Glen Cove-Oyster Bay Record Pilot 9/28/22 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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Brad Kolodny (Photo by Jennifer
FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details! Also Serving Glen Head, Glenwood Landing, Muttontown, Sea Cliff, Oyster Bay Cove, East Norwich, Bayville, Locust Valley An Anton Media Group Publication Vol. 50, No. 48 September 28 - October 4, 2022 $1.00 Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot (USPS 219-560) Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County. Oyster Bay News: Residents invited to Oyster Bay Harbor cleanup (See page 4)
News: Oyster Bay Halloween movie nights coming soon (See page 10)
Cove News: Phoenix Rising Awards recipients announced (See page 11) Home Of ce, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Bob Sztorc, Agent 62 School St., Glen Cove • 516-676-4141 Se Habla Español® I brake for auto insurance. 233727 G I’m here to help life go right ™ by being there to help protect you, with coverage from the #1 car insurer in the country. CALL ME TODAY.
provided the Glen Cove Oyster Bay Record Pilot with a sneak peak of the new exhibit, “Earning A Living: 300 Years of Jewish Businesses on Long Island.”
Corr) The Story Of Jewish Business Presence On Long Island A new Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center, Long Island Jewish History Museum exhibit (see page 3) INSIDE PROFILES IN MEDICINE Pediatric Dentistry MEDICINE PROFILES IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL SEPTEMBER 28 OCTOBER 4, 2022 Alzheimer’s caregivers Medicare enrollment Exercise. Engage. Empower.Y YOUR FIND Offer Expires October 9 $0 JOINER FEE JOIN NOW 235105 R 232020 M Let the #1 real estate brokerage guide you home on Long Island.* Manhasset | Huntington | Garden City Locust Valley | Roslyn | Syosset | Oceanside Woodbury | Rockville Centre | Sea Cliff Carle Place | Smithtown | Southold Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by equal housing opportunity laws. 516 408 2231 *Source: 2021 Closed Sales Volume, U.S., RealTrends 500.


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232096 R

Exhibit On Long Island Jewish Businesses Opens In Glen Cove

Learn about Jewish life at the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center

der a glass case. “Here is the badge he wore on his police uniform. He actually ran for commissioner of public safety, and won.”

In the retail section of the exhibit, there was a menu from a restaurant in St. James.


The Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County in Glen Cove will open its doors to a new exhibit on Oct. 3 in the “Long Island Jewish History Museum” titled “Earning a Living: 300 Years of Jewish Businesses on Long Island.” The Long Island Jewish History Museum is a project of the Jewish Historical Society of Long Island.

“I’ve written two books on Long Island Jewish history,” Jewish Historical Society of Long Island founder Brad Kolodny said. “When I spoke to people whose parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents are from Long Island and are Jewish, they would say to me ‘I have these photographs, these documents, these items, but I don’t know what to do with them.’”

Using items given to the Jewish Historical Society or items that volunteers sifted through attics and garages to find, this exhibit has been created to tell the story of Jewish business presence on Long Island.

The exhibit, which is currently a main focus of the Jewish Historical Society of Long Island, focuses on 60 businesses including farmers, manufacturers and retailers. More than 100 artifacts are used to tell the story of Jewish business on Long Island.

“We divided the exhibit into four parts,” Kolodny said. “You have farming, manufacturing... miscellaneous or other occupations. And finally the largest part of the exhibit is retail.”

According to the exhibit, the population of Jewish people in Suffolk and Nassau Counties today exceeds 300,000 people, making Long Island the fourth largest Jewish community in the United States. While many Jewish people came to Long Island after World War II, many Jews have been calling Long Island their home for centuries. In fact, records suggest the first Jewish resident on Long Island may have been a man named Nathan Simson, who in 1720 became the president of Congregation Shearith Israel in New York City.

“The biggest thing I try to tell people is that Long Island Jewish history goes back a lot farther than most people realize,” said Kolodny. “A lot of people feel, or think... that Jews moved to Long Island

after World War II. But the fact of the mat ter is that there have been Jews on Long Island for 300 years. So many of them are represented here through the way that they made a living, through the ways they had to support their families. You have peddlers, you have merchants who owned jewelry stores and liquor stores and cloth ing stores.”

For example, the farming portion of the exhibit showed how Abe Katz followed in his Israeli father’s footsteps in becoming a dairy man, eventually purchasing Dune Alpin Farm in East Hampton in 1936. Antique tools are utilized in the exhibit to transfer visitors back to another time, including a 40-quart milk can from the Dune Alpin Farm.

“You have farmers that grew crops,” said

Kolodny. “You had dairy farmers who had cows and produced milk. You had even a Jewish duck farmer.”

In the manufacturing section, a story is told how two factories; a rubber factory in Setauket and a watch case factory in Sag Harbor, ended up forming vibrant Jewish communities.

“Both of the factories employed a lot of Jewish workers,” Kolodny said. “And so, you had a couple dozen Jewish families who moved to those towns and formed their Jewish communities.”

In the miscellaneous portion of the exhibit, many different occupations were showcased. The first Jewish police officer in Glen Cove was named Isadore Goldstein.

“Here are some of the items I got from his family,” Kolodny said pointing to items un-

“What’s interesting is that it was from 1942 and this menu had to be posted in the restaurant because it was during World War II” said Kolodny. “It was a ceiling price, meaning whatever the price was that was posted... you couldn’t charge more for that. It was a way to keep prices moderate while the war was going on.”

And speaking of history, Prohibition was also covered. There was a liquor store in Glen Cove owned by a man named Harry Brause that opened in 1912.

“But in 1920, Prohibition was enacted,” Kolodny said. “He could no longer sell alcohol. So he became a bootlegger and he still sold alcohol, but he did it illegally... As a matter of fact, when he had alcohol to sell, he sold it to the wealthy mansion owners off the Gold Coast. They would each go out the Hempstead Bay on boat and meet out by the ocean, so as not to be seen by police.”

Jewish business history on Long Island is the big piece of the story of Long Island’s development that most people miss, Kolodny said.

“You had Jewish merchants out East initially,” Kolodny said. “You have stories of individuals who helped the community grow, not just the Jewish community. They helped the community grow by having a store that had goods available and just making it a place that people want to live.”

And while Jewish people faced the challenge of antisemitism, history and the stories told through this exhibit proves they persevered.

“There are different stories of Jews not being allowed to join golf clubs and certain social clubs, things of that nature,” Kolodny said. “But as far as businesses, they seemed to persevere. And that’s an important take away, that while there may have been adversity and difficulty, the Jews have been able to maintain businesses and careers and be successful in the face of people who would rather not see us succeed.”

Admission to the Long Island Jewish History Museum is free and is covered under the suggested donation to enter the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County.

Long Island Jewish History Museum is a project of Jewish Historical Society of Long Island, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2021 to honor and celebrate Jewish history in Nassau and Suffolk counties.

Visit for more information.

The exhibit “Earning a Living: 300 Years of Jewish Businesses on Long Island” will open in the Long Island Jewish History Museum on Oct. 3. (Photos by Jennifer Corr) Antiques donated by Jewish Long Islanders are used to tell the story of Jewish busi ness presence in Suffolk and Nassau Counties.

Residents Invited To Fall Oyster Bay Harbor Cleanup

Fun environmental initiative features new scavenger hunt for kids, great volunteer opportunity for students

Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and Councilwoman Laura Maier invite residents to participate in the Fall Oyster Bay Harbor & Beach Cleanup, scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 1, at the town’s North Shore beaches. The event, held rain or shine, is co-sponsored by the Town of Oyster Bay, the North Oyster Bay Baymen’s Association (NOBBA) and Friends of the Bay. Volunteers – including individ uals, groups, families and friends – should meet at Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park (off Larrabee Avenue in Oyster Bay) near the waterfront gazebo beginning at 9 a.m. Community Service Certificates are available upon request for students seeking to fulfill volunteer requirements.

“This great environmental cleanup initia tive features volunteers and town employees rolling up their sleeves and working sideby-side to remove litter and debris from the beaches and shoreline areas along Oyster Bay Harbor,” Saladino said. “We invite residents of all ages to pitch in and help make a difference in our community. This year’s event will also feature new fun for the family, as a new scav enger hunt will be featured for kids.”

Volunteers are invited to participate in the cleanup, which will run from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. The central meeting place will be Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park launching ramps and waterfront gazebo off of Larrabee Avenue, Oyster Bay. Addi tional locations for the clean-up include Theodore Roosevelt Beach in Oyster Bay, Stehli Beach in Bayville and Centre Island Beach in Bayville. Typically, in year’s past, harbor and beach clean-up events have resulted in about 40,000 pounds of debris collected by volunteers.

Councilwoman Maier stated, “Each year, countless amounts of paper, food, plastics and other trash are discarded on beaches or dumped overboard from recreational and commercial vessels. Allowing this litter to remain on our shorelines will only lead to increasingly worse damage for the environment.”

Individuals and groups who are interested in registering for this environmental cleanup should visit www.oysterbaytown. com or contact the town’s Department of Environmental Resources at 516-677-5943.

—Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay

Bring in the fall with a harbor cleanup. (Photo courtesy Tbk1101 via Wikimedia Commons)
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Abortion Restrictions Linger In Parts Of Nassau

At least two Nassau municipalities have moved to scrub early 1970s abortion restrictions from their rulebooks after local electeds called for a review of “anti quated” laws leftover from an earlier, also volatile, era of U.S. history.

New York State Senator Anna M. Kaplan and Assemblywoman Gina L. Sillitti an nounced on September 8 that, based on a re view of local municipal laws, several parts of Nassau County still had abortion-restricting laws in place that could limit families’ access to pregnancy termination care if New York State’s stance on abortion should change in the future. The announcement followed a series of passionate town meetings in the Town of North Hempstead, culminating in a repeal of just such a law.

The five municipalities identified by Ka plan and Sillitti’s teams included the Town of Hempstead, the Town of Oyster Bay, the Town of Huntington, the Village of Freeport, and the Village of Williston Park.

TRAP laws, trigger laws, and 2022

On Friday, June 24, the U.S. Supreme Court made a landmark ruling in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organiza tion, serving to overrule both Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, two pre vious federal rulings that protected the right to pregnancy termination, a.k.a. abortion. Since then, state and local electeds have largely rushed to either prevent or to protect restrictions on abortion, many of which qualify as ‘trigger laws’ (i.e. state or local laws, whether longstanding or recent, which spring into effect if no longer superseded by federal law) and frequently involving what are known as TRAP laws.

The laws in question in Nassau County municipalities are both TRAP laws and trig ger laws, by all common definitions.

According to PlannedParenthoodAction. org, “Targeted restrictions on abortion providers (TRAP) laws are costly, severe, and medically unnecessary requirements im posed on abortion providers and women’s health centers. Often pushed by anti-abor tion politicians under the guise of ‘women’s health,’ the real aim of TRAP laws is to shut down abortion providers and make it more difficult for people to access abortion.”

According to the Guttmacher Institute, “While all abortion regulations apply to abortion clinics, some go so far as to apply to physicians’ offices where abortions are performed or even to sites where only medication abortion is administered. Most requirements apply states’ standards for am bulatory surgical centers to abortion clinics, even though surgical centers tend to provide

more invasive and risky procedures and use higher levels of sedation ... [and they] often include requirements for the physical plant, such as room size and corridor width, beyond what is necessary to ensure patient safety in the event of an emergency.”

As Bloomberg Law reported in August, “Anti-abortion states that unsuccessfully tried to require doctors who perform abor tions to have admitting privileges at local hospitals are revisiting those old laws, just in case there’s a future swing away from the recent Dobbs decision.”

Based on Google searches over the course of this summer, there are currently two independent brick-and-mortar abortion providers in Nassau County, less than the number of ‘crisis pregnancy centers,’ which actively seek to deter patients from abor tion but often show up in the same kinds of search results; when including hospitals, which (if nothing else) are legally required to provide emergency abortion services, the numbers are about equal.

Six Nassau municipalities had leftover laws; two have repealed

In the Town of North Hempstead, a recent decision to repeal its zoning-adjacent rule was unanimous. On Sept. 1, the Town of North Hempstead Board of Trustees

rescinded Town Code Chapter 41-A, titled “Pregnancy Termination Facilities;” enacted in 1971, one year after the state made abor tions legal, the law regulated “pregnancy termination facilities” and mandated that they be affiliated with hospitals.

Almost two-and-a-half hours were dedicated to Chapter 41-A at the public hearing and board discussion held on Sept. 1. Discussion of the repeal of the law, spon sored by Councilwoman Veronica Lurvey, took up a big chunk of the Aug. 4 town board meeting as well.

Town of North Hempstead Council Mem

ber Peter Zuckerman said in a statement, “North Hempstead recently took an im portant step to place further protections on abortion rights in our Town. We urge elected leaders throughout Long Island to follow in our footsteps.”

Before public comment at the Sept. 1 meeting, Lurvey stated, “All local laws regarding abortions must be carefully scrutinized. Often in laws that seem on their face reasonable, the reality is that they are enacted with an ulterior motive, especially laws enacted in the early 1970s, as this one was. The law makes it illegal to perform an abortion, whether it is done medically using prescribed drugs or otherwise, unless it is performed in a hospital or a facility adminis tered by a hospital or facility having a hospi tal affiliation agreement. The law is antiquat ed and does not take into consideration the availability of medical abortions. Now, due to the advances in the field of medicine, a woman can take medication prescribed by a doctor in the privacy of her own home. Chapter 41-A is not just antiquated, but it places an undue burden on a woman who may want to terminate her pregnancy as well as on the medical professionals performing the procedure.”

