Long Island Weekly 02-08-2017

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LONG ISLAND WEEKLY LongIslandWeekly.com FEBRUARY 8 - 14, 2017 Vol. 4, No. 4 $1.00









LongIslandWeekly.com • February 8 - 14, 2017 • Published By Anton Media Group • To Advertise Call: 516-747-8282

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(Photos courtesy of Westminster Kennel Club WKC)

LongIslandWeekly.com • February 8 - 14, 2017 • Published By Anton Media Group • To Advertise Call: 516-747-8282


Purebred Parade

The 141st annual Westminster Dog Show barks back BY JENNIFER FAUCI JFAUCI@ANTONMEDIAGROUP.COM


From left: The show features many dog breeds, including the greyhound, but the 2016 Best In Show was awarded to GCH Vjk-Myst Garbonita’s California Journey. judging is broken down by sporting, non-sporting, working, terrier, hound, toy and herding groups. Agility begins on Feb. 11, with a fun, fast paced obstacle course where dog and owner have to beat the clock together. Next is the precision-based obedience championship, where dogs demonstrate their understanding of commands. The showmanship part of the competition measures holding the dog’s attention and maintaining a steady stance while being judged and at the end, the title of best in show, judged from the seven breed group winners. “The owner and dog receive points towards national rankings, and the badge of honor of the 141st best of show winner of the Westminster Kennel Club dog show,” said Bisher.

The events are presented by Purina Pro Plan, which gives out goodie bags to the dogs at the show, however, it’s up to each owner to bring their own treats for their furry friends. Several hotels are pet friendly for the event and welcome the four-legged stars. “The Westminster Kennel Club is just a celebration of dogs,” said Bisher. “We’re a family event and if you’re a dog lover, you should tune in or come to the show if you can because it’s a surreal experience to see that many dogs in one place.” The 141st annual Westminster Dog Show is broadcast on NatGeo Wild from 2-4 p.m. ET. For tickets and more information, visit www. westminsterkennelclub.org.

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adison Square Garden is going to the dogs. The 141st annual Westminster Dog Show will track thousands of paw prints as 2,800 dogs from around the country compete for various titles, including the ultimate honor: best in show. “I grew up showing bearded collies. You definitely put a lot of time and effort into starting a young dog showing and help them as they mature,” said Gail Miller Bisher, director of communications for the big event on Feb. 13 and 14. An AKC-licensed judge, she will also be an analyst for this year’s show, which is excited for its new partnership with Fox Sports. “We’re excited because the daytime judging will be broadcast live for the first time from Piers 92 and 94,” she said. “There’s a benching area where all of the dogs have to stay and they can’t leave after they compete. We’re one of the last few in the country to have a bench show.” As for the dogs, they are grouped by breeds so people can maneuver through the show and see all of the dogs as a public education offering. “The selection process is invitational and dogs can be invited if they’re in the top five rank of their breed,” said Bisher. “We also invite the national specialty winner of each breed and have dogs that are champions.” If dogs don’t receive an invitation, they can still register. However, if a dog is not a champion, they must have a major win to qualify for the show. “We have three different types of events: speed, obedience and showing,” said Bisher, adding that



LongIslandWeekly.com • February 8 - 14, 2017 • Published By Anton Media Group • To Advertise Call: 516-747-8282


Fetching Films

Lady and the Tramp




eople love dogs, so it comes as no surprise that Hollywood has capitalized on that with a whole slew of films featuring America’s four-legged friends. Here are a few of our picks for the best dog movies to hit the screen.

Lady and the Tramp (1955)

Cujo (1983)

Who knew dogs loved spaghetti so much? This classic animated film finds a pampered cocker spaniel charmed by a lovable mutt.

This psychological horror film centers around a rabid St. Bernard, who conducts a reign of terror on a mother and son trapped in a stalled car. Based on the novel by Stephen King, this film makes man’s best friend look not so friendly.

Turner and Hooch (1989) Tom Hanks plays a meticulous detail-oriented detective, forced to play host to a cantankerous dog who was the only witness in a robbery. Few actors could make this work, but an early-career Hanks pulls it off with plenty of laughs.

Homeward Bound (1993) Marley and Me

(Photo courtesy of Marley and Me Facebook page)

Three talking pets go on a quest to find their owners, journeying across the California landscape and cracking jokes along the way.

Balto (1995)

Air Bud (1997)

Loosely based on a true story, this animated film features half-wolf, half-dog Balto risking his life to guide a dog-sled team back to safety and bringing a lifesaving antidote to a snow-covered Alaska town plagued by an epidemic.

