Type Specimen: Mercurius - by Matteo Finozzi

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Mercurius font specimen Designed by Matteo Finozzi

Mercurius Mercurius is a serif font based on Romulus italics which has been modified and personalized It is strongly influenced by the calligraphic pen strokes for that reason its axis are oblique and serifs are designed to follow and adapt themselves to this kind of feature Curves are made to emphasize this feature especially oblique ones that are connecting main and secondary strokes In the same way also secondary straight lines are made to increase the sense of the calligraphic style of the font as well as serifs which are designed to mimic pens stroke These are also designed to follow and enforce the perception of dynamism of the italics fonts Some of the features above resemble old style fonts which influenced the way Mercurius was designed but the effort was also made to obtain a different looking font which is also strongly influenced by modern serif fonts


abcdefg hijklmn opqrstu vwxyz

Lowercase letters

The x height is shorter than modern fonts and resemble first typographic characters used in the fifteenth century

General features


Strokes are based on calligraphic brushes which are used to make sharper transitions between main and secondary ones rather than defined a more classical curve

The same feature influence rounded letters as b c d p and q which have a strongly modulated secondary stroke

Serifs are unbracketed and oblique to enforce the dynamic appearance of the font and guide the reader through the text

General features

Serifs resemble calligraphic strokes Almost 90o angle

Dots are deformed to mimic ink and pens on paper

Ascender line Capitals line x height


Descender line

Positive stress angle

Inclined crossbar increase calligraphic perception

The set of serifs used to design Mecurius Uppercase and lowercase are designed to fit the different weights and shapes and adapt themselves to strokes and curves They play a central role defining the fonts aesthetic Serifs are tapered used more in recent typefaces to convey a modern style to the font which is both strongly connected with old and new serifs fonts

Tapered terminals

Positive stress angle and overshoot

Strokes have strong contrast

Comparison between uppercase and lowercase characters whit respective serifs

Uppercase letters



A room without books is like a body without a soul A room without books is like a body without a soul A room without books is like a body without a soul A room without books is like a body without a soul

40 pt

30 pt

24 pt

20 pt

A room without books is like a body without a soul

14 pt

A room without books is like a body without a soul

12 pt

A room without books is like a body without a soul

10 pt

A room without books is like a body without a soul

8 pt

40 pt

30 pt

24 pt

20 pt

A body without a soul is like a room without books A body without a soul is like a room without books A body without a soul is like a room without books A body without a soul is like a room without books

14 pt

A body without a soul is like a room without books

12 pt

A body without a soul is like a room without books

10 pt

A body without a soul is like a room without books

8 pt

A body without a soul is like a room without books

24 pt

Fonts and Typefaces

1013 pt

Designers including Erik Spiekermann Dan Mayer and Jessica Hische have been known to compare choosing fonts for design projects to choosing an outfit to wear And its an apt analogy Think about what your clothes might say about you based on what you wear people might rightly or wrongly make assump tions about your style your personality your socioeconomic background your age or the age you wish you were or the kind of impression you want to make And different occasions and sit uations call for different apparel You wouldnt wear a bathing suit to a job interview then again you wouldnt want to wear a suit and tie during your vacation on the beach either Theres an element of appropriateness to consider Now what your clothes do for you font choices serve the same purpose in a design Typography often provides that at a glance first impression that people gauge and judge the rest of the design by  so your font choices need to be purposeful and appropriate Is your font saying beach vacation when it should be saying job interview Do the elements of your font outfit clash or do they complement each other Are they effectively communicating the qualities you want to project These considerations are part of what makes choosing fonts such an important part of the design pro cess one that should be approached thoughtfully

810 pt

Font choices often set the tone for the whole design and can influ ence viewers feelings toward and iteractions with your design  just like how if you were to show up at a blacktie party in your favorite threadbare tshirt and sweatpants people would judge you on your ap pearance Dont be that guy with your design and give viewers an e

cuse to make incorrect assumptions about your brand or business bad ty pographic choices always distract from your designs message and intentions Not sure where to start This next section will get down to the nit tygritty of choosing and using fonts with easytounderstand ex planations and practical tips


o not go gentle into that good night Old age should burn and rave at close of day Rage rage against the dying of the light

Though wise men at their end know dark is right Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night Good men the last wave by crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay Rage rage against the dying of the light Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight And learn too late they grieved it on its way Do not go gentle into that good night Grave men near death who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay Rage rage against the dying of the light

Faculty of Design and Art Free University of Bolzano  Bozen Typeface designed by Matteo Finozzi WUP 1819 Prof Antonino Benincasa Gian Marco Favretto Maximilian Boiger Calligraphy Workshop by Mag Art Eva Pöll Font created with Illustrator  Fontself

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