Community Mourns Longtime Glen Cove Public Library Employee
A longtime Glen Cove Public Library employee has passed away. Photo courtesy the Crosby family
the good. “We are grateful that we had the chance to know him and we are not ready to say good-bye to someone as special as he was,” the Facebook post read. “All of us have memories of him that will always make us smile, which is a testament to the man he was.” The Crosby-Gugig family will be holding a memorial service at Morgan Park in Glen Cove to celebrate his life on Oct. 9 from 1 to 5 p.m. For those close friends that are interested in speaking or performing at the memorial, send an email to christophercrosbymemorial@ gmail.com. There will be limited time, and the family will try to accommodate as many requests as they can. Attendees are requested to bring their own picnic (no alcohol permitted in the park). For those that have been
inquiring for an address to send flowers, the family is requesting donations in Crosby’s name in lieu of flowers to backline.care or glencoveartscouncil.org “While we all want to hug each and every one of you, we also want to make this gathering a safe one as we are still in the midst of the pandemic,” the family wrote in a Facebook post. “We ask that you please respect our family’s (and each other’s) comfort levels regarding this and practice social distancing, and wear masks when close together with people outside of your bubble of family and friends. We are going to trust that everyone who attends is vaccinated, and ask those who are unvaccinated to please wear a mask at all times.” More details to follow. —Submitted by the Glen Cove Public Library and the Crosby-Gugig family
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he Glen Cove Public Library has lost a great colleague and cherished friend, Chris Crosby. “There is no perfect way to convey how stunned and grief stricken we are,” a post on the library’s Facebook page read. Crosby worked at the library for 20 years and touched many lives. He was always easy to talk with and was a genuinely good person with a wry sense of humor and gentle smiling eyes. He was a gifted musician whose life was absolutely rooted in musicality. In addition to contributing his talent to playing gigs all over the area and the country, he wrote some songs for the library during the pandemic. Some titles are, “Takeout,” “Heading Down to the Library,” “Biblioteca” and others. He also created a series called “Anatomy of a Song” as well. Crosby touched so many lives for