Your Manhasset 5/25/22 edition is published by Anton Media Group.

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Publicans’ Smoke Show An honorable championship history (Photo by Cathy Bongiorno)

THE ART OF SELLING MANHASSET “In my experience, Traci Conway Clinton is unequivocally the go to real estate agent in Manhasset for high-end homes in the million and multimillion-dollar price range. All aspects of her representation of our home—her knowledge, passion, attention to detail, discerning eye for architecture & design, staging, marketing, storytelling, negotiating, and so much more—were superb and reflect a valuable skill set I see only when I deal with other top professionals. All of this, coupled with Traci’s strong work ethic & affable demeanor, make her second to none among the many excellent real estate agents with whom I have worked with in buying & selling properties. I highly recommend Traci, if you are like me and demand the best of the best to represent you in selling or buying a luxury property.“ –SELLER FLOWER HILL/MANHASSET


Long Island Founding Agent Luxury Division — Council Member, Long Island Licensed Real Estate Salesperson M: 516.857.0987 | O: 516.517.4751


231697 M

2B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022


The Jim Brown Story BY JOE SCOTCHIE

“In some respects, Jim seems to be a rebel without a cause, an angry young man unclear about what angers him, He is an extremely complex person.” — Harvey Russell, vice president of Pepsi-Cola, in 1956


n the Village of Manhasset, virtually all of its citizens, throughout the centuries, have passed through this life in splendid anonymity. Few have lived public lives. The greatest standout has been Jim Brown, who from the late 1950s onward, lived a most public and consequential life. A native of St. Simons, GA, Brown was born in 1936. Seven years later, his mother moved to New York to find work as a domestic. The Brown family lived first in Great Neck before settling in Manhasset Valley. The young Jim Brown was educated in the Manhasset School District. In the 1950s Long Island, gangs of delinquent youth roaming the streets was not uncommon. Brown and his friends belonged to The Gaylords, a juvenile gang that behaved in the manner of the day. “We would go to other neighborhoods,

go to parties, try to pick up girls,” a childhood friend, the Rev. Ed Corley, told a Brown biographer. “We’d fight other gangs. Sometimes we won; sometimes we lost…One of the reasons we were all good athletes is because we were always running. We were either chasing other guys, trying to fight them, or we were being chased. Running, running, running. I was always running.” That running came in handy. At Manhasset High School, Brown came into his own. By his sophomore year, Brown stood six feet tall and weighed 174 pounds. Brown lettered in no less than five sports: Football, lacrosse, basketball, track and field and baseball. The New York Yankees scouted Brown as a pitching prospect. Brown was a halfback in football and a center lineman in lacrosse. As important, the young Brown had an

ally in football coach Ed Walsh. The latter knew that Brown was college material. The young man needed to make good marks. He listened to Walsh. Brown, according to biographers, graduated from Manhasset with a “B” average. With Walsh, Brown had a friend for life. No matter how far Brown traveled, Manhasset would remain a pleasant memory, his true home. The village, he claimed, “was always an example of how people should be treated.”

see JIM BROWN on page 4B

Brown starred in both lacrosse and football at Syracuse University. (Contributed Photo)

Jim Brown, fifth from left in the back row, played baseball and ran track in the same season at Manhasset High School. (Courtesy of the Manhasset Public Schools)


80 Birch Lane, Flower Hill Last Listed at $5,500,000.

Successfully Marketed & Under Contract in 10 Days. TRACI CONWAY CLINTON Long Island Founding Agent Luxury Division — Council Member, Long Island Licensed R.E. Salesperson M: 516.857.0987 | O: 516.517.4751


Traci Conway Clinton is a Licensed Real Estate Salesperson affiliated with Compass, a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions.

231699 S

MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 3B

JIM BROWN from page 3B Colleges came knocking. Brown chose Syracuse, where he starred in both football and lacrosse. His talent in football came at the right time. With the triumph of the television set, football, as an action sport, was situated to replace baseball as the national pastime. After graduating from Syracuse, Brown was chosen in the first round by the Cleveland Browns. Cleveland wasn’t New York. It was however, a sports-crazy city of up to 900,000 residents. It was also coached by Paul Brown, an Ohio native who had led the team to championship glory in the 1940s and ‘50s. Brown quickly conquered the NFL. He, too, was highly popular in Cleveland. The NFL’s Golden Age was coming into its own: Vince Lombardi as head coach, Johnny Unitas and Bart Starr as the quarterbacks, Dick Butkus and Deacon Jones defining agile and quick defensive players—and Jim Brown as the running back. It wasn’t until Gale Sayers joined the NFL in the mid-1960s that Brown had any competition as the league’s top running back. No one who saw Brown play could forget the experience. In play after play, the defense knew what was coming. Brown was blessed with a solid offensive line and in Leroy Kelly, an All-Star blocking back. Brown was also a one-man show, combining speed and power like no back since Bronco Nagurski. Brown had his style. At the end of a play, he was always the last one up from the pileup. He got up slowly and just as slowly, walked his way back to the huddle. The man took countless cuts, bumps and bruises. However, part of it was tactical. “Getting up with leisure” was a way for Brown to conceal the physical punishment that came his way. Brown did not seek to be liked or even respected. He wanted to be feared. He wanted a defensive player to remember full well when Brown lowered his shoulder and gave him a good hit. Above all, a running back should never run out of bounds. Ever. In retirement, Brown publicly castigated such backs as Franco Harris and Kevin Mack for doing just that. What could they do? This was the greatest running back in history talking. Brown produced. He averaged 5.2 yards a carry. In 1958, he set a single-season rushing record, gaining 1,527 yards in 12 games. On it went. Brown was a Pro Bowler in each of his nine seasons. He was a three-time Most Valuable Player. He set records for single-season rushing (1,863 in 1963), career rushing (12,312 yards) and all-time leader in rushing touchdowns (106). He was the first player to reach the 100-rushing-touchdowns milestone. Think of the way Babe Ruth dominated major league baseball in the early 1920s and you can picture Brown’s own reign in the late 1950s and 1960s. As the 1960s unfolded, Brown felt he had to be more than an athlete. The

The 1953 Manhasset High School “Tower” yearbook and its pics of the school’s greatest athlete. (Courtesy of the Manhasset Public Schools)

Brown as an Orangeman cager. He averaged in double digits during his college basketball career. (Wikipedia Commons)

The “Babe Ruth of Football,” Brown set numerous rushing records that lasted into the ’80s. He played all nine professional seasons with the Cleveland Browns and retired at 30, at the height of his career, and turned to acting. (Wikipedia Commons)

turmoil of that decade moved him deeply. He found a soulmate in Muhammad Ali, who held similar views. Americans had long preferred professional athletes be low-keyed and stoical. Again, the advent of television and the explosion of a celebrity culture would change that. Brown and Ali were friends. The two had different personalities. Ali, with Howard Cosell as his straight man, kept Americans entertained. By the 1980s, this 1960-style radical was now as much a part of the cultural establishment as Bob Hope or Jack Benny. Brown was the angry man. He never mellowed with the times. Ali’s main cause was his opposition to the Vietnam War and his refusal to comply with draft board orders. His style offended certain sensibilities. Still, the man had a point.

