Serving Levittown, Massapequa, Farmingdale, Hicksville, Plainview & Bethpage, Old Bethpage Vol.76,No.36September21–27,2022 $1.00 An Anton Media Group Publication Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County. The Nassau Observer (USPS 586-660) Also serving: Island Trees, Wantagh, Seaford, Massapequa Park PROFILESINSIDE EDUCATIONIN Molloy announces new dean AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT• September 21 – 27, 2022 PROFILES IN BackWelcome INSIDE Waldorf alumnae takes board seatMolloy announces new dean In Farmingdale: Pinelawn hosts lantern lighting memorial celebration (See page 4) In Plainview-Old Bethpage: 50-Mile Ocean to Sound Relay takes on domestic (Seeviolencepage 6) In Seaford: High school honors 9/11 victims (See page 10) Central Nassau Guidance and Counseling celebrates 50 years (See page 3) Late Central Nassau Guidance & Counseling Services Executive Director Barbara Bartell with then-Nassau County Executive Thomas Gulotta. (Photo courtesy of Central Nassau Guidance & Counseling Services) Half A Century Of Helping Others Elliman EVERYWHERE Central Nassau O ce | 516.681.2600 Chances are, your buyer is already in our network. 231767 M 229601 M © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401. Central Nassau O ce 998A Old Country Road, Plainview Danielle Toledo Lic. R. E. Salesperson O 516.681.2600 | M Congratulationsdanielle.toledo@elliman.com516.640.8591ToTheAgents Of The Month Danielle and Carlos Toledo August 2022| Central Nassau Sales O ce Carlos Toledo Lic. R. E. Salesperson O 516.681.2600 | M Carlos.Toledo@elliman.com516.640.8595

SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP2 Newburgh, New York Mount Saint Mary College Service and experience Spark SUCCESS Visit the Mount this fall! While you are here, you’ll learn about: u More than 80 programs leading to a variety of exciting careers u How service and hands-on learning enhance your education u Clubs, sports, and other opportunities outside the classroom u Student support services with a personal touch Register for your visit at Upcoming Events Open House – Sunday, Sept. 25 Open House – Sunday, Oct. 16 Open House – Sunday, Nov. 13 Open House – Sunday, Dec. 4 Individual tours availableATLANTICOCEAN PA NJ NY VTMA NH CT RIPhiladelphiaSyracuse New York Boston HartfordNewburghAlbanyMount Saint Mary College N 234966 M

Mobile treatment is also a key component in the shape of mobile recovery units and teams made up of outreach coordinators, peer recovery specialists, case managers, social workers, registered nurses, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychiatrists ready to help. Currently, CNG has one RV, one box truck and a fleet of cars, many of which are minivans. Whenever the RV is deployed, a minivan follows in the event a patient needs to be transported to detox.
An event commemorating CNG’s five decades of operation was recently held at its Hicksville headquarters located at 950 South Oyster Bay Rd., where numerous local officials and health care partners joined with the organization’s 300-plus staff to commemorate the half century mark. Among the attendees were Nassau County Legislators Rose Walker, Arnold Drucker, Laura Schaefer and Siela Bynoe, along with Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor Joseph Saladino and Dr. Ann Marie Sullivan, the commissioner of the New York State Office of Mental Health and one of the day’s Hope Award honorees.
Personalized Recovery-Oriented Services
Visit to find out more about Central Nassau Guidance and Counseling Services.
In 2022, CNG employs 360 staff members and has an annual operating budget of roughly $40 million that is used to help 24,000 clients.
appointment, you’re at high risk and we think something is wrong, we go out and find you. If you’re in crisis after hours, you’ll be able to talk to someone and we’ll help you work through the crisis. And if need be, we’ll come out and see you. Our agency hasn’t remained
School-Based Behavioral Health Services
Vocation Rehabilitation Services
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic
For her successor Friedman, “More funds coming in means more access to services and there are more people we can serve.”
Dr. Sandeep Kapoor, assistant vice president of addiction services for the Northwell Health Emergency Medicine Serice Line and a close friend of CNG CEO Jeffrey Friedman, served as the master of ceremonies. In a day that also found CNG honoring a number of allies with 2022 Hope Awards and acknowledging the contributions of staff members with 20-plus years of service, Kapoor drove the point home about celebrating the past and looking to the“Asfuture.yougo through today’s experience, please don’t think about only celebrating CN Guidance’s 50 years,” he said. “I would love for everyone to reflect on what we’re going to do in the next 50 years in partnership with them. Being a community-based organiza tion is challenging. It is not easy work. It is not always thanked or acknowledged. But we have a tent full of 300-plus people that if we’re ready, we can commit to be by their side as they continue to help our family members and people in our community.”
stagnant—we’ve evolved. We’ve evolved because people like Commissioner Sullivan has a vision for our providers and we go after that vision. So that vision keeps evolving.”
Services For Serious Mental Illness— Act Teams
Integrated Counseling & Recovery Services
Starry Night Cafe Respite Program
With one in five people on Long Island struggling with anxiety, depression, anxiety and more, Friedman pointed out CNG’s goal was to support every struggling person with the information, resources and hope they need to find the healing and recovery to navigate their struggles. He was also quick to acknowledge the growth CNG has experi enced just in the past two decades.
Residential Services
Central Nassau Guidance & Counseling: 50 Years Of Compassion

Among the resources CNG has been able to muster in recent years are 150 facilities throughout Long Island that include three large buildings, community residences and apartments they rent for people. There is also extensive telehealth and in-person treatment options available staffed by psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychiatrists that can prescribe Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) medications. All team members are trained in overdose prevention and Naloxone and provide education and training plus Naloxone kits to patients, their families and the Long Island community.
Drop-In Center
Central Nassau Guidance & Counseling Services Programs
Throughout the day, Bartell’s name was invoked in large part to her work transform ing CNG from a small outpatient clinic to a multi-service behavioral health organization offering a robust and diverse array of treat ment services and supportive programs with more than 200 employees serving roughly 2,000 people via a $13.5 million annual budget when she passed away nine years ago.
In accepting her Hope Award, Sullivan summed up the CNG mission by saying, “It’s a labor of love guys—you do it because you care. You do it because your heart is there and you do it to make a difference. That’s what makes an organization like CNG great. On be half of all the clients that walk through these doors every day, who are in pain—you help them have hope. Just keep doing that please. Please keep fulfilling their hopes and dreams. That’s what you do each and every day.”
Home And Community Based Services (HCBS)
Among the 24,000 people CNG annually aids is Leah Williams, a single mom who was homeless when one of the organization’s staff caught up with her a hospital after she suffered a heart attack a few years ago.

Jail Diversion Programs
From left: New York State Office of Mental Health Commissioner Dr. Ann Sullivan, CNG COO Nancy Manigat, CNG CEO Jeffrey Friedman (Photo by Marissa Linsalata)
“As I was in the hospital, a CNG angel came out of nowhere and asked how I was feeling and when I was going to go home,” she said. “I told her I had no home to go to. She then did everything she could do to find a place for me and my son to live other than our car. The CNG team welcomed me and my son with open arms. Where would I be without the help of the CNG team? I was homeless, depressed and very scared with a child by my side. There are so many things I can say about the impact they made on me and my son’s lives. They helped me to find a way to get my education to get my GED. They helped me with problems that were both mental and physical. I could go on and on. They made me see that there are people out there that show love, care and concern for others.”
hen Central Nassau Guidance and Counseling Services (CNG) opened in 1972, it was a single outpatient clinic under the name East Plains Mental Health Services that served dozens of people. Today, the nonprofit works closely with the New York State of Mental Health and Northwell Health to provide services to roughly 24,000 Long Islanders suffering from mental health and substance abuse issues.
Northport/East Northport Drug And Alcohol Task Force
Project Connect
Narcan Training
Crisis Respite
“In 1972, our work was done within the four walls and people had to come to us to get service,” he said. “Today, that’s not the case. You look behind us, with those mobile recovery units, we’re out on the streets all over Long Island serving people. If they can’t get to the mobile recovery units, we’ll go to their home. Two decades ago, it might have taken two to four weeks to come in and see someone. Today we see them same day. Two decades ago, if you didn’t show up for your appointment, you’d wait for the next appoint ment. Now if you don’t show up for your
Health Care Home Management
Mental Health First Aid
Community-Oriented Recovery And Empowerment (CORE) Services
Mobile Recovery Unit
Project Forward
Health Insurance Navigator
A big part of that vision can be directly traced to the Barbara Bartell, who started out with East Plains Mental Health Services as a receptionist/switchboard operator at its founding and eventually rose to become the executive director from 1992 to 2013.
—Submitted by Don Patane
Pinelawn Memorial Park and Arboretum recently hosted its Second Annual Lantern Lighting Celebration for 450 Long Islanders. The ceremonies, which took place on Saturday, Aug. 20 and Sunday, Aug. 21, gave families and friends the opportunity to celebrate the lives of their departed loved ones in a beautiful and meaningful ceremony.Setunder the soft glow of string lights, Pinelawn distributed floating paper lanterns to families who inscribed them with messages to their loved ones, and then released the lit lanterns in Pinelawn’s Rose Garden Fountain as an acoustic duo played, creating a fairytale-like environment as families reminisced on their favorite memories with their lost loved ones.
“Honoring and feeling connect ed to loved ones is a very important part of the grieving process,” Pinelawn Director of Community
All of Pinelawn’s events are free of charge and open to the public.
Long Islanders Honor Departed Loved Ones With Special Ceremony Pinelawn Memorial Park and Arboretum hosts second annual Lantern Lighting Celebration

The library seeks to engage and connect with their community on all levels. Young wants to make everyone that walks into the library to walk out feeling even better than when they came in. And to have lots of repeatYoungcustomers.saysthelibrary is in the process of formulating a threeyear strategic plan to pinpoint what the community needs from them so they can deliver it.
Young went into her field because of her love of books, knowledge and writing. In her words, “Knowledge, especially self-knowledge, leads to understanding, connection and wisdom and in turn, to compassion for others. There is always something new to learn at the library and I want to be there to learn it, experience it and share it. Libraries are the power houses of knowledge, ideas, history and thoughts. Who would not want to spend their life around that?”
Everything, except some exercise classes for adults, is free. It doesn’t get better than that.
library’s mission statement: “It is the mission of the Island Trees Public Library to be an integral part of the community, meeting the educational, informational, cultural and recreational needs of the community that we serve.”
Young lives in Rockville Centre with husband Clive and has a 17-year-old now college-bound daughter.Youngsays the library has two slogans, “The Island Trees Library: Where Knowledge Blossoms” and, the one she created after working as a director of the ITPL, “A little library with a lot going on.” The
Reverend Lamont S. Granby, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Bronxville and Susan Capurso, a Long Island-certified End of Life doula and legacy specialist, spoke to families about the grieving process and creating legacies for loved ones. Families received candles while their loved one’s names were read aloud.
Island Trees Public Library Director Michelle M. Young (Photo courtesy of the Levittown Chamber of Commerce)
The Levittown Chamber would like to introduce Michelle M. Young, who has been the Island Trees Public Library Director for 5½ years. The library is located at 38 Farmedge Rd. in Levittown. She received a Bachelor’s Degree (BA) from Hofstra University in English and Marketing, followed by a Masters in Library Science (MLS) from Queens College and a Post-Graduate Certificate of Advanced Studies in Public Library Administration from L.I.U. Post/Palmer School, The College of Education, Information and Technology.
In speaking with Young, you
Young enjoys reading as well as spending time with family and friends. The pandemic emphasized in her life what is most important, and those are the people, not the things.
Levittown Chamber Of Commerce Spotlight On Business: Michelle M. Young / Island Trees Library IN THE

Outreach Kristyn Hovanec said. “This meaningful ritual helps indi viduals continue to feel connected and also provides closure for those who need it. We are happy to host ceremonial events like these, know ing the great impact they continue to Speakershave.”
Friends and families gathered at Pinelawn Memorial Park and Arboretum recently to honor their departed loves ones with a special lantern lighting ceremony. Individuals decorated paper lanterns and inscribed them with loving messages before releasing them into Pinelawn’s Rose Garden Foun tain. Pictured is Lauren Bayer and her son Christian, from Massapequa. Lauren attended the event to honor her late father. (Photo courtesy of Pinelawn Memorial Park and Arboretum)
Call 516-731-2211 or wouldtoislandtreesdirector@gmail.come-mailreachYoungatthelibrary.Shelovetohearfromyou.
“By dedicating himself to community service, Anthony has reached the pinnacle of Scouting and strengthened the fabric of our community by applying the leadership skills he has gained along that journey,” Drucker said. “It was my pleasure to congratulate this outstanding young man and wish him tremendous success as he embarks on what I know will be a bright future.”
Nassau County Legislator Arnold W. Drucker (D–Plainview) honored Anthony John Schiano—Plainview/Old Bethpage Troop 423’s newest Eagle Scout—during a recent Court of Honor event. During the ceremony, which was held at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Plainview, Drucker presented a Nassau County Legislature Citation to Schiano in recognition of the accomplishments and community service that earned him the highest rank in Scouting.
—Submitted by the Office of Nassau County Legislator Arnold W. Drucker
Plainview-Old Bethpage Eagle Scout Honored

—Submitted by Pinelawn Memorial Park and Arboretum
can feel her enthusiasm. She said “Someone told me once, “Do what you love and you’ll never be disappointed. It’s true.”
(Photo courtesy of Office of Nassau County Legislator Arnold W. Drucker)

