Westbury Times An Anton Media Group Publication
Also Serving New Cassel, Carle Place, Salisbury & Old Westbury
Vol. 115, No. 38
Established 1907
September 29 - October 5, 2021
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Exit Plan
Congressman Garbarino talks about Afghanistan A rendering of the proposed 72-unit apartment building on Railroad Avenue.
(See page 3)
(Photo by Frank Rizzo)
Application approved for apartments (See page 28)
Carle Place:
School district gets safety equipment (See page 28)
Top Musician:
Carle Place’s Urratia is among state’s elite (See page 28)
Evacuees prepare to board a C-17 Globemaster III at Hamid Karzai International Airport, Afghanistan, Aug. 18, 2021. U.S. troops are assisting the Department of State with an orderly drawdown of designated personnel in Afghanistan.
The Westbury Times (USPS 677-240) Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County.
(Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Nicholas Guevara)
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Afghan Exit Worries Garbarino BY FRANK RIZZO
around last year and I din’t have the briefings I have now, but I think it was a mistake to give up our base. he specter of September 11 President Biden talked about an overhaunts the national security the-horizon ability to attack if there is a establishment. As a member resurgence of Al Quaeda and other terof the Committee on Homeland rorist camps and activities. The Taliban Security, freshman Congressman has to gain legitimacy with the Afghan Andrew Garbarino (R–Sayville) has people and international community. access to classified information on Do you think they’ll tolerate having threats to the United States. The exit terrorists within the country? last month of the last American troops They did 20 years ago [when they from Afghanistan has him worried. were last in power], when we had Al Here are parts of an interview Quaeda and 9/11. I don’t have too Anton Media Group recently held much faith in [the Taliban] preventing with Garbarino, whose 2nd District attacks. I understand that they need covers the south shore of both Nassau legitimacy because that will [get them] and Suffolk counties. aid from the IMF and World Bank. I “Our main goal right now is still Then-President Donald J. Trump and Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of just don’t know if they have the ability. working on getting people out that we the Joint Chiefs of Staff, shake hands during their visit to Bagram Airfield, They haven’t shown that in the past. should get out,” he said. “We’re still Afghanistan, Nov. 28, 2019. Congressman Garbarino criticized Trump’s Congress gave then-President George dealing with people in our district— decision to leave Afghanistan. W. Bush authorization to conduct a (Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Dominique A. Pineiro) and I know that a lot of my colleagues global war on terror in 2001. Should are still dealing with citizens or green that authorization be rescinded and card holders that are trying to get out. to prevent that. My concern is with what is your view of Congress and So we’re making sure that gets done.” the way people are getting across the war? It seems to have given up its None of your constituents are still border, where someone can fly into a constitutional prerogative to declare stuck in Afghanistan waiting to get out? South American or Central American war and given presidents a free hand The last citizen [from my district] country and cross over [our southern in conducting military operations. got out, but we still have family memborder]. When I visited the border Right now the authorization is bers of constituents who are still there. and met with the chief of patrol of the still in effect for Afghanistan. The And they’re asking for help from El Paso district—the same chief who president still has the authority your office? met with the vice president [Kamala in Afghanistan to fight the war on Yes. A lot. We’ve had more requests Harris] when she went down—she terror. As far as [the constitution] than I thought we would. told us they’re not just detaining the president can’t declare war on What can your office do? people from Mexico and Central another country without Congress. We work with the State Department America and South America. They’re Just like any [approval of ] treaties and to make sure that they’re in contact detaining people from Southeast Asia any appropriations of funds also have with the people who are over and Middle East. That’s a lot of Congressman Andrew Garbarino to pass through Congress. So we are there to get them out and people who are trying to get sits on the House Committee on a co-equal branch of government. As everybody has their across that way. Homeland Security. commander-in-chief he does have paperwork in. (Office of Andrew Garbarino) Wouldn’t border command of the armed forces, but What prompted agents be able to screen he just can’t go to war with anybody you to comment What happens over in such people? maintained the bases like we have in without Congress willing to authorize on faraway They’re coming Afghanistan definitely Korea and Germany and Japan. We it. If there are any actions that need to Afghanistan? across the miles and have bases all over the world. We gave happen in Afghanistan, those powers has an effect on what We all know what miles of unfenced and up our one base in the region [Bagram] are still there. But again, not having a happens in the United unsecured happened 20 years borders. and I think that was a mistake. If there base there makes it very difficult. States. ago with 9/11 and Do you agree with are any terrorist actions going on or where a lot of those —Congressman Andrew former President Trump terrorist training facilities we need to What did you think of this Garbarino terrorists were trained. and now President Biden go and get them. We don’t have the article? Share your thoughts What happens over in that it was time for the United ability to man that mission from our with me by email at: frizzo@ Afghanistan definitely has an States to leave Afghanistan, that we base in Afghanistan anymore. I wasn’t effect on what happens in the United were pouring money and losing lives States, especially with the possibility needlessly? Refugees of terrorists coming back and attackI don’t think we should have pulled Tens of thousands of Afghans who can move to, and the government also ing our homeland once again. Even out and what happened was terrible. It aided the American military and works with the Afghans themselves though Afghanistan is halfway across was completely botched and mismanare considered “at risk” from the to work out where they may already the world, we still need to worry about aged. We still have American citizens it in relation to our homeland security there and allies and Afghans who Taliban are expected to be resettled have family members living in the U.S. helped us in our 20 years—that just here. in the U.S. The federal government or where there are already established shows that the pullout was botched. I In what ways? has assigned 1,143 refugees to New Afghan-American communities.” wasn’t in Congress when the decision With the Taliban in charge they’re York. According to a news report, Anton Media Group reached out was made under former President going to be printing documents the State Department “works with to elected officials and a national Trump to pull out and I know that [such as passports or visas]. My nine resettlement agencies and 200 refugee organization to find out how concern is not having people with bad there were people in Congress that affiliates across the country to assess many might be settled in Nassau did not support the decision then. I designs flying in from Afghanistan state capacity. The organizations County, but as of press time had not don’t understand why we had to pull directly into the U.S.—I think we identify communities where Afghans heard back. out completely. I think we should have have a pretty good system in place
Board Passes On Cannabis Dispensaries
Road safety concerns in Marchant Park are also heard BY RUDY MALCOM
lthough recreational marijuana was legalized in New York this spring, the Village of Roslyn Board of Trustees voted on Sept. 21 to ban the smoking and vaping of cannabis products on village-owned properties. Many municipalities across Nassau County have adopted similar laws. The board also voted to opt out of establishing cannabis dispensaries and consumption sites. Village Attorney Johns Gibbons explained that towns and cities cannot opt out past Dec. 31, but retain the ability to decide to opt-in in the future. Given that the state has yet to establish regulations for licensing cannabis distributors, Gibbons advised the board to “take a wait-and-see attitude.” Mayor John Durkin agreed with this approach, noting that it will be months before New Yorkers can buy or sell marijuana legally. While the public made no comments about the cannabis laws, community members were vocal about reviewing signage in the Marchant Park section of Roslyn, citing safety risks. Marc Magid, a resident of the area, said school bus drivers have parked unsafely on the neighborhood’s narrow streets for years. “I’ve had numerous altercations with some of these drivers,” Lyssa Goldberg said. “It’s been really scary. I once almost called the police.” According to Moez Mayourian, the drivers leave large amounts of trash around the neighborhood. In a presentation, he showed photographs of empty liquor bottles on lawns and in the street. He reported a pattern of “unwelcoming, rude behavior” from drivers. Once, he asked a driver, who was speeding near children playing in the street, to slow down. “His exact response was, ‘Next time, maybe I will run over your fat ass,’” Mayourian recalled. Another time, he asked a driver not to park around a bend. The driver’s response, Mayourian said, was “go f**k yourself.”
Resident Moez Mayourian showed photos of trash in Marchant Park during his presentation to the board. (Contributed photo)
This summer, the village took down parking restrictions because the signage was too vague. After the public hearing, the board voted to approve new signage that prohibits street parking between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m., with certain exceptions. The ban will not apply on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, and parking is never allowed on bends in the road. “As a traffic and transportation engineer, I care about safety,” Trustee Sarah Oral said. Mayor Durkin also started a program to look into giving Marchant Park residents hang tags so that they can legally park outside their homes. Many residents expressed concerns that their visitors would be unable to do so. “If I ask for 20 passes because I’m having a barbecue am I going to have an issue?” Shelly Irizarry asked. While the details have yet to be ironed out, Jed Schlacter believes that “the hang tag is a key solution.” “Everybody in Marchant Park is on the same page; we’re trying to figure out what helps everybody,” he said. “The discussion tonight was
extraordinarily helpful.” The board also voted to approve Lumber Road Roslyn LLC’s application to amend the site plan for a residential rental apartment building. In October 2020, the board approved the applicant’s permit to construct a 33-unit, four-story building on 45 Lumber Rd. located in the Waterfront Development Overlay District. “Enhancements were made because my client and his team... saw an opportunity to draw upon the traditional architecture and materials of the buildings on the waterfront, while upgrading the design to provide a fresh new look,” Anthony Guardino said, who is the lawyer representing Lumber Road Roslyn LLC. The building will have a rooftop terrace, three residential floors and one floor of amenities for tenants, including a gym, an entertainment center, a salon and barbershop, a library and office space. The applicant is also considering building a dock for tenants to launch kayaks or paddle boards. “Our philosophy was to design a high-end luxury building using a
modern contemporary approach and also using brick to tie in a traditional material that complements the buildings in the area,” architect Bill Novak said. However, Mayor Durkin worried that the building’s color palette would look disconnected from the rest of Roslyn. “It’s a very handsome building, but I want to make sure it doesn’t compete with or detract from other buildings in the area,” he said. “I don’t want it sticking out like a sore thumb.” Novak maintained that while the design does not use red brick, the building would still complement the streetscape. “For us to change colors drastically,” he said, “would be an arduous task.” Nevertheless, the application was approved. Guardino is confident that he and his client will be able to come to a resolution with Mayor Durkin. Trustee Craig Westergard, an architect, will continue to assist with the building design. —Rudy Malcom is a contributing writer for Anton Media Group
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Imbroto Announces New Playgrounds In Bethpage, Massapequa, Plainview & Syosset
urther improving upon various parks facilities, Oyster Bay Town Councilman Lou Imbroto recently announced that playgrounds throughout the town are undergoing vast enhancements and in some cases, complete replacements. “We have improved and replaced playground
equipment throughout the Town of Oyster Bay this year,” Imbroto said. “Supervisor Saladino and the town board invested the resources needed to replace dilapidated playgrounds with new equipment, bringing brand new, state-of-the-art playgrounds to local parks. Playgrounds in need of enhancement are
Oyster Bay Councilman Lou Imbroto recently announced seven playgrounds were being constructed/renovated around the town. (Photo courtesy of the Town of Oyster Bay)
also receiving a facelift so that children can continue to safely enjoy them for years to come.” New playgrounds and improvements are located at the following parks and parklets:
• Parklet B-11, Caffrey Ave., Bethpage • Parklet B-21, Concord Ave., Bethpage • Parklet P-2, Gordon Ave., Plainview • Parklet P-35, Hofstra Dr., Plainview
• Parklet M-46, East Shore Drive, Massapequa • Philip Healy Beach, Massapequa • Parklet S-7, Tacoma Dr. Syosset —Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay
Farmingdale Varsity Football Wins Home Opener Don Snyder Stadium was packed with boisterous fans, enthusiastic cheerleaders, and an inspiring marching band for the varsity football team’s home opener against Port Washington. Farmingdale was victorious with an impressive 38-7 win. Go Dalers. Before the start of the game, the Farmingdale community paid tribute in remembrance of the 20th anniversary of the September
Scenes from Farmingdale High School’s 38-7 Homecoming victory over Port Washington High School (Photo courtesy of the Farmingdale School District)
11 terrorist attacks with a moment of silence followed by a performance of “Taps” by trumpeters Isabella Giordano and Frank Rastelli. Visit the district’s website at and like the district’s Facebook page: @ FarmingdaleSchoolDistrict to find out more information about the Farmingdale Union Free School District. —Submitted by the Farmingdale Union Free School District
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Board Votes To Draft Local Law Opting Out Of Cannabis Sales/Consumption BY CAROLINE RYAN
fter holding two public hearings, the Village of Great Neck Plaza’s Board of Trustees unanimously voted to draft a local law which will allow the village to opt-out of adult-use cannabis retail dispensaries and on-site consumption licenses within the village. The recently passed New York State law, the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) provides for the legalization of adult-use cannabis possession (in certain specified quantities) for use by adults 21 years of age or older in accordance with the provisions of the state law. Under New York State legislation, cities, towns and villages can render their own decision regarding recreational cannabis sales in their areas. They have until Dec. 31, 2021 to render a decision, but if they decide not to opt-out, that decision is permanent. The second of two public hearings was held on Sept. 21 in which residents were allowed to voice their opinions as to whether or not the village should consider opting into or out of the legislation. One resident stated a few reasons why he felt the village should opt-in to the legislation. “In my opinion, the village should allow a dispensary for the following reasons: One, it is a source of income for the village, as Mayor Rosen mentioned at the last meeting and just now, the village is expected to get between two and three percent income from sales, this money can be used to improve the village,” the resident said. “Two, at the last meeting, a concerned mother voiced her opinion against allowing dispensaries saying it will be easier for teenagers to get drugs. Unfortunately to all the concerned mothers, the reality is that it is easier to get drugs from the school backyard than in a legal dispensary on Middle Neck Road.” Another resident stated why the village should opt-out of the legislation. “This area around here, parking isn’t premium and we also have a lot of alleys that people could come and after they buy their joints walk out and smoke marijuana,” he said. “When these places close at night, what’s going to happen? You don’t think marijuana dealers will come around because they have young people that can’t be sold to and they also have
The Village of Great Neck Plaza ultimately voted to draft legislation to opt-out of cannabis sales and consumption in the village. (Contributed photo) hours—people want to get a joint late at night. I think they are going to come around. That’s my opinion and that’s why I oppose—especially on-premise consumption. The police have told me that they are not ready to enforce the marijuana laws because they don’t have the equipment to test how high somebody actually is. This is not the marijuana of the ’60s. This is very high potency marijuana and that’s why I’m against it as a resident and as a property owner in Great Neck.” During the Sept. 22 meeting and after listening to the public input at the previous two meetings, the village’s board of trustees held a discussion as to what decision they should make regarding this legislation. “I think that the two meetings that we had were very productive,” Deputy Mayor Pamela Marksheid said. “We did get a variety of opinions both pro allowing a dispensary in our village and those who were against it. I think that they gave us a lot to think about.” The meeting was then opened to comments from the public, to which no came up to speak. Mayor Ted Rosen then made the recommendation to the board that the village draft a local law which will allow them to opt-out of the legislation. “The issue before us is really a narrow issue and that is whether or not these types of facilities—adult-use cannabis retail dispensaries and/ or on-site consumption licenses— whether these types of facilities one or the other or both will have a beneficial effect on the village, a negative effect
on the village or no effect,” Mayor Rosen said. “At this point, I feel that we are really in the dark because we don’t have experience with this in our village. No one in the state has experience with this. We just don’t know. Some people who have strong opinions that this would be beneficial for the downtown and an equal number of people, perhaps more, said it would not be. I think the most conservative and prudent approach that this village could take is to opt-out.” Mayor Rosen explained that by opting out the village will have the opportunity to see what other communities and villages are experiencing with their decision to opt-in and would then be able to make a decision to opt in at a later time, if they chose to do so. “If we don’t not opt-out now, we cannot opt-in later,” Rosen said. Deputy Mayor Marksheid was in agreement, stating, “We don’t know
how it’s going to work. If we opt-in then we’re stuck, that is the bottom line. If we wait and see if it’s successful [in other areas] without any issues, in a year, if it’s successful then we can opt-in. But if we opt-in first we are stuck with that decision.” Other board members also agreed with the decision to opt-out. The board voted unanimously to draft a local law to opt-out of allowing adult-use cannabis retail dispensaries and on-site consumption licenses from operating within the village. The next Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Oct. 6 at 7 p.m., in which the village board will likely vote on the proposed local law. What did you think of this article? Share your thoughts with me by email at: cryan@
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226836 S
Levittown Community Council Kicks Off Membership Drive
ounded in 1998, the Levittown Community Council has been serving the communities that make up the Levittown and Island Trees school districts with a variety of signature events designed to entertain and reward individuals, organizations and businesses. All of the council’s signature events are free to the public and supported by members’ dues, which are $10 for individuals, $15 for families and $50 for businesses and organizations. The membership year runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30. Checks should be made payable to Levittown Community Council and mailed to PO Box 294, Levittown, NY 11756. Among the events for which the council is so well-known are WinterFest in February; Earth Day Cleanup in April, Junior Volunteer of the Year in May, Lazy Days of Summer in July and Home for the
Dozens of volunteers turned out in April for the council’s annual Earth Day cleanup event. Holidays in December. The events have become Levittown highlights and are well attended. Visit the Council’s Facebook page at https:// LevittownCommunityCouncil Inc/ to find out more information about its activities. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, WinterFest was not held in 2021, but is being planned for Saturday, Feb. 26 of 2022. Because it was held outdoors, the Earth Day cleanup event in April 2021 attracted more than 100 people,
who turned out to spruce up areas throughout the town. Lazy Days of Summer was held outdoors in July 2021 and though many of its usual events were curtailed, the event was well attended and enjoyed by all. In recent years, the organization added additional events that have been well received by the community. In September, the council honors a high school student, nominated by a member organization or business, who contributes to that entity through their
Family Owned & Operated
(Photo by Father Ralph Sommer)
volunteer work. In October, the Halloween Horror House contest recognizes the homes in the community that the public, through online voting, thinks are the spookiest. In addition, the council participates each year with the Levittown Fire Department’s Open House, the Levittown School District’s LEADD Fair, the Levittown School District’s Holiday gift giving and each month publishes a calendar of community events and activities that reaches a large segment of the community.
Volunteers are always welcomed and all residents can attend the council’s general meetings. Included in the mission of the Levittown Community Council is its goal to maintain Levittown unity and pride and encourage a positive identity for the community by furnishing a forum for exchange of ideas and the free flow of information for the betterment of the community. —Submitted by the Levittown Community Council
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225568 S
Community Mourns Longtime Glen Cove Public Library Employee
A longtime Glen Cove Public Library employee has passed away. Photo courtesy the Crosby family
the good. “We are grateful that we had the chance to know him and we are not ready to say good-bye to someone as special as he was,” the Facebook post read. “All of us have memories of him that will always make us smile, which is a testament to the man he was.” The Crosby-Gugig family will be holding a memorial service at Morgan Park in Glen Cove to celebrate his life on Oct. 9 from 1 to 5 p.m. For those close friends that are interested in speaking or performing at the memorial, send an email to christophercrosbymemorial@ There will be limited time, and the family will try to accommodate as many requests as they can. Attendees are requested to bring their own picnic (no alcohol permitted in the park). For those that have been
inquiring for an address to send flowers, the family is requesting donations in Crosby’s name in lieu of flowers to or “While we all want to hug each and every one of you, we also want to make this gathering a safe one as we are still in the midst of the pandemic,” the family wrote in a Facebook post. “We ask that you please respect our family’s (and each other’s) comfort levels regarding this and practice social distancing, and wear masks when close together with people outside of your bubble of family and friends. We are going to trust that everyone who attends is vaccinated, and ask those who are unvaccinated to please wear a mask at all times.” More details to follow. —Submitted by the Glen Cove Public Library and the Crosby-Gugig family
226579 S
he Glen Cove Public Library has lost a great colleague and cherished friend, Chris Crosby. “There is no perfect way to convey how stunned and grief stricken we are,” a post on the library’s Facebook page read. Crosby worked at the library for 20 years and touched many lives. He was always easy to talk with and was a genuinely good person with a wry sense of humor and gentle smiling eyes. He was a gifted musician whose life was absolutely rooted in musicality. In addition to contributing his talent to playing gigs all over the area and the country, he wrote some songs for the library during the pandemic. Some titles are, “Takeout,” “Heading Down to the Library,” “Biblioteca” and others. He also created a series called “Anatomy of a Song” as well. Crosby touched so many lives for
HOME & DESIGN PSEG Long Island’s Business Customer Advocate George Pieri
Recently Sold
This alluring, contemporary home at 6 Bluebird Ln. in the West Hills neighborhood of Huntington sold on Sept. 14 for $995,000. It was updated six years ago and features five bedrooms and four and a half bathrooms. The big entry door leads through a high-ceiling hallway to an updated kitchen with stainless steel appliances. The bathrooms have also been updated. Other notable features of this home include sliding doors, a circular driveway, a modern, yet elegant living room with high ceilings, an updated staircase, walk-in closets, big bedrooms with plenty of large windows and a master suite with a full bath. The fully finished basement has a full bathroom and an outside entrance.
From the moment you enter into this beauty, it feels like home. This home at 15 Galway Pl. in the West Hills neighborhood of Huntington sold on Sept. 15 for $565,000. Some of the great features of this one include an open concept living room, and eat-in-kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. The large backyard is perfect for hosting, entertaining and everyday living. It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. This home has beautiful hardwood floors that span the house with natural light spilling in and a full basement with endless possibilities. It is located close to shopping, schools, the park, biking trails, the railroad station, restaurants, highways and more.
on PSEG Long Island free n celebration of Small energy assessments, grants Business Week (Sept. 13-17), PSEG Long Island and rebates, energy-saving upgrades and time-saving re-introduced its Business Customer Advocates (BCA). account services. Ninety percent of Long The advocates provide a perIsland companies are sonal touch and concierge classified as small busiservice to help PSEG Long nesses. Small businesses Island’s 100,000 small- and medium-sized business cus- are the backbone of Long Island, supporting tomers on Long the economy, Island and in the community and Rockaways. workforce. PSEG George Pieri Long Island created (pictured) is the the BCA program BCA for the areas as a unique way to of Westbury and directly connect Old Westbury, George with its small- and Carle Place, Pieri medium-sized Bethpage and business owners Old Bethpage, Farmingdale and Levittown. and to provide the best possible service and reliability. “I enjoy helping my local As part of New York’s small business owners find post-pandemic economic ways to save on their electric recovery and in celebration bills,” Pieri said. “When of Small Business Week, the these businesses thrive, the BCAs are being re-introsurrounding community duced into the communities benefits. By helping reduce they support. The PSEG Long electric demand across Long Island, we reduce the need to Island BCA program was originally launched prior to build new generation plants, which reduces long term costs the pandemic and was halted in 2020, due to COVID-19. and helps the environment.” In a world of ever-increasBCAs go door to door, ing automated transactions each visiting more than 100 local businesses every week. and digital communications, PSEG Long Island’s BCAs Along with becoming a liaison and personal connec- provide personal connections that have always been tion to PSEG Long Island, a hallmark of the company’s BCAs provide solutions commitment to the small to support businesses in business community. several ways, including —PSEG Long Island providing information
Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.
