Good Health '23 edition is published monthly by Anton Media Group.

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AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL KIDNEY DONATION Blood donations needed JANUARY 4–10, 2023 ‘ Serving Nassau, Suffolk & Queens • 1045B Park Blvd.Massapequa Park • (516) 900-1818 FRIENDS FOR LIFE HOMECARE SER VICES MEDICAID CONSULTA NT S “ We Go Be 236704 R Give The Gift of Care • We Accept Long Term Care Insurance AFFORDABLE PRICES UNBEATABLE SERVICES


At Catholic Health, exceptional medical care and personalized support is inspired by every one of you.

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2B JANUARY 4 - 10, 2023 • GOOD HEALTH ‘23
236319 M

I Donated A Kidney

On May 25, I did something that I never would have imagined I’d do, and I would do it again if I could. I donated a kidney altruistically, which means that I donated to a stranger. As much as it has been a life-changer for my recipient (more about him later), it has been life-changing for me as well. I am hoping that someone reading this might feel touched by its content and want to learn more so that people like East Meadow resident, Autumn, can find a donor.

Two years ago, I was asked to watch a video about a former colleague’s cousin who needed a kidney. I was very moved by it. At that time, I was an athletic 60-year-old...a longtime runner and triathlete. My daughter was just beginning her second year in the University of Delaware’s doctor of physical therapy program. I decided to contact the organization that the cousin was working through, to get a little more information. After giving me more background into what a kidney donation process was like, the representative asked that I speak with my daughter. At that point I decided that I really needed to wait until she completed her graduate school program so that she could fully concentrate on that. Over the course of that next year, I kept seeing articles and news stories pop up about kidney donation. I had very casual discussions with my daughter and knew that if and when the time came, she would be fully supportive.

In November of 2021, I was able to start to formally consider becoming a kidney donor. By then, my colleague’s cousin had already been approved for a donation, so I was waiting to see what my next step should be. A couple of months later, my daughter saw an article about a young man needing a donor. I went to the website provided and filled out an informational questionnaire. I soon received a call from Montefiore Hospital. While I was not a match for him, I let them know that I was open to donating to a person in need.

I was lucky to have known several people in the running and triathlon community who were donors and scheduled a Zoom meeting with a few and with my daughter and ex-husband so that they could get a better feel for the process and for what to expect after surgery. It was very helpful for them and relieved some of their anxiety.

I began testing at the beginning of April 2022 and passed the extensive process. A recipient was identified and even lived locally in the Bronx! Surgery was set for May 25. I was so at peace with my decision, I was not even nervous going into surgery. I knew that I was going to be helping to make a difference in someone’s life and that this experience would be a life changer for me as well. Also, I realized, that since both my parents died by suicide (26 years apart) it would be wonderful to give more life to someone. Surgery went well and the recipient immediately responded positively to my donated kidney.

I stayed in the hospital for two nights and then went home. Yes, I did have some discomfort, which is totally expected with major surgery (the surgery was done via laparoscopy) and I did experience nausea and a lack of appetite for two weeks. All was tolerable. They encouraged walks as soon as I was able and I took well advantage of that, starting with about a quarter of a mile and building up. I was able to start cycling and running at three weeks. At four weeks of recovery, I didn’t even feel as if I had ever gone through surgery.

I participated in my first post-surgery 5K in mid-July and completed my first post-surgery sprint triathlon at the end of August.

Most importantly, I felt great physically and I felt a great sense of peace knowing that I had impacted another person and their family. That person, Vu Dang, who moved to the U.S. from Vietnam 30 years ago, feels great. He no longer needs

dialysis, which was part of his life for six years. My daughter and I got to meet him, his wife and his niece at the end of August. It was such a wonderful experience. We continue to email one another weekly.

I write this so that I can raise awareness about live organ donation. It’s a real thing and the impact on the recipient waiting list a testament to it. Currently, there are more than 100,000 people waiting for an organ donation in the U.S. The wait for a kidney is generally five years or more.


She needs a kidney to live. Her health is declining, and she will be starting dialysis any day now. She has been a resident of East Meadow for 33 years and raised her son there. She is a caring person who has always helped others. She helped start a community garden a few years ago to assist those in need. She was unable to continue it this year due to a lack of strength caused by her kidney disease. She lives with her two dogs who depend upon her.

