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Antonella Theodorakatou

Baechlerstrasse 46, 8046 Zurich, Switzerland




theodoraan@hotmail.com Patras, Greece 25/09/1985


E D U C AT I O N 2012:




MAS ETH in Urban Design Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (E.T.H. Zurich) Geisendorf Foundation for Architecture Scholarship Urban strategy development of Cidade de Deus, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Upgrading the single family house in Cidade de Deus, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil DIPLOMA in Architecture & Engineering Department of Architecture, University of Patras Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) Scholarship Diploma Thesis: School of Architecture_Patras/Greece Summa cum Laude, GPA: 8.56/10 European Erasmus Program UniversitĂ degli Studi di Firenze,

Florence, Italy

4th High School of Patras Excellent, GPA: 19.1/20

WORK EXPERIENCE 6/2008-7/2008: Nikos Valsamakis, architectural firm, Athens, Greece intern working as a graphic designer and book editor 5/2010-11/2010: ROPI, technical firm, Patras, Greece project architect working on residential and industrial buildings 3/2011-8/2011: e-adeia.gr, architectural firm, Patras, Greece project architect working on residential buildings 8/2012: SPECTER, architectural firm , Sarah Nichols, Silvia Weibel Hendriksen, Martin Zimmerli, Zurich, Switzerland building model for competition COMPUTER SKILLS 3D Studio Max, FormZ, Rhinoceros, Sketch Up, Adobe Illustrator/InDesign/Photoshop/Premiere, Autocad, Microsoft Office

LANGUAGES GREEK: Mother Tongue ENGLISH: Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English FRENCH: Diplôme D’Études en Langue Française (DELF) ITALIAN: National Certificate in Italian GERMAN: first year of studies P U B L I C AT I O N S 2006/2007/2008: a2610 , Department of Architecture, University of Patras Publications, issues: 01,03,04 2008: After the fires, Building Proposals , University of Patras Publications 7/2008: G.Karali, How we can give back life to the burnt , Peloponnese Newspaper, 07/15/2008 7/2008: H.Tzanavara, The burnt do have a day after , Eleftherotypia Newspaper, 07/29/2008 7/2008: A.Politi, Transformation of the burnt land. Architectural proposals for Lepreo and Rodina , ‘Ε’ Magazine, issue 903, p.24-27, 08/03/2008 7/2008: I.Virvidaki, If we could rebuild our villages from scratch , ‘Κ’ Magazine, issue 273, p.32-37, 08/24/2008 7/2010: A.Theodorakatou, School of Architecture_Patras/Greece, www.greekarchitects.gr, 07/23/2010 2012: M.Angélil, R.Hehl, Something Fantastic, MAS ETH UD, Cidade de Deus, Working with informalized mass housing in Brazil , Ruby Press EXHIBITIONS 2012: Favela City Exchange, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2012: Favela Rules, Sao Paulo, Brazil WORKSHOPS 2006:

Villard 7, Verona, Italy


Future Academy Workshop, Patras, Greece


International Workshop of Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain


From suburb to city, International Summer Academy Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

PA P E R S / R E S E A R C H 2012: Advocating the compact city, Potentials of popular neighborhoods (published in Cidade de Deus, Working with informalized mass housing in Brazil ) 2009: Schools of Architecture - Diploma Research. École des Beaux Arts, École Polytechnique, Bauhaus and 13 contemporary schools of architecture. 2008: From Neoclassicism to Modern Classicism, The architect Demetri Porphyrios 2007: The Subconscious and Heterotopias, Børre Sæthre – Sigmund Freud – Michel Foucault 2006:

Bioclimatic Design, Jean Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center, New Caledonia, Renzo Piano


Church Architecture – Mosques, Pagodas, Christian Temples


Population Blast, Architecture and Technology

TRAVEL Belgium, Brazil, Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Spain, Switzerland, U.A.E., U.K., U.S.A.