4B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

In the early 1960s, the Kentucky Draft Board declared the then-Cassius Clay exempt from the draft. Ali had to be saved for boxing. When the latter won the title and began making waves, the Feds had their own ideas. Ali would now become subject to the draft. In time, the U.S. Supreme Court commuted his jail sentence. Brown was different. His social causes were economic. He disagreed with a solely integrationist approach. The goal, instead, should be economic empowerment. Brown was a man on a mission. He built his own media empire: A newspaper column, a radio commentator, and as founder of the Negro Industrial Economic Union, one dedicated to creating black-owned businesses. Brown was dismayed that Cleveland, as in most Northern cities, was residentially segregated. He did not, however, look at the

city’s East Side as a ghetto. Instead, he saw a gold mine of economic opportunity. Back on the field, Brown remained unstoppable. In 1964, the Browns won their first NFL title in 12 years, shutting out the favored Baltimore Colts, 27-0. That winter, Brown ventured into movies, starring in Rio Conchos. On the set, he was introduced to Elvis Presley, who was filming his own Western. As with Presley, Brown was bitten by the movie bug. A new career beckoned. In 1965, Brown had another stellar year. Would it ever end? Indeed, it would. In the off-season, Brown co-starred with Lee Marvin in The Dirty Dozen. As training camp approached, Browns management was anxious. Was Brown coming to camp? In London, where filming took place, Brown

see JIM BROWN on page 6B

The experience you need to get the results you deserve.


7 Stone Hill Drive, Manhasset 6 Bed | 5 Bath | 1 Half Bath | $4,999,000

70 Old House Lane, Sands Point 6 Bed | 2 Half Bath | $4,250,000

4 Shoal Drive, West Islip 5 Bed | 6 Bath | $2,825,000

Experience isn’t expensive, it’s priceless... The Founding Agents of Compass Long Island and Members of the Luxury Division Nicholas Colombos Licensed Real Estate Salesperson M: 917.453.9333 | O: 516.517.4751

Angela Dooley Licensed Real Estate Salesperson M: 516.315.7781 | O: 516.517.4751

The Colombos-Dooley Team is a team of real estate agents affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to the accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside the realm of real estate brokerage.

231145 S

MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 5B

JIM BROWN from page 4B shocked the sports world by announcing his retirement. It made sense. Brown would retire at the top of his game. No one would see him as an aging running back, getting pummeled by younger and stronger linebackers. The only memories would be as Brown dominating. Plus, the toll of high school, college and pro ball took their price. Brown’s first wife recalled him tossing and turning at night, trying to find the perfect place to sleep, amidst the scars and welts his body had sustained. The NFL in Brown’s day was a dirty league: The pile ups saw players kicking (even in the mid-section), biting, spitting, clawing and in general, getting in all the low blows they could as the whistle blew. And no one was targeted more than Jim Brown. The Dirty Dozen was a promising start to Brown’s movie career. Critics hailed Brown in the language of the day as the “Negro Clark Gable.” By the early 1970s, “blaxploitation” films became popular. Brown’s niche was the “Slaughter” (no first name) character in such films as Slaughter and Slaughter’s Big Rip-Off. Brown had a string of popular movies, including Ice Station Zebra (1968), Kenner (1969), El Condor (1970) and Three The Hard Way (1974.) A biographer hailed him as the silver screen’s “first black action star.” Brown continued acting into the 1970s

country. Did other black athletes do the same? He declared the fatherless family as black America’s greatest problem. Brown has published two autobiographies. He has been subject of several biographies, plus a Spike Lee documentary, Jim Brown: All-American. He remained popular in Cleveland, often showing up on the sidelines of a Browns game. They were more homecomings. In 2005, Syracuse established two scholarships, one for football, the other for lacrosse, in his name. Finally, in April 2013, a Jim Brown Field was unveiled at Manhasset Valley Park. Brown has never been an emotional man. This homecoming was different. In all his travels around the world, Manhasset A recent photo of Jim Brown, who turned 86 in February. would always be home. (Contributed Photo) “This school formed my life,” he said at a packed house at the Manhasset and beyond. In time, the man was making people,” said a Cleveland friend, James Fox. High School gymnasium. “It gave me my news for his private life. Throughout the de“He saves lives. He has saved hundreds of foundation. It gave me my confidence. It cades and up until the year 2002, Brown had lives.” several scrapes with the law. His legal team Fearless on the field, he was just as fearless pointed out to me the value of education, the value of knowledge and wisdom. It had to fend off some serious felony charges. in the inner city. A resident of southern taught me never to give up. It taught me Brown was a candidate for redemption. California, Brown was not housebound that all of us are God’s children.” He found domestic happiness in his second when the 1992 Los Angeles riots took place. Brown even flashed more humor, somemarriage and the couple’s two children. Instead, he was on the streets of south thing rarely seen in his years as a public His new business venture, AmerIcan, central, trying to keep the peace. continued the earlier vision of economic Brown remained as outspoken as ever. He figure. He joked that many of the young empowerment. denounced black athletes for being “the most people in the audience wouldn’t know Mostly, Brown worked out of the limelight. embarrassing collection of individuals I have who he was. What? People in Manhasset not knowing about Jim Brown? That’s a “Jim Brown goes into the roughest places ever known.” Brown spent a lifetime giving in the country, the ugly places, and he pulls back to depressed neighborhoods across the good one.

Thinking of selling your home? Today’s market is complex. Your home selling journey doesn’t have to be. I have successfully accomplished the most complex transactions seamlessly — always prioritizing my client’s best interest. Get in touch today for all of your real estate needs. MARK LEVENTHAL Founding Agent, Compass Long Island Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker M: 516.330.8001 Mark Leventhal is a real estate agent affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. 1648 Northern Boulevard, Manhasset, NY 11030. 516.517.4751

233077 S

6B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

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5/10/22 12:11| PM MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET 7B

One Good Drink Harrison Chedd offers up a martini.

What the world needs now can be found at Publicans BY CHRISTY HINKO

We go to the pub to socialize. We go to the pub to relax. We go for libations, for a soothing end to our day, and myriad other occasions and reasons.


e met up with Publicans’ bar manager, Harrison Chedd, to talk about one of the popular items on the cocktail menu. The Smoke Show cocktail draws guests in for a soothing and almost medicinal experience. “In a classic Penicillin cocktail, peaty scotch is the base of the cocktail, along with ginger, honey, lemon and a smoky scotch floated on top so you get the highlands

and the lowlands,” Chedd said. “Publicans’ Smoke Show cocktail is my homage to the Penicillin; we use rye whiskey as the base and mezcal as the float.” The use of scotch whiskey in this creation showcases how scotch can be used in cocktails, and not just neat or on the rocks. Peated scotch is a subcategory of whiskey that seduces the nostrils and appeals to the senses with its intense, smoky flavor,

imparted by the use of peat soil in the germination process of the barley. Rye whiskey is similar to bourbon, but tends to be more fruity or spicy than a bourbon, which is noticeably sweeter and fuller bodied. Mezcal is a distilled alcohol made from the agave plant found in Oaxaca, Mexico. It has a strong smoky flavor. Chedd first sets a pinch of cherry wood chips on fire and then quickly dampens the wood so that it begins to smoke, just as you would prepare wood chips for cooking. He turns the cocktail glass upside down atop the smoking wood to capture the smoky essence

(Christy Hinko)

inside the glass which will next cradle the cocktail. Chedd works the spicy rye whiskey, fresh lemon, sage-honey syrup (infused simple syrup), ginger demerara (unrefined cane sugar) syrup, and then tops with a little bit of mezcal just to give it a distinct aromatic smokiness. “I love the earthy, spicy richness that you get from the whole ginger,” Chedd said. “I chop it up and throw it in the blender for a two-to-one rich, strained syrup.”

see PUBLICANS on page 10B

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The Found Team at Compass M: 516.492.2261

Real Estate in Port Washington The Found Team is a team of real estate agents affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by equal housing opportunity laws. Manhasset Office, 1695 Northern Blvd, Manhasset, NY 11030

229117 S

8B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

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230650 M

MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 9B

Always dedicated to you! I take the stress out of buying or selling your home.

