In our school we have our own “little planet”! Our own “asteroid”! It’s a very small garden in which we grow vegetables, flowers and dreams! Our garden lies in a room, next to our art studio, with an open roof covered with glass and a natural ground. During the morning we can see the sunny sky from our garden and the stars can see our little garden during the starry night. So, we thought to make a gift to the Little Prince, and leave it there for him. And when the Little Prince looks at nights from his planet to our garden we are sure that he will feel nice and he will smile. The gift from the boys of our team to the Little Prince, was a little and active volcano! The gift from the girls of our team to the Little Prince, was a beautiful rose!! In order to make our volcano active and our flower protected, we asked the help of the teacher of chemistry. He did his magic, and using baking soda and vinegar, made our volcano active. Then he looked at the chemistry laboratory and found a test jar which he gave us in order to protect our flower. See what we have done: