notice of formation of 1 diligence, be made upon them Quality Commercial Cleaning within the State. Services, LLC. Articles of GREETINGS Organization filed with the A PETITION having been Secretary of State of New duly filed by Richard L. York SSNY on 3/23/2021. Hutchinson, who is domiciled Office located in Nassau at 22 Laurel Cove Rd. Oyster County. SSNY has been Bay, NY 11771 designated for service of YOU ARE HEREBY CITprocess. SSNY shall mail ED TO SHOW CAUSE becopy of any process served fore the Surrogate’s Court, against the LLC 70 East Nassau County, at 262 Old Sunrise Highway, Suite 500, C o u n t r y R o a d , M i n e o Valley Stream, NY 11581. la, New York, on Sept. 29, Purpose: any lawful pur- 2021 at 9:30 o’clock in the pose. fore noon of that day, why 9-1; 8-25-18-11-4; 7-28-2021- a decree should not be made 7T-#225993-NHP in the estate of WILLIAM MITZKUS aka WILLI LEGAL NOTICE MITZKUS aka WILHELM Alahem LLC Arts of Org MITZKUS lately domiciled filed Secy of State of NY at 706 Soundview Road, Mill (SSNY) on 4/29/21. Office lo- Neck, NY 11765 admitting cation: Nassau County. SSNY to probate a Will dated July designated as agent unpin 21, 2009, a copy of which whom process maybe served is attached, as the Will of and shall mail copy of process WILLIAM MITZKUS aka against LLC to 76 Grant Dr W I L L I M I T Z K U S a k a E Valley Stream NY 11580 W I L H E L M M I T Z K U S , Purpose: any law act. deceased, relating to real and 9-8-1; 8-25-18-11-4-2021- personal property, and direct6T-#226061-NHP ing that [X] Letters Testamentary to RICHARD L. HUTCHINSON LEGAL NOTICE [ ] Letters of Trusteeship to __ Notice is hereby given that an [ ] Letters of Administration order granted by the Supreme c.t.a. to _______without bond Court, Nassau County, on the (State any further relief 16 day of June, 2021, bearing requested) Index Number 000344-21, a Dated, Attested and Sealed, copy of which may be exam- 7/9/21 ined at the office of the clerk, (Seal) located at 240 Old Country HON. MARGARET Road, Mineola, NY grants me C. REILLY the right to assume the name HON. MARGARET C.


REILLY, Surrogate DEBRA KELLER LEIMBACH, Chief Clerk This Citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not obliged to appear in person. If you fail to appear, it will be assumed that you consent to the proceedings, unless you file written verified objections thereto. You have a right to have an attorney-at-law appear for you. Name of Attorney: Hutchinson & Hutchinson PC 127 South St. Ste. 2 Oyster Bay, NY 11771 516 922-3000 A TRUE COPY OF THE WILL OFFERED FOR PROBATE MUST BE ATIACHED TO THIS CITATION. NOTICE: This Citation is served upon you in accordance with the court’s order directing alternative service of process. No In-Person appearances shall be held on the return date of the citation. If you wish to appear to answer or object to this proceeding, you may do so in writing in accordance with the annexed Notice to Cited Parties. Note: 22 NYCRR 207.7©: Proof of Service shall be filed onor before the second day preceding the return date. 8-11-4; 7-28-21-20214T-#225848-OB LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an Order granted by the Supreme Court, Nassau County, on the 13th day of July, 2021 bearing the index number 21-000381, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Nassau County Clerk located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York, grants me the right to assume the name of Debra F. Mischel-Gray. My present address is 11 3rd Street, Bayville, New York 11709. The date of my birth is February 5, 1957. The place of birth is Flushing, New York. The present name is Debra Gray. 8-4-2021-1T-#226105-OB LEGAL NOTICE News From Oyster Bay – East Norwich Central School District Superintendent of Schools: Dr. Francesco Ianni Exemption for Breakfast Program Oyster Bay, NY – The Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District anticipates filing for an exemption from a School Breakfast Program due to lack of interest. In order to confirm a level of interest a Breakfast Survey has been distributed to each Theodore Roosevelt school student, to be completed by a parent and returned to the school ASAP. If you have any questions, please call Angela Ries at (516) 624-6510. 8-4-2021-1T-#226112-OB


ter, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/9/2021. Office Location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 377 S. Oyster Bay Rd, Plainview, NY 11803. Purpose: any lawful purpose. 8-11-4;7-28-21-14-7-2021-6T#225627-PLV/OB LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a On-Premises license, #1335645 has been applied for by INTHESHED PLAINVIEW LLC d/b/a The Shed Restaurant to sell beer, cider, wine and liquor at retail in an on premises establishment. For on premises consumption under the ABC law at 1511 1521 Old Country Rd Plainview NY 11803. 8-4; 7-28-2021-2T#225960-PLV/OB