Lurvey added, “I would like to take a brief moment to clarify a few points. The repeal of 41-A is not a zoning change. As we heard earlier, medical offices or clinics that may offer abortion procedures will not be popping up all over the place in residential areas. The repeal of 41-A will also not result in the town funding of abortions. These are just some things that came through by email. There is confusion because we are in a post-Roe world following decades of cer tainty around abortion restrictions. We now have uncertainty. A woman vulnerable and faced with a difficult decision should not have to engage in legal analysis to determine which laws apply to her and which don’t. The town board has no business entering the procedure room or a woman’s medicine cabinet and getting involved in these types of decisions. The town should not have a say and should not be putting an undue burden on a woman’s right to choose.”

The Town of Oyster Bay was next to repeal, but more circumspect about the act itself. A representative for the Town of Oyster Bay commented on September 13, “The decades-old Town Code was outdat ed, unenforceable and had zero impact as State law has long superseded the 1971 code ... To prevent further political games and false flag attempts to scare the public, the Town Board voted to remove this outdated section from the Town Code, even though it has had no impact on the public for over 50 years.”

This cartoon refers to the opposition of the nominee to an abortion-related plank during the George McGovern 1972 presidential campaign. The text of the plank in question was “In matters relating to human reproduction, each person’s right to privacy, freedom of choice, and individual conscience should be fully respected, consistent with relevant Supreme Court decisions.” (Credit: Public Domain; Context by Edmund S. Valtman via Wikimedia) After the Town of North Hempstead repealed a 1971 law restricting abortion, State Senator Anna Kaplan and colleagues announced Septempter 8 that five more Nassau municipalities had similar extant laws. (Image via New York State Senate website)
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Networking Mixer At Glen Cove Hospital

An event by the Glen Cove Chamber of Commerce at 6 p.m. at Northwell Health, Glen Cove Hospital located at 101 St Andrews Ln. in Glen Cove, will be the site of an Evening Networking Mixer at 6 p.m. Join the chamber for a very special evening at Glen Cove Hospital, which is excited to share and experience the beautiful transformation of the hospital. Guests will be treated to hors d’oeuvres and cocktails by chef and staff on the new and spacious outdoor patio. The event is free to attend for chamber members, guests and friends. Visit to RSVP.


Glen Cove’s Great Garage Sale and Craft Fair

From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., there will be garage sales and craft vendors in the Pryibil Beach parking lot. Rain date is on Oct. 2.

Cooper Bluff’s Fourth Annual Oktoberfest

Cooper’s Bluff, located at 5 Bay Ave. in Oyster Bay, is hosting an Oktoberfest that is a great family and dog friendly event. It will be held all day from noon to 10:30 p.m. Oktoberfest beer will be on tap, and slushies and cocktails are also available. Get your fill on food between brats, sauerbraten, potato pancakes, pretzels and everything else needed to feel festive. Music will be provid ed by The Apple Strudel Gang and there will be a performance from The Original Enzein Bavarian Dancers. A Disney Princess will stop by as well.


Sea Cliff Mini Mart 2022 You never know what will happen at the Sea Cliff Mini Mart. This is a street fair on Sea Cliff Avenue open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. In its 51st year, this event is hosted by the North Shore Kiwanis Club. It is one of Long Island’s largest craft fairs with over 200 exhibitors and food purveyors. There is free parking at Tappen Beach on Shore Road and free shuttle buses will be avail able from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For the safety of your dog, children and vendors, no dogs are permitted.


Oktoberfest Celebration

At the Mansion in Glen Cove, 200 Dosoris Ln., there will be an Oktoberfest Celebration thanks to the Glen Cove Police Department and Glen Cove Fire Department from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free. Come enjoy the celebration with lively music, various foods and beverages and fun games; including the Glen Cove Fire Depart ment fire truck, carnival games, bouncing castle, live music, cotton can dy and popcorn stands, barbecue, beer, cash bar and outdoor pool. More details are coming soon.


Oyster Festival

The Oyster Festival is a project of the Oyster Bay Rotary Club and run by the Oyster Bay Charitable Fund and has been a long tradition as the East Coast’s largest waterfront festival with more than 150,000 attendees each year. The festival is known throughout the region for its fun mixture of new activities and old favorites that are certain to entertain the entire family including live entertainment, ships, topnotch artisans, pirate shows, midway rides and the iconic oyster eating and shucking contest. And of course, the food court, where volunteer chefs and culinary pros work side by side, cooking and serving dozens of unique oyster, clam and other seafood concoctions along with traditional festival fare.


Oyster Bay Market:

Born in 2020 during the height of the pan demic, the Oyster Bay Market is a biweekly market that operates on Sundays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the municipal lot of Audrey Ave nue over by the bandstand (74 Audrey Ave.) The market is a food-driven market that also supports local small businesses, artisans, not for profits and community organizations. Up coming dates: Oct.2, Oct.16, Oct.30, Nov.13.

Deep Roots Farmers Market

Stop by Deep Roots Farmers Market, happening every Saturday through Nov. 19 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at 100 Garvies Point Rd., to enjoy local artisans, foods and crafts. There will be 40 vendors every week offering locally grown produce, fresh fish, meat, dairy, eggs, honey, breads, baked goods, pastas, prepared foods and much more. There will also be weekly guest art and craft vendors, with live music. For more information, call 516-318-5487.

Celebrate Oktoberfest in September and October through local events. (Photo courtesy VectorOpenStock via Wiki media Commons)
234076 M


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233632 R

After Sheriff Resigns, Blakeman Taps Sposato For Jails, Surprising Many

Corrections officers and local media seem equally skeptical


uci novo, similis duci seneci. Or, as Pete Townshend famously put it: “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”

Such is the case in Nassau County jails following the resignation of Sheriff James Dzurenda on Sept. 6. The Office of County Executive Bruce Blakeman didn’t publicly give a reason for Dzurenda’s resignation, but did quickly announce that Undersheriff Anthony LaRocco would be Nassau’s new acting Sheriff and that Michael Sposato will serve as Commissioner of Correction for Nassau County Correctional Center, a facility Sposato was previously responsible for during his own tenure as Nassau County Sheriff.

“I wish Sheriff Dzurenda good luck in his future endeavors,” Blakeman said in

facilities during his roughly 30-year career.

sheriff before retiring), had been seeking to make needed reforms to Nassau’s main jail but ultimately didn’t find support, or ability, toward that goal. Meanwhile, the county’s Corrrection Officers Benevolent Association (COBA) called Dzurenda an “absentee administrator” following his resignation, but seemed to take far greater issue with the appointment of Sposato to head county corrections.

“To say we disagree and are skeptical is the understatement of the year,” wrote COBA president Brian Sullivan in a statement on the officers’ org. website.

“Again, our long and adversarial history with Sposato speaks for itself. I was also contacted by the news media today after news of Dzurenda’s departure broke, where I vehemently voiced our displeasure with the inclusion of Sposato in this new administration. There is no reason to sugar coat any of this.” COBA recently voted to reject its latest proposed contract agreement with the county, adding to local tensions.


a statement. Dzurenda was appointed Nassau Sheriff in 2020 by former County Executive Laura Curran, and previously worked in Connecticut and Nevada Some in the county suggest that Dzurenda, like his immediate predecessor, Vera Fludd (who also served two years as Former Nassau County Sheriff and newly appointed Commisioner of Correction Michael Sposato speaks during a press conference outside Nassau County Correc tional Center on September 13, 2022.
230453 G
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Sullivan also commented to the Long Island Herald, “Knowing the history of this place, wasn’t there anybody better that could have been a fiscal watchdog than a guy that had all of his baggage in this place for 10 years?”

As Mallory Wilson reported for the Long Island Herald in September, “Sposato was first appointed under [now incarcerated] former County Executive Ed Mangano, but when former County Executive Laura Curran took office she didn’t reappoint him, instead going with Fludd. Sposato has a dubious track record with concerns about correctional facility safety issues, and inmate healthcare, among other issues.”

The editorial board over at Newsday also expressed significant consternation about Blakeman’s choice to head Nassau Correctional Center.

“The 10 years from 2008 to 2018 when Michael Sposato oversaw the Nassau County Sheriff’s Department were marked by big cost savings, waves of inmate deaths, and fierce opposition to his leadership by the Correction Officers Benevolent Association and prisoner advocates. Nassau officials would have been wise to take a closer look at that record before giving him the keys again,” Newsday staff wrote in an early September editorial.

Newsday also noted: Sposato started work at the jail in 1994 as a cook, then became a kitchen supervisor. In 2005, then-Sheriff Edward Reilly made Sposato his chief of staff. He was later promoted to undersheriff, the jail’s No. 2 spot. The union fought Sposato’s elevation on the basis that he’d never been a correction officer and that he rose thanks to political connections. And COBA rebelled against his leadership because, union leaders said, he had cut expenses so severely that it endangered members and inmates. The four suicides among inmates at the Nassau jail between January 2010 and January 2011, which represented 10 percent of all such suicides in the state over that span in a facility holding just 1.7 percent of New York’s prisoners, seemed to bear that out.

Despite fairly widespread criticism over the appointment, or perhaps because of it, Blakeman and Sposato nevertheless seem

to be diving into this new era of administration without apprehension.

A few days after Sposato’s appointment, Executive Blakeman’s office invited local news outlets to a press conference outside Nassau County Correctional Center to reveal the results of a “raid” the jail had conducted seeking contraband inside.

At the press conference itself, however, held about two days after press invites went out, jail officials instead referred to the activities as a “sweep” for contraband. Items displayed for press included a small ‘Exacto’ knife blade, a shaving-size razor, a hollowed-out book used to conceal something, several small slips of paper that may have contained a fentanyl analogue, and what was said to be a shiv, wrapped in a towel before it was placed in an evidence bag.

When Anton Media Group asked how long it had taken the assembled officers (and/or their canine units) to perform the “raid” that produced these items from among the jail’s nearly 800 inmates, Sposato responded, “Oh, it’s still going on.”

When asked whether, in a ‘postCOVID-19’ world, Sposato anticipated making any changes or improvements to the jail’s medical standards, Blakeman stepped in, and responded that the jail is in compliance with all federal and state regulations.

SHERIFF from page 2A A small array of contraband items, including razors and and possible drugs, were displayed during a press confer ence outside Nassau County Correctional Center on September 13, 2022. Corrections officers and canines who Sposato says conducted the “raid” or “sweep” of the jail for contraband stand assembled during a press conference outside Nassau County Correctional Center. (Photos by Janet Burns)
234702 M

Rocking The Road For A Cure 13th Annual Motorcycle Run For Breast Cancer

Rocking the Road for a Cure’s 13th Annual Motorcycle Run for Breast Cancer will take place on Sunday, Oct. 2, at 9 a.m. Motorcycle Run and After Party proceeds will be dedicated to the continued provision and delivery of food donations, post-surgery kits, PPE and inhome wellness services to breast cancer patients in Queens and Long Island.

Event sponsors include Order Sons of Italy in America, OSDIA NYS Grand Lodge, The Romano Foundation, AMA, Pollichino Family Foundation, American Legion Post 1066, The Richard Capri Foundation, Universal Coordinated Care, Anton Media Group, Capital Supply Company in Memory of John Ambrosini, For Our Friends Dog Rescue, Tuff Tails Animal Rescue, and American Vendetta Custom Motorcycles. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and kickstands are up at 11:30 a.m. The starting location will be at Marjorie R. Post Community Park located 451 Unqua Rd. in Massapequa. The after party, will be held at American Legion Post 1066 located at 66 Veteran’s Blvd. in Massapequa. Registration Fees are as follows VIP Rider: $110/Passenger w/VIP

Rider $25; Pre-registration is: Rider: $25/ Passenger: $20; Day-of: $30/Rider, $25/Passenger. Visit to pre-register, make a donation, sponsor a rider or sign up for the run.

Rocking the Road for a Cure is a nonprofit

organization offering home-based health and wellness services and support to people receiving breast cancer treatment. The organization’s mission is to enhance and restore the strength, confidence and well-being of breast cancer patients. Rocking the Road for a Cure provides delivery of food donations, PPE, and post-surgery kits as well as medical

case management, restorative yoga and meditation, nutritional consults, and beauty consultations, including free wigs, acupuncture and more. All services are provided by licensed professionals.

Visit for more information.

—Submitted by Rocking the Road for a Cure

Westbury Kennel Association Dog Show

Oct. 2, from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Attention dog lovers. Plan on visiting Planting Fields Arboretum for a full day of canine competition hosted by the Westbury Kennel Association. See your favorite breeds vie for American Kennel Club championship titles. Wellbehaved, on-leash, family dogs are welcome. Doggie U K9 Academy instructors will offer “MY

Dog Can Do That” guided agility runthroughs for inexperienced dogs to try. Plus canine obedience and trick demos, vendors with pet-related merchandise, guided show tent tour, education booth, raffle prizes and food concessions. INFO: 516-922-3541. ADMISSION: $15 per person or $20 per carload. Children 12 and under, free. Walk-ins, $10.

—Submitted by the Westbury Kennel Association

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A Forgotten War? An Afghan Eulogy

Review of: The Fifth Act: America’s End in Afghanistan


That gem was tacked on to page 211 of Elliot Ackerman’s latest book. The Afghanistan War began three months after Sept 11, 2001. It became The Forever War, then The Longest War. Is it now another Forgotten War? Five months after the late August withdrawal from that country, the United States, without missing a beat, was off to war again, this time in proxy fashion against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

Ackerman is a novelist and The Fifth Act reads like a suspense thriller. The book concerns an effort by the now-civilian author to secure passage to the United States for an Afghan friend and his family. Chapters present flashbacks to the author’s combat experience. The prose is spare, direct, terse and elegiac. Not all the conclusions are pessimistic, either.

Ackerman acknowledges defeat in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The War on Terror, he contends, was won. In the two decades since 9/11, no major terrorist attacks have taken place on American soil.

