Pedagogical Programme. Erasmus+. Women as Spiritus Movens.

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INTRODUCTION Women as Spiritus Movens is an Erasmus + Project that have been developed from 2014 to 2016. During five project meetings in Spain, Finland, France, Poland and Italy, six groups of two/three teachers from six different schools in Europe have prepared didactic units with specific objectives, multiples intelligences, basic skils, evaluation criteria, methodology, tools and examples of results, that have been put into practice and evaluated through the project activities of this two-year project. This programme is now disseminated to every European School interested in working on equality, citizenship and inter-culturalism. As the situation of women differs from country to country, all the schools involved agreed on the importance of working towards the equality in many fields: civil rights, salaries, decision-taking, participation in public life, early dropout from school and job opportunities. Gender violence was one of our concerns and we needed to make use of education and European experience to prevent any kind of discrimination and enhance mutual understanding between men and women. It is available in paper and in digital form for free download in our twinspace. It is also posible to use all the information, works, photos, videos, links, activities, reports, investigations,‌ through this link.



Finland, Kuopio, Kuopion Klasillinen Lukio

France, Le Taillan Médoc, Lycée Sud-Médoc

Italy, Gubbio, Istituto D'Istruzione Superiore G.Mazzatinti

Poland, Częstochowa, IX Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. C. K. Norwida

Spain, Badajoz, Colegio Diocesano San Atón

Turkey, Istanbul, Darüşşafaka High School


Firstly, students are asked to work in teams to make a research on profiles of famous women (who, a9erwards, will become the patrons of the subsequent project tasks and assignments). Students then prepare a short Prezi presentaCon on the patrons of their choice in which they are to jusCfy why they have selected those women in parCcular and explain the importance and extent of their contribuCons to the develoment of European ciCzenship. Those Prezi presentaCons are later to be shown at a project naConal or internaConal workshop, and a common voCng to select the patron of each task is carried out. A9erwards, groups of students prepare glogsters on the outcomes, which, together with the prezi presentaCons, are upoaded to a blog, web site or twinspace.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

To reinforce cultural awareness. To raise awareness of women influence on European civilizaCon development. To raise awareness about European Union ciCzenship. To encourage acCve young parCcipaCon in voCng. To promote intercultural values. To develop an ability to interact linguisCcally in an appropriate way. To appreciate women's contribuCon to art/music. To fight stereotypes of women inferiority. To promote intercultural understanding. Through a quesConaire, following indicators are to be measured: % of parCcipants who consider that their cultural awareness has been reinforced. % of parCcipants who consider that their awareness of women influence on European civilizaCon development has been raised. % of parCcipants who consider that their awareness of European Union ciCzenshiphas been raised. % of parCcipants who consider that acCve young parCcipaCon in voCng has been encouraged. % of parCcipants who consider that their intercultural values have been promoted. % of parCcipants who consider that they have developed an ability to interact linguisCcally in an appropriate way. % of parCcipants who consider that they have been able to appreciate women's contribuCon to art/music. % of parCcipants who consider that they have been able to fight stereotypes of women inferiority. % of parCcipants who consider that their intercultural understanding has ben promoted.

Prezi presentaCons Glogster Blog Web site Twinspace Check how we did it!: hTps:// hTps:// hTp://



Following the style of the crime riddles created by Agatha Chris7e, students invent or look for their favourite riddles (mathema7cal, logical or linguis7c ones). Then, they are asked to create a Q.R. Code with the best riddles, all of which are to be analysed in a compe77on where students are asked to try and solve those riddles using smartphones with Q.R. Code readers. Students learn how to create an APP for smartphones and tablets containing those mathema7cal, linguis7c and logical riddles by using the Mobincube tool.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