3B GOOD HEALTH ‘23 • JANUARY 4 - 10, 2023
Mindy, Jessy and Vu Dang with his family. Mindy Davidson Mindy and Jessy Davidson

January Is National Blood Donor Month

Did you know that every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood? Or that winter months make it extremely difficult to collect the necessary amount of blood and platelets needed to supply hospitals?

This January, the American Red Cross celebrates National Blood Donor Month and recognizes the lifesaving contribution of blood and platelet donors.

National Blood Donor Month has been celebrated each January for nearly 50 years and coincides with one of the most difficult times to maintain a sufficient blood supply for patients.

When it comes to blood and platelet donations, the winter season is often filled with hurdles as blood drives compete with things such as seasonal illnesses and inclement weather. A donation shortfall over the winter holidays has prompted the American Red Cross to issue an emergency call for blood and for platelet donors to give now to prevent a blood shortage from continuing throughout winter and affecting patient care. The Red Cross collected more than 27,000 fewer blood and platelet donations the weeks of Christmas and New Year’s than needed to sustain a sufficient blood supply, as busy holiday schedules kept many donors away.

During this critical time of year, the Red Cross depends on donors to continue to

supply these resources in order to make sure that blood products are available at about 2,500 hospitals nationwide.

Thanks to the generosity of volunteer blood donors, the American Red Cross helps patients receive the blood and platelets needed to battle illness and injury. According to the Red Cross, nearly 2.7 million people in the U.S. volunteer to donate blood and platelets every year. Blood

and platelets are available for distribution to hospitals through the Red Cross 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Blood transfusions are given to patients in all kinds of circumstances, including serious injuries, surgeries, childbirth, anemia, blood disorders, cancer treatments and many others. This consistent demand makes National Blood Donor Month an integral piece of the puzzle. Each day the Red Cross must collect

13,000 pints of blood from across the country to meet the needs of patients. This makes a blood and platelet shortage during the colder months a crucial matter for the Red Cross and the hospitals they serve.

Blood is a perishable product that can only come from generous volunteers. A blood donation takes about an hour from start to finish, but the actual donation itself only takes between 8 to 10 minutes. By spending an hour giving blood, donors can aid their community and help save lives! Each blood and platelet donation can save the lives of as many as three people, so this January be a hero in your community and find the closest blood drive or blood donation center in your area.

Simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App or visit to make an appointment. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

—American Red Cross

4B JANUARY 4 - 10, 2023 • GOOD HEALTH ‘23
236454 R
5B GOOD HEALTH ‘23 • JANUARY 4 - 10, 2023 236971 M 2023IS YOUR YEAR TO PLAN YOUR Happy&HealthyEverAfter East Wind’s beautiful new vineyard is a breathtaking setting where memories are made. Our world class chef serving farm to table cuisine with no added site fee. 5720 Route 25A · Wading River NY· 631.929.6585 · WEDDING SHOWCASE • SUNDAY, JANUARY 8 • 11:30AM - 2:30PM Register Online

Covered From Head To Toe

The New Year is the best time of year to finally invest in you. Give yourself the gift that will have you looking and feeling your best and schedule your complimentary consultation with Stephen T. Greenberg, M.D., F.A.C.S. at his Manhattan, Woodbury, Smithtown, Southampton or Boca Raton, FL locations. Don’t just show up this New Year, arrive with a new breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reduction which many times is combined with liposuction, a tummy tuck or facial procedures such as facelifts and eyelid lifts to achieve the look you have been dreaming of.

With Dr. Greenberg’s Rapid Recovery System, breast, body and facial procedures have patients back to daily routines in 24-48 hours. Body contouring is the solution to reshape those undesirable areas and produce the results you are struggling to achieve at the gym. There are several new and amazing technologies that deliver advanced outcomes to tighten, and lift the skin on the face and body. Dr. Greenberg’s Plasma Face Lift provides greater skin retraction for a more sculpted and defined neck and jawline while his Plasma Lipo produces more dramatic results, achieving firmer and well contoured abdomen, chest, legs, and arms. Many times these procedures are combined with med spa treatments such as the revolutionary Morpheus8 that tightens and tones the face, neck and body as well as CoolPeel that resurfaces and rejuvenates skin, both without downtime.