It’s about a basketball-playing golden retriever. Enough said.

101 Dalmatians (1996) This remake of the Disney classic about dogs trying to save their puppies from the villainous Cruella de Vil wins points for the wonderfully evil performance by Glenn Close.

Marley and Me (2008) This movie chronicles the life of newlyweds played by Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston, and their Labrador puppy. The lovable but misbehaved dog wreaks havoc on their changing lives, but becomes an irreplaceable part of their growing family. The heartwarming story does a great job of capturing how dogs aren’t just pets, they’re family.


Peripheral Neuropathy WARNING! Warner Robins, GA--The most common method your doctor will recommend to treat your neuropathy is with prescription drugs that may temporarily reduce your symptoms. These drugs have names such as Gabapentin, Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Neurontin, and are primarily anti-depressant or anti-seizure drugs. These drugs may cause you to feel uncomfortable and have a variety of harmful side effects. Figure 1: Notice the very small blood vessels surrounding each nerve.

Peripheral neuropathy is a result of damage to the nerves often causing weakness, pain, numbness, tingling, and the most debilitating balance problems. This damage is commonly caused by a lack of blood flow to the nerves in the hands and feet which causes the nerves to begin to degenerate due to lack of nutrient flow. As you can see in Figure 2, as the blood vessels that surround the nerves become diseased they shrivel up, which causes the nerves to not get the nutrients to continue to survive. When these nerves begin to “die” they cause you to have balance problems,

pain, numbness, tingling, burning, and many additional symptoms. Figure 2: Blood Vessels When these very small Normal blood vessels become Diseased diseased Blood they begin Vessels to shrivel up and the Nerves shrivel nerves when blood Vessels disappear begin to degenerate.


The main problem is that your doctor has told you to just live with the problem or try the drugs which you don’t like taking because they make you feel uncomfortable. There is now a facility right here in Jericho that offers you hope without taking those endless drugs with serious side effects. (see the special neuropathy severity assessment at the end of this article) In order to effectively address your neuropathy three factors must be determined. 1) What is the underlying cause? 2) How Much Nerve Damage Has Been Sustained? NOTE: Once you have sustained 85% nerve loss, there is likely nothing that we can do for you. 3) How much care will your condition require?

The care that is provided at Center Island Chiropractic Associates, P.C. has three main goals: 1) Reduce spinal nerve pressure and stimulate small nerve fibers 2) Increase blood flow 3) Decrease brain-based pain The technology that increases blood flow utilizes a specialized low-level light therapy (not to be confused with laser therapy) using light emitting diode technology. This technology was originally developed by NASA to assist in increasing blood flow. The low level light therapy is like watering a plant. The light therapy will allow the blood vessels to grow back around the peripheral nerves and provide them with the proper nutrients to heal and repair. It’s like adding water to a plant and seeing the roots grow deeper and deeper. The amount of care needed to allow the nerves to fully recover varies from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurological and vascular evaluation. As long as you have not sustained at least 85% nerve damage there is hope! Figure 3: The blood vessels will grow back around the nerves much like a plant’s roots grow when watered.


Dr. Steven V. Macagnone at Center Island Chiropractic Associates, P.C. will do a neuropathy severity assessment to determine the extent of the nerve damage for only $70. This neuropathy severity assessment will consist of a detailed sensory evaluation, thorough spinal examination, and detailed analysis of the findings of your neuropathy. Dr. Macagnone will be offering this neuropathy severity assessment from now until Friday, February 24th, 2017. Call 516-433-4242 to make an appointment with Dr. Macagnone to determine if we can help with your peripheral neuropathy. Center Island Chiropractic, P.C. is located at 366 N. Broadway, Suite 413, Jericho, NY A detailed account of the advertised services being offered free or at a discount must be presented in writing to, and signed by, the patient, clearly explaining that ANY FURTHER TREATMENT WILL BE PROVIDED AT RATES REGULARLY CHARGED BY THIS OFFICE. A copy of this document must be given to the patient and the original must be maintained in the patient record in keeping with Rule 100-10-.01 which requires that such records be retained for not less than seven (7) years from the date of service. This office does not accept Medicare. 165988 C



LongIslandWeekly.com • February 8 - 14, 2017 • Published By Anton Media Group • To Advertise Call: 516-747-8282




very pet parent wants what is best for their fur babies, especially when it comes to their diet. While it is easy to grab a bag of store bought treats for Fido, many pet owners are finding that it is healthier to make them at home. When you know exactly what is going into your dog’s food and it’s most likely items you already have at home in the pantry, it’s a huge win for you and your pet. Give these adorable peanut butter cookie treats a try.

