1 minute read
Cooking Al Fresco
BY MARIA ORLANDO PIETROMONACO specialsections@antonmediagroup.com
There’s something about cooking food outdoors that enhances the whole experience for home chefs and entertainers. Maybe it’s the aroma of grilled cuisine, or the ability to enjoy the fresh air while you create dishes for family or friends. Bringing the kitchen to your exterior living space has massive appeal, and it’s come a long way from simple charcoal grills and lighter fluid.
Today, outdoor kitchens can come with hi-tech appliances and more complex components—from side burners and griddles to pizza ovens and smokers. A sink is helpful for damage control, as is a slide-out garbage compartment. We haven’t even touched on ice makers, refrigerators, beverage chillers, and yes—even dishwashers. There’s actually more versatility and creativity available on the outside of your home than the inside.
When developing the overall plan for your exterior culinary haven, you’ll want to consider shade and shelter options, seating, proximity to the house or other entertainment area, functionality, and more. As far as aesthetics and style, you may want to complement your home or give your new space a whole new look. If your home is modern and sleek you can now have that rustic kitchen you’ve been craving. Or if the interior of your home is traditional and dated, now’s the chance to create a fresh and bright exterior addition. There are also dozens of material options and colors to consider, including cultured stone, countertops, pavers and more.
We are fortunate enough here on Long Island to have access to fresh vegetables, seafood, herbs, organic meats and poultry, and so much more. To prepare and cook this beautiful array outdoors is an incredible experience, and you’ll want to enjoy your guests while you work magic. Having a bar counter nearby where hungry friends and family can wait and watch is ideal. You don’t want to be isolated from all the fun, and they may even be tempted to pitch in and grab a spatula.
The options for creating an ultimate outdoor kitchen are virtually endless. It’s time to take your chef’s hat outside.

—Maria Orlando Pietromonaco writes for Peter Anthony Landscaping, Long Island’s very own HGTV Winning Designer (www. peteranthonylandscaping.com).