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at once, Suzanne talked to Bob, and they have incorporated the option of participant fundraising into this year’s Ocean to Sound. If teams can raise $1,600 and solo runners can raise $200 for Brighter Tomorrows (almost triple their entry fees, respectively), they will be refunded their entry fee by the race. As teams and individuals tell their families, friends, and strangers why they’re running, they will get others interested in the sport and open their hearts to serving others.
Ocean to Sound was designed to show off the natural beauty that Long Island holds, but it will also show off the natural beauty of the Long Island running community, coming together to raise funds for local families who need a loving hand. —Submitted by the Greater Long Island Running Club
Greater Long Island Running Club General Manager Suzanne Nelson, Brighter Tomor rows Executive Director Dolores Kordon and Ocean to Sound Race Director Bob Sherman hold blankets donated by GLIRC for families seeking emergency shelter in Brighter Tomorrows’ facilities. (Photo courtesy of the Greater Long Island Running Club)
excited about running is one of GLIRC’s main goals. Serving others through charitable works is another. Nelson took on the role of managing the organization in June and one of her main goals for the club is to facilitate even more funding to the local charities that need it most. Realizing that she could make all of those things happen
he Ocean to Sound 50 Mile Relay is a classic event for the Greater Long Island Running Club (GLIRC) that will be held on Sunday, Sept. 25. This year, it has earned an even longer name—The Ocean to Sound 50-Mile Relay for Survivors of Domestic Violence Presented by PSEG Long Island. PSEG Long Island has generously signed on as a new presenting sponsor this year to help make sure the event will flourish.
Nelson and Sherman took the opportunity to visit the Brighter Tomorrows Executive Director Dolores Kordon (at an undisclosed location to protect families, employees and volunteers). With them, they bought a big box of blankets leftover from the Club’s 2018 Rob’s Run. Kordon told them that when families in crisis seek emergency shelter, they often leave their homes in the middle of the night with little else but their children and the clothing on their backs, while an abusive partner is out of the home and detained by law enforcement. The shelters are always in need of blankets, infant/toddler clothing and especially in need of diapers.
50-Mile Ocean To Sound Relay Takes On Domestic Violence

The race is still open for registration. All participants will receive a race shirt. However, the first 20 teams to enter will receive a special surprise shirt. There are just a few slots remaining for that option so, team captains, get on it.
The club has a bin in their clubhouse located at 101 Dupont St. #24, Plainview, for anyone who wishes to drop off donations before Ocean to Sound. There will be col lection bins for Brighter Tomorrows shelters at the party area of the race on Sept. 25 and everyone is encouraged to bring something with them to donate.
234075 M

IvyRehab Network provides physical therapy and other rehabilitative services in many locations across Long Island and has once again returned to sponsor the event and chat with partygoers. Not to miss the promise of a good party, the owner and general manager of CycleBar of Huntington (opening winter 2023) have also chosen to sponsor the relay and will be at Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park to cheer finishers on and talk about the benefits of cross-training.Inpreparing for Ocean to Sound this year, Race Director Bob Sherman and GLIRC General Manager Suzanne Nelson wanted to serve a charity sector that the Greater Long Island Running Club has never before facilitated funding for before. They did some research and saw the statistics for domestic violence on Long Island. While reading, they noticed that incidents have been exacer bated exponentially by the pandemic. They carefully chose the organization Brighter Tomorrows, Inc, a nonprofit, to be the charitable beneficiary of this event. Brighter Tomorrows has been in existence since 1986, and provides a hotline, emergency shelter and legal services for survivors right here on LongGettingIsland.others
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 7 234920 M FREE to all community residents, friends and family. Sunday, October 2 • 12 pm - 4 pm 819 Main Street, Farmingdale • (516)249-8855 HazardsHouseholdFor Pets TeddyDisplayBear Clinic Children are invited to bring their favorite stuffed animal. PDQ Chicken of ComplimentaryFarmingdale lunch sponsored by Demonstration Jaws of DemonstrationLife VehicleCommunicationsSatelliteTour South Farmingdale Fire Department Oven DemonstrationFireCrawl through the Tours&AmbulanceFireTruck ScreeningPressureBlood VehicleResponseEmergencyMajorTour Child Safety Seat Check By TechnicianCertified Child ByProgramIDNYLifeChild InstructionCPR NYSSponsoredConvincerSeatbeltbyTroopers Meet Pilot, the Fire SniffingAccelerantDogRailroadSafety CardsHealthPatient 877-733-2767

Bluegrass Ln. Call 516-731-5728 for more information.
Dementia Caregiver Support Group
Matter Of Balance: Fall Prevention
issues or destroy all life on the planet. Working together as a team on a dangerous mission, each person plays in integral part in their attempt to save the world. Starring Anthony Hopkins, Adrian Holmes, Aleks Paunovic, Veronica Ferres and Tuva Novotny. (Rated R; 97 minutes) No registration needed, first-come, first-served. Refreshments will be served.
Monday Movie: Zero Contact 1:30 p.m. This thriller follows five people in five different countries who are chosen to stop an infamous tech giant’s covert invention, a machine with the ability to solve humankind’s

To place an item in this space, send information two weeks before the event
Adult & BookmarksLaserProgram:TeenEngraver

6:30 p.m. All ages. All ages are invited out for a showing of the movie Sing! (Rated PG) Snacks will be available or you can bring your own. Each registered child will receive an inflatable microphone.

Sing! Movie Night
A current email address and phone number are required when registering, otherwise the registration is considered incomplete. register.516-735-4133Massapequa.Rd.,1060PublicPlainedgeLibrary,HicksvilleNorthCallto
6:30 p.m. Teens in grades 10 and above with intermediate and advanced computer skills. Learn
how to make your webpage.own Lay out text, add images and link to,1

Teen Program: Introduction To Word Press
Hickville Public Library, 169 Jerusalem Ave. Email msutton@ or call 516-931-1417, ext.124 for more information.......................
Basic computer knowledge required. Registration required at www.
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Farmingdale Farmers Market 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. On the village green by Schneider’s Farm, 361 Main St. in Farmingdale. Through November, weather permitting. Visit www.farmingdalevillage. com for more information.

Adult Program: Fresh Starts & New Beginnings With Marla 6 p.m. Join an open discussion with Life Coach Marla Matthews for a fresh look at the possibilities the future holds. No registration required. This program is in-person. No fee. Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln. Call 516731-5728 or visit for more ......................information.

7 p.m. Learn how to use one of the technologies,latest the Laser Engraver, to make ownengravewillmementos.customYoudesignandyourwoodenbookmarks.

1 p.m. Wednesdays through Nov. 2. Outreach from NYU Langone Hospital-Long Island will conduct this program that will meet once per week for eight weeks and each different class will be two hours with
on the Events Calendar. In-person program. No fee. Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln. webpage.
6 p.m. Dominican Village’s Dementia Caregiver Support Group meets the fourth Thursday of every month at Dominican Village located at 565 Albany Ave. in Amityville. The next meeting will be held in the Amity-Center of Dominican Village’s main building. This caregiver support group is a safe place for family members and friends of people living with dementia to help develop a support system, talk through issues and coping strategies, share feelings and learn about community resources. To register for the next meeting, contact group facilitator Karyn Leto at 631-532-2302. on the Events Calendar. In-person program. No fee. Levittown Public Library, 1 Bluegrass Ln. Call 516-731-5728 or visit for more information.
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233631 G

In all, it took about 20 minutes to read the names of more than 300 county residents killed in the attacks. The Recitation of Names segment also included speakers Margie Miller, Mary Ann Sweeney, Patti Valerio, Diana DeVito, Melissa Habibi, Susan Hutchins, Scott Nuzzi, Dylan Garcia and Deanine and Jim Nagengast.

the attacks, but gathered his gear and drove to Ground Zero to help out. He was on the pile days later as he handed President Bush a bullhorn with which the president spoke as he put his arm around the shoulders of the Baldwin resident.
found at Ground Zero and had come from the office desk of her sister Donna.
“You are forever in our hearts,” said his daughter, Donna Steckman.

Blakeman introduced “my rabbi,” Eli Weinstock of the Jewish Center of Atlantic Beach, to give the closing prayer.
Or Linda Wilson, who said that for 21 years she has kept on her refrigerator a fragment of a greeting card that had been

County Keeps Memories Alive
“Every year I go to Ground Zero because that is my nephew’s final resting place,”
Another link to that day was retired 88-year-old FDNY firefighter Bob Beckwith, who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Beckwith had been retired for seven years the day of

■ ii Partnering In Action Change For Tomorrow � YES Community Counseling Center Funding for this advertisement was made possible (in part) by Grant Number 5H79SP081365-01 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written materials or publications do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 230447 G

At the close of the ceremony, roses were distributed so attendees could place them at the county’s 9/11 memorial.
There were people like Edward Ainbinder, naming Daniel Nathaniel Colbert, who died in the South Tower, as a “son, grandson, brother, cousin, loved friend of many, and my nephew.”
Donna Steckman remembered her father William, who died at the North Tower. (Photo by Frank Rizzo)
County Executive Bruce Blakeman said, “This mean a lot to me, it means a lot to myOnfamily.”theday of the attacks, Blakeman was a commissioner for the Port Authority, former owner of the World Trade Center. According to Blakeman, his 26-year-old nephew, New York State Court Officer Sgt. Tommy Jurgens,,“rushed into danger to help evacuate people from Tower Two.”
Tenor Chris Macchio impressed with his powerful rendition of the National Anthem, and later, “Ave Maria,” during the musical interlude. Prayers were intoned by NCPD chaplains Father Kevin Smith, Bishop Robert W. Harris and Rev. Derek A. Garcia.
Blakeman stated, noting that, as with many others, his remains were never recovered or identified.Hisbrother
ne by one, speakers stepped up to the podium to intone the names of 9/11 victims from Nassau County. Each also had some words to say about a relative who died on that tragic SeptemberHundredsday.gathered on Sept. 11 under a steady rain at the Harry Chapin Lakeside Theater at Eisenhower Park. The occasion was the county’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony and Musical Tribute.
“It still helps me to face tomorrow,” she said. “I’ll always remember her that Tuesday morning, and those who died with her. I love you, sis.”
Brad worked as a deputy assistant to President George H.W. Bush at the time and related to the audience how the president, after learning about Jurgens, told him, “Tell your family we’ll pray for Tommy and we’ll find whoever did this and bring them to justice.”

Bob Beckwith gained fame when the retired firefighter stood with President Bush on the pile at Ground Zero days after the attack.
William Steckman tended the receiver for NBC at the North Tower, and had been asked to work past his 6 a.m. quitting time that fateful morning.
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And so really just scaling up vaccination is the way to go ... I think if we see more symptomatic cases, if we see a bunch of people ending up with paralysis, then you might get to that point.”According to the New York State Department of Health: Polio is a dangerous, debilitating, and withhandsmouth,bodypoliovirusperson-to-person, infected individual. People can spread the virus even if they do not know they are sick, and asymptomatic spread is a high concern among health officials. According to CDC, 70 percent of people infected with polio experience no symptoms. About 25 percent experience mild or flu-like symptoms that may be mistaken for many other illnesses. About 1 in 100 individuals will develop severe disease, including permanent paralysis. Of those paralyzed, 2-10 percent die when their breathing muscles become immobilized. Based on evidence from earlier polio outbreaks, health officials estimate that for every one case of paralytic polio observed, there may be hundreds of other people infected.
n Sept. 9, New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced that traces of the polio virus found in New York City and nearby counties’ wastewater amounts to a ‘public emergency disaster,’ and that the state will be boosting its efforts to combat the illness accordingly.
Sat. Oct

EMERSON Tues. Oct. 18, 2022 7pm



Sat. Oct. 29, 2022 8pm
Sun. Nov. 6, 2022 3pm
SONS OF SERENDIP –Family Show Sun. Dec. 11, 2022 4pm
Sat. Dec 10, 2022 8pm

Sat. March 4, 2023 7pm
Fri. Oct. 14, 8pm
Hochul Declares Public Emergency Disaster After Polio Virus Found In Nassau Wastewater
VIC DIBITETTO –Comedy Sat. Oct. 22, 2022 8pm

GALA –American Ballet Theatre

Sat. Nov 5, 2022 8pm
Fri. Jan. 27, 2023 8pm
by State Senator Kevin Thomas, “In an effort to get ahead of further spread, an Executive Order
jburns@antonmediagroup.comBURNSJANET Electron micrograph of the poliovirus. Poliovirus is a species of Enterovirus, a Genus in the family of Picornaviridae, and is an RNA virus. (Credit: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Sylvia Whitfield, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons) @stallercenter I (631) 632-2787 I

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“On polio, we simply cannot roll the dice,” State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett said in a statement. “If you or your child are unvaccinated or not up to date with vaccinations, the risk of paralytic disease is real. I urge New Yorkers to not accept any risk at all.”
As Gothamist/WNYC science editor Nsikan Akpan explained to NPR’s Ayesha Rascoe that weekend, “[The] inactivated polio vaccine, it protects 99 percent of people from symptoms and paralysis, death, you know, all those bad things.
SONS OF SERENDIP –Holiday Show Sun. Dec. 11 2022 7pm

KINKY BOOTS in HD (From the London Stage) Fri. Nov. 11, 2022 8pm


Both Hochul and Nassau officials also announced that evidence of the virus, which has been near-eradicated in the U.S. beencasesanybody,wastewater.andNewwereJuly;Rocklandwasapprovedmember’sahaveinfectionAintheCounty,foundmostvaccination,throughwasrecentlyinNassaumakingitfifthsuchareaNewYorkState.caseofpoliowhichmayresultedfromHasidiccommunitynon-U.S.-poliovaccineidentifiedinCountyintracesoftheviruslaterfoundinYorkCity,Orange,Sullivancounties’“Idon’twanttoalarmtherearenoofpoliothathasdiscoveredherein

1, 2022 8pm
declaring a State Disaster Emergency has been issued directing local health departments to increase the availability of resources to protect New Yorkers against paralytic disease.”
Fri. Oct. 7,
this region or in Nassau County,” Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman said during a press conference the same day. “Nobody should panic, there is no crisis right now, [and] there is no active case of polio in Nassau County.”