223717 S
Go Gold With The Sarah Grace Foundation For Childhood Cancer home games over the course of the season. As the weather gets cooler, the volunteers at the Sarah Grace Foundation are looking ahead to other programs, including their Halloween Trick or Treat goodie bags, which are sent to hospitals across the Providing hospital book Long Island-New carts is one of the ways York area for all the the Sarah Grace Foundachildren. They are tion supports children with currently planning cancer and their families. (Photo courtesy of the Sarah their holiday toy Grace Foundation) drive again, as of the month of November. well as their annual Holiday “The last year and the Extravaganza, where you can pandemic have been hard for purchase tickets for a chance to win various prizes every day everyone, but especially so on
and as we look ahead to the holidays and our plans for 2022, including the return of our annual Night of Laughter—we hope that we can continue to count on that support.” The foundation continues to sell washable face masks on their website, in both child and adult sizes. The masks are gray with a purple heart and purple writing, and are adjustable. You can purchase those, along with a gold ribbon pin or gold ribbon magnet, on their website For additional information about The Sarah Grace Foundation visit their these families who were already website or contact them at 516-433-9745. struggling,” Weippert said. —Submitted by the Sarah Grace “Your support means the world to both us and to these families, Foundation for Childhood Cancer
Hicksville Water District Begins Fall Flushing On Sept. 26 Vital maintenance practice concludes on Oct. 1
The Hicksville Water District (HWD) will be flushing water mains throughout its service area as a part of its regular Distribution System Maintenance Program starting on Sept. 26 and going through Oct. 1 between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. The flushing will be focused in the southeast section of the district service area, between Jerusalem Avenue and South Oyster Bay Road and South of Old Country Road. Residents should remember that their water is absolutely safe to drink during this period. “Flushing our water mains is an important maintenance practice that we perform at the district,” HWD Chairman Karl Schweitzer said. “It helps us remove harmless deposits of sediment that have built up in our water mains over time to ensure our water remains of the highest quality. While flushing is underway, residents may experience pressure
variations as well as temporary instances of discolored water, but please note that the water always remains safe to drink.” This maintenance program is designed to remove any accumulation of dissolved materials which may have settled in the water mains. Slight water pressure variations or discolored water conditions may occur, and water uses such as laundering of clothes may be affected due to coloration of water. If the water in your home does become discolored, it can be solved quickly by running your cold-water faucets until the water clears up. The flushing program is also important because it provides an opportunity for the district to check for leaks, test water pressure, determine the water’s pH level and color and make exact calculations on rates of water flow. —Submitted by the Hicksville Water District
! Wintertime NOVEMBER 20 - 26,
Call For Artists Smart Phone Photo Contest
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Anton Media Group, publishers of 16 newspapers on Long Island, is putting together a new cover contest open to our readers. The winner of this cover contest will have their art featured on the cover of our upcoming holiday guide that’ll appear on November 17, 2021.
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Cut your own Christmas tree
Winter plants
Seasonal style
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Music memoirs
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Hearty recipes
eptember is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and The Sarah Grace Foundation for Children With Cancer, Inc. is ensuring that everyone knows how they can support their mission and these children this year. As an all-volunteer charity, the foundation has worked with thousands of children and their families over the last 18 years, providing numerous programs in an effort to help combat the struggles of this horrific disease. “Every year, over 4,000 children die from cancer,” Foundation Executive Director Matt Weippert said. “Roughly 46 children are diagnosed every day. We are all too familiar with their pain and their struggle and we’re committed to doing all we can to improve their lives even a little bit.” A gold ribbon is the worldwide symbol of childhood cancer awareness and all the members of the foundation are asking that as many people as possible “Go Gold For Our Children” this year and wear a ribbon at some point during the month of September. For just a $10 donation, you can order your own ribbon on the foundation website. Your donation directly supports the programs the foundation runs to support children and their families, such as their hospital Book Carts and toys for families during the holiday season. The foundation is currently in the process of their Sizzling Summer Bake-LESS Cake Sale, where you can make a donation for the price of a traditional bake sale purchase. This year, in lieu of their standard backpacks filled with school supplies, the Foundation supplied families with gift cards to stores such as Target and Staples so they could purchase the back to school supplies they needed. Over the last year, they have also continued to support families with rent and grocery expenses, while partnering with the New York Mets to supply local hospitals with tickets to various Mets
Specifics of the cover contest: Theme: Winter/outdoor and/or winter holiday Size: digital hi-resolution jpeg of original art. (Images not hi-resolution will not be considered for the contest). Maximum of 5 submissions per entry. Material: Must have been taken with your smart phone in N.Y. Deadline: 12am, Nov. 1, 2021 There will be one winner and two honorable mentions. To submit your art or if you have any questions please email (no phone calls please).
The Bristal Assisted Living has been serving seniors and their families in the tri-state area since 2000, offering independent and assisted living, as well as state-of-the-art memory care programs. We are committed to helping residents remain independent, while providing peace of mind that expert care is available, if needed. Designed with seniors in mind, each of our communities feature exquisitely appointed apartments and beautiful common areas that are perfect for entertaining. On-site services and amenities include daily housekeeping, gourmet meals, a cinema, salon, plus so much more. Discover a vibrant community, countless social events with new friends, and a luxurious lifestyle that you will only find at The Bristal.
For a list of all locations in the tri-state area, visit: THEBRISTAL.COM
Licensed by the State Department of Health. Eligible for Most Long Term Care Policies. Equal Housing Opportunity.
Old Bethpage Is Alight With BY JENNIFER CORR
he historic Old Bethpage Village Restoration, with homes and barns dating back to the 18th century, is getting a new makeover for the Halloween season with The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze, a show that incorporates more than 7,000 jack o’lanterns carved by a small team of local artists. “Tomorrow is the first day of fall for [2021], so we are kicking off the season with this legendary event” Nassau County Executive Laura Curran said during a Sept. 21 press conference at the restoration. “This is the most
elaborate Halloween event in our region and we’re really proud to be hosting it here, right here at Old Bethpage.” This is the second year that the Jack O’Lantern Blaze, a production of non-profit Historic Hudson Valley, will light up the county. With much popular demand during last year’s show, this year’s show will run for 36 selected evenings. It began on Sept. 22 and it will run through Nov. 7. The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze originally began 17 years ago in the Hudson Valley at Van Corlandt Manor in Croton-on-Hudson. But the show does not just feature a grand collection of jack o’lanterns; as
Pumpkins and scarecrows joined forces in this installation.
The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze paid homage to the historic Hewlett family, as well as other pieces of Long Island history.
Christ Church Manhasset
Al ln ew
ch ar ac te rs !
Historic Cemetery Tour
Re-enactors in Costume speak at the Graves of: Aristocrat • Grave Digger Fire Survivor • Society Lady WW I Doughboy • Surveyor of 1888 and more One hour tours start every 20 minutes, noon to 5pm Tickets $20 at the gate; Seniors/First Responders $15; Children 5-12 are $5. Saturday October 2, 2021 1355 Northern Blvd, Manhasset Rain Date October 9 Refreshments available
sculptures, such as an 80-foot circus train and a sea monster, are part of the Halloween-themed display. A team of artists, light designers and carpenters brought this instillation together. “It’s a real team effort,” Curran said. “There’s a lot that goes into it.” Waddell W. Stillman said that the 80-foot circus train is an ode to 146 year run of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus at the nearby Nassau Coliseum, where the circus chose to close out its decades-long run. “We have created site-specific installations that celebrate the history and culture of the region,” Stillman said.
“There’s also a new, huge pumpkin planetarium complete with a sound and light show and it’s a feast for all senses. There’s a brand new light show that takes over the facade of Hewlett House from 1795, which was built by Charles Hewlett, who belonged to a branch of the colonial family that remained loyal to the crown during the American Revolution.” Returning favorites include displays depicting the Montauk Lighthouse and a tribute to Bethpage’s first responders. And the event is extra safe for the second pandemic-era Halloween, as it’s an outdoor, touch-free attraction.
Some of the displays were out of this
New Season-Time to Look and Feel Better Fall can be a very exciting time, with the season changing, the weather cooling and the holidays looming ahead. It is also the perfect time to think about how you can finally deliver on your commitment to doing something for yourself. Back to the gym, back to the diet, the new season brings with it the impetus to look better and feel better. Utilizing only the latest and most advanced surgical approach, your recovery is fast and the sooner you act, the sooner you’ll look fantastic. Get ready for your winter vacation or spruce up for the holidays with SmartLipo MPX®, the most advanced technique in liposuction available. This technology is light years ahead of competing liposuction systems with less bruising and a shorter recovery time. If you have been considering a Tummy Tuck postpregnancy or weight loss, this procedure will have you in great shape in a very short period of time and you can show off that terrific figure at the upcoming holiday parties. It is often a combination of services that produces the best result, many times including breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reduction, with the appropriate procedure determined by each individual’s
body. Several packages are designed to address your specific needs. Ultimate Breasts includes breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction – separately or in combination-for the most beautiful, natural looking results. If childbirth has made some changes to your body that you would like to correct, the Mommy Makeover package provides the right combination of tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift or implants as well as cellulite treatments to transform you from “new mom” to “hot mom.” About Face turns back the hands of time with the appropriate combination of facelift, eyelid lift, rhinoplasty, chin reshaping and more. If this isn’t the time for a surgical procedure, a Liquid Facelift requires just 20 minutes to restore and contour the cheeks, eyes, jawline and lips to refresh and rejuvenate the face. My cutting-edge device Morpheus8 remodels collagen on the face and body to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles while improving skin tone, texture and laxity for a more youthful appearance. Now that the kids are back in school, this is the perfect time to have the cosmetic procedure or treatment that you’ve always wanted and start on the path to a younger looking you!
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Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg is a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. He has offices in Woodbury, Southampton and Manhattan. For a complimentary consultation, call 516-364-4200 if you have a question for Dr. Greenberg, please e-mail him at, or visit the web at
Jack O’Lanterns With a one-way walk through and timed entries, guests have nothing to be afraid of but the installations. The jack o’lantern event comes to Nassau as the county leads the state in vaccination rates, with a 91.2 percent inoculation rate as of Sept. 21. “[The event] also helps to boost our local economy,” Curran said. “So folks who come here and come from all over will dine at our restaurants, shop in our local stores. So it’s great for our overall county.” Stillman said he encouraged visitors to dine locally and stay overnight in the nearby hotels, making a weekend out
of the attraction and experiencing the area’s other local attractions. During the press conference, Curran announced that Historic Hudson Valley and the county were teaming up to provide free tickets for elementary school children in under-served communities. “We want everyone to be able to take advantage of this,” Curran said. To purchase tickets, visit www. What did you think of this story? Share it with me at
Creepy crawlers made their way through the Old Bethpage Village Restoration.
Lady Liberty made an appearance.
RAISE AWARENESS. RAISE HEALTH. RAISE HOPE. One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime— and it's time to take a stand. This October, “Go Pink” with our series of empowering events, hosted by Northwell's Katz Institute for Women's Health and Cancer Institute.
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n the recently completed esplanade complementing RXR Realty’s Harbor Landing and The Beacon at Garvies Point, politicians and activists gathered to advocate for walking and biking instead of driving on Sept. 22. While Long Island has always been known as a place that a car is a necessity, many are working to provide Long Islanders with alternate modes of transportation, whether it’s via the NICE Bus or bike trails. Car Free Day Long Island, which fell on Sept. 22, asks people to make the pledge to go car free, or car lite, for a chance to win prizes and improve their, and the environment’s health. “We got a lot going on, we also just kicked off our shared mobility study to study how people are getting around now after the pandemic,” Nassau County Executive Laura Curran said. “We just did a survey and 5,000 people replied, so we’re going to use the data to see what’s a better way to invest our money for transportation.” In Glen Cove, a new, popular mode of transportation is a pair of feet or wheels on the new esplanade that connects Garvies Point to a scenic trail, parks and the business district in the downtown area. In fact, the executive director of the Glen Cove Downtown Business Improvement District, Patricia Holman, just released a video that depicts how Glen Cove residents can get to their favorite downtown restaurants from their neighborhoods, the Long Island Rail Road station or the popular Deep Roots Farmers Market that takes place in Garvies Point on Saturdays. “I am very proud to be here to celebrate Car Free Day Long Island with a walk through our new esplanade,” City of Glen Cove Mayor Tim Tenke said. “This is a wonderful, new area that’s dedicated for pedestrians... as well as people who want to take their pets to the beautiful dog park that’s over here. There’s a lot to do and this goes all the way to downtown, our center of town, all the way to the point here.” The esplanade, completed in the spring, features seating with power outlets, a view of the New Rochelle skyline, a wetlands pier that will be used for educational purposes, the yet to be opened ferry and access to the Garvies Point Brewery and other local restaurants. On the afternoon of Sept. 22, many were taking advantage of the esplanade by going for brisk walks or walking their four-legged friends. “It’s beautiful to see people out, enjoying the beautiful esplanade,” Glen Cove City Councilman Gaitley Stevenson-Mathews said. “The fact that we are linking this entire
Walking, Biking Encouraged In Glen Cove Lounge chairs overlooking the Hempstead Harbor is a new place for Glen Covers, and those from out-of-town, to relax. (Photos by Jennifer Corr)
Community leaders took a walk on the newly completed esplanade in Glen Cove’s Garvies Point on Sept. 22. And when you’re walking through the business district, you are more likely to stop and shop because you do not have to look for a parking spot.” The benefit for Glen Cove’s local reduce traffic, conserve energy, reduce businesses is a component of the waterfront, making it more accessible harmful emissions, reduce parking to people; not only does it help us as newly completed esplanade that Lisa problems and save money. far as getting people out for physical Cohn, the president of the Glen Cove The impacts of those harmful emis- Chamber of Commerce, was very fitness... the more opportunities we sions, and the use of fossil fuels, could have to make choices that make less happy to see. “Glen Cove was never a easily be seen in Glen Cove, Tenke said, drive-through destination,” Cohn said. of a carbon footprint, the better off we as tropical storms Henri and Ida left all are.” “So by putting all this activity here, it Sloan Yoselowitz, the injury preven- feet of rain in the city, flooding people’s makes it a place to go to, to visit. And homes, businesses and public property that’s really important.” tion specialist at Nassau University like the Glen Cove Police Department Medical Center, said he was glad to And bringing more people to Glen and the Glen Cove Public Library. see so many excited about biking or Cove with the newly completed The co-chair of Car Free Day Long walking instead of remaining sedentary complexes from RXR Realty will help in their cars. He led a series of stretches Island, Mindy Germain of Transit stimulate Glen Cove’s businesses, Solutions, said she and her colleagues Cohn added. before everyone present went for a like to spotlight projects like the esplawalk that afternoon. The day was certainly a win-win for nade to highlight alternate, greener “We love getting people out there all that Wednesday afternoon. and moving around, getting in shape,” and healthier modes of transportation. “It is so inspiring,” Germain said. Yoselowitz said. “Being healthy.” “This is the standard that we all need And using alternatives for getting to rise to and what you can access by around is also healthier for the What did you think of this foot here is wonderful... I mean you environment. The mission of Car Free story? Share it with me at can walk through the business district. Day, according to its website, is to Sloan Yoselowitz, the injury prevention specialist at Nassau University Medical Center, led a series of stretches before heading for a nice, afternoon walk.
Cardiologist Recognized For Creation Of Rehabilitative Senior Swim Program
Grateful Dead Tribute
HALF-STEP 1:00PM - 2:30PM
Ken Shah, Cardiologist at Paragon health network who was honored for his efforts in creating a senior citizen summer aquatic therapy program. Photo courtesy of Adam Mazur And the work paid off. Shah said seniors told him of the improvements in the quality of life that the routines brought about. Before the program, certain seniors would be scared to make a trip to a place like ShopRite out of fear of not having the strength to go up and down the aisles. As each session passed though, that became the case less and less. “It felt really good because I was able to bring help to a lot of seniors living there,” Shah said. As the summer concluded, he received a call one Thursday that he was being honored by the community with a luncheon. He said the ceremony left an impact on him, and he cried tears of gratitude in his car after he left the luncheon that day. “It was a great honor of meeting those seniors there,” he said. “For me to give back to the seniors and the community, it’s heart-touching.” For Shah, the work was gratifying and it showed him how he could pass on the lessons learned through this experience to his children. He also felt like he was returning the favor as a younger person to the seniors who served in the military before his time. “It motivates me to do good for the community,” he said about his experience. Shah has already planned out working with the community next summer to keep up the program and help more senior citizens recover from injuries and build body strength so that they can get back to living life as normal as possible. What did you think of this article? Share your thoughts with me by email at:
Country Music
Eagles Tribute
226748 M
e dove in head-first, and he came up from under the water helping others. Plainview resident and cardiologist at Paragon health network Ken Shah was recognized at a luncheon on Sept. 16 for his work in creating a summer aquatic rehabilitation program from the ground up for low-income senior citizens in Melville that improved the quality of life for those living in the residency. For Shah, the program was much more than creating exercise routines. Rather, it was a way for him to give back to the community. “By using aquatic therapy, I was able to bring about change,” Shah said about the summer program. Shah is no stranger to starting a program such at this. He works as Senior Coordinator for the Cardiopulmonary program for Paragon Health Network and is based at Excel at Woodbury for Rehabilitation and Nursing. He developed a specialty in aquatic therapy around 2015 when he was offered by his company to take continuing education classes. After the classes, he began to develop water-based exercise programs while working in the outpatient department. This year, he was asked by Paragon’s community liasion what he could do to keep senior citizens active. Shah decided start a program over the summer for the senior citizens in Melville. Adapting his already-established exercise rountines, he began teaching classes on Thursdays throughout the summer. On hot summer days, Shah and the participants were able to cool off as he led residents through different exercises in each session: Stretching, breathing, Pilates or strength depending on the day. “By using aquatic therapy, it makes them become a lot stronger,” and improves daily living, Shah said. Over the summer, he created a bond with those he taught and had regulars coming back each Thursday. His goal was to teach these residents the exercises they needed to get back on their feet and keep up with the program on their own. The weekly session became so popular that people waited in line outside the pool facility in hopes of being one of the 25 people that secured a spot for each lesson.
EISENHOWER PARK | LAKESIDE THEATER Entrance on Merrick & Stewart Avenues and entrance on Hempstead Turnpike, East Meadow For info: 516-572-0200 • Day of Event Weather info: 516-572-0355
Sea Cliff School Garden Farm To Table Dinner
n the evening of Sept. 17, the Sea Cliff School PCA Garden was transformed into a magical space which could easily have competed with any five-star restaurant. In a celebration of a wonderfully rich and plentiful garden, diners were treated to a 4-course meal prepared by star chefs, who also happen to be local Sea Cliff School parents. The menu was amazing and the outdoor space was dreamy. With string lights and beautiful views of the luscious vegetable and herb garden, it was difficult to remember diners were on the school’s blacktop. Tea lights (battery operated), flowers (donated by Baron Floral Designs) and herbs decorated the tables. Resource Room Teacher Mojdeh Hassani has become the school’s liaison to the garden, helping to run the garden club and summer program and serving on the Garden’s Advisory Board. This beautiful night was Hassani’s vision and she made it a success. “It was such a fun event,” Hassani said. “I enjoyed every minute of it, I am delighted for everyone to see how extraordinary the garden is.” No detail was left to chance, and Hassani enlisted the help of her colleagues to serve as wait staff and mocktail servers. Teachers David Schultz, Lauren Kottler, Megan McCormack, Jodie Larson, Lindsay Feibus, Amelia Hecker and Nina Becker all did a phenomenal job ensuring the night went off without a hitch. In addition, none of it would have been possible without the constant support and encouragement of the tirelessly dedicated principal, Jeanette Wojcik. The incredible chefs who donated their valuable time and expertise to this dinner created a menu on par with a Michelin rated restaurant. French Culinary Institute trained Chef Maggie Odell, who is also a culinary instructor, created and prepared an Ajo Blanco amuse-bouche that was a delectable soup of garlic grown by Sea Cliff School students last school year and harvested during the summer program. Next, Odell devised a gorgeous salad, which included lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and green beans from the garden. Also, French Culinary Institute trained, acclaimed chef Jason Potter, from Blue Ribbon restaurants and most recently, proprietor of the Sea Cliff Beach Cliffside Cafe, created the next two divine courses. Using the Long Island Cheese Pumpkins that are growing along the Franklin Avenue fence of the garden, Potter made a Pumpkin Raviolo with sage-infused butter that melted on diner’s tongues. The delicious main course that he
Zublionis, current assistant superintendent for Curriculum, then Sea Cliff School Principal Jeanette Wojcik, who worked with then PCA President Ali Ciampa to pull off the minor miracle of building this innovative and inspiring space. Sea Cliff School students are so lucky to spend their SWES (School-Wide Enrichment Services) and/or STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art Mathematics) period in the garden. During SWES and STEAM, students collaborate with their peers and learn Diners enjoyed a farm-to-table meal on a school blacktop. to use creative and critical thinking (Photo courtesy Sea Cliff Garden Committee) skills while learning about plant science with the most hands-on learning did not have to be a jazz enthusiast to possible, by literally getting their hands created was a mouthwatering Braised enjoy musicians Sophia Brandimart, Short Rib of Beef with garden grown dirty, learning about the life cycle of Matias Buschfrers, Mark Horn and potatoes, tomatoes and carrots. plants and tools used in the garden, Ruben Shonik who played under the Dessert was created by pastry Chef from composting to harvesting. Friday direction of high school Band Director night’s dinner felt like the beginning of Lisa Lonigro who has a wealth of exBrandon Bromsey. The Sea Cliff perience baking at places like Young’s a great tradition to honor that mission. School PCA Garden was created five Farm and Waterzooi Belgian Bistro. The dinner would not have been An Olive Oil and Basil Poundcake with years ago to support curricular goals possible without the help of marvelous of teaching principles of sustainabilBalsamic Peaches delighted diners. volunteers and the wonderful parents The peaches were from Garden Mama ity, to show students where our food in the community who came together comes from, to teach them to grow Maria Mosca’s own peach tree. to support the garden and dine at this their own food and to encourage Another highlight of the evening great event. —Submitted by the them to live healthier lifestyles. The was the performance by the North Sea Cliff Garden Committee original visionary was Dr. Christopher Shore High School Jazz Band. Diners
Grenville Baker Boys And Girls Club Holds Grand Opening Ceremony For New Facility The Grenville Baker Boys And Girls Club held its official grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony on Sept. 17 to celebrate the completion of its “Building Great Futures” expansion and renovation project of its facility in Locust Valley. The Club broke ground on this project in 2019, and despite construction and fundraising delays due to the pandemic, opened its 42,000 square foot, state-of-the-art facility to children on Sept. 13. The Club expects to serve more than 1,200 children between the ages of 5 and 18, offering afterschool homework help, college prep, cultural outings, opportunities for community services and programs in media and technology, the fine, performing and culinary arts, and sports and athletics. While construction is complete, the Club still has $4 million to raise. “On the heels of the pandemic, kids need Grenville Baker Boys And Girls Club more than ever before, as we nurture their emotional, mental and physical health, as well as support them academically,” Executive Director Ramon Reyes said. “Even though we hadn’t finished fundraising for this project, the Board of Directors
Members of the Grenville Baker Boys and Girls Club celebrate the grand opening of its new facility. Photo submitted by the Grenville Baker Boys and Girls Club were committed to ensuring our facility would be ready to support kids as soon as possible. With that said, we invite the community to invest in this project, which builds great futures for all children in our community.” The new clubhouse, located at 135 Forest Ave. includes homework help classrooms, two renovated gymnasiums, a teaching kitchen and dining area, dedicated tween and teen centers, dance and creative movement studios, a community room and refurbished athletic fields and play areas. Improved safety features were also part of the $10 million project. To date, the Club has raised $6 million in funding. State Senator James Gaughran, County Legislator Josh Lafazan, Town
of Oyster Bay Councilwoman Michelle Johnson, Bayville Mayor Robert Natale and TOB Supervisor Joseph Saladino were all present for the ceremony. Established in 1950, Grenville Baker Boys And Girls Club’s mission is to inspire and enable young people to realize their potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens and community leaders of tomorrow. The Club has been at the forefront of youth development, working with young people of all economic, social and family circumstances, but especially those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. For more information about the Club, visit —Submitted by the Grenville Baker Boys and Girls Club
FREE to all community residents, friends and family.
ngdale Fire Department i m r a F h t u o S
Sunday, October 3 • 12 pm - 4 pm 819 Main Street, Farmingdale • (516)249-8855
Don’t miss this educational event!
