Antonio Mora Brochure

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Antonio Mora is an alchemist of images, a tracker of dreams.

From a careful photographic selection, he finds a way to harmonize portraits with the most varied themes related to everything that is part oflife: nature, architecture, texmres, abstract art, etc.

His conceptual vision of emotions together with a refined image treatment technique are fundamental guides for the creation of an original work, as disturbing as it is evocative. A beauty built from fantasies, dreams or mysterious memories that manages to capture whoever observes her

Antonio Mora has exhibited his works in individual and collective exhibitions in Europe and the US.


"T!uoughoutmy careerl have selectirzgthe di!fererztprirztirzgmedia that bestsuit t!zes~yleofm_yworks.

Thephotogmphic paper.for its suitabt!t~yti 1eflectc!OJ;corztmstarzdthe s!t~hesttorzalvan'atiom.

The carzvas;.forits rzobt!t~yarzd.fotrthe elegarztpreserzceitpmvides.

The wallpaperbecawe it allows me to reach ve1ylarge.fonnats arzdbecawe it allows me to acktptto the spec!ficmeaswemerztrzeedsofm.r clierzts.

Arzdfirzal(y,pnrztirzgorzwooderzboaf'Cls;becawe I ampas-siorzateabout the virztagefirzish that I carzget ~y sarzdtrzgarzdwaxtrzgtlzeswface efthepnrzt.

Below I show some samples thatpe¡fect(y exemplifyhow thesesztpportswork trzm_ycompositiomirztlze diffe1erzterzvúorzmerztsirzwhich they have wed

Arzd rzowI p1eserztthe EVA ...".


" We need to gel used to the nzaterialsefour time, do e1Jerythingpossibleto adapt to the spaces in which we live"

'1tis the way to be able to dress any place and nzonzentwith enzotions.I think that, deep down, we all lookfar new sensations, new ways efliving e1Jetyday"

fig1ll'eout how to play along

Is light. lt presents an excellent behavior in printing and sealing. lt is smooth but very porous. The EVA meets all the requirements that it needed to meet to be able to include itas a support for newworks.

lt can be said that it is perfect for expanding the possibilities of the collection. In the same way that words play with silences to transmita message, we look for ways to break into different spaces and make something as ethereal as dreaming, beauty, reflection, the unattainable tangible ..

Since my beginnings I have tried to innovate and take my work to different media, seeking the balance between beauty and functionality applied to interior design. After manytests, workingwith EVA has given me enough freedom to be able to 'play' not onlywith colors and images, but also with shapes, with combinations of sizes or with silhouettes.



It is in this modality where we get the most out of the EVA. lts extrnordina1y lightness allows us, through sorne light black iron tubes. And sorne supports, also made of iron on the grnund, to assemble light structures where the EVA cut into circles of different sizes is supported standing up, once fixed to the suppmt.

The EVA is printed with the work you choose which, when projected onto the circles, configures a complete image that will help you separare spaces in a completely new, original way and with gTeat expressive force.

• Theroom di,1ders come disnssembled, m1d their nssemblJ is exn·nordi1rnrilJ simple, "ith m1em,J insm1ction booklet.

• TheJ nrenrnde up of 4 circles \\ith the follo"ing·mensurements. 90, 60, 50 m1d4ocr11

• \Vidth mensurement once nssembled c6o cr11,heig·htmensurement 200 cr11,mbe thickness co 111111,mensurementof ench support2ox20 cr11

• The circles nre ndhered to the iron mbes \\ith uln·n-sn·ong·doub le-sided rnpe nlrend) included in the ghling· rnb i tself.


With the EVA you can cover the wall you want in your house with a mural in a simple and fast way.

The puzzles are made up oflarge pieces that fit perfectly together and that adhere to the wall, configuring any of the works in our extensive collection. Without screws and without drilling holes in the wall.

• Size of the pieces 30X¡o cm
- -



The ve1y packaging of the work becomes the perfect mount to enhance it. The ease with which the Eva is cut allows us to make an externa} cut andan interna} one allowing both pieces to assemble perfectlywith each other.