The state disaster emergency allows EMS workers, midwives and pharmacists to administer polio vaccines and allows doctors and nurses to put in orders to stock up on the vaccine and directs all polio vaccination records to the New York State Health Department for the sake of directing resourcesAccordingefficiently.toarelease
2022 7pm

Thurs. Dec. 1, 2022 7pm

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Ally Deane, Mary Mallon, Sal Massa, Maria Pruyn, Jeryl Sletteland
Director of Production Robin Carter Creative Director Alex Nuñez
My second impression is that Scotchie’s arguments for the West and against anti-Western radicals might actually be right but they possess annoying obscurities. For instance, on the one hand, a war led by college students on the West’s literary canon, its history,
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Angela Susan Anton President Frank A. Virga
I should, then, consider it a column, a political column disguised as a book review—not in either category, but uniquely apart.
Shari Egnasko
passive puppet. We all have a choice. Each one of us has the free will to decide how to direct our thoughts and actions. Each of us can choose to hold on firmly to the principles and values of faith and gratitude. Each of us can choose to do one more good deed, one more act of kindness, to help tip the balance of the world toward life.
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non-Western immigrants he means. They cannot be from the only antecedent found in the article—black, Hispanic, and Asian students who denounce Western civilization study—or their immigrant parents. Students of these ethnicities would not carry on like that against the entire West. Maybe, Scotchie is attempting to revive fears of Middle Eastern, Muslim terrorists, even though he does not speak about them. Anyway, far more numerous than terrorist acts in the U.S. in recent years have been white supremacists and native-born American madmen with guns.
For circulation inquiries, subscribe@antonmediagroup.comemail:PublicationOffice:
As the High Holidays begin, we look back on all the mo ments during the past year that give us reason for hope. Around the world, a new genera tion is reaching for their familycation,healinguniversalofthepandemicandallitsconsequences.Inourcommunity,we’verespondedtoourchallengesbyfocusingonwhatreallymatters–edufriendship,andcommunity.
our own lives today will affect our children, our children’s children, and, indeed, the future of the world. When we choose to align our way of life with the divine presence, we are doing our part to help create a society that is ofgoodlightwithofdarknessfightingWeandhumaneG-dly.arethetheworldtheofourdeeds.Thisisatimereturn,orrepentancewhenweare
Vice President of Operations Iris Picone
This last year was one of hardship for people everywhere. Too many of our friends and neighbors continue to struggle in the wake of difficult health and economic challenges. And beyond our borders, many of our closest allies, face the uncertainties of an unpredict able age.
As Jewish tradition teaches us, we may not complete the work, but that must never keep all of us from trying. In that spirit, I wish you and your families a sweet year full of health, happiness and peace. L’Shana Tova Umetuka
The War On The West is promoting a political agenda, but that might be in a thorough account of Western or world history or in an anthropological comparison of various cultures today. How popular or academic is the character of the book? For example, does it back up its evidences by citing sources or does it provide only a bibliography?Then,couldn’t there be anything interesting to say about
My first impression is that it is a book review. For the header says “Book Talk” and Scotchie’s title starts with “Review Of.” But in the Western canon, a book review identifies the type of book it is and says a few things about its author.
focused on the process of improving ourselves and coming closer to the Almighty. By actively engaging ourselves through self-evaluation, reconciliation, prayer and giving an extra mea sure of charity—we are choosing life, just as the generation in the desert did after they heard the Biblical Moses’s message. Hopefully then we will see the good that emerges even in the midst of darkness, and we will recognize that every one of us has the power to make meaning ful changes by the choices that we make.
Additional copies of this and other issues are available for purchase by calling 516-403-5120.
Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton CommunityPublishers1984-2000Newspapers,of
Director of Circulation Joy DiDonato
As I read it, I keep getting led in two different directions by Joseph Scotchie’s “Review Of The War On The West” earlier this summer.
Director of AdministrationSales
the author? Is he a university professor—where and in what capacity? Or is he a present or former politician of what party, and in what position? I do not know why this article does not tell me these things. It seems, rather, to more simply empathize with the politics of some author named Douglas Murray and to be intent on buttressing his argument with the writer’s own arguments.
Phone: (516) 747-8282
Linda Baccoli
By Scotchie’s—and Murray’s— reasoning, we should keep the immigrants and deport the native-born.
—David F. Weinstein
Rosh Hashanah Message

Former NASA Astronaut James A. Lovell said, “There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen and there are people who wonder what happened. To be successful, you need to be a person that makes things happen.” We have the power to make good things happen. Each year, we approach the Jewish Holidays with high expectations and anticipation. Why not? It is a time for new beginnings, ones we can create for ourselves. In just a few days, on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, the sound of the shofar blasts will be heard. It is a time for the High Holidays; time that we gather with our families, neigh bors and friends and concen trate on prayer and introspec tion. A time to give thanks for the ways in which we have been blessed and strive to improve our relationships by asking forgiveness and making amends. These are the Days of Awe to acknowledge the Almighty as the creator and ruler of the universe; renew and strengthen our commitment to a spiritual way of life, and pray for a sweet new year—a healthy and peaceful year. Make no mistake—this is no easy task. We can choose to become the authors of our own chapter in the Book of Life or a
On Rosh Hashanah, we look to our past, as well as to our future, for the growing of spiritual strength as well as staying committed to a positive energy way of life. We reach back into our collective history to draw inspiration and to learn from the wisdom of our heritage. At the same time, we look ahead toward future generations, knowing that what we choose for
its religions and its monuments and public buildings does seem foolish, radical, and thoughtless. Americans should, indeed, preserve the artifacts that recall their tragic blunders as well as their heroic accomplishments. Radicals should welcome gradual improvement in the artifacts and symbols of civilization that take place across the decades because this is the natural course by which cultural contributions are actually made.Onthe other hand, Scotchie praises The War On The West for being “so explicit” in its account of the anti-white racism opposed to Western culture while he himself refers quite obscurely to immigrants who “shout their hatred for the West from the rooftops.” It is a struggle to imagine who these immigrants are, which
Janet Burns, Jennifer Corr, Dave Gil de Rubio, Christy Hinko, Julie Prisco, Frank Rizzo, Joe Scotchie
Aggressive Communication
to identify the communication styles we typically use and become aware of our patterns, so that we can make any necessary repairs. It is also imperative for partners to take

Passive Communication

“I statements” and sharing why her request is important to her. By communicating this way, the intended message is being shared with John.
Assertive Communication
and understand what it is that is needed, it isn’t guaranteed. This can lead to more frustration down the road.
Passive CommunicationAggressive

When a person is assertive, they are clearly stating what their needs are and why those needs are important. Jenna may say, “I would like to have some alone time during the day so that I can focus on my thoughts and writing. When I get interrupted it makes it challenging for me to regain focus.” Here Jenna is clearly expressing her needs through
Marisa T. Cohen, PhD
a deeper look at why a specific communication style (especially one that isn’t highly effectivepassive aggressive, passive, or aggressive) is being employed and what that approach is indicative of. The way a person chooses to communicate can be signal of deeper relationship issues. Once these are identified, you can work to address the cause and strengthen your bond.
Dr. Marisa Cohen is a relationship scientist and coach and teaches psychology at the college level.

There are four main types of communication styles—passive, aggressive, passive aggressive and assertive. Let’s illustrate these styles using a hypothetical couple, Jenna and John, who have been together for six months. Jenna is trying to let John know that she wants more personal space and alone time in the apartment they share together.
Send it to Attention Civic Groups and Community Event Planners Have your Special Events Published in Anton’s Community Calendar! RAISE AWARENESS. RAISE HEALTH. RAISE HOPE. One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime— and it's time to take a stand. This October, “Go Pink” with our series of empowering events, hosted by Northwell's Katz Institute for Women's Health and Cancer Institute. Learn more at Northwell_1401052_Go Pink 2022_print ad_10x5.5 234238 R

Communication Styles: The Way We Express Our Needs Matters
When a person is aggressive, they tend to express needs in a hostile manner and cross boundaries when doing so. While a person may be heard, they may offend those they are speaking with/shouting at. Jenna may yell at John, “Get out of my space!” Other examples of aggressive communication involve being caustic.
A person who is being passive aggressive is also hostile in the way they communicate, but it is less direct than being overtly aggressive. For example, Jenna may say, “I wish I had more free time like you to just wander around the apartment during the day.” Here, Jenna is focusing on John’s behavior and is indirectly criticizing John for being in her personal space.
Take Home
When a person is passive, they share their needs, but aren’t direct when doing so. In that respect, they aren’t taking full ownership. Jenna may say, “It would be nice to have more personal time.” Jenna is communicating the need for personal space, but is not explicitly stating it. While John may get the hint
Communication is key when it comes to maintaining and strengthening our relationships. Beyond the content that we share, the way in which we express ourselves plays a major role in how our messages are received.
Being assertive is the best, because passive aggressive and aggressive can harm the relationship and break down the communication between you and your partner. Passive leaves room for interpretation (and misinterpretation) of your needs.Itisimportant

Island Harvest Food Bank Joins Feeding America’s Hunger Action Month Campaign

Hunger Action Month is a time for Long Islanders to mobilize to help end hunger by donating, volunteering or advocating,” Shubin Dresner concluded. Visit www. to learn more about how you can take action.
During September, people across Nassau and Suffolk counties can participate in the movement by learning, committing and speaking up about ways to end hunger. Other ways include donating food or funds, hosting a food drive at your school, place of worship, business or volunteering.
—Submitted by Island Harvest
One in seven Long Island families have experienced food insecurity during the past year. Island Harvest distributed more than 18 million pounds of food, representing 15 million meals during its 2020-21 fiscal year (ending June 30, 2021), an 83 percent increase over the previous reporting period. (Photo courtesy of Island Harvest Food Bank)

or Hunger Action Month this September, Island Harvest Food Bank will join Feeding America and other network member food banks to inspire people to take action and raise awareness of people facing the impossible choice of hunger. Food banks around the country are working to make a real and lasting impact on food insecurity in their communities, and they are asking for the public’s support.
September marks the 14th year of Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization with a nationwide network of 200 food banks, including Island Harvest, and 60,000 partner food pantries and meal programs, has organized the annual call to action. This year’s campaign presents the impossible choices millions of Americans must make between food and other basic needs.
“Many Long Islanders are feeling the economic pressure due to rising costs for food, fuel and other essential commodities, causing them to make difficult decisions, such as buying food or paying to fuel up their cars, or pay a utility bill,” Island Harvest president/CEO Randi Shubin Dresner explained. “And while the demand for supplemental food support continues to rise, Island Harvest remains committed to making sure that no one on Long Island goes without food.”
“For many, a daily meal is a simple choice of what to eat,” Feeding America CEO Claire Babineaux-Fontenot said. “For people facing hunger, a daily meal poses a very different type of choice. It’s often an impossible decision between food or other crucial needs, such as electricity, childcare or medicine. Nobody should be forced to make a choice to go hungry. With the public’s support, we
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can come together to help people achieve long-term food security, so they no longer have to make such tough decisions.”

AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT• September 21 – 27, 2022 PROFILES IN BackWelcome INSIDE Waldorf alumnae takes board seat Molloy announces new dean JOIN US FOR OUR NEXT OPEN HOUSE October 22, or November 19, 2022 at 10:00 AM The best way to see a college is to walk the path of a student. Register at Or scan to reserve your spot. p 125 Route 340 • Sparkill, NY 10976 • 845.398.4100 234228 M

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Visit or call 516-742-3434 for more information.
—The Waldorf School of Garden City
product liability, general liability, professional liability, construction defect, employee benefits liability, labor law, bad faith, and other emerging issues. On behalf of her insurance clients, Murray has won summary judgment in a variety of matters, including cases of first impression in New York and elsewhere. She also co-authored the chapter on
Murray is the first alumna chair in school’s history
“With the support of our incredible leadership team, our school is prepared to meet the needs of our parents, students, employees, and alumni in this ever-changing educational landscape. I am excited and inspired during this, our school’s 75th year, as we work to chart the course for the next chapter of The Waldorf School of Garden City,” said Murray.

“Anne brings such an inviting and enthusiastic energy to our school,” said O’Halogan, faculty chair. “I know that her vision and dedication to The Waldorf School of Garden City will be crucial to helping us further our mission for many years to come.”
234338 M
environmental and toxic tort insurance coverage issues for New Appleman Law of Liability Insurance and is a frequent speaker on coverage issues. Murray has been active in Rivkin Radler’s pro bono program, assisting the Volunteer Lawyers Project of Nassau County in representing poor and under served tenants in housing disputes. She was named one of Long Island Business News’ “40 Rising Stars Under 40” and Top 50 Most Influential Women in Business. She also serves on her firm’s executive committee and is co-chair of Rivkin Radler’s Women’s Initiative Committee.
Founded in 1947 and located at 225 Cambridge Ave. ad jacent to Adelphi University, The Waldorf School of Garden City offers Parent-Child sessions and classes from nursery, including a brand-new Sweet Peas Program for two-year-old students, through grade 12. It is accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS) and the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA).
he Waldorf School of Garden City (WSGC) begins its 75th school year with an all-woman leadership team.

The Waldorf School Appoints Anne Murray ’85 As Board Chair
About The Waldorf School of Garden City
The Waldorf School of Garden City Board Chair Anne Murray; Councilman Thomas Muscarella; Town Clerk Kate Murray; School Administrator Nicole Littrean; Faculty Chair Kelly O’Halogan; Garden City Trustee Bruce Torino; Assemblyman Ed Ra; and Legislator Laura Schaefer are pictured during The Waldorf School of Garden City’s 75th Anniversary Opening Assembly.
As chair, Murray will work closely with school adminis trator Nicole S. Littrean, and faculty chair Kelly O’Halogan, to direct the course for the school during this Diamond Anniversary after major shifts facing independent schools across the country. This includes overseeing the school’s Capital Campaign, as well as long-term strategic plans to further support the school and community.
For the first time in the school’s history, an alumna holds the position of board chair. Anne Murray, class of 1985, and board member since 2018, was elected to the position of board chair on July 1, succeeding Lance Cheney, who held the position since 2016.
“It is such an honor to be working with Anne on collabora tively building the future of our school,” said Nicole Littrean, school administrator. “Her experience, insight, and knowl edge of the Waldorf community will be indispensable as we continue to face the challenges of our ever-changing world.”
An accomplished litigation partner with Rivkin Radler LLP, Murray counsels insurance companies on first- and third-party claims, including toxic tort, environmental,
olloy University has announced that Gina M. Florio, Ph.D., has accepted the position of Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences following a national search. Her appointment began on August 1, 2022.