A new skyscraper stands where the Twin Towers once dominated. The author also considers the price. From Sept. 11, 2001 and for the next two decades, American foreign policy was centered on the Middle East. Who thought about China? The rise of the Middle Kingdom, Ackerman correctly states, is the story of the 21st century. And the stunning transformation was, in part, a result of the War on Terror. For decades, successive American administrations and congresses granted Most Favored Nation trade status to China. Part of it was to counter the Soviet Union. In time, however, both parties swallowed the argument that a prosperous China would result in a secular, democratic China.

In the meantime, the staggering costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars took its toll. The American economy slowed. Unwise lending practices by federal agencies lead to a subprime mortgage crisis. The 2008 stock market crash marked the turning point. The economies of America and Europe grew stagnant. The Chinese economy soared. Was America asleep at the switch? And is it too late?

Any war memoir is bound to be a homage to those Band of Brothers who fought and died together. The Fifth Act is no exception. Authentic American heroes— the fellows down the street that you grew up with—are everywhere: The wise-talking, good-natured workingman from South Boston, a gloomy southerner who cites Faulkner, a Texan inspired to serve after reading James Webb’s novel, Fields of Fire. For Ackerman and his generation, the response to 9/11 represented their

war—and they wouldn’t dare sit on the sidelines. There’s more than just one Greatest Generation in American history.

Most unforgettable is a Marine, Doug Zembiec. The latter was a real-life Tom Maverick, boasting of his fellow Marine Reconnaissance unit: “men want to be us and women want to be with us!”

Zembiec has his girl. He also has his war. In 2007, he died during a commando raid in Baghdad. His death calls for searing self-reflection.

“In the days after Doug was killed…many of us who’d been his friends found some solace in believing that Doug likely would’ve been okay with dying the way that he did, on a raid, in a desperate exchange of gunfire, leading a group of commandos. The more time that’s passed, the more I’ve wondered if this was actually true. Would he have been okay knowing that he’d never get to see his daughter grow up? Or that he had to leave behind his wife? Or that his parents would outlive him? I want to believe…that Doug is looking down at us from Valhalla and laughing. I want to believe that, in the end, the time you have means less than what you do with it or how you’re remembered; it’s pretty to think so.”

The Fifth Act is a bitter book: The world’s greatest superpower being driven out of Afghanistan by a terrorist-filled army of only 75,000 men. There’s plenty of blame to go around: Barack Obama for announcing a surge and a withdrawal all at the same time, Donald Trump for negotiating with the Taliban only and keeping the Afghan government out of the talks, and Joe Biden for having the withdrawal to be pushed back until Sept. 11, 2021, clearly a symbolic move.

Was The War on Terror a real war? Trillions were spent, thousands of lives were lost. Was there a home front? Was there a draft? Did the government ration gas and foodstuffs? More bitterness. “It’s often been said that while America’s military has spent the last 20 years at war, America itself has been at the mall,” Ackerman observes. The War on Terror involved no sacrifices. Americans could duly “support the troops” and that was that.

The last time the United States declared war on another country was on Dec. 8, 1941, the day after Pearl Harbor. Afghanistan joins Korea, Vietnam and Iraq as undeclared wars that ended badly. As Pat Buchanan has constantly noted, democracies can’t fight undeclared wars. You need the public firmly in your corner. Korea ended early, thanks to President Eisenhower’s leadership. The draft existed during the 1950s and ‘60s. Vietnam was lost when college-educated Americans turned against the war. The draft, too, was abolished. And so, Iraq and Afghanistan ended with the public barely noticing. Does the future bring more undeclared wars? It’s something to ponder.

The Fifth Act is a soldier’s report. As with soldiers throughout the centuries, the author can never forget all the great guys that didn’t make it home.

with forget

Elliot Ackerman
No battle is ever won…They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools.’’
---William Faulkner, The Sound and The Fury

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Bring It Down A Gear

Stress seems to be in every one’s life like ants in the kitchen or dodging potholes on our chewed-up roads. I don’t care if you’re a stud athlete or in phenomenal shape eating only salads, out of nowhere, stress slams you down like a hand swatting your friend’s head after wrecking your car. Add to that the rise in prices for everything, while your paycheck doesn’t move, and who wouldn’t be stressed? Besides meditation, medication or the punching bag, maybe people should try the concept of bringing it down a gear.

Take where we live—the sub urbs of New York. Seventh gear is the preferred gear no matter what the mission. A trip to a store 30 seconds away calls for the need for speed. Plant that pedal to the metal as you slice up the lovely, tree-lined suburban street doing 45 while kissing side-view mirrors of parked cars. If garbage cans


are in the street, too bad, they’re considered a casualty of your mission. Yes, it’s insane. I’d like to help by giving out some free ad vice. Seventh gear is unnecessary.

Let’s get hold of that mental gear shift and push down from seventh to maybe fourth. Go work your job, cut the hedges, drive to a hundred places and tell me if you get the same amount of work done. The answer is yes.

And there lies the logic. If you can accomplish the same goals in a lower gear, why waste energy? Lack of energy leads to stress. When your energy level sinks, you do things that are not normal for you. You throw the candy wrapper toward the garbage can not caring if you make the shot. You sleep in when you’re supposed to drop your brother off at the airport.

Whatever you do for living: gambling, dog walker, or pump ing gas, chances are, if you have a shred of integrity, you’re wasting energy by working too hard.

Think about it. If you’re going to get aggravated why not do it in a lower gear? Less sweat involved. With that extra energy, you can enjoy the after-work cocktail without your eyes shutting during the toast. Lower the gear and lower the stress. Golfers know that by slowing your swing, you hit the ball just as far. That’s a

fact. Also, try driving in the right lane avoiding the autobahn mindset of left lane driving. Yes, annoying as you watch turtles outrace you, but that lower mental gear will have your nerves thanking you.

Bottom line is working in a lower mental gear makes too much sense not to give it a shot. You’ll be shocked and delighted that you are actually accomplish ing the same goals in a lower gear. That major accomplishment should catapult you into crashing down other obstacles like wolfing down a pint of ice cream at midnight or smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. End of story.

What did you think of this story? Email to share it with Tom Kuntzmann. He is an outdoorsman with main interests in hiking and golf. His column focuses on local outdoor events and suburban stories.

Tax Relief For Nassau Homeowners

I am pleased to report that our ongoing efforts to increase the senior citizen tax exemption bracket for eligible Nassau County residents is finally becoming a reality.

This hard-fought battle first started over five years ago, when a bill to grant Nassau seniors and individuals with disabilities the same income eligibility levels as those in NYC was first proposed and went nowhere in the state legislature. In August, under pressure from the Legislative Majority and other elected officials, the governor signed a revised version of this legislation increasing the income limits. Recently the Nassau County Legislature unanimously approved a local law I co-sponsored, opting into the bill, which was then sent to County Executive Bruce Blakeman for his signature.

The new law will allow qualified homeowners to apply for the tax exemption if they earn less than $58,400 per year. Previously, the income cap level to receive a property tax reduction had been set more than $20,000 lower. The amount of the exemption depends on how much a person earns. The

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increased exemption income limits apply to the county portion of your taxes. Other mu nicipalities must also opt-in for the exemption to apply to taxes from those jurisdictions. If you think you may be eligible for an exemption, please contact the Department of Assessment at 516-571-1500 for more informa tion and how to apply.

Currently, the Department of Assessment is also conducting tax exemptions workshops cov ering a variety of other available programs to help Nassau County homeowners reduce their prop erty tax burden. Representatives will be on hand to answer questions about exemptions and to accept applications on-site

from homeowners wishing to file for veterans, senior citizens, Cold War veterans, volunteer firefighters/ambulance workers, limited income disability and home improvement exemptions. Enhanced STAR applications will also be processed for resi dents who have been enrolled in the STAR program prior to January 2, 2015.

Homeowners are encouraged to make and bring copies of their 2021 federal and state income tax forms, driver’s license, and any other docu mentation that is required prior to attending these workshops. Applications and specific doc umentation requirements are available on the Department of

Assessment’s website at: www. Exemption-Forms. There, you can also find a complete calen dar of dates where workshops are being held throughout the county. The workshops are free, and no advance registration is required to attend.

With inflation raising prices across the board those on a fixed income are being hit particularly hard. It is gratifying to know the new legislation will help provide meaningful tax relief to those among our senior and disabled population who need it most.

Nicolello is the presiding officer of the Nassau County Legislature.

Publication Office: 132 East Second St., Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: (516) 747-8282 Fax: (516) 742-5867

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Thomas Kuntzmann Richard J. Nicolello
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Massive JUUL Settlement Illustrates How ‘Big Vape’ Targets Our Children

After a two-year investigation determined that vaping giant JUUL engaged in the unconscionable practice of marketing harmful and addictive nicotine products directly to our youth, the company has agreed to pay a whopping $438.5 million in settlements to 34 American states and territories. This outcome is hardly surprising to those of us who have been part of the fight to protect our youth from the dangers of vaping and nicotine addiction.

And while such a massive settlement sends a clear message that bad actors will be held responsible for their actions, it remains infuriating that any industry would so brazenly target our youth and put profit before public health and common decency.

Extensive research illustrates the devastating impact that smoking and vaping have upon the human body and in particular how nicotine harms adolescent brain development through a young person’s early- to mid-20s.

It is also well established that if a person can make it past the age of 25 without using nicotine, they are highly unlikely to ever pick up the habit during the rest of their lives. Nevertheless, JUUL targeted underage users with free samples, slick social media campaigns, launch parties and ad campaigns filled with young-looking models.

Most tellingly, they also used flavors to make the vaping experience more palatable and to get our kids hooked. It’s hardly

a stretch to imagine how cotton candy, bubblegum, cola, and fruit-flavored vapes could be attractive to underage consumers—and how unscrupulous entities could use these alluring flavors as a Trojan horse for the nicotine contained within.

To confront this threat, Nassau County in 2019 passed my bill to ban the advertising of age-restricted products—such as cigarettes, tobacco and vapes— within 1,000 feet of establishments commonly frequented by youth. Later that year, in the face of strenuous opposition from vaping industry special interests, I sponsored, and Nassau County passed, a ban on the sale of flavored vaping products - a measure that was later adopted statewide.

Before that, Nassau County passed a measure that I spearheaded to raise the age for purchasing tobacco products to age 21. Not only were the public health implications profound for our region, it was also a source of great personal satisfaction that

I was able to bring a signature effort that was initiated by my predecessor, the late Judy Jacobs, to fruition.

Our sustained pressure has worked. Since 2019, JUUL has dropped its advertising in America, pulled fruit and candy flavors from store shelves, and a total ban from the American market is still looming. While recent studies show that adolescent vaping is on the decline, we must remain vigilant for emerging


challenges such as the disposable e-cigarettes that are growing in popularity with youth. I remain confident that we will prevail in our efforts to protect public health, and I will never waver in my commitment to our shared mission of keeping our kids nicotine-free for life.

Arnold W. Drucker, of Plainview, has represented the 16th District of the Nassau County Legislature since 2016.


Max Morro is a junior at Schreiber High School. Morro joined the Boys Cross Country team in his sophomore year of high school. On the opening day of the season, Max ran a 17:06 5K and is currently ranked seventh in the County Class for 5K. On Saturday, Sept. 17, he helped lead Port to a varsity victory in a competitive race at the Bob Pratt Invitational at Sunken Meadow.

In middle school, Morro ran on the

Athlete of the Month

Schreiber High School’s Max Morro, Cross Country

school team and stopped as a freshman in high school. But sophomore year, he gave the sport another try. Morro’s love and dedication to cross country grew in his sophomore year.

“I felt defeated and like I needed redemption after last year,” Morro said. “So I became very invested in the sport.”

His mother, Dina Maiella-Marro, remembers that “...since Max was a little kid, his grandfather noted that he had a runner’s gait.”

Although Morro is just beginning his second year on the high school cross country team, he has quickly become one of the top contributors to the team. Boys Cross Country Coach Jeremy Klass commends Max for his strong mentality and ability to self-reflect to improve himself both physically and mentally.

“Max has a mental toughness that is superior to most athletes,” Klass said. “He pushes through grueling workouts without any complaints and looks forward

to challenging himself in future practices. Max is also always looking to improve as an athlete, whether it be his summer training, nutrition or race strategy.”

While Morro’s dedication to cross

country has made him an incredible asset to the team, his sportsmanship and bright attitude are equally important.

“Max leads by example and is a great role model for the rest of the team. He attacks his workouts and races with a smile,” Klass said. “In a rather stressful sport, Max has a calmness about him that wears off on the other runners. He was the first athlete to be given a Green Status in our Lead ‘Em Up Leadership Program at Schreiber.”

While Morro’s dedication and hard work led him to become a great athlete, he recognizes how his inspiration comes from other student-athletes.

“I have been incredibly inspired by last year’s senior Port distance running legends, Colin Funk, Will Lane, Terry McGinty, Maxwell Meehan and Kevin Taylor,” Morro said.

His commitment to cross country and his enthusiasm for the sport will only lead him to more success as a student-athlete.

SPONSORED BY ORLIN & COHEN Max Morro. (Photos contributed by Dina Maiella-Marro) Max during a Cross Country meet.
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One Tooth At A Time

Pediatric dentists open local office with mission to change dentistry

“Floral Park feels like a Hallmark town,” said Dr. Cristina Georgescu, co-owner of the newly opened pediatric dentistry office, Smile Starters. “Everyone is so helpful and welcoming.”

Georgescu, more affectionately known to her patients as “Dr. Cristina” said local parents have been stopping by to welcome them to the neighborhood and check out the new, bright, modern and cheerful space on Verbana Avenue, just south of Tulip Avenue where the previous Chase Bank previously occupied.

The receptionists at Smile Starters are happy to give a quick tour of the practice, answer questions and enroll new patients for an appointment.

“Floral Park has been very receptive to our opening,” said Dr. Eileen Calamia, also co-owner of the budding Smile Starters. “It is very family-friendly here.”

The board-certified pediatric dentist duo has a reputable presence in their original and still-existing practice in Harrison up in Westchester County and has already garnered glowing reviews for their services in Floral Park.