Dr. Greenberg’s proprietary 24-hour Breast Augmentation System has patients back to daily activities the very next day. “Patients need and want to resume normal activities immediately following surgery. Many people simply do not have time for downtime, this reality has given me the inspiration to offer a true rapid recovery option to my patients,” said Dr. Greenberg. Minimal swelling and bruising coupled with a notably decreased recovery time have resulted in proven patient satisfaction. Dr. Greenberg recognizes the

importance of addressing each person’s unique requirements, goals and objectives, and implements an overall plan (inclusive of diet and exercise), to help achieve both a beautiful look and realistic result. His rapid recovery procedures include mini facelift, micro mini facelift, liposuction and tummy tuck.

Dr. Greenberg has coined his newest and wildly popular procedure combination the Modern Mommy Makeover, which is the perfect combination of breast augmentation

with or without a breast lift, abdominoplasty with or without liposuction and labiaplasty with or without laser vaginal rejuvenation to fully restore a woman’s body after the fluctuations associated with pregnancy and childbirth. If you are looking for a nonsurgical solution this season, a combination of the latest injectables and highly advanced laser options will rejuvenate your face and body and give you a youthful appearance. Now is the optimal time to take advantage of advanced chemical peels which chemically exfoliate damaged skin cells resulting in even skin tone, smooth texture and fabulous, glowing, healthy skin.

Dr. Greenberg has provided beautiful and natural looking results for thousands of men and women from across the globe. He is currently writing his second book as a follow up to A Little Nip, A Little Tuck. His weekly radio show “Nip Tuck Today with Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg” has fans of listeners every Sunday at 10 a.m. on 710 AM radio. Listen live through Dr. Greenberg’s Instagram account @drstephentgreenberg or at 710WOR.iHeart. com.

The correct treatment regimen can help create the ideal you. Dr. Greenberg provides an exceptional experience in a beautiful, safe, caring and supportive environment. There is no better time for a new you than now. Call 516-364-4200 or visit www. to schedule your complimentary consultation today.


Preparing Perfect Popcorn

Stay near and play it by ear

There’s nothing like the taste of freshly popped popcorn and nothing like the disappointment of burnt popcorn or too many unpopped kernels. If you’ve ever made popcorn, chances are you’ve bungled a batch. Follow these simple steps and you’ll have nearly perfect popcorn every time. The best tip is to stay near and play it by ear. Literally. The sound of popcorn popping is your best clue as to when it’s ready.


Step 1: Pour enough vegetable oil to just cover the bottom of a pan, turn on medium high heat. Allow pan to warm. The best popping temperature is between 400 and 460 degrees. Oil burns at 500 degrees. If your oil starts to smoke, it’s too hot.

Step 2: Add enough kernels to cover the bottom of the pan in a single layer, shake to coat the kernels with oil, and cover with lid (too many kernels will “blow” the lid).

Step 3: Corn will begin to pop within three minutes. When the popping slows, listen until you can count two seconds between pops. Turn off heat and remove pan from stove-top. Lift the lid to allow steam to escape

away from your face. Steam may burn and remaining kernels may continue to pop.

Step 4: Immediately add herbs, spices or other toppings if desired.


Pre-salting kernels toughens popcorn. Salt the popcorn after it has been popped— or skip salt altogether and add salt-free spices.

Oil & Butter

You can pop popcorn in any type of oil— sunflower, olive, canola, corn, or coconut— but do not use butter as it will burn under high heat. You may choose to drizzle melted butter on your popcorn after popping.

General Measure Rule

One ounce of unpopped popcorn equals a quart popped.

Storage Tips

Without moisture—13.5 percent to 14 percent per kernel is needed—popcorn can’t pop. That’s why it’s important to store popcorn correctly. An entire percentage of moisture can be lost if your kernels are left uncovered on a hot day. Though that may not sound like a lot, it adds up. A loss of

three percent can render popcorn unpoppable, and even a 1 percent drop in moisture will harm the quality of your kernels. So what’s the best way to store popcorn?

Airtight containers—plastic or glass— are your best bet to avoid moisture loss,

especially when stored in a cool place like a cupboard.

Avoid the refrigerator. Some say the cold storage makes the popcorn taste better, but many refrigerators contain little moisture and can dry out kernels.

6B JANUARY 4 - 10, 2023 • GOOD HEALTH ‘23
Dr. Stephen Greenberg
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