The Nassau Observer 9/14/22 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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Serving Levittown, Massapequa, Farmingdale, Hicksville, Plainview & Bethpage, Old Bethpage Vol.76,No.35September14–20,2022 $1.00 An Anton Media Group Publication Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County. The Nassau Observer (USPS 586-660) Also serving: Island Trees, Wantagh, Seaford, Massapequa Park DESIGN & DÉCOR AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL September 14 – 20, 2022 FALL APPEALCURB Top 20 décor tips for every roomLiving décor, decoratingwithINSIDEhouseplants INSIDE DESIGN & DÉCOR Fall decorating and craft ideas for your home In Bethpage: Students celebrate first day back (See page 4) In Levittown: Police make burglary arrest (See page 6) In Farmingdale: Community prepares for Art in the Park (See page 8) In Hicksville: Water district commissioner honored (See page 13) Going To The Dogs How Canine Companions is helping the disabled Canine Companions will be hosting its annual DogFest event at Marjorie Post Park in Massapequa on Sept. 24 (Photo courtesy of Canine Companions) 228326 M © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401. *AT DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE 2016-2021. Michael Pascullo Lic. R. E. Salesperson O 516.921.2262 | M michael.pascullo@elliman.com516.695.8047 Douglas Elliman Real Estate’s #1 Team in the Syosset O ce, 2016-2021* The Pascullo-Salegna Team Pinnacle Award Recipient, 2016-2021* Love Where You Live Rain Date9/25 FREE CommunityEvent 234014 M FARMINGDALE’S Exhibit, Show & Sale On the Village Green ART IN THE PARK Meet the magnificent local artists, exhibiting & selling their artwork, including Legendary LI artist - Elaine Faith Thompson & others SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 11 am - 3 pm 361 Main Street • FARMERS MARKET 10 am - 2 pm ON MAIN STREET (See page 3)

SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP2 NINI’S DAY CARE FAMILY-ORIENTED CHILD DAY CARE FUN LOVING, CLEAN ENVIRONMENT PRE-KINDERGARTENLESSONS Numbers,Alphabet,ShapesandColorsArts MondayCraftsandto Friday 8:00 am – 5:30 pm Call Us Lovingwww.ninisdaycare.comor516-342-1323Today:347-924-1577andCaringProviders with 15 years‛ Experience BI-LINGUAL (English & Spanish) Our staff are CPR, First-Aid Trained, Covid Vaccinated We accept DSS program: Licensed by NYS O.C.F.S. Located Near Tri-County Market in LevittownSPACE IS LIMITED! Tri-County LevittownPainting,coloring,games 3 MealsHealthyProvidedDaily IndoorActivitiesOutdoorand 234885 M

Heightening awareness and raising money for Canine Companions is paramount, which is why DogFest, the orga nization’s national signature event, plays such a crucial role.

“[The dogs] learn how to open and close doors, turn light switches on and off with a major learned job being the ability to pick up dropped items,” Bentzinger said. “If you’re someone that uses a manual wheelchair and you maybe don’t have manual dexterity in your upper body—you might be constantly dropping things. On command, these dogs can pick up an item as small as a dime and put them in your

“We have our own breeding program where, for our purposes, we find [these breeds] make for the perfect service dog,” Bentzinger said. “Goldens are smart, really strong and can pull a manual wheelchair. Labs are really eager to please, so they respond well to food rewards and stimulation so they’re easier to train. When you combine those traits, that makes for a really ideal service dog. When the puppies are born out in California at our national headquarters, they’re weaned from their moms at eight weeks old and then flown out into the waiting arms of volunteers all over the country. We call these people volunteer puppy raisers.”

hands or your lap. So you don’t have to ask someone all the time. Can you imagine what that does for your caregiver who doesn’t have to worry about that all the time? You can leave them alone for a time and not be worried. It’s just amazing to see this Otherhappen.”tasksthe dogs are trained to perform are tugging open a door or drawer, pulling a laundry basket or helping with a sock or jacket, pushing with their nose to shut a draw er, opening a door with an automatic push plate and pulling a lightweight manual wheelchair over a short distance. Given the rigor that’s involved with learning so much, it’s not

“During these two weeks, we’re teaching the humans how to use the 40-plus commands, how to work with their dog and how to care for their dog,” Bentziner said. “We have lectures and field trips to local businesses and veterinarians come in and lecture on canine care. At the end of the two weeks, we have a beautiful graduation ceremony, where we invite volunteer puppy raisers to attend and they ceremoni ously hand the leashes over to the new team. It’s a really neat and emotional moment. Most of the time the volunteers and the person who receives the dog form a lifelong bond.”




hen Bonnie Bergin founded Canine Companions in Santa Rosa, CA, back in July 1975, it was with the idea of having dogs play a role in serving disabled people after seeing burros be used in a similar manner overseas. In the 45 years that have elapsed, the nonprofit has become the nation’s first and largest service dog organization that provides this assistance to adults, children and veterans with disabilities at no charge. Given the fact that the expenses that go into the raising and training of each animal can be in excess of $50,000, the generosity of donors and volunteers has been key to enabling this program to exist and thrive for so long. It all begins with a breeding program that finds Canine Companions exclusively using Labrador Retrievers, golden retrievers and crosses of these two breeds according to Canine Companions public relations and marketing coordinator John Bentzinger.

surprising that only about 50 percent of dogs that enter the program go on to graduate. As for disabilities served, they include, but are not limited to, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, arthritis and cerebral palsy. Most recently in 2019, the program expanded to include veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a fact Bentzinger is particularly proud of.

A furry attendee at a recent DogFest event (Photo courtesy of Canine Companions)

DogFest Long Island-NYC will be held on Saturday, Sept. 24 at Marjorie Post Park located at 451 Unqua Rd. in Massapequa Park from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visit

For retirees like Massapequa residents Bob Goldfarb and Pam Recchio, who have raised nine future service dogs for Canine Companions between them, the next year and a half to 18 months is spent laying the groundwork for training the“Theydogs.are responsible for socializing the dog, teaching them basic commands and making sure the young puppy is well-rounded in all types of social situations,” Bentzinger explained. “We instruct volunteers on how to teach the dogs commands, so they become the building blocks of the ad vanced commands [puppies will learn] with our professional instructors later on. Then we ask them [the puppy raisers] to do something really hard—they have to say goodbye to Thethem.”next step on the puppy’s side of the slate is moving on to Canine Companions’ Medford campus, where profession al instructors wait to teach them upwards of 40 advanced commands that are usable to a person with disabilities.

For people who might be eligible for being matched to a dog, there is a process that begins with an online application and proceeds to an in-person interview. Its the final two weeks of the process where the prospective humans wind up staying at the Canine Companions Medford campus free of charge, where they learn the ins and outs of owning a companion dog.

A Place Where Dogs Are Truly Man’s Best Friend

“We’ve always served veterans with physical disabilities, but this is the first time we served veterans with so-called ‘silent injuries’ with a primary diagnosis,” he said. “The dogs have a specific set of commands that are really neat to help ameliorate symptoms of post-traumatic stress (PTS) before they become a debilitating event. On command, they’ll stand behind the veteran to create space in a crowded environment or in front. They’ll turn on lights in a darkened room before the veteran enters. They’ll do nightmare interruption. There’s just a whole list of specific commands they dogs will do to relieve symptoms of PTS. Some of the things I’ve seen—guys who haven’t gone out in public in months or years are now able to enjoy things with their families—the difference a dog like that makes to them is nothing short of miraculous.”

How Canine Companions provide independence to the disabled

“DogFest is a way for our volunteers to help organize and support Canine Companions and introduce new people to the organization,” Bentzinger said. “One of the highlights is people can form teams to go out and fundraise through any number of avenues. People have bake sales, walks and all kinds of different things to raise money for their DogFest team. The day of the event is kind of a big free community event. What’s cool about it is that people can bring their own dogs. There aren’t a lot of venues for that. There will be vendors, service dog demonstrations, a walk around the perimeter of the park parade, costume contests, music and different things like that. People can socialize with different pet owners and learn more about how service dogs help people with disabilities.”

DAVE GIL de dgilderubio@antonmediagroup.comRUBIO

Ninth-graders beginning their high school careers were welcomed to Division Avenue High School in the Levittown Public School District on Aug. 25. Building administrators, staff and volunteer seniors ushered the new high schoolers into the auditorium, where tips and expectations for the upcoming year were shared. Students were introduced to the team of guidance counselors who will assistant them in navigating the start of this exciting chapter and throughout their remaining time at Division Avenue. Students were then taken on a tour of the school to a club fair, classrooms, their lockers and to the cafeteria. Volunteer seniors guided groups of freshmen while sharing their experiences getting involved in the Division Avenue community. The orientation helped students be prepared for the first day of school on Sept. 6.

Freshmen were welcomed to Division Avenue High School during orientation on Aug. 25. (Photos courtesy of Levittown Public Schools)



Kindergarten students from Central Boulevard Elementary School enjoyed music class on the first day of school.

At the start of the day, students were welcomed by Principal John Coscia and assistant principals Daniel Fazio and Sam FreshmenMcElroy.

got a glimpse at Division’s clubs thanks to student volunteers.

—Submitted by the SchoolLevittownDistrict

Back To School In Bethpage

Students from Charles Campagne Elementary School received a warm welcome back to school from principal Erin Lindsay-DiFiglia.

At Division Avenue High School, A Warm Welcome For Freshmen


Kindergartners from Kramer Lane Elemen tary School made their own hats in honor of the first day of school. (Photos courtesy of the Bethpage Union Free School District)

Central Boulevard’s new principal Domi nique Siebert (left) and new assistant principal Julianne Inghilterra (right) greeted students on the first day of school.

tudents throughout the Bethpage Union Free School District eagerly entered their school buildings for the 2022-23 school year on Sept. 1. They received a warm welcome from administrators, teachers and faculty members as they walked to their class rooms with their backpacks filled with new supplies. The day consisted of learn ing and getting to know their teachers and peers. Students who were new to their school became acclimated to their new environment. It was a great day filled with lots of smiles and excitement for the year ahead.

—Submitted by the SchoolBethpageDistrict

Kramer Lane students enjoyed the sunshine on the first day of school.

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 5 233991 M

above incident to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-244-8477. All calls will remain anonymous.

Seaford Bias Incident


Levittown Burglary

The Eighth Squad reports the arrest of a North Carolina man for criminal posses sion of a weapon that occurred on Wednesday, Aug. 24, at 5:06 p.m. in OfficersResponseIntelligenceCIRRTtoHicksville.Accordingdetectives,(CriminalRapidTeam)initiatedan

• One blue rectangular pill believed to be AlprazolamHicksischarged with criminal posses sion of a firearm, second-degree criminal possession of a weapon, third-degree criminal possession of a weapon, fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon and four counts of seventh-de gree criminal possession of a controlled substance. He was arraigned on Thursday, Aug. 25, at First District Court located at 99 Main St. in Hempstead.......................


• Four white round pills believed to be Acetaminophen and Oxycodone Hydrochloride

According to detectives, officers respond ed to Cedar Creek Park located at 3340 Merrick Rd. Officers were notified about three swastikas located in the men’s restrooms. The etched markings were approximately 2” x 2” in size. The inves tigation is ongoing. Detectives request anyone with information regarding the

investigation in the parking lot of 828 S. Oyster Bay Road, a known drug-prone location. Officers ob served a parked 2016 Chevrolet Colorado pick-up truck and approached the vehicle to conduct an investigation. Upon officers approaching the vehicle, Eugene D. Hicks of Charlotte, NC, exited the pick-up truck and police observed what appeared to be a knife in his pocket. Officers recovered the knife and also discovered that he was in possession of a loaded 9mm Smith and Wesson handgun. Hicks was placed into police custody without incident. A subsequent investigation also revealed Hicks was in possession of an unlabeled orange pill bottle containing the following

Got an Event You’d Like to Publish? Send it to 234835 M DO YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW NEED HELP? Call or visit one of our locations near you! Providing nutritious food is at the heart of Long Island Cares. But we also provide programs that help our communities thrive. •GET HELP • GIVE BACK • GET INVOLVED | 631.582.FOOD (3663) •FREEPORT•HAUPPAUGE•BETHPAGE-COMING SOON TO VALLEY STREAM•HAMPTON •LINDENHURST•HUNTINGTONBAYSSTATION

• Two white capsule-shaped pills believed to be Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone Bitartrate


Eugene Hicks (Photo courtesy of the Nassau County Police Department)


•narcotics:13yellow capsule-shaped pills believed to be Tramadol Hydrochloride

The Eighth Squad reports the arrest of two individuals on Thursday, Sept. 1, for a burglary that occurred on Wednesday, Aug. 31, at 1:56 p.m. in Levittown. According to detectives, a homeowner on Violet Lane returned home to find her front door open and an unknown female walking out carrying some of her personal property. The unknown female walked across the street, entered the passenger side of a white four-door sedan occupied by an unknown male driver; the two fled the scene south on Violet Lane. Subsequent to the investigation it was determined that the proceeds had been sold but detectives were able to recover the

On Thursday, Sept. 1, at 6:08 p.m., detectives located both suspects in front of 51 Circle Dr. and arrested 31-year-old defendant Cristina L. Carell of Levittown and 28-year-old defendant Kyle Howell of Westbury. Each defendant is charged with second-degree burglary and third-degree grand larceny. Carella is additionally charged with second-degree burglary and criminal mischief for a crime that occurred on Arrow Lane, Hicksville on Jan. 7, 2022. Both were arraigned on Friday, Sept. 2, in First District Court located at 99 Main St. in Hempstead. In addition, Carella had a prior charge of criminal mischief on Jan. 4, 2022; she was released without bail and no monitoring device.

—Submitted by the Nassau County Police Department

Seventh Squad Detectives are investi gating a bias incident that was discovered on Saturday, Sept. 3, at 3 p.m. in Seaford.

victim’s property and that led to the arrest of both suspects.

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1 to 3 years old, with an adult. Play and explore with a variety of toys and interactive activities. Registration required at www. on the Events Calendar. In-person program. No fee. Call 516-731-5728 for more information. Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln.



Art In The Park

Matinee Movie: Cyrano 2 p.m. Award-winning director Joe Wright creates a timeless tale of a heartbreaking love triangle. Starring: Haley Bennett, Peter Dinklage. Rated PG-13. 2 hours. 3 minutes. Musical/drama No tickets required. In-person program. No fee. Call 516-731-5728 or visit for more information. Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln.

10:30 a.m. Ages

Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln. Call 516-731-5728 for more information.

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4 p.m. Grades 6 to 12. Stay organized with a colorful dry erase calendar. Registration required at on the Events Calendar. In-person program. No fee. Call 516-731-5728 for more information. Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln.