UPGRADING THE SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE MAS E TH UD project cidade de deus/rio de janeiro/brazil academic work 2012 team with M.C.C hiappini

street view

square view

The main goal of this project is to investigate a different model of development , from a private ownership to the cooperative, in order to upgrade and densif y. By proposing the idea for an open space as the core of the design, the needed operations to establish it are decided by the members of the coop. Af ter that , mixed uses, sustainabilit y strategies and additional units for densification will be ar ticulated around this power ful void and will form an upgraded, popular block . We intended to enrich the social profile of the cit y by bringing in heterogeneit y of users and spaces. An integral par t of this process is the idea of the building cooperative. We believe that the owners of the existing plots, as well as the newcomers, with the encouragement of the public sector, will benefit both socially and financially. They will be the actors to control the growth of the block according to their needs and preser ve at the same time the design qualities introduced by the architects.



Building the Coop among a 6-plot sample



Cutting into the existing settlement to create the central courtyard



Ensuring the permanent open spaces with a structural framework



Suggesting an architectural outcome based on specific urban codes



Filling gradually with new residential units, communal facilities and micro-business

This diagram illustrates the developer model and the phasing of the single family house upgrading strategy. Five steps to upgrade. These processes take place by following specific urban rules in order to maintain sustainabilit y in the block .


structural framework

communal facilities water tank

apar tments

interior facades

volatile in-between

additional structure

verandas facades

areas of extension


The new building consists of several architectural components arranged in layers. The three categories are: 1. existing-new-technology (ver tical layering) 2. communalinbetween-private ( horizontal layering) 3. living-working-communizing (polar layering)

hatch for filling the river


2nd floor plan

ground floor plan

1st floor plan

3rd floor plan

4th floor plan

The first six plots to have initiated the cooperative building, will inspire their neighbors and encourage them to star t their own cooperatives. New groups will star t to form around the cit y, either with two, four, eight adjacent plots etc. The strategy accomplishes densification while reduces the physical footprint at the same time.

The traffic around the square will slow down and the streets will become more pedestrian friendly. By activating its surroundings, the square will start functioning again as an open public space for leisure and socialization.

The courtyard provides light, ventilation and greenery. It also accomodates the infrastructure for water collection, waste The main entrance to management and solar energy the houses is found exploitation. in the courtyard. This continuous circulation of people keeps the The facades are being space alive while formed using the same establishes its close filling system that relation to the daily is found also in the life. courtyard. There is a variety of patterns and a choice of permeability.

Commerce and production are the dominant activities at the streetfront. The character of the street is exclusively public.

The verandas, a significant element found in the existing settlements, are also present here. The verandas are a permanent element of the design defined by the structural framework.

Micro-business workshops and less public programs are being accomodated around the courtyard. The level of common here steps back compared to the street and the activities are addressed mainly to the residents of the block.

Longitudinal Section: The cour t yard is competing in popularit y the street and the square. It is an intermediate space that produces a system which brings together the complex , encourages micro-business and communal activities, and introduces bioclimatic principles for comfor t and sustainabilit y.

Cooperative Product: housing, commerce, microbusiness and communal facilities constitute the new proposal

Central Square: by giving more public-oriented programs to the existing buildings, the square will gain back its values as an open public space

Single Family House: informalized small scale buildings accomodating mostly housing and commerce Streetfront: commercial and productive activities, the existing facades are intact

Axonometr y: The Single Family House in C idade de D eus is being upgraded in densit y, program and social heterogeneit y. The first cooperative building-product is true. The complexit y and the popular characteristics of the favela-living are still present , yet the ground sur face and the surroundings are being exploited to the maximum.

