3/01 Anton Classifieds 3/01/23 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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***AAA*** AUTO BUYERS $Highest$ Ca$h

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YOU! Or Donate, Tax Deduct + Ca$h. DMV ID#1303199. Call LUKE 516-VAN-CARS. 516-297-2277

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Free Vehicle Pick Up ANYWHERE. We Accept Most Vehicles Running or Not. 100% Tax Deductible. Minimal To No Human Contact. Call: (877) 798-9474. Car Donation Foundation d/b/a Wheels For Wishes. www. wheelsforwishes.org.


Administrative Openings Monticello Central School School Building Principal (2 positions) The Monticello CSD is seeking forward thinking and dynamic School Building

Principals who can lead MCSD’s highly engaged faculty, staff, parents, students and community. The successful candidate will have a vision of educational excellence, be highly motivated and demonstrate the ability to impact student learning. Starting salary: $125,000, commensurate with experience. NYS SDA/SDL/SBL Certification

Required plus 2 yrs. of previous administrative leadership and 5 yrs. exp. as a classroom teacher preferred. Please apply online by March 5th at https://monticelloschools. tedk12.com/hire EOE


Train ONLINE to get the skills to become a Computer & Help Desk Professional now! Grants and Scholarships available for certain programs for qualified applicants. Call CTI for details! 844-947-0192 (M-F 8am-6pm ET). Computer with internet is required.

The New York Press Association, the trade association for newspapers in New York, is seeking a talented college creator to be our chief TikTok officer for the summer.

The internship will pay a net take-home stipend of $2600 and weekly schedules/work hours are negotiable.

We are seeking a candidate who uses the app daily and understands what resonates. Interested candidates should send a letter of interest to doug@nynewspapers.com explaining their qualifications and expertise. Include the name of the college you attend, expected year of graduation, and the names of three references — at least one of whom is one of your professors or instructors. Attaching sample videos encouraged.

deadline is April 1,



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WIREMAN/CABLEMAN Flat TVs mounted, Phone, TVs & Computer wiring installed & serviced, camera & stereos, HDTV – Antennas – FREE TV www.davewireman.com Call Dave 516-433-WIRE (9473) 631-667-WIRE (9473) or Text 516-353-1118

238319 M

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Retired NYC EMS fire lieutenant selling quarter to half acre lots in Palm Coast Florida we pay closing costs we have a travel program to buy call 1-386-437-7058



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MARCH 1 - 7, 2023 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP FULL RUN 14 To Advertise here call 516-403-5170 • Email your ad to: mmallon@antonmediagroup.com EMPLOYMENT HOME SERVICES HEALTH / WELLNESS
2023. PA New York Press Association NOW HIRING: Savvy intern who can make TikTok hits 229395 M BusYardsInManhasset, HuntingtonStation &EastNorthport HUNTINGTONCOACH •(631)271-8931 *IncludesMonthly Attendance Bonus Startingat: PlusRaisesAfter 3&6Months PaidSchoolClosings •PaidVacations 401K(companymatch) •LifeInsurance HealthBenefitsIndividual &Family FULLBENEFITSINCLUDE: Starting Pl SCHOOLBUS/ VANDRIVERS EqualOpportunity Employer FreeCDL Training EarnwhileyouLearn DRIVERSASSISTANTSALS ON EEDED WORKLOCALLY 3Shifts Available: AM/PM,AMorPM, PM Team Trips Extra Work Available NS-2168598601H144 BEST COMPENSATION PACKAGE IN THE INDUSTRY 236307 M *Includes Monthly Attendance Bonus Equal Opportunity Employer Free CDL Training Earn while you Learn $26.68* BUS $23.27* VAN Bus Yards in Manhasset, Bayville, Huntington Station & East Northport 239343 R DRIVING INSTRUCTOR WANTED Will Certify & train, Co. Car. New York State License 3 yrs clean. High School Diploma Seniors Welcome Call 516-731-3000 239370 M Financial Specialist, Collect, consolidate and analyze financial data (budgets, income statement, etc.). Review, revise and establish our company’s’
minimum 6 mo. of
experience. Jobsite: Syosset, NY. Mail resume Attn: CHUNBO HUANG, MANAGER, ENLIGHTEN GROUP LLC, 8 Vista Dr., Syosset, NY 11791. 239093 M Rent Large, Private room in Mineola. No smoking. Private
239344 R
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recordkeeping procedure/ requirements, utilize expertise in Financial Accounting. Assemble and summarize data to structure complete financial reports. Improve company’s financial procedure and performance. Consult with management. Req.
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Pro Piano Man