Meet Pilot, the
Fire Accelerant Sniffing Dog Oven Fire
Crawl through the
Smoke House
Stop the Bleed
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Seatbelt Convincer
Blood Pressure
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Child ID Program
By NY Life
Pet CPR Instruction Complimentary lunch sponsored by
PDQ Chicken of Farmingdale
Vehicle Tour Railroad Safety
Sponsored by NYS Troopers
Child CPR Instruction
Major Emergency Response Vehicle Tour
Child Safety Seat Check
By Certified Technician
Teddy Bear Clinic
Children are invited to bring their favorite stuffed animal.
Plus Kids’ Face Painting, Raffles, Giveaways, and so much more! 226989 S
Jericho Cider Mill Pressing Onto Bicentennial Celebration BY TIM SEEBERGER
oing into its 201st year of operation, the Jericho Cider Mill had to make the tough decision to cancel its bicenntennial celebration last year due to the pandemic. Now, owner Ted Ketsoglou and the entire mill will be celebrating the momentous milestone retroactively after getting through the peak of COVID. “To be part of a 200-year celebration is something that words can’t describe,” Ketsoglou said. “The opportunity to be a part of it is special.” During the peak of the pandemic, he said that it was a treat for shoppers to snack on apple cider donuts and pies. And the mill has no problem keeping up with demand. During the holiday season - September, October and November - Jericho Cider Mill will produce 1,800 gallons a day of its famous cider, 12,000 pies during Thanksgiving week alone, and 5,000 to 6,000 apple cider donuts. Before customers even enter into the shop, the sweet smell of pies, donuts and cider wafts in the air. Ketsoglou said the mill’s pies are so well-known because the recipe hasn’t changed since their introduction in 1962. Since then, the ingredients have been all-natural with no preservatives, and the pies have always been made on-site. The mill introduced its apple cider donuts in 2017 using a unique way to make the sweet confections. The donuts are baked rather than fried and soaked in apple cider before they’re made. Beyond being sold in its rustic shop, the donuts are distributed in stores throughout Nassau County. Different homemade products, like jams, butters, ice cream and frozen apple cider can also be picked up in the store. As for the cider that made Jericho Cider Mill so famous, the process starts with New
Ted Ketsoglou, owner of the Jericho Cider Mill, rakes out apples for the beginning of the cider-making process
Ketsoglou poses with one of the mill’s famous apple pies, made with an all-natural recipe that hasn’t changed since its introduction in 1962. (Photos by Tim Seeberger) York State apples from the Hudson Valley, the way it’s been since the mill started making cider in 1820. The apples are brought in on a conveyor belt, washed and brought up to the second floor of the facility. The apples are crushed and the pulp gets dropped into a 1961 wine press. From there, the juices are squeezed out of the pulp, pasteurized and bottled. Though production stayed up during the pandemic, Ketsoglou said the prices of goods and workers in the facility became a difficult roadblock. He said the prices of flour went up 40 percent, and the cost of jugs and plastic went up by 30 percent to 40 percent. He also said the mill was having difficulty finding people to work during the pandemic. Despite this, Ketsoglou said, the mill tried to maintain its prices and said the mill did well during the pandemic. The Jericho Cider Mill was founded in the 1800s in a three-story barn. Ketsoglou said that although the exact date and year isn’t known, bottles of cider were found dating back to 1840, so he and past owners figured the mill started in 1820. It’s one of the oldest businesses in Nassau County. In digging around the attic of the mill, Ketsoglou said he realized something interesting
about the lineage of owners of the business in reading old articles published in local papers: they all belonged to the Jericho Fire Department. Members of the Zakofsky family, a lineage of owners of the mill, all were a part of the fire department. John Zakofsky even started the Jericho Fire Department. Technically, the cider mill has now been around for 201 years, but celebrating the 200th year of existence last year wasn’t possible because of COVID. But that doesn’t mean the mill will skip the party this time around. The outdoor celebration, slated for Oct. 16, will feature
As part of the juicing process, the cider is pressed out of the ground-up pulp, put through a wine press, pasteurized and then bottled up. local and state government officials to present proclamations to honor the tradition of the production of the all-natural, no-preservative cider. “It’s great that they’re honoring the Jericho Cider Mill,” said Ketsoglou. “It’s a tradition of producing the best cider in this region.” Through COVID, Ketsoglou said it’s been able to still talk
with shoppers like he has for the past six years as owner. “It’s an incredible feeling to stand outside to greet people and talk to them about the memories they’ve had for generations,” he said. What did you think of this article? Share your thoughts with me by email at: tseeberger@
Navigate College Admissions, Talk Books With The Jericho Public Library The Jericho Public Library is excited to offer new and current patrons virtual and in-person events in the weeks to come. The college admissions process has always been hard and stressful. High school students and their parents can join the library’s virtual college admissions program, presented by C2 Education, to prepare them for future college admissions on Oct. 5 at 7 p.m. For the avid readers, join the library’s virtual book talk about Motherland by Leah Franqui on Oct. 7 at 1 p.m. The book explores identity and culture with memorable and deeply human characters who highlight how differences can ultimately unite one another. Those interested in putting their long life of experiences on paper can join
the virtual Taproot workshop on Oct. 8 at 1 p.m. that encourages and helps amateur writers 50 and older to write their stories. The artistically inclined or those interested can join Professor Thomas Germano’s in-person and virtual lecture on the three generations of Wyeth artists and how they have influenced the Brandywine School and American art on Oct. 8 at 2 p.m. Check the Jericho Public Library’s monthly calendar at month to register for these and other exciting upcoming events. All in-person events require masks. Out-of-district patrons will have to wait until one week before the event to sign up. —Submitted by the Jericho Public Library
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Back To School Safety Series:
Stranger Danger T
his is the final part of the four-part series of articles by the Garden City Police Department addressing Back-to-School Safety Issues. In the previous three newspaper articles, we addressed safe driving practices, school bus safety and pedestrian/bicyclist safety. Parents, grandparents, guardians and teachers are encouraged to use this article to help teach their children about Stranger Danger. It is very important to explain to children that strangers can look like normal people, not monsters. A stranger is someone that you do not know very well or do not know at all. Experts recommend that parents or guardians role play with their children about just how someone might approach them such as, offering candy, asking for help, or if they’d like to come and meet their new puppy. You should teach your child to give a firm “NO” and walk away. When you role-play with your children, keep it matter of fact and calm so you do not overly frighten them. Part of protecting children is not just pointing out dangers but also teaching them confidence; this will help them to make good decisions in bad situations. Teach your children to trust their own instincts. They should trust that feeling in their gut that tells them if something is safe or not. You can describe it like the feeling in your tummy that gives you butterflies if something is not right. • Never approach a vehicle of someone asking directions, adults do not need directions from children. • There is safety in numbers, whenever possible do not walk alone. • Carry your cell phone for use in emergencies. • Never accept rides from strangers. • Parents develop a secret password that only your family knows. Tell your kids that they should never go with anyone unless they know the secret password. Make sure to tell your children that they should never share this secret password with anyone. • If you think someone is following you, go to the nearest business or residence for help. • If occupants of a vehicle are harassing you, you should turn around and walk in the opposite direction. The driver will have to turn around or back up to follow you.
• When you are approaching your home, have your door key ready so you can enter your house immediately. • Teach your children if someone attempts to take or grab them, they should fall to the ground and start screaming and kicking, bite if necessary; do whatever it takes to be safe. They should make as much noise as possible and create as much diversion as possible so they draw the attention of other people who may be in the area. If you think something is out of the ordinary, report it to the police as soon as possible. Do not wait until it is too late. Information that will help the Police include: • The vehicle’s license plate number, make/model, color, and unusual markings or damage.
• Description of the subject including gender, race, approximate age, weight, and height. • A description of the subject’s clothing including hats, jewelry, and glasses. • Length and color of subject’s hair, and any unusual marks, scars, or tattoos. • Last direction of travel of subject; either on foot or traveling by vehicle. Strangers often use the Internet to prey on their victims. Keep home computers in a busy area of the house. Children should never give out their name, address, phone number or school name and never
arrange face-to-face meetings with anyone they meet online. They should never go into chat rooms unless their parents say it is okay. They should never open emails from someone they do not know and never go to links they do not recognize. Children should always tell an adult if they see something on the Internet that makes them feel uncomfortable. The Garden City Police Department encourages everyone to take advantage of these safety tips and the others covered in the three previous articles. If you missed any of the previous articles, you can find them on the department’s website The police department wishes everyone a safe and healthy school year. —Submitted by the Village of Garden City
Herricks Homecoming Celebrates School Community Connection
erricks High School’s field was glowing with exhilaration as students, staff members and residents rejoiced in being together for the Sept. 17 Homecoming festivities. The Highlanders faced off against Long Beach in an action-packed game, and cheerleaders and spectators supported their home team with enthusiasm. The bleachers were filled with blue as attendees donned their boldest Herricks attire, and the band performed throughout the evening. The halftime show welcomed a new tradition: The Highlander 10, which honored 10 members of the senior class who are actively involved in their school and community and were nominated by peers. India Carranza, Stephanie Chan, Chloe Chang, Kannan Datt, Maria Defex, Jasmine Feng, Rachel Lee, Ryan Oomen, Pranati Patnam and Keneil Soni received applause and cheers as their names were announced. School spirit shone throughout the district earlier in the day as well, and afternoon pep rallies at the High School and Middle School spotlighted athletes and celebrated Herricks unity. —Submitted by Herricks Public Schools
The Homecoming game at Herricks High School pitted the Highlanders against Long Beach and featured an exciting halftime show. (Contributed photo)
Students Recognized For Their Artwork New Hyde Park-Garden City Park Union Free School District students were recognized for their artwork in the districtwide 2021-22 calendar during the board of education meeting held on Sept. 13. The recognized students are: Adam Gheevarghese and Hailey Nacewicz from Garden City Park
School; Manahil Essani and Isabella Madden from Hillside Grade School; Angel Joggish, Emma McPartland and Rebekah Zachariah from Manor Oaks School; and Hania Joy, Carter Krafchin and Leah Sanichara from New Hyde Park Road School. Gheevarghese, Nacewicz and McPartland were not in attendance.
The students received a certificate of recognition from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jennifer Morrison.
—Submitted by the New Hyde Park-Garden City Park Union Free School District
Italian Presentation To Be Held In Marcus Christ Center On Thursday, Oct. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at Marcus Christ Center in New Hyde Park, Sal Primeggia will present his program, Religions And Superstitions In The Lives Of Italians And Italian Americans. Professor Primeggia will explain what makes Italian and Italian-Americans religious devotion unique. It’s an old-age blend of Catholic and folklore traditions that include God, saints and assorted superstitious beliefs
Primeggia is a favorite sociology professor at Adelphi University. His series of lectures on Italian Culture and Heritage are informative, interesting, energetic and filled with his sense of humor to keep things moving. Admission is free. Invite your family and friends. It’s an evening you will not want to miss. For additional information, you can call 646-438-2838. —Submitted by Cellini Lodge Foundation, New Hyde Park
New Hyde Park Road School students are pictured with Dr. Jennifer Morrison: top, Leah Sanichara; bottom left, Carter Krafchin; and bottom right, Hania Joy (Contributed photo)
Village Says Brick Walls Are Deteriorating T he brick walls at the Nassau Boulevard Railroad parking lot are deteriorating. According to Village of Garden City’s Building Superintendent Giuseppe Giovanniello, the coping stone is coming off, loose bricks are falling onto the sidewalk on Nassau Boulevard, the planters sitting atop the walls are cracked and water infiltration is causing severe, irreparable damage. Mayor Cosmo Veneziale directed village personnel to rebid the project as soon as possible to avoid further deterioration as winter nears. If the project cannot be rebid and the work commenced this year, the plan will be to protect the walls from further damage, with restoration work commencing next spring.
Village Auditor Appointment
The board of trustees accepted a resignation letter from Courtney Rutt Rosenblatt for the Village Auditor position effective Sept. 9 with no change in compensation or other terms and
For Five Coffee Roasters Set To Open New Location
For Five Coffee Roasters received final site plan approval for additional parking behind 147 Seventh St. The Planning Commission recommended this project for approval on Aug. 4 and the Architectural Design Review Board did the same on July 27. The Garden City location is scheduled to open in 2022.
Fire Department Open House Is Next Month “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety” is the theme of this year’s Fire Prevention Day and Open House, to be held The village’s fire department will be having its Open House early next Sunday, Oct. 3 from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. month. (Contributed photo) at fire headquarters on Stewart Avenue. Join the Garden City Fire Department conditions of her employment. The Village Auditor effective, Sept. 10 with for safety demonstrations, refreshboard, as Trustee John Delany stated at no change in compensation or other the Sept. 16 board meeting, would like terms and conditions of employment ments, fire hose squirt, balloons and Rosenblatt to spend more full time in that have previously existed for him as the fire safety “smoke house.” For more the Human Resources area. As a result, a unionized senior accounting position information, visit Adam Lipke, CPA, has been appointed under the CSEA Supervisor’s Collective —Submitted by the to the non-unionized position of Bargaining Agreement. Village of Garden City
Officer Returns To Garden City To Join Village Ranks It was Police Commissioner Kenneth Jackson’s honor to introduce police officer Thomas Imperatore to the board of trustees, the newest member of the Garden City Police Department. Officer Imperatore attended and graduated from Adelphi University. As a former resident, he also volunteered with the Garden City Special Police from 2011-14 until he became a New York City Police Officer in July 2014. He served seven years in the New York City Police Department prior to being offered the opportunity to join Garden City’s ranks. As a member of the NYPD he was not only a patrol officer, but also served as a Neighborhood Community Officer. During his time in the city, he
9/18 Upon investigation of a two-vehicle crash on 7th Street at Cathedral Avenue, officers arrested one of the drivers, a 48-year-old male, for DWI. He was also charged with endangering the welfare of a minor and Leandra’s Law due to the fact a 14-year-old child was a passenger in his vehicle. Officers investigated two reports of
received the Cop of the Month award as well as numerous citations from the local Senate, the Community Council and the Community Board. Commissioner Jackson spoke highly of officer Imperatore’s efforts as a Special Police Officer, praising his outstanding volunteer work when Superstorm Sandy hit. “He sold me then and he sold me now. Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to bring him back here,” he said. Mayor Cosmo Veneziale added, “I congratulate you on your appointment. You will be a great asset to the police department.” —Submitted by the Village of Garden City
Trustee John Delany administers the oath of office to police officer Thomas Imperatore as his mother, Joanne Courtade, looks on. (Contributed photo)
residents receiving phone calls from a male claiming to be from PSEG who stated their electric would be turned off unless they pay for a new meter. Both phone calls were determined to be scams.
pay $450 for a new meter or else the power to her residence would be shut off. The victim paid the sum via a money app. The victim realized it was a scam after receiving additional calls for more money.
9/19 A victim states she received a phone call from a male who stated he was from PSEG. The male advised her to
9/21 A vehicle was stopped on Rockaway Avenue for speeding in a school zone subsequently resulting
in the arrest of two subjects, a 53-year-old male and a 20-year-old female, for possession of forged licenses, Social Security cards, and credit cards, as well as stolen bank checks. The subjects were charged with nine counts of possession of forged instruments and grand larceny. The investigation is ongoing. —Submitted by the Village of Garden City
Village To Hold Hearing On Cannabis Opt-Out BY ANTHONY MURRAY
arlier this month, the Village of Mineola Board of Trustees passed a local law that prohibits the smoking or vaping of cannabis products on all village-owned properties. “This is a prohibition against smoking or vaping cannabis products on village-owned properties, which includes buildings, parks, playgrounds and the pool,” village attorney John Gibbons said at the meeting. “A law similar to this has been adopted by most municipalities on Long Island with the recent legalization of cannabis.” Mayor Scott Strauss said that the law certainly makes sense to adopt. “It’s something we have to do,” trustee Dennis Walsh said. “It’s a preemptive strike and I’m good with that.” Also at the meeting, Jen DeSena, who is the executive director of the Manhasset Coalition Against Substance Abuse, informed the village board that the Town of North Hempstead created a cannabis task
The Village of Mineola passed a law earlier this month prohibiting smoking or vaping of cannabis products on all village-owned properties. (Photo by Anthony Murray)
force for advice on whether or not to opt-out of opening retail marijuana stores and consumption lounges. “At one of the conferences, there were two attorneys there one of whom stated that the Village of Mineola had
opted in to having retail stores, which caused me to have a conversation with Mr. Walsh and find out about this hearing tonight,” she said. DeSena, who is also running for the Town of North Hempstead Supervisor
seat, said she is happy the village enacted the prohibition of banning the smoking and vaping of cannabis products on village properties, but wanted to urge the village board to opt-out of the possibility of having stores sell cannabis products. “There is a huge gap in understanding today’s marijuana,” DeSena said. “It’s much stronger than it used to be. In the 1970s, it contained one to three percent of THC. Today, most youth use vaped marijuana; it can be as much as 95 percent pure THC. It’s easy to purchase and use.” Villages and towns are given the right to opt-out and can opt-in if they decide to change their minds. However, villages and towns won’t be able to opt-out again after Dec. 31. Strauss announced that a public hearing will take place Wednesday, Oct. 13 at village hall on the possibility of opting out of the cannabis retail law. What did you think of this article? Share your thoughts with me by email at: amurray@
Free Technology Course Offered To Senior Citizens The “COMPUTEERS” club of Mineola High School’s Student Service Center is offering a four session Technology Training course for adults. We can teach you how to use smartphones, iPads and tablets, e-Readers and of course, personal computers. The Fall course will be offered on Thursdays, Oct. 14, 21, 28 and Nov. 4 from 2:25 to 3:20 p.m. We hope you can attend all four sessions, but you can register for each individually if necessary. Classes are held at the high
school. There is no charge for this course. No technology experience is necessary and all levels of technology literacy are addressed. Class participants are given one-on-one instruction with high school student volunteers. Masks must be worn in the building. You must register in advance, since enrollment is limited. To register, call 516-237-2615 and leave a message with your name and phone number. —Submitted by Mineola High School
Sisters Represent Mineola UFSD In Varsity Swimming Two Mineola sisters are representThe district is #MineolaProud ing the district in girls varsity swim- of the Anzalone sisters and looks ming for the first time. Eighth-grader forward to how they pave the way for Leah Anzalone and seventh-grader future Mineola swimmers. Brooke Anzalone are participating —Submitted by the Mineola Union on a combined team of districts Free School District including Carle Place, Locust Valley Leah Anzalone (left) and Brooke and Mineola. Leah and Brooke Anzalone are representing the are the only Mineola students on Mineola UFSD in girls varsity swimthe team and it’s the first time the ming—a first for the district. district has participated in a girls (Contributed photo) varsity swim program.
