Senior Life 1/25/23 edition is published by Anton Media Group.

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AN ANTON MEDIA GROUP SPECIAL JANUARY 25 - 31, 2023 SENIOR LIFE NY among best for senior living Leaving a legacy Fall prevention There‛s No Place Like Home 237408 M Companions Home Care Long Term Insurance Accepted Long Island’s Premiere Home Care Agency 516-719-0909 E ER O N E N E E D S A L I T TLE TLC HOURLY OR LIVE-IN DAYS, NIGHTS & WEEKENDS LONG OR SHORT TERM HOME CARE 237408 M
2B JANUARY 25 - 31, 2023 • SENIOR LIFE 237485 M

Leaves Are Supposed To Fall, People Aren’t

Falls may not be at the top of our minds as we consider health goals for the new year, but the probability it may happen to someone you know is high—especially if that person is an older adult. As the CDC has found, roughly 25 percent of individuals 65 or older experience a fall each year.

While falls are common, so is the tendency to underreport them to a clinician. Less than half of all people who have had a fall ever let their doctor know. There’s often a sense of shame around taking a tumble, but losing your balance or having a fall is nothing to be embarrassed about. All of us need help sometimes. As common as they are, falls should be taken seriously.

As I tell our patients and their families, “Leaves are supposed to fall. People aren’t.”

Taking preventative measures and getting help quickly if a fall does occur can make a world of difference.

In my role as associate director of rehabilitation services at VNS Health, my colleagues and I see this firsthand when we visit patients in their homes following a fall. As home-based clinicians, we work closely with them to address their concerns and create a plan of care where they can recover and prevent future falls.

With that in mind, here are some simple tips for preventing and—if need be—recovering from a fall:

• Home, safe home: Most falls occur in a patient’s home. So, the very first thing we do when visiting a new patient is assess the safety of their home environment. This means ensuring that the home is clear of obstruction and screened for fall risks, like loose cords or throw rugs that might slip underfoot.

• The proper fit: If someone has lost weight during the pandemic but is still wearing the same-size clothes as before, they could be at greater risk of tripping over those clothes and falling. A pair of shoes that are too big or too tight can pose a similar risk—so make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing in the right size, with a fit that helps you feel and stay secure.

• Sleep tight: Adjust your sleep positions to minimize fall risk at night. Patients who sleep on the edge of the bed are more likely to fall out of bed than those who sleep in the middle.

• Keep moving: Keep yourself as active as possible—it can help reduce falls. Staying physically active doesn’t have to mean

Keep yourself as active as possible to help reduce falls.

going to the gym. It could be as simple as walking to the mailbox every day or boosting circulation and flexibility by stretching your feet and ankles while you’re watching your favorite TV show.

• Monitor medications: Closely monitor yourself when taking medications that may cause dizziness or lower blood pressure, for they can increase the chances of a fall happening.

• When coming back after a fall, don’t give up! Recovering from the physical and emotional trauma of a fall can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that physical therapists, occupational therapists,

speech-language pathologists, and many other clinicians are here to help you regain function and find a way to move towards a healthy future. Staying motivated is half the challenge. Fortunately, your care team and loved ones will be by your side cheering you on—ready to help when you have setbacks, and to congratulate you when you finally reach your destination.

Visit for more information about VNS Health’s Rehabilitation Services, which include physical therapy, speech pathology and occupational therapy. VNS Health is formerly known as Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY).

—Allison Simms is the associate director of rehabilitation services at VNS Health

Golden Tones Entertainment Group Seeking New Members

Oyster Bay Town’s ‘Golden Tones Entertainment Group’ is seeking new members. This chorus is a social group open to town residents over the age of 60 who have an interest in singing, dancing, or entertaining. Anyone 60 and older is welcome to join; a great singing voice is not required to participate in this social group.

Meetings will be held every Friday, beginning on Feb. 3 at 10 a.m. at the North Massapequa Community Center (214 North Albany Avenue, North Massapequa). There are two planned shows in the upcoming year, scheduled to be performed at the North Massapequa Community Center.

Senior citizens interested in joining the Golden Tones of TOBAY Entertainment Group should call 516-797-7916 for more information.

3B SENIOR LIFE • JANUARY 25 - 31, 2023
Most falls occur in a patient’s home. Photos courtesy of VNS Health Allison Simms, associate director of rehabilitation services at VNS Health.

Social Security Administration Launches Redesigned Website

Visitors to will experience a fresh homepage and a new design to help them find what they need more easily.

“ is visited by more than 180 million people per year and it is one of our most important tools for providing efficient and equitable access to service,” said Kilolo Kijakazi, Acting Commissioner of the Social Security Administration. “Whether providing service in person or online, our goal is to help people understand what they may qualify for and seamlessly transition them to an application process.”

Improved self-service capability allows people to skip calling or visiting an office, which helps Social Security staff focus on those visitors who need in-person assistance. Part of ongoing efforts to improve how the public can do business with the agency, the redesign is intended to provide a clear path to the tasks customers need to accomplish. Many of the most visited sections of are now live with a more user-friendly and task-based approach. New pages and improvements based on public feedback will continue to be unveiled in the coming months.

Visitors to can use interactive tools to:

Check eligibility for benefits

The new benefit eligibility screener is a convenient and simple way for people to learn if they might be eligible for benefits. Save time on Social Security Number (SSN) and card online services

If a person loses their SSN card, they may not need a replacement. In most cases, simply knowing their SSN is enough. If a person does need a replacement card, they may be able to request it online by visiting www.ssa. gov/ssnumber. Individuals can also start an

application for an updated card or request an SSN for the first time. People may never need to visit an office and, if they do need to visit an office to complete the application, they will save a lot of time by starting online. Start an application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

People can start the application process online and request an appointment to apply for SSI benefits by answering a few questions at

Apply for Social Security benefits and other online services

For most benefits, people can apply online

or start an application online. In many cases, there are no forms to sign. The agency will review the application and reach out with questions or for more information. Visit to apply for retirement, disability, or Medicare.

Many Social Security services do not require the public to take time to visit an office. Using a my Social Security account, a personalized online service, people can start or change direct deposit, or request a replacement SSA-1099. For individuals already receiving Social Security benefits, they can print or download a current Benefit Verification Letter if they need proof of their benefits.

People not yet receiving benefits can use their online account to get a personalized Social Security Statement, which provides their earnings information as well as estimates of their future benefits. The portal also includes a retirement calculator and links to information about other online services.

The agency encourages people without a my Social Security account to create one today at

—Social Security Administration

4B JANUARY 25 - 31, 2023 • SENIOR LIFE
Reimagined website prioritizes customer experience 4 237438 M
5B SENIOR LIFE • JANUARY 25 - 31, 2023 5 Better, Kinder Care Every Step of the Way Services Home Health Aide Personal Care Aide Live-in Home Care Home Infusion Skilled Nursing Rehabilitation Private Duty Nursing We provide the right type of compassionate home care that keeps our patients safely at home in their community. Providing quality private pay home care Visit our website: 866-212-4585 237401 A

NYSOFA Shares Resource Guide For


The New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) encourages older drivers and their families to utilize several resources that can help avoid safety risks behind the wheel, including NYSOFA’s guide Are You Concerned about an Older Driver?

“There are many factors affecting driver safety for older adults. But age alone is not a predictor of risk,” said NYSOFA Director Greg Olsen. “In fact, research shows that older adults, as a group, successfully adjust for age-related changes that otherwise affect safe-driving practices.”

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drivers aged 55 and older are involved in fewer crashes than other groups. However, they are also more likely to be killed or injured in traffic crashes due to conditions like fragile bones, prescription medication use, visual impairments, and chronic medical issues that often accompany the aging process.

“There are several factors that can lead to unsafe driving conditions for older adults, including medical issues that increase susceptibility to injury, as well as impairment caused by prescription medication,” Olsen said. “Many resources are available to help individuals adapt to these new realities in their lives or find alternatives to driving,

when necessary.”

Caregivers are a vital set of eyes and ears as well as a trusted source for family conversations or interventions that can resolve unsafe driving situations. If you are a caregiver or a concerned family member, please see NYSOFA’s guide Are You Concerned about an Older Driver? It offers background about

safety risks, how to assess these risks, conversation starters for helping a loved one accept or cope with changes in their driving status, adaptive vehicle equipment, educational resources and more.

“Keeping New Yorkers safe on the roads is one of our top priorities,” said Mark J.F. Schroeder, commissioner of the

Department of Motor Vehicles and Chair of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee. “Getting older does not mean you have to stop driving, but you do need to be aware of anything that might impact your safety and the safety of others and take action. We are happy to partner with the Office for the Aging to help raise awareness of this important topic.”

In 2015, NYSOFA and the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee launched the Safe Driving Tips for Older New Yorkers website to promote older driver safety. The site encourages online and in-person safety training and car safety check programs; provides information to help older drivers understand options for roadway safety; and offers a user-friendly guide about preventing adverse drug interactions that can affect one’s ability to drive.

Other Resources

• Offices for the Aging and their community partners are also a resource to help older drivers, including safety assistance or alternative transportation options. To reach local assistance, call the NY Connects helpline at 1-800-342-9871.

• The American Occupational Therapy

6B JANUARY 25 - 31, 2023 • SENIOR LIFE
health conditions contribute to more deaths
car (631)485-5574 (516)900-1818 (516)208-8030 (516)586-6941 Babylon Massapequa Park Merrick Massapequa Friends For Life makes it possible for seniors to live in their own home. Our extraordinary family of caregivers can attend to your loved one, so you can get back to being a daughter or son. You can depend on us! HOMECARE If you are stuck on where to begin with Medicaid, you are in the right place. We are New York Medicaid experts who care. We will help guide you through the process of Medicaid planning and give you the information necessary to get on the right path. MEDICAID CONSULTANTS Finding the best housing solutions based on clinical, financial, and cognitive needs. Making the process of finding your loved ones new home easy and stress free! SENIOR LIVING ADVISORS 237603 A H O M E C A R E & M E D I C A I D C O N S U L T A N T S FRIENDS FOR LIFE

Association (AOTA) also brings attention to a different aspect of older driver safety, including tips on anticipating changes that can affect driving, family conversations, screening and evaluations, and interventions that can empower older drivers and help them remain engaged in their communities. Visit to learn more about the association.

• The Department of Motor Vehicles’ Older Driver Resources webpage (www.dmv. provides information about driving skills and programs, health tips, license FAQs, vehicle safety tips, and more.

• CarFit ( is an educational program that provides older adults the opportunity to check how well their personal vehicles ‘fit’ them, as well as information and materials on community-specific resources.

About the New York State Office for the Aging

The New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) continuously works to help the state’s 4.6 million older adults be as independent as possible for as long as possible through advocacy, development and delivery of person-centered, consumer-oriented, and cost-effective policies, programs, and services that support and empower older adults and their families, in partnership with the network of public and private organizations that serve them. Stay connected—visit the NYSOFA Facebook page; follow @NYSAGING on Twitter and NYSAging on Instagram; or visit

—New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA)

Leaving A Legacy

When approaching or in retirement, it’s very common to have a desire to leave something behind. While legacy planning is often thought of in financial terms, it can include so much more.

For retirees looking to leave a legacy, options abound. Some people may choose to share their skills and knowledge with others, either through teaching or writing. Others may opt for financial support, whether through direct giving or by setting up a trust or foundation. And still others may choose to build something tangible that will benefit future generations, such as a park or community center.

Sharing skills and knowledge

One of the most valuable things anyone can offer is their skills and experience. Retirees may choose to pass their knowledge on by leading formal classes or workshops, or informally through mentoring or coaching. Whatever the method, it’s a way to share knowledge and experience and help others reach their potential.

Writing it down

Another way to leave a legacy is through writing. The writing could be in the form of a memoir, autobiography, or even just a simple letter to be passed on to future generations. Whatever the format, it’s a way retirees can share their lives and experiences with others.

Financial support

For some retirees, leaving a financial legacy is important. This can be done in several ways, such as setting up a trust or foundation or making direct gifts to family members or charities. Permanent life insurance, like universal or whole life insurance, is an easy way to leave a financial legacy for family or even to an organization that was important to them.