To improve aFainment in basic and transversal skills, especially entrepreneurship, digital skills and mul7lingualism. To reinforce skills with the emphasis on cri7cal thinking, crea7vity, ini7a7ve, problem solving, risk assessment and decision making. To enhance importance of logical thinking and science. To develop an ability to interact linguis7cally in an appropriate way. To enhance analy7cal abili7es. To promote crea7vity. To enhance students' crea7vity and imagina7on. To enhance skills to use computer and internet. T hrough a ques7onaire, following indicators are to be measured: % of par7cipants who consider that their basic and transversal skills, especially entrepreneurship, digital skills and mul7lingualism have improved. % of par7cipants who consider that their skills with the emphasis on cri7cal thinking, crea7vity, ini7a7ve, problem solving, risk assessment and decision making have been reinforced. % of par7cipants who consider that their awareness of the importance of logical thinking and science has been enhanced. % of par7cipants who consider that their ability to interact linguis7caly in an appropriate way has been developed. % of par7cipants who consider that their analy7cal abili7es have been enhanced. % of par7cipants who consider that crea7vity has been promoted. % of par7cipants who consider that their crea7vity and imagina7on have been enhanced. % of par7cipants who consider that their skills in using computer and internet have been enhanced. Q.R. Code / Q.R. Code Readers APP for Smartphones and tablets Mobincube Blogspot CHECK HOW WE DID IT!: * hFps:// * hFp:// * hFp://mobincube/mobi/3ZNGMR * hFps:// * hFps://



Students start by making a short video about democracy. Then they find out when women got some importatnt rights in their own country (soveregnty, right to study, inherit their parents, maternity support, right to vote and run as candidates and have an abor<on) and build a virtual <meline and one of paper in the front of the school pupils. Third part is to make a quiz by making ques<ons about women rights. Useful tools making quiz are Kahoot and Kuizza. Final part is to make a panel discussion to talk about invisible obstacles that are in our sociaty that hinder equality between men and women. Useful site to learn about glass ceiling: hFp:// www.wi<.com/research/downloads/glassceiling.pdf. Communication in the mother tongue Musical–rhythmic Communication in foreign languages Visual-spatial Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Verbal–linguistic Digital competence Logical–mathematical Learning to learn Bodily–kinesthetic Social and civic competences Interpersonal Cultural awareness and expression Intrapersonal Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Naturalistic

To reinforce cultural awareness. To raise awareness of women influence on European civiliza<on development. To raise awareness about European Union ci<zenship. To encourage ac<ve young par<cipa<on in vo<ng. To promote intercultural values. To develop an ability to interact linguis<cally in an appropriate way. To fight stereotypes of women inferiority. To promote intercultural understanding. To improve digital sKills. Through a ques<onaire, following indicators are to be measured:

% of par<cipants who consider that their cultural awareness has been reinforced. % of par<cipants who consider that their awareness of women influence on European civiliza<on development has been raised. % of par<cipants who consider that their awareness of European Union ci<zenshiphas been raised. % of par<cipants who consider that ac<ve young par<cipa<on in vo<ng has been encouraged. % of par<cipants who consider that their intercultural values have been promoted. % of par<cipants who consider that they have been able to fight stereotypes of women inferiority. % of par<cipants who consider that their intercultural understanding has ben promoted. % of par<cipants who consider that their digital scills have improved.

Kuizza Kahoot Timerime Video CHECK HOW WE DID IT!: hFps:// hFps:// hFp://



Studets begin with watching a TED-speech: "Brain in love" (h=p:// AFer that they study theory about love: three steps of love and chemical ma=ers affecJng (dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, testosterone, estrogen, vasopressin, adrenaline) by visiJng in page "Your amazing brain" (h=p:// Then they test the theory by interviewing couples that have been together for different lenghts of Jme (young, middle age, old) and making a 10 minutes Power Point presentaJon. In the end students make a video of interviewing children of 6-7 years old (asking quesJons of what love is and do you love someone). They pracJse translaJng be making subJtles in English to the video. Students present their work to the others.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

To reinforce cultural awareness. To raise awareness about European Union ciJzenship. To promote intercultural values. To develop an ability to interact linguisJcally in an appropriate way. To promote intercultural understanding.