ROSLYN LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Sea Park Investors LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on May 19, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Sea Park Investors LLC, 1044 Northern Blvd, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. 8-25-18-11-4; 7-28-21-20216T-#225837-ROS LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of the INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF EAST HILLS has scheduled a meeting and public hearings has scheduled a meeting and public hearings for August 24, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. at the Village Hall, 209 Harbor Hill Road, East Hills, New York to consider the following: DAVID AND LISA SCHWARTZ request a SPECIAL EXCEPTION AND FIVE VARIANCES for the property known as 5 HICKORY DRIVE, designated as Section 7 Block 264 Lot 6 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R1 District of the Village. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271139(A), swimming pools require a special exception from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Pursuant to East Hills Code § 271-14(A), the maximum allowable fence height is 4 feet. Pursuant to East Hills Code § 271-143(A)(1) and (3), pool enclosure fences must of the chain link type, and be erected completely enclosing the pool at least five feet from the edge

continued on page 42





Andy Warhol Flowers (from the Flowers portfolio), 1970 Screenprint on paper, 28/250 36x36 inches Courtesy of the Bank of America Collection ©2021 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Licensed by Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

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42 3 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

LEGAL NOTICES continued from page 40

of the pool and at least 15 feet from any property line. Therefore, variances are requested for the proposed 5 foot fence, partially of the estate type, located along the property line. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code § 271-143(A)(6), water from swimming pools must discharge into a single and separate drywell. No drywell is proposed. Therefore, a variance is requested. Pursuant to East Hills Code § 27123(B), accessory buildings and structures shall be not less than 15 feet distant from the main building. The proposed pool is setback 12 feet 4 inches from the home. Therefore, a 2 foot 8 inch setback variance is requested. GARY FALKOWITZ requests ONE VARIANCE for the property know as 105 POPLAR DRIVE designated as Section 7 Block 299 Lot 95 on the Nassau County Land and Tax map and in the R1 District of the Village. Village of East Hills Code §271-32(C), Yards, requires a minimum rear yard setback of 30 feet for properties in the R1 zone. The proposed covered porch has a 21.5 foot rear yard setback. Therefore, a variance is requested for 8.5 feet of rear yard setback. (CONTINUED FROM MAY 18, 2021) KEVIN SMART requests a SPECIAL EXCEPTION AND FOUR VARIANCES for the property know as 5 PALM COURT designated as Section 7 Block 195 Lot 17 on the Nassau County Land and Tax map and in the R1 District of the Village. By Revised Denial Letter dated July 13, 2021, pursuant to East Hills Code §271-139(A), swimming pools require a special exception from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Pursuant to East Hills Code § 271-14(A), the maximum allowable fence height is 4 feet. Pursuant to East Hills Code § 271-143(A) (1) and (3), pool enclosure fences must of the chain link type, and be erected completely enclosing the pool at least five feet from the edge of the pool and at least 15 feet from any property line. Therefore, variances are requested for the proposed 5 foot fence, of the estate type, located along the property line and on the retaining wall (retaining wall fence height will be 7 feet, 3 foot estate fence on 4 foot retaining wall). Pursuant to East Hills Code § 27123(A), Accessory buildings and uses, accessory buildings or structures shall not occupy more than 20 percent of the rear yard (1,611.4 sf). The proposed rear yard lot coverage is 2,291 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 679 sf of rear yard lot coverage. EVAN HECHT requests a SPECIAL EXCEPTION AND FOUR VARIANCES for the property know as 250 ELM DRIVE designated as Section 7 Block 276 Lot 17 on the Nassau County Land and Tax map and in the R1


