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Assistant Supervisor of Transportation
12 Month Full Time Provisional Position
The candidate must meet civil service minimum qualification of graduation from high school and one year of satisfactory experience supervising, dispatching, preparing time schedules and laying out of routes for pupil transportation, and be responsible for:
Knowledge of general repairs of automotive equipment
Ability to plan and schedule all phases of a transportation program
Ability to maintain records and prepare reports
Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with associates, subordinates, parents and students
Knowledge of all applicable laws and regulations regarding student transportation in NYS
Preparation of time schedules, bus routes, and procedures for the operation of buses
Must have a clean New York State Driver License and a CDL Class B License When the open competitive examination is given, the candidate must take and pass the test and be reachable for appointment.
Start: Immediate Salary: Commensurate with Experience Benefits: Full Benefits
To Apply: Send Letter of Interest and detailed Resume to: Locust Valley CSD, 22 Horse Hollow Road, Locust Valley, NY 11560 Attention: K. Sege/Personnel Fax: 516 277-5098 or email:
Administrative Openings Monticello Central School School Building Principal (2 positions) The Monticello CSD is seeking forward thinking and dynamic School Building Principals who can lead MCSD’s highly engaged faculty, staff, parents, students and community. The successful candidate will have a vision of educational excellence, be highly motivated and demonstrate the ability to impact student learning. Starting salary: $125,000, commensurate with experience. NYS SDA/SDL/SBL Certification Required plus 2 yrs. of previous administrative leadership and 5 yrs. exp. as a classroom teacher preferred. Please apply online by March 5th at https://monticelloschools. EOE
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FAVO Group, LLC dba FAVO Group (Westbury, NY): Financial Manager. Req Assoc in Bus Admin, Finance, related, or equiv. Trvl to FL 2-3 days/mo.
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MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTPerforms medical Laboratory tests procedures experiments & analyses provide data for diagnosis treatment & prevention disease. Conducts chemical analyses of body fluids. B.S. in Medical Technology, 40 Hrs/wk; $60,000.00/yr. New York Clinical Laboratory Technologist License. Send Resume to: North Shore Medical Labs, 463 Willis Ave, Williston Park, NY 11596
Public Relations Specialist
238966 M
(Port Washington, NY) F/TDirect & manage all aspects of public relations, external spokesperson projects, & functions to drive branding initiatives, public relations campaigns, media outreach, & product launches, w/ & across both external agency & agencies & our internal depts such as mktg, customer service, & research. Coord & manage the dvlpmt & execution of a wide range of communications initiatives. Act as our representatives to the news media & organize official public appearances & events.
Salary: $55,120/yr. Bach deg in Public Relations, or Journalism & Communications or closely rltd reqd. Mail resume to Kiss Nail Products, Inc., Attn: Jung S Won, Sr. Director of HR, 25 Harbor Park Dr, Port Washington, NY 11050
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Professional Office Space for Rent in Roslyn
Multiple office suites available of various sizes and configurations. Suites include reception and office(s). Optional valet parking for clientele and patients. Located in beautiful Roslyn on a main street just ½ mile away from LIE. Contact: 516-773-2736 or email
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