3 minute read


Cited works

1. Image: Rich Carey, ‘Plastic rubbish pollution in ocean environment’, https://www.shutterstock. com/sv/image-photo/plastic-rubbish-pollution-ocean-environment-427946419?src=HTBu7_ TSnFS38gxz40e3JQ-2-12, Shutterstock, accessed 10 April 2018


2. Wikipedia, ‘Great Pacific garbage patch’, https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_garbage_ patch, 2018, (accessed 27 February 2018).

3. Wikipedia, ‘Fresh Kills Landfill’, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresh_Kills_Landfill, 2018, (ac cessed 27 February 2018).

4. Image: Pieter Bruegel the Elder, ‘The Tower of Babel’, 1563

5. Colebrook, ‘Death of the PostHuman’, Essays on Extinction, Vol. 1 (2014), pp. 12

6. Krecic & Žižek, ‘Ugly, Creepy, Disgusting, and Other Modes of Abjection’, Critical Inquiry 43, no. 1 (Autumn 2016): pp. 70-71

7. Alaimo, “Your Shell on Acid: Material immersion, Anthropocene Dissolves”, 2016 8. Romm, ‘‘Hug The Monster’: Why So Many Climate Scientists Have Stopped Downplaying the Climate Threat’, https://thinkprogress.org/hugthe-monster-why-so-many-climate-scientistshave-stopped-downplaying-the-climate-threat586155657f2/, (accessed March 2018)

9. Alaimo breifly implies she wants to avoid abjection in the visuals, but I still feel her initial analysis of the state of visuals ties in with my argument. 10. Fletcher & Benjamin, “Abjection, melancholia and love: The work of Julia Kristeva” (2012) p. 92; Oliver, “Psychoanalysis, aesthetics, and politics in the work of Kristeva” (2009) 11. Image: CostaRicanSeaTurtles, ‘Sea Turtle with Straw up its Nostril - “NO” TO PLASTIC STRAWS’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wH878t78bw, Youtube 2015 (accessed 10 April 2018)

12. Latour, ‘Why Has Critique Run out of Steam? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern’, Critical Inquiry, Vol. 30 (2004), pp. 232

13. Steyerl, “A Thing Like You and Me”, e-flux journal, Vol. 15 (2010)

14. Image: Johnson, ‘The Best Way to Deal With Ocean Trash’, https://news.nationalgeographic. com/news/2014/04/140414-ocean-garbage-patchplastic-pacific-debris/, accessed 25 April 2018 15. hooks, “Marginality as a Site of Resistance”, in R. Ferguson et al. (eds), Out There: Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1990: pp. 241-43.

16. Wikipedia, ‘Subaltern (postcolonialism)’, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subaltern_(postcolonialism), accessed 24 April 2018

17. Coronil, ‘Listening to the Subaltern: The Poetics of Neocolonial States’. Poetics Today. 4, 1994

18. Appadurai, ‘The Thing Itself’, Public Culture (2006) 18 (1), pp. 15-22.

19. Harman, ‘Heidegger on Objects and Things’, Making Things Public (2005), MIT Press, pp. 268- 271

20. Steyerl, “A Thing Like You and Me”, e-flux journal, Vol. 15 (2010)

21. Latour, ‘Why Has Critique Run out of Steam? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern’, Critical Inquiry, Vol. 30 (2004), pp. 232

22. Bennett, ‘The Force of Things: Step towards an Ecology of Matter’, Political Theory, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2004), pp. 347-372

23. Turpin, ‘Introduction’, Architecture in the Anthropocene (2013), pp. 3

24. Bennett. ‘Political Ecologies’ in Jane Bennett, Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010. Excerpt. 25. Haraway, ‘Playing String Figures with Companion Species’, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Durham: Duke University Press, 2016. Excerpt.

26. Image: Barry Hatton, ‘Satin Bower Birds Bower’, https://www.flickr.com/photos/27578366@ N06/3063476368/, 2008 (accessed 19 April 2018)

Non-cited works

Barber,‘Architectural History in the Anthropocene’, Journal of Architecture (2016), 21 (8): 1165–70.

Haraway, ‘Tentacular Thinking: Athropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene’, in e-flux #76, September 2016

Colebrook, ‘Feminist Extinction’ in Claire Colebrook, Sex After Life: Essays on Extinction, vol. 2. Ann Arbor: Open Humanities Press, University of Michigan Library, 2014.


Anthropocene Feminisms:

Architecture and Gender Spring semester 2018

Anton Lindström

anton3@kth.se The Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden April 2018

Anthropocene Feminisms:

Architecture and Gender Spring semester 2018

A n t h r o p o c e n e V o r t e x A n t h r o p o c e n e V o r t e x A n t h r o p o c e n e V o r t e x

Anton Lindström

anton3@kth.se The Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden April 2018

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