“We hope that one day when the kids we treat grow up, they actually say, ‘I like going to the dentist,’” Georgescu said.

Both she and Calamia said they did not have such great experiences with dentists while growing up.

As a young child, Georgescu said she did not have access to proper dental care while growing up in Romania which resulted in numerous procedures and visits to the dentist. Experiencing first-hand the stress and anxiety of a dental visit she decided to pursue pediatric dentistry.

Similarly, Calamia, who was born in the Philippines, has experienced first-hand the consequences of a high sugary diet and lack of proper dental care. She has always believed that children deserve to have specialty care when it comes to going to the dentist. It is their mission to change the way their patients relate to dentistry.

“A lot of the times it is the parents who come in with a fear of the dentist and are afraid of dental treatment that their kids might need,” Calamia said. For generations, a fear of the dentist and dental work is all too common.

Both dentists are trained to treat children with special needs.

With five years under their belts in Harrison, the doctors unveiled their newest office in Floral Park less than five months ago.

“We love it because it is a storefront in the heart of the village and it is near the village offices, library, shopping, restaurants, the fire department and it is right off the train [Floral Park station],” Calamia said.

The office has nine exam chairs and stateof-the-art equipment, including X-rays.

“We tried to make it, not only kid-friendly, but somewhat relaxing and not too overwhelming for the parents too,” said Calamia.

There is a massage chair for parents to use while they wait and complimentary coffee and tea.

“Going to the dentist can be very stressful so hopefully parents can be a little bit at ease,” Calamia added.

There is even a prize station for an after-exam reward for their patients.

“I don’t want to take it to the extreme and say it should be fun to go to the dentist,” Georgescu joked. “It should be as comfortable as it can be.”

The dental office has its own parking lot, which makes it easy for appointments instead of having to search for street parking, which is not always easy in the bustling downtown during regular business hours and when special events are happening in the neighborhood.

Smile Starters Pediatric Dentistry is located at 15 Verbena Ave. in Floral Park. The Westchester office is located at 450 Mamaroneck Ave. in Harrison.


Happy Teeth

Dr. Cristina and Dr. Eileen share their top five tips to help parents take care of their children’s teeth.

. Take your child to their pediatric dentist by age one.

2. Brush your child’s teeth twice a day with a soft bristle toothbrush and a smear of fluoride toothpaste.

3. Never put your child to sleep with milk in their bottle.

4. Try to avoid sticky, chewy candy and sweets on an everyday basis. Save those treats for Halloween and special occasions.

5. Aim for a diet of mostly water, but if you do give juice...dilute it with mostly water to avoid excess sugar.

Visit to read more about Georgescu and Calamia including information about their practices, services and a helpful dental e-library.

The office is bright and fun. The exam rooms are spacious and comfortable. Parents will enjoy the complimentary amenities while they wait during appointments. Doctors Eileen and Cristina have opened their pediatric dental office in the heart of Floral Park.

Free Medicare Open Enrollment Assistance

Medicare is a federally run health insurance program for people who are 65 years of age or have collected Social Security Disability for 24 months. It is also available for individuals with permanent kidney failure or Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

If you are not yet collecting Social Security, you have to apply for Medicare during the three month period before your 65th birthday. You may apply for Medicare through Social Security Administration (800-772-1213 or

If you are already collecting Social Security, you will receive your Medicare card automatically in the mail.


Navigating Medicare and choosing a plan that best meets your needs can be tricky. Health care needs change over time, and a plan that worked for you one year may not be the best choice going forward. That’s why you should carefully consider your foreseeable health care needs each year during Medicare Open Enrollment season, which runs every year from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7.

To avoid any unpleasant and potentially expensive surprises, it is important to carefully study any materials that come to you

from your existing plan. These documents will spell out in detail the updates for the coming plan year. Some of these revisions may describe premium changes, updates in prescription formularies (which may change the availability or price of your previously covered drugs), co-payment changes and changes to networks of providers. Make sure to check that your health care providers are still part of your plan each year.

If you feel that these changes make your plan a less than optimal choice for the coming year, now is the time to reevaluate and compare available plans. This can be done through the Medicare website (www. You can review your current plan and compare it with others that serve Nassau County to see if another plan works better for you.


If you don’t have ready access to a computer or you otherwise need assistance, Family and Children’s Association (FCA) can help guide you through the process with free help available by calling the Nassau County Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP) at 516-485-3754. A counselor will be happy to assist you. HIICAP is a free service that has trained counselors who can provide you with unbiased expertise on what Medicare plan can best meet your individual needs. HIICAP counselors can help you switch plans,

in many cases over the phone. In person appointments are also available.

For Medicare beneficiaries who are in a Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO or PPO) and don’t change their plan by Dec. 7, they have an additional opportunity to switch Medicare Advantage plans between Jan. 1 and March 31.

FCA can help. Answers to your Medicare questions are just a phone call away.

Barry Klitsberg is an asssistant health insurance information counseling and assistance coordinator at FCA in Garden City and an aging services program specialist at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Barry Klitsberg Asssistant health insurance information counseling and assistance coordinator
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Five Strategies To Help Avoid

Unexpected Medical Bills

Nearly everyone wants to save more money, including when it comes to paying for medical care. To help en courage that, various recent federal regula tions have spurred a greater focus on health care cost transparency, both by hospitals and health insurance plans.

The No Surprises Act is designed to help reduce the likelihood of receiving an unexpectedly large medical bill in certain emergency or surprise scenarios, something that more than half of Americans have experienced. Other recent regulations require hospitals to post prices online, while health insurers have been mandated to do the same.


As of July 1, health plans are required to publicly disclose contracted rates with health care providers and facilities. This is only a first step in the process, with requirements for more consumer-friendly disclosures slat ed to start in 2023. Some health plans already offer transparency resources featuring quali ty and cost information, available online, via a mobile app or through customer service. Before scheduling a medical appointment, check with your health plan to review quality

Avoid an unexpected medical bill.

and cost information, ideally for estimates based on actual contracted rates and cus tomized based on your individual plan.


There are still a few potential risks to be aware of. Many health plans cover preventive services, such as wellness visits, mammo grams or colonoscopies. However, some advanced screenings may not be considered preventive services and can result in an outof-pocket charge. Confirm with your health plan that any services or tests are covered under your benefits. You can also work with your health care provider to complete a preauthorization form in advance, as well as check with your health plan to determine

the status of the request. Ambulance services were not included as part of the No Surprises Act, which means these rides could result in an out-of-network charge.


In the event of a surprise bill, there are several steps to pursue. Talk with the support staff at the hospital or doctor’s office to request that the charge be waived or reduced. If needed, some health plans offer access to resolution support to help negotiate on behalf of members with hospitals and care providers. If you receive a surprise bill from an out-of-network care provider, call the number on the back of your insurance ID

card to alert your health plan and check on assistance.


Receiving care from an out-of-network provider or facility can lead to a surprise charge, with the total cost of this type of care exceeding $40 billion for Americans each year. It’s important to always start with in-network health care professionals and fa cilities for nonemergency care. That includes when referred by a primary care physician to labs for bloodwork, imaging and other tests.


Another way to help save on health care costs is by enrolling in a health plan that offers upfront pricing. Rather than receiving medical care and then waiting for the bill to arrive weeks or months later, some new health plans enable members to review— and pay for—out-of-pocket expenses before medical care is delivered. In view of increased price sensitivity due to rising inflation and other factors, considering these strategies may help contribute to your phys ical and financial well-being while reducing the risk of a surprise medical bill.

—Dr. Donna O’Shea is the chief med ical officer of population health at UnitedHealthcare.


September Is Yoga Month

Five common myths about yoga

Though the International Yoga Day is observed on June 21, the U.S. dedicates September as the National Yoga Month. Many of us have preconceived notions about yoga, and it prevents them from practicing yoga and enjoying wellness. It’s important to know the facts, and not act on assumptions. Here are five very common myths about yoga, busted.


Did you think that yoga is a very gentle series of stretches with no efforts involved? Do you also believe that practicing yoga, you won’t get a proper workout and it does not benefit your muscles? Or do you want to choose yoga because you have been asked to exercise, and this seemed like the easiest? Think again.

From strengthening muscle groups and making them more supple to improving your balance, posture, and lung capacity, yoga can help you deal with a large number of health, lifestyle and nervous system-related complications.

It’s true that you won’t be lifting weights or doing your normal cardio routines while getting regular on yoga sessions. However, yoga is an excellent combination of

strength, balance and coordination. What’s more, you will most likely use muscles that you’ve never used before in your life.

And we haven’t covered yet that yoga exercises your mind and soul! Yoga is the practice of patience, peace and fortitude. It’s definitely not just stretching, it’s a focus on strength—both the mental and the physical.


While it’s true that yoga has its origin in Hinduism, the practice itself is more

spiritual than religious, and attempts to create a meaningful bond between your body and mind. You are not required to perform any worship of any deity, or any religious ritual.

Yoga means ‘yoke’ literally, in Sanskrit. Hence, we can say that yoga is an act of uniting your body and mind. It can help in attaining peace, increasing your patience, and controlling your breathing patterns.

It can help improve not just physical, but also mental strength. On the whole, it’s all about self-realization and awakening your consciousness from within.


Yoga can be done by any individual regardless of age or flexibility. Don’t start panicking at the sight of individuals in poses that make it seem like they are made of rubber. Obviously, some people are more flexible than others, but this does not mean that you cannot do yoga.

In fact, you are not really required to bend, stretch or flex to the point of pain and discomfort. You can hold the pose in the position you are comfortable in. Yes, yoga can be performed at your own speed and comfort level. Of course, you should challenge yourself, but it can be done gradually. Balance it with ease.


Many people, men especially, seem to be under an impression that it’s a very female practice.

Most participants are also observed to be female, making men not so comfortable to join the class. The best way to bust this myth is to see who the first people to introduce yoga were.

They were all men.

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A good way to break this miscon ception is for women to get the men in their families to do yoga with them. Father, husband, brothers, and sons— get them all to your yoga sessions.

They will soon feel the difference in their bodies and advocate it to other men too.


There are different forms of yoga, practiced in the country of its origin, India—Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga, Bikram yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Power yoga, and many more.

The most popular form is Vinyasa yoga, and it focuses primarily on link ing movement and breath, achieving breathing control, and fluid move ments. This is what is taught in most studios. However, there are places that teach other forms of yoga. You can choose and learn the yoga form that suits your lifestyle and requirements.

One of the unique things about yoga is that there is no competition and comparing greatness. There are no teams, nobody wins or loses. It’s up to each participant to focus on their consciousness and enhance their own strength—be it mental, physical or spiritual. It’s an activity that almost everyone can safely pursue and enjoy the benefits.

Tips For Alzheimer’s Caregivers: Take Care Of Yourself

Being a caregiver can be extremely rewarding, but it can also be overwhelming. Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia takes time and effort. It can feel lonely and frustrating. You might even feel angry, which could be a sign you are trying to take on too much. It is important to find time to take care of yourself.


• Ask for help when you need it. This could mean asking family members and friends to help or reaching out to local services for additional care needs.

• Eat nutritious foods, which can help keep you healthy and active for longer.

• Join a caregiver’s support group online or in person. Meeting other caregivers will give you a chance to share stories and ideas and can help keep you from feeling isolated.

• Take breaks each day. Try making a cup of tea or calling a friend.

• Spend time with friends and keep up with hobbies.

• Get exercise as often as you can. Try doing yoga or going for a walk.

• Try practicing meditation. Research suggests that practicing meditation

may reduce blood pressure, anxiety and depression, and insomnia.

• Consider seeking help from mental health professionals to help you cope with stress and anxiety. Talk with your doctor about finding treatment.

—U.S Department of Health and Human Services

234972 M
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Which Popular Fall Plants Are Safe For Pets?

Though we are already a week into fall, if you’re still asking where summer went, you’re not alone. It’s hard enough keeping up with seasons changing in what seems like the blink of an eye, so it may be even harder for pet parents to keep track of what plants are safe to have around pets each season. But not to worry, that’s what the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) is here for.

To keep your four-legged friends safe, happy and healthy as the weather gets cooler, the APCC has created this list of the top 10 most popular fall plants so you can see which are pet-friendly and which are not.


Mums (Chrysanthemum spp.) are certainly the most popular fall flower, but they are considered toxic to dogs, cats and horses. If ingested, symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, hypersalivation, incoordination and dermatitis.

Red Maple

Red maple (Acer rubrum) trees are beautifully vibrant during fall and are considered non-toxic to dogs and cats. However, these trees’ leaves are toxic to horses—especially when wilted. If consumed, symptoms can include anemia, weakness, dark urine, difficulty breathing, abortion and possibly death.

Ginkgo Trees

Ginkgo trees (Ginkgo biloba) produce gorgeous yellow foliage in the fall, but it’s important to know that there is a difference between male and female

ginkgo trees. Males are considered non-toxic to pets, but the female trees have seeds that contain ginkgotoxin which is considered toxic to pets. If ingested, there is a potential for vomiting, irritability and seizures. The easiest way to tell the male and female trees apart is by the fruit. The female tree’s fruit carries an incredibly unpleasant smell, which would also be nasty if your pet decided to roll in it.

Fountain Grass

Fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) are beautiful in bloom and are considered non-toxic to pets so, plant away.

Feather Reed Grass

‘Karl Foerster’ feather reed grass (Calamagrostis acutiflora) while this grass is great to grow in your yard and non-toxic to pets, it does have sharp points that could scratch your pets, so be careful.


Asters (Callistephus chinensis) are typically sold around the same time as mums, but unlike mums, these plants are considered non-toxic to dogs, cats and horses.

