t h e e d g e o f i m p o s s i b l e . S p e c i a l
d i n computational design, with more than 10 years of experience in industry and academia. L oves building things nobody has ever built before.
One of his long‑term goals is to bring radical
technology and timeless designs that integrate
2019 ‑ 2022 The University of T okyo ( 東京大学 )
Doctor of Engineering in computational geometry and design
2017 ‑ 2019 The University of T okyo ( 東京大学 )
Master of Engineering
2016 ‑ 2017 R esearch student in the University of T okyo Japanese language education, timber structure research
2009 ‑ 2015 University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (U A CEG), Sofia
Master in Architecture in 2015
2022 ~ P roduct Owner at Zuru T ech
2021 Architect at K engo K uma and Associates (contract)
2019 Architect at K ousou inc. (contract)
2019 Intern at K engo K uma and Associates
2018 P rototyper & R oboticist, P rivate Consulting (contract)
2018 Intern at Hideyuki Nakayama Architecture
2015 Architect for FORMA Studio, Plovdiv
2014 Intern at E‑House Architects꞉ preservation and conservation 2013 Interior D esigner and CG artist at VIAR T ZONA Ltd. (contract)
2010 User Experience Designer of New W ave for Ubuntu (private consultant)
Design꞉ Architectural design, Concept design, Photography , Graphic design, R apid prototyping, UI design, W eb design, Interaction design, Interior design, Building Information Modelling, Computer Aided Design, P reservation and restoration of cultural heritage, Photogrammetry.
Interpersonal꞉ Critical thinking, Sociable, T eam leadership, T eamwork, Collaborative problem‑solving, Supportive, Adaptable, Organisational Strategy , Agile, CSPO.
Languages꞉ English ‑ TOEFL, Japanese ‑ JLPT N2, Bulgarian ‑ native Software꞉ Rhino3D, Grasshopper , R evit, 3dsMax, V ‑ray , Corona, AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Illustrator , Adobe P remiere P ro, F igma, Davinci R esolve, SketchUp, Cura 3D, Unity , Blender , VisualStudio, Git, Debian, W ordpress, Apache, MySQL, GitL ab. P rogramming꞉ C#, C, Python, Microprocessor and microcontroller programming, Git, C++.
This pavilion mockup was short‑listed in the IASS Surrey 2021 Expo competition, organised by W orking group 21 that deals with advanced manufacturing and materials. The goal was to construct a lightweight structure that can be carried into maximum of 6 boxes of size 1000mm x 650mm x 750mm, not exceeding 32kg. The proposal here was based on my about branch existing research formations generated by custom computer optimisation with designer ‑defined rules, while using only the available
input raw materials (natural forked roundwood). The result is the world’s first constructed pavilion, following the digitally self‑formed gridshell geometry by using 15 branches connected by paper clay and metal core joints. These branches could fit in only two boxes. Ideally , by using the locally available resources, we would not need any specific transportation for the construction material with the exception of the joint materials. More details and videos of the pavilion and construction can be seen . here
BO X ‑ TRIMMED TO 610x710x960mm (OFFSET 40mm)
BO X 1
BO X 2
01_M.ARCH . PROJECT ‑ Arctic research and monitoring centre
L ocated on the Svalbard archipelago in the Pyremiden city I propose this Arctic research and monitoring centre. It was inspired by the 120hours competition for the preservation of the abandoned R ussian town. The increasing global warming and its doubled effects on the Arctic as well as the shrining north ice are major factors that determine the need for the creation of such a structure at this place.
The building on the other hand is inspired by the work of the scientist as well as of the physical and physiologi‑ cal need of the humans to find shelter in this wild and alien landscape. The building uses sustainable technol‑ ogy and was designed with environmental simulation to enhance the living conditions and overcome the great challenges of spending time in isolation and irregular day/night cycles.
On this project I worked together with over 40 people in the K apana P ossible research team. It unites the efforts of students of architecture, urbanism, urban research and social anthropology , in partnership with Plovdiv 2019 Municipal F oundation. T ogether we tried to replicate a well‑known and successful foreign model꞉ to transform a derelict but lively neighborhood into an active part of the modern city . As I benefited from the research of the students of sociology, urbanism and
anthropology I was able to propose a building that solves the problems of the chosen site ‑ lack of public space for events solved by the cantilever , lack of natural v e g e t a t i o n s o l v e d b y r o o f t o p g a r d e n a n d n o i s y environment that was dampened by the 3D facade treatment. It functions as a recording studio “Sklada” (means Storage) and is in line with the strategy for a cultural industry zone in the city. It is situated in protected Kapana district area, Plovdiv .