Florio served as interim dean of St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at St. John’s University from July 2020 to May 2022. As dean, she was responsible for nearly 4,000 students, 240 full-time and more than 400 part-time faculty across 17 different academic de partments, programs, and institutes, two clinics, an art gallery and three campus locations. She also was responsible for more than 70 administrators and staff. As dean, she facilitated development of new interdisciplinary programs in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Engineering, and Machine Learning. She initiated college-wide antiracism, equity, and inclusion efforts, including development of strategic goals, supported introduc tory STEM curricular reform, created a student advisory board, and provided leadership on campus climate projects. She is a strong advocate for faculty and while dean helped identify resources both internal and external in support of faculty work. Prior to her appointment as interim dean, Florio led FacultyArtsSenate,Personnelgovernance.mitteesJohn’s,andtostudentsabilitydecisionformed,andapproachUniversity.PresidentPiskulich,higheritycommitmentunderstandingJuneSeptemberateffectivenessandstrategicuniversity-wideplanninginstitutionaleffortsSt.John’sfrom2014to2020.“Dr.Floriohasadeepof,andto,thecentraloftheliberalartsinCatholiceducation,”saidC.MichellePh.D.,ProvostandViceforAcademicAffairsatMolloy“Shebringsacollaborativetoworkingwithboththefacultyadministration,aswellasadata-inmission-drivenapproachtomaking.Ihaveconfidenceinhertoworkwiththefaculty,staffandintheSchoolofArts&Sciencesdevelopasharedvisionforthefuturearoadmaptoachieveit.”OverthecourseofhercareeratSt.FlorioservedonnumerouscomandwasanactiveparticipantinSheservedontheUniversityCommittee,theUniversitytheGraduateCouncil,theLiberalFacultyCouncil,theLiberalArtsCouncilCurriculumCommittee,
Gina M. Florio, Ph.D.
Council for eight years. She received the New York American Chemical Society Outstanding Chemistry Teaching Award in 2020 and its Salutes to Excellence Award: Chemigation in 2016. She also was a nominee for the Council on Undergraduate Teaching, Chemistry Division, Outstanding Mentorship award. She has mentored more than 60 undergraduate, graduate, and high school students in research during her career. Florio currently is PI on an NSF ADVANCE Catalyst award, co-PI on an NSF Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program grant and has had numerous other grant awards totaling more than $2.2 million. She has 24 peer-reviewed publications, numerous invited seminars, conference,
4B SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 • PROFILES IN
MolloyEDUCATIONUniversity Announces New Dean
a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Chemistry and the NSF Center for Electron Transport in Molecular Nanostructures (NSEC) also at Columbia. She joined St. John’s University as the Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of Chemistry in 2005, was promoted to Associate

and poster presentations.
Florio received her Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Purdue University, and an A.B. cum laude in Chemistry from Vassar College. She was a Dreyfus UniversityColumbiaInstituteSciencesMolecularEnvironmentalandofDepartmentFellowPostdoctoralFoundationintheChemistrytheatand
Molloy University, an independent Catholic University based in Rockville Centre, was founded in 1955 by the Sisters of Saint Dominic in Amityville. The university serves a student pop ulation of approximately 4,800 undergraduate and graduate students. Molloy students can earn degrees in a variety of outstanding academic pro grams, including nursing, business, education, social work, music therapy,studiescomputerandmanymore.
and Academicthe
Source GoNolloy/
Professor of Chemistry and Physics in 2010 and to Professor of Chemistry and Physics in September 2021.
Sacred Heart Academy is a recognized All-Girls Catholic High School that empowers girls to challenge themselves in a rigorous academics ing, develop their leadership skills and self-confidence in a safe, peaceful environment rooted in the Sisters of St. Joseph, and prepare for college and b ond.

5BPROFILES IN EDUCATION • SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 OPEN HOUSE Saturday, October 1, 2022, 11am-2pm sacred heart academy’s TheGirlsWhereTakeLead.
Register Today! Visit 234498 M

Whether a borrower should take out life insurance or get additional coverage to potentially repay student loan debt depends on whether they had a co-signer, the type of loan, and what state they live in. Borrowers and co-signers should look carefully at their loan terms and decide whether they need additional life insurance coverage.
1. The state where the loan was taken out.
co-signers were to pass away, their estate may have to repay the debt. A judge may order the sale of assets the borrower planned to leave to others (such as a house or car) to pay back the lender. In this situation, having an adequate amount of life insurance would help to eliminate this burden and leave those items to go to their original heirs.
Federal vs. Private Student Loan Debt

Co-signing is when a parent or other adult agrees to be responsible for the loan should the borrower default. Co-signing is common for many different types of loans, including student loans.
For private loans, the co-signer may have to continue making payments. The loan contract may also include an acceleration clause. This could mean the lender can make the balance of the loan due immediately if the borrower dies.
Spouses of Borrowers
Like co-signers, spouses may also be on the hook for making payments after the borrower dies. This will largely depend on:

In some states, loans are considered shared or community property. Even if the surviving spouse did not co-sign, places with community property laws will require that they continue to make payments. This is another instance when having life insurance—and, thus, a death benefit—can help alleviate this burden.

How to Use Insurance to Protect Against Student Loan Debt
Many people believe that student loan debt is forgiven if the borrower passes away. However, this is not always the case. It depends on a few factors, including whether the loan was federal or private, and whether the borrower had a co-signer.
—Northwestern Mutual Student Loan Borrowers Insurance?

If someone with unpaid private student loans and no
2. If the couple was married at the time of the loan.

Who is Responsible for Paying the Debt?
For some federal loans, a co-signer must continue
making payments even if the borrower passes away. This depends on the type of federal loan.
Federal student loans (without a co-signer) are the most straightforward case. By law, these loans are forgiven upon death or total disability, and family members or the estate are not responsible for paying them back. In this case, there is no need for any party involved to increase their life insurance coverage based on the loan.
Also Get Life
ith student loan debt in the United States currently estimated to total $1.762 trillion, the price of higher education is quickly taking its toll on many households. Borrowers may be wondering if they need to consider their student loans when purchasing life insurance coverage. The answer to this depends on what type of loan the borrower has and who signed for it.
On the other hand, private student loans may have different terms. Because private loans are issued through a private lender, the lender can dictate their own rules including the terms of death or disability. The best way to know for sure is to read the fine print.

Consider buying life insurance to cover debt.
Saint Anthony’s High School Franciscan Brothers C tinu s T rs 10am-1pm Open H seSat day, Septemb 24 www.stanth yshs. g (631)271-2020 x226 - admissi s@stanth yshs. g New for 2022 Newly Renovated and Designed Cafeteria Tour Highlights The Business and Entrepreneurship Center The Brother James McVeigh, O.S.F. Retreat Center The Susan & Gerald O’Shea Innovation Center The Saint Francis Hospital Medical Education Lab The William & Christine Entenmann Science Center Our Lady of the Angels Chapel Student Center and Athletic Facilities Saint Anthony’s High School Franciscan Brothers C tinu s T rs 10am-1pm Open H seSat day, Septemb 24 www.stanth yshs. g (631) 271-2020 x226 - admissi s@stanth yshs. g New for 2022 Newly Renovated and Designed Cafeteria Tour Highlights The Business and Entrepreneurship Center The Brother James McVeigh, O.S.F. Retreat Center The Susan & Gerald O’Shea Innovation Center The Saint Francis Hospital Medical Education Lab The William & Christine Entenmann Science Center Our Lady of the Angels Chapel Student Center and Athletic Facilities M234212 M234954 An Education Where Children Thrive Under the Guidance of Great Teachers in an Environment that Stimulates Creativity and Individual Potential! 354 Lakeville Rd, Great Neck www.CMSGN.com516-466-8422 • A proven system celebrating 100 years of practice, research and worldwide recognition. • Our fully equipped spacious classrooms offer the most enriched curriculum available for 18 months - 6 years. • Fully affiliated with the American Montessori Society since 1998. • Early drop-off / Extended day available. Countryside Montessori School PlaygroundSpaciousNEWCallto find out about our newprotocolssafetyClassroomsLargeLowTeacherStudentRatio

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“Earning a college degree or certificate should give every person in America a leg up in securing a bright future. But for too many people, student loan debt has hindered their ability to achieve their dreams—including buying a home, starting a business, or providing for their family. Getting an education should set us free; not strap us down. That’s why, since Day One, the Biden-Harris administration has worked to fix broken federal student aid programs and deliver unprecedented relief to borrowers,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. “Today,
Student loan repayment pause is extended through December.

To address the financial harms of the pandemic by smoothing the transition back to repayment and helping borrowers at highest risk of delinquencies or default once payments resume, the department will provide targeted student debt cancel lation to borrowers with loans held by the Department of Education. Borrowers with annual income during the pandemic of under $125,000 (for individuals) or under $250,000 (for married couples or heads of households) who received a Pell Grant in college will be eligible for up to $20,000 in debt cancellation. Borrowers who met those income standards but did not receive a Pell Grant will be eligible for up to $10,000 in relief. The department will be announcing further details on how bor rowers can claim this relief in the weeks ahead. The application will be available no later than when the pause on federal student loan repayments terminates at the end of the year. Nearly eight million borrowers may be eligible to receive relief automatically because relevant income data is already available to the depart ment. The department is also making available a legal memorandum regarding its authority for these discharges.
Thetrap.”department is proposing longterm changes to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program that will make it easier for borrowers working in public service to gain loan forgiveness. The department proposed allowing more payments to qualify for PSLF including partial, lump sum, and late payments, and allowing certain kinds of deferments and forbearances—such as those for Peace Corps and AmeriCorps service, National Guard duty, and military service—to count toward PSLF. These proposed regulatory changes build on the progress made with the temporary changes announced last year by the department that expire on Oct. 31, 2022. Since the start of the temporary changes, the department has approved more than $10 billion in loan discharges for 175,000 public servants.
—U.S. Department of Education
the proposed rule would fully cover the borrower’s unpaid monthly interest, so that—unlike with current income-driven repayment plans—a borrower’s loan balance will not grow so long as they are making their required monthly payments. The plan would also simplify borrowers’ choices among loan repayment plans. The proposed regulations will be published in the coming days on the Federal Register and the public is invited to comment on the draft rule for 30 days.
Visit for more information.
we’re delivering targeted relief that will help ensure borrowers are not placed in a worse position financially because of the pandemic, and restore trust in a system that should be creating opportunity, not a debt
Targeted debt cancellation to smooth repayment transition
GovernmentEDUCATION Announces Final Student Loan Pause Extension
8B SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 • PROFILES IN
The department is also taking steps to reduce the cost of college for students and their families and hold colleges accountable for raising costs, especially when failing to deliver good outcomes to students. The department has already re-established the enforcement unit in the Office of Federal Student Aid and recently withdrew authorization for the accreditor that oversaw schools responsible for some of the worst for-profit scandals. The agency will also propose to reinstate and improve a rule to hold career programs accountable for leaving their graduates with unaffordable debt. New steps will be taken against colleges that have contrib uted to the student debt crisis. These include publishing an annual watch list of the programs with the worst debt levels in the country and requesting institutional improvement plans from colleges with the most concerning debt outcomes that outline how the college intends to bring down debt levels.
he U.S. Department of Education has recently announced a final extension of the pause on student loan repayment, interest, and collections through Dec. 31, 2022. Borrowers should plan to resume payments in January 2023. While the economy continues to improve, COVID cases remain at an elevated level, and the Biden-Harris Administration has made clear that pandemic-related relief should be phased out responsibly so that people do not suffer unnecessary financial harm.
The Department of Education is also proposing a rule to create a new income-driven repayment plan that will substantially reduce future monthly payments for lower- and middle-income borrowers. The proposed rule would protect more income from loan payments. It would cut in half—from 10 percent to five percent of discretionary income—the amount that borrowers have to pay each month on their undergraduate loans, while borrowers with both undergraduate and graduate loans will pay a weighted average rate. It would also raise the amount of income that is considered nondiscretionary income and therefore protected from repayment. The rule would also forgive loan balances after 10 years of payments, instead of the current 20 years under many income-driven repayment plans, for borrowers with original loan balances of $12,000 or less. Additionally,
9BPROFILES IN EDUCATION • SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 25StoreHill Road, Old Westbury, NY 11568 516-626-9300 HolyChild Academy Nurturing the Spirit, Challenging the Mind Visit OurSpacious 14-Acre Campus Integrating a traditional curriculum with inspiring instruction. Start Your Journey Today! A premier, independent Catholicschool for children of all faiths - Toddler through Grade 8 234832 M

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r. Christopher Korolczuk has been promoted to assistant director of Nassau BOCES Department of Regional Schools and Instructional Programs (RSIP). He brings nearly 25 years of educational experience to the position, including more than 15 years as principal of the agency’s Center for Community Adjustment (CCA). He is a revered leader in the field of alter native education, having served in the most diverse and demanding learning environments.Korolczuk’sfirst order of business as assistant director is to learn all he can about RSIP. He intends to explore each unique program, educate himself on ways to build and strengthen the agency’s relationships with local industry partners, and determine how he can best meet the needs of all students in his charge.
Fromsetting.thecorrectional system, Korolczuk moved to the New York City school system, before joining the ad ministrative team at the Nassau BOCES Center for Community Adjustment. Soon after his appointment as CCA assistant principal, Korolczuk took the helm as principal and began the task of transforming the school into the thriving learning community it is today.
“Seventeen years as principal of a com plex high school has prepared me for the vital task of continuing the evolution of our regional schools,” said Korolczuk. “I have been, and continue to be, surround ed by so many caring and compassionate people here at Nassau BOCES. Together, we will prepare our students for college, careers, and to be contributing members of their communities, which is a critical component of the agency’s mission.”
Visit or www. to learn more.
Korolczuk began his educational jour ney in the most challenging classrooms
In addition to improving the academic curriculum and implementing a school wide behavior plan, Korolczuk worked to improve morale and to create a sense of community within the center. To that end, he launched a monthly awards ceremony, recognizing students who are meeting overall expectations while achieving their own personal goals. He also prioritized family events to promote parentalKorolczukinvolvement.helpedto develop collabora tive relationships between CCA and local colleges. Through a partnership with Farmingdale State College, the school’s
Advanced Regents diplomas. He also developed and fostered connections between graduates with countless adult service agencies to support their transi tion to Korolczukadulthood.served for five years as pres ident of the Nassau BOCES Educational Administrators Association, where he represented more than 80 school admin istrators, collaborating closely with them to improve working conditions and meet educational goals. He was selected by the School Administrators Association of New York State and the Board of Regents to meet with the Commissioner of the State Education Department to discuss the importance of educational reform. In 2020, he received the Nassau BOCES Education Partner award.
Korolczuk raised the bar on profes sional accountability at the center while simultaneously improving staff morale. During his tenure, CCA enjoyed the highest graduation rates in its history, with students earning both Regents and

—Nassau BOCES
imaginable, as a special education teach er at the Ranch San Antonio Juvenile Detention Facility in Los Angeles, then as a health teacher at Riker’s Island Jail. These respective experiences laid the foundation for a career devoted to teach ing students with unique needs, who require support beyond the traditional school
Korolczuk has a doctorate in ed ucational leadership from St. John’s University. He holds a master’s degree in school administration from The College of Saint Rose, and a master’s in special education from California State University. He has earned certification as a teacher of special education from New York City, New York State and California State, and he is a New York State certified school administrator and supervisor.
Nassau BOCES Administrator Promoted

Dr. ChristopherKorolczuk
students have the opportunity to take university-level courses, learning about the expectations of a college curriculum while in the supportive and therapeutic environment of CCA. A similar partner ship with Nassau Community College (NCC) empowers students to attend courses at NCC, giving them a firsthand, real-life experience of college life.