Rayless Goldenrod

Rayless goldenrod (Haplopappus heterophyllus) isn’t considered toxic to dogs and cats, but this yellow plant is toxic to horses. Horses eating one to 10 percent of their body weight in the plant can have potentially deadly effects. Onset of signs can occur after two days or up to three weeks and includes: incoordination, muscle weakness and tremors, elevated heart rate, cardiac arrhythmias, fluid accumulation and swelling of the nervous system, profuse sweating and inability to swallow.

Russian Sage

Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) is a purple plant considered non-toxic to pets.


Caryopteris (Caryopteris clandonenis), another purple plant, is considered non-toxic to pets so feel free to add it into your garden this fall.


Pansies (Viola tricolor var. hortensis) are also considered non-toxic to pets and can even live through a little frost. Add these pet-safe plants to bring gorgeous fall colors to your yard.

While considered “non-toxic,” all plant material consumed by pets may cause mild gastrointestinal problems, so it’s best to try and prevent them from consuming plants in or around your home.

If you suspect your pet has been exposed to any poisonous substances or potentially toxic plants, contact your veterinarian or call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435 immediately.


Blessing Of The Animals

Trinity Episcopal Church in Roslyn invites all to its open house and blessing of the animals service on Sunday, Oct. 2, at 10 a.m. Attendees are encouraged to bring their pet (or a photo of their pet) to share for a blessing.

“Come bring your family and your pets and find out more about our special community where all are welcome,” said Father George Sherrill. “For anyone looking to make meaningful connections or seeking a community where you can belong, we invite you to come visit us.”

At the open house, a reception with food for all,

including pets, will be served following the service.

A historic landmark, Trinity Church was designed by architect Stanford White and features Tiffany stained-glass windows. It holds Sunday church services at 10 a.m.

Please email the church office for two- and fourlegged guest attendance on Oct. 2 so that refreshments can be planned accordingly.

Trinity Episcopal Church is located at 1579 Northern Blvd., in Roslyn, just east of the Roslyn viaduct. Email, visit or call 516-621-7925 for more.

Mitts and Annie
NORTH SHORE ANIMAL LEAGUE AMERICA HAS SAVED THE LIVES OF OVER 1,100,000 DOGS, CATS, PUPPIES AND KITTENS. Help Us Continue Our No-Kill Mission to Rescue, Nurture, Adopt and Educate For more information scan the code or go to: 25 Davis Ave., Port Washington, NY 11050 516.883.7575 • RR006 • FOLLOW US ON: 230438 R

Jimi Hendrix Experience (1966 to 1969)

“The Jimi Hendrix Experience is an obvious one. I love everything about the group all the way from the musical prowess of Hendrix to the fact that he hired Noel Redding to play bass because of his hair and he was a guitar player before that. He had an image, an approach and a style that he wanted to meet and he did it. He ended up being a lot of people’s favorite bass player and he was a guitar player.”

Robin Trower Band (1973 to 1976)

“That’s a great three-piece with bassist/vocalist James Dewar. You listen to [Twice Removed from Yesterday] and Bridge of Sighs and that’s a really great example of a power trio.”

The James Gang

(1966 to 1977; 1991; 1996; 1998; 2001; 2005 to 2006; present)

“They really changed the game up because Joe Walsh would play organ or guitar. To me, it was really proto-punk rock the way Joe Walsh’s vocals were. Listening to Rides Again and Live in Concert, when they were playing live at Carnegie Hall. “

Marcus King’s


When Marcus King decided to re-team with Black Keys founding member Dan Auerbach to produce Young Blood, the former’s second solo outing that came out earlier this year, the stylistic cue was to plug in and bang out a sound hearkening back to vintage rock power trios like Cream and Mountain. And while there are definite four-on-the-floor riffs and cuts emanating through this 11-track collection, the thematic inspiration comes from an emotional self-assessment King experienced when COVID-19 caused a global pause button to be hit. Forced isolation combined with a tenuous relationship with his then-girlfriend spilled over by the time King and

Auerbach hit the studio in May 2021 to cut the new record.

“I think what was interesting about the pandemic and something I didn’t expect was that it was this moment for me to reconcile these abandonment issues I’d struggled with my whole life,” King said. “It was an opportunity for me to get into therapy and to start growing. It was a real opportunity for us to hit reset and look within a little bit further.”

King’s catharsis was channeled into a six-day recording binge that yielded gems like “Rescue Me,” where the opening lines “All I need, all I’m wanting/Is something sweet, to take all this pain that’s been haunting me/Hold me down, don’t let me get any higher/Turn me around, pull me away from the fire” are wrapped up with a sinewy guitar riff and hypnotic rhythm reflecting King’s admitted physical state at a time where he admitted,

Marcus King (Photo by Danny Clinch)
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Fave Power Trios

“I don’t think I’d slept in a week. I was concerned with how I felt and needed someone to help me. I even called a doctor.” That pain can even be heard in more upbeat fare like “Dark Cloud,” a Free-flavored shuffle with plenty of cowbell that belies the gravity of couplets like, “When you get that feeling like/You’re lost and never found/There’s always a dark cloud hanging round/ Bringing you down.” In reuniting with Auerbach, who also produced King’s more rhythm and bluessoaked 2020 debut El Dorado, King knew he had the right ride-or-die producer to guide the creative direction of Young Blood

“Dan really curated the band because he knew what we were going for, the direction we wanted to go and during the writing process, it even more so took shape as it does,” King explained. “What you’re hearing on the record is a lot of live takes and it’s a lot of aggression and

anguish I was trying to get it out in any way that I could. And that’s the best way that I know how.”

As someone who started out as a guitar prodigy playing on his father Marvin King’s album at the age of 11, only to go on to studying jazz theory and jazz performance at the Greenville Fine Arts Center after dropping out of high school as a junior and earning his GED, King continues to push boundaries and challenge himself creatively. Live shows are packed with the kind of twists and turns not unlike Southern forerunners and peers like the Allman Brothers Band and the Tedeschi-Trucks Band would bring to the concert stage. King’s recent two-date swing through the Beacon Theater found him breaking musical bread with longtime friend/Lettuce vocalist Nigel Hall while tossing covers of Crowed House, Joe Cocker and the aforementioned Allmans into the

set list. This go with-the-flow approach is especially gratifying for the newly engaged 26-year-old.

“I’m trying to be open to the moment,” he said. “Keeping my wits about, but being open to the opportunity. It’s easier said than done because it’s almost going against everything mom and dad taught you. Don’t trust anyone, but be open to the situation.”

In the meantime, he was more than happy to share with Long Island Weekly his favorite rock trios.

Visit to read a longer version of this story along with a full feature on Marcus King.

The James Gang from left: Joe Walsh, Dale Peters, Jim Fox (Public domain) Jimi Hendrix Experience from left circa 1968: Jimi Hendrix, Noel Redding, Mitch Mitchell (Public domain)
235043 G

Battle Of Endorsements Heats Up In The Third

The alleged deficiencies of bail reform, pushed by the Democratic super majority in the state legislature and taking effect in 2020, have been fodder for Republican candidates ever since. It is believed that voter concern over rising crime and the GOP’s publicizing of several notorious examples of defendants committing more crimes while free on cashless bail, led to the defeat of incumbent Democratic Nassau County Executive Laura Curran and Republican Anne Donnelly’s victory for the open district attorney seat.

In general, law enforcement unions have backed the Republican candidates this election cycle, so it was surprising when former New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton endorsed Robert Zimmerman, the Democratic nominee for Congress in New York’s 3rd Congressional District seat.

The Democrat is facing George Santos to succeed three-term Congressman Thomas Suozzi, who chose not to run and instead challenged and lost to Governor Kathy Hochul in a Democratic primary. Santos lost his bid to unseat Suozzi in 2020.

Bratton led both the NYC (twice) and Los Angeles police departments, and his policing philosophy is credited by supporters as helping bringing down crime, especially during his 1994-96 stint in NYC.

In a statement, Bratton said, “I am proud to endorse Robert Zimmerman for Congress. I am confident that Robert is the right candidate to keep our Long Island and Queens communities safe. Robert has a track record of a level-headed approach to issues and an

ability to bring people together to solve problems—especially when it comes to balancing criminal justice reform with public safety. In Congress, Robert will work tirelessly to stop the flow of illegal guns and prevent gun violence, fight hate crimes in our communities and support law enforcement and work to improve community-police relations.”

Zimmerman said,“I am so honored and proud to be endorsed by Commissioner Bill Bratton, a national leader in law enforcement. Commissioner Bratton’s legacy is defined by heroic public safety accomplishments, diversity in the police force, and strengthening community-police relations.”

On Sept. 21, Santos’ campaign announced two key endorsements from major law enforcement agencies in Nassau County: The Nassau County Police Detectives’ Association (DAI) and the Nassau County Police Superior Officers (SOA).

“With George Santos as a Congressman in the House of Representatives, rest assured law enforcement will have an ally and voice in D.C. For too long, our men and women in blue have not had real leaders prepared to stand up for them. We want to elect unapologetic candidates like George Santos.” said Nassau County Police Superior Officers

Association President Ricky Frassetti.

“I am proud to receive the endorsement from the members of the SOA and the DAI as they courageously protect the residents of Nassau County,” Santos said. “I pledge to work collaboratively with members of law enforcement at the local level to ensure safe streets and thriving communities. We can’t let radical pro-criminal elites, like Robert Zimmerman, be elected to office. Robert Zimmerman’s policies are dangerous for our families.”

Santos’ other endorsements include Congressman Lee Zeldin (running for governor against Hochul), Congressman Ronny Jackson (R–Texas), Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, the National Republican Congressional Committee, the Republican Party of Nassau County and Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R–NY).

Among those endorsing Zimmerman are both of the state’s senators, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, as well as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the man who once held the seat, Steve Israel.

The Third District encompasses all of the northern portions of Nassau County and parts of eastern Queens and western Suffolk County.

Robert Zimmerman (D–Great Neck) (Contributed Photo) FRANK RIZZO
234593 R

John Stearns: A Postscript

batting cage on Old Timers’ Day. That just showed you how much of a competitor he was.” Lee Mazzilli.

Tributes from former New York Mets stars poured in upon the news that John Stearns, a catcher who played with the Mets for 10 years and earned four All-Star selections, had died in Denver, CO after a long battle with cancer.

Stearns was the starting catcher during the lean years of the late 1970s and early 1980s. His career with the club ended in 1984, only two years before the team won the 1986 World Series. He was a coach on the 2000 pennant-winning squad.

Stearns’ death was more poignant by the fact that the man, although seriously ill, made it his business to attend the recent Old Timers Day at Citi Field, one commemorating the franchise’s 60th anniversary. “Dude” even got into the batting cage to take a few swings. His memory remains evergreen.

“I am heartbroken. John was just a joy to be around. He loved the game so much. I was amazed when he went to the

“I’m so glad we had a chance to talk at Citi Field a few weeks ago. No one played the game harder than John. He never came to the park in a bad mood. All he wanted to do was win. To be a four-time All-Star is something special.” Joe Torre.

“John was such a key part of our staff. He had a unique way of lighting a fire under the guys. Every time we spoke by phone, he kept telling me he was going to beat this thing. That was John Stearns to a tee.” Bobby Valentine.

“John loved the game. As a coach, he always had your back. I saw how sick he was at Old Timers’ Day and I think he was holding on just to get back to the ballpark and see some of the guys one more time.” John Franco.

Stearns’ death wasn’t the only bad news that the Mets family has had to en dure. On Saturday, Sept. 14, Joan Hodges, the widow of Manager Gil Hodges, died after a long illness. She passed away 10 days short of her 96th birthday. Gil Hodges died 50 years ago at the age of 47.

“We are thankful that Joan was able to see Gil inducted into the Hall of Fame

in July. That meant so much to her and the entire Mets and Hodges family. She was a true baseball fan and still followed her two favorite teams, the Mets and Dodgers. We send our condolences to her daughters, Irene and Cindy, her son Gil Jr. and the rest of the Hodges family.”

While Mrs. Hodges was the gracious face of the Mets, Stearns was a firebrand, the product also of a brilliant football career at the University of Colorado. He was even chosen by the Buffalo Bills in the 1973 NFL draft before opting for baseball.

For two unsuspecting New Yorkers, that gridiron experience came in handy. In July 1977, New York City was blitzed with a massive Con Edison blackout that resulted in rioting and looting throughout the city. The Mets game was postponed. Stearns duly pulled away from Shea Stadium in his automobile. On the way out, he saw two fans being mugged. Stearns jumped out of his car and the gave the muggers…. well, you can imagine what a football star can do to such miscreants. Would-be criminals take note: Don’t commit crimes in the presence of a college football star. Bad for your health. John Stearns, RIP.