Teen Craft Program: Paint Chip Calendar


7 p.m. Greg Grandin’s The End of the Myth: From the Frontier to the Wall in the Mind of America. The author examines how the identity-shaping idea of an open and ever-expanding American frontier has evolved from early westward expansion into the reactionary populism of Donald Trump’s border wall proposals. Register at on the Events Calendar. This program will be online through the Zoom platform. No fee. Call 516-7315728 for more information.


along fee.program.In-personCalendar.Eventsorglevittownpl.atrequiredRegistrationendurance.balancestrength,toexerciseswithincreaseandwww.ontheNoLevittown

To place an item in this space, sendinformation two weeks before the event

artists exhibiting and selling their artwork. Legendary Long Island artist Elaine Faith Thompson is returning to Farmingdale’s Art in the Park. Thompson’s artwork has been commissioned and recognized by levels of government and still continues. Her paintings include the 2009 U.S. Open Bethpage Golf Tournament, the 2019 PGA Championship, Long Island Lighthouses, Elvis Presley and a painting of George Washington in the Chapel of the U.S. Capitol praying for his troops. Art in the Park is a juried art show, featuring a Farmingdale.Mainmation.moredale11735com/,www.farmingda516-249-0093willribbonsartworkarraywonderfuloforiginalondisplay;

Adult Program: Page Turners Book Discussion

Children Program: Book Club 6 p.m. Grades 3-5 Join author Jean Derespina for a write your own story workshop. Listen to a story and then learn how to tell your story. Registration required at on the Events Calendar. In-person program. No fee. Call 516-731-5728 for more information. Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln.



Matter Of Balance: Fall Prevention

Teen Program: Yoga 5:30 p.m. For teens in grades 6 to 12. Learn different yoga poses and breath work to improve your physical and emotional well-being. Be sure to bring a mat or towel. Registration required at www. on the Events Calendar. In-person program. No fee. Call 516-731-5728 for more information. Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass ......................Ln.


Teen Program: SAT Crash Course

10:30 a.m. An instructor from J&J Test Prep will teach strategies and exam tips so you will feel confident and ready to succeed on the day of the test. Registration required at www.levittownpl. org on the Events Calendar. This program will be live on the Zoom platform. No fee. Call 516-7315728 for more information.

11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Will feature approximately 20 magnificent

1 p.m. Wednesdays through Nov. 2. Outreach from NYU Langone Hospital-Long Island will conduct this program that will meet once per week for eight weeks and each different class will be two hours with breaks during the class. Learn how to view falls as preventable by shifting from negative to positive thinking patterns,



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Reviews of: This Will Not Pass: Trump. Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future. Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns. Putin. Phillip Short.

A few weeks later, the Republican National Committee refused to censure or even criticize Trump. McConnell backtracked. After bitterly criticizing the former president on the floor of the U.S. Senate, he refused to vote for a conviction on the impeachment proceedings.

s liberal democracy on the ropes? Not just worldwide, but even in the United States?

Only one Republican comes out in an honorable fashion. Senator Mitt Romney (R–UT) is offended “to his core” by Donald J. Trump, “as a man, father, husband, and

This Will Not Pass focuses on the events before and after the Jan. 6. 2021 storming of the U.S. Capitol. Mostly, it amounts to a pre- mid-term election pep talk for fretful liberals. The book is pro-President Biden, listing his administration’s many accomplishments, while being entirely dismissive of the man he defeated in the 2020 elections. For those Long Island MAGA fans, this book is not for you.

In chronicling the election, the riot, the impeachment hearings, and Biden’s rough first year, the

president.” Mitch McConnell, the Republican Party’s senate leader also holds real hatred for Trump. After the Jan. 6 riot, McConnell was delighted that Trump’s influence over the GOP had finally ended. McConnell, who has been in Washington for 37 years, badly misread the rank-and-file’s reaction to Jan. 6.

President Joe Biden (Gage Skidmore | CC BY-SA 2.0)

The authors, too, are unimpressed with Rep. Liz Cheney’s (R–WY) bid for martyrdom. Cheney voted for impeachment. She continued the drumbeat of criticism. In see BOOK ROUNDUP on page

230452 M

Democracy’s Trials, Putin’s Long View

authors portray Democratic Party members in a positive light, except for Kyrsten Sinema, the renegade junior senator from Arizona.

Former President (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks | Public Domain)




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Vladimir Putin (Source


Russia. An aide came up with “sovereign democracy.” Russia would be democratic on its terms, not others. Putin may or may not have been a believer, but he came to define Russia as a Christian Orthodox nation. Short, meanwhile, sums up the dilemma in two pithy sentences: “America, the dominant global power, believes that its role is to lead. Russia refuses to be lead.” Is Putin that dangerous? Ask the Ukranians. However, he isn’t the most powerful man in the world. That title now belongs to Xi Jinping, premier of the People’s Republic of China. And herein is the story that will decide Putin’s legacy. With the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, Putin made the fateful decision to pivot East. Goodbye to the West (if that’s what they want), hello to China and India as consumers of Russia’s energy reserves. The global economy has changed significantly during Putin’s reign. By 2000, 70 percent of the world’s GNP was in the hands of the G-7 nations. By 2020, that number had dropped to 43 percent, with China driving the wheel. Putin will gladly keep delivering energy to wealthy nations in Western Europe. Still, he believes Russia’s destiny is with the Orient.

The authors are correct about a nation that has seen nothing but strife in the new century: The 2000 election, the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the failure of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden to unite the country, the June 2020 riots and finally, Donald Trump’s out-of-the-blue presidency.Jan.6,2021, just as Sept. 11, 2001, changed nothing. How could it? The nation’s divisions are more severe than the authors may realize. The recent abortion decision highlights those divides as does the demographic revolution, the assaults on American history (108 monuments and statues were torn down or burnt down during the June 2020 riots), the definition of marriage, the voting patterns of urban America and its rural counties, and battles over the mere classroom teaching of American history. This book is partisan; however, the authors deliver no false optimism.PhilipShort’s comprehensive biography of Vladimir Putin ends with a seemingly contradictory note. Putin, the book jacket tells us, is the “world’s most dangerous man.” On the final page, Short predicts that once the Russo-Ukraine War ends, hostile relations between Russia and the West, even between that country and Ukraine willPutinsubside.follows a by-now familiar story: The young man’s fascination with espionage, a generally uneventful career as a KGB agent, a vice mayor of St. Petersburg under his friend Anatoly Sobchak, the transfer to Moscow, work in Boris Yeltsin’s faltering administration, and finally, the surprise appointment as Russia’s president once Yeltsin retired.

BOOK ROUNDUP from page 2A

BRUCE A. BLAKEMAN NASSAU COUNTY EXECUTIVE OLD BETHPAGE VILLAGE RESTORATION 1303 Round Swamp Road • Old Bethpage 516-572-8409 • Long Island Fair FairH O H H O H OH O 16SEPTEMBERTH|17TH|18TH FRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY THE ENTERTAINMENT INCLUDES: • The Flying Cortes Trapeze Thrill Show • Circus Dubois • Petting Zoo & Camel Ride • Rough Rider Riding Demonstration • Magic Show & Traditional Music • Historic Village & Cra Demonstrators • Games, Races, & Contests lifair.orgCHECK WEBSITE FOR DISCOUNT TICKETS INFORMATION: FUN FOR THEFAMILY!WHOLE 234647 M

No one gave Putin a chance for political survival when he became president in 2000. The man was determined to end the civil war in Chechnya, which he did in ruthless fashion. Thanks to rising oil prices the Russian economy rebounded. Putin cut the top tax rate to 18 percent and gave tax credits to young couples having more than one child. In time, Putin felt his oats. His 2007 speech at the Munich security conference lambasted America’s bid for a unipolar world. A 2013 speech criticizing gay rights earned him many admirers in Europe and America. The 2014 invasion of Crimea was viewed by those same conservatives as an example of decisive action. For a time, Putin was hailed as the most powerful man on the planet. Through it all, Putin was searching for an identity to fit post-communist

doing so, she lost her leadership position within the GOP House Caucus. Where was martyrdom getting Liz Cheney? A postscript: McConnell clearly hopes that the Democrats control the Senate this November, lest Trump receive credit for a GOP comeback. Cheney lost her quixotic re-election campaign in pro-Trump Wyoming. Will she mount a third party presidential bid in 2024?

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Shari Egnasko Editors

example, if we let our children ‘watch’ church instead of “being church and participating, a lot is lost. By not coming to church in person the message is: “Your presence and participation don’t matter.” And your spiritual coach (i.e. the pastor) really feels the loss of the ‘team’ when few families come out to pray.

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The browning of our lawns does not mean the grass is dying. Rather it is a rather resourceful mecha nism of self-preservation for these plants called “going dormant”—a process that keeps the lawns alive for around six weeks. At that point they’ll definitely need a drink or the blades will take on a grayish hue that indicates imminent death.

Father Ralph Sommer is the pastor of St. Bernard’s Church in Levittown and is an Anton Media Group columnist.

Senior Page Designer Donna Duffy


Mr. Trump, It’s Time To Apologize

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In some ways I appreciate that the Jewish holy days are celebrated at this time of the year. They give people a chance to slow down, to be self-reflective and to celebrate

The Brown Lawns

Director of Circulation Joy DiDonato

Nature’s behavior is actually a pretty good metaphor for summer. We stop doing what we usually do and enter into the dormancy called “vacation,” but now that September has crept up on us, it’s time to get back to a time of growth, as will the lawns, once the rains come and the cool weather approaches.Thistimeof year calls for a little more self-care, just as the lawn that emerges from dormancy will need mowing again—and perhaps a bit of fertilizer to prepare it for winter. It might be easy to forget this self-care because we now have the back to school activities and regular work demands. We need to close the pools and bring the houseplants in. So much to do. And while we might notice the effect of an un-mowed lawn after a few weeks, we might not notice the detrimental effect all this busyness has on us.

Of course as a pastor I want to make the case that “keeping holy the Lord’s Day” is good for all of us. For those of us who recognize Sunday as the Lord’s Day it is time to get beyond our past COVID excuses and just come back to pray together again. Many churches were able to stream their Masses and services during the time of pandemic and some of the faithful got used to watching from afar. But that is like Facetiming the family on Thanksgiving Day instead of going over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house. “Being there” is one of the best forms of self-care possible.

It is also family care. Since the death of my parents, some of my close relatives are slowly moving away to jobs and homes out of state. Our best moments are when we can all be in the same room together, or even for some of us to be in the same car together as we travel to be with each other.

Fr. Ralph Sommer

now know is the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI started out as an agency dedicated to wipe out domestic crime. As observers of the America scene, many of us will remember such names as Al Capone, John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson and the notorious Bonnie and Clyde. All of them were the targets of the FBI and without that organiza tion; those criminals would have been long time success stories. Do you recall agent Elliot Ness? I do.

Vice President of Operations Iris Picone

Robin Carter

Coming together in church is like that. Praying alone is like solitaire. It’s OK for a while but we need the sights and sounds, the smells

“Just as parents plan on meeting up for a game—and often postgame activities—why not plan on meeting for church? Friends not only play together, but in a most wonderful way, they can pray together, giving honor to God, witnessing faith to the next generation, and growing in faith themselves. Please come to church in I’llperson.”bewatching as the grass recovers from dormancy and the brown returns to green. And I live in hope that people will discover the self-care, the family-care, the church-care that brings us all back from communal dormancy to grow together in faith in the days ahead.



a strong government organi zation, Roosevelt created the Department of Investigation in 1908. He needed a tough straight shooter for the monumental job of fighting crime and corruption. He reached out to a well-known and vigilant anti-crime voice and chose Charles Bonaparte, the grandnephew of the French emperor. Bonaparte built the department man-by-man until he had the nucleus of a small army whose job was to take on crime.The Department of investiga tion eventually grew into what we

“But when our children actually show up in person, real belonging takes place. Whether they are suc cessful in playing the game or not there are so many other benefits as they are engaged with their friends and teammates. Parents too enjoy a bond with each other as they cheer on their players. And of course the relationship of players and coaches yields many good things.“But just as in the baseball

Janet Burns, Jennifer Corr, Dave Gil de Rubio, Christy Hinko, Julie Prisco, Frank Rizzo, Joe Scotchie, Advertising Sales

and bells of worshiping God together. We are not meant to be mere observers of a community in prayer, we are to BE the communi ty gathered together in prayer.

Recently I wrote this to my parishioners: “Could you imagine that parents would want their child to belong to a baseball team and then say, ‘You don’t really need to go to any games. Just join your team remotely!’ This kind of belonging still connects their child with the team, but by not actually participating in person, the message is: ‘Your presence and participation doesn’t matter.’ And how do you think the coach feels when team members are only remote members?

Once upon a time, the United States was in the midst of a series of violent crime waves. Cities were being hit with robberies, government corruption and countless other criminal chal lenges. Something had to be done to battle the infestation of criminal activity and the challenge fell into the hands of President Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt knew that he could not rely on the Secret Service alone to deal with the growing criminal el ement hitting hundreds of major AmericanRecognizingcities.the need for

Creative Director Alex Nuñez

People, like lawns, need quite a bit of maintenance, particularly around this time of year. (Photo by Prasannanossam3/ CC BY-SA 4.0)


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Ally Deane, Mary Mallon, Sal Massa, Maria Pruyn, Jeryl Sletteland

Additional copies of this and other issues are available for purchase by calling 516-403-5120.

Art Director Catherine Bongiorno

Driving around suburbia these days it is clear to see who is water ing their lawns and who is leaving it up to Mother Nature. “Mother,” it seems, has been neglecting this duty as a prolonged drought has kept the neighborhood bereft of needed rain.

© 2022 Long Island

God’s blessings. There is a lot of self-care built into these days of prayer and community.

If your unleashed dog wanders



Caroline Michalak North Shore Land Alliance

Now that he is a private citizen, just like all of us, he calls the FBI a “criminal enterprise,” “corrupt,” “sleazy” and “abusive.”

Mr. Trump bitterly resents the fact that after 18 months of stonewalling the Department of Justice over his possession of hundreds of documents market “highly classified” and “classified,” the FBI, at the request of the DOJ, entered Mr. Trump’s Florida property and seized those papers, which by law



The North Shore Land Alliance’s 14 preserves provide neighbors and other visitors a chance to connect with nature while enjoying 32 acres of pre served open space. We welcome everyone to our slices of heav en—including our leashed furry friends. However, two recent troubling incidents that occurred because of irresponsible dog owners have compromised the safety of our preserve workers, visitors, pets and wildlife. Last week an off-leash dog attacked another (leashed) dog, resulting in an injury that required emergency veterinary care. Just days later, another dog broke away from its owners and fatally attacked a large deer in the preserve. To the horror of onlookers, this vicious attack lasted more than 30 minutes. Both events could have been entirely prevented by owners keeping their dogs on a sturdy leash. Not only do leashes prevent dangerous encounters with other animals, but they can ensure the safety of your pet and other visitors.