(Christy Hinko)

PUBLICANS from page 8B

• Your local senior expert • 30+ years experience in LI real estate • A personal touch from start to finish

Shelley Scotto, SRES Founding Agent of Compass North Shore Licensed Associate RE Broker M: 516.816.7428 | O: 516.517.4751 1468 Northern Blvd, Manhasset, NY 11030 Shelley Scotto is a Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker affiliated with Compass. Compass is a Licensed Real Estate Broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity Laws.

10B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

Chedd demonstrates making his famous Smoke Show cocktail, from smoking the cherry wood and letting the smoke fill the glass to its signature ingredients and the finishing strain.

231308 M

This cocktail is smoky and citrusy. It’s a multi-sensory experience for sure. You can smell it before you taste it and it feels warm and soothing as you drink it down. “If you go to any true cocktail bar and order a Penicillin cocktail, they will know exactly what you are talking about,” Chedd said. Chedd has been the bar manager at Publicans for two years. He was previously at a bar in Huntington that has since closed. He has been a bartender for more than 12 years. Publicans’ cocktail menu is Chedd’s own curation. It changes seasonally, but he keeps several tried and true cocktails that are traditional at the historic taproom. In addition to bottled, tap and craft beer offerings and wine, some of the other popular concoctions at Publicans include: Matcha Me Crazy: Matcha cordial, sochu, lemongrass and citrus ($16) Playa de Sol: Mezcal, Cointreau, yellow Chartreuse and citrus ($15) Pubs Express: Four Five espresso, vanilla vodka, Kahlua, Bailey’s and Licor 43 ($14)

Wanda: Pink Whitney vodka, lemon, pomegranate, blood orange foam ($15) Jazz Hands: Vodka, jasmine tea syrup, raspberry, citrus and Prosecco ($14) Some of the Manhasset favorites include: Red Oak: Strawberry jalapeno-infused tequila, citrus, dry Curacao and agave ($14) The J-Mon: Casamigos, three muddled limes, a splash of soda and lime juice ($16) Enlightenment: London-syle dry gin, lemongrass, Chartreuse and toasted rosemary ($15) Black Sails: Winter spiced apple cordial and spiced rum ($16) Publicans on Plandome Road serves up some fantastic comfort foods and terrific atmosphere, whether or not you partake in alcohol. Publicans offers a full lunch and dinner menu, including soups, salads, appetizers, burgers, wings, tacos and plated entrees. The pub is located at 550 Plandome Rd. in Manhasset. Visit or call 516-627-7722 for more information.

Eat...See...Do... Spend the day in Manhasset BY CHRISTY HINKO

Rich with history and a bustling business district, Manhasset is a great place to spend the day. Here are a couple of ideas for a day itinerary in the hamlet.

EAT Pearl East

No secret to the locals and especially to the wealthy and famous, dine in the upscale and award-winning Pearl East on Northern Boulevard. This Chinese restaurant covers all of the bases for Asian cuisine, from Cantonese, Mandarin, Szechuan and Japanese dishes. Choose from a variety of dim sum, appetizers, traditional Asian main course dishes, sushi, sashimi and more. Pearl East is located at 1191 Northern Blvd. and is open every day for lunch and dinner. Reservations are highly encouraged. Visit or call 516-365-9898 for details.

Items on the menu at Pearl East


Leeds Pond Preserve

You get so much more than scenery and fresh air when you take a hike at Leeds Pond Preserve. Leeds Pond is named after Warner M. Leeds who owned the pond from 1906 until his death in 1925. The 36-acre preserve includes the Science Museum of Long Island, a pond, marine edge, stream, woodlands and meadows. It offers a wide diversity of plant and animal life, and serves as a springboard for the detailed investigation of local ecological habitats. The preserve is located at 1526 N. Plandome Rd. in Manhasset. Grounds hours are typically 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Check the museum’s website for special guided hikes, tours and night programs. Visit or call 516-627-9400 for details.

Science Museum of Long Island at Leeds Pond Preserve


Christ Church Manhasset

After lunch, make your way east on the boulevard to Christ Church Manhasset, the final resting place of Dr. James Cogswell, a Revolutionary War patriot and surgeon who served on George Washington’s staff. Grafted from the plaque at the cemetery, it is known that Cogswell was a philanthropist and was one of the originators of the New York Dispensary System of the Society for the Relief of Distressed Debtors. He was also involved with the first African school, established in New York City in 1787 as a one-room schoolhouse with 40 students. It was once located at 137 Mulberry St. but since razed for apartment buildings. He was a devoted Christian. He was a member of the

Manumission Society, founded by John Jay, which battled the slave trade, working toward emancipation of slaves in New York. The organization was instrumental in passing a law in New York which prohibited the sale of slaves in 1785. Cogswell was born in Canterbury, CT, to James and Alice Fitch Cogswell, on July 31, 1746. He studied medicine and began his practice in Preston, CT. He served as an army surgeon at Cambridge, MA during the Battle of Bunker Hill. In August of 1776, he married Elizabeth Davenport and they settled in Stamford, CT, raising one child, Alice. As the war progressed, Cogswell was called upon again to aid the patriot cause. He was assigned as

regimental surgeon to General Gold Selleck Sillman, who was on duty in New York with the Connecticut militia. He took his younger brother, Mason, on as his assistant. His wife died in 1779. When the war ended, Cogswell returned home and married Abigail Lloyd, with whom he had four children. They moved to New York, where Cogswell continued his medical practice and maintained an apothecary business. Cogswell contracted yellow fever while attending to a sickened patient; he died on Nov. 22, 1792. Christ Church Manhasset Historic Cemetery is located at Plandome Road and Northern Boulevard. Visit www.christchurchmanhasset. org to learn more and to schedule a The tombstone of Dr. James cemetery tour. Cogswell at Christ Church

MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 11B

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231495 S

12B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

Outstanding Agents Outstanding Results

Patricia Ahern M 917.783.4978

Helena Born M 516.316.9312

Patricia Byrnes M 516.721.9491

Dolores Costa-Pina M 516.395.8633

Biagia D’Amico M 646.773.2301

Anahi Decanio M 516.675.6977

Matthew Donno M 516.382.2070

Elene Farrell M 516.993.0531

Marianne Filipski M 917.767.8695

Ellen Frangoulis-Marinelli M 516.353.0232

Kimberly Fuchs M 516.840.8196

Gracene Gardella M 516.695.8920

Kelly Gatanas M 917.757.0002

Richard Giron M 516.974.4778

Joanne Hantzopoulos M 646.210.8881

Susan Higgins M 516.375.2219

Maria Katrakazos M 516.984.4127

Angela Kraus M 516.978.8805

Matthew Lachs M 610.212.6642

Kathy Levinson M 516.650.1959

Amy Liu M 917.224.1866

Mary Patestas M 516.652.5840

Gisele Politoski M 516.815.9300

Maureen Polyé M 646.239.0769

Joseph Sala M 516.359.3901

Veena Sawhney M 516.627.9252

Jacklin Soleimani M 516.375.6611

Eri Afik M 516.238.3994

Dalia Hodes M 516.384.6417

Helen Kang M 516.647.7850

Steven Llorens M 917.830.7091

Anna LoRe M 516.317.1609

Tina Mannino M 516.727.1724

Susan Martinez M 917.686.5811

Irene Rallis M 516.241.9848

Shikha Rawat M 646.415.2420

Laura Romano-Kowalski M 917.855.2115

Sandra Rosen M 516.445.1672

Jeffrey Stone M 917.741.8294

Kristin Trunz M 516.524.4156

Jennifer Villano M 917.270.8614

Helene Vlachos M 516.641.2532

Ranked #1 in Manhasset by Closed Units


Elizabeth Zuvekas M 917.710.2133

Deneen Cirruzzo Sales Manager M 631.553.9421

Eileen O’Sullivan Branch Manager M 347.351.6359

61 Average Days on the Market


Manhasset Office | 154 Plandome Road | 516.627.2800 | © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY.


231496 M

MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 13B

An ‘Object’-ive Look At History Center Manhasset Public Library collection chronicles area’s rich past Manhasset Public Library (MPL) archivist Antonia S. Mattheou recently showed off some of the items she has archived and classified in the History Center.


rained as an historian and archivist at NYU, Mattheou was uniquely qualified when Director Maggie Gough contacted her in 2015 to bring order out of a mass of unorganized books and materials of historical value. Mattheou has been employed by the Town of Huntington as its archivist since 1993, and works most Saturdays at MPL. She wrote the following mission statement for the History Center: “The Manhasset Public Library collects, preserves and provides access to records related to the history of Manhasset since the area was first settled on December 13, 1643. Records kept in the History Center should be at least 10 years old and should contain historical information about Manhasset’s past—information that is essential when charting current and future activities. “Material housed in the History Center should be used by individuals engaged in historical research and education. For a detailed description of the records, see the finding aid for each record group.” Visit to learn more. Research is by appointment only. Contact Gough at 516-627-2300, ext. 348 for more information. Recalling that day when she first looked over the MPL records, Mattheou said, “I came in and looked at everything and immediately knew it was a wonderful collection that they had, but it needed a little work.” She filed a report recommending the library hire an archivist or even an intern with historical experience to process the collection. “Maggie says to me,’Well I thought you were going to take over (laughs).’ And I said, ‘Okay, I will come and process the collection, however long it takes. Seven years later, I’m still here,” Mattheou said. She organized the book cabinets by subject—an entire section is devoted to Manhasset-based authors. Others contain the entire yearbook collections from the Manhasset High School and Middle School, as well as St. Mary’s High School.

Some unique primary records and rare books make the collection an historian’s delight. Alumni who now live out of town, she noted, occasionally contact the MPL and Mattheou will digitize and email their yearbook photos. After an exhibit she organized about the area’s mansions that included blueprints, she was contacted by a pair of City University of New York professors who visited to make copies of the plans to use as instructional material in their classes. “This is what makes me happy—the fact that we teach by what we have and that we provide what we exhibit,” she observed. Gloves are provided when looking at many materials because the oil from the fingers can degrade the paper. She said, “One thing about archives and historical material is that they’re very unique, one of a kind, so we need to protect them, and in order to do that everything needs to be under lock and key. Nobody borrows things from here. If you want to look at something, you need to leave your driver’s license with the librarian.” The most sought-after records, both in person and in online searches (to which Mattheou has the statistics), relate to famous children’s author Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett, who lived in Plandome for many years and wrote her most famous book, The Secret Garden.

14B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

A map of the Manhasset area from an atlas of Long Island printed before Nassau County was carved out from Queens in 1898.

The very first Manhasset High School The signature of famous author Frances yearbook, then called “The Sea Breeze,” Hodgson Burnett, who lived in Plandome. from 1927, is part of the special collection. The archive gets more inquiries about her (Photos by Frank Rizzo) than any other person or subject.

Within the pages of this book are the names and burial places of Manhasset veterans.

A model of the USS Manhasset (AG-47), classified as a miscellaneous auxiliary ship. It was dedicated to longtime Manhasset resident Charles G. Derderian (1925-14), a proud veteran of WWII and recipient of the Coast Guard’s Silver Life Saving Medal.

The family of John P. Dunne donated his Purple Heart citation. He was wounded during the Korean War.


This is one of archivist Antonia Mattheou’s favorite objects, a memorial for Captain Charles whose steamer Seawanhaka caught fire. He guided it onto the shores of Randall’s Island. He died a day later from an infection caused by his burns. Then NYC Mayor W. R. Grace presided at the memorial, held in Sea Cliff.

 7 Gaynor Avenue Manhasset, NY 11709

(516) 627-7007 fax (516) 627-7707

Also in the archives is this brochure for an unbuilt luxury co-op complex named “The New Versailles on Manhasset Bay.” America’s entry into WWI put an end to the project as financing dried up.

T.J. Costello, Principal AIA - CKD 231629 S

MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 15B

Manhasset's #1 Real Estate Team for 23 Consecutive Years

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Sol Hakimian c.516.849.9666

Ann Hance c.516.660.1680

Mia Hitchcock c.516.314.6889

Annie Holdreith c.516.509.4082

Jill Imperiale c.516.662.2310

Eileen Joyce c.516.647.7326

Tina Kang c.929.286.3870

Gale Keenan c.516.353.8800

Susie Kim c.718.781.5033

Barbara Korn c.516.661.1685

Eileen Krach c.917.270.3737

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16B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

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Grace Kusnierek c.516.662.8682

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Anna Michailidis c.516.250.2049

Patricia Miller c.516.503.0981

Patricia Moroney c.516.313.8966

Joan Nahles c.516.314.3586

Michel Nazamy c.718.715.5738

Virginia Newman c.516.353.9988

Irene Nictas c.917.518.3031

Fiona O'Connell c.516.205.0845

Rosemary O'Neill c.516.578.3099

Helen Reddington c.516.319.1046

Marybeth Ressa c.516.650.0857

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John Sears c.203.604.5000

Margie Suga c.917.562.8889

Donna Travers c.516.241.4754

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Peter Wehbe c.917.679.2017

Nouzha Zouak c.917.392.7401

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated

231734 S

MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 17B

Cavalcade Of Champions A view of the athletic fields at Manhasset Secondary School (New York Interactive Mapping Gateway)

Retired Numbers 12: Tom Emma, basketball; 23: Diane Whipple, lacrosse; 32: John Driscoll, lacrosse; 33: Jim Brown, football Rutgers Cup* 1957, 2021 *—Best football team in Nassau County Boys Lacrosse—State: 95, 04, 09, 10; Long Island: 34, 35, 63, 64, 67, 84, 88, 01, 03, 05, 15, 19; County: 65, 75, 76, 21; League: 40, 43, 68, 70, 77, 79, 80, 92-94, 96, 98, 99, 08, 11-13