Building something

Another way to leave a legacy is to build something that will benefit future generations. This could be a physical structure like a park or community center or something less tangible like a scholarship fund.

Sharing their time

Retirees have wisdom and experience to offer, and one of the best ways to pass it on it is by sharing their time. This could be volunteering with an organization, or simply spending time with family and friends.

A lasting legacy

Retirees hoping to leave a lasting legacy should consider all of their options and choose the one (or ones) that best suits their goals, values, and abilities. Whether they decide to teach, build, write, or donate, it’s important to do what feels right. What matters most is that they take the time to consider what they want their legacy to be and how best to achieve it.


7B SENIOR LIFE • JANUARY 25 - 31, 2023
237005 M CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP HOUSE 516-922-6040 • 369 Split Rock Road • Syosset, NY • Stop Paying High Assisted Living Costs NYS licensed adult home since 1962 for the purpose of extending tender loving care & spiritual encouragement to those in their senior years. 10 ACRE NORTH SHORE ESTATE The Home Away from Home FULL SERVICE • Activities • 24/7 Care • Laundry • 24/7 Security • Live In Staff • Medication & Showering • Bed & Breakfast Atmosphere • Daily Housekeeping Starting at $5000
Legacy caption goes here.

Many retirees see retirement as a time to travel and see new places.

Eight Things Retirees Should Know

Retirement can be a time to slow down, relax, and enjoy life, but it can also come with its fair share of challenges. For anyone embarking on their retirement journey, here are eight financial and lifestyle considerations to keep in mind:

1. Budget

Retirees will want to have a good idea of all their retirement finances, including both their yearly and monthly budgets. This can help them make informed decisions about their spending and figure out how much they can afford on things like travel, new hobbies, and other activities.

2. Money

Many retirees worry about whether they are making the most of their retirement savings. Retirees may want to consult a financial advisor to help sort out this information and provide guidance on how to make the most of one’s money. From tax-efficient withdrawal strategies and a plan to weather market volatility, financial advisors can help turn a lifetime of savings into guaranteed income retirees don’t have to worry about.

3. Downsizing options

For some retirees, downsizing is a great way to simplify their life (and save money). Understanding what the options are for relocating to a smaller home can help retirees make an informed decision about what is best for them. It can help to get in touch with a real estate agent and discuss what options are available.

4. Travel plans

Many retirees see retirement as a time to travel and see new places. For retirees who want to prioritize travel, it can help to plan ahead and research different travel options.

Advance planning can allow retirees to keep an eye out for the best deals and make the most of their time.

5. Plan your free time

Retirement can be a great time to pursue new hobbies and interests. Some retirees may want to volunteer, take up a new sport, or join social clubs. Having a rough plan for how they want to spend their time can help retirees make the most of their retirement.

6. Social circle

For some people, retirement can be a time to reconnect with old friends and family. Others may find that their social circle changes as they meet new people. Understanding how they prefer to socialize can help retirees make conscious decisions and plan for their retirement years.

7. Retirement hustle

Some retirees find that they want to stay active and busy in retirement by starting a small business or working part-time. A job or small business can also provide a source of supplemental income. Retirees who choose to have a retirement hustle will also want to consider how to set up their business and whether they prefer to live close to work.

8. Estate plan

Retirement can be a good time to review one’s estate plan and make sure that it is upto-date. This can include things like wills, trusts, and power of attorney documents, and updating beneficiaries for any permanent life insurance policies, like universal life insurance and whole life insurance. Talking to an attorney about these matters can help retirees ensure that their wishes are carried out.

—Northwestern Mutual

8B JANUARY 25 - 31, 2023 • SENIOR LIFE
237437 R Lovely & Quaint Grounds Open Daily • Open to All Faiths Headstone, Flat Marker & Cremation Grave Sites and New Mausoleum Payment Options Available for Pre-Need Est. 1900 500 Port Washington Blvd., Port Washington 944-8530 NASSAU KNOLLS CEMETERY & MEMORIAL PARK

Free Support Group For Grandparents Of Autistic Kids

When a child faces a mental health challenge, the entire family is impacted. But while people may sympathize with parents and siblings, they often forget that grandparents also struggle with feelings of sadness and helplessness.