Through a quesJonaire, following indicators are to be measured: % of parJcipants who consider that their cultural awareness has been reinforced. % of parJcipants who consider that their awareness of European Union ciJzenshiphas been raised. % of parJcipants who consider that their intercultural values have been promoted. % of parJcipants who consider that they have developed an ability to interact linguisJcally in an appropriate way. % of parJcipants who consider that their intercultural understanding has ben promoted.

Power Point Video

Check how we did it!: h=ps://

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic



Students learn how to make a survey and how to produce sta5s5cal reports using the data and showing a contrast between males and females. The topics are connected to European Policies and 2020 strategy: reasons for early drop-out at school, how to increase students’ interests in studying abroad, their knowledge of European opportuni5es and usefulness of Europass to unify various cer5ficates (CV, language passport, skills and abili5es passport). With this ac5vity the students study gender inequali5es at school and start by watching the video Malala Yousafzai as an introduc5on to school equali5es and discussed it. Then, they conduct a survey to know the propor5on of girls in scien5fic classes or engineer classes, school achievement…. The survey also examine their prospects for further educa5on and future jobs. ARer, students listed the reasons for school early dropout and classified them in categories. Then they are discussed in groups and possible solu5ons were suggested. A role play (using arguments) if filmed with virtual school dropouts and virtual educators and parents.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

To create a mul5ple-ques5on quiz , accessible to the surveyed endowed with easy analysing criteria, To improve digital skills, and sta5s5cal results, To interact linguis5cally in mother tongue and English, To learn about the European policies and 2020 strategies, To develop cri5cal analysis of social problems and interest, To discover European opportuni5es ,

Quan5ty evalua5on will include measure of indicators such as: % of par5cipantswho consider their awareness of women influence on European civiliza5on Development have been significantly raised. % of par5cipantswho consider their IT skills have been significantly enhanced. % of par5cipants who consider their ac5ve youth par5cipa5on vo5ng have been significantly encouraged. % of par5cipantswho consider their intercultural values have been significantly promoted. % of par5cipants who consider that their analy5cal abili5es have been enhanced. % of par5cipants who consider that crea5vity has been promoted. % of par5cipants who consider that their crea5vity and imagina5on have been enhanced. % of par5cipants who consider that their skills in using computer and internet have been enhanced.

- MCQ -IT tools, - French Na5onal agency's presenta5on of Europass tools , - Students' Europass crea5on in workshops, Check how we did it!: h\ps:// h\ps:// h\p://



By decoding e-numbers or food addi3ves in our food and es3ma3ng products' nutri3onal value, students will present a proposal for an ideal menu in connec3on with the topic of women stereotypes proposed by mass media. With the help of a nutri3onist they can learn how to conduct this prac3cal inves3ga3ons to make a set of healthy menus. Then, they list the five addi3ves among the most dangerous for human health and finded how harmful they can be. Later, they conduct a survey to know students’ ea3ng habits. Besides they make an inves3ga3on to see how fashion and food can be related: diets, fashion, models were studied.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

To create a prezi presenta3on on ea3ng habits and physical appearance, To decode e-numbers on labels and find out about food addi3ves, To carry out experiments on addi3ves in a scien3fic class as an interna3onal workshop, To learn from a nutri3onist how to create a well-balanced diet, To invent and then play a game based on na3onal dishes with the aim of finding the ideal menu, To share ideason ea3ng habits in mul3na3onal groups,

Quan3ty evalua3on will include measure of indicators such as: % of par3cipantswho consider their awareness of women influence on European civiliza3on Development have been significantly raised. % of par3cipantswho consider their IT skills have been significantly enhanced. % of par3cipantswho consider their intercultural values have been significantly promoted. % of par3cipants who consider that their analy3cal abili3es have been enhanced. % of par3cipants who consider that crea3vity has been promoted. % of par3cipants who consider that their crea3vity and imagina3on have been enhanced. % of par3cipants who consider that their skills in using computer and internet have been enhanced. %of par3cipants who consider their discourse management abili3es enhanced in English and mother tongue,

- Prezi presenta3ons, -IT tools, - Nutri3onist's presenta3on, -Biology experiments. Check how we did it!: hPps:// hPp://



Students in na+onal teams searches for films and videos presen+ng a problem of social exclusion (documentary or feature film). will be a tool where the compila+on of videos chosen by students will be available. During a workshop, two best ones films will be watched. It will trigger a panel discussion carried out during the workshop. The outcome of the students’ discussion will be a Code (set of rules) of Interpersonal Behaviour, made by groups of students.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

To fight with social exclusion To limit social s+gma+za+on of young people To learn the savoir vivre of discussion To develop ability of working in strong emo+ons To encourage students’ crea+vity To encourage ac+ve youth par+cipa+on in vo+ng To promote intercultural values To enhance digital skills To develop an ability to interact linguis+cally in an appropriate way To learn from the past and revive customs and tradi+ons Through a ques+onaire, following indicators are to be measured: % of par+cipants who consider that their cultural awareness has been reinforced. % of par+cipants who consider that their awareness of women influence on European civiliza+on development has been raised. % of par+cipants who consider that their awareness of European Union ci+zenshiphas been raised. % of par+cipants who consider that ac+ve young par+cipa+on in vo+ng has been encouraged. % of par+cipants who consider that their intercultural values have been promoted. % of par+cipants who consider that they have developed an ability to interact linguis+cally in an appropriate way. % of par+cipants who consider that they have been able to appreciate women's contribu+on to art/music. % of par+cipants who consider that they have been able to fight stereotypes of women inferiority. % of par+cipants who consider that their intercultural understanding has ben promoted.

- - Links to the films/documentaries covering the topic of social exclusuion - A list of ques+ons based on the films for a debate - A code of rules of behaviour based on students' debate/a work of art inspired by the debate Check how we did it!: hSps:// hSp://



Students brainstorn for a charity or a NGO organisa6ons that they want to support. They interview the president of this organisa6ons to learn more about its goals, challenges, finances, etc. Then students organise a sport event aiming at promo6ng and suppor6ng the organisa6on's goals. By collec6ng miles for chari6es- students declare to commit themselves to running, walking so as to raise miles which would later be converted into money for some charity organiza6on or NGOs. This ac6vity will be documented with photos or a dvd. This dvd will also include recorded interviews to the managers of those NGOs.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

To support youth sports ac6veness To encourage the youth to act as volunteers/ on behalf of others To promote intercultural values To promote par6cipa6on in European ini6a6ves To develop an ability to interact linguis6cally in an appropriate way

Through a ques6onaire, following indicators are to be measured: % of par6cipants who consider that their cultural awareness has been reinforced. % of par6cipants who consider that their awareness of women influence on European civiliza6on development has been raised. % of par6cipants who consider that their awareness of European Union ci6zenshiphas been raised. % of par6cipants who consider that ac6ve young par6cipa6on in vo6ng has been encouraged. % of par6cipants who consider that their intercultural values have been promoted. % of par6cipants who consider that they have developed an ability to interact linguis6cally in an appropriate way. % of par6cipants who consider that they have been able to appreciate women's contribu6on to art/music. % of par6cipants who consider that they have been able to fight stereotypes of women inferiority. % of par6cipants who consider that their intercultural understanding has ben promoted.

- DVD CREATOR : an interview with a representa6ve of a NGO organisa6ons - A permit from the city council to organise a demonstra6on/march - Posters promo6ong the idea of the demontra6on

Check how we did it!: hSps:// hSps:// hSp://



Each group of students search for detailed informa4on about a female musician from at least two different resources and make a prezi presenta4on about her biography. The chosen female musician could have had to hide her name because of her gender or could have had more difficul4es to be part of the history of music just for being a woman or was not valued at her 4me. She could be also the first woman dedicated to music in each country. The aim of the project ac4vity is to value her, is to give her the importance that perhaps she didn´t received at her 4me. Students have to find a musical masterpiece created by these women are played live by students from the school with the help of musicians from music schools in the city.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

To reinforce cultural awareness. To raise awareness of women influence on European civiliza4on development. To draw aEen4on to a problem of an unjust treatment of genders To promote intercultural values. To develop an ability to interact linguis4cally in an appropriate way. To appreciate women's contribu4on to art/music. To fight stereotypes of women inferiority.

Through a ques4onaire, following indicators are to be measured: % of par4cipants who consider that their cultural awareness has been reinforced. % of par4cipants who consider that their awareness of women influence on European civiliza4on development has been raised. % of par4cipants who consider that their aEen4on to a problem of an unjust treatment of genders have been raised. % of par4cipants who consider that their intercultural values have been promoted. % of par4cipants who consider that they have developed an ability to interact linguis4cally in an appropriate way. % of par4cipants who consider that they have been able to appreciate women's contribu4on to art/music. % of par4cipants who consider that they have been able to fight stereotypes of women inferiority.

Prezi presenta4ons Music performances

Check how we did it!: hEps://



Students have to find a business run by women ini4a4ve at a local, regional or na4onal level and conduct an interview with them. Following the path of those women, students have to look for personal ideas to create a business. Each team have to make their own personal project idea to create a business/services/ product and have to present it according to the format of SWOT annalisys. Students watch all the presenta4ons of the business and assess them using a evalua4on criteria. AEer that, they have to give feedback about each project idea according to the evalua4on criteria. A jury formed by students and teachers have to nominate each of the product/services in one of these categories:a) best presenta4on, b) best product/service, c) most original idea, d) most real budget (based on reality), e) best analyses , f) best dissemina4on of the product (logo, slogan,…).

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

- To raise awareness of women influence on European business development. - To improve aLainment in basic and transversal skills, specially entrepreneurship, digital skills and mul4lingualism. - To reinforce skills with the emphasis on cri4cal thinking, crea4vity, ini4a4ve, problem solving, risk assessment, decision taking and construc4ve management of feelings. - To develop, transfer and implement innova4ve prac4ces. - To promote entrepreneurship - To prevent youth unemployment Through a ques4onaire, following indicators are to be measured: % of par4cipants who consider that their awareness of women influence on business development has been raised. % of par4cipants who consider that their skills with the emphasis on cri4cal thinking, crea4vity, ini4a4ve, problem solving, risk assessment, decision taking and construc4ve management of feelings has been raised. % of par4cipants who consider that their entrepreneurship skills has been encouraged. % of par4cipants who consider that their digital skills have been promoted. % of par4cipants who consider that they have developed, transfered and implemented innova4ve prac4ce. % of par4cipants who consider that their mul4lingualism skils has been promoted.

Prezi presenta4ons Videos SWOT analysis

Check how we did it!: hLps://



This is a personal approach to history, bringing history to life. Students have to research important events in the European History of the 20th century. They have to decide which of these events were the most meaningful. They have to conduct interviews with different women who have somehow experienced these events. Then students have to learn how to edit a documentary film and create it. The premiere of the film can be organized during an event held in the school.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

To reinforce cultural awareness. To raise awareness of women influence on European civilizaDon development. To raise awareness about European Union ciDzenship. To promote intercultural values. To develop an ability to interact linguisDcally in an appropriate way. To appreciate women's contribuDon to history. To fight stereotypes of women inferiority. To raise the student´s knowledge of History of Europe in the 20th Century To enhance digital skills to edit high quality videos Through a quesDonaire, following indicators are to be measured: % of parDcipants who consider that their cultural awareness has been reinforced. % of parDcipants who consider that their awareness of women influence on European civilizaDon development has been raised. % of parDcipants who consider that their awareness of European Union ciDzenshiphas been raised. % of parDcipants who consider that their knowledge of History of Europe in the 20th Century has been significantly raised % of parDcipants who consider that their digital skills to edit high quality videos have been significantly enhanced % of parDcipants who consider that they have developed an ability to interact linguisDcally in an appropriate way. % of parDcipants who consider that they have been able to appreciate women's contribuDon to history. % of parDcipants who consider that they have been able to fight stereotypes of women inferiority.