Boys Tennis—County: 86, 87; League: 50, 51, 62, 81, 85, 91, 93, 99, 03, 11, 13, 17, 19 Baseball—League: 45, 50, 51, 63, 78, 03, 08, 12

Boys Cross Country—County: 79, 83, 90-92, 95, 03, 05, 08, 09, 14-18; Division: 14; League: 77, 78, 80, 82-89, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 02, 10, 19

Softball—League: 07, 09

Girls Cross Country—County: 88, 90, 95, 04, 05, 15, 16, 18; Division: 14, 17, 19

Football—County: 42, 80, 94, 96, 20 (season played spring 2021); League: 23, 39, 40, 41, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 62, 74, 82

Golf—Long Island: 18; County: 01, 07, 16; League: 75, 86, 87, 94, 99, 00, 04, 07, 19

Girls Lacrosse—State: 85, 88, 03, 14; LI: 04. 05, 14, 18; County: 85, 88, 03-10, 13, 18, 19; League: 86, 89, 92-95, 99, 01, 02, 07, 12, 15 Girls Volleyball—League: 75, 82, 84, 96, 98, 02, 05, 17 Boys Track & Field—County: 91, 96, 97, 03, 04, 15, 16, 17, 19; Division: 14, 18; League: 54, 63, 71, 74, 78-90, 92-95, 98, 99, 00-03 Girls Track & Field—County: 88; Division: 14, 18; League: 86, 87, 92, 93-99, 11, 18

Crew—Nationals: 08, 09, 10, 12, 13, 14; State: 08, 09, 10, 11, 14, 16-19 Boys Bowling—League: 50, 51, 54, 60, 67, 76, 85, 13 Girls Fencing—County: 12; League: 11, 13 Badminton—County: 75, 77; League: 76, 78, 80, 82-84, 86, 87, 93, 16 Girls Gymnastics—League: 83 Riflery—League: 63, 84 Field Hockey—LI: 02, 20; County: 88, 91-93, 97, 12, 20; League: 95, 98, 99, 01, 05

Archery was once a competitive sport at Boys Soccer—LI: 00; League: 94, 95, 10 Manhasset HS, as evidenced by this trophy that is now part of the History Center at Girls Soccer—Conference: 09; Division: 14; Girls Tennis—County: 83, 84, 88, 09, 14, the Manhasset Public Library. League: 84, 96, 08 15; League: 87, 00, 10, 13 (Photo by Frank Rizzo)

18B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

Boys Basketball—State: 86, 22; LI: 86, 22; County: 86, 90, 97, 11, 19, 22; League: 26, 39, 57-62, 65, 68, 74, 76-82, 84, 85, 87-89 Ice Hockey—State: 14; Division: 18 Boys Indoor Track—LI: 03; County: 05, 10; Conference: 10; League: 04, 06, 11, 15-17 Girls Indoor Track—County: 89, 07; League: 87, 92-99, 04, 09, 14-17, 18, 19 Boys Swimming—League: 88, 02. 05, 12 Girls Swimming—County: 06, 07, 20, 21; League/Division: 92, 02-08, 14, 15, 17-19 Wrestling County Champs Year Weight Name 2005 152 Ryan Figlia 2005 160 Marco Capetola 2006 125 Anthony Charles 2006 130 Steve Meditz 2006 140 Steve Ficano 2006 145 Matt Cornachio 2007 103 Ryan Kelly 2007 125 Mark Ardito 2007 135 Steven Meditz 2007 171 Andrew Wray 2018 120 Nick Tannuzzo

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Palumbo Wealth Management is a registered investment advisor. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Palumbo Wealth Management and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. For additional information on the Advisor, please visit the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at www.adviserinfo. by searching with the Advisor’s CRD #306548. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, CFP® (with plaque design), and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. As a firm providing wealth management services to clients, Palumbo Wealth Management LLC offers both investment advisory services and brokerage services. Investment advisory services and brokerage services are separate and distinct, differ in material ways and are governed by different laws and separate arrangements. 231758 S

MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 19B

Strip steak

Baked clams

Recipe For Success

Halibut Photos by Christy Hinko

Family, dedication and passion usher Louie’s Restaurant in as third-generation business BY CHRISTY HINKO

great thing about having your steak cooked to order is when the chef actually knows what that means. It’s a delight to get a steak Located just steps away from the bustling train station, Louie’s Manhasset that is rare when you ask for rare. Pair this Restaurant has been a staple in the community for nearly 60 years, celebrating with a classic baked potato and you are in another milestone in less than a year. business. The steak was perfectly cooked ome older generations still a good, satisfying meal, stop at Louie’s and not heavily seasoned. remember when Louie’s was locat- Manhasset and try some of our favorites. Feeling a little more like seafood is the ed on the east side of Plandome way to go? Try the Parmesan Crusted Road in the space where the pharmacy APPETIZERS Halibut paired with mashed potatoes is now, but its reputation is as solid as The ubiquitous fried calamari is excepand some steamed broccoli. The fish was when the late Louie Pagonis originally tional and crispy. The breading fully amazingly cooked, which takes more opened the classic famicovers the ringlets and tentacles skill than luck, so to not overcook. The ly-owned restaurant. and is cooked just right. It is Parmesan crust was such a complement to His sons, Peter and served with tasty marinara the steak-like fish. Tommy, along with sauce. their brotherThe baked clams are DESSERT in-law, Billy, served in a scrumpNo diner would be complete without passionately tious garlic broth that homemade rice pudding. This fresh, ensure that its begs to be sopped up creamy and generous portion of a classic legacy continwith fresh-cut pita Greek dessert went perfectly with the ues. Their own bread. dollop of whipped cream on top. And of sons are in lockcourse, nothing beats a slice of homemade step, learning SOUP chocolate cream pie if you are looking for the business from All of the soups are a more chocolatey and satisfying treat to the ground up, homemade at Louie’s. soothe your sweet tooth. excitedly waiting for Try a cup or a bowl of their opportunities to the New England Clam KIDS grab the baton and take Chowder. It is hearty and filled Like any good restaurant, Louie’s has Calamari the business to its centennial with lots of chunky fresh potatoes plenty of traditional fare like burgers, pasta, one day. and celery in addition to clams. soup and sandwiches, suitable for the pintStories like the restaurant’s success sized diners who might be accompanying are increasingly rare, of businesses that ENTREES you for a meal. are family-owned and operated through You can’t go wrong with the traditional successive generations and that are still burger or sandwich at Louie’s but if you PARKING open and thriving through the pandem- are in the mood for a more filling meal, go Off-peak, there is ample street parking ic obstacle to boot. one step further to the full dinner entrees. and several municipal lots nearby, particTry the brothers’ New York Strip Steak. One ularly because of its proximity to the train If you are ever in town or craving


20B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

station and town hall and many other successful businesses along Plandome Road.


Louie’s Manhasset is open every day of the week, Mondays through Saturdays from 4 a.m. to 9 p.m. and on Sundays from 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. There are daily and weekly specials depending on the season and ingredient availability, but much of the menu is classic American diner. Take out and catering orders are available. Louie’s Manhasset Restaurant is located at 339 Plandome Road, in the heart of the hamlet. Visit or call 516-627-0022 for more information.