That’s why North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center (the Guidance Center) runs a free support group just for grandparents whose grandchildren are on the autism spectrum: GASAK, for Grandparent Advocates Supporting Autistic Kids.

GASAK’s mission is to support, inform and advocate for grandparents with autistic grandchildren. At meetings held on the last Thursday of each month, GASAK participants network and share information on issues critical to families impacted by autism. New members are welcome to join at any time.

While the program isn’t new, it recently returned to in-person meetings at the Guidance Center’s Marks Family Right from the Start 0-3+ Center in Manhasset after being virtual since the start of the pandemic.

While there are many programs for parents of autistic children, few if any address the specific issues that come up for grandparents, said Dr. Sue Cohen, director of clinical services at Right from the Start.

“Sometimes the parents are overwhelmed dealing with their children’s needs,” Cohen said. “At GASAK meetings, grandparents can share their own concerns with their peers.”

One GASAK member said, “A lot of times your friends can’t relate to what you’re going through, but when you walk into

the GASAK group, you feel comfortable instantly. Nobody judges you.”

The program occasionally features guest speakers, including education lawyers, social workers, special education advocates and others.

“When a grandparent leaves a meeting,”

said Cohen, “they walk away with information that can make a huge difference in the lives of their children and grandchildren.”

But the camaraderie members experience is perhaps the most important benefit of the group. Case in point: one grandmother who has two autistic grandsons who were nonverbal until they were three years old. When one of them said “Mom” for the first time, the GASAK group celebrated her good news.

“There is such compassion among members,” Cohen said. “And by sharing our worries as well as our joyful moments, we give new members hope.”

In addition, the Guidance Center provides a variety of therapeutic services for children on the autism spectrum, as well as their parents and other family members. They also provide testing for preschool-age children to young adults.

To learn more about the GASAK group and the testing services, contact Cohen at 516-484-3174 or email scohen@ northshorechildguidance.

For more information about the Guidance Center, visit or call (516) 626-1971.

—North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center

9B SENIOR LIFE • JANUARY 25 - 31, 2023
If something were to happen to you today, would your family know what to do? Would they know your wishes and would your nal arrangements be exactly as you desire? Whenever anyone passes away, “someone” is required to see to a host of responsibilities. Who will meet those responsibilities for you? Pre-planning allows you to come to grips with the inevitable. It helps alleviate the fear of leaving the burden of a burial to your family. We invite you to learn more about the thoughtful advantages of pre-planning your nal wishes. This can be done at our cemetery, and in appreciation for visiting with us we are o ering a complimentary pre-planning guide at your rst appointment. St. Charles/Resurrection Cemeteries Serving our Catholic Community and Families for Generations 2015 Wellwood Avenue, Farmingdale, NY 11735 631-249-8700 • Visit our website: As indicated, please call or send me my FREE informational packet on St. Charles/Resurrection Cemeteries. I understand that no cemetery representative will ever visit my home. Name ______________________ Address _____________________ City ________________________ State ________________________ Zip _________________________ Best Time to call _______________ E-mail: ______________________ I am interested in: In ground Burial Space Mausoleum Space Cremation Niches Please mail to: St. Charles/Resurrection Cemeteries 2015 Wellwood Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11735 237465 M AP012523
North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center supplied/Adobe stock by liderina

New York Ranks Among Top States To Retire

Affordability is the key determining factor for adults 55 and older, a leading senior care referral service and the nation’s top site for senior care review, announced the Best and Worst Places for Senior Living in 2022. The list is based on’s annual Senior Living Report, which relies on in-depth expert analysis and survey findings from 1,000 Americans over the age of 55 to develop a comprehensive set of ranking criteria based on 46 key metrics. All 50 states and 300 cities in the U.S. were graded across five categories, including affordability, healthcare, senior living and housing, transportation, and quality of life.

According to the study, Vermont earned the best overall score and ranks first in the healthcare category. Minnesota, Maine, Nebraska, and South Dakota are among the top five states for retired Americans. New York is the 6th best place for seniors but ranks number one for senior living, transportation, and quality of life. Iowa, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Massachusetts also made the top 10.