Westbury Approves Bartone Development BY FRANK RIZZO
he Village of Westbury Board of Trustees gave its approval for a 72-unit apartment building at 461 Railroad Ave. on Sept. 16. Developer Terwilliger & Bartone Properties became the first applicant to take advantage of the new zoning approved by the village in December 2019 to transform a mainly industrial area of approximately 50 acres surrounding the railroad station. It was tabbed the Maple Union Transit Oriented Development (TOD) District to, per the language of the resolutions, “permit the development of transit oriented multi-family residential and mixed-use projects in the area surrounding” the LIRR Station. In the resolutions approved by the board, the village noted that the proposed project included 80 parking spaces and “certain amenities (including affordable housing in excess of that required by the Code, preferential housing for veterans, inclusion of micro-units, and a sidewalk ‘bump-out’ which allows for a wider sidewalk and plantings).” With village approval, and a green light from the county’s Industrial Development Agency (IDA) for tax abatements and other benefits for the project, construction is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2022. It is estimated
is warranted at the corner of Railroad Avenue and School Street and the 80 parking lots were also deemed sufficient for the expected number of tenants. In summary, the village determined that “the proposed action will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment,” that the project “is consistent with the intent and the type of development contemplated by the TOD Zone,” and “will not adversely affect the natural environment or property values in the area, and in fact The entrance foyer to the Cornerstone in Farmingdale, will enhance them.” one of the numerous projects developed by Terwilliger & The resolution concluded Bartone Properties. (Screenshot) “that the subject property is currently an underutilized that it will take about 18 and somewhat blighted light the traffic study that he felt months. industrial site and the project needed further explorations. Firm principal Anthony is expected to uplift the use More specifically, the traffic Bartone told the board at an of the property, be additive conditions generated by the August public hearing that to the tax base, enhance the tenants and at the intersec10 units will be set aside as aesthetic and visual appeal tion of Railroad Avenue and lower than market rents for of the property, and enhance School Street. residents who meet federal the land values of adjacent Bartone’s representatives, housing guidelines regarding R&M Engineering, submitted parcels.” income. Or as Bartone told further studies that satisfied Bartone has designated the board last month, the village leaders that “the the Long island Housing “Investment encourages project will not result in an Partnership to manage the adverse change in the existing investment. Revitalization lottery for the affordable units level of traffic,” and further, encourages revitalization,” in the building. The building will be five “The traffic expected to be The board also found levels, with a parking floor generated by the proposed that Bartone’s application project will be approximately partially below grade, and for is consistent with its Final zoning purposes the village twice the quantity of traffic Generic Environmental will count it as four stories. as the existing use, some of Impact Statement (FGEIS) At 50 feet, it is lower than the which may be mitigated by for the new zoning. At the the proximity of the LIRR train 65 feet allowed with bonuses public hearing, Mayor Peter under zoning. station.” Cavallaro had questions about As far as the payments in In addition, no traffic light
He’s An All-State Musician
The Carle Place School solo at the NYSSMA festival District is proud to announce in spring 2021. Accepted that Carle Place Middle/ students are invited to attend High School senior a music festival in Antonio Urrutia Rochester, slated has been selected for December. for the 2021 New There, they will join York State School other honorees and Music Association perform after many (NYSSMA) Allhours of training State Performing and rehearsal. Antonio Urrutia Ensemble in the The district con(Photo courtesy Mixed Chorus gratulates Antonio of the Carle Place group as a tenor. on this accomplishSchool District) Thousands of ment and would students auditioned for this also like to recognize Antonio’s honor last spring at solo and choral teacher, Jessica Younker, ensemble festivals throughand Michael Limone, chairperout New York State. son for the fine and performing The students’ selection arts, for their roles in Antonio’s is based on their NYSSMA growth and formation. All-State audition scores —Submitted by the the of A+ on a level 6 All-State Carle Place School District
lieu of taxes (PILOT) that the project is seeking, the village concludes that “there will be no revenue loss to the village or other taxing jurisdictions. Rather, there will be an increase in tax revenue, phased in over time, that will be accretive to all taxing jurisdictions, above what they are collecting today.” The current property, according to county records, paid $62,461 in school and library taxes in 2020-21. County, town and special district taxes totaled $30,800 in 2021. Bartone stated that the warehouse pays $9,647 in village taxes. He estimated that this figure will rise to $52,403 once the apartment is done. The village will require the apartment owner to agree to the following conditions: “Minimum PILOT payment, pre-construction shall be no less than current gross taxes (school and village tax years 2021-22, general tax year 2021), and shall never decrease below that amount; Minimum first year PILOT payment, post-construction, after certificates of occupancy are issued shall be no less than $136,614.11 (aggregate, excluding village make-whole).” What did you think of this article? Share your thoughts with me by email at: frizzo@
Amazon Aids Carle Place Schools The Carle Place School District continues to keep the health and safety of its students and staff at the forefront, having received donations of personal protective equipment supplies from Amazon prior to the start of the school year. The district received a total of 55,950 donated items, which includes gloves, face masks bottles of sanitizer and containers of wipes. Approximately 5,650 face masks were donated and 47,000 gloves. The items were dropped off to the Carle Place High School by Amazon employees on Aug. 20. —Submitted by the Carle Place School District
The Carle Place School District received donations of personal protective equipment supplies from Amazon. (Photo courtesy of Amazon)
Curran Unveils Renderings Of $2 Million+ Makeover Of Mitchel Field Gym
assau County Executive Laura Curran was recently joined by veterans and active-duty military that reside at the Mitchel Field Veteran Housing Community, Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder and others to officially hand over keys to Mitchel Field’s Navy Gym to NY Youth Sports Network (NYYSN), the property’s new tenant. NYYSN, a nonprofit that specializes in the advancement and development of children through sports, particularly in disadvantaged communities, has committed to operating and transforming the underutilized gym, which adjoins the county’s veteran housing community in Uniondale. The County Executive and NYYSN unveiled the gym’s new name: “The MAC,” which stands for Mitchel Athletic Center, as well as renderings of the property’s planned $2 million makeover—coming at no cost to the county. In addition, NYYSN outlined sports programming for local youth as well as opportunities for veterans and families that live at Mitchel Field, as part of the agreement with the county. “With this much-needed transformation, we are continuing three important commitments: get neglected county infrastructure in top-notch condition, enhance services for veterans and youth, and keep county finances in check,” County Executive Laura Curran said. “I am confident NY Youth Sports will create an exciting community hub and provide quality opportunities for not only the military families that live at Mitchel Field, but for Nassau’s many aspiring youth athletes, particularly in underserved communities.” Commissioner Ryder added, “Today’s announcement of funding to refurbish the Mitchell Field Gym is a win-win for many. Upon completion of this project, it will present vast opportunities for at-risk children to work together with law enforcement within their neighborhoods. This will strengthen ties, build lasting relationships, keep our communities strong and will enhance our 40,000 students that are already enrolled in our departments’ PAL program.” Thomas Rossi, who is the managing director of NY Youth Sports Network, said they’re excited to develop a stateof-the-art multi-sport facility in Nassau.
Curran was joined by veterans and active-duty military that reside at the Mitchel Field Veteran Housing Community to hand over keys to Mitchel Field’s Navy Gym to NY Youth Sports Network (NYYSN), the property’s new tenant. (Contributed photo)
“Our shared vision with County Executive Curran will provide adolescents and young adults a safe environment to participate in a variety of youth sports programs and the opportunity to make friendships and create lasting memories,” he said.
Renovations & Contract Details: NYYSN’s commitment includes upgrades to the existing gym, as well as construction of a new field house for additional basketball and classrooms, as well as a separate indoor turf field. The property’s transformation will come at no cost to the county and is expected to be complete within 12 months of securing the keys. The new tenant, NYYSN, will pay the county $100,000 annually and will have the option to extend their 15-year lease an additional five years. The county will also share in naming rights and sponsorship opportunities with the tenants.
Opportunities for Mitchel Field Residents: As part of the agreement, the Curran Administration ensured tangible
benefits and job opportunities for the veterans and families that reside on property. Some of those benefits include free use of gym facilities (select hours), free week of summer camp for children under 14, free registration for all in-house leagues for residents under 16, and sports scholarship opportunities for eligible youth athletes.
NYYSN Programming: NYYSN has also committed to using the premises to serve as a hub for their AAU Urban Initiative. Through a variety of programming, the AAU Urban Initiative seeks to develop healthy relationships between local law enforcement and at-risk youth in
underserved and minority communities through sports. The initiative has been embraced by the Nassau County Police Department which actively participates in a variety of similar programs with local youth. “This initiative aligns perfectly with the county’s broader efforts to build relationships and trust with our dedicated law enforcement and children in the communities they serve,” Curran said. In addition to providing their own slate of sports programming, NYYSN will continue to provide permits for outside groups to use the property. —Submitted by the office of Nassau County Executive Laura Curran
Got an Event You’d Like to Publish? Have your Special Events Published in Anton’s Community Calendar!
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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR THE MANHASSET COMMUNITY FUND KICKS OFF ITS FALL DRIVE IN SUPPORT OF LOCAL CHARITIES Have you been challenged these past couple years in ways you never imagined? I know I have. And I keep hearing from our grant recipients that life continues to be tough, especially related to health, income, and social isolation. Our work in Manhasset continues in the midst of
everything we are going through. We are not taking a break. Sometimes during my own social isolation (does Zoom count as a real connection?) I forget about people struggling nearby. It’s easy to disconnect. The daily negative news doesn’t help. That’s why the Manhasset Community Fund is there on
everyone’s behalf: we step up to the plate to reach people in their time of struggle. Our goal is to provide funds that make programs possible that are proven to address the special needs of our community. Please walk with us in our ongoing quest. You are needed. All donations are targeted
to help people in zip code 11030. Donate online at www. manhasssetcommunityfund. org. All donations are tax deductible. The board keeps overhead low by being a 100 percent volunteer staff. —John R. Morse, president of Manhasset Community Fund
SUPPORTING AN EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT My name is James Egan and I am a Life Scout in Troop 243, sponsored by St. Joseph’s Parish in Garden City. I am writing to ask for help in funding my Eagle Scout Project.
My project beneficiary is Garvies Point Museum and Preserve in Glen Cove. My service project is to replace an existing unusable single composting bin that is in disrepair with a new larger
three-bin composting system. The composting system will be actively used by the museum to create compost for museum plantings and gardens. If you would like to donate
to my Eagle Scout Project, you may send a check payable to Troop 243 to James Egan, 89 Kingsbury Rd., Garden City, NY 11530. Thank you for your support. —James Egan, Troop 243
Whenever she loses something important, she prays to Saint Anthony, the Patron Saint of lost items. Out of the 10,000 or so people identified as Saints since the Apostles’ days, somehow Saint Anthony of Padua got the job of helping find lost items. Back in the 12th Century, Anthony had a book of Psalms that was missing and presumed stolen. Not sure who he prayed to, but the book was Paul DiSclafani returned to him after saying a prayer. Because of that, he got the gig. After my mother lost her Life Alert pendant a few months ago, she spent a few days searching without any luck. She prayed to Saint Anthony and found it later in the day. Recently, she misplaced the same pendant. This time she went right to Saint Anthony that night but still had no luck. “Maybe he put you at the bottom of the list,” I told her, “Because he already helped you find it once before?” Sure enough, she found it the following afternoon. Apparently, you can’t joke about Saint Anthony. Saint Anthony of Padua “Laugh if you want about my (Photo courtesy of the Metrobeliefs,” she told me, “But The politan Museum of Art/ CC0 1.0) Sacred Heart saved your life.” What? more runs. “When you were three, you “I told you,” I said. “I don’t believe in any of that,” had a fever of 104”, she told me. “If your fever didn’t subside, the she said. “I only believe in The Sacred Heart and Saint Anthony.” doctor told me I’d have to bring
Publishers of Port Washington News Great Neck Record Manhasset Press The Roslyn News Plainview-Old Bethpage Herald Oyster Bay Enterprise-Pilot Glen Cove Record Pilot Mineola American Syosset-Jericho Tribune Massapequa Observer Farmingdale Observer New Hyde Park Illustrated News Levittown Tribune Garden City Life Hicksville News The Westbury Times
Editor and Publisher Angela Susan Anton President Frank A. Virga Vice President of Operations Iris Picone Director of Sales Administration Shari Egnasko
Managing Editors Anthony Murray, Caroline Ryan
Who Needs Superstitions When You Have Saints? In this column, a few weeks ago, we discussed friggatriskaidekaphobia, the fear of Friday the 13th. We also touched on superstitions and other seemingly irrational habits that people live their life by. As a sports fan, I know many ballplayers are superstitious about what they eat before a game or make sure they wear the same underwear when on a hot streak. Often, I’ll sit in the same chair while the Mets are doing well and conversely, if things aren’t working out, I’ll go into a different room and watch on another TV. Ridiculous, you say? Well, that’s exactly what my mother thought. While at my house after dinner the other day, we were sitting in the kitchen watching the Mets game. The Mets were in the middle of a big inning and had already scored two runs and still had the bases loaded when the Nationals changed their pitcher. I mentioned that I had to go to the bathroom, but I couldn’t leave just yet. “Why not,” she said innocently. When I told her I didn’t want to jinx the Mets, she said, “Are you crazy? Go to the bathroom. The game will still be here when you get back.” So, I left. By the time I got back, the inning was over and the Mets had failed to score any
Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000
you to the hospital. I was sitting in the kitchen crying when our landlady called me to tell me something came for me in the mail. “I opened a small cardboard tube from a charity. Back then, I never donated money to charities. It contained a picture of The Sacred Heart. I put my hand over the heart and said a prayer. The next thing I knew, you were awake and your temperature had dropped to 101. That picture of The Sacred Heart has been on my bedroom wall ever since.” To be honest, I don’t see much difference between religious beliefs and superstitions. I’ve had enough instances in my life where when following seemingly irrational superstitions have worked out. Of course, they don’t work all the time, no matter how deep your beliefs are. Why would believing in prayer be any different than believing in a lucky chair? “When I’m gone,” she told me, “I don’t care what you do with anything else. I just want you to keep that picture of The Sacred Heart.” You know what? There’s no reason not to. —Paul DiSclafani’s new book, A View From The Bench, is a collection of his favorite Long Island Living columns. It’s available wherever books are sold.
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IN BUSINESS 1984-2021
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Prohibition Rum Running On Long Island The fisherman turned smuggler, put a flame to his cigarette and looked out at the line of ships miles off in the Atlantic. The smoke floats across the full moon, settling his nerves. The payment for his haul had already been negotiated. He knew that tactic was used by mob bosses trying to reduce the risk of a hijack. The man had been given half of a two- dollar bill to match up with the other half aboard the supply ship as proof the liquor was going to the right boat. Tossing the cigarette to the ground, he fired up the 300 horsepower Liberty motors and heads out to Long Island’s Rum Row. Arriving, he loads the haul of champagne and rum from the man carrying enough fire power to kill five people. He returns to the Montauk shore, where the haul is unloaded onto trucks. High-end smuggling was steeped in danger. His bay house containing 100 crates of liquor, sat armed and ready for any competition attempting to steal or screw with his lucrative operation. Smuggling, and the wild flurry to distribute “demon rum,” started with The Volstead Act enacted to provide enforcement for the 18th Amendment, which lasted from January 17,1920 until its repeal on December 5, 1933. Long Island sat in the thick of illegal activity with its proximity to New York City, the largest market for illegal booze.
made it tougher on smugglers now making longer round trips to Rum Row. But the normal high-speed chases continued between smugglers and authorities in the waterways around the island peppered with the sound of gunfire. The Artemis caught plenty of Thomas that action in 1921. Kuntzmann The Coast Guard steam cutter, the Black Duck, was out patrolling the eastern end of Long Island. The Artemis, loaded down with alcohol, rammed into the cutter, ripping a hole The 1,600 miles of coastline made it a in the bow. The cutter’s captain began smuggler’s paradise along with long pumping rounds toward the Artemis. flat, highways creating major delivery Powered by by three Hall-Scott invadroutes for trucks. Baymen, clam diggers, er engines and riddled with bullets, fishermen or anyone with a boat the smugglers escaped. The boats’ could get lured to the profits reaped other daring escape happened while from illegal transportation. Scopinich loading up a haul from Claudio’s. As boatyard in Freeport made boats for the Coast Guard. But the ones produced William “The Real McCoy,” a storied they left the dock, a Coast Guard boat surprised them and began firing. The for smugglers were designed to outrace rum-runner during Prohibition (Public domain) Artemis ended up racing them from and outmaneuver the Coast Guard. Rum runners would board these the Fire Island inlet to Montauk, once The early 1920s are referred to vessels originating from Nova Scotia, again avoiding capture. the “golden age” of rum running Cuba and Europe, head back to shore The smuggling game was dark and because the authorities didn’t have and into awaiting trucks owned by dangerous but that got notched up to a grip on what rum runners were up gangsters like Dutch Schultz. Those deadly as the mob secured all aspects to. Depending on which story you go loads got distributed to the island’s of bootlegging, including production, with, either Bill “The Real McCoy” or William “Big Bill” Dwyer came up with speakeasies including The Island Club distribution and killings. But the numon Star Island and Southampton’s ber one arsenal the mob possessed for the idea of loading a schooner with Red Bar Brasserie. Local bootleggers keeping the conduit of hootch flowing foreign liquor and anchoring it three would buy cases from other boats hid- was bribes. miles offshore. Eventually, he was ing them in secret compartments in With payoffs spiraling out of conjoined by a line of converted yachts, old sailing vessels and trawlers selling cars and trucks. In 1924, the Maritime trol, violence erupted on Rum Row. limit was changed to 12 miles which Enforcement agencies added high their brands. Rum Row was created. speed boats and thousands more agents. But speakeasies still enjoyed protection from authorities. For Claudio’s in Greenport, bribing enforcement officials gave them a heads-up on scheduled raids and enabled them to protect the smugglers that docked under the restaurant, unloading liquor through trap doors. In Riverhead, J.J. Sullivan’s hotel had their speakeasy regularly attended and thereby protected by members of the crooked political power of Tammany Hall. Prohibition ended in 1933 due to the overwhelming activity of crime that resulted in tens of thousands of deaths. Also, Prohibition became an unenforceable policy. Many local smugglers ironically ended up on the legal side of liquor distribution. Gangsters and the Mafia gained the title of “organized crime” after controlling the business end of bootlegging during Prohibition. —What did you think of this story? Email to share it with Tom Kuntzmann. He is an outdoorsman with main interests in hiking and golf. His column focuses During the 13 years Prohibition was in effect, rum running proved to be a lucrative and dangerous response to it. on local outdoor events and suburban (Photo courtesy of User: Abraccia2/ CC BY-SA 3.0) stories.
Farmingdale Greendogs Find Their Own Field Of Dreams
12U team makes Cooperstown tournament through coaches’ sacrifices BY DAVE GIL DE RUBIO
and the Greendog’s Travel Director for the league, immediately stepped up aseball is about tradition. For and made the decision to take the helm. Farmingdale Baseball, one event Horowitz did this despite not having a that stands out is the annual child on the team while simultaneously trip to Cooperstown that revolves coaching his own son’s two other travel around the organization sending a 12U teams. Longtime Farmingdale resident team to compete in this tournament Paul Quinn, who was also a coach and for the past 20 years. It’s a big enough league director within Farmingdale deal that players from the in-house Baseball, saw the the challenge and and travel programs named the heavy burden Horowitz was taking on Farmingdale Greendogs, along with and also volunteered his services. And help from the town, fundraise for 12 while Quinn also did not have a child months preparing to go to this event. on the team, his oldest son had played The Cooperstown tournament also in Cooperstown many years before, represents the closing of a life chapter so he had firsthand knowledge of how as it will be the last time many special an experience this tournaof these players will put on ment could be. This extraordia uniform, as they will nary show of sacrice was one have aged out of the Little that floored Farmingdale League program. Players Baseball Long Island Second as young as six-yearsVice President Jim Loughlin. old in the Farmingdale “This team was led by program look forward to two men who selflessly put this series of games. It winds their own time, family and other up being a monumental deal for the responsibilities aside in an effort to players, their parents and the comensure that these boys would be led munity. With this many moving parts correctly and more importantly would going into an endeavor of this size, the not lose the opportunity to fulfill their announcement 12 months ago that the dream of playing in Cooperstown,” prior coach was unable to continue Loughlin said. “These men took coaching threatened to derail the 12U on this team with the intention of team attending this year’s tournament. making certain these boys had this The timing for this unfortunate set of unforgettable experience. The focus circumstances came right after tryouts was never to be the best or to win the and just as the players were embarking tournament, but to simply give these on a dozen months of fundraising. boys an experience that otherwise was The Farmingdale Baseball League taken from them through no fault of embarked on a search for volunteers their own.” who could help salvage this highly anHorowitz and Quinn pooled their ticipated experience. The enormity of coaching acumen and had their the task—coaching the players, parent Greendogs tirelessly practicing, interaction, fundraising, getting unifundraising and preparing for the last forms, holding practices, filing reams time they would be going out and of paperwork and applying to other representing Farmingdale. tournaments to ensure the team was “We went in with the idea of not keeping their chops honed—made it necessarily winning, but rather immediately clear that no one wanted experiencing the thrill of the game to take on this responsibility. and basking in the entire experience,” Just as it seemed like the curtain Horowitz said. was falling on the Cooperstown The combination of preparation tournament, Chris Horowitz, one of and playing with nothing to lose had Farmingdale Baseball’s vice-presidents the Greendogs overachieving, earning
2021 12U Farmingdale Greendogs Cooperstown Team Christopher DiNota, William Herbert, Daniel Hilton, Nicholas Kost, Brendan LoFaro, Jake Marchetti, Cameron Mastrelli, Jake Mora, Jaden Pesante, Timmy Stoeber and William Wahl.
The 12U Farmingdale Greendogs team that went to the 2021 Cooperstown tournament
From left; Coach Chris Horowitz, player William Herbert and Coach Paul Quinn (Photos courtesy of Farmingdale Baseball)
themselves a place in the playoffs and advancing to the semi-finals in their division before ultimately losing. The actions of two men coming together for the greater good of the baseball community and the children resonated with Diane Herbert, whose son William plays on the team. “As we shared this experience together, we stopped frequently and reminded ourselves that this trip was possible because of two Daler men, Chris Horowitz and Paul Quinn, who volunteered almost a full year of their time to make this experience happen,” she said. “Neither of these men has sons on this team. And one of them
had the heartbreak of not being able to experience this tournament with his own son last year during COVID-19. Chris and Paul did not just give up a few hours on a random day, but have spent several hundred hours coaching our boys throughout the spring and summer, taking time out of their weekdays and weekends to practice and be on the field with our boys in all weather conditions. They planned and ordered special keepsakes to make their memories even better and took care of all of the annoying administrative tasks that come with a tremendous trip like Cooperstown. They helped our boys and families organize fundraisers to minimize the financial burden and were non-stop enthusiasts from the moment this journey started until now. Eleven Daler baseball players and their families will return to Farmingdale soon with memories that are forever etched in our hearts thanks to Chris Horowitz and Paul Quinn.” It’s a sentiment echoed by league president Joann Vazquez. “What these men have done for these boys and our organization is a perfect example of two men paying it forward. I could not be more proud of them both,” she said. What did you think of this article? Share your thoughts with me by email at: dgilderubio
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MacArthur High’s Jack Butler down. He lunged for the first down and was fighting for more yardage when someone fell on his leg. The result—three broken bones in his right leg, a dislocated ankle and an uncertain future.
JACK BUTLER (Photo courtesy of Ma
cArthur High School)
t was one of the most anticipated games of the season. MacArthur and Garden City faced off on the gridiron last spring, a rematch of the 2019 Nassau County championship game. The game was nearly at halftime when MacArthur quarterback Jack Butler tried a quarterback sneak on fourth
Well, a little more than five months later, Butler made a triumphant return to the field. In the second game of the season, Jack connected with teammate James Napoli for a 59-yard touchdown pass and the Generals are 2-0 on the season.
The Anton Media Group caught up with Jack Butler to talk about his journey back to football.
What motivated you to come back from this injury? Multiple things motivated me to come back. Certainly the overwhelming love and support I got from my friends and family helped me. I think most of all was that our team had unfinished business. After watching the games at the end of last
season from the end zone in a wheelchair, I knew I wanted to get back this season, to get back on the field with my teammates. I knew the day after surgery that I would do whatever I needed to do to make it back.
be ready to go, but that was not the case. It was a long, slow process and I think mentally that was the most difficult part.