12B SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 • PROFILES IN

ThreeEDUCATION Appointments To Add To

Get a Comprehensive Eye Exam
Get a Dental Cleaning
Proper vision is crucial for success at school, both in the classroom and when playing sports. While school-based vision screenings are valuable, these exams can miss certain conditions, such as poor eye alignment, focusing issues and farsightedness. That’s why it is recommended children get their first comprehensive eye exam by age one and another prior to starting kindergarten. If no vision issues are detected, then it is recommended children have an exam at least once every two years. Unfortunately, an estimated 600,000 children and teens are blind or have a vision disorder, underscoring the importance of a visit to the eye doctor.
If no detected,issuesvisionarethen it is everyexamchildrenrecommendedhaveanatleastoncetwoyears. With over 70 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree programs, we combine academic excellence and leadership with personal mentoring. Here, you’ll think about your future in a whole new way. Molloy College is now Molloy University. MOL1149_Anton_10x5.5_v1.indd 1 9/13/22 3:13 PM 234061 M
Even after receiving a comprehensive eye exam, it is important to monitor for digital eye strain. This condition can be caused by the overuse of digital devices, such as computers or smartphones, and can contribute to headaches, dry eyes and neck or shoulder pain. Some tips to help avoid digital eye strain include keeping computer screens at

Proper dental health can help your kids stay confident and smiling, and also benefit their overall well-being. That’s because oral health contributes to overall health, helping the body protect itself from infections, systemic inflammation and various types of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. While tooth decay is largely preventable, it unfortunately ranks as the most common chronic disease among children. In fact, by age five, nearly 50 percent of children have at least one cavity. To help prevent that, consider scheduling a dental exam at the start of the school year and every six months after that.

In addition to routine cleanings, maintaining proper oral health at home is important year-round. That includes brushing your teeth (and tongue) for up to two minutes, after meals and before

least 30 inches away, taking breaks every 20 minutes, or investing in screen protectors that help limit exposure to blue light. Some health plans offer discounts on these types of protectors or computers with built in blue-light filtering properties. In part due to the increased time in front of screens, nearsightedness today affects 41 percent of Americans—up from 25 percent in 1970.
review this back-to-school health checklist with actions to take to help give children a better chance to succeed inside and outside the classroom:
ith the
which can help support the best possible outcome.Atthesame time, parents should help children adopt safe listening strategies and avoid excessive exposure to loud sounds, which can contribute to hearing loss over time. In fact, nearly 50 percent of people between ages 12 and 35 are at risk of developing hearing loss due to environmental factors, including listening to music through personal audio devices. Strategies to consider include using ear protection (earplugs or earmuffs) when attending sporting events or music concerts; following the 60-60 rule, which means limiting the use of earbuds or headphones to no more than 60 minutes at a time and at no more than 60 percent of the player’s maximum volume; and investing in noise-canceling earbuds or headphones to avoid the temptation to crank up the volume to overcome backgroundBack-to-schoolnoise.season is an exciting time, filled with friends and fun activities. To help make the most of this time of year, consider adding these three appointments to your family’s to-do list.
bedtime; using a soft-bristled toothbrush; rinsing for 30 seconds with a mouthwash, which may help kill bacteria and clean parts of the mouth brushing might miss;

Most schools provide hearing screenings, often every other year beginning in kindergarten or first grade. If a hearing issue is identified, such as hearing loss due to a middle ear infection, or hearing loss in a single ear, a referral for a comprehensive audiologic evaluation is generally the next step. It is important to not delay this more comprehensive testing with a health professional, as hearing loss can affect a child’s ability to develop

Nearly 50 percent of people between ages 12 and are at risk of developing due to environmental factors.
Tooth decay

is largely preventable.
| Principal Students design an individualized, academically rigorous course of study that expands their knowledge and inspires them to rise to the challenge – building their intellectual curiosity, playing to their personal strengths, and establishing foundational skills for lifelong success. An extensive, high-level Judaic Studies core curriculum in Talmud, Tanach, Machshava, and Jewish history instills a strong foundation and love of Jewish life –enhanced by advanced Talmud seminars, Hebrew language, and advocacy for Israel. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2022 | 10:00am - 1:00pm Open Campus Day at North Shore Hebrew Academy High School 400 N. Service Road, Great Neck, NY 11020 Signature Programs empower students to pursue their passions and set themselves up for success in cutting-edge fields. Opportunities include 360 STEAM; Business and Entrepreneurship; Data Science; Science Research; Art, Architecture, and Fashion Design; Co-ed Beit Midrash; Independent Studies; and more. Our school builds a community of achrayut by making a commitment to helping others through meaningful chesed experiences – from causes that a ect our school and Jewish community, to nationwide and global issues. Please RSVP. Website. Phone. 516.487.2424 An extraordinary Yeshiva high school where students are empowered to pursue their passions and reach higher What inspires you? Find it at North Shore Hebrew Academy High School. 234788 G

—Submitted by UnitedHealthcar. Dr. Donna O’Shea is the chief medical officer of population health at UnitedHealthcare.
Get a Hearing Test
flossing daily, plus adding a water flosser; and staying hydrated to help avoid issues with dry mouth, while limiting sugary snacks and drinks.
Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg
hearing loss

Rabbi Dr. Je rey Kobrin Rosh HaYeshiva/Head of School Ira M. Miller Dean
Your Back-To-School Checklist

• Use a credit card for online purchases, if possible. Credit cards offer the most protection against fraud, including the right to dispute charges if there are problems with your purchase.
• Your child’s personal information cannot be sold or released for any commercial purposes.
Think Privacy
Under New York State’s Education Law, if you are a parent of a child in the New York State schools, you have rights regarding the privacy and security of your child’s personal information and data. State law requires each educational agency to publish its Data Privacy and Security Policy to its website. Technology has become a permanent fixture of the education experience. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently issued a policy statement that put educational technology on notice about children’s privacy. In other words, educational tech companies can’t require parents and schools to agree to the comprehensive surveillance of children for kids to use those learning tools. Thus, parents and guardians need to place close attention to the technology children use, what information they collect, and how they use it.
• Be careful when providing identifying information to after-school activities and sports clubs upon registration. If asked for a Social Security number (SSN), inquire why it is needed and insist on using another identifier. Oftentimes organizations include the SSN request as a formality, and it may not be mandatory.
• Download retail apps only from trusted sources. Cybercriminals are now creating apps that look and might even function like legitimate retail apps but are actually malware designed to steal your personal and financial information, send text messages without your knowledge, or even track your location using your phone’s GPS capabilities.

• Only label books, backpacks and lunches with the student’s full name and any other information on the inside! Using initials on the outside is okay, but names, even just first names, on the outside can create an unsafe situation.
prices, or discounts beyond 50 percent, consumers should be wary and diligently verify the legitimacy of the seller.
• Learn how to spot phishing emails: Scammers may send phishing emails to students and parents saying that they missed a delivery of school supplies. These emails request that the recipients click on a link to reschedule this delivery. That link either floods victims’ computers with malware or sends them to fake websites that request their personal and payment information.
• If you have questions about student data, please see information available for parents from The New York State Department of Education.
• Protect documents that contain a child’s personal information. Understand where your child’s information is stored. Ask how after-school organizations and sports clubs secure their records: Are digital records connected to the internet and, if so, are they encrypted? Are physical records in locked filing cabinets? Who has access?
Other ways to pay close attention to your child’s personal information:
The New York State Division of Consumer Protection provides resources and education materials to consumers on product safety, as well as voluntary mediation services between consumers and businesses. The Consumer Assistance Helpline 800-697-1220 is available Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding state holidays, and consumer complaints can be filed at any time at,theDivisiononsocialmediaat@NYSConsumerandFacebook:
14B SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 • PROFILES IN
• Discuss internet safety tips with children and remind them to be careful about opening attachments and suspicious emails.
• Both parents and students should be careful on all social media platforms: don’t overshare. Any information you post can be seen and utilized by identity thieves. Avoid sharing personal information
—NYS Division of Consumer Protection
• If your child is under age 18, you have the right to inspect and review the complete contents of your child’s education records.
Back-to-school shopping is the second largest spending event for parents (behind holiday shopping). Often, a shopping scam starts with a fake website, mobile app or, increasingly, a social media ad. This year, smartphone shopping is on the rise as people are on the move again. DCP urges consumers to take note of common scams while shopping. Scammers may try to exploit the backto-school rush through fraudulent ads or through other forms of solicitations.
• Watch out for fake coupons on social media: If the coupon doesn’t come from a recognized coupon distributor, the manufacturer, or a specific store, be wary.
• Protect your identity when shopping online: Ensure transactions are conducted over a secure connection. Make sure the website is secure by identifying a padlock symbol by the URL or the https and avoid using public Wi-Fi to log in to online accounts.
The NYS Division of Consumer Protection (DCP) is providing targeted scam prevention and shopping tips for parents and “ is the second largest spending event for parents, after the holidays, which makes it critically important for parents to know how to safeguard against scams to protect their privacy and finances,” said Secretary of State Robert J Rodriguez. “And as more and more schools use technology as a teaching tool, parents should know what information is being obtained from their student and how to protect their children’s identity and privacy. Children should not have to give up their privacy rights just to do their homework. I urge parents to use these tips so students from elementary school to high school stay safe this school year.”
including full names, addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, or even where they go to school. Social media posts often reveal sensitive information unintentionally. Cybercriminals look for content that can reveal answers to security questions used to reset passwords, making accounts vulnerable to identity theft.

Below is some guidance on how to start the new school year safely.
Some highlights to know about this law:
• Beware of fake ads and websites: As fraudsters continue to advance in sophistication, fake websites frequently resemble legitimate sites with credible looking logos, pictures, and payment options. If the website is advertising extremely low
• Ensure you know who the seller is. Some major retailers allow third party sellers to list items on their site, and those items can be hard to distinguish from the rest. Read all the fine print to ensure you are comfortable with the seller.
chool is now back in full swing.
Avoid Shopping Scams:


234700 G

THRIVE CommemorativeCenterRecoveryHostsEvent

“Our International Overdose Awareness Day event is always a meaningful, emotionally charged and healing event,” FCA President and Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey L. Reynolds, PhD. said. “It’s also a rallying cry for our government officials to direct opioid litigation settlement monies to education, prevention and recovery. Our goal is always to end this epidemic and eliminate the need for an International Overdose Awareness Day.”
Family & Children’s Association (FCA) leads the operations and oversight of THRIVE Recovery Community and Outreach Center in partnership with the LICADD, LIRA, Families in Support of Treatment (F.I.S.T.), and HUGS, Inc.. THRIVE is funded by the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) and through private contributions.
Urbont Marino, Director of Community Engagement, Human Understanding & Growth Services, Inc. (HUGS, Inc.); and Larry Lamendola, representing his family, who lost a loved one to the epidemic.
—Submitted by Family &AssociationChildren’s


amily & Children’s Association (FCA), a leading health and human services not-for-profit organization on Long Island hosted an International Overdose Awareness Day event that served as a remembrance of the lives lost to this public health epidemic and frank talk from policy and recovery advocates, counselors, families who have lost a loved one to overdose and people in Internationalrecovery.Overdose
Also representing FCA were Lisa Burch, MPH, Vice President and COO; Jaymie Kahn-Rapp, AVP of Addiction Prevention, Treatment, & Recovery; and Director of Peer and Recovery Services Nicole Augustino Carey.
Reynolds was among the speakers at the event, along with Dr. Edmond Hakimi of the Long Island Recovery Association (LIRA); Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (LICADD) Executive Director Steve Chassman; Alana
THRIVE staff and volunteers help individuals and families find, maintain, and strengthen their recovery through peer-based support, resources and referral services; interactive educational programs that promote wellness, economic prosperity and civic engagement; and a safe, welcoming haven for substance-free recreational and social activities.
Reverend Bobby Lloyd and Dianne Lloyd offered a prayer and conducted the reading of the names during a candlelight vigil.
Awareness Day (Aug. 31) seeks to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died, acknowledge the grief of family and friends, raise awareness of this serious public health crisis, and stimulate action and discussion about evidence-based overdose prevention and drug policy.
FCA President and CEO Dr. Jeffrey L. Reynolds kicked off the International Overdose Awareness Day remembrance at THRIVE Recovery Center in Hauppauge. Joining him at the podium from left: LICADD Executive Director Steve Chassman; Larry Lamendola, who lost his daughter, Lisa, to the epidemic; Dr. Edmond Hakimi, LIRA; Alana Urbont Marino, Director of Community Engagement, HUGS, Inc.; and FCA Director of Peer and Recovery Services Nicole Augustino Carey. (Photo courtesy of Family & Children’s Association)

The sexuagenarian rocker eventually caught the eyed of Los Angeles-based SceneFour Art Collective. Before long, Satriani was balancing gallery openings with recording studio dates while navigating COVID-19.