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 1 - 7, 2023 FULL RUN 15 MARKETPLACE CHIMNEY KING ENT. INC. CHIMNEY KING ENT. INC. FREE ESTIMATES MASONRY SPECIALIST 516-766-1666 • 631-225-2600 www.chimneykinginc.com Fully Licensed & Insured Nassau County License # H0708010000 Suffolk County License # 41048-H • NYC License # 2061397-DCA Done By Fire Fighters That Care! SINCE 1982 STAINLESS STEEL LINERS CLEANING & REPAIR SPECIALISTS Fireplaces • Gas/Oil Chimneys • Damper Repairs Draft Problems Corrected • Animals Humanely Removed Stainless Steel Liners & Chimney Caps Installed Waterproofing • Chimneys Rebuilt Chimneys Repaired, Rebuilt & Tuckpointing 238161 M An Electrician When You Need One K.J. KENNY, INC. Licensed Electrical Contractors 746-7611 106 Second Street Mineola, NY 238162 M Since 1948 238163 M (516) 746-0045 www.grammanplumbing.com 238332 M BRUCKNER ELECTRIC INC. Established Since 1952 442 Westbury Ave., Carle Place 516-334-7409 Residential • Industrial • Commercial Complete Electrical Installations Serving the area for over 60 years Licensed Electrical Contractors FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY Sofas • Love Seats • Chairs (516) 791-0690 Cell (917) 406-4807 Marda1552@yahoo.com NEW CHAIR SEATS $49 Dining Room or Kitchen (Fabric Samples Avail.) Piping Extra CANING $99 ea. Including Matching Stain RUSH SEAT Repair or Convert to Cushion DANISH CORD • SPLINT • RATTAN Loose & Broken Chairs Reglued & Repaired Stripping & Staining 238755 R EXPERIENCED FREE ESTIMATES FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE INCLUDING CABINETS Tuning, repairs, restorations, moving and storage. Selling pianos starting at $399. Buying Yamaha® and glossy black/white pianos. 238833 M I now move house contents on LI to Florida. Call Bruce for the best service. 516-330-7138
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MARCH 1 - 7, 2023 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP FULL RUN 16 MARKETPLACE CollarCityAuctionsOnline.com ONLINE AUCTION By Order of Rensselaer County, NY 518-895-8150 x 3003 Single Family Homes, Multi-Family Homes, Vacant Land and Commercial Properties. By Order of Rensselaer County, NY 92-TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTIES STRONG AS STEEL WITH THE ATTRACTIVE LOOK OF VARIOUS ROOF STYLES Upgrade Your Home witha NEW METAL ROOF Guaranteed to Last a Lifetime! From Dimensional Shingles to classic styles reminiscent of Cedar Shake and Spanish Tile, an architectural roo ng system by Erie Metal Roofs can enhance the beauty of your home while protecting your family and property for a lifetime. Call today to schedule your FREE ESTIMATE 1-855-492-6084 Made in the USA New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not be available in your area. Offer expires March 31, 2023. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on homeservicescompliance.com. All rights reserved. GA License Number: RBCO006004 LIMITED TIME OFFER 60% off TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 10 % off YOUR INSTALLATION Install for Military, Health Workers and First Responders + Warranty- Limited Lifetime. Transferable to subsequent owner from original purchaser. Terms and conditions apply. Hail up to 2.5”, Appearance of the surface coating beyond normal wear and tear. Limited time offer. Expires 3.31.23 REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (877) 516-1160 Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* – A $695 Value! Take advantage of the new 30% Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) with PWRcell, Generac’s fully-integrated solar + battery storage system. PWRcell will help you save money on your electric bill and be prepared for utility power outages. Plus it’s compatible with most existing solar arrays. Now’s the Right Time SAVE 30% WITH THE SOLAR TAX CREDIT^ Call to request a free quote! (888) 871-0194 Purchase a PWRcell and Receive a Free Ecobee Smart Thermostat Enhanced – valued at over $189!* *Scan the QR code for promo terms and conditions. ^Consult your tax or legal professional for information regarding eligibility requirements for tax credits. Solar panels sold separately. ADVERTISE HERE CALL 516-403-5170 DID YOU MOVE? CALL US WITH YOUR NEW ADDRESS 516-403-5120 and do not miss any issues! Equal Housing Opportunity Federal, New York State and local laws prohibit discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, familial status, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability in connection with the rental, sale or financing of real estate. Nassau also prohibits source of income discrimination. Anton Community Newspapers does not knowingly accept advertising in violation of these laws. When you suspect housing discrimination, call Long Island Housing Services’ Discrimination Complaint Line at 800660-6920. (Long Island Housing Services is the Fair Housing Agency of Nassau and Suffolk Counties.)

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