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Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats Prep Time: 25 minutes Cook Time: 25 minutes Recipe and photo courtesy of damndelicous.net ⅔ cup pumpkin puree ¼ cup peanut butter 2 large eggs 3 cups whole wheat flour, or more, as needed 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat; set aside. 2. In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat pumpkin puree, peanut butter and eggs on medium-high until well combined, about 1-2 minutes. Gradually add 2½ cups flour at low speed, beating just until incorporated. Add an additional ¼ cup flour at a time just until the dough is no longer sticky.



3. Working on a lightly floured surface, knead the dough 3-4 times until it comes together. Using a rolling pin, roll the dough to ¼-inch thickness. Using cookie cutters, cut out desired shapes and place onto prepared baking sheet.





4. Place into oven and bake until edges are golden brown, about 20-25 minutes. 5. Let cool completely.

Published by Anton Media Group KARL V. ANTON, JR. Publisher, 1984–2000 ANGELA SUSAN ANTON Editor and Publisher FRANK A. VIRGA President STEVE MOSCO Senior Managing Editor JENNIFER FAUCI Managing Editor DAVE GIL DE RUBIO, CHRISTY HINKO Editors ALEX NUÑEZ Art Director BARBARA BARNETT Assistant Art Director KAREN MENGEL Director of Production IRIS PICONE Director of Operations SHARI EGNASKO Executive Assistant JOY DIDONATO Director of Circulation LINDA BACCOLI Administrative Assistant 132 East Second Street, Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: 516-747- 8282 • Fax: 516-742-5867

(Photos courtesy of advertising inquiries advertising@antonmediagroup.com Westminster Kennel circulation inquiries subscribe@antonmediagroup.com Club WKC) editorial submissions specialsections@antonmediagroup.com

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LongIslandWeekly.com • February 8 - 14, 2017 • Published By Anton Media Group • To Advertise Call: 516-747-8282


Iditarod: Taking On The Last Frontier BY CHRISTY HINKO



randed as “The Last Great Race,” dozens of dog sled teams will take to the icy Alaskan terrain in the 45th annual Iditarod next month. Mushers and their dog teams traverse nearly 1,000 miles of frozen tundra, dense forests and shorelines, below freezing temperatures, blinding winds, periods of total darkness, treacherous climbs, two mountain ranges and hazardous overflow, which occurs when the ice becomes too thick and the water has nowhere to go, pushing up and over the ice. Crossing it is extremely dangerous. While a majority of the mushers and their teams, including 12-16 dogs each, are from Alaska, this year’s race has drawn participation from teams in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Canada, as well as from across the globe, from Norway, Sweden, France, England, Czech Republic and Hungary. This year, 75 mushers and their teams are registered to compete on March 4. Seventeen of this year’s competitors are women; 58 teams are veteran mushers; 17 of those registered are new to the competition. Mushers hail from a large cross section of society too: fishermen, doctors, lawyers, miners, artists and Alaskan Native Indians, each with a varied reason for going the distance. One rookie musher this year is Peter




Mitch Seavey’s team, 2010

Reuter, 54, of Bloomingdale, NY, in the Adirondack Mountains. Reuter has been a musher since he was 18 years old. He moved to Alaska in 2012. “I am running Iditarod for the challenge and joy of running 1,000 miles with incredible dogs through amazing terrain,” said Reuter. Historically, the Iditarod Trail was a trail that connected a location approximately 50 miles (80 km) north of Seward, Alaska, where the Alaska Railroad ended, through Iditarod, AK, and then to Nome, AK. Mail and supplies went in; gold came out, all by way of dog sleds. The trail was once about 1,150 miles long. New Yorkers may recognize the mention of the historical trail, as memorialized by the statue of Balto the Siberian Husky in Central Park. In 1925, a diphtheria outbreak had been diagnosed in Nome, AK. The Iditarod Trail was the only way in to deliver 300,000 units of antitoxin serum, flown in from Seattle, to save the lives of countless children. Musher Gunner Kaasen along with his dog team led by Balto completed the final leg to Nome. The first Iditarod race for sport started in 1973. It will take many of the top teams more than 10 days to complete the race, no small feat. Now mush! Check out www.longislandweekly. com for more of our exclusive interview with Reuter.

Iditarod 2010



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(Photos by Frank Kovalchek)



LongIslandWeekly.com • February 8 - 14, 2017 • Published By Anton Media Group • To Advertise Call: 516-747-8282






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