“[Roughly] eight years ago, I turned to my wife, who also has a degree in art and said I didn’t want to touch the computer—I wanted to learn how to get the stuff on the canvas, but I didn’t know the first thing about it anymore,” he recalled. “She educated me in what you
have to do to a canvas, what paints do what, what brushes I needed and what other things I could use to start painting. I started from scratch and it was really fun.”
Joe Satriani (Photo by EduardoDolhun)Pena



“I spent a lot of time painting,” he explained. “I wound up with this new career as an artist that just sort of fell into my lap. The two really seem to help each other out—the painting and the recording. I recently flew out to Gatlinburg, TN, a beautiful little town in the Smoky Mountains. I did an art show and a private musical performance for the patrons that was at the [Gaitlinburg] Convention Center. It was such a crazy thing to do, especially after years of pandemic. Just to be able to play guitars I’ve painted for people that bought
oe Satriani may best be known for his high-flying six-string exploits as a premiere rock guitar instrumentalist, but art and painting were just as important in stoking his creative juices as music was when he was a kid. The pandemic and the subsequent existential pause button that came with it not only allowed the Carle Place native to record the recently-released The Elephants of Mars, but continue a painting passion that began less than a decade ago after he decided to graduate from line drawing and working on his computer.
Joe FaveSatriani’sArtistsBYDAVEGILDERUBIO


Jean-Michel Basquiat
(April 20, 1840 to July 6, 1916)

From left: Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Bruno Bischofberger and Fransesco Clemente in New York, Sept. 15, 1984 (CC BY-SA 4.0)

(December 22, 1960 to August 12, 1988)
Odilon Redon
(July 12, 1884 to January 24, 1920)

Amedeo Modigliani in his studio in Montparnasse, France circa 1918 (Public domain)

In rocking out in two creative disciplines, the longtime Bay Area native was happy to share painters who inspired him to pick up a brush and create. Joe Satriani will be playing on Oct. 27 at the Beacon Theatre, 74th Street and Broadway, NYC. Visit www. or call 866858-0008 for more information. Visit to read a feature on Joe Satriani.
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Odilon Redon’s “Portrait de l’artiste” (Public domain)

“He is my favorite. I can’t believe the two things he accomplishes at once which is a striking emotional impact with the portraits that he does. And then, the other thing is, they’re so weird. It’s like some weird alchemy. How does he make you fall in love with the subjects and yet, they are distorted and the colors are all freaky. Everything about it is freaky. It’s still a beautiful image that transmits something really special of love of the subject, so I love that about him.”
“I think Basquiat had so much talent in being able to compose properly, his completely freaky, chaotic paintings. We all know them as being completely chaotic and busy, but they never lose their balanced sense of composition and I think this is a sign of a true artist. I think Warhol had the same talent. They were very different, but if they had to, they were really good representational artists. They could draw anatomy 24-7. What it goes to show us is a very unique approach to art. Both wonderfully crazy people, but I would say every time I see Basquiat’s stuff, it just takes my breath away.”
them and see all my canvas work in one big room—it’s great.”

“He was another crazy painter from 100 years ago that again used freaky colors. His use of irides cent colors at a time when people weren’t using them—if I could go back in time, I’d ask him what he was on. How come everything is so different? There is a spiritual side to what he’s trying to communi cate that I think is so unique and beautiful.”
Amedeo Modigliani
‘Ello ‘ello
Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003
South also gets home safely if East instead leads a heart, yielding a ruff-and-discard, or returns a spade into the A-Q.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your interests naturally lead you to connect with a vast network of like minds making noble e orts. One thing you all have in common is a strong sense of personal responsibility that extends past what most people consider themselves accountable to. You’ll try to x something that you didn’t
WarnViceUniformedUndercoverTroubleTrialTeachTaserSirenSearch Mobilecameras 9/21/22Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, 90254 310-337-7003
Opening lead — queen of hearts. The fate of many hands is deter mined primarily by how the oppo nents’ cards are distributed, rather than by the skill of the declarer. But before a declarer decides that the outcome is purely a matter of luck, he should make sure he has considered all of his options. Take this deal, where making five clubs appears to depend on the location of the ace of diamonds and king of spades. If West has both of those cards, declarer can make 12 tricks by taking the spade finesse and later leading up to the diamond king.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your voice will be heard, so you’re keen to express the right thing. Matters of image come into focus. It’s not vanity, rather it’s the politics necessary for the advancement of aims that a ect more than just you. You’re daring but also tuned into the reactions of others, determined to leave a mark, not a SAGITTARIUSstain.(Nov.
21-June 21). You may have the same emotional needs as a loved one, but you prioritize them di erently, and this is where the con ict comes in. For instance, your need for security may come up against their need for adventure. e stars favor a brilliant compromise that suits all better than any individual win would have.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You can be trusted to react quickly to situations and handle life like a boss -- not perfectly, but appropriately. at’s real con dence, and it will attract people to you this week. So don’t feel like you have to impress anyone because what you’re already doing, just by being you, is impressive enough.
Nor does it matter if West actu ally has the ace of diamonds. As long as dummy’s ten is played after West follows low (or if the king is played if West produces the queen or jack), the defenders are helpless.
22-Dec. 21). Being very busy isn’t always helpful or virtuous, nor does it indicate an inscrutable work ethic. In fact, doing too many things at once can be a method of self-sabotage. Decide where to focus and try to master that task or skill before you start anything else. Balance will be intrinsic to CAPRICORNsuccess.(Dec.22-Jan.
HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Flaws are something people have, not something they are. Mistakes are actions, not de nitions. It will help you to recognize the di erence between behavior and character, and to count on the fact that people can change. is week brings opportunities to be compassionate toward yourself and toward others.
South wins the first heart, ruffs a heart in dummy, leads a trump to the ace and ruffs his remaining heart. The closed hand is then entered with a trump, and a dia mond is led.
Alternatively, if each opponent has one of the critical cards, declarer loses either two diamonds or a diamond and a spade. But if East has both key cards, it would seem that South must lose a spade and two diamonds and go down one. Yet closer inspection reveals that, with proper play, declarer can make his contract regardless of how the adverse cards are distributed.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Emotions are unpredictable. e same thing that makes one person feel positive is a negative trigger for another. You’ll never be able to pinpoint all the factors, both conscious and unconscious, that in uence your emotional reactions, but there’s an intuition of body, mind and soul that you can
words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 18 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle. ‘Ello ‘ello Solution: 18 Letters DrugsDogsDemonstrationCourtChiefCareBoatsBiohazardBatonAssistAdvise PowerPlainObeyLocalLawsHelpGunsFriendFoilFineclothes
SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP12A FULL RUN HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis INTERNATIONAL WORD FINDINTERNATIONAL WORD FINDHOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis CONTRACT BRIDGE By Steve Becker FROM KING FEATURES SYNDICATE, 300 W. 57th STREET, 41st FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10019 CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 236 CONTRACT BRIDGE — BY STEVE BECKER FOR RELEASE WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 2022 Indemnifying the contract Tomorrow: A case of attempted larceny. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc. South East-Westdealer.vulnerable. NORTH ♠ A Q 7 2 ♥ 8 ♦ K 10 2 ♣ Q 8 5 4 3 WEST EAST ♠ J 9 3 ♠ K 10 8 4 ♥ Q J 7 6 3 ♥ K 10 5 2 ♦ Q 8 5 4 ♦ A J 9 6 ♣ 2 ♣ 9 SOUTH ♠ 6 5 ♥ A 9 4 ♦ 7 3 ♣ A K J 10 7 6 The bidding: SouthWestNorthEast 1 ♣ Pass1 ♠ Pass 2 ♣ Pass4 ♣ Pass 5 ♣
19). As you make your plans, you worry that some parts still leave too much to chance. But if you knew exactly what you were going to see and do, it wouldn’t be an adventure. e most important part of the whole plan is who you’re doing it with. Get that right and everything else will be gravy.
(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). When you were small, you played make-believe games to try out di erent roles. is is still how it’s done! ere’s nothing that will get you to the goal faster than pretending. Some people think of it in a limited way, so they feel funny and false in this playful act. Instead, think of pretending as the early stages of becoming.
puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the
If West follows low, dummy’s ten is played, and East wins with the jack. If he now cashes the ace, he establishes dummy’s king, on which declarer can park his spade loser.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). What’s actually occurring in your mind is di erent from what you express. Most people really wouldn’t guess the nature of your thoughts and feelings. ose who are curious about your inner world are people to keep close and include as much as possible in your life. You give sel essness and you deserve it back.
Date: 9/21/22
Solution: 18 Letters
Note that it doesn’t help if West puts up the queen when the dia mond is first led. In that case, declarer simply covers with the king, and East finds himself in the same unpleasant position.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Stories that are important to the heritage of a group will be told and retold. is is how they become a part of the shared culture. Each sharing is a unique experience. e tale means something di erent to you now than it did when you rst heard it. You have the option to tell it di erently to suit a new purpose.
Major striking moments juxtaposed with the dailiness of ordinary beauty makes for a vivid experience. e softness of love is a texture you’ll get to trust and depend on. You’ll change something about where you get your entertainment and/or who you rely on to do your work well, and this will make life better in ways you wouldn’t have predicted. You’ve always recognized the in uence of friends, society and media, but you now use it to help you become the person you want to
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have com pleted the puzzle, there will be 18 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
WORD is a theme listed
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). When it’s time to compete, you are intently focused on the game. But not every situation is a good t for a competitive model. e spirit of competition will not be a good t for many of this week’s situations, so you’ll let that go as you gure out what it’s going to take for everyone involved to be lifted by the win.


ANTON MEDIA GROUP • SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 13AFULL RUN 231655 M Shelley Scotto Founding Agent of Compass North Shore Licensed Associate RE M:shelley.scotto@compass.comBroker516.816.7428|O:516.517.4751 Shelley Scotto Is a Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker affiliated with Compass. Compass is a Licensed Real Estate Broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity Laws. Always dedicated to you! I take the stress out of buying or selling your home. • 30+ years experience in Long Island real estate • A personal touch from start to finish

Sudoku Puzzle Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle



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Federal, New York State and local laws prohibit discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, dis ability, familial status, age, marital status, sexu al orientation or disability in connection with the rental, sale or financing of real estate. Nassau also prohibits source of income discrimination. Anton Community News papers does not know ingly accept advertising in violation of these laws. When you suspect hous ing discrimination, call Long Island Housing Services’ Discrimination Complaint Line at 800660-6920. (Long Island Housing Services is the Fair Housing Agency of Nassau and Suffolk Counties.)

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Notice of formation of 51 N Broadway LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York on August 18, 2022. Office located in Nassau, SSNY has been designated for the process, SSNY shall mail copy of any process Served against the LLC at 51N Broadway Hicksville NY 11801. Purpose: any law-
ful purpose.10-5;9-28-21-14-7; 2022-6T-#234664-NOB/HIX8-31-

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated October 29, 2018, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau, wherein DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR NEW CENTURY HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2005-D, ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES is the Plaintiff and MARK BATTAGLIA, ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction RAIN OR SHINE at the NASSAU COUNTY SUPREME COURT, NORTH SIDE STEPS, 100 SUPREME COURT DRIVE, MINEOLA, NY 11501, on October 11, 2022 at 2:30PM, premises known as 23 RADCLIFF LANE, FARMINGDALE, NY 11735: Section 0053, Block 00170, Lot 00026: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ERECTED, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING AT SOUTH FARMINGDALE, TOWN OF OYSTER BAY, COUNTY OF NASSAU AND STATE OF NEW YORK
Attest: Ana Stephens, District HicksvilleSecretary Fire District 20 E. Marie St. Hicksville, NY 11801 Dated: September 16, 9-21-2022-1T-#235016-2022NOB/HIX
YNSJN094 9-21-14-7;#234671-NOB/FARM8-31-2022-4T-
LEGAL NOTICE SUPREME COURTCOUNTY OF NASSAU MASPETH FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff -againstPATRICIA DAUNT, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale dated November 15, 2017 and entered on November 16, 2017 and the Order Appointing Successor Referee to Sell of Hon. David P. Sullivan, dated and entered on July 25, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 5, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. premises situate, lying and being near Farmingdale, Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Ross Court, distant 78.83 feet southerly when measured along the easterly side of Ross Court from the southerly end of a curve connecting the easterly side of Ross Court from the southerly end of a curve connecting the easterly side of Ross Court and the southerly side of Walnut Street; RUNNING THENCE North East 81.35 feet; RUNNING THENCE South West 107.67 feet; RUNNING THENCE North West 52.50 feet; RUNNING THENCE North West 94.90 feet; RUNNING THENCE easterly and northeasterly along the southerly and southeasterly side of Ross Court along an arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 40 feet a distance of 30 feet to the point or place of beginning. Section: 49 Block: 258 Lot: 12
NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURTCOUNTY OF NASSAU U.S. BANK NA, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO BANK OF AMERICA, NA, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO LASALLE BANK NA, AS TRUSTEE, ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF THE WASHINGTON MUTUAL willinterestjudgmentandYork.ofTowningthereonbuildingsortancing.usegencytheRuleswithbethisBay,1162Bethpage,known19,eola,SupremeNassauthewillteredforeclosurefendant(s)JOANNJOANNGIOVANNIAGAINST2006-5,ICATES,PASS-THROUGHMORTGAGECERTIF-WMALTSERIESPlaintiff,DUPUY,FAKIERAKADUPUY,etal.De-Pursuanttoajudgmentofandsaledulyen-onMarch29,2018.I,theundersignedReferee,sellatpublicauctionatNorthSideStepsoftheSupremeCourt,100CourtDrive,Min-NY11501onOctober2022at2:00PMpremisesas1162StewartAve,NY11714AKAStewartAve,OysterNY11714.PleasetakenoticethatforeclosureauctionshallconductedincompliancetheForeclosureAuctionforNassauCountyandCOVID19HealthEmer-Rules,includingproperofmasksandsocialdis-Allthatcertainplotpieceparcelofland,withtheandimprovementserected,situate,ly-andbeingatBethpage,ofOysterBay,CountyNassauandStateofNewSection46,Block422Lot20.Approximateamountof$484,990.53plusandcosts.Premisesbesoldsubjecttoprovisions of filed Judgment. Index #000701/2015.JudithPowell, Esq., Referee,Aldridge Pite, LLP - Attorneys for Plaintiff - 40 Marcus Drive, Suite 200, Melville, NY 1174710-12-5; 4T-#234897-NOB/FARM9-28-21-2022-
COUNTY OF premises.thetrial.isComplaint.forclosureforeclosureanswerYouralmannerwherevicethirtythethis(20)tiff’sofactionplaintMONEDYOUDEFENDANT(S):TOFARMINGDALE,72MortgagedDefendantsFINANCE;MENTYORKENUEO/B/OEDLINETHEUNKNOWNCAROLINEHEIRPEDERSEN-HYLKA,CREZIA;OFASJACKCAROLINEHEIRLYOLINETODAVIDPlaintiff,ASSOCIATION,MORTGAGEFEDERALIndexSUPPLEMENTALNASSAUSUMMONSNo.614702/2020NATIONAL-vs-HYLKA,ASHEIRTHEESTATEOFCAR-C.LUCREZIA;EMI-PEDERSEN-HYLKA,ASTOTHEESTATEOFC.LUCREZIA;PEDERSEN-HYLKA,HEIRTOTHEESTATECAROLINEC.LU-CHRISTOPHERASTOTHEESTATEOFC.LUCREZIA;HEIRSTOESTATEOFCARO-C.LUCREZIA;UNIT-STATESOFAMERICAINTERNALREV-SERVICES;NEWSTATEDEPART-OFTAXATIONANDPremises:INTERVALEAVENUENY11735THEABOVENAMEDAREHEREBYSUM-toanswertheCom-intheaboveentitledandtoserveacopyyourAnswerontheplain-attorneywithintwentydaysoftheserviceofSummons,exclusiveofdayofservice,orwithin(30)daysafterser-ofthesameiscompleteserviceismadeinanyotherthanbyperson-deliverywithintheState.failuretoappearortowillresultinastrictjudgmentoffore-againstyoubydefaultthereliefdemandedintheNASSAUCountydesignatedastheplaceofThebasisofvenueislocationofthemortgaged
All bidders must wear a face mask/shield at all times and social distancing must be observed by all bidders at all times. Bidders who do not comply with the face mask and/or the social distancing mandate will be removed from the auction.
North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 “Rain or Shine” on the 4th day of October, 2022 at 2:00 PM. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Levittown, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New PremisesYork.known as 15 Tailor Lane, Levittown, NY 11756. (Section: 46, Block: 427, Lot: Approximate24) amount of lien $347,263.33 plus interest and
Premisescosts. will be sold subject to provisions of filed judgment and terms of sale. Index No. 009387/2015. John Dalli, Esq., Referee. Stein, Wiener Roth LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 1400 Old Country Road, Suite Westbury,315 NY 11590 Tel.