The ratio R is height to width of the facade
01_FURNITURE DESIGN ‑ Studio for architects
The task was to design a small to medium scale archi‑ tectural office. W e had to create all the required furniture and have some of the elements use modular o r g a n i z a t i o n p r i n c i p l e s i n t h a t c a s e t h e s h e l v e s . Everything is based on a 60 degree angle that is incor‑ porated in the basis of all the furniture. Plywood boards are the primary material used. It ensures the touch of nature as well as cost efficiency . The crumbling building that this studio is situated in was
the former R oyal Stables of King F erdinand in Sofia. This edifice was first given to us as a competition entry for restoration at Sofia Architecture W eek 2012. Then I decided to continue working on it and gave it a new function by adaptive reuse as it was perfect for an artistic v e n u e . T h e c h a l l e n g e s w e r e t h e s m a l l w i n d o w s available only on one of the walls but that was over‑ come by proposing skylight and adaptive lights that doubles as shading in daytime.
01_RESEARCH ‑ Activating the ghetto
This is my part of a bigger project analyzing and propos‑ ing strategies for Plovdiv as a candidate for Cultural capital of Europe 2019. The ghetto of Stolipinovo, Plovdiv as cultural provocateur and activator is the aim of my concept. It tries to engage with the R oma people in unique new ways and their well know talent for singing and dancing. The best of their artist‑children
would get funded by the municipality to help their families revitalize their habitable environment through different methods꞉ new buildings, additional floors, or just renovations. I propose an urban plan that would protect the unique characteristics and “disorder ” of the neighborhood and introduce new rules to help battle pollution and hygiene such as “ At least a tree in a yard”.
New buildings
Upgrade building
R enovate building
High vegetation
01_DESIGN DEVEL OPMENT ‑ Market hall
During our education in the Architectural construction and technology discipline we are required to do a design development on a relatively big hall‑shaped building to be used as market place.
I chose to do a covered market hall to fit different selling requirements from food to clothes and electronics.
There is a café and an administration rooms to manage the market. Everything complies with the regulations in
Bulgaria and the accessible use of the building. The construction is made form compound laminated wood beams which are joined together using steel planks by minimum amount of joints. The structure of the second storey floor is concrete to ensure maximum longevity of the building. The elevations are clad with wooden composite panels resistant to graffiti forming a venti‑ lated facade.
F ragment of the F irst floor plan
01_PRODUCT DESIGN ‑ P ortable barbeque set
I participated in open competition to design a portable d e s i g n e r b a r b e c u e s e t f o r a s t a r i n g u p J a p a n e s e wellness company .
T o make it portable I choose a three peace assembly ‑ two legs and a fold‑able fire resistant net that are very easy to transport in a flat bag. The barbecue also has
adjustable positions of the net to overcome winds and adjust coal location for optimal baking, as wells as small pikes at the top for holding the food net with from slipping when moving.
My project was awarded second place from 40+ competing teams winning a small monetary reward.
01_ROBOT PROTOTYPE ‑ Magicasa (The flying umbrella)
Are you tired of holding your umbrella during Autumn ’s cold and rainy days? Is it annoying to get wet when trying to avoid other people or obstacles? Magicasa is the solution for all your problems! Magicasa will be hovering over you and tracking all your moves while avoiding potential obstacles, so that you can do other things while walking in the rain. This is the world’s first smart flying umbrella project that I had the chance to lead, winning the Bill and Melinda Gates F oundation grant as well as first prize in product design competition a g a i n s t 1 0 + t e a m s . F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n i t s components and function see . here
02_COMPETITION 2010 ‑ Adaptive building K
This was my first competition to enter after one year of studying architecture. Its topic was “Being adaptive at periphery ”. I chose to make a fully automated sky‑ scraper that could help his inhabitants to live or work better . Each of the floors is separated from the others and is “connected” trough magnetic fields similar to the ones that power the Maglev trains. So in this line of thought,
every floor could rotate itself using magnet servos independently from the others. It ensures maximum comfort to its inhabitants based on the guess of a central computer and the predictions for sunshine, wind and weather suited to the number of people inside the floor . In addition to this, the smart electric coating windows could become darker in very hot and sunny days so that they would let in less light and heat.