District of the Village. By revised denial letter Dated July 13, 2021, pursuant to East Hills Code §271-139(A), swimming pools require a special exception from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Pursuant to East Hills Code § 271-14 (A), the maximum allowable fence height is 4 feet. Pursuant to East Hills Code § 271-143(A)(1) and (3), pool enclosure fences must of the chain link type, and be erected completely enclosing the pool at least five feet from the edge of the pool and at least 15 feet from any property line. Therefore, variances are requested for the proposed 5 foot fence, partially of the estate type, and located along the property line. Pursuant to East Hills §271-30, Lot coverage, all buildings, including accessory buildings, shall not cover more than 25 percent of the area of the plot (4,809.7 sf). The proposed lot coverage is 5,365.4 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 555.7 sf of lot coverage. Comments with respect to the applications may be submitted prior to the meeting by email to Maps and plans regarding the below applications are available for inspection on the Village’s website at meetings. BY THE ORDER OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF EAST HILLS Michael Kosinski, Chairman Dated: August 4, 2021 8-4-2021-1T-#226062-ROS LEGAL NOTICE VILLAGE OF ROSLYN HARBOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS PUBLIC NOTICE A public hearing and meeting will be held before and by the Board of Zoning Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Roslyn Harbor, Nassau County, New York, at the Village Hall – 500 Motts Cove Road South in the Village, on August 19, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. The hearing will be on the appeal of Theodore Pappas, owner of a parcel of land located at 4 Engineers Road in the Village, designated as Section 20, Block 88, Lot 2 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map. 1. The Appellant seeks a variance to construct a Pool House that exceeds the maximum lot coverage permitted by Ordinance. 2. The Appellant seeks a variance to construct a Pool House that exceeds the maximum rear yard lot coverage permitted by Ordinance. The above appeal is on file at the office of the Village Clerk where it may be seen Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. until the time of the hearing. If any individual requires special assistance to attend, please notify the Village Clerk at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing.



BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS Marla Wolfson Village Clerk - Treasurer A-2021-089 8-4-2021-1T-#226111-ROS

SYOSSET/ JERICHO LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of Oak & Hill Apparel LLC, a domestic LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/24/2020 with N.Y.S. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served & shall mail proc.: 500 S. Marginal Road Jericho New York, NY 11753. Purpose: Any lawful purpose 8-11-4;7-28-21-14-7-20216T-#225626-SYO/JER

LEGAL NOTICES at 6:30 p.m., to consider the application of Terwilliger & Bartone Properties for an application for the development of a 72-unit multi-family project located at 461 Railroad Avenue, Westbury, NY, pursuant to Article XXXIX. The meeting will be conducted in person at the Village Hall, 235 Lincoln Place, Westbury, New York. At the hearing, all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. In addition, individuals may submit comments via email to or regular mail to 235 Lincoln Place, Westbury, NY, by close of business on August 19, 2021, and such written comments will be made part of the record. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ROBERT JULIANO VILLAGE CLERK 8-11-4-2021-2T#226087-WBY


treatment requirements and alternatives for Well No. 5. WHEREAS, the District will incur engineering and other related expenses for the concept development and preparation of the design and WHEREAS, the Commissioners wish to pay for said expenditures from the capital reserve fund previously established for such capital improvements; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the Carle Place Water District, Town of North Hempstead, Nassau County, State of New York, draw a sum of up to $100,000.00 from the capital reserve fund for the engineering expenses all in accordance with provisions of Section 6C of the General Municipal Law, subject to a permissive referendum. The Resolution was offered by Timothy E. Stellato seconded by Italo J. Vacchio., passed on roll call. The Resolution was approved, carried, and so ordered this 27 day of July 2021. Board of Commissioners Carle Place Water District Timothy E. Stellato Italo J. Vacchio Kenneth M. Gass, Jr. 8-4-2021-1T-#226057-WBY

