4 minute read
Hochul Announces More Than $516 Million In Bridge NY Funding
Governor Kathy Hochul today announced the award of more than $516 million in enhanced assistance for 141 local governments to rehabilitate and replace bridges and culverts while supporting resiliency and sustainability in every region of the state. This funding, provided through the State’s BRIDGE NY initiative, is aimed at helping local governments across the state harden their existing infrastructure while boosting the resiliency of bridges and culverts in the state. The State’s BRIDGE NY initiative supports projects that combat climate change by reducing the risk of flooding, improves the resiliency of structures, facilitates regional economic competitiveness and prioritizes projects that benefit environmental justice communities.
“New York State is making historic investments to modernize our infrastructure and we are committed to working with our partners in local government to help ensure that their bridges and culverts are ready to meet the challenges of global climate change,”
Governor Hochul said. “The BRIDGE NY program provides essential funding directly to local governments to enhance the safety, resiliency, sustainability and reliability of local infrastructure, allowing more than 140 bridges to better withstand extreme weather events and keep New Yorkers safe.”
Today’s announcement builds upon the more than $716 million that has previously been awarded to local governments under the BRIDGE NY initiative. As part of the State’s historic, $32.8 billion capital plan adopted last year, $1 billion was committed to BRIDGE NY, effectively doubling the size of the program. The awards announced today were selected based on input from Regional and Metropolitan Planning Organizations and the funding will support all phases of project delivery, including design, right-of-way acquisition and construction.
The awards for the Long Island Region totaled $73.5 million, including $8.702 million to Nassau County for the superstructure replacement of the Hempstead Avenue bridge over Pine Brook and $12.35 million to Nassau County for the rehabilitation of the Merrick Road bridge over Whale Neck Creek.
—Submitted by the Office of Governor Cathy Hochul
On April 28, 2023, The Brooklyn Union Gas Company d/b/a National Grid NY (KEDNY) and KeySpan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid (KEDLI)(collectively, the Companies) led amendments to their gas tari schedules proposing to increase their annual gas delivery revenues e ective March 31, 2024. KEDNY proposes to increase its revenues by $414 million (a 28 percent increase in base delivery revenues or a 17 percent increase in total revenues). KEDLI proposes to increase its revenues by $228 million (a 24 percent increase in base delivery revenues or a 14 percent increase in total revenues). Although the actual bill impacts of these proposed changes on any particular customer class will vary based upon revenue allocation and rate design, the Companies state that a typical KEDNY residential heating customer will have a $30.95 average monthly bill increase and a typical KEDLI residential heating customer will have a $28.52 average monthly bill increase.
The Companies state that the rate increases are largely due to the need to invest in critical infrastructure to comply with Federal and State pipeline safety mandates, increased costs to deliver expanded energy e ciency and other demand reduction o erings, and economic factors such as rising cost of material due to in ation, increased contractor costs, and increases in property taxes. The Companies state that their rate lings are focused on delivering safe and reliable service, meeting the needs of customers, and advancing the goals of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). The Companies propose to e ectively maintain the current pace of leak prone pipe replacements through a more targeted replacement strategy; aggressively repair gas leaks and target the repair of high-emitting leaks through the use of advanced leak detection technology; continue or expand customer oriented initiatives to ensure energy a ordability, improve customer experience and maintain customer satisfaction; improve the resiliency of the distribution system by investing in automation, safety valves, and storm hardening projects; and continue or expand many CLCPA-supporting initiatives such as non-pipe alternatives, energy e ciency and demand response programs.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that virtual public statement hearings will be held before Administrative Law Judges
James A. Costello and Maureen F. Leary on:
DATE:Tuesday, August 1, 2023
TIME: 1:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M.
DATE:Wednesday, August 2, 2023
TIME: 1:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M.
A more comprehensive notice that contains further information on how to attend the hearings electronically is available at https://dps.ny.gov/ask-psc.
Any person wishing to provide a public statement must register by 4:30 P.M. Monday, July 31, 2023, for the August 1 hearings and Tuesday, August 1, 2023, for the August 2 hearings.
To register electronically: Registration information for participants who would like to provide a statement and will login to a hearing electronically may be found in the notice available at https://dps.ny.gov/ask-psc.
To register by phone: Any participant who is not able to login to a hearing electronically may participate by phone. Call-in participants who would like to provide a statement must register to do so in advance by calling 1-800-342-3330, where they should follow prompts to the appropriate hearing and provide their rst and last name, address, and phone number.
On the appropriate date and time of a hearing, all call-in users should dial 1-518-549-0500 and enter:
Access Code [2338 061 1494] and Password [28410176] for the 1:00 p.m. hearing on August 1
Access Code [2348 462 8182] and Password [28410676] for the 6:00 p.m. hearing on August 1
Access Code [2334 693 7249] and Password [28420176] for the 1:00 p.m. hearing on August 2
Access Code [2336 515 1615] and Password [28420676] for the 6:00 p.m. hearing on August 2
Each public statement hearing will be held open until everyone who has registered to speak has been heard or other reasonable arrangements to submit comments have been made.