What was the most rewarding part of the comeback? Getting into the game during our home opener was probably the most rewarding part. That was the moment when I officially said to myself. “I’m back!”
How many hours a day did you put into your rehab? Several hours a day. At first the doctors would not allow me to do much, but I found things I could do. I lifted weights in the garage, What are your goals for the did a lot of band work, did dips in rest of the school year? the wheelchair, threw an exercise We went to the county chamfootball against the side of the garage. pionship game the last two Once the cast was off I was able to years, but came up short. We’re all start normal physical therapy at the working hard to make it back again Schwarz Institute and at home. and hopefully come out on top this time. I’m also excited to get back on What was the most difficult the baseball field in the spring and part of the comeback? play my senior season. I had to miss After my first time at physical my junior season because of the therapy and trying to walk injury, so I think I will enjoy this last again, that’s when I realized this was going to be much harder than I baseball season even more.
imagined. I thought the cast would come off and I’d do a little PT and
—James Rowan is a Levittown resident
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NEIGHBORS IN THE NEWS Help save the environment at the Town of Oyster Bay’s Fall Oyster Bay Harbor and Beach Cleanup on Oct. 2 at the Town’s north shore beaches from 8 to 11 a.m., rain or shine. The central meeting place will be Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park launching ramps and waterfront gazebo off Larrabee Avenue in Oyster Bay. Additional locations for the clean-up include Theodore Roosevelt Beach in Oyster Bay, and Stehli Beach and Centre The Irish Cultural Society will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the Garden City Casino located at Sixth Street and Cathedral Avenue in Garden City. The talk that evening will focus on the impact of the Civil War on Irish-born men and women, their participation in the military, the catastrophic effect of the massive loss of life on the communities where they lived in the United States and on their families in Ireland. The politics of war, from the decision to join the army, to the rising resistance to the draft, to the New York Riots, are woven through the talk, but the human stories are at center stage. Irish revolutionaries,
Island Beach in Bayville. Typically in year’s past, harbor and beach clean-up events have resulted in about 40,000 lbs. of debris collected by volunteers. The event is co-sponsored by the Town of Oyster Bay, the North Oyster Bay Baymen’s Association and Friends of the Bay. This year’s event will also feature new fun for the family, as a new scavenger hunt will be featured for kids. —Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay nursing nuns, laboring men and their wives, share the spotlight. From Bull Run to Gettysburg through the hunt for Lincoln’s assassins, Irish immigrants were key to how the war played out. The speaker will be Pat Young, special professor of immigration law at Hofstra Law School where he directs the Immigration Law Clinic. He writes the online series The Immigrants’ Civil War, publishes the Reconstruction Era blog and writes about both topics for the scholarly website Emerging Civil War. The meeting is free and open to the public —Submitted by the Irish Cultural Society
From left: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Anthony Lubrano, art teacher Craig Mateyunas, senior Amber Corbett, Supervisor of Fine Arts Chad Wyman and High School Principal Raymond Williams. (Photo courtesy of Hicksville Public Schools)
Hicksville High School senior Amber Corbett has been named a Merit Award winner in the Long Island Scholar Artist program for the 2021-22 school year in the visual arts category. The Long Island Arts Alliance and Newsday sponsors the program each year, honoring up to 40 high school seniors from Nassau and Suffolk counties in the fields of dance, media arts, music, theater and visual arts.
Districts nominate students who are accomplished in their field and hold an unweighted GPA of 90 or above. Students are then asked to submit a portfolio of their work and an essay to be reviewed. The award for the top 20 students is the Scholar Artist designation and the remaining 20 students receive an Award of Merit. —Submitted by the Hicksville Public Schools
COMEDY PROVIDED BY WWW.COMEDYTOGOINC.COM There will be a Silent Auction 50/50 and Door Prizes! George Gallo
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The League of Women Voters of Port Washington-Manhasset has announced that a virtual Candidates’ Forum will be held on Oct. 5, at 6 p.m., for candidates running for local Town of North Hempstead (TNH) and Nassau County (NC) offices. Voters can learn more about their choices and ask questions before and during the forum from the comfort of their own home or anywhere with internet access. All forums will be livestreamed and be replayed from the LWV of PWM YouTube channel @LWVofPWM. Questions for specific candidates can be submitted to the websites listed with each forum.
Town Honors Bethpage Ultramarathoner Fundraiser Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and the town board recently honored Bethpage resident Wai Law (third from left, front row), who ran an extraordinary 555 miles throughout New York State this summer to help raise awareness and funds for Parkinson’s disease. Wai left Buffalo in late June for an incredible 11-day run, which included pushing a stroller holding his necessities, camping gear, clothing and water. Throughout the trip, Law raised close to $15,000, which benefitted Stony Brook University’s Thomas Hartman Center for Parkinson’s Research. Saladino and the town board presented Wai with a citation for his amazing accomplishment and commended him on his inspiring work. (Photo courtesy of the Town of Oyster Bay)
Town of North Hempstead Clerk 6 p.m. Viviana Russel (D) vs Ragini Srivastava (R) Questions: Meet the Candidates Night for the annual Great Neck Library election will be held on Thursday, Oct. 7 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Main Library’s Community Room, 159 Bayview Ave. Meet the candidates running for positions on the Library Board of Trustees and Nominating Committee. Questions for the candidates can be submitted to
Town of North Hempstead District 5 - 7:05 p.m. David Adhami (R) vs Peter Fishkind (D) Questions: Nassau County Legislative District 11 - 8 p.m. Delia DeRiggi Whitton (D, Incumbent) vs Megan McCarty (R) Questions: Town of North Hempstead Supervisor - 9:15 p.m. Jennifer DeSena (R) vs Wayne Wink (D) Questions: The Nassau County LWV plans to co-host a separate forum with LIU Post for candidates running for Nassau County District Attorney on Monday, Oct. 11, at 7 p.m. For questions about the forums, contact LWV Voters Service Chair Judy Jacobson at or 516-627-0831. Biographical information for candidates appears in the September/ October library newsletter, which can be found on the Library’s website at The Library election will be held on Monday, Oct. 25, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Main Library and Parkville Branch.
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Before the start of the school year, the Great Neck Public Schools welcomed more than 50 new faculty members during a recent orientation program. New elementary and secondary teachers were greeted by Board of Education President Rebecca Sassouni and trustee Donna Peirez; Superintendent Dr. Teresa Prendergast; Assistant Superintendents Dr. Joseph Hickey, Dr. Stephen Lando, Kelly Newman, and John Powell; Great Neck Teachers Association (GNTA) President James Daszenski; Association of Supervisors and Administrators (SAGES) President Stephen Goldberg; building principals and other administrators. (Photo by Irwin Mendlinger)
From left: Principal Dr. Giovanni Durante, College Board Scholars Noa Gluck, Amanda Obedian, Julia Schenone, Emma Staller, David Surber, Alexandra Marin and Superintendent Dr. Thomas Rogers.
OYSTER BAY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT AND GRADUATES EARN AP CAPSTONE DIPLOMA Oyster Bay High School To receive the AP Capstone senior Kevin Biggiani and Diploma, these students three graduates, Muskan earned scores of three Kumar, Bianca McEvoy and or higher in AP Seminar, Manuel Panariello, received AP Research and on four the Advanced Placement (AP) additional AP Exams. Capstone Diploma based on Biggiani, Kumar, McEvoy the scores released from the and Panariello are four of 2021 AP Exam administration. the 11,900 students worldKevin Biggiani The AP Capstone wide who received the AP (Photo courtesy of Diploma program helps Capstone Diploma. The Oyster Bay-East students to develop critical Norwich Central district congratulates its Schools) thinking, research, colcurrent and former students laboration, time management and on this accomplishment. presentation skills that are critical to —Submitted by Oyster Bayacademic success. East Norwich Central Schools
NEW TEACHERS WELCOMED TO ROSLYN SCHOOLS In advance Allison Brown, of the new and a round of school year, introductions to Roslyn School school adminisDistrict hosted trators, the newa four-day est members New Teacher of the Roslyn family jumped Institute at Roslyn Schools Superintendent Allison into training Roslyn High Brown and Assistant Superintendents sessions that School to Michael Goldspiel and Karina Baez flank included safety welcome 19 new staff welcomed to the district. newly appoint- the (Photo courtesy of the Roslyn School District) and security measures, ed employees, classroom preparation, IT instrucincluding 15 teachers, two social workers, one nurse and one guidance tion and meetings with building counselor to the district. Following a principals. —Submitted by Roslyn School District warm welcome from Superintendent
The Wheatley School in the East employment and honors and awards Williston School District has the received. The semifinalist must have distinct honor of announcing four outstanding academic achievement, (Photo courtesy of the Syosset Central School District) Wheatley seniors who have been be endorsed and recommended by a named national semifinalists in the high school official, write an essay and SYOSSET HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS 67th annual National have achieved SAT or NAMED COLLEGE BOARD NATIONAL Merit Scholarship ACT scores that confirm RECOGNITION PROGRAM SCHOLARS Program. This highly the semifinalist’s earlier regarded academic performance on the Seven Syosset students have been designated as a College Board recognition was qualifying test. recognized as College Board National National Indigenous Recognition awarded to Charlotte Approximately 15,000 Recognition Program scholars. The Program Scholar. semifinalists are expected National Recognition Programs grant “We are so pleased to celebrate this Iannone, Siddhant Jain, Andrew Kim and to advance to the finalist underrepresented students this honor prestigious honor for our students,” level and will be notified based on their academic achievesaid Syosset High School principal Dr. Justin Wong. These four students From left: Siddhant Jain, in February 2022 if ments and performances on the PSAT Giovanni Durante. “We are incredibly Charlotte Iannone, Andrew they have achieved this scored in the top 1 and/or AP exams. proud of them and of their achieveKim and Justin Wong. percent of more than distinction. Half of the The high school seniors were recog- ments in their classrooms and on their (Contributed photo) 1.6 million juniors finalists will be selected nized across three programs, with two College Board assessments.” representing more than 22,000 high as National Merit Scholarship winners students receiving honors in multiple The Syosset scholars are among the schools nationwide who entered the which will be announced in the spring. programs. Students Noa Gluck, 32,000 students from across the coun- program by taking the PSAT last year. The East Williston School District Alexandra Marin, Amanda Obedian, try who were eligible for this honor They are now eligible to compete Board of Education, Superintendent Julia Schenone, Emma Staller, and who have excelled in their PSAT/ among the 16,000 National semifiof Schools Dr. Elaine Kanas, The David Surber were named College NMSQT exams, identify as African nalists for National Merit Scholarship Wheatly School Principal Dr. Sean Board National Hispanic Recognition American, Hispanic American or awards. To become a finalist, the Feeney, district administrators and Program Scholars. Latino, Indigenous, earned a score of semifinalist and a high school official staff are extremely proud of these four Sariah Clervoix and Amanda 3 or higher on two or more AP exams must submit a detailed scholarship students and wish them continued Marin were both selected as College and have earned a cumulative GPA of application that highlights the semifi- success through the remainder of the Board National African American 3.5 or higher. nalist’s academic record, participation competition. Recognition Program Scholars, and —Submitted by the in school and community activities, —Submitted by the East Williston School District Amanda Obedian was additionally Syosset Central School District demonstrated leadership skills,
Read a more complete list at www.
FRIDAY, OCT. 1 Yoga Under the Stars Hosted from 6 to 7 p.m. by Pinelawn Memorial Park and Arboretum, 2030 Wellwood Ave., Farmingdale. Use West Gate 3 to enter. Pop Up Prana Yoga’s Jennifer Eagen will lead guests in an open level yoga practice and meditation. Check-in begins at 5:30 p.m. Visit to RSVP. For more information call 631-249-6100 or email khovanec@
Holocaust back to life. Visit ww.hmtcli. org/events to get the Zoom link. Lamps,” a virtual talk with Lindsy Parrott, the executive director and curator of The Bird Walk at the Neustadt Collection of Massapequa Preserve Tiffany Glass. From 3 to Sunday, Oct. 3 4 p.m. via Zoom. Presented by one of the nation’s leading experts on Louis Comfort Tiffany, whose paintings are the core of the museum’s permanent collection. Cost is $10/members, $20/ Bird Walk non-members. The museum is at One Led by a member of the South Shore Museum Dr, Roslyn Harbor. Call 516Audubon Society and starting at 9 a.m. 484-9338. Visit www.nassaumuseum. at Massapequa Preserve. Entrance org to register. on Veterans Boulevard. Open to the public and free of charge. No walk if MONDAY, OCT. 4 it rains. Registration is required by Book Discussion calling Joe Landesberg at 516-467From 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., the Holocaust 9498. Bird walks will be limited to 12 Museum and Tolerance Center participants. Masks are also required. hosts Daniel Levin, author of Violins
Learn about bamboo plants on Oct. 3. (Albrecht Fietz | Pixabay)
SUNDAY, OCT. 3 About Bamboos The North Shore Land Alliance presents “Bamboos in Northeastern Landscapes Walk” at 11 a.m. at the John P. Humes Japanese Stroll Garden, Dogwood Lane, Mill Neck. Presented in partnership with Michael Veracka of SUNY Farmingdale. Advance registra(Public Domain) tion is required. For more information contact Jane Jackson at 516-922-1028 Tiffany Lamps or jjackson@northshorelandalliance. The Nassau County Museum of Art org. Visit to register. presents “The Ladies Behind Tiffany’s
and Hope: From the Holocaust to Symphony Hall. The book explores master violin maker Amnon Weinstein’s effort to restore violins that survived the Holocaust, fulfilling the goal of transforming tragedy into triumph by bringing violins of the
TUESDAY, OCT. 5 An Evening with Jorma Kaukonen Hosted at 7:30 p.m. by the Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main St, Port Washington. Rock & Roll Hall of Famer and Grammy recipient is a founding member of two legendary bands, Jefferson Airplane and the still-touring Hot Tuna. Kaukonen is a music legend and one of the finest singer-songwriters in his field. Tickets range from $55 to $65 and available at Call 516-767-1384. Proof of vaccination and masks required.
FRIDAY, OCT. 8 Walking Tour: Harbor Haunts Hosted at 6 p.m. by the Whaling Museum, 301 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor. Also on Saturday, Oct. 9 at 4:30 and 6 p.m. Recommended for adults and ages 8-plus. Explore Cold Spring Harbor’s ghostly side with fascinating tales of mishaps and historic hauntings on Main Street. Rain or shine, Cost is $12 adults, $8 children. Space is limited. Register at or call 631-367-3418.
Notice of Reduced Channel Width Bayville Bridge / Mill Neck Creek Bayville & Mill Neck, NY The Bayville Bridge is undergoing repairs as part of the Bayville Bridge Rehabilitation project administered by the Nassau County Department of Public Works. Work will be done underneath the bridge with the help of a barge from September 20, 2021, through May 15, 2022. The standard work hours are Monday through Saturday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. During this time, the channel width will be reduced intermittently to half the channel width (38 ft). The channel will be restored to its full width at the end of the shift (3:30 pm). Regular bridge operating hours will remain the same:
• Winter Season: October 1st through April 30th: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm 7 days/week Yoga Under the Stars Friday, Oct. 1
— Nassau County Department of Public Works 226992 M
Two Levittown Men Arrested that occurred at the following times and locations: 38 Parkside Dr. in Levittown For Stolen Property and 37 Hilltop Rd. in Levittown on Sept. 16. Franzo is charged with third- and fourth-degree criminal possession of stolen property, third-degree criminal mischief, seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance. Bocci is charged with two counts of fourth-degree grand larceny, third-degree grand larceny, third-degree attempted identity theft, third- and fourth degree criminal possession of stolen property, and two counts of seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance. The defendants were arraigned on Sept. 17 at First District Court in Hempstead.
Police Investigate Fatal Accident In Plainview
The Homicide Squad reports the details of a fatal vehicular accident that occurred on Sept. 19 at 5 a.m. in Plainview. According to detectives, a green four-door 2010 Toyota Corolla sedan—occupied by four males—was traveling eastbound on the Long Island Expressway when it struck the rear of a black 2017 Honda CRV—occupied only by the female operator. As a result of this collision, both vehicles struck the
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The Homicide Squad is investigating an incident that occurred on Sept. 19 at 11:30 a.m. in Bayville. According to detectives, officers responded to the beach for an unresponsive adult female in the water. She was brought to shore and soon after pronounced at scene by Nassau County Police Medics. The investigation is ongoing. Detectives request anyone with information regarding the above incident to contact the Nassau County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-244-8477 or call 911. All callers will remain anonymous.
The Nassau County Police Department reports the arrest of a Lakeview man for a larceny that occurred on Sept. 21 at 6:20 p.m. in Garden City South. According Georgiy Fayziyev to officers, they (Photo courtesy of NCPD) responded to a call for a man who was entering parked vehicles that did not belong to him. Officers arrived and observed a male which fit the description, now known to them as 35-year-old Georgiy Fayziyev, entering a vehicle in the vicinity of the call. As officers attempted to identify the man and ascertain if it was his vehicle, he began to run refusing to obey multiple commands to stop. Officers, assisted by the K-9 unit and the Aviation Unit, set up a perimeter of the surrounding areas and located the subject. The defendant continued to ignore lawful commands. He was placed under arrest without further incident. Fayziyev is charged with third-degree criminal trespass and petit larceny. He was arraigned on Sept. 22 at First District Court in Hempstead.
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Police Investigate Body Found In Bayville
Lakeview Man Arrested For Garden City South Larceny
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Seventh Squad Detectives report the arrest of two Levittown men on Sept. 16 at 7 a.m. in Wantagh. According to detectives, Nassau County Marine Bureau Officers were assigned to Marine One, which was docked at Wantagh Park Marina. Officers noticed a black Honda SUV with garbage scattered all around it. They also noticed a male slumped over the steering wheel with his eyes closed while the car was running. Officers proceeded to perform a welfare check on the driver and attempted to contact the two occupants of the vehicle. While the officers tried to awake the male seated in the driver seat, the passenger of the car became very combative. He refused to comply with lawful commands and continuously made attempts to remove items from the car. Officers then discovered the black Honda SUV was stolen. Upon further investigation the two subjects were discovered to be in possession of controlled substances and multiple stolen credit cards. Following a thorough investigation along with the evidence and information the officers were able to gather, it was determined that the two defendants, 19-yearp-old Andrew Franzo and 21-year-old Nicolas Bocci, were responsible for multiple larcenies
roadway barriers at exit 46—Sunnyside Boulevard, causing the death of the right rear passenger, a 22-year-old male from Middle Island. The operator of the sedan, a 19-year-old male from Middle Island, suffered minor injuries; the right front passenger a 23-year-old male from Bellport suffered two broken legs and minor facial injuries; and the left rear passenger a 24-year-old Elmont male sustained minor injuries; all three are listed in stable condition. The 57-yearold female operator of the second vehicle sustained neck and back injuries and is also listed in stable condition. Both vehicles were impounded from the scene. The investigation is ongoing.
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New York state law mandates that all contracts for prearranged funeral agreements executed by applicants for or recipients of supplemental social security income or medical assistance be irrevocable. 223135 S
221160 M
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125 Old Country Road Hicksville, NY 11801, or mail to 132 E. Second St., Mineola, NY 11501. 40 SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 5, 2021 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP
Anton Media Group celebrates the lives of all those in the community. We publish BAYVILLE obituaries of residents andL.former residents Carole Boisits, nee Larson of at no charge to the families as a courtesy. Bayville passed away We do this within the shortest time framepeacefully with Bob by her availability. side on Sept. 1. Beloved possible according to space Email no more than wordsSr. to editoriwife of 100 Robert and sister of Nancy, or mail to (Fessel). Loving mother of Carl, 132 E. Second St., Mineola, NY 11501.
into the Internet era. He was a mentor to people he worked with, and he was active in the Boy Scouts as a youth and an adult leader. He is survived by a sister and brother, sisters- and brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, Karen (Dan), Christopher, Bonnie, grandnieces and grandnephews. Bridget, Robert Jr. and Carolyn. Predeceased by a sister and brother. Grandmother of Gabrella, Daniel, He will be missed immensely by Justine (Albert), Brett, Patrick, Carley family and friends. A funeral mass was and Robert. Great-grandmother of Aj held at St. Boniface Martyr Church, and Kennedy. Carole was a very loving Sea Cliff. Arrangements by Whitting and generous person and loved by all. Funeral Home. Interment private. Donations in her name may be made to the Memorial Anton Media Group celebrates Fund of the Reformed Church of the lives of all those in the communiValley or a charity of your AntonLocust Media Group celebrates ty. We publish obituaries of residents choice.
and former residents at no charge the lives of all those in the to the families as a courtesy. GLEN COVE community. WeSadowski, publish Jr., passed away We do this within the shortest John W. time frame possible according to in earlyofJuly lovingly surrounded obituaries residents and space availability. Email no by his wife Angela, son John and formerdaughter residents at no charge Julianne. He was an avid more than 100 words to to thetriathlete familiesand asoutdoorsman a courtesy.and a, developed complex or mail to 132 E. Second St., shortest We dohard thisworker. withinHethe computer systems for the financial Mineola, NY 11501. time frame possible industry from theaccording days of punch cards to space availability. Email no more than 100 words to Arthur F. White, 225465 Sor mail to 132 E. Second St.,Funeral Home, Inc. A Tradition of Caring Since 1923 Mineola, NY 11501.
For 97 years we are honored to say our family continues to provide local families with the best service at the most reasonable cost.
After all, you “shop” for other things.
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e apologize for using the word “shop,” but the fact is, for most people a funeral service is a major purchase and families want to prevent overspending. Combining cost and quality is one of the things we do best. Please feel free to ask about our comparative cost analysis.