POP-UP MARKET SQUARE casablanca /morocco competition 2012/honorable mention team with P.Bakagiannis

situation site

In today ’s cities, space and time are from the most valuable resources. We can no longer address spaces as monoprogrammatic, used only for a fraction of the day and then lay idle and empt y. We have to embrace multifunctional spaces, design and propose solutions that with the minimum inter vention tackle multiple issues. In the specific case of the market square, our idea lies on the overlapping of programs over space and time. We envision a paradigm where, when the market stops working it disappears and other programs take its place. The public square remains an open space and with the variet y of infrastructure added, events are born out of individual or social initiative. D ifferent programs diversif y the users and social interaction is intensified, social bonds are created and sustainabilit y in a social and communit y level is promoted.

existing buildings

we reproduce the outline of the existing buildings to create a new one

ser vices and storage areas are placed in the new building

mobile walls followed by a structure open up to accomodate the market

People C irculation

Water Rec ycling

visitors can walk around the square and inside the building to all public levels - only staff has access to maintenance areas

1. rainwater and water used to clean the market is collected through a basin underneath the deck

Waste Management 1. organic waste from the market is disposed through a hatch on the wall 2. rec yclable materials are seperated on disposal through special wholes on the wall at the rec ycling point

the walls provide the space and infrastructure for the market

3. both items are stored in the basement at the organic/ rec ycling refuse collection area until they are sent for composting and rec ycling

idea-gram step by step

2. af ter wards, it is sent to a first stage of sand filtration in the nearby fountain 3. later on, water is sent underground to the water tanks and to a second stage of filtration where is mixed with cleaner rainwater coming from the ver tical gardens 4. finally, water is reclaimed and stored to be used for any kind of activit y that requires non-drinkable water (watering plants, cleaning, flushing water)

people, water & waste diagram

room where the roof structure is kept public roof gardens

ver tical gardens

entrance to underground organic/rec ycling refuse collection area & water tanks

market wall / projection wall show stage organic garbage disposal / goal post

stairs to upper levels


stalls storage

water points

info point

rec ycling point

fountain for water treatment

cafeteria water points

room where the roof textile is kept

newspaper kiosk

base points for the market roof

playground/ theatre urban furniture

deck with basin for water collection deployable shutters

We decided to hide our new programs and the market’s infrastructure in a volume that will blend in with the environment and ‘hide’ in the background. At the same time we add public roof gardens, stages and projection walls to the new structure, thus raising par t of the public square to a higher level. Moreover, we introduce small gardens with benches, a football cour t , a water fountain and a submerged playground/theatre. We choose to use materials commonly found within the countr y and widely used in the past for similar applications. Textile for the roof, wood and concrete for the building and the floors, and steel for the roof structure.



market square plan



SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE dimploma project patras/greece academic individual work 10th semester_2010 professor G.Panetsos/gparch@otenet .gr

In my thesis project I designed the building for the School of Architecture of Patras. D epar ting from the belief that personal experience plays a significant par t in forming an architect’s approach to any given design problem, I tried to design a building that contributes to the openness of ideas and concepts that young students of Architecture should be exposed to. Since buildings where architectural education takes place can offer a great example of built environment for the architects to-be, I tried to design an inspiring environment that will affect their professional and ethical behavior. The main concept was to create an environment full of life, motion, ar tistic work in the making and evoke complicated relationships among its users. The site’s location at the entrance of the campus, next to the administration building automatically makes this building an impor tant universit y landmark .

student population

student population per year

The students of each year are divided into groups of 12-15 individuals during the course of architectural composition, that have the same teacher and practice the same project . C ontrar y to the usual distribution where the whole year shares the same big room, I placed this par ticular 1215 people-unit in an independent box in order to ensure communication and cooperation between students in a space where external parameters are controlled.

students per group in independent boxes

Students of the same year are organized to adjacent boxes, being at the same time close to students of other years.

boxes shuffled

boxes in space

The academic year, as a unit y, still exists, as there are classrooms/amphitheatric boxes that can host up to 100 people. There, additional courses can take place.


In contrast , the other half where professors’ offices, the auditorium and additional teaching facilities are situated, a facade system is used to provide a unified view.