Leashing your dog is an im portant way to ensure that our

Former State Assemblyman Jerry Kremer is a columnist for Anton Media Group and partner at Ruskin Moscou Faltischek in Uniondale. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher or Anton Media Group.

He has ogy,FBIviolencepromotedagainstFBIagentsandhasrevealednamesofagentswhoarenowthetargetoftherightwingconspiracypromoters.DonaldTrumpowesAmericaandtheahumbleapol-notcrudeattacks

on one of the world’s greatest law enforcement agencies.

ARE YOU MOVING? CALL US WITH YOUR NEW ADDRESS 516-403-5120 and do not miss any issues!

In time, the FBI turned its efforts towards domestic terrorism and then international criminals. To combat the rise in international terrorism, the Congress passed the Espionage Act and the role of the FBI grew by leaps and bounds. Today’s FBI has over 35,000 agents who quietly owesPresidentstatelessonmini-historypurposeclock.aroundpeople350nation’sprotectefficientlyandthemilliontheTheofthisistobluntlythatformerDonaldTrumpthisagencyapublic

off the trail, for example, they could be exposed to Lyme Disease. They may also leave behind waste, which increases nitrogen in the soil, encour aging the growth of invasive plants and making it harder for many native plants to survive. Additionally, while we love dogs, some visitors may not appre ciate your pet’s enthusiastic greeting and become uncom fortable or scared. Our preserves should be a place for all to enjoy nature, not a place of fear.

preserves remain a safe place for everyone in our communi ty—people, dogs and wildlife included. While we are certain that most of you have lovely, well-mannered dogs, incidents that threaten the safety of us all are unacceptable. Please keep your dog on a leash at all times. Our organization protects open space for humans and wildlife alike. All should feel safe in na ture the moment they enter our gates. Your help with this matter would be greatly appreciated.



are not his property. Once upon a time Mr. Trump showered the FBI with praise for their “fine work.”

“Throughout her career, Ms. Longo has af fected growth and change leading to student achievement, sustainability and progress,” BOCES Board member Robert “B.A.” Schoen said at the awards gala. “We salute her for the incredible efforts she’s made on behalf of students with special needs.”

Inevitably, Longo returned to Nassau BOCES, this time as supervisor of the Special Education Department, eventually moving into the role of assistant director. Under her guidance and leadership, a number of innovative programs were developed to meet the diverse needs students throughout Nassau County. Her work ethic, as well as her motivational and support skills, have made her a touchstone in navigating some of the biggest challenges to face Long Island by Nassau BOCES

Retired Nassau BOCES Administrator Honored

234698 M

Local schools soon recognized Longo’s abilities as an educational leader, and she was enlisted to serve as an administrator for two different districts. Throughout her tenure as an educator, she has fostered a learning environment that is stimulating, motivating, supportive and inclusive of the entire learning community.

Longo went on to Adelphi University to earn her degree in education and began teaching in Western Suffolk schools. From there, she returned to RKS to teach full time. She soon took on the role of coordinator of the school’s summer program. From there, she went on to become assistant principal at Nassau BOCES Ames and Fern Place Elementary Schools (a split position), those schools eventually moved and merged to become the Jerusalem Avenue Elementary School. After that, she was appointed assistant principal for RKS and the Center for Community Adjustment.

Longo began her educational career more than 30 years ago. While earning her associates degree at Nassau Community College and contemplating her career path, she realized that education was not her only option; nursing and business were also on


arbara Longo, former assistant director of Nassau BOCES Special Education Department, was lauded as one of the most devoted supporters of public education on Long Island. Longo is among 15 honorees to receive the 2022 Nassau BOCES Education Partner award, bestowed annually on those individuals and organizations whose impact on public edu cation in Nassau County can be measured in tangible ways.

Esteemed former administrator Barbara Longo was recently honored at the awards gala held by the Nassau BOCES Educational Foundation. The foundation is an inde pendent non-profit organization that raises funds for innovative educational programs that fall outside of the agency’s budget.


Barbara Longo (center), former assistant director of the Nassau BOCES Special Education Department, is congratulated on her 2022 Nassau BOCES Education Partner Award by (from left) Board Members Robert “B.A.” Schoen and Michael Weinick. (Photo courtesy of Nassau BOCES)


A strategic education partner with school districts since 1967, Nassau BOCES created the awards program to recognize those who share its mission of ensuring a successful, challenging, caring and safe environment that enables students of all ages and abilities to achieve their maximum potential. These outstanding individuals and organizations have made strides in accomplishing key edu cational goals embraced by Nassau BOCES, such as ensuring student success.

the table. For a time she devoted herself to becoming a success in the corporate world, but when she volunteered at Nassau BOCES Rosemary Kennedy School (RKS) for the developmentally challenged, she realized she had found her true calling.

DESIGN & DÉCOR AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL September 14 – 20, 2022 FALL APPEALCURB Top 20 décor tips for every room Living décor, decorating with INSIDEhouseplants


Colombos-Dooley Team

2B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 231141 M

Having worked with ultra-high-net-worth families and investors for over 28 years, The Colombos-Dooley Team is familiar with the discretion and complexities involved in large transactions. Their clients trust them for their transparency, honesty and diligence in getting the deal done. Licensed in both the Long Island and NYC markets, The Colombos-Dooley Team’s clients love that they can work with them seamlessly across the two regions. Through their affiliation with Compass, The Colombos-Dooley Team is able to offer the best of breed in technology, service and marketing to their clients.

real estate professionals

The Colombos-Dooley Team is a team of real estate agents affiliated with

Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. *Source: Real Trends America’s Best, Medium Team by Sales Volume, published June 2022 Nicholas Colombos Licensed Real Estate M:nick.colombos@compass.comSalesperson917.453.9333|O:516.517.4751 Angela Dooley Licensed Real Estate TheM:angela.dooley@compass.comSalesperson516.315.7781|O:516.517.4751FoundingAgentsofCompass Long Island and Members of the Luxury Division.

The is honored to be recognized by Real Trends 2022 as one of America’s Best, ranking in the Top of in the country. #1 Team on Long Island*


SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 3B

As the autumn season approaches, it’s an excellent time for homeowners to examine their gardens and prepare them for the cooler temperatures to come. Although you may think of gardening only during the summer months, caring for your garden during the fall can help it survive the winter season and produce a healthy crop next year. Whether you’re growing a vegetable garden, flower bed or even trees and shrubs, these fall garden maintenance tips will ensure your entire landscape is ready for temperatures to drop.


see FALL GARDEN on page 4B The Colombos-Dooley Team is a team of real estate agents affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to the accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside the realm of real estate brokerage. Nicholas Colombos Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Luxury Division | Council Member nick.colombos@compass.comM:917.453.9333|O:516.517.4751 The Founding Agents of Compass Long Island and Members of the Luxury Division Angela Dooley Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Luxury Division | Council Member M:angela.dooley@compass.com516.315.7781|O:516.517.4751 Experience isn’t expensive, it’s priceless... 51 Stone Hill Drive, Manhasset, NY 6 BD | 5 BA | $2,598,000 North Hill’s premier gated community. 7 Sexton Drive, West Islip, NY 4 BD | 5 BA | $3,599,000 Spectacular French-inspired chateau. 26 Christopher Court, Babylon, NY 5 BD | 3 BA | $2,098,000 Stunning waterfront property with a 400-ft dock. Luxury Portfolio Selects 231140 M

Fall Garden Maintenance Tips


f you’re not sure where to begin on your fall garden maintenance checklist, the best place to start is by removing all dried plants and weeds in your garden bed. Keeping such plants in your garden over the winter could lead to pests and disease, thus preventing a healthy garden next year. For this reason, be on the lookout for any spent crops,

Pre-emergent weed killers are used for controlling weeds before they appear above the ground. To promote a weed-free garden next year, consider applying fall pre-emergents to your garden once all plant debris is removed.

Although the gardening season may be coming to a close, your perennial plants will continue growing until they go dormant in late fall. To prepare them for the colder temperatures, be sure to remove all weeds and any parts of the plant infested with disease or pests. If you’re planning on adding more plants to your garden, consider planting spring-blooming bulbs this fall while the soil is still warm.

Visit for more lawn care products and advice.



4B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022




A cover crop may be spread over your garden to prevent erosion and weed growth. It may consist of mustard, clover, peas or even a combination of cover crops. Once spring arrives, the cover crop may be turned over to add nutrients to the soil.

as well as plants that are infested with disease. Tilling your garden is an excellent way to expose any dried plants or weeds. It will also reveal any pests hiding in your garden, including fall armyworms, which are most active during the fall.

As you remove plant debris from your garden, now is also an excellent time for removing gardening supplies. Items such as stakes, cages and labels should be gathered and put away to be used again next spring.

For those who have trees and shrubs, autumn is the perfect season to check on your shrubbery and prepare them for winter. One way to care for your trees this fall is to cover the soil around them with mulch. Adding a fresh layer of mulch around the base of your tree will protect the roots from harsh winter conditions. Avoid covering the trunk with mulch, however, as this could cause rot and other diseases. In addition to mulching, fall is also an ideal time to prune your shrubs once dormancy has started.

Similar to fall lawn care, many gardens and trees can benefit from fertilizer before winter sets in. Fall fertilizer is best applied in late fall before the first frost, as it will help plants endure the approaching cold temperatures. Following these simple fall garden maintenance tips will help your plants survive the cold temperatures of winter. Whether you plan on growing a cool season crop, or you simply want to protect your garden, this fall garden checklist will ensure a healthy, thriving garden next spring.

Don’t forget to continue watering your perennials at least once a week until the ground freezes. Once the ground does freeze, cover the crown of your newly planted perennials with a four- to 5-inch layer of bark mulch. This mulch may also be used to cover perennials that are sensitive to frost.

While the summer growing season may be over, there are still many plants you can grow over the winter. The most common frost-tolerant crops for fall planting include broccoli, cauliflower, kale, lettuce, parsnips, garlic, cabbage, collards and spinach. Many of these crops not only grow well during the fall, but they taste better after a light frost. Be sure to cover your plants as soon as any frost is forecasted to ensure your garden survives the winter.

If you’re looking to establish more trees and shrubs on your lawn, fall is the best time to plant while the ground is still workable. Generally, the ideal time to plant new trees is six weeks before the first sign of hard frost. Planting anytime between September through November will allow your new trees to establish their roots before winter sets in.

—Sod Solutions/Sod University


FALL GARDEN from page 3B

SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 5B 232533 M

Wren Kitchens Invests $30 Million In New Locations Across The East Coast

Wren Kitchens continues to expand its empire across the northeast by investing more than $30 million on eight new mega stores this year which will create a further 500 jobs.

Hempstead Tpke. Visit to browse the product selection and to make a design appointment.

This year, Wren’s expansion plans are continuing to fly with four new inspi rational showrooms including two in Suffolk County (Selden and Commack) thisLatersummer.inthe year, Wren will open a further four more locations in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

“We’ve brought a unique concept to the American kitchen market for the very first time and it’s proving successful,” said Raf Klimek, Wren Kitchens manufacturing and logistics director.

6B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022

MARK LEVENTHAL Ranked in the top 1.5% Nationwide. I am honored to be included in this year’s Real Trends America’s Best Real Estate Professionals list. Ranked in the top 1.5% in volume.* Mark Leventhal is a real estate agent affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. 1468 Northern Boulevard, Manhasset, NY 11030. 516.517.4751 *Source: Real Trends America’s Best list by Sales Volume. MARK LEVENTHAL Founding Agent, Compass Long Island Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker M: 516.330.8001 Integrity + Honesty + Professionalism All add up to a proven track record of results. Get in touch today for all of your real estate needs. M232954

he number one kitchen retailer in the United Kingdom has successfully opened three USA showrooms, including one on Long Island in Levittown, creating more than 200 jobs in retail, manufacturing, transport and head office support roles.

Wren manufactures its kitchens in the U.S. and has invested $15.4 million in the 252,000-square-foot manufacturing and

New jobs will be created in retail, manufacturing, transport, logistics and office support roles such as human resources and administration. There are currently more than 80 open vacancies.

relaxing coffee area.

headquarters facility in Wilkes-Barre, PA. The retailer also owns its expanding fleet of trucks to deliver to customers across theThecountry.Levittown store is located at 2965

All under one roof, the new mega showrooms feature an array of full-sized kitchens on display, as well as various cabinet styles, colors, appliances, storage solutions, countertops, sinks, faucets, accessories and more while offering comfortable design desks, virtual reality studios, child-friendly play zones and a

“The northeast is a prime location for Wren in terms of connectivity, making it the perfect platform to continue our exciting expansion plans.”

The kitchen remodeler opened the biggest-ever kitchen showroom in Milford, CT in November 2020, and prides itself in offering affordable luxury kitchens with more than 10 million combinations.

Wren Kitchens in Levittown


—Wren Kitchens

SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 7B M229059 CALLCALIFORNIACLOSETS.COMORVISITUSONLINE TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR COMPLIMENTARY DESIGN CONSULTATION GREENVALE 25 NORTHERN BLVD 516.334.0077 CONNECTICUT 565 WESTPORT AVE, NORWALK 203.924.8444OFFORMAKE@caliclosetsnycROOMALLYOU Radtke.StefanPhoto:#0657205.HICCToperated.andownedindependentlyFranchisesreserved.rightsAllInc.Company,ClosetCalifornia©2022 NY146_Anton_News_MakeRm_212Fifth_10x11.5_0922.indd 1 8/30/22 12:16 PM



Keep these interior gardening principles in mind as you design your space:

Keep a plant in the bedroom.

String of beads

• Avoid clutter. Measure your space and make a realistic decision about the space you have for plants.


• Keep the lighting, watering and fertilization needs of your plants in mind.

• Incorporate plant stands, bookcases and pottery to upgrade the look of your plants.Houseplants

• Choose leaf colors that complement your space.

The Art Of Living With Houseplants

Feng Shui is the practice of arranging living spaces to invite positive energy into your home. Houseplants play a large role in this practice, helping us to reconnect with nature while indoors and providing more balance to our lives. Some of the most popular Feng-Shui-friendly plants include jade plant, calathea, rubber tree and lucky bamboo.

n a bright, traditional home consider a trailing pothos for your bookcase or mantle. A foliage dish garden that contains three or more complementary plants can easily warm up a dining room or coffee table. Orchids add a nice touch of color anywhere in a home, while herbs such as basil and rosemary as well as flowering African violets are classic options for the kitchen. If you are lucky enough to have a heated sunroom, it is the perfect place to grow succulents, cactus, andForcitrus.amodern home, try a fiddle leaf fig to brighten a boring corner. If you are looking for vertical interest, hang a string of beads plant. It’s tiny pea-like foliage adds an elevated approach to what is often considered an ‘old-fashioned’ hanging basket. Rare plants such as drop tongue and red sword add a unique style that is all yourOfficesown.with medium sunlight should invest in a money tree, as they bring good

• Group plants together in odd numbers.

will instantly upgrade the aesthetic of your home, creating a warm and inviting space for you and your family to enjoy. Visit your local garden center and start your journey into plant parenthood today.