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224205 S
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224384 S
Generations of Dignified Personal Service
In Memory of
Rosemary Rita Zito Molinaro May 5, 1921 - August 25, 2021
Rosemary Rita Zito Molinaro passed away at home in Kings Point, NY on August 25, 2021, after 100 years of gracing this Earth with her loving heart and beauty, winning smile and smart, inquisitive mind. Her strong-willed optimism of “I can, I will, I must” was matched by her unconditional love of her family. She reveled in motherhood and loved children, gave selflessly as a devoted wife to Albert, mother to Lorraine M. Molinaro and Valerie A. Molinaro, also of Kings Point, and grandmother to Michelle Birnbach Katz, while also welcoming her son-in-law Howard and grandson-in-law Danny into the family. Children naturally gravitated to her, and she found gratification as a volunteer at the Head Start program in the City of Peekskill school system and as a substitute teacher at Church of the Assumption, Peekskill, as well as a volunteer at The Field Library, Peekskill. Born on May 5, 1921, in the Bronx, she graduated from Evander Childs High School in 1939 with honors and went on to business school to learn Gregg Shorthand stenography. She started out as a bookkeeper at The Fireside Inn, Manhattan, preceded each work day by Mass, and then was in customer service and various other roles at Macy’s, while she waited patiently for her husband to return from Army service overseas during World War II. She was a gifted writer of poetry and prose, loved books, libraries, birds and trees and would arise at dawn to search in philosophy, religion and medical books for answers to the question “why?” Rosemary was very civic-minded, always wondering why civics was no longer taught in schools, was active in local community matters, including as a volunteer for The American Cancer Society 1960s door-to-door study, and found time to take college courses at Fordham University. She was a proud government employee in the late State Senator Frank Padavan’s Office, the Queens District Attorney’s Office and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, from which she retired, and she always had an American flag displayed in her home, whether in The Bronx, Peekskill, Albany, Oakland Gardens or Kings Point. Her unconditional love and tireless care were served with a cup of tea which “made everything better”, healing many wounds. She was interred in a private service with the assistance of Fairchild Sons, Inc. Funeral Chapel at Nassau Knolls Cemetery in Port Washington, New York, under a cherry tree with chimes playing from the bell tower. In lieu of flowers, remembrances made with the donation of a favorite book in her name at a local library would bring a smile from Heaven.
226980 M
Thomas Crombie Thomas (Ikemoto) Crombie, aged 92, of Naples, FL, formerly of Manhasset, NY, went to be with his Lord on Sunday, September 11, 2021. Born on April 5, 1929 to Ella Crombie and George Ikemoto, Tom grew up in Hamilton, Ontario. At the age of 15,he furtively enlisted in the US Army as a Canadian citizen, proudly serving in active duty in the Pacific until he was 17. During World War II, the US Military made it a priority to provide ice cream to the troops, and Tom quickly became a master ice cream maker, fulfilling his comrades’ poignant desire for home and comfort. Suffering wounds from a gasoline tanker explosion, he was awarded the Purple Heart. Tom greatly valued his service and was a proud veteran. After the war, he had several successful business endeavors and traveled extensively throughout the world. He lived in Asia for a time, designing and installing complex corporate filing systems. During his time overseas, he developed a life-long love of antiques and collectibles. He also became a certified coin and stamp collector and learned the art of auctioneering valuable antiques. Tom faithfully served the Manhasset community through the local VFW Lodge, American Legion Post 304, the Old Goats Club, Feline Rescue, and the Masonic Lodge. A dedicated member of his church, The Community Reformed Church at Manhasset, Tom served as an ordained deacon and held many positions on committees. He was previously married to Lucille until her death on October 9, 2009. He is survived by his wife Patricia, stepdaughter Kim, and stepson Michael. His loved ones will fondly remember his friendly smile, waggish manner, enormous charm, childlike sense of humor, and gleeful chortles. He will also be remembered for his unwavering commitment to our country—a true hero who gave his life to something bigger than himself. A wake was held for Tom in Naples, FL and another in Manhasset with a funeral service followed by a committal ceremony at Pine Lawn Cemetery in Farmingdale. Donation’s in Tom’s Memory may be made to: The American Legion’s Operations Comfort Warriors Program which provides assistance and comfort to military personnel and veterans recovering from wounds and illnesses. 226937 M
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continued from page xx
KEYSPAN GAS EAST CORPORATION d/b/a NATIONAL GRID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by KeySpan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid (“Company”) that it has filed with the New York State Public Service Commission (“Commission”) proposed tariff revisions to its Schedule for Gas Service, PSC No.1 – GAS, to become effective, on a temporary basis, September 1, 2021. These revisions have been filed in compliance with the Commission’s Order issued August 12, 2021 in Case 19-G-0310. The table below compares the Company’s current rates (prior to September 1, 2021) to rates effective September 1, 2021 by service classification. Effective September 1, 2021 $2.5 million has been removed from base delivery rates to be collected through the ‘Rate Adjustment Clause’. The Rate Adjustment Clause is a separate surcharge that will be included in the Delivery Rate Adjustment line on customers’ bills. S.C. No. 1A, 5-1A – Residential Non-Heating Service S.C. No. 1AR, 5-1AR – Residential Non-Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 09/01/21 First 3 therms or less $19.75 $19.75 Next 47 therms, per therm $1.4354 $1.5459 Over 50 therms, per therm $0.3407 $0.3670
S.C. No. 1B, 5-1B – Residential Heating Service S.C. No. 1BR, 5-1BR – Residential Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 09/01/21 First 3 therms or less $21.66 $21.66 Next 47 therms, per therm $1.2839 $1.2939 Over 50 therms, per therm $0.2938 $0.3046
continued on page xx
S.C. No. 1B-DG, 5-1B-DG – Distributed Generation Monthly usage Current Rates 09/01/21 First 3 therms or less $33.04 $33.04 Over 3 therms, per therm $0.1260 $0.1772
S.C. No. 2-B, 5-2B – Non-Residential Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 09/01/21 First 3 therms or less $37.66 $37.66 Next 87 therms, per therm $1.7716 $1.7779 Next 2,910 therms, per therm $0.4370 $0.4464 Over 3,000 therms, per therm $0.2914 $0.3082
S.C. No. 2-A, 5-2A – Non-Residential Non-Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 09/01/21 First 3 therms or less $37.66 $37.66 Next 87 therms, per therm $1.7282 $1.8007 Next 2,910 therms, per therm $0.3553 $0.3651 Over 3,000 therms, per therm $0.2132 $0.2346 S.C. No. 3, 5-3 – Multi-Family Service Monthly usage Current Rates First 3 therms or less $74.66 Next 997 therms, per therm $0.4855 Over 1,000 therms, per therm $0.2685
S.C. 9, 5-9 – Uncompressed Natural Gas Vehicle Service Monthly usage Current Rates 09/01/21 First 3 therms or less $38.00 $38.00 Over 3 therms, per therm $0.6422 $0.5645
S.C No. 15, 5-15 – High Load Factor Service Monthly usage Current Rates First 10 therms or less $153.35 Over 10 therms, per therm $0.1954
S.C. No. 16, 5-16 – Year-Round Space Conditioning Service Monthly usage Current Rates 09/01/21 First 3 therms or less $230.43 $230.43 Next 497 therms, per therm $1.6650 $1.6932 Over 500 therms, per therm $0.2833 $0.2903
S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation Rate 1 – Less than 1MW Monthly usage Current Rates First 10 therms or less $180.61 Over 10 therms, per therm $0.1330 (Apr – Oct) Over 10 therms, per therm $0.1710 (Nov – Mar)
09/01/21 $74.66 $0.4921 $0.2906
09/01/21 $153.35 $0.2247
09/01/21 $180.61 $0.1506 $0.1935
S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation – Rate 2 Equal to or greater than 1 MW but less than 5 MW Monthly usage Current Rates 09/01/21 First 10 therms or less $328.22 $328.22 Over 10 therms, per therm $0.1330 $0.1506 (Apr – Oct) Over 10 therms, per therm $0.1710 $0.1935 (Nov – Mar)
S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation – Rate 3 Equal to or greater than 5 MW but less than 50 MW Monthly usage Current Rates 09/01/21 First 10 therms or less $949.35 $949.35 Over 10 therms, per therm $0.033 $0.0373 (Apr – Oct) Over 10 therms, per therm $0.045 $0.0509 (Nov – Mar) Demand charge per therm $6,252.00 $6,252.00 of MPDQ
S.C. 18 / 19 – Non-Firm Demand Response Sales Service Tier 1 Monthly usage Current Rates 09/01/21 First 10 therms or less $375.00 $375.00 Over 10 therms, per therm $0.2914 $0.0749
S.C. 18 / 19 – Non-Firm Demand Response Sales Service Tier 2 Monthly usage Current Rates 09/01/21 First 10 therms or less $375.00 $375.00 Over 10 therms, per therm $0.2914 $0.0600
These revisions have been filed in compliance with the Commission’s Order issued August 12, 2021 in Case 19-G-0310. Copies of the proposed revisions are available for public inspection and can be obtained on the Company’s website a or the PSC’s website ( KEYSPAN GAS EAST CORPORATION d/b/a NATIONAL GRID 226596 M
continued from page xx
FARMINGDALE LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Self Storage Sale Please take notice Prime Storage - Farmingdale located at 2091 New Highway, Farmingdale, NY 11735 intends to hold a sale of the property stored in the below listed Storage Spaces. The public sale shall occur as an online auction via www. on 10/19/2021 at 12:00 pm. Unless listed below, the contents consist of household goods and furnishings. Tri State Area Movers units #01008, #01188, #02015, #02079, #02085, #02203 & #03054; Jessica Berry unit #02255. This sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. See manager for details. 10-6; 9-29-21-2T#226982-FARM
Appeal No. 84-526 and granted by Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated December 6, 1984 and amended by Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated July 24, 2003. SE/ cor. of Beryl Ln. & W. Zoranne Dr., a/k/a 2 Beryl Lane, Farmingdale, NY SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF OYSTER BAY, OYSTER BAY, NEW YORK 9-29-2021-1T#226939-FARM
LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an Order granted by the Supreme Court, Nassau County, on the 31 day of August 2021 bearing the index number 21 000493, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Nassau County Clerk located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York, grants me the right to assume LEGAL NOTICE the name of Karan Kochar. PUBLIC HEARING My present address is 41 CALENDAR Hayden Dr. Bethpage NY NOTICE OF PUBLIC 11714. The date of my birth is MEETING BY THE May 15th, 1995 (05/15/1995); ZONING BOARD the place of birth is Kabul, OF APPEALS Pursuant to the provisions of Afghanistan; the present name Chapter 246, Section 246-12 is Krish Kochar. 9-29-21-1T-#226997-FARM of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board GARDEN CITY of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will LEGAL NOTICE take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Ave- Notice of formation of J. Annue, Oyster Bay, New York, thony Management, LLC. on OCTOBER 7, 2021, at Arts of Org filed with Secy 7:00 P.M., to consider the fol- of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/04/21. Office location: Naslowing appeals: sau County. SSNY designated BY ORDER OF THE as agent upon whom process ZONING BOARD may be served and shall mail OF APPEALS copy of process against LLC APPEAL NO. 21-438 FARMINGDALE to: 303 Main St. Unit 422, BRIAN ZUCHELLI: Vari- Hempstead, NY 11550. Purance to erect 6 ft. high fence pose: any lawful act. exceeding maximum height 10-20-13-6; 9-29-22-15-20216T-#226771-CITY across side/front yard than permitted by Ordinance. SW/ cor. of Elsie Ln. & E. GLEN COVE Zoranne Dr., a/k/a 12 Elsie Lane, Farmingdale, NY LEGAL NOTICE APPEAL NO. 21-439 FARMINGDALE Notice of formation of COYO JOHN & SUSAN FRITZ: Discovery Capital, LLC. Ar(A) Variance to construct sec- ticles of Organization filed ond story addition and allow with the Secretary of State of existing detached garage ex- New York SSNY on May 3, ceeding maximum gross floor 2021. Office located in Nasarea than permitted by Ordi- sau County. SSNY has been nance. (B) Variance to allow designated for service of proexisting detached garage hav- cess. SSNY shall mail copy ing less side yard setback and of any process served against exceeding maximum height the LLC to 12 Valley Road, than permitted by Ordinance; Locust Valley, NY 11560. also encroachment of eaves Purpose: any lawful purpose. 9-29-22-15-8-1; 8-25-2021and gutters. 6T-#226474-RP E/s/o Miller Rd., 1214.7 ft. N/o Hempstead Tpke., a/k/a LEGAL NOTICE 32 Miller Road, Farmingdale, PUBLIC HEARING NY CALENDAR APPEAL NO. 21-440 NOTICE OF PUBLIC FARMINGDALE MEETING BY THE MARIA ALBAUM: (A) ZONING BOARD Variance to construct second OF APPEALS floor addition having less roof pitch than permitted by Ordi- Pursuant to the provisions nance. (B) Variance to allow of Chapter 246, Section 246existing shed having less rear 12 of the Code of the Town yard setback than permitted of Oyster Bay, notice is by Ordinance. (C) Amend hereby given that the ZonSpecific Plan as presented for ing Board of Appeals has
scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on OCTOBER 7, 2021, at 7:00 P.M., to consider the following appeals: BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPEAL NO. 21-448 GLEN COVE DINA GANNASCOLI: (A) Variance to install in-ground swimming pool having less rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to install pool equipment having less side yard setback and rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to erect 8 ft. high fence exceeding maximum height than permitted by Ordinance. S/s/o Knot Dr., W/o Gabrus Dr., a/k/a 20 Knott Drive, Glen Cove, NY APPEAL NO. 21-449 GLEN HEAD L.I. PREMIUM HOME CONSTRUCTION, LLC: Variance to construct “square off” of proposed new dwelling having less rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. SE/ cor. of Glenwood Rd. & Willard Pl., a/k/a 19 Glenwood Road, Glen Head, NY SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF OYSTER BAY, OYSTER BAY, NEW YORK 9-29-2021-1T-#226942-RP
GREAT NECK LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of FENIMORE CREW LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/11/21. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 9 Lake Rd. W., Great Neck, NY 11020. Purpose: any lawful act. 9-29-22-15-8-1; 8-25-20216T-#226405-GN LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of 354 BK LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/9/21. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 67 Westminster Rd., Great Neck, NY 11020. Purpose: any lawful act. 10-20-13-6; 9-29-22-15-20216T-#226807-GN LEGAL NOTICE Public Notice Architectural Review Board Meeting via Zoom PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Architectural Review Board of the Village of Kensington will hold a Zoom
meeting on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2021 at 7:15 p.m. to discuss the following applications: 4 KENSINGTON COURT., ZHANG also known as Section 2, Block 351, Lot 32 (INSTALLATION OF 24 SOLAR PANELS) 8 NORTH., Goldenberg also known as Section 2, Block 214, Lot 16-20, (Installation of an awning over the front and side door) If you would like to call in for the public meeting, please call the number below @ 7:15 pm. Meeting ID: 890 3365 6004 Passcode: 215053 Dial by your location +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) Andrea Dennett, Chairperson Joyce Cheung, Co-Chairperson Architectural Review Board Dated: September 21, 2021 9-29-2021-1T-#226958-GN
building department property files. Proposals must be submitted no later than 4:00 PM on Monday, October 18, 2021 to Richard Belziti, Superintendent of the Building Department, PO Box 440 Great Neck, NY 11022. For more information or to pick up the RFP please contact Richard Belziti at 516-482-4500 or email at BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES VILLAGE OF GREAT NECK PLAZA Ted M. Rosen, Mayor Patricia O’Byrne, Clerk-Treasurer 9-29-2021-1T-#227007-GN
LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Great Neck Plaza will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, October 6th 2021 at 7:00 PM at the Village Hall, Two Gussack Plaza, Great Neck, New York to consider a Conditional Use Permit for Zhigao Dai to operate a Vitamin store to br known as Natural Station located at 23 South Station Plaza, Great Neck, NY. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all persons interested in this matter will be given an opportunity to be heard at the public meeting. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES VILLAGE OF GREAT NECK PLAZA Ted M. Rosen, Mayor Patricia O’Byrne, Clerk-Treasurer 9-29-2021-1T-#227011-GN
LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an order granted by the Supreme Court, NASSAU county, on the 31st day of August, 2021, bearing Index Number 608395/2020, a copy of which may be examined at the office of the clerk, located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York, grants me the right to assume the name of ROSIE ZANDI. The city and state of my present address are 2 Stevens Lane, Great Neck, New York 11024; The month and year of my birth are September 2, 1966; the place of my birth is TEL-AVIV, ISRAEL; my present name is ROZITA LEGAL NOTICE ZANDI. 9-29-2021-1T-#226983-GN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Great Neck Plaza will hold a public hearLEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE ing on Wednesday, October that the Board of Trustees of 6th 2021 at 7:00 PM at the the Village of Great Neck Pla- Village Hall, Two Gussack za will hold a public hearing Plaza, Great Neck, New York on Wednesday, October 6, to consider a Conditional Use 2021 at 7 P.M. via Zoom, to Permit for Kelvin Lo to opconsider adoption of a local erate a Bubble tea store to be law, pursuant to Section 131 known as Tidal Tea located of the Marihuana Regulation at 6 S. Station Plaza, Great and Taxation Act, opting out Neck, N.Y. of allowing marijuana on-site PLEASE TAKE FURTHER consumption establishments NOTICE that all persons inand marijuana retail dispen- terested in this matter will be saries to locate or operate given an opportunity to be within the Village of Great heard at the public meeting. Neck Plaza. Zoom link can be BY ORDER OF THE found on the Village website BOARD OF TRUSTEES VILLAGE OF at PLEASE TAKE FUR- GREAT NECK PLAZA THER NOTICE that all peo- Ted M. Rosen, Mayor ple interested with regard to Patricia O’Byrne, the above will be given an op- Clerk-Treasurer 9-29-2021-1T-#227012-GN portunity to be heard at said public hearing. LEGAL NOTICE BY ORDER OF THE Invitation to Bidders BOARD OF TRUSTEES BOARD OF EDUCATION VILLAGE OF Great Neck Union Free GREAT NECK PLAZA School District Ted M. Rosen, Mayor PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby Patricia O’Byrne, Clerk 9-29-2021-1T-#227021-GN given for separate sealed bids for: Phipps Building Interior Renovations. Bids will be reLEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE ceived by the School District THAT the Village of Great until Thursday, October 21, Neck Plaza is accepting at 1:00 pm. In-person dropsealed proposals for docu- off will be on Thursday Ocment scanning services of its tober 21, 2021 from 8:30
am to 1:00 pm at the Phipps Administration Building security desk located at the main entrance, 345 Lakeville Road, Great Neck, New York, 11020. The sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud on Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 1:30 pm prevailing time, by way of video conference via ( Meeting ID: 810 5415 1662 / Passcode: 3z11S0 ). The Contract Documents may be examined at the Office of the Architect, BBS Architects, Landscape Architects and Engineers, P.C., 244 East Main Street, Patchogue New York, (631-475-0349); however the Contract Documents may only be obtained thru the Office of REV, 330 Route 17A Suite #2, Goshen, New York 10924 (877-2720216) beginning on Thursday September 30, 2021. Complete digital sets of Contract Documents shall be obtained online (with a free user account) as a download for a non-refundable fee of Forty-Nine ($49.00) Dollars at the following websites: www. or www. under “Public Projects.” Optionally, in lieu of digital copies, hard copies may be obtained directly from REV upon a deposit of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for each complete set. Checks for deposits shall be made payable to the GREAT NECK UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT and may be uncertified. All bid addenda will be transmitted to registered plan holders via email and will be available at the above referenced websites. Any bidder requiring documents to be shipped shall make arrangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs. Plan holders who have obtained hard copies of the bid documents will need to determine if hard copies of the addenda are required for their use, and coordinate directly with the printer for hard copies of addenda to be issued. There will be no charge for registered plan holders to obtain hard copies of the bid addenda. The bid deposit for hard copies will be returned upon receipt of plans and specifications, in good condition, within thirty days after bid date, except for the lowest responsible bidder, whose check will be forfeited upon the award of the contract. The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or the bids will be rejected within 45 days of the date of the opening. Bids shall be subject, however, to the discretionary right reserved by the School District to waive any informalities in, accept or reject any alternatives, reject any bids and advertise for new bids, if in its opinion the best interest of the School District will thereby be pro-
continued on page 47
LEGAL NOTICES continued from page 46 moted. Bidder may not withdraw its bid until forty-five (45) days after the bid opening, except in accordance with General Municipal Law Section 103(11). A Prebid walkthrough has been scheduled for October 12, 2021 at 3:30 PM Dated: September 23, 2021 By Order of The Board OF Education Great Neck Union Free School District 9-29-2021-1T-#227038-GN
HICKSVILLE LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of LITTLE CROWN MEDIA LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/11/21. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: P.O. Box 921, 185 W. John St., Hicksville, NY 11802-0921. Purpose: any lawful act. 9-29-22-15-8-1; 8-25-20216T-#226496-HICKS LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING CALENDAR NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING BY THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 246, Section 24612 of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on OCTOBER 7, 2021, at 7:00 P.M., to consider the following appeals: BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPEAL NO. 21-442 HICKSVILLE VIJAY MUKHIJA: (A) Variance to allow existing roofed-over front porch with steps to grade having less average front yard setback (East Street) than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to allow existing el-shaped addition with rear platform and steps to grade having less average side/front yard setback (Chestnut Street) than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to allow existing rear roof over having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (D) Variance to allow existing roofed over front porch with steps to grade, el-shaped side/front addition and rear roof over exceeding maximum building coverage and gross floor area than permitted by Ordinance. (E) Variance to allow existing 3.67 ft. high picket fence exceeding maximum height within 30 ft. of intersection than permitted by Ordinance.