Delectable desserts

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231738 S

MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 21B

Supervisor Recognizes St. Mary’s Girls BY EILEEN SYMMONS

Saint Mary’s High School recently welcomed the Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena to meet a terrific group of young ladies known as the 2022 Catholic High School Athletic Association New York State Class AA girls basketball champions. By special invitation from Rev. Fr. Robert A. Romeo, who serves as pastor of the Church and Schools of Saint Mary, DeSena was pleased to accept the opportunity to visit campus. No stranger to the St. Mary’s community, DeSena has called the parish her home for the past 22 years and continues to serve as a lector and leader of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul chapter sponsored by the church.


fter praying together as a group, Fr. Bob praised the mighty squad Fr. Bob and Supervisor DeSena proudly display the gifts they received from the St. Mary’s girls basketball team. (Photos by G. Shemitz for the St. Mary’s Office of Communications) of 10. He delivered his words of praise and gratitude to the team for High School Principal Gerard Buckley and share those skills and moments on the a thousand words rings true as he noted achieving the state THE championship crown DUX® BED FROM SWEDEN addressed the group, reminding them of and representing the school community court where they acted with sportsmanship, that “the photos taken during the games the school’s small stature with the drive those times that they held up the ideals demonstrated the pure joy that the team in such an admirable manner. of what it means to be a follower of you. and school community experienced during and ambition to play in the AA league He said, “Gracious God, and heavenly ® THE We know that they will be blessings to the the playoffs. They show what you have done among other educational institutions Father, we thank you for theDUX wondrousDYNAMIC world to come.” for our school. We’re so proud of you, and gifts and talents of our girls’ basketball CAN EVERYBODY USE The old saying that a picture is worth you have much to be proud of yourselves.” see ST. MARY’S GIRLS on page 26B team. For their ability to work together THE DUX BED FROM SWEDEN A LITTLE LIFT ®




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THE DUX® The DYNAMIC EVERYBODY CAN USE DUX Dynamic combines the best that a traditional DUX bed has to off er, added advantage of adjustability. Sleep plays awith vital the role in the body’s cycle of rejuvenating, EVERYBODY CAN USE A LITTLE LIFT Bed’sofunique, customizable healing, and customize growing. Theeach DUX side Not only can you the bed for optimal component system provides unrivaled ergonomic support support and comfort with our patented Pascal system ofto A LITTLE LIFT help you experience signifi cantly higher quality sleep. interchangeable cassettes, but now with a simple press of a ®

Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s cycle of rejuvenating, Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s cycle ofcan rejuvenating, button a handheld controller you choose a sleeping ®onDUX The Dynamiccustomizable combines the best that a traditional DUX healing, and growing.healing, The DUXand Bed’s unique, ® growing. The DUX unique, customizable position separate your partner. bed has to offfrom er, with theBed’s added advantage of adjustability. Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s cycle of rejuvenating, component system provides unrivaled ergonomic support to component system provides unrivaled ergonomic support to Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s cycle of rejuvenating, Not only you customize each side of the bed for optimal ®can Sleep vital roleyou in experience the body’s cycle of higher rejuvenating, help youplays experience signifi higher quality healing, anda growing. The DUX unique, customizable help cantly signifisleep. cantly quality sleep. ® ® Bed’s

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Not onlyand can you customize each side ofPascal the bed for optimal support comfort with our patented system of bed has to offer, with the added adjustability. support and comfort with ouradvantage patentedofPascal system of

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position separate from your partner. support and with our patented system of button on a comfort handheld controller you canPascal choose a sleeping position separate from your partner. DUXIANA MANHASSET interchangeable now with a simple press of position separatecassettes, yourbut partner. ® a Resolve to investfrom in 1522 your health. Visit a DUXIANA ® store near Northern Boulevard button ontoa invest handheld controller you can choose a516-869-1700 sleeping Resolve in your health. Visit aa DUXIANA ® store near store near Resolve to invest in your health. Visit DUXIANA you andseparate discover why The DUX Bed is more®than just a bed, store just near Resolve todiscover invest in your health. Visit a DUXIANA position from your partner. you and why The DUX Bed is than DUXIANA MANHASSET you andfidiscover discover why The DUX Bed is more more than just aa bed, bed, it’s the rst stepwhy to a better, healthier way just of living. you and The DUX Bed is more than a bed, 1522 healthier Northern Boulevard it’s the fifirst step to aa better, way of 516-869-1700 living. ®of living. it’s thefito rst step better, healthier way store near Resolve invest in your health. Visit a way DUXIANA it’s the rst step toto a better, healthier of living. you and discover why The DUX Bed is more than just a bed, it’s the first step to a better, healthier way of living.

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THE BED YOUR BACK HAS BEEN ACHING FORSM THE BED YOUR BACK HAS InBEEN a DUX bed, FOR theSMspine rests ACHING inInaa natural DUX bed,position. the spine rests

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in a natural position.

THE BED YOUR BACK HAS SM BEEN ACHING FORSM In a DUX bed, the spine rests In a DUX bed, the spine rests in a natural position. in a natural position.

232146 M

Happy Memorial Day Pause to remember and honor all the present and past members of our armed forces for defending our country and our freedom. We don’t know them all, but we owe them all. Thank you for your service.

Helene Vlachos

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson O 516.627.9260 | M 516.641.2532


232842 M

MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 23B

Nassau County High School Athletics Hall Of Fame:

These Manhasset Honorees Make Cut

William Cherry (Hall of Fame Program)

Richard Moran (Facebook Photo)


ere are the Manhasset members of the HOF, with year of induction in parenthesis. The information is taken from profiles in the awards booklets.

Jim Brown

Athlete (2015): Probably the greatest athlete that Nassau County and Long Island have ever seen. A 1953 graduate of Manhasset High School, Brown earned 13 high school letters playing five sports: football, basketball, baseball, lacrosse and track and field. Held county records in rushing yards and scoring touchdowns. Won the 1952 Thorp Award as the most outstanding football player in Nassau County. His 38.07 points-per-game average in 1952-1953 is still the county basketball record. The only basketball player to score 50-plus points in consecutive games. Won the 1953 Nassau County high jump with a leap of 6-3, a record that held for over a decade. Veteran coaches tell stories of Brown running back and forth between Manhasset’s baseball games and track meets, changing uniforms as he went. Administrator (2016): As a teacher, coach, sport coordinator and administrator, Jim Amen Jr. has had a brilliant career, influencing thousands of student-athletes and making his mark at every level of education. The 1961 graduate of Massapequa High School was athletic director at Levittown Division, Bethpage and Cold Spring Harbor,

before taking over at Manhasset in 2013. He retired last year. A lacrosse player, Amen won 219 games on the high school coaching level, including a state title at Bethpage. He was an assistant coach for the 1979-1981 Johns Hopkins University mens’ lacrosse national championship teams. Active member of the Section VIII Executive Committee and Athletic Council and served as chairperson of the Sportsmanship Committee. State coordinator for both modified and high school boys’ lacrosse. The 1998 Athletic Director of the Year award for Nassau County, Amen is also a member of the Massapequa HS and the Long Island Metropolitan Lacrosse Halls of Fame.

