1 minute read
Break In The Case
Police arrest suspect in the Gilgo Beach murders
The Pickleball Hype

(See page 8)
Thomaston mayor sworn into county village association
(See page 3)

Plaza concert series continues on Aug. 1 (See page 6)
North Hempstead: Town hosts successful composting class exhibit (See page 7)
Kids: Park district to host kids dance party (See page 9)
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Opioid Overdose Prevention
Nassau County Legislator Mazi Melesa Pilip (District 10) recently hosted an Opioid Overdose Prevention session at Great Neck House. Legislator Pilip has been very active in the fight against fentanyl and sponsors NARCAN training for residents throughout District 10. Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena joined Legislator Pilip in the most recent session to share her expertise on issues related to drugs, impact on families and awareness. Legislator Pilip thanks our local fire departments, Great Neck Vigilant Fire Company Great Neck Alert Fire Company, who promoted this training session. Pictured from the left:

Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and Legislator Mazi Melesa Pilip.

(Information and photo from Legislator Mazi Melesa Pilip’s Facebook)
North Hempstead Celebrates Lee Ielpi
North Hempstead Town Supervisor
Jennifer DeSena and Council Member
Veronica Lurvey joined with Great Neck North High School on May 25 to celebrate the life and work of Lee Ielpi. Lee has been a long-standing and valued member of the Great Neck and greater North Hempstead community, and is a highly decorated retired member of FDNY. He tragically lost
Thomaston Mayor Sworn Into Nassau County Village Officials Association
his son Jonathan during the September 11th terror attack at the World Trade Center. In honor of his late son’s memory, he helped develop the activities of the September 11th Families’ Association and co-founded the Tribute WTC Visitor Center. Town officials presented a proclamation to Lee’s family in recognition of his work.
—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
On June 29, 2023, former Nassau County Executive Laura Curran (left) swore in Thomaston Mayor Weinberg (right) as Treasurer, and Sea Cliff Mayor Elena Villafane (center) as Second Vice President of the Nassau County Village Officials Association (NCVOA). Founded in 1925, the NCVOA is a not-for-profit organization comprising and representing all of Nassau County’s 64 villages. The NCVOA was created for the purpose of encouraging and stimulating cooperation among its member villages for their mutual benefit and welfare. (Photo and information from the Village of Thomaston website | villageofthomaston.org)