DVD maker SubsDtles maker Youtube

Check how we did it!: hQps:// hQps://



Students have to inves.gate the topic of gender violence and fill in an interna.onal chart about figures and measures taken by the governments to prevent it. They present their researches using an online tool called PADLET. Basing on that informa.on, students look for proposal to solve this huge problem in the European society. Those solu.ons are shown using sports and arts. They draw a draD of the idea they want to show. This draD is printed in a A·3 collage format. From that draD students prepare a performance, using only body language and music, without words – a flash moob. PE teachers can help them to prepare physical and choreographic movements.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

- To reinforce skills with the emphasis on thinking, crea.vity,, problem solving, risk assessment, decision taking and management of feelings. - To draw aKen.on to a problem of an unjust treatment of genders - To develop ability of working in strong emo.ons - To encourage students’ crea.vity - To promote solu.ons about gender violence. - To fight stereotypes of women inferiority. - To create an example of good prac.ce. - To support youth sports ac.veness Through a ques.onaire, following indicators are to be measured: % of par.cipants who consider that their reinforce skills with the emphasis on thinking, crea.vity,, problem solving, risk assessment, decision taking and management of feelings have been reinforced. % of par.cipants who consider that their awareness of drawing aKen.on to a problem of an unjust treatment of genders has been raised. % of par.cipants who consider that their ability of working in strong emo.ons been raised. % of par.cipants who consider that their crea.vity have been promoted. % of par.cipants who consider that they have developed an ability to to promote solu.ons about gender violence. % of par.cipants who consider that they have been able to create an example of good prac.ce. % of par.cipants who consider that they have been able to fight stereotypes of women inferiority. % of par.cipants who consider that their sports ac.veness has ben promoted.

Padlet Flashmoob Youtube Collage tecniques Check how we did it!: hhKps:// hKps:// hKp://



European Curriculum

Students compare their curriculum with another country´s curriculum and make a final product that can be used as an Open Educa:on Resource for those schools in Europe that want to apply for long-term mobility exchanges. It can be done to facilitate the difficult task of preparing learning agreements between schools. This product includes: a comparison chart about contents of different subjects, individual curricula for students, school reports with figures about number of lessons per week, students evalua:on of the experience and students’ opinion about the educa:ve system in their own countries.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

- To focus on how to organize their own learning, to take responsibility for their own learning and to deal with obstacles during learning - To gain insight into various curriculum approaches - To increase ability to understand and express themselves in a foreign language according to their needs - To understand cultural differences and diversity - To enhance knowledge on what is going on throughout Europe - To engage students into construc:ve co-opera:on with people of different backgrounds.

- The product has been done in the required form. - The product has been done before the deadline. - % students who consider that their ability to understand and express themselves in a foreign language have been inproved according to their needs. - % students who consider that their knowledge on what is going on throughout Europe have been signifan:ly enhanced. - % students who consider that their skils to organize their own learning have been reinforced. - % students who consider that their skils to take responsibility for their own learning have been reinforced. - % students who consider that their skils to deal with obstacles during learning have been reinforced. - % students who consider that they could gain insight into various curriculum approaches. - % students who consider that they could understand cultural differences and diversity. - % students who consider that they could get engage into construc:ve co-opera:on with people of different backgrounds.