• Sizes: 35-c-X.50m1d70Xcoo cms


A new and simple way to enjoy the beauty of Antonio Mora' s works on your walls. Once again, the extraordinary lightness of the material allows us to fix the works to the wall without the need for screws or drilling.

You can choose either for the image to be projected in a simple circle or inscribed in four circles whose arrangement allows you to visualize the complete work..

• TheJ are made up of 4 circles \lith the follmling·measurements: 90, 60, 50 and40 ci11

• You can also find simple circles in these same measurements.


Draw tlle emotionalmap of ILumannature~!etyourse!f be guzded by memories~ dreams-and tlle most abstractrealz~y.Bepart eftlle memory of wlw looks today. Letyourse!f be conqueredby tlle classicmaterials.


The printing is done on a 4-sided wooden frame anda canvas, obtaining a result that combines well with any surface on which they are placed. Emblematic in this option is the absence of a frame that creares a 'Borderless' effect.

These pieces have a decorative function and can work in virtually any space, meeting the imagination expectations of the interior designer

• Brig"htwhite cotton fabric. Prmides excellentimagesharpness ancla w:iclecolor gamut. Perfectst1·etch and high performance forfr:uning. Resistant to water and light.

• \Ve ship the cmJYasrollecl up in a thick carclboarcl n1be to :nuicl packagingcosts and clanrngecluringtransport.

• A.Yailablein a "iclerangeofmeas1u·eseve11 i11Ye1~-largeformats.

• \Ve can adapt to the 111eas1u·essuggestecl b~-the client


''Developyour oum style~show reality as onfyyou know how to see it. Con1Je_y a messageanclclimensionit. Take ac/1Jantageefali the techniquesavazlableto achieve''.


Printing 011 high-definitionphotogTaphicpaper allowsaccess to a widerange of measmemenrsto be able to e1tjoythe work in pract:icallyall spaces. They are perfect:worksto be framed. The adaprationis practica!,functionaland ensures any objecriveto the interior designer. To whomat rhe same time allowsto be dari:ngand di:fferentin the choiceof the work.

• HP Phoro-realisric Posrer Paper is a recyclable, hig·hlyYersarilemedia rhar cleliwr5'ibranr, phoro-realisricprims.

150 Jears away ti-ornclirecrsuu 11id1 01·igiuall.arn luk.

,._\Ve can adapr rhe works based 011 rhe measmes suggesred b~-rJ1ediem.

• \Vide rang-e ofsrandard mcasuremcnrs

. .~:,¡r/:;n.) , 7; ..'~r•.·/ # ?'-r: ,. ,"4 .;,. /

''Dimensionlile metaplwr of embodied art lO iis maximum extenl Bepart of zt zdentifyspaces. Transmitgreat messagesin capital images."


Option to cover walls with high quality self-adhesive material. lts reusable condition makes it ideal for tempora1y decoration orto easily change the style. They add dimension and depth to a space and are characterized by the high quality of the images that are printed ata ve1y high quality. Turn your walls into your own a1t galle1y, where you can place a work that brings elegance to your living room. The works on wallpaper of Antonio immerse you in an atmosphere ofbeauty, serenity and chromatism.

,. Measures 011 demand, we can reach ve11farge formars rnilored roJonr ,rnll

,. HP PVC-free WallPaper, c75g·/ 1112 Marre, warerresisrnnr,,irhHPLarex lnks

,. EasJ placemenr


"Gobeyond appearance.Investigating the sensations that natural materials bring to the work only complementsthe concepteftranscendencethat we want to z'¡iferto each efour creations"

We use planed wooden boards so that the texture of the wood is incmporated into the printed image, then we sand and wax them with bitumen. The result is a work of art with an original look, ideal for trnnsporting the beauty of the printed creation to spaces that require a sense of vintage design.

,. \Ve lrnve srnndnrd mensures ndnpred ro rhe desig11of rhe ch osen work.

,. We cm1ndnpr rhe works bnsed 011rhe mensures suggesred by rhe clienr.

,. The work is senr disnssembled ro facilirnre rrnnsporr, nssembly is exrremely simple m1d ensy nssemblJ i11sm1ctio11scm1be found in rhe shipmenr.