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ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your most powerful mode is always going to come from an integrated state of mind in which you accept your weaknesses and strengths alike. To compensate would take energy and probably draw attention to the very aw you’d rather hide. So instead, you’ll be upfront, honest and beautiful in your vulnerability.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You don’t feel entirely secure in the way things are, and your vision of the future is hazy, too. But if there’s one thing you can count on, it’s your ability to elevate any situation. You’ll lift the adequate to stellar. You’ll put a brilliant spin on the subpar and wind up with something uniquely great. Your attitude makes it so.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Being in a position to keep up appearances can be excellent if the way you want people to see you also happens to be the best version of who you really are. Would you do the same thing if it was just for you and there was no one else to impress? e answer will guide you to your next winning move.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Serving the needs of others is truly one of the most ful lling things you can do with your time. But it isn’t always so easy to nd the ones who need precisely what you o er. It’s time to look outside of your immediate circle. New opportunities will give you the con dence to let go of situations that aren’t the right t.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You can’t always regulate your thoughts as closely as you would like to. Some ideas pop to mind willy-nilly and without rhyme or reason. You will, however, feel in total control of the way you value your thoughts. You’ll brush o negativity and give a high value to useful ideas, which will keep you on a successful track.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). People will miss the mark with you, and when they don’t treat you right, it seems humiliating to have to ask them to. Try modeling instead. Keep in mind that the behavior you’d prefer isn’t a universally known standard. But with your patient and consistent modeling, it could become well known in your world at least.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It’s a busy time! Events are both many and much! Everything seems important, and maybe it is. Prioritizing becomes a challenge. Where should you focus? e timeworn adages will ring true, like, “safety rst” and “blood runs thicker than water.” Also, the ever-useful “measure twice, cut once” could save the day.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Social situations can be nerve-wracking. ough you’ve often made a winning impression, you’d still like to be more consistent in the way you show up, summoning charisma on command. Before you go out, you’ll think ahead so you can get yourself into the right mood, and you’ll plan and practice what you’ll say.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). is week, you’ll become a master at setting the mood, instead of responding to the one that was already in the room when you got there. e way you feel will shift the way you’re acting, which will dictate the response you get, demonstrating time and again that, without a doubt, your feelings matter.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). ose with a limited perspective may say confusing things as though they are stating obvious facts. ey assume their inner world experience is the one everyone experiences. eir terrible commu nication isn’t your fault, but to come to an understanding, you’ll need to work patiently and without judgment.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You like your relationships the way you like your vocabulary -- clearly de ned. You’ll stick your neck out emotionally to nd out how the other person sees things. Loosen up on your interpretations. Leave room for poetry. Complexity, contradiction and uncertainty can exist inside profoundly loving ties.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Because you’re attractive, extra energy will be directed your way. is is a chance to make something interesting happen, but not every interesting thing should. e decision to ignore someone or engage with them can alter destiny. Use your truly prescient imagination to envision the future of your decisions.


Your life has been building to some well-earned rewards, which you’ll now accept. is opens resources and the freedom to approach projects di erently. You’ll break out of limiting constructs to fashion routines that suit your need to stretch. A sweet soul will be a companion and the mirror that sharpens your perspective. Let your attractions guide you and do what it takes to bring ideas to life. You’ll develop an ability beyond what you or anyone expected would be possible. You could make money at this, but don’t chase it. e venture will pursue you if you let it.


the puzzle, there will be 24 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Driving around Australia

Solution: 24 Letters


This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have com pleted the puzzle, there will be 24 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Driving around Australia

Solution: 24 Letters

© 2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.


Adelaide Arid Bega Bondi Bright Bunbury Byron Bay Cairns Ceduna City Colo Dalby Echuca Fitzroy Fremantle Grafton Hobart Hostels Jabiru Kakadu Kalgoorlie Kiama

Adelaide Arid Bega Bondi Bright Bunbury Byron Bay Cairns Ceduna City Colo

Dalby Echuca Fitzroy Fremantle Grafton Hobart Hostels Jabiru Kakadu Kalgoorlie Kiama Lakes Lorne Maree Maya Mildura Morpeth Mt Isa Nerang Omeo Perth Rainforest Roma Snow Snug Tour Warragul Wyndham Yamba Yass

Lakes Lorne Maree Maya Mildura Morpeth Mt Isa Nerang Omeo Perth Rainforest Roma Snow Snug Tour Warragul Wyndham Yamba Yass


Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003

Date: 9/28/22


Creators Syndicate

Date: 9/28/22

737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003

South dealer.

Any port in a storm

therefore bid only one diamond, hoping to improve on his chances of reaching a potential slam con tract if his partner had a moder ately good hand.

As it turned out, South had to play well just to make five dia monds. West led a spade, declarer following low from dummy, and when East won the trick with the king, South played his queen on it! Declarer later successfully finessed dummy’s ten of spades to acquire his 11th trick.

Had South played the four of spades on East’s king — certainly the more “natural” thing to do — he would have scored only one spade trick and gone down one.

Opening lead — five of spades.

There are times when declarer must make what appears to be an unnatural play because that is the only way to make his contract. South did exactly that in this deal and scored a game as a result.

First, a word about the bidding. South had a problem of sorts in choosing his opening bid. He con sidered the possibility of opening with five diamonds, but decided, correctly, that his hand was too strong for a pre-emptive bid. He

While it is true that dropping the queen of spades under the king is an unusual play, since it appears to reduce declarer’s number of spade tricks from two to one, the queen play is correct because if offers the only real chance to score two spade tricks. It is therefore not as odd a play as it might at first seem.

Most declarers holding the South cards would probably play low from their hand at trick one from force of habit, but this merely emphasizes the fact that there’s almost no such thing as an auto matic play in bridge.

Tomorrow: A wise choice of plays. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc.
East-West vulnerable. NORTH ♠ A 10 2 ♥ J 10 8 4 ♦ 6 3 ♣ Q 8 7 6 WEST EAST ♠ J 9 6 5 ♠ K 8 7 3 ♥ 7 6 3 2 ♥ K Q 9 ♦ 8 7 ♦ 9 ♣ K 9 5 ♣ A J 10 4 2 SOUTH ♠ Q 4 ♥ A 5 ♦ A K Q J 10 5 4 2 ♣ 3 The bidding: SouthWestNorthEast 1 ♦ Pass1 ♥ Dble 5 ♦
is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted
2022 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.

Weekly Sudoku Puzzle

Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle


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Building Inspector, Nassau County, NY

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234941 M

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234981 M

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ANTON MEDIA GROUP • SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 4, 2022 19AFULL RUN ANTON MEDIA GROUP • SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 4, 2022FULL RUN 19 MARKETPLACE CHIMNEY KING ENT. INC.CHIMNEY KING ENT. INC. FREE ESTIMATES MASONRY SPECIALIST 516-766-1666 • 631-225-2600 Fully Licensed & Insured Nassau County License # H0708010000 Suffolk County License # 41048-H • NYC License # 2061397-DCA Done By Fire Fighters That Care! SINCE 1982 STAINLESS STEEL LINERS CLEANING & REPAIR SPECIALISTS Fireplaces • Gas/Oil Chimneys • Damper Repairs Draft Problems Corrected • Animals Humanely Removed Stainless Steel Liners & Chimney Caps Installed Waterproofing • Chimneys Rebuilt Chimneys Repaired, Rebuilt & Tuckpointing 234365 M Since 1948 234366 G (516) 746-0045 An Electrician When You Need One K.J. KENNY, INC. Licensed Electrical Contractors 746-7611 106 Second Street Mineola, NY 234367 M CONCRETE COATINGS 15-YEAR RESIDENTIAL WARRANTY POLYUREA - N OT EP OXY 4X STRONGER THAN EPOXY • NO HOT TIRE PICK-UP! WON’T CHIP OR PEEL • EASY TO CLEAN • 1 DAY INSTALL GARAGES • LAUNDRY ROOMS • PATIOS • WALKWAYS • OFFICES BASEMENTS • RECREATION ROOMS • SCHOOLS • SHOWROOMS COMMERCIAL KITCHENS • VET CLINICS • LOCKER ROOMS ONE DAY FLOORS CALL FOR YOUR ESTIMATE TODAY! 516-676-8469 and BEFORE INDOOR/OUTDOOR RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL AFTER 234585 R FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY Sofas • Love Seats • Chairs (516) 791-0690 Cell (917) 406-4807 NEW CHAIR SEATS $49 Dining Room or Kitchen (Fabric Samples Avail.) Piping Extra CANING $99 ea. Including Matching Stain RUSH SEAT Repair or Convert to Cushion DANISH CORD • SPLINT • RATTAN Loose & Broken Chairs Reglued & Repaired Stripping & Staining 234717 M EXPERIENCED FREE ESTIMATES FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE INCLUDING CABINETS CJM Contracting, Inc. EXPERTS IN LEAK REPAIRS Small Jobs Welcome. Having a Hardship? WE’LL HELP & BRING HOPE. FREE Estimates • Licensed & Insured Liability, Disability & W/C Ins. 516-428-5777 25 YEARS IN BUSINESS Lic #H18C602000 234745 R Bathrooms, Kitchens, Basements, Roofing, Dormers & Extensions, Masonry, Cement, Stoops, Brickwork, Waterproofing, Painting Mold Mediation/Fire & Flood Restoration CHRIS MULLINS EXPERT GENERAL CONTRACTING INCLUDES: 234902 M BRUCKNER ELECTRIC INC. Established Since 1952 442 Westbury Ave., Carle Place 516-334-7409 Residential • Industrial • Commercial Complete Electrical Installations Serving the area for over 60 years Licensed Electrical Contractors 234982 M Tuning, repairs, restorations, moving and storage. Selling pianos starting at $399. Buying Yamaha® and glossy black/white pianos. 235040 M I now move house contents on LI to Florida. Call Bruce for the best service. 516-330-7138 Pro Piano Man COMPLETE JUNK REMOVAL E 516-538-1125 FREE ESTIMATESBonded & Insured We Rip Out or Remove Anything & Everything! We Clean It Up & Take It Away! RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 235042 G
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Equal Housing Opportunity

Federal, New York State and local laws prohibit discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, dis ability, familial status, age, marital status, sexu al orientation or disability in connection with the rental, sale or financing of real estate. Nassau also prohibits source of income discrimination. Anton Community News papers does not know ingly accept advertising in violation of these laws. When you suspect hous ing discrimination, call Long Island Housing Services’ Discrimination Complaint Line at 800660-6920. (Long Island Housing Services is the Fair Housing Agency of Nassau and Suffolk Counties.)

SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 4, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP20A FULL RUNSEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 4, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP FULL RUN20 MARKETPLACE STRONG AS STEEL WITH THE ATTRACTIVE LOOK OF VARIOUS ROOF STYLES Upgrade Your Home witha NEW METAL ROOF Guaranteed to Last a Lifetime! From Dimensional Shingles to classic styles reminiscent of Cedar Shake and Spanish Tile, an architectural roo ng system by Erie Metal Roofs can enhance the beauty of your home while protecting your family and property for a lifetime. Call today to schedule your FREE ESTIMATE 1-855-492-6084 Made in the USA New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not be available in your area. Offer expires December 31, 2022. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on All rights reserved. LIMITED TIME OFFER 60% off TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 10 % off YOUR INSTALLATION Install for Military, Health Workers and First Responders + Warranty- Limited Lifetime. Transferable to subsequent owner from original purchaser. Terms and conditions apply. Hail up to 2.5”, Appearance of the surface coating beyond normal wear and tear. Limited time offer. Expires 12.31.22 REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (877) 516-1160 Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* – A $695 Value! EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! Promo Code: 285 FINANCING THAT FITS YOUR BUDGET!1 Subject to credit approval. Call for details. FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* SENIORS & MILITARY! YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE + 20%% OFF OFF10 *For those who qualify. One coupon per household. No obligation estimate valid for 1 year. **Offer valid at time of estimate only. 2The leading consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” Manufactured in Plainwell, Michigan and processed at LMT Mercer Group in Ohio. See Representative for full warranty details. Registration# 0366920922 CSLB# 1035795 Registration# HIC.0649905 License# CBC056678 License# RCE-51604 Registration# C127230 License# 559544 Suffolk HIC License# 52229-H License# 2102212986 License# 262000022 License# 262000403 License# 2106212946 License# MHIC111225 Registration# 176447 License# 423330 Registration# IR731804 License# 50145 License# 408693 Regis tration# 13VH09953900 Registration# H-19114 License# 218294 Registration# PA069383 License# 41354 License# 7656 DOPL #10783658-5501 License# 423330 License# 2705169445 License# LEAFFNW822JZ License# WV056912 CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE BACKED BY A YEAR-ROUND CLOG-FREE GUARANTEE 1-855-478-9473 Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST One touch of a button sends help fast, 24/7. alone I’m never Life Alert® is always here for me. I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! ® Help at Home with GPS! Help On-the-Go For a FREE brochure call: 1-800-404-9776 Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTES Batteries Never Need Charging. FINANCING AVAILABLE WITH APPROVED CREDIT Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-855-916-5473
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Offices Paper Management OWA_got_clutter CMYK AD Wednesday, July 22, 2020 08:11:26 PM 234887 G

The Breakfast Club Meets Again

North Shore Biz Network (NSBN) held its latest Breakfast Club networking meeting at Gemelli Gourmet Market North on Sept. 13.

Attendees from the North Shore area and beyond came to network, enjoy a great breakfast from Gemelli’s and share in the North Shore community. Spotlight member Mindy Lampert of C2 Education in Greenvale shared her educational expertise with the group and took questions on college

admissions, test preparation, study skills and overall student success.

All attendees were invited to enter a business card-based raffle. Carol Wohl was the winner of a $25 gift card for a return trip to Gemelli Gourmet Market North.

Visit visit for more information on NSBN.

—Submitted by the North Shore Business Network


Fall can be a very exciting time, with the season changing, the weather cooling and the holidays looming ahead. It is also the perfect time to think about how you can finally deliver on your commitment to doing something for yourself. Back to the gym, back to the diet, the new season brings with it the impetus to look better and feel better.

Utilizing only the latest and most advanced surgical approach, your recovery is fast and the sooner you act, the sooner you’ll look fantastic. Get ready for your winter vacation or spruce up for the holidays with SmartLipo MPX®, the most advanced technique in liposuction available. This technology is light years ahead of competing liposuction systems with less bruising and a shorter recovery time. If you have been considering a Tummy Tuck post-pregnancy or weight loss, this procedure will have you in great shape in a very short period of time and you can show off that terrific figure at the upcoming holiday parties.

It is often a combination of services that produces the best result, many times including breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reduction, with the appropriate procedure determined by each individual’s body. Several packages are designed to address your specific needs. Ultimate Breasts includes breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction – separately or in combination--

for the most beautiful, natural looking results.

If childbirth has made some changes to your body that you would like to correct, the Mommy Makeover package provides the right combination of tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift or implants as well as cellulite treatments to transform the body back to its youthful aesthetic. About Face turns back the hands of time with the appropriate combination of facelift, eyelid lift, rhinoplasty, chin reshaping and more. If this isn’t the time for a surgical procedure, a Liquid Facelift requires just 20 minutes to restore and contour the cheeks, eyes, jawline and lips to refresh and rejuvenate the face. My cutting-edge device Morpheus8 remodels collagen on the face and body to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles while improving skin tone, texture and laxity for a more youthful appearance. CoolPeel is the coolest new way to rejuvenate crepey skin on the face and neck achieving the benefits of CO2 without the extensive downtime.