10-5; 9-28-21-14-7; 2022-6T-#234661-NOB/LEV8-31-
SUPREME COURT. NASSAU COUNTY. L&L ASSOCIATES HOLDING CORP., Pltf. vs. TIMOTHY BURKE, et al, Defts. Index #610224/2021. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered February 22, 2022, I will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 5, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. prem. k/a
Continued on page 13
NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU Ridgewood Savings Bank, Plaintiff AGAINST Sargam Kapoor, Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered July 20, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on September 28, 2022 at 2:00PM, premises known as 30 Wood Lane, Levittown, NY 11756. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in Levittown, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, SECTION: 51, BLOCK: 179, LOT: 11. Approximate amount of judgment $398,415.37 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #002604/2016. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 Protocols located on the Office of Court Administration (OCA) 01-079539-F00Streetkelsolaro,“RainclosureofpracticeswearingplysuchAdmin/oca.shtml)(,masksandscreeningineffectatthetimethisforeclosuresale.Fore-AuctionswillbeheldorShine”.CharlesCa-Esq.,RefereeFren-LambertWeissWeismanGordon,LLP53GibsonBayShore,NY11706729479-21-14-7;8-31-2022-4T-#234576-NOB/LEV
Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 612550/2017. John G. Kennedy, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. *LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACORDANCE WITH COURT/CLERK DIRECTIVES. 9-28-21-14-7-2022-4T-#234794-NOB/FARM

The foreclosure sale will be conducted in accordance with 10th Judicial District’s Covid-19 Policies and foreclosure auction rules. The Referee shall enforce any rules in place regarding facial coverings and social distancing. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall can-
REFEREE’S NOTICE OF SALE IN sellundersignedonForeclosurePursuantDefendant(s).LANINA,WELLSCOUNTYSUPREMEFORECLOSURECOURT-OFNASSAUFARGOBANK,Plaintiff-against-ER-ANGLERO,etaltoaJudgmentofandSaleenteredJanuary28,2019.I,theRefereewillatpublicauctiononthe
Notice of Formation of SMOOTH AUTO CREATIONS CO. LLC a domestic Limited Liability Company. Articles of Org. filed with the Secretary of State (SSNY) on 03/01/2021. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: SEAN COMSTOCK, 1541 WANTAGH AVE., WANTAGH, NY 11793. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act or activity.
provisions of filed Judgment Index No 008596/2010.
TO THE DEFENDANT(S), the plaintiff makes no personal claim against you in this Dated:action. August 22, 2022
cel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.” Anthony Rattoballi, Esq., Referee SPSJN422 10-5; #234847-NOB/FARM9-28-21-14-2022-4T-
During the COVID-19 health emergency, bidders are required to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect at the time of sale including but not limited to, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale. 9-21-14-7;#234640-NOB/LEV8-31-2022-4T-
The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Hicksville Fire District September 27, 2022 board meeting scheduled at 6:00 pm has been changed to October 3, 2022 at 5:00 pm.
The object of the above action is to extinguish rights of redemption due to judgments/ liens/ownership interests held by the defendants that were not foreclosed in the prior foreclosure action, FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION v. THERESE J. CAPUANO, AS HEIR AT LAW AND NEXT OF KIN TO CAROLINE LUCREZIA; Index No. 7841/2008 whereby the Plaintiff is the current owner of the subject premises pursuant to a Referee’s Deed dated September 20, 2016.
MARK RICCIARDI, ESQ., MASONE,Referee WHITE, PENKAVA CRISTOFARI Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 69-34 GRAND AVENUE, P.O. BOX MASPETH,780569,NY113789-21-14-7;8-31-2022-4T-#234575-NOB/FARM
Said premises known as 4 ROSS COURT, FARMINGDALE, ApproximateNY amount of lien $181,320.27 plus interest Premisescosts. will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment and Terms of Sale. Index Number 004136/2013.
Ken Haskell, brother of Timothy and Thomas and president of the Seaford 9/11 Memorial Committee, said the aftermath
New faculty members received a warm welcome into the Bethpage Union Free School District during the district’s annual new teacher orientation on Aug. 24. The day allowed them to get acclimated to the district before the first day of school on Sept. 1.

Their family members were joined by a crowd well more than 1,000 people, including Seaford administrators, teachers, staff and students as well as community members, firefighters, police officers, scouts, clergy, representatives of local service organizations and elected officials. Umbrellas were up as they listened to master of ceremonies and retired teacher Steve Bongiovi talk about the exemplary character of the five alumni and how Seaford will “always be blessed by the presence of them in our Superintendenthearts.”
staff and shared their position in the district, along with their background. Schneider encouraged the new teachers to seek support from administrators and directors throughout the school year and reinforced the importance of working as a team. During the day, the new faculty members participated in meetings and got acquainted with their individual schools. The orientation provided a smooth transition into the Bethpage Union Free School District.
Despite a steady rain, the 9/11 Memorial Candle Lighting Ceremony at Seaford High School drew its usual large crowd on the evening of Sept. 11, there to honor all those who died in the terrorist attacks 21 years ago. Vowing to “never forget,” it has remained a priority for the community to come together each year on the anniversary to pay tribute to everyone who perished that day including five alumni—Timothy Haskell (Class of 1982), Thomas Haskell (1985), John Perry (1982), Robert Sliwak (1977) and Michael Wittenstein (1985).
Student Council Co-Advisor Shari Raduazzo announced the service pledges that 2022 Patriot Award recipients Alexandra Leggio and Bryant Wong would present to Superin tendent Dr. Adele Pecora.
—Submitted by the Bethpage Union Free School District
From left: Seaford High dance.peoplemoreprogramscandles,Bloom,MaloneCalderaro,studentsSchoolKieranDylanandMeganhandedoutflagsandtothethan1,000inatten

Seaford Comes Together To Honor 9/11 Victims
—Submitted by the Seaford School District
Orientation kicked off in the Bethpage High School courtyard where new teachers enjoyed breakfast and were introduced to Superintendent of Schools David Schneider, Board President James McGlynn, central administrators and directors. They each welcomed the new
Former Congressman Peter King reminded everyone to never forget those who died and to always remember the acts of bravery that took place. Looking out at the large crowd who came out to pay tribute, he said, “even rain can’t stop the Seaford spirit.”
New Educators Join Bethpage’s Instructional Team
of the attacks showed some of the best of humanity and encouraged everyone to put aside their differences to be good citizens, friends and family members. In addition to honoring those who died in the attacks, Mr. Haskell said to also remember those who were killed in the subsequent War on Terror.The Seaford Patriot Award, presented every year in honor of the five alumni, is given to five students who best exemplify character, commitment and service. Alexandra Leggio and Bryant Wong, two of the recipients from the Class of 2022, presented Dr. Pecora with hundreds of community service pledges from Seaford
9, several Seaford High School teachers took their classes out to the memorial in front of the school, which features plaques for each of the five alumni as well as pieces of steel recovered from the World Trade Center. Teachers shared their recollections of the day and discussed the significance of the monument.
Bethpage Union Free School District’s new teachers for the 2022-2023 school year. Pictured with Superintendent of Schools David Schneider (left) and Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Caroline Lavelle (top right). (Photo courtesy of the Bethpage Union Free School District)
The Seaford High School band played the national anthem at the beginning of the 9/11 Memorial Candle Lighting Ceremony on Sept. 11. (Photos courtesy of the Seaford School District)

of Schools Dr. Adele Pecora, in opening remarks, noted that the ceremony epitomizes “Seaford Pride.”
Hundreds of students attended the ceremony, many in their Seaford green sports jerseys. Volunteers from the high school handed out candles, programs and miniature American flags. The high school band performed the National Anthem and the chorus closed out the ceremony leading everyone in “God Bless America.”

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 11 AVAILABLESUKKAHPANELNEW Tough enough to hold up to a toddler’s decorating. Simple enough for your teenager to put together. And sturdy enough for you and your extended family to celebrate in, year-after-year-after-year. At Sukkah Depot, it’s our honor to build the walls that have built your Yom Tov for 30+ years. SUKKAH DEPOT OF GREAT NECK - 719 MIDDLE NECK ROAD 234957 M WWW.SUKKAHDEPOT.COM 516-642-1435 30+ YEARSof Time-TestedQualityYOMSIMCHASWHENYOURTOVISBUILDINGSUKKAHDEPOTMATERIALSKEEPUP

