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Student Spotlight: Carys Highland Manhasset student sings and inspires

BY JULIE PRISCO jprisco@antonmediagroup.com
Manhasset is home to many hardworking and dedicated students. roughout the years, Manhasset High School has helped inspire and encourage students to follow their academic, athletic and artistic passions in and out of school. For Manhasset High School junior Carys Hyland, singing has been a safe place for her to have fun and express herself since she was a little girl. Now, Hyland has decided to share her skills to inspire younger children to nd an outlet through singing.
Adventures in Learning, a program housed in the Manhasset-Great Neck EOC, recently announced the start of a new program created by Hyland, called Adventures in Singing. The program is a way to share her love of singing combined with her musical training with underserved children in the community.
Like many little kids, Hyland has loved singing and performing since she was young.
“My dad is a really great singer and he really taught me to love it,” said Hyland. “Us singing together in the kitchen to the songs that came on the radio really made me fall in love with singing.”
Hyland sang through elementary school and began to take singing lessons to improve her technique toward her later elementary school years. As she got older, she fell more in love with singing while experiencing herself improve.
“You can see changes in your voice, which is a cool experience. And I’ve loved the entire process of learning new music and expanding my knowledge of music theory,” said Hyland.
Hyland shared that in seventh grade, her dad got sick with a rare condition which was stressful for her and her family. In December of 2021, her family faced difficult medical situations with her father again.
“It was during these times that I began to use singing to escape what was going on at home,” said Hyland. “I used it as an outlet and found it really helped me.”
Hyland’s talents and passion for singing and music have led her to many great accomplishments. She was inducted into the Tri-M music honor society for voice last year and she sings with the Manhasset High School Symphonic Choir. Hyland has been invited to perform at local events including a local fundraiser for Tuesday’s Children, as well as singing the National Anthem and God Bless America at both the Memorial Day and Veterans Day ceremonies at Mary Jane Davies Park.
When Hyland’s father’s medical situation started to get better late last fall, she started thinking about how to share her passion for singing, knowing singing could help other kids going through tough times.
“I’ve had a voice coach since I was in fourth grade, and that’s been tremendously helpful. So when I was thinking about coming up with this program I wanted to give these children the basics of music, music theory and technique so that they could develop their love for singing, the same love that I have for it,” said Hyland.
As an active member in the community, Hyland knew about Adventures in Learning before approaching them with her idea. According to a press release from Adventures in Learning, “Carys proposed her idea to her chorus teacher, Mr. Jared Berry, who was very enthusiastic and offered his assistance.”
Hyland then contacted Adventures in Learning
Executive Director Diana Holden and Associate Director of Programs Polly Haas, to see if they would be interested in her program for the children. Both were enthusiastic about it so she began putting lesson plans together. Haas then helped with the logistics of setting up the program.
For more than 50 years, Adventures in Learning has offered kids in kindergarten through sixth grade a place to come after school for fun, guidance and academic assistance. Adventures in Learning has served hundreds of local children, making a difference in the lives of underserved youth. Hyland’s new program, Adventures in Singing, is a new, fun and creative way for children to make friends and discover passions.
According to a press release from Adventures in Learning, “Hyland currently teaches approximately 15 students in second and third grade. The program introduces the basics of music theory, notes, pitches, rhythm, voice training, and performance style. Each week the students are taught a familiar song that has been adapted to keep the students engaged, including using karaoke, and based on the reaction of the students this program is likely to be one of the most successful.”
As a busy high schooler involved in sports and other extracurriculars, Hyland was able to start the program in January of this year.
“Teaching them has been a really great experience,” said Hyland. “They are learning week to week. I just wanted to offer voice lessons to all of these children and watch their love for singing grow.”
Hyland’s students even got to show off their new and improved singing skills in front of some staff of Adventures in Learning. While Hyland plans to host the program next school year, she is currently looking into the logistics of continuing the Adventures in Singing program throughout the summer. “These first months were kind of trial and error in figuring out what worked with the children and what didn’t. So, I think that next year and over the summer when I really have my process solidified, I’ll be able to make more adjustments and expand the program,” said Hyland. “I also have reached out to fellow singers in my school and I’m looking to see if I can bring in more singers and have that be an opportunity for not only the kids to experience more singers but also for the people my age to have the experience teaching and leading this class.”
In addition to Hyland’s passion for singing, she has led an extremely successful academic career. She has been in student government as treasurer of her class since ninth grade and is an active member of many clubs. This year she was inducted into the National Honor Society along with math, science, history and Spanish. She loves to play sports and is on the varsity soccer and lacrosse teams at Manhasset High School.
“I volunteer at our local American Legion Hall Unit 304 here in Manhasset, and am currently the president of the junior auxiliary,” said Hyland. “I turned 17 in December so am now eligible and have joined the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department.”
Being a junior in high school means thinking about the future. And with many different passions and Hyland’s strong work ethic, she has thought about her future in college.
“I have been interested in pursuing something in the science field in college. But I’m open to a minor in music and I definitely would love to participate in the vocal groups at whatever school I do end up at, such as an acapella group or maybe trying out for the choir, the main choirs of the school,” said Hyland.
While Hyland has time to explore other options, she is currently interested in going to the pre-med track in college, specifically pediatrics.
Through perseverance, dedication and selflessness, Hyland has given other children an opportunity to explore their passion of singing and grow to love something fun.
Hyland is requesting donations to pay for costs related to procuring sheet music and related supplies. Donations can be made through Adventures in Learning’s website at www.adventures-in-learning. org or by check payable to Adventures in Learning (include on the memo line Adventures in Singing) and mailed to Ms. Polly Haas, Associate Director of Programs, Adventures in Learning, P.O. Box 1054, Manhasset, NY 11030. All donations will go directly to Adventures in Learning and are tax deductible.