C irculation in the building is separated in two par ts. In the design studios’ wings, circulation is organized around four ver tical scales that in a tree-like manner spread around the wing and ser ve all ‘boxes’. In the other half two stairs and four elevators ser ve the needs for ver tical movement .

Public Space in such a building is of great impor tance. The atrium offers plent y of room for open-air activities, exhibitions and other events. Moreover, the central stairs with the bleachers, the bi-level entrance, corridors and gardens are public spaces to be found ever ywhere in the building and are designed to aid circulation and to provide ‘decompression’ areas. The negative space created from the design-studio boxes represents a multi-layered, multi-leveled public space, offering numerous different areas inbetween, on top, behind or under studios.

O n the one half, facing the campus, where the design studios are located, the building adopts a penetrable, see-through system inviting the public and sharing ‘architectural thought’.

1st floor plan

4th floor plan

east facade_east section γ-γ

nor th facade_west section z-z

yellow worm entrance_ atrium next to the librar y & access to roof garden_interior view of the studios_exterior view of the studios

night view of the professors’ offices and additional educational programs’ wings

CULTURAL INSTITUTION WITH APARTMENTS patras/greece academic individual work 4th semester_2005 professor G.Panetsos/gparch@otenet .gr

ver tical volumes model

The building is a centre for cultural and scientific events that can also provide to the honorar y guests accomodation for a shor t period of time. The site is on a prominent point of the cit y of Patras, surrounded by other apar tment blocks, cafeterias, restaurants and a ver y popular square. C ontrar y to its surroundings, the idea for the building was to catch the eye by being as simple as a white box . O n the front facade a vir tual crack is created for the entrance. The intention of the crack was to give a small preview of the interior. The core of the interior is consisted of three ver tical elements of abstract geometr y, that all levels are counting on.

2nd floor plan

ground floor plan_1st floor plan_4th floor plan


sketch of the reception and exhibition room_ ground floor

The ver tical elements give a unique spatial experience and create shapeless holes on the levels along their way to the roof. The visitors are able to access higher levels by using the elevators, the stairs and a ramp that is being unfolded around a ver tical volume. The exhibition room is placed on the ground floor for easier access while the librar y and the restaurant are on the last floor to profit by the great view.

CINEMA MULTIPLEX patras/greece academic individual work 5th semester_2006 professor G.Panetsos/gparch@otenet .gr

shell model_unfolded facade

The project is about a building with multiple programs; 6 cinemas, an exhibition room, a cafeteria and a restaurant . The site is located in the entrance of the cit y, on the corner of two busy roads, both by cars and pedestrians, in the por t district . It was impor tant to design an impressive building that would upgrade the area and welcome the visitors. The intention was to create a landmark visible along the coastal line of the cit y. The buildnig consists of two solids. A vitreous cube and a distructed one that covers and suppor ts the first . In contrast to the heav y shell, the interior is a continuing walk connecting smoothly the floors related to the public. The levels are oblique and so are the walls. The concept was to experiment on living outside the normal with no ver tical and horizontal levels, but still create a livable and functional space for public use.

ground floor plan_3rd floor plan


sketch of the interior on the cinemas’ levels

HOUSING ON WATER patras/greece academic team work 7th semester_2007 team with V.Vavouyos professor P.D ragonas/deltapi@otenet .gr


The project is located on a challenging site at Patras’ por t . We were asked to design a housing complex that would have to deal with the cit y and the sea . The idea for the form came from the greek ancient ship ‘ trieres’. Three buildings of that kind were designed to drag the ‘busy ’ cit y from its routine. O n the existing deck , where the buildings are attached to, we designed an urban park with a marina in order to give the cit y an oppor tunit y to approach the sea . The three buildings are identical with 24 apar tments each. There are five apar tment t ypologies for families, couples and singles. Apar t from the apar tments, the buildings also provide access to a private marina , parking spaces, an atrium and shared laundr y rooms. The building is made of steel, concrete and glass.