Now that the kids are getting back to school, this is the perfect time to have the cosmetic procedure or treatment that you’ve always wanted and start on the path to a younger looking you! Schedule your complimentary consultation today, call 516-364-4200 or

Spotlight member Mindy Lampert speaks to attendees. (Photos courtesy the North Shore Business Network) Celeste Gullo, left, Susan Giordano, Mindy Lampert and Amy Goldin.Kathy Scalzo, left, Ron Roel and Marc Samuels.
Expert Wash-Dry-Fold Service 214 Glen Cove Avenue • Glen Cove (in CVS-711 Shopping Center) 516-656-0573 • Free Parking • No more quarters - machines start with a card swipe (Cards Never Expire) • Washing machine removes more water from clothes so less drying time • Clothes come out of dryer softer & may actually last longer (ASK US WHY?) • Don’t forget our expert drop-off serviceclothes are clean, fresh & beautifully folded • Friendly attendants • Free Children’s books 229190 G NEW WASHERS & DRYERS ARE HERE! Quicker Wash & Dry Means More Time for Summer Fun! AIR CONDITIONED Nick’s Laundromat is a proud supporter of St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and Glen Cove Special Olympics CLEANSAFE Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg is a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. He has offices in Woodbury, Southampton and Manhattan. For a complimentary consultation, call 516-364-4200 if you have a question for Dr. Greenberg, please e-mail him at, or visit the web at
234314 R

Free HalloweenThemed Movie Nights Coming Soon

Not-so-spooky family films come to Town of Oyster Bay parks with games, free popcorn, inflatables and more

Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and the town board are excited to announce two special Halloween-themed movie nights at Town of Oyster Bay parks. Movie nights include fun pre-movie activities and are held outdoors, weather permitting. Residents and families are encouraged to bring chairs and blankets for their viewing comfort.

“What better way to kick off the fall season than a fun Halloween-themed movie night at your local town park,” said Saladino. “We hope all residents and their families join us at these not-so-spooky and fun movie nights.”

Movie Schedule

• Friday, Sept. 30: The Addams Family 2 at Ellsworth W. Allen Park, 45 Motor Avenue in Farmingdale. The event includes games, free popcorn, inflatables and more.

• Saturday, Oct. 8: The Nightmare Before Christmas at Syosset-Woodbury Community Park, 7900 Jericho Turnpike in Woodbury. The event includes games, free popcorn, inflatables and more. Movies begin at sundown with pre-movie activities beginning at 4:30 p.m. Movies are subject to change and will be held weather permitting. Call 516-797-7925 for updated information.

—Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay

Jermain Antoine Rose

On Sunday, September 4, 2022, Jermain Antoine Rose, devoted, loving husband, and father of two daughters, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 46. He was taken by God too soon but now rests in peace with his mother in heaven, who died only 8 weeks earlier.

Jermain was born on August 14, 1976, in Glen Cove, NY to Christine Bell and Charles Rose. He attended Glen Cove High School where he met the love of his life, Rocío Clausen, at the age of 16. Their innocent love blossomed over the years and on November 10, 2007, Jermain and Rocío married. They later moved to Port Washington, NY and had two beautiful daughters, Alexa and Brielle.

Jermain was known for his infectious smile, and his kind and compassionate spirit. To know him, was to love him. A 30-second interaction with Jermain, would let anyone know that he was a gentle teddy bear. Jermain loved to cook for family and friends (his macn-cheese and baked ziti were famous). He loved listening to music, coaching his daughter’s sports, and spending time with his family and friends. To many, losing Jermain is like losing a brother. The world and our lives will never be the same, but his memory, spirit and laughter will live on forever.

Jermain was predeceased by his mother Christine. Jermain is survived by his father Charles; stepfather Jeffrey, wife Rocío, daughters Alexa and Brielle, and siblings Demarcus, Melissa, and Geoffrey.

A funeral service was held on Friday, September 9th, 2022, at St. Peter of Alcantara in Port Washington.

Before Christmas” on Oct. (Photo courtesy The Walt Disney
SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 4, 2022 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP10 We’re not just your local newspaper, we’re a member of your community Glen Head, Glenwood Landing, Muttontown, Sea Cliff, Oyster Bay Cove, East Norwich, Bayville, Locust Valley 132 East Second Street, Mineola, NY 11501 • 516-747-8282 • Fresh content delivered to your mailbox each week! Local Politics • School News • Community Calendar • Local Sports Entertainment • Puzzles & Games • Events & Happenings • Classi eds Order online: or CALL 516-403-5120 TODAY! Don’t Miss a Single Issue! Also Serving Glen Head, Glenwood Landing, Muttontown, Sea Cliff, Oyster Bay Cove, East Norwich, Bayville, Locust Valley An Anton Media Group Publication Vol. 50, No. 23 April 12, 2022 $1.00 Glen Cove Now: Participate in the first Teen Idol vocal contest (See page 4) Oyster Bay Now: Local volunteers planted dune grass at TOBAY (See page 12) School News: Oyster Bay students learn how ornithologists identify various birds (See page 14) TERMITES? We Can Knock Them Out! 100 DISCOUNT* 800-244-7378 INSIDE Springtime! Check out the best golf locations on Long Island. Springtime BEST Color Our Town Oyster Bay recognized for its beauty and historical landmarks (See page 3) Colored illustration of Sagamore Hill. (Photo source: Color Our Town) 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® Bob Sztorc, Agent Se Habla Español® Buy Quality. M: 516.252.8841 O: 516.517.4751 Professional and passionate. Use PROMO CODE 1YXT2022 to add a FREE YEAR! Only $2600 for one year & Bigforchanges the SAT Sail away with me Hofstra re-openingcamp Children For A Bright Future Serving . . . GUIDEWINTERANANTONMEDIAGROUPSPECIALDINING Valentine takeoutoptions Crockpot comfort food Local bakers conquercoffee cake market christenings,communions,graduations,anniversaries,engagement banquet people SpecialOccasion Packages NowAcceptingReservationsValentine’sDay MEDICINE PROFILES IN CHILDREN’S AN MEDIA SPECIAL FEBRUARY 2022 Suite New 516.627.5113 christenings,anniversaries,engagement NowAcceptingPLUS!45 + SPECIALTHEMED SUPPLEMENTS TOO! (Nassau County Delivery Only)
Send it to Got an Event You’d Like to Publish? Watch “The Nightmare
Company via Wikimedia Commons)
234988 M

Phoenix Rising Award Recipients Announced

Award Ceremony and Fundraising Gala will be held in February

Many may remember the award ceremony and fundraising event sponsored by the Phoenix Rising Committee held this past February at The View Grill. Founded in December 2021, the Phoenix Rising Committee, in collaboration with VFW Post 347, hosted a fundraiser at Glen Cove’s The View Grill. The event raised more than $20,000 for the Post.

The 10-member Executive Committee and the Committee-at-large of Phoenix Rising are doing it again. They are collaborating with VFW Post 347 and will host the 2nd Annual Phoenix Rising Awards and Gala Fundraiser on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023, at Glen Cove’s The Metropolitan.

The public was invited to an announcement event and press conference on Sept. 18 in Morgan Park at 3:30 p.m. The recipients of the awards were announced along with other details about the upcoming gala.

Six of the 10 awards are specif ically designated to be presented to veterans with four of the awards

designated to be presented to veteran supporters. The awards include Legacy Award, Leader ship Award, Community Service Award, Volunteer Award, Home front Award, Impact Award, Unity Award, Front Runner Award, Hon oring Award and the Awareness and Remembrance Award. The last three awards noted are new this year. The Front Runner Award pays tribute to an individual or organi zation that has been a “front run

ner” in making significant strides in raising funds for veteran causes; the Honoring Award pays tribute to an individual who has focused his or her talents on working to honor veterans, and the Awareness and Remembrance Award pays tribute to an individual who has worked to heighten awareness as it relates to the alarming rate of suicide among our active service members and veterans and who has encouraged all of us to remember service



Founded 1929

members and veterans who have perished due to suicide.

Those who were named to receive awards include Glen Cove Volunteer Firefighter, Glen Cove American Legion Post 76 Commander, and VFW Post 347 Past Commander and Chaplain, Vincent Martinez Sr., who will receive the LEGACY AWARD; VFW Post 347 Quartermaster, Bill Lawson, who will receive the LEADERSHIP AWARD; Commander of Glenwood Landing American Legion Post 336 and Vice Commander of VFW Post 347, Dave Whitting, who will receive the Community Service Award; VFW Post 347 Past Commander and Exempt Firefighter, Tom Kenary, who will receive the VOLUNTEER AWARD; Glen Cove Volunteer Fire Fighter, VFW Post 347 volunteer, and President of Port Washtington’s John Michael Marion Lodge, Pete Prudente, who will be receiving the HOME FRONT AWARD; Retired Marine Captain and Poet Laureate of Nassau County, Evelyn Kandel, who will receive the IMPACT AWARD; American

Legion Young-Simmons Post 1765 Commander and active member of Calvary A.M.E Church, David L Hubbard, who will receive the UNITY AWARD; Marathon runner and Founder of Team E.V.A - Every Veteran Appreciated, Eva L. Casale and TEAM EVA, who will receive the FRONT RUNNER AWARD; Troop 6 Boy Scout and Glen Cove High School Senior Genalie Prezeau, who will receive the HONORING AWARD; and, Founder and President of Heroes Among Us, Virginia Gaudio Cervasio, who will receive the AWARENESS AND REMEMBRANCE AWARD.

This past February’s Award recipients included Ben Farnan, Henryk Nowicki, Tony Jimenez, Howard Stillwagon, Joseph Moores, and George Suddell.

Sponsorship opportunities will also be announced.

Visit the Phoenix Rising Com mittee’s Facebook page at www. mittee for more information .

—Submitted by the Phoenix Rising Committee

Please Join Us for an Evening of Hors d’oeuvres, Beverages, and Music

Friday, September 30th

6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Mill River Rod and Gun Club 5 West Harbor Drive, Bayville, NY 11709


- We will recognize prominent Patrons.

- We will express our appreciation for the volunteers who continue to help NSWS.

- We will share experiences as neighbors and patrons.

- Attendees will learn more about this unique organization, its work and priorities, and ways to support and contribute and participate in that work.

- There will be raf es and items for silent auction in addition to the food, beverages and music.

From Locust Valley: Bayville Road to Bayville Avenue. Follow Bayville Avenue to Ludlum Avenue. Turn right onto Ludlum Avenue, then left at the blinking light before the drawbridge onto West Harbor Drive. The Club is approximately 3-tenths of a mile on the right – just after the West Harbor Beach ball elds.

*Directions to the Mill River Rod and Gun Club

P.O. Box 214 Mill Neck, New York 11765

The North Shore Wildlife Sanctuary, Inc. is a 501(c )3) corporation.

Donations Are Appreciated

From Oyster Bay: West Shore Road over the drawbridge. Make a left at the blinking light onto West Harbor Drive. The Club is approximately 3-tenths of a mile on the right – just after the West Harbor Beach ball elds.

The February 2022 Awards Ceremony hosted by Phoenix Rising raised over $20,000 for VFW Post 347. The organization announced the 2023 recipients on Sept. 18 at 3:30 p.m. in Glen Cove’s Morgan Park. (Photo courtesy Phoenix Rising Committee)



NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WACHOVIA BANK, N.A., Plaintiff AGAINST KATHLEEN KHAWAJA, AMJAD MASOOD KHAWAJA AKA AMJAD M. KHAWAJA, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered November 9, 2016, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on October 6, 2022 at 2:00PM, premises known as 11 FRUITLEDGE ROAD, GLEN HEAD A/K/A BROOKVILLE, NY 11545.

All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Brookville, Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York, SECTION 18, BLOCK 3, LOT 13 AND 17. Approximate amount of judgment $954,830.52 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #7177/2011. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 mitigation protocols and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale.

Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine”. Charles Casolaro, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC 1775 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 00-304985 73067 9-28-21-14-7-2022-4T#234728-GCOB/RP


SUPREME COURTCOUNTY OF NASSAU THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON F/K/A THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR STRUCTURED ASSET SECURITIES CORPORATION MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2003-24A, Plaintiff -against- JOHN J. QUINN AKA JOHN QUINN, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered herein and dated May 16, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 12, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. premises situate, lying and being in the City of Glen Cove, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING

at a point the following 2 courses and distances from the westerly end of a curve connecting the northerly side of Lattingtown Road with the westerly side of Birch Lane;

1. Westerly along the northerly side of Lattingtown Road 194.26; 2. Northerly 8 degrees 10 minutes East 581.50 feet to the true point or place of beginning; THENCE North West, 253.47 feet; THENCE North East, 131.05 feet; THENCE North East, 142.60; THENCE North East, 94.18 feet; THENCE North East, 62.95 feet; THENCE North East, 47.53 feet; THENCE North West, 37.77 feet; THENCE North East, 47.08 feet; THENCE North West, 51.19 feet; THENCE North West, 43.36 feet; THENCE North West, 38.00 feet; THENCE South East, 303.16 feet, THENCE South West, 487.88 feet; THENCE South East 149.26 feet; RUNNING THENCE along said westerly side of Birch Bark Lane the following 3 courses and distances: 1. Along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 50.00 feet a distant of 93.06 feet; 2. Along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 25.00 a distance of 33.97 feet; 3. South 3 degrees 20 minutes 37 seconds West, 109.31 feet; THENCE North West 206.65 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Section: 30 Block: 91 Lot: 52 f/k/a Section: 30 Block: 91 Lot: 8

All bidders must wear a face mask/shield at all times and social distancing must be observed by all bidders at all times. Bidders who do not comply with the face mask and/or the social distancing mandate will be removed from the auction.