NE/ cor. of East St. & Chestnut St., a/k/a 69 East Street, Hicksville, NY APPEAL NO. 21-443 HICKSVILLE TERRENCE LEE: (A) Variance to construct second story addition with patio below, allow existing one story addition and detached garage addition exceeding maximum building coverage than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to construct second story addition with patio below, pool deck, allow existing one story addition and detached garage addition exceeding maximum gross floor area than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to construct second story addition with patio below having less roof pitch than permitted by Ordinance. (D) Variance to allow existing detached garage addition having less rear yard setback, exceeding maximum rear yard coverage and height than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters. (E) Variance to allow existing air conditioning unit having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. N/s/o Charles St., 213.19 ft. E/o E. Cherry St., a/k/a 39 Charles Street, Hicksville, NY SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF OYSTER BAY, OYSTER BAY, NEW YORK 9-29-2021-1T#226941-HICKS LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an order granted by the Supreme Court, Nassau County, on the 3 day of September, 2021, bearing Index Number 000558-21, a copy of which may be examined at the office of the clerk, located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, NY grants me the right to assume the name of Dahlia Esperanza Verma. The city and state of my present address are Hicksville, NY; the month and year of my birth are November, 1991; the place of my birth is Bronx, New York; my present name is Mariah Dahlia esperanza Figueroa. 9-29-2021-1T#226978-HICKS
LEVITTOWN LEGAL NOTICE INDEX NO. 606078/2019 Plaintiff designates NASSAU as the place of trial situs of the real property SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Mortgaged Premises: 92 BUTTERNUT LANE LEVITTOWN, NY 11756 Section:45 Block:209 Lot: 15 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU ________________________ BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. WILLIAM KELLER, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF AUDREY KELLER; MARK
KELLER, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF AUDREY KELLER; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DISTRIBUTEES OF THE ESTATE OF AUDREY KELLER any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may claim to have an interest in, or general or specific lien upon the real property described in this action; such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; SLOMIN’S, INC.; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, “JOHN DOE #1” through “JOHN DOE #12,” the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint, Defendants. ________________________ To the above named Defendants YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the Plaintiff’s Attorney within 20 days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York) in the event the United States of America is made a party defendant, the time to answer for the said United States of America shall not expire until (60) days after service of the Summons; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above caption action is to
LEGAL NOTICES foreclose a Mortgage to secure the sum of $544,185.00 and interest, recorded on March 20, 2008, at Liber M00032815 Page 471, of the Public Records of NASSAU County, New York, covering premises known as 92 BUTTERNUT LANE LEVITTOWN, NY 11756. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. NASSAU County is designated as the place of trial because the real property affected by this action is located in said county. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to the mortgage company will not stop the foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Dated: AUGUST 19TH, 2021 ROBERTSON, ANSCHUTZ, SCHNEID, CRANE & PARTNERS, PLLC Attorney for Plaintiff ERIC S. SHEIDLOWER, ESQ. 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310 Westbury, NY 11590 516-280-7675 9-29-22-15-8-20214T-#226686-LEV LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an Order granted by the Supreme Court, Nassau County, on the 3 day of September 2021 bearing the index number 21-000567, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Nassau County Clerk located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York, grants me the right to assume the name of Angelina Daisy Morreale. My present address is 143 Bloomingdale Rd. Levittown, NY 11756. The date of my birth is March 30, 2002; the place of birth is Queens County, New York; the present name is Angelina Nicole Agosto. 9-29-2021-1T-#227036-LEV
47 2
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING BY THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 246, Section 24612 of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on OCTOBER 7, 2021, at 7:00 P.M., to consider the following appeals: BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPEAL NO. 19-473 AMENDMENT MASSAPEQUA APPEAL NO. 92-184 AMENDMENT ROBERT EMRICK: Amend Specific Plans as presented for Appeal No. 19-473 and granted by Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated September 19, 2019 and for Appeal No. 92-184 and granted by Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated June 11, 1992 to construct one story addition and make window and roof changes. W/s/o Bay Dr., 286.21 ft. S/o Bay Link, a/k/a 331 Bay Drive, Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO. 21-427 MASSAPEQUA ROBERT ERICSON: (A) Variance to allow existing second kitchen in a one-family dwelling for use as a PARENT/CHILD residence. (B) Variance to allow existing two (2) front doors. (C) Variance to construct driveway having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. N/s/o Berkeley Pl., 140 ft. W/o Seaford Ave., a/k/a 1 Berkeley Place, Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO. 21-428 MASSAPEQUA JAMES NASTRO: (A) Variance to construct roofed over front porch with landing and steps to grade having less average front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to construct second story addition having less side yard setback and aggregate side yards than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters. S/s/o Clark Ave., 187.91 ft. E/o Forest Ave., a/k/a 40 Clark Avenue, Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO. 21-429 MASSAPEQUA ROBERT & ANTOINETTE NICHOLS: Variance to construct new modular dwelling having less average front yard setback, aggregate side yards, rear yard setback, roof pitch, exceeding maximum height and building coverage than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters. W/s/o W. Shore Dr., 360.3 ft. S/o Suffolk Rd., a/k/a 59 W. Shore Drive, Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO. 21-430 MASSAPEQUA MICHAEL FAY: (A) Vari-
ance to allow existing one story rear addition with side steps and landing having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to allow existing one story rear addition and to construct roofed over deck having less aggregate side yards than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eave and gutter. (C) Variance to construct roofed over deck exceeding maximum building coverage than permitted by Ordinance. (D) Variance to allow existing driveway having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. W/s/o Division Ave., 2047.59 ft. S/o Garfield Pl., a/k/a 64 Division Avenue, Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO. 21-431 MASSAPEQUA MICHELLE & MICHAEL POPE: (A) Variance to construct one story addition and roof over front porch exceeding maximum building coverage than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to allow existing 7.9 ft. by 11.9 ft. shed having less rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to allow existing pool equipment having less front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. E/s/o Sunset Rd., 100 ft. N/o Nassau Rd., a/k/a 66 Sunset Road, Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO. 21-432 MASSAPEQUA KAMI HOLDING: (A) Variance to allow existing front porch having less average front yard setback and side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Amend Specific Plan as presented for Appeal No. 94-415 and granted by Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated December 15, 1994 and amended by Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated November 5, 2020. SE/ cor. of Forest Ave. & Clark Ave., a/k/a 558 Forest Avenue, Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO. 21-433 MASSAPEQUA PARK DAVID FINKELSTEIN: (A) Variance to construct one story rear addition having less side yard setback and aggregate side yards than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters. (B) Variance to construct one story rear addition, covered patio and allow existing shed exceeding maximum building coverage than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to allow existing pool equipment having less rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (D) Variance to allow existing 6.2 ft. by 10.3 ft. shed having less side yard setback and rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (E) Variance to allow existing driveway having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. N/s/o Balchen St., 168.51 ft. E/o Juliana Rd., a/k/a 311 Balchen Street, Massapequa Park, NY APPEAL NO. 21-434 NORTH MASSAPEQUA
continued on page 48
LEGAL NOTICES continued from page 47
JAMES KEGEL: (A) Variance to construct roof-over front portico having less average front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to construct two story addition having less side yard setback and aggregate side yards than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters. (C) Variance to construct two story addition, roof-over front portico and existing gazebo exceeding maximum building coverage and gross floor area than permitted by Ordinance. S/s/o N. Utica Ave., 330 ft. E/o Bay Ave., a/k/a 224 N. Utica Avenue, North Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO. 21-435 NORTH MASSAPEQUA MOIP MASSAPEQUA, LLC: (A) Variance for the reduction of off-street parking spaces. Reduction of spaces to 30 when 60 parking spaces are required. (B) Variance to allow existing parking spaces in southwest parking lot having less space length and space width than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to allow existing southwest parking lot having less maneuvering back out aisle width than permitted by Ordinance. W/s/o N. Broadway, 100 ft. S/o N. Michigan Ave., a/k/a 1071 N. Broadway, North Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO. 21-436 NORTH MASSAPEQUA DAVID VILLANO: (A) Variance to allow existing second kitchen in a one-family dwelling for use as a PARENT/CHILD residence. (B) Variance to construct roofed over front entry and rear platform with steps to grade exceeding maximum building coverage than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance for the reduction of off-street parking spaces. Reduction of spaces to 2 when 3 parking spaces are required. S/s/o Banbury Rd., 153.38 ft. W/o Hunter Ridge Rd. E., a/k/a 316 Banbury Road, N. Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO. 21-437 NORTH MASSAPEQUA JAMES GRIFFIN: (A) Variance to construct deck with steps to grade having less rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to allow existing 4.1 ft. by 8.4 ft. shed and 8 ft. by 12.3 ft. shed having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to allow existing driveway having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. W/s/o Sherrey Ct., 386.86 ft. W/o Hicksville Rd., a/k/a 4059 Sherrey Court, North Massapequa, NY APPEAL NO. 21-390 NORTH MASSAPEQUA CLBCG REALTY LLC: (A) Variance to extend commercial parking lot into R1-7 residential district. (B) Variance to construct parking spaces in required rear yard. (C) Variance to install employee parking spaces exceeding
maximum number of spaces than permitted by Ordinance. (D) Variance to allow no landscape buffer between residential and commercial zones along the southern property line. (E) Variance to install off-street parking spaces having less maneuvering aisle than permitted by Ordinance. (F) Amend Specific Plan as presented for Appeal No. 94257 and granted by Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated June 16, 1994 and amended by Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated September 2, 2010. SW/ cor. of Boundary Ave. & N. Broadway, a/k/a 206 Boundary Avenue, North Massapequa, NY SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF OYSTER BAY, OYSTER BAY, NEW YORK 9-29-2021-1T#226940-MASS
MINEOLA LEGAL NOTICE File No. 2020-1778 CITATION SURROGATE’S COURT, NASSAU COUNTY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By the Grace of God Free and Independent TO: New York State Attorney General Grassi & Co. Jasper Surety Agency, LLC Estelle Bernstein Louis Feinstein Charles Lamensdorf Arnold Katz Deborah Mickels and any and all unknown persons whose names or parts of whose names and whose place or places of residence are unknown and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained, distributees, heirs-at-law- and next-ofkin of the said HARRIS L. FITERNICK, deceased, and if any of the said distributees named specifically or as a class be dead, their legal representatives, their husbands or wives, if any, distributees and successors in interest whose names and/or places of residence and post office addresses are unknown and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained. A petition having been duly filed by Public Administrator of Nassau County, who is domiciled at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York 11501. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court, Nassau County, at 262 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York, on November 10, 2021, at 09:30 a.m. in the forenoon of that day, why the account of Public Administrator of Nassau County, a summary of which has been served herewith, as Administrator of the Estate of HARRIS L. FITERNICK, should not be judicially settled. [X] Further relief sought (if
any): 1. Releasing and discharging the Petitioner from all liability, responsibility and accountability as to all matters set forth in the account of proceedings; 2. Allowing the commissions of the Petitioner in the amount of $ 53,210.38 pursuant to SCPA 2307(1) and the reasonable and necessary expenses of the office in the amount of $ 17,684.15 pursuant to SCPA 1207(4); 3. Fixing and determining the attorney’s fees and disbursements of Mahon, Mahon, Kerins & O’Brien, LLC attorney for petitioner in the amount of $ 99,166.25, of which $13,166.25 has been paid and $ 86,000.00 is unpaid; 4. Fixing and determining the accounting fees of Grassi & Co, CPA’s, PC in the amount of $ 3,650.00, of which $ 650.00 has been paid and $ 3,000.00 is unpaid; 5. Releasing and discharging the surety; 6. Directing each of you claiming to be a distributee of the decedent to establish proof of your kinship; and why the balance of said funds should not be paid to said alleged distributees upon proof of kinship or deposited with the New York State Comptroller on account for the unknown next of kin of HARRIS FITERNICK, decedent, should said alleged distributees default herein, or fail to establish proof of kinship; 7. Granting such other and further relief as to the Court is just and proper, and that process be issued to all necessary parties who have not appeared to show cause why the relief requested should not be granted; and that an order be granted directing the service of process pursuant to the provisions of SCPA Article 3 upon such persons named in Paragraph (6) whose names or whereabouts are unknown and cannot be ascertained or who may be persons on whom service by personal delivery cannot be made. Dated, Attested, and Sealed, September 2, 2021 Seal HON. Margaret C. Reilly, Surrogate ____________________ Debra Keller Leimbach, Chief Clerk Richard T. Kerins, Esq. Attorney Name Mahon, Mahon, Kerins & O’Brien, LLC Firm (516) 538-1111 Telephone 254 Nassau Boulevard South, Garden City South, NY 11530 Address Email (optional) NOTICE: THIS CITATION IS SERVED UPON YOU IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COURT’S ORDER DIRECTING ALTERNATIVE SER-
LEGAL NOTICES VICE OF PROCESS. NO IN-PERSON APPEARANCES SHALL BE HELD ON THE RETURN DATE OF THE CITATION. IF YOU WISH TO APPEAR TO ANSWER OR OBJECT TO THIS PROCEEDING, YOU MAY DO SO IN WRITING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ANNEXED NOTICE TO CITED PARTIES. NOTE: 22 NYCRR 207.7(C): PROOF OF SERVICE SHALL BE FILED ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND DAY PRECEEDING THE RETURN DATE 10-6; 9-29-22-15-20214T-#226724-MA LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an order granted by the Supreme Court, Nassau County, on the 31st day of August, 2021, bearing Index Number 000555-21, a copy of which may be examined at the office of the clerk, located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, NY grants me the right to assume the name of Jose Rigoberto Romero. The city and state of my present address are Mineola, NY; the month and year of my birth are November, 1987; the place of my birth is East Meadow, New York; my present name is Jose Rigoberto Romero Alvarado. 9-29-2021-1T-#226977-MA
NEW HYDE PARK LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of Brooklyn Residency, LLC Articles of Organization filed with NYS Dept. of State (SSNY) on 8/26/21. Office location: Nassau County at 168 Hillsboro Ave, Elmont, NY 11003 SSNY has been designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to: 168 Hillsboro Ave, Elmont, NY 11003 Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. 10-20-13-6; 9-29-22-152021-6T-#226749-NHP LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of Honey Bunny Beauty, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 2021-09-11. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent of undefined upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to LLC: 339 Laurel Road West Hempstead NY 11552. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. 10-27-20-13-6; 9-29-22-20216T-#226833-NHP LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an order granted by the Supreme Court, Nassau County, on the 31st day of August, 2021, bearing Index Number 534-21, a copy of which may be examined at the office of the clerk, located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, New
York grants me the right to assume the name of Stephanie Rojas. The city and state of my present address are New Hyde Park, NY the month and year of my birth are November, 2004; the place of my birth is Queens, NY; my present name is Isis Stephanie Rojas. 9-29-2021-1T-#226995-NHP
ATTEST: Kenneth Borchers, Commissioner 9-29-2021-1T-#227035-NHP
LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an order granted by the Supreme Court, Nassau County, on the 25th day of August, 2021, bearing Index Number 532-21, a copy of which may be examined at the office of the clerk, located at 240 LEGAL NOTICE Old Country Road, Mineola, NOTICE OF NY grants me the right to PUBLIC HEARING assume the name of Taran GARDEN CITY PARK Singh Luthra. The city and FIRE DISTRICT state of my present address ANNUAL BUDGET are New Hyde park, NY; the FOR 2022 month and year of my birth WHEREAS, on the 23rd day are September, 1991; the of September, 2021, pursuant place of my birth is Nawanto Section 105 of the Town shahr, India; my present name Law and Section 181 of the is Taranpreet Singh. Town Law the Board of Fire 9-29-2021-1T-#227009-NHP Commissioners of the Garden City Park Fire District conLEGAL NOTICE firmed that the Annual Fire PLEASE TAKE NOTICE District Budget Hearing will that the Zoning Board of Apbe conducted with reference peals for the Incorporated Vilto the Annual Fire District lage of New Hyde Park will Budget for fiscal year 2022 on conduct a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 19th, 2021 Wednesday, October 13, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. at 7:30 p.m. In accordance WHEREAS, the Board of Fire with the Village’s COVID-19 Commissioners is required to Protocols, the Public Hearing adopt a proposed budget at will be held both in person least 21 days before October at the Village Hall, 1420 Jer19th, 2021 so that it is avail- icho Turnpike, New Hyde able for public inspection pri- Park, New York 11040 for or to the budget hearing. applicants and applicants’ NOW THEREFORE BE IT representatives and for all othRESOLVED that the Board er members of the public by of Fire Commissioners of the way of video-conference or Garden City Park Fire Dis- tele-conference only as foltrict has adopted a proposed lows: Annual Fire District Budget for 2022 as of this date for dl/launcher/launcher.html? purposes of discussion and re- url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2F view at the Budget Hearing to meetup-join%2F19%3A2c be held on October 19th, 2021 199fb26dc14340aa571798 and a copy of the proposed 28b60d5c%40thread.tacv2% budget is available at the of- 2F1632489077707%3Fconfice of the Town Clerk of the text%3D%257b%2522Tid% Town of North Hempstead 2522%253a%2522000ebaeeand at the office of the Garden 0f34-4624-bc83-3fe1898fef City Park Fire District at 333 5d%2522%252c%2522Oid Marcus Avenue, Garden City %2522%253a%2522d0a8cc Park, NY 11040 where it may 2c-d65e-458c-b81b-0c5f79b be inspected by any interested 45d0f%2522%257d%26anon person during office hours. %3Dtrue&type=meetup-join NOW, therefore, BE IT FUR- &deeplinkId=5761e9ff-302bTHER RESOLVED that the 4282-aae1-5045c7a30f0d& Board of Fire Commissioners directDl=true&msLaunch= of the Garden City Park Fire true&enableMobilePage= District will hold the Annual true&suppressPrompt=true Fire District Budget Hearing Zoning Board of Appeals to be conducted with referAgenda ence to the Annual Fire DisWednesday, October 13, trict Budget for fiscal year 2021 @ 7:30 2022 on Tuesday, October 21-007 CASE 19th, 2021 commencing at Applicant: Inessa Mysak 7:00 p.m. Owner: Inessa Mysak NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- Variance to 195-36.L. EN that the aforesaid budget Name Change on Special will be presented to the res- Exception idents and taxpayers of the Section 8 Block 162 Lot 1-2 Garden City Park Fire Dis- aka 1600 Falmouth Avenue trict and to the Board of Fire 21-008 CASE Commissioners of the Garden Applicant: Karen Lawrence City Park Fire District, for Owner: Karen Lawrence their respective consideration Variance to 195-36.L. at this public hearing and for Name Change on Special the purpose of considering Exception the said budget and hearing Section 32 Block 102 Lot 6-8 all persons interested in the aka 515 Stewart Avenue subject concerning same on Order of the Zoning Tuesday, October 19th, 2021 Board of Appeals commencing at 7:00 p.m. Dated: September 24, 2021 Dated: September 23, 2021 RONALD SAKOWICH, Town of North Hempstead, Chairman New York 9-29-2021-1T-#227044-NHP Board of Fire Commissioners Garden City Park Fire District Town of North Hempstead continued on page 49
LEGAL NOTICES continued from page 48
OYSTER BAY LEGAL NOTICE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF OLD BROOKVILLE 201 McCOUNS LANE OLD BROOKVILLE, NEW YORK 11545 N OT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by and before the Planning Board of the Incorporated Village of Old Brookville on October 7, 2021 at 5:30 P.M. at the Village Hall, 201 McCouns Lane in said Village to consider the following: Application for Site Plan Review of a map entitled “Site Plan” prepared by North Coast Civil, dated July 22, 2021. Said property, now or formerly owned by Larry & Athena Pappas is shown on the Land Tax Map of Nassau County as Section 22, Block K, Lot 27 and is presently known as 120 Brookville Lane. Said application is on file and open to public inspection at the Village Hall, 201 McCouns Lane, Old Brookville, New York between the hours of 9:30 A.M. and 1:30 Monday - Friday until the time of the hearing when all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Please note, the Planning Board will hold the hearing virtually using the Zoom Application (Zoom Meeting ID: 843 2641 8196 Passcode: 629281), a platform form which will enable interested parties to watch a livestream of the hearing on the platform in compliance with 2021 Sess. Law News of NY Ch. 417 (s50001). The public will only have virtual access to the hearing through the use of the Zoom Application. Such notice shall be posted on the Village’s website at All interested parties should also contact the Village Clerk, Sandra Albro, at 516-671-4664 the day of the hearing to confirm the location. Full access details to the Zoom Meeting (if necessary) are listed below. A link to the hearing will also be posted on the Old Brookville website ( in advance of the hearing which can be accessed from the homepage of said site and then following the instructions. If you have any questions about accessing this hearing, please contact the Village Clerk, Sandra Albro, at 516-671-4664. Please note that although all interested persons will be given an opportunity to speak, all microphones will be muted until such time as the particular individual is authorized to speak. Zoom Meeting Information – Meeting ID: 843 2641 8196 Passcode: 629281 You can access the meeting in
several ways: 1. By clicking on the link on the Village website as noted previously, which will provide you direct access to the meeting. 2. Using a web browser to navigate to, clicking “join a meeting” and entering the webinar ID and passcode. 3. Entering the following URL web address into your browser address bar (no spaces): j/84326418196?pwd=OXhqYzQ2M3d4dTgyUlVhNVJsSnpyZz09 Anyone wishing to comment on the application, but who cannot join the Zoom Meeting or live hearing, can submit comments to Sandra Albro in advance of the hearing at village@oldbrookville. net. Public comments received prior to the commencement of the public hearing will be made part of the public record. By Order of the Planning Board Larry Werfel Chairman 9-29-2021-1T-#227039OB/RP LEGAL NOTICE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF OLD BROOKVILLE 201 McCOUNS LANE OLD BROOKVILLE, NEW YORK 11545 NOTI CE I S HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by and before the Planning Board of the Incorporated Village of Old Brookville on October 7, 2021 at 5:30 P.M. at the Village Hall, 201 McCouns Lane in said Village to consider the following: Application for Site Plan Review of a map entitled “Site Plan” prepared by North Coast Civil, dated July 7, 2021, last revised August 11, 2021. Said property, now or formerly owned by Sean Hedvat is shown on the Land Tax Map of Nassau County as Section 20, Block 91, 3 and is presently known as 12 East View Lane. Said application is on file and open to public inspection at the Village Hall, 201 McCouns Lane, Old Brookville, New York between the hours of 9:30 A.M. and 1:30 Monday - Friday until the time of the hearing when all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Please note, the Planning Board will hold the hearing virtually using the Zoom Application (Zoom Meeting ID: 843 2641 8196 Passcode: 629281), a platform form which will enable interested parties to watch a livestream of the hearing on the platform in compliance with 2021 Sess. Law News of NY Ch. 417 (s50001). The public will only have virtual access to the hearing through the use of the Zoom Application. Such notice shall be posted on the Village’s website at http://old- All interested parties should also contact the Village Clerk, Sandra Albro, at 516-671-4664 the day of the hearing to confirm the location. Full access details to the Zoom Meeting (if necessary) are listed below. A link to the hearing will also be posted on the Old Brookville website ( in advance of the hearing which can be accessed from the homepage of said site and then following the instructions. If you have any questions about accessing this hearing, please contact the Village Clerk, Sandra Albro, at 516-671-4664. Please note that although all interested persons will be given an opportunity to speak, all microphones will be muted until such time as the particular individual is authorized to speak. Zoom Meeting Information – Meeting ID: 843 2641 8196 Passcode: 629281 You can access the meeting in several ways: 1. By clicking on the link on the Village website as noted previously, which will provide you direct access to the meeting. 2. Using a web browser to navigate to, clicking “join a meeting” and entering the webinar ID and passcode. 3. Entering the following URL web address into your browser address bar (no spaces): j/84326418196?pwd=OXhqYzQ2M3d4dTgyUlVhNVJsSnpyZz09 Anyone wishing to comment on the application, but who cannot join the Zoom Meeting or live hearing, can submit comments to Sandra Albro in advance of the hearing at Public comments received prior to the commencement of the public hearing will be made part of the public record. By Order of the Planning Board Larry Werfel Chairman 9-29-2021-1T-#227040OB/RP
