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month Timescale

month Timescale

Monthly plan July 2020- August 2020

July: There will be a visual plan for the website and the content. The plan will have the layout of the website and the information.The products will then be selected for the website. Around 20 products will be available at first, 15 dresses and 5 accessories, the Girl Of Now perfume will also be selected. The products will be womenswear Ready to Wear and accessories. Factories will then be contacted and garment factory workers should be contacted via online and on social media. When the chosen candidates are available, then recruit a research team to commence interviews in October. Also seek a translator to know the language that will need to be known. With the permission of the garment factory workers and the factory, start writing contract plans and organise what will be paid and the rules to follow. The website should be monitored daily and reviewed by the end of the month. Costs working out how much the deliveries and exports should be worked out and the carrier that will be used for delivering will be organised. All packaging will be prepared by the 22nd.


August: The Elie Saab India website will be launched (2nd August-4th) and featured on the main Elie Saab account story, the products will be available to be sold and exported internationally. Clothes will then be imported and sold through online orders using the delivery carrier decided upon. The Elie Saab India Instagram page should be planned for and the upcoming posts month via Preview app. The contracts should be signed and all permissions will be permitted by 14th of August, dates to visit India and the factories will be booked and planned and paid for. The products on the website will be reviewed and updated and customers thanked via letter with a sample of the new perfume.

Monthly plan Sep 2020-Dec 2020

September: The Elie Saab India page will then be launched and updated daily 1st September. The posts will be featuring the clothing from the website with models and behind the scenes of the atelier hand making the clothing. The campaign posts will start to be created September 5th, and posted throughout the month. The posts will also be featured on Instagram stories and show a preview for the docu-series. The interview questions will be planned and the locations to visit, and finalise all travel plans. The questions will be something similar to the following: how they are finding life after the pandemic, the struggles they are currently facing, if what they are earning is sufficient, what they are worried about, what they hope for the next year.

October: The interviews will commence, and the research team will visit the two families in India and the factories with a translator asking the questions. The docu-series will then be filmed in their homes showing their daily lives and the effects of Covid-19. The interviewer will sit down with the two ladies for two separate ten minute videos. After the filming and thanking and paying everyone involved, the editing should be wrapped by the 10th of November.

November: The docu-series campaign will be launched on social media with all credits, Facebook, Youtube and Instagram. Posts will feature the campaign daily on Instagram. The two part docu-series will be uploaded and posted on the 16th of November.

December: The end report will be finalised by the 21st of December, the campaign will continue to be posted throughout the month. Analyse financial data and results.

Budget and costs

Estimated monthly costs Hiring research team for three weeks=£10,000 Writing a contract for employees= N/A Social media manager= £2,000 monthly salary Transport= £3000 Creating Youtube content=£25 using software to edit Website costs £20-30 monthly to host on Shopify

Non attributable costs= £15,000 Attributable costs= £60,000 Fixed costs= £80,000

There will be no fixed budget and will depend on revenue however should be limited to around £150,000.

Monthly goals Ideal monthly sales goal= £320,000

5.5+ increase in sales goal Conversion rate of customers who will click on instagram=3 Million Order goal India only= 80 customers Follower goal on Elie Saab India= 200,000 by first month Instagram engagement goals= 10,000 likes/ post Youtube video view goal= 2,200

The end of the report

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