In comparison, California ranks as the worst overall state and least affordable. Similarly, Florida, Arizona, Mississippi, and Louisiana are also among the five worst states for retirees. Texas and Georgia are number six and number seven from the bottom and receive the lowest scores for transportation.

“Our research shows that affordability is a top priority for seniors and adults approaching retirement,” said Jim Rosenthal, CEO of “While many people associate good weather and sunshine with the best places for retirement, our 2022 Senior Living Report offers a broader perspective on a range of factors that impact the wellbeing of seniors. We’ve compiled this guide to help seniors and their families identify places that address the needs and socio-economic conditions of older populations, particularly as they transition to retirement and consider making a move to a new area of our nation.”

Data from the U.S. Census Bureau

shows that the senior population is fast-growing, and almost 20 percent of Americans will be 65 or older by 2023. This year’s Senior Living Report focuses on identifying places that offer the most affordable lifestyles and opportunities for older adults. Affordability makes up 33 percent of the final score and this category measures the cost of housing and job availability for seniors. West Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Indiana are among the most affordable states for seniors to retire.

After affordability, the quality and availability of healthcare is the next largest factor that’s panel of experts and survey respondents evaluated to determine the suitability of a given area for seniors. Additional categories like transportation focus on access to public or private transportation services, and quality of life includes the availability of neighborhood amenities like museums, libraries, parks and fresh markets. The senior living and housing

category is based on several metrics, including the percentage of multifamily homes and houses with no steps at entrances. The unique methodology analyzes a total of 46 metrics across all five categories.

The 2022 report also highlights the best and worst cities for seniors to live. Hartford, Pittsburgh, Burlington, Portland and Minneapolis are listed among the best cities. In contrast, Rancho Palos Verdes, Palm Beach, Alamo, Brookhaven and Murrieta were ranked as the worst places for retirement.

Top 10 Best States for Senior Living in 2022

1st – Vermont

2nd – Minnesota

3rd – Maine

4th – Nebraska

5th – South Dakota

6th – New York

7th – Iowa

8th – Wisconsin

10B JANUARY 25 - 31, 2023 • SENIOR LIFE
REPAIR LAB ON PREMISES LEVITTOWN •SMITHTOWN •LONG BEACH 1.516.735.9191 237597 M Long Island Hearing, Inc. “Our commitment to you will be life-changing”® Since 1985 TM Factory Warranty Honored All Major Manufacturers NEED A NEW HEARING AID? TRY US. Guaranteed Best Pricing ALL MAKES & MODELS HEARING AID SERVICE Adjustments, Guidance or Instruction We Have a Proven 38 Year Record Experience, Consistency and Reliability 237558 M Andrew Lerner CIC Agency Owner Allstate Insurance Company 66 Glen Cove Road • Greenvale, NY 11548 O ce 516.621.7400 • Fax 516.621.7576 • Cell 516.238.7373 THE LERNER INSURANCE AGENCY AUTO HOME BUSINESS LIFE Let us be your guide to nd the best insurance policy that suits your needs. Call our Allstate Office NOW for very low prices on Your Business, Home & Auto insurance needs. For your convenience, The Lerner Insurance Agency is a Bi-lingual Spanish Office.