+ Online powerpoint + Prezi presenta:ons + Issuu CHECK HOW WE DID IT!: * hVps:// * hVps://



Students look for myths or facts that mothers, grandmothers or other women caring about health use as ways of trea8ng common ailments. Students analyse the topic within their own country and other countries. Later they check and prove why/whether they work or not, with the help of Biology teachers. The results areshared through a blog and in an illustrated booklet with treatment solu8ons marked: a myth or a fact.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

- To enhance importance of logical thinking and science - To develop an ability to interact linguis8cally in an appropriate way - To learn from the past and revive customs and tradi8ons - To enhance analy8cal abili8es - To increase ability to understand and express themselves in a foreign language according to their needs - To understand cultural differences and diversity - To engage students into construc8ve co-opera8on with people of different backgrounds.

- The product has been done in the required form. - The product has been done before the deadline. - % students who consider that their ability to understand and express themselves in a foreign language have been inproved according to their needs. - % students who consider that their importance of logical thinking and science have been signifan8ly enhanced. - % students who consider that their skils to interact linguis8cally in an appropriate way have been signifan8ly enhanced. - % students who consider that their analy8cal abili8es have been signifan8ly enhanced. - % students who consider that they could understand cultural differences and diversity. - % students who consider that they could learn from the past and revive customs and tradi8ons. - % students who consider that they could get engage into construc8ve co-opera8on with people of different backgrounds.

+ Blog + Online word + Issuu CHECK HOW WE DID IT!: * hQps://



Students do an interview to a woman they consider a heroine, for example: a scien9st, an academician, a writer, a poli9cian, their mother or grandmother. The main aim is to increase knowledge on how to communicate with members of family and successful professionals. The interviews is recorded in a video and uploaded on an online newspaper, using or issuu.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

- To improve a@ainment in basic and transversal skills, specially digital skills and mul9lingualism. - To reinforce intercultural awareness. - To raise awareness of women influence on European civiliza9on development - To develop an ability to interact linguis9cally in an appropriate way - To fight stereotypes of women inferiority - To acquire skills in accurate transla9on - To enhance skills to use computer and internet

- The product has been done in the required form. - The product has been done before the deadline. - % students who consider that their ability to understand and express themselves in a foreign language have been inproved according to their needs. - % students who consider that their have been signifan9ly enhanced. - % students who consider that their skils to fight stereotypes of women inferiority have been reinforced. - % students who consider that their skils in accurate transla9on have been reinforced. - % students who consider that their skils to use computer and internet have been reinforced. - % students who consider that they could raise awareness of women influence on European civiliza9on development . - % students who consider that they could understand cultural differences and diversity. - % students who consider that they could get engage into construc9ve co-opera9on with people of different backgrounds.

+ Windows Movie maker. + iMovie + Youtube + Issuu CHECK HOW WE DID IT!: * h@ps:// * h@ps://



“Looking for the happiness formula” It is an e-novel wri9en by students in which each team write a chapter. The plot is con@nued from one group to another. The ac@vity is carried on through the whole project and a new chapter is read in each workshop. Students use one of the most important women in different countries as the main characters. The chapters are illustrated with photos, o drawings.

Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Musical–rhythmic Visual-spatial Verbal–linguistic Logical–mathematical Bodily–kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic

To reinforce cultural awareness. To raise awareness of women influence on European civiliza@on development. To promote intercultural values. To develop an ability to interact linguis@cally in an appropriate way. To appreciate women's contribu@on to history. To fight stereotypes of women inferiority. To increase literary and ar@s@c skills To enhance students’ crea@vity and imagina@on Through a ques@onaire, following indicators are to be measured: % of par@cipants who consider that their cultural awareness has been reinforced. % of par@cipants who consider that their awareness of women influence on European civiliza@on development has been raised. % of par@cipants who consider that their literary and ar@s@c skills have been raised. % of par@cipants who consider that their knowledge of History of Europe in the 20th Century has been significantly raised % of par@cipants who consider that their crea@vity and imagina@on have been significantly enhanced % of par@cipants who consider that they have developed an ability to interact linguis@cally in an appropriate way. % of par@cipants who consider that they have been able to appreciate women's contribu@on to history. % of par@cipants who consider that they have been able to fight stereotypes of women inferiority.

Word and PDF Issuu

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