• Keep leaves looking shiny and new with

—Karen Musgrave, CNLP, is a marketing and e-commerce associate for Hicks Nurseries.

an occasional rinse or wipe down.

Houseplants are often an afterthought when it comes to decorating a home. We think about where we will entertain, dine, and sleep but often overlook the important role houseplants play in design. They are architecturally interesting and can completely transform the look and feel of a space. Whether you want an indoor jungle overflowing with plants or a few well-placed options to soften a room, there are many houseplants available to fit your needs and complement your home.

8B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022


luck and fortune to its owner. For workspaces with little natural sunlight, consider a ZZ plant, bromeliad, or peace lily. Plants should add joy and life to space, bring a little of the outdoors inside for you to enjoy as you work. Bathrooms are the perfect place for humidity-loving plants like ferns and air plants. A small plant on the vanity or by the window can easily soften what can normally be a sterile space. If space permits, add a large floor plant such as a majesty palm to

bring some luxury to the space. Rest and recharge in your bedroom with a selection of sleep-encouraging houseplants. They purify the air, remove toxins, and add humidity to your room, setting the tone for some well-deserved sweet dreams. Some of the best plants for sleep include the snake plant, peace lily and the bamboo palm.

Annie Holdreith

Each office is independently owned and


SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 9B 231663 M

This Walter Uhl Colonial is nestled on one of the quietest streets in Manhasset Bay Estates. Filled with light and architecural charm, this home features 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. A beautifully, updated kitchen overlooks the tranquil, oversized and private yard as does the charming screened porch. If offers a perfect balance of historic house details and modern amenities. Located a short distance from Merriman Park, town, the Port Washington station of the LIRR, this home offers the ease and convenience one associates with living in the picturesque area known as Manhasset Bay Estates. It is truly special - offering one of the largest properties in the area - ideal for the buyer who wants extra privacy and land and still be close to it all. Property is approximately 1/3 of an acre. $1,699,000.

Associate Real Estate Broker

Gold Circle of Excellence Office 364 Plandome Road 516.627.4440, annieholdreith.danielgale.comannieholdreith@danielgale.comc.516.509.4082

Port Washington, NY — New to Market

10B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 TRACI CONWAY CLINTON Long Island Founding Agent Luxury Division Council Member, Long Island Licensed Real Estate Salesperson M: 516.857.0987 | O: 516.517.4751 | PREMIERE POWERFULPROPERTIES,PRESENCE.


I am passionate about the properties I represent, as every home has a unique story to be told. My comprehensive custom-tailored marketing plan will bring your home’s story to life for successful and proven results. Allow me to be your home’s storyteller.


Photo via @home_decor_arrangements_by_ily


12B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022

Fall foliage is well-known for its beauty, so why not preserve a piece of that beauty to display in your own home. All you need is a photo frame and a leaf— or several leaves–to pull off this autumn craft. Then, once you’re done, you’ll be left with a one-of-a-kind piece of wall art.

Put a small sign on a fall-themed table.

Looking for fall decorating ideas for your home? These simple autumn crafts and DIY fall decor ideas can help you bring the fall spirit to your home through November.

Bunch up some burlap, attach a bit of artificial foliage, and add ribbon accents for the perfect autumn wreath. There are many DIY approaches to this fall craft, so you’re bound to find the option that best fits your home’s interior or exterior styling.


Fall Decoration & Craft Ideas for Your Home


Photo via @framednymph

To make a mason jar vase, just add some painted accents to the outside, tie the top with twine, and fill the whole thing with an artificial bouquet. Use this simple rustic craft as a DIY centerpiece, or set one on your bedside table as fall room decor.

Looking for somewhere to store seasonal decor during the rest of the year? Extra Space Storage has convenient locations nationwide with solutions for your self storage needs. Visit to get more home improvement ideas and locate a storage space near you.

Fabric acorns make wonderful table decorations for fall! Stuff fabric scraps in the shape of an acorn, then attach a real acorn cap for a fun and festive look. You can also pour several of these fabric acorns into a decorative bowl for a simple accent piece!


—Extra Space Storage

Photo via @craftingforcheap


Photo via @patchworkpottery

Got a green thumb? Carve a shallow hole into the top of a few small to medium-sized pumpkins to turn them into seasonally appropriate succulent planters. Place these easy fall DIY decorations on a mantel, along a table runner, or as accents anywhere in your home. Photo via @whiteslatestudio

234064 M

Create a burlap banner to hang above your fireplace or on an accent wall in your home! This durable fall decor idea is easy, inexpensive, and requires very few supplies. This can also be a fun project for kids to help with.

SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 13B

Photo via @queensbanners

Autumn table decorations can transform any dining room, so why not make your own? Fill a planter box with leaves, gourds, burlap ribbon, and other decorative touches to create the DIY fall centerpiece of your dreams.



had a sales price advantage ranging from 5.5 to 12.7 percent. That could mean an extra $16,500 to $38,100 in value on a $300,000 home.

If your mailbox is on the street, there’s a good chance it’s been a bit beaten up. In

And when the lights are on? You may have just nailed the curb appeal deal.

needles, leaves, spare pickleballs, or other detritus that might have accumulated there. Buyers are justifiably picky about the condition of the roof, especially when it comes to pickleballs.

Washing the windows is a given, but before you do that, think about giving your house a good power wash to remove the dirt, grime, and moss that may have accumulated over the years. This could save you the expense of repainting your entire home.

A small investment in a new front porch light can work wonders, but you’ll also want to pay attention to the condition of any other light fixtures in front, like those that may be on either side of the garage, or the street light in your front yard. Yes, potential buyers will probably make their first visit during the day, but attractive light fixtures can really add to the appeal of a home even if the lights aren’t on.

Well-landscaped homes have a sales price advantage.

A new mailbox gives the home a fresh appearance.


What Is Curb Appeal?

How to supercharge the first impression buyers have of your home

It’s one area where every bit of work you do can pay off. For real. Renovation expert Bob Vila estimates that this first impression could add 20 percent to your home’s value (a figure that rivals, or sometimes surpasses, the return on a new kitchen or bath).

Adding curb appeal doesn’t have to cost an outrageous amount of money. You’d be surprised by how inexpensive “prettifying” your home’s front exterior can be, if you’re willing to do a little work yourself. Or maybe a lot of work. (Hey, you want to sell the place, right?)




urb appeal is both an art and a science. And since it’s a buyer’s first impression of your home, it can be essential in selling your home.





What is curb appeal? This all-important practice will improve how your home looks to buyers right as they pull up and park—or even as they drive by (slowly, one hopes). That includes your front yard, driveway, and your home’s exterior, from its paint job to the potted plants on your patio to even the welcome mat that greets people as they pass through your front door.

Once your house is shiny and clean, you may find that the entire house doesn’t need repainting—just the trim and the front door. While you’re at it, consider brightening the facade with a touch of contrasting color. You’ll be surprised by how a little pop of color can really freshen up the place.

fact, it could look like it was used to house a pipe bomb, and you’ve just stopped paying attention. If it’s affixed to your house, you’ve probably forgotten about it, aesthetically speaking. Paint it, polish it, or replace it. You’ll be glad you did.

14B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022



One of the most important aspects of curb appeal is getting the grounds to look as good as they possibly can. Alex X. Niemiera, a horticulturist at Virginia Tech, found that well-landscaped homes

If some of the shingles have come loose or there’s visible damage to your roof, you absolutely must fix that. Hire a roof specialist to see just how much work is needed, then get it done. If your roof is relatively new and in good shape, at least clean off any pine

This involves not only cutting the grass, but also clearing out any dead limbs, plants, and other unwanted foliage that might be hanging around. In addition, get rid of any tree branches or bushes that may make your yard look crowded and dark, and trim all hedges so that they look neat. Finally, plant some colorful flowers—best to do it a couple of weeks before the house goes on the market, so they’ve had the chance to grow in a bit and don’t look too contrived.

SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 15B dream in M-F: 10-8 • SAT: 10-6 Paramus, NJ • (201) KohlerSignatureStoreParamus.comParamus,KohlerSignatureStoreParamus.com322-5000NJ•(201)322-5000 Schedule your design consultation online or by phone 1516 Northern Blvd, KOHLERbyGPS.com516-634-3600Manhasset M-F: 10-8 • SAT: 10-6 Paramus, NJ • (201) KohlerSignatureStoreParamus.comParamus,KohlerSignatureStoreParamus.com322-5000NJ•(201)322-5000 230578 M

Ted Kennedy Watson’s Guide to Stylish Entertaining by Ted Kennedy Watson

The Evolution of Home by Emma Sims-Hilditch

Home—honoring the times we share there, treasuring the traditions and generations it represents, and rediscovering the joy our homes and gardens bring to our lives.

English interior design is respected throughout the world, and Sims Hilditch is at the forefront of understanding how decoration and practicality can work hand in hand. Explore the firm’s many projects and see how interiors have evolved to embrace new ways of living.

Get Results. Sign Up Today! Apply online or call 516.715.1208 Maidenbaum Property Tax Reduction Group, LLC – 483 Chestnut Street, Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Property tax savings for our neighbors and friends. 234087 M

16B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022

Stylish entertaining doesn’t require perfection. It’s not about flawlessly polished tableware or professionally arranged florals—it’s about the small, creative touches that make each event unique.

The Cottage Fairy Companion by Paola Merrill

The Cottage Fairy Companion is your accessible and beautiful guide to mindful living. It teaches the fundamentals of cottagecore style through the practices of The Cottage Fairy’s daily life.

New Tomes For Home Décor And Interior Design

Whether your home needs a little sprucing or a lot of extra design and decorating attention, there are dozens of new books set to hit bookstores over the next couple of weeks. In no particular order, here are some of the newest titles being released this fall.

Stephen Sills—named a “titan of design” by Elle Decor as well as a “dean of American design” by Architectural Digest—returns with a third spectacular book.

Ann Lightfoot and Kate Pawlowski—organizing experts and the mother-daughter duo behind Done & Done Home—ask questions that take into account who you are and how you actually live to help resolve the issues behind the excess and create lasting solutions to keep your home running smoothly.

Love Your Home Again by Ann Lightfoot and Kate Pawlowski

Celebrating Home: A Time for Every Season by James T. Farmer

Stephen Sills: A Vision For Design by Stephen Sills

What is your unique path to a more beautiful and fulfilling life? Walk alongside award-winning designer Jean Stoffer as she chronicles her own surprising, unhurried journey and be encouraged that there’s plenty of time to discover yours.

Parisian by Design by Diane Dorrans Saeks

Call the Pros! 516.224.7576 | What is Egress? This is Egress. Don’t wait till it’s too late! The most important part of an escape plan is the WAY OUT! CUSTOM UnderWALK-OUTSBASEMENTStarting$12,000 CUSTOM GRATES & SAVECOVERS$250 BILCO® INSTALLEDENTRYBASEMENTSYSTEMSWITHAFREELEDLIGHT SLIDING GLASS & FRENCH DOORS SAVE $300 EGRESS $4,995StartingSYSTEMSWELLatInstalled SCAN TO EgressPros.comMORELEARNAT Do you have a way out? 229014 M

A Home to Share by Leslie Saeta

This is the ultimate resource for single home buyers and owners, architects, developers, and designers, filled with contemporary, fresh ideas for sustainable construction and gorgeous interiors, vividly captured in hundreds of four-color photographs.

150 Best All New House Ideas by Francesc Zamora

Enter the world of Luke Caldwell, founder of the Timber and Love design and build firm and HGTV star of Boise Boys and Outgrown, as he shares his intentional design philosophy for creating timeless and organic home designs in this aspirational and accessible book.

Heralded as one of America’s most influential interior designers, Suzanne Kasler has always had her finger on the pulse of emerging home style. This completely original compendium of her firm’s new interiors is all about selectivity—a wealth of au courant design ideas that resonate with today’s personally expressive sensibility.

A beautiful apartment in Paris is something we all dream of. A bohemian retreat, full of character and charm. Here, designer David Jimenez inspires us with his interiors while sharing his secrets for how to decorate like a Parisian.

—Book descriptions courtesy of the respective publishers and Amazon. Compiled by Christy Hinko.

SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 17B

Suzanne Kasler: Edited Style by Suzanne Kasler

Establishing Home by Jean Stoffer

Americana Soul by Luke Caldwell

From the creator of the popular Instagram page @my100yearoldhome comes an interior design guide to creating beautiful, comfortable, family-centered homes that are also perfect for gatherings with friends.


The Perfect Fabric Palette For Autumn

18B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022

Duralee fabrics launched in 1952 with an eye on value-driven ingenuity and cutting-edge products. With an alignment to budding and established designers, Duralee created licensed collections, quickly becoming known as one of the industry’s most exciting fabric and furniture brands.

uted and sophisticated, Robert Allen’s mini color curation of subtle jewel tones has an offering that will add elegance and visual interest to your projects for an effect that is classy and timeless.Formore than 80 years, Robert Allen and Duralee have been leaders in design excellence, serving the interior design and hospitality communities.Foundedin 1938, Robert Allen made our mark on the industry by pioneering the distribution of fabric books and being among the first to emphasize color as a key tenet of interior design. Robert Allen’s Color Library has been a game-changer in the way the industry organizes and views fabrics by emphasizing the importance of color holistically.

Earthly Delights

SUKKAH DEPOT OF GREAT NECK 719 MIDDLE NECK ROAD Tough enough to hold up to a toddler’s decorating. Simple enough for your teenager to put together. And sturdy enough for you and your extended family to celebrate in, yearafter-year-after-year. At Sukkah Depot, it’s our honor to build the walls that have built your Yom Tov for 30+ years. YOMSIMCHASYOURWHENTOV MATERIALSSUKKAHBUILDINGISDEPOTKEEPUP ofYEARS30+Time-TestedQuality 516 - 642 -1435 WWW.SUKKAHDEPOT.COM M234870 AVAILABLESUKKAHPANELNEW

Visit for more. —Robert Allen Design

Warm Colors—JadeMystic Glow—Amethyst

Traditional jewel tones take a new, more organic approach this season with a subdued and earthy palette drawing inspiration from nature. Think clay, brick, amber, emerald and marine blue as the go-to palette for autumn 2022.

SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 19B Heirloom Linen—HoneysuckleHeirloom Linen—Praline Silky Slub—Garden Plush Strie—Berry Crush Dream CalypsoChenile—Blue Happy Hour—Beet Swagger—HennaTiny Dancer—Aqua Metro Solid—Batik Blue M234403 BRING THIS COUPON TO RECEIVE AN EXTRA 10%* OFF ALREADY LOW SALE PRICES UP TO 80% OFF! *Excludes prior sales, special orders & rock-bottom pricing. Valid thru 9/20/22 CLOSING THIS LOCATION! THE GREAT $5 MILLION STORE CLOSING / LIQUIDATION 4 GREAT SALE DAYS SAT 10AM-6PM SUN 12PM-5PM MON 10AM-6PM TUES 10AM-6PM FARMINGDALE LOCATION ONLY 242 BROADHOLLOW RD, FARMINGDALE, NY 11735 UP TO 70% HUNDREDSOFFOF HAND KNOTTED ORIENTAL RUGS

DESIGN & DÉCOR • SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2022 232017 M Let the #1 real estate brokerage guide you home on Long Island.* Manhasset | Huntington Garden City | Locust Valley | Roslyn Syosset | Oceanside | Woodbury Rockville Centre | Sea Cliff Carle Place | Smithtown | Southold Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by equal housing opportunity laws. 516.517.4866. *Source: 2021 Closed Sales Volume, U.S., RealTrends 500

means doctors and scientists worldwide can use that knowl edge to save thousands more children. Because of generous donors, families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. Discover powerful St. Jude stories of hope, strength, love and kindness. Join the St. Jude mission by visiting, liking St. Jude on Facebook, following St. Jude on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok, and subscribing to its YouTube channel. Questions? Reach out to Bebe Chancellor at 347-572-5403 or org.Bebe.Chancellor@alsac.stjude.


St. Jude Walk/Run Celebrates Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

YOUR RESIDENTIAL ~ RENTAL ~ COMMERCIAL CONNECTION HEIDI SPELLMAN REALTY, LLC PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11050 P: (516) 767-0200 • C: (516) 410-1172 e-mail: Heidi@HSR ~ Welcome Home to Mill Pond Acres, Port Washington M234755 An active adult community, nestled in a private, gated setting. Explore and enjoy the bene ts and amenities of this Country Club environment and it's handsome Clubhouse, while conveniently located to everything! Positively pristine and ready to move-in Condo with a Five-Star interior. Capturing a backdrop of a wide open view of the Pond with a Southern exposure. Don't miss this Golden Opportunity. See it today. Presented at $1,295,000

other life-threatening diseases. Fundraising events like the St. Jude Walk/Run are helping to fuel the current six-year, $12.9 billion St. Jude strategic plan that includes tripling its global investment to impact more of the 400,000 kids around the world with cancer each year. Visit land to register or learn more about St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

egistration is open for the St. Jude Walk/Run–Long Island,Sept.24,atMarcumOfficeandPark(10MelvilleRd.inMelville).The5KisahybrideventthatofferssupportersofSt.JudeChildren’sResearchHospitalthechancetogatherin-personorvirtuallytoraisefundsandawarenessfortheSt.Judemission:Findingcuresandsavingchildren.Thankstogeneroussupporters,familiesneverreceiveabillfromSt.Judefortreatment,travel,housingorfood,sotheycanfocusonhelpingtheirchildlive.ForthosewhoattendtheSt.JudeWalk/Runinperson,therewillbefood,familyentertainmentandaSt.Judesupporterwhowillsharewhythecommunity’ssupportmeanssomuchtothepatientsandtheirfamiliesatSt.Jude.St.Judeisleadingthewaytheworldunderstands,treats,anddefeatschildhoodcancerand

About St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital


Hybrid event benefits St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Its purpose is clear: “Finding cures. Saving children.® It is the only National Cancer Institutedesignated Comprehensive Cancer Center devoted solely to children. Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to more than 80 percent since the hospital opened more than 60 years ago. St. Jude won’t stop until no child dies from cancer. St. Jude shares the breakthroughs it makes, and every child saved at St. Jude


A Northwell Health security officer monitors Evolv Express at the entrance to Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park. (Photo courtesy of Northwell Health)

safety and security efforts—we’re trying this next generation of screening devices.”

employees, patients and visitors. The effort also includes more resources and trainings for team members to enhance workplace safety, said Scott Strauss, vice president of security and support systems.

234846 M

The high-tech systems, which will also

orthwell Health has implemented new comprehensive detection systems that screen for weapons and contraband at the entrances of Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, South Shore University Hospital in Bay Shore and Lenox Health Greenwich Village in Manhattan as part of an effort to bring the technology to all hospitals in the health system.Theseamless walk-through system, Evolv Express, from Massachusetts-based Evolv Technology, allows for a touchless experience while screening for weapons. The screening process, monitored at each location by Northwell’s security team, is immediate and designed to avoid bottlenecking and slow lines associated with older detection screening processes and technologies.“Thesafety, security and well-being of our patients, visitors and team members are our top priorities,” Northwell President/ CEO Michael Dowling said. “To help ensure a safe environment for all who enter our facilities—and as part of Northwell’s broader

The state-of-the-art, walk-through system can detect weapons, contraband

—Submitted by Northwell Health

be installed at other facilities in the health system, are part of a larger Northwell initiative to maintain the safety of

Northwell has hosted hundreds of trainings over the last few years that include active-shooter drills, seminars on conflict de-escalation techniques and courses on how to respond to bleeding emergencies so that team members are better prepared in case of a “ known for its world-class health care and it’s our mission to keep patients safe with world-class security measures,” Strauss said. “The installation of this new detection system is just the latest addition to a wide range of security protocols the health system has in place to protect those in our hospitals, minimize the risk of violence and maintain a safe working environment for our team members. This technology adds just another layer of safety – and improves confidence for everyone who enters these healing spaces.”

Northwell Implements New Screening Technology



Tips for safe digging:

• If electrical equipment is damaged, call PSEG Long Island’s electric service emergency line at 800-490-0075.

Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.

ational 811 Day was recently observed on Aug. 11. PSEG Long Island reminds customers to call 811 before starting any improvement project that involves digging. Hitting a buried electric, gas, water or cable line while digging can technicians.foroutdoorsoutcompletingservice,avoidscallingputtinginstallingects,beforenotaandmarked,Oncelinesthesendvidedproject.aboutwhichtomatically811,orsevereeventocostutilitydisruptservice,moneyrepair,andcauseinjurydeath.Whenyoucallyouareauto-connectedthe811CallCenter,collectsinformationyourupcomingdiggingTheinformationispro-toutilitycompanies,whorepresentativestomarklocationsofundergroundwithflags,paintorboth.lineshavebeenproperlyyouwillbenotifiedthediggingcanbegin.Everydiggingprojectrequirescallto811atleasttwoandmorethan10businessdaysworkbegins.Forallproj-evenplantingaflowerbed,amailboxorfence,orinanabovegroundpool,811keepspeoplesafe,interruptionsinutilityandpreventsdelaysintheproject.Undergroundutilitymark-workisperformedentirelyandthereisnoneedanyinteractionwiththe

• Leave the area immediately and keep others away.

If an underground facility is struck resulting in an electric or gas emergency:

• Call 811 at least two and not more than 10 business days before each job to have underground pipes, wires and equipment located and marked.•Before work begins, confirm that a call to 811 has been made and the mark-out torequireginglaw,completed.wasByalldig-projectsacall811.




This expanded four-bedroom ranch-style home situated on a cul-de-sac at 2 Troscher Ln. in Bethpage sold on Aug. 31 for $645,000. It has four bathrooms. The kitchen has stainless steel appliances including a wall oven and light wood cabinetry. It has formal living and dining rooms. The garage has been converted into the primary suite and has skylights and a full bath. The second bedroom also has a bathroom. The lower level has a finished room, laundry, utilities, a new washer and dryer. The shaker vinyl siding and gutters are new. The roof is mid-life. This home has central air conditioning, 150 amp electric, oil heated hot water with a new heater, in-ground sprinkler system and hardwood floors. The home is zoned for the Central Boulevard Elementary School.

This beautiful home at 3918 Berger Ave. in Bethpage sold on Aug. 30 for $620,000 and is move-in-ready. It is a completely remodeled brick home in the highly desirable section of town, Hahn Estate. It has a large lot and a fully fenced-in yard. This home has three bedrooms. In recent years, some of the new updates include a new kitchen, bathroom, appliances and central air conditioning. The gas heating system, roof and windows are all new as well. The home has 200 amp electric service and a natural gas stove. The home has the potential for a separate entrance to the large basement. It has a detached two-car garage and easily fits four cars in the driveway. This home is zoned for the Island Trees school district and is near shopping, amenities and transportation. The taxes are low.

• Both property owners and contractors must maintain and respect the marks. Always hand dig within 2 feet of marked lines to find the existing facility.


Dig This

• Various colors are used when marking lines; to learn what each color represents, visit

• If gas piping is damaged or you smell gas when excavating, stop immediately and call National Grid’s gas emergency line at 800-490-0045.

• Once you are at a safe location, call 911 to report the incident.

—PSEG Long Island

229405 G Let the #1 real estate brokerage guide you home on Long Island. * Manhasset | Huntington | Garden City | Locust Valley | Roslyn Syosset | Oceanside | Woodbury | Rockville Centre | Sea Cliff Carle Place | Smithtown | Southold Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by equal housing opportunity laws. 516.517.4751. *Source: 2021 Closed Sales Volume, U.S., RealTrends 500.


23). ere is only one choice -- move or else you’ll stay stuck -- so you don’t have to worry about which direction to go or what option is best. Any move you make is a wiggle that will help free you. It’s a simple matter of doing what you can until you can do a little more and a little more. Before you know it, you’re out of the bind.


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You may get impatient with what’s asked of you this week, but as long as you’re learning, you’re golden. Any bit of knowledge that adds to your accomplishments is as good, if not better, than a business or nancial investment. A person may be deprived of the former, but experience is forever


This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 23 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.



flooding Glacier Ground Homes

the queen, ruff the seven of clubs, then play a diamond to dummy’s king and lead the eight of clubs. But instead of ruffing, you discard the eight of spades from your hand! North wins but is stymied. He must either lead a spade into your A-Q or return a diamond, presenting you with a ruff-and-discard. Either way, you make the slam.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your mood turns toward the social this week. You increase your options in this regard by being adaptable to all sorts of societies and circumstances. Due to your kindly awareness of others, people learn they can trust you. ey let you into their world, where you can observe and grow your interpersonal skills.




By Holiday MathisBy Holiday Mathis

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Focused on the journey ahead, the boat captain forgets about what’s happening in the wake. Waves form nonetheless. It’s impossible to make a move without making a di erence. You’ll contemplate your own impact. ough you can’t possibly know its extent, being mindful and intentional contributes the best results.


20-Feb. 18). In uence is ever-present. Even when you’re solo and without media, social in uence is present in language, the design of the material world, your food and more. is week, you’ll be aware of how you participate in society. You’ll notice how your individual thought processes converge and diver ge with the norms.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You may be unsure of which pursuit to land on because you are interested in so many di erent things and cannot discriminate to favor just one. Being engaged in life like this is beautiful. Trust yourself to ride out the cycle. Resist any pressure to choose. You’ll know when the time is right to narrow your focus.

CONTRACT BRIDGE By Steve Becker FROM KING FEATURES SYNDICATE, 300 W. 57th STREET, 41st FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10019 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 236 CONTRACT BRIDGE — BY STEVE BECKER FOR RELEASE FRIDAY, SEPT. 16, 2022 Test your play Tomorrow: A fatal discard. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc. 1. You are declarer with the West hand at Six Hearts, and North leads the queen of diamonds. You win with the ace, play a club to the ace and ruff a club, both oppo nents following suit. When you next lead a heart to the jack — to which everyone follows suit — and ruff another club, South shows out, eliminating your chance to estab lish dummy’s fifth club as a trick. How would you continue? WEST EAST ♠ A Q 8 ♠ 9 5 2 ♥ A K 10 9 8 7 4 ♥ Q J 3 ♦ A 6 ♦ K 8 ♣ J ♣ A 8 7 5 4 2. You are declarer with the West hand at Three Notrump, and North leads the queen of clubs. The con tract can be made regardless of how the adverse cards are divided. How would you proceed so as to assure at least nine tricks? WEST EAST ♠ A K 4 ♠ Q 10 2 ♥ Q 10 8 7 ♥ 5 3 ♦ K 9 5 ♦ A Q 10 6 3 ♣ A 6 2 ♣ K 9 4 * * * 1. The slam is ice-cold, despite the unlucky 5-2 club division. At trick six, you lead a heart to

Date: 9/14/22Creators Syndicate 737 3rd

By Holiday Mathis


If you don’t finesse the nine of diamonds, you will go down if South holds, say: J975 ♥ A64 ♦ J872 ♣ 73





You will score only eight tricks in this case. If you attempt to estab lish one more by giving up a dia mond, South wins with the jack and returns a low heart, whereupon the defense collects four heart tricks to put you down one.

Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 Inc.SyndicateCreatorsbyDist.GamesWordAustralian2022©

flooding Glacier Ground Homes LakesLagoonLabourInsurance

Landslide Lull Muddy RescueRareObserve WeatherTankSwimStreamSiltRutsRunoffRuinRise

ARIES (March 21-April 19). e decision is yours to make. Better to choose wrong than to hand the decision over to someone else. Even someone more quali ed won’t handle this like you can. Be guided by your instincts. Mistakes are inevitable, and perhaps brilliant. ere are few forces in the world as creative as TAURUSmistakes.(April 20-May 20). Expectations are dangerous. You’re willing to take the risk and set your hopes precariously high, but you’re not willing to gamble with other people’s expectations of you. You’ll underpromise and overdeliver. You’ll encourage realistic thinking and discourage others from placing you on a GEMINIpedestal.(May 21-June 21). You’ll grapple with themes of ownership and may question what is really yours, what is under your control and what you have to give or let go of. Keep in mind that the concept of ownership is human-made and di ers according to culture and timing. e right answer is subjective, and you’ll decide for yourself.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). People go out of their way to avoid getting hurt, but pain is not the enemy. Pain is a message, a teacher and a call to greatness. While it would be foolish to seek pain, it’s equally foolish not to expect it. You’ll get strong because you accept that building strength can be uncomfortable. You’ll push

Your cosmic gift is a self-possession that serves as armor to de ect interfering or controlling forces, or as a sponge to absorb good guidance. You’ve the discernment to recognize which is which. Whether engaged in duty or delight, you will live it to levels of mastery. More highlights of the year: strong feelings of deja vu, a fortuitous coincidence that leads to many happy outings with a charming someone and a nancial arrangement that will continue paying you for years to

This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have com pleted the puzzle, there will be 23 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Landslide Lull Muddy RescueRareObserve WeatherTankSwimStreamSiltRutsRunoffRuinRise


Date: 9/14/22Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003






2. Win the club with ace, cross to the ace of diamonds and lead a low diamond. If South follows low, finesse the nine. This assures nine tricks and the contract even if the nine loses to the jack. With North on lead, there is no combination of the cards that would allow the defenders to cash four heart tricks at this point. The worst that can happen is that you lose three heart tricks and a diamond.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). A memory isn’t necessarily a story unless you turn it into one. e omens highly recommend you do, as storytelling is a succinct way of helping people understand who you are and where you’re coming from. Recall, mold and edit your memories for maximum impact. A practice of regular sharing helps with this.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You care about people, and you’ll ask what they think and how they feel. Even if you don’t agree, you’ll learn from their opinions. Seeing things through other eyes for a moment will broaden you. It’s your heart that bene ts the most, though you’ll also conduct lucrative and relevant business based on what you absorb.


Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

Weekly Sudoku Puzzle

Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle

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Federal, New York State and local laws prohibit discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, dis ability, familial status, age, marital status, sexu al orientation or disability in connection with the rental, sale or financing of real estate. Nassau also prohibits source of income discrimination.

Anton Community News papers does not know ingly accept advertising in violation of these laws. When you suspect hous ing discrimination, call Long Island Housing Services’ Discrimination Complaint Line at 800660-6920. (Long Island Housing Services is the Fair Housing Agency of Nassau and Suffolk Counties.)

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E/s/o Powell St., S/o Motor Ave., a/k/a 3 Powell Street, Farmingdale, NY SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF TOWNAPPEALSOF OYSTER BAY, OYSTER BAY, NEW YORK 9-14-2022-1T-#234773NOB/FARM

9-14-7; 8-31-24 -2022-4T#234561-NOB/FARM

The foreclosure sale will be conducted in accordance with 10th Judicial District’s Covid-19 Policies and foreclosure auction rules. The Referee shall enforce any rules in place regarding facial coverings and social distancing. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall cancel the foreclosure auction.

VICTOR SPINELLI, ESQ. FEIN, 9-21-14-7;Telephone:WESTBURY,1400AttorneysCRANE,SUCHLLPforPlaintiffOLDCOUNTRYROADSTEC103NY11590516/394-6921YNSJN0948-31-2022-4T#234671-NOB/FARM

All bidders must wear a face mask/shield at all times and social distancing must be observed by all bidders at all times. Bidders who do not comply with the face mask and/or the social distancing mandate will be removed from the auction.




Chapter , Section of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on SEPTEMBER at 7:00 P. M., to consider the following appeals:BYORDER

JAMESHICKSVILLERUSSO: (A) Amend Decision of Zon-


ance to construct new dwelling having less average front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters. (B) Variance to allow existing driveway having less side


TO THE DEFENDANT(S), the plaintiff makes no personal claim against you in this Dated:action. August 22, 2022

9-14-7; 8-31-24-2022-4T#234520-NOB/FARM

Anthony Rattoballi, Esq., Referee SPSJN422 10-5; 9-28-21-14-2022-4T#234847-NOB/FARM

Notice of formation of 51 N Broadway LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York on August 18, 2022. Office located in Nassau, SSNY has been designated for the process, SSNY shall mail copy of any process Served against the LLC at 51N Broadway Hicksville NY 11801. Purpose: any lawful purpose.10-5;9-28-21-14-7; 8-312022-6T-#234664-NOB/HIX


Continued on page 10

Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 606487/2017. Thomas De Maria, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES.

Approximate amount of lien $181,320.27 plus interest


December 19, 2018, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on October 13, 2022 at 3:00 PM. Premises known as 44 Langdon Rd, Farmingdale, New York 11735. Sec 49 Block 19 Lot 121. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Farmingdale, Town of Oyster Bay, Nassau County, New York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $776,949.00 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No 008596/2010.



Chapter , Section of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on SEPTEMBER at 7:00 P. M., to consider the following appeals:BYORDER GARYFARMINGDALEAPPEALZONINGBOARDOFOFTHEAPPEALSNO.22-378HEELAN:(A)







this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after service of the same is complete where service is made in any manner other than by personal delivery within the State. Your failure to appear or to answer will result in a strict foreclosure judgment of foreclosure against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NASSAU County is designated as the place of trial. The basis of venue is the location of the mortgaged premises.


SUPREME COURTCOUNTY OF NASSAU MASPETH FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff -againstPATRICIA DAUNT, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale dated November 15, 2017 and entered on November 16, 2017 and the Order Appointing Successor Referee to Sell of Hon. David P. Sullivan, dated and entered on July 25, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 5, 2022 at 2:30

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated October 29, 2018, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County

Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.”


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 24, 2020, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau, wherein BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR MORTGAGE ASSETS MANAGEMENT SERIES I TRUST is the Plaintiff and JOHN QUEVEDO AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF LINDA QUEVEDO, ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction RAIN OR SHINE at the NASSAU COUNTY SUPREME COURT, NORTH SIDE STEPS, 100 SUPREME COURT DRIVE, MINEOLA, NY 11501, on September 27, 2022 at 2:30PM, premises known as 454 FARMRANCH ROAD EAST, BETHPAGE, NY 11714: Section 46, Block 444, Lot 47: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING AT BETHPAGE, IN THE TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD, COUNTY OF NASSAU AND STATE OF NEW YORK


yard setback than permitted by S/s/oOrdinance.GrantSt., 843.06 ft. W/o Parkdale Dr., a/k/a 38 Grant Street, Farmingdale, NY APPEAL NO.

MARK RICCIARDI, ESQ., MASONE,Referee WHITE, PENKAVA CRISTOFARI Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 69-34 GRAND AVENUE, P.O. BOX MASPETH,780569,NY113789-21-14-7;8-31-2022-4T#234575-NOB/FARM



The object of the above action is to extinguish rights of redemption due to judgments/ liens/ownership interests held by the defendants that were not foreclosed in the prior foreclosure action, FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION v. THERESE J. CAPUANO, AS HEIR AT LAW AND NEXT OF KIN TO CAROLINE LUCREZIA; Index No. 7841/2008 whereby the Plaintiff is the current owner of the subject premises pursuant to a Referee’s Deed dated September 20, 2016.



YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND MortgagedDefendantsFINANCE; Premises: 72 INTERVALE (20)tiff’sofactionplaintMONEDYOUDEFENDANT(S):TOFARMINGDALE,AVENUENY11735THEABOVENAMEDAREHEREBYSUM-toanswertheCom-intheaboveentitledandtoserveacopyyourAnswerontheplain-attorneywithintwentydaysoftheserviceof

NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated April 28, 2022, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau, wherein WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR PARK PLACE SECURITIES, INC., 67,NYSTREET,as2:30PM,onMINEOLA,SUPREMENORTHTYatauctionRefereedant(s).MAN,andTIFICATES,MCW1,TIFICATES,PASS-THROUGHASSET-BACKEDCER-SERIES2004-CLASSA-1CER-isthePlaintiffEILEENSCHWARTZ-ETAL.aretheDefen-I,theundersignedwillsellatpublicRAINORSHINEtheNASSAUCOUN-SUPREMECOURT,SIDESTEPS,100COURTDRIVE,NY11501,September28,2022atpremisesknown23NORTHFRONTFARMINGDALE,11735:Section49,BlockLot197and198:


Premisescosts. will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment and Terms of Sale.

Variance for the expansion of two-family dwelling. (B) Amend Specific Plan as presented for Appeal No. 73-422 and granted by Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated July 10, 1974.

Index Number 004136/2013.


p.m. premises situate, lying and being near Farmingdale, Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Ross Court, distant 78.83 feet southerly when measured along the easterly side of Ross Court from the southerly end of a curve connecting the easterly side of Ross Court from the southerly end of a curve connecting the easterly side of Ross Court and the southerly side of Walnut Street; RUNNING THENCE North East 81.35 feet; RUNNING THENCE South West 107.67 feet; RUNNING THENCE North West 52.50 feet; RUNNING THENCE North West 94.90 feet; RUNNING THENCE easterly and northeasterly along the southerly and southeasterly side of Ross Court along an arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 40 feet a distance of 30 feet to the point or place of beginning. Section: 49 Block: 258 Lot: 12

Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 612550/2017. John G. Kennedy, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES. 9-28-21-14-7-2022-4T#234794-NOB/FARM



Index No. 614702/2020




Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 000639/2017. Thomas A. Abbate, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES.

Said premises known as 4 ROSS COURT, FARMINGDALE, NY

W/s/o Berkshire Rd., 95.20 ft. N/o University Pl., a/k/a 30 Berkshire Road, Hicksville, NY


Attorney(s)PLLC for Plaintiff 242 Drexel Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590



E/s/o Salem Rd., 65 ft. S/o Salem Gate, a/k/a 23 Salem Road, Hicksville, NY

What are the health effects of 1,4-dioxane?

Youorg can also contact the Nassau County Department of Health, Office of Public Water Supply Protection and Groundwater Assessment at (516) 227-9692.

Public Water System ID# HicksvilleNY2902829 Water District 4 Dean Hicksville,StreetNY 11801


NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT NASSAU willinterestmentproximatesau,Hempstead,ingthereonbuildingsor24.11756.TannersPM.SeptemberDrive,CourtthebidderpublicMayForeclosurePursuant330,485BbridgeAttorneyDefendant(s)NICHOLASINC.,CALIBERCOUNTYHOMELOANS,PlaintiffagainstMOHYLA,etalforPlaintiff(s)SternEisenberg,P.C.,WoodCorporationPlaza,Route1South,SuiteIselin,NJ08830.toaJudgmentofandSaleentered4,2022,IwillsellatauctiontothehighestatNorthSideStepsofNassauCountySupremeat100SupremeCourtMineola,NY11501on27,2022at2:30Premisesknownas57Lane,Levittown,NYSec51Block200LotAllthatcertainplot,pieceparcelofland,withtheandimprovementserected,situate,lyandbeingintheTownofCountyofNasStateofNewYork.ApAmountofJudgis$278,458.22plusandcosts.Premisesbesoldsubjecttoprovi sions of filed Judgment Index No 609948/2019. For sale in formation, please visit www. or call (800)

Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on September 28, 2022 at 2:00PM, premises known as 30 Wood Lane, Levittown, NY 11756. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and im provements erected, situate, lying and being in Levit town, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, SECTION: 51, BLOCK: 179, LOT: 11. Approximate amount of judgment $398,415.37 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to pro visions of filed Judgment Index #002604/2016. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 Protocols located on the Office of ourt Ad ministration (OCA) 01-079539-F00Streetkelsolaro,“RainclosureofpracticeswearingplysuchAdmin/oca.shtml)(,masksandscreeningineffectatthetimethisforeclosuresale.ForeAuctionswillbeheldorShine”.CharlesCaEsq.,RefereeFrenLambertWeissWeismanGordon,LLP53GibsonBayShore,NY11706729479-21-14-7;8-31-2022-4T-#234576-NOB/LEV

The New York State De partment of Health (NYS DOH)hasadopted a levelerthe1,4-dioxane.testallwaterregulationthatrequiresdrinkingpublicwatersystemstoforPFOA,PFOSandIffoundaboveMCLs,thewatersuppli-musttakestepstolowerthetomeetthestandard.Ex-ceedancesoftheMCLsignalthatstepsshouldbetakenbythewatersystemtoreducecontaminantlevels.

Variance to install natural gas generator having less side yard setback and exceed ing maximum setback from dwelling than permitted by W/s/oOrdinance.Kuhl Ave., 3069.57 ft. N/o W. John St., a/k/a 119 Kuhl Avenue, Hicksville, NY

What are the ofPFOA/PFOS?healtheffects

For more information, please contact Paul J. Granger, P.E.; Superintendent of the Hicksville Water District at Phone:516.931.0184 or e-mail: info@hicksvillewater.

Tel. Dated:ANGLERO-70068516-742-1212July8,2022

SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company, Plaintiff NassauAGAINSTCounty Public Ad ministrator, as the Limited Administrator of the Estate of Robert Pitt a/k/a Robert W. Pitt a/k/a Robert Warren Pitt; et al., PursuantDefendant(s)toaJudgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered November 22, 2019 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side Steps of the Nas sau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on Sep tember 23, 2022 at 4:00PM, premises known as 175 Bar bara Lane, Levittown, NY 11756. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improve ments erected, situate, lying and being at Hicksville, in the Town of Hempstead, Coun ty of Nassau, State of New York, Section 51 Block 265 Lot 9. Approximate amount of judgment $317,729.77 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to pro visions of filed Judgment Index# 005812/2015. The auction will be conducted pursuant to the COVID-19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of Foreclosed Prop erty established by the Tenth Judicial District. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.”

During280-2832.the COVID-19 health emergency, Bidders are re quired to comply with all governmental health require ments in effect at the time of the sale including but not lim ited to wearing face coverings and maintaining social dis tancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Should a bidder fail to comply, the Ref eree may refuse to accept any bid, cancel the closing and hold the bidder in default. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclo sure Auction Rules and CO VID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addi tion to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall cancel the fore closure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or GeorgeShine.”P. Esernio, Esq., Referee4T-#234507-NOB/LEV9-14-7;NY201900000719-18-31-24-2022-

LEGAL notice/information?WhyDeferralINFORMATIONIMPORTANTNOTICEABOUTYOURDRINKINGWATERIssuedforPFOA,PFOSand1,4-DioxaneatHicksvilleWaterDistrictareyoureceivingthis


to provisions of filed udg ment and terms of sale. Index No. 009387/2015. John Dalli, Esq., Referee. Stein, Wiener Roth LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 1400 Old Country Road, Suite Westbury,315 NY 11590




be shared as further testing and progress occurs. This process is similar for any chemical detected in public drinking water that requires mitigation. The compliance timetable will ensure that your drinking water will meet the MCL as rapidly as possi ble. The deferral is effective until August 25, 2023.


two story addition and canti levered second story addition having less rear yard setback and roof pitch than permitted by Ordinance; also encroach ment of eaves and gutters. NW/ cor. of Maglie Dr. Dean St., a/k/a 35 Maglie Drive, Hicksville, NY SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF TOWNAPPEALSOF OYSTER BAY, OYSTER BAY, NEW YORK


LEGAL NOTICE REFEREE’S NOTICE OF SALE IN Premisescosts.$347,263.33Approximate24)(Section:Lane,PremisesofCountytown,ate,“RainDrive,locatedsauNorthsellundersignedonForeclosurePursuantDefendant(s).LANINA,WELLSCOUNTYSUPREMEFORECLOSURECOURT-OFNASSAUFARGOBANK,Plaintiff-against-ERANGLERO,etaltoaJudgmentofandSaleenteredJanuary28,2019.I,theRefereewillatpublicauctionontheSidestepsoftheNasCountySupremeCourtat100SupremeCourtMineola,N.Y.11501orShine”onthe4thofOctober,2022at2:00Allthatcertainplot,orparcelofland,situlyingandbeingatLevitTownofHempstead,ofNassauandStateNewYork.knownas15TailorLevittown,NY11756.46,Block:427,Lot:amountoflienplusinterestandwillbesoldsubject

Variance to allow existing cellar entrance having less rear yard setback than permit ted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to allow existing shed having less side yard setback and rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance.

BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR Premisescosts.$400,308.19ApproximateTOWN,LORINGSaidtion.cancelCourtsafetyortancingorAuctionsforeclosureesmaskssocialpersonsprotocolstem’sdancewillThefrommandateand/orcomplytimes.observedsocialmask/shieldAllclosureCOVID-19withbeTheBlock:andStatestead,Hicksville,andp.m.SeptemberCourtCourttheonwillI,teredFebruaryForeclosurePursuantLORA,PlaintiffCATES,PASS-THROUGH2006-2CBTERNATIVEOFCERTIFICATEHOLDERSTHETHECWALT,INC.,ALLOANTRUSTMORTGAGECERTIFISERIES2006-2CB,-against-JUANetalDefendant(s).toaJudgmentofandSaledated26,2019andenonFebruary27,2019,theundersignedRefereesellatpublicauctiontheNorthSidestepsofNassauCountySupremelocatedat100SupremeDrive,Mineola,NYon28,2022at2:00premisessituate,lyingbeinginLevittown,NearTownofHempCountyofNassauandofNewYork,knowndesignatedasSection:51101Lot:31ForeclosureSalewillconductedinaccordance10thJudicialDistrict’sPoliciesandForeAuctionRules.biddersmustwearafaceatalltimesanddistancingmustbebyallbiddersatallBidderswhodonotwiththefacemaskthesocialdistancingwillberemovedtheauction.aforementionedauctionbeconductedinaccorwiththeCourtSysCOVID-19mitigationandassuchallmustcomplywithdistancing,wearingandscreeningpracticineffectatthetimeofthissale.ForeclosurewillbeheldRainShine.Ifpropersocialdiscannotbemaintainedthereareotherhealthorconcerns,thentheAppointedRefereewilltheforeclosureaucpremisesknownas199ROAD,LEVITNYamountoflienplusinterestwillbesoldsubject


Variance to construct new dwelling having less lot size, width of at front property line, width of lot at required front yard setback and width of lot at required rear yard than per mitted by Ordinance. NW/ cor. of Locust St. Newbridge Rd., a/k/a Locust Street, Hicksville, NY



ing Board of Appeals, dated June 3, 2004, order to Amend the Declaration of Restric tive Covenants to indicate a change in occupancy while still maintaining a PARENT/ CHILD relationship. (B) Ex tend the Special Use Permit to maintain an existing sec ond kitchen in a one-family dwelling for use as a Parent/ Child residence.

fects when studied in animals that were exposed to high levels. Additional studies of high-level exposures of PFOA and PFOS in people provide evidence that some of the health effects seen in animals may also occur in humans. The most consistent findings in animals were ef fects on the liver and immune system and impaired fetal growth and development. The United States Environmental Protection Agency considers PFOA and PFOS as having suggestive evidence for caus ing cancer based on studies of animals exposed to high lev els of this chemical over their entire lifetimes.

fines, if the water district is meeting the established dead lines. We are required to up date the Department and the Nassau County Department of Health each calendar quar ter on the status of our proj ects. If we do not meet the agreed upon deadlines, the Department can resume en forcement.

What is New York State do ing about PFOA, PFOS and 1,4-Dioxane in public drink ing water?

If you have additional ques tions about these contami nants and your health, talk to your health care provider who is most familiar with your health history and can provide advice and assistance about understanding how drinking water may affect your person al health.


NOTICE OF SALE SU PREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU Ridgewood Savings Bank, Plaintiff AGAINST Sargam Kapoor, Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered July 20, 2022, I, the undersigned Ref eree will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme



Variance for the reduction of off-street parking spac es. Reduction of spaces to 0 when 11 parking spaces are S/s/orequired.W. Old Country Rd., 140 ft. W/o Frevert Pl., a/k/a 59 W. Old Country Road, Hicksville, NY

Variance to allow existing 6 ft. high vinyl fence exceed ing maximum height across side/front yard than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to construct cellar entrance having less average front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to construct two story rear addition having less average side/front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (D) Variance to construct cantile vered second story addition having less average side/front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (E) Variance to construct cantilevered two story addition, cantilevered second story addition and al low existing stoop having less side yard setback than permit ted by Ordinance. (F) Variance to construct cantilevered

You are receiving this notice because testing of our public water system found the chem icals per uorooctanoic acid PFOA , per uorooctanesul fonic acid (PFOS) and 1,4-Di oxane in your drinkingwater above New actions,agreesexchange,ancerectiveagreesapublicvillesued,HealthYorkhasTheallcontinuesicanttected1,4-dioxanewateries.healthbelowoxane.ThePFOS(MCL)aximumcontaminantlevelYorkState’smof10pptforPFOA/and1ppbfor1,4-diMCLsaresetwelllevelsknowntocauseeffectsinanimalstudTherefore,consumingwithPFOA,PFOSorattheleveldedoesnotposeasignifhealthrisk.Yourwatertobeacceptableforuses.HicksvilleWaterDistrictsubmitted,andtheNewStateDepartmentof(Department)hasisadeferraltotheHicksWaterDistrict.Whenawatersystemisissueddeferral,thewatersystemtoascheduleforcoractionandcompliwiththenewMCLs.IntheDepartmenttodeferenforcementsuchasassessing

The available information on the health effects associated with PFOA/PFOS, like many chemicals, comes from stud ies of high-level exposure in animals or humans. Less is known about the chances of health effects occurring from lower levels of exposure, such as those that might oc cur in drinking water. As a result, findinglower levels of chemicals in drinking water prompts water suppliers and regulators to take precautions that include notifying con sumers and steps to reduce PFOAexposure.and PFOS has caused a wide range of health ef

Despite the challenges of the pandemic and current supply chain issues, the Hicksville Water District has undertaken immediate and determined action to install treatment sys tems for the removal of 1,4 -dioxane, PFOA and PFAS at all impacted facilities in excess of current regulatory limits. Treatment systems have been successfully com missioned at our Plants 1, 4, 5 and 9. Construction of a wellhead treatment system is underway at our Plant 8. The impacted Plant 8 supply wells have been out of service since September 2021. The project is scheduled to be completed by September 2023.

Additional information will


At the level of PFOA and PFOS detected in your wa ter, exposure from drinking waterand food prepara tion is well belowPFOA withhealthPFOSexposuresassociatedandeffects.


For sale information, please visit or call (800) 9-14-7;280-2832.8-31-24-2022-4T-#234523-NOB/LEV

Where can I get more infor mation?

What is being done to re move these contaminants?

Date: September 6, 9-14-2022-1T-#234881-2022NOB/HIX

to provisions of filed Judg ment and Terms of Sale. Index Number 003207/2016.

At the level of 1,4-dioxane detected in your water, ex posure from drinking water and food preparation is well below 1,4-dioxane exposures associated with health ef fects.v


During the COVID-19 health emergency, bidders are required to comply with all governmental health re quirements in effect at the time of sale including but


Continued from page Continued on page 11

Tony D’Anzica, Esq., Referee LOGS Legal Group LLP f/k/a Shapiro, DiCaro Barak, Attorney(s)LLC for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) Dated:430-4792August 11, 2022 9-14-7;#234506-NOB/LEV8-31-24-2022-4T-



Laboratory studies show that 1,4-dioxane caused liver cancer in animals exposed at high levels throughout their lifetime. Other types of can cer have also been reported, although less consistently than liver cancer. There is no evidence of 1,4-dioxane cancer effects in humans. The United States Environmental Protection Agency considers 1,4-dioxane a likely human carcinogen based upon stud ies of animals exposed to high levels of this chemical over their entire lifetimes.


Complete sets of Hard Copy Bidding ocuments ma be obtained from REV, 330 Route 17A, Suite #2, Gos hen, New York 10924, Tel 1-877-272-0216, upon depos iting the sum of One Hundred ollars 100.00 for each combined set of documents. hecks or mone orders shall be made payable to H2M ar chitects engineers. Plan deposit is refundable in ac cordance with the terms in the Information for Bidders to all submitting bids. Any bidder re uiring documents to be shipped shall make ar rangements with the printer and pa for all packaging and shipping costs.


Chapter , Section of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zon ing Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on SEPTEMBER at 7:00 P. M., to consider the following ap peals:BYORDER APPEALZONINGBOARDOFOFTHEAPPEALSNO.07-267-



Mark S. Ricciardi, s ., Ref eree Frenkel ambert eiss Weisman Gordon, LLP 53 ibson Street Ba Shore, NY 11706 01-041883-F00 73057

County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 45, Block 196 and ot 11. Ap proximate amount of udg ment is $435,153.47 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold sub ect to provi sions of filed Judgment Index #612008/2019. ash will not be accepted. This foreclosure sale will be held on the north side steps of the ourthouse, rain or shine. OVI -19 safet protocols will be fol lowed at the foreclosure sale.


Marc B. a kind, hairman Andrew N. Bader, Treasurer Amanda R. Field, Secretary PLAINVIEW WATER ISTRI T NASSAUNEWCOUNTY,YORK

All bidders are urged to regis ter to ensure receipt of all nec essary information, including bid addenda. All bid addenda will be transmitted to regis tered plan holders via email and will be available at www.h2mpro Plan holders who have paid for hard copies of the bid docu ments will need to make the determination if hard copies of the addenda are re uired for their use, and coordinate directl with R V for hard copies of addenda to be is sued. There will be no charge for registered plan holders to obtain hard copies of the bid addenda.

AMENDMENT EDWARDPLAINVIEWC.WALCH: (A) Amend ecision of on ing Board of Appeals, dated June 4, 1998 order to Amend the eclaration of Restric tive Covenants to indicate a change in occupanc while still maintaining a PARENT/ CHILD relationship. (B) x tend the Special se Permit to maintain an existing sec ond kitchen in a one-famil dwelling for use as a Parent/ hild residence.





Amend ecision of oning Board of Appeals, dated June 16, 2016 in order to Amend the eclaration of Restric tive Covenants to indicate a change in occupanc while still maintaining a PARENT/ CHILD relationship. (B) x tend the Special se Permit to maintain an existing sec ond kitchen in a one-famil dwelling for use as a Parent/ hild residence.

New York Mellon fka The Bank of New York, as Trust ee for the ertificateholders of the MBS, Inc., H Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2004-12, Mortgage Pass Through ertificates, Series 2004-12, Plaintiff A AINST Hatice Ilik, et al., efendant s Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered August 2, 2018, I, the undersigned Ref eree will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau ount Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court rive, Mineola, NY 11501 on October 5, 2022 at 2 30PM, premises known as 98 ol cott Road, evittown, NY 11756. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improve ments erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Hempstead, Nassau County and State of New York, S TION 45, B O 138, OT 6. Approximate amount of judgment $555,946.57 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold sub ect to pro visions of filed Judgment Index #006308/2012. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSA ount OVI -19 Protocols located on the Office of ourt Ad ministration O A website https //ww2.n Admin/oca.shtml) and as such all persons must com pl with social distancing, wearing masks and screen ing practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. Foreclosure Auctions will be held Rain or Shine . For sale information, please visit Auc at www.Auction. com or call (800) 280-2832.


Pursuant to an Order Amend ing the aption, onfirming Referee’s Report and Judg ment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered on July 5, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the front steps on the north side of the Nassau ount Supreme Court, 100 Supreme ourt rive, Mineola, NY on October 12, 2022 at 2 30 PM, premises known as 19 Birchwood ane, Hicksville, NY 11801. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and im provements thereon erect ed, situate, lying and being in the Town of O ster Ba , County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 46, Block 515 and ot 1. Approx imate amount of judgment is $622,385.48 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No. 614767/2018. ash will not be accepted. This foreclosure sale will be held on the North Side Steps of the ourthouse, rain or shine. OVI -19 safet protocols will be fol lowed at the foreclosure sale.

not limited to, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering de posit and at any subsequent closing. Bidders are also re quired to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale.

SUPREME COURT. NAS SAU COUNTY. L&L AS SO IAT S HO IN CORP., Pltf. vs. TIMOTHY B R , et al, efts. Index #610224/2021. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered February 22, 2022, I will sell at public auc tion on the North Side steps of the Nassau Supreme ourt, 100 Supreme ourt rive, Mineola, NY on October 5, 2022 at 2 00 p.m. prem. k/a istrict 5, Section 45, Block 254, Lot 19. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale. Foreclosure auction will be held rain or shine. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safet concerns, then the court appointed ref eree will cancel the sale. AN THONY FALANGA, Ref eree. LEVY LEVY, Attys. for Pltf., 12 Tulip r., reat Neck, NY. #99705

If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safet con cerns, the ourt Appointed Referee will cancel the sale.


As a convenience to the on tractor, igital Bidding oc uments may be obtained from the following website www. h2mpro as an online download for a non-refund able fee of Fort -Nine ollars ($49.00), paid by credit card.

Please note R V and www. h2mpro are the des ignated locations and means for distributing and obtaining all bid package information.

DATED: September 14, 2022 9-14-2022-1T-#234869-NOB/PLV


LEGAL NOTICE TO BI RS is hereb given that PROPOSA S for AOP/NO3


APPEAL NO. 22-377 NORTH MASSAPEQUA NEW CINGULAR WIRE LESS PCS, LLC: (A) Special Use Permit to install, operate and maintain rooftop wireless telecommunications facilit with associated e uip ment. (B) Variance to install caged access ladders having less rear ard setback than permitted by Ordinance. S / cor. of N. Broadwa N. Beech St., a/k/a 943 N. Broadwa , North Mass ape ua, NY SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF TOWNAPPEALSOF OYSTER BAY, OYSTER BAY, NEW YORK

INVESTORS, L.P., Plaintiff, vs. STACEY KOULOURIS, T A ., efendant s .

John . enned , s ., Referee nuckles, omosinski Manfro, P, 565 Taxter Road, Suite 590, Elmsford, NY 10523, Attorneys for Plaintiff10-5; 9-28-21-14-2022-4T-#234892-NOB/LEV






wine and cider at retail in an on-premise Restaurant. For on premise consumption un der the AB aw at 5089 Merrick Road Massape ua Park NY 11762.

Amend ecision of Zoning Board of Appeals, dated June 7, 2007 in order to Amend the eclaration of Restrictive Covenants to in dicate a change in occupan c while still maintaining a PARENT/CHILD relation ship. (B) xtend the Special Use Permit to maintain an existing second kitchen in a one-famil dwelling for use as a Parent/ hild residence. /s/o Massape ua Ave., 200 ft. N/o Berkele Pl., a/k/a 124 Massape ua Ave.,Mass ape ua, NY

S/s/o Azalea Ct., 272.21 ft. /o aurel t., a/k/a 26 Aza lea ourt, Plainview, NY APPEAL NO. 98-292 -

ach proposal submitted must be accompanied b a certified check or bid bond, made pa able to the Plainview ater istrict, in an amount not less than five percent 5 of the total amount of the bid, as a commitment b the bidder that, if its bid is accepted, it will enter into a contract to perform the work and will execute such further securit as ma be re uired for the faithful performance of the contract.The Owner reserves the right to re ect an or all bids, waive an informalities and to accept such bid which, in the opinion of the Owner, is in the best interests of the Owner.