9th – North Dakota

10th – Massachusetts

Top 10 Worst States for Senior Living in 2022

50th – California

49th – Florida

48th – Arizona

47th – Mississippi

46th – Louisiana

45th – Texas

44th – Georgia 43rd – Nevada

42nd – Alabama

41st – New Jersey

Top 10 Best Cities for Senior Living in 2022

1st - Hartford, CT

2nd - Pittsburgh, PA

3rd - Burlington, VT

4th - Portland, OR

5th - Minneapolis, MN

6th - Madison, WI

7th - Lancaster, PA

8th - Wilmington, DE

9th - Wisconsin Rapids, WI

10th - Boston, MA

Top 10 Worst Cities for Senior Living in 2022

302nd - Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

301st - Palm Beach, FL

300th - Alamo, CA

299th - Brookhaven, NY

298th - Murrieta, CA

297th - Bakersfield, CA

296th - Carlsbad , CA

295th - Port St. Lucie, FL

294th - Newport Beach, CA

293rd - Torrance, CA

With millions of website visitors, Caring. com is a leading senior living referral service and the nation’s top site for senior care reviews. Founded in 2007, Caring’s mission is to help as many seniors and their caregivers as possible through empathetic, expert guidance. Applying cutting-edge technology to this humane mission, Caring provides relevant senior care information and support, as well as comprehensive senior living and senior care directories for the United States, including more than 350,000 consumer reviews. Through a tollfree referral line (877-630-3480), Caring’s trustworthy, nationwide team of family advisors help seniors and their families research and connect to the most appropriate services and support for their specific situations. Visit for more information about the organization and its free services for seniors and their families.