Richard Moran

Coach (2018): Moran, who passed away on April 24, was the legendary lacrosse coach at Cornell for 29 years, winning three national titles and a record 42 consecutive games from 1976-78. The Sewanhaka HS grad led his team to four consecutive unbeaten seasons and was a member of the University of Maryland’s national champion in 1959. Began coaching lacrosse at Manhasset High School in 1961. In his five years guiding the Indians, his teams went 67-5, winning the Long Island Championship from 1962-1964. Inducted into the Manhasset High School, Long Island, Cornell and Upstate New York Lacrosse Halls of Fame, as well as the Cornell University Athletics Hall of Fame.

Danielle Gallagher

Athlete (2017): Manhasset High School Class of 1985. Four-sports star in high school

24B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

Jim Amen Jr.

(Hall of Fame Program)

(File Photo)

The brainchild of former Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, the Nassau County High School Hall of Fame recognizes athletes, coaches, administrators and contributors whose contributions and accomplishments are worthy of county-wide recognition. The BOCES Section VIII athletic council hosts an annual induction dinner at the Crest Hollow Country Club. For more information, including nomination forms, visit

Jim Amen

Donald Scott

John Driscoll (Hall of Fame Program)

basketball, twice named All-Long Island in basketball, helping Manhasset win two county championships. Long Island’s first All-American girls’ lacrosse player in 1984 and 1985, and helped lead Indians to state title in 1985. Notched 165 goals, 93 assists. Two-time All-American at the College of William and Mary. Played 18 years on the United States National Team, winning three World Cups. Ranks second all-time on the U.S. scoring list with 64 career points (32 goals, 32 assists). Manhasset girls lacrosse coach from 2006-18, with seven county, two Long Island and one state title. Manhasset, William & Mary and National Lacrosse Halls of Fame member.

Alan Lowe

Coach (2019): All-County athlete in all three sports at Hempstead HS, graduating in 1962. Coached lacrosse at Manhasset from 1975-2006, compiling a 511-110 record with nine county, seven Long Island and two state titles. Coached 36 high school All-American lacrosse players. With sons Darren and Kevin, the Lowes are the only family with three players who were inducted into the National Lacrosse Hall of Fame. Also member of Manhasset and Long Island Lacrosse Halls of Fame.

Robert J. Rule

Athlete (2019): Moving with family to Manhasset in 1965, he made an immediate impact on the football and lacrosse teams— though he had never played the latter sport. As a senior, led the Indians to an 18-0 record and the Long Island championship. He was named the All-Nassau County goaltender and “Most Valuable Player” of the title game, allowing just 2.16 goals per game. At Cornell University, played goalie on NCAA championship ice hockey and lacrosse teams. Earned the C. Markland Kelly Award as the nation’s outstanding lacrosse goalie in 1971.

Danielle Gallagher (File Photo)

Invented and modified goalie sticks and created and patented improved arm, elbow and shoulder pads for goalies.

William Cherry

Coach (2021): Outstanding football player at Calhoun High School and LIU-Post. Manhasset’s football coach from 1981-2006, leading the Indians to county championships in 1995 and 1996. Manhasset’s lacrosse coach from 200716, forging a 154-38 record with three county, three Long Island and two state titles (2009 and 2010, when his teams were ranked top 3 in the United States). Manhasset had a 46-game winning streak that spanned 2009 through 2011. He also coached 13 players who became high school All-Americans. “During one 10-year period Bill received nine different Coach of the Year awards,” said Alan Lowe, who preceded Cherry at Manhasset. Also member of LIU-Post and Manhasset Halls of Fame.

John Driscoll

Athlete (2021): The Manhasset star is regarded by many people to be one of, if not the best, midfielder in Nassau high school history. “He was the best all-around high school player I’ve ever seen,” said legendary Manhasset and Cornell goalie Bob Rule. Led the Indians to county titles in 1975 and ’76, scoring four goals in each county championship game and remains the only player in Nassau history to be the two-time MVP of the county tournament. The high school All-American was All-American three times at the University of Virginia, Helped the United States team win World Championships in 1982 and 1986, then played professionally for the New


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232010 M

MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 25B

ST. MARY’S GIRLS from page 22B with a much larger student body. “When the news media interviewed head coach Kevin White after the win, he was so proud to share that ‘There’s no denying that we’re playing against schools in the double-A that have thousands of kids, and our school was the one that came out with the championship,’ ” he said. “I think this speaks especially to the coaching staff, but then to the dedication of these young ladies and commitment to staying focused and following through.” Along with coaches and administrators, the team was The photos honored to meet taken during the games the supervisor, demonstrated the pure who extended joy that the team and congratulations school community on behalf of the experienced during entire North Hempstead the playoffs. Town Board to —Father Bob, pastor the victorious of St. Mary’s St. Mary’s Gaels and presented each player with a certificate commemorating their incredible season. “I’ve been watching your journey. I The state champions pose with their personalized basketballs gifted to them by the community. loved seeing the sign outside congratulating you; you’ve made everyone proud—your families, classmates, the you feel discouraged, just remember, you parishioners and Fr. Bob. What you’ve know what it’s like to get through those done for each other, and your classhours of hard work and supporting each mates, really raised them up,” DeSena other as a team. Having the support of said. your coaches got you through those hours The supervisor asked the ladies, “Has of workouts and practice to achieve your the shock worn off yet of being state goals. Being part of a team is a privilege. champions?” Know that you always had people helping The sudden giddy laughter was a good you, and God was with you.” sign of a collaborative answer. The team was grateful to DeSena for DeSena added, “I’m sure you’ll always the words of wisdom for today and future remember the buzzer, the memories of success. With only one senior to graduate cheering and celebrating. Do you know this year from the squad, the faithful of when you should go back to those mem- St. Mary’s are looking forward to another ories? When you’re having a bad day, exciting season with the Lady Gaels. go back to those memories. Remember how hard it was to get this, all the hours in the gym, the hours of practice. So, Supervisor DeSena distributes certificates on behalf of the town to the team during when there are other times in your life when you’re in those middle hours, and their meet and greet with her at the school.



ATHLETICS HALL OF FAME from page 24B York Saints. Inducted into the Manhasset and National Lacrosse Halls of Fame. Passed away in 2002 at the age of 44.

Bob Henrickson

three years. The three-time All-American was voted the NCAA Midfielder of the Year (1978) and Ivy League Player of the Year (1978). Inducted into the Manhasset Hall of Fame, the Long Island Metropolitan Hall of Fame and the National Lacrosse Halls of Fame. Selected to represent the United States in the World Games in 1978, 1982 and 1990.

Athlete (2021): Earned nine varsity letters at Manhasset in football, basketball and lacrosse, with All-American honors in the latter. A three-year starter at Cornell, part of the Big Red 42-game winning streak Donald Scott and NCAA championships in 1976 and Coach (2021): Founded the girls cross 1977. Cornell lost only one game during his country and indoor and outdoor track

26B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

teams at Manhasset High School. In his 38-year coaching journey, his teams won 1,295 meets and lost 81 (94.1 percent). At the time of his death in 2010, he was the second winningest track and field coach in the state. His cross country teams had 22 unbeaten seasons and won 10 Nassau titles. His track and field athletes won 19 Nassau championships and six state crowns. Purchased running shoes for those who couldn’t afford them. Transported players to and from practices and meets.

Advised and guided his players academically. Served as a father figure to many, sacrificing time with his own family. Kareem Belt remembered getting a “favorite pair of black, white and pink spikes. My competitive running days ended a long time ago, But I still own those running spikes. They will be with me to my dying day as a reminder of an educator, coach and difference-maker who gave of himself unselfishly and changed many lives for the better.”