LEGAL NOTICE Publication of MRM HOSPITALITY LLC. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of MRM PUBLIC NOTICE Hospitality LLC. Arts of Org CARLE PLACE filed with Secy of State of NY WATER DISTRICT (SSNY) on 3/19/2021. OfENGINEERING FEES fice location: Nassau CounFOR EVALUATION OF ty. SSNY designated as agent TREATMENT upon whom process may be ALTERNATIVES FOR served and shall mail copy of WELL NO. 5 process against LLC to: 1967 PERMISSIVE Wehrle Drive Suite 1 #086 REFERENDUM LEGAL NOTICE Buffalo, NY 14221. Purpose: WHEREAS, the Commisany lawful act. sioners of the Carle Place Wa- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV8-18-11-4; 7-28-21-14-2021- ter District have determined EN that the fiscal affairs of 6T-#225785-SYO/JER that it is necessary to evaluate the Westbury Fire District for

the period beginning on January 1, 2020 and ending on December 31, 2020, have been examined by an independent public accountant, Robert A. Johnson, CPA, P.C., and that the report of examination prepared in conjunction with the external audit by the independent public account has been filed in my office where it is available as a public record for inspection by all interested persons. Pursuant to Section 181-a of the Town Law, the governing board of the Westbury Fire District shall prepare a written response to the report of external audit of the independent public accountant and corrective action plan and file any such response in my office as a public record for inspection by all interested persons not later than 90 days from the date hereof. Dated: Westbury, New York July 26, 2021 ATIEST: John R. Ingram, Superintendent Westbury Fire District 8-4-2021-1T-#226051-WBY

To submit Legal Notices Call (516) 403-5143 or visit our website at or email:

WESTBURY LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of Professional Salon Suites, LLC of org filed with Secy of State of NY on 6/18/21. Office location Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: US Corp Agents, 7014 13th ave #202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: Any lawful activities. 9-1; 8-25-18-11-4; 7-28-20216T-#225974-WBY LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of DREAMWORKS HOME I M P R O V E ME N T S L L C . Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 4/26/21. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 231 Wright Street, Westbury, NY 11590. Purpose: any lawful act. 8-18-11-4; 7-28-21-14-20216T-#225734-WBY LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES INC. VILLAGE OF WESTBURY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of the Inc. Village of Westbury will hold a public hearing on August 19, 2021,







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44 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP

Holiday Mathis HolidayMathis Mathis HOROSCOPESByByByHoliday HOROSCOPES

This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 19 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). The week is filled with urgent potential. There are things to build, hobbies to take up, skills to learn... not to mention trips to take and services to contribute. Organizing it all is a challenge, though one that falls dead center of your strengths. You prioritize like a titan. Everything important will be savored. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). While irrational cheerfulness is unattractive to you, using optimism as a pragmatic strategy will be the most effective route to a fulfilling week. Your energy level is higher because you raise the ceiling on it with your winning attitude. So much more is possible because you choose to believe it is.


This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 19 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Country towns Solution: 19 Letters

© 2021 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You have something important to impart this week. To be heard, keep it brief. Short messages travel far, ring true, land easy and carry well. They also can take a while to craft. Do your prep work so you can say more with less. As Mark Twain said, “If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.” CANCER (June 22-July 22). This week, maybe it’s too much to ask yourself to be fearless, as in -- one who has no fear. But you’ll certainly find it’s within your realm to literally fear less, as in -- face one small fear and, in doing so, possibly overcome it, enlarging your circle of possibility and capability.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Ultimately you want to offer patient compassion to the world, but you can’t give what you don’t have. Do something nice for yourself. If you deserve it, great. If not, even better. It will give you the chance to practice acceptance, compassion and big-heartedness where it you most need it now -- turned inward. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Expectations will often go unstated or be indirectly alluded to, and yet, you’ll pick up on it all. While it may not be appropriate or timely to hash out exact agreements, privately make note of what’s being exchanged. Awareness lends an advantage. It’s powerful to be conscious of the unconscious behaviors of others. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). When people weigh in with their opinion, it is only human to feel bolstered or deflated by the score. However, your own view is the one to consider. Be tough-minded about this. Allow no one -- not your biggest fan, not your worst detractor -- to interfere with what you’re creating. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’re creative and you want to make something different of your life than you’ve seen others do. This drive sets you apart from the crowd. Can you get comfortable with it? It doesn’t mean you can’t be close to people -- it just means you have to figure out the connections. Does it help to know you’re an inspiration? AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The ego would have us believe that we deserve the good that comes to us, but often, forces like synchronicity, felicity and angelic favor are as impersonal as gravity. That’s the way it is this week. You’ll figure out what to do, how to do it, and then you’ll get to work. Luck is of no help. This is just cause and effect. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your creative life is accomplished with proactive moves. Don’t allow yourself to act reflexively because reaction isn’t nearly as inspired as action. You get ahead of this when you make a plan and become involved with it, thus occupying yourself in such a way as to be impervious to unimportant distractions.