11B SENIOR LIFE • JANUARY 25 - 31, 2023
New York ranks sixth overall, but comes in first place for living, transportation and quality of life. SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • REPAIRS We o er pre-owned curved stairli s and curved rentals. Restrictions apply. Fastest Installation Around! Same or Next Day on Most Straight Li s! 1 to 3 Weeks on Most Curved! A NEW Restrictions Not WE OFFER ON STRAIGHT 1stYear 20% with a $195 removal fee $500 Restrictions Not 877-677-5438 We Will Match or Beat Any Advertised Price! Try Us Out! for more info, visit our website: ARE STAIRS A PROBLEM? SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • REPAIRS We o er pre-owned curved stairli s and curved rentals. Restrictions apply. Fastest Installation Around! Same or Next Day on Most Straight Li s! 1 to 3 Weeks on Most Curved! A NEW SYNERGY Bespoke Synergy FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp. 3/31/23 WE OFFER A BUY BACK ON STRAIGHT STAIRLIFTS 1stYear 20% with a $195 removal fee 2nd Year 15% with a $195 removal fee 3rd Year 10% Free removal with return of chair $500 OFF Any Curved Lift FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp.3/31/23 877-677-5438 We Will Match or Beat Any Advertised Price! Try Us Out! for more info, visit our website: ARE STAIRS A PROBLEM? SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • REPAIRS We o er pre-owned curved stairli s and curved rentals. Restrictions apply. Fastest Installation Around! Same or Next Day on Most Straight Li s! 1 to 3 Weeks on Most Curved! A NEW SYNERGY Bespoke Synergy FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp. 3/31/23 WE OFFER A BUY BACK ON STRAIGHT STAIRLIFTS 1stYear 20% with a $195 removal fee 2nd Year 15% with a $195 removal fee 3rd Year 10% Free removal with return of chair $500 OFF Any Curved Lift FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp.3/31/23 877-677-5438 We Will Match or Beat Any Advertised Price! Try Us Out! for more info, visit our website: STAIRS A PROBLEM? SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • REPAIRS We o er pre-owned curved stairli s and curved rentals. Restrictions apply. Fastest Installation Around! Same or Next Day on Most Straight Li s! 1 to 3 Weeks on Most Curved! A NEW SYNERGY Bespoke Synergy FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp. 3/31/23 WE OFFER A BUY BACK ON STRAIGHT STAIRLIFTS 1stYear 20% with a $195 removal fee 2nd Year 15% with a $195 removal fee 3rd Year 10% Free removal with return of chair $500 OFF Any Curved Lift FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp.3/31/23 877-677-5438 We Will Match or Beat Any Advertised Price! Try Us Out! for more info, visit our website: ARE STAIRS A PROBLEM? 237596 M Fastest Installation Around! Shabbos Modes Available. SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • REPAIRS We o er pre-owned curved stairli s and curved rentals. Restrictions apply. Fastest Installation Around! Same or Next Day on Most Straight Li s! 1 to 3 Weeks on Most Curved! A NEW SYNERGY Bespoke Synergy FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp. 3/31/23 WE OFFER A BUY BACK ON STRAIGHT STAIRLIFTS 1stYear 20% with a $195 removal fee 2nd Year 15% with a $195 removal fee 3rd Year 10% Free removal with return of chair $500 OFF Any Curved Lift FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp.3/31/23 877-677-5438 We Will Match or Beat Any Advertised Price! Try Us Out! for more info, visit our website: ARE STAIRS A PROBLEM? Within One Week on Most Curved! SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • REPAIRS We o er pre-owned curved stairli s and curved rentals. Restrictions apply. Fastest Installation Around! Same or Next Day on Most Straight Li s! 1 to 3 Weeks on Most Curved! A NEW SYNERGY Bespoke Synergy FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp. 3/31/23 WE OFFER A BUY BACK ON STRAIGHT STAIRLIFTS 1stYear 20% with a $195 removal fee 2nd Year 15% with a $195 removal fee 3rd Year 10% Free removal with return of chair $500 OFF Any Curved Lift FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp.3/31/23 877-677-5438 We Will Match or Beat Any Advertised Price! Try Us Out! for more info, visit our website: ARE STAIRS A PROBLEM? SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • REPAIRS We o er pre-owned curved stairli s and curved rentals. Restrictions apply. Fastest Installation Around! Same or Next Day on Most Straight Li s! 1 to 3 Weeks on Most Curved! A NEW SYNERGY Bespoke Synergy FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp. 3/31/23 WE OFFER A BUY BACK ON STRAIGHT STAIRLIFTS 1stYear 20% with a $195 removal fee 2nd Year 15% with a $195 removal fee 3rd Year 10% Free removal with return of chair $500 OFF Any Curved Lift FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp.3/31/23 877-677-5438 We Will Match or Beat Any Advertised Price! Try Us Out! for more info, visit our website: STAIRS A PROBLEM? SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • REPAIRS We o er pre-owned curved stairli s and curved rentals. Restrictions apply. Fastest Installation Around! Same or Next Day on Most Straight Li s! 1 to 3 Weeks on Most Curved! A NEW SYNERGY Bespoke Synergy FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this Not valid with other offers. Exp. WE OFFER A BUY ON STRAIGHT STAIRLIFTS 1stYear 20% with a $195 removal fee 2nd Year 15% with a $195 removal fee with $500 OFF Any Curved Lift FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this Not valid with other offers. Exp 877-677-5438 We Will Match or Beat Any Advertised Price! Try Us Out! for more info, visit our website: ARE STAIRS A PROBLEM? SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • REPAIRS We o er pre-owned curved stairli s and curved rentals. Restrictions apply. Fastest Installation Around! Same or Next Day on Most Straight Li s! 1 to 3 Weeks on Most Curved! A NEW SYNERGY Bespoke Synergy FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp. 3/31/23. WE OFFER A BUY BACK ON STRAIGHT STAIRLIFTS 1stYear 20% with a $195 removal fee 2nd Year 15% with a $195 removal fee 3rd Year 10% Free removal with return of chair $500 OFF Any Curved Lift FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp.3/31/23 877-677-5438 We Will Match or Beat Any Advertised Price! Try Us Out! for more info, visit our website: ARE STAIRS A PROBLEM? Pinnacle Rave 2 $3795 WE OFFER A BUY BACK ON ALL STAIRLIFTS 1ST & 2ND YEAR 10% with a removal fee $195 (Straight) $400 (Curve) 3RD YEAR FREE REMOVAL AND HAUL AWAY Restrictions Apply SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • REPAIRS We o er pre-owned curved stairli s and curved rentals. Restrictions apply. Fastest Installation Around! Same or Next Day on Most Straight Li s! 1 to 3 Weeks on Most Curved! A NEW SYNERGY Bespoke Synergy FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp. 3/31/23 WE OFFER A BUY BACK ON STRAIGHT STAIRLIFTS 1stYear 20% with a $195 removal fee 2nd Year 15% with a $195 removal fee 3rd Year 10% Free removal with return of chair $500 OFF Any Curved Lift FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Exp.3/31/23 877-677-5438 We Will Match or Beat Any Advertised Price! Try Us Out! for more info, visit our website: ARE STAIRS A PROBLEM? FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other o ers. Exp. 3/31/23. FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other o ers. Exp. 3/31/23. Give Us A Call! 516-494-9794

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