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Ruth R. Mace , 99, longtime resident of Farmingdale passed away July 31. Beloved wife of 55 years to the late John W. Mace, Jr. Loving mother of Marilyn Katzman (Steve) and the late Joanne Bellows (the late Charles). Cherished grandmother of John Katzman (Lauren), Phillip Katzman (Johanna) and Christopher Bellows (Fran). Adored great-grandmother of Alexander
Katzman, Alice Katzman, Lillian Katzman, Charles Katzman, Owen Bellows and Drew Bellows. Visitation and funeral services were held Saturday, Aug. 20 at Arthur F. White Funeral Home, Inc. Interment followed at Amityville Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, please make donations in Ruth’s memory to the Alzheimer’s Association;
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2- Schwarting Elementary School Jerusalem Ave Flower Road. N. Massapequa 11758 @ 3:15 pm
safety protocols will be fol lowed at the foreclosure sale.
certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Oys ter Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York, Sec tion 47, Block 20 and Lot 62. Approximate amount of judgment is $962,750.75 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provi sions of filed Judgment Index #008509/2008. Cash will not be accepted. This foreclosure sale will be held on the north side steps of the Courthouse, rain or shine. COVID-19 safety protocols will be fol lowed at the foreclosure sale.
NOTICE OF SALE SU PREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU The Bank of New York Mellon fka The Bank of New York, as Trustee (CWALT 2007-9T1), Plaintiff AGAINST Won Shin Oh, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered July 25, 2018, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on October 12, 2022 at 2:00PM, premises known as 80 Elmwood Street, Pla inview, NY 11803. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situ ate, lying and being at Hicks ville, in the Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau, and State of New York, SEC TION: 12, BLOCK: 9, LOT: 60. Approximate amount of judgment $820,452.47 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to pro visions of filed Judgment Index #016036/2009. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 Protocols located on the Office of Court Ad ministration (OCA) 01-032191-F00StreetkelGamache,heldForeclosuretimeingwearingplysuchAdmin/oca.shtml(,masksandscreenpracticesineffectattheofthisforeclosuresale.Auctionswillbe“RainorShine”.EugeneRefereeFrenLambertWeissWeismanGordon,LLP53GibsonBayShore,NY117067309310-5;9-28-21-14-2022-4T-#234775-NOB/PLV-OB
10-5; 9-28-21-14-2022-4T-#234892-NOB/LEV
Continued from page 9
District 5, Section 45, Block 254, Lot 19. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale. Foreclosure auction will be held “rain or shine.” If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed ref eree will cancel the sale. AN THONY FALANGA, Ref eree. LEVY LEVY, Attys. for Pltf., 12 Tulip Dr., Great Neck, NY. 9-28-21-14-7-2022-4T-#99705#234724-NOB/LEV
Tony L. D’Anzica, Esq., Referee10-12-5;16-13769-28-21-2022-4T-#234936-NOB/MASS
The foreclosure sale will be conducted in accordance with 10th Judicial District’s Covid-19 Policies and fore closure auction rules. The Referee shall enforce any rules in place regarding facial coverings and social distanc ing. If proper social distanc ing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safe ty concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall can cel the foreclosure auction.
The Board of Education of the Plainedge Union Free School District invites the submission of Sealed Bid Proposals to furnish materi als and labor to complete the HVAC work at the John West Elementary School, Charles E. Schwarting Elementary School, Eastplain Elemen tary School, High School Basement Weight Room all in accordance with the plans and specifications for the follow ing category(ies) of work: PLAINEDGE UNION
Premises known as 149 Arlyn Drive, Massapequa, NY 11758. Sec 53 Block 145 Lot 25. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, ly ing and eing and identified on the land and tax map of the County of Nassau in the State of New York. Approxi mate Amount of Judgment is $17,455.69 plus interest costs and attorney fees. Premises will be sold subject to provi sions of filed Judgment Index No 605976/2019 and Terms of Sale. Check only, made payable to the Referee for 10% of bid price.
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SU PREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU The Bank of New York Mellon fka The Bank of New York, as Trust ee for the Certificateholders of the CWMBS, Inc., CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2004-12, Mortgage ass hrough Certificates Series 2004-12, Plaintiff AGAINST Hatice Ilik, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered August 2, 2018, I, the undersigned Ref eree will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on October 5, 2022 at 2:30PM, premises known as 98 Wol cott Road, Levittown, NY 11756. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improve ments erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Hempstead, Nassau County and State of New York, SEC TION: 45, BLOCK: 138, LOT: 6. Approximate amount of judgment $555,946.57 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to pro visions of filed Judgment Index #006308/2012. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 Protocols located on the Office of Court Ad ministration (OCA)
3- Eastplain Elementary School 301 N. Delaware Ave. N. Massapequa 11758 @ 3:45pm
If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety con cerns, the Court Appointed Referee will cancel the sale.
SUPREME COURT NASSAU CHRISTIANACOUNTYTRUST AS CUSTODIAN FOR GS RAN-Z LLC, Plaintiff against MICHAEL ANTHONY ARANGO, et al Defendant(s) Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Law Office of ichael hrenreich PLLC, 555 Willow Avenue, Suite 105,Cedarhurst, NY
Alexander V. Sansone, Esq., Knuckles,Referee
If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety con cerns, the Court Appointed Referee will cancel the sale.
Sealed Bid Proposals will be received until 11:00 am prevailing time on Wednes day, October 19 2022 at the School District Administra tion Office 2 1 ngate Drive, N. Massapequa, N.Y. 11758, at which time and place the bids will be pub licly opened and read aloud. Any bid may be withdrawn without prejudice prior to the official id opening time or any publicized postponement thereof. Any bid received after the time and date stated above will be returned to the bidder unopened. Bidders are solely responsible for the ar rival of each bid at the School istrict Administration Office by the appointed time, regard less of the means of delivery. Bids must be presented on the standard bid proposal form(s) in the manner desig nated therein and as required the pecifications. All ids must be addressed to the Pur chasing Agent, Justine String er, District Administration Building, 241 Wyngate Drive, N. Massapequa, N.Y. 11758. All bids shall be sealed and in an opaque envelope that is distinctly marked on the out side as follows: Elementary Gym & High School HVAC Renovation at John West Elementary School, Charles E. Schwarting Elementary School, Eastplain Elemen tary School & High School Basement Weight Room” as required by the Bid Speci fications. The name of the bidder, bidder’s address, and the name of the con tract, and/or contracts be ing bid must also appear on the outside of the envelope. The Contract Documents may e examined at the Office of the Architect, Mark Design Studios Architecture, PC, 270 North Broadway, Hicks ville New York, 516-8270240 (phone) during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ex cluding holidays. Bidders are encouraged to call ahead however the Contract Docu ments may only be obtained through the Office of 28 Church Street, Unit #7, Warwick, New York 10990 (877-272-0216) beginning on Wednesday, September 21, 2022. Complete digital sets of Contract Documents shall be obtained online (with a free user account) as a down load for a non-refundable fee of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars at the following web
A Pre-Bid walk-through will be held on Thursday, Sep tember 29, 2022 for all the locations. The schedule will be as follows.
SUPREME COURT COUN TY OF NASSAU, CITI MORTGAGE, INC., Plain tiff, vs. JAY ZEISES AKA JAY S. ZEISES, ET AL., De Pursuantfendant(s).to an Order Con firming eferee s eport and Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered on May 3, 2022 and a Short Form Order duly entered on dated August 5, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the front steps on the north side of the Nas sau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 26, 2022 at 3:00 p.m., premises known as 54 Stephen Drive, Plainview, NY 11803. All that
4- John H West Elementary School 499 Boundary Ave nue Bethpage 11714 @ 4:15
Manfro, LLP, 565 Taxter Road, Suite 590, Elmsford, NY 10523, Attorneys for
SUPREME COURT COUN TY OF NASSAU, MTGLQ INVESTORS, L.P., Plaintiff, vs. STACEY KOULOURIS, ET AL., PursuantDefendant(s).toanOrderAmend
Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.”
By Order of Board of Education Plainedge Union Free School District Maureen Ryan, District Clerk Date: September 21, 9-21-2022-1T-#234980-2022NOB/MASS
site: www.revplans.comunder ‘public projects’. Option ally, in lieu of digital copies, hard copies may be obtained directly from REVplans upon a deposit of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for each complete set. Checks for de posits shall be made payable to Plainedge Union Free School District, and may be uncertified. lan deposit is re fundable in accordance with the terms of the ‘Information For Bidders’ to all submit ting bids. Bidding Document costs are refundable provided the documents are returned to planswithin fort -five (45) days of the Bid Open ing, and are COMPLETE, UNMARKED and in NOT TORN condition. Any bidder requiring printed documents to be shipped shall make ar rangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs.
at (516) 992-7422 or by email to
All bid addenda will be trans mitted to registered plan holders via email and will be available at the above. Any bidder requiring documents to be shipped shall make ar rangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs. Plan hold ers who have obtained hard copies of the bid documents will need to make the deter mination if hard copies of the addenda are required for their use, and coordinate directly with the printer for hard cop ies of addenda to be issued. There will be no charge for registered plan holders to obtain hard copies of the bid addenda. The bid deposit for hard copies will be returned upon receipt of plans and specifications in good condi tion, within thirty days after bid date, except for the low est responsible bidder, whose check will be forfeited upon the award of the contract.
Contractorspm. are expected to arrive promptly at all school locations. All bidders shall meet at the front entrance of the schools. Prospective bid ders are strongly encouraged to attend. Knowledge of the site is crucial to obtain a proper understanding of the Work. All bidders must be fully familiar with the site. Bidders shall visit the sites of proposed work and be fully familiarized with conditions as they exist, as well as the character of the operations to be carried on under the proposed contract. All visits must be scheduled coordinated with Brett Pro chazka, Director of Facilities,
Vartolo LLP , 85 Broad Street, Suite 501, New York, New York 10004, At torneys for Plaintiff. Firm File No. 223430-1
ing the Caption Confirming Referee’s Report and Judg ment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered on July 5, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the front steps on the north side of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 12, 2022 at 2:30 PM, premises known as 19 Birchwood Lane, Hicksville, NY 11801. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and im provements thereon erect ed, situate, lying and being in the Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 46, Block 515 and Lot 1. Approx imate amount of judgment is $622,385.48 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No. 614767/2018. Cash will not be accepted. This foreclosure sale will be held on the North Side Steps of the Courthouse, rain or shine. COVID-19
1- Plainedge High School 241 Wyngate Dr. N. Mass apequa 11758 @ 2:30pm
Harry George, Esq., Referee Knuckles, Komosinski Manfro, LLP, 565 Taxter Road, Suite 590, Elmsford, NY 10523, Attorneys for Plaintiff9-28-21-14-7-2022-4T-#234725-NOB/MASS
nied a certified chec pa able to PLAINEDGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT or by a Bid Bond in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid conditioned as set forth in the “Information for idders of the id pecifica tions. All bid security, except those of the three lowest bid ders will be returned within ten (10) days after bids are submitted. The bid security provided by the three lowest bidders will be returned after the execution of the Trade Contract. The District will re quire the successful bidder to provide separate Performance and Labor and Materials Pay ment Bonds in the amount of the contract price and in the form specified in the id EachDocuments.Bidder shall prepare their bid proposal, along with a bid security, in accordance with the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the “Information for Bidders” and id pecifications. Atten tion of bidders is particularly called to the minimum wage rates to be paid under the contracts. Wages to workers, laborers and mechanics em ployed to work on this project shall be paid in accordance with Section 220 of the Labor Law and in accordance with the Prevailing Rate Schedules found in the Project Manual. Proof of such payments will be Therequired.District will award a con tract to the lowest responsible bidder providing the required securit within fort -five days of the date opening of the bids. To the fullest extent allowed by law, the District further reserves the right to reject bids that contain condi tions, omissions, exceptions or modifications or in its sole discretion to waive any irregularities in the bids, or to reject any or all bids, or to accept any bid which in the opinion of the District is in its best interest.
to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered March 10, 2022, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on October 24, 2022 at 2:30 PM.
vs. HECTOR ANTONIO BENITEZ, ET AL., Defen Pursuantdant(s). to a Default Judg ment, Judgement of Foreclo sure and Sale and Amend ment of Caption duly entered on September 28, 2021, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the front steps on the north side of the Nassau County Su preme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 12, 2022 at 2:30 p.m., premises known as 12 Mistletoe Lane, Levittown, NY 11756. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and im provements thereon erect ed, situate, lying and being in the Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 45, Block 196 and Lot 11. Ap proximate amount of judg ment is $435,153.47 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provi sions of filed Judgment Index #612008/2019. Cash will not be accepted. This foreclosure sale will be held on the north side steps of the Courthouse, rain or shine. COVID-19 safety protocols will be fol lowed at the foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety con cerns, the Court Appointed Referee will cancel the sale. John G. Kennedy, Esq., Ref Friedmaneree
Dilsia Bonilla is a perfect example. A pioneer in women’s boxing, she was trained by Drubin. She went on to win a New York Golden Gloves title and now she’s an officer with New York City Police Department (NYPD). Fellow fighters, Kenny Garcia is a U.S. Marine and Ray Noguera is in the National Guard as well as an officer with the NYPD.
Drubin (East Meadow), Freddie Liberatore, Willy Wise (Hempstead), Tommy Rainone (Hicksville), Mike Carbone (Levittown) and Cletus Seldin.
Gadigian recalls two young men from Hicksville who turned their lives around solely because of the “Forgym.meDave Santisteban and Paul Rello are prime examples of why this gym is important,” Gadigian said. “They were on the wrong side of the tracks and
James Rowan in an Anton Media Group contributor.
Added Happaney, “We teach
hanging out with the wrong people. But both of them turned their lives around through the sport of boxing. While they no longer box, both are doing very well in life and I am still in regular contact with them.”
Dilsia Bonilla won a New York Golden Gloves title and is now an NYPD officer.

Gym founder Pete Brodsky and former pro welterweight Kevin Collins. Collins now runs the gym.

The gym was sponsored for years by former Nassau District Attorney Denis Dillon, who launched his Rising Stars pro gram at the gym. Dillon passed away in 2010. Anyone wishing to help the gym and the young fighters can send donations to: Denis Dillon Cornermens Foundation, PO Box 261, Bellmore, NY 11710.
(Photos courtesy of the Westbury Boxing Gym)
Westbury Boxing Gym On The Ropes
long-time boxing gym, which has produced countless champions in and out of the ring, has been knocked on its heels by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Westbury Boxing Gym, which relies on private donations, is fighting to get off the financial ropes.“None of the trainers, includ ing myself, have ever been paid,” head trainer Kevin Collins said. “We believe in giving back to the community. This program not only gives back to the commu nity, it gives the kids a fighting chance, creates a safe haven and keeps them off the streets and out of trouble. Boxing creates a tremendous amount of confi dence which will be with them through the rest of their lives.”
“BoxingFlorida. was a huge part of my success in life, without it, I don’t know where I’d be,” said Collins, who lives in Bellmore and is a sanitation worker. “I owe everything that I have to this sport and to the trainers of myCollinstime.” is not the only former fighter to pay it forward at the gym. Several disciples of Pete Brodsky went on to train boxers after their own careers were over. Joe Gadigian, Matt Happaney, Jamie Drubin and Scott Lopeck all have worked with young fighters at the gym.
adults.”Over the years, the gym has produced world boxing champions such as Joe Manley and Rafael Williams. Many top pro fighters came out of the gym as well, such as Lopeck,
“If these kids didn’t have a place to go to blow off some steam and ultimately find themselves, I don’t know where they’d be,” Collins said.
Founded in 1987 by Pete Brodsky, the Westbury Boxing Gym has not only served the Westbury area, but boxers from all across Long Island. The gym does not charge fighters, every kid trains there for free. Collins, a former pro boxer who held the New York State welterweight title, has run the gym since he retired from the ring in 2001. Brodsky has retired and is living in
There is a new generation of fighters training at the gym. Among the young pugilists are Ray Young, Kerry Dupervale, Austin Gibbons, Isiah Flaherty, Damian Knyba, Emmanuel Ettiene, Xavante Felton, Peter Lattore and Armani O’Brady.
But the young men and women who exemplify the true value of the gym are the ones who had success away from the sport. Among the gym’s alumni are police officers, firemen, sani tation workers, lawyers, teachers and computer engineers.
“I am exactly why these programs should be in place,” Gadigian said, who lives in Bethpage “Without Pete Brodsky and the Westbury Gym, we’re not having this conversation, I’m dead or in prison.”
the art of boxing and also mentor everyone that comes through to the gym. We provide a comfortable place for all. This gym is a vital part of the community because we offer a safe place to go for kids and even
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 15 FUNERAL DIRECTORS SINCE 1892 We know how to care, when you need us we’ll be there. Serving Jewish Families for Over 125 Years.PRE-PLANEmbrace every day because every day counts Steven Kanowitz, Director BOCA RATON, 1.800.992.9262FLORIDA ROCKVILLE CENTRE, L.I. 516.764.9400 WOODBURY, 516.921.5757L.I. Wishing You and Your Family HappyPeaceful,aandHealthyNewYear 234989 M

SEPTEMBER 21 - 27, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP ISSN: 2831-414X 229608 M Record Breaking Sales Happening Right Now Central Nassau O ce | 998A Old Country Road, Plainview | 516.681.2600 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401. © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. ALL MATERIAL PRESENTED HEREIN IS INTENDED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. WHILE THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT, IT IS REPRESENTED SUBJECT TO ERRORS, OMISSIONS, CHANGES OR WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL PROPERTY INFORMATION, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO SQUARE FOOTAGE, ROOM COUNT, NUMBER OF BEDROOMS AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT IN PROPERTY LISTINGS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY YOUR OWN ATTORNEY, ARCHITECT OR ZONING EXPERT. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. SOLD | Over Asking in 20 Days Bethpage | 34 Silber Avenue Angela Dastgheib-Beheshti: M 516.507.7587 Rosemarie Costa: M 516.225.5771 SOLD | Over Asking in 6 Days Levi own | 60 Club Lane Jason Orsini: M 516.455.8173 SOLD | Over Asking in 3 Days Plainview | 79 Gerhard Road Joyce Fox: M 516.524.3874 BethpageSOLD | 14 Stymus Avenue Allison Rosenbloom: M 516.816.3925 Lenny Rosenfeld: M 516.835.8088 SOLD | Over Asking in 8 Days Plainview | 4 Turnberry Lane Robin Azougi: M 516.343.0289 SOLD | At Asking Price Plainview | 57 Sagamore Drive Lenny Rosenfeld: M 516.835.8088 Todd Solomon: M 516.282.6599 SOLD | In 10 Days Plainview | 55203 Spruce Pond Circle Robin Azougi: M 516.343.0289 BethpageSOLD | 33 Wilson Lane Thomas Riccobono: M 516.790.8364 SOLD | Over Asking Levi own | 20 Acorn Lane Lisa Casabona: M 516.949.2424 Call One of our Experienced Agents Today!