02_COMPETITION 2014 ‑ Bike stand “Svetul”
Another local competition I took part in is the one for new bike stands in Plovdiv . Svetul in Bulgarian means “Making light” and is derived from the local word firefly (Svetulka).
Given the rich historical past of the city as well as the mixture of aesthetics I designed something simple enough to blend effectively in many locations. I also gave it a unique characteristic ‑ to glow in the dark, so
that you could see where are the stands and how exactly is the bike locked to them. The glow would allow for people and cyclists to not crash into the stands. The glow in the dark paint is readily available and the process to bend the tubes is not that complicated resulting in, strong and elegant bike stand. It could further be arranged in different combinations and numbers.
02_COMPETITION 2015 ‑ P reserving Pyramiden
The task of 120 HOURS 2015 international competition was about the experimental preservation of the city of Pyramiden located on the Norwegian island of Svalbard. W ith my proposal I try to preserve not the city but the incredibly beautiful wild nature of Svalbard. I propose a museum structure that elevates the experience of the visitors to new level. It’s scale corresponds to the soviet past of the R ussian mining settlement. Y ou enter into the
“past” and trough 419 steps (the years Svalbard is known to humans) you go to the top from where you see the future/present settlement. In it’s interior , semi translucent windows show graphics about the history of the place. The intention of the project was to convey the feeling that human exploration should know its limits and respect the nature by treating human activity and settlement remains responsibly
02_COMPETITION 2020 ‑ UT okyo Akamon Gate R estroom
This project proposed an inclusive restroom design near the historic landmark ‑ the Akamon in UT okyo. The shape was inspired from the gothic arches of the library and the curved Japanese roofs of the wooden gate. The design
tries to harmonize with the historical context by using wood shingles at variable angles that let daylight inside.
This workshop was an initiative part of the architecture days in Plovdiv . They were held in 2012 to revitalize the space behind the Djumaia mosque and three other places. A team of 14 young architects and students were gathered to do the design of the intervention and build it. As part of this team I managed to learn a lot about teamwork and working with real building materi‑ als, deadlines and manage expectations. W e designed a staircase‑like structure that could be used for sitting and small spectacles and performances.
Viewed from the top, the whole structure had a circular shape but viewed from the bottom it looked chaotic as intended. The circle symbolized a uniting symbol of all the religious symbols used in the city by its communi‑ ties. Thus this was a place to gather all citizens in peace. The whole process of building finished at the night of museums and galleries in Plovdiv with video mapping ceremony . As the citizens used the project a lot, we can conclude it was very successful intervention.
Photograph R aicho Dimitrov
Photograph R aicho Dimitrov
During the summer of 2013 I visited P ortugal for a two week workshop ‑ MEDS (Meeting of Design Students) in Lisbon. This is a new format that closely resemble EASA. I participated in the Seating seeds workshop. W e had to make seating with bags full of sand at the L argo da Graca square in the old town. W e made a research about this place with the help of a local translator and then we concluded that the people want more shade, working water fountain and a place to sit as we hoped.
Everything was done with a minimal budget, but the result was accepted quite well from the locals. During its short existence the installation was even used in an annual fair as a stand (exhibition place) for goods.
W orking with international team was not easy but we all learned and contributed different ideas, methods of thinking and physical work to make the project happen on time for the opening day .
Photograph Sofia Ribeiro
03_EXIBITION ‑ K apana P ossible
As an coordinator for One Architecture W eek festival in 2014 I had the opportunity to help with the organiza‑
t i o n o f s e v e r a l e x h i b i t i o n s a n d s o m e o t h e r s o c i a l events.
One of the exhibitions was the one in which I had a personal project ‑ R ecording studio “Sklada” reviewed earlier . Three other architectural projects along with two urban projects, urban researchers interviews and their “hanging” questions as well as an installation and
exhibition by the anthropologists were in the core of the event.
W e had the chance to organize and show a massive set of data to the general public. The 4‑people architec‑ tural team also contributed a small book distributed in print, showing design guidelines and best practices to the house owner for the historically significant and protected area K apana. The space given to us was a building part of this district.