4 minute read
Great Neck Plaza Unfurls Banner Celebrating Pride Month
The Village of Great Neck Plaza held a brief ceremony on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, to unfurl the Village’s banner celebrating Pride Month. The ceremony took place at the western wall of the Middle Neck Road Bridge across the LIRR train tracks in the heart of Great Neck Plaza. The Village’s banner was displayed on that wall. The banner contains the rainbow colors over which appear the words “The Village of Great Neck Plaza Celebrates Pride Month.”
Attending the ceremony were Mayor Ted Rosen, Deputy Mayor Pam Marksheid, Trustee Michael DeLuccia, Great Neck resident Robert Zimmerman, North Hempstead Town Councilwoman
Veronica Lurvey, members of the Village staff and a few residents of the Great Neck community.
In speaking at the ceremony, Mayor Rosen stated: “We are here this afternoon to unfurl Great Neck Plaza’s banner celebrating Pride Month. It is both appropriate and important that we do this. Great Neck Plaza is, and has been for some time, a highly diverse community. It is a village that celebrates its diversity. We welcome and embrace all. We treat everyone with equality, respect and dignity regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity or their sexual orientation... Almost 20 years ago, in November, 2003, almost 12 years before the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage ….
Great Neck Plaza was one of the first, perhaps the first, village to pass a local law providing for the registration of domestic partnerships which among other things provided a person who was not married the ability to obtain employment benefits coverage for his or her partner. It is important that we [support Pride because] in 2023, there are those in society who espouse hatred, bigotry and prejudice—including hatred, bigotry and prejudice toward the LGBTQ+ community.”
The banner will remain displayed on the wall adjacent to the Middle Neck Road Bridge through the end of June.
—Submitted by the Village of Great Neck Plaza
Celebrate The Fourth Of July
The Great Neck Public Library is hosting two events on Wednesday, July 5 to continue the celebration of Independence Day.
Fourth of July Celebration
(For children up to age 12)
11 a.m.-11:45 a.m. (Main Library, Large Multipurpose Room)
Celebrate Independence Day with stories and a simple craft. This program is suitable for children 0-12 years old with an accompany- ing adult. Please use your child’s Library card to register. Contact the Main Building Children’s Department at 516-466-8055 (x247) or childrens@greatnecklibrary.org for more information.

The Road to Revolution presented by James Coll 11 a.m.-12 p.m. (Virtual) Celebrate Independence Day with this virtual lecture by James Coll. The American Revolution was the product of decades of grievances felt by many colonists to be originating from the seat of power of the British Empire. While most discussions about this time period focus on its military history, we will instead analyze the series of actions from both sides of the Atlantic that led to the declaration that “these united Colonies are, and of right ought to be Free and Independent States.” James Coll is an adjunct professor of American and Constitutional history at Nassau Community College. He has written numerous articles for Politico, The Hill, City Journal and Newsday among other periodicals and is the founder of ChangeNYS. org, a not-for-profit dedicated to promoting honest, open, responsive and limited government in our state. In addition, James is a retired NYPD detective. Join
Zoom Meeting: https://us06web. zoom.us/j/81580420184?pwd=cVEvRUlYTUVqOFltbnFHQ3poWGVTUT09 (Meeting ID: 815 8042 0184 | Passcode: revolution) Contact Cindy Simeti at 516-466-8055 (x259) or csimeti@ greatnecklibrary.org) for more information.

—Information gathered from the Great Neck Public Library website (greatnecklibrary.org)

Dear Water Authority of Great Neck North Customer,
Do you have lead water pipes? To protect our community, we want to make sure your water remains safe. We are asking everyone to provide us informa�on about their household water pipes. Water pipes are usually made of copper, galvanized steel or lead. We are doing this now because the Environmental Protec�on Agency (EPA) has required us to iden�fy all homes with lead pipes no later than October 16, 2024. If you have a lead water service, you may be eligible for grant funds from the Town of North Hempstead to help pay for new pipes.* If you are unable to iden�fy and report your type of pipe, you can hire a licensed/insured plumber to inspect your pipes for lead.
The Town of North Hempstead required copper pipes for homes built a�er 1939. The Water Authority of Great Neck North owns the part of the pipe from the water main to the curb stop valve, usually near the property line. We’re asking you to provide informa�on on your por�on of the water pipe, located in your home so we can make sure your water remains safe.
This is what you will need to iden�fy the type of water pipe you have in your home:

• A key or coin
• A magnet
• Sandpaper
• A cell phone to take photos of your water pipe
Use your cell phone camera to scan the QR code, then follow the steps:

1. Find the water meter in your basement. Look at the pipe that comes through the outside wall of your home and connects to your water meter. If pipe is painted, use sandpaper to expose the metal first.
2. Gently scratch the pipe with a key or a coin. Do NOT use a knife or sharp tool. Do not make a hole in the pipe. If the scratch turns a shiny silver color, it could be lead or steel.

3. Place the magnet on the pipe. If a magnet sticks, it is a steel pipe.

4. Use your cell phone to take up to 3 pictures of your water pipe to upload onto the Water Authority of Great Neck North website.
You may also use your computer and go to: www.waterauthorityofgreatnecknorth.com
Click on the red “Lead and Copper Inventory” banner.
If you need helpiden�fying what type of water pipe you have in your home, call: 516-487-7973 or email: customerservice@wagnn.org.
*To learn more about grant funding for lead pipe replacement, call the Town of North Hempstead Community Development Agency at 516-869-2480.