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232848 S

MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 27B

Residents, Former Residents Share What They Love Most About Manhasset BY JENNIFER CORR

The Tuesday’s Children Benefit, recognizing 20 years of service at the Plandome Country Club on April 28, was well attended by members of the community and those returning home from afar to support an organization that supports children impacted by the event on Sept. 11, 2001 and other forms of violence.

A (Photo by Alex Nuñez

ttendees dressed up for the event and enjoyed a cocktail hour with hors d’oeuvres and wine, and then sat down for dinner while watching a ceremony honoring those who serve Tuesday’s Children. At the event, an inquiring photographer was sent by the Manhasset Press to find out what is it that keeps people either living in the community or continuing to come back for events like these.

Geralyn Cannella “[What I love most about Manhasset] is the train station and all the trees. But really I’ve been here for 32 years and what I’ve come to understand is a lot of people who grew up here come back here because it is such a close-knit community.”

Marie Dwyer Adams “I’ve been here forever. It’s the community, it’s the togetherness, it’s when something happens that people are just so loving, giving and caring. It can be a tough town. When I grew up it was a lot different. Today it’s all about the school, sports, lacrosse and training... The community is great.”

Eugene A. Petracca “[What I love most about Manhasset] is the roots. I grew up in Manhasset. I still love to live here and it’s the roots. Family, friends and connections. It’s a real community. It’s a beautiful community on the water. It’s a lovely place and a really great train line for people commuting into the city.” Herbert Mccooey Jr. “I come to an event like this and I know half the people and I’ve known them for 50 years. It’s very special to come back and see people that you’ve known for a long time.”

Marie Dwyer Adams

(Photos by Jennifer Corr)

Geralyn Cannella, Eugene A. Petracca and Herbert J. McCooey Jr.

(Photo by Cathy Bongiorno)

Ellen Snodgrass “[What I love about Manhasset] is the comradery. My grandmother moved here in 1930, and Manhasset was always a small town and even though it’s grown it still has a small town feel.”

Ellen Snodgrass Kathy Murphy Kathy Murphy “I’m one of six. We moved to Manhasset in 1954 and it was the greatest upbringing you could possibly have as a kid. It’s a very tight-knit, supportive community. Everything about it is just really fantastic.” (Photo by Cathy Bongiorno)

28B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

(Photo by Cathy Bongiorno)



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MAY 25 - 31, 2022 • YOUR MANHASSET | 29B

A local directory to schools, services and government officials in the town of Manhasset

SCHOOLS Manhasset High School 200 Memorial Place Manhasset, NY 11030 516-267-7600 Manhasset Middle School 200 Memorial Place Manhasset, NY 11030 516-267-7500 Shelter Rock Elementary School 27A Shelter Rock Road Manhasset, NY 11030 516-267-7450 Munsey Park Elementary School 1 Hunt Lane Manhasset, NY 11030 516-267-7400 St. Mary’s High School 51 Clapham Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 516-627-2711 St. Mary’s Elementary School 1340 Northern Boulevard Manhasset, NY 11030 516-627-0184 Our Lady of Grace Montessori School 29 Shelter Rock Road Manhasset, NY 11030 516-365-9832



LIBRARY Manhasset Public Library 30 Onderdonk Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 516-627-2300

CHAMBER Manhasset Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 754 Manhasset, NY 11030

VILLAGE HALLS Village of Plandome 65 South Drive Plandome, NY 11030 516-627-1748

WATER DISTRICT Manhasset-Lakeville Water District 170 E. Shore Road Great Neck, NY 11023 516-466-4416

Incorporated Village of Plandome Manor 55 Manhasset Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 516-627-3701 Plandome Heights Village Office 37 Orchard Street Manhasset, NY 11030 516-627-1136 Village of Munsey Park 1777 Northern Boulevard Manhasset, NY 11030 516-365-7790 Village of Flower Hill 1 Bonnie Heights Road Manhasset, NY 11030 516-627-5000 North Hempstead Town Hall 220 Plandome Road Manhasset, NY 11030 516-869-6311

30B | YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

FIRE DISTRICT Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department 170 E. Shore Road Great Neck, NY 11023 516-466-4416 VILLAGE BOARDS THE VILLAGE OF PLANDOME Mayor: Thomas S. Minutillo Deputy Mayor/Trustee: Don Richardson Trustee: Dr. Robert Broderick Trustee: James Corcoran, Esq. Trustee: John “Jake” Kurkjian Village Clerk/Treasurer: Barbara Peebles Deputy Village Clerk/Court Clerk: Kim Femminella Building Inspector, Code Enforcement Officer: David DeRienzis Village Justice: James D. Kiley Acting Village Justice: Edward Henderson

THE VILLAGE OF PLANDOME MANOR Mayor: Barbara Donno Deputy Mayor: Matthew Clinton Trustees: Tony DeSousa, Patricia O’Neill and James Baydar Village Clerk: Lisa Mancuso Court Clerk: Randi Malman Treasurer: Marie DePalo Building Inspector: Edward P. Butt, AIA Village Attorneys: John Farrell, Esq. and Sahn Ward Village Justice: Susan Katz Richman, Esq. Village Prosecutor: Richard Prisco, Esq. (Acting) Code Enforcement Officer/ Deputy Road Commissioner: Robert Rockelein INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF PLANDOME HEIGHTS Mayor: Kenneth C. Riscica Trustees: Daniel Cataldo, Florence Musalo, Gus Panopoulos, Mary Hauck, Kristina Lobosco and Norman Taylor Clerk-Treasurer: Arlene Drucker Deputy Clerk/Court Clerk: Katherine Hannon Building Inspector: Edward P. Butt, AIA Storm Water Management Officer: Edward P. Butt, AIA Village Attorney: Christopher Prior, Esq. INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF MUNSEY PARK Mayor: Lawrence A. Ceriello Deputy Mayor: Antonio D’Angelo Trustees: Regina Im, Gregory LiCalzi Jr. and Joseph Williams

Clerk/Treasurer: Tara Gibbons Deputy Clerk/Court Clerk: Maureen P. Mclean Village Justice: John B. Turano Associate Justice: Patricia Miller Village Attorney: Robert Morici Prosecuting Attorney: Maimie Fulgieri Building Inspector: Anthony S. DiProperzio VILLAGE OF FLOWER HILL Mayor: Randall Rosenbaum Trustees: Randall Rosenbaum (Deputy Mayor), Frank Genese, Gary Lewandowski, Max Frankel and Claire Dorfman Village Administrator: Ronnie Shatzkamer Village Treasurer: Suzanne Tangredi Court Clerk: Susan Williams Building Department Assistant: Heather Lanci Building Inspector: Peter Albinski Code Enforcer: Robert Rockelein Superintendent of Highways: Richard Falcones TOWN OF NORTH HEMPSTEAD BOARD Supervisor: Jen DeSena Councilmembers: • Robert Troiano (District 1) • Peter J. Zuckerman (District 2) • Dennis Walsh (District 3) • Veronica Lurvey (District 4) • David Adhani (District 5) • Mariann Dalimonte (District 6) Receiver of Taxes: Charles Berman Town Clerk: Ragini Srivastava

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YOUR MANHASSET • MAY 25 - 31, 2022

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