This solar return represents a liberation. You’ll release yourself and others from expectations you now realize were too rigid or otherwise unreasonable. The season to come will be marked by ebullience. Your choices will naturally result in emotions that flow upward. Relationships find a different kind of bond -- not shared trauma or a common fight, but a joint joy quest and way of sparking one another’s creativity that fills life with poetry, intellectual challenge and humor. COPYRIGHT 2021 CREATORS.COM


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Rain Rice Ross Rural Scone Silos Snakes Ulong Vet Wheat Winton Yamba

Creators Syndicate

737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •

Date: 8/6/21

lution: Always a friendly face

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Over-ambition and unrealistic expectation is a set-up for failure disguised as optimism -- what a sneaky form of self-sabotage! But it’s a trap you can avoid (and often do) with pragmatism. Mix that with your penchant for planning and this week will be a success you can enjoy, duplicate and build upon.

Albury Alpha Appin Bega Bulli Casino Cattle Charters Towers Clare Colo

Solution: Always a friendly face

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You set out with every intention of doing what you love and loving what you do, but unless you take precautions to barricade and sanctify your focused time, you will be kept from this purpose. Don’t leave yourself open! Distraction comes in forms irresistible, especially the form of people involving you in their problems.

© 2021 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.




By Steve Becker Creators Syndicate Date: 8/6/21

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Weekly Sudoku Puzzle Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle

Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle


220736 M


46 AUGUST 4 - 10, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP



New York Met’s Pitcher Hosts Baseball, Softball Clinic At City Stadium H

eight Doesn’t Measure Heart (HDMH) is New York Mets pitcher Marcus Stroman’s personal mantra, which powers his efforts on and off the field and serves as the guiding philosophy for his own nonprofit organization, the HDMH Foundation. The foundation seeks to set a positive example for all children to rise above circumstance and pursue their dreams. They believe that if someone puts their mind to it, nothing can stop them from achieving their dreams and that’s the story that children need to hear now more than ever. The foundation hosted its first baseball and softball clinic at John Maccarone City Stadium in Glen Cove on July 22. The clinic had over 200 baseball and softball players in attendance. Stroman brought fellow Mets players Taijuan Walker and Dominic Smith to participate in the instruction. Also in attendance was the Mets assistant hitting coach Kevin Howard, who instructed players in the brand new batting cages at City Stadium. City of Glen Cove Youth Services and Recreation Director Spiro Tsirkas, along with, Glen Cove Baseball and Softball Association’s president Kim Kessel and vice president Pete Cappiello, were on hand with dozens of volunteer coaches from the community to assist with various stations: fielding, pitching,

Glen Cove baseball players Dean Gallagher, Michael Zangari, Thanasi Averopoulos, Alexander Karousos and Patrick Banyon attended HDMH Foundation’s first baseball clinic at City Stadium Photo courtesy City of Glen Cove hitting, and base running. “City Stadium is a gem to Glen Cove,” City of Glen Cove Mayor Tim Tenke said, “Marcus Stroman and his HDMH Foundation utilizing our fields really showcased some of what Glen Cove has to offer.” —Submitted by the City of Glen Cove

City of Glen Cove Mayor Tim Tenke and New York Mets pitcher and HDHM founder, Marcus Stroman, enjoyed the clinic on July 22.

General Grabs Gold In Portugal MacArthur High School incoming senior Giavanna Stematelo recently won gold while representing Team USA in Portugal at the Lisboa Lacrosse Cup, an international lacrosse tournament held in Lisbon, Portugal, for clubs, teams and universities from all over the world. Stematelo, goaltender for Levittown’s MacArthur girls lacrosse team, represented the U.S.A. through her participation in the Student Athlete World USA. According to her MacArthur’s girls varsity head coach and Salk Middle School Dean, Daniel Agovino, Stematelo was also awarded “Player of the Game” in the finals by making a game-winning save which led her team to a 9-8 victory over Spain. Stematelo will be entering her senior year at MacArthur after earning All-County Honorable Mention honors as a junior. —Submitted by the Levittown Public Schools

MacArthur High School incoming senior Giavanna Stematelo won gold while representing Team USA in Portugal at the Lisboa Lacrosse Cup in late June. (Photo courtesy of Levittown Public Schools)





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