PLAINVIEW/ OLD BETHPAGE LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING CALENDAR NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING BY THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 246, Section 24612 of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on OCTOBER 7, 2021, at 7:00 P.M., to consider the following appeals:
LEGAL NOTICES BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPEAL NO. 21-444 OLD BETHPAGE KIM COCCARO: (A) Variance to allow existing one story rear addition having less side yard setback and aggregate side yards than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters. (B) Variance to allow existing air conditioning unit having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance for the reduction of off-street parking spaces. Reduction of spaces to 1 when 2 parking spaces are required. W/s/o Park Dr., 297.45 ft. S/o Brixton Rd., a/k/a 10 Park Drive, Old Bethpage, NY APPEAL NO. 21-445 PLAINVIEW RICHARD ZACARESE: Variance to allow existing rear addition and chimney having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters. E/s/o Hope Dr., 1529.04 ft. S/o Old Country Rd., a/k/a 51 Hope Drive, Plainview, NY APPEAL NO. 21-236 PLAINVIEW ROBERT RUSSELL: Variance to allow existing 6 ft. high PVC fence and 4.33 ft. high estate fence exceeding maximum height across front yard than permitted by Ordinance. N/s/o Lane Ave., 80 ft. W/o Redwood Dr., a/k/a 33 Lane Avenue, Plainview, NY SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF OYSTER BAY, OYSTER BAY, NEW YORK 9-29-2021-1T#226944-PLV/OB
ROSLYN LEGAL NOTICE FIFI BSM, LLC Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (“LLC”), Articles of Organization filed with the Sec. of State of NY (“SSNY”) on 8/13/2021. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY may mail a copy of any process to the LLC, 9 Talley Road, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose or Character: To engage in any lawful act or activity. #98899 9-29-22-15-8-1; 8-25-20216T-#226453-ROS LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Surf View Investors LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on July 21, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Surf View
49 4
Investors LLC, 1044 Northern Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. 10-6; 9-29-22-15-8-1-20216T-#226603-ROS LEGAL NOTICE BSM RE GROUP, LLC Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company (“LLC”), Articles of Organization filed with the Sec. of State of NY (“SSNY”) on 09/14/2021. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY may mail a copy of any process to the LLC, 9 Talley Road, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose or Character: To engage in any lawful act or activity. #98936 10-27-20-13-6; 9-29-22-20216T-##226855-ROS LEGAL NOTICE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF ROSLYN NOTICE OF ADOPTION LOCAL LAW NO. 3 OF 2021 NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF THE INCOROPRATED VILLAGE OF ROSLYN LOCAL LAW NO. 3 OF 2021 ENTITLED “A LOCAL LAW ADOPTED PURSUANT TO NEW YORK STATE CANNABIS LAW §131 OPTING OUT OF LICENSING AND ESTABLISHING RETAIL CANNABIS DISPENSARIES AND/OR ON-SITE CANNABIS CONSUMPTION ESTABLISHMENTS WITHIN THE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF ROSLYN.” PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, pursuant to Article 9 of the New York State Constitution, the provisions of the Code of the Incorporated Village of Roslyn (“Village”) and the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York, as amended, a public hearing was duly called and held on September 21, 2021 by the Village Board of the Incorporated Village of Roslyn on the proposed adoption of the Incorporated Village of Roslyn Local Law No. 3 of 2021 and following the close of the hearing, the Village Board duly adopted the Incorporated Village of Roslyn Local Law No. 3 of 2021 entitled: “A Local Law adopted pursuant to New York State Cannabis Law §131 opting out of licensing and establishing retail cannabis dispensaries and/or on-site cannabis consumption establishments within the Incorporated Village of Roslyn.” This Local Law is subject to a permissive referendum if a petition for same is filed within thirty (30) days of this Notice. After said thirty (30) day period, this Local Law shall become effective upon its filing with the Secretary of State. DATED: Roslyn, New York September 22, 2021 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES
INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF ROSLYN NEW YORK ANNEMARIE STUTZMANN VILLAGE CLERK/TREASURER 9-29-2021-1T-#226991-ROS LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of CONNIEE LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY(SSNY) on 09/06/21. Office Location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to 86 Fairview Drive, Albertson NY 11507. Purpose: any lawful act. 11-3; 10-27-20-13-6; 9-292021-6T-#227017-ROS LEGAL NOTICE AT&T is proposing to install a telecommunications tower near 1825 Northern Boulevard, Roslyn Heights, Nassau County, NY 11576; 40° 48’ 21.2” N, 73° 38’ 36.3” W. The overall height of the tower will be 64 meters above ground level (118.3 meters above mean sea level). The tower is anticipated to be lit and marked as described: Dual Lighting-Red and Medium Intensity White Lights (L864). Specific information regarding the project is available by calling ACER Associates (856-809-1202) during normal business hours. Any interested party may submit comments with Scott Horn (856-809-1202) (1012 Industrial Dr., West Berlin, NJ 08091) on the impact of the proposed action on any districts, sites, buildings, structures or objects significant in American history, archaeology, engineering or culture that are listed or determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under National Historic Preservation Act Section 106. Interested persons may review the application for this project at by entering Antenna Structure Registration (Form 854) file no. A1202892 and may raise environmental concerns about the project under the National Environmental Policy Act rules of the Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR §1.1307, by notifying the FCC of the specific reasons that the action may have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment. Requests for Environmental Review must be filed within 30 days of the date that notice of the project is published on the FCC’s website and may only raise environmental concerns. The FCC strongly encourages interested parties to file Requests for Environmental Review online at asr/environmentalrequest, but they may be filed with a paper copy by mailing the Request to FCC Requests for Environmental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554. A copy of the Request should
continued on page 50
continued from page 49
file at the office of the Village Clerk where it may be be provided to Acer Associ- seen Monday through Friday, ates, LLC, Attention FCC fil- 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. until ing, at 1012 Industrial Drive, the time of the hearing. West Berlin, NJ 08091. If any individual requires 9-29-2021-1T-#227013-ROS special assistance to attend, please notify the Village LEGAL NOTICE Clerk at least 48 hours in adVILLAGE OF vance of the hearing. ROSLYN HARBOR Andrea Tsoukalas Curto PLANNING BOARD Chairwoman PUBLIC NOTICE September 29, 2021 A public hearing and 9-29-2021-1T-#227001-ROS meeting will be held before the Planning Board of the InPUBLIC HEARING corporated Village of Roslyn VILLAGE OF Harbor, Nassau County, New FLOWER HILL – York, at the Village Hall – BOARD OF TRUSTEES 500 Motts Cove Road South PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, in the Village, on October 13, that the Incorporated Vil2021 at 7:00 P.M. lage of Flower Hill will hold The Planning Board hear- a public hearing and regular ing will be on the application meeting on Monday, Octoof Adi and Liza Altmark, ber 4, 2021 at One Bonnie owner of a parcel of land lo- Heights Road, Manhasset, cated at 10 Dogwood Avenue New York at the Village Hall in the Village, designated as at 7:30 pm to consider the folSection 20, Block 74, Lot 16 lowing: on the Land and Tax Map of 1 . P r o p o s e d L o c a l L a w Nassau County. The Appli- C-2021 – “Home Occupation” cants seek site plan approv- 2 . P r o p o s e d L o c a l L a w al from the Planning Board D-2021 – “Amend Definition to permit the construction of of Rear Yard” a new two-story dwelling, This meeting is open to the wood frame residence with public. Persons who may sufattached two-car garage, full fer from a disability which basement, swimming pool, would prevent them from and other associated hard- participating in said hearscaping and site improve- ing should notify Ronnie ments, all as shown on the Shatzkamer, Village Clerk, at site plan entitled “Site Plan...” (516) 627-5000 in sufficient prepared by Northcoast Civil, time to permit such arrangeL.S. & P.C., and last dated ments to be made to enable July, 28, 2021. such persons to participate in The above application is on said hearing.
By Order of the Board of Trustees Ronnie Shatzkamer, Village Administrator Flower Hill, New York Dated: September 29, 2021 9-29-2021-1T-#227050-ROS
An animal-filled alphabet with 26 letters, that‛s all you get. You‛ll smile and laugh at the rhyme, guaranteed fun at family time.
A new children’s book, ages 2-5, hardcover, 8.75 x 11.25 Written by Emery Westfall - Illustrated by Mary Ann Kitchell Available at Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, Walmart and BookBaby
LEGAL NOTICES posed adoption of the Incorporated Village of Roslyn Harbor Local Law No. 5 of 2021 and following the close of the hearing, the Village Board duly adopted the Incorporated Village of Roslyn Harbor Local Law No. 5 of 2021 entitled: “A Local Law adopted pursuant to Cannabis Law §131 opting out of licensing and establishing retail cannabis dispensaries and/or on-site cannabis consumption establishments within the Incorporated Village of Roslyn Harbor.” This Local Law is subject to a permissive referendum if a petition for same is filed within thirty (30) days of this Notice. After said thirty (30) day period, this Local Law shall become effective upon its filing with the Secretary of State. DATED: Roslyn Harbor, New York September 23, 2021 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF ROSLYN HARBOR, NEW YORK MARLA WOLFSON VILLAGE CLERK 9-29-2021-1T-#227053-ROS
LEGAL NOTICE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF ROSLYN HARBOR NOTICE OF ADOPTION LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF 2021 NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF THE INCOROPRATED VILLAGE OF ROSLYN HARBOR LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF 2021 ENTITLED “A LOCAL LAW ADOPTED PURSUANT TO CANNABIS LAW §131 OPTING OUT OF LICENSING AND ESTABLISHING RETAIL CANNABIS DISPENSARIES AND/OR ON-SITE CANNABIS CONSUMPTION ESTABLISHMENTS WITHIN THE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF ROSLYN HARBOR.” PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Article 9 of the New York State Constitution, the provisions of the Code of the Incorporated Village of Roslyn Harbor (“Village”) and the Municipal Home Rule Law of the SYOSSET/ State of New York, as amended, a public hearing was duly JERICHO called and held on August 23, 2021 by the Village Board of the Incorporated Village of LEGAL NOTICE Roslyn Harbor on the pro- Notice of formation of STERLING ASTORIA LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/27/2021. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 113 Crossways Park Drive, Suite 100, Woodbury, NY 11797. Purpose: Any lawful activity. 9-29-22-15-8-1; 8-25-20216T-#226471-SYO/JER Hi, I‛m William William, a guide at the zoo!
LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of JacqMaria Jewelry LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY on 08/05/2021. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 18 Roberta Lane, Syosset, NY 11791. Purpose: any lawful act. 9-29-22-15-8-1; 8-25-20216T-#226418-SYO/JER LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING CALENDAR NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING BY THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 246, Section 24612 of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room,
Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on OCTOBER 7, 2021, at 7:00 P.M., to consider the following appeals: BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPEAL NO. 21-446 WOODBURY STAVAN CENTER, L.P.: Variance for the reduction of off-street parking spaces. Reduction of spaces to 558 when 583 parking spaces are required. NE/ cor. of Jericho Tpke. & Southwoods Rd., a/k/a 7967 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury, NY APPEAL NO. 21-425 SYOSSET VASUDEVAN BALAKRISHNAN: (A) Variance to construct two (2) sunrooms exceeding maximum building coverage than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to allow existing driveway having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. W/s/o Ann Dr., 123.70 ft. S/o Harriet Dr., a/k/a 6 Ann Drive, Syosset, NY SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF OYSTER BAY, OYSTER BAY, NEW YORK 9-29-2021-1T#226943-SYO/JER
preme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 7, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. prem. k/a District 1, Section 11, Block 8, Lots 18-19. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale and the right of the United States of America to redeem within 120 days from the date of sale as provided by law. Foreclosure auction will be held “Rain or Shine.” If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee will cancel the foreclosure auction. TONY D’ANZICA, Referee. LEVY & LEVY, Attys for Pltf., 12 Tulip Dr., Great Neck, NY. #98889 9-29-22-15-8-2021-4T#226614-WBY
LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of North Shore Investors Realty Group II, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 01/24/2012. Office located in Nassau County. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC to Ira Bierman, Esq., 390 N Broadway, Suite 130, Jericho, NY 11753. Purpose: any lawful purpose. 11-3; 10-27-20-13-6; 9-292021-6T-#227015-SYO/JER
LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of TLC Concierge LLC. Articles of organization filed with the Secretary of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on 7/17/2021. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC 185 W John St #613 Hicksville NY 11802. Purpose: Any lawful activity. 10-20-13-6; 9-29-22-15-20216T-#226775-WBY
WESTBURY LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT. NASSAU COUNTY. L&L ASSOCIATES HOLDING CORP., Pltf. vs. MIRIAM REEVES, if she be living, if she be dead, her respective heirs-atlaw, next-of-kin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignees, lienors, creditors, and successors in interest, and generally all persons having or claiming under, by, or through MIRIAM REEVES, if she be dead, whether by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise, including any right, title or interest in and to the real property described in the complaint herein, all of who and whose names and places of residence are unknown to the plaintiff, et al, Defts. Index #609751/2017. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered October 30, 2020, I will sell at public auction on the North Side Steps of the Nassau Su-
LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of CRYSTAL SPRINGS REALTY LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/25/21. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 2591 Stewart Ave., Westbury, NY 11590. Purpose: any lawful act. 10-13-6; 9-29-22-15-8-20216T-#226656-WBY
LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an order granted by the Supreme Court, Nassau County, on the 31 day of August, 2021, bearing Index Number 21-000557, a copy of which may be examined at the office of the clerk, located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, NY 11501, grants me the right to assume the name of Rachel Debra Amar. The city and state of my present address are 108 Bacon Rd. Old Westbury, NY 11568; the month and year of my birth are 10/1969; the place of my birth is New Hyde Park, NY; my present name is Rachel Debra Cohen. 9-29-2021-1T-#226984-WBY
To submit Legal Notices Call (516) 403-5143 or visit our website at or email:
Holiday Mathis HolidayMathis Mathis HOROSCOPESByByByHoliday HOROSCOPES
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 18 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Don’t worry about getting things right. If you just do fewer things wrong, you’ll progress nicely. The importance of self-awareness is emphasized. Extend generous support to yourself while assessing your mistakes. It’s a success shortcut! Making corrections is easier than building entirely new skills. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You think you can control the amount of effort you put into a thing, though even that can sometimes seem unlikely. Interruptions and diversions can knock you off your game. Stay determined. Pop back up and take charge. Sometimes the best call is to ignore the noise and plow right on through to the next scene.
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 18 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Night at the opera Solution: 18 Letters
© 2021 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Plain and simple; there’s too much pressure. Something has to give. Drop one of the rules, for instance, the one about the timeframe. Or what if you let go of the rule about whose responsibility it is? Could you delegate? Wiggle room is not enough. Expand the margins until there’s room to actually dance. CANCER (June 22-July 22). What you keep track of gains importance. What you don’t measure may still have an impact, but no psychic weight leading up to the event. You don’t always get to decide what you’re aware of, though it helps to place yourself well. A simple success key: Get close to good influences. Flee bad ones.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll set a standard for yourself. It seems like this would make more work for you, but it actually makes less. Once you know what you have to do, when and where, there are no more decisions; all you have to do is show up and execute. Showing up isn’t hard for you and the execution gets easier with each repetition. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Stay responsive to social and power dynamics. Thinking about how you come across is part of this, though too much self-consciousness can interfere with your ease. If you don’t judge yourself harshly, you’ll be less worried about the judgment of others. Breathe in confidence. You’re doing better than you think. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You learned long ago that doing what’s good for you doesn’t often feel amazing in the moment. Awkwardness and pain are part of growth. When you push out of your comfort zone in one area, the experience builds you up, making you better in other areas, too. It’s how you’ll take a proud leap forward this week. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You have a beautiful array of options. Remember when you had none? Too many options cause decision paralysis, but you’ll get around that by paying attention to the three choices that fit a specific criterion. Also, if you are having trouble seeing your options, seek other perspectives -- especially from an Aquarius. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). This week’s games happen in the social and professional sector. You won’t play until you’ve observed enough to understand the rules. The power player is the one controlling the options. Many options are not presented. Your creativity will produce more still. Observation, timing and guts will put you on top. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Don’t expect yourself to know it all, to do it right or to feel like you have it together. More people are “faking it” than you think. Top performers are frequently feeling some degree of inadequacy or vulnerability because they are pushing themselves into new territory. With persistence and time, you’ll gain the skill.
You’ve meandered before, so you know the preciousness of the solar return gift you receive from the cosmos: clarity of purpose. Vivid goals and bright connections drive you in the months to come. You’ll enact efficient renovations and put new programs into motion. Frugality in several areas allows you a long-awaited purchase. You’ll masterfully apply resources where they pay handsomely. You’re the strength of your group and will lead, teach and lift with your example. COPYRIGHT 2021 CREATORS.COM
Humour Interval Humour Interval Lyric Lyric Mask Mask Music Music Necklace Necklace Parts Parts Prop Prop Rest Rest Revues Scene Revues Seats Scene Seats
Sets Sound Star Stole Stylish Suit Ties Trousers Tune Wigs
Sets Sound Star Stole Stylish Suit Ties Trousers Tune Wigs
Creators Syndicate
737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •
Date: 10/1/21
lution: Getting some culture
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). It’s better if you don’t answer every question asked of you. Society already extracts a certain amount of your individuality for the common good. You should not have to give up too much more for a fulfilling personal life. You deserve to feel free and powerful in relationships. Assert your independence and autonomy.
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Solution: Getting some culture
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You warn people in your own nice way: give them subtle signals, nonverbal clues and a free pass or two if necessary. Not everyone is in tune to social nuances though, and there will definitely be a learning curve to the interactions of the week. Patience and kindness are a start; boundaries and clarity go the distance.
© 2021 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
Creators Syndicate By Steve BeckerDate: 10/1/21
737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •
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Weekly Sudoku Puzzle Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle
220738 S
Fave Hoopsters Of Counting Crows’ Adam Duritz BY DAVE GIL DE RUBIO
Stephen Curry
(Playing career: 2009-present) “Steph is Steph. Aside from being the nicest guy in the world, he’s like Wilt Chamberlain. He’s completely changing the game and doing that thing like Wilt Chamberlain or Babe Ruth did, where the game was played one way and then it was played another way. The most home runs anyone had ever hit was 16
Jordan’s dad, so whenever I see Jordan, the fact that I know Jamaal Wilkes and he knows me—that’s the coolest thing ever. Plus he was in that great movie when I was a kid—Cornbread, Earl and Me. The little kid in the movie with him is actually Lawrence Fishburne at the age of 10.”
merging from the pandemic with the ambitious Butter Miracle: Suite One, Counting Crows and its earnest frontman Adam Duritz return with a glam-influenced EP that brings to mind early ‘70s Bowie, Mott the Hoople and Lou Reed more in spirit than sound. Along with getting back to music full-time, sports fanatic Duritz is back to indulging his passion as this industry is also emerging from the ashes of COVID-19. Since moving to Oakland in 1974, Duritz has been a huge Bay Area sports fan, pulling for the Golden State Warriors and the A’s, inheriting his love of both teams from his Philly-born father, where he rooted for both franchises before they pulled up stakes for the West Coast. The following are Duritz’s favorite hardwood Warriors.
David Lee
Steph Curry
(Playing career: 2005-2017)
“I just like David Lee. He was the first All Star we had home runs and then he comes in years and years and years. along and hits 60. Now we’ve got We hadn’t had an All Star in a whole new game of baseball. such a long time and David The home run, which had been Lee came along. That was nothing, is something. Wilt had the beginning of it for the them outlaw dunking for a while Warriors. He’s a good guy and [the league] had to come as well.” up with goaltending rules. That Counting Crows will be changed the game and I think appearing on October Steph has done that in a lot of 4 at the Manhattan ways too.” Center Hammerstein Ballroom, 311 W. 34 th St. NYC. Visit (Playing career: 2012-present) www.ticketmas“Draymon is the heart of the or call team. None of this works without 212-279-7740. him. He’s also one of my favorite Visit www. people and I just like the guy a lot longislandfrom hanging out.” to read a full feature on (Playing careeer: 1974-1985) Counting Adam Duritz of “Jamaal is just Silk. He was Crows. Counting Crows great and is the first Warrior (Photo by Mark I ever knew. He’s my friend Seliger) (Photo by Keith Allison/ CC BY-SA 2.0)
Draymond Green
Jamaal Wilkes
Avian Band Names The Black Crowes (1984 to present) The Flamingos (1953 to present) Flock of Seagulls (1979 to present) The Yardbirds (1963 to present) The Byrds (1964 to 2000) Fabulous Thunderbirds (1974 to present) Finch (1999 to 2016) The Eagles (1971 to present) The Jayhawks (1984 to present) Dixie Chicks (1989 to 2020: currently known as The Chicks) —Dave Gil de Rubio
10-17 OCTOBER 2021 226990 S
110 Anstice Street Oyster Bay, New York 11771 Contact: Mr. Richard Garrett Dean of Admissions 516.922.4888 ext.5325
For over 90 years, Saint Dominic High School has offered a student-centered, Catholic education to young women and men from more than 60 communities and 42 public school districts on Long Island. The key to Saint Dominic’s success is this: the administration, faculty and staff respond to each student in a personal and caring manner, treating her or him as an individual with unique needs, aspirations, and potential. Very simply, at Saint Dominic, “You are a name, not a number!” With an average class size of twenty-two and a student to faculty ratio of 13:1, Saint Dominic students excel in a curriculum designed to challenge the learning potential of each student. While offering a NYS Board of Regents Curriculum, students are able to go beyond state standards by taking college level, advanced placement, and honors courses, as well as our newly designed STEM program. One-hundred percent of the Class of 2021 were accepted to some of the world’s finest colleges and universities and secured over $12 million in academic, athletic and merit-based scholarships. The Saint Dominic campus features a state-of-the-art Science and Communications Center. We have research and STEM partnerships with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, The Dolan DNA Learning Center, The Oyster Bay Waterfront Center, St. Francis Hospital, Microsoft, and others. Our state-of-theart World Language Lab for the Spanish and Italian curricula offers high school and collegelevel curriculum and labs utilizing interactive technology to help students learn by speaking with and listening to native speakers. Saint Dominic provides a wide range of extracurricular programs and activities that encompass the areas of performance, service, and sports, allowing students to participate at a level consistent with their interests and abilities. The Charles B. Wang Saint Dominic Playing Fields, just 2.4 miles away from our main campus, is comprised of two baseball, two softball, two lacrosse/soccer fields, four tennis courts, and a retreat house, making it one of the finest and most comprehensive athletic and meeting facilities on Long Island.
Mr. Matthew O’Brien Director of Admissions 516.922.4888 ext.5325
Saint Dominic High School
OPEN HOUSE October 3, 2021 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Visit our website to schedule your tour
516.922.4888 www.stdomsorg Mr. Matthew O’Brien Director of Admissions 516.922.4888 ext.5325
226788 M
226468 M