4 minute read

Rosh Hashanah events at Temple Beth-El of Great Neck (See


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Farmers Market

10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. (Firefighters Park) The vendors offer selections of local, organic and sustainable foods and items. Enjoy live music and family activities, every week, during the Farmers Market. Hosted by the Great Neck Park District and Deep Roots Farmers Market.


First Day Rosh Hashanah

Temple Beth-El of Great Neck welcomes you. Shalom! With the holidays almost here, Temple Beth-El invites the community to share in many High Holy Days services and activities that are open to all. For more information about all High Holy Days services and schedules, please visit www.tbegreatneck.org or call 516-487-0900. 9 a.m. Tot Service and Craft (ages 2-6 with adult) 10 a.m. Babysitting (ages 2–6) 2 p.m. Family Experience at Steppingstone Park-Join us before Tashlich for a meaningful family-friendly, informal High Holy Days experience. Bring a blanket, a lawn chair and your hopes and dreams for a wonderful year ahead. 3 p.m. Tashlich at Steppingstone Park-Join the entire community for a brief prayer service and blast of the shofar following by the ritual of casting bread upon open water as we release the sins of the year gone by. Remember to bring some bread!

Project Independence

11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (Westbury Memorial Public Library) This Life of Mine. A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. Guided journaling group will inspire you to record the unique details and stories of your life, both for yourself and for your family and friends. Call 311 or 516-869-6311 to register or for more information.


Second Day Rosh Hashanah

10 a.m. Rosh Hashanah Second Day Service 12 p.m. Kiddush Brunch


Project Independence

11 a.m.-12 p.m. (Magnolia Gardens) Better Breakdast Month. A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. Celebrate National Breakfast Month with Community Nutrition Educators from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County. Come and learn what makes breakfast the most important meal of the day and explore delicious options. Call 311 or 516-869-6311 to register or for more information.

Project Independence

12 p.m.- 2 p.m. (Yes We Can Community

Center) Bridge class. A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. Learn to play the fun game of Bridge. Classes are for beginners and those with basic knowledge who wish to improve their skills. Call 311 or 516-869-6311 to register or for more information.

Project Independence

12:00 p.m. (Roslyn Community Center) Golden Hearts

Bingo and Blood Pressure screening. A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. Join Project Independence for a fun hour every Thursday and try your luck to win a prize. In addition to having some fun, a registered nurse will provide blood pressure screenings and health counseling. Call 311 or 516-869-6311 to register or for more information.


Project Independence

9:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. (Yes We Can Community Center) Fridays at Yes We Can. A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. Exercise for balance and strength, current and world events discussion group and “color me calm” session. Call 311 or 516-8696311 to register or for more information.

Project Independence

10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. (Hillside Public Library) Men’s Community Group. A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. This group is open to all men, age 60 and over living in the Town of North Hempstead. Come and discuss topics that are of mutual interest to men living in the community. Call 311 or 516-869-6311 to register or for more information.


Rabies Clinic

10 a.m.-12 p.m. (North Hempstead Animal Shelter) A Town of North Hempstead event for senior citizens. Free rabies clinic for dogs, cats and ferrets. Call 311 or 516-8696311 to register or for more information.

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Are you searching for a joyous temple home for the holidays and all year? At Temple Isaiah of Great Neck, you’ll find a caring, Reform congregation, find a caring, Reform congregation, wholely committed to inclusiveness. Are we huge? No; but we offer a vast array of study groups and fun, informative activities! Call 516.487.5373 to reserve your spot for live and streaming services, to chat with our Rabbi Jerry Blum or with a friendly temple member.

We continue to offer all holiday services: S’lichot, Erev Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre and events on Yom Kippur. Sanctuary-limited capacity. Masks and vaccination required.

One Chelsea Place, Great Neck NY 11021 / 516-487-5373 Visit us at www.templeisaiahgn.org

Temple Isaiah of Great Neck

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