Notice is hereb given that a license “1349451”, for beer, cider, wine, and li uor, has been applied for by ALEX MARTINEZ, to sell beer, ci der, wine and li uor at a Re tail in a restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage ontrol aw at 2715 H MPST A TPKE, LEVITTOWN NY 11756 for on premises con RESTAURANTLAsumption.CANTINITACORP9-14-7-2022-2T-#234746-NOB/LEV



If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safet con cerns, the ourt Appointed Referee will cancel the sale.

SHANNONPLAINVIEWREDA: Variance to construct cantilevered second stor addition having less side ard setback and aggregate side ards than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and N/s/ogutters.Amby Ave., 64 ft. W/o Manor St., a/k/a 46 Amb Av enue, Plainview, NY APPEAL NO. 22-362

a/k/a PROJECT REAL: Variance to install 13.33 ft. by 50 ft. temporar trailer having less side/front ard setback amp Road than permitted by NE/Ordinance.cor.of Camp Rd. Jo ce Ave, a/k/a 3 amp Road, Massape ua, NY APPEAL NO. 22-376 NORTH STEVENMASSAPEQUASOLONCH:



Variance to allow existing 6 ft. high fence exceeding max imum height across side/front ard than permitted b Ordi NE/nance.cor. of N. Elm St. N. Summit r., a/k/a 165 N. lm Street, North Massape ua, NY

NEW YORK 9-14-2022-1T-#234774-NOB/PLV



Notice of Formation of SMOOTH AUTO CREATIONS CO. LLC a domestic Limited Liability Company. Articles of Org. filed with the Secretary of State (SSNY) on 03/01/2021. Office location Nassau County. SSNY desig nated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it ma be served. SSNY shall mail process to S AN OM STOCK, 1541 WANTAGH AVE., WANTAGH, NY 11793. Purpose to engage in an lawful act or activit . 10-5; 9-28-21-14-7; 2022-6T-#234661-NOB/LEV8-31-


BARRYPLAINVIEW&GERI WIENER/ CLAIRE MAJANSKY: (A) Amend ecision of oning Board of Appeals, dated April 30, 1998 order to Amend the eclaration of Restric tive Covenants to indicate a change in occupanc while still maintaining a PARENT/ CHILD relationship. (B) x tend the Special se Permit to maintain an existing sec ond kitchen in a one-famil dwelling for use as a Parent/ hild residence.

Harr eorge, s ., Referee nuckles, omosinski Manfro, P, 565 Taxter Road, Suite 590, Elmsford, NY 10523, Attorneys for Plaintiff9-28-21-14-7-2022-4T-#234725-NOB/MASS

Pursuant to a efault Judg ment, Judgement of Foreclo sure and Sale and Amend ment of Caption duly entered on September 28, 2021, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the front steps on the north side of the Nassau ount Su preme Court, 100 Supreme ourt rive, Mineola, NY on October 12, 2022 at 2 30 p.m., premises known as 12 Mistletoe ane, evittown, NY 11756. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and im provements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Hempstead,

until 10 00 a.m., Prevailing Time on Wednesday, October 5, 2022, and will be public ly opened and read aloud at 10 00 a.m.


APPEAL NO. 18-137 –

S/s/o Comet Ln., 351.99 ft. /o Anchor r., a/k/a 15 omet ane, Massape ua, NY




Notice is hereb given that a Restaurant/Wine license, Serial #1346543, has been applied for b Burns Park Lobster LLC to sell beer,

PLWD2002 –



will be received b the Board of ommissioners of the Plainview ater istrict Owner at the office of the Board, 10 Manetto Hill Road, Plainview, New York 11803,


Chapter , Section of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zon ing Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on SEPTEMBER at 7:00 P. M., to consider the following ap peals:BYORDER APPEALZONINGBOARDOFOFTHEAPPEALSNO.98-193-

Amend Specific Plan as pre sented for Appeal No. 18-137 and granted b ecision of the oning Board of Appeals, dated April 12, 2018, for pro posed interior alterations, ga rage conversion and box ba N/s/owindow.Briarwood Rd., /o oliath Rd., a/k/a 431 Bri arwood Road, North Mass ape ua, NY

/s/o nickerbocker Rd., 250 ft. /o Braun r., a/k/a 107 nickerbocker Road, Plainview, NY APPEAL NO. 22-387

Treatment at Plant No. 4 H2M Project ContractContractContractPLWD2002No.:G-GeneralConstructionP-PlumbingConstructionE-ElectricalConstructionContractH–HVACConstructionContractW–WellConstruction



Continued from page 10 Continued on page 13

163PLAINVIEWSOUTH SERVICE ROAD, LLC: (A) Variance to erect 3.9 ft. by 6.5 ft. freestanding sign having less front ard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to erect 43.5 ft. by 10 ft. illuminated wall sign located on East side of second oor catt -cornered building wall exceeding maximum number of wall signs per ten anc , horizontal dimension percent of linear footage of wall surface, area and height than permitted b Ordinance. (C) Variance to erect 43.5 ft. b 10 ft. illuminated wall sign located on North side of second oor catt -cornered building wall exceeding max imum number of wall signs per tenanc height than permitted by Ordinance. S/s/o S. Service Rd., 400 ft. /o Newton Rd., a/k/a 163 S. Service Road, Plainview, NY SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF BAY, OYSTER BAY,

At Donohue Cecere Funeral Directors, we embrace cultural diversity. Why? Because every service we perform is a celebration of life. With each unique family we serve, our professional staff is entrusted to plan and carry out a oneof-a-kind celebration. And we believe this is what we do best.

De ning American culture is boundless, we’re pleased that the families we serve are, too.


Nicholas W. Mock, 79, of Bethpage passed away Aug. 14. Beloved and devoted husband of Lorraine. Loving father of Michael Mock and Donna Pesiri. Cherished grandfather of Adrianni Pesiri. Dear brother of John Mock. Visitation was held Thursday, Aug. 18, at Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc. Cremation was private. culture is a mix of many cultures...

So are the families we serve.

AMITY ARBOR Mildred Santiago, 91, of Amity Arbor, passed away on Aug. 1. Reunited in heaven with her beloved husband of 56 years, Enrique. Loving mother of Roxanne (Orlando) and John. Cherished grandmother of Emilia (Russ) and Sarah (David), and great-grandmother of Connor, Kiera, Olivia, Carly and Adam. She is also survived by many nieces and nephews. An interment of cremains was held Tuesday, Aug. 16, at Long Island National Cemetery.


New York state law mandates that all contracts for prearranged funeral agreements executed by applicants for or recipients of supplemental social security income or medical assistance be irrevocable. JAMES FUNERAL MassapequaHOME 516-541-4000 When you plan a life celebration with us, you can make your final wishes known and gain the peace of mind you deserve. An unforgettable memorial takes planning. New York state law mandates that all contracts for prearranged funeral agreements executed by applicants for or recipients of supplemental social security income or medical assistance be JamesFuneralHome.comirrevocable. 399937N031622 540 Broadway . Massapequa. NY 11758 229631 M ©ad nity® American

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290 Post Ave Westbury, NY 11590 (516) Donohue-Cecere.com333-0615


Owner: William Trudden • Director: Thomas M. Gunnip

For 99 years we are honored to say our family continues to provide local families with the best service at the most reasonable cost.


Personal, Dignified and Affordable Service McCourt & Trudden Funeral Home, Inc. 385 Main Street, Farmingdale, N.Y. 516-249-1303


Arrangements entrusted to Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc.

231175 G

Owner/Operator - Nancy J. White Manager - William D. Parsons Funeral DirectorsStephen J. Mahoney, Kevin R. DeFriest & Jayme R. Elia 315 Conklin (516)FarmingdaleStreet,249-0336234 (516)BethpageBroadway,931-1454

A Tradition of Caring Since 1923

“I am honored to have been considered by my peers for my second Paul Harris Award,” Schuckmann said. “My community is incredibly important to me and I greatly enjoy working hard to improve the lives of those around me as much as possible. I thank my fellow members of the HicksvilleJericho Rotary Club for this recognition and I plan to continue serving my community in a variety of capacities well into the future.”



Sunday, October 23

Hicksville Water District Commissioner Honored

NY COASTGOLDREGISTER CCTAKESTEPS.ORG/GC22TODAY! ts-gold-coast-ad-10x11.5-final.indd 1 8/23/22 11:56 AM

ply with social distancing, wearing masks and screen ing practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale.


Journey with us to cure Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis!

operations have resulted in the consistent success of many club-related events, such as Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony and Lottery Fundraiser. According to his peers, Schuckmann embodies the Rotary Club’s motto of “Service Above Self” in everything he does and is an invaluable member of the Hicksville community.“Thereisnobody more deserving of this award than specialthesaid.ChairmanSchuckmann,”CommissionerHWDNicholasBrigandi“HisenthusiasmforservingHicksvillecommunityistrulyandissomethingthatonly the most dedicated residents can display. We con gratulate him on this fantastic achievement and we look forward to working with him as he continues to strive toward making our community the best it can be.”


he Hicksville Water District (HWD) is proud to announce that Commissioner William Schuckmann has been awarded the Paul Harris Award from the Hicksville-Jericho Rotary Club. This represents the second time in which Schuckmann has received the award, with the first coming in 2003 in honor of his pres idency. His 2022 Paul Harris recognition has been awarded due to his continuing service to the club and his community.


Schuckmann has been a member of the Hicksville-Jericho Rotary Club since 1996 and has served as president on two differ ent occasions. He currently serves on the board of directors. His behind-the-scenes

with the NASSAU County COVID-19 Protocols located on the Office of ourt Ad ministration (OCA) suchAdmin/oca.shtml(


—Submitted by the Hicksville Water District

Recognition represents Schuckmann’s second Paul Harris Award


NOTICE OF SALE SU PREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU The Bank of New York Mellon fka The Bank of New York, as Trustee (CWALT 2007-9T1), Plaintiff AGAINST Won Shin Oh, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered July 25, 2018, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on October 12, 2022 at 2:00PM, premises known as 80 Elmwood Street, Pla inview, NY 11803. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situ ate, lying and being at Hicks ville, in the Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau, and State of New York, SEC TION: 12, BLOCK: 9, LOT: 60. Approximate amount of judgment $820,452.47 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to pro visions of filed Judgment Index #016036/2009. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance

North Hempstead Beach Park Pt. Washington,

North Hempstead Beach Park Pt. Washington,

Along with his role as a Hicksville Water District Commissioner and as a member of both the Rotary Club and Hicksville

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Chamber of Commerce Boards of Directors, Schuckmann also recently celebrated his 50th year as a member of the Hicksville Volunteer Fire Department. Throughout his tenure with the fire department, he has served as company lieutenant, captain, assistant chief and chief. He was also elected to serve three five-year terms as fire Schuckmann’scommissioner.“Commissionerpassion for serving his community is something he has brought into every role he has occupied over the decades,” HWD Commissioner Karl Schweitzer said. “Having served with him at the Hicksville Water District and the Fire Department, I have seen firsthand the level of care he takes in ensuring the well-being of his fellow residents. The posi tive impact that he has had on this commu nity is remarkable and we are excited to see him recognized with this award.”

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Bill Schuckmann (Photo courtesy of the Hicksville Water District)

Continued from page 11

Seaford High School was named a 2021-22 Scholar-Athlete School of Distinction from the NYSPHSAA. Varsity athletes, from left: Hunter Cole, Sean Costello, Stephen Karounos, Patrick McClernon, Skylar Munro, Natalie Masters, Shannon Boll and Arianna Cangero hope to repeat that recognition this coming year. (Photo courtesy of the Seaford School District)

Kevin Witt, Seaford’s director of physical education, athletics and health, said this recognition



Seaford High School was named a Scholar-Athlete School of Distinction for the 2021-22 school year by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association. This honor is a tribute to the impressive academic performance by Seaford’s varsity athletes during the three sports seasons.Schools earn School of Distinction status by having 100 percent of its varsity teams receive the scholar-athlete team

Seaford’s Athletes Put Academics First

Bulgaria’s Grigor Dimitrov (far right) reaches to shake the hand of Wantagh’s Celeste Jefts (second from left), prior to his match against American Steve Johnson (far left). Dimitrov is the 17th-ranked player in the world. Jefts participated in the ceremonial coin toss.

—James Rowan is an Anton Media Group contributor

All students on a varsity team with a GPA of at least 90 receive a scholar-athlete pin.

Carefree Coach Luis Vivas

or nine-year-old Celeste Jefts, it was a moment this young tennis player won’t soon forget. Jefts, from Wantagh, participated in the ceremonial coin toss at the U.S. Open tennis championships at the Billie Jean King Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, Queens. Jefts met Bulgaria’s Grigor Dimitrov and American Steve Johnson at center court and flipped a coin to see who would serve first. Dimitrov won the coin toss and the match. Dimitrov the 17th-ranked player in the world, defeated Johnson 6-3, 6-2 and 6-2. The young tennis players who attended the Open include: Antonia Armienti, Alex Bianco, Celeste Jefts, Sophia &

award during the respective seasons. To be a Scholar-Athlete team, the grade point average of 75 percent of the roster must be 90 or better. All Seaford teams reached this milestone in the fall 2021, winter 2022 and spring 2022 seasons.

Carefree Coach Kristen Cassidy (Photos courtesy of James Rowan)

Local Tennis Players Hit The U.S. Open

is a testament to the school’s athletes who overcame the challenges of the pandemic to achieve high marks in their classes.“Academics are our primary focus,” Witt said. “All of our student-athletes know that they are students first. It was quite an accomplishment to become a School of Distinction because the criteria is a challenging one to achieve.”—Submitted by the Seaford School District

Olivia Kang, Brooke and Briana Sheehan, Brooke Murphy, Katherine & Amelia Cassara, Nadia Kim, Mikaela and Ashley Hunker, Camilla Silva, Addison Thomas, Lola McManus, Kara Kitlowski, Tyler Mattes, Catalina and Mia Knowles, Kally Agpalo, Jack Solano and David Krass. The Carefree Racquet Club in Merrick sent 23 aspiring tennis players to the U.S. Open to participate in a clinic on the hallowed ground. The players, ages six to 12, participated in the Net Generation program spon sored by the USTA. Carefree youth coaches Kristen Cassidy (Wantagh) and Luis Vivas (Huntington) ran the clinic. Carefree Racquet Club, which is run by Kathy Miller, offers youth tennis programs from ages three to 18. The junior develop ment program is directed by Ben Marks.

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