1st floor plan

section A-A’

HOUSE FOR THREE patras/greece individual academic work 3rd semester_2005 professor K.Ksanthopoulos

ground floor plan

1st floor plan

A residence of 120 s.m. for a family of three. The building consists of two volumes, the day and the night unit . The site was on a hill, in Patras’ outskir ts, viewing the sea and the spectacular Rio-Antirio Bridge. The house has big openings, a two-storeyed living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a WC, a store and a swimming pool.

sketch of the interior double-storey living-room_sketch of the east facade

LANDSCAPING IN RODINA rodina /zaharo/greece academic individual work 8th semester_2008 professor S.Pollalis/pollalis@gsd.har vard.edu

D uring the summer of 2007, Greece suffered extensive damage from fire. The most devastating fires occurred in the Peloponnese. The School of Architecture of Patras and Har vard Universit y had taken over the restoration of two par tially destroyed villages, Rodina and Lepreo. O ur project lingered on the question of whether architecture can really make a difference af ter such a disaster. The strategy this studio followed for revitalization aimed to restore the infrastructure, introduce alternative uses, reorganize public spaces and propose urban development for new residences. My assignment was the public space of Pera Vr yssi, a beautifull site 5’ away form the village. By keeping the built elements and the topography, my intention was to make a mild inter vention that would give nature the chance to inter fere and finally unif y the ar tificial elements with the natural ones. The new programs are a chapel, a small theatre and parking spaces. The existing building and its surroundings were modified to work as a cafeteria and a tavern. The landscape was also shaped to offer levels for promenades, c ycling, dancing and rest .

situation plan_situation section

chapel theatre





proposed plan

section A-A’_section B-B’

collage of the new proposal

collages of the new proposal with the new programs

‘CITY WITHIN THE CITY’ URBAN DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY MAS E TH UD project cidade de deus/rio de janeiro/brazil academic work 2012 team with M.C.C hiappini, G.Socci, A .Thomidou










The increasing pressure for developments in J acarepaguà requires new consideration for both sides of the expansion process, the popular neighborhood of the nor th and the real estate district in the south, and a negotiation of the opposite needs from both. A vast empt y plot bordering C idade de D eus reveals an oppor tunit y for experiment with a design process dependent on uncer taint y. Utilizing the fragmentation of the site into a mode of operation, this new masterplan places singular objects and urban patterns in order to punctuate the field. These active “seeds” alternate with passive “mediators” that act as minimal controls over the seeds’ direction of expansion. Informal growth is then brought in as unintentional and random development producing unpredictable compositions where the fragments merged together to create new urban hybrids. The process is endless and flexible over time, and assures an increase of the diversification as the constituting qualit y of the area .


Stimulators 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


C onnectors/mediators

Factor y farming C emeter y Panorama Beach D owntown

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1 2

6. Golf club 7. Forestr y center

Boulevards C hurch Market Forests Beach Hotels Pond


1 4 4



3 4










Patterns 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Rural Broadway Modernistic Medina Lagoons Suburban

Landscape Forest Water







The Masterplan is shown in different snapshots through time. As the process is basically fictional, one could imagine infinite different steps.

Golf Housing O n an abandoned golf yard (with its own club) informal buildings squat the higher dunes to avoid floods.

Broadway A large boulevard specially suited for pedestrians cuts a dense fabric of highrise buildings.

European C enter Around a formal square, european st yle blocks create a continous streetscape of town houses, shops and offices.

Forestr y C enter Few public and residential buildings frame an existing piece of natural forest .

Rural C it y

The Medina

The t ypical agricultural plot division drives the growth of spontaneous settlements.

A compact plot of land for informal development where the urban fabric is not designed but negotiated building by building.

Axonometrics of intermediate phases in different areas, where informalization is already taking place.

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