,. Tog-erher "i rh rhe bonrds rlrnrurn ke up rhe work, (nsunlly co cm "ide), we supply rhe renr nssem bly bonrds m1d rhe necessm"J screws for ir.

) .. .. • ·-~ :· -·:, ••.:' ·:··:·.~·-'\.·.: ·· . . .... •• /!• : ·.: .• • • 1


Welcometo tlle languageof emotion capableof communicatingwilll alipeople in a universal way.


The Exclusive Custom Portraits line gives its name to the artistic customization initiative of Antonio Mora. These are unique and different portrnits, where the a1tist not only reveals the physical expression, but also those traits that define the person formed by his emotional map. Masterfully intertwining the short shot with the subjective shot. The works can be adapted to all the materials thatAntonio Moraworks with and with his personal advice.

Welcome tltal mystery tltal invades U,S deeply.

The Limited Edition line includes the special works of the artist for which there is a limited number of reproductions.

,. Prinred 011 corron pnper Albrechr Diirer de Hmmemulle ,. Three fornrn rs, snrn11,medium m1dbrg-e. ,. Wirhwhirenrnrgin of8cm ,. DI")em bossed ,. Pnckng-ed in prinred mernl mbe

Welcome to get carried away ~y invented worlds. To art.

Antonio Mora begins a new stage in the metaverse with his own NFf art galle1ywith unique and verifiable pieces with certificares of authenticity andan exclusive property of the author, which makes it impossible to plagiarize or lose.



Restos de un Naufragio, F1·esasychocolategallery, Alicante, 2013

Lapieldel Tiempo, MAHE,Elche, 2014

Tene1·a1·e, Bologna,ltaly, 2014

Hotel Costes, Paris, 2015

GnstaveEiffelRoom, EiffelTower, Paris, 2016

LadyiuRedgalle1-y, Lagoa, Algarve,Portugal, 2018

FOl'gotteuMemoriesBackya1·dgalle1-y, Colog11e,Gennany, October, 2021

TheA1·tisauofEmotious, GothiaTowe1·s, Gothenburg, Sweden,2021

A1·tqnetipos, lcoedl'O Honse, Elche, Spain, 2022


Pa1·tlbizagallery, Ibiza, Spain, from 2014 to 2019

Tashkeut A1·taud Photographie Bieuuale, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2014 and 2018

!st Bieuuale of A1·taud Photography Ye1·evau,Yerevan, Armenia, 2019

Castello dell'Ovo, Naples, ltaly, 2019

Salou d' Antomue, PalaisRoyal,Paris, 2016

lmageuatiou, Paris, 2018

A1·tCoucepts Loudou Galle1-y,Kings Road, London, UK, 2019

Aff01'dableA1·tFaii-, London, 2020

Eucoua·os Fotográficos, Museo Panlistauo, Sao Paulo, Brazil,2021

Sala de A1·te,Aruba, Netherland Antilles, 2021

Bi·aiu Cake, Mads Galle1-y,La Pedrera, Barcelona,2022


Noagalle1-y, Gothemburg, Sweden

A1·tsy,Paris ,France

CitizeuAtelie1-, Toronto, Canada

FKU, Mads GAlle1-y,Milanand Lanzarote

• l'ORTíOI.IOBOX IMAGENATIONPARIS - GAURIEJOSEPNSAINTMAIITIN236RUES••NTMARTIN PARIS M ARTSETMETl[RES ;·;;roN;,;-~:;º f } -..,AL'ICIN -~fit.lQIJU .\UCliZUO!itllC (l(NAYIZ:US VA --~ l!;O,T[AIKO.Pl(ma,;0 ~,~ -·lVICIQU,t,ll'IA ""°'Ntll(Ml(JI -U(0(AO$( --""""'°"'CU,,"1:U(~ --· -~ ....u1!$A$Y,•<ITli V($APIHAMJ-·~ -BACKYARDGALLERY - EXPOSICIÓN 0E COLLAGE SOBRE TABLA t • • ., ., _Antonio M,ora .. del 25 de bct'u&;' al 18 de noviembre •

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