Said premises known as 17 HOLLOW WAY, GLEN COVE, NY

Approximate amount of lien $2,226,210.07 plus interest costs.

Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment and Terms of Sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid.

The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Index Number 010153/2014.


David A. Gallo Associates LLP

Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 47 Hillside Avenue, 2nd Floor, Manhasset, NY 11030 File# 5025.1456 9-28-21-14-7-2022-4T#234729-GCOB/RP




Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered June 10, 2019, I will sell at


public auction on the North Side Steps of the Nassau Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 12, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. prem. k/a District 4, Section 30, Block 22, Lot(s)57-58.

Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale. Foreclosure auction will be held “Rain or Shine.” If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee will cancel the foreclosure auction. MELVYN ROTH, Referee. LEVY LEVY, Attys for Pltf., 12 Tulip Dr., Great Neck, NY. #99627 9-28-21-14-7-2022-4T#234722-GCOB/RP






Plaintiff against GEORGE LINCON, et al Defendant(s)

Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Fein Such Crane, LLP, 1400 Old Country Road, Suite 103N, Westbury, NY 11590.

Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered September 20, 2017, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on October 13, 2022 at 2:30 PM. Premises known as 35 Duck Pond Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542. Sec 23 Block 25 Lot 2. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Glen Cove, County of Nassau and State of New York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $837,270.45 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No 011077/2012.

The foreclosure sale will be conducted in accordance with 10th Judicial District’s Covid-19 Policies and foreclosure auction rules. The Referee shall enforce any rules in place regarding facial coverings and social distancing. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall cancel the foreclosure auction.

Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.”

Michael Cardello, Esq., Referee SNNY045 10-5; 9-28-21-14-2022-4T#234850-GCOB/RP




Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on November 13, 2019. I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 “Rain or Shine” on the 12th day of October, 2022 at 2:00 PM. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in Locust Valley, Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York.

Premises known as 2 Woods Roadway a/k/a 2 Woods Road, Locust Valley, (Town of Oyster Bay) NY 11560. (SBL#: 29-2-47)

Approximate amount of lien $1,276,964.70 plus interest and costs.

Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed judgment and terms of sale.

Index No. 604070/2018.

Judith L. Powell, Esq., Referee.

Davidson Fink LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 400 Meridian Centre Blvd, Ste 200 Rochester, NY 14618 Tel. 585/760-8218

For sale information, please visit at www. or call (800) 280-2832

Dated: August 11, 2022

During the COVID-19 health emergency, bidders are required to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect at the time of sale including but not limited to, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale.

10-5; 9-28-21-14-2022-4T#234853-GCOB/RP




Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered on May 2, 2017, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the front steps on the north side of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 13, 2022 at 2:00 p.m., premises known as 28

McLoughlin Street, Glen Cove, NY 11542. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the City of Glen Cove, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 21, Block 236 and Lot 4. Approximate amount of judgment is $236,192.16 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #1864/2013. This foreclosure sale will be held on the north side steps of the Courthouse, rain or shine. COVID-19 safety protocols will be followed at the foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, the Court Appointed Referee will cancel the sale.

Dominic Chiariello, Esq., Referee

Pincus Law Group, PLLC, 425 RXR Plaza, Uniondale, New York 11556, Attorneys for Plaintiff 10-5; 9-28-21-14-2022-4T#234906-GCOB/RP


ENS Universal Arts LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 7/12/22. Office: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 15 Michaels Ln, Glen Head, NY 11545. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. 10-26-19-12-5; 9-28-212022-6T-#234952-GCOB/RP



Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter , Section of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on OCTOBER at 7:00 P. M., to consider the following appeals: BYORDER OFTHE ZONINGBOARDOF APPEALS

APPEAL NO. 22-349


JOSEPH VILLELLA: Variance to allow existing dwelling having less lot size, width of lot at the street, width of lot at required rear yard and exceeding maximum building coverage than permitted by Ordinance. PARCEL A E/s/o S. 6th St., 150 ft. N/o Elm St., a/k/a 47 S. 6th Street, Locust Valley, NY APPEAL NO. 22-350


JOSEPH VILLELLA: (A) Variance to construct new dwelling on subdivided lot having less lot size, width of lot at the street and width of lot at required rear yard than

permitted by Ordinance. (B)

Variance to construct cellar entrance having less rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to construct driveway having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance.

PARCEL B E/s/o S. 6th St., 150 ft. N/o Elm St., a/k/a 47 S. 6th Street, Locust Valley, NY SEPTEMBER 26, 2022






Civil Action No.: 22-cv-4283 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPLAINT

-ofSAGAMORE YACHT CLUB, INC. and SAGAMORE JUNIOR SAILING CORP., as Owners or Owners pro hac vice of a 13-foot Boston Whaler motorboat for Exoneration from or Limitation of Liability, Petitioners.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Petitioners Sagamore Yacht Club, Inc. and Sagamore Junior Sailing Corp., as owners or owners pro hac vice of a 1969, 13-foot Boston Whaler motorboat, pursuant to 46 U.S.C. 30501 et seq ., bring this action involving admiralty and maritime claims within the meaning of Rule 9(h) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Rule F of the Supplemental Rules for Admiralty or Maritime Claims and Asset Forfeiture Actions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, concerning any claims for loss, damage, and/or injury, arising or resulting in connection with an incident which occurred on July 19, 2021, while Petitioners’ vessel was upon the navigable waters of the United States, as more fully described in the Complaint; and

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all persons, firms, entities or corporations, having any claim or suit against the Petitioners or the vessel arising or resulting from the incident must file a claim as provided in Rule F of the Supplemental Rules for Admiralty or Maritime Claims and Asset Forfeiture Actions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, with the Clerk of the Court, at the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, 100 Federal Plaza, Central Islip, NY 11722, and must deliver or mail to the attorneys for the Petitioners, James E. Mercante, Esq., RUBIN, FIORELLA, FRIEDMAN

MERCANTE LLP, 630 Third Avenue, 3rd Floor, New York, New York 10017, a copy on or before the 15th day of October, 2022 or be defaulted. Personal attendance is not required. Further, any claimant desiring to contest Petitioners’ right either to exoneration from or limitation of liability shall file an Answer to the Complaint on or before the aforesaid date as required by Supplemental Rule F of the Supplemental Rules for Admiralty or Maritime Claims and Asset Forfeiture Actions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and deliver or mail a copy to the attorneys for the Petitioners, or be defaulted.

Dated: 08/18/2022 10-5; 9-28-21-14-2022-4T#234834-GCOB/OB



SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU PHH Mortgage Corporation, Plaintiff AGAINST Peter Ruggles; Tammy Ruggles; et al., Defendant(s)

Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered February 1, 2019 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on October 26, 2022 at 2:30PM, premises known as 76 Singworth Street, Oyster Bay, NY 11771. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau, State of New York, Section 27 Block 7 Lot 98. Approximate amount of judgment $302,526.10 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index# 002536/2017. The auction will be conducted pursuant to the COVID-19 Policies Concerning Public Auctions of Foreclosed Property established by the Tenth Judicial District. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.”

Mark Ricciardo, Esq., Referee LOGS Legal Group LLP f/k/a Shapiro, DiCaro Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff

175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) 430-4792

Dated: September 2, 2022 10-12-5; 9-28-21-2022-4T#234937-GCOB/OB





The public hearing and meeting originally scheduled to be held before and by the Planning Board of the Incorporated Village of Mill Neck, Nassau County, New York at the Village Hall, 32 Frost Mill Road in the Village on September

Continued on page 13

Tiegerman’s 19th Annual Chefs For Children Food & Wine Tasting

Tiegerman is excited to announce the return of the organization’s Chefs for Children Food & Wine Tasting on Thursday, Oct. 27, at Leonard’s Palazzo in Great Neck. This fun and festive evening is an annual tradition of culinary decadence. Guests will enjoy an abundance of top restaurants showcasing their best fare alongside beverages and confectioneries to complement an extraordinary tasting experience.

Tiegerman opened its doors in 1985 to support the needs of children with language disorders. Now, 37 years later, the organization has grown substantially and serves more than 500 children ages 3-21 in 4 school locations. In 2012, Tiegerman Community Services was established and

expanded the agency’s scope to assist 135 adults with developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders lead productive and successful lives. Tiegerman provides a life-cycle of services including educational, community, vocational, day habilitation, supportive employment, community habilitation, respite and residential services for individuals and families on Long Island and in the five boroughs.

Visit for more information about Chefs for Children Food & Wine Tasting or Tiegerman Schools and Tiegerman Community Services, contact Shari Prinstein, Director of Development, at or 516-609-6230.


Continued from page 12

29, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. has been CANCELLED and rescheduled for Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

The hearing will be on the joint application of CushJen, LLC, owner of a parcel of land located on the south erly side of Feeks Lane in the Village, designated as Section 29, Block M, Lots 1430 1431 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map, and located in the Village=s R2 (3-Acre) Zoning District,


and Thomas E. Dooley and Barbara A. Dooley, owners of an adjacent parcel of land located on the southerly side of Feeks Lane in the Village, designated as Section 29, Block M, Lots 420, 421, 1416 1419 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map, and located in the Village=s R2 (3-Acre) Zoning District .

The total area of the parcels is 22.51 acres.

The Applicants seek final approval to partition the combined parcels into four lots, as shown on the plat en titled “Partitioning Map…”

prepared by Hawthorne Engineering Consulting, PLLC and last dated June 13, 2022.

The above application is on file at the office of the Village Clerk located at 32 Frost Mill Road between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, until the time of the hearing.

All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard at said time and place.

Donna Harris Village Clerk/Treasurer 9-28-2022-1T-#235071GCOB/OB

Got an Event You’d Like to Publish? Send it to SPONSORED BY Sunday, October 2, 2022 Festivities at 12:00PM • Plunge at 1:00PM Theodore Roosevelt Park Oyster Bay, NY 11771 RAIN OR SHINE ! INDOOR ASSEMBLY AREA The Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County. For more information please call 516.378.2000 x 353 or visit our website. CP Nassau Great Pumpkin Dunkin • 380 Washington Avenue, Roosevelt, NY 11575 • • 516-378-2000 The Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County presents... • STAR WARS CHARACTERS • DJ, RAFFLES, PUMPKINS AND MUMS • FREE HOT DOGS , COFFEE, HOT SOUP, HOT CHOCOLATE, & TEA D&D Entertainment CHAIRMEN Russ Lundstrum Frank Ozol CHAIRMAN EMERITUS Jack Sullivan To Register please visit: Scan Here! Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor HONORARY CHAIRMAN Joseph S. Saladino
To Submit Legal Notices for LLPs, LLCs, Summonses, Orders to Show Cause, Citations, Name Changes, Bankruptcy Notices, Trustees Sales, Auction Sales, Foundation Notices Visit our website at or call Legal Advertising at (516) 403-5143 Fax us at (516) 742-6376 or email us at


Welcome Back North Shore

On Sept. 1, it was a gorgeous day as Principal Dr. Peter Rufa of Glen Head School, Principal Bridget Finder of Glenwood Land ing School, Principal Jeanette Wojcik of Sea Cliff School, Principal Dr. Ryan O’Hara of North Shore Middle School and Principal Eric Contreras of North Shore High School, along with their faculty and staff, happily welcomed students back for a wonderful 2022-23 school year.

Superintendent Dr. Chris Zublionis and Interim Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Dr. Carol Ann Smyth were also at the respective North Shore School buildings

to greet everyone.

You could feel the excitement in the hallways as the older students were reunited with their friends, middle schoolers were enthusiastic to meet their new principal and see their peers, and the elementary students were eager to meet their teachers on this first day of classes.

Best of luck to everyone at the North Shore Schools.

North Shore Schools is delighted to welcome students back for a wonderful 2022-23 school year.

—Submitted by North Shore Schools

Seventh Graders Get Ready For A New Start With Baymen Day

In preparation for the first day of school, incoming seventh graders and their families attended Oyster Bay High School’s annual Baymen Day on Aug. 30. It allowed the students to get acclimated to their new building administrators and the school before the 2022-23 school year began on Sept. 1.

Oyster Bay High School principal Sharon Lasher spoke with the students and their families in the school’s auditorium and in troduced the school’s new assistant princi pals, Robert LoCastro and John Pardue. The incoming seventh graders learned about what to expect and tips for success, along with the school’s athletic opportunities.

After the presentation, incoming seniors took the students on a tour of the building while families remained in the auditorium for a question-and-answer session with Lasher. The day provided a smooth transi

Oyster Bay High School Principal Sharon Lasher spoke with parents during a question-and-answer session regarding the high school. (Photos courtesy Oyster BayEast Norwich Central Schools)

tion into Oyster Bay High School for both the students and their families.

—Submitted by the Oyster BayEast Norwich Central School District

Principal Eric Contreras said “hi” to his students in their classes and joined them for Italian ices sponsored by the HS PTO on the first day.

Dr. Peter Rufa of Glen Head School welcomes his students outside along with Superin tendent Dr. Chris Zublionis and Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Dr. Carol Ann Smyth. (Photos by Shelly Newman) Principal Bridget Finder of Glenwood Landing School greets students along with faculty and staff on first day. Students at Sea Cliff School were happy to see their teachers and friends on the first day of school and be greeted by Principal Jeanette Wojcik, Superintendent Dr. Chris Zublionis and Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Dr. Carol Ann Smyth. New North Shore Middle School Principal Dr. Ryan O’Hara along with Assistant Principal Brendan Nelson happily greet his students on first day. Incoming seventh grade students and their parents gathered in the Oyster Bay High School auditorium for Baymen Day on Aug. 30. Incoming Oyster Bay High School senior Jaiya Chetram (bottom middle), took incoming seventh graders on a tour of the high school before their first day of school.


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